The Accidental MasterChapter 8 The Sixth Day
- 3 years ago
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I was working in my study when the phone rang and I answered it. My private detective was on the line and he told me that there had been some interesting developments at his end. He had been invited to a meeting with the colonel's lawyer and an appointment had been made to meet with the man himself. He then inquired about what he was free to tell the Colonel.
I gave that some thought for a moment and then I told him to say that he had been hired by his daughter's fiancé to find him because we know Ginny is his daughter."
I stressed to John that the next bit was important the next bit was most important.
"Assure him we neither need nor want any money from him but tell him that I would like to meet and discuss with him some things he ought to know. If he agrees to this," I went on, "you have important work to do. First give me your assessment of Pete Shankly. If you think he is trustworthy I may be able to help him. Secondly get him to give you a sworn statement of what he told you and his assessment about the others. Lastly I want you to try and get a statement from that so called friend even if you have to blackmail it out of him.
Give yourself time to complete these tasks and once you have estimated how long that will be, set a date for my meeting with the colonel for sometime after that. Late June, when our exams are over would be a good time."
John agreed to do what I asked and then said he would be back in touch as soon as he had anything to report
The colonel was sitting on his porch watching as his expected visitor's car made its way up his drive. A tall well dressed man got out and he stood up and went forward to meet him. The detective moved towards him and the colonel held out his hand and they both shook hands.
"Mr., Gladstone I presume" the colonel said. "I will be most interested in what you have to tell me. Come inside and I will have the maid bring us some refreshment. What would you like to drink?"
"Black coffee colonel, no milk or sugar," he smiled, "My wife watches my waistline even when she isn't around"
The Colonel laughed and said,
"It seems to be working detective; you seem to be in good shape."
"It is a long time since I was addressed as detective, colonel. I am now merely a private investigator," he said with a smile.
At that their coffees arrived and some cakes were also set before him.
John looked over at his host and said,
"You surely do know how to tempt a man sir, I am going to need all my will power to resist these delicacies," he told him.
The colonel smiled and said "I will take your mind of them detective, since I have some questions to ask you. I hear you have been down here twice in recent months asking questions about a former girlfriend of mine. Why is that? What can you tell me about her present condition and whereabouts?"
"I am afraid I can't tell you all that you might want sir," John replied. "The man who has hired me has instructed me regarding what I can and can't say to you at this point in time."
"I see!" Said the colonel, "Then what can you tell me?"
"I can tell you that I have been hired by your daughter's fiancé to do two things. The first time I was here it was to ascertain the facts regarding her mother's pregnancy. This time I am down here for two purposes, one I cannot go into but the other is to ascertain that you do in fact still live here and get some idea of how you feel about these developments. Another thing that I am instructed to tell you is that neither my client nor your daughter need nor want any money from you."
The colonel looked at him sceptically,
"I would like to believe that detective, but I hope you forgive my scepticism."
"Colonel, I will go off the record a bit here and tell you this, "My client is not an American. He is a very rich young Scotsman who is currently studying in this country. Before I took this assignment I knew nothing about him. But the longer I work for him and the more I get to know about him the more I admire him. He is a man of honour and he likes to believe that he is carrying on the traditions of his clan forebears. He is a very caring man and he has helped your daughter come to terms with some problems she was having. I will also say this but you did not hear it from me; your daughter is a beautiful and brilliant young woman and a real candidate for Valedictorian in her final year."
"If she is my daughter, detective." His host said.
"You are not going to draw me to comment on that sir," John said. "But in the course of my investigations I learned that you were valedictorian in your final year here. Had it not been for her unfortunate pregnancy the likelihood was that the girl's mother would also have been valedictorian the year after. With that information what would you say the odds were Colonel?"
The colonel looked at him and said "If I were a betting man I think the odds against her being my daughter will have decreased greatly."
"I have exceeded my brief here colonel and given you more information than I should have because I think whoever is her father is a lucky man. This young woman in spite of the privations of her existence before meeting her fiancé has shown great courage and determination. In the face of adversity she has pursued her studies so that she could win a scholarship which would enable her to go college. Before meeting her fiancé this was the only way she could have achieved this. As things stand now most Colleges, I imagine, will be falling over themselves to get her into the ranks of their academic students."
"You have given me much to think about Mr. Gladstone," the colonel said, "But surely your client knows that I will not let the matter rest without knowing more."
"Yes he does sir. I am authorised to set up a meeting between you and him before you take any steps to see his fiancé. He thinks that would be advisable for the sake of the six people who are going to be most affected by it.
"Six People?" Queried the colonel.
"Yes sir, there is Shirley, your ex girlfriend, her daughter and my client. Then, if you don't mind me saying so, there is your life, and the life of your two daughters. All of you will be affected by this one way or another," said John.
"You left out my mother, Mr. Gladstone. She would make seven and Shirley's parents would make nine or ten."
"I don't want to comment on your mother sir, but I can say this about Shirley's parents. Unless I am mistaken, I think hell will freeze over before Shirley will have anything to do with them and I doubt if her daughter will either."
"Is she as bitter about me?" The colonel asked.
"I could not comment on that sir I have not had much contact with her. I can only say that my heart went out to that young woman when I learned how she had been treated in this community."
"You are right Mr. Gladstone, and I number myself among those who behaved so badly towards her." The colonel replied
John looked at him for a moment and then he said, "Yes you did sir, and you know something, I think you got a really big decision seriously wrong and lost the love of the wonderful young woman she then was."
"I think I have grown aware of that as the years have passed, detective. Now about this meeting, how soon can you set it up?" The colonel asked
"Well sir both my client and your daughter are in the throes of studying for this year's exams. He has suggested that sometime in late June would be ideal for him and he would fly out here to meet with you if that is agreeable." John told him.
"I find that perfectly acceptable Mr. Gladstone. If your client fixes a definite date around that time I will meet him here," said the colonel. "If he wishes, he can stay here, we have a guest house in the grounds and he can use that for his stay. There is also the option of a room in the main house if he wishes. I will leave that decision up to him."
"Thank you sir," John said. "I will convey the outcome of our meeting to him and he will either instruct me to confirm the arrangements or telephone you himself."
"He has my number?" Asked the colonel
"Yes sir, he has," said John with a smile. "I am a detective after all."
The colonel laughed and said, "It was a pleasure doing business with you and thank you for being so forthcoming. I think I will be prepared for the truth when I hear it. Have a nice day and drive carefully."
John gave him a salute and said as one marine to another "semper fi sir." With that he got into his car and the surprised colonel watched him drive away. As he walked back to his porch he thought with a smile, 'Once a marine always a marine.' That is why he had gone beyond his brief and virtually told him the girl was his daughter. He was also flagging up that I may well have other shocks in store."
John Gladstone got back in touch with Pete Shankly and set up another meeting with him.
Pete said jokingly. "I'm game if that includes another free lunch."
John had laughed and said if he was agreeable to what John wanted then he would consider it cheap at the price. They set up the meeting for the same time and the same place for two days hence. That evening he phoned his client.
I answered the phone and discovered it was my private eye reporting back. I took the phone into my study so that I would have privacy answering it. When I had seated myself comfortably I told him to go ahead and give me his report.
He told me about his meeting with the colonel and we set a date for the twenty fifth of June.
I asked how the colonel had reacted. John reported that he had been very favourably in his approach to the fact that Ginny may well be his daughter. I'm afraid I gave the impression that I was almost certain she was and told him she was in the running for Valedictorian and said that as both he and his then girlfriend had been candidates for this position that alone would suggest a strong genetic link.
When I asked how the colonel had responded to this I was told that the colonel had agreed that he would be a foolish man if he bet against it.
John felt the colonel's whole attitude conveyed the impression that should Ginny be his daughter he was prepared to meet any obligations she felt he had towards her. He told me he had asked about Shirley, but said that he had told him he knew little about her as a woman though he had admired and respected her as the girl she had been. He had made it clear that the community had treated her badly.
He reported the colonel had agreed with that, assessment and told him he could be numbered among those who fell into that category.
John then told me he had gone as far as telling the colonel that in the light of his investigations he felt the colonel had been a fool and thrown away the chance to make a life with a wonderful young woman. When I asked how the colonel took that statement John said that as the years had passed he had come to the same conclusion himself. I found that interesting and told John so. He briefed me on his meeting with Pete and what he planned to ask him to do. I concurred with his plan and said, Pete sounds as if he was a jack of all trades in the building industry and John agreed with that assessment. I said I was interested in helping him to stay on the straight and narrow and might be able to offer him a job if he was prepared to travel for work. I told him if he thought Pete was reliable then after this business was complete he could point him in my direction and I would interview him. John said he would bear that in mind while he was dealing with the young man.
John met with Pete and again provided lunch. He looked at Pete thoughtfully and then said, "If I offered you temporary employment, could I trust you to treat anything you learn about my client and the people he is interested in as confidential."
"Sure," said Pete. "One thing prison teaches you is how to keep your mouth shut when necessary. But what kind of things would you want me to do?"
John smiled at his reply and said, "Your first task would be easy. I would want a full report on your dealings with Mrs. Lambert all those years ago. If there was any way you could confirm that, it would add value to that report. Then I would like you to follow up on that by trying to persuade the two others to do the same by any means short of violence."
"Does that include bribing them?" Pete asked.
"I would prefer not to do it that way because it would devalue the veracity of their report, but yes if that is the only way to do it, though the bribe would have to be fairly modest. If I felt it was really worthwhile to get the statements though, I could get authorisation to raise it." John told him.
Pete thought for a minute or two and then he said with a laugh.
"Right now boss I haven't anything better to do with my time."
"You have not asked about the remuneration for your time." John said.
"I guess you are going to make me an offer, and right now any offer is one I can't afford to turn down." Pete told him
They agreed terms, and John said to him, "Do a good job on this Pete and prove to me I can trust you, and I may be able to find you more permanent employment with a guy who would be great to work for, though you may need to be ready to move to another state. I can't say any more about that just now, but believe me it is a serious offer." John told him.
"There is nothing keeping me here," Pete told him. "And so long as I can swing it with the probation people for the kind of job you might be offering I would travel anywhere."
"Good," said John, "we will talk further on this when we finish our task here."
Pete arranged a meeting with one of his teammates who had been friendly with Bill Lambert at the time. He had learned in prison the guy, Joe Smithson, had been stupid and got into gambling debts with one of the local illegal bookmakers around the time they were interested in. He was the one he felt could have been paid off by Mrs. Lambert.
He had been given credit because his dad was one of the local magnates. The sums had not been huge but they had been significant, and when he had been pressed for payment he could not afford to meet them and was scared to go to his dad. The alternative was equally scary for not paying would result in the bookie's hard men persuading him that it would not be healthy to default on any payments due. Though in this case they might just have sent the bill to his dad and then the shit would have hit the fan anyway.
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Gemma Young paced back and forth in her living room as she furiously scolded her son. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected to come home from work to find him having sex not only with their neighbor Sarah Matthews, but with her cute daughter Ashley too! Fancy that — a mother-daughter combo! Right there in her very own bedroom! The audacity of it! To see them both kneeling before him, covered in spunk. She had been lost for words and had just stood in the doorway eyes-wide aghast. A few...
My wife and I have a cuckold relationship. It developed after I caught her cheating on me, she said at that time she loved me and didn't want to divorce but she loved strange cock. At first I was hurt that she would have sex outside of our marriage but there was a part of me that was excited about it. One night shortly after finding out about her extra activity I asked her to tell me in detail what happened. After swearing over and over I wouldn't get mad she told me how Keith had fucked her in...
She stood alone in the bedroom, and with trembling fingers quickly began to undress. The events of the past couple hours filled her mind. It had been going so good, the plans had come together so well, but how would the night end? As she removed her blouse and bra, she brushed her fingertips across her erect, sensitive nipples. She had purposely worn a sheer blouse and sexy bra. You could, if you looked carefully when she stretched back, see the contrast of her nipples against her soft...
In typical fashion Sandy has teased me into a frenzy, this time with my porn magazines by demonstrating her knowledge of their contents. While it's a bit weird having my sister show me her favorite photos from an oral sex party pictorial, it's also a major turn-on – brothers and sisters aren't supposed to be doing this. But, as is frequently the case, I am standing nude with my erection boldly pointing in my clothed sister's direction, while she fondles me and discusses the details in the...
Beginning about fifteen years ago, Jeena and I started to visit adult theaters to watch and be watched, and sometimes a lot more. The rules vary, and there are big differences from state to state and theater to theater as to what is allowed and what you can get away with that isn’t allowed officially. Jeena, according to her mood, was up for most anything and loved being the center of attention. We started going to a ‘couples only’ theater on the north side of town. In four or five visits we...
Ann awoke. Her throat was parched. It actually hurt. Too much seawater. She could hear the waves breaking nearby. How had she survived? She remembered the fishing vessel and how it suddenly capsized in rough seas. There wasn’t time to signal the Coast Guard. The ship sank quickly. Oh. Jack. Surely he made it. She rose up. Her right shoulder was bruised and felt numb. She was alone. Something roared horrendously in the distance. She jolted to her feet. She was weak. Wobbly. She felt she...
I love cock. I've always lusted after cock and the older I got the more I wanted it. I've slept with getting on for a hundred girls and done things most men can only dream about, like lesbian thresomes with a girlfriend and one of her friends or some other babe.But secretly I craved big hard cock to suck and fuck. I've always wanted to please hunky, horny men and be their slut....but up until a couple of months ago I'd never been with another man or tgirl.OMG how my life has changed and I want...
CrossdressingThe next morning when I woke up I was still in the same position I fell asleep in! And so was April! I was pleasantly surprised the she wasn't just a really good wet dream! With my hand still on her tit, I squeezed it and kissed her on her shoulder. I felt her nipple get hard and her ass wiggle a little against my normal morning hard on! I started kissing her shoulder working my way down her side nibbling her side as she flinched away because it tickled. I continued kissing and nibbling down...
I loved when he sucked on my big tits and he loved them too. I pulled off my top and I never wore a bra so he stared at my jugs. I grabbed his head and pulled it tight to a tit and I felt his tongue circle a nipple before he began to suck. As he sucked one tit his fingers played with the nipple on the other making my cunt wet. I reached down and unzipped my pants and let them slide off and was now completely naked. I then unzipped his pants and pulled them down so I could stroke his thick cock....
I have never cared for blind dates. You are always expected to act a certain way, and go out of your way to make the other person feel at home, while you are in knots. I was totally unprepared for this date, for it was here that I met Lisa. I noticed Lisa even before I realized that my friend, Janet was even in the room. Lisa was tall, slender, with small, but perky breasts. She had long, slender legs, which led up to a perfect ass. Lisa also had a very pretty face, and long wavy red hair....
“Okay, baby just put the headphones on and enjoy.” Pressing my body against Jason’s was just enough to make us both fall and sink into the soft leather of the couch beside my computer table. I placed the headphones over his ears as my thigh brushed the bulge between his legs. “What are you doing to me, Karra?” I pulled the headphone back just enough for him to hear my breathiest voice as I said, “This will make you so hot.” His tension melted as the sound of my voice coursed its steamy path...
When I returned to the estate agent's office, it was closed. I cursed myself for hanging around too much whilst viewing the property. Nicola had given me the keys so that I could do a cursory check before deciding if my wife needed to view it as well. In truth I knew on first glance it wasn't what we wanted, but, having got the hots over Nicola, who was covering holiday leave in the local office, I succumbed to the urge of having a quick wank whilst visualizing her being fucked over the desk....
Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman's apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
“Dan, will you please get the rear seat warmer turned on? My ass is freezing on this cold leather,” Wendy lightly complained, sitting between Abby and Tiffany. “I’d gladly warm up that pretty little ass of yours with some warm kisses,” Dan joked. “When we get home,” she smiled, touching his right shoulder. Dan noticed a Tim Horton’s restaurant and using the drive-thru, stopped for everyone to get a hot coffee or hot chocolate. “This coffee is good but I’d sooner have your warm hands and...
She did have a body, she was just over 5 foot tall, long brown hair, sensual lips, cute smile, blue gray eyes, full hips, legs almost on the large size, but not, just right and very damn nice to look at, small waist, smooth skin, very firm tits about 36 maybe 38, pink aureoles, nipples the size of two thimbles good for playing with and sucking on, a flat stomach and the tightest looking slit with just a hint of pubic hair above. She could easily pass for a 20 year old maybe a 24, hell I’ve...
. . .She was as wet as she ever had been in her life as she lied there on her bed, her legs spread as wide as she could get them. She could feel the sexual fluid of her arousal escape her hot vertical lips and drip down between her ass cheeks. She felt the warmth of her near orgasmic fluid coat her asshole and it made her moan even louder than she was already. She knew that she would have to change the sheets after she was done. She could feel the pool of her natural juices soaking into them as...
MasturbationWorst Case Scenario Author's note: this one is sort of inspired by the anime "Simoun" but does not take place in that world. There is a reference to suicide at the start, so read with care. I stood on the highest point of the bridge I could, trying to steel myself for the jump. From here, I could see most of Cuan City. I could see the dome where our governor ruled, the massive mansions, the beautiful parks, and the bay that the city is named after. But my mind kept going over...
They all got up two hours later. Jerry and Ian were awake first and she came to his room to wake him. She was naked and her inner thighs were glistening from their sexual intercourse.“Do you fancy going into town for a curry?”He smiled and accepted her kiss. “Sounds ideal,” he responded.She glanced at her panties lying on the locker and smiled. “Good was it?” she smiled.He nodded shyly.“I’m glad we made it enjoyable for you,” she said as she stood up. “Come on, join us in the shower and bring...