UnconqueredChapter 4 free porn video

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The water of the river came down first, in sheeting, pattering rainfall – timed perfectly with the flare of red light and the unfurling whump of Chirp expanding their umbrella from their soulgem. A single confused catfish plopped onto the umbrella, skidding and falling to the ground. Chirp crooked the umbrella against their arms as they clapped as hard and as fast as they could while Ember drifted, gently down to the ground. June and Goat, who had been watching him from the awning of Goat’s rather ramshackle house, nodded.

“Good enough,” Goat said.

Ember wrung out his knuckles, which were cracked and bleeding. “Why is punching water so fucking hard?” He asked, wincing. “It felt like punching boulders. Water’s all ... you know...” He wriggled his arms in a vaguely waterish sort of way.

“Ever jumped into it from a great height?” June asked, flicking her tail once behind her.

“No,” Ember said, making a face. “Who would jump into water on purpose?”

“Swimming,” June said.

Ember cocked his head. “Never heard of it.”

“We lived in the same village, Ember,” June said. “I know for a fact that the other village boys swam.”

“Not ... ringing a bell, anywho!” Ember gestured back to the river. “I punched the river in half, si-” He stopped, his eyes widening. The river that ran through the city of Nex-Ho had, indeed, been punched in half ... for a few seconds. But by now, the water was flowing sluggishly through the empty area that his blow had opened. The only thing that had changed was that the houses near the river were glittering with moisture and the detritus that had flowed through the brackish, heavily polluted waters was now draped from awnings and spread through the alleyways. “Aww man...” Ember scowled. “Is there, like, a trick to punching a river in half? Oh! Do I need to figure that out before you teach me any more martial arts, sifu?”

Goat sat down on a small stool by the front door. “Five...” he said.

“What?” Ember asked. “Oh! Is this a riddle?”

“Four,” Goat said, pulling a pipe from his loincloth. Ember made a face as, without a single sign of disgust, Goat popped the tip of the pipe into his mouth. “Three.” Flames bust from Goat’s fingertip and he touched it to the pipe, then puffed on it once.

“One,” he said.

“What happened to two!?” Ember exclaimed.

And then the city guards came charging out of the alleyways. They leaped across the river, they surged out past the rickety houses. They came holding spears and swords and trunchons, and were led by a four armed woman with a huge mane of red hair, encircling her head – which itself had a muzzle and cat ears, rather than the more normal shape of a human’s face. Her armor was heavy, but she wore it without seeming to notice the weight as she thrust her upper right hand out, pointing at Ember. “You!” she bellowed. “Did you set off a bomb in the river?”

“No!” Ember exclaimed, holding up his hands. “I’m the Unconquered! I just punched it really-”

The lion maned, four armed catgirl snarled, her two lower hands punching together with a crunch of metal gauntlet on metal gauntlet. “He’s a blasphemer as well! Men! Take him under irons – the Regency’s laws are clear, blasphemer: Any claiming to be the Unconquered are to be put immediately to death!”

“What!?” Ember yelped. He looked to Goat – and saw his sifu was whispering to June.

“Now, we see what he’s good for.”

“You tricked me!” Ember whispered.

“I mostly tricked the guards, actually,” Goat said, cheerfully, then blew a smoke ring out. The ring formed into a gong, and he flicked it with his finger – the loud chime filling the air timed at the same moment twelve guards charged Ember, all at the same time. They rushed forward with trunchons and yelled at the top of their lungs as they went. Ember had a scant few seconds to throw up his hands before the guards smashed home. Each of them was clad in armor that was several degrees less expansive (and expensive) than their leader. They had armor plating over their most important bits, not heavy armor over their whole bodies. Between the plating, they merely wore leather.

That didn’t make them any less heavy.

They piled onto Ember and slammed him onto his back. The hard stone of the sidewalk bit into his bare back and Ember felt the breath of his lungs rush out of him. Men scrambled to grab at his wrists, while feet stepped onto his shins, his feet, mashing onto his fingers. A truncheon would, occasionally, slam into his side, his head, his arms. He felt something crack in his chest and tasted blood. More beatings came – but the men who were tackling him had actually started to get in one another’s ways. It remained the most confusing, terrifying moment in Ember’s life.

Thus far.

Then one of the truncheons smashed into his forehead and cracked the back of his head against the pavement. White flared before his eyes and he felt everything grow distant. Ringing. He could hear, very faintly, Chirp, shouting.

“Ember! Ember!”

Ember closed his eyes.

He gritted his teeth.

The men atop him had gotten themselves in some measure of order, so that three were kneeling onto both of his arms, and one of them had stopped whacking him with their club and was beginning to fumble around for a collar made of solid brass. It was studded with green gemstones, etched with small runes that he almost recognized. One of the guards shouted: “He’s got a weird looking soulgem – not one I’ve ever seen before.”

“I don’t care if he’s got an emerald in his forehead. Damp him!” The leader bellowed.

The man with the collar lifted it upwards, angling it down, and Ember saw they were going to smash it down over his soulgem. He strained, gritting his teeth, while the soldier stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, focusing more.

“I’m ... not ... a blasphemer!” Ember snarled, feeling blood slicking his teeth. “I am ... Unconquered!”

His arms flexed. Gold flared across his body.

And quite suddenly, he was standing. The world seemed to move in glacial slow motion – he could see the twelve men who had dogpiled him flipping through the air, their arms cartwheeling, their faces filled with shock. Their weapons tumbling. The collar that had been about to wrap around his head was in the air before him – and he snatched it. Time seemed to speed up again and the men collapsed to the ground with a clatter and clunk and a cry. Ember lifted the collar, then twisted it in half with a bellow – the brass shattering, the crystals cracking. He threw one chunk at a man who was drawing his sword. The impact drove the air out of the man and toppled him into the river.

“Kill it!” The lion maned woman shouted, pointing at him.

Men charged, with spears. Ember punched a spear in half – shattering the wood apart, then snatched the wooden shaft from the nerveless fingers of the stunned guardsman. Using the defanged spear as a broom, he swept four men into the river, letting go of the spear to free his hands as three more men, coming around from the flank, darted at him with swords. He twisted to his side, presenting a thin profile, and one blade whistled past his nose. Another came at his shoulder and he caught it by clapping his hands together, then twisted the blade in half. The man gaped at the broken sword and Ember kicked him hard enough to send him cartwheeling into three other guards, all four tumbling to the ground.

The remaining guards – all five of them – hung back, glancing at their leader.

Their leader rolled all four of her shoulders. And from the sideline, Chirp was doing a little dance, still twirling their umbrella. “Go Ember! Yeah!” They called out – and when Ember and the guard captain looked at them, they subsided. For a pale saris who was the aspect of a vampire bat, Chirp managed to turn nearly as red as their soulgem.

“Thanks Chirp!” Ember said, then thrust out his arm and gave Chirp the biggest, most emphatic thumbs up he could. Chirp blushed even more, then mutely stuck out their arm with a tiny thumbs up right back. Tentative. Like they didn’t quite know if they were doing the gesture right.

“I am Guard Captain Varish, Foo Dog of Nex-Ho!” She growled. “I am the daughter of a god and have trained in Four Arms Combat Style – to the third level.” She lifted up her arms, then stretched them out, before bringing them crashing together, knuckles to palms. Her upper arms remained locked so, while her lower drew a pair of wickedly long daggers, held in a reverse style. “You won’t find me as easy to beat as my men.”

“Then why didn’t you fight me first?” Ember asked.

“Silence!” Varish bellowed.

Ember readied himself, breathing slowly in as he glared at Varish. Varish was drawing her own breath, her mane actually beginning to glow and crackle with a kind of white energy. Her daggers sparked and hissed, sending out sparks as she snarled, then growled, then roared, her mane turning white as a column of pure force exploded around her, cracking the ground and sending chips of pavement flying up into the air as she roared her defiance to the heavens, her blades having become much longer – the daggers wreathed in flaming heat, heat that stretched them out into full swords.

Ember gulped, then shifted his stance, glancing down at his feet.

He looked up.

And saw the right hook that came out of left field, catching Varish right in the jaw. The guard captain’s bellow broke off as sharply as if she had been stabbed. She wobbled, slowly, her eyes going completely out of focus – one actually looking up and to the right while the other remained fixed on Ember. Then, slowly, she began to lean forward before gravity took hold and she crashed, face first, onto the ground.

Silence filled the air.

“Uh, sorry?” A husky, feminine voice replaced the silence. The tall, robed figure that had melted up, unnoticed, out of the shadows stepped forward to stand before the unconscious guard captain. “Just, uh, trying to help. Didn’t mean to steal your thunder. Gods, you’re not mad, right?” She reached up and tossed her hood back, revealing that they were ... were...

Ember stood in perfect stillness as, once more, the world seemed to slow. He had felt something similar to this once before – seeing someone’s face for the first time. And like with Chirp, it felt like a thundering punch to the breast: To see the pale blue face, the tiger stripes along her cheeks painted in a pale gray color. Her hair was white and tousled and jagged, framing her sharp, sharklike features now that her hood was down – but it didn’t hide the fact that she had a large, sleek fin that emerged from the back of her head, adding to her aquatic aspect. Her forehead had a purple gemstone set on the brow, and her eyes were a warm purple hue.

“ ... hey...” Ember whispered.

“H ... Hi...” the shark girl said, her eyes widening.

Silence filled the air again.

“Well, get it out of your system and fuck her,” Goat said, his voice as raspy and scratchy and unsexy as ever. “Then we can get back to discussing your style – or lack there of.” He puffed on his pipe. “Strength doesn’t make up for that foot placement.”

“Fuck? What?” Ember spluttered, turnign around. “I don’t even...” The idea of tugging the shark-girls robes off, laying her down on the pavement, and slamming her blue ass until she couldn’t walk did seem like the single most important thing in the universe at the moment. “We just-”

“She’s your Amethyst,” June said, looking exasperated. “No one else would have that kind of gemstone, honestly, Ember. So, get to it.” She waved her hand – but Ember only had eyes for Chirp, who was looking with wide, wide eyes at him, and at the shark-girl. Ember wanted to reach for them – but Chirp shook their head, turned, and turned into a bat, and flew away as fast as they could.

Ember gaped.

Then he turned to June and Goat. “Y-You fucking assholes!” He shouted, then turned to the shark-girl. “Wait here! Sorry about my friends, they’re dicks!”

And he sprinted after Chirp.

The shark-girl looked at June – who was looking pensive – and Goat – who was smoking placidly. Then she sprinted after Ember.

“ ... okay...” June muttered. “I guess I could have been more tactful.”

Ember scrambled up the ladder that was bolted to the side of the strange, tall building that lined the main streets of Nex-Ho and peeked his head over the lip, to find Chirp ducked beneath a large, golden box that made a low, constant chugging noise for reasons that Ember could not decipher. The shadows of the box and the slowly narrowing eye of the Sun made Chirp almost invisible, but he could hear them whispering to themselves: “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

Ember gulped, then nodded. “Yeah. Who puts a ladder on a building? Am I right?” He scrambled up a few more steps, then landed on the roof. “I mean, who even needs to get to the roof?”

Chirp had snapped their head up – their eyes and their soulgem both glinted red in the shadows. They looked away. “It’s so people can get out of the building if it catches on fire.”

“Uh, Chirp, it’s made of stone, stone can’t burn,” Ember said, grinning. Then his grin faded. He walked slowly over to Chirp, sitting down at the very edge of the buzzing machine. His back pressed to the burnished side and he found that his head was resting near a gemstone that glowed a pale blue and filled the air with a muggy heat. Very faintly, he could hear the crying of babies, the arguments of married coups, the moaning of people fucking. He shook his head and then looked around the corner, at the shadow of Chirp. “You wanna talk about it?”

“No...” Chirp said. Then the avalanche started. “I know! I’m not an idiot, I know that the Unconquered has five Lunar Wives, five! Five! Who the fuck ever thought that the Unconquered needed a frigging harem of all things! I know, it’s cause the Sun has five wives, five moons, and the Unconquered has this really dangerous job and you need as many people as possible watching their backs. But did the second one have to show up so soon? We just met, I don’t even know your parents names. I don’t know what you did as a kid! I don’t know anything but that ... I love you, I love you so much it hurts. But I didn’t ask to fall in love with you. I didn’t ask to become a Lunar, I didn’t ask for any of this, and then your second wife shows up, and ... and...” They trailed off. “And I wanted to see you ... and her ... and ... I hated that I wanted it. I should be jealous! I should be blind stinking jealous, furious that you’re sniffing after another girl, instead of just glued to my butt, but instead, all I can think is: Oh, yay! Ember has a woman to fuck too. Maybe she’ll even have a pussy she doesn’t hate!” They paused. “N-Not that I have one! I mean, I might. I might not. Who knows! Hah. Ugh!” They trailed off. “Am I making any sense? Nope, not even a little.”

Ember placed his hand down, on the rough pavement of the roof.

A second later, Chirp put their hand on his – cool and silky smooth. Ember smiled, ever so slightly. “If ... it helps ... if I wasn’t Unconquered. If you weren’t my Lunar. I think I’d still love you, Chirp.”

“Yeah?” They asked, their fingers sliding along Ember’s – five cold points, as soft as a cloud. They paused on his knuckles, and Ember closed his eyes, focusing on that connection.

“Yeah,” he whispered.

Chirp sniffled. “N-Now I’m crying, you ... jerk.”

Ember turned, his palm rasping along the roof as he put his other hand down, crawling on his fours into the shade. He found Chirp’s face with one hand, cupping their cheek and lifting their chin, thumb crooked underneath. “Then let me fix that,” Ember murmured, kissing their cheek, tasting the warm salt of their tears. He kissed gently, his lips exploring their face until every last tear was gone and Chirp was trembling his hands, their entire body as taut as a coiled spring.

“Uh, hi?”

Chirp turned into a bat and leaped into Ember’s belt pouch, hiding so effectively and so quickly that it took Ember patting his belt to realize where they had gone. He sprang to his feet and peeked out above the top of the buzzing machine – and saw the shark girl. She was still in her robes, but the hood was still back. She was also puffing softly.

“You, uh, you’re pretty fast,” she said, nodding. Then she waved, awkwardly. “So, uh, hi. M-My name is Xora.” She blushed. Her fingers lifted up to her robes and played with the tie around her throat. She looked aside, gulping slightly. “Did you find-”

“Chirp,” Ember said, his voice soft. “And, uh, they. They’re a saris.”

“Oh!” Xora nodded. “I’ve met a saris once – they were married to these two nice ladies and...” She closed her mouth with a clamp, her cheeks darkening more. “Gods, I ... I have no idea what to say.”

Ember chuckled. “Yeah...” He put his palms on the side of the humming box and swung himself up, his belly mashing against it. He squirmed, wriggled, and finally got his butt under himself – his feet hung over the side, with almost two feet clearing the roof as he leaned back, trying to look casual. “So, uh, my name’s Ember. Sleepy Ember. I’m from Rataka village.”

Xora nodded, then leaned against the side of the ladder, trying to be casual as well. The ladder groaned and several of the connecting screws pinged free with a squeak and the entire ladder fixture swung away from the wall, causing Xora to flail her arms to keep her balance. Ember leaped off the side of the golden box, running forward and grabbing her arms. Xora overtopped him by almost a full foot and when she stumbled forward, her robes slipped open. Ember had a single, fleeting moment of glacial slowness to admire the massive size of Xora’s blue-tinged bust before his face was mashed between her breasts.

The two of them collapsed to the ground with a grunt and all of Ember’s life became the firm fullness of her shark-titties. Though, he did have the presence of mind to be remarkably impressed by the fierce, iron hard strength of her abominal muscles as they ground against his belly, or to grope blindly at her large, taut biceps. She was sleek and slippery, and by the time Ember had gotten his face free, nearly naked – her robes having slipped off in the confusion. Xora planted her hands to either side of Ember’s face and pushed herself backwards, the last dregs of her robes falling around her hips.

Ember drank her in.

She was really a fusion of a girl and a shark. A muscular girl and a sexy shark. Her breasts were nearly the size of his head, her belly muscles had belly muscles, and her hips had the most spectacular fusion of cushy breadth and muscular sleekness to them. Her rump, clad only in a pale white loincloth, sported a short, stubby tail that flicked from side to side behind her, while her feet ended in thick, heavy claws that dug into the rooftop. Her body was lined with more of those faintly tigerish stripes – gray on blue – and he could see thin gill slits on her neck, barely visible and closed tight against the lack of water.

Xora blushed.

“You’re ... beautiful,” Ember whispered.

“I’m basically a man,” Xora muttered.

“Well, I mean, if you want to be a man,” Ember said. “You’d make a beautiful man. But right now?” He shook his head. “You are all woman. A woman ... I ... badly want to have sit on my face and choke me to death between your thighs.”

Xora blinked at him, her mouth opening in shock. “I would never!”

“Shame!” Ember said. “I’ve heard from my friend June that having a girl sit on your face is quite the experience.”

“I meant choke you to death!” Her cheeks were dark and her eyes darted aside, avoiding his. “I hate hurting people.”

Ember reached up, reflexively. His hand cupped her cheek and he spoke, softly. “You’ll never have to hurt anyone again,” he whispered, his thumb sliding along her lips. He felt the quivering heat of them. The softness. Xora shivered, letting his thumb caress into her mouth. He felt the very, very, very sharp tips of her teeth and gulped. “B-But you may need to, uh, be careful with, you know, uh ... oral...” His thumb drew out and Xora made a tiny mew noise, her gills flicking open and shut with excitement. Then she leaned forward, her mouth pressing to his. Her tongue darted, gently, into his mouth and Ember let his hands go where they would.

As it transpired, that would be right to her perfect, muscular ass.

Ember was beginning to wonder if he had a thing for butts. His fingers squeezed and he barely made a dent against Xora’s slick, slippery skin. She moaned into his mouth as he sucked, gently on her tongue – and then when she drew back, panting, Ember swore that he could see three glowing red stars dancing before his vision. Then he realized it was Chirp to his left – he turned his head and saw Chirp watching them, their knees drawn up underneath them, their hands clutching their knees.

“Hey,” Chirp said.

“Hi,” Xora said. “I’m Xora.” She sat back on her haunches and held out her hand at the same time. This had a triple effect. The first was Chirp was left blinking at the hand offered to them – as if the two of them were meeting in some tea hall to discuss trade agreements, as opposed to the two of them straddling their Unconquered Husband. The second was that Xora sat all of her rather impressive weight onto Ember’s lap. The third was that Xora’s thong clad, blazing hot cunny pressed right up against Ember’s cock, which was straining against his thong like a horse against a bridle.

Xora gaped. “Holy shit!”

Chirp giggled. “He’s hung.”

“Hung!?” Xora looked down at Ember, her jaw hanging open. Then she looked at Chirp. “You’re a saris, have you-”

“Yup.” Chirp looked like they were remembering an absolute delight, their face crunching up in the most adorable way. Their pointed ears twitched up and they let out a tiny squeak. “I like anal.”

“You must have used a bathtub of lube...” Xora whispered, her shyness forgotten in the moment as she rocked her hips, dragging her heat against Ember, who tried to breathe but found that he was quite unable too. “Did it hurt?”

“We ... didn’t and it didn’t, actually,” Chirp admitted, their cheeks darkening.


“Unconquered,” Chirp said – as if that explained everything. And, now that Ember thought about it, it absolutely did. His fingers slipped from rump to thong and he grinned as he tugged, hard, and Xora let out a surprised yelp as her thong came free. It dangled from Ember’s finger – unbroken. He twirled it playfully. Xora looked at the thong, then at him, then at the thong again.

“But that-” She stammered.

“Unconquered,” Ember said.

“But-” Xora looked at Chirp, who nodded sagely.


Xora blinked, then yelped as Chirp slipped up behind her, whispering in her ear. “I ran away, you know. First time.” They licked their lips – then slooowly licked along Xora’s ear, which made the sharkgirl squirm and grind her hot, eager sex against Ember’s aching dick. Even through the thong, he was growing soaked. “But something about you being here just makes me wanna ... help.” Their hands gripped the wraps that kept Xora’s somewhat impressive bust under some measure of control. They squeezed and Xora let out a shivery moan.

“Y-Your hands are cold...” Xora whispered.

“You can warm them up...” Chirp crooned.

“Holy shit, Chirp,” Ember said, blinking.

“W-Well, I mean, I was wanting this earlier. It just scared me.” Chirp slid their hands back, behind Xora, and Xora moaned softly as Chirp began to plant tiny kisses against her neck. “Now, I’m not scared. Cause I love you, Ember. And you, Xora.” They nuzzled against Xora. “And I wanna see my husband fuck you absolutely fucking silly more than I want fucking oxygen, and I don’t even need that much, I can hold my breath for an hour, I timed myself once. Just an FYI. So you know. Information.” And with that, they finished untying the breast bands and, like the wrappings falling away from an unshackled undead, Xora’s breasts came free.

If one had a jeweler’s glass and time to examine Xora for a few minutes, one might have found a bit of a sag.

Ember was more than happy to say that her breasts remained as perfectly perky sans wrapping as with. Ember’s hands cupped them as he sat up, his cock grinding more against Xora’s hips as Chirp began to kiss the place where Xora’s fin joined with her spine. Their lips and his kissed at the same moment, and found similarly sensitive places. Xora moaned as Chirp licked along the fin, while Ember sucked one of her large, dark blue nipples into his mouth. He used a bit of teeth, teasing her nub, while his fingers reached down to rub her cunny, two fingers pressed together to take advantage of Xora being rather large. He let the power of the Unconquered guide him – golden flames sparked around his finger. They did not burn – but they set off a fire all the same, a fire inside of Xora that set her head back as she moaned full throatily, her voice husky and contralto. She clapped one hand over her lips, biting her own finger hard enough to draw blood to muffle her moans to mere grunts as she rocked her hips against Ember’s thrusting, eager fingers.

Chirp’s kissing had trailed down to her tail. They started to nuzzle where tail joined to spine, licking and nipping and even grazing their fangs. But their true course was soon revealed as they lifted Xora’s tail up, then draped it over their shoulder, so that they could press their lips to the pert, blue rosebud of the sharkgirl’s anus. Xora’s eyes went very wide and her hand slammed into the ground beside Ember’s hip with a crunch of crumbling pavement, her fingers digging furrows as she hissed. “What are you doing?”

“Prepping,” Chirp purred – then drew back and, as Ember craned his head to see, thrust their fingers into Xora’s ass. Xora make a little grunting noise and rocked her hips. The hot spurt of her arousal, pattering against his thong and making it even wetter, was all that Ember needed. He reached down, yanked his thong off with a tiny spurt of Unconquered power, then laid it down on the ground next to Xora’s perfectly intact undergarments. He grinned as Xora gaped down at him, her eyes widening even further as every inch of his bright, red cock pressed up against her cunny. She was hot, she was slick, she was so so so so ready, and as he rolled his ups against her, she whispered.

“You’re fucking huge.”

“You already felt me!” Ember said, laughing.

“Yeah, through a thong,” she said, shaking her head. Chirp giggled – and their cold fingers closed around Ember’s dick. He tensed – and moaned as Chirp began to grind his tip against Xora. The three of them, united in the singular purpose of fucking Xora’s brains out, paused in the crevasse before the plunge. Ember felt the way that Xora’s hot cunt spread for his cocktip and clenched his jaws tight, trying his best to not immediately thrust up into her. Chirp licked Xora’s neck.

And then the flight of gigantic mosquitoes shot by overhead. They were each the size of a horse, and had several people on their backs: A single rider in burnished lamellar armor, and a few terrified looking people in rags, their mouths gagged, their hands bound behind their backs and their bodies lashed to the buzzing, angular insects. The insects were not made of the normal black chiten that he would have expected from mosquitos. Instead, their hides were made of a kind of deep, unsettling green. If pressed, Ember might have said that the green looked like it burned. His eyes stung, watching them flying overhead.

Vitriolic green.

“Those are the zeno devils,” he whispered. “Those are the villagers from Rataka!”

“Huh?” Xora asked.

“The knight Jerin Kah, kidnapped Ember’s village on them,” Chirp said, nodding. “We got here first via exploiting a loophole in their magic – but without anyone chasing them, they got here pretty fast.” They paused. “W-We should go tell June.”

The devils finished flying, settling down at a building near the center of the city. Xora, her eyes narrowed – and her hips rocking unconsciously, continuing to grind herself against his dick. She frowned. “T-They’re going to the casino, owned by my...” She gulped. “T-Technically, by my ... owner.” She blushed. “He calls himself my manager, Finnious Snide, but he’s just a snake. He tells me where to sleep, who to fight, when to fight, even what to wear, and how to act, and...” She blushed, ducking her head forward. “He’s going to be pissed when he finds out I ran out.”

“No,” Ember said, quietly. “He’s going to very politely let you go when I ask him. Or, I’m going to throw him into the river.” He grinned. “From the casino.”

Xora’s knees gave out – and this had the side effect of sinking her cunt down onto Ember’s eager cock. The feeling of her sex clenching around him was like a punch to the gut and the gasp that escaped Xora’s throat was eager and hot, her eyes closing to thin slits, her face going slack. Chirp blinked, having jerked their hand back at just the last moment. They grinned, slightly. “W-We can tell them just after this, right?”

“Uh-huh,” Xora and Ember said, at the same time. And, at the same time, they began to fuck. Ember’s hips drove up and Xora’s fingers grabbed onto his shoulders and clenched, so hard that her claws dug into his skin. Her mouth and his met and her teeth nipped at his lips as her full breasts mashed against his chest. Ember grabbed her ass, squeezing her as hard as he could, slamming up into her as cool lips closed around his balls, Chirp using their own position to add their fuel to the fire. Not that Ember needed it exactly. He was feeling his own orgasmic building as Xora let out breathy, whimpery gasps, her eyes unfocused.

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A New Life for Julie Ch 02

Chapter 2 – Sarah’s Project June 1977 Sarah Parker drove down the boulevard in her convertible Corvette. The car’s stereo was booming out a disco song by KC & the Sunshine band. ‘Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight,’ Sarah sang along. Make that ‘make a lot of love’ she thought to herself. Sarah had just picked up two men! She intended to get Julie, her new friend, laid, and this looked like the perfect opportunity. The two men were leaving for Chicago that night, but...

3 years ago
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Sexual Healing Part Six

Are you sure this is a good idea? Kim was nervously flicking her finger back and forth over the buttons on the cuff of her shirtsleeve. Youre starting to sound like a high school kid waiting for her date. Thats how I feel. Connie admitted that she felt that way herself. She looked at the wall clock — almost seven. She forced herself to stop pacing in front of the large sectional upon which Kim was nervously sitting. She glanced at Kim and again marveled at the lust her young lover could...

3 years ago
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April and AugustCast of Character

Jason Apprentice jeweler, 5'-9" tall, 145 pounds, 15 years old, blond hair, blue eyes. April & August a. Slave girls, 12 years old, 4'-9" tall, 85 pounds, shoulder length auburn hair, bright green eyes, cute. b. Journeyman, 16 years old, 5'-2" tall, 105 pounds, 34C-22-34, long auburn hair, bright green eyes, very cute. Sean King's marshal, 5'-7" tall, 200 pounds, 32 years old, black hair and eyes, very muscular. Jacob Jason's father, Master Jeweler, 5'-10" tall, 180...

1 year ago
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MomsOnMoms Alexis Fawx Serene Siren An Evening To Themselves

It’s Mother’s Day and Alexis Fawx is sitting on a bed, dressed in sexy lingerie and holding a fresh bouquet of flowers. She’s impatiently waiting for her wife, Serene Siren, to come out of the bathroom already, so that they can celebrate their special night! Despite her protests, Serene insists that it’ll be worth the wait, although Alexis will be the judge of that. When Serene steps out of the bathroom, wearing sexy lingerie that makes her look like a gift ready to be...

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HQporner Anal

I’ve got four words for you: free anal sex videos. You’re sold already, aren’t you? Well, lube up the ol’ silicone rectum or buy your wife a box of that wine she loves. It’s time to take a trip down the Hershey Highway on our way to the Anal porn stash over at HQporner.HQporner isn’t the biggest or most popular free porn tube on the ‘net, but it’s up there. They’ve been serving up no-cost sex movies since 2013, and currently, pull nearly 40 million horny viewers a month for a show and a wank....

Anal Porn Sites
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Body Art Chap 2

His attention was focused on Mrs Frances Barrington and her 14 year old daughter Kathy. Their family resemblance was remarkable. Both long brown haired beauties with slim figures. Frances certainly didn't look old enough to be the mother of a 14 year old. Jack knew that her body more than matched her face from their previous night at The Dogs Bollocks. He was glad to see her. He had been worried that his demands might have been too tough. But here she was. He was uncertain whether she had...

2 years ago
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Loosing Virginity To Sweta

Hello all ISS readers. This is my first story so, if any mistakes please pardon me. This is a true story which happened few years back when in I was completing my higher secondary at that time I was 19 years old, this incident changed my life forever, the way I looked at the girls. This was the incident which brought a complete turnover in my life. I always felt horny but was not able to do anything because I was little afraid of approaching to girls. Before going to the story let me introduce...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 61

September 10, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Everyone slept in this morning, so we went to Granny Brown’s for brunch, where the food and conversation were good. Upon our return, we girls excused ourselves to our room. Shortly after we got there, Heather’s phone rang. She gave us a puzzled expression, then hunted down her phone. “It’s Civia,” she exclaimed. “Hi, Civia!” Heather put her phone on speaker, and we had a happy conversation with Civia about algebra. It seems that her dad had asked her...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 16

The morning began smoothly as the two loving women woke up happy and ready for their workout and a new day. I told Jules at breakfast that I had a large check to deposit, and that I wanted her to come to lunch with me so that I could take her by my bank and have her become a signer on my account. Jules was overcome with delight that I would trust her with all my savings. I told her, "It's only right for you to be able to use my money if we're going to be together as...

2 years ago
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Fun And Games

It all began on a Saturday night; it is my normal routine to go dancing on Saturdays. I do my usual thing in getting ready, shower, shave and other things. I've been doing this for about a year now and as much as I love to dance I'm kind of down as it seems I'm dancing with nothing but attached women every Saturday night, they are either married or going with someone. But I have to do something other than sitting in front of the TV or computer; after all I am still alive. The previous Saturday...

2 years ago
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Born To Suck by loyalsock

Kate couldn't help it! She wanted to stop but something inside her wouldn't let her! Kate was from all appearances a normal eighteen year old junior in high school. Average looks, average grades, nice friends, good parents, nothing to worry about. Well not exactly, you see Kate was addicted to oral sex! She would suck anyone, anywhere, at anytime. She couldn't be exactly sure of why, but all she knew was that she had a burning uncontrollable desire to have her mouth around a hard cock or her...

3 years ago
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This is a repost of a story previously submitted under the name of drksideofthemoon. While this story is fictional, the facts surrounding this story are true. On August 16th, 1896 gold was discovered at Bonanza Creek by three men, George Carmacks, Skookum Jim, and Tagish Charlie. Most of the world was oblivious to the gold strike until the steamship Excelsior docked in San Francisco on July 15th, 1897. On board were miners and a half million dollars in gold. Three days later a crowd of five...

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Rapped and Cummed in

I walked up the stairs and pulled out my keys, there was a man waiting and ringing a door bell, I smiled at him and let him in. I didn’t know who the man was, but since he was ringing someone up, he was probably some guest in someone’s house. He smiled back at me, his sandy blonde hair and green eyes looked really good on him, I might have preferred him but he looked like he was in his forties and already married, the ring on his finger was proof enough. I pressed the up button on the...

1 year ago
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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 6

Introduction: In this installment Naruto and Hinata comfort the pregant Kurenai. And in the second half a long lost Uchiha comes back to give Naruto a taste of domination. 32 DAYS BEFORE THE CONCERT So Kurenai- sensei, why are you doing this for us? Naruto and his new wife Hinata were at Konoha Teahouse with Kurenai sipping warm tea from ornate glasses. Though Naruto was enjoying himself, he was a little confused as why Kurenai was paying for all this instead of honoring his offer and letting...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 9

“I want you to bring her home,” Aunt Mary said. “What!” I exclaimed, incredulously, “but they’ll send her back to the hospital.” “David, I’ve recently realised what I think you have, too, that my daughter is nothing but a childish selfish, bitch with a huge sense of entitlement,” she said, “I actually don’t like my own child any more. What she needs is a huge shock to her world view. Bring her home.” “I think you’re wrong, and I’m sorry, I won’t bring her home yet,” I replied, “and before...

2 years ago
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The Pleasure Machine

The Pleasure Machine- Sam DarquesiedThe seminar had lasted for two of the most mind numbingly boring days I have ever known and it was a long drive back to the city. I was looking forward to getting home but the drive was as boring as the seminar and I needed a break. As I passed through a small town I noticed a garage sale and decided it was a good excuse to stop for a while and maybe after I?d find a restaurant or something.There was no one else in the yard except for an attractive,...

3 years ago
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The Business Chapter Three

“Master Petrovksy, there is a guest for you by the name of Nesbit. Would you like me to send him in?” Mistress Demi asked, cracking open Petrovsky’s door ever-so-slightly. “Nesbit, you say? Yes, send him to my office. I will meet him momentarily.” Petrovsky replied, tugging on his tie. After studying himself in the mirror, and adjusting his tie and cuffs, Petrovsky left his room and in the direction of his personal study and office, where Nesbit was no doubt waiting. “Ah,...

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A Rainy Night in Paris Ch 02

‘Salut Martin! Ça va?’ he asked greeting of the owner of the Italian bistro on the first floor of his building who was coming back from the market. They knew each other quite well by now, Martin was giving Alex cooking lessons and Alex had installed wi-fi access and his point-of-sale packages and kept them running. Alex felt it was a good exchange and it had many benefits for both of them. Alex spent many a night on a corner stool in the bar chatting with the regular patrons or pouring drinks...

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Delhi Gay Experience

By: Akashbisexual Hi guys I’m 22 years old from west Delhi staying alone for study purpose. I’m slim fair medium built but a fit guy. So here’s my story it was 1.30 pm I was coming back from college in a blue line bus. I was standing near backdoor, there was a man standing near me and staring at me, he was 33-36 years old 5’8 height, 70-75 kgs, strongly built total dark complexion in past I had 2 experiences with fair guys, but this one attracted my attention. I mean his colour black even...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Ducky Luck! Most of you cucks come here to get your rocks off by jerking off to slutty bimbos getting railed. But some of you need a different kind of stimulation. No, you degenerates; I’m not talking about ballbusting. Though, it’s still about getting fucked. It’s a thrill ride that will either end up with you winning massive stacks of dosh or, more likely, you having to explain to your bitch of a wife where the kid’s college fund went. That’s right; we’re talking about gambling. With so many...

Betting Sites
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08 TogetherChapter 10

Flashback – Captain M – Sgt. Reynolds' MRI Because Sgt. Fucking Reynolds was on a gurney, I didn't need to help the smelly old fucker into the ambulance, which was good because he smelled like a fucking brewery! Then it hit me: Somehow the old fucker snuck whisky onto the bus. This was a court-martial offense that the Old Man couldn't ignore. Things began to look up for me after all, then all hell broke loose... Flashback – Ben and Jack – on the way to the hospital Jack burped and then...

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Neighboring lady

This is my first post so, kindly avoid any errors of story writing. I am now 30 years of age, Yasir from Karachi. The story happened when I was 21 years of age and was studying in university. As I was the only child of my parents and belonged to a good business family so, was having quite much freedom at my home from childhood but same time my parents were too much concerned about my movements and were trying to provide more of interest creative things at home. In our neighbors there comes a...

4 years ago
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Death by fucking ch 21

Our little girl has changed our lives. Something – hypnotism, magic, psychic brain surgery – has moved our relationship to a place we never knew existed. It’s what I suspected about our children all along. But I never expected it for my husband or my sister or myself. We long ago had recognized that the children ‘touched’ each other with their emotions. Andrew calls it telempathy. But I must say that I was the first one of us to recognize the implications. I had guessed that they could...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 273 Do I Have Limits

Why did it change me from a secure landing area near home to here? When I landed on the top of Steve’s building, I found a pilot there wearing a pressure suit like I should have been worn but didn’t have the time to change and never considered stopping somewhere to put it on. Whatever they used to camouflage the planes made it appear to be a commercial helicopter. The pilot did a quick set of checks before climbing in and having it seem to be spinning up the rotors for takeoff. I slipped...

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 01

CHAPTER 1—Into the Valley It was late in the afternoon on a day in late August. Summer freedoms were melting away, which meant that things would soon get back to normal. A small sedan pulled over and parked on the side of the road at the crest of the ridge overlooking the village that was the center of the town. The driver shut off the engine and sat looking at the panoramic scene. Lying neatly on the opposite hills, basking in the summer sun, the farmers’ fields arranged themselves into a...

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On Death

It seems that a number of people around me have recently experienced personal tragedy, sometimes unexpectedly and sometimes in the form or a lingering illness. Their grief and sorrow got me thinking and reminded me of a story told to me by a good friend Tino, who is now a retired minister. ****************** A man and a woman had a child. He was the apple of their eye, and they loved him more than anything else. One day, just shy of this 30th birthday, a drunk driver lost control of his car,...

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SophomoreChapter 8 A New Domino Appears

We were awakened by Marcy's Saturday morning phone call. By the time Shirley, made her way to the front room, dressed only in the shirt I had worn to school the previous day, Tammy was playing 'who's this?' with Marcy. By the time I got to the front room, wearing only the pants I had worn to school the previous day, Shirley was sitting next to Tammy on the couch, whispering into the phone, between giggles. I went into the kitchen and started the coffeemaker. Tammy joined me, pouring a...

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Wagner ParkGF72part1of1

When I did catch up with him he’d stepped off the trail into the bushes and was taking a piss. Without a word I sunk to my knees beside him and stared with awe at the first adult cock that I’d ever seen. Wagner ParkPart-1-of-1 I’d found the park on a gay web-site that rated cruise site and gave tips about the best time to go and what to look out for. So I can’t say that I was completely innocent about what went on there. The Wagner Park had been there for years. I’d even played junior league...

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alien adventures

Patrick wakes up on a long silvery table up on a platform. he scans the room and sees nothing else. not even a single piece of decoration. then he starts to feel a bit cold, and notices he isn't wearing any of his spacebar anymore. his very small penis is even more shriveled from the cold, his balls sucked back up into his body for warmth. he shivers and wonders where he is and when he is going to get out of here. the last thing he remembers is looking out the cockpit of his ship while his crew...

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Hotwife On The Beach

I woke up in a state of confusion.  My phone vibrated on the nightstand.  It took me a minute to remember I was sleeping in a rented beachfront townhouse.  I picked up the phone and saw that it was Stela.  It was just after midnight.  I’d been enjoying the kind of deep sleep that only comes after a long day, some good wine, and a mindblowing orgasm thanks to the blowjob she’d given me a few hours earlier.I didn’t understand why she was calling in the middle of the night.  She should have been...

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My Cumming Out

In the mid 1970’s I finished my time in the Navy and returned to San Francisco to start my college years. The gay scene was hopping in the Castro but being kind of a shy young man I was not in to the bar scene or social life. My focus was on school and work and being able to afford to live in San Francisco.The first problem was finding a place to live. I had had it with group living and got out of the dorms as quickly as possible. My solution was to rent a small apartment from a couple of...

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Jenny and JohnChapter 11 Learning the Ropes

I went downtown between classes the next day and left $25 in an envelope at the Golden Mug for Bill. Then I went to the bank to start a joint checking account for Jenny and me and deposited the remaining cash. Affordable cell phones had just started coming on the market. My next stop was Radio Shack to buy three cell phones and load them up with minutes. That night I gave a phone to Jenny and Ted. I gave Jenny strict instructions to keep me informed of her whereabouts when she was working and...

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Anne Marie Kitten Slutwife for young cock

At 39, Anne Marie is stunning. 5’7” or so; 123 lbs; long wild brown hair with blonde highlights. Her lips were made to suck cock and her shaved pussy tastes like peaches (no lie). If you ask me, she looks hotter today than when she was 25, and her sex drive is insatiable. For the last few months, Anne Marie has really started craving young cock. She usually talks about finding a 24 or 25 year old to service her every need; but finding the right “boy” had proven to be a challenge. ...

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The Breast Test

This story is meant for adult readers only. It contains imaginary depictionsof violence and ideas that may be physically impossible or absurd. It is notintended to convey or condone the idea of violence or sexual activities involvinganyone under the legal age of consent, nor is it meant to contain representationsof actual people or institutions. If you qualify to read this and like bizarrefantasies, I hope you enjoy it. The Breast Test, Chapter 1 © Aiken 2005, all rights reserved ***...

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Brittany and Chad Book 3Chapter 3

[Chad] It's March and our house is coming out of the ground. The weather has been good and Mister Charles is elated. He wanted to be ahead to give extra time later if it were needed. It's also close to birthday time. Britt was visiting with Grandmother Thornton when Mom and Dad approached me. Dad said, "It's getting close to a birthday. How much are you short?" I blushed. "Does it show that I'm nervous?" They nodded. "I still need four hundred fifty-one dollars and forty-two...

1 year ago
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A Good Time on the Farm

I couldn't believe that I was going to old Rob's to ask for a job, but the factory had a big layoff and I had to have some kind of income. Old Rob was about seventy and owned the biggest produce farm in Western Tn. I dealt with his son, Elliot, who was about forty, as he was a horse trader and so was I to an extent. The old man was a total bastard to deal with but Elliot told me that since I spoke Spanish well, that I needed to ask the old man for a job. Elliot figured he'd pay me more as I...

Group Sex
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The Little Dick Game 1

Story Summary – Oh, those silly, silly games boys play. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! ----------- Alex’s new friend Jared was so lucky! Jared had a new...

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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 10

Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms. The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a...

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Walking HolidayChapter 11

I met Tracey as we both returned to the school we thought we’d left for ever. “Hi Tracey. Sorry you didn’t get the grades you wanted, if anybody should have done, it was you” “Hi Dave, Well, it was my own fault. I let Mark distract me. He and I ... well you know” “Yes; I thought you were a well-made couple” “Nice of you, after you and I split. Except he got to Bristol and I didn’t get my grades. He didn’t let me get in his way. He’s doing medicine” “I can guess what he’ll specialise in....

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The Start

Ok, my name's Mark and I'm 14. My mum and dad have been divorced for the best part of my life and I'm living with my mother on are own. Well I can't quite tell when it began; I think it was going on all the time.You see, ever since I can remember with my mum. We used to spend the time together, talking, playing games and all. She used to do strange things though. One particular thing she did was play with my dick. At that time I didn't understand such things so I didn't think about it. She did...

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This is my story of being gay.Hi, i love watching every kind of porn of course legal one. i and my friend(boyfriend i love him so much) met university. We lived in same room in dormitory. We were roommate. We had been roommate for one year after we decided move a home because we wanted more free. There is no rule :). By the way we were normal friend not did sex but watched straight porn everyweekend :).We went same university but different department.We moved a home anymore. We were homemate...

3 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 9

The next call came from a detective in Huntington, W.Va. When the woman learned that Bryant was only an hour away, she decided she would prefer to meet face-to-face. Bryant offered to meet her halfway but she demurred, saying there was really nothing between the two places. She met him at a McDonald's near his hotel. She had no trouble picking out Bryant; he looked like what she pictured a South Carolina police detective would look like. Bryant would have never guessed the woman who sat...

2 years ago
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Black Gold

I watched our new neighbor cut his grass while watching from my kitchen window. A bare-chested black man was wearing shorts. I wondered what was in those shorts. His muscular body was very sexy, and I enjoyed watching him work. It had not taken me long to realize I had a thing for him and me with three kids in a happy marriage.I watched him go up and down his yard. Thinking, what if he was going up and down on me. All my kids were now in school, and I became very aware of my own body after...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 02

It was an elegant soiree. The St Valentine’s Day dinner was served with the finest crystal and china at the Total Woman Excursions’ formal dining room: ordures, wine, raw oysters (of course), light salads, gazpacho, poultry and seafood entrées, steamed vegetables: a healthy repasse for healthy lifestyles. The tuxedoed and gowned partygoers mingled in a post dinner gathering sipping champagne, eating strawberries dipped in chocolate and admiring the scantily clad cocktail waitresses serving...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Lady On Halloween Night

Hello ISS readers. This is Ayan from Bangalore. This is my first story here. A little bit about me. I am 26 years old. I work as a freelancer model. I wish to narrate this story to you all. It was November 1st, 2016. I had been to a Halloween party in ‘Sugar Factory’, the club in Banglore. I failed to reach the club before 9:30. The stag entry was closed by then. There I found two hot ladies Siya and Priya (their names have been changed). I asked them if they will come with me as a couple. They...

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Memories of a Mortician Part 5 Indigested BeautyTokyo Hangover

INDIGESTED BEAUTY Hot babe so pretty Swallowed but not digested Slimy you emerged I have seen all types of cases over the decades but non as bizarre as the following. The fact that the victim was young and pretty only made the case more memorable to me. One afternoon in 2009, my assistant (who I usually assigned to the male or older female cases) ran into my office telling me that we’ve got something never seen before. I went into the embalming room and saw a body lying on the lab...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 10

Just as he got to the bathroom, Kim emerged, wearing the same nightshirt she had on the night she came to his room. She glanced down the hall, then she put her arms around him and gave him a kiss that curled his toes. ‘Good morning, cousin,’ she said after the kiss ended, grinning at this flushed face and heaving chest. ‘Ah…good morning, Kim,’ Tommy croaked. As a result of Kim’s kiss he had a raging hard-on and his hormones were in turmoil. ‘You got in late last night, didn’t you?’ his cousin...

1 year ago
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Threesome With My Boyfriend And Male Slave

I am a 20 year old girl,having a boyfriend for the last two years. Me and my boyfriend after a year of our relationship started having couple swaps and threesomes,but my boyfriend couldn’t get excited during the fucking time. We discussed it and finally knew that he couldn’t see other guys dominating his girlfriend and frankly I didn’t even enjoy it that much. I had a secret fantasy of dominating guys but,I could never dominate my boyfriend or ever think of it,cause it just doesn’t feels...

2 years ago
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Fun down the shore

I was in Atlantic City one evening a very long time ago when I was 19 to meet a girl who never showed, so I just started walking the boardwalk and then a downpour hit and I ducked into a doorway with a small overhang to wait out the rain. I was there about 10 minutes when this guy of about 40 needed to get to his apartment, which I was blocking. We made some small talk and he sympathized with me, said he might have a poncho in his apt if I would like to come in, he would check. Once in his apt,...

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AllGirlMassage Gizelle Blanco Emma Jade Cheer Tryouts

Emma Jade has been a high-school cheerleader for a while now, but she’s SO happy that her friend Gizelle Blanco was able to join the squad recently. One day after cheerleading practice, however, Gizelle takes Emma aside and confides in her that she’s feeling pretty anxious. As the newest cheerleader on the team, Gizelle’s worried that she’ll totally BOMB the upcoming championship. But luckily for her, her good friend Emma agrees to give her some one-on-one practice! But...

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Humanity vs DHumanity

The year was 2013, the world had suddenly fell back to the dark ages. The ages of war, death, famine and destruction reigned supreme. The dead have suddenly risen from their burial ground and has brought upon a deadly maelstrom of attacks on humanity... How did this began? No one really knows. Acce-core tech, the world's leading pharmaceutical company in developing the said 'cure' for cancer has been bashed by the government about the situation. This was just a theory. The military had been...

1 year ago
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group sex night at home

      One night Claire was home alone, she was looking through one of her magazines and the next page she turned...  were hot saucy pictures of naked girls with dildo's and hot guys fucking hard. She suddenly felt a vibe at her pussy and got horny. She humped the corner of her bed for a while moaning and grinding it felt so good on her cunt. She was screaming with pleasure. Cum was dripping out of her. The bed wouldn't stop shaking she nearly blacked out from the sensation. She got in the bath...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sophie and her Mother

I had often wondered what became of Sophie Dupree, and was absolutely delighted when her name popped up on Facebook. I sat back in my office chair and memories of a wonderful summer came flooding back. It was our final year of school when boys and girls were mixed for the first time; eighteen year olds full of shyness and bravado. No one would have described Sophie as the most beautiful girl in the class. To be honest, she was more pretty than beautiful. I remembered the heady combination of...

1 year ago
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First Sex With My Cousin Sister

Hi.. This is navsheet from Chennai and i`m here to share my first experience with my cousin sis deeptha…This happen when i was doing 2nd year & she was working my sister is very cute she has got a lovely sweet face & nice figure she has very big boobs she is 34d-28-34 let us come to story . .. We both are living together since ma parents was in Bangalore she took care on me…. I have never had an idea of this type of bad thought on her…. Aravind my close friend who has bee friend with me since...

4 years ago
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Couple Swapping In Our Resort 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. My name is Komal Asha. I am a dark-skinned thin body twenty-five years old woman working at a resort in Goa. My body type is not very interesting. My boyfriend often taunts me for having small breasts. Hearing this description, you might not be interested in knowing more about me. That’s okay. You are not the first to show disinterest in me. Anyway, I am not here to talk about myself. Today I want to tell you about a strange thing, couple swapping, that happened at our...

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