The Rogue s Harem Book 3 Chapter 12 The Harem s Naughty Audience
- 3 years ago
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The night passed, and we rose before dawn on Monday. After washing, eating, and the rest, we loaded the last few items into my Sienna, straightened the cabin, tied blue bandannas around the appropriate arms, and departed with the arriving sun.
We were close enough to the Needles Highway that it was the most sensible route on the way to Hot Springs, though I think it was supposed to be closed. It was slushy and twisty, but there was no traffic. We took it slow and finally came out in Custer Park. I wanted one last look in hopes of seeing the bison on the wildlife loop. We were not disappointed, though I really had expected them to be sheltering in the canyons. We all leaked tears as we drove away.
We picked up Highway 385 and traveled into Hot Springs. During the whole trip, we saw no vehicles and few tire tracks.
Approaching one house along the highway, we saw smoke from a chimney. I had my ladies wait beside the van to back me up and knocked on the door. A bent old woman answered the door. When I introduced myself and explained my mission, she invited us in and gave us coffee.
“Son, this is my home, and I have no intention of leaving. My family is buried here, and I plan to be, too. I have terminal cancer, and I’m past menopause, so the Confederacy doesn’t want me. If those Swarm things want my house, they are going to pay a dear price.”
She explained, “My grandson is in construction. He had enough dynamite in my shed to blow at least a fifty-foot crater. I had him bring it into the house and rig a detonator. If I die, electronics arm the detonator, and if the house is disturbed, the dynamite exacts my price.”
Holding up her hands to forestall interruption, she went on. “Today, I’ll be putting up signs all around the outside of the house explaining what I’ve done and how to disarm the detonator. I wouldn’t want an innocent to be killed. Anyone stupid enough not to believe the signs, that’s another matter entirely.
“AND the Swarm things can’t read English,” she gloated.
We thanked her for the coffee, and each of us kissed her cheek. Then we moved on. That was going to be an interesting tidbit to report to the marshal during my next call.
As we entered Hot Springs, we looked up the hill to the VA hospital and decided it would be our first stop. I had always loved the pink stone construction used on the hospital and much of the town down along the river.
As we pulled up, the silence and stillness were almost overwhelming. A young captain, dressed in Vietnam era fatigues with a name tag reading ‘Johnson,’ looked up as we entered the lobby. “Can I help you?” he asked.
“Maybe,” I answered and explained our mission.
“Well, depending on your point of view, you’re too early or too late. I’m rear and advance guard for a Confederacy operation run by a fella named Matthews. We were waiting for evacuation, and yesterday, he showed up here with boat load of medical types and a squad of Confederacy marines. They met with staff, then wheeled every possible vet into the mess hall and made them offers that not one of them refused. I know. I was one of them.
“This was the deal he offered. Any vet who volunteered would be transported to a Confederacy base where he or she would be brought back to health, limbs restored, or whatever was needed. If they had a CAP score high enough, they could be extracted or could be considered for concubines, if not and that was their wish. Or, they could join the EDF and help defend the Earth. The entire VA staff was also included in the deal. Everybody went.
“I was one of the first through the med tubes, and they sent me back to warn off folks who might want to abuse this facility. The EDF wants to be able to use it for staging if the need occurs. As you can see, my CAP wasn’t high enough to be extracted - I’m not sure I would have gone anyway - but no matter, it feels great to be able to defend my country again.”
“Do you know what’s happening in town?” I asked.
Captain Johnson responded, “Not much. A lot of people were already gone when Matthews arrived. He made the same offer to the vets over at the home, there were a few Confederacy extractions, and those folks that remain are not exactly the top ornaments on the Christmas tree. That’s why I’m here.”
We thanked him and departed. Driving into town, we could see that the evacuation had been reasonably orderly. There were a few broken windows and some signs of looting, but not much.
We parked the Sienna and were walking along checking for stragglers, when we were fired on by someone on a rooftop across the street. That was Cathleen’s side, and her three-round burst brought a scream and the clatter of a weapon falling to the street.
The fallen rifle had been ruined by the fall, so we stripped it of ammo and threw it in the river. We held a powwow, and I opined that urban fighting wasn’t in our charter. “I think we at least sent a message that ambush is not automatically successful.” I said. “I don’t really care if that thug bleeds to death or lives to tell his sad tale. It’s time to move on.”
Cathleen, my lady the nurse, disagreed. So we entered the building and climbed to the roof. Our would-be assassin lay on his back, watching us. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but it was evident that he was seriously wounded. Cathleen opened his shirt and looked him over. She shook her head and told him, “I’m a nurse. You need to know that you aren’t going to die in the next few hours, but you are seriously wounded, and without medical attention I don’t have, you are going to die.”
She paused, then continued. “I seriously doubt there is anyone around who could or even would get you to a hospital, and I don’t believe in killing a helpless human, no matter how worthless. So, here’s the deal. I’m leaving your pistol with one round in it and your canteen of water. You can wait as long as you care to for help. It is likely to be a lonely and painful wait, even if help comes.”
I stepped over and added, “And let me assure you, if you choose to use your only bullet to shoot at one of us, I will shoot both your kneecaps and won’t replace your bullet.”
I turned to my lovelies and motioned back to the stairs. “Now, it’s time to go.”
My ladies agreed, and we descended to the street, saddled up, and headed out of town on 385.
When we saw the Dairy Queen on the edge of town, lights still on, we decided we were hungry. On the door was a sign that said “Hungry? Fix it yourself and it is free. Just clean up and leave something for your brothers and sisters. Thank you for your business. The management.”
The refrigerators, freezers, and stoves were still powered and working. I got some burgers on, and Rachel sliced tomatoes and assembled other additions for the meal. It was a nice chance for a reasonably normal meal.
While we were eating, I called Marshal Pope for our morning update. It was a little late, but I wasn’t particularly concerned, because I felt complete was better than timely. At least in this case, the marshal agreed.
I briefed him on our recent activities, and he concurred with our conclusions and decision to head on south. We cleaned up, grabbed a Dilly-Bar apiece, and left for Chadron.
Just for the heck of it, I decided to pull into what had been the old Maverick Junction Truck Stop located where 385 turned south. No one was there, but the pumps were in operation. I didn’t even need to use a credit card when I filled up. So in Hot Springs alone - three ‘attaboys’ and one ‘ohshit’ - not bad in a crisis. Kinda restores your faith in humanity...
As I expected, there were more signs of traffic as we drove south. We saw no moving vehicles, but someone had run a snowplow down one south-bound lane, and there were tracks. Still, it’s a pretty dull drive, with cows in the field, one small ‘town’, and few other buildings. As predicted, accumulated snow had tapered off. When we hit the Nebraska border, the casino parking lot was empty. That was a first for me.
We picked up Highway 20 just outside of Chadron, and I ducked north to look at the municipal airport. There was a military presence, including four A10 Warthogs parked near the terminal building, so I heeded Marshal Pope’s instructions and avoided them.
As we entered Chadron, we saw the Wal-Mart on the right, up the hill, so we went in to check it out. It was deserted, and the doors were unlocked. Most of the canned foods, camping gear, and other items useful when traveling or camping were gone. So were the weapons. All to be expected, given the situation. I had hoped to find some analgesics stronger than aspirin or ibuprofen, but aside from a large bottle of ibuprofen abandoned on the floor, there was nothing useful.
We drove across on 10th Street but saw no one until we reached the college. In front of the main residence complex was an old Volvo station wagon with two young men loading boxes. We pulled in and stopped. Jaws dropped when my ladies got out and approached them.
The two introduced themselves as Ron and Steve, students who were making their last preparations to leave. The Confederacy had staged a pickup on campus the previous night, but the two had CAPs too low to be extracted. They had declined the offer to join the EDF and were in the last stages of heading east towards home in O’Neil. I told them of the staging area in Valentine and warned them about folks posing as peace officers.
After leaving the students, we drove around town, but saw no one. It was a very eerie experience. Rachel suggested that we only stop at houses with cars in front on the theory that the others had most likely departed. Even so, we encountered no one else.
The Arby’s Restaurant offered an experience similar to Hot Springs’ Dairy Queen, and after eating, we found an empty room in the Best Western and settled in for the night. Let me tell you, a hot shower and a king bed were gifts from the gods.
We played and sexed and cuddled for a couple of hours before falling into an exhausted sleep.
Tuesday morning, we showered again, and at the Village Inn next door, we fixed ourselves breakfast and some sandwiches to carry with us. We were about to head out when the power went out. It had been good while it lasted. Who knew when we’d see a hot shower or a civilized meal again?
That morning we checked Ace Hardware’s gun store, but found it bare of anything useful. I did pickup a nice pair of wire cutters should we need to cross open country. Between Safeway’s pharmacy and Peterson’s Drugs, we managed to score some Tylenol with codeine and sterile bandages that had somehow been overlooked. I also added several packages of dried soup and beef jerky. Then we were off.
As we headed out on Highway 20, Rachel looked back and noticed a pawn shop on the edge of town. On a hunch, we stopped, went in, and found it abandoned like the rest of the town. There were several empty gun racks, but the shop looked otherwise undisturbed.
I walked over to the glass cases near the cash register, and wonder of wonders, there were several pistols, including a Glock, the same caliber as my two. Looking further, I found five empty magazines in an open box under the counter. That caused me to look even deeper, and I found several boxes of ammo.
With three of us, I had thought it would be wise to carry weapons that used the same caliber; that way we could share in case of need. Cathleen’s .22 magnum was nice, and she was familiar with its characteristics, but if we went afoot, that would likely be the gun abandoned.
I noticed two old knives, much like Bowie knives, together with scabbards. They looked very serviceable, but in need of sharpening. I requisitioned them along with a whetstone, intending to sharpen them in the evening before sleep.
With the power loss, I almost decided to turn off my cell phone to conserve the battery, but when we reentered the van, I just plugged into the car charger as we drove out of town. Good that I did, because it rang just as we approached the Museum of the Fur Trade. I had planned to stop there, so I pulled off and punched my Bluetooth to answer.
Marshal Pope started in immediately with no greeting. “Listen up! There’s been a new development. The Swarm have figured out that cars and trucks are transporting humans, even if they are not threatening. Basically, they are treating civilian vehicles as Spam-on-wheels. You’d think that they were playing some kind of game, because they peel open a car and eat, even when there are cattle and bison nearby.
“So guys, my recommendation is to ditch your car and walk. I also think it would be wise to stay off roads if you can. Above all, stay the hell away from any Sa’arm you might see. You aren’t going to be a match for any Sa’arm, no matter how good you are.”
Oh well.
He offered us one advantage; the Air Force was trying to engage the Sa’arm where they found them and was also keeping him informed of radar contacts with Sa’arm sorties, so he could give us some warning as long as we had cell phone coverage. If the cloud cover permitted, he would also give me GPS coordinates for houses and locations he wanted us to check on. That would save us a lot of walking.
I remembered earlier visits to the museum. It had just about every weapon and artifact imaginable from the early French explorers through the aftermath of the War of Northern Aggression (Southern Boy - remember... )
We went inside to see if there might be anything useable for a cross country trek, but amazingly, the building was empty. We later found out that an extraction team, like that formerly headed by a Lieutenant T. E. Lawrence, had identified the museum as desirable to retain our culture. Because of the anticipated Sa’arm advance, the exhibits were removed rather than simply scanned. Things were moving fast. Very good. Very good, indeed.
Well, it was time to say goodbye to my Sienna - sooner than I thought or hoped. We unloaded it into the museum so we could sort through our travel equipment one more time. It was our last chance to get it right, and that might mean survival or not.
We emptied out packs and spread the contents into three stacks. We carefully assured that we had multiple changes of socks and underwear and two changes of outerwear. Every pack had the essentials needed for survival if we were separated.
The hardest part was giving up Dad’s guns and other duplicate items that had strong sentimental attachment. There was also Dad’s strong box with close to three pounds in gold coins - over fifty thousand dollars by weight alone - and silver coins. I buried the box with his papers, but had little hope of ever seeing it again. I divided the gold and silver between the three packs. The money took up relatively little space, and there might be a time it would be needed.
In addition to the packs with essentials, we each carried a small add-on pack of nice-to-have items that could easily be abandoned if the burden became too heavy. Cathleen’s .22 magnum and two boxes of ammo went into her extra pack. Mom’s thirty thousand dollars in paper money went in these add-ons and would be spent first - if we could - before inflation made it worthless.
My ladies were each armed with the M-16s, and I carried the M-14 - not my favorite weapon, but it gave our team both firepower and somewhat more range than the M-16s. I had my old iRiver MP3 player with a 40 gig hard drive. More importantly for the present, it had an FM tuner. I put in one earbud so I could monitor for emergency broadcasts and updates. My solar charger rode on top of my backpack.
It was now late morning, so we ate our sandwiches before heading out. Knowing we were in for several days of steady walking, I began a routine of popping three ibuprofen every four hours to get ahead of the pain and inflammation that was surely headed for my knee.
Cathleen took the lead, Rachel followed, and I was tail-end-Charlie. I was complaining to myself that my ladies’ parkas covered their well shaped bubble butts. Here I was, strategically placed to admire a view, but it was hidden.
We passed a flock of wild turkeys on the north side of the highway just past a sign that read ‘Half Ass Ranch.’ It looked like they were feeding in corn fields that had been harvested in the fall.
Suddenly, Cathleen raised her hand and signaled a halt.
Rachel and I took up positions that enabled us to better cover her, and she slowly advanced down the road towards a red car skewed off to the right. When she was next to the vehicle she signaled us to come ahead, and we found her next to the Volvo station wagon we had last seen in front of the residence hall. The roof had been peeled back and blood and shattered glass were everywhere in the front seat. There was no other sign of Ron and Steve, the two students.
I called Marshal Pope and reported our find. “Marshal, it appears that your warning saved our lives. I’m going to upload a picture. Without seeing it, there just isn’t a way imagination would do justice. I haven’t heard anything on the radio about this development. It would be a good idea to get the news out, pronto.”
The marshal agreed, then told us, “The sheriff in Valentine is Rusty Naile. No shit, N-A-I-L-E. I’ll call and alert him on this development - that at least some Swarm are likely heading in his direction, and that you are on the way. I’ll text you his cell number so you can keep him informed as well as me. You will probably be the only law between Chadron and Valentine.”
Then he was gone, and minutes later, my phone had an incoming text with Sheriff Naile’s contact information.
After a few more minutes to reflect on Ron and Steve, we continued on.
My typical walking speed is about four miles per hour. With her shorter legs, I judged that might push Cathleen unnecessarily. That was one of the reasons for having her in the lead. We could determine the most comfortable pace for all of us, and a somewhat reduced pace would also help my knee over time. Without any detours, we had roughly one hundred and thirty miles until we reached Valentine.
I wanted to follow the marshal’s advice and get off the highway. I knew that the ‘Cowboy Trail’ was on an old abandoned rail right-of-way that ran roughly along Highway 20. Most of the rails had been removed some years ago, and some of the trail was improved with crushed gravel. It didn’t take long to find it, and though the portion leading from Chadron wasn’t improved, we were shortly moving at a reasonable pace.
We took hourly breaks and managed to make a little over twelve miles before calling a longer halt. We had checked on several ranches and farms, but found them abandoned, with the gates and doors to many outbuildings open so that livestock could roam free. Most had signs on the front door stating that the house had been abandoned and visitors were welcome to shelter and food. In those cases, power and heat were still on. Power? Who knew why one place and not another.
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As Marshal Pope had indicated, the EDF was pursuing a 'scorched earth' policy - literally - for a one-hundred-mile-plus radius centered on any Sa'arm landing site. In Manitoba, almost continuous sorties by bombers and missiles rained napalm and incendiary bombs in an effort to prevent the Swarm from obtaining organics that it could convert to food. Grass, trees, fleeing animals, buildings - all were being consumed by the raging, wind driven conflagrations. A larger area was being cleared...
I turned to Cathleen and asked if she knew who owned the cabin. She replied, "No idea. I had parked by my uncle's cabin on the way to retrieve the last of my stuff, and those two started chasing me. When they caught me, they started dragging me here. I'm not sure where we are." She was disoriented and needed daylight to know where she was. I went to the cabin door and found it locked as expected. Cathleen showed her resiliency by lifting several flower pots from the porch rail. She...
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Thursday morning came, and we luxuriated in bed, tangled and warm. Hannah stretched and informed us, "Gotta milk the cow and gather the eggs. I had just finished milking when you arrived yesterday, but by now, Mrs. O'Leary will be about frantic." With that, she darted into the bathroom, then raced out to start her morning chores. Yep, a real farm girl. My ladies and I took our turns in the bathroom, dressed, and headed for the kitchen where we met the returning Hannah. She carried a...
The inside of the Parsons' home stank of sweat, fear, and sex. Nine naked women and girls were locked in a bedroom, kept there until their captors wanted a meal prepared or sex. Keeping them naked lessened the chance they could escape into the freezing weather outside. Carole Wilson was the tenth captive still alive, and she was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Carole was a survivor. She alone of the captive women was allowed to wear clothing - currently a long Mickey Mouse t-shirt and...
When we arrived, I found my ladies clad in Civil Service gray and deep in discussion with Carole, also in gray. The others of our household were arrayed around them on various pieces of furniture and cushions, and Baby was parading, tail high, back and forth between Hanna and Cathleen. The four women looked at me as I entered and joined their circle. No puppy dog eyes this time. Rachel spoke. "We think Carole should join the family and be our full partner-wife. She would be chief of staff,...
I lost track of time. We continued on in silence. A wind, more a heavy breeze, started. Then we heard faint screams. I stopped Rachel and reminded her, "Remember, your target is right, mine is left. If there are more than two, full auto spray." She nodded agreement. We separated somewhat more and began to jog. My knee registered an immediate protest, but I ignored it. After about a hundred or so yards, the screams sounded louder, and we began to make out a female's words. "No don't!...
On Wednesday, we were up early and on our way at dawn. Our goal was to make the outskirts of Nenzel before dusk. That was a joke. Nenzel's outskirts and village center were basically the same buildings. We decided to stick to Highway 20 to make better time than we could on the Cowboy Trail. When we reached Nenzel, we found it deserted. Several buildings were burned to the ground, but the St. Mary's Catholic Church was unharmed and open. Lights were on and we were able to use the phone...
Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 12 Thus we all obtained places at the same university. The college?s objections to the expense of providing suitable facilities for so many seriously disabled students were quickly swept aside by my father who promised to pay for the modification of a whole house for our benefit. He also promised to donate it to the university to facilitate disabled students following after us. This was too good an opportunity for the university to...
Mare's Tales - Chapter 22 ? by: Beverly Taff Dot had swiftly cleared most of the evidence of the centaurs but the specially adapted furniture could not be hidden. It was too heavy for one girl to move. As we sat in the drawing room I could see Bill studying the strange furniture and trying to fathom out the functions of the assorted pieces without arm rests and unusually high seats. Margaret and I studiously ignored his curiosity until he pointedly asked what they were for. We...
As we began to finish our refueling, a tall, smoothly muscled man wearing gray Confederacy coveralls entered the room. A pair of similarly dressed, young looking, slender, Asian women stopped just inside the doors watching everything. A third woman entered, looked around and headed toward our servers. He approached the table where I was sitting with my ladies and introduced himself as Centurion Sam Matthews. "We've heard some interesting things about you," I said around my last bite of...
"How far to the cabin?" I asked as we started out. Rachel replied that she thought it was about half a mile, maybe a little more. As we started on the path into the woods, I noticed that she carried her weapon left handed and asked her about it. "I'm naturally left handed and even shoot that way," she explained. "It takes a little adjustment to account for casings flying off to the right, but it works for me. I'm pretty good with popup targets, but today will be the first time that I...
Monday, we were back walking east on Highway 20, and for now, Rachel was out front, and Cathleen was rear guard. Our doctrine of alternating the lead gave us all experience and some stress relief. It was early afternoon, and the temperature was dropping. The gloomy sky and the blustery wind meant more crappy weather was on the way again and made me wish we had remained holed up in our last refuge. It hadn't been wonderful, but it had a roof and walls. Too late now. "Looks like we had...
Mare's Tales - Chapter 21 ? by: Beverly Taff Morning broke clear and frosty as the weak winter sun splashed its late rays onto our bed. It revealed four small lumps surrounded by two larger ones under the soft contours of the duvet. Dot's internal clock woke her as the suns rays gradually washed her face with light. Despite her careful efforts to extricate herself from my embrace, I woke as she tried to slide surreptitiously out of the bed. "What time is it?" I...
Mare's Tales - Chapter 26 ? by: Beverly Taff Once they have realised there is no threat, village and country folk will accept the unusual much faster than townsfolk. A personal relationship can develop much quicker and they will accept someone much quicker than city-dwellers who live wrapped up in the prejudices and terrors that the cold anonymity of urban life creates. This was the case with my centaur friends. After a few carefully orchestrated visits by each centaur and some...
Every journey has a starting point, but sometimes it’s difficult to tell if there is a destination.Sometimes you just start rolling and you end up someplace you never imagined.That’s true of any journey. Even an innocent bike ride on a warm summer morning.The starting point. A middle-aged man with a wife and kids, not entirely happy but not entirely unhappy either. Happy with most things except between the sheets. It happens to a lot of marriages, after the kids come along. After the partner...
Love StoriesHarem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...
Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...
Mare's Tales - Chapter 30 ? by: Beverly Taff With our long sojourn at an end we finally returned full circle to the same pretty yacht haven we had left so long ago. Things had changed enormously for all of us but not so much as to damage or affect the intense feelings we still had for the friends we had left behind. Margaret, Jane, Diana and I were overjoyed to see our centaur friends waving excitedly on the quay as our weather-beaten yacht nosed its way into her old familiar...
Witnessing the way beds had been shared the night before, and people would be even more compressed into less beds that night, Margie approached Marta about having Marta's parents and brother stay at the house instead of a motel miles away as they had planned. "Your parents could stay in the upstairs guest room and Leo in mine," she suggested. Looking out through the glass door and wall separating the family room from the patio and backyard and the steady snowfall, Marta agreed. She...
As the Harem-Amazons moved towards them, they started removing their armor, revealing their tanned, muscular-yet feminine flesh. Toned and taut with hard nipples and completely shaved pussies. The Harem Amazons were now completely nude except for their leather thigh-high boots. Even as Johnny and Lucinda defensively moved back, they couldn't help admiring the naked female flesh marching towards them. “Stay behind me Lucinda...” Johnny said as he tried to get between the aroused...
Chapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...
HaremHotel! Think about your dream job for a moment. What would it be? A porn star that fucks the hottest, tightest bitches? Or would it be a guy that puts suntan lotion on beautiful women for a living? All of those are damn good jobs. But did you ever stop to think about how fucking hot it would be to own and live in your own hotel?If that sounds fucking boring, I want you to think about it for a moment. Where else are you going to be able to spy on so many people all at once? And if all your...
Free Sex GamesIn part 1 and 2 of this story we come to know Sheikh Fouad who rules a traditional 1001 nights meet Silicon Valley Emirate between the sea and the desert. He discovers a bombplot against his children and those of other dignitaries. The bomb is handed to the assassin by a Western woman who teaches at the local university and is known for her fierce equal rights attitude. Instead of giving her the required death sentence he offers her an alternative as a slave in his harem. ***** The Sheikh...
LOST IN A HAREM by Throne September 1. My wife Aliya has just informed me that we will be travelling to her native country of Balamlad. She is a freelance consultant for a number of international corporatons. Because she speaks several languages fluently, and even more so because she speaks Balamladian, she is often in demand to facilitate major deals. In this case she is going to work for a huge pharmaceutical concern in the US to try to close a deal with a smaller business in her...
The interview room of the Ruby harem was similar to the one in the Golden Palace, except that the pictures were much more explicit and were much more heavily oriented towards pain than to pleasure. There were depictions of girls and young men undergoing a variety of punishments, or in some cases tortures. The mediæval rack was easily understood, but some of the other devices were incomprehensible to the young Emir. He decided to look into that later, being fairly sure that the Ruby Palace...
After breakfast the next morning, as Zubeydeh was about to leave the Emir's presence, the traditional moment for asking favours, she ventured a question, "Have you decided what to do about the children? You really should decide soon." "Children?" he asked, "What children? None of the women I have used can expect to give birth for another eight months if the rumours I have heard of the human gestation period are accurate." "Did they not tell you?" Zubeydeh asked, "There are...
Chapter Three: Mrs. Fatima's Fertile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for college. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa'dia, my eldest daughter, twenty and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join...
Jason didn't know what to think as he drove his car. He had gotten home to his apartment after finishing his shift at the coffee shop when he found a letter that came through his door. Wax sealed. It told him to drive to an address outside the city, as the resident of the house wished to talk with him. Jason did so and stopped his car outside a huge mansion. Jason never thought someone like him would be invited to a place like this, especially when he was only 19. "Wow, why would someone who...
Group SexYou are the leader of the harem in which you can order your harem to ride that big fat cock of yours or do something else like recruit another member or get a job so you can have more money. To your harem, you are god. You can do anything. Now i am going to try and be consistent with adding chapters as im going to focus on 4 characters. 3 of them will be harem leaders. A man named John Doe, a futa named Vin Dockerson and a female named Mary Jackson. One, however, will be a harem slave named...
BDSMTRAPPED IN OWN HAREM ?Part 2 ? by: Milida I was another 'friend' of Asam. I however didn't want any grand adventure from my visit to the Arabian Night world like John did. All I wanted was my own harem and the chance to indulge myself in it. Asam organized a very handsome male form for me. I was over 6 foot tall, very muscular and extremely pleasing on the eye; a real chick magnet. The harem he choose for me was located on a beautiful island in the middle of the bay and was...
Chapter One: Hot Harem Opportunity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Saturday, July 4th I opened the front door of my Saturn Ion. It was an older car, my first. I kept it in great condition, the red body freshly washed this afternoon. The day was warm and looked to be a great Fourth of July. I smiled as my two sex slaves slipped inside. “Master,” Aleah Buckley said, her auburn hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, swaying about...
This story is about an uncle of mine, His name was Josh. He was a horny bastard with a 10 inch cock. He fucked everyone regardless of who they were. He just needed a whole to stick his cock inside. I must say he fucked good, so good that even if he forced someone they would end up liking it. He was a tall 6ft 6 hunky man. He had brown hair and a beard. He was a distant uncle of mine, He was married, had two kids, one daughter and a son. Now he was decent man until he had an accident which...
Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 6. When the rest of the pupils met us again after returning from classes they wanted to know everything about my operation and what fate awaited Veronica. Rumours had been flying thick and fast around the whole school and Veronica had to use all her wiles to stop the others pestering me. They all particularly wanted to know why I was wearing a striped pink and blue ribbon in my hair. Eventually, to settle the hubbub, Veronica explained...
Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taft Chapter 7. The months of Veronica?s absence passed painfully slowly. The only compensation was that Jennifer and became more attached and supportive as we escorted each other protectively around the school. I, of course, often arrived last for lessons because I could not rush anywhere without arriving breathless and flushed from the erotic stimulation of my love lips. This gave the all-knowing mistresses ample opportunity to punish me if they...
Mare's Tales - By: Beverly Taft Chapter 9. After rushing my lunch I searched around the hall for Jennifer and Veronica. They weren't there so I used the remainder of my break to search around the school for them. They were no longer where I had last seen them and my search was risky because there was a good chance of my being caught. I could not slip quickly from place to place because the tickler lodged in the crotch of my corset made my progress excruciatingly slow. I needed...
Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 10. As the years progressed and we became engrossed in our studies, we settled into a blissful routine sharing our lives in the first term of the upper school. There was only one small blemish on our times together in the upper school and that was when Jenny and Vee enjoyed their games. I was forced to spend the time either doing gentle aerobics to avoid exciting my cunny or to watch passively from the sideline as my friends tore around...