Mid Summer Evening Stroll
- 5 years ago
- 57
- 0
Mark stood in the hotel foyer willing Louise to appear. The time was 7.05am. He had checked the outside temperature and finding it surprisingly balmy, given that the sun was barely over the trees on the other side of the river, he had relayed that fact to Louise, the lady he had just spent a wildly sensuous night with. Since 8.30pm on the previous evening, this last twenty minutes had been the longest time they had been apart. How crazy was that?
The lift doors opened and there was a thump in his chest as she stepped out. Her smile heated him yet again, as his eyes took in the yellow summer dress she had changed into and his eager eyes recorded the fact that there was no bra under that dress. Those delicious nipples pressed against the fabric, seeking even more freedom. God, she was as delectable as ever.
Louise had returned to her own room to get out of the cocktail dress she had worn last night. Something more appropriate was called for when Mark had suggested they take a pre-breakfast stroll along the riverbank. That had seemed wonderfully romantic. The events of the night gone by still fuzzed her unbelieving mind, as she stepped out of the cocktail dress, and freshened herself up. Standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror she had wondered how she might dress for this, their first stroll alone together.
When Mark had called on her cell-phone to tell her how delightfully warm it was, she had no hesitation. No underclothing, she merely shrugged into her yellow cotton summer dress, buttoned it up, and, with the remnants of the evening’s lascivious mood hanging over her, she left the top button unfastened. Collecting her small shoulder bag, she hurried out, hoping she hadn’t been too long.
Mark’s lovely smile as she hurried across the foyer towards him told her that there were no hard feelings. He looked so lithe in open-necked blue shirt and light blue pants, her breath quickened immediately.
“You look gorgeous,” he told her, as he held open the main doors for her.
“You don’t look so bad yourself, considering the hard night you’ve had.”
Mark was delighted at the easy suggestiveness of her response. Out on the patio, their arms were immediately around each other’s waist, as though, after all that had gone before, they could not bear not touching. Thankfully none of the rest of the course members were around.
“Bet they haven’t been awake all night,” Mark laughed.
Giving him a squeeze, Louise giggled, “They didn’t have the same incentive.”
Strolling cosily through the vividness of red roses, multi-coloured petunias and bright yellow gazanias in the hotel grounds, to where the gate led to the riverside, they remained tightly clinging together.
Mark mused, “Looking back. I still find you so hard to believe.”
“Just me?”
“Us,” Mark quickly corrected.
“Only forty-eight hours ago.”
“We hadn’t met.”
Mark sighed, reaching to stroke down the front of her dress, sure she was naked underneath. Her breasts, that had captured his attention all night, felt as warm and as vibrant as ever, with those hard nipples that, even now hardened and rose to his touch. “I could write a story about last night.”
Louise giggled again, “You write erotica?”
“No, but I’d have to, even if I made it a love story.”
As they passed through the wooden gate and moved onto the path along the river bank, Louise stopped and turned into him, “You made it into a love story at about four thirty this morning. Any regrets?”
Mark gave her a teasing grin, as he looked down into her gorgeous blue eyes, “Did I?”
“You said loud and clear that you loved me — or should I say, ‘you grunted’?”
“And you didn’t respond.”
Another giggle, “Because I had my mouth full, remember?”
It was, indeed, very firmly planted in Mark’s memory, “You woke me up.”
They had started walking again, still clutching each other, and Louise, adoring the memory of that moment, told him, “I don’t know what you were dreaming but that knob of yours was somehow finding the strength to look very tempting.”
Her eyes shone above the sensual grin that Mark had become very used to in a short space of time. “Honestly, Louise, have you ever had a night like we’ve just had?”
“God, no— Oh, look at that.”
A rich blue kingfisher had swooped onto a tree branch across the river.
“Isn’t that beautiful?” Louise gasped, clutching his waist tightly.
“It is,” Mark replied, returning the squeeze, “But I only have eyes for you.”
Louise sighed, the romance of the situation overcoming her, feeding her, warming her, and oh, God, moistening her yet again. “It’s like some kind of magic has overtaken us.”
“Must have been a very friendly wizard.”
They were passing under the drooping green branches of a willow that dipped its twigs onto the river surface, seeming to draw attention to the silvered fish darting below.
Louise’s eyes turned misty as she looked up at him. “Yesterday, after lunch, when we walked this way with some of the course members, it was simply pleasant. But this morning we’re — oh, Mark, last night — wasn’t it meant to be just a one-off relieving fuck?”
Mark had, at first been shocked, then delighted by her casual use of crude language. “But, wasn’t it in the air before that, Louise? What I said at four thirty this morning, and again since then, has not diminished.”
Louise nodded, “You’ve been so sweet.”
“Is that how I tasted?”
She laughed as Mark was asking himself, not for the first time, where it had started. He had a pretty good idea. That first morning, he had noticed her arrival as she climbed out of the taxi. Simply, a brief recognition of what looked like a well set-up young lady.
Eye contact across the lecture room occasionally had followed. More direct, yesterday morning, and later in the dining hall, where eye contact was accompanied by slight smiles.
By that time, he had begun to think that she was rather lovely. By the previous morning, her slender, shapely body beneath that stunning face, and his thoughts moved on to ‘highly desirable’.
Louise’s thoughts plagued her even now on this lovely stroll. After the disaster of Vic, even though her libido had kept nudging her, men had been very low on her list of priorities. When Mark had told her, during their hot prolonged session on his bed, of his growing attraction to her, she had tried to make a joke of it, telling him, that it was just the intimacy of the moment. “You just think I’m a good fuck. An easy lay, which I’m not, by the way.”
It had seemed like a safe admission. In a matter of hours, she had found herself absorbed by Mark’s presence. During the morning literary lecture, she had found herself having to avoid glancing at his handsome face as he sat on the opposite side of the semi-circle they were seated in.
As they walked now, Mark could tell something was troubling Louise. Her face looked drawn as she flicked at some nearby bulrushes in a backwater they were passing before going on, “I told you about Vic—”
Mark broke in there, “Enough, Louise, no more looking back. We agreed.”
Louise nodded. The possibility of this first relationship since the trauma of Vic had been playing on her mind. It had all seemed too good to be true, but since the afternoon of the previous day, after lectures, when they had been alone together, she had been sure this storm of emotion was approaching. They had sat, very conventionally, sipping coffee on the patio, sharing small talk with other course members.
One by one, their companions left the table, until Mark and Louise were sitting facing each other. Louise had told him that she was in publishing, and she had been particularly interested when he told her that, despite being in copywriting, main hope was to become a more serious writer.
They talked about the literary course, books they’d read and films they liked. Then Louise shook herself, as they sat there nice and easy, by openly revealing the bitter relationship she’d had with her ex-husband. The rough crudities he had tried to inflict on her. How she wouldn’t do anal, and he called her a frigid bitch.
Louise’s eye had moistened as she told Mark, “The last straw came when he said his unmarried friend fancied me and I should let him fuck me.”
That was when she walked out on him and sued for divorce. For Louise, telling Mark about that terrible time worried her. Why had she suddenly burst out with that kind of intimate information to someone who was a virtual stranger? The expression on Mark’s face added to her discomfort.
Her voice quaking a little, she told him, “Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t know why— I’ve never told anyone that before.” But deep, inside as she looked into Mark’s concerned face, she had a certainty about why she had opened out in that way.
Mark told her he appreciated her frankness, and after her grim story, he felt his meagre love-life was easily recounted. So he told of his three-year relationship with flirty Diane, whom he had long suspected, dropped her panties for any amorous bidder. He had only been slightly hurt when she had told him she was leaving, because he wasn’t “frisky enough”.
Now, walking the riverbank on this brightening warm morning Mark smiled grimly as he wished he had a video of last night’s activities. That would show Diane how frisky he really was, in the right company. And there was the key to the night they had shared. For him, Louise was undoubtedly the right company.
Louise looked up into his face, “Why are you smiling?”
Mark leaned closer to plant a kiss on her cheek, as he chuckled, “Actually I was worrying whether I was frisky enough last night.”
Laughing with him, and nodding her head, Louise said, “Better than that, Mark, over the last few hours you have shown me what loving is all about.”
“Loving? Not fucking?” Mark regretted saying that, but Louise quickly put his mind at rest.
“Bad influences, nasty past.”
Mark kissed her cheek once more, before asking “When did you consider going to bed with me was a good idea?”
They had stopped walking, and still with a low glow from their all-night fusion, Louise said, “At the same time as I blurted out about V— well, my past, I knew there had to be something special.”
Mark chuckled, “While I was thinking something along the same lines.”
“But after we had that evening meal in the dining room.”
“And shared that bottle of wine,” Mark added meaningfully.
“Oh, God, yes, wine always loosens my tongue and my emotions. I did tell you that I hadn’t been fucked for over three months?”
Mark turned her so that their bodies were pressed together on that narrow riverside path and laughing said, “Yes, but you were more discreet than that.”
“Was I really?” Louise sounded quite surprised.
“Yes, you said you hadn’t slept with anybody.”
“Hell, it must have been very gentle wine. You see what a confused mind I have about sex?” She had worried about some of the things she might have said at the height of her orgasms during the night. “Did the other words I used shock you?”
Mark hoped making a joke of her concerns would ease her mind, “Oh, definitely I was on the point of pulling my cock out of your cunt and kicking you out.”
Louise laughed delightedly, “You see, you can say that so easily, now. All you said last night, was your libido had been starved.” Her face turned up to his as she said challengingly, “But it was you who made the final suggestion.”
They had continued walking along the riverbank and a squad of ducks scuttled away into the river, as Mark corrected, “I made the offer.”
“Was your intention not the same?”
“By this time, it was... my hope.”
“Your desire?”
Mark shrugged, “Okay, I was wanting you like crazy. I’d removed that dress three times before we left the table. And you weren’t aware of it.”
“You know, when we did get to your room I remember being amazed at how quickly our clothes disappeared. One second we were kissing and then—Shazam—we were naked, and your hard cock came to get me.” That was one of the vivid memories in her mind, that sudden warm hardness against her belly
Mark was able to recall stripping away her dress. “I couldn’t wait to see this fabulous body.”
“And my shaved mound,” Louise said, calling up that wicked grin again. “Fascinated you that, didn’t it?”
“I told you, that was a first for me. I could have played with it all night.”
Again her infectious giggle, “You did play with it all night.”
Laughing, Mark said, “I have a feeling we could talk all day about last night. Have you noticed how much we’ve laughed since we came out?”
Louise had noticed, and she felt wonderful about it. “Yes, it was a very funny night,” she said, quickly adding, “And augurs well for the future.”
“Oh, yes, the future,” Mark said quietly. “That’s going to fill a goodly part of our lives. But that became the main subject around five o’clock this morning. We’re still savouring last night.”
Louise was delighted that Mark was treating their future without any worry, and she didn’t mind continuing with the events of last night as she asked, “Does any particular part of the evening stick in your mind?” She knew what was coming.
Mark only hesitated for a few seconds before he admitted, “Your breasts were a delight, but it has to be touching mound and along your bare pussy.”
“It can’t be a pussy if it’s hairless.”
Mark nodded, and looked into her teasing eyes, “As you wish, but everything seemed, well, magnified under my fingers. The lips down there were more pouting.”
Louise sighed, “More desperate.”
“And when they parted the moistness—”
Louise knew what was happening to her right at that moment, “Oh, yes, tell me—”
“I just knew you were ready to be licked.” Mark felt the spasm of Louise’s arm tightening around him. “Anyway, what about you?”
It was as though Mark’s description of her wetlands had triggered a new flood, but she tried to concentrate on what she had to tell him. “Oh, so many, but that very first time your cock plunged up into me-it felt so immense, moving so hard and fast up into my cunt— so filling.”
“It’s only standard issue—my cock.”
“But it felt so huge, and I needed that swift cumming together—and we did—that first time.”
“Was it the third time that we got it together again?”
Louise didn’t have to think very hard. Mark had flipped her over, pulled a pillow under her belly, and at first she had feared he was wanting anal. “No, it was the fourth,” she said, reliving the thrill of it. “From the rear, when your fingers flicked at my clit, while your other hand was favouring my right nipple. Wild!”
Mark stopped walking, and once more turned Louise hard against him, “And then, came that four thirty episode, when I was dreaming that a witch was cutting off my manhood.”
“I wasn’t biting it that hard, was I?” Louise leaned in against him, aware of her own wetness, and wondering if there was a hint of hardness pressing against her belly. Oh, if only. Had she ever felt so sluttish. “So it was witches who were turning you on. I should be grateful to them. Anyway, you had licked my pink channel earlier.”
Mark nodded and smiled, and his hips jerked against her, “Anyway, licking a clit between two sleekly wet, bare labia is better than sucking on a semi-hard cock.”
“Ooh, but it wasn’t semi-hard for long. Oh, no.” For Louise retained the pleasure of feeling his cock rising to fill her mouth as she worked her tongue over and around the smoothness of the head. And she did grip his shaft briefly between her teeth.
She sucked it hard to the back of her throat, delighting in his moaning and gasping.
Then Mark had grunted those special words which had changed the whole scenario. “Oh, Christ, Louise, I love you.” And at the same moment, she felt a burst of cum dribble down her throat. Not a huge load, unsurprisingly. Yet combined with what he had just said, it had Louise on a crescendo of delight, as her throat muscles took his offering.
When his cock drooped slowly from between her lips she couldn’t delay asking, “Do you know what you said? Or was it just—?”
“It was exactly what I wanted to say.”
She leaned over him and placed her lips on his, before drawing back and whispering, “And if I was to say exactly the same thing to you?”
“It would just be you being kind.”
Louise put her fingers around his throat, leaned over him and said menacingly, “I love you, you lovely man.” She placed her head on his chest, “I want to be with you every day, every minute.”
“Every minute might be tricky,” he said, and Louise felt his chest heave as he chuckled.
From there the heat of the happy evening drifted into the cosy warmth of morning as they discussed the ramifications of what had been said.
“Would you come and live with me?” Mark asked her.
“When?” Louise’s heart was drumming inside her.
“Now. Today. You came by taxi, I’ll be your taxi driver to my place.”
“But...” Louise began, seeing all the little problems.
Mark stroked her cheek, ran his fingers through her hair as he said, “All the trivia of your belongings and stuff can come later. Okay?”
Louise sighed, still unbelieving, “Better than okay.”
“Just one little problem,” Mark told her.
Louise held her breath, “What’s that?”
“The taxi driver only takes physical payment.”
Louise only needed a moment to decipher the meaning of that, “Oh, fine. I’ve never been fucked by a taxi driver. Is he any good at it?”
Their laughing banter carried them through to five thirty when Louise took great and luscious pleasure in taking Mark’s hardness deep into the very core of her for the fourth time.
Now, standing close together on the riverside path, Louise spotted the bench just a few yards away, “Should we sit for a while? And go back ready for breakfast.”
Mark was only too happy to agree, and soon they were on the bench, clinging closely to each other. Mark pushed his hand inside her dress to stroke those so friendly breasts, while Louise, who had maintained a firm plan in her mind for the past few minutes, trailed her hand down his chest to grope at where a bulge might be felt.
Delighted she found a familiar hardness there, a testament to Mark’s sustainability. She had already noticed the thick leafy bush bowing over one end of the bench. Louise quickly freed herself from Mark’s grip, stood up on the bench, and flung herself back into the welcoming growth.
Lying back she loosened her dress parted her thighs and said with deliberate huskiness, “Making love in an open-air setting would really seal our relationship, don’t you agree?”
Mark was only slightly taken aback by her actions, and standing up on the bench, unzipping his pants he said softly, “What a woman I’ve found myself here.”
Standing over her she reached out for him but first, he stooped and trailed his tongue along her wildly exposed pinkness, while his hands and fingers treated her breasts and nipples.
Louise’s squeal of rapture was just what he wanted to hear and without further delay, he moved over her so she could touch his, once again, rigid cock and draw it eagerly to her entry.
Then, with the morning birdsong rising around them providing a loving anthem, they thrust and heaved until they each cried out to the heavens in their ecstasy, sending their bird choir fluttering away.
Louise produced tissues from her small bag, “That was everything I hoped it would be,” and added, “There isn’t a great deal of cleaning up to do.”
“Now, there’s a surprise,” declared Mark, and continuing their laughter they made their way back for breakfast, a fast car ride, and the rest of their lives.
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I’d been married about 5 years when the sex life with my husband started to deteriorate. It didn’t help when he started doing night shifts with work. But we carried on regardless and just had sex every month or sometimes less. Most of my orgasms came from my self-pleasuring whilst watching porn videos on Xhamster..One day out of the blue I met with my Mum for lunch. I didn’t see her very often as she was single now and always off dating new guys. She had me at just s*******n and she still...
'Nobody Fakes Unconscious Aftershocks.' Was written on his shirt above his left pectoral. I had to lean fairly close to read it, and I noticed my nostrils flared slightly at his scent. Rolling the phrase around in my mind, I glanced up at his eyes just as the image came into my mind. He saw the flush spread over my chest, of course, because he was the kind of a guy who never missed signals of any kind from a woman. "Would you care to elucidate that, a little?" I pointed with my chin, not...
Lesley and Sandra had enjoyed a lovely lunch catching up on the last six months. They had also enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine, and as they walked arm in arm back to Lesley’s house for a coffee they were a little giggly. Once they got there Lesley let them in and went to put on the coffee machine. “Fancy a little something in that?” asked Lesley “Oh, go on then. You’ve twisted my arm” laughed Sandra. Lesley added two very large measures of brandy to the coffee and they went through to the...
EroticOne moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."
GayMolly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...
“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...
As I left the restaurant, my mind still in a state from my recent orgasm, I saw Susie get in to the black taxi parked by the curb and settle herself on the back seat. As I moved to sit beside her, she pointed at the bucket seat opposite and told me to sit there. I assumed she wanted to continue our game of footsie or something similar, so I went to close the door before sitting down opposite her. "Leave the door," she told me and with a confused look on my face, I left the door open and sat...
LesbianOn the other side next to him sat Mary. Seth whispered something in her ear and he noticed that Mary was blushing. Her lips formed a word, she then sighted and walked off into the kitchen. John looked surprised but Seth ignored his slave. When Mary came back, she bend forwards, with her back to Seth, to put a fresh beer on the table. He hiked up her skirt and saw her thong inside her pussy, just as Seth had ordered her minutes before. Mary put the skirt back and walked away, He noticed that...
It was just around 3:30pm and she expected that Sam would be home shortly as his construction job tended to start early and end early. On her days off from work in the past he could arrive anywhere from 4 to 5, while Angus was typically 6:15pm practically like clockwork. She was under no illusion that Sam’s mind would be on her as soon as he walked in the door. Thinking back to her earlier fantasy she threw on an apron and cinched it at her waist leaving herself naked from behind, wondering...
pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...
A day later, while on Facebook, she came across an old high school friend, Ryan, who'd sent her an invite. Wanting to catch up on things and send invitations of her own to some of his FB women friends she'd lost touch with, she accepted. She'd learned that he and his family lived not far across town and that he worked in sales at a business even closer. Not thinking anything about it, she'd exchanged some chat with him about his mom, siblings, what was going on in her life, things back...
Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...
Notice: No one was harmed, fucked, sucked, cream-pied or molested during the writing of this story! If you don't like stories about sex then DON'T read it. Note: this fiction no one was hurt, fucked, sucked or molested during the writing of this story. Her toes, how sweet looking they are, with the red polished nails offsetting their negligible stoutness. As she teeters back and forth, raising one foot then the other exposing the heels of her feet, still tender without any sign of the...
It had been a while since I’d seen Jim. We didn’t talk as much as we used to. We used to hook up as teenagers. Have a few beers, get naked. Mostly teenage experiments. We’d got chatting online, and out of the blue he said to me “I want to come see you, it’s been too long”. I wasn’t sure, but he was right, it had been a long time. He’d always had a certain hold over me. I can’t explain it. But as a teenager, he’d always loved coming all over my face, cleaning it off with my panties, then...
Afterschool pleasure[/b] At Golden Star High school, class 12 D was having an English lesson and the teacher is Ms Taylor. Taylor is a 30 year old woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes; she also has an amazing figure that almost every girl dreamed of having. “Class open your book to page 25” Ms Taylor said. In the front row sat Cindy. Cindy was eyeing the teacher from head to toe and she couldn’t help fantasizing about the teacher. For some time now Cindy have been thinking of...
______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew his hand over his brow, and the screech of the ref's whistle signalled the...
Sunday Afternoon Hearing the first car arrive excited the girls, far more than I would have thought, actually. The three of them were chattering and giggling, thrilled at the prospect of what was going to begin happening in a very short while. I told them to go to the bedroom, and remain there until I called for them. I heard a second, and then a third car arrive before the occupants of the first car had even entered the house. Five of my friends were already here, and apparently the...
I woke up freezing cold, sore from head to toe, and still quite foggy. The phone in the next room was ringing. I remembered the night before as if it were a mostly forgotten dream. It was just a blur of men, laughing, grunting, cuming. I began to sit up my hair an face was sticky mostly dried cum made a peeling sound as I pulled away from the puddle I was laying in. As I got to my feet my knees were shaking, and I could feel a wet trickle running down the back of my thy. I looked in the...
“So where are we going Marco?” “It’s not far now.” I said as we drove along the leafy country lanes outside Worcester. Rose was excited and probably a little nervous as I had promised her ‘something you have never seen or done before’ which given the range of her experience was hard for her to believe. Eventually the satnav directed me to a long driveway with an old Victorian house, shaded by deferential pines, at the end. “C’mon, we are just in time.” I said as I parked my...
by Styxx Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog's knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep pain immediately told...
"So was I good at that?" Jason asked. "Hell that was the best I've had." I said, "Never had a lass that managed to get the whole thing in." "Ha! Thanks." he replied "You're not half bad neither for a straight guy." I laughed. I was getting turned on again by the video. I turned to see that Jason was already rock hard. He grinned, looking slightly embarrassed. I went and sat next to him, and he sat up. Absent-mindedly I started to jack him off as I watched the computer...
This day was no different except for this fateful day, I was caught. She turned her head inquiring of a question she was on and I hadn't heard her or saw her movement my eyes glued to the lower portion of her body. What shook me of my daze was the giggle that came from her as my eyes darted to hers and my face reddened in embarassment. Her look was telling me she saw, but she was not shocked, embarassed, or upset to what I had been looking at. I was then shocked as I saw through the...
Helen arrived at the door and being of the average height for a sixth former was able to read with little difficulty, the inscription on the plaque. It identified the door as that to the study of the Headmaster. She glanced at the clock above and saw that a further minute had elapsed and that a mere four minutes remained before the hour would be reached. She stood quite still outside the door praying that nobody who knew her would appear at the far end of the corridor. There was only one...
I'd used her as a dinner plate and as a urinal and as the oral receptacle of 2 loads of my hot thick spunk. Flipside, I did buy her a slice of pizza and did spread her legs wide and lick for all I was worth! Then, there's this nice motel room I rented and the drive I was giving her.... OK, I may be an asshole, but just hours ago - Maggie told me that she loved me! I didn't respond to her, in return - maybe that confirms my being an asshole or maybe that shows my sensitivity....
Poindexter and Charlene wake with the sun stabbing in their eyes. The others were still asleep, they realized they had slept together, but she didn’t know if they had just slept together or he popped her cherry first. They went out and made themselves hot tea (with help of a microwave). Neither were seeing too well (mornings like this she needed her glasses to find her glasses). She felt the instinct to drink water while the microwave spent two minutes heating their mugs, teabags and water....
Introduction: A little celebration….. Comment if you like/hate/have a comment ,) ______ A deadly hush descended on the pitch. Dave, 12 yards out from the goalline, measured himself up. I watched from way behind, the other end of the pitch, silently screaming.This was it. This ws the moment. Full-time, a sideways dig had landed Shaughnessy with a welt above his left eye, and us with one final penalty kick. One more goal, and we were ahead. One more score and Reid would win us the match. He drew...
As Summer lay in a pool of sperm soaken sheets, she dazed in and out from the hangover and the multiple orgasms she just had. She dazed in and out, coming into consciousness as she heard voices of two men down the hall. Neither one was the voice of Pete. The door was still open and the voices got closer. It took a lot of her strength just to try and pry her legs close as much as possible as she turned her head away. Her legs began to tremble as they approached the door. They did not enter,...
Steve awoke dizzy and confused. His head was spinning from all the alcohol he consumed from the party last night. As he tried to focus his eyes in the pitch black bedroom he realized he was bound to each corner of the bed. He struggled to free himself but the straps were to tight. It wasn’t his bedroom, the sheets didn’t feel the same and the bed was much bigger than his. Perhaps someone at the party was playing a joke on him. As Steve struggled he noticed the clothes he was wearing were not...
Isabelle, a sweet, young, innocent virgin who had recently turned 18 lived in a small suburban town of Melbourne, Australia. Everyone knew Isabelle as ‘that’ girl. What did ‘that’ girl mean? Well, ‘that’ girl was the town’s ‘sweetheart’. None for being an angel. Isabelle was proud of being the sweet, innocent girl she was known for. She loved helping others, achieving her goals and she played a great roll in her community, but little did anyone know that Isabelle had a completely different side...
I’m sitting on my desk, a ruler in my hand, legs crossed. Jason is looking over at me, a bit nervous. ‘Misses, am I in trouble?’ he asks, looking up at me. ‘Yes, you’ve been a bad boy,’ I reply with a smirk. I get of the desk, and walk over to where he’s sitting. ‘Jason, how old are you?’ I ask, poking him in the chest with the ruler. ‘I’ve just turned eighteen misses,’ he answers. ‘Do you know why I asked you to stay after school, when noone else is here?’ I ask. ‘No…,’ he says. ‘I want to...
“Well, I guess I’ll be getting into my own bed.” Leah whispered. By the uproar in the hallway, they heard Lily had returned from the party. The loudness of the noises made her assume that Lily was slightly drunk. “Yeah… you should.” As much as he wanted to keep his little teen close to him, Robert knew his wife must never find out about this. “Remember. You’re not telling anyone right?” He added to make sure she understood. Leah nodded as she got up from the bed. Robert had replaced the...
The party was over. Almost everybody had left, leaving you and five of your friends alone. Aside from you, there was Miranda, Nicole, Sarah, Matt, and Tom. You've had a crush on Miranda since as long as you remember. She was perfect in your eyes. She had beautiful brown and you would love to run your fingers through it, or... lace your fingers in it as her head bobbed up and down on your cock. You imagine either option would be pleasant. She had also had a wonderful pair of 36C boobs that you...
Group Sex