My Kindly Neighbour free porn video

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Some big days turn out bigger than others though, and this one would become the most monumental day of my short life...
Middle of summer, beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon.  

My parents had extracted a solemn promise, on pain of death – well, a month’s grounding at least – that I wouldn’t leave the backyard under any circumstances, and (my mom) somewhat reluctantly agreed that I could stay home while they went to do the weekly food shopping. Considering it took about four hours, including the trip to and from town and the afternoon tea they insisted on having, the last thing I wanted to do on a day like that was to traipse round a shopping centre and food hall.  

I wondered round the house, strangely silent and cool with no one else present, as if it now belonged to me, and I was its Master - but the lure of the sun and the basketball hoop in the back yard meant the inspection of my kingdom lasted no more than ten minutes. Before long, dressed in socks, shorts and a tee-shirt I was running around like a demented thing on the asphalt “Court”  my dad had laid the previous summer – a 15´ x 10´  rectangle set between the garage and the lawn, with a hoop set on  a winch so I could raise or lower it as my energy level decreased. I loved to pretend I was the Harlem Globetrotters (yes, that ages me, doesn’t it?) in an exhibition game at The Gardens, only they don’t have to play on asphalt, do they? 

So when I tripped, stumbled, and fell, at full pace, trying to make a rebound, ball in hands, there was nothing to protect my knees as I went down, scraping the left really badly, the right not quite so. I let go a long, loud, “ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”  and finished up half lying, half sitting, on the hot tarmac. It’s all well and good having the run of the house and garden, but I started to cry, hard, at the pain, and harder at the realization that I was alone. No mommy to come running out to soothe her little man. No dad to laugh, gently, and give me strength and courage to deal with the pain. Talk about distraught. 

“Philip, what’s the matter, are you hurt?” 

I looked up, and there, at the fence between our house and our neighbours, the Broomes, was Mrs B., sunglasses raised on her head, and some sort of towelling sun-robe affair. The fence was too high for me to see over, but to an adult, no more than chest high, so that was all I could see of my Florence Nightingale as I desperately tried to stem the choking sobs. I may only be ten, but I want to be a man to a lady, you know? And especially an “old” lady, like Mrs B.

I say old, because she must have been all of forty – but to a ten-year-old… 

I turned my now bleeding knee towards her, and sobbed out that I’d tripped playing hoops. She winced at the sight of my injury (although a knee scrape is hardly an amputation case for a ten-year-old, now, is it?) and told me to stay right where I was, as she was coming round. 

In no time at all, she was there, flip-flops clicking against her feet, a bright, flowery sun robe tied at the waist. She knelt down beside me and ran one hand through my hair, as the other gently checked around the graze on my left knee.  

She smiled down at me, “Nothing broken, but that knee wants cleaning and treating; do you think can you walk?” 

She got down even lower, told me to put an arm around her shoulder, and helped me to my feet. I cried out as I put my weight on my left foot, so she shrugged my arm off her shoulder, slipped her arms under my thighs and around my back, and lifted me effortlessly into her embrace. She smelled of suntan lotion and I could feel how hot she was through the robe – she must have been sunbathing on their deck, that’s why she’d been at the fence so quick when I fell – I could also feel the softness of her chest against mine. In fact, the flimsy robe had shifted in her efforts to lift me, and I realised with a huge flush of embarrassment, and an almost electric jolt to my groin, that she wasn’t wearing any top under it –  she must have been sunbathing topless in the privacy of their garden, and simply pulled it on quickly before she came to see what was wrong.  

My face was inches away from her and I could see as clear as day, for the first time since I was a baby, in the flesh, a gorgeous curved breast - all of it, nipple included - which for some as then unknown reason, I felt an almost overwhelming desire to take in my mouth and suck. Her warm hand felt good on the underside of my legs, too, and the evil, stinging pain somehow diminished as she looked at me, still smiling, apparently oblivious to her exposure, and my growing physical excitement.  

She carried me out of our yard, round the end of the fence, and into her own garden, saying, “come on, let’s get you sorted out, young man”. I couldn’t work out why we weren’t going to my house, and as if reading my mind, she said, “Your mom told me you were home alone, and asked me to keep an ear and eye on you. I don’t know where she keeps your first-aid stuff, and I’m sure you don’t, do you?” I probably did, but oddly enough, I couldn’t think straight right at that moment, all I wanted was to be close to her warm skin - and another thing in my mind was, going to their place, I’d probably get a glass or two of Mrs B’s amazing home-made lemonade – so like I was going to argue to stay at ours!  

She stepped up onto the decking, and gently lay me on the lounger, bending low, this time revealing both breasts to my gaze. A murmur she probably mistook for pain escaped my lips, and it was all I could do to stop myself reaching out to stroke the beautiful mounds of flesh so close to my hands. As the robe parted at her knees, I saw she was wearing tiny blue bikini bottoms, with string ties at the sides.  

On the deck table was a half-empty pitcher of lemonade, and an empty glass, and my attention, it’s fair to say, was divided equally between all the bare skin and touch of my neighbour, and her magical lemonade. Mrs B must have seen my glances, I’m sure, but she chose to remark only on the pitcher. She picked it, and the glass, up. 

“Do you think you’ll be okay for a couple of minutes while I freshen this up, and get the first-aid kit?” she asked. 

My sobs had subsided to sniffs, and she gave me a paper towel from the table. “Wipe your eyes with that, and then hold it on your knee, I’ll be straight back” 

I did as she said, and looked up as she came out through the patio doors, a full pitcher of iced lemonade and two glasses in one hand, a first-aid kit in the other, and watched as she bent down to put everything on the table. Still bending over, she opened the kit, took out some gauze, cleanser, and a pad-bandage, and set them on the table. I couldn’t help looking at her –  her robe was still loosely tied at the waist, but it was open wide at the top, and I could see her lovely breasts so clearly. I felt quite giddy. I liked what I was seeing – and knew very well what was under the bikini bottoms as well. I mean, you show me a ten-year old who hasn’t found at least one of his dad’s Playboy magazines and I’ll show you a kid who hasn’t looked.  

But the breasts in the Playboys were just pictures on paper. These were 100% real and warm and soft-looking and so, so close. I was having a very unfortunate reaction – blame it on the heat - so I shuffled uncomfortably on the seat, and looked away, at the lemonade, trying to concentrate on the pain from my knee, and ignore the warm woozy feeling in the rest of my body, and the growing erection in my shorts. It would be fair to say I had masturbated a few times by then, not all that many, and I knew that the feeling I was having now usually led to my needing to take myself in hand and rub myself until I felt that strange but truly wonderful sensation – but not much chance of that here though, eh?

Mrs B spoke. “Do you like what you see, Philip?” 

I looked at her in horror. She had seen me looking! I felt myself go scarlet and stammered “I, I, I…” 

She merely smiled, picked up the jug of lemonade, raised her eyebrows at it, filled a glass, and handed it to me. She’d meant the lemonade! The relief I felt was like a flood washing over my body. I took the glass, and gulped down half the contents in one go as she knelt in front of me and lifted my left foot on to her right thigh. The giddiness returned in a flash. Her robe fell open, and I saw her bikini bottoms, at the tops of her thighs, tight against her skin. Images of Playboy flashed back into my head, and my throat went sandpaper dry. I took another gulp of lemonade and tried to use the glass, and my cupped hands, to cover what was fast becoming an obvious, if not very impressive erection. You don’t know about thinking horrible thoughts to dampen your ardour when you’re only 10, so I didn’t know what to do but suffer in agony.  

Although I’m quite sure moaning as Mrs B undid my shoelace, and slipped the sneaker and sock off my foot, isn’t what was required. 

She looked up at me in concern. “I’m sorry, did that hurt, baby?” she asked.  

“Oh God, if only you knew”, I thought to myself, but simply answering with an erratic shake of the head, too afraid to open my mouth. 

Leaving my foot on her thigh, she repeated the process with my right shoe, so I now had a foot on each of her thighs, as she knelt before me. I thought I was going to cry. I knew I shouldn’t be thinking these things, but all I could see was her bikini, more clearly now as she had opened her legs more when she had lifted my right foot on to her leg. With my shoes and socks taken off, she took both of my ankles in one hand, and in one motion, slipped on to the lounger beside me, gently swinging me round to face her, lifting my legs and laying them across the tops of her thighs.  

I was totally screwed now.  

I couldn’t balance sitting like that, it was obvious, and the lemonade was in danger of being deposited on one or other or both of us. Mrs B took the glass from my desperate hands, and I had to sit bolt upright to try to cover my discomfort, placing my right arm across my groin area, the other grasping the back of the lounger, behind her back, to support me. 

Mrs B took the first-aid items from the table, and set them down beside her. She then reached her right hand round behind her, took my hand from the back of the lounger, and placed it on her left shoulder. Her lovely, smiling face was inches from mine, and I was now sitting tight against her right side.  

“You’ll need to hang on, it might hurt quite a bit”. 

I watched around her as she poured some antiseptic liquid on a piece of gauze, took my left knee by the underside, and bent my leg, so my foot came to rest between her thighs. She pulled my leg towards her, and I thought I was going to pass out as I felt my foot touch the bikini bottoms.  
My foot was right up against her pussy, and the heat from her body I had felt earlier was nothing compared to how hot she felt - even through the material of her bikini - “down there”. And although I didn’t know, couldn't be sure, and why would it be? - it felt as if she were actually pressing herself against my foot, and I didn’t move it because it felt good. 

She put her right arm around my shoulder, and pulled me closer to her.  

“Might hurt quite a bit”, she’d said.  

Yeah, right.  

I cried out in agony, and in order to stop my cry becoming a scream, I involuntarily buried my face into Mrs B’s chest, in between the folds of the robe. My face was against her skin, her right hand cradling the side of my face, stroking me, comforting me, shushing me, touching me - turning me on so fucking much my cock actually hurt and my head was swimming. I was sobbing again, but the pain in my knee rather melted away, and the second piece of treated gauze only caused me to tense up, and wince - my left ankle now pushing quite hard against my beautiful nurse’s mound, and my face against her heaving breast. She was breathing quite hard and she kissed the top of my head, continued to stroke my hair, my mouth was against her breast, and she was whispering, “shhh, baby, it’s okay, everything will be fine, don’t worry".  
I had to run my tongue over my lips because they were so dry from the agony of the ministrations, and as my face was pressed against her flesh, when I did so, not only did my lips feel my tongue, so did she. Or rather her breast did.

Mrs B made a low keening sound as my tongue flicked her, close to her nipple, and even a ten-year old knows when a sound is one of pleasure, so holding my breath I did it again, but this time I licked her breast more than my lips, and a little harder. You could have cut the air with a knife. It was as if everything had stopped.

She didn’t stop what she was doing, she kept kissing my head, stroking my hair, rocking me, saying again, “it’s okay, baby, that’s right, that's right”. She moved her position slightly, my mouth was there, and it seemed like she was actually offering her breast to my lips. When I felt the pressure of her hand on my head, guiding me, it just seemed like the right thing to do. I opened my mouth, we moved together, and her tit just entered my mouth. I clamped down on it, sucking it into my mouth. Long-forgotten memories came back, suckling, feeding, but this time it was something more than that. Her nipple hadn’t been ‘out’ when I had seen it, but as I suckled, harder, and she moaned, “Oh, my sweet baby, yes, suck it”, I felt it harden in my mouth.  

“Suck it harder, baby, please, suck it harder”, she moaned into my hair, and I did. I suckled as hard as I could and the long “Ohhhhhhhhh”, of pleasure that came from her lips was so loud it made me stop and look around, in fear of someone – Mister B, mostly – hearing, and coming to see what was going on. 
She read my thoughts for the second time that afternoon and told me not to worry, no one was home and the house was empty, but she said it might be a good idea if we went inside, “but only if you want to, Philip…” I looked into her beautiful eyes and nodded, almost frantically. She smiled, told me to hold tight, and lifted me into her arms once again, walking through the open French windows, into the living room, placing me on the sofa, before closing the doors, and turning back to face me. 

She stood in front of me as I looked up at her in unabashed awe, and loosened the robe. It fell open, and she shrugged it off her shoulders, letting it slide to the floor. She stood there, in just the bikini bottoms, her gorgeous breasts in full view.

"Oh man, you're so beautiful, Mrs Broome", was all I could think of to say, and I was now practically squirming on the couch, and I knew I was licking my lips, but I couldn't help it. My young cock really couldn’t have been any harder, and it was extremely uncomfortable in my shorts, so I tried to shift it by pushing it with the heel of my hand, but it didn’t help, and Mrs B dropped to her knees in front of me, placing her hands atop my thighs. 

Looking directly at my shorts, she said, “You look really uncomfortable, Philip, would you like me to help you out with that?” she asked, softly, her fingers stroking my thigh as she did so.  

Again, all I could do was nod dumbly at her, mouth too dry to speak despite my lip-licking, afraid to say something to make this end, and she smiled at me, reaching up to the waistband of my shorts. 

“Lift your butt, baby”, she ordered, and as I did so, she hooked her fingers into my shorts, and yanked them – and my underwear – to my knees. She eased the clothes very gently over my now long-forgotten injury, and there I was, naked from the waist down, my erection standing straight up against my stomach.

Mrs B’s eyes locked on it and she ran the tip of her tongue around her lips. "Lovely, baby", she whispered.
She managed to tear her eyes away to look at my face, and in a new, huskier, voice, she asked, “does that feel better, darling?” – and got nothing but the dumb, open-mouthed nod once more for an answer as she jumped up on to the sofa beside me, maneuvering us into the positions we had been in on the lounger.
"If you say 'stop' at any time, we stop, okay?" she asked me. I must have looked horrified at the idea, and shook my head frantically, and she laughed, a sweet, kind laugh.

She put one hand under my chin, tipped my face up to hers, leaned down and kissed me. Softly. On the lips. A real kiss, my first kiss. With our mouths together, I felt her pulling at my lower lip with both of hers, sort of sucking it slightly, and I felt her tongue against my lips, which caused me, completely subconsciously for I had no experience of this – what ten-year-old boy does?! - to open my mouth. In the space of a second I was enjoying my first ever, full-on, French kiss. I know I was clumsy as hell, I must have been, but she kissed so fucking sexily, so gently, so consumingly, my cock really felt like it was going to burst, and I felt completely drunk, my head no longer swimming, but swirling almost uncontrollably. 

She pulled away from the kiss, stroked the side of my face, and looking down at my stiff cock, quite breathlessly and barely audibly, said, “Do you want me to help you out some more, Philip?”  

I must have looked confused, and she said, “I would really like to touch your lovely cock, if you want me to, and I think you might like it, too”, and moved her hand on to the top of my thigh, her thumb actually brushing lightly against my tight sac, which caused a thousand tiny explosions to go off in my head. I really, honestly, was completely speechless. Which was just as well, because if I hadn’t been, my mouth was again too dry to function, so I gave her such a pleading, acquiescing nod, she could not have mistaken it for anything other than total consent. 

She moved her hand on my thigh, and ran her thumb up my shaft. I think I stopped breathing. It passed up and over the head, her hand enveloped me, and the single most intense feeling of my life shot through me. I cried out and lost all conscious thought except for the unbearable pleasure I was feeling in that instant. I heard Mrs B crooning, “Come on baby, cum for me, cum for me sweet baby”.  

I didn’t know what she meant - I didn't actually know it was called "cumming". But I found out very, very quickly. Up until then, the few orgasms I had had, had been dry. They’d felt really good, yes, and I had even had two or three in a row on more than one occasion, but I had never, up to this point, ejaculated. Which apparently is perfectly normal.

That changed, right there, on my neighbour's sofa, as she stroked my cock in her fist, in a slow, steady rhythm, all the time watching her hand and my cock. "Sweet baby, you feel so good, don't hold it back, cum for me". I knew when I was going to orgasm, but I wasn’t ready for what happened. She knew it too, she knew exactly when it was going to happen, and she increased her grip, but not her pace, on my shaft, and let out a long, triumphant, “Yessssssss, baby”, as my cock started to jump in her hand. From the first exquisite touch of her fingers on my shaft to my orgasm was less than a minute.

I knew it was different, but for a second or two, I didn’t know how, until I watched, in total amazement, as the hot sticky fluid erupted from the eye of my cock, shooting into the air. I was in shock. I was cumming, copious amounts of my juices flooding out of my cock, onto my stomach, all over her hand, and she continued to pump my shaft in her fist while she literally milked me dry – or so I thought. Being wanked by this beautiful woman, to my first real orgasm, was the most incredible feeling I had ever known, and I actually started to cry as the last spasms in my body died away.  

She slowly, gently, lay my cock on my stomach, and took me in her arms, as she had on the lounger, pulling me to her chest. Once again she shushed me and stroked my hair, and I could smell the sweet scent of my cum on her skin.  

She pulled me to her breast, and whispered, “Suck me, baby”, and once again I clamped my mouth on the soft, welcoming mound of her tit, sucking the nipple –  harder, as she had told me to – between my lips and teeth.  

“Mmmmm, yes, baby, suck it hard; let me nurse you”, she moaned, and though I didn’t know what she meant, I sucked as hard as I could. I felt her hand come up and cup underneath her breast, adjusting its angle in my mouth, and I carried on sucking, hard, her moans of pleasure driving me on and on, until I tasted it. I actually tasted her milk. She fed me. I milked her tit like a baby, long lost memories paying millisecond visits to my brain, her moans louder and louder, her hand moving from her breast. “Don’t stop, baby, please don’t stop, help me cum!”, she cried. I opened my eyes to see one hand, up to and beyond the wrist, inside her bikini, moving quickly back and forth inside, and I could feel the other hand smearing my cum on my stomach. 

My jaw ached, but I sucked her nipple, and drank her milk like a greedy calf as she rubbed herself faster and harder, until she pleaded with me, "bite it, baby, please, bite it!!". I did as I was told. I bit down on her nipple - I didn't know if it was too hard or too soft but she immediately she cried out – I know now in her much loved mixture of agony and ecstasy  –  “Ohhhhh fuck, baby, yes, yes, I'm cumming!”, as her own orgasm hit her.

Throwing her head back she practically screamed, "Unnhhhhhhhh, fuck, yes, yes!!!" Her hips bucked several times, with her hand still inside her swimsuit, and she continued to moan, lowering her face into my hair, moving slower and slower, my sucking diminishing with her hand movements, until she withdrew her hand, and I released her breast from mouth. 

She bent once more to kiss me, another long, wet, tongue-tangling kiss, and I could feel it right down to my loins, my cock again as hard as it had been. 

“Oh my sweet, darling baby, thank you so much”, she said, and with a beaming smile on her face, stroking my cheek with one hand, the other, still wet with my cum she brought to her mouth and licked clean, all the time murmuring "mmmm, yes" . 

I smiled back and squirmed in her lap. 

“Thank you, Mrs Broome",was all I could say before my mouth was smothered in another kiss…  
TBC, maybe...


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New Neighbour

Sue and I have lived in the same house for 18 years and we have watched our k**s grow and move out, our neighbours have been in their house longer than us but decided to move, downsize. we asked them who was moving in and they said a young lad on his own, he works away a lot so bought as an investment. ok lets hope he doesn't have parties when he's home! lol. don't worry they said he seems sensible. Sue and I continued with our lives and we never really seen the new neighbour only when passing...

3 years ago
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The Next Door Neighbour

My name is Justin. I'm in my mid-thirties, which is a pretty good age to start reflecting on your past, and take stock of where you are today. I've been looking at some old pictures from when I was in my early twenties. I wore the cool slacker/skater look quite well. I was a tall, with long wavy brown hair that hung down to my jaw line. I wore jeans and retro T-shirts all the time during the summers. In the winters I'd add a thick sweater and jacket to the ensemble. I was very skinny at the...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

It was a tuesday evening, i had just pulled up in my car and my neighbour Rachel was waiting outside for me. Rachel had recently divorced her husband and we had started to chat over the fence since, she was a very pretty brunette with what i could see a very good figure, she had only been my neighbour a couple of months before her husband left her. Anyway it was nothing new that Rachel was outside, she was normally out there watching her k**s playing in the street. As i walked down my path, she...

3 years ago
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My New Neighbour

I was over the moon when the live in warden of the block of sheltered accommodation flats where I lived told me the new tenant of the next flat to mine was a single woman around my own age. “At last,” I thought, “someone I can talk to.” Pretty well every tenant in the block was much older than I was and I had little if anything in common with them so someone my own age, early sixties, would make a pleasant change. It was about a week later on Wednesday morning when she moved in. I saw the...

3 years ago
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Fucking good neighbour

I live opposite a single woman who I fancied something cruel. She appeared to have a very active social life with lots of men friends. I thought her unapproachable since my partner would very quickly be suspicious if I was to have an affair so close to home. We actually nicknamed her trollop due to the many men she entertained.One Saturday my partner was out for the day and there was a knock at my door. I was amazed, and delighted, to find that it was the neighbour from across the road. Could I...

2 years ago
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She finally had our young neighbour

So it happened. My wife had a sexual encounter with our young neighbour. Unfortunately it was not something I was aware of until I accidentally discovered them together.Let me start by saying that my wife has had many fantasies involving our young neighbour Troy. He’s currently 22, blonde and a muscular 6 foot, hitting the gym every day after work. She is 45, fit, petite and extremely hot. We’ve dirty talked many times about her fantasies with Troy but she has never had the courage to try to...

1 year ago
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The LockedOut Neighbour

With a groan I slammed my almost emptylager bottle onto the table and stood up. I briefly debated putting on some trousers but then figured what the hell – if someone wants to knock at the front door ten minutes after I've got home from work then they'll just have to put up with me in my white Calvins and shirt. Opening the door I was a little surprised. It wasn't some kind of charity mugger or local councillor garnering votes. No, it was my hot as fuck neighbour, Warren. I could qualify that...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fucked My Hot Neighbour

After seeing the overwhelming responses from the ISS readers, this story is about how I fucked my neighbour a month ago. I live in Chennai and her name is Savitha (name changed) and she is from Andhra. She lives with her husband and her kid in our flats as they have recently shifted to Chennai due to her husband work location changed. To tel about her, she is little bubbly, not too much of over weight, but the weight a woman gains after giving birth to a baby. Am not sure about her size as I...

4 years ago
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Dinner Turned Sex With Neighbour

Hello All Hope everybody is doing good. I am here to share my sexual encounters with my neighbour. To start with, I am a software engineer from Hyderabad and I am 27. I am fair and good looking guy and I stay at Miyapur in a single bed room flat. There is this lady around 35 who stays next to my flat. I met here few times earlier while coming and going out of my flat and exchanged some casual talks. Her husband too works for an IT company and had been to US and she was staying alone. She is a...

2 years ago
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24 Hours With My Sexy Neighbour

1 The Early Morning Show I’d never thought of my neighbour, Hazel, as anything but that, a neighbour, a good neighbour, but just a neighbour. She was in her late sixties so the thought of her having sex had never entered my mind. That was until late last night!!! I’d been out with the lads and it was late, very late, around two in the morning. Most of the tenants of the small block of flats where I live are in their seventies and eighties, definitely not your typical night owl, so I was...

1 year ago
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24 Hours With My Sexy Neighbour

1 The Early Morning Show I'd never thought of my neighbour, Hazel, as anything but that, a neighbour, a good neighbour, but just a neighbour. She was in her late sixties so the thought of her having sex had never entered my mind. That was until late last night!!! I'd been out with the lads and it was late, very late, around two in the morning. Most of the tenants of the small block of flats where I live are in their seventies and eighties, definitely not your typical night owl, so I was...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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My New Neighbour

As you know i was trying to buy a new property but was having no luck.The only good thing to come out of my search had been that the estate agent had become a regular fuck buddy.When i did eventually find a place i was hoping that she would help me christen my new place.As it was one of my new neighbours achieved that honour.I had only been in there a little while when my next door neighbour came round.She was in her late fifties,long blonde hair,with nice pert breasts and a tight,firm ass.She...

3 years ago
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the New Neighbour

The new neighbourFall arrived and with it the annual ritual of moving, people seeking new places for the winter. This year the usual influx of students was curtailed by the ongoing “emergency”.Of interest to me was a flurry of activity next door. A moving van, people bustling around, unloading, carrying boxes and furniture inside, could this be new neighbours?The house had stood empty for four months. The backyard was a wasteland of discarded clothes, toys and broken furniture. Contractors had...

1 year ago
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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

3 years ago
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My mamis neighbour

Sarita hesitating removed her old blouse and was now in her bra exposing some amount of her boobs. I was pretty excited. Lata remarked, "Oh, you have not nice boobs, you need not feel shy in exposing it in front of both of us. I shall be glad if would remove your bra also before trying on the new blouse." I was shocked; I could not believe my luck; I hoped Sarita would do as requested by my mami. Sarita said, "Nothing doing; how can I expose myself in front of this boy;it is all right...

4 years ago
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Friendly Neighbour

A good few years ago I lived in a little flat in the suburbs. It was a small, two-story block, with only 6 residences and a little parking area with garages out the back. I was living there with my girlfriend at he time, a dark haired, B-cupped woman with whom I argued incessantly.Often, on my way out to work in the mornings I would pass one of the neighbours, a woman of about thirty with shoulder length, mousey hair cut into a neat sort-of bob. Her eyes were amazing. The little laugh lines at...

2 years ago
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My Wife8217s Affair With My Neighbour

Hi all ISS members and sex story readers. I am Jayanth from Bangalore writing this sex story for the first time since I became member of pride ISS club (). This is my true story written without hiding anything from my heart except the real names of us. Please read this story and send your sincere comments to enable me send some more real stories happened in my life. I am basically an engineer working in some reputed private organisation in Bangalore. I am married to mirmala in 1991 to a bsc...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

THE NEIGHBOUR Joanne Pare At the age of 18, I spent the summer at my parent's country chalet. Our neighbour had promise them that he would keep an eye on me. He lived there year round and was always alone. Our family came on the week-ends and I would be alone during the week. Andr?, the neighbour, would often come for supper with us and he proposed to my parents to take me for three days on a canoe trip. Since they had known him for years, they accepted. Our trop was planned for M...

1 year ago
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The Old Man finally has enough of his teen neighbour

I giggled into my scarf so as to muffle the sound. The faint scent of brandy and rum assulted my nose as my breath caught in my scarf's blue silken folds. Attempting to tiptoe lightly to my appartment door, I stumbled into a thin side table which thanks to my imbalance slammed against the radiator, sending in turn a deep metallic bang through the buildings heating system."Right you little cunt, 19 is old enough to have gained respect for elders..." I heard Mr Linton mutter as the door...

1 year ago
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Fucking my parents sexy neighbour

Introduction: When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… My parents...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

I live in a quiet neighbourhood. My house is surrounded by grass for the most part, but quite a lot of vegetation is present on the edges of the garden, so I'm completely shielded from the street. The only place from where people can have a look at me is when I'm sitting in the garden, from a window on the upper level of my neighbour's house. The same goes for my neighbour's garden and boy, I've been peeking a lot at that garden since I moved to this area... My neighbour Doe is a rather small...

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The Spying Neighbour

Jenny was thrown when she heard the doorbell, opened the front door, and saw her neighbour’s twenty-two-year-old daughter, Samantha, standing there. She smiled uneasily as she had just this moment come back downstairs after masturbating on her bed. The thing was that she had been fantasising about Samantha. Jenny was thirty-seven-years -old but was so taken by Samantha. “Hi Samantha,” Jenny managed to say looking her up and down. She looked so gorgeous in her pink cropped vest top showing off...

3 years ago
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My neighbour is in his 70's but a fit old chap he's very friendly to both myself and my wife, his wife died about 6 years ago and as far as i'm aware he doesnt have any lady callers.His bedroom is the other side of our bedroom wall so i would imagine he has heard us fucking a number of times as my wife isnt the quietest when she is in the zone.Let me set the scene we had been out for a number of drinks at out local so she was not dressed up just jeans and a blouse i wasnt even sure if she had...

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TO CANE A NEIGHBOUR he was born in 1957 and over the years developed an interest (perhaps an obsession) with spanking and especially caning since way back, in fact he said; “I guess the first time I can definitely attach a date to this ‘obsession’ was 1967. My elder sister (6 years older than me, she in the seniors and me in the juniors) went to the same school and at the end of one lunch break I saw my sister’s best friend, Sandra Fletcher, standing outside the Headmaster’s study sobbing...

1 year ago
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Fucked By My Neighbour

Because of my job I've had to travel up and down the UK, living in accommodations and hotels. I usually have around three months off in the summer so that I can go back home and see my family whose house I still technically live at. Upon arriving home I was greeted by parents as they were talking to the new neighbour. Now, despite being in a relationship with a girl for the last five years, I've always gotten off with men. The neighbour, named Tommy, was around six feet tall, with a pot belly...

3 years ago
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Steamy Sex With Hot MILF Neighbour

This sexy story revolves around a woman named Khyati who turned out to be my neighbour in a building I had just shifted in. Khyati was a 44-year-old single mother milf who could have easily passed on as a 25 year old. She was tall and a dusky woman with fat at the right places with a figure of approx 34-28-32. She had long curly hair and dark brown seductive eyes. Any straight man could have a hard on just by looking at her. My first encounter with her was while I was moving into my new flat...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Neighbour

This is a real life incidence if my friend and his sexual encounter with his neighbour! So story has been elaborated! Get ready for a hard on! I am Bharath and i am 5ft 6 inches with an athletic muscular body. Am 20 years old. And I have a very active social life with full of thrills. Let me come to the point. Let me introduce my neighbour. Knock! Knock! “Whose there”, she said. It is your neighbour. She opened the door way to heaven..? There she stood in her half length shirt and a tight...

2 years ago
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Being An Escort Enjoyed My Busty Neighbour

Hello friends. This is Raunak Singh. I’m from Mumbai. Aged 19 and currently studying. I am also an escort serving to local ladies on their request. People liked my previous two sex stories and they mailed me too which encouraged me to share more of my real life incidences. Again, ladies from Mumbai do not feel shy to mail me at as I maintain complete privacy and I change the name and place of my clients while narrating my experience. So getting back to the story: a lady lives on my floor just...

3 years ago
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the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top.She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

4 years ago
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Entertaining the Neighbour

She twirled the phone cord around her fingers as she listened to the dial tone, impatiently waiting for him to pick up at the other end. 3 rings, 4 rings, 5 rings.“Hello, Jack speaking,” he answered, his deep and masculine voice vibrating to her very core, making her already wet sex, ache.“I need you, I need to feel you against me. 7pm, our normal place. See you there?” she breathed down the phone line.“Baby doll, I can’t tonight. There’s no way I can escape," his voice now hushed into a...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

During May 2010 David and I had been to a party at my sister’s - an adult party –By the time we were ready to leave it was late at night and my sister dared me to let my hubby drive me home in nothing but my heels leaving my clothes behind, I accepted the dare, yes I’d had a few wines, so not thinking too much about it, it’s about 12 miles back to our place mostly through some countryside and some streets. I also know another reason why I accepted her dare was, I had previously told her...

1 year ago
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The night I was pleasured by my neighbour

I am Natalia, a shemale and I have enjoyed rough sex a lot. I like fucking both men and women as long as I am satisfied. This one night I was literally made to get pleasured by my neighbour and I enjoyed it a lot. He had just jumped me and entered my apartment forcefully. I got scared and resisted but the minute he kissed me I relaxed. “So, you want to have a dalliance with me?” I asked Jory. “I want to fuck you and suck on your cock. Will you let me?” he asked. I smiled and hugged him,...

1 year ago
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When phone sex turned into an intense sex experience with my neighbour

Hello everyone. My name is Emma and I am typically a shy girl. I recently shifted to this new place away from my parents due to work and was feeling very lonely those days. I had been through a bad experience in my relationship, so I had decided not to date anyone for some time. I usually kept myself busy doing other things and it made me feel happy and content. I was not the type of person to hook up with someone or even have a casual relationship. This was because I used to feel very shy...

Real Hookup
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Checking out the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top. She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

2 years ago
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Helpfull Neighbour

This is a very long story with a long lead in. Hopefully the wait will be worth it. Helpful Neighbour. My names is Jerry and I am 27. My wife is Mona and she is 25. We have been friends since we were in nappies. Through her teen years she went a bit wild and got a bit of a reputation. Especially with regard to her clothing or in some stories lack of clothing. But then she suddenly seemed to become happy being with me. I considered myself to be very very lucky to have such a gorgeous woman...

4 years ago
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My new BBW neighbour

Just the other day, I noticed a removals wagon parked in front of the house next door. It had stood empty for a while, so new neighbours moving in was to be expected. My last neighbours were very old, and moved into a warden controlled flat for the elderly, so I was interested to see who the new people were.I peered through my curtains to get a look. I saw the two burley removals men back and forth with the furniture, but no one else.Then I saw a woman of about 40 bring out a tray with coffee...

2 years ago
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Black girls get revenge on their posh white neighbour

Introduction Mrs Amsel scrubbed at the inside of the oven with the small scouring pad, her manicured nails had been ruined by this weeks unaccustomed manual labour but it was almost over.  It was Friday and in a few hours she'd be paid and able to salvage a grain of dignity by declining further cleaning work from Mrs Fumbe.  The most irritating part for Mrs Amsel was how the black women feigned concern for her financial woes and offered the small amount of cash as almost mocking charity.Unlike...

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Love Thy Neighbour

It was late, around midnight, when something woke me. I looked at the bedside clock, my mind still struggling to reach rational thought. Damn, only been in bed half an hour. What woke me?The knocking was repeated, soft yet persistent, answering the unspoken question. Quickly throwing on a robe to cover my nakedness, I went downstairs to see who was going to be screamed at. To my surprise it was Alison, my next door neighbour. Fully dressed, even to having a coat and shoes on."Marie, I am so...

2 years ago
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My 42year old neighbour

his is the story about my neighbour when I still lived with my parents house. At the time I was about 22 years old and at the neighbours they had 3 sons, the oldest one, Robert, aged 19 was my good friend. Only their mother was living there as his parents were divorced about 10 years before. She was about 20 years older then me, so a mature 42-year woman. She was quite chubby with a pair of big tits, I guess minimum D-size. She had curly blond hair and grey eyes and always in a happy mood. Her...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi8217s Sex Adventure With Handsome Neighbour

Hi, I’m Anjana from Chennai. This story was narrated to me by one of my girl-friend few days back. I am portraying myself as her in this story. The story is real but it’s not my experience. It was shared by my friend. Note: I am married. Just because I write sex stories doesn’t mean I’m open for hookups, sex chats and meetups. I am not interested in any of those. Please don’t disturb me with those. Although I would welcome feedbacks of the story and will reply to every feedbacks. Email me at ...

2 years ago
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Sex With Hot Neighbour

First of all, I would like to thank all those who liked my previous story. Though I just got replies from very less, I was lucky enough to have sex with one of my fans who turned out to be my hot neighbour. I am 20-year-old boy living in Chennai. All those girls who want to have fun with me, either sex or webcam or roleplay chat or anything mail me. I had received a mail from a girl who said she liked my story. She said she is 22 years old, just finished college and was working as a trainee in...

1 year ago
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Exploring With An Innocent Neighbour

I’m a huge fan of iss and have been reading all the stories for a long time and I thought to post my experience for all the readers here. This story starts about 2 years back when I decided to talk to my neighbour. She was a studious girl and she was one year elder to me so we didn’t talk much. I used to look at her sister, she was so gorgeous and soo innocent type of girl. I thought to talk to her and sent her an FB request later decided to drop the topic as I didn’t want to have any problem...

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