Cum on phone sex
- 4 years ago
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The water of the river came down first, in sheeting, pattering rainfall – timed perfectly with the flare of red light and the unfurling whump of Chirp expanding their umbrella from their soulgem. A single confused catfish plopped onto the umbrella, skidding and falling to the ground. Chirp crooked the umbrella against their arms as they clapped as hard and as fast as they could while Ember drifted, gently down to the ground. June and Goat, who had been watching him from the awning of Goat’s rather ramshackle house, nodded.
“Good enough,” Goat said.
Ember wrung out his knuckles, which were cracked and bleeding. “Why is punching water so fucking hard?” He asked, wincing. “It felt like punching boulders. Water’s all ... you know...” He wriggled his arms in a vaguely waterish sort of way.
“Ever jumped into it from a great height?” June asked, flicking her tail once behind her.
“No,” Ember said, making a face. “Who would jump into water on purpose?”
“Swimming,” June said.
Ember cocked his head. “Never heard of it.”
“We lived in the same village, Ember,” June said. “I know for a fact that the other village boys swam.”
“Not ... ringing a bell, anywho!” Ember gestured back to the river. “I punched the river in half, si-” He stopped, his eyes widening. The river that ran through the city of Nex-Ho had, indeed, been punched in half ... for a few seconds. But by now, the water was flowing sluggishly through the empty area that his blow had opened. The only thing that had changed was that the houses near the river were glittering with moisture and the detritus that had flowed through the brackish, heavily polluted waters was now draped from awnings and spread through the alleyways. “Aww man...” Ember scowled. “Is there, like, a trick to punching a river in half? Oh! Do I need to figure that out before you teach me any more martial arts, sifu?”
Goat sat down on a small stool by the front door. “Five...” he said.
“What?” Ember asked. “Oh! Is this a riddle?”
“Four,” Goat said, pulling a pipe from his loincloth. Ember made a face as, without a single sign of disgust, Goat popped the tip of the pipe into his mouth. “Three.” Flames bust from Goat’s fingertip and he touched it to the pipe, then puffed on it once.
“One,” he said.
“What happened to two!?” Ember exclaimed.
And then the city guards came charging out of the alleyways. They leaped across the river, they surged out past the rickety houses. They came holding spears and swords and trunchons, and were led by a four armed woman with a huge mane of red hair, encircling her head – which itself had a muzzle and cat ears, rather than the more normal shape of a human’s face. Her armor was heavy, but she wore it without seeming to notice the weight as she thrust her upper right hand out, pointing at Ember. “You!” she bellowed. “Did you set off a bomb in the river?”
“No!” Ember exclaimed, holding up his hands. “I’m the Unconquered! I just punched it really-”
The lion maned, four armed catgirl snarled, her two lower hands punching together with a crunch of metal gauntlet on metal gauntlet. “He’s a blasphemer as well! Men! Take him under irons – the Regency’s laws are clear, blasphemer: Any claiming to be the Unconquered are to be put immediately to death!”
“What!?” Ember yelped. He looked to Goat – and saw his sifu was whispering to June.
“Now, we see what he’s good for.”
“You tricked me!” Ember whispered.
“I mostly tricked the guards, actually,” Goat said, cheerfully, then blew a smoke ring out. The ring formed into a gong, and he flicked it with his finger – the loud chime filling the air timed at the same moment twelve guards charged Ember, all at the same time. They rushed forward with trunchons and yelled at the top of their lungs as they went. Ember had a scant few seconds to throw up his hands before the guards smashed home. Each of them was clad in armor that was several degrees less expansive (and expensive) than their leader. They had armor plating over their most important bits, not heavy armor over their whole bodies. Between the plating, they merely wore leather.
That didn’t make them any less heavy.
They piled onto Ember and slammed him onto his back. The hard stone of the sidewalk bit into his bare back and Ember felt the breath of his lungs rush out of him. Men scrambled to grab at his wrists, while feet stepped onto his shins, his feet, mashing onto his fingers. A truncheon would, occasionally, slam into his side, his head, his arms. He felt something crack in his chest and tasted blood. More beatings came – but the men who were tackling him had actually started to get in one another’s ways. It remained the most confusing, terrifying moment in Ember’s life.
Thus far.
Then one of the truncheons smashed into his forehead and cracked the back of his head against the pavement. White flared before his eyes and he felt everything grow distant. Ringing. He could hear, very faintly, Chirp, shouting.
“Ember! Ember!”
Ember closed his eyes.
He gritted his teeth.
The men atop him had gotten themselves in some measure of order, so that three were kneeling onto both of his arms, and one of them had stopped whacking him with their club and was beginning to fumble around for a collar made of solid brass. It was studded with green gemstones, etched with small runes that he almost recognized. One of the guards shouted: “He’s got a weird looking soulgem – not one I’ve ever seen before.”
“I don’t care if he’s got an emerald in his forehead. Damp him!” The leader bellowed.
The man with the collar lifted it upwards, angling it down, and Ember saw they were going to smash it down over his soulgem. He strained, gritting his teeth, while the soldier stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, focusing more.
“I’m ... not ... a blasphemer!” Ember snarled, feeling blood slicking his teeth. “I am ... Unconquered!”
His arms flexed. Gold flared across his body.
And quite suddenly, he was standing. The world seemed to move in glacial slow motion – he could see the twelve men who had dogpiled him flipping through the air, their arms cartwheeling, their faces filled with shock. Their weapons tumbling. The collar that had been about to wrap around his head was in the air before him – and he snatched it. Time seemed to speed up again and the men collapsed to the ground with a clatter and clunk and a cry. Ember lifted the collar, then twisted it in half with a bellow – the brass shattering, the crystals cracking. He threw one chunk at a man who was drawing his sword. The impact drove the air out of the man and toppled him into the river.
“Kill it!” The lion maned woman shouted, pointing at him.
Men charged, with spears. Ember punched a spear in half – shattering the wood apart, then snatched the wooden shaft from the nerveless fingers of the stunned guardsman. Using the defanged spear as a broom, he swept four men into the river, letting go of the spear to free his hands as three more men, coming around from the flank, darted at him with swords. He twisted to his side, presenting a thin profile, and one blade whistled past his nose. Another came at his shoulder and he caught it by clapping his hands together, then twisted the blade in half. The man gaped at the broken sword and Ember kicked him hard enough to send him cartwheeling into three other guards, all four tumbling to the ground.
The remaining guards – all five of them – hung back, glancing at their leader.
Their leader rolled all four of her shoulders. And from the sideline, Chirp was doing a little dance, still twirling their umbrella. “Go Ember! Yeah!” They called out – and when Ember and the guard captain looked at them, they subsided. For a pale saris who was the aspect of a vampire bat, Chirp managed to turn nearly as red as their soulgem.
“Thanks Chirp!” Ember said, then thrust out his arm and gave Chirp the biggest, most emphatic thumbs up he could. Chirp blushed even more, then mutely stuck out their arm with a tiny thumbs up right back. Tentative. Like they didn’t quite know if they were doing the gesture right.
“I am Guard Captain Varish, Foo Dog of Nex-Ho!” She growled. “I am the daughter of a god and have trained in Four Arms Combat Style – to the third level.” She lifted up her arms, then stretched them out, before bringing them crashing together, knuckles to palms. Her upper arms remained locked so, while her lower drew a pair of wickedly long daggers, held in a reverse style. “You won’t find me as easy to beat as my men.”
“Then why didn’t you fight me first?” Ember asked.
“Silence!” Varish bellowed.
Ember readied himself, breathing slowly in as he glared at Varish. Varish was drawing her own breath, her mane actually beginning to glow and crackle with a kind of white energy. Her daggers sparked and hissed, sending out sparks as she snarled, then growled, then roared, her mane turning white as a column of pure force exploded around her, cracking the ground and sending chips of pavement flying up into the air as she roared her defiance to the heavens, her blades having become much longer – the daggers wreathed in flaming heat, heat that stretched them out into full swords.
Ember gulped, then shifted his stance, glancing down at his feet.
He looked up.
And saw the right hook that came out of left field, catching Varish right in the jaw. The guard captain’s bellow broke off as sharply as if she had been stabbed. She wobbled, slowly, her eyes going completely out of focus – one actually looking up and to the right while the other remained fixed on Ember. Then, slowly, she began to lean forward before gravity took hold and she crashed, face first, onto the ground.
Silence filled the air.
“Uh, sorry?” A husky, feminine voice replaced the silence. The tall, robed figure that had melted up, unnoticed, out of the shadows stepped forward to stand before the unconscious guard captain. “Just, uh, trying to help. Didn’t mean to steal your thunder. Gods, you’re not mad, right?” She reached up and tossed her hood back, revealing that they were ... were...
Ember stood in perfect stillness as, once more, the world seemed to slow. He had felt something similar to this once before – seeing someone’s face for the first time. And like with Chirp, it felt like a thundering punch to the breast: To see the pale blue face, the tiger stripes along her cheeks painted in a pale gray color. Her hair was white and tousled and jagged, framing her sharp, sharklike features now that her hood was down – but it didn’t hide the fact that she had a large, sleek fin that emerged from the back of her head, adding to her aquatic aspect. Her forehead had a purple gemstone set on the brow, and her eyes were a warm purple hue.
“ ... hey...” Ember whispered.
“H ... Hi...” the shark girl said, her eyes widening.
Silence filled the air again.
“Well, get it out of your system and fuck her,” Goat said, his voice as raspy and scratchy and unsexy as ever. “Then we can get back to discussing your style – or lack there of.” He puffed on his pipe. “Strength doesn’t make up for that foot placement.”
“Fuck? What?” Ember spluttered, turnign around. “I don’t even...” The idea of tugging the shark-girls robes off, laying her down on the pavement, and slamming her blue ass until she couldn’t walk did seem like the single most important thing in the universe at the moment. “We just-”
“She’s your Amethyst,” June said, looking exasperated. “No one else would have that kind of gemstone, honestly, Ember. So, get to it.” She waved her hand – but Ember only had eyes for Chirp, who was looking with wide, wide eyes at him, and at the shark-girl. Ember wanted to reach for them – but Chirp shook their head, turned, and turned into a bat, and flew away as fast as they could.
Ember gaped.
Then he turned to June and Goat. “Y-You fucking assholes!” He shouted, then turned to the shark-girl. “Wait here! Sorry about my friends, they’re dicks!”
And he sprinted after Chirp.
The shark-girl looked at June – who was looking pensive – and Goat – who was smoking placidly. Then she sprinted after Ember.
“ ... okay...” June muttered. “I guess I could have been more tactful.”
Ember scrambled up the ladder that was bolted to the side of the strange, tall building that lined the main streets of Nex-Ho and peeked his head over the lip, to find Chirp ducked beneath a large, golden box that made a low, constant chugging noise for reasons that Ember could not decipher. The shadows of the box and the slowly narrowing eye of the Sun made Chirp almost invisible, but he could hear them whispering to themselves: “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”
Ember gulped, then nodded. “Yeah. Who puts a ladder on a building? Am I right?” He scrambled up a few more steps, then landed on the roof. “I mean, who even needs to get to the roof?”
Chirp had snapped their head up – their eyes and their soulgem both glinted red in the shadows. They looked away. “It’s so people can get out of the building if it catches on fire.”
“Uh, Chirp, it’s made of stone, stone can’t burn,” Ember said, grinning. Then his grin faded. He walked slowly over to Chirp, sitting down at the very edge of the buzzing machine. His back pressed to the burnished side and he found that his head was resting near a gemstone that glowed a pale blue and filled the air with a muggy heat. Very faintly, he could hear the crying of babies, the arguments of married coups, the moaning of people fucking. He shook his head and then looked around the corner, at the shadow of Chirp. “You wanna talk about it?”
“No...” Chirp said. Then the avalanche started. “I know! I’m not an idiot, I know that the Unconquered has five Lunar Wives, five! Five! Who the fuck ever thought that the Unconquered needed a frigging harem of all things! I know, it’s cause the Sun has five wives, five moons, and the Unconquered has this really dangerous job and you need as many people as possible watching their backs. But did the second one have to show up so soon? We just met, I don’t even know your parents names. I don’t know what you did as a kid! I don’t know anything but that ... I love you, I love you so much it hurts. But I didn’t ask to fall in love with you. I didn’t ask to become a Lunar, I didn’t ask for any of this, and then your second wife shows up, and ... and...” They trailed off. “And I wanted to see you ... and her ... and ... I hated that I wanted it. I should be jealous! I should be blind stinking jealous, furious that you’re sniffing after another girl, instead of just glued to my butt, but instead, all I can think is: Oh, yay! Ember has a woman to fuck too. Maybe she’ll even have a pussy she doesn’t hate!” They paused. “N-Not that I have one! I mean, I might. I might not. Who knows! Hah. Ugh!” They trailed off. “Am I making any sense? Nope, not even a little.”
Ember placed his hand down, on the rough pavement of the roof.
A second later, Chirp put their hand on his – cool and silky smooth. Ember smiled, ever so slightly. “If ... it helps ... if I wasn’t Unconquered. If you weren’t my Lunar. I think I’d still love you, Chirp.”
“Yeah?” They asked, their fingers sliding along Ember’s – five cold points, as soft as a cloud. They paused on his knuckles, and Ember closed his eyes, focusing on that connection.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
Chirp sniffled. “N-Now I’m crying, you ... jerk.”
Ember turned, his palm rasping along the roof as he put his other hand down, crawling on his fours into the shade. He found Chirp’s face with one hand, cupping their cheek and lifting their chin, thumb crooked underneath. “Then let me fix that,” Ember murmured, kissing their cheek, tasting the warm salt of their tears. He kissed gently, his lips exploring their face until every last tear was gone and Chirp was trembling his hands, their entire body as taut as a coiled spring.
“Uh, hi?”
Chirp turned into a bat and leaped into Ember’s belt pouch, hiding so effectively and so quickly that it took Ember patting his belt to realize where they had gone. He sprang to his feet and peeked out above the top of the buzzing machine – and saw the shark girl. She was still in her robes, but the hood was still back. She was also puffing softly.
“You, uh, you’re pretty fast,” she said, nodding. Then she waved, awkwardly. “So, uh, hi. M-My name is Xora.” She blushed. Her fingers lifted up to her robes and played with the tie around her throat. She looked aside, gulping slightly. “Did you find-”
“Chirp,” Ember said, his voice soft. “And, uh, they. They’re a saris.”
“Oh!” Xora nodded. “I’ve met a saris once – they were married to these two nice ladies and...” She closed her mouth with a clamp, her cheeks darkening more. “Gods, I ... I have no idea what to say.”
Ember chuckled. “Yeah...” He put his palms on the side of the humming box and swung himself up, his belly mashing against it. He squirmed, wriggled, and finally got his butt under himself – his feet hung over the side, with almost two feet clearing the roof as he leaned back, trying to look casual. “So, uh, my name’s Ember. Sleepy Ember. I’m from Rataka village.”
Xora nodded, then leaned against the side of the ladder, trying to be casual as well. The ladder groaned and several of the connecting screws pinged free with a squeak and the entire ladder fixture swung away from the wall, causing Xora to flail her arms to keep her balance. Ember leaped off the side of the golden box, running forward and grabbing her arms. Xora overtopped him by almost a full foot and when she stumbled forward, her robes slipped open. Ember had a single, fleeting moment of glacial slowness to admire the massive size of Xora’s blue-tinged bust before his face was mashed between her breasts.
The two of them collapsed to the ground with a grunt and all of Ember’s life became the firm fullness of her shark-titties. Though, he did have the presence of mind to be remarkably impressed by the fierce, iron hard strength of her abominal muscles as they ground against his belly, or to grope blindly at her large, taut biceps. She was sleek and slippery, and by the time Ember had gotten his face free, nearly naked – her robes having slipped off in the confusion. Xora planted her hands to either side of Ember’s face and pushed herself backwards, the last dregs of her robes falling around her hips.
Ember drank her in.
She was really a fusion of a girl and a shark. A muscular girl and a sexy shark. Her breasts were nearly the size of his head, her belly muscles had belly muscles, and her hips had the most spectacular fusion of cushy breadth and muscular sleekness to them. Her rump, clad only in a pale white loincloth, sported a short, stubby tail that flicked from side to side behind her, while her feet ended in thick, heavy claws that dug into the rooftop. Her body was lined with more of those faintly tigerish stripes – gray on blue – and he could see thin gill slits on her neck, barely visible and closed tight against the lack of water.
Xora blushed.
“You’re ... beautiful,” Ember whispered.
“I’m basically a man,” Xora muttered.
“Well, I mean, if you want to be a man,” Ember said. “You’d make a beautiful man. But right now?” He shook his head. “You are all woman. A woman ... I ... badly want to have sit on my face and choke me to death between your thighs.”
Xora blinked at him, her mouth opening in shock. “I would never!”
“Shame!” Ember said. “I’ve heard from my friend June that having a girl sit on your face is quite the experience.”
“I meant choke you to death!” Her cheeks were dark and her eyes darted aside, avoiding his. “I hate hurting people.”
Ember reached up, reflexively. His hand cupped her cheek and he spoke, softly. “You’ll never have to hurt anyone again,” he whispered, his thumb sliding along her lips. He felt the quivering heat of them. The softness. Xora shivered, letting his thumb caress into her mouth. He felt the very, very, very sharp tips of her teeth and gulped. “B-But you may need to, uh, be careful with, you know, uh ... oral...” His thumb drew out and Xora made a tiny mew noise, her gills flicking open and shut with excitement. Then she leaned forward, her mouth pressing to his. Her tongue darted, gently, into his mouth and Ember let his hands go where they would.
As it transpired, that would be right to her perfect, muscular ass.
Ember was beginning to wonder if he had a thing for butts. His fingers squeezed and he barely made a dent against Xora’s slick, slippery skin. She moaned into his mouth as he sucked, gently on her tongue – and then when she drew back, panting, Ember swore that he could see three glowing red stars dancing before his vision. Then he realized it was Chirp to his left – he turned his head and saw Chirp watching them, their knees drawn up underneath them, their hands clutching their knees.
“Hey,” Chirp said.
“Hi,” Xora said. “I’m Xora.” She sat back on her haunches and held out her hand at the same time. This had a triple effect. The first was Chirp was left blinking at the hand offered to them – as if the two of them were meeting in some tea hall to discuss trade agreements, as opposed to the two of them straddling their Unconquered Husband. The second was that Xora sat all of her rather impressive weight onto Ember’s lap. The third was that Xora’s thong clad, blazing hot cunny pressed right up against Ember’s cock, which was straining against his thong like a horse against a bridle.
Xora gaped. “Holy shit!”
Chirp giggled. “He’s hung.”
“Hung!?” Xora looked down at Ember, her jaw hanging open. Then she looked at Chirp. “You’re a saris, have you-”
“Yup.” Chirp looked like they were remembering an absolute delight, their face crunching up in the most adorable way. Their pointed ears twitched up and they let out a tiny squeak. “I like anal.”
“You must have used a bathtub of lube...” Xora whispered, her shyness forgotten in the moment as she rocked her hips, dragging her heat against Ember, who tried to breathe but found that he was quite unable too. “Did it hurt?”
“We ... didn’t and it didn’t, actually,” Chirp admitted, their cheeks darkening.
“Unconquered,” Chirp said – as if that explained everything. And, now that Ember thought about it, it absolutely did. His fingers slipped from rump to thong and he grinned as he tugged, hard, and Xora let out a surprised yelp as her thong came free. It dangled from Ember’s finger – unbroken. He twirled it playfully. Xora looked at the thong, then at him, then at the thong again.
“But that-” She stammered.
“Unconquered,” Ember said.
“But-” Xora looked at Chirp, who nodded sagely.
Xora blinked, then yelped as Chirp slipped up behind her, whispering in her ear. “I ran away, you know. First time.” They licked their lips – then slooowly licked along Xora’s ear, which made the sharkgirl squirm and grind her hot, eager sex against Ember’s aching dick. Even through the thong, he was growing soaked. “But something about you being here just makes me wanna ... help.” Their hands gripped the wraps that kept Xora’s somewhat impressive bust under some measure of control. They squeezed and Xora let out a shivery moan.
“Y-Your hands are cold...” Xora whispered.
“You can warm them up...” Chirp crooned.
“Holy shit, Chirp,” Ember said, blinking.
“W-Well, I mean, I was wanting this earlier. It just scared me.” Chirp slid their hands back, behind Xora, and Xora moaned softly as Chirp began to plant tiny kisses against her neck. “Now, I’m not scared. Cause I love you, Ember. And you, Xora.” They nuzzled against Xora. “And I wanna see my husband fuck you absolutely fucking silly more than I want fucking oxygen, and I don’t even need that much, I can hold my breath for an hour, I timed myself once. Just an FYI. So you know. Information.” And with that, they finished untying the breast bands and, like the wrappings falling away from an unshackled undead, Xora’s breasts came free.
If one had a jeweler’s glass and time to examine Xora for a few minutes, one might have found a bit of a sag.
Ember was more than happy to say that her breasts remained as perfectly perky sans wrapping as with. Ember’s hands cupped them as he sat up, his cock grinding more against Xora’s hips as Chirp began to kiss the place where Xora’s fin joined with her spine. Their lips and his kissed at the same moment, and found similarly sensitive places. Xora moaned as Chirp licked along the fin, while Ember sucked one of her large, dark blue nipples into his mouth. He used a bit of teeth, teasing her nub, while his fingers reached down to rub her cunny, two fingers pressed together to take advantage of Xora being rather large. He let the power of the Unconquered guide him – golden flames sparked around his finger. They did not burn – but they set off a fire all the same, a fire inside of Xora that set her head back as she moaned full throatily, her voice husky and contralto. She clapped one hand over her lips, biting her own finger hard enough to draw blood to muffle her moans to mere grunts as she rocked her hips against Ember’s thrusting, eager fingers.
Chirp’s kissing had trailed down to her tail. They started to nuzzle where tail joined to spine, licking and nipping and even grazing their fangs. But their true course was soon revealed as they lifted Xora’s tail up, then draped it over their shoulder, so that they could press their lips to the pert, blue rosebud of the sharkgirl’s anus. Xora’s eyes went very wide and her hand slammed into the ground beside Ember’s hip with a crunch of crumbling pavement, her fingers digging furrows as she hissed. “What are you doing?”
“Prepping,” Chirp purred – then drew back and, as Ember craned his head to see, thrust their fingers into Xora’s ass. Xora make a little grunting noise and rocked her hips. The hot spurt of her arousal, pattering against his thong and making it even wetter, was all that Ember needed. He reached down, yanked his thong off with a tiny spurt of Unconquered power, then laid it down on the ground next to Xora’s perfectly intact undergarments. He grinned as Xora gaped down at him, her eyes widening even further as every inch of his bright, red cock pressed up against her cunny. She was hot, she was slick, she was so so so so ready, and as he rolled his ups against her, she whispered.
“You’re fucking huge.”
“You already felt me!” Ember said, laughing.
“Yeah, through a thong,” she said, shaking her head. Chirp giggled – and their cold fingers closed around Ember’s dick. He tensed – and moaned as Chirp began to grind his tip against Xora. The three of them, united in the singular purpose of fucking Xora’s brains out, paused in the crevasse before the plunge. Ember felt the way that Xora’s hot cunt spread for his cocktip and clenched his jaws tight, trying his best to not immediately thrust up into her. Chirp licked Xora’s neck.
And then the flight of gigantic mosquitoes shot by overhead. They were each the size of a horse, and had several people on their backs: A single rider in burnished lamellar armor, and a few terrified looking people in rags, their mouths gagged, their hands bound behind their backs and their bodies lashed to the buzzing, angular insects. The insects were not made of the normal black chiten that he would have expected from mosquitos. Instead, their hides were made of a kind of deep, unsettling green. If pressed, Ember might have said that the green looked like it burned. His eyes stung, watching them flying overhead.
Vitriolic green.
“Those are the zeno devils,” he whispered. “Those are the villagers from Rataka!”
“Huh?” Xora asked.
“The knight Jerin Kah, kidnapped Ember’s village on them,” Chirp said, nodding. “We got here first via exploiting a loophole in their magic – but without anyone chasing them, they got here pretty fast.” They paused. “W-We should go tell June.”
The devils finished flying, settling down at a building near the center of the city. Xora, her eyes narrowed – and her hips rocking unconsciously, continuing to grind herself against his dick. She frowned. “T-They’re going to the casino, owned by my...” She gulped. “T-Technically, by my ... owner.” She blushed. “He calls himself my manager, Finnious Snide, but he’s just a snake. He tells me where to sleep, who to fight, when to fight, even what to wear, and how to act, and...” She blushed, ducking her head forward. “He’s going to be pissed when he finds out I ran out.”
“No,” Ember said, quietly. “He’s going to very politely let you go when I ask him. Or, I’m going to throw him into the river.” He grinned. “From the casino.”
Xora’s knees gave out – and this had the side effect of sinking her cunt down onto Ember’s eager cock. The feeling of her sex clenching around him was like a punch to the gut and the gasp that escaped Xora’s throat was eager and hot, her eyes closing to thin slits, her face going slack. Chirp blinked, having jerked their hand back at just the last moment. They grinned, slightly. “W-We can tell them just after this, right?”
“Uh-huh,” Xora and Ember said, at the same time. And, at the same time, they began to fuck. Ember’s hips drove up and Xora’s fingers grabbed onto his shoulders and clenched, so hard that her claws dug into his skin. Her mouth and his met and her teeth nipped at his lips as her full breasts mashed against his chest. Ember grabbed her ass, squeezing her as hard as he could, slamming up into her as cool lips closed around his balls, Chirp using their own position to add their fuel to the fire. Not that Ember needed it exactly. He was feeling his own orgasmic building as Xora let out breathy, whimpery gasps, her eyes unfocused.
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She pushed me against the stall door knocking us both on to the ground still sticking her tongue in my mouth. Her hand trailed down my leg into my pants unbuttoning my pants . Her fingers began to feel my pussy get wetter and wetter. I could believe this was happening. The i felt her finger enter my pussy with her tongue still in my mouth i could moan but i wanted to. She took off the rest of my clothes and started to play with my boobs putting both of them into her mouth. The warmness against...
back with the second part of the i****t story, “Mom, Son and Aunts”. If you haven’t read the previous one, do read it before continuing. Rajashree lying in the bathtub thought about what just happened. She had been very close to Rahul, too close.Getting naked before him was one thing but to give him a handjob while actually enjoying it was different. At first, she thought that she was only helping him and relieving him. But, soon after, she enjoyed his cock in her hands. Her cunt dripped as she...
I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, Iwent into the bathroom. I turnedthewateron, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipesfor mywarm shower.While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed mythirty nineyear oldbody. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and perky, my waist wasflat and small, and my hips and buttocks were in excellent proportion to the rest of me. Most peoplewould have...
Bree cleaned off her makeup and hung up her costume, if tear-away clothing could be so classified. She shoved the business card from the ‘cop’ into the pocket of her jeans and clocked out. It was raining cats and dogs and once again she cursed that weird fucker of a meteorologist from Channel 10. “Sunny with a chance of light showers,” he’d said. Bree sat in her old VW Beetle and tallied up her tips and smiled. The ‘extra service’ fund would get a nice infusion of cash. She figured another year...
LesbianThe meanest cop in town cruised slowly past the house, only his parking lights on. The upstairs bedroom light was on, but the rest of the house was dark. Good, thought Buzz. One more time around the block, just to make sure. He eased the Dodge Dart around the corner, his eyes scanning both sides of the street. Buzz Watkins wore a crew cut, the only one in town. No one, however, ever made fun of his short, cropped hair. One look at his steel-blue eyes and thin mouth, and you politely kept...
It was time to go for my nightly jog, it was about half a mile to one of the few local hotels that had a pool. Every night at 10:30 the pool gate was locked, about 15 or 20 minutes later I’d hop the fence and swim about 50 laps then jog home. It was on one of these nights I decided to take a short cut and cut through from one block to the next. As I walked through a 5 or 6 foot wide opening between a mechanic shop and a small little slightly elevated home good fortune smiled upon me. The...
It wall started the day my new wife and I moved into her families home a few years after we were married. jane and i had started to renovate our home when it was decided we move in to her parents house because the mess was just to much for us to live in. When we arrived, my Mother In Law [ MIL ] showed us to the bedroom right next to hers, which she said we could use as long as we needed to stay As I worked mostly from home [ i am a future strader ] i noticed every day funny happenings with my...
EroticLandenberg is just over the Line. My old commander Michael Cresap, may the Lord have mercy on his roisterous soul, would have sworn that it was in Maryland, but then he famously considered Philadelphia one of his state's prettiest towns. I am not sure whether it is Quaker or Lutheran, Tory or Patriot, but it was a fine and hospitable crossroads in September of 1777. The jovial landlord at the inn assured me that Philadelphia was still some twenty-five miles to the east and that Lancaster and...
Her long legs wrapped in dark, thigh high stockings as she walked across the room, the loud click of her strappy black heels ringing off the walls. Her corset felt so nice and tight, and her perfume was deliciously sweet, so sexy, she let out a moan as her hands ran along her sides. Music blared away hazily as she walked around, bending over to run her hands along her stocking covered legs, squeezing her ass tight. Standing up she unbottoned her skirt, the tiny black piece of fabric falling...
The ownership of Olsen's had found that Joel's sick religion had permeated the company and aided its slide toward oblivion. They were nice gentlemen but I told them I was not interested in pulling their investment chestnut out of the fire. I asked them what they wanted for the company today in cash. When they told me, I laughed. I pulled out some paperwork I had put together on Olsen months ago when I established a valuation of half that amount at that time. I said the company had lost more...
The third week of Gina Meadows' incestuous affair with her son Ryan had gone much the same as the first two. They had had sex every night and sometimes had sex during the day as Ryan got more and more confident in his sexual abilities.The affair had started after a heated argument culminating in Gina giving Ryan a very hard bare-bottomed belting, which sexually aroused both mother and son. After having sex for the first time that night, Gina suggested the purchase of a cane for future use in...
IncestMy Free Black! Let's face it, sometimes we just don't wanna have to pay for porn and that's why tube sites are perfect. They provide us cheapskate porn lovers with free video clips to wank over as long as you can get past the advertising and popups. My Free Black is a tube site specifically for black porn. Want to watch a cute white chick fucking a black cock? What about black on black hardcore? Everything is here in one easy place and it's so quick to get to the content. If you want to see...
Black Porn Sites30 minutes after Lia should have been at Evie's house, Evie called her. "Where are you?" she asked, exasperated, as she eyed the rapidly-moving morning interstate traffic outside her apartment window. "We aren't going to get there to see the opening ceremonies!" Evie had just recently seen an ad on TV for this Renaissance Festival at the local fairgrounds that sounded like a lot of fun, so she and Lia had made plans to go. A groan answered. "Evie... I met this man last night and..." her friend...
LesbianAfter summer festival Walking Buffalo took six men and left to buy cattle. The work in the valley continued with determination. Fighting Hawk asked Storm Cloud if he would like to take a little trip with him and he nodded. After Fighting Hawk discussed his idea with Gray Eagle, he gave his permission, as long as Fighting Hawk handled the negotiations. He nodded that he would. Fighting Hawk talked to Big Owl and Big Cloud and they both agreed to go, along with six of the young warriors. Since...
Nam Hui was her name and she was a friend of my wife. The first time I saw her, I was mesmerized with her beauty. She was tall, about five foot seven inches and slender. With brown, almond eyes and blue-black hair, she wore it cut close like a business executive. She always wore skirts and blouses, dressed for business as well. Her skirts were cut to just above her knees and her blouses always created interest in her firm breasts. They didn't need the support of a bra, for her, a bra was just...
Hello to all the ISS readers. I am full moon (name changed). I am a regular reader of this ISS. I am continuing reader of this site from last 5 years. Specially, I like the desi story with regional language. Because of I am Oriya boy I want to write my story in Odia language. Here is the story began:- Moon jete bele 10std re padhu thili sete bele aama ghare site re jane nani rahu thile. Tanka ra na heuu chhi lilly (name changed). Dekhibaku bahut sexy aau tankara doodha samastankara aakarshanara...
AUTHOR: kamal EDITOR: Stacey Hi readers mera naam kamal main 25 saal ka goodlooking ladaka hu. Main chandigarh me rahta hu ye kahani abhi 6-7 mahine hi mere saath ghti jo mai aap ko bata raha hu. Jab main yaha naya, naya rahne aaya to pata chala ki room ka maalik ka ek ladaka jiski sshdi ko 2 sall huye hai, lekin usko baccha nahi hua hai.main unko bhaiya aur bhabi bulata tha. Unki ummar 20 rahegi dikhne me bahut hi masuum thi. 2-3 weeek ke baad maine mahsus kiya ki bhabi muze kuch alag hi...
Paris, France December 28, 1386 The Night Before the Duel De Carrouges Chambers Jean was preparing to go to the chapel for a final mass and to pray for victory on the morrow. His wife, Lady Marguerite, was fretting at needlepoint, trying to take her mind off things and failing. The order from Parlement had come the day before. She had been charged with perjury, her judgment to be determined by the outcome of the judicial duel between her husband and Jacques le Gris. If her husband lost,...
I had been fucking around with the maid almost every day for 2 yrs now, till she had to go to her native for 2 months. She had requested another maid to do the job till then, it’s not about fucking the second maid as she had nothing, no face and no body, she was a walking skeleton. Obviously I and Lata had a number of sessions on the day before she left where I even fucked her in the bathroom while she was washing clothes. Anyways it had been just 2 days since her departure and I was feeling...
IncestThe first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben. We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etcetera. It was very warm, no, very HOT. So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up between my legs and...
I met Sarah this last summer when I had been babysitting across the street. We never really hung out, because she had been at camp all summer. Sarah had a younger brother and sister who would like to come over and play with the kids that I babysat. After the kids started playing together more, we started hanging out more. We would just sit in the park, watching the kids, and talking. I had thought that Sarah was pretty from the moment I met her, and we got along great. She had dark brown hair...
First TimeI've been reading stories on this site for a long time. I'm a bisexual male who would like share my first time experience. I was spending the summer at my uncles, helping out around his small farm as he was gone alot because his regular job was as an over the road trucker. I enjoyed the freedom I enjoyed staying with him. I lived in a small trailer with my mom and sister and it was crowded, not a lot of privacy. I enjoyed the guy time. Up to this time I had limited sexual activity. I had...
Becky rushed to the door to answer, knowing her best friend, Madison, was supposed to be coming over. Becky had needed to rush to get cleaned up and dressed before she arrived, as she had been getting throat fucked by her daddy only 15 minutes ago. She was wearing a pleated mini-skirt that barely covered her bubble butt, a spaghetti strap top, socks, and a pair of sneakers. She never wore panties if she could get away with it, because she liked to feel the breeze blow across her cunny lips...
Please forgive the spelling and puntuation not my strong points but I think you will This is my first time at writing so please let me know what you think.When I was 15 I got myself a few cleaning jobs as money was tight at home. Which I wasn’t that bothered about I didn’t have many friends to go and see.I used to clean for a man about 50ish but he didn’t look that old he was tanned firm and really easy to talk too.I was usually in the house alone for a few hours before he came home from work...
Note : This story is completely fictional! OK so it was the holidays and i was at my aunts house a total BBW and i had brung my camera to film my family having fun. I had gotten bored and went upstairs to use the computer. I was surfing the net and had saw this SUPER hot chick online and immediately had to jerk one out so i went into an upstairs room set the camera down and thought ah what the hell so i just filmed my self masturbating to show to my girlfriend or something funny. I had closed...
IncestMaddi flicked off her sandals and buried her pale toes within the sun-drenched soil as she made herself comfortable on the campus lawn. For the first time since her arrival, the picturesque, tropical surroundings of Moringa Island bustled with activity. New students and familiar faces alike greeted each other in the fronts of dorms. Some took up blankets and picnicked in small groups on the green or nearby benched. Others found relaxation inside watching television on the first-floor activity...
Cassie returned to her office at Biological Sciences on Friday afternoon, looking happier than Julie had seen her for years. She was clutching a portable hard drive. "I've got more survey data back, Jules. This data is not from Americans this time." Julie looked at Cassie with open curiosity, but Cassie carried on regardless. "Don't ask from where, I can't tell you. "We've re-done the survey questions, and do you know what? The cured women have passed every test, and are...
By this time I was hot and getting wet, as she kissed my neck, she slipped a big rubber cock into my pussy, telling me that Joe was going to fuck me hard and fill me with his cum, she got off the bed and called Joe on the phone saying mama is ready, I told her I can't do this , Jenny looked at me and said '' you you can mama because you are a slut just like those people in the film called you and you will have your fat cunt fucked by my husband'' and you will like it, about then Joe...
2014 winter time in Vienna.It was a very cold winter time in Vienna, i was out because i had a date with a girl i met a day before so i was waiting for this girl to come and meet me in a particular place, but unfortunately/fortunately she wrote me that she would be coming late. So i decided to take a little walk before she comes, as i was walking i saw this beautiful chubby girl walking alone, i dared to approach her which she was impressed and happy about it.Me: Hey gorgeous, how are you?She:...
Ricky loves big tits and wants to jerkoff on his alone time because her girlfriend was called to work, but he gets interrupted by Laila Lust who made plans with Ricky’s girlfriend to go shopping and now Laila is stud up and all wet because of the crazy weather. Ricky opens the door and surprised to see Laila all wet, and now she need to dry out her clothes but her big tits don’t go unnoticed, and waiting in the bedroom she sees what Ricky was doing and now she wants to be a part of...
xmoviesforyouPlease email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 17, 2011) Chapter 25 - Just Another Day at the Mall When I awoke on Thursday morning, I couldn't contain the excitement level that started to rise within me. Not only was I going to get the chance to sing and interact with...
Sunshine sparkled over a fairytale sea. Sails of red, blue and yellow glided in serene dance, measured by the same gentle breeze that played over Lacie's dress as she reclined on her favourite grassy down. From its slope high over the water, she saw in the distance a large four-master on its way to fairyland. Or perhaps to return laden with perfumes from Siam, India and Persia. Might it bring a Persian girlfriend to be here beside her? So much more exciting than lying here; her older sister,...
ExhibitionismAlice’s Crime and Punishment Synopsis After losing her temper, Alice is sentenced to a whipping for assault. Her father, the local vicar, disgusted with her behaviour, ensures she has the harshest treatment and a lengthy work rehab programme in a subject she won’t like.Alice’s Crime and Punishment by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking Punishment If you are underage or offended by such...
I called Gypsy to bring her up to speed on my ‘ nooner ‘. ‘Howdy, Ms. Thompson called me crying.’ The calm tone of Gypsy’s voice stunned me. ‘Wwwhat the fffff …?’ I started before Gypsy interrupted me. ‘I told you, she’s a tough cookie! ‘But Gypsy,’ I said. Gypsy continued, talking over me, ‘For a split second I thought your appointment with her had gone badly Howdy. But I was very relieved to learn her tears were happy tears.’ ‘She told me all about being your mom’s friend, watching you...
The next day, Zaria convinces her mother that she is coming down with a cold. Her father knows otherwise. “Zaria, you can’t go skipping classes,” Ray argues. “But, Daddy, this is our chance to have a couple of days alone,” the girl counters. “I’m staying home. It will be just this once, I promise.”
Nora Smith was probably one of the most popular chicks at BradFord University, and it was all because she was known to have a bubble butt. Her ass wasn't even big but it was jiggly and bubble, a lot of the guys really admired. "Hey, Nick can you buy me some chick fil-a?" Nora asked in a sweet way as lunchtime was right around the corner. "Aw Nora, I can't today." "I'll let you grope my ass. And smack it." After hearing that Nick gave her his $20 bill and smacked and groped her ass, feeling it...
FetishIn ancient Judea, the way to allow the land to regain its vigor was to let it lie fallow periodically. Doubtless there was a relationship between the religious day of rest and allowing fields to rest that was approved by our ancestors, and so the fields were rested every seventh year -- a sabbatical year. Similarly, several thousand years later, it was felt that the intellectual soil needed to rest from time to time, and so the sabbatical year for professors came about. A time for rest, for...
So where I left off, I just got one of the best blow jobs of my life, and to make it even better it was from my boss! I laid down on the bed and tried to wrap my head around what just happened. My boss sat down on the bed as well with her back against the headboard. She looks amazing, she is so sexy! She cupped her breast with her right hand and had her left hand on her knee. She was massaging her tit and pinching her nipple. Watching her was turning me on all over again. She told me that...
would be the first time she had met him. She had lied to him and told him that she was well versed in the art of BDSM. She had told him she had practiced it now for four years, and that she was twenty-five. She was only twenty, and the most she knew about BDSM was what she read on line. But for the first time last night they had traded addresses, and she had thought he lived a few states away, but to her surprise he lived in the next town. More to her surprise he wanted to meet her....
It was my first day in the college dorm. When I entered my room I noticed that my roommate had already moved in and I could hear the shower running. I dropped my bags and sat on my bed for a minute resting from the long climb up the stairs. The bathroom door opened and my roommate came out wrapped in just a towel. He was surprised at first to see me but then quickly introduced himself. ‘Hi. I’m Brad,’ he said as he put out his hand to shake. I shook his hand and told him my name. ‘Hi I’m...
I went to a party with a girlfriend that was at my friend Kelsey’s house. A lot of sexy college kids all around 18 or 19 but were there. I wore a fox tee shirt, skinny jeans, green panties & a blue sports bra. I thought I looked pretty hot! I was talking and joking with a few of my friends and making some new ones. Some were smoking and drinking , a few had found the hot tub but I stayed I the house. I had like 3 beers when I met up with this really cute guy. The music was loud and we started...
How far away is this juvenile detention center? We are almost on the other side of town. When we arrived it was pretty obvious why they built the kid jail on this side of town. This was where the majority of their inmates lived when not in jail. On one side of the twenty foot high loops of razor wire toped fences was a group of twenty story tall free government housing projects. At the back were the ones were the section eight ones where the government paid most of the rent. On the right was...
The double doors open up to you, allowing you to step into the spacious, barely furnished room. Cherry red walls and creamy pink carpeting are made more decadent by the plush but empty couches, exotic plants, and sultry incense. A put-together woman sits behind the rose-wood desk, flipping through a catalog of various toys and making notes about them on a yellow notepad under her right hand. When you approach, she looks up at you through thin, square glasses that she pushes up her nose further....
Donna was fucking again and everything was all right. Tom had insisted that she and DeeDee go shopping for the night's party. They had rounded up a cadre of five bodyguards and gone out to blow another few thousand dollars of campaign funds on liquor, munchies, and clothes. When they got back there was a note saying 'Do Not Disturb' on the guest room door. Tom and Susan were presumably within. DeeDee suggested that they thoroughly thank their escort in the living room and Donna eagerly...
Howdy, folks. The name is Kurt Lob. I’m a tall, good-looking, thirty-something black man living in Virginia. I’m the Athletic Director of Mason College, a private four-year college located near a small town of the same name in Eastern Virginia. The school only has two thousand students. The student body was sixty percent female and forty percent male when I came along. I changed that. I’m responsible for renovating the place and putting it on the map. How did I do that? By strengthening and...
Hello everyone, my mail id is Well this is my Debut in sex and also in the ISS. There is not a single day I don’t masturbate without reading the stories from ISS. OK, I also know the rule of ISS, that is not to bore anyone and get into the story first, but I want to start it with the whole emotions that happened then because it is not a story it really happened with me and it took many days to make believe myself that yes it actually happened. Alright now let me describe myself, I am a 3rd...
Army vet Sam Shock brought his perfect body ? and big girthy dick ?? to the studio the other day and we paired HIM up with fan favorite Blake Blossom for this week’s fantastic See H?️M Fuck update. After our talented directory Johnny ?? Robbins helps us get to know a little about the award-winning stud ? Sam does a sexy striptease for Blake, teasing the bulge in his See HIM boxers ? until we finally get to see that thick gift ? he’s packing. Blake lubes up ?? Sam’s phenomenal...
xmoviesforyouWhen I was sixteen, my mom and dad decided to take a two-week long second honeymoon vacation. They coordinated this with my Easter break and I would, therefore, have the displeasure of spending my holiday with my mom’s best friend from high school.Ruth was married to a farmer named Waldo, and their twin sons Hans and Dirk were eighteen years of age. The boys had been named after their father’s German ancestors. Although there was very little interaction between our families, there was seldom a...
Gay MaleThe story of Chloe and Ellen continues. I am Chloe, I am 5 ft 8 inches tall and have shoulder long brown curly hair and brown eyes. Ellen is a 6 ft brunette with dark brown eyes and shoulder long black hair. I am sitting in the waiting room of my physician to get a monthly check up, absently reading the magazines lying around. My mind wandered off in a daydream about what happened a couple of weeks ago at my office. I couldn’t get around the fact that one minute I was talking to Ellen and the...
LesbianMy name is Anthony, most of my friends and family call me Anth for short. I am a 22-year-old guy currently studying in college. On the side to help pay for my college and life in general I have been working as a male entertainer. Essentially I am a male stripper for private parties and functions. Now it is nothing as sex crazed as those dancing bear videos you see on the internet where the guy romps around the room and has several women blow him before finally going all the way with one or two...
I married an oilman, richer than god, and as arrogant. By forty-five he owned wells on three continents. I lived in a mansion in Houston, Texas. At twenty-five I had no illusions that I was a trophy wife. My parents knew I was a beauty and for my high school graduation present gave me a nice pair of D-sized tits. A modeling agency took me in, and my face made four national magazine covers before I met Jack at a movie premier. His money overwhelmed me. The private jets, the parties, and the...
This is the conclusion of Part One, and I hope you have enjoyed reading. Again, please start with chapter one before reading this. Part 2 has been written and is in the process of being edited and will be posted soon. I again want to thank BeachBaby179 for her numerous suggestions and clarifications in making this story much better. It is very easy, when you are writing, to get so involved you let things slip. BeachBaby, you not only caught all those but forced me to look through the story with...
When she woke up, she found they had turned about in the bed during the night, her face now resting against his cock and balls. She smiled as she saw how hard he was. Tony lay on his side, one arm around her hip, his breath fanning the soft hair of her cunt. Coming awake slowly, Judy pulled her head back a ways, so she could see his cock and balls without being cross-eyed. His prick throbbed visibly, and his balls appeared full again. She was fascinated by how quick her son could get hard....
Hello Dosto, mera nam Vinit he. Meri umra 25 sal hai. Ye story mere ghar ke kamwali Reshma, Sunita aur meri hai. Reshma ki umra 33 sal hai aur Sunita 31. Wo dono dikhne me sawli par khubsurat hai. Me jab 18 sal ka tha wo tab se hamare yaha kam kar rahi hai. Un dono ko mene jab pehli bar dekha tab se hi wo muzhe pasand aa gayi. Hamara ghar bada hone ke karan wo ab hamare hi ghar me rehte hai. Jaab ghar me koi nahi hota to me dono ke saath flirt karta tha. Flirt karte karte me donoke bade maje...
You get of the bus to your new school and see a cute girl she seems about 5'6 with blond hair and blue eyes tan skin and an athletic body with a tight ass. You here the bell ring for your first period.
TeenMe and Heather walked around a bit talking before going to the locker room. On our way back the whole b-ball team walked passed us to leave. I was outside the locker room and Heather says, "I dare you to sneek into the boys locker room and spray perfume everywhere, on everything." of course me being the goodie goodie I am,I refused. but she forced the bottle in my hand and shoved me into the locker room and gaurded the door so I couldnt leave. So I turned around to start spraying and none...