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In the hangar on Dóchas, several choir members, Shannon, Natalia and Bev, were waiting as the door to the Alpha2 opened. Marge, Evelyn, Fred and Chad emerged from the shuttle and Evelyn introduced their visitors to the choir members. Steve and Carl, the TV cameraman, managed to get some photos of their arrival. Greetings each other had just ended when the chime sounded, signifying the start of lunch.

"Ladies and gentlemen," said the choir members, in harmony, "the chime signified the start of lunch. We can dine in the conference room, or we can go to the dining room. As Briana cautioned you earlier most of those in the dining room are not wearing any covering. Our lunch is presented buffet style."

Rob and Paul looked at each other, and then shrugged. "Initially, we came to hear you sing," said Rob. "We very definitely want to do that. At the same time, we definitely want to know more about all of you. The dining room sounds like an excellent way to start."

"I agree," said Paul, "although, if everyone is as good-looking as those we have already seen, then we may have difficulty focusing on our food." Several of the group chuckled, and one or two of the visitors looked reluctant.

Sam, Rob and Marge led the group to the dining room. Their progress was rather slow as the group was interested in everything they passed in the corridor.

"It is hard to believe," said Paul, "that we are on a spaceship. It is a place I never thought I would be."

"Shannon, how did the choir start?" asked Samuel.

"Most of us were what you would have called nerds in college."

"You're from Earth?"

"Yes, many of us are. I believe the Command Staff plans on covering that with you after you hear the choir."

"Good, and sorry for interrupting you."

"Contrary to popular belief, nerds do other things besides technical activities. Many of us sing or play an instrument as a hobby. Quite a few of us are as proficient in music as we are in our technical pursuits. After we settled in here, we discovered the music of the ship's home world in the library. We had some difficulty with the music at first, as it is scored a bit differently to what we were used to. It took us some time to adapt to the different way of writing music. Once we sorted that out, we had a lot of fun and enjoyment from singing and playing it. In many ways, we think it may be more expressive than what we learned on Earth."

"Excuse me Shannon," said Cass, as they had reached the dining room. "Please, everyone, help yourself to the food and follow Sam, as we will all sit together."

"Samuel, I'll continue when we sit down, as I don't want to disturb you while you are selecting your meal."

"Wow," said Melinda, "This food looks better than I've seen in some fancy restaurants."

"It is," said Bev, "much better."

"Well everything we've been told on Earth," said Melinda, "indicates that food for space travel had to be specially prepared."

"If you are in a weightless environment that is true, however, this is not a weightless environment."

"You're right. It feels so normal, I guess it didn't fully register."

"Samuel, do you speak Gaelic or Celtic?" asked Shannon.

"No, not really. I know enough that I sometimes understand the song's lyrics, especially when the melody matches the emotions. If I understood what you were saying earlier, the choir learned the music together, from information in the library?"

"Our forefathers recorded the music in a manner that makes it easy to feel and sense, but at the same time, difficult to vocalize." Pamela made a rude noise, indicating her disdain for what was said. "Many of us sang in choirs before we came here, while others were quite proficient with various musical instruments. All of us had already picked up our Celtic-style dialect, so it was just a question of getting the vocals to match what we sensed and felt."

"You have a very interesting way of wording things," said Melinda. "How do you know that your interpretation is correct?"

"A few of the crew, who knew our forefathers, have told us sounded perfect, as far as they were concerned anyway. We think we need to polish some of the expressions, as we think they could be better."

"Ah, a true musician," exclaimed Samuel, with a big smile. Samuel saw the expressions on Melinda's and Paul's faces, and realized they didn't understand the implication. "True musicians always feel their performance, or effort, could be better, and strive to make it that way. I think you will find that most brilliant people, whether they are focused on science or music, are compulsive about their efforts. Those who categorize them as nerds are simply expressing their envy."

"You really believe all that shit," asked Pamela, looking at Samuel. Several of the visitors gasped at her comment. "I don't."

Marge and Evelyn started to apologize. "Relax Marge, Evelyn," said Sam, "we can tell the difference between a gem and a lump of coal. Besides, I think we have the perfect song to sing after lunch."

"Good idea," said Shannon, grinning. "We haven't sung that one very much as it is a vocal challenge."

"Yes, three in this group will certainly appreciate the challenge, and all the rest, except one, will like it, and may recognize the complexity. The odd one puzzles me."

"Let's take the dishes up and clean the tables off before we go listen to the choir," said Briana. Most of the guests followed the lead of their hosts in cleaning up their luncheon area.

Shannon and Samuel lead the group toward the room where the choir would sing. When they reached it, many of the choir were already there, along with the musicians. Some were looking a little nervous.

Melinda, Paul, Rob, Samuel and Pamela were seated in the front row, with the four reporters right behind them, along with the other visitors. Steve and Carl each took a position where they could photograph the choir and guests as the performance progressed. Briana's, Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans were hardly noticed by the guests as they joined the audience, followed by Sarah's Clan just before the lights dimmed for the performance.

Sam, Shannon, and Kaylin stepped out from the choir. Speaking as one, they began, "Thank all of you for coming this afternoon. As some of you know, this will be our second performance in front of an audience, which makes us a little nervous. This afternoon, we propose to first sing six songs. Each will be sung twice. The first time will be in our home language, which is similar to Earth's old Celtic. The second time will be a mixture of modern Celtic or English. The seventh song will be sung in our home language, which again will sound much like old Celtic." The three stepped back to the choir, and the performance began.

Their song set, this time, covered a broader range of songs than they had presented to the crew several evenings earlier. At the end of each song, the audience applauded vigorously. It was clear by the expression on Samuel's face that he was enjoying the music.

Just before the last planned song, Sam stepped forward with Shannon. "This next song is rather unique to us, and we have only begun to practice it recently. We are not sure it can be recorded, but think it will be well received at live performances." Pamela again made a rude sound as Sam completed her presentation. "This one will only be sung in a dialect similar to Earth's old Celtic." With that, Shannon and Sam stepped back in the choir.

The audience quickly felt the difference in this song. It told of birth, growth, near defeat and then a rise to glory among the stars. While the concept was similar to the other songs, this song carried much more feeling and emotion in the words and sounds. The choir could see the effect it had on their audience as they moved through each part. It ended on a high, causing many to have tears of happiness in their eyes. Even Pamela was visibly moved by it.

Samuel stood as the applause began, prompting the others to rise as it continued. After bowing several times, Shannon stepped to the front again, causing the applause to quiet. "On behalf of my friends, we thank you. We would like to show our thankfulness with one more song. We have only sung this one a few times, and only know it in our native Celtic dialect."

The song had a light fast tempo, with words that drew the audience into it. From the sound and tune, it was clear this was a song of celebration that would soon have you dancing or tapping your feet. When the song and applause ended, Samuel said, "Beyond the Stars Choir, I want to thank all of you for blessing me with your performance. I feel I could listen to this all afternoon, or longer. You are great. Seldom does one hear such depth of emotion in music. It is wonderful or simply out of this world. It wouldn't surprise me if you had more concert requests than you can handle."

"Thank you," said the choir, in unison.

With that, while the reporters and editors were talking, many of the impromptu guests for the concert began to leave. As the room emptied, the Command Staff moved over to the visitors. Rob happened to look over to see Sarah and Aoife approaching while he was talking to Paul and Samuel. He just stopped speaking as he kept looking up. His reaction caused everyone to look around.

"Hi, Sarah, Aoife," said Marge, Evelyn and Fred. "Rob, Paul, these people are Dóchas's Command Staff." She proceeded then to introduce each member of the Command Staff to the visitors. Each of the Command Staff nodded as they were introduced. It took a few moments before the visitors recovered enough to begin shaking hands and acknowledging the introductions.

"Marge," said Sarah, "judging by their expressions, maybe you should have warned them about our height."

"It is not just your height," replied Melinda. "All of you are outstandingly beautiful, in addition to being tall and graceful." The others in the visitors just nodded. "Would it be possible for me to do a canned intro to the choir before we begin talking about other things?"

"What do you have in mind?" asked Joyce.

"Well, I need a spot where Carl can film me doing the intro for the film we took of the choir singing. Ideally, the location needs to clearly show where we are."

"For that, I think we have the perfect place. Come, let's all go have a look," said Joyce, as she led them to the observation deck. Many gasped at the sight as they walked out onto it, as the view showed both the Earth and Moon, with Mars in the background.

"Perfect," said Melinda. "Carl, we don't want to hold things up very much, so I will do a short ad lib intro for the location and choir. Start and end with me, but be sure to include the others with us in the shots."

"Good evening," said Melinda, as she began the intro, "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we are on board the space ship Dóchas to hear their choir, Beyond the Stars, sing. For this special performance, we are accompanied by the editors of Grand View's newspapers along with several reporters and staff. Behind me you can see a view of Earth and its Moon as seen from the ship's observation platform. The choir sang 6 songs for us that are now on the Internet, plus 2 new ones."

"How does that look, Carl?"

"Like you were excited."

"I am. Do we need to do it again?"

"No, the newsroom has plenty of good tape to use."

"Melinda, Carl," said Brenda, arriving on the observation deck, "do you need to send this now?"

"Yes," said Carl. "The earlier we have it with the news team, the more likely it is that they will include it in the news segment. How can they contact us if they have questions?"

"Come with me, and we can get this started." Carl left with Brenda.

Melinda stepped over to the others. "Thank you so much for letting me record that before we begin the interview."

"We don't mind at all," said Rob with a smile. "It is always nice to have a free advertisement for our upcoming stories." Melinda's expression quickly turned to a worried look.

"Melinda," said Marge, "I think Rob is pulling your chain." Melinda glanced back at Rob, and he nodded with an even bigger smile.

"Rob, Paul," said Briana, "I sense you were surprised that we knew Steve and Allen." Both nodded their heads. "We met Allen when we needed transportation to take us from the business airport to the commercial airport. This was when Adam came home on leave. While we were at the airport, Steve saw us and took pictures for a human interest story. Steve, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you had just finished another assignment when you heard about us?"

"Yes, that was the first time. I didn't meet Allen until the second time I saw you at the airport. Good thing we met, too. Weren't there five soldiers there?"

"Yes. They are all here, or will be at dinner time."

"Oh, I remember that spread," said Paul.

"You remember it?" asked Rob.

"Sure, I would have rather had it in my paper," said Paul, as he chuckled, along with several others.

"Let's go down to the conference room," said Tara. "Do you mind if we show the interview on our monitors?"

"I don't," said Paul.

"Neither do I," said Rob, as they followed Tara to the conference room.

–-- –-- –--

The group had just settled in the conference room when Brenda and Carl joined them, causing a worried look to appear on Melinda's face. "Relax," said Carl, "it went fine. We gave them a contact number if they want to reach us."

"Rob, Paul," said Sarah, "why don't we give you a broad overview of ourselves first. We suspect that will answer some of your immediate questions. Then we will go back and add details to the initial presentation."

"Seems like a good way to start," said Rob, with Paul nodding in agreement.

Sarah presented an overview that answered most of the general questions: Where they came from, how they got there, who they were, and why so many now originated from Earth. From there, she pointed out that there were a number of physical differences between the two species, but that they were biologically compatible. A couple of people started to ask questions, but she asked that they hold them until that part of the presentation. The Command Staff then took turns with each segment of the presentation until they had filled in all the details.

"Wow," said Paul, when the presentations drew to a close. "I think I have many questions, but I am not sure where to start."

"Oh, I can," snarled Pamela. "All of that stuff about telepathic abilities is hogwash. People have been claiming that ability for ages, but nothing has ever been demonstrated."

"You're right," said Joyce, with an edge in her voice. "We can demonstrate it in a moment. First, could you answer one question for me: who in their right mind on Earth would advertise that ability, since it would invite so much scrutiny that it would drive a person crazy?"

"Looking at it from that perspective, I agree."

Judy looked at each of the attendees, and could see the doubts in their faces as well. "Many of you have doubts about much of what you have heard." Everyone nodded their head. "You will not be able to tell anyone outside this society, or even this group, about our being telepathic."

"You understood what I just said, correct," continued Judy, verbally. The Command Staff watched, as the implications of what they had heard registered with their guests.

"I thought I heard you say we could not tell anyone about you being telepathic outside this society," said Samuel, "but I did not see your lips move."

"Yes," replied Judy, "that was the thought I projected to all of you. With your permission, we can sense your thoughts, as well. That would only be the thoughts that are in your active, or short-term, memory."

"In our society, we do not look at others' thoughts without permission," said Alison. "If you are telepathic, you will know immediately when someone unknown to you is trying to probe your thoughts, or enter your mind. There are ways to protect yourself from that. If you are not telepathic, you will sense the intrusion, but not understand its intent. This will likely cause you to avoid the situation or the people where it occurred.

"The original crew communicated exclusively by telepathy. Since we joined them, we have chosen to use a mixed mode of communicating. We find the mixed mode much more universally effective. You wonder why the preference for telepathic communication? It is simply very effective in critical situations. It works in a vacuum. It is clear and not subject to electronic interference. Best of all, it automatically includes intent and emotion. Within a clan or family, we form a mind-link, which is a very personal sharing of thoughts, emotions, ideas and memories among all the members of the clan."

"Does that answer satisfy you?" asked Judy.

"No," responded Pamela, sharply. "Look at this memory, then tell us what happened to me."

After a moment, Judy said, "Are sure you want to do this?"


Maeve, Alison, and Judy looked at the memory she had brought forth. They were shocked at what Pamela had chosen. It also gave them a sense as to why she was so hostile to those around her.

"You really want us to describe that event?"

"Yes," responded Pamela firmly.

"Alright, but why?"

"It is the only event that I can think of where the others here could verify some of it, if need be."

"Let's do this. We will summarize your memory sufficiently so you are sure that we know its content. It begins with you being invited by a close high school girl friend to an overnight slumber party in your senior year. It wasn't until later that you learned that one of the girls at the party wanted to humiliate you. She felt you were trying to lure away her boyfriend. One of the evening's party activities was hypnotizing a person and getting them to do something funny. When they hypnotized you, they created several scenes in which you would star. This played on your deep desire to be an actress, and it avoided directly asking you to do something you would likely refuse. For the first scene, they had you eating what you thought was a banana split, only it was a banana protruding from a girl's vagina, surrounded by whipped cream. You were told to lick the bowl clean. You did, thinking it was the container for the banana split. In the next scene, they had you kneel so you could suck a long round lollipop, which was really one of the football player's cocks, covered with syrup. In the third scene, you were riding a horse bareback. The imaginary horse was really another football player's legs, with his cock buried in you. During the breaks between scenes, you were given a drink that made the rest of the evening a blur and you very pliable. You learned later that you had spent the rest of the party with your head between the legs of one of the girls, eating a banana split while being fucked.

"Early in the morning, you were told to shower and then come back. The group was talking about what they were going to do for the rest of the weekend. Occasionally, one of them would touch you, and it would feel just like they were touching your skin. Several times, their movements brushed your nipples, causing them to swell with arousal. You knew you had dressed, and were surprised at the sensation. You didn't know, until later, that the girl that had hypnotized you had left you with two residual instructions to follow, until someone spoke a key phrase breaking the condition. The first one was that, even though you were naked, you felt and saw yourself as being dressed. The second was that you would have difficulty wearing a bra for any length of time. If you put one on, it would quickly become itchy and hot. As soon as you removed it, you would feel very comfortable. For you, with your D-size breasts, the lack of a bra was very noticeable.

"The key phrase about clothes was spoken just after breakfast. You were shocked when you realized you had been naked all through breakfast, while the other girls were dressed. Then, one girl commented that you must be an exhibitionist, or trying to put the make on them. Everyone laughed as you went to dress. You found it difficult to wear your bra and after several attempts left it off. By the time you had finished dressing all of the attendees had left. You noticed the hostess smirk when she saw your bra-less tits bouncing as you walked, causing you to blush.

"You did not hear the phrase releasing the instruction about the bra for several months. When you did, it was said by someone completely unrelated to the slumber party. By then, you realized you had missed your period. Two months later, when you went to the doctor, you found out you were pregnant. You couldn't imagine how you had gotten pregnant. When your family heard you didn't know who the father was, they told you to move out, since you were an embarrassment. You were devastated.

"You were even more devastated when you received the package containing the DVD. With it was a note telling you that it was of your performance at the slumber party. In the note, you learned your friend had switched your birth control pills a short time before the party. The group had timed the party so that they were fairly certain you would be fertile. Seven months into the pregnancy, you miscarried, and ended up spending some time in the hospital. It was while you were recovering you made several decisions about your future. One was not to let anyone get close to you again."

By the time Maeve had finished the recitation, Pamela was sobbing. When she had begun crying, both Marge and Evelyn had moved over beside her, with their arms on her shoulders.

"Carl," said Melinda, "you didn't tape that, did you?"

"No. When Judy questioned whether she wanted to do this, I sensed it was time to turn the camera off."

"We cut the feed to our systems before Maeve started," said Sally. "We didn't think it should be shared outside this room, unless Pamela chose to do so."

"Pamela," said Marge, "why did you recall that memory?"

"I really didn't believe they were telepathic. I only intended to remember the part about the miscarriage because that was in the paper, so it could be independently verified. Those events are so closely tied together that I didn't realize they couldn't be separated until it was too late. Well, late enough that I didn't want to back out."

"Pamela," said Rob, "I don't believe you need to worry about this being shared outside this room and this group."

"Thanks. I sense the same thing, which surprises me as I have been a bitch. Although I never showed it, I felt I could always trust what you told me. In fact, I sense I can believe all of you. Believing in anyone has been something I haven't been able to do for a long time. Maeve, thank you."


"Hearing my story out loud has made me realize that I have been blaming the world for what happened. Those involved in the slumber party were no longer around when the final events took place. So I took my anger out on anyone around me. My anger seems to have grown with time. In some ways, it may have helped, as it kept me focused on music and drama. I can now see that it also limited my opportunities."

"Restrained or blunted anger quite often does that," said Judy. "I am sure that if you want to discuss how to deal with the residual effects of this event any of us would be willing to listen and help, if we can."

"Thanks. Marge, Evelyn, Fred, please accept my apologies for the things I have said and done. I hope we can be friends, in time."

"The apology is not necessary, but gladly accepted," responded the three reporters.

"Rob, if I'm still working for the paper, I promise to no longer be a pain in the ass or the bitch that I was. Bear in mind, I still may be bitchy, on occasion."

"You are working for the paper, unless you decide to leave."

"Oh, no," said Samuel, with a smile, "I'll be losing readers, and my editor will be after my scalp." Everyone chuckled, as the comment lightened the atmosphere.

"Pamela, the four of us are telepathic, as well," said Marge, referring to her fellow reporters.

"There are supposedly more abilities in the psionic category than telepathy," said Paul, bringing the interview back on track.

"Yes, there are others. We would prefer not to explore the topic any deeper," replied Aoife.

"I find the description of the differences in the bodies difficult to comprehend," said Melinda, redirecting the focus. She saw Carl open his mouth and quickly continued, "Now Carl, don't say something smart." Everyone laughed.

"We can help you with that," replied the Command Staff, as they let their tops and pants slide to the floor. Erin and Aoife stepped out of their pants and walked over to stand next to her.

"Melinda, you can touch, as I can see from your expression that you want to. I should warn you however that we are very easily aroused by touch. So don't be surprised at that response."

"Please, look closer if you want to," said Sarah to the others, as she moved around the room.

"How can you be so relaxed?" asked Pamela, with Melinda nodding.

"Well, first, it feels natural and unrestrained to us. Second, except for a few bits, we are very much alike. We think there is less variance in our features than is normally seen among Earth's residents, while at the same time, we are each unique. There are a number of differences between our species and yours. Many of these are quite evident visually, while several others are not."

"How can there be less variance, when many of you originated from Earth?" asked Rob.

"As we noted in the presentations, when we make the transition to this species, it is by way of a genetic treatment. It alters our body in many ways, some of which you cannot see. Our facial features only change slightly, so we look very much like we did before the treatment."

"All of you are very beautiful," said Steve. "I would love to do a photo spread on the whole group."

"What are the differences we can't see?" asked Paul.

"Most of us have two hearts, which work in parallel. Our vision can be described as more sensitive. Our psionic abilities are more responsive and stronger."

"I agree with Steve," said Rob. "A photo spread of this group would be great, and really, from what I saw in the dining room, it could include just about anyone. All of you are quite photogenic."

"Why a photo spread?" asked Claudette.

"It is a way for people to become familiar with you," said Steve. "It would normally be difficult for the paper to do the full nudity in a photo spread, but with careful composing and your celebrity status, it should be okay. That is really Rob or Paul's call, though."

"Steve, we would need to see the layout before making a commitment," replied Rob, with Paul nodding.

"I am really impressed by all of you, and your surroundings, though at the same time I am puzzled," said Rob, "Why are you making your presence known? It seems to me that you don't need to, and in fact, it may complicate your future in this solar system."

"One reason for making our presence known is," said the Command Staff, in unison, "that we wanted Earth to know definitively that there are others in the universe. Growing up on Earth, we know that many doubt that idea. From our perspective, with the current divisions between different groups on Earth, it is unlikely that they will ever really explore space. The history of civilizations in other solar systems indicates exploration only begins once they see the strengths in each other, rather than the differences. Based on the similarities to other cultures, we see self-righteousness as a key characteristic behind the turmoil on Earth between the regions, races, and sexes. Many who serve as leaders have gone to great lengths to magnify the differences between groups. Their purpose is solely to maintain their position. Apparently they do not care, or don't realize, that they are sowing the seeds for growing turmoil and possible destruction.

"The differences on Earth between genders, in terms of interactions, are largely driven by culture. The physical part of the differences is the result of selective breeding, or the preferences expressed when desiring to mate.

"So it is likely, from our perspective, that Earth's technology will never progress enough to explore much beyond this solar system, and possibly no further than Mars."

"Holy cow, that is a political bomb shell," said Paul.

"Yes, if expressed as bluntly as we just did. Expressing it that way would certainly make us the object of hate or discontent. Notice, we didn't say all politicians acted as described. There are many who truly seek to act in a way that is beneficial to their constituents, country and long-term wellbeing. The difficulty this last group faces is that they don't make exciting news.

"A more significant reason for making our presence known is that we thought there might be some others interested in joining us that we weren't reaching. While we are not doing this to actively seek additional crew members, we are open to evaluating anyone who expresses an interest. For the last several years, as we noted earlier, we have approached a number of college graduates with a proposal of working for us. In doing this, we have focused on individuals who had few, if any, living family members. There are a number of characteristics a candidate needs to have before we approach them. While we approached candidates with the idea of them working for us, nearly all have decided to stay and join our species.

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When I got back from sailing, tired and thirsty there was message on my phone from Greg. "Hey buddy, how are you holding up? Hear there is trouble in paradise. Care to talk about it? Give me a call. I was conflicted. Greg is a great friend but I'm also 99.9999 percent sure that he cuckolds me with my wife. Well let's see what he has to say I thought as I dialed his number. "Hey Greg, it's Peter. You called" "Peter, sorry about that business with Monique. How are you holding...

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Bible Study

Lester Stix first discovered the real power of the phrase quite by accident. It was an unfortunate thing that caused quite a bit of embarrassment for some of the community’s most staid and honored families. It also cost Elias Helms his position as assistant pastor at the local Congregational Protestant Church. Lester and Elias were close friends both having studied at Oral Roberts University before each entered their chosen profession. Lester went into archeology while Elias went into...

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Finding Happiness on the Lower East Side

Joanna Edwards was a nervous wreck because of a phone call and text she had recently received. The combination of the two had rocked her normally unflappable self to the core. The call had been from one of the few friends she had here in Redding and it had left her speechless. What was even worse was the person had requested that she not call back but they would talk about it Tuesday. She had arranged to have lunch with the person Donna Calloway, the mother of her daughter’s best friend. The...

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Cassies LoveChapter 12

“So, Grandma, what do you think of our home?” Trevor asked Jordan suddenly at the dinner table, breaking the deadly silence of this somber family meal. “It’s amazing, I must say. Your mother did very well with her life, no thanks to me. I have never been so torn between guilt, shame, sorrow, pride, and joy in my life. Guilt, because I did such a God awful thing. Shame, because it was a truly horrible secret that I kept for so damn long! Sorrow, because I didn’t see any of this happen in time...

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Mom And Son Forced To Have Sex

Hi guys, this is Ricky. 19 years old son to a beautiful mom named Roselin. First of all, I would like to introduce my self. I am the guy studying the final year of my graduation. I was a virgin guy who had not tasted any relationship with any girl due to my less talkativeness. I don’t make a lot of friends or girlfriends. I spend most of the time reading books, writing, watching movies, and spending time with my mom and dad. My mom is a beautiful decent modern lady. Her age is 41, but she looks...

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Gioia mia giovane lettrice e il suo fidanzato nell

chi mi volesse contattare può scrivere a [email protected] è una ragazza Toscana, una mia assidua lettrice. La nostra conoscenza è cominciata per via dei suoi commenti ai miei racconti che inizialmente erano molto brevi ed asciutti con frasi come scrivi dei bei racconti complimenti.Nel tempo lo scambio epistolare con Gioia si fa sempre più fitto non perché mi confidi chissà quali cose anzi le nostre conversazioni sono abbastanza banali, ma comincio a pensare che se mi scrive così...

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Training my daughter to be a bimbo part 7

Part seven of my story.I came home to be greeted by Cindy standing at the door. She looked stunning, obviously she had been to the beauticians that morning as everything about her look perfect, her gorgeous platinum blonde hair, her nails, make up a slight pouting lips hinting at some Botox and of course she was dressed like a complete slut.She took me by the hand and led me into the living room where she sat down and looked up at me "is daddy hungry?"This was now part of our routine, any time...

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Chudai Hi Chudai

I’m ali (name changed) from Islamabad.Pakistan I am 5. 9″ tall good looking and 7″ long 2.5″ thick dick. This story is about my lovely virgin hot sweet and little cousin . She is my father”s sister”s daughter. They live in Multan. She have 2 sisters and she is 5. 2″ tall not so smart not too fat but nice looking with green eyes 28c boobs big gand and small & sweet pussy with out hair on her cunt. She is only 18 years old. She has great smile and color is white like milk. Friends woh aisi thi...

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Quarantine Pristine 1

Quarantine Pristine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "I don't think that looks too bad any more, sweetheart," said her mother. "Yeah, because I've spent the last two days with either a full shield or a catcher's mask on," replied Sabrina, allowing her mother to inspect her black eye. "Well his turn is over and now it's yours, so unless you're going to make him kick the soccer ball with you, then I assume sports are over for a few days." Her mother smiled,...

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Peeping Ed by loyalsock

Ed stood in the lobby of his apartment building slowly going through his mail. He flipped through the stack slowly, looking up between each piece to see if she was coming. She was 5F; at least that was her apartment number. He stalled with his mail to see if she would come in according to schedule. That she lived in 5F was perfect; it was perfect because her apartment was directly across the courtyard from his.Ed looked up one last time and in she strolled. The setting sun streamed through door...

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Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story. My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur exactly in the order I listed...

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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 6

Surprise, surprise, I wake up feeling thoroughly used and horny as fuck. I look at you and you’re still sleeping. Checking the clock, it’s only 6:00 am. Damn, I want you to fuck me so bad, but I hate to wake you up. I think of masturbating, but I know you like to watch me so what am I supposed to do? Finally I decide to wake you. I move down the bed until I’m laying between your legs and I slowly begin sucking on your balls as gently as I possibly can. I feel your cock twitching so I start...

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Thinking of somebody else

I watch him sometimes at night. He lives in the house opposite and often walks into his room naked. He’s about 19 or 20, tall, well built. I’ve stared many times as his taut arse, even his cock. I have touched myself while watching him upstairs, the light out. And on one bonus, bonus occasion, I saw him masturbating in front of the mirror. Did he secretly know I was watching and masturbating too? I can’t get enough of taring at his young, muscular body. I came watching him that night. When I...

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Dead End Street IIChapter 2

My darling Fay cooked the Canadian bacon and Toni poached the eggs. I toasted the English muffins and put it all together. We were eating (Make that gorging) by nine thirty. I noticed the black clouds to the south but kept quiet. Those gulf storms move fast. The C.D. player was going in the living area and if there had been any thunder no one heard it. At ten minutes till ten a deafening thunder clap scared hell out of the ladies. Most of us went to look out the windows. There was a black...

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I Bet My Wife

Helga, my wife, has an incredible body. I mean her body is absolutely perfect. Beautiful long legs, an incredible bubble-butt, soft and smooth. Her tits, oh sweet Jesus, her tits are a work of art. Perfectly formed, sitting high up on her chest with perfectly round areolas and pencil-eraser sized nipples. She's 5'6" and her measurements are 34D-24-34. Perfect. Helga's face is a little different. Oh, I don't mean that she's ugly or anything. I've heard Helga described as "plain," and I...

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Kyle the weremoose gets lucky

Kyle was an average guy in his late twenties, and the last person anyone would ever expect to become a terror stalking his suburban development at the edge of town.“Your father couldn’t keep his eyes off my tits, you know.” Gina looked out at the endless pine trees lining the road as they whizzed by in the twilight.“I mentioned it to him,” Kyle said. “He’s always been a lecher. Getting worse in his old age, too. But can you blame him? I said you should wear something less form-fitting. You’re...

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Three Wishes

Jimmy Laughlin was a just regular kind of guy. There was nothing really remarkable about him. At six foot tall and 165 pounds with sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes he was good looking, but nothing spectacular. He wasn't rich by any means - he worked hard to make a living. Jimmy was a "picker", a person that goes from one swap meet, yard sale, or rummage sale to another buying things that he thought he could fix up, clean up, and resell for a profit. He was mechanically-inclined and pretty good...

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Her 50th Birthday

I was traveling on company business and had just checked into my room and ran down to the bar to get a drink before happy hour ended at the motel. When I approached the bar, no one was serving but the booze was there and I helped myself to a tall gin with ice. There was only one couple in the bar and the man came over to get he and his wife a drink and made me a very unusual proposition. He said it was his wife's fiftieth birthday and all of their married life they had fantasized about two men...

First Time
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My Vacation with Gabika 6

Chapter 6.Gabika’s secrets revealed.[/b]There is no doubt - Gabika is different. But what made her so different?[/b]We went to bathe in the river Tizsa in a village called V***********. Funny how difficult to pronounce foreign names are ever so long. Anyhow, it seems that this is a major attraction in the area, I wonder why. We bathed in the river and in some health spa, and sang on the banks of the river dressed in bathing suits and towels...

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Valeries first hardcore porn session

*** REPRISE STORY WITH EXTRA BITS ***For the last ten years Valerie was working as a glamour model. She initially started as a pinup for Britain's tabloid papers but the popularity of other models meant she struggled for work. So reluctantly she branched out into other fields like explicit nude photos. After a couple of years her popularity grew, not only in her native UK but across Europe where she was always in demand for work especially across Europe. Such was the demand for her, she...

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Bhauja Mo Sex Teacher

Chumbini: Bhauja , kaali kharaabele kie aasithila Bhauja: Mo piiusi pua bhai raaja Chumbini: Se ta khub maza karuthile Bhauja: Kouthi Chumbini: Tuma soibaghare tuma sangare Bhauja: Tume kemiti jaanila Chumbini: Tuma hasa suni mu baadi pate parisra karuthiba bele anuman kali duhe kana gote karuchha Ta boundary epataku aasi jharaka kana re dekhili Bhauja: Kana dekhila Chumbini: Sekatha kana kuhanti Bhauja: Mor sunibaku bahut ichha Tumaku mo raana kuha na hele mu kemiti hoijibi Chumbini: Tume mu...

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Summer Camp part 1

School had just gotten out for the summer and Liz was excited about an opportunity to go to a summer camp for high school students teaching leadership skills for a few weeks during the summer. She had just turned 18 and graduated from high school and life was good. The camp had a lake, swimming pools, horseback riding, and of course the hopes of meeting up with some cute guys. Liz's parents dropped her off and left while Liz unpacked her things into the cabin she was staying at. She met...

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Listening to JackChapter 4

Emily woke up the next morning, feeling muddled and confused. For some reason, she had a hard time remembering exactly what she'd done the day before. She knew she'd had a perfect day, and that everything had been amazing ... but exactly what had been amazing about it, she couldn't say for sure. She honestly didn't know. She vaguely knew she'd done something with her twin brother Jack, which seemed odd, but for the life of her she couldn't remember what they'd done together. But the...

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JulesJordan Savana Styles Opens Her Mouth For A Manuel CUM Cocktail

Savana Styles just can’t keep her pretty mouth shut. She’s talking about how hot Manuel is, in French, and how she thinks it might have a huge cock… but she doesn’t realize that Manuel speaks French too! That mouth got her into trouble and it’s going to help get her out when she is happy to learn how right she was about that BIG DICK! Savana is thrilled to suck that monster and gobble down whatever she can as he appreciates that magnificent body of hers. He loves a...

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Time for School Ch 15

Chapter 15 – Tamara Note: All characters in this story involved in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older * Tamara led me by the hand up the stairs. It was so pleasant to hear the noisy sounds of the crowd outside starting to fade away into peaceful quiet. She took me all the way down the hall, opening the door into her bedroom. I was already swirling with ideas as to where this was headed, but I knew Tamara was too upset. I could only hope that Darrell and the others figure I left...

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Breaking Point Ch1116

11. Accelerated Reform "Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!" -- Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes ***** Rodriguez made his way to Ray's rooms. He half expected Barker to be dressed in feminine clothes but was not completely disappointed to find his captive in another feminine track-suit. "Good morning Miss...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 33 Wednesday Mischa

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Wednesday December 8th. Bec had a really bad dream last night. The way I know that is because she suddenly sat up and started gasping for breath. She didn’t scream or anything but she was totally panicking. Bec sitting up woke me because when she pushed herself upright, one of her hands pushed down on my chest. I was sleeping when that happened. Having someone suddenly push down on your chest like that...

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School Day


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Himura BattousaiChapter 112 Advance Move

(Sanosuke throws his jacket over his shoulder and walks back towards the others--and falls over.) Kenshin (applying Megumi's salve to his hand): Are you all right? Sanosuke: Ow ow ow. Saitou: It's your own fault. You're the one that ignored my advice and neglected your defense. Well, there's seven of the Ten Swords left. And there's only two of us. Sanosuke: WHAT?? Saitou: You think you can still fight? Especially with that right hand. The Sanjuu no Kiwami on top of repeated Futae...

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Lizzies Rendezvous

June 8, 2003. Lizzie was finally home from college for the summer. She was looking forward to seeing her boyfriend Doug again. They hadn't been together since Easter Break. She gave Doug a call and asked him if he wanted to go with her out for drinks at a local bar up the street. Of course Doug wanted to and Lizzie said she would stop by and pick him up.She had her own chick car, a black Honda Civic coupe but that wouldn't suffice for what she had in mind tonight. In addition to wanting to get...

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GirlsWay Dahlia Sky Samantha Hayes Clairvoyance Part Two

Dahlia’s story about Charlotte and the binding spell leaves Samantha dumbfounded. Sure, she see’s ghosts but to believe that magic exists is beyond her ability. Dahlia is eager to show the hypocrite Samantha that Magic is real, so instead of battling over whether magic is real or not, Dahlia leans forward and heals Samantha’s hurt leg. Samantha is astonished, but when she notices that Dahlia is weakened, she’s surprised to hear that magic comes with a cost. That nothing...

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My hot wife Shailaja

Hi, my name is Amit. My wife name is Shailaja and my fantasy is to watch her enjoying stranger’s huge cocks. Last 5 yrs we have settle down in Singapore due to job. Actually I never talk about my Fantasy with Shailaja as she might get upset with my thoughts. Shailaja is working women so had hot personality, she is fair, height 5.5, fig 36c 30 36, She has nice pair of boobs with brown nipples which I always love to suck hard. Recently I watch her getting fucked by a co passenger with his huge...

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Holly Chapter 2

Chapter Two About a week after our first playdate, Holly called me, and let me know she was on her way. I told her she was welcome any time she liked, and I asked her to wear a skirt, if at all possible. Then, I went about preparing for her arrival. She knocked on my door shortly after that, I open the door, and she is standing there in a gorgeous little standard schoolgirl skirt. It was even the red plaid color we all like. She came inside, and I gave her a drink, and I set the pack of...

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Amy and the Professor

Amy and the Professor Dr. Andrew T. Temple & Pooch- Dr. Temple sat deep in his leather recliner. His right hand held a portfolioof the students scheduled for his upcoming Graduate Philosophy 522 class. Hisleft hand held a tumbler of his favorite Single Malt Scotch. It promised tobe a good night. One of his favorite activities lay before him; picking hissemester prey from among the many young, bright and fuckable co-eds who hadregistered for his course. Over his long and successful tenure at...

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The ParkersChapter 4 Trying some gay incest

Linda Parker, Julie's twin sister, was not like Julie. First, both girls were beautiful, but they were not identical. Both had dark hair, blue eyes, big tits and a fantastic ass, but that was all. The truth must be told, and Julie was the most beautiful. But that didn't mean that Linda was not something to see. And kiss. And lick, and... You know! Linda was beautiful, too. And, like her sister, Linda loved sex. Since her second time, Linda knew it. Her first time, when she was fifteen,...

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The Sex Shop

My wife looked so hot! She wore sexy green glasses and your hair in a tight ponytail.  The sheer black shirt she wore showed her braless breasts very nicely.  She wore a short plaid skirt that really showed off her legs and loved the attention it drew from men and women. We entered the shop and were greeted by a cute woman in her mid-thirties. She had long red hair and dressed very retro, which we both like."Hi, guys!" she said enthusiastically."Hi," we both answered at the same time, laughing...

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Erotica Sexy Stories Hot Tips My Pouty Lips

Introduction: Erotica, Sexy Stories, Hot Tips | My Pouty Lips Many erotica stories on this site for your pleasure! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — Many erotica stories on this site for your pleasure! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — Many erotica stories on this site for your pleasure! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – –...

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GloryHoleInitiations Scarlit Scandal 11172019

Scarlit was a conservative young lady in a healthy safe and conservative sexual relationship with a long time boyfriend. Until…she found a sex toy in his drawer! It wasn’t a sex toy to use on her…it was a pocket vagina! Can you believe this pig?! Anyways, she wanted to return it, but the store it came from only does store credit, no refunds. Well, there’s not much in an adult video store that Scarlit was interested in, but maybe an adult movie about couples?? She gives...

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Dating Kelly Part IIHomecoming

Two weeks after I finally asked Kelly to homecoming, we had the dance. During the time between the two, I started hanging with Kelly more and more. We’d walk to school and back home together, she’d sit at my table at lunch, we’d sit on her front porch swing and talk for hours about ourselves. She was finally getting me out of my shell, but I’d still get goosebumps when she would hold my hand, or kiss my cheek. At the end of each segment of time I spent with her, she’d say, ‘Bye JJ, I can’t...

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Emma and Professor Peterson

Chapter 1. Professor Peterson I teach at one of those fancy New England small colleges. It is a good gig, with enough money, nice scenery, no heavy lifting, etc. But, frankly, it has been a little lonely since my wife ran off with the Athletic Director. I’ll be honest, I love ogling the young female students, and I am a fan of the “less is more” trend in women’s clothing. But, you have to be careful with the students because you will get in big trouble when a student files an action...

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The NeighborhoodChapter 8

The incident with Kim now had Bret considering his mortality. Couple that with his lotto winnings and now having learned that he had a daughter, had him thinking long and hard about what he should do. He came to a conclusion that he should revise what he initially did as to estate planning. He needed to take care of his daughter and possibly grandkids as well as make some provisions for other charities. Maria kept him up to date not only by sending him her bills and grades, but she also told...

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The Meetings Over Chapter 1

Introduction: A 51 year old lady discovers sexual pleasure The Meetings over The only table is up by the stage, the cocktail waitress told me. What can I get you? A glass of white wine, I replied and headed for the table. My meeting was over, the banquet was done and I decided to have a drink and head for bed. The lounge was packed so I was fortunate that there was a table left. I had just sat down when I guy came up and asked if Id like some company. I guess so, I replied, not really knowing...

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Sissy Sisters Sleepover

SISSY SISTER SLEEPOVER by Throne Crocket was so nervous. The only people who had seen him in his sissy persona of Cricket were a few friends of his mother, Marion. Now she had invited a new female friend, who was bringing someone male along with her. Crocket was a short, college-aged boy. His mom had detected his girly tendencies early on. He had two older brothers, now grown and moved out. When the second of them had left, two years before, she had called Crocket to his...

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Hollys Breeding Ch 03

FinalI met Larry at a company party. His law firm is a client of ours and even after our work was complete he and I kept in touch. He was the one I sought out for advice and now I'm glad I did. After a quick call on his cell, he agreed to see me for lunch. I told him I'd pay if I could pump him for some advice. He said sure then picked a high priced restaurant. To the outside world Larry is a staunch family man. He and Pam have been married for over thirty four years. He has three successful...

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At the Pool Part One

For all intents and purpose, you could say that I am a happily married man. Forty years old, married to my wife of 10 years and enjoying the luxuries of travel and finances that come to a couple who have decided not to have kids. Our marriage you could say is normal, she is a corporate lawyer and I, an independent real estate investor who works from home. She travels a lot for work, which gives me a lot of space to do my own thing and enjoy a certain amount of freedom. Much as I am comfortable...

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Emma! Emma!" I shouted with other fans from behind the velvet rope. "Can I get an autograph?"Despite our pleas, Emma Watson could only flash me a curious glare before she was ushered away by her people and unceremoniously bundled into the packed theater. I had to snicker to myself as I watched her glance over her bodyguard's shoulder one final time, trying hard to recall where she had seen me before. It had been almost three whole years since we had last seen each other in person, and although...

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Rules for obedient sissies

Rules for obedient sissies:1. A real sissy whore is always ready to be fucked at anytime and anywhere2. A real sissy whore shows sissy clitty and cunt at every opportunity3. A real sissy whore begs to be fucked hard4. A real sissy whore sucks anything that's offered5. A real sissy whore must be prepared to be fucked in any position6. A real sissy whore does as told no matter how dirty and low the task7. A real sissy whore plays with herself as instructed for others amusement8. A real sissy...

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The Tale of Castle Kaltenbach

This story begins and takes place in a remote town in eastern Austria, Anno Domini 1714. I’m not a history major nor am I interested in history therefore I am sure there is plenty of errors here (that’s one of the reasons I put this story in the ‘Fantasy/Sci-Fi’ category). If you find any, please, just ignore them or treat them as historical fiction. I labeled this ‘Fantasy/Sci-Fi’, because it’s probably the broadest of categories but I’d certainly like to see it develop into other genres....

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The Daughter

You wake up with a groan, last nights activities still burning like fire in your veins, the familiar pound of the smaller heartbeat beside you only telling you what your dreams take inspiration from. As you stare down at Anna, you smile lightly, her naked form clutching yours tightly under the sheets, and leaning down you kiss her forehead. She doesnt know that you have a surprise in store for her quite yet, but when shes awake and bounding happily through the house, theres no doubt shell...


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