The Futa's Mind-Controlling Panties Chapter 1: Daughter's Big Futa Surprise free porn video

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Chapter One: Daughter's Big Futa Surprise

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2020

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this!

The figure stared in delight at the five new pairs of panties it had made. These were both subtler and more blatant creations then its last affair. This time, it had devised a new game. It had searched long and hard for the perfect mortal woman to gift these panties to. Through the mist, it had quested.

Found her.

Mildred Dean. A quiet woman. Thirty. Mousy-brown hair. Glasses. The sort of woman that the phrase wallflower conjured.

The five pairs of panties were spread out on the figure's desk. The magic wreathed each and every one of them. The first pair was a purple thong with pink lacing around the waistband. Something naughty and daring.

The second was virginal in its simplicity. Entirely white and cut to grip a schoolgirl's maturing rump. Bands of ruffled lace descended across the seat of the panties, a wicked treat for any who glimpsed the owner in them.

The third was black stain, the fabric sleek and glossy. It was cut high on the sides and plunged down as two triangles to cup front and back. The woman who wore these would give her lover heart palpitations.

The fourth was flannel boy shorts. They would fit tight and look comfortable. Their blending of gender norms would make the girl who wore them appear cute and naughty all at the same time, possessing an allure that would ensure.

And last were the wildest. Black panties with red lace trimming the waistband and leg holes. More adorned the gusset, hiding the naughty fact that these were crotchless panties. It would take a dominating and assertive woman to feel at home in them.

The figure gathered them up with care. It placed them each into their own white box, the kind clothing often came in with delicate tissue paper to cradle their magic-wreathed fabric. It slid each lid over its mate with care and bound them in a purple ribbon, the bow tied with precision and care.

Excitement ran through the figure as it headed to the mist to step through and enter the most dangerous part of its plan: sneaking into a mortal's bedroom. This was a daring act, for trespassing in a mortal's house, it could be bound and trapped, chained by the laws that governed its mischievous kind.

It appeared in the house.

Cardboard boxes lay everywhere, some open and half unpacked. The owner had just moved in. The start of a new life, or so she hoped, away from her apartment. It meant a commute to her work, but she yearned for the greater privacy a larger house would provide. She could peer through the windows and spy on the neighbors, as she already had.

She'd spotted many delectable things that had her blood boiling.

Though she was a quiet woman, she had many desires. They simmered in her virginal body. Lust for her beautiful and dominating boss. For her preacher's wife and innocent daughter. For her family doctor. The nurses who worked at the clinic. Even her friend found space in her masturbatory fantasies. When she caught a glimpse of the papergirl this very morning, she almost melted from the cuteness. She'd fingered herself to spying on her neighbors. The ones on her right had a mother and two daughters. On her left only a single mother and her daughter. Across the street, a trophy wife, and next to her another mother and two daughters.

Mildred Dean didn't have the courage to act on her desires. It was time to change that.

The figure left all five packages on her bed along with a note to explain their purpose. One pair of panties were for her. The other four were destined for the right women, if Mildred Dean had the inclination to share her fun.

The figure didn't know. It couldn't wait to find out.

Packages placed, the figure slipped out of the room, down the stairs, and out into its mist to wait and watch the game that was about to unfold.


Chloe Quick

“Let's go, Chloe!” my friend, Stacey Goode, said. She stood by the door to the classroom, her brown pigtails swaying down around her shoulders. “It's starting in twenty minutes.”

“Coming,” I said, darting to her. She was a petite girl, like me. Not surprising since we were both eighteen and freshman at East Tahoma College.

I raced to her, my long, coltish legs flashing before me, my tight jeans clinging to me. I started wearing skinny jeans. Just like my older sister, Bryana, would wear. That had made her roll her eyes. I wasn't copying her. All the girls my age wore skinny jeans.

Well, not my friend. Stacey wore a pink skirt and white tights. She adjusted her backpack on her shoulders, shifting the long-sleeved, pink top she wore with white bunny rabbits on it. She had a bright smile on her face, her hazel eyes sparkling.

“I don't want to miss the start of the stream!” she said.

It was Tuesday, and that meant our favorite YouTuber would be streaming about the latest fashion and gossip on YouTube. Pretty Pretty Kay was bursting full of fashion tips that we were always a little too scared to try, and scandalous tales that sent nervous heat through our virgin bodies. It made us both ache for our first time with boys.

We raced through the halls. I had my photography club, which was why no one was around. Everyone else had gone home, mostly. We almost ran into Ms. Escamilla, our history professor. The Hispanic woman gasped and jumped out of our way.

“No running in the halls!” she shouted in our wake.

“Sorry, Ms. Escamilla,” we both called back, slowing to walks. Our feet padded on the floor until we rounded the corner.

Then we ran again.

We burst out of the college and hurried down the sidewalk. We had to stop our fast pace by the time we reached the street out in front of the school, panting and winded. We headed through our neighborhood at a fast walk, both of us excited for the beginning of the stream. I peeked in on my phone as we walked. Already, the chat was going fast. People were talking about what another YouTuber said about Pretty Pretty Katy.

“She's not vapid!” I gasped.

“What?” gasped Stacey. “Who said that?”

“They're saying Scarlet Rouge said it,” I gasped. That was a rival makeup YouTuber.

“That trollop called Katy vapid?” Incensed anger crossed my friend's face. “This stream is going to be epic. Katy's going to tear her up!”

I nodded, salivating for the drama. This could start a feud that could last a few weeks.

We turned onto my street and rushed down it. I lived on a cul-de-sac. We passed Alesha Lyon's house. She was a Black woman that I found a little scary. She was always yelling at her daughter, Kendall, who was a year older than us. Then we passed the house that had finally sold. It had sat vacant for over a year, but the lawn was now mowed, much to my dad's pleasure, and the new owner had settled in.

“Hey, girls,” called Mrs. Solomon from across the road.

“Hi, Mrs. Solomon,” I said at the busty woman. She had a boob job and was always showing them off. Mom hated her. Mrs. Solomon was a trophy wife and lounged around all day sipping wine and flirting with the pool boy. She was watering her flowers in a pair of shorts so tight that she must have painted them on.

Not even my sister wore shorts that tight.

“Is your aunt going to be around?” asked Stacey as we reached my house. “Last time I was here she went on a rant about men. It wasn't fun.”

“She's just bitter about getting cheated on by Unc... By her ex-husband.” It was so weird that I didn't have an Uncle Mike any longer. My Aunt Nadine had even gone back to her maiden name, Law. She was my mother's sister and living with us right now.

I liked Uncle Mike more than Aunt Nadine. It sucked that she was the one I was related to and not him.

“I don't see her car in the driveway,” I said. “That's a good sign. She's probably at Pilates again.”

“Good,” my friend muttered.

I reached my front door and opened it. Mom was home, she often was in the day since she worked out of her own office, and...

“Yes, yes, yes!” moaned through the house. My mom was gasping. I didn't see Dad's car in the driveway. And it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. “Oh, my fucking god! That's good! Keep doing that!”

My mom was cheating on my dad.

I couldn't believe it. This anger surged through me. My friend grabbed my hand at the sounds of wild, passionate moaning bursting from the kitchen. I shook my friend's hand off of me. I marched forward.

“Oh, yes, yes, Dianne, that pussy is so tight!” a woman moaned.

That halted me halfway across the living room. My mother was cheating on my dad with a woman? My head reeled from this revelation. What was going on? My mother loved my dad. Right? Were they having problems? Up the street, Fawn and Sasha's parents had gotten a divorce. Now they just lived with just their mother who was now Tabitha Brenton instead of Tabitha Ford.

“Oh, yes, yes, work that tight pussy on my cock. This is amazing. I can't believe I have a cock.”

Now I was really, really confused. A cock? That was a woman. Was this some sort of strange nightmare?

Stacey whimpered behind me. She grabbed my hand again with both of hers. She clutched tight, her palms sweaty. The slap of flesh echoed through the house, almost drowning out my friend's groans.

My own.

My stomach churned with fear and trepidation. I crept forward, driven by this need to see what was going on. This couldn't be what I was hearing. It had to be a dream. A joke. My mom couldn't be cheating on my dad with a woman who had a dick.

Women didn't have dicks!

Step by step, I crept closer and closer to the kitchen. I noticed the discarded clothing. A pair of my mom's yoga pants, the one with the hole in the butt she only wore around the house not caring if her panties were peeking out. A t-shirt she'd gotten from the fair last fall when we went as a family. Her beige bra and a matching pair of panties.

And another woman's clothing. A dress with a long skirt and sleeves with a ruffled collar. Like something a spinster from the fifties would wear. A white bra. A pair of pantyhose with a long run in them.

“Yes, yes, yes, drive that cock into me!” gasped my mother. “How did you get his magnificent thing?”

“A gift!” she moaned. “It's my futa-cock. I'm a futa now! Don't you love that!”

“Yes!” Mom moaned. “Mmm, and these panties. These panties smell amazing.”

I reached the kitchen. My heart pounded a thousand miles per hour beneath my chest. I gripped my friend's two hands clutching mine. She pulled on me like she was afraid of what I'd see. Like she didn't want me to witness the adulterous sight. But I had to. I had to see what was going on. Then I would tell my father.

I reached the edge of the kitchen and peered in.

Mom was bent over the central island set with a stovetop. She had her left arm planted on the edge of the counter, bracing herself. Her large breasts heaved and bounced, swaying as she rocked forward and back. She held a pair of purple panties in her hand. She was inhaling their scent, rubbing them on her face like they were the greatest smelling thing in the world.

A faint, tangy aroma tickled my nose.

The woman fucking her was our new neighbor. The brown-haired woman who'd moved in just yesterday. I hadn't gotten more than a glimpse of her. Now I could see all of her. She was naked save for the glasses shifting on her nose. Round breasts bounced with her every thrust of her hips. Her slender legs weren't as parted as much as my mother's were. Her rump clenched as she drove forward.

She had something flesh thrusting from her crotch. I couldn't see all of it, but she was driving it into my mother's pussy. Was it a strap-on? I knew lesbians used those, but I didn't see a harness around her waist.

Surely she needed a harness around her waist.

“Oh, my god, I love fucking your pussy with my futa-dick!” the woman moaned. “Mmm, you like that? My big cock slamming into your pussy?”

“God, yes!” moaned Mom. She kept rubbing her face into the woman's panties. “And the way your heavy balls smack into my clit. Oh, my god, that's better than my husband's cock. You're thicker. Longer. Yes, yes, yes!”


I swayed, clinging to Stacey's hand. My friend's breath tickled my ear as she stood behind me, watching over my shoulder. I wanted to cry out my anger, but I stood rooted to the spot, transfixed by the adulterous sight.

That woman couldn't have a cock.

“Your pussy feels so good,” panted the woman. “This is better than I could have imagined. Ooh, I just had to have you. You're so sexy, Dianne. Mmm, I masturbated my pussy thinking about you last night.”

“No wonder these panties are so fragrant,” groaned Mom.

“Oh, no, those are new. I just found them. Had to come home from work early and... and...” The woman shuddered. “It doesn't matter.”

“No, no, just keep fucking me, Mildred. I want to cum on this cock.”

“You will! Then I'll fire so much jizz in you. You're going to be mine, aren't you, Dianne?”

“Yours!” Mom breathed happily.

What was going on? Why was this happening?

Mildred's strokes grew harder. Faster. Her boobs heaved. Mom's breasts bounced. Her blonde hair swayed about her face, half-hiding her expressions. She sounded so happy. So enthralled by Mildred's cock fucking her.

Stacey tugged on my hand, trying to draw me away.

I couldn't.

I breathed in again. That tangy musk filled my nose. My eyes stared at Mildred as she ran her hands up and down my mom's sides. Then they slid around and cupped Mom's breasts. The woman squeezed them the way Dad probably did.

Only Dad should do that.

“Yes, yes, yes!” hissed Mom. “Mmm, pinch my nipples. That will really make me cum!”

“Ooh, I want to feel you cum!”

Mildred's hands slid up my mother's breasts, fingers squeezing into them. Then she found my mother's nipples and pinched them. My own pussy clenched as my mom threw back her head and shouted out in orgasmic delight.

My mother came.

She orgasmed on this stranger's cock.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she howled in pure ecstasy. She wasn't a mother at all right then. Not a wife. She was a woman.

My cheeks burned as I watched her tremble. Mildred slammed harder into my mother then she moaned, too. My eyes widened as I realized she was pumping cum into my mother's pussy. Right before my eyes, a woman flooded my mother with seed.

A girl's seed.

“Oh, god, cumming with a cock is amazing!” she moaned. Her body swayed, clutching to my mother's boobs. “Oh, Dianne, yes! Milk my cum out of my balls!”

“Your big, sexy girl-balls!” hissed Mom. “Oh, yes, yes, pump all that futa-seed in me. You're going to breed me.”

“Hot!” hissed the woman.

Breed her? I reeled. And then I made a startled groan. This was too far. “Mom!”

Mom's head snapped over to me. She didn't jump. Didn't freak out. A lazy smile appeared on her face. She trembled through her pleasure, her blue eyes sparkling. Dimples shone in her flushed cheeks, her motherly face transformed into something whorish.

“Oh, Chloe, you're home. Mmm, Mommy's been naughty, hasn't she.?” Mom inhaled from the panties again. “Sooooo naughty.”

“What the heck is going on!” I demanded, jerking from my friend's grasp to take two steps forward. “You're cheating on Dad with her!”

“But I have to,” she moaned, still rubbing those damned panties into her face like they were the sweetest thing in the world.

Anger boiled through me. “Put those filthy things down right now! I can't believe you!”

Mildred pulled her cock out of my mother's pussy, drawing my attention. Inch after inch of her shaft appeared. She was dripping with my mother's fluids. And there was so much of her. Eight inches. Nine inches. More. My jaw dropped as this massive dick popped out of her. She turned to face me, a pair of hairless balls swinging beneath. The tip was still throbbing hard. A bit of cum beaded in her slit.

“I'm, uh, I'm going to go,” Stacey said and then she fled.

“Show her, Dianne,” Mildred purred. She smacked my mother on the rump in such a possessive manner. Then squeezed her butt-cheek. “Enlighten your daughter.”

“Yes!” Mom moaned and finally ripped the panties from her face.

“Yes, enlighten me, Mom!” I sneered, so furious. I should have pulled out my phone and recorded this detestable sight. Then Dad would have the proof to destroy her in divorce court. My entire body shook with fury. Our family was perfect, and now she was ruining things.

Just like Aunt Nadine and Uncle Mike.

Mom advanced on me. Her large, naked breasts swayed from side to side. Her blonde pubic hair dripped with cream. With cum. Pearly girl-jizz coated her strands and ran in thick rivulets down both her thighs.

“It'll all make sense,” Mom crooned as she advanced, her eyes a little glossy. A little... unfocused.

I took a step back and swallowed. Uncertainty rippled through me. “Mom?”

“Don't be afraid.” She was almost up to me. “Oh, Chloe, this will open your eyes. Like it did mine.”

I took another step back. I wanted to run. The rabbit instinct in me to flee surged through my body.

As if sensing I was moments from flight, Mom burst the last few feet in a spurt of speed. I gasped as she was before me in an instant, left hand grabbing the back of my head and digging into my spicy-blonde hair. Then her right hand shoved those purple panties with their pink lacing right into my face.

I held my breath out of instinct.

She rubbed the panties into my face, grinding them against me with this manic look in her eyes. They were wild with lust. With need. She smeared the wet fabric across my face. They were soaked in pussy juices.

I had to breathe.

Dark spots danced before my eyes.

My longs burned.

Breathe! Just breathe!

I fought against that impulse. I did. I struggled hard, but I couldn't pull away from Mom. She held the back of my head in a vice-like grip. My entire body bucked. Shuddered. My lungs screamed at me.

I inhaled...


The tangy musk of Mildred's pussy was amazing. I relaxed in an instant. I smiled in delight and breathed the aroma in again. It was even better on the second inhalation. The third. I sucked in as much air as I could through my nose to categorize all the wonderful scents and delights that brimmed in those panties. The vagary delights of a woman's pussy.

Her pussy!

“See,” Mom cooed. She relaxed her grip on me. She stroked her hand down the fall of my hair. “You understand now. I'm not cheating on my father. How can it ever be cheating with a goddess who has a cock?”

“You're right, Mom,” I said, so glad she was rubbing them into my face. Then she nuzzled in, too. She breathed it in with me. We reveled in Mildred's delicious pussy.

The goddess walked around us. I followed her out of the corner of my eye, her round breasts jiggling. She adjusted her glasses as she moved behind me. I felt her staring at me. Desiring me. I quivered in my skinny jeans, so glad I was wearing them.

“How old are you...? It was Chloe, right?”

“Yes, yes! Chloe. I'm eighteen.”

“Wonderful,” she groaned. “Shame your friend fled, but we'll get her eventually, won't we? Yes, she'll understand.”

I nodded.

“Good. Now, why don't you strip naked so your mother and I can see how beautiful you are. Your mother likes girls now. Women.”

“Oh, yes,” groaned Mom. “Women are just amazing. I understand. Women have this smell. Not as good as Mildred's, but I know yours will be breathtaking, honey.”

I whimpered in agreement.

I stepped back, so sad to pull those amazing panties from my face. I quivered and swayed there. I swallowed and then ripped off my purple blouse. I threw it down, wearing a tank-top-like slip on underneath. My breasts were so small, I didn't need to wear a bra. I sometimes did, of course, but other times I wore a slip so my nipples wouldn't be obvious if they grew hard.

They poked at the thin material. I groaned as I dragged them up and up my body. I shuddered, my pussy clenching. The heat rushed down from my nipples to my twat. My hips wiggled from side to side, the heat bursting through me.

I unveiled my breasts. Mom and Mildred both groaned.

“Aren't your daughter's tits so cute?” Mildred asked, my vision momentarily obscured.

“Yes,” Mom breathed as I pulled the slip over my head. Sight restored, my sandy-blonde hair spilling in a wild flutter about my face.

I shook it as Mom and Mildred salivated over my perky breasts. Small A cups with pink nipples topping them. I shuddered and unsnapped my skinny jeans. I wiggled my hips, my titties jiggling ever so slightly as I worked off those tight pants.

“Why don't you cup them, Dianne,” cooed Mildred. “Suck on one of your daughter's delectable nipples.”

“Yes,” Mom moaned, not caring that it would be incest. What was so wrong with women doing things with other women?

Nothing. It was beautiful.

I had just worked my jeans over the swell of my rump when Mom's hands cupped my little titties. Her fingers kneaded them, sending a warm tingle rushing down my body to my pussy. My cunt clenched and a wild thrill raced through me. I groaned, squirming there as Mom's lips descended.

Her mouth opened wide.

She sucked my nipple in between her hot lips.

I groaned at the hunger. She nursed on me. Nibbling, sucking, teasing me. It was such a wild thing to experience. I groaned, trembling. My heart thundered in my chest. My hips wiggled from side to side as I reveled in it.

Her tongue danced around my areola.

“Mom,” I whimpered as I pushed down my jeans, peeling them off my hips and over my rump. “Oh, Mom, that's amazing.”

Mildred smiled at me while my mom sucked, her lips sealed about my little nub.

My cunt clenched. Juices flowed. I pushed my jeans down my thighs. Then I wiggled my hips and worked my legs. I used my feet to pull down my pants, not able to bend over thanks to my mother sucking on my nipple. I managed to pry them off of me.

Mildred grabbed my ass through my panties. They were pink today with a purple cat on the rump. “Naughty Kitty,” purred Mildred, her fingers tracing the words printed above the cat. “What a delectable thing to wear.”

“I'm glad you enjoy them,” I moaned then gasped as she tugged them down.

Her lips kissed down my naked spine as she peeled them off my rump. She went lower and lower, working my panties down my thighs now. Mom kept sucking on my nipple while Mildred's lips reached my butt. She kissed over my right cheek, smooching on it as she dragged my panties down to my calves. I stepped out of them.

Heard her inhale and knew she was smelling my panties. She let out a satisfied moan. “Mmm, that's nice, little kitty. And I know what kitty-cats love. Milk from the saucer. I pumped plenty in your mother's pussy. Lick my delicious cream out of your mom's twat.”

“Yes, Mildred,” I moaned, a hunger blossoming to do just that.

I sank down to my knees before my mother, pulling my nipple from her sucking mouth. She smiled down at me and brought the panties to her face. She inhaled deeply while my hands grabbed her thighs. I gripped them as I leaned in, staring at my mother's blonde bush. The silky strands were matted with Mildred's girl-cum.

I licked my lips. The spicy musk of my mother's pussy filled my nose. Not as breathtaking as Mildred's, but then whose twat could be? I still found the incestuous musk invigorating. I licked my lips, eager to feast, to lap up my first taste of a woman's pussy.

My mother's pussy was full of girl-cum.

“That's it, kitty-cat,” purred Mildred. “Get in there and lap up that saucer of cream I left for you.”

“Yes,” I groaned and nuzzled into my mom's snatch.

I trembled at the first brush of my mother's pubic hair on my nose and lips. I loved the delicious and tender feel of them. They felt amazing. This was something wild and beautiful. Something just perfect for me to enjoy. I licked a twat for the first time, caressing through her hairs, lightly grazing the hot flesh of her vulva beneath. I scooped up the spiced-flavor of her salty jizz.

My eyes widened at the delightful flavor melting across my taste buds.

Mother groaned, too. She stared down at me past her swaying breasts, her eyes bright and wild. She smiled at me and whimpered, encouraging me to lick and lap at her. I didn't need any encouragement. Mildred wanted me to do this.

So I wanted to do this.

I licked with more confidence. My tongue danced across her vulva. I scooped up her juices mixed with Mildred's girl-cum. I reveled in the taste of them mixed together. The spice and salt melted across my tongue again. I groaned at the wonderful flavor. My hips wiggled from side to side, my own pussy growing hotter and hotter with every moment.

“That's it, kitty-cat,” cooed Mildred behind me. She stroked my naked back, petting me. “Mmm, you're just enjoying all that cream, aren't you?”

“Uh-huh,” I moaned between licks.

My tongue parted through my mother's folds. I reveled in the taste of her. I groaned, my tongue darting through her pussy lips, stroking her pink flesh. More of Mildred's cum leaked out. That delicious rush surged through me every time I tasted girl-jizz. My mother moaned, her spicy pussy juices dribbling down my chin.

She undulated her hips, stirring her cunt around on my face. Her silky bush massaged me. Tickled and teased me. I loved it. I closed my eyes for a moment, reveling in it. Then I gasped at the soft kisses working down my back.

Mildred smooched her way lower and lower.

“Mmm, yes, yes, pretty kitty-cat,” she moaned. “Eat your mother's cunt. This is so hot. I've always wanted mothers and daughters to do naughty things together.”

“I'm so glad to do this for you,” I moaned.

“Yes, yes, eat me out, Chloe.” Mom shuddered. “Eat out my pussy. Mmm, that's where you came from. Eighteen-years-ago. Yes, yes, just dig in and lick me. Devour my cunt. Oh, you're just such a naughty thing. You're just feasting on me. I love it.”

I thrust my tongue into her pussy. I scooped out more and more of that yummy cum. Mildred's lips kissed down my back. She reached my tush. She smooched around it, her lips so hot and wet. Naughty tingles raced through me.

Silky hairs caressed my lips and cheeks. My tongue wiggled deeper into my mother. My clit throbbed. My pussy clenched. My virgin flesh burned to be touched. I squeezed my mom's thighs, wanting to finger myself.

But Mildred was kissing lower.

“I can smell your cream, kitty-cat,” purred Mildred. “So much like your mother's. But fresher. Younger.”

“Yes, yes, eat my daughter's pussy like you ate mine,” Mom moaned. Her left hand grabbed a fistful of my sandy-blonde hair. She held tight to me. “Oh, Chloe, honey, she made me cum so hard by eating me out.”

“That's good!” I moaned, Mildred's lips kissing around the bottom swell of my butt to nuzzle up between my thighs.

I thrust my tongue deep into Mom's pussy, scooping out more cum. It was getting harder to reach it. I wiggled my tongue as far as I could, straining for any more of that salty delight. But all I could taste was my mom's spicy pussy.

I whimpered in disappointment until I remembered I still had the treat of being able to eat out my mother's incestuous twat. I flicked and flailed and ran my tongue through her folds. I brushed her clit. I loved playing with mine.

So I played with hers.

“Chloe!” she gasped. “Oh, my sweet Chloe, yes!”

At the same moment my tongue swirled around her clit, Mildred's mouth pressed into my virgin muff. My pubic hairs shifted out of the way. Her breath spilled across my hot vulva. Then her tongue lapped out and caressed me.

I moaned around my mother's clit. A hot shudder ran through me as this amazing woman licked and lapped and played with my cunt. My hips wiggled from side to side as the pleasure built and built in me.

Her tongue caressed up my slit. She nuzzled into my folds and brushed my hymen. I gasped, little sparks of delight bursting through me from her wicked touch. I loved it. I was growing dizzy from how she touched me. Teased me.

I sucked on my mother's clit.

“Chloe! Chloe! You're going to make Mommy cum!”

“Good,” cooed Mildred as she caressed my hot pussy. “Mmm, little kitty-cat, lick up all your mommy's cream!”

“Yes!” I moaned and licked.

I feasted on that spicy cream adorning my mother's pussy lips. Every time I swiped over them, there was more to drink. I closed my eyes shut while whimpering. Mildred's tongue felt amazing on my virgin twat.

She dug through my folds, too. Caressed my tight pussy lips. Her tongue found my clit and danced around my bud. Pleasure burst inside of me. I whimpered at how intense it was to be touched by another woman.

A woman with a cock!

My cunt clenched deep inside of me. Stacey and I had whispered about how we would love to be deflowered. It would be so hot and exciting to have a woman with a dick do it. I groaned, my hips wiggling back and forth, rubbing my hot twat against Mildred's lips.

“That's it!” gasped Mom, her big tits heaving over my head. “Oh, yes, yes, you're driving Mommy to a big orgasm.”

“Good!” I moaned, clutching at Mom's thighs. “Mildred's doing the same thing to me.”


“Mmm, such a yummy pussy,” Mildred cooed. “Oh, Dianne, your daughter is amazing. Yes, yes, I want her to cream my face.”

“She will!” Mom moaned, her voice growing breathy and her pussy hotter on my mouth. “Oh, she'll drown you.”

Mom was about to cum. I shuddered and attacked her pussy now, giving her the same pleasure that Mildred gave me. Delight rippled through me every time Mildred danced her tongue around my clit. Then she nibbled on it.

I nibbled on Mom's. Sucked on it. I stared up at her, watching her face twist in delight. She rubbed the purple panties into her right tit while her left hand gripped my hair. She threw her head back and howled out in rapture.

My mom came on my face.

As she gasped out her pleasure, her pussy juices gushed out and splattered my face. This wonderful tide of spicy delight. I drank it down while Mildred's tongue danced over my pussy. This rush of wicked delight surged through me. I groaned and gasped, wiggling from side to side as my own rapture built in me.

It was incredible.

I was being devoured by the futa while I licked up my mom's passion. Her big boobs heaved above me. They smacked into each other. I whimpered and groaned, my hips dancing from side to side, grinding my little snatch on Mildred's hungry mouth.

“Oh, my sweet kitty-cat!” Mom gasped. “Oh, Chloe, honey! You're such a good daughter. Such a wonderful and sweet child!”

“Mmm, and spicy, too!” Mildred moaned, her hands squeezing my butt-cheeks.

I kept licking and lapping at my mother's cream, my own pleasure building and building as I feasted on her. Mom rubbed the purple panties into her boob, smearing Mildred's pussy cream across her breast. Her tit glistened.

I thrust my tongue into my mother's pussy. I sank deep into her, soaking in her depths. I loved the feel of her snatch writhing and convulsing around my tongue. I came from this naughty hole. Now my tongue was back in her, wiggling around.

“Oh, that's incredible!” gasped Mom.

“Mmm, yes,” I moaned, rubbing my face into my mother's twat. I savored every last moment of this. I reveled in the treat of devouring my mother's pussy cream while my own orgasm built and built.

Mildred's tongue brushed against my hymen. She caressed up and down my slit. I was so close to my climax. To that wonderful moment when I would tremble in delight. I whimpered, reveling in my mother's pussy juices.

Mildred's fingers squeezed my tush. She kneaded it while her tongue flicked to my clit. She nibbled on it. Stroked it. Sparks flared through me every time she did it. I whimpered, knowing I was coming closer and closer to having an orgasm. A beautiful and sensual moment of bliss that would have me screaming my head off.

Her tongue caressed my clit for that final spark to flare and land on my simmering orgasm.

I blazed to life.

“Mom!” I howled. “I'm cumming!”

“Wonderful!” she gushed.

An ecstatic wave of delight washed out of my spasming pussy's depths. A rapture more intense than any I delivered by rubbing my cunny with my fingers or humping against my favorite stuffed teddy bear or using the shower massager. It was incredible. A true climax.

Mildred moaned as she licked up the juices flooding out of me. She groaned with her own delight as I trembled on my knees, my orgasm hitting that feverish pitch. I hovered at the pinnacle of my climax, her fingers digging into my twat.

“I have to pop this cherry,” groaned Mildred. “Dianne, sit on the couch with your legs spread, and kitty cat, go sit between them and throw your legs wide. Dianne, part Chloe's pussy folds and beg me to pop your daughter's cherry.”

Mildred had the greatest ideas. Mom and I moaned together, both of us eager to obey. Mom had the advantage since she was standing. She rushed around me as I scrambled to my feet. Her bubbly ass jiggled on the way there. She reached the couch, spun around, and sank down. She spread her thighs, her brown bush on display.

I scampered after her, my small titties jiggling. I grinned at her as I reached her with a hop at the end of my dash. Then I bounced in place and spun in the air, my hair whipping around me. Mildred clapped in delight, my pussy cream dripping from her chin.

I landed and then sank down between my mom's thighs. I leaned my head back and sank between her pillowy breasts. I threw my legs over hers, spread as wide as I could get them. I felt my little pussy on display. I gasped as Mom slid her hand down my stomach, through my sparse bush, to spread apart my vulva and show off my petals.

My hymen.

“Please pop my daughter's cherry,” she moaned. “Come and fuck my little kitty-cat.”

Mildred groaned. She stroked her big cock as she stalked towards us. Her cute, hairless balls swayed from side to side, revealing her pussy lips peeking out behind them. She had that delicious cunt hidden by them. It was so exciting.

My heart pounded in my chest as she came closer and closer. I squirmed, rubbing my rump into my mother's wet bush. Her fingers holding my pussy lips open had my heart racing. It went pitter-patter with my wild excitement.

Mildred reached me. She knelt down. With me sitting before Mom, I was on the couch's edge. My pussy right there for her cock to penetrate. She aimed it at me. That big, huge cock should terrify me. But I had nothing to fear from Mildred.

I wanted her to slide into me. I knew it would be amazing. I would feel incredible. I would gasp and moan and shout out in delight. I would shudder and squirm on her cock. She would make me into a woman.

“Mmm, you ready, kitty cat?” Mildred asked as she nuzzled her dick's tip into my pussy. She pressed that thick tip right against my hymen held exposed by my mother's fingers.

I nodded.

“Say it,” Mildred cooed.

“I'm so ready for your futa-cock to pop my cherry. I want you to make me into a woman!”

“Yes,” Mom groaned, her soft breasts spilling around my face. She kissed the crown of my head. “Please, Mildred, you just have to do it. you just have to make her into a woman. She needs it.”

“Yes, she does,” Mildred purred and pressed forward.

I gasped at the hot contact of her futa-dick against my hymen. I squirmed as she pressed against it. My pitter-pattering heart beat faster and faster. I whimpered, this wicked thrill rising in my chest. This was it. It was happening. My maidenhead stretched more and more. It started to hurt.

I whimpered.

My cherry popped.

Mildred's girl-cock plunged two inches into my pussy.

I gasped and shuddered. I held her in my cunt. I whimpered in absolute delight. My body trembled. This wonderful rapture rushed through my pussy and then spilled through my body. I wasn't a little girl any longer.

I was a woman.

I bit my lower lip as more and more of Mildred's girl-cock slid into my cunt. I gasped and whimpered. It felt incredible. My head tossed back and forth, reveling in the feel of her futa-dick filling me up.

I stretched.

My cunny expanded to take more and more of her. I stared down past my small titties and her round breasts to where our bodies united. Inch after inch of her cock vanished into my deflowered hole. My toes curled as her swaying balls came closer and closer to me.

Then they touched me. Her girl-balls rested against my taint. My pussy clenched around her cock, feeling all of her girth in me. I quivered there, my thighs wrapped around her waist. My eyes stared up at her in awe.

“Mom! Mom! Mildred's in me all the way!”

“That's wonderful, my cute kitty-cat,” cooed Mom. Her hand slid up and up my belly to cup my little titties. She squeezed them and kneaded them. “You're going to love this next part.”

“I know I will,” Mildred groaned and pulled back.

My eyes widened as her cock now slid out of me. My pussy clung to her. The friction was incredible. Delight rippled through me. My thighs tightened around her waist as she stimulated me. I whimpered, licking my lips, tasting Mom's spicy musk on them. Her fingers squeezed my little titties, massaging me as I savored being fucked.

By a woman with a dick.

Mildred pumped her girl-dick in and out of me. Her balls smacked into my taint over and over. I gasped and moaned, squirming against my mom, rubbing my head between her big, soft boobs. The pleasure raced through me, the wonderful delight of being fucked hard by Mildred's delicious cock.

I whimpered and shuddered, the pleasure building and building in me with every thrust. Mildred's round boobies bounced before me, her brown hair swaying about her face. Her glasses caught the light, flashing every few thrusts.

“Oh, Mom!” I groaned, her hands kneading my tits. Her fingers found my nipples.

She pinched.

“Mom!” I squealed. “Oh, wow. Oh, yes!”

As she played with my nipples, my pussy clamped down harder on Mildred's futa-cock. That increased the pleasure racing through me. I whimpered and moaned, humping against the beautiful woman. She plowed her cock deep and hard into my pussy. Every stroke sent a wave of delight through my flesh.

And built that wonderful ache,

I knew it was coming. A grand orgasm. My first on Mildred's girl-cock. But I knew it wouldn't be the last. I felt so safe and loved and warm in my mother's arms as Mildred drove her futa-dick into me. She slammed it hard. Deep. Her face contorted with bliss.

“I'm going to explode in your pussy, kitty-cat!” Mildred moaned, her heavy, hairless balls smacking into me.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned, so ready to feel that cum spurting into me. “Mildred! Do it! Fire your cum in me!”

“Oh, that sounds so wonderful. Then this mama-cat can lick her little kitten all clean.” Mom kissed the top of my forehead while her fingers twisted my nipples. “How does that sound?”

“Amazing!” I howled, so close to my orgasm.

Mildred's cock rammed so deep and hard into me. Her pubic mound rubbed on my clit. Sparks of pleasure burst through me. I gasped and moaned, feeling incredible. I whimpered, my twat clenching about her shaft, massaging her as she drew back.

Her face contorted. Her nose wiggled, shifting her glasses. The sexy futa slammed back into the juicy depths of my deflowered pussy. Her balls smacked into my taint. She threw back her head and howled out in delight.

Something hot jetted into me and splashed against the back of my cunt.

Her cum.

“She's jizzing in me, Mom!” I howled, and the pleasure exploded through me.

“Oh, my little kitten, yes!” Mom moaned, twisting my nipples while the rapture burst through me.

My pussy convulsed and writhed on Mildred's cock. My flesh spasmed about her. I whimpered, moaned, and shuddered in my mother's embrace. The waves of delight washed through my body. They were so intense. They sloshed into my mind.

I drowned in rapture.

More and more futa-cum fired into me as I squealed. Mildred gasped, her eyes gleaming as they stared down at me through her glasses. My pussy spasmed around her girl-cock. I was milking out her cum. I was working all her wonderful jizz out of her girl-balls. I gasped and moaned, so happy to drain her dry with my writhing pussy.

“My sweet kitty-cat!” Mildred moaned and spurted a final time in me.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I gasped, dizzy from this wonderful bliss that peaked in me.

“Oh, did my daughter please you, Mildred?” Mom begged, desperate to know. “Please, please say she did.”

“Yes!” I moaned, staring up at the gorgeous dickgirl who'd give my mother and me such wonderful joy.


Mildred Dean

I panted as I stared down at the girl, her pussy still rippling slightly around my girl-cock. This eighteen-year-old cherub had felt amazing around my futa-dick. My second taste of cunt, and it was from this sexy woman's daughter.

This was all my wild dreams come to life. I don't know why these panties were waiting for me on my bed. Why this mysterious P had left them in my house. Nor if I should ever share this delight with others and give out those four other pairs of panties.

All that mattered was the bliss. The incestuous delight of a mother and daughter worshiping my cock. My pussy juices made them love me. Care for me. I didn't have to fear rejection. Didn't have to be scared that my fantasies were too perverted.

My virgin pussy clenched in delight. I would have so much fun with these two. With the other women on my street, my boss, my friend, that sexy secretary, the reverend's wife, and the reverend's daughter. Any woman I wanted would love me if they smelled my pussy-soaked panties.

What a wonderful gift.

“Well, let's—” I started to say when the front door opened.

To be continued...


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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 1 MILFs Throbbing Futa Surprise

Chapter One: MILF's Throbbing Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! In the basement laboratory, Jolene Harland held up the glass vial staring at the reaction happening in the solution. What had started out as a deep blue liquid was now transforming into a bright, almost hot, pink. The twenty-year-old girl pushed up her glasses with her free hand as she waited for the reaction to come to an end. The solution settled into that pink hue....

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 6 FutaMommies Love Their Daughters

Chapter Six: Futa-Mommies Love Their Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland had a great time with her new futa-dick, but she was eager to see what her sexy mother had gotten up to. She wanted to compare notes with mommy dearest. Humming to herself, she left eighteen-year-old Ingrid Morales to scamper upstairs with a tummy full of cum. That girl was eager to see what her futa-mother was up to. Dressing quickly, Jolene Harland...

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The Worlds First Futa 03 Futas Big Surprise 1 Futas First Hot Surprise

Chapter One: Futa's First Hot Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Let me just touch up your makeup, Madam President,” the young man said, his black hair spiked up along the top and buzzed short on the side, a thick, gold hoop dangling from his left ear. I sat still on the couch before the live studio audience, my heart thudding. The ache in my futa-dick, tenting the front of my tight skirt, eased as the man rubbed liquid foundation on my face, thicker than what I...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 5 Latina MILFs Futa Delight

Chapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...

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Futa Naked In School 03 Futa MVPs Reward Chapter 2 Futas Taboo Decision

Chapter Two: Futa's Taboo Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Charisma Lacy's Week, Tuesday I felt numb as I sat naked in Coach Musil's office. My little sister was beside me, equally as nude as me. We were both chosen to attend classes sans clothing thanks to the Program. Being naked wasn't why I was numb. After two months of the Program running at our college, I'd grown used to seeing naked girls and wild sex around campus. I'd even made love to my sister before our mythology...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Chapter Three: Futa & the Latina Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 4 Latina MILFs Futa Discipline

Chapter Four: Latina MILF's Futa Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn't see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom's dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she'd be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Forbidden Wish Chapter 3 Keilys Futa Surprise

Chapter Three: Keily's Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I sucked on my sister's futa-cock, newly sprouted into my hungry mouth. Sunset just passed, the moment, according to B the futa-fairy, when the magical energy in the world, or something, change. When the “curse” the futa-fairies gave my sister and me triggered. At sunset, my cock shrank back into the little clit my sister nursed on now while her bud sprouted into this huge shaft filling my mouth. My first day as a...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 1 Ginny Bares It All

Chapter One: Ginny Bares All By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Monday “They have to be announcing the start of the Program,” my futa-girlfriend, Samantha, said, her arm around my shoulder. “Try not to sound so excited,” I muttered, my stomach churning as the students of Joanna Rogers College flowed across the open grounds towards the gymnasium. “I bet you want to see one of those busty girls like Claire Nowell or Janice Simms I saw you drooling over.” “Ginny,...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 6 FutaMommies Love Their Daughters

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland had a great time with her new futa-dick, but she was eager to see what her sexy mother had gotten up to. She wanted to compare notes with mommy dearest. Humming to herself, she left fourteen-year-old Ingrid Morales to scamper upstairs with a tummy full of cum. That girl was eager to see what her futa-mother was up to. Dressing quickly, Jolene Harland stepped out into the growing evening. The street lamps were flickering to life as...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 10 Futas Horny Wrestling

Chapter Ten: Futas' Horny Wrestling By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 2 Hot Daughters FutaMommy

Chapter Two: Hot Daughter's Futa-Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Autumn Holt I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn't a man's cum. That was a woman's cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. The woman who fucked me, the futa as she called herself, was at my eighteen-year-old daughter's...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 3 Ginnys Naughty Futa Revelation

Chapter Three: Ginny's Naughty Futa Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house's upstairs bathroom as the shower's spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas' cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice's blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my college's bathroom, I was taken again...

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Futa Naked In School 06 Futas Taboo Naked Performance Chapter 3 Juliets Futa Taboo Passion

Chapter Three: Juliet's Futa Taboo Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister's eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Forbidden Wish Chapter 1 Keilys Futa Gift

Chapter One: Keily's Futa Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 November was my favorite month of the year. And even though it was cold standing out on the street waiting for the city bus to take us to Washington College, I didn't care. Two weeks ago, on November 3rd, I turned nineteen. Until December 6th, I was the same age as my older sister Deidre. A month of not being younger than her. Technically. And now I had another reason to love November. The days were so short. The sun...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Exhibitionist Wish Chapter 1 Kimmies Futa Surprise

Chapter One: Kimmie's Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I stared at myself in the mirror, my hips cocked, swirling my pleated, green cheerleading skirts about my supple thighs. Watching that skirt flutter sent an excited shiver through me. Especially because the dildo thrusting through the pleats. I looked so hot. My brown hair was pulled back into a fun and perky ponytail, something perfect for cheerleading, keeping my hair out of my gorgeous, twenty-year-old face. I had...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with them. Just like her mother had shared with her. But she had no idea just what the...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 4 Futas First Sensual Contest

Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...

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The Worlds First Futa 07 Futas Naughty Hitchhiking Chapter 2 Futas First Sinful Delight

Chapter Two: Futa's First Sinful Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Did you know there's a convent in the middle of the Nebraska cornfields?” I asked Adelia, the delicious and fun woman interviewing me on my forty-eight birthday. We were talking about my life as the world's first futa while across the world people were watching the broadcast streamed live over the internet. “Really?” Adelia asked, blinking those soft-brown eyes of her. She pursed those delicious...

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The Worlds First Futa 01 Transformed into a Futa Chapter 2 Futas First MILF

Chapter Three: Futa's First MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend's mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,”...

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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Naughty Wedding

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 5 Futas First Russian Passion

Chapter Five: Futa's First Russian Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “It wasn't a move I was expecting,” I said as I stared at the cameras. I shook my head. I still couldn't quite believe it had happened. “President Demyan Ignatov caught me completely off-guard.” “Is it safe to say that was the most surprising moment in your presidency?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned woman leaning forward, such interest in her eyes. She licked her lips. “Definitely,” I...

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The Worlds First Futa 07 Futas Naughty Hitchhiking Chapter 3 Futas First Passionate Ritual

Chapter Three: Futa's First Passionate Ritual By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Surreal?” asked Amelia, her face growing serious, her eyes growing bold. I could see that skilled interviewer inside of her pouncing on my words. For most of our talk as we discussed my life as the world's first futa, she was laughing and giggling and horny to fuck me. Now she was focused. “In what way was it surreal?” “Because... I don't know any other word to describe discovering the...

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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 1 Stacie Breaks the Rules

Chapter One: Stacie Breaks the Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Monday Winter break was over and it was back to Rogers College for the start of the next semester. The fall one had been wild. The Program had come to my school. Every week, four new students—two females and two futas—were chosen to participate. They had to attend classes naked, their flesh on display for the student body's enjoyment. You could grope them. Stroke them. Get them to pose in pictures....

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The Worlds First Futa 10 Futas Wicked Campaign Chapter 1 Futas First Nubile Intern

Chapter One: Futa's First Nubile Intern By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “I love it when you just demand my cock,” I moaned to my pregnant, young wife. I was twice as old as her and so lucky to have found her. All those years aching for that relationship her parents had, the one I almost had before my transformation. I never thought I would find it with Kurt's daughter. “Mmm, I know,” Sharron said as she grabbed my futa-dick had hiked up her own skirt, revealing her...

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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 1 Futas First Naughty Reunion

Chapter One: Futa's First Naughty Reunion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 I hugged and kissed my pregnant wife, Sharron, during the commercial break for Adelia's talk show. For the last two hours, I'd discussed my life as the world's first futa with Adelia and the watching world. We were finally hitting one of those pivotal moments. One of those points in my life where everything changed for me. Kurt's wedding. Once, I thought I would marry Kurt. We were high school...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 6 Futas First Naughty Soulmate

Chapter Six: Futa's First Naughty Soulmate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “As we bring our retrospective look on the life of President Becky Woodward to a close,” Adelia said, staring into the central of three cameras filming us for the stream of her talk show, “I think we should end it on what, and I think Becky would agree, was the most pivotal moment in her life. We've all gotten glimpses of it these last few years, but let's hear it in her own words.” “Thanks,” I...

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