OVERBOARD Chapter 45 Turn About Kay is Home While Rob is Away
- 3 years ago
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Rob's turn:
I set the phone down and stared at it in disbelief. Did Kay just tell me what happened or just what she thinks happened? No, it has to be what happened because she said it was in front of her. If the H.R. director himself came in to fire Wayne and did it in front of everyone else, the company is taking what he did seriously, very seriously. There has to be more to this story than she told me, maybe more than she knows.
I reached for my phone to call Jim Pietro. I started dialing and then stopped. Do I make this call or not? I put the phone back down. Kay said she'd take care of it when she got back. I knew I shouldn't interfere but it was killing me. It must have been even harder on her.
Kay's question about the school's reaction was valid. How would the school react? What could they do about Wayne if he did nothing at the school? I could give Bert Symes a call. I didn't know if he was even in his office during the summer. Kay's comment about having two people to watch out for bothered me some. I was pretty sure Todd was effectively out of the picture permanently because of his shenanigans. I didn't know about Wayne. A lot would depend on what had happened and I didn't know that. Damn it! It was going to be a long day.
I returned to my computer and to work. I still had to develop my detailed plan for the resort inspections; what I was looking for, what configurations I expected to find, how deep to delve. I still had to work that out with Ian. I had a pretty good idea of what he was looking for. I could see where it would take me two or three days at each resort site the holding company had. My first step at each site would be to establish my bona fides with the on-site I.T. specialist. No one ever likes someone from outside coming in to tell them what they were doing wrong.
I had an email from Ian's office listing all their properties. I needed to plot out which resort I went to when. There were three resorts spread across Hawaii, one in California, four in Colorado besides the one I had already done, two in Texas, two in Louisiana, three in New Jersey, one in Georgia and two in Florida. They had more than I realized when I agreed to the end of October and I might have some problems.
I was right with what I told Kay; this was going to fill my plate. I called William and Mary, she answered the phone.
"Rob, how are you doing? How's Kay? Don't tell me the wedding plans have changed."
"Kay and I are fine, although she's gone for the week on a field trip for her internship; she'll be home again Friday. The wedding is still going to be at Kay's family farm in Kansas the first weekend in August. How are you two doing down there in Florida?"
"We're alive and kicking. The weather is getting warmer but it always does this time of year. The tourists still do the touristy things and we try to avoid them as much as possible. How's business?"
"That's kinda' what I'm calling about. How are you and William doing with business?"
"We shouldn't have any problem covering for you while you're on your honeymoon, if that's what you're asking."
"That's one of the things but there's another. Do you remember me telling you I picked up a resort in Colorado as a client because they crashed their system?"
"I remember something about it, why?"
"That job mushroomed some."
"What does that mean?"
"When I went out to restore their system I ended up dealing with a senior V.P. from their parent corporation. He liked what I proposed for the resort and gave me the go ahead to do whatever I thought necessary to restore them. Then he fired the I.T. Manager of the resort and offered me the position. If that wasn't enough, he offered me the step up to the equivalent position at their corporate level."
"Nice, are you taking it?"
"No, I declined his offer, three or four times. He finally accepted that I wasn't just playing for a better compensation package and offered me a huge work package. I need some help and I was calling you guys to see if we could work something out. Might you guys be interested?"
"What are we talking about, Rob, and should I get William on the line?"
"I know how you guys work and the business end is yours but maybe having William on with us so we can all talk about the technical end is a good idea. Do I need to call back or do you want to call me?"
"Hang on a minute. He's in the shop area and I just have to call him out. I'm going to put you on hold."
I heard the click and figured it wouldn't be too long. Less than a minute later I heard another click.
William was on the line. "Hey, Rob."
"I'm on too, Rob," said Mary.
"Did Mary tell you what this is about?"
"Vaguely, it sounds like you have too much work."
"That's as good a way of putting it as any other. I have a huge contract that is going to require me traveling around the country. I'm going to really rack up some frequent flier miles. I have eighteen different resorts I have to visit to do an evaluation and then make a report to the holding company that owns them. Once the report is done I have to negotiate with the holding company to determine what upgrades and modifications they want to make. Once that is all set, I get to go and do the changes and I'm supposed to have them all done by Halloween."
"What are you looking for from us?"
"William, I'd like you to cover for me while I'm on the road, much like what we do for each other when one of us takes a vacation or is otherwise unavailable."
"I assume you're talking about on-line coverage not client visits."
"Yeah, just like you're going to do while Kay and I are on our honeymoon."
"How do you want to handle any required site visits?"
"I thought we'd work those out on a case by case basis."
"Okay, I don't see why we couldn't do things that way. Mary can work out the financials with you."
"I don't see any reason to change from our usual financials arrangements, Rob."
"The only potential issue I see is this is going to be a lot longer than our usual trade off of service. Normally they run for a week or two, tops. This is going to be more like three months or so. If something goes sideways it might be longer. I can't see anything going beyond the end of the year and that would only be if things really get messed up."
"I'm going to say yes, Rob. My work right now is light but steady. Our clients are happy and the checks are coming in pretty regularly. You're going to have to give us more specifics of course, but I'm sure we can handle the increase in work load. I'm going to go back to what I was doing and let you and Mary do what you have to do."
"What do you want to do about site visits?"
"I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle them myself as long as you guys are doing the routine on-line work. If for some reason I need William to do a site visit we can figure things out then. Will that work for you, Mary?"
"I think so. When will you be able to give us scheduling information?"
"I still have to work that out with the holding company but I'll let you know as soon as I have things firmed up."
"Okay, email us a schedule when you have it and I'll email you back a confirmation."
"Thanks, Mary, I'll be in touch."
I spent the rest of my day working up the detailed plans I needed. It looked to me like I might need some support on a long term basis, even after all the upgrade work was done. I'd cross that bridge when I got to it. I wondered how full William and Mary's plate really was. I know they're not hurting in the business but I also knew they weren't as fully committed as I was now, considering the new contract.
I turned on some music and went out to the pool for a swim. I was missing Kay and needed something to keep myself occupied. I could use the exercise and it was one of the reasons I kept the pool ready for use. After twenty minutes of laps, I was worn out and winded. This wasn't supposed to happen; I needed to get in some exercise on a more regular basis. I wanted to be around for a long, long time now that I had Kay in my life. I pulled my sorry carcass out of the pool and laid out on a lounge to recover.
After resting and dozing for half an hour, I got up to go out for dinner. I thought about the Italian restaurant but decided against it; I didn't want to go there without Kay anymore. I ended up going to the diner. It was comfortable and they weren't too busy so I was able to sit in a booth with a coffee and a book. It was a lot like it was, B.K., before Kay.
I was still at the diner when Kay called.
"Hello there, wanderer. How are things out there in the great beyond?"
"They're beyond what I expected, that's for sure. We're in the hotel for the night. How are things back on the home range?"
"I found out today that I miss you but that's not a surprise, now, is it? I also found out I need to make sure I get exercise on a more regular basis. I went for a swim earlier and wore myself out a lot sooner than I thought would."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I wore myself out in twenty minutes, I should have lasted at least twenty-two."
"Oh, goody, the comedian is back, this time not on the road and not even in person. I have to be regaled over a phone, yuck, yuck, yuck."
"I'm really unhappy with myself. I know I've been busy the past few months but I shouldn't have needed a nap after swimming a few laps."
"If it's really that bad, I may have to reconsider my plans with you. I need someone who can keep up with me."
"So that's what you meant when you said you'd stick with me forever. I was hoping it would be a little longer than this."
"You misunderstand. I'm not planning on leaving or letting go of you; I'm saying I have to change my plans with you. I'm going to have to spend some time whipping you back into shape to keep up with me."
"That gives me a heck of a mental image, you standing over me with a whip in your hands."
"Uhh, that is a heck of an image. It didn't come to my mind when I was talking about whipping you into shape but I like it."
"Okay, despite the image, I agree, I can use some help and reminders to get out and exercise more. I really do need to do something at least three times a week. It doesn't always have to be the pool either. We have the bicycles and even walking is good. Now, can we move on, at least until you get back home? Tell me how your day has been."
"After I spoke with you this morning, I thought about what we said and then I talked with the guys. I learned that they knew more than I thought. They already knew about you and me from my birthday party. Turns out Linc has a good memory and figured out how I got my interview. They don't hold it against me and we all agree we're equals until we get back from this trip."
"It went okay?"
"It went well, actually. I'm more relaxed about things after we talked. Guy listened to everything, too. He talked with us in the bus and at lunch, it went a long way to making us all feel better. He also gave us a bit of a ground level education about working for the company. He's a nice guy and he talked with us, not to us. He helped us understand what happened this morning, more than Marcus did, I think. He was really helpful and supportive."
"I'm glad to hear that. Did you go to the air-field?"
"No, we came straight to the hotel; we didn't get here until after five. Guy gave us some ground rules and told us what the company would pay for and told us not to miss the bus. Then he told us what to do if we did."
"Yeah, don't miss the bus, not if you want the company to think kindly of us. We have to be down for breakfast with Guy, by seven tomorrow. We'll leave right from breakfast for the air-field."
"So I take it you'll return to the hotel afterwards."
"Yeah, and we have homework to do when we're back here. We have booklets with information on all the air-fields and we have to study up for each one before we get to it."
"This is what I think is referred to as a 'makee-learnee' trip. You're there to learn, you can't learn if you're not ready to learn. Those booklets and that homework are to make sure you're ready to learn."
"Guy said something similar. He also said he'd have things for each of us to do but I don't know what those things are going to be."
"I, obviously, don't either. My best suggestion is have your eyes and ears open, so you can take in everything that comes your way. Take some time afterwards to sift through everything, filter and prioritize. Drop the small stuff and focus on the big things. I don't expect you to remember it all, the company won't either. Don't get bogged down with details, get the big picture, so you have the concepts to work from after you get back on Friday."
"Did you call Jim or Marcus today?"
"No, you told me you wanted to handle it. I'll make some calls if you want me to."
"No, I will. I was just checking because you might do something behind my back."
"I wouldn't do that to you, Kay."
"Yes you would, like you did when you set up my interview."
"Yeah, but it turned out well, didn't it?"
"Luckily for you or you'd have been in a lot of trouble. I'm going to ask to talk with Marcus when we get back; Linc and Ryan want to be with me when I do. I think they're doing it to show me their support, as much as anything else. In any case I appreciate it. I'm feeling better after our talk with Guy but I still have one thing I want to make sure of."
"What's that?"
"When he said that the company would be offering Linc and Ryan positions after graduation he didn't say I would be. I want to make sure I'm in the same place they are with the company and the guys do, too. Like I said, we think we're equals."
"I don't think it's necessary but if it will make you feel better then do it."
"Thanks. How was your day?"
"I spent a good part of it planning out the work I'm going to do at the resorts. I called William and Mary, I talked with them about covering for me while I'm out doing the inspections and then again when I'm out making the modifications. William is sure he can cover for me, at least for the on-line work. If any field work is required we'll look at it then and figure out what we'll do."
"It won't overload them?"
"I doubt it and William doesn't think so. I looked at all the places I've got to go and I'm going to be doing a lot of travel between now and Halloween. It's going to be tough to get it all done. After I do all the survey work and talk with the holding company I'll have a better idea of what I'm going to have to do and I'll be better able to plan the work trip. It's going to be very hard to get it all done on time. I may need them to help me out with what can slip beyond Halloween."
"Do you think they'll be okay with that?
"I think that if I give them the opportunity to help with the scheduling, they should be. The Halloween deadline is mostly for their ski resorts. I know skiing isn't a concern for the resorts in Florida or Hawaii."
"Unless it's waterskiing."
"Okay, it's your turn for the jokes, tell me another. In a way it's too bad you're going to be working or in school."
"Okay, what's the rest of the joke?"
"It's not a joke. It's too bad you going to be tied up. I would have loved for you to come with me when I go to Hawaii. They have three resorts there, one on Oahu, One on Kauai and one on the Big Island. I'm going to be hard pressed to get the inspections done in one week there."
"You're a rat; you know that, don't you?"
"I'll tell you what. When you get back, we'll sit down with the schedule and if there's any way you can be free for any part of my travels, I'll take you with me. Is that fair enough?"
"I guess. I know you're right about me being busy but you're going to owe me."
"I'll happily pay, any way that I can."
"I'll have to figure out a way for you to make it up to me."
"I'm going to miss you even more tonight. I've gotten very used to having you in bed with me and cuddling up to you at night."
"That's not all you've gotten used to, is it?"
"Uhh, you're a good back washer?"
"Beast! It's a good thing for you that your shoulder makes a good pillow or I'd have to look at trading you in."
"There you go again, trying to get rid of me."
"Not hardly."
"I know. I love you, Kay."
"I love you, too, Rob. You're too good to me and you do so much for me. I don't know why."
"I do it because you are you. I value you and what you bring to me. You've filled a hole in my life I didn't even realize was there."
"You're sweet."
"No sweeter than you deserve. Where are you?"
"I'm in my room and I wanted to give you a call before I took my shower and went to bed. It's been a long day and I'm tired. I know I didn't do much today but I'm still tired."
"You had an emotional day and that'll take it out of you as much as working your tail off."
"I'm going to go to bed as soon as I'm done with my shower. I'm not even going to stay up and watch any T.V."
"Okay, I'm going to go home and pay some attention to Sammy and Sandi since you're not here to do it."
"Where are you now?"
"I'm sitting in the diner. I had dinner here. I've been sitting in a corner with a cup of coffee and a book."
"Give them a treat for me when you get home."
"I will, baby."
"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Rob, but I'm going to get in the shower now. I love you, goodnight."
"I love you, too, goodnight." She was gone and I put up my phone. I finished the chapter I was reading and went home after leaving a good tip on the table. They hadn't given me any grief about taking up table space and had kept my coffee cup full.
When I got home, the cats met me at the door wanting their dinner. After feeding them, I settled in my chair to read for a little while longer before I went for my shower and bed. Once I was in bed, the cats jumped up and joined me. I remembered Kay's request so I made sure I gave each cat some strokes and told them they were from Kay before the three of us settled down to go to sleep.
When I got up in the morning I grabbed a couple of pieces of fruit and started working on them while I waited for my coffee. Coffee in hand, I went to my office and did my morning checks. When they were done I called Denver and spoke with Hank Stein about the schedule I worked out. I needed him to call ahead to each of the resorts so they would know I was coming and why. We set it up that I would then call them and make a reservation for my stay and they would know, hopefully, I wasn't the enemy. I would be there to help them.
After speaking with him I planned on driving that afternoon to Anaheim to their Disneyland area resort. I could leave after lunch and be there before the end of the work day. That way I could get started on the equipment survey before dinner, finish up in morning and be home in time to feed the cats tomorrow. Around eleven I called the resort to let them know I'd be there in the afternoon and would need a room for the night.
I pulled into the parking lot about three-thirty. When I went up to the desk and identified myself they were expecting me. Their I.T. guy came out to bring me to the equipment room. When we were there he went into defensive mode. It took me half an hour to convince him I wasn't attacking him and that when I was done, things would be better for him, for his resort and for the company as a whole.
Once I had him on my side, we went to work. At six he left, planning to be back in the morning ready to work until we were done. I took my notes to my room and went to dinner. I had just been seated when my phone rang, I knew it was Kay.
My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job,...
Dosto kuch saal phalhy hum sab ghar walon nay jungle trip ka program banya . qu kay dad ka zayda dil karta tha jungle main kuch din rahnay ka or hum logo ka be dil karta tha , city main her time rush or shoor he shoor her taraf to kuch din mom or dad sakoon main rahna chhatay thay or wasay be collage ki chotiya ho gaye thi . dad kay friend forest kay baray officer thay to unho nay dad ko offer karwaye aap log chalay jay maray log aap ki care be karay gay , Or jungle ki saar b karwaya gay. dad...
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Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...
Kay looked anxiously at the empty desk and back up at the clock. Where was he? She grew panicky. What if he was absent today? Kay suddenly felt herself blinking back tears at the thought of not seeing him. She was surprised at her reaction and was about to reprimand herself when he silently strolled through the doorway. He slid into his seat quietly, folding his hands and looking out the window. ‘David!’ Ms. Halsey bellowed sharply. ‘You’re late! Would you care to explain?’ Kay watched...
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This story takes place back in 1980 and involved a young man named Lance Bowman, an 18 year old lad about to graduate from high school, and his Mom's sister Kay, who came to babysit that spring when Lance's mother was hospitalized once again for the recurring health problems which would eventually take her life.The babysitting was actually for Lance's k** sister Emma, because Lance was a very trustworthy lad who could take care of himself. Lance was fine with that, because he was very fond of...
I want to tell you about an ex-girlfriend of mine, Kay, who was by far the wildest, most exciting, and also craziest girl I have ever been out with. In appearance think Suzy Quattro aged about 21: small, lithe, feisty, long blond hair, blue eyes, usually dressed in tight, sky-blue jeans and leather jacket, and with a wild-c***d personality to match. She spoke her mind, and couldn't care less who she offended or how much outrage she caused. Quite what she saw in me, a much more restrained and...
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When I left Kay’s house, she had me wear my new birthday undershorts home with me. She had me leave my other undershorts at her house. She also kept the paddle, but she would talk to me about it during our next date. I had accepted being spanked by Kay since I wanted to find a woman for my life that was more dominant and was in complete control, and I thought Kay might be the perfect woman for me. Kay and I talked during the week, and we set up our next date to last all day on Saturday. I was...
SpankingThree months had passed, business was booming, with their line of sexy clothing selling well, Keisha, who now liked to be called Kay, excelled in designing ultra short and revealing party wear, while Sams line in super sexy underwear designed purely for sex was selling well too.Kay had moved in with Sam and let all the world know they were an item. The sex was the best they had both ever had, Sam telling Kay that she had graduated with honours from her academy. Many a weekend had been spent...
I slept in this morning, yesterday was a long day for me. I don't really like to travel out and back on the same day and I normally would have stayed over in San Fran. It was Kay's first time here alone though and I wasn't sure if she would be comfortable about it. I need to talk with her today and feel her out to make sure there won't be any problems in the future when I do have to be gone over night or even longer. It was entertaining last night playing cards and talking with Kay. She...
Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...
It was a warm Saturday evening in the southwest desert city of Phoenix, Ariz. My baby sister, Jenny, was celebrating her eighteenth birthday with a bunch of her girlfriends. They had decided to go play miniature golf, but there wasn't quite enough room in Jen's car for all of them to fit in at same time. So Jenny called me. “Hi Jen, how's your party going?” I answered. Caller ID indicated in advance who was calling. “Pete, could you help us out? We don't have quite enough...
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SeductionAfter the visit by Kay's father things settled down for Kay and me. We got into a routine; I did my work and traveled when necessary. Kay gave up her Mondays at the restaurant but retained her weekends there. Her income did indeed go down, just as she thought it would once school opened. Her studies seemed to be going well, she found the speed of my internet connection made her work at home easier than she was used to. We played cards in the evenings at least twice a week and we kept...
Hallo dosto my name is raj I am from mumbai aap sabhi ko apun ka salam chalo boys & girals apna lund or chut ko hila naa chalu kar do kayo ki mare a garam sex storie padkar aap sabhi muth mar nay par majbur ho jaye gay …Chalo dosto abb storie kay taraf rukh karte hai a such aaj say sal pahele ka hai tab may 23 sal ka tha mare ghar may mom dad or may raheta tha a real storie hay mare ghare ke nokrani ki jis say may nay pahele sex kaa anand uthaya us ka nam savita tha wo 45 year old lady thi par...
She would stop by whenever she was coming home from school to see me and of course have sex. Since she had no boyfriend I filled the void and allowed her to finish college without the stress of being single. We were just friends with benefits until she graduated and it finally ended. Dawn did introduce me to her friend Kay who was also her lover.Kay and Dawn were friends who thought they were lesbians until I arrived on the scene . I showed them just how much better it was to have a real...
Before I left Kay’s house, she told me to wear casual clothing and be sure to have the smaller bag with me. I was also supposed to get shoelaces for both the bag and downstairs. When I slept on Saturday, the new key that I was wearing was a constant reminder that I was now dating a very dominant woman. So far, it has been a little more than I bargained for but, I really do enjoy being with Kay. I left my house in plenty of time so that I was able to stop at a low-cost shoe store and pick up the...
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After their massage, Kay and I drove over to Sally’s house so the girls could talk about their massage experience. I asked Kay, “Did you enjoy yourself, and what all did they do to you?” She just smiled at me.We went into Sally’s house, the women then got on the couch awfully close together and holding each other. I went and sat in the chair next to them. Sally turned on the TV and started a video that started out with a man and a woman. They were kissing passionately and taking their clothes...
SwingersI have been married to my beautiful wife Kay for over 20 years. She is a 47 year old brunette. She looks no where near her 47 years more like mid to late 30ish. She has a beautiful body that she keeps tanned throughout the year. She is 5-1 115 pounds with beautiful shape for her small frame .32c breasts with huge nipples that get extremely erect when she is the least bit turned on, and a nice little heart shaped ass. This is a true story about her encountering a young 19 year old stud that...
My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...
My New Girlfriend Kay I am single and I met this woman over an Internet dating service. I like a woman who is in command and knows what she wants, plus, according to her bio, we enjoyed the same activities, movies, books, etc. After a few phone calls, we finally decided to meet at a restaurant on a Tuesday night. I really liked the way she looked. Kay is a blond, with a nice build, and is as tall as I am. Two things I really liked about her were her great smile and her perfume. We saw each...
SpankingTwenty-Three Years Later (10YG) Seven year Donna Prisk looked out of the airplane window. "Mommy, look! The Golden Gate Bridge!" Kay got out of her seat and looked out the window with her daughter. The sun was just starting to burn off the morning fog. The base of the bridge was still obscured by mist. It made the structure look like it was sitting on a cloud. "How pretty. It has been a long time since I've been to San Francisco. I'd forgotten how lovely the city is. "But that means...
Hi readers this is jai pal here thanks a lot for your good response for my previous 5 stories of my mom fucking.. all are real now one more real story of my mom … Mummy ka naam ranjana hai .figure Mummae : 40 Kamar : 36 Gaand : 40 Papa kissi kaam say bahar gaye hue the… ghar mein mein aur mummy akelay the… us din sham ko papa kay do dost ghar aye unko maloom nahin tha ki papa ghar pay nahin hain….. hum nay unko bataya ki papa 15 din say ghar say bahar hain aur next week ayengay…. Who mom ki...
Kay Grieves was an all-around good student. She was in the national honors society, she was a cheerleader, and loved to volunteer her time at various nursing homes in her town.The holidays were coming, and she liked to bake. She made cookies and loaves of various sweetbreads. She liked making people happy. She made a huge basket of sweets for her neighbor next door. Mr. Raymond’s’ was a widow and Kay’s family always checked in on him.He had lost his wife about ten years ago. Kay's family...
TeenJames picked Kay up at the airport after getting off work at around 5:30 pm. They drove back together to spend Memorial Weekend with us before taking her to stay with her parents.After they arrived at the apartment, Kay unpacked, and James suggested we should go out and eat or order some pizzas and eat in.Deciding to eat out, we enjoyed a great meal with lots of delicious wine.After our meal, we returned to the apartment, and after chatting for a while, we decided to get ready for bed.Kay and I...
ThreesomesOver the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...
Sasha spread her legs and a deep moan escaped her lips as her fingers began touching her wet pussy. Her roommate Kay was out for the night and this was the only time Sasha could have time to herself and be as loud as possible. Normally she'd have to gag herself in order for Kay to not hear her, but this time she could be as loud as she wanted."Oh Kay!! Please fuck me....please..."Sasha couldn't help but be attracted to her roommate, especially given Kay's tendency to walk around topless as...
Over the years I've had the opportunity...no... the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that 'All that and a bag of chips' attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she'd never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was...
BDSMKay decided to jog to work that morning and decided to shower there just before work starts. She normally runs home or does her exercise in the afternoon but today she decided to do it in the morning because the afternoon she has an appointment. That morning went as planned until she entered the shower rooms... As Kay enters the shower area, she can hear one of the showers going. Kay can hear moaning coming from the shower. The person in the shower obviously didn’t hear her enter. Kay...
Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...
I went home somewhat puzzled. I kept wondering what exactly is this therapy doing for me anyway? So far it seemed mostly to be about my masturbation habits which had nothing to do with the reason I started therapy anyway. My issues were with relating to women. Specifically strong women who are able to convince me to do things I don't want to do. Before A_ and Ilona I had actually no problem with women. Or so I thought. Nor had I a problem with masturbation before Ilona. Or again so I...
When Alice woke, she found one of her arms pinned under another girl. She managed to pull it free without waking her. She also found that the strap-on she was wearing was still halfway inside Lupe. Pulling it out woke her. Lupe saw where she was, and remembered. "I bad girl. Sex with women sin." Alice stroked her hair. "I think we'll have sex with anything to relieve our constant ache. Go back to sleep, Lupe." Lupe sobbed silently, then went back to sleep. When Alice stood up, she...
After my long shower, I sat in the bathroom thinking about what I had done. It might have been wrong however, it was the only way that I could support my daughter Sherri and myself. I also figured that Cathy would get over it as well. The days turned to weeks and I kept doing what I was. I dressed sexy as possible each day for work and extra sexy on Fridays for Jack and his clients. The money I made in tips was enough to get what we needed. I was also able to start putting money into the...
“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...
“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...
‘It was a case of being in the right place at the right time’. Greg was finishing gathering the material that had been discussed at the meeting when he was approached by a committee member. “Greg!” the member said. “You live near The Avenue don’t you?” Grey turned he put the papers into a large envelope for the secretary to record and answered. “Yes I do, why?” The committee member replied. “A woman came by taxi this morning, she hasn’t been before and she lives in The Avenue, do you think you...
My evening with Susan was a short but delightful night. The slender eighteen-year-old was an energetic girl that was more than ready to offer up her virginity. While laying under the stars in the Phoenix desert, she enthusiastically gave up her cherry to my eager cock. Over the next several weeks, my girlfriend Kay and I enjoyed each others bodies almost every night. We continued to experiment with varying forms of sex. Kay was soon able to give a pretty good deep-throat blow-job, especially...
Here is another fantastic story involving my hot sexy wife, Kay, and a very sexy friend Jane. Jane is average in height, with a sexy ass, perky tits, and short blonde hair.I come home from work earlier than expected and find Jane’s car parked in front of the house. This is nothing unusual as either she comes to our house when I am at work or Kay goes over there to her house. In my mind I am thinking oh great, the girls will be talking for the rest of the afternoon. I go into the house and I do...
ThreesomesMy sister's friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver's side window sill. She was obviously giving me an...
My New Girlfriend Kay P 4 After Ann left, it gave Kay and myself plenty of time to eat lunch and be alone together. As I have mentioned in the past, Kay is a really good cook, and everything she made tasted great. She even made me a blueberry pie. When we had eaten out, I always ordered a blueberry pie, so Kay knew what I liked as far as food goes. After the food was put away and I helped Kay with the dishes, we sat on the couch and talked. “I like the fact you like my girlfriend Ann and that...
My New Girlfriend Kay P 4 After Ann left, it gave Kay and myself plenty of time to eat lunch and be alone together. As I have mentioned in the past, Kay is a really good cook, and everything she made tasted great. She even made me a blueberry pie. When we had eaten out, I always ordered a blueberry pie, so Kay knew what I liked as far as food goes. After the food was put away and I helped Kay with the dishes, we sat on the couch and talked. “I like the fact you like my girlfriend Ann and that...
SpankingHi mera nam sufian hay mera taulq pakistan karachi say hay. meri English ziada achi nahi is liy apni story Hindi main likh raha ho. Main is site ka regular reader ho aaj socha keo na ap logo ko apni real story btao. Yeh story meri aur meri muma ki hay. Aap ko apny bary aur apni muma bary bta do meri age 20 year hay aur meri muma ki age 42 year nam rifat hay but koi bhi daikh kar yeh nahi kah sakta wo 42 ki hain keo kay who bahut young aur sexy lagti hain. Un ka firure 38-30-36 hy who jub bhi...
I am re-posting my story as it seemed not to have loaded the first time. The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my...
The first chapter will be Kay’s story of Sgt. J coming into her life. She prefers to tell me and have me write it with her approval. I sit here telling my story to the man I love. However, I do so in fear of what lies ahead for the man I love. He is a loving and caring man but also one who is bullheaded. He is punishing himself, taking the blame for an event that he had no hand in what so ever. I agreed to tell my side of the story only in hopes of getting back the man I love so...
My name is Gus and I live in middle Texas on a 500 ac. ranch with my girlfriend Kay ,We are I guess naturist we are self sufficient in almost every thing . We still have to go out and pick up things for the ranch ,gas , groceries . But mostly we keep to our self's , we do have friends in the burbs were we moved from and had a very good time with them in our younger days . I haven't thought a lot about them until last week . When I was able to catch Kay and Tex locked up ass to ass in the...
My sister’s friend, Kay, has been my girlfriend for several months now. It all started when my sister Jen, Kay, and their group of teenaged girlfriends tricked me into going out with Kay. They gave me no prior warning and not much choice. That first night with Kay, even though it had been unplanned, had been exceptionally pleasant and rewarding. Before she even got in my truck, Kay had placed her ample boobs on my driver’s side window sill. She was obviously giving me an invitation to pet...
It all started several years ago when I accepted an early retirement , from teaching.( Adult level photography ) I wanted to get out of the rat race , move to the country to enjoy open spaces.I was lucky to find a very private small farm about five hours drive from the city , 50 km. from the nearest town.We settled in , my wife Kay and I enjoyed our new home ,and the privacy of our new farm adventure.After a few months I went walking through the country side alone to re generate my thoughts and...
My sister Kay found out the other day that I was going to be playing Santa Claus on the same evening that she was going to be travelling through town. I told her she should stop by and get a picture on Santa’s lap but she replied, “My idea of sitting on Santa’s lap might not work with a crowd around.” Yeah, that got my north pole as hard as polar ice!!Anyhow, that evening it seemed like every mother and grandmother that came to get their precious little one’s picture with Santa also wanted to...
Kinky Kay learns to play it cool in the pool to turn-on a father playing with his two doddies there. Later that day, the mom watching them invites her along for dinner and up into their apartment for more white wine and some games. In the end, she gets the sex she longed for, albeit a lot different than she imagined earlier that erotic evening.Kinky Kay has a few fine fancies. Nothing of the hard stuff, like gang-bangs or submissions into spanking. She just likes bits of exhibitionism at times,...
My neighbour Kym and I had grown up together and gone from innocent playmates to lovers and explorers of sexual limits. We had experimented with group masturbation including jerk-off sessions where my male friends would stand over her well developed young body and spatter her from head to toe with semen.Her cousin Kay came to stay for a few weeks one winter while her mum recovered from an operation and she was the strangest looking girl I had ever seen. At 16 she was only 4 foot 9 inches tall...
How, you might ask, did I wind up bound naked in my sister Kay’s basement last weekend you might wonder? I could try to explain the whole sordid story to you, but to be honest, I do not remember large parts of it myself since I can say that there was a large amount of beer and several tequila chasers involved! What I can tell you is that she has known now for decades that if she calls out my manhood and says that I am a chicken, she can set the hook deep in me and get me to try damn near...
After going to the alien spa for a month or so and finding it very hard to get in due to its popularity, I also noticed that the more we went the more we were craving sex with the alien and less about having sex with each other. It was like they were reprogramming us to only want sex with them and not each other.The spa was so popular that they doubled the size of the building. They also began operating on a 24-hour basis, for women only. For men, if they got in at all, it was limited to once...
Monster SexI have always wanted to share with everyone the incredible experience of receiving a blow job from my little sister, Kay. To my way of thinking, there is no one else who comes close to being as good a cock sucker as she is! She says that I taught her a lot of it, but to be honest, she did it on her own!I was, once again asking if she would at least let me photograph her sucking my cock this past weekend and was told no. But then she turned and looked at me and said, “No, but I will let you...
Kay lay down in the bed, only a satin babydoll to cover her body and spread her legs as she blindfolded herself and put her hands to her side. Her cousin mentioned he'd have a surprise for her but that she'd have to be good and obey his instructions. Kay, having been recently fucked and hungry for more sex, would have said yes to anything that came out of his lips. He said that they'd go without sex for a few days, but her reward would be certainly worth it. Those few days were torture for...
I got back home from Colorado early Thursday afternoon. I finished the actual work late Wednesday and spent Thursday morning giving the CTO my sales pitch. It was looking good for a new client keeping me on retainer but not confirmed yet. There was going to have to be some discussions with the company's CEO and more of his staff but I thought it likely they would put me under contract; it was just a matter of when. Thursday afternoon I spent checking on all my other clients. While I was...