EllenChapter 42: Cousin Lucas free porn video

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With December approaching, Richard and Ellen prepared for another journey. The opening of the first steam railroad in Germany was scheduled in Nuremberg on December 7. Richard and Ellen were invited not only to attend, but to sit in the royal carriage with the King, the Prime Minister, and the mayors of Nuremberg and Fuerth.

It was a festive affair; a military band was playing and children choirs were singing. King Ludwig personally opened the steam valve that set the Eagle locomotive in motion. The train started along the four-and-a-half miles of track and when they reached Fuerth there was yet another crowd and another military band.

King Ludwig was very pleased when the people along the track cheered him and for a day the citizens of both cities could use the train for free whilst the King and his court adjoined to the Nuremberg castle for a celebratory dinner.

Two days later, after two long and cold days spent on a coach, Richard and Ellen returned to Munich. They knew that it would be their last Christmas in Bavaria. The Foreign Office had already notified Richard that his successor, Lord Willoughby, would arrive in early summer.

The mail they received also contained letters from Eleanor and from Old Lady Lambert. Whilst the latter seemed to be in good health and awaiting Harriet and Anthony Carter’s impending return from the Mediterranean, Eleanor’s letter troubled Ellen. There was no cheerfulness in her letter and she complained about Antonio being demanding of her and short of temper. Ellen could not imagine that the Antonio she knew could ever be short tempered around Eleanor and she wrote back letters to Lady Lambert and Doña Maria asking them for more information.

The Christmas of that year was not at all like the one a year before. It had been cold in the preceding days, but on Christmas Eve a drizzling rain fell on the cold ground, freezing immediately and creating a solid layer of ice on everything. After testing the frozen ground outside, Richard decided to cancel their attendance at the church service. There was no use in breaking bones and riding the coach with its iron tyres would be too dangerous.

They spent the holidays holed up at home and Ellen had to admit that there was some merit to a day spent without outside visits.

Marie had overcome her embarrassment around Richard. At first, after the incident when she barged into their bedroom and found Richard and Ellen in flagranti delicto, she was terribly shy around him, blushing constantly and mumbling unintelligibly. Fortunately, in the enforced closeness over the Christmas days, she relaxed and returned to being almost her old self.

The invitation to the royal New Year’s Ball brought back sad memories. Marie had to stay at home and Ellen felt lost among the other guests. It was a stiff and uninspired affair anyway. There was no motto this time and all the guests arrived in their most formal attire. The gaiety of the year before was notably absent.

Richard and Ellen left shortly after the New Year had been greeted with a splendid fireworks. When they arrived at their mansion Marie was still up. She had spent the evening with James and Maddie Palmer. Richard and Ellen toasted the New Year with their friends before they finally went to bed.

They had to get up early, to attend the reception at the Archduke Josef’s palace. Isabelle Delatour was there too. She had lasted longer in the Archduke’s favour than any woman before her and Ellen had heard whispered rumours that the beautiful actress was secretly engaged to the cousin of the Austrian King and German Emperor and that they planned a morganatic marriage. The Archduke was his usual jovial self and Ellen quite enjoyed the reception. Yet, Isabelle Delatour was the only person to ask Ellen how Marie was faring and Ellen thanked her with a hug for her caring.

She saw some scandalised looks after that, but she hardly cared. It was strange, but the impending end of Richard’s appointment relieved her. She yearned to return to her previous life, to her friends and relatives. She missed Lucy, she missed Richard’s grandmother, and she missed her circle of friends. It would be good to return.

The next weeks were an endless sequence of balls leading up to the climax of the carnival. Richard had to show presence at all these events and Ellen valiantly danced through them until she literally became sick and tired of waltzing.

That year, the arrival of Lent was welcomed and the Carters were able to rest and spend some time with their children. Not that Tony and Siobhan were hurting for loving care. Confined as she was to their home, Marie had spent a large part of her days with the children and ‘Aunt Marie’ had become a fixture in their lives.

A heavy snow fall late in the season confined them to their house for almost three days except for excursions into the garden. Tony would play in the snow for hours building snowmen and he wore out the adults who supervised him.

The embassy did not require much of Richard’s time in those days. He spent most days with the children, but also with Ellen. He shared her disenchantment with the life in Munich and they made plans for the time after their return to England.

Richard also spent an hour every day in the close-by barracks of the Royal Cavalry. He had found a worthy fencing partner in Count Hohenstedt’s son, Major Friedrich Hohenstedt. Richard practised daily on the planche, often with the Major, but also with other officers. At first they were astounded at the sword skills displayed by a civilian, but they soon became used to his presence, and he was frequently invited to the regiment’s social gatherings. For Richard, fencing was a sport he enjoyed and it served to keep him from getting fat over the winter.

In the week leading to Palm Sunday, snow was still covering the ground outside and the temperatures still hovered around the freezing point. Nobody who could help it travelled in this weather and the Carters were therefore surprised to see a travel coach drive up to their front steps. The man who alighted from the coach wore the uniform of the French infantry.

Ellen had a chance to watch the man as he stood on the front stairs rapping the door with his sword hilt. She had never seen the man before, but she knew him instantly. It had to be Marie’s brother, Lucas de Chaunessy, as the French branch of the family called themselves. Ellen was relieved that Richard was at home to receive the visitor and she joined her husband in the entrance hall.

“Good day, Sir!” the man said curtly. “Am I speaking with Lord Lambert?”

He spoke English as if its usage was soiling his mouth.

“Indeed, you are. With whom do I have the pleasure?”

The man smiled. It was curious for Ellen to realise that the man’s features, so similar to Marie’s and probably her own, were not attractive at all. The soft, effeminate face gave an impression of cruelty and malignancy.

“I am Capitaine Lucas de Chaunessy. I came to bring my sister home.”

Richard bowed perfunctorily and turned to Ellen.

“Ellen, my dear, this is Marie’s brother.”

Ellen began to curtsey, but noticing that the man did not show any signs of bowing, she kept her knees straight and nodded at the man with the most bored expression she could muster.

“May I trouble you to ask your cousin whether she wishes to see her brother?”

“That is not a point of debate,” Lucas de Chaunessy declared. “As I said before, I came to pick her up. I am the head of our family.”

“While I won’t question your latter statement, Monsieur, we shall have to see about the former,” Richard replied. There was an edge to his voice now.

Ellen saw Lucas’ face turn dark with anger and an icy feeling of foreboding washed over her. She nodded and turned to walk up the stairs.

Ellen found Marie white as a sheet and close to tears. She clutched Ellen’s hand imploringly.

“Please, don’t make me go with him, Ellen! Please! I couldn’t stand it. I’d rather kill myself, I swear!”

Ellen hugged her cousin. “Never fear, Marie. Do you wish to see him, or should I tell him that you will not come with him?”

Collecting all her strength, Marie braced herself.

“I shall tell him myself.”

She stood and wanted to start downstairs, but Ellen held her back.

“One moment, my dear,” she said, going into her bedroom. From a drawer there she took the double-barrelled, rifled percussion cap pistol that Richard had once purchased for her for travelling the Egyptian desert. With care, she inspected the seat of the firing caps and tucked the pistol away behind her back and under the waistband of her skirt. With these preparations completed she rejoined Marie and together they walked downstairs.

“Ah, there she is! Pack your things, Marie, I’m taking you home!”

Lucas de Chaunessy did not make the slightest effort at being polite.

“I’m not coming with you, Lucas. I have my own means and I have decided to stay with Cousin Ellen and her husband.”

Marie had thrust her chin forward defying her erstwhile tormentor. Richard spoke up.

“You heard her, Monsieur de Chaunessy. You had better remove yourself from my house now!”

Rarely if ever had Ellen heard her husband speak in such a brusque way. She knew immediately that Richard was spoiling for an altercation and she was worried. If Richard insulted the man, and his last remark could be construed as being insulting, then de Chaunessy, as the aggrieved, would choose the weapons in a duel. In a flash she knew what to do and decided to goad her cousin.

“My husband is right. You are wasting your time. Why would a woman of breeding want to follow an uncouth person such as you have just proven yourself to be?”

She had flapped the red cloth and the bull obligingly charged.

“How dare you speak up, you spawn of a traitorous hussy! Siobhan O’Shaunessy betrayed our family when she married an Englishman. You are nothing but a ... mongrel!”

“Out of my house!” Richard shouted, red with fury. “You will hear from me and then we shall settle this affair!”

“Why not now?” de Chaunessy snarled, already unsheathing his sword.

Richard was unarmed and he retreated slightly, still staying between the intruder and the women. Ellen gripped the butt of the pistol and pulled it from her waistband. When she cocked it, the sound made Lucas de Chaunessy stop in his tracks. He stared at Ellen, a disdainful smile twitching in the corners of his mouth.

“Shall I just shoot him or would you rather settle the affair yourself, my dear?” Ellen asked Richard with as much indifference as she could muster whilst aiming at her cousin’s chest.

“I’d much rather address his insult in person,” Richard replied turning to their visitor. “Now remove yourself! I expect your seconds within a day!”

Lucas de Chaunessy appeared undecided. He was weighing his chances against Ellen. Just then a voice sounded behind him.

“I distinctly heard His Lordship ordering you to leave, Sir! Should you decide not to comply with his Lordship’s wishes, I shall feel compelled to shoot you.”

That was the longest speech they had ever heard out of Hogget, Richard’s manservant. He was standing behind de Chaunessy with a fowling piece levelled at the man. Caught in the potential crossfire, de Chaunessy finally sheathed his sword.

“You may expect my friend later today,” he spat, turning to leave.

“Unlike you, he will be welcome,” was Richard’s parting shot.

Whilst Lucas de Chaunessy was walking towards his coach, Ellen carefully uncocked her pistol.

“I should have shot him right away,” she said, still quite calm. “When he pulled his sword on you, I should have killed him, the coward!”

“Ellen, you must allow me to protect your honour,” Richard said softly. “It is my purpose in life to protect you, after all.”

His words were rewarded with a kiss.

“My hero!” Ellen smiled, determined not to unnerve him with the worries she began to feel.

“But ... zere will be a duel!” Marie exclaimed. “What if Lucas ... prevails?”

“Not against Richard!” Ellen replied forcefully. “Your foul brother will meet his fate before this week is over.” She turned to Richard. “Do not for a second contemplate to spare this man! I love you and need you. Marie needs you too for protection, far more than she needs to have a brother like that.”

Richard watched his wife and after an acknowledging nod to Hogget, he led both women into his study.

“I think it is time for me to hear the full truth. Marie, what are the issues between you and your brother? Ellen wouldn’t tell me, but I need to know.”

White as a sheet, Marie sat in a chair. She looked at Ellen for guidance.

“He has a right to know, Marie,” Ellen said softly.

“Lucas violated me when I was a girl. For three years, he took his liberties with me until my mother found out and married me off to Lucien.”

Marie sat with her head bent, not daring to look into Richard’s eyes. She did not see Richard’s pained expression, but she heard the growl of his voice.

“You were right, Ellen. That man is not worthy of any consideration.”

“Can you dictate the terms, dear?”

“Thanks to your interference, yes,” Richard answered. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

Marie looked up to see Ellen nod.

“I knew whereto the situation was heading and I wanted him to insult me, so you would be the aggrieved party.”

“I have a smart wife,” Richard stated. “I better prepare for the worst though. Can you pass the word for James, dear? Regardless of how you think of me, I should really update my will.”

It took all of Ellen’s willpower not to break down in this moment. With an effort, she mustered an answer.

“I know you are only being careful, dear, and I love you for it.”

Taking Marie’s arm she left the study. Outside she sat down heavily on a chair, breathing away the tears that welled out of her eyes. Marie was at her side, helplessly stroking her cousin’s head.

Same as Ellen
Chapter 42: Cousin Lucas Videos

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Got Chance With My Cousin

I hadn’t seen my cousin Kayla since grade 8, back in 2009. Well, that isn’t exactly true. There were very sporadic encounters where we would happen to walk by one other somewhere in the city. In those instances she was with whoever she considered to be her boyfriend at the time so all I got was a nod of acknowledgement. Admittedly she was…well I won’t say she’s a slut as I do not actually know how far she goes with these guys. Instead I’ll say she has difficulty with relationships. Her longest...

2 years ago
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My cousin and her first cheating gangbang

First of all this is not a true story and it's my fantasy about fucking my younger cousin and having her gang banged or me fucking her really hard.So all started when I was 16 years old I was at college and so was my cousin we were both on vacations and we went to my aunts place so it was pleasant she had a big house and as her husband was a manager at a firm and her elder son was like 2 years elder than me my aunt also had a daughter who is not the one I wanna talk.We were quite happy there we...

4 years ago
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Cousin Danny Takes Care of Me

"Incestuous relationships are illegal in many places around the world - the following story purely fictional." Cousin Danny Takes Care of Me Three days before my seventeenth birthday, my great grandma died in her sleep. She was the last remaining matriarch on either side of the family so the funeral was massive. Hoardes of relatives flew in from everywhere. I was super shy around all of them especially because I'd finally begun to develop. Just last summer, I was still a chubby nerdy girl with...

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Cousin Ke Sath Jamkar Chudayi Ki

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main ek acche se company mein job karti hu aur meri job cousin ne lagwaya tha. Main apne cousin ke bahut kareeb thi aur usne mujhe job lagwa diya aur main uske sath job karne jaati thi. Mera koi kaam office ka mera cousin kar deta tha. Main usko ek accha dost maanti thi aur hum dono log mein bahut accha dosti tha. Main company mein sabhi ladies se sexy thi kyu ki main apne aapko bahut maintain rakhti hu aur main thoda fashion mein rahti hu. Main company mein...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Sofia

(MFMF, inc, intr, oral, anal, 1st, swingers, orgy)When Sofia found out that I often wrote sex stories, she wouldn't leave me alone. I'm almost 30 and Sofia is my cousin, barely 19 when this relationship began, petite and quite a doll. I guess most people would call her "cute" because of her looks. But she has always been a precocious k**, graduating at the top of her high school class, getting scholarship offers galore. ***1: SofiaA few weeks ago, I answered the door to find Sofia, wearing...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Me And Hot Male Cousin 8211 Pt 2 Erotic Shower

This is the second part of my story were I had fun with my male cousin in the shower. If you haven’t read my previous story, please do read it. I was overwhelmed by your response to my first story. Thank you all very much. When I was 18 years old, I found out that I am attracted to both men and women. Since then, I was eagerly waiting to get into a sexual encounter with either men or women. It was men first and luckily, it happened when I was 19 years old with my cousin. His name was Sid (not...

Gay Male
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Cousin brittney 1

Revised Hi, my name is Mike. I use to live in a small town, and I am currently looking for another small town to move too. The reason  for my decision to not go home will be explainable once you read this story. It all began when I first met my 12 year old cousin Brittney, and again you're about to see why.  Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from...

2 years ago
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Mom joins in on the fun with cousin and boyfriend

Introduction: This is the 5th and last part of a 5-part series. if you havent read the previous stories, click on my profile and do so. There was no possible reasonable explanation as to why my 14-year old cousin was laying naked on my bed. Trust me, within a matter of a minute my mind had tried to figure out numerous ways to which I could explain the situation, but alas, none were worth the exertion. It was around 5:12pm now. How the time had slipped away, I wondered. Mom stood in the...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Terri

The nature of my relationship with my Cousin has just changed forever. Terri and I have always been very close.I am only six months older than her and I won't lie to you. Ever since we were teenagers I have dreamt about fucking her.When we were growing up my family lived in Waterbury and she lived in Naugatuck which is the next town over. We would see each other on Holidays.Our families would get together on Christmas Eve at their house, they would come to our house on New Year's Eve, and we...

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The way I met my husband and found out my cousin d

Me and my cousin are seven years apart and we are related cause my dad and my uncle are brothers. Well my cousin was dating my husband when I was 12, she was 19 at the moment. My husband was 23 at the moment they were dating but, I never met him at the time. So they dated for like 2 years and of course they fuck each other. So my cousin had to move due to her parent move to another city but kept communicating each other but then they just stopped. Well seven more years passed i turned 19. I met...

4 years ago
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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

2 years ago
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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

3 years ago
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My Big Ass Cousin Sister Adrija 8211 Part 1

Hello, this is Shubh and I am going to tell you a story that happened in 2015. This story happened between me and my cousin sister who is one year older than me. I was a first-year college student back then. Let’s just say that her name is Adrija Datta (not her real name). My cousin is very beautiful and has a very good figure with nice boobs and a big round ass. Her figure is 32-30-34. I have always fantasized about my cousin sister’s big ass many times and masturbated a lot thinking about it....

1 year ago
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Meine Cousine und Ich

Wieder so ein langweiliges Treffen, denke ich mir, als wir gerade bei der Verwandtschaft ankommen. Alle lächeln sich an und grüßen sich, doch im Grunde sind wir uns doch fremd. Alle paar Monate trifft man sich mal, doch da jeder von uns in einer anderen Stadt lebt, ist es immer wieder wie ein neues kennenlernen. Auch ich spiele den Lieben, lächle, begrüße alle schön, um mich dann zu meinem Cousin zu setzten. So läuft das meistens. Erst ein freundliches Hallo und dann setzten sich die älteren...

4 years ago
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Cousin Brittney Chapter 1

Growing up in a small town was actually not to bad. It had its ups and downs. The worst of it was the fact that is was so boring. As a result I got into my fair share of trouble from time to time. Just before I graduated high school is when things began to change a bit. It all changed when my uncle his wife and my cousin, whom i had never met, moved to our small town. The moment I saw my 12 year old cousin I was in shock as to how gorgeous she was. She absolutely had to be the most beautiful...

3 years ago
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My cousin Michelle

Introduction: First time with my cousin. Were both Korean My cousin Michelle and I have always shown affection towards one another. We were very close, even from a young age. Because Michelle and I were always hugging, and leaning our bodies into each other, people always assumed we were dating, this is where my sexual thoughts for my cousin was birthed. Because Michelle was also a very beautiful girl, and I had already fucked our mutual cousin, Jane, the thought of fucking Michelle seemed like...

2 years ago
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Willing Young Muslim Cousin Asfa Loses Her Virgini

Hi all, its Ali here!Today, I'm going to share my first sexual encounter with my younger Muslim cousin, Asfi and how it started a long, taboo sexual relationship between us that continues to this day. A little background first...I'm Ali, fair, standing over 5 ft 10" tall. I have long, straight black hair and a trim, athletic physique from playing soccer for years. I used to live with my huge, extended family. My entire clan consisted of the families of my father and his seven real brothers. We...

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Geeky cousin Glennis has a transformation that takes Kristie8217s breath away literally

Kristie Davenport saw her mother bearing down on her from across the living room like a battleship weathering a rough sea. Kristie took a deep breath to steady her nerves. A lame mother was hard enough to bear, a lame mother who has already had to buy her daughter one full set of new bras is harder still to bear… and if my chest doesn’t stop growing real soon, mother’s going to have to get a third set in two months. And if the lamers at school notice, they are going to start...

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Her Boyfriends Cousin

Kara had slept in one of her father's old shirts and some barely there panties. She had slipped on a pair of jeans before meeting her father for breakfast, but now he was gone and she was thinking more in terms of something that might attract her neighbor Tommy's attention. She walked slowly back to her room, debating what it would be. It wasn't like she was concerned over Tommy seeing too much, they had after all spent a good bit of the previous day exploring each other's naked body, but she...

Straight Sex
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Mom Double Penetrated By Son And Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, my name is Rahul (name changed). Let me first tell about my family, it consists of 3 members my dad, mom, and me. My dad usually won’t be at home because of his unusual shifts like day and night. My mom is an educated and a sanskari woman. She was married to a guy who was really older than her, so her sex life was kinda dead. My mom has normal-sized boobs and a big ass. My mom kind of looks like actress Vidya Balan but a little more slim. In our building, our relatives used to...

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Banging Village Cousin8217s Virgin Pussy 8211 Part 1

The heroine of the story is my cute cousin, Minnu. She is 18 years old and is 2 years younger than me. My cousin sister is fair and has great assets. She is a typical innocent village girl who dresses quite traditionally. We meet during vacations and functions and we are quite close. She doesn’t have a phone to herself and only occasionally chats from her mom’s phone. Still, we were really close and had a strong bond with each other. Coming to the story, since her school was over, this time my...

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Apne Cousin Bhai Se Chudayi Ki

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main ek sexy ladki hun aur mera figure bhi bahut accha hai. Main job karti hu aur kabhi kabhi main job karne nahi jaati hu to ghar ka kaam karti hu. Hum logo ki joint family hai aur sab log ek sath rahte hai. Mera room upar hai aur mere mummy papa aur chacha chachi sab log niche rahte hai. Main aur mera cousin hum dono log ka room upar hai aur dono log upar rahte hai. Mera cousin kabhi kabhi mere sath mere bedroom mein so jata hai. Hum dono log ka ek bathroom...

4 years ago
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Sex Addict Dad Fucks My Cousin Sister In Mom8217s Presence

My father used to enjoy sex a lot. Since I was young, I remember seeing his collection of porn films in his cupboard drawer. Every month he would bring a new collection. He would lock the television room every night and send me and my mother out. He would watch the movies till late at night, and many times till 4 in the morning. He also had a collection of racy magazines with pictures of exotic girls. He would flip through them regularly. He used to even carry them to work and keep them in his...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex With My Big Boobs Cousin Sister

Hello everyone, I am Deep (name changed). I am a tall, dark, handsome and horny guy. I always find a way to touch my cousin and flirt with her a lot. And because of how good I am at flirting, any girl will fall for me and loves to have sex! Without wasting time, now let’s move to the story. This story happened after the death of my cousin sister’s husband. Before the death of my jiju, my cousin sister and jiju were a happy couple. They have had lots of sex and fulfilled their hot fantasies...

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I miss my younger cousin

This is my first story written so stay with me also I have a.d.d. So sorry if I jump around place to place. I'm male and not very good looking. So this is my first time ever. I don't remember most of my childhood because of my head injuries, but I remembered this clearly and cry every time. So about tens years ago when I was 7 or 8 I was forced into having sex with three cousins. One of my cousins had long blond hair and was touched by one of my uncles when she was 6, she also was 7 or 8. The...

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Poor Cousin Robillard

Story Title: Mistress AutumnPOOR, PUDGY ROBILLARD!As he brushed and stroked his beautiful goddesses curls, Robie’s penis nearly wrecked itself, locked in the tiny casing. Would he escape it today? maybe?Robillard St. Croix finished coming Autumn’s cascading blonde hair. He’d given Autumn a great comb over, and massaged his pretty cousin’s shoulders till Autumn had purred. She’d looked up at Robillard lovingly, and he felt like he was on the top of the world.And Robillard was good! He  had a big...

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Cousin Upskirt

When I was younger, about 14 or 15, my family went down to see my aunt and her family as their daughter, my 18 year old cousin, was in the local village fete. We got down there and were talking to the family when my cousin said that she wanted to show me something upstairs. My cousin and I used to get on very well together, sometimes able to finish each others sentences but usually both wanting to cause trouble and chaos whenever we were together.I followed my cousin upstairs and into her...

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