- 3 years ago
- 48
- 0
That Friday, above the regular din at the Rage, Karen said, “We were starting to think you weren’t going to show.”
Sitting down beside her, I explained, “I had some things I had to take care of before coming tonight. Where’s Jon?”
Carl snickered, “Probably collecting beer bottles.”
Jenny explained, “He’s working on something for school, but he said he’ll try and make it.”
Despite the steady and strong flow of the crowd’s emotions, I had my empathic senses focused on just the people at the table. I immediately sensed Jenny was holding back on the explanation, but that wasn’t necessarily a cause for suspicion.
I queried, “Chris couldn’t make it either?”
Virginia stated, “She’s here, somewhere.” She looked over some heads a moment before repeating, “Somewhere.”
“Anybody thirsty?” Karen offered, pulling a few iced down Busch longneck bottles from underneath the table and setting them in the middle of the tabletop.
I looked beside my feet and saw a cooler at her feet.
I said, “Shit, Karen. How many do you have down there?”
“Enough,” Virginia answered for Karen, grabbing one and having Carl open it for her.
While Carl and Karen each took one as well, Carl said, “Jon’s sure going to wish he hadn’t missed this. Did you get these in his honor?”
Jenny laughed, “Dishonor, you mean.”
Karen grinned, “Something like that.”
Mike startled most of us walking up and crowing, “Do I see beer at this table?”
Karen hissed, “Take one and shut the hell up,” and tossing him one that he nearly dropped.
When Karen noticed I hadn’t taken one yet, she asked me, “What’s the matter? Busch not good enough for you?”
I explained honestly, “I’m not really much of a beer drinker. I’m more a Jack Daniels man.”
Mike clamored, “Now here’s a man with the same heart as mine,” before spotting an empty chair three tables down and hurrying to drag it over.
Karen insisted, “Well, have a beer anyway,” and slapped a bottle into the palm of my right hand.
Not wishing to create any waves, I opened the bottle and took a swig, then after making a slight face, I smacked my lips and said, “Ahhh.”
Mike squeezed in between myself and Carl. The talk turned towards some stuff on TV and then somehow got on the subject of what color of underpants we had on.
Carl joked, “If I had known there’d be a contest, I would have worn my Elvis briefs.”
“Elvis?” Virginia exclaimed while Jenny started laughing with abandon.
I queried, “Briefs?”
Carl said seriously, “Hey, don’t go making fun of the King!”
“Oh brother,” Karen said under her breath to which I gave her a look of agreement.
Suddenly Chris walked up and announced, “I think I’m love!”
“Oh, brother!” Karen exclaimed much louder than the previous while the others gave a mixture of groans and comments like “That’s nice, Chris.”
“This is real ... This time,” Chris sighed, holding her hands against her chest with a faraway look in her eyes.
Virginia remarked, “You say that every time some guy smiles in your direction.”
“But I felt it. I felt it in here when I...”
“CHRIS!” Karen shrieked, cutting her off and scrambling over me to get to her. “I need to go to the lady’s room!”
“What’s the mat ... Oh. OH!” Chris exclaimed as she noticed me sitting there. “Sorry, I didn’t know.”
As Karen and Chris headed for the lady’s restroom, the tension which had shot up all around the table started coming back down as I pretended not to notice anything strange going on. Then when I took an impassive deep drink of my beer, the level dropped almost back to normal.
I asked no one particular, “I take it Chris is a hopeless romantic?”
Virginia gasped out, “That’s an understatement.”
Jenny offered, “I used to be like that.”
Mike chuckled, “Yeah, right.”
Jenny insisted, “I was.”
Carl dared to ask, “So what happened?”
“My boyfriend took me parking and tried to get to third base.”
I felt her out a moment and added with certainty, “And succeeded.”
“Yeah, I can believe that,” Mike laughed while Jenny’s cheeks turned red.
I decided if I was going to get the information I wanted, I was going to have to get them as comfortable as possible around me, especially after Chris’s blooper. So I drained my beer and asked Virginia for another, and was happy to see everyone else following my lead.
Twenty minutes later, I was still nursing my third beer while Mike was on his fourth. Everyone was relaxed and in a jovial mood and I was finally starting to feel a buzz from the beer.
After letting out a decently long burp, I stated for the record, “My dad calls me a hopeless romantic.”
Mike’s burp made mine sound like a baby’s, but when Carl tried to outdo Mike’s, he accidentally burped out the other end as well which cracked everyone up.
After everyone playfully scooted away from Carl a bit, Virginia asked, “So are you a hopeless romantic?”
I said, “From his point of view, definitely,” and then blew across the lip of my bottle at different angles until I got a tone.
Mike commented, “My dad would kill me if he knew.”
I asked, “Knew what?”
The tension shot up a bit again, but Mike handled it coolly by saying, “That I wasn’t a virgin. He’s a bit of preacher, you know?”
I said, “My dad is no holy man, but he’s not all bad, either.”
Carl said, “My dad couldn’t care less if I was a virgin or not.”
Virginia said with authority, “That’s because your parents are weird.”
Jenny said, “They can afford to be weird. I wish my parents had money like yours.”
Carl asked after a long burp, “So what’s stopping you from making it happen?”
Jenny huffed, “Oh, like I could just go rob a bank and get away with it.”
Virginia interrupted, “When MY dad caught me making out with a boy when I was fifteen, I was grounded for a month. No phone, no TV, nothing but homework and books.”
I chuckled and said, “My dad took videos of my first sex.”
Virginia said, “Nu-uh...” a split second before Jenny barked, “Bullshit.”
I looked Virginia in the eyes and said, “And he and my mom ate popcorn while they watched it with her parents.”
Everyone but Virginia stated their disbelief. Virginia however had felt the truth of my statement in the brief empathic link.
Mike insisted, “Nobody but sickos would take videos of their kids having sex. You’re making it up.”
I said, “Just ask Suzi. She’ll tell you.”
Mike nodded and said, “All right. I’ll ask her tomorrow at the meeting.”
I added, “You could also ask Joey. His parents watched it too.”
“Man, all your parents are sickos,” Mike stated before draining his beer, burping, then noticing everyone else was looking uncomfortable.
Mike asked the others, “What’s up with all you?”
Jenny hissed, “He knows, stupid.”
“Knows what?”
I stated, “That you’re all part of the Group.”
“About fucking time,” Mike laughed, throwing his arm over my shoulders roughly. “Now, let’s go get some real booze.”
“I think I’ve had enough,” I said, carefully removing his arm from my shoulder and standing up. “In fact, I’ve had enough of this whole charade. Thanks for the beer and the small talk. Nice knowing you.”
I took four steps away before realizing I needed to sober up a bit before I could navigate the crowd as it was. But then it occurred to me I didn’t have to restrain myself from using my abilities in front of them anymore. I simply blanketed the room to make a three-foot wide walk space from my position all the way to the door.
But just as I reached the main floor, Jon came through the door looking very bewildered by my walk path until he spotted me. He stood there with this stunned expression as I walked up to him, pulled the foot long three inch diameter tube from my coat and handed it to him, saying, “Batteries are not included.”
I awoke the next morning to a mild headache ... and Joey sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Morning,” he said.
“Morning,” I echoed him, glancing at the clock to see it was 10:23.
He stated, “Things didn’t go very well last night.”
“Not exactly how I had hoped, no,” I admitted. “Why? What’s up?”
“All the newbies were acting kind of weird this morning at the Group meeting.”
“What do you mean, weird?”
Joey shrugged and said, “They just weren’t themselves. Kind of down. They just didn’t have the enthusiasm newbies usually have.”
“Most of them only just passed the coin test in January. Only about half of them have developed their voice.”
I complained, “Really? Why didn’t you mention this to me before?”
“I thought you already knew,” he said, frowning. “Why? Does it make a difference?”
“Kind of,” I said, sitting up and frowning myself. “I think.”
Joey asked patiently, “So what happened?”
After I told him, he asked, “So you’re pissed at them because...”
“Because they set me up, Joey. They found out about my rendezvous with the two girls I was meeting at the Rave the first night I went there alone. I spent most of the day yesterday tracking down the real cause of the emergency that had kept the girls from showing up. It wasn’t just a coincidence that Karen bumped into me that night and asked me to join them at their table. They planned the whole thing.”
Joey queried, “Which one’s Karen?”
My eyebrow shot up while I flashed him a mental image of her, then realized he probably didn’t know all the voices by name, the newbies even more so.
Joey said, “Not that it matters, but Karen’s still a mute.”
“You said you tested them with the coin?”
“That’s how we’ve grown so large over the past year. Every semester we test all the new students during the first month. Sarah used to borrow my coin to do it, but now I’m the official recruiter,” he said with a short grin.
I concluded, “That’s why they all know you and Suz.”
“I guess,” he said, holding something back.
Joey sighed, then said, “And that’s probably why they went through all this trouble to get to you. The first two weeks of this semester, I had all my classes plus recruiting to do, so I didn’t have any time to help you settle in and do the stuff with you like I wanted to. They must have picked up on how worried I was about you feeling welcome here after the Group attacked you. I think they were just trying to help bridge the gap between you and the Group.”
After about a minute or so of silence, Joey asked, “So what are you going to do?”
I fell back onto my back and groaned, “I don’t know. I can’t help but feel they wronged me by tricking me like that. But...”
Joey concluded, “You’re thinking about giving them a second chance.”
“I guess. That’s if they’ll even see me to give me a second chance.”
“I don’t think that’ll be too much of a problem. Three of them are upstairs with Suz.”
“Now who’s setting me up!” I groaned before throwing a pillow in his face.
“Hey!” he said, returning fire with the same pillow. “I’m just the love slave following orders. Suz is the mastermind behind this setup. But if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think they know you live here.”
Carl, Jenny, and Mike were sitting on Suzi’s couch watching Suzi’s copy of the tape my dad had made of our sex that faithful night. I stood there watching them exchange bursts of telepathic messages to each other, realizing that these three were probably the only ones who had gained full conscious control over their newly discovered abilities.
One by one, all three leaned forward in interest as the Suz-ball portion got underway. When Jenny glanced at Suzi and asked, “Didn’t that hurt?” she noticed me and then hesitated before saying, “Hi.”
“You’re missing the best part,” I said, grinning when the two guys looked up in surprise, then motioned for them to go back to watching the video.
Their exchange of telepathic messages increased sharply for a minute, but then as the video approached the climax of the scene, they practically stopped until it was over. At that point, Suzi hit the stop button and flipped off the TV.
Mike said apologetically, “I guess you weren’t making it up.”
I said, “I didn’t make any of it up,” while sitting down on the arm of the couch.
Jenny assured me, “We didn’t make anything up, either.”
“I know you didn’t. I would have sensed an outright lie.”
Jenny added, “We were just trying to be a friend.”
I have her an empathic smile and said, “Look, I think I understand why you guys did what you did, but I didn’t last night because I didn’t know the details. I’m sorry I led YOU on when I could have just told you from the start. But now I need to know what you want from me. Besides a drinking buddy to share kinky stories with.”
They looked at each other a few moments, then after several telepathic exchanges, Carl spoke for the first time since I had entered saying, “Before we actually met you, we thought you’d be a big show off and we could sort of learn some tricks off you.”
Jenny continued, “But you didn’t do anything. Or at least nothing I could detect the first night. And when everybody liked you, I talked Mike into standing watch the second night so I could see what you were really like.”
I asked with suspicion, “Who stood watch last night?”
Carl said accusingly, “Mike was supposed to.”
Mike explained, “When Karen brought out the beer, I said, ‘fuck this shit.’ No way was I going to miss out on free beer a second time.”
Jenny remarked, “Like you don’t get drunk every night.”
“Yeah, but that’s different. It’s not as fun if you can’t get caught.”
To put the conversation back on track, I said, “So you found I wasn’t as big of a show-off as some would lead you to believe,” while giving Joey a look.
Joey shrugged as Carl said, “Right. But then you did that thing with the crowd last night. That was awesome.”
Mike said brightly, “Yeah, that was too cool. Nobody noticed.”
“Will you stop saying that?” Jenny groaned, then explained to us, “That’s all he said last night after you left. Nobody noticed. Nobody noticed...”
I said modestly. “It was just a blanket command with a subconscious amendment,” before looking over at Joey and asking him, “Don’t you guys teach them anything?”
Joey said, “Telepathy 101 only covers getting control over their abilities. We don’t cover blanket commands until TE310.”
“You don’t seriously have class numbers for telepathy,” I said with a cautious look on my face.
Joey said, grinning, “They’re not in the course listing, but yes, we do.”
I said with disbelief, “You’re shitting me.”
“No, he isn’t,” Carl assured me. “And TE101 is the stupidest class. We don’t do anything interesting.”
Joey objected sternly, “That’s because you gained control over your voice the moment you realized them. But for someone like Christina who’s still trying to get a grasp on them after nearly a year of trying, it can make all the difference.”
Jenny argued, “But why hold everyone back for the few who need it?”
Suzi waved Joey silent before he could respond, then asked, “What did you do in TE101 Friday?”
Jenny snorted and said, “Practiced controlling our arms and legs. The same thing we always do.”
Mike asserted, “Yeah. It’s so lame. I mean, what’s the point of us doing it over and over when we already ... HEY!!! What the fuck!”
His hands were feeling up his chest, obviously without his intending them to do so.
I was snickering softly to myself before Suzi slapped him in the face a couple of times with his own hands and explained, “This was the hardest lesson I learned last semester, and I didn’t learn it in a class but during an attack. You can’t protect yourself or anyone else if you can’t control your own body over a stronger or more experienced voice.
“So, until you can control your limbs telepathically as easily as you can normally, you’re not going to be shown anything else. If we did, it would be like sending you out to do battle with a sword and a shield, but without clothes or armor.”
I thought to Suzi before saying aloud, “On guard!”
“What?” Suzi peeped, then as she started turning in place on her tiptoes with her arms up like a ballerina, she cried, “Timmy! This isn’t fair! You’re as familiar with my limbs as I am!”
“Which is my point,” I said, making her do a little curtsy before terminating my control streams. “Armor doesn’t do you much good if you don’t have the shield and sword to compliment it.”
Jenny snickered, “So much for not showing off.”
“But I do agree with you, Suz,” I assured her as Suzi’s eyes tried to throw lightning bolts at me to strike me dead. “Learning control over your own body is probably the best first step.”
Joey explained to defend Suzi’s honor, “Which is why he could do that to Suzi so easily. Tim got a lot of practice in controlling our limbs as much as his own when he was starting out.”
“And you know, if I had known the cause like I do now, I would have stopped when my head started hurting during those three-ways.”
Joey reminded me, “You really don’t know for sure what caused it.”
“Whoosh,” Jenny said, whooshing her hand over her head in emphasis.
I said, “Sorry. Old discussion. What was the point of this conversation again?”
Mike announced, “I don’t know, but I sure could use a beer.”
Jenny cooed mockingly, “Poor baby.”
Carl said, “You wanted to know what we wanted with you. But in honesty, I guess it’s up to you to decide what you’re willing to do with us.”
Jenny offered, “If nothing else, we can just meet for drinks on Saturday nights like we’ve been doing.”
Mike insisted, “But you GOT to teach me that path thing.”
“The drinks we definitely can do. The blanket command ... we’ll see. So are you three the only ones who can use your voice?”
We spent a good hour talking before I ran down to my apartment for a quick shower, then dashed off to meet Shelly for our first official study session at the library.
To my disappointment, she didn’t show.
Shelly came in late to class on Monday, and after one look at her, I knew immediately something was wrong. I resisted probing her to learn what it was so I could try and console her after class with a more natural perspective. Granted, my empathic senses didn’t really allow for that too much, but over time I had learned it was better to go through the process of asking questions and reacting to their answers naturally than popping into their heads and getting it all at once without their knowledge.
As she got her things together to leave after class, I asked Shelly, “I take it you forgot our study session yesterday?”
“I’m sorry. I guess I did,” she said, her spirit almost not existent.
I said sympathetically, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like hell.”
She blurted out, “You would too if you had slept in a car the last two nights.”
“In a car? It was below freezing last night! Why...”
“Please, just forget it. I don’t want to talk about it,” she sputtered out and walked away in a hurry.
I grabbed my bag and hurried out after her, catching up to her just as she left the building.
I asked, “You don’t have class now, do you?”
I offered, “Do you want to go to the library?”
“No! I want to be alone, okay?”
“Okay, okay,” I said, putting four or five feet between us, but continued to walk parallel to her.
“Look, will you please just go away?”
I shrugged and said, “I’m just going in the same direction as you are.”
“Oh,” she said. “Then where are you going?”
I countered, “Where are you going?”
“I asked you first.”
“Well, then it depends.”
“Depends on what?”
“Depends on where you’re going.”
“Look, I don’t KNOW where I’m going! Just go away!”
“Okay. As long as you know where you’re going,” I said, turning and walking away, leaving her understandably baffled.
Fifteen minutes later, Shelly walked into her dorm’s cafeteria and got in line for food. When she came out, I directed her attention towards me, then all I had to do was push the other chair at my table out with my foot for her to give up and come over.
“How did you know I was coming here?”
“I told you I was going the same direction as you were,” I said, avoiding answering the question directly.
“What do you want?” she sighed.
“To listen.”
“To why you’re sleeping in a car instead of your dorm room.”
“Maybe I like it. What business is it of yours where I sleep?!” she demanded.
Switching gears, I simply commanded, “Sit.”
After her ass came to rest on the seat, I looked into her surprised face and said, “Either tell me you’re going to go sleep in your dorm bed tonight, and mean it, or tell me why you can’t. It’s your choice.”
“I ... I’ll sleep in my dorm bed tonight,” she stammered out, her cheeks drained of color.
“Good. Now relax and eat. I only have an hour to study with you.”
As I had said before, that logic class was my favorite that semester. Not only because it came easy to me, but it gave me new insight into how the mind perceived decision paths and how it made assumptions on imprecise statements.
Okay, so in English that means I saw a new way to telepathically manipulate a person into seeing only two or more possible choices of my design without affecting their ability to choose between them. The “assumptions on imprecise statements” thing just gave me a better understanding of how politicians could basically do the same thing without the use of telepathy. Needlessly to say, my way worked better.
After going over her test with her, I managed to get her to commit to working after class the next week or two to get her caught up. I left her sitting at the table reworking part of her test without really knowing what her exact problem had been, but it was easy enough to guess it had had to do with her attraction towards her roommate.
I got to Suzi’s just as her phone rang, and through Suzi, Eric and I had a pretty good conversation.
This might sound weird, but it was good to hear he was taking an interest in guys again. And I was following his interests with a similar interest of my own. In the past, that kind of conversation would have made my eyes gloss over in boredom. I made a very loud “AAACK!” noise when I suddenly realized I grasped the sexiness of the male butt that Suzi and Eric had described to me so many times without my really understanding it. I had always known what a bubble butt looked like, but suddenly I could visualize what made one more sexually inviting over another.
Tuesday on my lunch break I went in and saw Perry about scheduling time for myself. To my surprise, he immediately grunted his consent, so I then carefully mentioned I wanted to also observe a few others as they worked without competing against them if I could.
The man acted very passive. Not polite or pleasant, just passive. I think he said a total of ten words, and that included the grunt hello and the grunt goodbye.
Wait. Come to think of it, I think all he did was grunt.
No, he did say, “Damn right,” to my suggestion I wouldn’t compete against those I watched, so he hadn’t been just humoring me without listening to what I was saying. At least I think.
Anyway, in his shabby office, he flipped a freestanding chalkboard to the other side revealing two sets of calendar month blocks painted onto the board. On the one filled in as the current month of March, he indicated I could choose either of the two days that week where only two people’s names were signed. The rest of the days already had three.
I signed my name to both. When he noticed I had done so, he hit me in the nose a couple of times with the eraser and indicated I had to erase one. I swiped one off and ran out of the office to violently sneeze two or three times, then managed to tell him thanks for his time, and I would see him Thursday. You already know what his reply was.
Shelly seemed better Wednesday. As we worked on the latest assignment together after class, she opened up a little about herself; things like she came from Ohio and loved coffee ice cream with chocolate syrup. Nothing I was really interested in came out, but then I didn’t expect her to ever admit anything to me. Unfortunately, because she was royally sucking in the class, she was making the conscious effort to pay attention better. My supply of fresh lesbian daydreams seemed to have cut itself off.
Skipping classes for telepathic excursions obviously was not new to me, and since I had been keeping a pretty good track record that semester, I didn’t feel the least bit guilty about skipping classes all day that Thursday.
I showed up at the admin building at nine o’clock sharp, just as the schedule had said, but ended up waiting over an hour before my two competitors finally wandered in.
“Oh great,” the dark-haired slightly overweight guy said when he saw me. “Don’t tell me you’re here to play.”
Taken aback, I only peeped out a, “I guess I am.”
“Look at it this way, Frankie,” the shorter, skinnier pug-nosed sandy brown haired guy said. “We’ll be the first to see how good he really is.”
Sensing they were trying to intimidate me to favor their odds, I smiled brightly and asked, “Have you ever seen a pig fuck a cow?”
When they opened their mouths to respond, all they heard come out of their mouths was oinks out of Don, the pug nosed guy, and moos out of Frankie.
“Is that the best you can do?” Don said as he blocked my streams. “Anyone can do chicken shit tricks like that.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” I said, slightly grinning. “Do one of you want to go first?”
Frankie announced, “Seeing that you’re still pretty new to all this, I’ll go first.”
“There’s not much to choose from,” I commented as the one woman and three men lined up before us.
“These aren’t the only choices,” Frankie simply stated as more started filing in from the other section of the building.
There were seventeen people in all, three of them were only like fifteen years old too. I knew the moment Frankie sent the three girls back to the other room without even considering them that I didn’t like him, Don, or the stupid game that prioritized ease of cleaning over all else.
Despite this, I have to give credit where credit is due. Frankie was good. In fact, I would have to say his cleaning was the most efficient and thorough I had ever seen a non-empathic telepath accomplish.
This isn’t to say I wanted to copy his methods, though. Far from it. He was horribly brutal to the subject’s mind, causing all sorts of intense emotions, many times conflicting, all geared towards illuminating what mental patterns were natural and what weren’t.
Despite the seeming cruelty, the end result was a fully command-free mind in only thirty-five minutes. I knew it would have taken me twice as long doing it my own way, but Dan had only cried a little during his cleaning and his condition had been several orders of magnitude worse. After both Don and I verified she was clean, the zombified woman that was led away by a grad student and another woman who I assumed was a nurse of some kind.
Don insisted I go next, but when he saw I was focusing my attention on the three girls, he warned me, “You’ll probably want to ask to do a light probe on those three if you’re serious about trying them.”
“Isn’t that against the rules?”
Frankie said, “Let him learn the hard way, Don,” while lazily stretching out on the couch.
“And have Perry say we let him choose a ressy candidate without warning him? He’d scalp both of us.”
Frankie sighed like he was about to give away one of his best tricks and said, “I allow Tim to perform one light scan on each of the three ressy candidates. Happy?”
“I allow Tim to perform one light scan on each of the three ressy candidates,” Don repeated, then added, “Yes.”
I asked, “What was that all about?”
Don said patiently, “Just say I will now scan each of the three ressy candidates and do it.” Then Don thought to me,
I said aloud, “I will now scan each of the three ressy candidates,” then began a light scan on the first girl.
After I scanned all three, I sat down on the chair I had placed in front of them with a deflated sigh.
I admitted, “They’re pretty messed up.”
Don confirmed, “Too messed up to clean them and have anything left afterward worth the trouble.”
“I guess. Sorry girls.”
I ended up picking one of the adult males who I remembered from last time and cleaned his mind in just under three hours.
Don and Frankie spent another hour verifying he was clean, and it really upset me that Frankie put him through the same hell he had the first one after I had been so careful to keep the discomfort to a minimum.
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"We were starting to think you weren't going to show," Karen said above the regular din at the Rage. "I had some things I had to take care of before coming tonight," I explained while sitting down beside her. "Where's Jon?" "Probably collecting beer bottles," Carl snickered. "He's working on something for school, but he said he'll try and make it," Jenny explained. Despite the steady and strong flow of the crowd's emotions, I had my empathic senses focused on just the...
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The auditorium was packed for his monthly lecture and I had been lucky enough to get a seat to the rear and I sat there listening intently as he turned to the particular themes and subject which had come to interest me the most. The Astronomer came to the front of the platform with his microphone. "We all know the three dimensions in which everything exists but, for me, things get really interesting when we consider the fourth dimension and add that to the mix. And the fourth dimension is?"...
The girl stood on the shore with her long rustic hair blowing in the onshore breeze as she spread her arm's wide and closed her eyes with the sea lapping around her bare feet. She smiled and breathed deeply of the brisk fresh air as she listened to the sounds of the waves crashing on the rocks in the distance. Behind her, on the beach, the people were enjoying the late afternoon sun as it glowed in the deep blue sky. Opening her eyes, the girl looked over her shoulder at the people. Some...
The Northern night sky slowly rotated above us inside the great astronomical dome of the Magellan Planetarium as the audience sat listening to the astronomer in residence as he talked about all things universal and our place in it.The auditorium was packed for his monthly lecture and I had been lucky enough to get a seat to the rear, and I sat there listening intently as he turned to the particular themes and subject which had come to interest me the most.The astronomer came to the front of the...
Love StoriesThe girl stood on the shore with her long rustic hair blowing in the onshore breeze as she spread her arm's wide and closed her eyes with the sea lapping around her bare feet.She smiled and breathed deeply of the brisk fresh air as she listened to the sounds of the waves crashing on the rocks in the distance. Behind her, on the beach, the people were enjoying the late afternoon sun as it glowed in the deep blue sky. Opening her eyes, the girl looked over her shoulder at the people. Some...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOn cool, cotton sheets, she sleeps alone. Her pale form in foetal position, her long, raven hair splayed out on the pillows. No trace of the day’s trials and tribulations remain, only on the cotton wool in the waste paper basket. After a time she stirs in the silence of a spell. Then she breathes, but the cool, cotton sheets have given way to gardens, where roses breathe poems. She idly reflects over the sweet, sonnets of scent, as above her, the leaves swirl like green hearts in the gentle...
I have recently acquired this beautiful, sweet, modest, nice, and cute girlfriend. Well, one of these past nights I had a romantic dream about her. …I was walking down an empty road and came up to a rather large house. I opened the door and walked in. I didn’t see much, only a couch and TV. I walked up and sat down, turning on the TV. A movie was on, but that doesn’t really matter. After two minutes, my girlfriend(I’m not putting up her name, sorry) walked up and sat down next to me, leaning...
I woke up pretty early. Which was really strange for me. Waking up early was just not my thing. I'm just not any kind of early bird.But something felt strange about this morning though. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. A poster on my wall that my bed is up against catches my eye. I did indeed have a poster on that wall, but something was different. I don't remember owning a poster of a girl band. I continue looking around. My eyes running along...
Mind ControlI woke up with my dick standing at attention! This happened for several days in a row. I was puzzled, what the hell was I dreaming about that aroused me so much. It was driving me crazy truthfully. I mean, it was like I was a teen all over again. So I told my girlfriend at the time what was happening. She simply smiled and said, "try to remember, you sleep so hard so it may be tough" (Very whisper like provocative voice).... Something about that look on her face lead me to believe she knew...
I have recently acquired this beautiful, sweet, modest, nice, and cute girlfriend. Well, one of these past nights I had a romantic dream about her. ...I was walking down an empty road and came up to a rather large house. I opened the door and walked in. I didn't see much, only a couch and TV. I walked up and sat down, turning on the TV. A movie was on, but that doesn't really matter. After two minutes, my girlfriend(I'm not putting up her name, sorry) walked up and sat down next to me, leaning...
MasturbationSeries 9, Episode 17: Zoe Hopper (38), from Barnsbury, London We cut to an inner-city street. We’re looking up at a seemingly endless plain, high, brick wall. No windows. No billboards. Just bricks ... And then a large black gate – two stories high, a simple sign is screwed to the wall next to the gate. It reads, “H.M. PRISON PENTONVILLE” We look at this for a moment, then swing the camera the other way to look out at the other side of the street – and the plainest, dullest apartment block...
This tale begins like one other before when I am falling to sleep and thats when the fantasy comes alive. I am walking down the street and I just happen to see a gorgeous looking lady in her late teens with a figure to die for wearing a very tight skirt and white blouse but no bra stepping into a church so I just happen to follow as I am that little bit curious and I suppose aroused well with a hard on I suppose its quite obvious really and when I get inside she has vanished, so I go down the...
BisexualI am writing to you my dear friend because I think I am loosing my mind. Since I just moved to Portsmouth a few months I do not have a close friend, like you, that I can confide in. So hear me out, then tell me if I am crazy or what! It all started just after I moved into the old mayor's house. Here in Port Norfolk it is considered the center piece of the community. You know me, I enjoy fixing up and this place was really a fixer upper! Well, one evening I was working in the upstairs back...
Erotic FictionI like many before me are just normal everyday guys with beer bellies and not very desirable looks, who when we read stories of guys with great bodies and the looks to go with them feel a little inferior but in our dreams the fantasy takes over and we are all equals. In my fantasy world I am still middle aged but with a decent body and not bad looks aswell and I am proud of my sexual stamina too hell am even a repeater. I always end up cruising the same park I do in my normal world but with...
GayThere was nothing. Then there was everything. Darkness gave way to light as the Universe gave birth to time and space with the Cosmos expanding out from its beginnings. The girl sat forward and watched through the teardrop window of her little ship as it winked into existence and floated there in the void as those first star systems were formed around her. She glanced at the numbers on the dial. She had arrived less than a millisecond after the event happened. It was impossible to...
There was nothing.Then there was everything.Darkness gave way to light as the Universe gave birth to time and space with the Cosmos expanding out from its beginnings.The girl sat forward and watched through the teardrop window of her little ship as it winked into existence and floated there in the void as those first star systems were formed around her. She glanced at the numbers on the dial. She had arrived less than a millisecond after the event happened. It was impossible to get any closer...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe Universe was coming to an end as the contraction entered its final moments with billions upon billions of stars and planets swept up in the great circular wave that was returning from whence it came. Time and space were shrinking as the small fleet of ships blinked into what was left of reality and floated in the void waiting for the point of no return when everything around them ceased to exist. Waiting for the end of this Universe to escape into the possibility of the next. That life...
She was wearing a silver and gold skin made of small oval-shaped scales with multi-colored feathers spreading winglike under each arm. Laughing, she swooped down to hover above me with those wings slowly wafting back and forth as I stared up at her as I tried to catch my breath. "Well, look at you," she smiled, "Alive again." I took a step towards her as she watched me. Her body was lush and compact. Full teardrop breasts curving into inviting hips leading to a long pair of sculpted legs...
The Universe was coming to an end as the contraction entered its final moments with billions upon billions of stars and planets swept up in the great circular wave that was returning from whence it came.Time and space were shrinking as the small fleet of ships blinked into what was left of reality and floated in the void waiting for the point of no return when everything around them ceased to exist. Waiting for the end of this Universe to escape into the possibility of the next.That life would...
Love StoriesI climbed a purple mountain surrounded by a blood red sea chasing after the girl who floated away from me on a warm breeze.She was wearing a silver and gold skin made of small oval-shaped scales with multi-colored feathers spreading winglike under each arm. Laughing, she swooped down to hover above me with those wings slowly wafting back and forth as I stared up at her as I tried to catch my breath."Well, look at you," she smiled, "Alive again."I took a step towards her as she watched me. Her...
Love StoriesScheming and Dreaming By Cassandra Morgan If college is a time of dreams, then the days afterward are a time of nightmares. There are no jobs anywhere. We went from trying to conquer the world to trying to be able to afford to live in it. I'm Steve Bridges. My girlfriend, Jenny Barlow, and I just graded from the University of Cincinnati with degrees in finance. We were certain -- absolutely certain -- that industries were going to beat a path to...
CRR-ACKKK! BOOOOMMM! Although it had been storming for days, the sky-splitting sight and sound of lightning and thunder continued to wrench screams from the shivering mass huddled in the Gathering Place. As the most solidly-built structure in the settlement, it was the only building which had been able to withstand nature's merciless assault. When it stopped raining — if it stopped raining — the Clan would have to completely rebuild. With winter coming, their supplies largely washed away,...
The twins were uncomfortable with the idea of going to the mall with us. Actually, the idea excited them until they realized they would have to wear clothing to do it. Clothing apparently was very uncomfortable for them for some reason, and it wasn’t because my father wanted them to walk around naked all the time. He wasn’t like that at all. He would much prefer them to dress like the other women and not have to constantly make special arrangements whenever they traveled with him. That was...
I regarded the weapons aimed at me and raised an eyebrow. "Captain Wallander? You are pointing your pistol at a senior officer; do you have an explanation for this?" I said. There was a moment's hesitation before the Captain spoke, "I have no knowledge of your position in the Army, at this moment you are in my head quarters during an active campaign. You are my prisoner." He said. "I'm also in the uniform of a Major, Captain. What you are doing is regarded as mutiny. Do you have any...
This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...
Hi everyone this is my second story in this site.My previous one was .So in this story I will introduce my lover and her friend.I am male 24 and working in chennai in a reputed company. Now I will go into the story.I have a lover from college days and her name is slviya and she is working in bpo and her schoolmate close friend merlin she is also working in same company.Both girls are from same area and they will get in same cab and same office timings.Now about my lover age is 23 has a boob...
LesbianHello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main aaj ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi desi hot sex kahani bataungi kaise main apne lover se chudi hum dono log bahut saal se ek dusre ke sath relationship me the aur ek dusre ko college se hi jante the. Mera lover mujhe bhaut pyar karta tha aur main apko bata du mere lover ko meri chuchi bahut pasand h. Mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main bahut sexy hu. Hum dono log ek dusre ke sath bahut saal se...
Opening my eyes after removing the thin silky blindfold my lover told me to remove, I looked around, puzzled yet excited at the same time.Although it was difficult to see in the dimly lit room, I began to make out the shapes of different devices before noticing ropes, chains, whips, paddles and several other items – too many to take in - hanging from the walls.We had spoken often of my fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them. Until now, that is. After careful perusal of the...
“A surprise? For me? What is it?” asked the buxom naked teenager. “Go over there to the bed, and lie face down.” commanded Pam, still sitting in the chair where she had disciplined and then delighted the horny young girl. Kristy got up and walked over to the older woman’s waterbed, moving sexily. Pam appreciated the gorgeous ass of the redhead as she walked, knowing she was deliberatly showing off her charms. When the girl got to the padded edge of...
hi friends i am Krishna from Vizag (Andhra Pradesh ) what i am saying is a true story which happened the day before yesterday my girlfriend name is Madhuri it’s her true name no name change and all and my x lover name is Anusha.i asked my x lover for sex but she refused that one time i forced to do so she left me; that time i got angry so i wanted to take revenge so i got my contacts and selected one of them and flirt her and made my girlfriend and said that before i use to have lover and now...
A lost lover, Changes for Melissa by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate the editing assistance of Santacruzman There is an inspiration for this tale and the character Thom in the film directed by Jean Negulesco: "How to Marry a Millionaire". I love the three women characters, Shatze, Pola and Loco and their manipulations. This tale does NOT follow that plot though. I hope you enjoy this story. MQ Part ONE Being...
I am going on a hunting trip over a long weekend mid-January, the weather is turning cold and my wife decides to stay home instead of spending the weekend in the camp. Old houses are not as warm as home. Since discovering my online activity she has begun to have some online fun herself. As she begins to read some stories and read some profiles she realizes most of the people on the sites are like us and looking for something to add a little spice and variety to their sex lives.As she becomes...
Wife Lovers"Trish, I think this is taking it all a bit far," Joel complained to his wife. Trish was Joel's wife of 8 years. She was watching Joel take a scented bubble bath. She had him shaving his underarms. They were the last body hair remaining on Joels's body, after she'd instructed to him shave his entire body. Trish had helped out with any areas he couldn't reach. Trish smiled and laughed gently. She reached down and stroked Joel's erection. "Honey, this tells me something different....
It was raining outside, Cats and Dogs, so Thomas Baxter sat on the porch, knowing Angel would be home soon. She hated thunderstorms, they had terrified her ever since she was a little girl. Even when Grandma would tell her thunder was just "Angels bowling, honey", Angel would roll her eyes back in her head in disbelief.Bethany came out on the porch and smiled at her son. "Waiting for Angel to come home early from work, dear?" she smiled, putting her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his...
Vincent Jackson was depressed because his wife had put on a tremendous amount of weight after both her pregnancies. He encouraged his wife to enjoy pregnancy and when she ate for two, it was probably for more. Her thin figure became curvy at first, but then she was looking more obese. She had gained about eighty pounds in a short amount of time.He and Candice met at the gym and both enjoyed taking care of their bodies with exercise and good nutrition. After motherhood, Candice got...
CheatingCarla sighed in frustration as she scanned the packed nightclub. He just was not here, she growled silently. Every man she looked at did not attract her in the least, too skinny, too heavy, too blond, too redheaded. Not that she had any problem with the later; she was just in the mood for a dark haired lover tonight. Weaving her way through the mass of undulating bodies as they danced, drawing angry or jealous stares from the women, ogling drools from the men, Carla ignored them all. She was...
Marcy Takes a Lover byFurryDevil©Disclaimer: This story is about a white married couple finding a black man for the wife to have sex with. It is completely consensual on both of their parts, and therefore is just good, clean, fun. If you don't like this kind of thing, you should probably find something else to read. *My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself...
A lost lover, Changes for Melissa Part THREE by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate the editing assistance of Santacruzman Summary of Parts One & Two: Thom meets a co-worker, Cindy who offers to help him dress. Thom introduces herself to his wife. The Ex's lesbian lover Lindsay co-opts Melissa but also educates her over several months. Melissa has a sexual adventure with two lovers. Part THREE When I awoke...
The blackness was new for me and new for us. The silky soft material of my blindfold reminded me of how much I loved and trusted him. After years of being let down by men both in and out of the bedroom, I felt so trusting and comfortable with this beautiful man. The anticipation of what was to come had me flush with excitement. My wetness was seeping from my slit now in drips as I felt a trickle run down to my sensitive rosebud.“What is he doing to me?” I asked myself as I patiently waited for...
ExhibitionismYou drive through the night, the only sound your tires singing on wet black pavement and the rhythm of your own heart. You watch your small hands griping the steering wheel so tightly your knuckles are white with anticipation. You are amazed, why should you feel this tension? You have done this many times. This is no new experience, you know this lover. This is no single night’s lust with a stranger. This is more than your lover you meet this is your love. But then you think. "Can I ever know...
EroticMy name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Boston, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 34 years old, and I've been married to Jason for 11 years now. Jason is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...
Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate Rashmi looked into the rearview mirror of her minivan...
Sarah is a sexy housewife in her early 40's that has spent her entire 20+ year marriage cuckolding her very happy husband. She decides that she wants to try out some "young stuff" and hubby is more than willing to help her find a new lover! ***Sarah and I have been happily married for about twenty years now. We have raised our c***dren and find ourselves now in our mid-forty's. We are still both in very good physical condition and enjoy a freedom that most couples our age are quite envious...
I and Tanya had been car-pooling for about a year now. She and I work in an office and live close to each other and carpool three days a week. Tanya is 41 years old Chinese wife with a handsome looking husband and a beautiful 18 years old daughter. After some time we would have chat on various topics, one day I told her I like women who wear dresses/skirts/blouses that show her curves a little. This was just an innocent remark. A few days later, it was my turn to drive, she parked her car in...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife LoversI woke early the following morning and soon realised I was in bed alone I knew last night wasn't a dream because my pussy and ass still throbbed from the fucking they received last night and my body still tingled from the three explosive orgasms I had at the hands of my son in-law now lover Jay. Part of me still expected to feel guilt but there was none, all I felt was overwhelming love for him and the need to have him all to myself. I removed my stockings that I still wore from last night...
Sally and her Black Lover Eddie Visit Me [Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter what a man’s skin color, these...
JOB DESCRIPTION:Mistress Emma is a 49yo , SWF, 5'9", 240lb, 42DD, BBW, uninhibited, sexually adventurous, dominant female who lives in the Portland, Oregon area. By day she is a senior project manager for a large company, with a Master's Degree who has travelled to 4 continents and over two dozen countries. She doesn't do d**gs, drink excessively, gamble or have financial problems. To the outside world, she is a very responsible, respectable and productive member of society. Her one vice is...
Sally and her Black Lover Eddie Visit Me[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter what a man’s skin color,...
I just wanted to share this with the guys, as what you think you want may not be what you want. I’ve been very lucky in my marriages – been married more than once and each of my wives liked to play, although at different levels. My wife and I are older now, but both of us have experienced threesomes with extra males in our bed and we found we preferred longer term relationships with an extra male for her – it kept her feeling good and kept me horny. Speaking only of my current wife of 30 years,...
She said she was going to take a lover. We were sitting at the dining table for dinner when she told me. I did not even hesitate before I answered. I said “OK.” This is a story of someone who finally had enough of the social climber world heaped on him. I am Jack (short for Jackson) Walden, 34, married for 12 years. I am a very successful inventor and technical writer. I own a small manufacturing plant. That stuff doesn’t mean much to me. Money is just a scorecard, and I ain’t playing the...
Vampires. They're the lords of the night, the stalkers of the living. Each one was an irresistible pale beauty with powers far greater than any creature who lurked in the darkness. With one simple gaze they can trap you in their lustful spell and turn you into a mindless puppet. They held the strength of ten men and the speed of a cheetah. For countless Centuries, Vampires reigned dominion over lands, towns, and kingdoms. Villages have paid them tribute in exchange for safety. They were truly...