A Flawed DiamondChapter 72 free porn video

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Brock, Al and Josh stood in the dugout while the Giants took the field. Brock had to chuckle when San Francisco's second baseman had a throw from third bounce off his chest. The guy picked the ball up and threw it to home before turning his attention back to what had distracted him in the first place: a parade of comely women walking down the aisle to sit along the third base line.

It appeared the whole group had made their appearance for the series opener and it appeared they had coordinated their outfit selections. All of them wore tight, short skirts and blouses open at the neck. Even Esmi and Mandy were dressed similarly. Esmi was chatting with Susan and Tara as they walked to their seats. Mandy followed behind with Randi. Meredith was talking with Emmy and Melanie was conferring with Jen. Even Hailey and Karen were with them – and dressed in the same fashion. Chris brought up the rear with two other bodyguards mixed into the group.

The women in the lead saw the three players standing outside the dugout and, after a hasty conference; the group waved and blew them a kiss.

"If we're in a tight race in the last game, I'm going to have them show up in bikinis," LaCross said from behind the group, startling the players.

"I was thinking we could have lingerie night," Josh put in. "We close with the Padres at home. Can you imagine those 20-year-old kids trying to play if that group wandered down in their bras and panties?"

"I can't imagine you guys playing much better," LaCross said as he tacked the preliminary lineup to the wall. Brock found he was playing right field that night.

"I put you as far away from the distractions as I could," LaCross said when he saw Brock run his finger down the card. "The Giants have five lefties they'll start against Udo tonight. I figure you'll get some work in out there."

"Is Cesar cool with this?" Brock asked Al when the manager had ducked back into the clubhouse.

"He seems to be," Al answered. "I don't know what LaCross said to you but he pretty much told us that it was going to be this way no matter if we were alright with it or not."

"Yeah, that's what I got, too," Brock replied. Josh nodded his agreement. He had spoken to the manager when he first arrived, at the same time Wade and Broderick Williams had been pulled into the office.

"So you think he'll give me some pointers?" Brock asked.

"He'll help you out," Al confirmed. "I'll let you know if you need to move, too. Don't worry about it. You did fine in Tampa and they're a lot better than these guys."

The lineup had Milton leading off and playing left field; Hartman batting second and playing second; Wade playing first and batting third; Al in center and hitting cleanup; Josh at third and hitting fifth; Brock in right and batting sixth; Driesbach at short in the seven spot and Sanchez catching and hitting eighth.

On paper, it looked good, particularly with Udo on the mound. The kid didn't have the stuff to be a staff ace but he certain had shown he had the make-up. He had battled through injuries and overwork to post a 13-6 record. His ERA was just above 3.00. Just as importantly, his control was much improved from the year before. He averaged less than two walks a game.

If nothing else, the series in Miami had given the bullpen a rest. LaCross hadn't used any of his regulars in three days, a respite that every team sorely needed this late in the year. Selecting a spot starter for the last game in Miami had given his starting staff and extra day off, too.

The Giants were in the opposite boat. Although the Padres had a far worse record than the Marlins, they had given the Giants a battle in every contest.

Al suggested taking up a collection to send to the Padres players but everyone figured the owner would intercept the money and put it in his pocket. It's what he'd done with the luxury tax money the team received from higher-revenue clubs, rather than invest it in better players as it was intended.

Worse yet for San Francisco, the last three games of the series had been slugfests, meaning the manager had run though his relievers in short order. The last game, a 10-9 win for the Padres, had taken 13 innings to complete. The Giants had been left with only their starting rotation unused and one of their top relievers had wound up pitching three innings and throwing close to 50 pitches.

But it was Giants-Dodgers, one of the fiercest rivalries in sports. So all bets were off about which way the series would go.

Playing right field for an early evening game in late September wasn't as easy as everyone seemed to think it would be. The alternating shadows and sunlight made every fly ball an adventure for Brock. Twice he reacted when the ball was hit to center instead of right. He tried sunglasses but that made it even more difficult to see. While the batter was in the sun, every field position past the catcher was in the shade.

He broached the subject with Cesar and Al in the dugout.

"Nothing you can do for it," Cesar said with a shrug. "It's something only experience can help you with. Your instincts will eventually tell you where the ball is going."

That information wasn't the least bit helpful.

Brock's lack of experience cost the team in the third. Udo walked the No. 8 hitter in Giants lineup and the pitcher sacrificed him to second. Jergens struck out the leadoff hitter and worked the No. 2 guy in the lineup into a 1-2 hole.

The fourth pitch of the at-bat looked like a strike to everyone in the stadium but the home plate umpire. The batter even started to walk back to the dugout before the ump declared it was Ball Two. Frustrated, Udo left a pitch out over the plate and the hitter got enough wood on the ball to send it toward right field.

Brock's first reaction was to take two steps backward at the sound of the bat hitting the ball. It was something John Milton had drilled into him during their brief lessons on playing the outfield: a misplayed ball in front of you is a single; a misplayed ball behind you is a triple.

Within a second, Brock knew that was the case this time. He sprinted forward in a vain attempt to make up for his mistake but the ball hit the grass 10 feet in front of him. The runner on second scored with ease as Brock disgustedly threw the ball back to Driesbach, who was covering second base.

Udo got out of the inning with no more damage but Brock was still irritated when he got back to the dugout and sought out the pitcher to apologize.

"It's not your fault I walked the leadoff hitter," Udo replied. Brock knew that other pitchers on the staff probably wouldn't have been as forgiving.

"Yeah, still, you should have gotten out of it," Brock told him. "I completely fucked that one up."

"He broke his bat," Udo said. "I thought it was hit harder than it was, too, and I was a lot closer than you were. Don't worry about it."

Brock nodded his thanks at being let off the hook but he still dwelled on the mistake. It wouldn't go down in the book as an error but he was certain that it probably should have.

"Forget about it," Cesar urged. He had come down the dugout to sit beside Brock when he saw how upset the outfielder was. "That one is finished. You can't go back and fix it and you can't take it with you to the plate. I've been where you are. I've sat here and rehashed plays I should have made and plays that I shouldn't until the whole game got away from me."

"You would have caught it," Brock declared.

"Probably," Cesar admitted. "Today, I probably would have caught it. The second time I played the position and the first time in this stadium in the afternoon, there's no way I would have. Look, you've had no real instruction on playing out there. So I'll give you a quick run through. Your eyes see how hard the batter swung; your ears hear the sound the bat made. Your brain puts those two things together and tells your muscles to either move backward or move forward. That's the first reaction. In the millisecond from first reaction to second, your eyes and ears take in a thousand more pieces of information. They relay it to the brain and your brain tells you to move left or right, back or forward.

"You have about three or four seconds from the time the ball is hit to get to where it is going to land. Yes, if your brain had interpreted the signals correctly, you would have caught the ball. But it had no frame of reference to put it into perspective. The batter swung like he meant it. The bat sounded like he hit it solidly. Your brain has seen those signs before and it meant a ball was hit well.

"Now it knows what a broken bat sounds like. It will take that in and use it the next time it has to process similar stimuli. What you have to do is stop over-thinking the play. Trust your instincts out there. If your mind tells you to go back, go back. If it tells you to go forward, go forward. But you do not have enough time to evaluate and ponder each little bit of information. Inaction is worse than any action you might take. It was far better that you misjudged a ball hit in front of you than one hit behind you. Regardless, that play isn't coming back so stop thinking about it and start thinking about the next one."

Cesar was one of the team's main jokers. He was the one who gave the shaving cream pies as a guy did a TV interview. He was the one who would blow a bubble and then set the gum on top of an unsuspecting teammate's hat. He was not known as a guy who would give serious advice on a subject so Brock tried to take his words to heart. Still, they didn't lessen the disappointment that he felt about allowing a run to cross.

The Giants held the one-run lead through the fifth inning. The Dodgers had gotten hits, putting two runners aboard in the third and fourth innings, but they hadn't been able to cross the plate and tie the game. The Giants pitcher had induced inning-ending double plays both times Los Angeles had put runners in scoring position with less than two outs. But his pitch count was getting up there and the Giants bullpen was running on fumes.

Josh led off the Dodgers sixth by working a full count before flying to left. That brought Brock to the plate with one away and no one on.

The first pitch was in the dirt and the second just caught the outside corner to even the count at one ball, one strike. Brock took the third pitch for Strike Two. He thought it was even farther outside that the second pitch but he didn't say anything to the umpire. This umpire was known to have a shifting strike zone, depending on the pitcher and the hitter.

The fourth pitch was down and in for Ball Two but the next one was close enough that Brock had to swing. He knew he couldn't do much with it so he did what he could to foul it off in order to stay at the plate. He caught a little bit of the ball and sent it toward the Dodgers' dugout.

The next offering was similar and Brock did the same thing. The pitcher was content to keep the ball on the outer portion of the plate. If he crossed up and came inside, Brock probably would strike out. The at-bat lasted for seven more pitches. Brock would foul off the ones that were outside the strike zone but that he was pretty sure the umpire would call Strike Three. He worked the count to three-and-two and the pitcher was clearly frustrated. The 15th pitch of the at-bat was well out of the strike zone and Brock trotted to first base with a walk.

The pitcher glared at him the whole way up the baseline and didn't move his hands from his hips until San Francisco's pitching coach came out to the mound for a visit. The visit didn't seem to calm the pitcher down any because his first pitch to Matt Driesbach was outside.

Brock stood at first and glanced to the third base for the signs. There was a chance LaCross would put on the hit and run or maybe even have Driesbach sacrifice – but Brock doubted it. Danys Sanchez and his .202 batting average was in the eighth spot and Udo Jergens was in the ninth. Giving up an out to put a runner into scoring position when you had no one to drive him home was a non-starter.

The signs from the third base confused Brock - to the point that he removed his batting helmet and wiped his brow. It was the team's sign that a base runner didn't understand the signs and wanted them repeated. A batter would back out of the box and run his hand up the barrel of the bat if he was unsure of what the coach wanted.

The third base coach didn't repeat the signs. He simply nodded his head toward the batter. That meant the base runner hadn't misinterpreted the signals so the coach wasn't going to repeat them and let the other team know something might be in the works.

The coach had given the signal for Brock to steal second base. He had stolen five bases in seven attempts as a rookie but all of those came after he was moved to the second spot in the order. Four of his five stolen bases had come as the back-end of a double-steal, with Milton taking third and Brock moving to second. He was only 1-for-3 in straight steal attempts the year before and he hadn't attempted a stolen base yet this season.

Still, he did his best to act normal as he took his lead. It was only as the pitcher went into his stretch that Brock understood the reasoning behind LaCross' move. The pitcher didn't even glance back over his shoulder when he came to a set position. As soon as he made another move, Brock took off for second.

The pitch was inside but Driesbach swung at it anyway. He had no intention of making contact. He simply wanted to ensure the catcher had something else to consider as he shifted to catch the pitch and made a throw to second. The catcher was already out of his crouch by the time the ball reached him and his throw to second was accurate.

If the pitcher had taken even a moment to freeze Brock at first with a glance over his shoulder, Brock would have been out by five feet. But with the extra jump afforded from the pitcher's negligence, Brock was able to slide in feet first under the tag. Still, the play was a lot closer than it probably should have been. Milton or even Al would have taken second without a throw in the circumstances.

The crowd cheered when the umpire gave the "safe" sign. Brock asked for time out and stood up to dust the dirt off his pants. He got a smattering of applause from the third base seats when he bent forward facing away from them to get the dirt off his lower leg. The Giants second baseman had taken the throw and offered a smile. It was the same guy who had almost gotten brained by a ball during warm-ups because the women behind third base had distracted him.

"We need that by the Bay," he remarked.

"It's a shame we close up there this year," Brock joked. "Our last home game is bikini night for them."

The man had started to move back to his position but stopped and turned toward the base.

"No way!" he said. "Man, I might skip our last series just to come down here for that."

Brock offered a chuckle as the second baseman resumed his position, shaking his head all the way back to his spot between first and second.

The pitcher was more cognizant of the runner now that Brock was on second but Brock was staying put. The play at second had been close enough that he would probably be out by 20 feet if he tried to steal third (it was a much shorter throw for the catcher).

After another called strike, Driesbach took a swing at the 1-2 offering. He got over top of the ball and drove it into the dirt in front of home plate. Brock was off to third as soon as the ball was hit; glancing in at the catcher to make sure the guy didn't try to throw to where Brock was headed. The ball had shot straight into the air almost 20 feet and the catcher had just fielded it when Brock was only a few feet from third. The guy took a look in Brock's direction and shifted to throw to first. Driesbach was running hard from the outset, staying in foul territory but close to the line. The catcher's glance to third made the throw to first more difficult and it tailed away from the baseman at the end. The first baseman had to stretch to catch the ball and barely kept his foot on the base.

His momentum caused him to pull off the base after the out was recorded and he stumbled trying to keep his feet beneath him. Brock had rounded third to watch the throw. When the first baseman had been forced to lunge, Brock took off toward home. The first baseman was a lefty, so he had to regain his balance, turn his body and make a throw before Brock covered the 85 feet that separated him from a tie ballgame.

Once again, the play was closer than Brock had thought it would be. Twenty feet from home plate, Brock realized the catcher had no plans to move from the base path. The man was a few feet in front of home plate toward third base as he awaited the return throw. Brock lowered his shoulder and set himself for the inevitable collision.

He pictured the catcher as a linebacker and recalled all the times he had lowered his shoulder to gain an extra yard when playing high school football. But Brock was larger and stronger than the last time he had worn a football helmet. He also had 80 feet of momentum behind him.

The ball arrived at almost the same instant as Brock did. Brock's shoulder hit the catcher's left arm and continued onward to his chest, driving the man backward. The impact caused the ball to ricochet off the catcher's mitt and into the catcher's face. Both men lay sprawled atop home plate as the ball caromed to the backstop.

Brock had to shift the supine catcher's legs to touch the plate to record the run. The catcher had removed his mask to make a play on the batter so the ball striking his mouth and nose had caused some damage. Brock wasn't sure but he thought he might have seen one of the man's teeth mixed in with the blood that was streaming from the guy's face. Brock didn't gloat over his fallen opponent. He simply grabbed his batting helmet that had flown off from the force of the collision and headed back to the dugout while the Giants training staff hustled onto the field.

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Tim and John had low paying jobs and were tired of the daily grind. Tim was married to Sally. They had a decent marriage, but after six years of marriage the spark had worn off. They both hoped it was just a lull before they enjoyed a new phase of their relationship. When Tim told her that he and John planned a month-long hike in the Colorado wilderness, she thought it was a good idea. It would give them a break and hope to have a happy reunion. She didn't even mind that Tim was quitting...

3 years ago
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iCarly iHave Sex 2

Freddie Benson awoke with a start. He kept his eyes closed, still trying to hold on to the final seconds of sle*p and his amazing dreams. The previous night, Freddie lost his virginity at age 15 and fucked his best friend, Carly Shay, and he was still having flashbacks of his unforgettable experience. Freddie was picturing Carly sucking on his erect cock, and he could even feel Carly's warm lips bobbing up and down his hard shaft. In fact, Freddie felt like somebody actually was giving him a...

3 years ago
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Married woman and a man

Do everyone is there experience?Married woman and a man with a relationship any more mountain etc. ...In fact we are seeded in three others wife until I ... now.Of course birth as a c***d of the husband others wife who does not know anything .... Fear of the creature that woman and cute ....It may be your wife are reading this (laughs)This is such experiences.I had the time, which has been fitted into the married woman clover.In the early days, more than half of the woman coming to call on a...

2 years ago
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Black Mans White Pussyboy 3

I had left Jay's apartment after our last evening together listeningto him chuckle as I carefully took smaller steps than usual to give myabused hole as little further pain as possible. Jay had fucked me threemore times over the course of the next several hours, taking longer andlonger each time to shoot his cum. My ass was sore and hurting and I hadbegged him several times to stop for a minute, to please give me a break,but he just kept pounding into me, telling me that as his bitch I needed...

4 years ago
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Ohh fuck me teacher

I returned to my seat still shocked at what just happened. When class was over i went up to his desk and asked him what he wanted to talk about. He waited til everyone had left the room and said, " Racheal, i am crazy about you! everytime i just think of you or hear your name i start to get hard. please racheal let me in you!" i was very shocked by this and just stood there. I had had sex a lot before he asked me this and i loved it even if they guy had a small cock. I had heard Brett had...

2 years ago
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Hunger meets opportunity

Roshan finally got up, had some water & went back to his sofa. I knew he was getting impatient & irritated because I was sitting on the single sofa. Not to tease him any further, I got up and went to the back of where he was sitting. I bent forward put my arms around his neck & kissed him lightly on the cheek. He said, ¡§Come sit here¡¨ and indicated a place by his side. I didn¡¦t obey. Instead I went over & took his laptop. Switched it on and searched for some music. Got a folder full of...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 21

It was nearly ten minutes before the Lieutenant commanding the garrison here appeared, and even then he was only partially dressed and was unshaven. He was still drunk and stumbled as he entered. He looked at us through bleary eyes for a number of seconds before attempting to salute, which wasn't done well either. "You are drunk on duty and also present a very poor appearance, Lieutenant," I growled. "Additionally you set a very poor example for your men," Seamus added. The Lieutenant...

1 year ago
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Not Naked in School

Wendy felt so embarrassed as she stood waiting for the school bus, with her fellow school students at the bus stop. Her hair was tied in plaits, her skirt came to just below her knees, a blazer and blouse covered her from the pit of her throat to her waist, and long white socks from her ankles to her knees. And worse, if that wasn't bad enough, beneath these clothes, she wore a bra and knickers. In fact only her knees and hands were exposed to the summer sun. The other students regarded her...

1 year ago
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i Fucked My Again part2

The Next Morning, Saturday Me and my mom woke up early. i took a shower shaved and then got dressed put some of my perfume on then we left to La. then were out the freeway my aunts house was only like 5 streets down from the freeway then we arrived to her house .Then i remebered the times i use to spent the summer here with my aunt christine. Then i hear her house door open . then i see my aunt my jaw literally dropped she got kind of skinny but still thick. She was wearing a long white dress...

1 year ago
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Jenny Blondie

Diplomatisches Korps Arbeite doch für einen Diplomaten hatte sie gesagt. Ein leichter Job, repräsentative Aufgaben, viele schöne Auslandsaufenthalte und gute Bezahlung. So einen Mist hatte sie erzählt. Jetzt Stand ich vor diesen Zweimeter hohe Holzwand - Einfache Büroarbeit für einen Botschafter hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt. “Mach schon Blondie. Alle warten auf dich.“Brüllte der Ausbilder. Ich schaute ihn verzweifelt an und versuchte mich an seinen Namen zu erinnern. Dann denke ich mir auch...

2 years ago
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Jill and Roger

We'd been married but three months. During that short time my wife, my new wife Jill, had hauled me around to at least fifty parties and nights out or so it seemed. When I say hauled me around, it was like I was a paid escort hired to drive her, buy her and her friends drinks. Get her coat, and watch her back while she flirted and danced and had a gay old time—with other men. She danced with me too, some, but I had the feeling that while she was with me on the dance floor, while we sat at the...

2 years ago
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Karlas Curiosity

Karla never expected she'd find herself fucking a black man, let alone nine different black guys that night. But once the idea was introduced to her, it was all she could think about that entire day.A Midwest-grown girl in her twenties, Karla was always a girl full of both curiosity and promiscuity. As a teen she was very experienced when it came to sex, which included a few lesbian encounters in college. The one thing she had never experienced though was interracial sex. If there had been...

4 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 12

When he'd showed up today, George was happy to see him. George was considerably less happy to find out that Alex was moving home and going to complete his education online. "Who is gonna help me when I have problems with girls", George said, even as he started helping Alex pack up his stuff. "Geez, idiot, I'm not moving to some remote part of the earth. Just call or text", Alex said, hitting his friend in the arm. Now, as Alex finished taping up a box, he snapped his fingers. Bill Lewis...

1 year ago
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Cameron Chameleon Chapter Two Do Blondes Really Have More Fun

I managed to make it home from the school, stopping to change form in an ally behind a nearby petrol station. I didn’t move as fast as I normally would have, my mind was still reeling from the day’s events, so it was getting on to about five thirty by the time I got back to the house and the sun was beginning to set. I hurried inside and locked the door behind me; bitter experience had taught us all that is wasn’t safe in Scarlet Acres after dark. I hurried up to my room and looked in the...

1 year ago
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Seduced My Sexy Priya

Hi to all,this is Nitin Rahane from Mumbai.I`m 24,5.10 height,average body,but eyes to understand lust as i’ve been into sex and sexual pleasures since i was 18.Here i’ll be narrating my incident with my ex principal of my school/college,whom i used to fantasize a lot since school days.I had that crush for her since my puberty time,watching her always whenever she used to take classes or on rounds in the schools or during annual functions.Being a principal my friends used to be afraid of going...

2 years ago
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Neighbours Lawn mowing part 5

"Do you remember what you said about that summer evening?" “When?" said I. "When you were home alone all summer and there was a party and… with the neighbors?" "Oh yes, that night I remember very well." "When you were fucked by all the neighbors on the couch." "Yes, I remember.” "Dad and I have talked to the neighbors, and they are ready for a new round." "What do you mean?" "We have planned for the four ladies, Helen, Maryan, you and I to stand on the sofa and guess who...

3 years ago
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The Unkonwn Party

Hi to all and I’m Sam age 23 from Delhi mail me. We come home from a hard day’s work you walk in and so do I. We go about our normal routine. I take the dog for a walk but when I get back up something is different. Music is on and there is a light glow from the bed room. I unhook the dog and go investigate. I walk in and there are candles lit then out of nowhere you come behind the door as you slam it shut and you pin me against the wall you restrain my hands above my head as you rip my shirt...

1 year ago
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The bicurious professor in the sauna Part 9

I ask the professor if he wants me to wear a condom. He says that for his first time being fucked in the ass he wants to feel the real me and not a condom. I then ask the professor what position he wants to be fucked in first. He tells me doggy because it is the most primitive and a****listic of the positions. The professor gets down on the floor and into position. I step behind him and kneel down. I put my right index finger up to the professor’s sphincter and move it around the edges. I...

2 years ago
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AOB How To Conclude A Meeting

Part 1 It wasn’t that the firm was sexist or a bunch of misogynist dinosaurs (of a porcine persuasion): she just rubbed them up the wrong way. Lynda was tall, blond and frighteningly efficient. Perhaps the men felt threatened: perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way. She always dressed well, neatly pressed clothes and tidy hair, though invariably in trousers. Perhaps it was this that annoyed the men in their rather crumpled suits, the result of hurried dressing after a shower and...

2 years ago
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Osaka Hipster Grrl Throat Bum Fuck

Getting deported from Korea was the best thing that ever happened to Pihla. Flying back home bombed out of her mind on LSD hadn't been a pleasant experience. Doing that while wearing her dorm pants, fuzzy slippers, and her new belly button piercing itching like a motherfucker because of an infection probably wasn't a bright idea while going through customs, but she made it through okay. Tall and slim, Pihla had a youthful innocence about her. "A" cup breasts on the verge of spilling over into a...

4 years ago
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Vixen Educates

Jim Morris was married. He had been married more than a month. Vixen knew that. She had even seen his new wife a time or two, a wispy girl with long legs and light hair, who, she was told, was in law school at Camden. To Vixen that meant that her art teacher might be available now and then during the week, so she hopped up on the edge of his desk and smiled. "How about we take another little trip down to Cape May? Weather looks pretty good." Jim stared at her and swallowed. He could not...

2 years ago
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Whos the boss

It was like my eyes had been opened for the first time. I don’t know why I didn’t realise it before, but I wanted him. It was wrong. We were both married but I knew that I had to have him, no matter what. He was my boss. He was gorgeous, funny, sexy with the most amazing colour eyes that are so hard to describe, but they’re captivating and intense. I knew that he wanted me too. He always had a reason to come and talk to me, would email me over the slightest thing, and I caught him once staring...

2 years ago
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Uncle Joe

I had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...

3 years ago
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Office Velaikaariyai Matter Aditha Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en office mallu velaikaariayai eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vikram, vayathu 25 aagugirathu, enaku innum thirumanam aaga vilai. Naan govt examku nandraaga padithukondu irunthen, appozhuthu bour adikum pozhuthu ellam kama kathai padithu kai adipen. Enaku bitu kathai endraal migavum pidikum, athai padikum pozhuthu ellam naane oru pennai oopathu pola unaruven. Kama padangal paarpathai vida kama kathaigal thaan ungalai athiga...

1 year ago
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My House My RulesChapter 22

Pete had seen a flat, featureless plain as far as he could see. This was not the Upper West Side of anything except whatever was south and east of here, wherever here was. He activated the camera on his iPad and pushed it out on the surface. Returning to the basement and the Pixies, he said, "Girls, we are at the last stop on the stair case to the 'Twilight Zone'." He strode to the black box. "Amy, give us a place to sit. Make it like the conference room table upstairs, with seating. Do...

1 year ago
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The Dark Gods

"Greetings," you hear a feminine voice say. "We've been watching you Derek. We gods are only swayed by people who are willing to bow to our whim, and you have been chosen. We six are choosing you to be the next to change the world. Once you receive this gift, it is all up to you in how you use it. Be warned, though, there are forces who will try to stop you. I'm sure you'll use your gift to stop them, however." (If you feel like it, don't be afraid to add your own chapters to my story, as long...

Mind Control
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Chapter 6 Mommy Returns

Chapter 6Mommy ReturnsSo much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend hadconfided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three monthspregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me withdivorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman,who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administeredmy three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared herinterest in me, not so much as a prospective spouse but as a...

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The Legacy of Tyamet

Inside a dark alley, a young lizard girl smirked as the black flames that surrounded her hand died out. Brushing aside a few bangs of blue hair from her face, she glanced down at her magic book one last time before snapping it shut. The medallion she wore glimmered slightly in the dim light as she glanced up at the moonlight. Her name is Tyamet, an escaped slave. Spending most of her childhood in bondage, she was bought by a vixen sorceress who needed a simple cleaning servant. During her...

Mind Control
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Green Acres 1 The Gypsy Indian Curse of Green Acres

Green Acres 1: The Gypsy Indian Curse of Green Acres Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-1971] By Ron Dow75 "Good Morning Mr. Douglas, Mrs. Douglas," the general store's clerk and owner greeted the distinguished gray-haired man in the three-piece pin-stripe suit and a Bavarian hat, and the trim blonde in yellow-with-white polka dots skirt and short-sleeved jacket, white purse and gloves, and a hat similar to her husbands, only with a much wider brim, and white with yellow trim....

3 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 21 The Longest Day of School Ever

On Monday morning, the teams assembled in the gymnasium before school. Coach Neville stood in front of us, looking tired and worn. "You know, of course, what has happened," he began. "I do have more information now, and the news is not good. As many of you know, the accident was a hit-and-run. The police have now found the car that pushed Theo's car off the road and into the tree. Unfortunately, it belongs to another student here at the high school, Richard Del Toro." That set up quite...

1 year ago
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I will always remember

Note : This story is completely fictional! If you saw her you would never know she looked and acted so Innocent but when we got alone she was insatiable and till this day i still masturbate to her memory's from 20 years ago to me she is by definition a woman . It was 1989 and i was just out of high school my girl friend Nicole @ the time was one year younger about to graduate and go off to collage . she was a very intelligent girl for 18 she weighed 105 pounds and like most girls who are that...

First Time
3 years ago
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Intro Bio section 803

It's your first year as a grad student at the University. Since you're new you've been stuck with the more undesirable lab teaching assignments, namely freshman Biology. One of your sections is the evening lab, which no one wanted but you've found works well with your schedule. And at least spring semester is almost over, with finals happening the following week. As you're about the start tonight's lab, one of your students raises her hand. "John, are you going to let us know what our labs...

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