ΔvChapter 13 free porn video

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Bone deep weariness suffused Vidya, from her toes to her bones. She had never felt quite so exhausted before in her life – even at the worst crunch during her training to join with the space survey. That had been several weeks of training on the Indian lunar colony. She had trained in both hard vac-suits and in mechanical counterpressure suits, and gone through every single drill of spacecraft maintenance and operation that she might have needed to follow through while being in detached service. Being a civilian science officer in the astronavy had meant she hadn’t needed most of the skills...

Until now.

She was currently clamped to the side of Ceres – the dwarf planet’s native gravity being so minute that she would have launched herself into escape velocity by jumping hard enough – and was following the hastily scrawled instructions handed to her by a harried Chinese engineer to inflate one of the many jerry rigged constructions that had been hastily packed into the Fleet. Officially called the United Nations Expeditionary Forces, the Fleet was all that was left of free humanity. With the fleets from Arcadia, it came out to only slightly less than the hundred or so ships that the Dark Lord had under his sway.

With the help of Arcadian mages, the Fleet had been able to convert a massive amount of their reaction mass tanks into storage units, containing fabric, connectors, and other raw materials. Most space based construction was modular, hammered out over the century and change of the second space race: Each colony, at the end of the day, was made of the same basic components, like massive, oversized Lego sets. Since the Ganymede colony had been midway through its construction when the Americans had captured it, it had the materials the Chinese had shipped there, and the materials the Americans had shipped when they had decided to make it even larger and more impressive. All those materials were now being put together on Ceres’ surface.

Connection struts.


Sockets, sized up to fit everything from a laser-frigate to one of the bulkier drone carriers. The difficulty was in distributing the contact points: A single strut, normally used to tether a ship to an asteroid, would have been disastrous. Vidya didn’t need to be a spaceship engineer to see the problem with that, considering the purposes that the fleet was going to put their hundreds of thrusters to. A single contact point would act like a knife, plunging through the whipple shields and aluminum hulls and straight into the habitat sections of the ships. And so, each ship required a truss that would spread the kinetic force of their thrust throughout the entire spaceframe.

This was a construction effort that dwarfed anything accomplished in space since the first, halcyon days of the United Nations efforts to construct the solar mirrors that had bought the human race time to prepare for their climate disasters. And while the mirrors were larger, they had also had the support of the entire technological civilization beneath them. The Fleet had the crews of ninty seven ships, and the civilian population of Ganymede, Ceres, and Mars that could be brought over. Everyone who could fit into a vac-suit and connect struts, screw in components, and follow orders was tethered to the rock.

Which included her.

For the past three days, she had been working on the struts that would support the American frigate, the Constitution. She was one of their laser frigates, and working underneath the focusing lenses of several hundred megawatt X-ray lasers had gone from being intimidating to boring to tedious. The work she had been set to had been the low skill stuff, mostly screwing in struts and placing materials. Nothing that required using the WALDO or the exosuits. It had still meant hour on crushing hour in a vac-suit that had been rated for short term EVA, made safe only by the simple fact that they were operating with half the sky concealed by the bulk of Ceres.

And even when she got a break, Vidya had spent her time in sullen silence, eating mechanically, catching snatches of sleep. No conversation. Hell, no familiar faces: She was in with the rest of the menials, who were mostly the lower ranks of the Chinese crews.

And when she dreamed, it was of the horrible ritual the wizards of Arcadia had put her under – the dissonance between working with struts and screwdrivers by day and reliving black magic and ritual chanting by night felt like it was driving her crazy. But she couldn’t shake the memory, the feeling of the spells reaching into her, finding the connection between her and Sukhdeep and ... twisting it. Tugging on it. Then, when it was confirmed ... pushing through it.

A tapping on the back of her helmet made Vidya shake herself. She turned and saw one of the Chinese technicians waving to make sure he had gotten her attention, then pointing at the next marked out space. Above them, the Constitution loomed, like a sword of Damocles. Every instinct in Vidya’s head told her that the spaceship was about to come tumbling down on her head – slewing off the quarter of the struts they had finished to smash her into a pancake. She ignored those, and instead started to move along the edge of Ceres with the hideously slow clamp, unclamp, shuffle movement that was required to keep herself from herring off beyond the reach of rescue.

She came to the marked spot and saw one of the other menials coming forward, a massive load of light weight struts lashed together in a microgravity rigging, connected to their back by a tether. They moved even more cautiously than her – tugging the net forward, then pushing against it to stop it, braced against Ceres to provide the necessary counterpressure. Even with that caution, the net was not packed as tightly as it might have been and the components within were moving in a wild chaos, rebounding off one another and the net – and in eerie silence, Vidya saw one of the struts strike a weakened part of the net with enough force to tear it. The fabric spread open and one of the struts came out, given a spin by catching on the edge of the net. It was moving with glacial slowness – and it was light enough that she knew it’d cause almost no damage if it did strike anything – but it was still a loose piece of debris in an active construction zone containing the second largest fleet in human history and nearly a thousand vac-techs and menials.

“Debris!” Vidya tapped into the general com. “Debris in section 98-A!”

“Rodger,” a clipped, heavily accented voice – Russian, she thought – said.

In the illusory stateliness of microgravity, the strut continued to tumble. Tumbled ... towards her.

Vidya took a step backwards, instinctively, and felt the tether keeping her attached to Ceres grow taut. She guesstimated the speed, the kinetic energy, of the tumbling spar and decided to risk trying to dodge just by weaving and bobbing. If it hit her, she wanted to be securely attached. She just needed to make sure it didn’t-

The strut smashed into her faceplate. The twisting motion, the stark difference between light and shadow, her own fatigue, all of it made the movement hard to predict – and she had placed herself in exactly the wrong position, at the wrong time. Though lightweight and moving relatively slowly, the strut still had all the kinetic energy it had stored – and it transmitted all of it to the corner that struck her faceplate. Her head snapped backwards and the suit’s alarms blared as the tether turned into a pivot – drawing taught and smashing her, back first, against the rock of Ceres. Something fragile crunched and she heard more alerts – diagnostics tried to crawl across the cracked faceplate and she heard a low whistling.

Cracks spider webbed around the impact and blood wobbled in the air between her nose and the face plate. The vents sucked it away with a slurping noise, but more blood emerged from either her nose or her lip to join it.

“Vac-Tech 9081, stay calm,” a tired sounding American voice spoke in her ear.

“Uh...” Vidya groaned. Her head pounded.

The cracks spread further.

She fumbled, desperately, for the sealing package. But her fingers bumped only against rock, blindly groping around. She knew that she had been trained, repeatedly, to reach for it. Even blindfolded. But her head couldn’t quite call the memory into her thoughts.

The whole face-plate seemed to strain – and with an explosive, ear popping sigh, the weakened surface gave way under an atmosphere of pressure and exploded away from her face. Vidya blew out her own lungs, her eyes blurring. But then, as a roaring filled her ears – a sudden flash of light filled her eyes ... and she found herself looking at a sight so bizarre that it took her muddled head a good five seconds to fully piece it together. In an instant, the star-field had been replaced with an expanse of black, scaled leather. Tiny claws at the edge of the leather hooked onto the metal frame of her helmet, while the center of the rectangle of leather had a small neck, with a small draconic head mounted at the end of it.

Said draconic head said: “Hi!”

Vidya blinked a few more times.

“I saved your life!” the dragon said.

“Hua, right?” Vidya mumbled. “Celestial ... something or something?”

Hua nodded. “I’m really clever and wise and ... wow, my butt is cold. Also, this shape ... is very hard ... to hold!” He chuckled, nervously. But hands were already taking hold of her – awkwardly detaching her from the tether, aligning her with the rescue shuttle. A minute later, she felt the faint pressure of acceleration, then a hissing pop and Hua vanished from before her eyes as her helmet was tugged off. Two Russian cosmos were leaning over her, one of them holding a first aide kit. But before he could apply anything to her busted nose, Hua, who had appeared on her shoulder – reached out with his nose and bumped her cheek.

“Boop!” Hua said. Magic flared through Vidya’s face and she felt the exhaustion fade, the pain fade, her headache fade. She felt more refreshed than she had in weeks, and she had almost died twice. She shook her head, then muttered a thank you in the scanty Russian she had picked up. The two Russians were just gaping at Hua, who was enjoying microgravity by leaping into the air and twisting around, tumbling in a circle with his nose pressed up against his tail.

Vidya heard her com crackle, then a faintly familiar voice came over the coms – speaking English, with a heavy Chinese accent. “Dr. Vidya?”

“Yes? Who is this?” Vidya asked, shaking her head.

The long sigh that came over the line placed it almost before the name did: “Prince Qasim.”

“Is my chosen partner calling?” Hua asked. “Tell him I just saved another beautiful lady.” He paused. “That makes one beautiful lady, twelve regular ladies, and twenty kinda, uh, uggo dudes.” He flapped his wings once, leaning in and whispering to her. “Don’t tell them that.”

The two Russian astros, who had moved away upon seeing their first aid was no longer required, exchanged glances. Vidya wasn’t sure how much of Hua they understood – he sounded as if he was speaking Hindu without accent or inflection. In fact, he sounded alarmingly similar to her first boyfriend. The disastrous one. The one who had bought a motorcycle instead of paying rent and got his left arm ripped off in a drag race.

“Oh, do tell him that I think you need a break,” Hua said, nodding sagely. “My healing touch eased your fatigue, but I still detect a lot of fatigue toxins in your head. And I’m beginning to think that maybe, some of these accidents that we’ve been having are related to everyone working so hard.” He nodded again. “Also, you smell like you really need to get laid.”

Vidya gaped at the small dragon.

“I apologize in advance for whatever Hua has been saying,” Qasim said, long suffering. “Please, can you put him on. He teleported without his communicator. Again.”

The rescue shuttle docked with the Enterprise – the biggest ship with a spin section, the Enterprise remained a defacto command and control for the whole operation. The interior of the spin struts had been extended, using the same component sets that were being used for the struts. There was a limit to how far that could go, but they had managed to double the living quarters at the low cost of rendering the ship unusable as a fighting platform. But as the Enterprise wouldn’t be fighting until the project was complete, and could easily detatch the temporary quarters, it all worked out. Pushing out of the shuttle and following after Hua, who ping ponged off the walls cheerfully, Vidya was brought back to the familiarity of the spin sections. She could see all the places she had used to know, buried underneath the new configurations.

Hua led her, at last, to a doorway that opened up to reveal the Prince himself. He didn’t look like royalty. At least, not anymore: He was dressed in the sleek, skintight outfit of most astros. His facial features had never been particularly aristocratic, at least not to Vidya’s eyes: He had been brown and weathered and tough looking, with the flat, broad features of most Uyghurs. But he looked at Vidya with clear confusion, even as Hua leaped onto his shoulder.

Behind Qasim, Vidya could see a feminine lump in the bed. She felt her own body twinge with jealous need – Hua might have been a dragon, but he had been right. Her mind flashed, momentarily, to her first meeting with the dragon. He had said nearly the same thing. And she had just thrown herself at Mohammad. Ugh. She wanted to die just thinking of it.

“Threesome!” Hua said. Then, spotting the lump in the bed, he raised a clawed paw and waved at her. “Oh! Hey Ning! Foursome!”

“Mmm?” Ning, presumably, rolled over in her bed.

“Hua...” Qasim said, his voice filled with a frown. “Did you bring Dr. Vidya here purely to try and seduce her.”

“And you,” Hua said, cheerfully, his wings spreading, then settling on his back. “According to the legends of humans, if humans go without sex every single night, they begin to go mad with their pent up, rapacious lusts. Like how elves are weak to cold iron, dragons are weak to their infinite generosity and compassion, and they are sometimes so graceful that they engender jealousy in others, and we’re, of course, so beautiful that sometimes, we break hearts merely by entering into a room with others who are sexually attracted to dragons. Also, we’re far, far, far too humble for our own good!” He nodded his scaly head. “ ... what was I talking about again?”

Qasim, his face as stolid as if it was carved from granite, looked at Vidya. “My apologies for Hua. He’s ... him.”

Those two words seemed to cover quite a lot of ground.

Hua, meanwhile, leaped onto the bed, landing on the far side of the feminine lump. A squeal of surprise followed – then soft mewling in Chinese. Beyond the range of the translation spell. Or Hua simply was not using it. Either way, Vidya’s cheeks began to burn. Her nipples began to harden as Ning rolled onto her back. The blankets showed, clearly, that Hua had grown from his small, cat sized form to a humanoid one. A pale, pale hand reached up from under the blankets, playing long, nimble fingers along Ning’s lips. Qasim kept up his poker face as he stepped forward, then thumbed the door shut without looking behind himself.

“You were the one who the mages used for the, ah, the ritual, yes?” he asked, sounding curious rather than embaressed.

Vidya nodded, hurriedly.

“it seemed like an unpleasant task. I’ve learned enough about magic to know that being the foci for that kind of power is wearing. I’m impressed,” Qasim said. He paused. “Since it was to make my job easier, I do feel like I owe you.”

Vidya chuckled. “Well, uh. If ... uh, if Hua is going to be busy, maybe you can get me a coffee?”

Qasim bowed his head.

Together, they sat in the caff – completely packed with off duty crew. Most of them were still talking shop. Most of it was engineering skut work and the difficulties of the Fleetwide burn that would begin. They’d need to play it close, from what Vidya heard. It would, in the end, be a matter of a few hundred kilometers. Comfortably huge on the surface of a planet. Terrifyingly close in space. And if they fucked it up...

Vidya sighed as Qasim sat a small drink bulb before her. She looked at the clear water in it, then raised an eyebrow. Qasim, his face set, reached out and placed a single finger against it. Earth brown magic flared around his fingertip and the water darkened to the familiar, warm hue of well sugared, well creamed coffee. The bulb even warmed against her palms. She smirked, slightly, then sipped the coffee.

It tasted perfect.

“Magic is going to change everything, isn’t it?” she bit her lower lip.

Qasim nodded. “It made me a prince.” He made a face. “And our world a battleground.”

Vidya sighed. “Killed my husband...” She looked down at the coffee.

“What was the ritual, precisely?” Qasim asked. “I heard only that it would help. The elven mages are not exactly eager to share information with an Oni prince.” His voice remained as calm as if he was discussing the weather.

Vidya lifted her bulb, took a drink, then sighed. “Why, it turned him into a spy, Prince Qasim. And the only risk is that his immortal soul gets ripped to shreds by a Dark Lord out of ancient legend.” She looked at him – but she did not see him. She didn’t see anything but the distant, debris shrouded orb of Stark, and the millions of undead that walked its surface. And nestled in their midst, her Sukhdeep.

“He didn’t even hesitate...” She whispered. “When the connection was made and the power offered.”

Qasim nodded – but while his face may have remained stoic, he still reached out with his hand and gripped hers. Hard.

The Dark Lord of ancient legend kissed his way down Annie’s belly, making her giggle and squirm. “Ah ... we need ... to ... focus!” She squirmed and kicked up one of her ghostly blue thighs, shivering. “And I’m still so cold!” She squealed the last word as Dale closed his mouth around the hard nub of her clitty. His tongue circled around and around and around her, then thrust through her. She was semi-solid at the moment, but with enough effort, Dale could push every inch of his warm tongue through her ghostly clit and into her body. The feeling was delightful – as if he was licking every single nerve in her body, filling her with warm, warmth that felt more delicious than anything else she had ever felt in her life.

Annie bucked her hips, closed her thighs around Dale’s head, gripped his hair with her blue fingers, and threw her head back. This put her head through the wall and into the corridor beyond the factory they were in. She saw several passing humans, most of them with their backpacks on. They blinked at her and Annie gave them a shy little grin.

“Hello mistress,” one of the humans said, beaming at her.

One of her fellow humans. Annie forced herself to think those words. She might have died and become a banshee. But she was still human. Human human hum-

Dale’s tongue slid out of her. Her face screwed up, her mouth opening. She reached her arm through the wall to cup it over her mouth – causing the girl who had spoken to look at her with concern.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Yes, fine!” Annie said, nodding, her hand gently pushing against Dale’s head. But he kept tonguing her spectral cunny, sending warm pleasure through her. “How are you?” She choked out, then bit her lip, hard.

“Wonderful!” the woman beamed. “I used to work nine to five in the recycling plant – but now, I ... I started painting...” She blushed. “Since, I mean, I don’t need to pay for rent anymore, and t-that healing spell in the hospital cured my son’s diabetes without ... I mean, since I didn’t need to pay for it.” She blushed. “It’s like a dream come true, you know?” She paused. “S-Sorry about you, uh ... dying?” She sounded hesitant.

Annie bobbed her head hurriedly as Dale added a finger to his tongue. “S’Fine!” She squealed. “Glad! Bye!” She forced herself to sit up, tightening her belly muscles to do it. She looked down at Dale, who was grinning up at her, his insolent smirk visible through her faintly transparent body. Dale drew his head back, through one of her interlocked thighs, then murmured.

“Talking to our constituents?” he asked.

When she had returned from her deathbed to the world of the living, Annie and Dale had both been dragged into a meeting. Ancient NASA employees returned from the dead, specifically for the purposes of managing Dale’s new spacefleet, had been reading books and technical PDFs since the moment they had been imbued with self awareness. Now they had a basic grasp on the technical capacity of each spaceship that they had. It was a little bizarre to learn that the differences between the ships of the 1960s and the ships of the 2160s was less than Annie had expected. Yes, they used nuclear rockets instead of chemical, and yes, their computational power was several thousand magnitudes better. But the basic outline of spaceframe, thrust-to-mass ratio, even basic weapon designs, all of it had been mathed out and theorized by the same people who had put a brace of men on the moon.

It all came down, according to the most talkative ghost, to fusion power. Annie had grown up hearing that fusion power was about ten years in the future. The ghost from the 1970s said the same thing. And checking the historical records, the same thing had been true through the Collapse, the second Space Race, and right now. Fusion power had always struggled to break from theoretically doable to actually, practically functional. And so, the modern spaceship used essentially the same nuclear fission reactor that had been proposed in the 1960s and tested in the 1970s. The changes were all in the material they were built from – modern materials being lighter and stronger – and the fact that they had actually been built.

So, the old ghosts were more than up to the task of plotting out what their fleet and the rag-tag fleet of the old nations were going to do. The only problem was that what the old nationals were doing something that looked, to all the world, like complete insanity.

Dale stood with a grin. “We should focus,” he said, smugly, as if it hadn’t been him that had started to kiss her.

“You dick,” Annie said, grinning at him. “And, for that matter, yes. I think ... people are actually starting to believe us.” She bit her lip. “The free healthcare magic definitely did the trick.”

Dale nodded and began to incant. His fingers traced the patterns of force in the air and the factory they stood in – the tenth they had done today – started to strobe with raw force. Annie began to do her passes as well. Their power swirled around one another, growing closer and tighter, like two birds swooping in flight, pairing themselves. Annie forced herself to not giggle with delight. But the power never stopped feeling good. And there were some advantages to casting while dead. Her voice, properly modulated, could sing the spell components with a vibrant resonance that let them hang in the air for long, singing moments. Moments that Dale could then use, building the spell into a deeper, more firm complexity.

The end result came and Annie shivered as her whole body throbbed with the pleasure of casting. The factory began to move, the ghosts and unthinking undead that had been bound to the machines coming to life. Arms moved and drills whirred and Dale grinned as he saw the raw materials that had been stacking up at the entrance starting to float themselves into the machines.

“All right,” he said. “We’ve automated the entire west coast’s industrial capacity. This, with our liutenants, puts the planet at twelve percent automation...” He chewed his lower lip. “Remarkable time, honestly. But we do need to begin working out how to do the rural areas. There has to be a means more efficient than using mindless undead as field hands. Though, the farmers that are reporting in to us do seem happy...”

“We don’t need to remove all labor, you know?” Annie stretched her arms behind her, groaning. “Just make enough free labor that people don’t have to choose between slaving and dying.”

Dale nodded.

Annie looked aside. “Before we go on to the next project ... are you ... sure about Ceres?”

Dale sighed. “I have to believe that they’re not monsters. So, Ceres won’t be heading for Stark. It’d be worse than the dinosaur killer. Hell, it’d be almost as bad as the impact that formed the moon.” He shook his head. “So, that leaves one alternative. They’re bringing Ceres into a near pass, to serve as a laser and missile shield, until they can deploy. If I launch to hit Ceres while it remains in its current orbit, they get to fight defensively-”

“There has to be someway we can...” Annie paused.

“What?” Dale asked.

“I’m an idiot...” Annie put her hands on her face. “I am such an idiot!”

“What?” Dale asked again.

“Send me!” Annie said, beaming at him. She floated off the ground. “They can’t kill me. I’m a banshee – the worst they can do is turn me back. I can float ... that means I can get some permanent acceleration going, right?” She nodded, then made a quick twisting movement with her fingers. Her cellphone appeared, stolid next to her transparent hand. She started to tap into it. “What was my max speed? Ten meters in about ten seconds?” She stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. “One MPS ... constant...” She tapped a few more buttons, bringing up the online acceleration calculators used by billions of people planning their stellar vacations... “It’ll take meeee...” She narrowed her eyes. “ ... fourteen days.”

She scowled. “Okay, that is a long ass time.”

“Considering until recently, you would take three months to get to Ceres, assuming you could afford the ticket,” Dale said. “I believe that flying there under your own power in two weeks is more than could be hoped for.”

Annie grinned. “And I’d be able to handle it if I brought some kind of entertainment. I could watch all those shows I was going to watch but never got around too.”

Dale stepped away from her. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. “No,” he said.

Annie’s grin faded. “No?” She asked. “Those people out there, they’re not ultranationalists. They’re not fascists. They’re just regular astros, people who signed up back when there was just Earth. No Stark. No Arcadia. No magic. They don’t know that there’s a better choice. Hell, they don’t even know what we’re doing here. And yeah, they can ignore our transmissions. But they can’t ignore me.” She put her thumb to her chest. “If we can convince them to stand down – to help us, even. We can put all of this horrible, horrible stuff behind us and move on with the whole ... utopia thing.”

Dale shook his head again, his back still to her. “No. It’s too dangerous-”

“Dangerous?” Annie asked. “Dale, I’m already dead.”

“No, you’re undead,” Dale turned to her. “They’ll have Arcadian wizards there. People who could scatter your conciousness across space as if it was tissue paper.”

“It’ll save thousands of lives. Maybe millions, if they fuck up their insane plan,” Annie said, her eyes flashing. “It’s worth the risk.”

Dale reached out. His hand gripped her shoulder, squeezing so tightly that his fingers penetrated her ectoplasmic flesh. The pressure of his hot, trembling fingers in her spectral tissue felt distractedly good – throbbing points of warmth that spread through her body, radiating down to the tips of her breasts. Dale’s eyes were gleaming as he looked into hers. “It’s not,” he said, his voice a harsh croak. “I almost lost you once, Annie. Never again.”

Annie’s fingers slipped along his cheek. Goosebumps rose to meet her and Dale shivered convulsively. Her lips quirked, ever so slightly. “Dale, Dale, Dale. You’ve done terrible things for a good cause. W-We both have.” She looked aside. “This has already gotten scarier and more confusing than I thought it could be. But ... if we have a chance to make it better, a chance, we have to take it.” She whispered. “Please.”

Dale hung his head forward. Softly ... very softly ... he whispered: “It’ll take time to prepare your supplies. Time enough for one more night?”

Annie smiled. Her eyes brimmed with her own tears – tears of glowing, glimmering light. They tracked along her cheeks as she whispered. “Of course, you dummy...” She took his hands and together, they started out of the factory. Dale paused at the door to shroud himself in a shield. It was hardly needed. As they walked through the streets of Los Angeles, people waved at them. She saw a few murals going up – people painting and expressing themselves. Music played from courtyards where impromptu bands were starting up. She even as people who had set up a console that was playing movies that, until a few months ago, would have been trapped behind DRM and paywalls.

Annie floated casually beside her lover, grinning down at him. “So, Dark Lord, think it’s like this everywhere else?”

“I hope so,” he said. “The reports from the Chinese arcologies are promising – there were large sections of their population that, shall we say, were less than pleased with totalitarian communism.”

Same as Δv
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Being First 3

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4 years ago
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Justin Loves Older WomenChapter 8

At Jules’ insistence, Justin seduces a girl as young as himself for the first time. My senior year in highschool was a bit stressful; I wanted a good grade. I had a group of friends, they had no idea that the old woman I lived with was my lover and not my grandmother. I flirted with the girls, jostled with the boys, and at some point realized that I spent a lot of time talking to a cute and very smart girl named Lorie. “Invite her over, dear.” Jules insisted as she ran her fingers over my...

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Barring Any Injuries Ch 01

Introductions and Chapter One It seemed to me as though this town would be a good place to start a new bar. There was lots of money coming in from the planned new Spaceport being built on the old Strategic Air Command base, both construction workers and military. The city is growing pretty well in the westerly direction, but most of the established business is in the older, 72nd Street neighborhood. The 300 block seemed a good start, lots of restaurants and clubs around. We’d have a small...

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SisSwap Penelope Kay Ava Sinclaire Chastity Club

Ava, Penelope, David, and Tyler, are a quartet of young devout Jesus lovers. When they find out their church has a chastity club, the boys are very excited by the prospect. But Ava and Penelope are a little more curious about sex and aren’t sure about chastity just yet. Ava and Penelope steal a sex positions book from their parents and run to their room to peak through the pages. When David and Tyler catch their stepsisters reading the smut, the boys take it upon themselves to teach the girls a...

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The Seduction of William Darkskull

I would like to share with you the story of how a gay man successfully seduced me. It was a Friday night and I had been sitting in one of my favorite bars off base drinking. As usual, after having a few drinks, I left that bar to go to one of my other favorite bars and I would do this until the bars closed. As I walked towards the next bar, a man in a car drove by slowly staring at me. Not being able to get a good look the first time he drove by, I thought that it might have been one of my...

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Egg Nogged Family

Dec 24th 2008: the McLeod House, a small town in the American Midwest I stopped in the doorway when I saw her. She was sitting at the kitchen table with our baby in her arms, gently holding her daughters head as the baby's lips hungrily sucked at her fat teat. Involuntarily my tongue slipped between my teeth and started to lick my lips in anticipation. Of course she sensed my presence. "Hi you," she welcomed as she looked back over her shoulder with a broad smile on her face. I slowly...

1 year ago
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Getting Lizs Knickers Down

It would be good to read one of my other stories about Liz first. It will give more depth about her personality, and her behaviour. Reading the stories about her being gangbanged or spit roasted on holiday will give you an insight. An insight that I never had when I met her unfortunately.I was in a bar one Friday night with friends, took a step back to let somebody walk by, and I felt a crunch. I turned around and one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen was jumping up and down in pain....

First Time
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Mother gets her daughter out of trouble

I’d just stepped out of the shower, when I heard the knock at the front door. I put my dressing gown on, and tied it around my waist and went to see who was there. I opened the door, to find two Policemen standing there. They came in and told me, my daughter had been identified as stealing from the back of a club on the other side of town. It had been last week, but the CCTV clearly showed it was her. I was livid, absolutely furious, but at the same time really worried, worried how a criminal...

4 years ago
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The End of Him

The End of Him by Meeah Soo ?? Mark checked his face in the bathroom mirror one last time. His lips, enhanced by collagen injections, had been painted in their sexiest cupid's bow pout. His brows were plucked in delicate arches. His bleached hair was cut to shoulder-length. After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a...

3 years ago
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Threesome With My Girlfriend And Her Sister 8211 Part 2

It’s a continuation of my first story Threesome with my Gf and Her Sister. I got many emails to to continue my experience. We 3 are enjoying our sex life for more than 8 months now. My Gf is jealous and bit angry with me having sex wither sister. Still, she loves me madly. So we 3 continued to have threesomes and sex games after the first incident. Usually i used to go to her house, when she is alone and have sex with her. Nowadays, i used to go to her house often and me and sanjuna(my gf)...

1 year ago
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Bap Ka Ppar Bethi Ke Liye

Well this is my first story and to say something about myself. I’m 24 male Indian guy from Delhi and I some found an id of a girl from Mumbai how loves to have fore plays (which I came to know later on) this story is an role play between me and her She: let’s have a role play Me: hmmm you will be my daughter and I will be your father thik hai She: ok Me: aur agar me bich me thodi der ko gayab ho jau to shamhaj na mera boss a gayak She: ok now the scene is k rain ho rahi hai aur mai bheeg huvi...

4 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Chapter 4

Rex, the guy who fucked me senseless last weekend, called me. My husband Karl was away but would be back by midnight. I had time to talk. Rex started by saying, "Thank you for a wonderful time. I just wanted to thank you. I have not had such feelings coursing through my body in a long, long time. We have the real possibility of creating a special relationship. My body needs your body, badly. I want us to get together again, and again.” I said nothing, waiting to hear more. “We need to get...

2 years ago
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The Harem Ch 02

Chapter 2: The tour ‘What?!!?’ Judy finally managed to stammer out as she pulled the velvet sheet over herself. She felt so exposed and confused as she sat there naked on the leather examination table, looking at the smiling, topless raven haired beauty before her who had apparently just given her the best orgasm of her life. ‘The Harem, dear child,’ replied the woman. ‘Although of course, you’d never have heard of us until now.’ She smirked a little to the three other topless girls standing...

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ReflectionsChapter 9

Clarissa On the way to her condo, Julie read me the riot act. "Damn girl are you stupid? Do you want him to walk out on you? If yes, just tell him you're done. Don't play with him. He doesn't deserve that. He'll give you his last dime, the shirt of his back, anything you ask but you have to leave him his dignity and some resemblance of male pride intact." "You pull another stunt like you did earlier with talking about outing his being a cuckold and he's gone and I for one...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 1

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 1 It was November and already Paul was getting a little tired of school. He had been back just 2 months and the homework was already piling up. It owed much to the fact that in May, Paul would be taking his GCSE exams. The school was eager for all students to get good results and bombarding them with homework seemed the best way of ensuring it. It was Friday, the weekend ahead and what should have been time for putting feet up and going out with...

4 years ago
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Have a Problem with Her You have a Problem with Me

Edward Kilroy; KIller, nobody called him Ed or Eddie and almost no one called him Edward, came home from school and quickly put out his cigarette when he saw his sister in the living room. He had his normal look of contempt on his face. His look, attitude and outlook on the world did not come from the normal teenage loathing of the status quo. He did not believe his generation was going to be the one which change the world and make all the wrongs right. His contemptment came from how...

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I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very string sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience. I enjoy telling two of my girlfriends about my sex life. They are fascinated when I tell them about the second man I have around once a month while my partner watches and joins in. My...

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the clothing store encounter

I often went to buy dress pants from a local clothing store in my home town. I had a wonderful experience with the younger clerk that I would like to share. I needed a pair of slacks for an upcoming wedding. I had tried on a pair of tan dress pants that I thought I would like. The young thirty something lady who does the measurements was doing the cuffs. when she suddenly ran her hand up my leg and touched the shaft of my cock. She told me that I should perhaps get some pants that were not as...

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The VCR 3 Single White Female

The VHS 3 Single White Female By Dee Janes It's all my wife's fault. I want that remembered. Our daughter was away in her second year at college and Cathy was starting to have a serious case of empty nest syndrome. The house where we had lived for the last twenty years began to feel kind of huge, plus living in the suburbs was a lot less exciting when you didn't have any kids around. Dodging tricycles and making a hour long commute doesn't seem all that...

1 year ago
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my first cock experience true story crossdressing

I will never forget my first experience with another cock , it was the only time I have ever been with another man, now saying that I do date ts women, I love them as much if not more then I do genetic women. I was 12 years old and like any young boy , very horny . At that time my best friend liam and I would have sleep overs and do normal k** stuff , sports , video games , camping , never did I think that one day I would have his warm milky cum in my mouth or his warm hard throbbing Dick...

1 year ago
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My First Time With My Rich Friend

Hi everyone, I am Nupur from Hyderabad and this is my first oral experience with my best friend who is now my bitch (friends with benefits kinda relation). When I turned 18 and I had a girl best friend named Anushka. We became close friends and we used to share almost every possible thing. She used to tell me about her periods and sometimes what type bra and panty she is wearing but we never thought we would get a twist in our relation. Since she wasn’t my girlfriend we never did something more...

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The Generational Gape

Inter-generational lesbians. Yes guys: Gran, mum and me...My middle aged sociology lecturer Saul Mather’s was rambling on about the generation gap. That values, attitudes, opinions, clothing, music and slang divided us from our parents and grandparents. And the gap was growing with technology and societal fracturing: putting the oldies in nursing homes and k**s flying the coop as fast as they can. I attached the tags as he went through them. My grandmother; a baby boomer; yes born: 1961. My...

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Fucking Enemy8217s Sister

Hello everyone my name is thesexiestboyevr. This is my first real life story that I am writing here. I’m 21 years old and I belong from Punjab (Sorry can’t tell you real name and places). I’m a normal guy with a dick size of 6-1/2 inches (sorry I don’t boost myself by saying I have 8 or 9 or 10 inches) this story is about fucking of my enemy’s sister. This all happened about a month ago. Actually the enemy who I am talking about was my friend at school but later he deceived me. This all...

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Under her desk

You arrive at her office and take the elevator up. She meets you in the hallway. She has on a gray business skirt and blouse that accentuates her curves and boobs. You marvel silently and wish you could reach down and adjust to prepare for your inevitable erection. She greets you professionally, not wanting to display any kind of unprofessional behavior to her co-workers. You follow her to her office. You're meeting her for a lunch date and this week two of your dating her.You enter her office...

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Fucked Surat Housewife

Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am thankful to every reader who replied me for my last story.Big thanks to you all. Guys this is my another true life experience about a week ago. After my last story how I fucked my neighbor aunty activa sikhate sikate…Please go and read on indian sex stories dot net. Story start karneke pehle mein aapne bareme introduce karna chahta hu. My name is vicky I am 27 years old. From mumbai height 5.5ft kabhi-kabhi gym janewali body hai. Baki sab...

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The Night Mare

Originally posted @storiesonline, this tale is part of a longer series exploring a teenage boys coming-of-age during the 1970s. Each 'apparition' represents an aspect of his psyche, some of which are yet to emerge, in a Jungian nightmare that delves deep into his tormented soul...The devilish apparition loomed over Jimmy with fiery eyes burning his soul to cinders:"Feed on my flesh."A deep voice, redolent with attar and unspeakable lust, rumbled through his mind.This can't be happening, he...

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The Rise and Fall of Marcy DentonChapter 3

Marcy had certainly been right about the reception her idea would get from Kirk. He, at first, was appalled at such a plan, but over several days she kept reminding him how much she loved him, how much she wanted to see him satisfied. He, of course, insisted he was satisfied, but she knew better and told him so. Without mentioning anyone specifically, she described the requirements she thought necessary and by assuring him that the woman would provide physical satisfaction only a couple of...

3 years ago
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The Pictures

She had seen him take the pictures. She was sure they were alone, but paparazzi have a way of hiding, especially Max. Damn it, why on earth did she kiss him at his car? She cursed herself for being so stupid. She checked her reflection one last time, took a deep breath and stepped out the car. The short walk from her Range Rover to the door of the warehouse seemed to take forever. She could hear the blood drumming through her ears as she hammered her fist against the metal door. She tousled...

3 years ago
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School of Deceit Pt 10

School of Deceit Part 11 - The Conference and confession Carol you will be pleased to hear will be ok it was just inflammation and severe bruising. Me on the other hand I was a nervous wreck still confined to the couch at home and imagining every look from a pupil at school as if they knew or had been told about my kiss with Graham. Maybe I imagined it all but it was still in my head. Thing's at home had not changed an awful lot. There had been a lowering of the tension though...

2 years ago
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Mature Slut Wife Gets her Stud Cock

So if you have been reading about my slut wife Debra you know she took it in her ass from our swing/swap couple hubby Tom and so she gets to have her young stud fuck her again..... It took her about 3 days to recover from the incredible ass fucking Tom gave her but last Wednesday morning she was a ready, willing and very horny slutty Mature ready to be fucked by her stud..... She spent the entire day getting primped and ready, nails, toes, hair, made sure that hot little slut tight pussy was...

1 year ago
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Lavanya 8211 Part 1 8211 Introduction To Sex World

Hello folks, this is Madhan from chennai.No need to know about me (imagine as yourselves to feel it better). This story is the start of an series lavanya. Lavanya is the heroine of the series. Let me describe about her she is fair in color, 5’6 in height. Her stats are 32-30-32. She is the best friend of my elder sister as both of them are classmates from childhood. This sweet incident of mine happened in2008.I was studying 10 and she was in12 class. She use to visit my house frequently to meet...

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Exercising Restraint

I know you're in love with my curvy arse, especially the way my cheeks rise and fall in sequence with each revolution of the exercise bike pedals. The taut skin casts barely a ripple in the black yoga pants, save for the faint outline of my cotton knickers and the crease below each globe where their flawless contour joins my thighs. From your vantage point, sat at eye level with my peach, I know you long to touch, but I've made sure you can't. Naked and yearning, a scant few feet from the...

Straight Sex
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Bath with benefits

Since we had sex with my mother-in-law, my sexual life became better. I love my girlfriend and I love sex with her, but our two sexual adventure spiced it thoroughly.When I’m at my girlfriend’s house, we behaved like a normal son-in-law mother-in-law couple. As if nothing had happened between us. Only when nobody saw us, there were some tiny things, what I wrote for you last time. We aren’t kissing, hugging or anything. We are only periodical lovers. I don’t love her, and she doesn't love me....

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The NeighborhoodChapter 5

The next day Bret phoned Don Adams, who he had met while in college and stayed in contact with. Don had gone into the advertising business. After exchanging some pleasantries, Bret asked him if had met Agent 99 yet. Don said no, but he still was looking. Bret told Don that he was going to be e-mailing him some digital photos of a young, attractive, Hispanic female. Bret said he hoped Don could use her and give her some work or maybe he could refer her to someone in the modeling business...

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Gay Nahi Lekin Cum Bhi Nahi 8211 Part 1

Main ek 26 saal ka ladkka hun, aur apni zindagi ke saade 24 saal maine as a virgin bitaye hain. Meri zindagi mein ek time aisa aya ki main ab normal porn itni dekh chukka tha ki ab ladki ko chudte dekh ke kuchh khaas maa nai aata tha. Aur ab maine dusri tareeke ki porn filmein dekhni shuru ki Aur ek din maine glati se ek cuckold porn download karli Jisme ek ladki ko 3 kaale chod rahe the aur uska pati baitha dekkh raha tha. Maine who dekhni shuru ki aur mujhe maza aane laga aur mera 5 inch ka...

Gay Male
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Breastfeeding in the Park

NOTICE: Unlike most of my stories, there is no sex at all in this one. It is my entry in the 2012 Earth Day Contest, so please read it and, if you like it, vote accordingly. I also appreciate any comments readers care to make. * Jessica Graf, a 27 year old mother of a baby son, loves going to the park in her neighborhood and pushing Frederick, her four month old son in his shiny new stroller. Ever since she and her husband arrived in the United States from their native Germany, seven months...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Elena Koshka Foreign Exchange Lessons

Tony’s stepsister Elena has been having trouble adjusting to her new life in the states. She really misses her boyfriend from back home and none of the guys at her new school seem to want to talk to her. Tony suggests that maybe she change how she dresses, being a bit more risque with it. Tony then somehow gets a sneak peek at her ass and pussy. Lets just say he was nothing short of blown away by how hot his new sis was. The next day, Elena arrives home from school a bit early. Tony...

3 years ago
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Irressistible Sex With Mini

Hi Guys, It is me Arun, Its been quiet a while I wrote to you all. But in the meantime I thank you all for the incessant mails and replies you eagerly wanted for the “school Tour’ series. I will very soon put pen to paper on that matter. But for now I bring to you a series of small encounters with my friends, colleagues and neighbours. And as always I would love to begin share my experience with Meenakshi. Meenakshi Rekhi is a voluptous woman, all of 36, tall and fair skinned North Indian. She...

2 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 16

I had Ring design a disguise for me so that I could join in on the practice sessions with the guns. Of course, I had to apply for a permit, but I did it in disguise and used a false name. Once I learned how to handle the pistol, I did not need the permit, so there was no problem there. With my other abilities, no cop could arrest me for illegally carrying a gun. I told Mom and my concubines to keep the gun with them at all times when they were out of the house, and they should have the gun...

2 years ago
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Fourteen Days

Authors Note: This story is for the Valentine’s day contest. I hope you enjoy. Thank you to MrsWolf for coming on board as a beta/proof reader for me. ~ellie * Kristy groaned, true to what the weatherman had predicted the last week of January had been hot enough to melt a person caught in the sun leaving them in a puddle on the sidewalk. She struggled to come to terms with the fact that, going by what had happened in recent years, the heat wave would last at least until Valentine’s Day. Two...

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My Shoba Aunty

Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. I can’t resist your comments and opening up all my secrets so far. It happened in 1991, when I was just about 16 years old, I had a big fetish for matured women and still do. I want to share the pleasure I got with my aunt. That was my first experience in sex. Till then I didn’t know any thing in sex. I belong to an orthodox family in which spelling the word sex is prohibited. So I don’t know anything. But I had some fantasies by listening to...

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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 26 The Rules of the Game part 2

The sun was just starting to set and Brittany ordered all the blinds closed in the Omega Xi chapter room. Once all the sisters were assembled and the room was secured, the Sergeant at Arms opened a panel on the back wall, unlocked the bolt and swung the wall open to reveal the secret ritual chamber. The chamber was really nothing more than a dais which she and another sister pulled out from the wall. It was an ornately carved bench behind which sat the sorority's executive committee during...

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Delving DeeperChapter 2

"Fuck. Me." I'd already asked this of him and yet still he withheld. "There are demons that I..." He started. I interrupted him, a frustrated growl gurgling my throat, "I don't care. I need you." Plaintive and pleading. All he would give me was the slow motions, the penetration and feel of engorged flesh lodged deep within me. That wasn't enough though. He must know that it wasn't enough. From the first time I'd wanted him. I'd— A little scream tore up my throat, his fingers...

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My Hot Horny Tamil Neighbor

My name is Prakash. I live in Mumbai. I am a fan of Indian Sex Stories. I especially love the Teacher Sex articles. This is my story in which i seduce my hot neighbor and have sex with her. If any girls are impressed with my story and want to comment, please do so in my email The story could be long, so please be patient. I live alone in Mumbai. I am 20 years old5 feet 10, fair. I love to play Chess. My neighbors are the Iyer family. They have a son and a beautiful daughter. Her name is...

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A Warm Inviting Winter Cabin

John had been working extremely hard on an advertising campaign that the boss insisted be finished immediately. It was very hard work and the boss was quite demanding. Finally, after three long weeks, it was done! (Of course, not a word of thanks!) John wondered what to do to celebrate. At least it was a three-day weekend. Go out with friends to a bar? No, too noisy. Besides, John didn't feel like being around a lot of people. The cabin? Yeah, John thought. I haven't been there in months. I...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Prey In The Bar

He sat at the bar, smoking a cigarette and drinking the terrible excuse for Scotch the bartender had served him. He was on his fourth, but who was counting. He looked down the bar at the skinny little emo chick that was giving him the eye and thought to himself that she might be fun for a night or three and wondered if she just liked older guys like him because of his experience or if she had daddy issues.He signaled the bartender and sent the girl another of whatever it was she was drinking...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 5

We ended chapter 4 with slave Sandra waiting for punishment for acting like a bitch. Slave Sandra waits in the basement play room naked, kneeling, legs, spread, hands clasp behind her back, forehead pressed on the floor, crying with pain in her heart for disappointing Master Frank and making him angry with her. Her knees hurt from remaining on her knees on the hard floor of the basement for the past hour waiting for the man she loves with all her heart to come and administer her punishment...

3 years ago
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Second First Kiss

This is my entry for the Valentine’s Contest! Thank you for voting! * Present Pain Heat from hundreds of cars increased the already unbearable morning temperature. Fumes made the air feel thick and noxious. People packed the sidewalks like sardines, faces glistening with sweat, eyes unseeing as they rushed to reach their destinations. Brenna O’Shea wondered if her own face would mirror what she was feeling. Empty, alone, desolate – if they bothered to look, would they see? Reaching her...

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Ben was a horny s*******n year old. He loved to look at his sexy mom. She had big boobs and a great sexy ass. He and his mom lived together as his dad had died. He had seen his mom naked a couple times. Once when she was changing clothes and he walked by her room and again when she was getting out of the shower and the door was open. He loved seeing her perky tits and her shaved pussy. He stroked his cock at night and dreamed of sticking it in the bald cunt. It made his cock hard just thinking...

1 year ago
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First time for Everything Part 3

I cancelled my Pilates class to come home early, saying I didn’t feel well. Well, I felt fine, just super horny. I spoke to Matt earlier in the day and he was the exact same, telling me he couldn’t wait for me to get home from work to have me. ‘The past few weeks have been so crazy. I want to keep going! I’m wicked excited for you to get home. I bought some wine.’ He had said. ‘This all started over a bottle of wine! haha. Clever honey. I’ve been wet constantly since the other night that you...

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My Mother InLaw

I will start out by saying this if you are thinking this is about my mother in-law and me having sex your wrong. But it is about how my mother in-law improved my sex with my wife.My wife and I have been married for almost 30 years now, not always a great marriage and some lack of sex here and there. But when we have had sex it has always been good to great sex. But for the last year and half we have been struggling in life all together. This has caused us to struggle in our sex life as well. We...

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