Justin Loves Older WomenChapter 7
- 4 years ago
- 31
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In which young Justin pushes the envelope of age gap sex with 67 year old Jules.
I met Charlie at the mall again and we talked for a long time. She asked me how it went with Nora, and wanted details. She laughed happily as I told her.
“So you’re not into the bisex thing at all?” she asked.
“No, men aren’t attractive to me.” I told her.
“Too bad.” She said, “There’s a lot of opportunity for a good looking boy like you if you’re into a little cock play.”
“So you’ve done that sort of thing?” I asked.
“Oh yeah!” she said excitedly, “I did, I do. Both ways always I say! I had it with Nora and Fred. That was before.”
“Before what?”
“Before I transitioned. I was a cute boy, like you. Oh, you didn’t know? Haha.”
I guess I stared a little. “You’re bullshitting me.”
She grinned happily at my disbelief; I realized it was a compliment.
“I’m a trans-girl!” she said enthusiastically, “Do I look different now that you know?”
“You’re still hot.” I admitted, “So ... uh...”
“Yes, I still have it, and it works too.” She told me, still grinning excitedly. “I might get gender re-assignment someday, I haven’t decided. Are you shocked?”
“Wow.” I mumbled, “Yeah. I really am.”
She had tits; her low cut blouse meant they were visible. She looked feminine, her voice was soft too.
“I started hormones early.” She told me, “I got them illegal, my parents flipped when they found out but I got them to support me. So, are you really into women as old as Nora? Older? How far does that go?”
“I don’t know.” I admitted, “I’m just attracted to good looking women, age isn’t important to me.”
She thought about that, then said; “I guess if it’s just an affair, it really doesn’t matter.”
“What about you?” I asked.
“I’m flexible with women but I like youngish guys; that is, under 30.”
It was a couple of months before I got laid again. The ‘cougars’ were friendly to me, but they all said the same thing; “Just too young for me.”
I came in one afternoon and looked for Charlie; she was at a table with a guy. He looked maybe 30ish. She caught my eye for a moment, and raised an eyebrow in some sort of message, then said something to the guy.
He looked shocked, then got up and walked away.
“That’s what happens when they find out I don’t have a cunt yet.” She said with a hint of bitterness.
“They’re looking for a girl.” I said gently.
“I am a girl!” she spat angrily. “I can do all the things other girls do, I can look cute and talk cute and dress nice, suck and fuck, but both ways. BOTH WAYS Justin. Haha. Well, he doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Years later, I had an affair with Charlie. Both ways, as she said. It was good, quite the experience. But I don’t think my readers want to know about that.
Then came Jules.
I saw her talking with some of the other women, including Nora. One pointed to me and Jules headed straight for me with a predatory smile.
She was short. A little bit square. She was much older than any of them, with short snow white hair that framed her face. She wore really high heels, and tight light trousers that stopped at the ankles. A colorful blouse with open shoulders that she managed to get away with, she didn’t have a lot of cleavage.
As she got to my table, her eyes hit me.
Blue eyes, excited eyes. She was excited by the hunt, at the prospect of 15 year old prey. Her red painted lips had a very sexy curl to them, a crazy confidence, joy, zest. Her cheeks were slightly baggy.
Jules was 67 years old. And she was sexy.
She sat in the cheap plastic chair, diamonds in her ears and gold around her neck making her look out of place. A gold Rolex watch adorned one wrist, and her nails were just a little long, painted red. So were her toenails, visible in her open shoes.
She didn’t say anything for a while; she just looked at me, into my eyes.
And I looked back.
I wished Charlie was there to advise me; “How old would you go?” she’d asked me. I remembered my answer; “If she turns me on, I’ll have a try.”
“I’m Jules.” Jules said with a terse smile, breaking the silence.
“I’m Justin.” I answered.
I was trying to figure out why I found her attractive; her figure was passable, but not amazing. She didn’t have big tits, or long legs, or a tight ass. Her hair was so short that it was nearly masculine, and as I said, white.
But those eyes of hers; the way she looked at me, right through me. She was sexy because she was excited, apparently by me. Her smile turned her old face into a beacon of allure, her sensual mouth and bright eyes compensated for everything.
“I hear you like to kiss.” Jules said.
“Yes.” I said, “I like the other stuff too.” I said, trying to sound calm.
Joan had told me, “Stay cool. Be attentive but never eager. Eager scares women away.”
“I’d like to kiss you right here, right now.” Jules challenged me, with a grin of eager delight.
“Ok.” I said, almost shaking with that sweet mix of fear and excitement I’d been waiting so long to feel again.
“Just to be clear; I’m not promising anything. I just like kissing, and I like making a spectacle of myself.” She said.
Her voice has a soft sexy southern accent.
“Of course.” I said. “I have to tell you, I don’t normally kiss until the second date.”
She laughed happily; “They told me you’re a charmer. Come on, lean forward. They’re all watching, let’s give them a show!”
Her mouth and mine met over the small plastic table. I reached up my hand and put in on her neck, and I kissed the old lady for the first time.
Her mouth tasted fine; her teeth were healthy, natural white. Her tongue entered my mouth brazenly, and I sucked it through our meshed mouths.
The loud lunch area seemed to go quiet. A boy and a granny were kissing in public.
With her hands on my face, and without breaking our kiss, she slid out of her chair and sat on my lap, legs on either side, face to face. She went at my mouth like it was a competitive event. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her tight against myself, thrilled with her audacity and my own. She put her hands on my face, her fingers curling around my ears.
“You’re hard!” she laughed, her eyes gleaming with the thrill of our public show. “Are you an exhibitionist, Justin?”
“No, I just like you.” I said. But I was thrilled by the idea that everyone was watching us. That the cougars who had rejected me saw that I was real, I was a player.
Jules kissed me again, and we kept at it for a while. My hands crept up and down her back, the thrill of it was fantastic; I could kiss her all night.
It was a wonderful beginning of a wonderful relationship; cut right past the crap and just kiss, hold each other and feel the heat, let my hands do the talking, and my mouth do the feeling.
In public, it was outrageous yet safe. We were already at the limit, our kiss was as far as we could go. Either of us could stop, or we could continue, but we couldn’t go further.
The weight of her small body on my thighs was comfortable, her warm sexy old curves in my hands, her short silky hair.
She was an old woman though; I was looking for an older woman, but Jules was granny age, retired for sure, a senior citizen. Way too old for me, but I sure was enjoying this public fooling around. It was fun, exciting, and sexy. I didn’t think she wanted me either, not for more than this bit of exhibitionism.
She smelled nice, and tasted nice. She was soft and sensual. She broke away to look at me for a moment, and we smiled at each other; if it stopped right then and we never touched again, we were friends. We had a connection. I wondered if those fat sparkly jewels in her ears were real diamonds?
She gripped my head in her hands and kissed me some more, the mall and the other people fading away.
A security guy came over; “You two stop that, get off him!” he said angrily.
“What’s the problem honey?” Jules said to him, her hands still in my hair and mine on the small of her back, “Is there a law against kissing?”
The mall really was silent. Still holding Jules against myself, I looked around. EVERYONE was watching. Standing, sitting, frozen at our spectacle.
It excited me; I’d never been noticed before. I was a nobody; until Jules sat on my thighs and stuck her outrageous old tongue into my mouth.
Several more rent-a-cops came over. Jules held her ground, or rather, held me.
“Listen, we tolerate what goes on here but you people have to keep it decent.” An older one said. “Please, take it outside.”
“I can’t argue with that.” Jules sighed, and got to her feet. “Justin, would you like to have dinner with me?”
“I’d love to.” I said, “But just to be clear, I’m not promising anything.”
“Let’s go.” She laughed.
We walked through the mall holding hands. A teenage boy and an old woman holding hands, like lovers. It was great.
I was far from where I lived, no one I knew would see me here; I wouldn’t want it known at my school, but if it was, I’d own it. I wasn’t ashamed.
My cock was poking against my pants, I didn’t know if it was visible and I didn’t care. We went outside and got into a huge very old gleaming Cadillac convertible.
The car started with a quiet whoosh of power. Jules grinned at me.
“Like it?” she asked as the top lifted and disappeared into the back with a whirr of motors.
“Very cool.” I said.
The little old lady backed the big car out of the parking space and accelerated through the parking lot.
“Bench seats the size of sofas!” she said to me, “They don’t make them like this anymore.”
Like her, the big car demanded attention. Heads turned as we passed, and Jules loved it. It was more like a big boat than a car, the way it floated through the streets, gliding smoothly and nearly silently.
Like Jules, a relic from a bygone age.
She stopped for a minute to put the top back up.
“It’s great for showing off, but at highway speeds it’s not nice.” She explained as the old machine worked flawlessly.
The big tires chirped as she accelerated up the ramp to 90, laughing out loud. “God I love this car!” she said, “If only it didn’t spend half the time in the shop and use more fuel than an ocean liner!”
“Tell me about yourself.” She said as we drove, “Why is a cute boy like you interested in old women?”
“I don’t know. An older woman was my first girlfriend and I liked it.”
“How old?”
“Thirty two.”
She laughed; “Well, you’ve come a long way baby!”
I told her everything, as I do. How I was smitten, heartbroken when Joan left.
“What about Nora?” Jules asked.
“That was just sex.” I said.
“From what I heard, it wasn’t Just at all.” She said, and laughed again. “What about your parents, do they know about your sex life?”
“Mom knows everything. I’ve never met my dad.”
“What does your mother do?”
I usually lie about this, but I told Jules the truth. “She’s a whore.” I said. “She likes to say ‘escort’, or ‘professional companion’”.
Jules looked at me wide eyed; I’d got her with that one.
“How old is she?”
“Wow, I’d love to meet her.” Jules said as we pulled off the highway and up a country road.
She stopped the car at a layby with a sunset view. She turned and leaned on the door, one foot up on the seat, and we talked some more.
She’d been married six times, widowed three divorced three. She’d been a hippy girl in the 60’s and had ‘A LOT of fun!’
“At my age, every day of health is a gift.” She told me, “What you’re looking at is one in a hundred, the lucky survivor. I don’t want to waste one minute of the time I have left. Take your shoe off and give me your foot.”
She rubbed my foot and looked at me; her sexy optimistic smile was beautiful. I took her foot and removed her high heeled shoe carefully. Her foot was smaller than my hand, the skin thin and a bit dry, but the arch very pronounced.
We rubbed each other’s feet and looked into each other’s eyes in silence for a while.
“This is nice.” She said, “You have a hardon. But that’s not enough. I’ve been with a lot of young men. A lot of old men too. Let’s just say I’ve been around. You’re all horny and willing, but how will you feel afterwards? If we go through with it, are you going to feel disgusted when your balls are empty?”
“No.” I promised.
“You’ve only been with two women, thirty and forty. I’m in my sixties, baby.” She said softly, her mirth shelved for a moment. “You don’t know how you’ll feel.”
“I guess we could find out.” I suggested.
“Hmmm.” She said, running one hand up my calf. “You’re eager.”
The feeling of her hands excited me; just as much as Nora, maybe even Joan. The sensitive, smooth touch of the human hand, accompanied by a beautiful smile of desire. I looked into her sparkling blue eyes looking back at me and my cock was iron hard. It was so perfectly wrong, that it was right.
“I like you.” I said.
“I like you too baby. I’ve never been with anyone so young though.” She frowned, thinking about it. “Not even when I was that young. Gosh, that was a long time ago. I’d better drive you home.”
“I thought we were going to get dinner.” I complained.
“Hmmmm.” She said, as we continued our mutual foot rub in the parked Cadillac. “I do like this.”
“Me too.” I said, “Can we just sit here for a while?”
“You’ll want to go higher, and higher.” She predicted.
“Sure, but just like this is nice too.” I countered.
Another of Joan’s lessons in seduction; touch is enough. Once you have touch, even just holding hands, keep it for as long as feels comfortable.
The big car at sunset with Jules felt very comfortable.
“What do you feel right now?” Jules asked.
“Comfortable.” I replied.
She laughed; “Lovely boy.”
We sat in silence for a while, gently stroking, an action that was simultaneously obscene and innocent.
As the sun dropped below the distant city, she released my foot and swiveled back into driving position.
“Well, I asked and you accepted, that’s a date. Ok, we’ll have dinner, but then I’ll take you home to your Mom, ok?”
“Mom will be out working.” I informed her, “But sure, ok.”
“Does she, um, still get a lot of work?”
“Yes.” I said, “It’s been like that my whole life, to me it’s normal. I know not to talk about it, I’ve never told anyone before.”
“Not even your Joan?”
“Not even Joan, but I think she knew.”
The sexy old lady looked thoughtful as she pulled the big car onto the road again, and blasted us towards our next destination with a roar of vaporizing fossil fuel.
We went into a moderately fancy restaurant. I ordered a steak, Jules asked for fish.
She launched into a series of life stories, some sad, some funny, some bawdy.
“Listen twice as much as you talk.” Joan had told me.
I listened, commented, and laughed with my elderly date. I liked being with her, she was like the grandmother I’d never had.
Then she drove me home.
I was hesitant to get out of the big old luxurious car; I had the feeling once I left it, I might not be able to get back in.
“Will I see you again?” I asked. In the darkness, only her white hair was visible, the streetlight refracting through the crystal strands.
“I don’t think so.” She said, with a hint of sadness. “I’m a crazy lady, but you and me is more crazy than I am.”
I heard Joan’s voice in my ear; “Ask for a kiss, hello, goodbye, goodnight, whatever. If the kiss doesn’t work, nothing will.”
At Jules’ insistence, Justin seduces a girl as young as himself for the first time. My senior year in highschool was a bit stressful; I wanted a good grade. I had a group of friends, they had no idea that the old woman I lived with was my lover and not my grandmother. I flirted with the girls, jostled with the boys, and at some point realized that I spent a lot of time talking to a cute and very smart girl named Lorie. “Invite her over, dear.” Jules insisted as she ran her fingers over my...
The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...
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IncestJUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...
JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...
The next few days were bliss. Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops. Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman. She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees. Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...
IncestJustine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...
BDSMFor Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise. Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on. She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings. It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...
IncestAls Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...
The feel of Orlando's cock under my hand was my first taste of sex with another person. Sex with myself had been a no-go since I first began to yearn for it. The 'Supercollege,' the elite post-sixteen establishment which cost my parents half a million a year, was more like boot camp than the sixth form college it was supposed to be. It rang with masters' vitriolic denunciations of boys caught 'laying lascivious hands upon themselves'. My fellow prefects in the upper sixth emulated the...
Gay MaleThis is my first story, so any comments and suggestion are much appreciated. This story is completely fiction, and none of the events happened in real life. Enjoy the story. Justin and I have been dating for six months now. We are the perfect couple, he is tall, dark and handsome, perfect muscles, great eyes and smile. I am small, with blonde hair and tanned skin, a slender figure with large breasts. He frequently complimented me on my slim figure, saying I looked “hot” and “sexy” and,...
I found myself walking the streets of New York oddly at peace. I don’t really get the chance to just kick back and relax being, you know, me. Walking down a broad sidewalk of segmented concrete, I took in the sights, smells and sounds of the city. It being mid December, you could see and smell the warm steam billowing up from underground pipes. You could hear the countless cars roaring away from stoplights and the constantly changing horn tones from the number of different cars. After weaving...
I opened the door of my house after a long day of helping a friend move. It was dark, aside from the lights in the house and the stars in the sky. Small, wet snowflakes melted on my cheeks. ‘Justin! I’m home!’ I shouted as I walked into the house and kicked off my boots. No answer. Just a trail of rose petals that twisted and swerved all throughout our home. I tiptoed along side the crimson trail. It lead me to the couch. On the side table, there was a steaming hot chocolate. On the couch,...
I gently pinched them between my fingers and they swelled out to the size of acorns. Dark red. I felt the same beautiful sensation as when I stroked my cock. As I rubbed my nipples I felt my cock harden again – as if demanding attention. This time I was wanking my cock with one hand while rubbing my nipples with the other. I had never known such ecstasy. The next day I was looking in a mirror at my body. There was not a hair anywhere – pure smooth silky pale. The hair on my head was...
Ben pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...
BDSMThe Keyholder?Just that please.? Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel...
Twila loved the winter. Every night during the long, dark northern winters, she sat in front of her fireplace, drinking some hot chai tea, looking out the window. The light of the fire made the falling snowflakes glimmer as they fell from the heavens. Her long, chocolate-colored hair cascaded over her back and shoulders in decadent curls. She was a short girl, but her curves were the root of all envy in every other girl she encountered. Her short peach satin nightgown hugged her curves, not...
There have been stories in the news recently about the importance of kids having stable homes with loving mothers and fathers. I was blessed with just such a home, except that my parents are both very busy with their careers and related social events with other adults and had little time for me. I know that I'm loved, but not enough for them to pay much attention to my personal life.My name is Tori, and I was sixteen years old when my parents moved to Portland, Oregon so they could accept their...
TeenWhat was she doing playing chastity games with a twenty something guy? She knew it was crazy, yet Amy was smiling to herself as she stepped off the bus and walked quickly to the address that Ben had given her, a two bedroom apartment in an upmarket development. She hadn’t seen Ben since they’d made love at the hotel a week ago, but she could still remember the feel of his body and his freshly unlocked cock. She hadn’t belted him when they parted the next morning. This wasn’t because Ben didn’t...
BDSM“Just that please,” Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel embarrassed,...
BDSMI’ve recently introduced my 20yr old g/f Sara to the videos and stories here on xhamster. It’s been an exciting experience sharing our turn-ons and fantasies together as we hook up and role play together. I’ve noticed that she’s really into thick cocks, and especially older men with thick cocks. It all started after we read a story about some guy secretly watching his young g/f hook up with her friend’s dad. She shared how the story got her pussy really wet, and I ended up spending the next...
Synopsis of the Night Skies Hotel Universe: Centuries ago, two world- spanning civilizations made first contact via technology that enabled access to multiple realities. Each civilization was unique in the sense that a single sex dominated it -- Terra's Patriarchy by males, and Gaia's Sisterhood by females. Gaia was the more artistic of the two, had closer links to nature and was more advanced than Terra in some of the sciences, such as biology and physics. Terra, on the other hand, had...
The weekend in Paris had been fantastic, three whole days with Amy plus three consecutive nights of release. Returning to work had been hard, not least because he had now spent five continuous days inside the locked chastity cage. Nights were particularly hard as his cock had started to expect freedom. In the early hours it would throb and the pressure inside the cage would build. Ben would wake up and massage his balls while he watched his helpless red straining cock try to squeeze through the...
BDSMChastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 07bychastity_sissy©The only light came from the crack at the bottom of the floor. I tested my handcuffs as quietly as possible, verifying there was no way to squeeze my wrists out of their cold, metal clutches. I was completely stuck.I could hear my Ex on the other side of the door. She was panting heavily. I could only imagine her Boyfriend's cock ramming her inside and out, over and over again.I guess I should back up just a little bit, although there is...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 05bychastity_sissy©Almost every time my Ex had sex with her boyfriend I had to listen. My Ex had decided it was mandatory and would quiz me on how many times she had an orgasm just to make sure I was actually listening, not to mention drive home the fact I couldn't cum.At least, so I thought.You have to understand that not having an orgasm for over a week doesn't sound like a long time, and I'm sure I've gone longer than that without wearing a chastity device....
The following is the 2nd part of Eye of the Beholder. I have had some very positive feedback on part 1. I hope you enjoy this as much. Please let me know by leaving a review or email me at [email protected] Part 3 will follow shortly. Eye of the Beholder - Part 2 - by: Tanya Grant Consequences: I woke a few hours later, the smell of coffee wafted into the room, as well as toast and eggs. I realised I was starving hungry. I looked around for something to wear, and saw...
Eye of the Beholder Part 3 ? by: Tanya Grant This is the continuation of Alex Wards undercover operation. Please read parts 1 & 2 first if you are unfamiliar with the story. This story and it's constituent parts are copyright Tanya Grant and no reproduction or use outside of those sites given permission to carry is implied or allowed. Please contact [email protected] if you want to talk to the author. Part 4, the final episode is being written and should be...
And there he was, buckling over, gritting his teeth and trying to hide the pain. I had it confirmed. Dr. Oswalt had been glancing at his female students more and more over the past few weeks. I wasn't the first to notice. I remember Leanne pointing it out to me way back in October. But after that, it seemed obvious. He was constantly taking looks at my tits, and everybody else's. I remember the theories … he wasn't banging his wife anymore, he was just becoming a creepy old man, etc. I...
BDSMChastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 08bychastity_sissy©"So, that is what you fantasize about? Having my hot boyfriend and me making you our little sissy bitch? Pathetic," my Ex said flipping through the pages of the story I had submitted to her, while I worshipped her sweaty pantyhosed feet per our already established agreement.I still couldn't believe an Ex of mine was actually a hot Hooters girl. Being one with a small, tiny, thing for uniforms, I couldn't believe I had let this one slip...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 06bychastity_sissy©My Ex knew me. She knew me better than I knew myself. She knew it had been a deep, disregarded fantasy of mine to be a helpless maid amongst a variety of men and women, all dressed up in pretty outfits demanding drinks and snacks from the maids passing by.She had, without a doubt, put "the guy" in his place. My cock was completely locked away in full metal, and it would require an ER visit to physically remove the device without a key. I...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 02bychastity_sissy©From what I could remember the following morning, I had definitely done something stupid. My memory became fuzzy after she had left. Just as she had predicted, I surfed the web and looked at my saved cache of porn. Unable to get off on it, I drank more and stayed up later than usual until everything became a blur and I woke up on the couch, still dressed in the corset and nylons.Good thing I had the day off.Work! How could I deal with wearing...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholderbychastity_sissy©Several days off. I was looking forward to it. The days off had been meant for something else, but those plans fell through. Now, I had the weekend plus several extra days. I could barely contain myself as I was excited to try out the new toy I had recently purchased.As soon as I got to my apartment, I checked with the management building and sure enough, the package was there. Before I could do anything else, I had the package opened on my table...