A Flawed DiamondChapter 83 free porn video

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The one good thing about having a game start at five p.m. was that it was barely 10 o'clock when Brock arrived home.

Meredith greeted him with a warm kiss and smelled the Mexican food on his breath.

"I swear, I'm going to start coming into the clubhouse for dinner," she said. "I had to stop by In-and-Out on the way home. Which reminds me..."

She wiggled her eyebrows lasciviously.

"My wife is a sex fiend," Brock said.

"And you love it," Meredith replied, smiling happily at her promotion in marital status.

"Too true," Brock told her.

"We got the house to ourselves tonight," Meredith said. "Let's do it in the pool. We haven't done it there yet."

"You know how difficult it is to clean semen out of a pool?" Brock wondered.

Meredith was tugging him toward the back door when she stopped.

"I don't," she answered. "But I suppose you do."

"Uh, well, uh," Brock stammered.

"Melanie Miles," Meredith said, shaking her head. "Is there any place that woman won't fuck?"

"The only place I'm sure of is her mother's bed," Brock answered, not realizing the question was rhetorical. "We did it Jen's bed once though."

Meredith's gaze clued him in that some things were probably best left unsaid. He apologized for his blunder.

"So it's hard to get semen out of a pool?" she asked.

"It tends to float to the top," he said with embarrassment. "It's not water soluble. You know that. It's like in the tub or the whirlpool. It just sort spreads out all over the place."

"It wasn't this pool where you learned that was it?" Meredith asked.

"Oh, no," Brock said. "Not this one. I've never done anything like that here."

"I guess that's something," Meredith replied. "I guess I'll just have to make allowances because we are going to christen this pool tonight, Mister."

Meredith didn't bother with a swimsuit. She simply shucked off the shorts and T-shirt she was wearing and paraded out to the deck completely nude. With the lights off in the house, the pool was completely dark. He doubted the neighbors behind him would know. He also doubted they would care if they did know.

It took Brock a little longer to get his suit off. He laid it carefully on the kitchen table and walked outside in his boxer briefs. Meredith was already floating on her back. He could see her pale breasts above the water line and her darker pubic hair that contrasted with her pale skin.

Al could have his photographs of the women walking into the club. Brock wished he could have a photograph of the sight in front of him.

He walked down the steps into the shallow end before removing his underwear and tossing them aside and made his way to where Meredith was relaxing in the water, which was slightly cooler than he had expected it to be. The cold water on his lower regions dampened his ardor somewhat. But he knew Meredith would have the answer for that problem.

"I've decided my goal in life is to make love to you in Leslie Miles' bed," Meredith said when he reached her. "At least that way I'll be positive you've never been there before."

Brock decided it was best not to mention that Jennifer Miles had no such restriction and had led him to her mother's bed any number of times during the summer before they moved to North Carolina.

"It doesn't matter if the place isn't new," Brock answered. "It'll be with you so it will be more memorable."

Meredith turned her head and gave him a soft smile.

"I'm PMSing a little tonight, I think," she said. "Sorry if I was bitchy. You played really well and I'm proud of you."

"Don't worry about it," Brock said. "You put up with me when I'm a crab. It's only fair that I can do the same. I mean, Christ, it's like a thousand to one odds that if one of us grouchy then it's going to be me."

"You always make it up to me," Meredith said. "So I'll make it up to you now. Come here."

Brock moved forward and Meredith settled her feet on the bottom for a moment before bouncing up and wrapping them around his waist.

"Not interested tonight?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Cold water equals shrinkage," Brock replied. "Don't worry. He'll get the message that something good is about to happen. I don't think I've ever been this close to you without being interested."

He leaned forward and captured her mouth with his.

"You are such a smooth talker," she said when she broke the kiss.

"I was thinking I should put my mouth to other uses," he told her as he carried her to the side of the pool where a raft was waiting.

"Ooh, I thought I was going to make things up for you," she said. "Don't worry. That's my clean-up plan."

She released her grip around Brock's neck and scrambled up on the floating chair. She adjusted herself until her bottom was almost at the edge and gestured Brock forward. He dipped down until just his head and shoulders were above the water line and found his target.

Meredith's natural taste was overridden by the chlorine in the pool – something else Brock thought he might have warned her about – but she soon produced enough moisture to blunt the harsh chemicals.

It wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't. She had latched her hands behind Brock's head and she was holding him in place. The days leading up to her menses always put Meredith on a short trigger and it she was soon mewling her pleasure. Brock felt the legs over his shoulders pull him closer and then shortly relax as Meredith let go of his head. He peered up from his work to see her smooth stomach rising and falling and her breasts wobbling as she panted to regain her breath.

"Pull me to the shallow end," she said between gasps. Brock grabbed the end of the raft and towed it down to the edge of the pool where the water was much shallower.

"Right here," Meredith said when he was a few feet from the side. She watched until his butt was almost completely out of the water and knew he was the perfect height for what she wanted him to do. "Are you ready to go or do I need to help you?"

"I'm ready," Brock said when he turned back around. It hadn't occurred to him what Meredith had been waiting for until he saw where his hard-on was pointed. Meredith crooked her finger at him and he walked forward. When he was in the right spot, she lined him up and used her legs to pull him into her.

"Oh, yeah," Meredith said loudly.

Brock sawed back and forth in her furrow but he found he was missing the parts he liked best. He couldn't feel Meredith's body against his and he couldn't kiss her. He rectified that by leaning forward and scooping her off the raft. She threw her arms around his neck again and giggled as he carried her out to deeper water.

If both hadn't been aroused beforehand, it wouldn't have been as pleasurable as it was. Brock forgot about the other problems with underwater sex – water tended to wash away the lubrication and it tended to get stuck in places a woman didn't find comfortable.

Thankfully, the novelty had Meredith ready to crest again. Once he felt her climax, he headed back toward the steps. Meredith didn't weigh more than 120 pounds but he still felt her weight when the water was displaced as he carried her out of the water.

He lifted her upward to dislodge his erection and drew a sigh from Meredith at its absence. That was quickly followed by another sound: water falling from her cavity and landing on the concrete.

"Gross," Meredith said. "I didn't even think of that."

"Yeah, me either," Brock agreed.

"You didn't have this problem before?" Meredith wondered. She couldn't imagine that Melanie was tighter down there than she was.

"What?" Brock asked absently. "Oh, yeah. We had all sorts of problems."

"Like what?" Meredith wanted to know.

"Water isn't a lubricant," Brock answered absently. He was looking at Meredith's body in the moonlight.

"Ooh, chafing," Meredith replied as she sat down on a chair, coincidentally the same one Brock had sat on almost a year earlier when she confessed to him about her New York escapades.

She moved forward and took his erection into her mouth – and just as quickly pulled her mouth back.

"And the chemicals," she said as she wrinkled her nose.

"And that," Brock replied. "Why don't we take a few minutes and shower off and we'll reconvene in the bedroom."

"Why don't we reconvene right here on this chair?" Meredith asked. "We'll do it under the stars tonight."

She took his hand and led him to a shower near the side entrance where they washed the pool water of their bodies. The she led him back over to finish what they'd started; smiling all the while that he was willing to do silly things if it would make her happy.

Brock was having breakfast the next morning when Randi came in, looking tired and bedraggled.

"Jesus, you look like hell," Brock said without thinking.

"Fuck you very much," Randi replied tiredly.

"Uh, sorry," Brock said. "That was mean. I didn't mean it that way. It's just, well, uh, where have you been all night?"

"Did you adopt me at some point?" Randi retorted, still stung by Brock's first statement. "If not, none of your fucking business."

"Oh, sure," Brock told her, returning to his cereal. "Sorry, Randi. It's just, I don't know. I'm not used to seeing you looking so tired. I worry about you, you know. That's all I meant. I didn't mean to suggest you needed to run your schedule past me or anything."

Randi sat down heavily in a chair opposite him.

"I know and I'm sorry for snapping at you," she said. "I'm PMSing and you're an easy target. We had a location shoot last night. We set the schedule to free us up for the game tonight and so we can follow you to Cleveland for the weekend. I wasn't out getting drunk or laid or anything. But I've been awake since this time yesterday. I'm starving and I smell like a dingy fucking hotel room."

"I'll fix you some breakfast while you take a shower," Brock offered in way of conciliation. "How does a nice omelet with toast and bacon sound?"

"I'd offer to blow you for an omelet with toast and bacon if I didn't think Meredith would kill us both," Randi remarked. She realized that she had spoken aloud and blushed. "I'm sorry. Last night was, God, I can't even explain it. First there was the game. That was so awesome. I mean, the first game of the World Series and pretty much all my favorite people were there. You guys were on the field and so was J.C. Meredith, Tiffany and Rachel were with me in the stands. It was really cool."

Brock had arisen to begin the preparations for one of the few meals he could fix.

"Then the scene last night was sort of, I don't know how to describe it," Randi said with a sigh. "I was tied up on a bed and people spent eight hours touching me."

"Touching you?" Brock asked as he whisked the eggs.

"Not in a gross way," Randi told him. "It was one of the scenes where Helga starts to regret how she's treated Greta. So I had Tiffany running her hands over me half the night, you know, stroking my hair and that stuff. We had to kiss a bunch, too. Add PMS to the World Series and a night of incomplete fondling and you get me this morning."

"Go take a quick shower and maybe you'll feel better," Brock offered.

Randi smiled and headed upstairs.

Brock finished breakfast and was keeping it warm awaiting Randi's return. He heard footsteps on the stairs and popped the bread into the toaster.

"You fixed breakfast?" Meredith asked sleepily. "What's the occasion?"

"Randi said she'd blow me for bacon and eggs," he said lightly. The silence from behind him let him know the joke had fallen flat.

"I'm kidding," Brock said. "Well, I'm not kidding about her offer but that's not why I'm doing it. She had a rough night last night."

"She said she was shooting a pretty charged scene," Meredith remarked as Brock turned on the coffee maker. He held a cup under the basket instead of the carafe. He figured Meredith would need the jolt of caffeine. He pulled the cup out as he slid the carafe into place and put the steaming liquid in front of her. She looked up him gratefully.

"You're in a good mood," she said.

"I got laid last night," Brock replied with a wink.

"Me, too, but I'm not that cheerful," Meredith commented.

"Well, to be fair, you got laid by me and I got laid by you," Brock told her. "I got the better end of the deal."

"I've been laid by me before," Meredith said. "It's overrated."

"Says you," Brock rejoined. He buttered the toast that had popped up and put some jelly across it. He knew Meredith liked it that way. He slid the omelet from the pan and put some bacon on the plate and set it in front of Meredith. He figured he could make another for Randi.

"Breakfast and sexy talk," Meredith said with a smile. "You even poured me coffee. I think I'll keep you – even if you do plan to let Randi blow you."

"I don't," Brock said.

"I would if I were you," Meredith said with a laugh. "Once we're married, your catting around days are over. You never know how many more chances you're going to get."

"If you make the offer, I won't turn you down," Brock admitted.

"To let Randi blow me?" Meredith wondered.

"Uh, not exactly," Brock said. "I was thinking along other lines."

"I started my period this morning so that would just be gross," Meredith told him. It was far more information than he wanted. "Did she tell you about the scene she was shooting?"

Brock had returned to his culinary duties but shrugged.

"She said the scene had Tiffany running her hands over her and kissing her," he said. "She looked like crap. I didn't know she was working last night. I thought she'd been out to a club or something."

"I kept you too preoccupied last night for you to ask where she was," Meredith said with a smile – her first of the morning.

"You tend to do that," Brock agreed. "The girl seriously needs to get laid. I can tell you that."

"Yeah," Meredith said.

"Maybe you should, I don't know, help her out tonight," Brock suggested.

"That's not a good idea," Meredith responded.

"I know it's not but we're going to have to do something," he said.

"Maybe you should help her out," Meredith offered.

"Also not a good idea," Brock admitted. "Besides, I'm busy all day. I have to pack. We're flying out right after the game."

"I know," Meredith said. "Our flight is right after yours. What is your schedule for tomorrow?"

"Nothing really," Brock said. "We have a media thing at noon and then we're free."

"Do you want to drive over to Erie?" Meredith wondered.

Brock turned from the stove.

"Why in the hell would I want to go to Erie?" he asked.

"I thought you might want to visit Chastity while we're that close," Meredith replied.

"Chastity is in Erie?" Brock asked.

"You didn't know?" Meredith inquired.

"I figured she was in Europe with the rest of them," Brock answered with a shrug. "I thought the whole team got picked up for European teams after the women's professional league folded here this summer."

"Most of them got picked up but she didn't go," Meredith said with a frown.

Brock heard the water shut off upstairs and put in two more slices of bread to toast.

"I guess it was announced while you were rehabbing in Arizona," Meredith said after thinking for a moment. "She's coaching a girls' team at a private school near Erie. She turned down the contract to play in Europe."

"Huh," Brock said. "I had no idea. I knew Tia went over in August. J.C. was bummed about it. I just figured Chastity went, too."

"They have a playoff game tomorrow night," Meredith stated.

"Who?" Brock asked.

"Chastity's team," Meredith told him. "I've been checking from time to time to see how she's doing."

"How did she get a coaching job?" Brock asked. "I mean, shit, don't you have to be a teacher or something?"

"From what she told me, the previous coach got fired just before the season started," Meredith explained. "Chastity volunteered to take over so the girls didn't have to cancel their season. The last I saw they were 12-4 on the year and they were first in their division. I think we should drive across to watch them play tomorrow night."

Brock set down his spatula and turned to face Meredith. His reply was cut short when Randi came in, looking slightly better but still tired. Brock set her food in front of her just as she took her seat at the table.

"That's what I call service," Randi said. "I'm sorry about earlier. I mean, about being bitchy and about the other thing."

"You mean offering to give him a hummer for some breakfast?" Meredith asked in light voice. "I'm going to make you a sign: 'Will suck for food.'"

"I'm sorry," Randi said, tears starting to form in her eyes. "I'm so tired. It came out before I even thought."

"I'm playing," Meredith told her friend. "Was last night bad?"

Randi wiped her eyes and nodded her head.

"Bad doesn't describe it," she lamented. "Imagine being aroused a hundred times in eight hours without getting off. I had to put in a tampon. I am wearing panties from the era and there was a huge wet spot where I leaked. Tiffany was in the same shape. God. There was one portion where she is standing above my head and I could smell her. I know everyone could smell me. I am so frustrated right now. I tried to get off in the shower but I just couldn't do it."

The tears that Randi had thought were gone returned in force. Meredith looked up questioningly to meet Brock's eyes. He gave a brief nod.

"I have some errands to run before tonight," he said.

"Stay," Meredith said. "We decided all or none. Remember?"

Brock closed his eyes but nodded again.

"Finish your breakfast and then we'll take you upstairs and help you out," Meredith said. "I mean, if you want for us to."

"Please," Randi said plaintively. "I know you don't want to but I'm really going crazy. I've tried to back away but I know I can trust you two. That's what always stops me from finding someone. I get scared about things."

"It's OK," Meredith said in a soothing voice. "Just finish your breakfast. We'll take care of you and then we'll tuck you in bed and let you sleep. Does that sound good?"

"Yes," Randi said softly. "I really love you both. I hope you know that."

"We do," Brock answered for the couple. "And we love you."

Meredith and Brock left Randi sleeping in their bed and headed back down the stairs.

"I'll pack your bags for you when she gets up," Meredith promised. She stopped when she reached the bottom of the steps and hugged Brock firmly.

Neither Brock nor Meredith had been thrilled with what had happened in their bedroom but neither was overly upset about it either. Mostly, Meredith wanted reassurance that nothing had changed between her and Brock. He kissed the top of her head softly and returned her hug.

Brock wasn't sure what had transpired could even be considered sex. Randi was nude and in bed. Those parts fit. But neither Brock nor Meredith had disrobed. Meredith had stroked Randi's pussy – which was remarkably wet – while Brock had played with the young woman's nipples. Brock could actually hear the slurping sounds when Meredith slipped her fingers inside Randi's tunnel.

It took only a few moments before Randi orgasmed for the first time but Brock and Meredith had continued until she reached her peak twice more before stopping. Then they cuddled up beside her and held her until she fell asleep. The entire episode had taken less than 30 minutes.

"Are you OK?" Brock asked. He felt Meredith nod against his chest.

"I just don't want to lose us because of this," she said softly.

"We won't," he promised. He didn't feel as though he or Meredith had committed a mortal sin. "We just have to watch to make sure it doesn't start to happen more often now that we've broken the seal, so to speak."

"We will," Meredith said. "I'll talk to her about it and make sure we're all on the same page."

"Let's wait until we're back," Brock proposed. "For now, let's see how things are. If nothing has changed with her, I don't think we need to mention this again. I mean, I could tell she was embarrassed. I could see it made her uncomfortable. I just don't think she had anywhere else to turn."

"We need to work on that," Meredith said.

"Oh, no," Brock answered, kissing Meredith's head again and pulling apart from her. "I'm not going to play matchmaker. I'm willing to vet anyone she finds on her own but outside of that, I'm out."

"So did you decide about going to see Chastity?" Meredith inquired.

"Is that something you really want to do?" Brock asked back.

"It sounds better than spending a night doing nothing in Cleveland," Meredith answered. Brock had to agree that, when compared to Los Angeles, Cleveland's entertainment options were limited.

"We could stay in the hotel," Brock suggested.

"How many times do you think I can suck your dick in one night?" Meredith asked, shaking her head. "Because I'm pretty much out of commission for anything more than that."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot," Brock admitted.

"I'm not opposed to seeing how many times I can suck you off in one night," Meredith continued with a laugh. "But we probably should wait until you don't have a game the next day."

"You have a valid point," Brock said, laughing along. "I'm glad I could show you a good time last night before you started your period."

"Oh, you did," she agreed. "I hope I showed you as good a time as you showed me."

"Absolutely," Brock replied as he began to clean up the kitchen. "Are you sure you don't mind finishing my packing?"

"I'm not letting you in that room with Randi," Meredith said. "She's naked and her twat is still in working order."

"I wouldn't even notice," Brock lied. "Well, I guess I should say I can cover her."

"I'll pack for you," Meredith told him, kissing his shoulder – which was as high as she could reach. "I have to finish mine still. So, what about a trip to Erie?"

"Let's play it by ear," Brock said. "Did you invite her to the games? I assume you're in contact with her."

"Sort of," Meredith answered. "I mean I'm sort of in contact with her. I e-mail her from time to time. I did ask if she wanted to come across to see you play this weekend. She said it depends on how her team does. They play so long as they keep winning. She said the only time she's sure she's free is Sunday. But if they win Saturday night, she might want the time to prepare for their next opponent depending on who wins the other sections. At least I think that's what she meant. She said she hoped Friday and Saturday were out, at least. I have the e-mail if you want to read it."

"No," Brock said with a laugh. "But I really don't think it's a good plan to just show up at her game. Besides, high school girls' soccer is not a sport I think I'd like to pay money to watch."

Meredith crossed her arms.

"You're showing up to support someone I hope is still your friend," Meredith insisted. "If Randi was starring in a play, you'd go if you could. When Jen gets her doctorate, you'll be at the ceremony. You're an hour away and you don't want to go across to lend your support?"

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Max loves Married Mature Women

Max & Sage took a shower together & then Sage stayed nude except for a pair of spiked heels ,now he also collared & leashed his mature sexslut & brought her upstairs to the den where she sat on his sofa , then she was ballgagged and told to be quiet. The doorbell rang , Max went & answered it , well hello Sheila Max said , the 56year old , gray haired, long legged & fake giant tit amazon was his oldest & longest serving submissive . It had been almost a year since he had met Sheila ....

2 years ago
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Mommy What do you do

I found out two weeks ago that my mom is a whore. I don’t mean she sleeps around. I mean she does it for money with men. If they are in a motel nearby, mom gets in the car and drives there, texts when she arrives and walks to the man’s door. The men leave money on the table, and, well, mom sucks their cocks mostly. I didn’t know. Today is the third time mom has come to see me to show me what she does with the other men. Mom knows she is really good at it. All the men want to have her lick and...

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Early RetirementChapter 6

The next morning, Wednesday, started with everyone getting up, dressed to go to work, and leaving for their various jobs. Sue Ann, Ruth and I were finally left alone as Sue Ann didn't start work until 10 a.m. Ruth was wearing one of my tee shirts that let her breasts show through the fabric and nothing else. Sue Ann had put on her shorts and company shirt along with sneakers. They came up to me as I sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee after having finished breakfast. Ruth started the...

2 years ago
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UnbelievableTurn In My Sex Life

This is happened 13 days ago from the date of this post. I am posting this to ISS just to show my happiness I am right now and my daddy is into business in partnership with a firm in Delhi. I have completed my MBA and came to Delhi to stay with my dad as my family stays in Bhopal. This story has started 5 months ago when my mother, brother and sister came to Delhi for vacations my father invited his partner’s family for lunch to my house and when they came to my house and I have seen someone...

4 years ago
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SacrificesChapter 8

Gina could stand it no longer, her heart aching with uncertainty. She had to know. As seven o'clock finally rolled around and Todd showed up to take her shift for her, Gina got in the Expedition and, despite telling herself she would not, she found herself driving slowly toward Kim's apartment house. Johnny had stationed himself across the street inside a convenience store where, unobserved, he had a clear view of the apartment house. He had been waiting only a matter of minutes when he...

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Double Feature at the Bijou

Alice couldn’t wait to hob-knob with the older girls in the high school she’d be attending in just a few weeks. The 14-year-old was sick of hanging around the immature kids in Middle-school classes ( grades 6 – 9 ) where she was clearly more developed both mentally and physically than her classmates. Alice had ditched her training bra two years ago and now wore an non-padded 36 C-cup. She also, secretly without her mum knowing. wore the skimpiest of panties and even owned a few thongs which...

2 years ago
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Love Potion Number 8

Love Potion #8 by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1998 All rights reserved It had been a couple years since Ben had died. Not only did I not like being a widow at 35 but even with my job, it was hard to keep up with bills that really took two salaries to cope with. It finally dawned on me to think about getting a room mate to share expenses. Not that it was such a big house, only two bedrooms but plenty large enough for two people, a cat and a dog. I admit that of late I'd been feeling...

4 years ago
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I Never Dreamed It Would Come to ThisChapter 2

Despite the nagging irritant that had taken up residence at the back of my mind I slept well. The pent-up anxiety that had stolen my sleep since Danny had gone out west seemed to melt away with the two very intense orgasms. My body surrendered to a serene feeling that I had not had in months. But the hot sun streaming through the bedroom window brought my dilemma rushing back. My brain was flooded with the memory of what I had done and what I had not done. I had let a young man seduce me in...

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Lindas Punishment Locked Door

Linda looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she slowly unbuttoned her wet blouse. She could still smell the faint smell of urine as she looked at her breasts, the shirt dropping to the floor in front of her.Silently she reached down and rubbed her hands over them, sliding her fingers around her nipples. Her lips moistened as she started to pull the zipper of her skirt down.“Linda honey?” she felt her body stiffen as her father called out to her. “Linda, honey, are you okay?”She reached...

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gang bang0

Like most people, male or female, I have a natural lurid curiosity which I would be happy to satisfy if I weren't caught at it, a totally natural and deep-seated interest in all things obscene -- just because they are forbidden. The bulges in the six surrounding youths' sloppy large pants told me that they were interested in more than just territorial rights at the moment. They just didn't know how to go about getting into my panties other than using intimidation, or worse, force. I...

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Uncle aur anty dono ki chudai

Dear readers how are you? Aaj me jo aapko story sunane ja raha hu vo aaj se karib six month pahele ki he.Me bihar se hu meri age 26 year he.meri cheast 38″inch kamar 30″ he.mera lund 8″ ka he.aaj me aapko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ek uncle ,anty aur meri he.ye sachhi kahani he.Aaj se karib 6th month pahele me chpra mere ek kam se gaya huva tha vahape mere ek dost ke flat me ruka huva tha.chapra me bahut garmi padti he rat ko khane ke bad mene apne dost ki biwi se kaha mera bistar terrace...

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Sherry and Wendys Sexy Adventures

My only real work-related titty fucking experience happened when I was eighteen and fresh out of high school. I got a job at a very prestigious financial firm located in downtown. I was a glorified receptionist/filing clerk/coffee getter. I don't recall but I think thirty or so people were working at that branch.I was assigned to three men. All older (mid-thirties to forties) and none all that exceptional looking. Two were married and the other was an obvious player, which at my age I was...

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A Strange World

You aren't much for beginnings and you're not much for ends either, you tend to drift from place to place before anything can come to a close. You never start wars and you never finish them, you fight when they are at their bloodiest then you leave. You are immoral, you are a monster, so why can't you pull the trigger? Your mind flashes back to the mission, "Kill everything that moves, burn it all." That's it, that was the mission. Paid well too, you and about a hundred other mercenaries...

1 year ago
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ReplayChapter 5

As Jerry switched the engine off Emma and Judy came out of the front door. "You're late," Emma said with a smile. "Two minutes." "I'm sorry if I caused you any anxiety," Jerry smiled back. "I did have to have a sniff at my smelling salts." Emma held out her hands and Jerry took them. "Anyway, you made it," she smiled up at him. He could not resist it and gave her a quick light kiss. She positively beamed. "And you're forgiven," she said softly. "Come on. Let your girls...

1 year ago
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The Piper Chapter 2

“Happy,” he asks? “Very happy, but not completely satisfied yet. Go slowly this time and leave my clit, alone it is very tender,” she says as she slides back onto his face. Joel takes his time, kissing and licking Anna’s sweet, wet pussy everywhere but on her clit. He can no longer taste his own cum, but the thought of it is still on his mind; he feels himself getting hard for a second time. Taking one hand from Anna’s back, he reaches down and starts stroking his cock. The residue from the...

4 years ago
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Expo Summer Parts 1 and 2

EXPO SUMMER Part 01 From the Depths of Despair Copyright (c) 2000 by Kim EM All rights reserved - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. If you're reading this and you disagree, maybe you have a guilty conscience about what happened thirty-four years ago. The story may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're...

3 years ago
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The Heart BelievesChapter 7

Bill mingled. He wasn't that good at it. Julie was the social butterfly. Mostly, his tactic was to wander around, glass of punch in hand, listening for any conversation that sounded interesting and not too private. It was either that or just sit at the table (or, worse, follow Julie around). Much of the talk had been about the impromptu proposal, both pro and con, something he'd stayed out of as much as possible. His friends didn't need help defending themselves, and, really, it was time...

2 years ago
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Tales From the Loft The Hunters

Co-written by: Mojavejoe420 and Melanieatplay "The Hunters" “And so, I decided not to wear a bra to Brooke’s birthday party. I didn’t know she was going to have a water balloon fight. I was just hoping to get Tommy Marston’s attention.” Mel rubbed her breasts as the night air breezed past us. I kept sneaking looks at her while trying not to crash the car, being that it was a beautifully restored 1967 Mercury Cougar (351 Windsor, naturally), and of course, it didn’t have airbags. So I...

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Goddess Swati

The story has a lot to offer in terms of erotica where my husband Abhay and I playfully turn the heat on. My name is Swati I'm 27 with an Indian alpha structure being 5'9 and shaped as 36-30-36. I am married to Abhay who is 29, 6'0 and has an even structure as mine. This is a story of how I help Abhay to achieve his career goals by being his strict goddess. Chapter1 We were all dressed for the gym and jog, we have been working out together since 4 years now. Fitness is an odd thing...

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I'm 24 Blondish, 36d 24 38...Yes that is my size. I've always had a way with the guys. But this one night.... My sister Kim told me to come over to her house for a card game. As usual, I brought the Hennessey and Chip n Dip. I wore a tight top no bra a short skirt and thong panties. It was hot and when we play cards it get that much more HOTTER. She only invited her boyfriends friends...ALL GUYS. 4 guys and us 2 ladies just enjoying a few games of cards and liquor. ALL the guys was...

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Wanking as a teenager

A new friend at school(part fantasy and a lot of reality – to be continued if you wish)I was afternoon break and David had walked up to the small wood at the back of the playing fields. It was usually deserted up here and he often went there when he felt like being alone. As he walked through the trees he saw something out of the corner of his eye and stopped. There was the shape of a figure under the bushes on the other side of the small wood. He walked slowly forward and stood behind a large...

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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 6

It took about about a week into the school year for me to actually get a really good chance to talk to Chris. Which was odd since we were partners in science class. On Thursday he asked if I’d like to eat with him at lunch the next day. At that moment I cursed the fact that Science class was after lunch. I was nervous sitting at the same table as the boy I had a crush on. I kept on looking into his eyes or trying to memorise his face. Had he always had that small scar under his left eyebrow....

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I guess Im a Cuck 5

I wasn't sure about posting any further up-dates of my sex life or lack of one, I'm no professional writer but the amount of thumbs down is a bit harsh, which is why I haven't bothered to record the rest of that night so far. I sat in that bar and thought long and hard what I wanted out of life and my wife's determination to humiliate me with these old men. I don't know what my wife has told them or why she thinks I will just accept it but the thing is I'm not weak, far from it there's lots of...

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College Days Ch 03

I woke up Monday morning in an intense state of arousal. I couldn't believe what had transpired the day before, and especially the conversation Jenny and I had about sex. Was she actually going to have sex with me? I guess, after the episode with the tanning oil, I didn't need to wonder too much, but it all seemed like something out of a dream, as if it had never really happened. All I could think about was Jenny and Colette and the prospect of finally, after all these years, losing my...

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Unforgettable Indulgence With A Cabbie Part II

Hi Honey here. I’m here to continue with the story of the “Unforgettable Indulgence With A Cabbie – Part I” After I experienced his iron rod in the open ground on that moonlit night, I could never sleep without masturbating thinking about him. Even at work, I was feeling horny and trying to suppress my feelings I used to get headaches. A couple of days passed by and in 2-3 days my parents will be back home. After that, chances to fuck him would be less. And I dint have the guts to fuck once...

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My release from the closet part 2 that little bastard

Introduction: Kyles relationship gets intense in ways he couldnt have imagined. hey guys this is my second story so again i really welcome any and all criticism and suggestions. also this story involves sex between gays and a minor (at least in america, not where i live) so if you guys have a problem with that, dont keep reading, but if youre into this sorta thing than happy wanking ???? I woke up with Tim still asleep on top of me, I thought it was going to be a good day, boy was I wrong. I...

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Lost My Virginity To The Love Of My Life 8211 Part I

Hello Friends, This is my first story @ ISS. I’m an active reader @ ISS. I’ve read many stories and wanted to share my story one day. Before we move on I’m Vineeth kumar (name changed), 24, working in an IT company in Bangalore. Everyone can contact me on Well, to begin with this is not an actual story, just my own fiction with loads of romance and sex. If you guys are for real stories then I’m sorry, I’m still a virgin, but would love to lose it soon! This story revolves around Kumar and...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 18

[Monica's story continues] Benita jumped out and came toward one of our captors. I think she planned to either raise hell about the tires or kiss him. She got a chance to do neither. Instead the man knifed her in the belly and she fell away from him mortally injured. Soledad shouted, "No!" She ran toward the man who then shot her. She was dead almost as she fell to the ground. I stood with my hands held high and waited. I didn't move a muscle as I felt a man come beside me and pull my...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Challenge 2

It was the day of my 25 year old daughters wedding. As far as I know she had never had sex with a man. How did you have a talk about what is expected. I am sure she know. She was 25 and we had never keep the talk about sex from her as a k**. She know a lot sooner then her friends. So I a 45 year old woman was having a talk with my 25 year old daughter. I have to admit I was wondering what all she knew. Sara, what do you know about pleasing a man? Sara looked at me and smiled. Mom I...

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My County Tis of MineChapter 13

As Mrs. Nome was being escorted out, I started to wonder about the BJ chair. I looked around and quickly found the video camera hidden in a bookcase. I had the false book out when dad got back. "I wondered if you'd figure it out" "What's this all about?" "Sometimes you drive a hard bargain; people deny later that they agreed to something, even sometimes say that that isn't their signature on the contract. It wouldn't have been too hard to get both the father and son really fucked...

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The Book Club

The Book ClubI am 32 years old, have been married once to a guy who thought a romantic evening was a drive through at McDonalds, then taking it home, a quick romp in the bed, meant we’d turn in early. One romantic evening and I got the marriage reversed, claiming mental distress. When I threatened to tell everyone what his idea of a romantic evening was, he quickly signed the annulment papers and I was free again. I am also very lucky by having a good job, pays well, rewarded for my creativity...

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Sabrinas Biker Gang Bang

I started talking to a dude we'll call "G-Man" on xHamster. His wife "Sabrina" is a gorgeous black woman with a body made for sin. G-Man told me that he and his wife had fantasized about her being gang-banged. I've always had a "thing" for chocolate and told G-Man so. He immediately asked me if my "buddies" and myself would be interested in gang-banging Sabrina. I told him yes....and since he didn't live that far from me that I'd come and pick his lady up for a day ride. Then he could meet us...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 101

My physical therapy got under way in earnest on Monday morning. We got everybody packed up and off to their next destinations. The California crew was taking a detour – to Disney World in Florida – before returning back to San Diego in time for the Fourth of July holiday. The adults fought the idea of an all-expenses paid trip to an amusement park. It wasn’t the concept that bothered them. It was the idea that Liz was going to foot the bill for everything. They relented when Liz threatened...

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BraceFaced Eli Luxx Beautiful Blinding Braces

Eli Luxx is an exotic young teen who just got braces. She‘s sitting outside taking selfies of her new metal when the glare from the sun gets into the eyes of a handsome stranger who is working on his car. The gentleman walks over to Eli to inform her that her braces are causing a blinding glare. She is apologetic and says her braces make her self conscious. He insists that they are adorable. Eli is certainly hot as fuck. She is not smart as fuck though. She invites the stranger over and while...

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One Night In Paris

We finally plan to meet when I come to France. I am so excited, but so nervous also. You come to pick me up at my hotel and I am waiting for you right outside. I see you crossing the street looking so fucking handsome in dress pants, a white collared shirt and a black wool jacket. You finally look my way and smile and say, ‘bonjour’ and lean over to kiss my cheek. You step back and look me over. You are pleased. I am wearing a charcoal colored sweater coat down to my knees and tied in the...

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Just My Luck Part Four

Just My Luck - Part Four By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. P.O.V Mel. I couldn't believe how my luck had suddenly changed toward the better!...

4 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 26 Rhapsody

The morning was bright and quiet when Richard woke up. The muted sound of a car passing made him wonder if it had snowed over night. From the kitchen, he heard his dad answer the phone. He couldn't figure out who it was at first. When he heard him talking about music, he realized it was Sandra. He considered getting up, but decided to wait for the phone to come to him. He checked his watch, surprised at the lateness of the hour. I guess I have to get up, he realized. He made his way out...

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Teen Strip Poker Circle Jerk An Early Experience

I was about 14 and there was a girl in the apartment complex that was 12. She used to hang out with us and one Summer day she was with me and two of my buddies in my apartment. It was the early 70s when no one watched where their kids hung out. GREAT time. One buddy said we should play strip poker (he read about it in Playboy). We were all for it but when he explained how it worked to the girl she said no way. But then she said she didn't mind if we played. So we all played poker until...

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Joan Awakens

Joan AwakensMature and Young, Family Play, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Kinky and Extreme“That's a cute ring”, Betty spoke viewing Joan's ring. “My workmate Peter gave it to me for my birthday, it's a friendship ring”, she replied! She also told her that he was a sweet heart, all the females young, old, married or single swooned over him. “Your face lit up like they aren't the only ones”, Betty grinned. Joan told her that he was definitely a catch and he was interested in her but he was too...

1 year ago
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Jackies First Anal

I don’t quite remember when I started to become attracted to Jackie. When she first moved in, she was just another roommate, and I figured she’d be gone in a few months. But as the months wore on, we began hanging out quite a bit. That is, whenever her extremely jealous boyfriend wasn’t around. She wasn’t the best looking girl in the world. Then again, she wasn’t exactly ugly either. But it was those legs that first got me. She was getting ready to go out jogging one day and I caught a glimpse...

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Morning Thoughts

The day's sun and fun had paid it's toll on us, we had joked and flirted with sexual innuendoes all day, and absolutely planed on fulfilling them when we got home, but there we were - sacked out on the couch, rubbing each other's feet, that intimate act of touching, feeling, soothing, and soon we were both asleep to the droning of the Television, singing it's lullaby of gibberish to us. I woke up, not really with a start, just one of those things, when you know that your neck will have the...

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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 16

Mark and Talia Translocated back to the Xervian port of The Sea People and resumed their position floating in the focus of the smaller reflector, both of them soaking up power like the warmth of a hot shower after a cold day. “They’re leaving.” Povon reported from Hilia with obvious relief. “Thanks.” Mark told her with a grim smile. “We can see that from here, actually.” The Xervian Wards were only a hundred yards offshore here, and Mark and Talia were only sixty yards back from the beach,...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 2 A Long Days Wait

Alice was congratulating herself on getting her father involved with someone and David and Ellen were busy flirting, when the distant sound of the radio caught their attention. David quieted them so they could listen. “This just in, there appears to be a massive meteor shower sweeping across the country. It supposedly started West of here,” the announcer reported, signaling he was near Washington, “and it’s been sweeping steadily westward. It’s inflicted serious damage and has limited...

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