Losing MyselfChapter 3 free porn video

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"3... 2... 1 ... and you're awake."

My eyelids flutter for a second and then open to the familiar face of Dr. Mills looking over me. I smile at her and try to remember what we would have been talking about during this session, but I can't. This is standard for these sessions and I'm starting to wonder if she's trying to keep something from me. It's not like I don't trust her, I do. She's the only person I've ever met in my life who even tried to help me. It's just that I can never remember the sessions and I guess I'm getting paranoid.

"How do you feel Tracy," she asks after my eyes are completely open and can focus on her.

"I feel fine," it's the answer I always say after I wake up. "Was I able to remember any more details this time?" One of the reasons that I agreed to the hypnosis was to get more details for the police to help in the case.

"No I'm sorry you didn't," Dr Mills tells me and I try to hide my disappointment. "But the good news is that the information is the same without any lose of details."

I smile and say, "Maybe we can stop these sessions then. I mean, if I'm not able to recall any more details I shouldn't need to be coming here three times a week."

Dr. Mills raises her eyebrow at my comment and I know what's coming next. "What about the dreams you keep having? Are you still having the same one?"

I suddenly become interested in my shoes and quietly say, "Yeah." I seem to be having the same dream each night. I'm a teenage boy in high school who goes through MORFS and becomes a Hispanic girl. No one believes who I am, including my own mother, and I'm forced into a life of prostitution. There are so many things that are completely wrong with the dream that it just doesn't make sense. I've never had MORFS so I've always been a girl and my mother died when I was ten years old.

"But I still don't know what it means, if anything at all," I say. The dream is really bothering me and I just want it to go away.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," she explains. "I'm sure when things settle down it will make more sense or just stop. But until then we should keep working on it. Since you're having it so often it's clearly important to you somehow."

I just nod and say, "Okay, I guess you're right."

"So how's your new apartment?" Dr Mills asks. I can tell she wants to change the subject, but I don't mind. There a few other things that I want to talk about as well.

The apartment is actually a small suite in a downtown hotel. "It very nice and the cleaning staff are really friendly." They are, but they're the only people in the whole place I got to see much of, other that the waiters with room service. "I'm just getting a little stir crazy in there. I'm not comfortable with being indoors for this long."

"I know this is hard on you, but it is for your own safety," she says, for the hundredth time.

I try not to roll my eyes while I say, "I know, but I've been taking care of myself for a long time now." I've been living on the streets since I ran away from my slime ball of a dad when I was sixteen. Has it really been six years already? "I just want to go out dancing, or have a nice meal with a cute guy, instead of being stuck in that place all the time. It's like I'm the one in prison."

"Well it won't be for much longer," she tells me. That's news and I look hopeful. "I understand that detective Walsh is getting close to making an arrest and then you can go back to your home, or where ever you'd like to go."

"That's wonderful!" I reply, unable to hide my excitement. "Do you know when?"

"No, he just said it would be soon." She closes the file on her desk and I know that we're out of time. The pattern is always the same. It's been this way for four weeks now. I stand at the same time that she does and we shake hands.

"Thanks Dr Mills, I appreciate what all of you are doing for me." I really am thankful but I just want this to be over so I can move on with a new life. "I'm sure I'll be able to deal with this until then." The alternative was not really a life that I wanted to go back to. It's been six years of working the streets with most of the money going to someone else. It was filled with too many men to remember and too many degrading acts for one person to have to deal with.

"Don't forget, I'll see you tomorrow at the court house," Dr Mills reminds me. It's not like I would ever forget tomorrow.

"Don't worry," I reply. "I'll be there." Tomorrow would be the interview with the assistant district attorney. She wants to talk to all of us to see if there was enough evidence to proceed with the case. There must be if A.J., detective Walsh, is about to make an arrest. I pause for a second before I open the door to leave. Then I mentally shake my head and go out to the waiting room area of the doctor's office to see A.J. waiting for me.

"Hi A.J.," I say as I open my purse and grab my mirror to check my make up. I want to look my best and know these sessions can make it run sometimes. After I'm sure its okay I put the mirror back in and throw my purse over my shoulder. "I hope you haven't been waiting long."

"Only a few minutes," he answers. "Are you ready to go?" A.J. has been my personal escort back and forth for the past month. I'm sure he has other things he'd rather be doing, but he never complains about it.

"Yep back to my gilded cage," I say in a jovial voice that I really don't feel.

"Do you need anything before we go?" he asks me. I know what I need from him, but he's turned me down too many times for me to try again.

Instead I just say, "No, I think I'll just head down to the pool and sauna this afternoon." At least the hotel has some nice features to keep me busy all day long. The sauna is one of my favorites.

Once in the car and on our way back to the hotel I ask A.J. some questions, just to pass the time. "So why do you always drive me to the Doc's office? I would have thought you had better things to do than to be my chauffeur." A.J. is really cute, for a cop, but he never talks to me unless I start the conversation. It's been hard getting to know him and I still have no idea why he avoids me so much.

"You're a key witness in my case," he explains. "I don't trust anyone else with your safety. This case is going to get me known in my department and I don't want anything to happen to you." Great, another man who only wants me for what I can do for them. I decide that's enough questions for today. I don't want to know anymore answers if they're going to be like that.

We get to the hotel soon enough. Once I'm back in the hotel room I get changed to go for a swim. A few laps in the hotel pool will make me feel better. The sauna always helps me relax too. I step out into the hall in my tiny, white bikini and sandals, my towel over my arm, and head for the pool. I like the attention I get from the people I pass as I walk nearly naked to the pool. There's no one in the pool area and I have the place to myself. "Oh well," I think to myself. "No one to flirt with, I'll just have to exercise."

After twenty minutes of swimming laps I'm tired and need to relax. I climb out and look around to see if there's anyone in sight. Since there's no one I can see I untie my bikini top at my back and wrap the towel around my upper body. Once it's in place I untie the top at my neck and pull it off. I then step out of the bikini bottoms and head for the sauna with my bikini in hand. I hate being in a wet bathing suit any longer than I have to be. The sauna is also empty and I turn the heat up as I step in. The system automatically turns it down to save energy when it's not used for a while, so I have to wait for a few minutes for it to head back up again. After only a about ten or fifteen minutes my head starts to get itchy and I guess I need a shower so I head up to my room. I decide that I'm going to eat in the hotel restaurant instead of having room service. A.J. and Dr Mills have said not to leave the hotel unless I have an escort, so that means I'm being watched here. I don't know any of the people that are looking after me, but I know that they're there.

In the room I have a shower and take a little longer washing my hair. The itchy scalp might mean that I need some better shampoo than what the hotel supplies. The conditioner is pretty good but the bottles are so small I use the whole thing each time I do my hair. I'll make a point to ask A.J. or Dr Mills for a few things next time I see them. I then change into a short black dress with a deep V neck and black heels and head to the restaurant for dinner.

"Will you be dining alone Miss?" the host asks as I'm waiting for a table.

"Yes, a table for one please," I reply. I know that he'll give me a seat near the front of the room. One that is likely in the window looking out onto the street. It happens all the time. Put the pretty woman in display for all the people to see, maybe get some of the single guys to come in for dinner too. I sit and drink some water, waiting for the dinner salad that I ordered to arrive and watch the city walk by outside.

The head waiter approaches my table with a glass of white wine and says, "Compliments of the gentleman at the bar." He indicates to a blond haired man in dark colored dress pants and a polo shirt sitting at the bar. When I look over I see him raise his glass to me and take a sip of his wine.

I take the drink and say, "Thank you. Would you ask him if he'd like to join me?" The waiter just nods and heads over to the man to tell him the good news. He walks over and stands at the side of the table and I indicate to the other chair, "Please, have a seat."

"Thank you," he says in a deep sexy voice that sends a slight shiver down my spine. "It's a 2010 California wine that I've fallen in love with. I hope you enjoy it." I take a sip and find it a little dry for my taste but smile.

"Are you from California then?" I ask. His accent sounds like Californian but I'm not good at picking up very many accents. I haven't traveled very much and don't encounter too many of them in this city.

"Yes, I'm just here for the week on business," he explains. Out of habit I look at his left hand to see if he's married, but don't see a ring or any sign of him ever wearing one. "And you? Are you here visiting from another city as well?"

"No I live here, my house is under construction at the moment," it's the cover story that we had agreed on if anyone asked. "Are you eating dinner here tonight?" I was hungry and didn't want to have to wait to eat. I never liked to eat in front of someone who wasn't eating as well.

"Yes I am," he answers and nods to the head waiter. A moment later a teenage girl with flaming red hair brings my salad and his filet mignon to the table. I wonder of the red hair is natural, a dye job or the result of MORFS. We make small talk during dinner to fill the time. His name is Steve and he's an investment manager for a financial consulting company. He travels with work a lot and hates to eat alone. I think it's just an excuse to pick up strange women in bars or restaurants. I tell him a long series of lies to him about my life. He really doesn't need to know the truth and I don't want to scare him away. As we continue to talk and get to know each other I curse myself for promising to be celibate to Dr. Mills. She said it was best until my therapy is done, but this guy was so handsome and easy to talk to. After a few hours I say that I have a busy day in the morning and I'm getting tired. We agree to meet again for dinner the next evening and then say good night. As I walk to the elevator to head to my room, I notice my scalp is itchy again. It must be the shampoo. Maybe I'm allergic to it.

After I get to the room and get ready for bed, I lie in bed and think about Steve. I did agree to be celibate, but that doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy myself. And did I ever enjoy myself! Several times! I just hope that the walls are thicker than some of the other hotels I've stayed in.

I remember the fun from the night before as I sit in the hotel lobby waiting for A.J. to pick me up and take me to the court house. I'm not a patient person and my scalp is itching again. It's driving me crazy and I vow to get some new hair supplies before I come back to the hotel.

A.J. finally arrives and says, "That's what you plan to wear to see the A.D.A?" I'm wearing four inch heals, a short skirt and short sleeve cross over blouse with a deep V neck.

"Well, it's not like I have a lot of options for clothes," I explain. "Besides, this is what I've become comfortable in." A.J. shakes his head as we head to the car. After a short drive to city hall and an elevator ride to the Assistant District Attorney's office, a secretary greets us and shows us to one of the conference rooms. Dr. Mills is already there as well as a very dark skinned woman who looks to be in her mid or late forties. She is dressed very well in a knee length navy blue skirt and matching jacket over a gold colored blouse.

She stands and holds out her hand for me to shake it, "Hello, I'm Assistant District Attorney Katherine LeBlanc. Thank you for coming." She had a firm hand shake and a pleasant sounding voice, but her eyes where the same color gold as her blouse and had pupils like a cat. When she smiled I could also see her canine teeth were a little longer than normal as well. I imaged a large cat, or a panther with her dark skin.

"Hello Ms. LeBlanc. I'm Tracy Williams," I said as I shook her hand.

"Are you sure?" she said. "Are you sure your names not Cameron McMichael?"

The whole world seemed to spin and I felt dizzy. I had to sit or I would fall down. I looked around to see all the people in the room and I can't remember how I got there for a few minutes. I knew all three people in the room, Linda, A.J. and Katherine. We met each week with the A.D.A. to give her a progress report and hope that she would be able to make a case so that I would be able to go home again.

Linda looked at me and said, "Are you all right Cameron?"

"Yeah," I answered as I took a breath. "I always get dizzy when the key phrase is used."

"So have you had any contact yet?" Katherine asked. "It's been almost a month now."

I smiled at each one in the room and said, "I just had someone scan me last night." I told them all about my dinner companion and about the three separate attempts to scan me. Over the last few weeks I had been exposed to a few more telepaths to see if the itchy scalp that I felt was consistent. I could always tell when someone tried to scan me, without fail. "I can show you what he looks like if you want."

Both Linda and Katherine nodded and I looked at A.J. I knew he would be reluctant to my telepathic contact and the reason I asked in the first place. After he still hadn't given his okay, I decided to push his buttons.

"Come on Ashley, I promise not to look in places I shouldn't." He hated it when I called him by his real name instead of A.J.

"Fine just do it," he said. I concentrated on the three of them and gave them a good image of Steve from several angles and let them hear his voice from the long conversation we had. Then I cut the link and waited for them to process the information.

"Do any of you know who this guy is?" I asked. I felt that he was likely the telepath and was using the dinner conversation to get information since I didn't think he would have been able to get much through my shield.

Linda and Katherine looked at A.J. who said, "I have an idea, but I'll have to look in to the MORFS database. If he's the guy I'm thinking of, he's a contract telepath from California. He sells his services to anyone with the right amount of money, but has never done anything illegal." He then thumbed the access pad of his tablet and started flipping though the database.

I looked at Linda and asked, "Am I in that thing too."

"No," she answered. "Not yet. Once all this is done we'll need to add a record in there for you, but not right now."

"Oh," I wasn't to sure about being in the database. I've never been comfortable with people having information on me that I don't know about. It was like my high school records that I wasn't even allowed to look at. That got me thinking about school. "How much longer is this going to be? I've already missed a month of school now." My grades would have been enough to allow me to pass, but I wanted to go to college and I needed full credit and good grades for that.

"We have enough for a search warrant for his car and home," Katherine said. "As soon as we do that we intend to make you known to him. I hope that makes him nervous enough to confess or slip up."

I wasn't so confident. I asked, "What judge is going to give you a search warrant for the car and home of the District Attorney?" I didn't think we would ever have enough evidence to convince any judge that District Attorney Samuel Gerald Breyer was the serial murderer known as the Cadillac Killer. He was the son of a district court judge and the latest in a long line of judges and lawyers in his family. His great, great grandfather was even a Supreme Court judge.

"I got him," A.J. interrupted. He set his tablet down on the desk so the rest of us could see the image and the database information.

Name: Stephen Hunter DOB: Dec 18, 2021 Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue Height: 5'11" Power: 3 Threat: Yellow Physical Enhancements: None Specialty/Class: Telepath Notes: Works as a mercenary. He has been known to sell his skills to the highest bidder.

The picture associated to the database entry was Steve, my dinner companion from last night. Linda looked at me and said, "You don't have to worry about him getting through your shield. His power rating wouldn't even detect that you have one."

"Well that's good," I said. "I have another dinner date with him tonight." All three looked at me with concern. "Relax, it's just dinner. Tracy is taking your suggestion of celibacy seriously." I might have looked like the former twenty-two year old prostitute, but I was still very much an eighteen year old virgin. I had no intention of sleeping with him, or anyone, until I was ready for something like that.

"Do you think you'll be able to get into his head?" asked A.J. "Maybe you can find out who hired him." For someone who doesn't like telepaths running around inside his head, he sure is quick to suggest it for someone else.

"That is a bit unethical," I said with a grin. "But I think I should have a look around as well, for my own self interest if nothing else."

"There's someone here to see you," Linda said. For just a second I wonder who she could mean and then it dawns on me. "Send her in," she said into the phone intercom. My mom walked through the second door of the conference room just s few seconds later.

"Mom," I scream as I run to her and give her a big hug. It had been over two weeks since I'd seen her last but it seemed like a lifetime.

"I miss you too Sweetie," she said into my ear without breaking the hug. We sat and talked about nothing for a while. It was nice to be able to see her and tell her how I was doing. I knew she hated this cat and mouse game we where playing, but she never said anything about it.

"So you ready to have Tracy take control again?" Linda asked as my Mom left the room.

"Why not, she's kind of fun to live through." The Tracy personality was a carefully constructed facade. It was based on all the information that could be gathered on the latest victim of the Cadillac Killer, the person that I was an exact double of at the moment. Linda had spend hours layering the personality down within my mind during telepathic sessions and allowed it to take control and go dormant with keywords and phrases. The hard part was controlling my natural telepathic shield to allow people to see this personality and not me. That had taken almost as long to learn as all the other parts put together.

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Losing my Anal Virginity to a guy from Grindr in his RV

For a little information about me, I was a 18 year old 6’2 athlete with a nice bubble butt that guys seem to love so much. At the time I was at a boarding school and would just go on Grindr and chat and trade pics with other guys. I would talk to a lot of guys in my area but the only problem was that I was in a such unpopulated area that there weren’t many guys very close to me and I was not able to travel since I didn’t have a car. There was this one guy who had such a nice big white cock...

1 year ago
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Losing it

I was a 21 year old virgin. I know in this day and age that is rare, but I just never found anyone interesting enough to have sex with. I had many, many disappointed men not sticking around when they found out I had no intention of sleeping with them. I am beautiful. I'm 5'6, long, dark hair, full breasts, and as they say, curves in all the right places. I am also somewhat picky. I could easily pick out a man who was only interested in me for my body right away. The few men that I dated that...

First Time
4 years ago
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Losing My Panties

My life was in the doldrums ever since I kicked out my boyfriend on his return home from France. The last straw was something trivial, the straw that broke the camel's back. He brought me a set of old-style French knickers from some market."What the fuck do you think I am?" I screamed as I threw them back at him."But Amber, they're very stylish and retro!" he tried to explain."Yes, retro, like our relationship!"That was the end. It was going to be awkward as Andrew worked with me and...

4 years ago
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Losing my virginity1

I loved to explore my slender and small petite frame in the privacy of my room. I would sit there on my bed with my legs spread open and touch my hairless slit. It wasn’t long until I discovered the pleasure from rubbing my clit. I would feel my pussy juices flowing out of my cunt, wet my fingers and rub away on my little bud until I came. I didn’t really know yet about what it would feel like to have a cock inside me, but I’d always feel the need to spread my legs and I had that...

1 year ago
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Losing my virginity to Mary

I masterbated a lot during my youth and I still do, there’s nothing better than a good private wank.I stayed at my mates house whilst his parents were away and he told me to stay in his parents room. I used to love looking at women’s underwear as I’ve previously mentioned in another story so whilst I was in their room I decided I’d have a wank and snoop around to see what underwear my friends Mum ‘Mary’ had. I discovered some huge knickers and bras, Mary was a big woman, her breast size was...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To Dipti Aunty

Hello everyone. This is Dhruv. I am here with a story that happened a few years ago and one that I still think about all the time. It’s a long one about losing my virginity. But I wouldn’t be doing it justice unless I included all the details. So sit back and enjoy it. To get it out of the way, I’m 5’9, pretty skinny, and have a medium complexion. I have a standard 6-inch tool that’s quite thick. I’m 24 now. This event took place back when I had completed 18 in the summer of 2014. I had just...

1 year ago
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Losing Virginity To Married Woman

Hello to all. My name is Rahul I am going to narrate my story how I lost my virginity to a married Muslim woman. I m doing the job in mnc in Gujarat and enjoying a good life with a figure to impress to normal girls and milfs. So once I thought to make an account on chatting site to just do the time pass as I was bored with the daily schedule. I searched and created an account on it. Up to 3days I got lot msgs but didn’t went well at all. One girl named suhana messaged me. I talked to her. Our...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity With My Ever Surprising Aunt

Hello ISS readers! Hope you are all doing good. Did you guys read my first story about my aunt? If not, please read “My ever surprising aunt”, and come back and read this. I had narrated the events of how I and my aunt started off with a new mode of relationship. This story narrates about losing my virginity to her. In short, my previous story, in the 12th vacation, I went to Mumbai where my aunt was living with her husband (who was very older to her) and her 2 kids. When I returned back,...

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Losing The Big

Hi all, My name is Aisha I’m 21 years old and have completed my graduations and this is my first story i have been a regular reader and have decided to share with you my experience about losing my virginity. Let me tease your imagination a little my vital stats are “34-26-36″. I’m 5’2″ tall, Fair in complexion. The story i’m going to narrate happened a year ago. Let us call him Sid and he is a year older to me. I met him in college. I had met through my boyfriend at that time. He is a around...

2 years ago
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losing the virginity

I have to change all the names as the story involves a few celebrities. I am Rakhi ( name changed - dont jump to conclusions, not Rakhi Sawant definitely ) and lost my virginity to a Hindi TV actor. We all reside in a suburb of Delhi. And the experience that im going to share was really hot and sexy.I was 18 years, very petite build, about 5 inches 4 feet, weight 48 kgs, have long black hair and shiny green eyes. Imran ( name changed to hide identity ) was in TV serials and was quiet a handsome...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers again; To my new readers, these are all real episodes of my life which commenced at the age of 19. I am REKHA (born 1980), now 30 years old, fair complexioned and medium built (5’ 5″, 36-28-38, 56 kg, long black hair up to my buttocks), married for last 8 years (2002) with no children, and a housewife staying in Kolkata. My husband is in Dubai (job) and visits me every year for a few weeks’ vacation. I am a M.A., B.T. in English and I give private tuitions in English up to...

3 years ago
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Losing Evan Discovering Emma The Final Part

Losing Evan, Discovering Emma. By Tanya H. Part 7 - Living. There I was sitting behind my desk in reception, it was 1030 and Janine had gone for her break, the sun was shining outside and I was already fast-forwarding to Friday when Olivia and I were going camping in Edale again, when in walked Deb, remember her, with some grey-suited lad behind her, arms full of files and laptop bags. I recognised her as soon as she came through the doors and my face went cold as blood ran away...

3 years ago
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Losing Myself to my Sister

Hello, my name is Amanda and I have a story to share Author?s Note: With thanks to Frank and Susan Losing myself to my Sister By themaneloco  Part 1 ? Confession  Hello, my name is Alison and I have a story to share. This is not an easy tale to tell. Basically it?s a situation that was beyond my control. ?Inevitable? so to speak and the worst part is that I knew it was going to happen. There was just no way of preventing it. It?s situations like this that are so unfair in the world....

3 years ago
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Losing my cherry thanks to the walk of shame

Backstory:It was about a month after the birthday where I finally could get my driver’s license. Took the tests on my birthday and passed both. I work at a small, local, family owned grocery store on the other side of town. Haven’t saved up enough to buy my own car so the only car my parents let me drive is mom’s minivan. Yeah, not a real chick magnet. Every Sunday I have to go in to work early morning to do all the stocking of shelves before the store opens. The owners and rest of the...

4 years ago
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Losing Our Bearings Chapter 4 Back to Normal

The next day, Maggie busied herself around the house sorting out things and preparing for the new school year.  It was hard to find a moment when she had stopped doing things and would speak to me about sex. I could see that she was still upset by how her Manchester trip ended.  Over the next few days I also was very busy at work and was getting home late.  When Maggie and I met up in the evening she remained more subdued than her normal self.  I asked her a couple of times whether she had been...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Losing the Bet

“That’s not fair; I only had two things on my list if you lost.” “Yeah, what?” she challenged. “Wash my car and wait on me hand and foot while I watched TV.” Tia tried to hold back her scorn, “That’s not like you, I’d bet your list included licking your boots and scratching your ass or something disgusting like that.” I wanted to shock her, to piss her off so she’d get out of my sight, “Actually my list included a strip show and blowjob. Good thing for you my fucking team lost.” She...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

I was chatting to someone the other day sharing experiences of losing our virginities. It was obvious, after a little while though, that we were talking about two different things. He was describing the first time he fucked someone whereas I, as a gay bottom, was describing the first time I had anal sex!In describing my experiences, I skipped the very first time it happened to me. Yes, I was curious and allowed it to happen, but it was not with someone I wanted it to happen with. It was more an...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Losing the House but Winning Mom 07

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. * Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Bank helps Jennifer and Michael buy a house. The next day, November 1st, other than the fact that they were living in a motel room instead of their home, was like any other day. As if they were a couple on their Honeymoon, they enjoyed the afterglow of sex while reading through the Sunday newspaper. While looking for a place to live, Jennifer looked through the real estate section. She was looking to rent a...

3 years ago
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Losing it in Winter

Mandy Ritter looked out from the ski lodge balcony, as her friend Rita Starling pointed over snowy hills to where the sun cast midday rays on the distant mountains, bestowing an almost ethereal glow.Nothing ethereal about the way Mandy was feeling on their ‘Fantastic break’ in a beautiful location in the French Alps, where, Rita promised, they would each have two main goals. But already it looked like being a disaster.Rita’s goals would be skiing and sex, as she was well experienced in...

First Time
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Losing My Virginity In Two Parts Part 1

I lost my virginity in two parts. Okay, maybe that’s technically impossible. I officially lost my virginity after a prom, probably like many other girls that night. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t horrible either. The guy just turned out to be a jerk. The second time a few months later was with the guy I wish had been my first. Looking back now, I like to think of him as my first lover. I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about losing my virginity. Maybe it’s because I’ve written recently about...

2 years ago
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Losing virginity to to a strange foreigner a beautiful strange foreigner

Just to note – this is the actual account of me losing my virginity. (it’s not made up) Also this is the first story I’ve written so apologies if you don’t enjoy it. When I was 16 I went on a school exchange trip to France where you stay at another family’s house. My exchange partner had a 20 year old sister, Margaux, who was super hot – worthy, no doubt, of being a model. She walked around in her thick cotton dressing gown a lot, and the combination of its softness and her smooth skin...

3 years ago
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Losing my Virginity to my maid

This is my first of my sexual memoirs. I chose my first sexual memoir to be about me losing my virginity to my Indonesian House-Maid. The story takes places in Kuwait in 2007. Marrissa, an indonesian house-maid that used to work for my f****y was always the naughtiest of the housemaids, as she was more forward and wasn’t afraid to ask questions or speak her mind. She looked pale with the typical indonesian woman nose feature and cheeks. Her cheeks were high up and made her smile look better....

4 years ago
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Losing my virginity

Introduction: This is my memory of losing my virginity. She was 2 years older than me, and it was truly an unforgettable experience. This memory is a purely sexual one, I have left out the setting casuistry and simply wrote this to express the sensations. I was 16 when this happened. This was two years ago. She kneeled in between my legs and she looked down at my erect cock eagerly. I grinned sheepishly at her, not knowing what to do next. She looked back down at my cock and drew her face...

2 years ago
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Losing It All

A series of smutty fantasy stories involving important and powerful people who end up in strange, embarrassing (and hopefully sexy) situations that often leave them naked and humiliated. Read about haughty knights who get taken down a few pegs when their quests don't go as planned, merchants who make bad business decisions, and wizards who don't quite manage to cast their spells just right. The one thing they have in common? Each one of them will end up... Losing It All. Others are welcome to...

1 year ago
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Losing Her Virginity

Losing Her VirginityIt was a beautiful Summer day. Sun shone brightly. Birds twittered joyfully. I was a young girl and beyond bored.We had just moved to the area so I hadn’t had a chance to make any friends yet. On top of that my parents were extremely religious and practically kept me under lock and key. Especially when they weren’t home, I was forbidden to go anywhere.So on this unbearably boring day stuck at home all alone I found myself exploring our new back yard… a small half acre in the...

2 years ago
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Losing my boss

I had been working in this department at a large company for two years. My boss was a lady 10 years older than I and always dressed and acted very professional, sometimes a bit “Bossy”. However she always wore skirts that most of the time was mid-thigh. My work area was in a common area with her office in the rear of our space. She would frequently come out and get reference books etc from the shelves in my area and always provided a great view of her legs and ass, which were always encased by...

3 years ago
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Losing Virginity To Aunty in Upstairs

We bought a flat in Bangalore recently and my father was getting some interiors works done. As we had college holidays, he wanted me to stay in this new flat for a week to supervise the finishing works. There was a temporary folding cot and bed there and good restaurants/mess etc nearby, so my parents considered to be a good experience for me to live independently. They never knew it also helped me in losing my virginity.I am 6 feet tall, but quite thin and also extremely shy by nature. Coming...

2 years ago
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Losing my Virginity to my maid

This is my first of my sexual memoirs. I chose my first sexual memoir to be about me losing my virginity to my Indonesian House-Maid. The story takes places in Kuwait in 2007.Marrissa, an indonesian house-maid that used to work for my family was always the naughtiest of the housemaids, as she was more forward and wasn't afraid to ask questions or speak her mind. She looked pale with the typical indonesian woman nose feature and cheeks. Her cheeks were high up and made her smile look better. She...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

Losing My VirginityI am a shy college guy. I stand 5'7" tall, weigh about 210lbs, chubby, dark haired, dark eyed and with a cock that I am ashamed of. Flaccid it is only 2" long and erect it is 5.5". If I am in public or in a cold place, my cock is almost non existent. As a 21yo economic student, I was also a virgin. When I think about it, the size of my cock is the reason I have never had sex. I have to make do with masturbation after viewing porn online. But all that changed a week ago.A week...

1 year ago
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Losing my virginity

According to my friends I was very late in losing my virginity. just after my 16th birthday. I had many girls in the kissing and fingering sense and even sucked a couple boys cocks but never had I felt my cock inside anyone else before. So how does the story begin. The story begins several years before with my best friends mum anna. Andrew, lived across the road and I wanked over his mum in my bed everynight. She was a Polish lady but she was so sexy in every sense. I had the worst type of...

3 years ago
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Losing a bet to my girlfriend

"Full house," I said triumphantly, laying down three kings and two tens."That's very impressive, dear," she said. "But I've got three aces and two jacks." I stared in disbelief as she laid her cards on the table. "Let's see, that means that I've won three hands, and you've won two. Hmmmm.... What shall I do with my winnings? I wonder...."I laughed at her attempt to play coy. We both knew what her winning this tie-breaker meant: For the rest of the day, she would have total control over my body,...

3 years ago
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Losing Virginity To Married Bengali Tuition Teacher

Hi, I am a young, Delhi-based entrepreneur, in my twenties. This is a real-life story that happened in my life during my college days. I am a commerce graduate. As I never use to pay attention in the class, I used to take tuition for my subjects during exams from the same teacher who had taught me in the 12th standard. Her name was Sushmita, a 45-year old, a very average looking mother whose daughter was 1 year younger to me. Being a Bengali, she was very progressive and thus very...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity To A Reader Of My Story Part 2

Hi horny people. This is Akhil again. First of all, I would like to thank you all for the wonderful response for my last story ‘Losing My Virginity To A Reader Of My Story’. Today I will be narrating the next part of my experience. I would like to apologize for the late publish. As I was little busy with my personal stuff I was not able to take time to write it. So sorry once again. Anyways in this part, it’s all about lovemaking session as the introductory part is in last part. So if you want...

1 year ago
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Losing Virginity To Breastfeeding Aunty Upstairs

Dear friends, this is the story of how I lost my virginity with my neighbour Maya aunty during my final year of studies. Ok, so let me introduce myself. I am Manjunath from Hassan in Karnataka and am 21 years old doing my final year engineering. We bought a flat in Bangalore recently and my father was getting some interiors works done. As we had college holidays, he wanted me to stay in this new flat for a week to supervise the finishing works. There was a temporary folding cot and bed there...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Colleague

This story is about losing my virginity and I’m Raghu 24 living in Chennai and my girl of my dreams Ankita ( name changed).It all happened one day when she joined my office. I was a manager and she joined under me. She had the assets of a bombshell.The women of crazy for sex (she wanted to keep her virginity till she got married). She was like 2 years younger to me and I started to talk to her and we became good friends. Mostly we work late till midnight ,so I used to drop her at her pg and...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To Sexy Neighbor

Hi, my name is Sakshi and like most young girls in India, I work in an IT company. This is my real sex story. Thankfully, I work in an international MNC and have a very good pay which allowed me to relocate from my hometown, the wonderful city of Bangalore. I am 23 years old and this was my first taste of freedom! I enjoyed Bangalore because no one bothered anyone here and no one knew me. I was hoping to get into some adventures here on my own. I was a virgin and I was hoping that I would have...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity At Tuition

Hi to all Indian sex stories readers, this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 24 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. All readers can contact me through This is one of reader’s experiences fucking her girl friend for first time in tuition. I will be narrating the story on behalf of my reader. Hi all my name is Naresh (Name changed). This is my experience...

1 year ago
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Losing Virginity To The Hardcore

Hi, I am Stephen 27 from chennai, I am a regular reader of ISS. Am not good in grammar, please forgive me for my mistakes. It’s a true story of mine, which will take you to the imagination. I like to share my experience of losing virginity to my GF. Guys hold your dicks, girls hands on boobs. Any feedback please post to this mail id Our relationship starts by love at first sight. She expressed her love and I accept her proposal in two days. Her name is Anitha, about her appearance she is...

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