A Flawed DiamondChapter 72 free porn video

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Brock, Al and Josh stood in the dugout while the Giants took the field. Brock had to chuckle when San Francisco's second baseman had a throw from third bounce off his chest. The guy picked the ball up and threw it to home before turning his attention back to what had distracted him in the first place: a parade of comely women walking down the aisle to sit along the third base line.

It appeared the whole group had made their appearance for the series opener and it appeared they had coordinated their outfit selections. All of them wore tight, short skirts and blouses open at the neck. Even Esmi and Mandy were dressed similarly. Esmi was chatting with Susan and Tara as they walked to their seats. Mandy followed behind with Randi. Meredith was talking with Emmy and Melanie was conferring with Jen. Even Hailey and Karen were with them – and dressed in the same fashion. Chris brought up the rear with two other bodyguards mixed into the group.

The women in the lead saw the three players standing outside the dugout and, after a hasty conference; the group waved and blew them a kiss.

"If we're in a tight race in the last game, I'm going to have them show up in bikinis," LaCross said from behind the group, startling the players.

"I was thinking we could have lingerie night," Josh put in. "We close with the Padres at home. Can you imagine those 20-year-old kids trying to play if that group wandered down in their bras and panties?"

"I can't imagine you guys playing much better," LaCross said as he tacked the preliminary lineup to the wall. Brock found he was playing right field that night.

"I put you as far away from the distractions as I could," LaCross said when he saw Brock run his finger down the card. "The Giants have five lefties they'll start against Udo tonight. I figure you'll get some work in out there."

"Is Cesar cool with this?" Brock asked Al when the manager had ducked back into the clubhouse.

"He seems to be," Al answered. "I don't know what LaCross said to you but he pretty much told us that it was going to be this way no matter if we were alright with it or not."

"Yeah, that's what I got, too," Brock replied. Josh nodded his agreement. He had spoken to the manager when he first arrived, at the same time Wade and Broderick Williams had been pulled into the office.

"So you think he'll give me some pointers?" Brock asked.

"He'll help you out," Al confirmed. "I'll let you know if you need to move, too. Don't worry about it. You did fine in Tampa and they're a lot better than these guys."

The lineup had Milton leading off and playing left field; Hartman batting second and playing second; Wade playing first and batting third; Al in center and hitting cleanup; Josh at third and hitting fifth; Brock in right and batting sixth; Driesbach at short in the seven spot and Sanchez catching and hitting eighth.

On paper, it looked good, particularly with Udo on the mound. The kid didn't have the stuff to be a staff ace but he certain had shown he had the make-up. He had battled through injuries and overwork to post a 13-6 record. His ERA was just above 3.00. Just as importantly, his control was much improved from the year before. He averaged less than two walks a game.

If nothing else, the series in Miami had given the bullpen a rest. LaCross hadn't used any of his regulars in three days, a respite that every team sorely needed this late in the year. Selecting a spot starter for the last game in Miami had given his starting staff and extra day off, too.

The Giants were in the opposite boat. Although the Padres had a far worse record than the Marlins, they had given the Giants a battle in every contest.

Al suggested taking up a collection to send to the Padres players but everyone figured the owner would intercept the money and put it in his pocket. It's what he'd done with the luxury tax money the team received from higher-revenue clubs, rather than invest it in better players as it was intended.

Worse yet for San Francisco, the last three games of the series had been slugfests, meaning the manager had run though his relievers in short order. The last game, a 10-9 win for the Padres, had taken 13 innings to complete. The Giants had been left with only their starting rotation unused and one of their top relievers had wound up pitching three innings and throwing close to 50 pitches.

But it was Giants-Dodgers, one of the fiercest rivalries in sports. So all bets were off about which way the series would go.

Playing right field for an early evening game in late September wasn't as easy as everyone seemed to think it would be. The alternating shadows and sunlight made every fly ball an adventure for Brock. Twice he reacted when the ball was hit to center instead of right. He tried sunglasses but that made it even more difficult to see. While the batter was in the sun, every field position past the catcher was in the shade.

He broached the subject with Cesar and Al in the dugout.

"Nothing you can do for it," Cesar said with a shrug. "It's something only experience can help you with. Your instincts will eventually tell you where the ball is going."

That information wasn't the least bit helpful.

Brock's lack of experience cost the team in the third. Udo walked the No. 8 hitter in Giants lineup and the pitcher sacrificed him to second. Jergens struck out the leadoff hitter and worked the No. 2 guy in the lineup into a 1-2 hole.

The fourth pitch of the at-bat looked like a strike to everyone in the stadium but the home plate umpire. The batter even started to walk back to the dugout before the ump declared it was Ball Two. Frustrated, Udo left a pitch out over the plate and the hitter got enough wood on the ball to send it toward right field.

Brock's first reaction was to take two steps backward at the sound of the bat hitting the ball. It was something John Milton had drilled into him during their brief lessons on playing the outfield: a misplayed ball in front of you is a single; a misplayed ball behind you is a triple.

Within a second, Brock knew that was the case this time. He sprinted forward in a vain attempt to make up for his mistake but the ball hit the grass 10 feet in front of him. The runner on second scored with ease as Brock disgustedly threw the ball back to Driesbach, who was covering second base.

Udo got out of the inning with no more damage but Brock was still irritated when he got back to the dugout and sought out the pitcher to apologize.

"It's not your fault I walked the leadoff hitter," Udo replied. Brock knew that other pitchers on the staff probably wouldn't have been as forgiving.

"Yeah, still, you should have gotten out of it," Brock told him. "I completely fucked that one up."

"He broke his bat," Udo said. "I thought it was hit harder than it was, too, and I was a lot closer than you were. Don't worry about it."

Brock nodded his thanks at being let off the hook but he still dwelled on the mistake. It wouldn't go down in the book as an error but he was certain that it probably should have.

"Forget about it," Cesar urged. He had come down the dugout to sit beside Brock when he saw how upset the outfielder was. "That one is finished. You can't go back and fix it and you can't take it with you to the plate. I've been where you are. I've sat here and rehashed plays I should have made and plays that I shouldn't until the whole game got away from me."

"You would have caught it," Brock declared.

"Probably," Cesar admitted. "Today, I probably would have caught it. The second time I played the position and the first time in this stadium in the afternoon, there's no way I would have. Look, you've had no real instruction on playing out there. So I'll give you a quick run through. Your eyes see how hard the batter swung; your ears hear the sound the bat made. Your brain puts those two things together and tells your muscles to either move backward or move forward. That's the first reaction. In the millisecond from first reaction to second, your eyes and ears take in a thousand more pieces of information. They relay it to the brain and your brain tells you to move left or right, back or forward.

"You have about three or four seconds from the time the ball is hit to get to where it is going to land. Yes, if your brain had interpreted the signals correctly, you would have caught the ball. But it had no frame of reference to put it into perspective. The batter swung like he meant it. The bat sounded like he hit it solidly. Your brain has seen those signs before and it meant a ball was hit well.

"Now it knows what a broken bat sounds like. It will take that in and use it the next time it has to process similar stimuli. What you have to do is stop over-thinking the play. Trust your instincts out there. If your mind tells you to go back, go back. If it tells you to go forward, go forward. But you do not have enough time to evaluate and ponder each little bit of information. Inaction is worse than any action you might take. It was far better that you misjudged a ball hit in front of you than one hit behind you. Regardless, that play isn't coming back so stop thinking about it and start thinking about the next one."

Cesar was one of the team's main jokers. He was the one who gave the shaving cream pies as a guy did a TV interview. He was the one who would blow a bubble and then set the gum on top of an unsuspecting teammate's hat. He was not known as a guy who would give serious advice on a subject so Brock tried to take his words to heart. Still, they didn't lessen the disappointment that he felt about allowing a run to cross.

The Giants held the one-run lead through the fifth inning. The Dodgers had gotten hits, putting two runners aboard in the third and fourth innings, but they hadn't been able to cross the plate and tie the game. The Giants pitcher had induced inning-ending double plays both times Los Angeles had put runners in scoring position with less than two outs. But his pitch count was getting up there and the Giants bullpen was running on fumes.

Josh led off the Dodgers sixth by working a full count before flying to left. That brought Brock to the plate with one away and no one on.

The first pitch was in the dirt and the second just caught the outside corner to even the count at one ball, one strike. Brock took the third pitch for Strike Two. He thought it was even farther outside that the second pitch but he didn't say anything to the umpire. This umpire was known to have a shifting strike zone, depending on the pitcher and the hitter.

The fourth pitch was down and in for Ball Two but the next one was close enough that Brock had to swing. He knew he couldn't do much with it so he did what he could to foul it off in order to stay at the plate. He caught a little bit of the ball and sent it toward the Dodgers' dugout.

The next offering was similar and Brock did the same thing. The pitcher was content to keep the ball on the outer portion of the plate. If he crossed up and came inside, Brock probably would strike out. The at-bat lasted for seven more pitches. Brock would foul off the ones that were outside the strike zone but that he was pretty sure the umpire would call Strike Three. He worked the count to three-and-two and the pitcher was clearly frustrated. The 15th pitch of the at-bat was well out of the strike zone and Brock trotted to first base with a walk.

The pitcher glared at him the whole way up the baseline and didn't move his hands from his hips until San Francisco's pitching coach came out to the mound for a visit. The visit didn't seem to calm the pitcher down any because his first pitch to Matt Driesbach was outside.

Brock stood at first and glanced to the third base for the signs. There was a chance LaCross would put on the hit and run or maybe even have Driesbach sacrifice – but Brock doubted it. Danys Sanchez and his .202 batting average was in the eighth spot and Udo Jergens was in the ninth. Giving up an out to put a runner into scoring position when you had no one to drive him home was a non-starter.

The signs from the third base confused Brock - to the point that he removed his batting helmet and wiped his brow. It was the team's sign that a base runner didn't understand the signs and wanted them repeated. A batter would back out of the box and run his hand up the barrel of the bat if he was unsure of what the coach wanted.

The third base coach didn't repeat the signs. He simply nodded his head toward the batter. That meant the base runner hadn't misinterpreted the signals so the coach wasn't going to repeat them and let the other team know something might be in the works.

The coach had given the signal for Brock to steal second base. He had stolen five bases in seven attempts as a rookie but all of those came after he was moved to the second spot in the order. Four of his five stolen bases had come as the back-end of a double-steal, with Milton taking third and Brock moving to second. He was only 1-for-3 in straight steal attempts the year before and he hadn't attempted a stolen base yet this season.

Still, he did his best to act normal as he took his lead. It was only as the pitcher went into his stretch that Brock understood the reasoning behind LaCross' move. The pitcher didn't even glance back over his shoulder when he came to a set position. As soon as he made another move, Brock took off for second.

The pitch was inside but Driesbach swung at it anyway. He had no intention of making contact. He simply wanted to ensure the catcher had something else to consider as he shifted to catch the pitch and made a throw to second. The catcher was already out of his crouch by the time the ball reached him and his throw to second was accurate.

If the pitcher had taken even a moment to freeze Brock at first with a glance over his shoulder, Brock would have been out by five feet. But with the extra jump afforded from the pitcher's negligence, Brock was able to slide in feet first under the tag. Still, the play was a lot closer than it probably should have been. Milton or even Al would have taken second without a throw in the circumstances.

The crowd cheered when the umpire gave the "safe" sign. Brock asked for time out and stood up to dust the dirt off his pants. He got a smattering of applause from the third base seats when he bent forward facing away from them to get the dirt off his lower leg. The Giants second baseman had taken the throw and offered a smile. It was the same guy who had almost gotten brained by a ball during warm-ups because the women behind third base had distracted him.

"We need that by the Bay," he remarked.

"It's a shame we close up there this year," Brock joked. "Our last home game is bikini night for them."

The man had started to move back to his position but stopped and turned toward the base.

"No way!" he said. "Man, I might skip our last series just to come down here for that."

Brock offered a chuckle as the second baseman resumed his position, shaking his head all the way back to his spot between first and second.

The pitcher was more cognizant of the runner now that Brock was on second but Brock was staying put. The play at second had been close enough that he would probably be out by 20 feet if he tried to steal third (it was a much shorter throw for the catcher).

After another called strike, Driesbach took a swing at the 1-2 offering. He got over top of the ball and drove it into the dirt in front of home plate. Brock was off to third as soon as the ball was hit; glancing in at the catcher to make sure the guy didn't try to throw to where Brock was headed. The ball had shot straight into the air almost 20 feet and the catcher had just fielded it when Brock was only a few feet from third. The guy took a look in Brock's direction and shifted to throw to first. Driesbach was running hard from the outset, staying in foul territory but close to the line. The catcher's glance to third made the throw to first more difficult and it tailed away from the baseman at the end. The first baseman had to stretch to catch the ball and barely kept his foot on the base.

His momentum caused him to pull off the base after the out was recorded and he stumbled trying to keep his feet beneath him. Brock had rounded third to watch the throw. When the first baseman had been forced to lunge, Brock took off toward home. The first baseman was a lefty, so he had to regain his balance, turn his body and make a throw before Brock covered the 85 feet that separated him from a tie ballgame.

Once again, the play was closer than Brock had thought it would be. Twenty feet from home plate, Brock realized the catcher had no plans to move from the base path. The man was a few feet in front of home plate toward third base as he awaited the return throw. Brock lowered his shoulder and set himself for the inevitable collision.

He pictured the catcher as a linebacker and recalled all the times he had lowered his shoulder to gain an extra yard when playing high school football. But Brock was larger and stronger than the last time he had worn a football helmet. He also had 80 feet of momentum behind him.

The ball arrived at almost the same instant as Brock did. Brock's shoulder hit the catcher's left arm and continued onward to his chest, driving the man backward. The impact caused the ball to ricochet off the catcher's mitt and into the catcher's face. Both men lay sprawled atop home plate as the ball caromed to the backstop.

Brock had to shift the supine catcher's legs to touch the plate to record the run. The catcher had removed his mask to make a play on the batter so the ball striking his mouth and nose had caused some damage. Brock wasn't sure but he thought he might have seen one of the man's teeth mixed in with the blood that was streaming from the guy's face. Brock didn't gloat over his fallen opponent. He simply grabbed his batting helmet that had flown off from the force of the collision and headed back to the dugout while the Giants training staff hustled onto the field.

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UNCLE DAVE’S THREESOMEShe could suck a dick better then her mom ever could when she was her age. Dave had discovered his niece’s talents on his first trip home in the summer of 86. Anita had just turned eighteen and she had not seen her uncle in over five years. It was a shock for both of them to realize the attraction that was between them, it was nothing short of pure lust when ever they were even in the same room together. Christine, Anita’ mom and Dave’s sister was more then aware of the...

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Revenge from the other side. Hello ladies or gentlemen. I am Emma, a 20 years old passionate student living in France. I am studying hard to become a doctor, which means that I do not have that much free time, I’m not going to parties with my friends… Oh wait! I don’t have many friends or boyfriends… According to my best friend Carol it is mainly because I am too shy and focused on my exams. For Carol it is a shame because she thinks that I’m “hot as hell”. Just a short overview of myself...

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Aunt Mary found on www

Aunt Mary (found on www)My panty fetish, and I guess my lingerie fetish in general, began the summer I turned 13. I was staying with my Aunt Mary while my folks went for a two week vacation. Aunt Mary was single still at the age of about 40. She lived alone in a small 2 bedroom house. I have many memories from that two week stay with Aunt Mary. And I’m sure now, as an adult, that those early memories helped to form my current fetishes for panties, slips, and other types of lingerie. Aunt Mary...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 47

SENIOR WEDDING Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Tampa, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?" The pharmacist answers, "Yes." Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?" Pharmacist: "Of course, we do." Jacob: "How about medicine for...

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PenthouseGold Braylin Bailey Cheating Bride Loves BBC

Beautiful young bride Braylin Bailey is just about to tie the knot, but wants to have naughty sex with another one last time before she seals the deal. Well, who could be better than the best man himself, ebony stud Ace Hardz, to take care of his friend’s darling wife-to-be and pound her horny pussy with his monstrous black dick? Off comes the blonde babe’s wedding dress and the duo get engaged in hot interracial sex filled with BBC blowjobs and balls deep fucking until a messy...

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Dress like your daughter day

Dress like your daughter day: It started when my oldest daughter, Claire, was sent home from school. It turned out that despite the fact that I had told both my daughters what I expected of them which was that they dress modestly when they went to school and that they not wear the kind of make-up that Claire had started to wear or that they not wear miniskirts to school, Claire had started to do just that. Furthermore I didn't know about this because they either left for...

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Mom Become Pregnant

Hi i am Sachin, age 21 this is my fantastic story.One day in my latter teen years, mom came home early from a meeting. I was in the bathroom masturbating.. fantasizing about my mother. I begin to moan “oh mommy…oh mommy”. When I exploded it was the biggest load ever. I was so horny for my mom all the time. As I exited the bathroom I noticed that she was home and in the kitchen. So I walked in to say hi. She smiled and said hello baby. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and...

5 years ago
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Wandering MindsChapter 22

The final set of events that brought Seth out of his depression was his rediscovery of Targa. Targa was the depressed girl that Seth modified at the same time that he was working on Jerome. She had been suicidal, depressed about her weight, lack of confidence and lack of friends, and fed up with people who picked on her. She also tended to get drunk and go home with whoever would have her, usually someone desperate for anything, which did not make those experiences very pleasant for...

3 years ago
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To Feel Power

From the endless abyssal void that abides without the boundaries of our universe, the mad, dead and dying deities of old reside, as they slowly lose themselves to the infinite darkness. From this space, a single whisper sounded. It was in a voice that could once have boomed with such strength that it could shake the will of even the strongest of spirit, and yet now it sounded soft, frail, yet still demanding. "For good or for ill, let my final breath convey the power remaining within me to one...

2 years ago
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The Fury Saga Book 6 The Fury Directive Part 2

'The Fury Directive' ==================== This novel follows directly from 'The Fury Trilogy' and 'Incubus'. Its plot and its characters originate in those stories, and they often understand their later predicaments by those earlier events. If you haven't yet read those earlier stories, I suggest that you save this text somewhere safe and read them first. I know it's an imposition, a big deal for me to tell you to read a novel and a medium-sized story before you even...

2 years ago
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ive answred the BLACK DICK QUESTIONNAIRE1. WHEN U 1ST ADDRESS 'INITIAL TOUCH' THE DICK, DO U... A.KISS/TONGUE THE HEAD B.KISS/TONGUE THE SHAFT EXPLAINi suck on the bottom of yor balls if u want me 2 kiss yor dick u can tell me or make me 2. AS U WORSHIP THE DICK, DO U... A. TAKEOVER THE DICK AND HANDLE IT THE WAY U KNOW HOW B. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS EXPLAINi want instructions or u can make me ill wait 4 u 2 grab my hair and pull my head up and push yor cock in my mouth but i wont do it until u...

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Rueben and Jemima Colson

I watched as she walked off with the other man. I felt as though I had died. She'd had my heart, my soul, my very being and now—nothing. I had nothing: no heart no soul, no being. I was breathing and that was all—and that was overrated. Who are we, were we? I'm Rueben Colson, most recently the husband, and, as I thought, the love of Jemima Colson's life. The "most recently" referred to having been but five minutes ago. Five minutes ago, she had come to me, in the dim light of the bar...

4 years ago
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Exposed Naked For The First Time

At seventeen, I was a late bloomer. I had discovered the joys of masturbation, but hadn’t really figured out all the details about sex. My body was slim and athletic. My entire sexual experience was limited to what I had seen in magazines while stroking myself to orgasm. I was spending a weekend in a cabin that belonged to my parents. I had just finished the first week of my first job, and it was nice to have time alone there to hike and relax. There was a small dirt path that passed behind my...

2 years ago
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My First Time

(a dog's initiation) "Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday" The old dog lowered his greying muzzle onto his forepaws, eyes unfocused and milky with cataracts. His ears hung like limp washing, a sigh escaped from relaxed jowls as he recalled the memories. What had been brick-red fur was now faded, but offered warmth and protection to the young pup, who listened and waited for his mentor to relate the tale. "We were a family pack in those days, an Alpha male and Female, a male who had...

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Afternoon surprise

On a recent sales trip I was forced to spread a days worth of customer calls over two days instead. On the first day I made several stops up til lunch then found myself with nothing to do til a dinner meeting at 6:30. I was staying at a motel by the interstate that just happened to have a pool. So I decided to grab a bathing suit at the local walmart and go do some tanning. I had picked out a rather skimpy (and tacky leopard print) suit that let my boobs spill out in practically every...

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Tamanna Ke Saath Illeana Ko Choda

Hi everyone.. I’m Vivaan . U can contact me at Main ek bar south India aaya tha ghoomne ke lie. Mera ek college ka friend bhi vhi rhta tha. Me usse milne gya aur mene kaha kahi ghoomne chalte hai. Toh usne poocha Tamanna ki shooting dekhega toh mene kaha haa yaar vo to mujhe bhut pasand hai. Uski kamar or boobs to kamaal ke hai to vo bola aise mt bol vo mere chacha ki ladki hai. To mene kaha bhai mujhe usse personally milva de to vo maan gya. Me bhut excited tha Tamanna Bhatia se milne ke...

4 years ago
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Daughter of the Forge

SIMON Upon my fifteenth birthday, four years ago last month, I became apprenticed to mine own father, an innkeeper of some repute. For four years, I plied his trade, learning nuance and routine, doing all that seemed to him to please our boarders, and then some. After four years at this station, I was given the rank of journeyman to him, and in that promotion increased in terms both of authority and responsibility, with only three more years before my name would join his on the...

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My InheritanceChapter 33 A Day in Denver

Mom, Dad, Abby and Betty had left to drive to the airport. I had to put all four of them in trances to make them quit asking why Cathy was not going home with them. After the trance, they understood Cathy was going to live with us until further notice and asked no more questions. They did not know she was going to live naked in my dungeon, my prisoner until I had another way to keep her securely. As I thought about Cathy there, naked, the steel collar around her lovely neck, the heavy chain...

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“Hey.”Shivers ran through my body. It was his voice. The voice I had wanted to hear for a long, long time. It had been three years since we had last seen each other.We met while I was in my second year of university. I was going through a rough patch and just wanted some company. I guess you could say I was going through a bit of a ‘slut phase’ where I literally slept with every guy I went on a date with. In a way I was trying to fill in a big whole in my life, but it only made it worse. Then I...

Straight Sex
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Farm Girl Soil Tests

Allan trotted along beside the tractor as Kate steered it toward the barn. He pulled the sliding door open and stood aside as she brought the tractor smoothly to rest in its accustomed place. She killed the engine, jumped down from the driver’s seat, and writhed to stretch the kinks out of her lower back. ‘We got a lot done,’ he said as he reached for her hand. She smiled tiredly, slid the barn door closed, and took his hand. They headed up the slight incline toward the house. ‘Kate?’ ...

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Private Mary Popiense Megan Fiore Horny Bikers

Mary Popiense and Megan Fiore love nothing more than motorbikes, leather and sex, and that’s why they’ve come to Private Movies, Hard Riders to take on Potro del Bilbao in a threesome that will leave you breathless! Leaving their leather boots on, these sexy biker girls waste no time getting down to business in true www.private.com style as they share Potro’s cock with a double blowjob before offering up their pussies for a spectacular threesome that sees Mary’s juicy ass and Megan’s big tits...

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The Diary of a Shemale Whore on Tour

This one comes by popular request and is dedicated to all you naughty people who fe-mailed me and complained that whilst you enjoyed my stories you felt that I could perhaps be a little more filthy instead of being suggestive! Well, I've always said that I'll give you what you want, well, you got it and I hope you like it! Disclaimer; (seriously!) The following story does not reflect the writers personal tastes and depicts entirely fictitious characters and fantasy scenes of an...

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The HunChapter 3 The Safe Zone

The next morning after breakfast and a couple of chores, I asked Aunt Amy if it was OK for me to take a walk down to the beach. The girls weren't around and I figured I should make myself scarce before she thought up some more things for me to do. "Sure honey," she droned while sipping her coffee. "Just be careful. Those cars can move fast on that road. I'd tell you to take one of the girl's bikes but I think they already took them down to the beach." "No problem Aunt Amy," I said....

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Mei Suk Yoos First Trip to America

Mei awoke naked in the hotel room. She liked to sleep naked when visiting an exotic locale. This was her first business trip to America. Having just arrived the night before from Shanghai, Mei suffered from serious jet lag. Also, she was a bit grumpy because her bags had gotten lost but luckily, she still had her carry-on suit bag. She was here to make a sales presentation to a local group of Chinese merchants. Mei hoped the merchants spoke Mandarin because her English was confined to a...

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Brothers gonna be pissed

“Mom, Dad I’m home!” “Kara come on in, you won’t guess who’s…” “PARKERRR!” I ran into the living room, and jumped my brother, he grabbed on tight thank God or we would have both busted our asses. “Ohmygodwhendidyougethome?” I threw questions at him left and right while everyone just laughed at me. Let me introduce myself I’m Kara Marie, I’m eighteen and a total brothers girl. I have waist length auburn wavy hair, perky 36d breasts, a tapered athletes body, long lean legs and I’m proud of it...

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High School Cast Party Pt 2

I took my eyes off of her and looked around the table. Both Ashley's and Dani's shirts were off while Kevin and Alex were trying to act cool in the situation. In my current state of mind i was sex-crazed. I hadn't really taken notice before but Ashley and Dani were very cute. They looked much less mature than Shauna because of their perky little tits. -Ashley was a gymnastics girl. During some of the practices she would attract the guys by doing some stretches or flips where you know...

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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 11 Consummation

When Sally opened her eyes again, she noticed that the sunbeam that had been streaming in her window was now nowhere to be seen, meaning the sun was now directly overhead, filling the whole room with a red-yellow glow. She was laying on her side, with her back to Lenny, who was still snoring. She reached behind her to caress his firm butt, and he coughed, then rolled over onto his back. Sally rolled over back into his arms, and he hugged her, then fell right back into sleep. Sally played with...

First Time
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Fuck buddies Cody and Carl part 1

It all started one time when Cody was over at my house for the weekend and everyone else was asleep. I used sleep over it house, so his siblings were always there. At my house we were alone. We were in the living room. We drank, so we were a little buzzed. Him more than me. I switched over to the porn channel, like I usually did when there was nothing interesting to watch. The tv was on silent. Obviously ;) We were having a conversation when we stopped talking and focused on the screen.  The...

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My name is Thomas Micheal Hayden, or Mike. I like Mike, it's better than Thomas or any shortened variation of it, not to mention, more cool guys are named Mike, than Tommy or Tom. To describe my looks, I'd say average. There is nothing that sticks out about me, at 15, I am 5'7", have gray eyes, and sandy hair, which is usually medium length. I'm a little wiry, even at such a short height. However, while nothing stands out about me, I don't think I'm ugly by any means, and well, being a...

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Cindy and MeChapter 5

Cindy sat across from me at a table at The Reef. She was wearing her little, black dress and was wearing her wavy, red hair in a black headband. She reached across the table and grasped my hand. "I don't know what to order," she said, reviewing the menu. "Sky's the limit, Babe. If you feel like lobster -- order the lobster. Hell, if you want two of 'em, order two." She smiled and made a little snort. "Right ... I'm looking at the game items on the menu. I'm not much of a gourmet,...

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How Not to Babysit part 7

PART SEVEN: PARADED "No, guys," I plead some more. "Stop." Will opens the shoulderbag and digs around. He finds a pair of white cotton panties with pink trim. He tosses them to me. "Cover up your junk," he says. "I don't want to wear girl's clothes," I protest. "News for you: you are wearing girl's clothes and you're almost naked," he points out. "And you aren't getting anything else to wear from us." "This is weird," Lisa pipes up. "Yeah," Emily adds, "we're going to...

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