Incest Porn XXX
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“Where did you leave your phone? Think!” I said starting to panic.
“I don’t remember. Don’t try to flip this around on me; we wouldn’t be in this situation if you hadn’t done what you did.”
“Put that off for right now, concentrate on the phone.”
“It has to be at Ashley’s, or someone from the party took it, that’s the last time I remember having it. Hopefully it’s lost in the couch or something.”
“I doubt that since we didn’t go anywhere near a couch. Shit. Anyone could have it by now.”
Rita put her hand over her face and leaned up against the wall. “I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t ... if those pictures get out ... oh my god ... there’s nowhere we could go where we won’t be recognized. Just leave me alone Randy, I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”
I didn’t even put up a fight this time. I didn’t wanna talk about it anymore either, not with all the scenarios of who has her phone running through my head. I headed down to the couch and plopped down on it, not even bothering to turn on the tv and just sat there, off in my own little world unaware of everything around me. If news about us got out there would be no doubt that we would have to move, Stephanie and Chris too, just for being associated with us and also being brother and sister people would make that assumption they were screwing each other too. I was so lost in thought I almost didn’t notice dad leaning up against the wall.
“Ten minutes I’ve been standing here. You didn’t move so much as an inch,” dad said.
“Hey dad, a lot going on right now.”
“Compared to world hunger, war, global warming, I’d say not. I take it you and Rita are still having problems then?”
“What gave me away?”
“It’s amazing, you two almost never fight but when you do you’re like an old married couple.”
“I guess. You don’t seem as irate like you were before, how come you’re not yelling at me?”
“Because your mother yelled at me. She figured me breathing down your neck won’t do anything but make things worse, so I’ll let you work this out by yourself.”
“I don’t know how I’m gonna get out of this one dad.”
“You’d better figure it out. This looks to be the worst argument you two have had to date. You got kicked out of your own room! You’re twins, you’re supposed to have that connection other brothers and sisters don’t have, if you don’t fix this, that’s gone. Can you live with that?”
“No. I need her around dad, I don’t know what life is like without her, and I don’t wanna know.”
“Then you got a lot of work to do. Get some sleep and get on it. You let this come between you and Rita and you’ll both regret it.”
He cut off the living room light and headed upstairs, leaving me in the dark. I just sat there for a while, doing and saying nothing, trying to figure out the best way to go about this situation that was getting worse and worse with each passing day. I turned the TV on to help me think hoping this would be the one time those boring infomercials were on, but nope, White House Down, and pretty much at the beginning too. I laid back on the couch/bed and drowned myself into the movie, unable to think of anything in my current state, I would give it a fresh start in the morning, hopefully when I have a clearer head.
I didn’t know when, but at some point I passed out during the movie and ended up on the floor with the TV still on. I got up and did a once over of the downstairs, there were a couple dishes in the sink but nothing else really, and all the cars except ours were gone, so Rita was at least here, unless she went off with mom or dad or took Tibbles for a walk. I went back to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal, not even bothering to wash up first, and went back to the TV to watch whatever was on at that moment, which this time was Fantastic Four. I sat and ate my cereal bowl after bowl until I went through an entire box of cinnamon toast crunch, and then still went back for more. The entire time I was eating and watching TV I didn’t hear so much as a sound come from upstairs, so I figured Rita was gone too, not that she’d answer me if I tried to check on her. The only thing I could think about and still not come up with an answer for was who had her phone. There were so many people at that party that I could be in anyone’s pocket right now, and they’ll definitely know who Rita is after that public display of affection she had with Steph right in the middle of the party. How would I even go about finding it? I wasn’t going back to Ashley’s house, I’m liable to drop kick her out of a window if I did, but that didn’t leave me with much other options besides craigslist since we didn’t know anyone else at the party. I picked up my phone to see if I still had any incrimination pictures in it when it started ringing, it was Stephanie. I was so surprised to see her name on the screen I almost didn’t answer it.
“Hey Randy,” she said in a low, apologetic voice.
“Hey,” was all I said back. After the way she flipped my words around last time I talked to her, “hey” seemed like the only safe answer.
“Look, ok it’s like this. I didn’t know, but I... , “ She paused, then exhaled. “I’m sorry Randy.”
I didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know what to say, I’m just glad that you’re talking to me again. After the way you told me off the other day I thought you were done with me.”
“I was gonna be, but Chris sat me down and made me see the situation differently. You are part to blame, but it’s not completely your fault.”
“Yeah if I could hold my liquor better we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
“True, but Ashley knew what she was doing. You said she had on the same clothes as me?”
“Yep, even had on a blonde wig. She set us up without us even knowing.”
“Don’t worry about her, she’ll get what’s coming to her. Did you ever find Rita’s phone?”
“Nope, she had to leave it at the party. That was the last place she remembers having it.”
“Well at least noone can get into it with her password thing on it.”
“She took it off. Whoever has her phone can look at anything in it.”
“What? She didn’t have anything with you guys in it did she?”
“She said she did, pictures, text, everything that says we’re more than just brother and sister.”
“Crap.” She was silent for a second before she started talking again. “Hey I don’t mean to sound insensitive or anything, but was there anything about me and
Chris in her phone?”
“She said it wasn’t, just us.”
“Whew, I’m not ready for my dad to find out his son is screwing his daughter.”
“If we don’t find her phone that’s gonna be the least of our problems.”
“If there’s anything Chris and I can do to help just let us know.”
“You can talk to Rita, she still won’t talk to me, but she’ll talk to you.”
“I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything. You won’t get out of the doghouse that easy.”
“Yeah I know, just do what you can.”
“I’ll let you know how it goes, or Chris will.”
“Ok, thanks Steph, see you later.”
I hung up and slunk back in the couch. Stephanie seemed to forgive me a little which is the only positive thing that’s happened since the party, but with so much crap going on it was overshadowed by all the other problems I still had going on. I had to find Rita’s phone, convince whoever had it not to say anything, make amends with Stephanie, and get Rita to trust me again, something I thought I’d never have to worry about, and make Ashley pay for all the shit she caused. The last one doesn’t count but I needed something to feel better about myself. I drowned myself back in the TV and was only my way to falling back asleep when my phone started ringing again, that fucking ringtone, Ashley was calling me. After everything she did she still wants to call me like everything’s alright? I was about to ignore the call, but this was a chance to tell her the fuck off, so I answered on the last ring.”
“You’ve got some fucking nerve calling me...”
“I’d be quiet if I were you, that is, unless you don’t care if everyone knows you’re fucking your sister.”
I was stunned silent. The worst possible person to have found out about us is now in a position to completely ruin our lives altogether. What the hell did we do to deserve this?
“Good. Now that I have your attention this is what you’re gonna do. You’ll come to my house, alone, and I’ll give you her phone back, then you can try to convince me not to tell anyone about your dirty little secret.”
“Why would you mess with someone’s lives like this? You’re the worst kind of person.”
“Insults won’t help your situation. Like I said, come alone, and don’t tell anybody where you’re going, not unless you want the whole city to know how close you and Rita really are.”
She hung up feeling really pleased with herself I’m guessing. How much worse could this situation get? I get that I messed up, but come on, this is kicking a guy when he’s down, rubbing salt in the wounds, pepper spraying him when he gets back up and letting him stumble blindly into traffic. I didn’t wanna ever see her again for what she did, probably because I’d have a strong urge to push her through a wall, but I have to. I have to get Rita’s phone back. I have to try to convince her to keep quiet about us. I have to play by her fucking rules. This was a suicide mission if there ever was one. I cleaned myself up and threw on some basic clothes and went upstairs to grab the keys so I could get this over with. I turned the door but it was locked, we never locked the door unless we were home, so I now knew Rita was in fact here the whole time, just avoiding me again, which gets harder to deal with as time passes.
“Hey, I need the car keys, I gotta make a run somewhere.”
There was no response at first, so I thought she was sleep, and then I heard movement like she was creeping around trying not to be heard.
“I can hear you moving around in there! Come on, I really need the keys right now!”
I could clearly hear her rummaging around now, though she was taking her time coming to the door. When she finally opened it she stared at me silent before handing me the keys.
“Thanks, I...”
“Don’t be out all day, I have somewhere to go too,” she cut me off and closed the door back.
I sighed, knowing I didn’t have time to try to amend the situation and went out the door and into the car on the way to Ashley’s house. As I was pulling out of the driveway Aunt Lisa pulled up beside me and tapped on the window.
“Where you headed?” Aunt Lisa asked.
“I’m not supposed to say, but since you’re not involved I guess its ok. I’m going to Ashley’s.”
She gave me a half puzzled, half pissed off look. “And why exactly are you doing that?”
“She’s the one who has Rita’s phone. She knows about us. She said if I didn’t come over right now to get it she’d tell everyone about us. Please don’t tell Rita, I’ll tell her when I get back.”
“How can you tell me this and not Rita?”
“Ashley said not to say anything or she’d expose us.”
“But you still told me, that isn’t gonna go over well with Rita.”
“We both know what Ashley is capable of Aunt Lisa. She can tell in a second if someone is lying, and you know how bad a liar I am. You know if I told Rita she would be over there trying to bash her face in, and then its game over for all of us.”
“You might be right about that, I know I definitely would, so would your mother. You make sure you tell her the second you get back, and I’ll be there to try to keep things calm.”
“Thanks Aunt Lisa, you being there would really help.”
“I told you not to trust that girl. This could end badly for everyone. You get that phone, convince her to shut up, and you get back here, nothing more. Don’t you do anything stupid while you’re over there, you’re already in enough shit as it is.”
“What if she tries to make me do something? She has us right where she wants us and if I refuse anything she tells the world about us, not to mention it’ll hurt dad’s career.”
“I don’t know what to tell you Randy, you’re not in control of anything that’s about to happen. I hate to say it but you’re kinds screwed either way it goes. If you don’t do what Ashley says then tomorrow you’ll be packing up to leave the state, but if you do anything sexual with Ashley it puts you in a deeper hole with Rita.
An actual rock and a hard place.”
“It’s not like I’m in a position to bargain with her, I don’t have anything against her.”
“No, but you can defend yourself against anything that goes on while you’re there...”
“I don’t follow...”
“Turn on your voice recorder when you get there, that way Rita will know you were forced into anything that happened and you can cover your back.”
“That’s perfect! I never would’ve thought of that!”
“Ok, get out of here before she gets suspicious. Don’t forget to turn it on silent too.”
“Thanks Aunt Lisa, wish me luck.”
She gave me a courtesy smile and walked into the house, and I made my way to Ashley’s. All this just to go get a phone, you’d think I was trying to assassinate the president the way I was going about it. If I said I was cool, calm, and collected on the drive there I’d be lying my ass off, I was scared as shit. I knew full well Ashley wasn’t just talking when she said she’d tell everyone about us, she would actually do it. the damage that could cause would not only make us outcasts in the city, but that would be the worst way for dad to find out about us, not to mention I wouldn’t live very long after he found out. I didn’t know what I was gonna say to get her to drop everything and leave us alone, but I had to think of something, and the fact that our dad still needed to sign her dad to a contract didn’t help much. To be honest I had forgotten all about that until just now, with all the other shit going on that got lost in the pile of crap that’s been my life over the last few days. The only thing I could do was what Aunt Lisa said, turn on the voice recorder to protect myself, and hope she doesn’t string me along and make me do something that could further damage mine and Rita’s relationship. Hope, yeah, not with Ashley.
I pulled up to Ashley’s house and parked across the street so I could make a quick getaway if I needed to. I put my phone on silent, set all calls to go straight to voicemail just in case it interfered with the recorder, and turned on the voice record app. I minimized it just in case and got out of the car. I took a slight breath and made my way to the door. I knocked a few times and waited nervously for about half a minute before she opened the door wearing boy shorts and a spaghetti strap, with that fucking smug grin on her face.
“There you are. For a second I thought you weren’t gonna show.”
“Well I did, so can you just give me the phone so I can leave?”
“That’s it? No pretty please?”
“Ashley come on, just give me the phone.”
“You didn’t think I was just gonna give you the phone and you would be on your merry little way did you? No Randy, it’s not that easy. Come in, you’re gonna be a while.”
I hoped to god the recorder didn’t shut off when the screen went dark because I didn’t wanna chance her catching me looking in my phone for anything. She was leading me upstairs but I wasn’t having that, I was staying where I was able to make a quick exit if needed.
“We don’t need to go upstairs, you can give me the phone down here,” I said.
“But the phone is in my room, you do want it don’t you?”
“I’ll wait here for you to get it, I don’t need to set foot in that room again.”
“Whatever floats your boat, well we both already know the answer to that,” she giggled.
That was the first time I ever hated to see a girl giggle, simply because I knew the intentions behind it. While she was gone I quickly checked to see if the recorder was still on, it was, and I minimized the app and clipped my phone back to my belt clip. She came strutting down the stairs a few seconds later with the phone and a laptop, and instead of giving me the phone, like I knew she wouldn’t do, she sat down with it on the couch opposite me. She didn’t say anything, she just stared at me, with that grin on her face, egging me on to say something, I did.
“I had no clue. You two hid yourselves about as good as I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah for certain reasons, this being one of them.”
“I can’t believe you’re screwing your sister! How long has this been going on?”
“That wasn’t part of any deal Ashley! You said come and get the phone, you didn’t say anything about answering personal questions.”
She opened the laptop screen. “That’s part of my deal. If you want the phone back, and my mouth closed, then you do exactly as I say, and answer any questions I give you, or I go hit send on my computer and help you two pack your stuff to leave the country. Do we have a deal?”
I sat there stumped. I had no choice but to agree to her terms for all of our sake, and she knew it. “Yeah, deal. You fucking bitch,” I said mumbling that last part under my breath.
“I heard that, but I’m gonna let it slide just this once. Now I’m gonna ask you some questions, and you’re gonna answer them truthfully, or the deals off. First question, do you hate me?”
“Oh yeah, I hate your fucking guts right now!” I said almost immediately.
“Good, I see you understand the rules. Next question, did you tell Rita or Stephanie, or even Chris you were coming here?”
“No I didn’t.”
“Did you tell anyone else?”
I hesitated for a second, clearly a dead giveaway. Yeah I told my aunt.”
“Why when I told you not to tell anyone?”
“Because she would’ve pulled it out of me anyway, I’m a bad liar and she can see right through me when I lie so I figured I’d tell her and...”
“Ok ok jeez, I don’t need the entire situation broken down, well not that one at least. Now for the good stuff. How long have you two been fucking around with each other? And remember our deal, the truth, or the deals off.”
“For about six months now, give or take a month.”
“You fuck her good? Does she come a lot or do you only think about yourself?”
“I always make sure she comes! You sound a little too intrigued by this whole thing.”
“I just can’t believe I know someone who fucks his sister, and she fucks him back! Oh! So all those times you were late getting over here you two were fucking! It all makes sense now, and all the touching and friendliness we thought was a twin thing was actually a twincest thing!”
“Are we done now!”
“We’re done when I say we are sister fucker! I’m in control here, don’t forget I can ruin your entire lives with the push of a button!”
“Can I ask a question? You went through a lot of stuff just to mess with us, you pretended to be our friend, hung out with us, spent money on us, even brought
us in your little group. Why go through all that trouble just to fuck us over in the end?”
“Because it was fun.”
“That’s it? No beating around the bush, sugar coating, sparing our feelings or none of that?”
“Yep. Point blank, it was fun. Dad made me hang out with you so I had to make the best of it.”
“What about Stephanie and Chris? You’re messing with them too?”
“That’s enough questions from you, I’m the one doing the interrogating here! Now, where did I leave off ... oh, speaking of, do Stephanie and Chris know about you?”
I knew she’d see right through a lie, so I decided to give her a half truth and hoped she didn’t catch it. “I think they suspect, but we keep passing it off as a twin thing.”
She looked at me for a while then grinned. “They know, why they’re not saying anything though I don’t know, maybe I should ask them and find out.”
“NO! You’re already fucking with us, don’t bring them into it.”
“Are you even fucking them? Yeah you put on that little charade in front of all of us but did you actually do anything with them? Have you even seen her pussy?”
“What the hell kind of question is that yeah I’ve seen her pussy she’s my girlfriend!”
“No Rita’s your girlfriend, Stephanie’s your side chick. How would that even sound to another person? My sisters my main girlfriend and my girlfriends my other girlfriend. What backwoods down south in the bayou city is your family from!”
“Not only is that prejudice as shit, but wrong altogether.”
“How? You fuck your sister more than you do your girlfriend. I bet you don’t even know what Stephanie’s pussy tastes like do you?”
I paused for a second too long, which is always a big mistake with Ashley.
“I fucking knew it! You don’t even fuck her! No wonder she was so extremely pissed when she saw us, you won’t fuck her but you’d fuck someone else. Do you even know what you’re missing? Stephanie is fucking beautiful, I’d eat her pussy all fucking day if I were you, but you probably got your mouth full of that yummy sister pussy don’t you? That is if you even know how to eat pussy, wait you do right?”
“How did we even get on this topic?”
“Haha that’s a no! Answering a question with a question is a dead giveaway!”
“Awwww little Randy doesn’t know how to please a lady,” Ashley teased in a baby voice.
For a split second I lost what little cool I had. “Fuck you Ashley!”
She stared at me, not saying anything, not doing anything, not even moving. The grin on her face slowly faded off. I thought I’d fucked up, I just knew I did, everything I’d put up with for the past half hour was for nothing. Then out of nowhere, the smile came back.
“I bet you wish you could, hell you probably couldn’t even lick my pussy good.”
I was in dangerous territory, so I tried to lure her out of it by changing the subject, hoping she’d take the bait. “Ok Ashley, I answered all your stupid ass questions truthfully, now are you gonna keep your end of the deal and give me back the phone?”
“Yeah I’ll give you the phone back, but the deal isn’t over.”
“What? You know what, fine. What other questions do you have? You can’t possibly embarrass me any more than you already have.”
“No, we’re done with questions,” she said as she lifted her ass off the couch and took off her shorts, using her bare foot to fling them behind the couch. “It’s time for some action.”
“Ashley ... come on, you really don’t expect me to...”
“Let’s see just how good you are at eating pussy.”
My heart dropped in my chest. I hoped upon hope she was just messing with me, but that’s a long way to go for a joke, well not for her apparently, but still, I had to hope.
“Come on Randy, my pussy isn’t gonna eat itself...”
Man what a situation I was in. I was in trouble for getting caught with Ashley, now I’ll be in bigger trouble if I did what she said, but even worse trouble if I didn’t. What the hell was I supposed to do in a situation like this? “Ashley please, don’t make me do this.”
She sucked in air in surprise. “That’s the first time you’ve ever said please Randy, and all I had to do was make you eat my pussy by threatening to tell your dirty little secret!”
“So I don’t have to do it?” I said with a ray of hope.
“Now you still have to do it, but it was a nice gesture.”
My heart sunk again. It seemed there was no way I was getting out of this. I slunk back into the couch and covered my face with my hands.
“Oh quit acting like that! You know secretly you wanna eat my pussy so quit trying to play innocent! Why are you acting like that at all anyway? Because you
don’t wanna cheat on Rita? I don’t see what the big deal is you’re just fucking her, you’re not in l...”
She stopped abruptly, a light bulb clicking in her head almost immediately as she gazed back at me with that fucking grin on her face that I’ve come to hate with a passion.
“Oh my god, you’re in love? Both of you? Oh my god this is AMAZING!”
I stared at her, saying nothing, with my emotions teetering on vulnerable and anger.
“This is rich! The two twins who fall madly in love, so in love that they don’t wanna even touch another person. Wow you two surprise me more and more as the time passes. So you’ve never, I mean, NEVER, did anything with Stephanie and Chris, ever? And remember, complete honesty still applies, or you know what’ll happen.”
She was actually giving me a way out, a chance, who would’ve thought. I wasn’t gonna take the chance in getting caught in a lie now and mess it all up. “We did, at the beginning, no sex, just oral, but after a while we didn’t wanna do anything with anyone else, until the party, when everyone had too much to drink that is.”
She sat there for a second after I finished, then smiled. “I know. You know how I know, because Stephanie told me. Apparently you like messing around in movie theatres when noones looking. She also said a little about your pussylicking skills, but being she hasn’t done anything with you in so long, I don’t know what to think of you.”
All I heard was she found out from Stephanie. “When did you hear all this? There was never a time where she was with you when the rest of us weren’t.”
“That you know of. Something as simple as going to the bathroom can end up in a major girl talk moment, not to mention her being here alone not even a day ago.” She at for a second and let me soak up everything that was just said, and then she was right back to business. “Ok, I believe I told you to eat my pussy didn’t I?”
Great, all that distraction for nothing. “Ashley come on, don’t make me do that.”
“Why not? Because you love Rita and don’t wanna cheat on her?”
“Yeah that’s a big part of it.”
“Then you should love her enough to do what needs to be done to protect your relationship, and right now, that involves your lips on my pussy. Turning down such a simple request is not only selfish, it shows you don’t really care about her, is that true, Randy?”
“Ashley don’t act like you give a damn, you could give a shit about our relationship, you just wanna get your rocks off, and put us through hell in the process.”
“Yeah we’ve already established that, but it doesn’t make what I said any less true. That’s enough stalling, get over here now, or kiss you and Rita’s relationship goodbye!”
I resigned to the fact that there was nothing I could do to change her mind, every tactic I tried either backfired or failed miserably. Despite her bitchy nature, the one thing I could say positive about her was that she kept her word, if she said she would do something, she’d do it, albeit a few days later and some changed details, but she still did it, and that right there made me realize I would be eating her pussy. I had to do this, for the sake of us, I didn’t have a choice, hopefully my phone was still recording so Rita could see that I didn’t. I stood up and started my slow walk over to her and then she put her hand up signaling me to stop.
“No, crawl over to me, you’re gonna be down there anyway might as well start now.”
I wanted to throw her out of a window. As if this wasn’t embarrassing enough now I have to crawl to her like a slave? It was getting really hard to hide my anger. I did as she said and crawled to her, and she spread out on the couch so my face was walking directly into her pussy. Wien I got in distance she let her leg rest on my back as I came face to face with her panty covered pussy, and she cupped her hand under my chin and raised my head to look at her.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this, maybe,” she grinned.
“Fucking evil bitch. You know how Rita is gonna be mad about this.”
“I have plans for Rita too, big plans, not just you. This is just the beginning of what I have in store for either of you, but for now, let’s see what you got.”
She grabbed the back of my head and pushed in down on her pussy. She never moved her hand, or let me pick my head up, she just sort of held my head there.
“Lick me through my panties first, and you better do it like you’re licking Rita, or else.”
I resigned myself to my fate, a sex slave for someone who I at the moment hated more than anyone else on this planet. I only hope that she doesn’t take it any farther, and that Rita see I had no choice in the matter. She thrust her crotch in my face to remind me what I was there for and cleared her throat, snapping my out of my thoughts and back into this nightmare. Knowing I had no way out of it, I sucked it up so I could do what I had to do. I edged my face towards her panties and stuck out my tongue to lick her through her panties, but right before I could, I jumped in place on account of some very loud banging at the front door.
“RANDY ARE YOU IN THERE! ASHLEY OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT NOW!” Rita screamed from the other side, very much to my relief.
“Really? You pop up now of all times? Don’t you move,” Ashley said as she got up and headed for the door, not even bothering to put her shorts back on.
She opened the door and before she could say anything Rita was blowing past her, and came to a stop when she saw me on the floor in front of the couch.
“What the hell is going on in here!” Rita demanded.
“What does it look like? I was just about to get orally serviced by your lovely brother over there until you came bursting in here like your SWAT!” Ashley said back.
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Reddit NSFW ListHi all, this is an incest lover from India. In my view incest is done in secret all over India. Incest is considered a taboo in our society. But considering a thing as bad doesn’t prevent people from doing it. Even the guys and the girls too consider it a nice experience to taste the fruit of incest. I had incest relations with 2 of my relatives. Well I a young guy of 26.i live in Delhi (wrong place).but we originally don’t belong to Delhi, we from Madhya Pradesh (wrong place).so in a year or...
IncestHello ISS readers, this is Rahul and today I’m going to tell you a real story which happened to me some time ago. The story is about how I made incest love with my elder sister. This is my first story in ISS. Comments are really appreciated. If anybody needs any advice or suggestion or want to share their real stories with me feel free to reach me at Moving on to the story, I was 24 back then and was working in MNC. I was working out and made a good body to impress ladies at my office just...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! HEADNOTE* I would like to point out that this series isn't going to simply cater to the average horny reader's sexual needs. Though that will indeed be in this series, it's actually going to be more like a tv drama. Kind of like an incest version of The L Word, or Sex and the City... shit like that. Anyway, enjoy. Nikolai Larionov slipped his thumb underneath the shoulder strap of his book bag, pulling it further up onto his shoulder. He kept his grip...
IncestThe wedding season was on. All the cousins that I knew in my family had gathered at my aunt’s place. We were just binding off the day. We had dinner and simply got a reason to drink too. I and my cousins gathered around the living room. Chilled beers in our hands and pop music playing in the background. I was one of the groomsmen and so I had gotten a perfect haircut. The beard was done well for the wedding. We were slowly retrieving to our beds, drunken heads. Only my cousin sister Emily...
IncestJack and Sharon were always close. When in their teen years, they explored sex, but never went all the way, but 30 some years later, fate put them back together and finally made love Incest is truly Best I’m Jack, 52, 5’ 10, 175 lbs, brown hair, in good shape. I am divorced so many years now, over 20, that I can hardly remember why I even got married to the ex. She was a control freak and very obsessive. It lasted a mere 3 years. No kids, so it was an easy split. I have a small, 3 bedroom home,...
Hello, All, This is Naveen from Vizag and I assume you have read my earlier story which shares my experience with my Cousin sister. If not please read it. Please feel free to reach me with your feedback at I assume I wrote this experience of mine in a long way but I hope you will really enjoy reading real life experiences than someone fantasies. **Ignore grammar, I did not spell check nor proofread the sex story after typing it** Just go with the flow if there were any mistakes. So making a...
IncestHi ISS readers. I am Varun from Kerala. My email id is . Please mail your feedbacks. This is my first story. So forgive me if there are some mistakes. From last 4 years I am a reader of ISS. I would like to share my experience also. My favorite is incest. Especially sister. Because my queen also is my sister. My family consist of 4 members. Me, pappa, amma and my sister. We are living ina village. We are one of the richest family in our village. My father is abroad. Through my stories I am...
IncestAt first I thanks ISS for publishing my story. My name is Honey and I think people should not get bad about incest or taboo. Think who has created ud? adam and Eve. No other male or female. So the population today is the child of them that is either by incest or by taboo sex. Our family grew up on this philosophy. So people those who don’t agree with my self please forgive me. This story is about how my son sorry son in law became normal. Actually the name of my abnormal son is Karan. He is a...
IncestIt all happened 1 year back. My sister & my jiju are working in the same company at a very high post, and they stay in Mumbai. My sister is 10 years elder to me. Her name is Rita and mine is Jay. I used to call her didi, because of the age difference. As we stay in Mumbai, so I used to visit their house not frequently but not rarely also. Now coming to my sister, her boobs were 38C; she has a very good and round ass, with big breasts which can make any man die for it. She is a mother of one but...
IncestHope you may find my absolutely real story pretty hot! My name is ganesh (name changed) and I am working in a company in Chennai and native is Madurai Our family includes 4 members… my dad and my beautiful mom who is now a sexy, lustful mom craving for sex !!Again I am saying readers… this is very much real and it’s happening!! My dad is working in a bank and my mother is a house-wife and her name is Geeta. we are from a Brahmin family. Ever since i got to know about incest, i was reading about...
IncestHello readers, this is a story that happened during the covid pandemic. I hope you will enjoy my incest experience. I am Naveen from Bangalore. I am 21 years old and a final year B.Com student. I am 6 ft. tall, a little chubby, and I have a brown–wheatish complexion. My mom is Deepa (name changed). She is a lecturer at the same college. She is 5’7, 45 years old. She somewhat looks like Bollywood actress Vidya Balan. She is not too fair nor too brown. Coming to the story. I was not an...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Lesley looked around the parking lot. After seeing no one was around, she leaned over to the drivers seat and laid a passionate french kiss on her father’s lips. “I’ll see you tonight, Les.” “See you tonight Daddy.” Lesley stepped out of the car and walked toward the high school. School was out for the day, but it was time for cross country practice. Lesley was a junior and she loved being on the team. All her friends were on the team and all the...
IncestGrandmother Chiyo: Äfter the war our family moved to Tokyo as our farm was no longer sustainable. My father and mother have a small restaurant in the red light district. I helped out in the restaurant and got to know pretty well some of the servicemen from America. Thinking that I might be able to help my family to migrate to America my family encouraged me to find an American husband. I succeeded in getting your grandfather Bill to marry me. However, instead of returning to America after...
I first thank the people of this country to stand beside us and to give us freedom to express our adult thoughts of incest, perversion, kinkiness and vulgarism and those who don’t like, we have not forced them to read and write. Let me start with Honey’s expression and description . I am Honey. My mom-26 Yrs. My Dad- 27 Yrs. My Twin brothers My grandma (My mom’s elder sister)-42 Yrs. My grandpa- 57 Yrs. My great grandma (mother of my mom and grandma)-56 Yrs My great Grandpa-57 Yrs. Except...
IncestHi friends my name is krish, I have read many stories in iss which inspired me to share my experience. . Incest started in my life at a very young age, where i was just 10 years old. . I used to behave like every other kid of my age up until one night which changed my life forever. . . As i live in tamil nadu where incest is not much talked about but am sure it’s happening. . . Saying about my mom she gave birth to me at a age of 36 & is a typical southern women in nature, where as she looks...
IncestHello guys and gals, I am back with a new story of mine which is sizzling hot for incest lovers. Let me tell you that I am 37 years old, a happily married woman with a seductive body. I belong to a well-off and ultra modern family. I have been blessed with huge, firm but still very soft and blooming breasts with hard tits. My busty buttocks glow with radiance when massaged with body lotion. My belly is firm and flat making my pussy area a bit lifted. The swollen and a bit raised v shaped...
IncestHelo friends mera nam saima khan ha. Mera figure kafi acha ha boobs 38 waist 32 ass 42 aur rang gora ha height 6 weight 73 long hair black eyes.Ye meri true story ha.Meri family main mera husband 48 mera 2 sons parveez19 aur atif 15 hain.Mera thaluk ik high class family say ha.Mera hubby aik business man ha aur har waqt apnay business kay kam karta ratha ha aur gahar ka bilkul khayal nahi raktha vo zaida tar business toures par he ratha ha.Jis ki waja say meri sex ki piyas zaida barh gai...
Hello guys how is life? It has been documented since time immemorial and if you think properly there should have been incest according to any custom. For example if eve has been created by Adam’s ribs it is his own part and the next generation of human beings should also have arisen from incest. Even in Hindu custom there is a god who married his own daughter. And the history says that ancient Egyptians married their blood relations to maintain the purity of blood. Even the ancient Indian...
IncestThis is a collection of short stories that involves Incest elements! Incest has always been a taboo thing in many countries. Even then, people always view they who has incest tendencies as weird, strange, or just mentally ill. But the people in this stories don't care about how others will view them. They don't give a fuck. Some of these characters will engage in sexual or romantic relationships with their family members or relatives. Some aspect on how taboo it is will obviously be...
IncestIncest Family Part 1 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. My name is David, & I’m 18, my brother Tom is 17. mom & Dad have been married for 21 years. During the dot COM craze Mom; Dad & Uncle Tim started a business. They went to Vegas this weekend on a business trip, leaving Tom & I home alone. We had our girlfriends over. The 4 of us was smoking some weed & drinking. Tom popped in a video; not knowing it was fuck flick. The first...
IncestBy : Raman Hi this is Raman with a true incest story from Punjab. In order to enjoy full, please note the few Punjabi words and their English equal words. lun-cock, bhen-sister chod-fuck Bhenchod-sisterfucker bund-ass fuddi-cunt bhaaji-brother veer-brother These word swill help you enjoy the story better. It is likely to run into more parts. Please email me your comments at The hero of this true story was Kewal. He belonged to a big city in Punjab. You would be surprised when I say “he...
IncestI’m Jack, 52, 5’ 10, 175 lbs, brown hair, in good shape. I am divorced so many years now, over 20, that I can hardly remember why I even got married to the ex. She was a control freak and very obsessive. It lasted a mere 3 years. No kids, so it was an easy split. I have a small, 3 bedroom home, nothing fancy, but I like it. I do date, but never wanted to be tied down again, so I try to pick women who also do not want any commitments, just fun and sex. This story though, is about my cousin...
My sister Melanie is the same way, although she is a bit than I am but anyone could tell straight away we are sisters. Some people even confuse us with been twins even though she is thirteen. We have the same hazel brown eyes, the same long dark brown hair and the same distinctive facial features, as well as similar personalities. My boobs are quite a bit bigger than Mel’s but I love her tiny little tittles. We actually bought matching leotards one year to make people believe that we were...
Introduction: I attended a Gymnastics meet for young girls and I got so turned on I had to write this story so I could cum and get it out of my system…yummy. My name is Nikki, I am fourteen years old. My life revolves around gymnastics. My younger sister Melanie and I were introduced to the world of gymnastics by our mother at a young age. Mom was also a gymnast in her younger days. Like a normal gymnast, I have always been petite but Ive always had a lot of upper body strength and balance. ...
On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.” I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.” Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was incest. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that incestuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?” I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.” Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”. I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...
IncestHi indian sex stories dot net readers I am Vijay(frnds call me jammy) from madurai..tamilnadu… Been reading the stories in iss for a long time but this is my first story and a real one too…. I am currently doing in 2nd year in engineering in a reputed college in Madurai locality… So I have been a lover of sex for a long time since my first masturbation… I posted a gigolo ad in locanto 2 months ago and was receiving so many men, callers, thinking that it was an agent…but then after 20 days, I...
Hello,everyone I am Raghu posting a story ( real) which happened between one boy and his mom. I am free for chat and intimate relationship. Just mail me on . pls give feedback. It is a real thing happened in somewhere of Kerala ,and now continued in andhra. so the story will be long.( it is real,so what else stop you from reading it) I make a fake id in social networking and chatted with some incest lovers to make a erotic story,but most of them want to jerk their cock by abusing theirs mom....
IncestI am Honey.first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing all my stories.13 is not always unlucky. At the age of 13 I became the mother of our first incest child of great grand pa and me and also the female boss of the mansion.Now as per my plan I also became mother of two sons namely duke and baron by my grand pa and dad respectively. Similarly my great grandpa also impregnated his both daughters to give sweet female child. To me Prince is the next boss after me as he is the first male child...
IncestFirst I thanks ISS to start my story as they have guided me to write the story.This story we should called as Incest, taboo and normal.Here is the story how an abnormal boy and an abnormal man became normal only by virtue of sex. Here is the sexpedition of their life.I am Honey 39 Yrs.and my husband 22 Yrs. Gave birth to a male child similarly Mou my daughter 20yrs.and Prabhu 43yrs. father of my husband Rajesh and aldo FIL of my son Karan gave birth to a male child at the same time in...
IncestHi, I am a regular reader of this site from 2 years. I always jerked of reading these erotic stories especially incest category. Now coming to the story, we are a family of 6 people me (18), father(61), mother(56),and my 2 sisters(22&16) and my brother (26). My lund is 8 inch and my sister stats are 38-24-36(elder), 34-24-34(younger) and my mom(38-28-36). All these 3 are a fucking beauties any man would want them on bed. I also fucked my cousin sister(36-26-38)an ass dying for and I also fucked...
IncestMy name is Honey . Incest and taboo was quite practice in my home. We the family members believe in we are son of adam and eve. Apart from this we practice regular Yoga, Meditation and Aerobics. All the males are well build and females are quite supple and looks fresh and young. Let me start the story from my great grand father that is father of my grandma and incidentally my mom’s father also. My grand father was best friend in his childhood. Now the story is that the sister which my grand...
IncestHi, I am sunny from Pune. I am 22 yrs old and have an average body. I am a regular reader of ISS. And I am very fond of incest n group type of stories. This is an incest story of me and my sexy bhabhi neha which happened 4 months ago. This is my 1st story so please ignore if any mistake. She was fair, tall and her figure was 36 28 36. I am writing the story from beginning and am very big but u will surely enjoy it. Now coming to story I have a big brother who got married a yr ago with a very...
INCEST LINK Shekhar with his wife Anita was leading a happy life with their daughter Pinky. shekhar;s younger unmarried beautiful sister Shalini and Shekhars younger brother Sanjay who were still studying were also living with them. Shekhar is a handsome well built guy, manager for marketing in some good company, earning big. He also has to go on tour often. Having a good sexual drive he (almost) always move with a hard dick filled with cum. And when he comes back from tour storm rushes into...
IncestThe school year flew by. Susan gave birth to a little girl, and DNA tests showed it was her father’s. She was auctioned off to the highest bidder, giving Susan the freedom to concentrate on her own happiness, which made some of the other girls in class jealous. There were now a total of 47 parents participating in the incest/group sex orgies sponsored by Woodrow Wilson High, as well as more than 123 students. There were few rules laid out, but there were rules. Rough sex was encouraged, but...
with sis: hi incestuous! are you really? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: cool! can I ask your a/s/l, if you don't mind? incestuous_angel: 27 male with sis: oh, sorry i am male as well incestuous_angel: good with sis: good?? incestuous_angel: ok with sis: so wern't you looking to chat with a female? incestuous_angel: it is ok with sis: so you are into incest? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: with who in your fam? incestuous_angel: mum n sisters incestuous_angel: u? with sis: 2...
100% fiction! I awoke from what I thought was a dream, the best sex I have ever had, in my life and the man that I had the great sex with was beside me in the bed. Unfortunately it was Robby, my 19 year old son. What happened and how did I find myself in this "incestuous" mess? It began as parents weekend at the university. Robby shared a dorm room with 3 other boys, I couldn't stay with him so I booked a room at the local hotel with 2 doubles and Robby and I were going to spend parents weekend...
IncestIncest Family Part 5 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. I asked, “Where is Grandma? Grandpa said, “She’s at home.” I said, “I’ve been here the whole weekend & I haven’t met her. Why is that?” Grandpa said, “Cause she knows why I come her, & she don’t approve of it.” I said, “Call her & ask her to come over, & by the time she’s leaves, she will approve of it.” Grandpa being high & drunk said, “Hand me the phone.” Cindy handed him...
IncestIncest Family Part 2 Part 2 of 7 This is only a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. I lay in Mom’s arms with her tits in my face, I couldn’t help but suck on a nipple & soon I was rocking. I moved on top of her & pushed my cock into her pussy again. Tom & Dad moved into a 69 & went to town on each other’s cock. Mom said she wanted me to fuck her doggie style, while Dad ate her pussy. Dad laid down on his back, Mom climbed on top, putting her pussy...
IncestDeclan and Eileen O'Keefe had a daughter, named Tara, while Angus and Dana Finnegan had a son, named Connor. Knowing full well that there was a family connection between the 2, in that Connor and Tara were 1st cousins, and Connor was also Tara's uncle, the 2 families schemed to ensure that they would be lovers, no matter whom they married. They could not wed each other, due to the family relationship, but Connor would take his niece Tara as his mistress. This "arranged affair" was set up by the...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! In our middle thirty's,and our 18yo son at high school in the UK,we proudly accepted my wife's dad's invitation to be nude with him, at the huge nudist resort in Southern France early last summer. Our son assured us that he would be okay by himself for the two weeks,and that made us feel very proud,to be able to trust him to look after himself,whilst we were away in France. We told him about the nudist holiday,and we said we would make it up to him at...
IncestHey guys, I proudly present to you the part 3 of my incest sex experience with my hot cousins. Please go and read the previous two parts and only then proceed to read this one. As you guys remember, the last part ended with me coming back from Shimla where I had the best sex of my life. First with my cousin Riya and then a threesome with my younger cousin Aisha and her Boyfriend Aryan. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to meet my cousins for the next 5 years as all of us grew busy with our lives. It...
IncestThere is a saying, “You reap what you sow” or “One eats the fruit they planted.” Once there was an emperor who was very fond of this saying. He was a brave and romantic emperor. He spoilt his favourite consorts. Among his favourite consort, there was one that he liked the most. He was infatuated with her. He could not get enough of her body. She was responsive and just knew how to please him. She had an angelic voice that could make his cock stood erect instantaneously. It was an enchanting...
IncestIt was a cold and frosty morning in Shimla, where I had gone to spend a week with my cousins. I had two beautiful cousins namely Riya and Aisha, who were 19 and 18 years old respectively. They were both were alone this whole week only living with their maid. The first two-three days went by normally. But then on the night of the fourth day, something mind-blowing happened. At night, the temperature would decrease significantly and would go down to – 2-degree Celsius. I used to sleep with Riya...
IncestIt was a day of joy because my cousins were coming from canada, and coming along with them was my aunt. Yes, my aunt! Her name is swathi. She is a beautiful 32-year-old goddess. Brown colour skin, standing tall at a height of more than 5 feet. Curvy lips, dimples on the side of her cheek and a perfect nose. She is a good example of beauty well defined with an adequate amount of sweetness! My cousins arrived on an early saturday morning… And as usual, I was asleep, with the hangover of friday...
IncestMy name is Rajan, a typical Hyderabadi who stays near kukatpally. My family consists of my father Krishna(age 48) he works in a government bank. My mother Priya(42) housewife with a smoking body of (38-36-40) she is, in fact, chubby but in kind of sexy milf way. My sister Sneha, 2 years younger than me, she has perfect figure but I like her cute smile even more. My mom and dad are very close to each other. I had caught them kissing a couple of time which does not happen in a normal family. Both...
IncestIncest series…. My name is kamesh the youngest of the family.I have a sister who is 4 years elder than me…we live in railway quarters…my father is a railway coolie and he is very aggressive. He doesn’t care about anyone …if he’s given a bottle of wine and some money…we used to live in the last block of the colony where not even one other family used to visit…V had a boring life going on…my daily routine was..Going to college, listening to my father and mother bitch about each other…then when I...
IncestIt was my sequel to the previous sex story, “Incest fun in south India”. Please feedback at Then she wore her petticoat and saree, I moved back and went outside the room. When I hear the bathroom door slam sound, I entered the room and called her for calculation. She sat down and we are done. In the meantime, she rubs her pussy over saree periodically. Then we both parted. I was thinking about my mom behavioral and wants to make it as chance. So I triggered my mind into planning mode. And...
IncestHello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Took place a month back. Thank you for your responses to my earlier stories here. This one has got casual sex, incest, orgy, BDSM so an all-in-all package. It will be a long one but bear with me and I assure you of bed-shaking orgasms! ;) So about me, I am Shivang, 24 from Mumbai. 6’1 in height with a not-so-athletic body and my tool a bit over 6″ . All of you must recognize Priya now, she is the perky writer here on ISS I had sex...
IncestHi every one. Thank you very much for your naughty comments dear. This is Krishnaveni again . Those who didn’t read the first part follow the link . Second part Earlier when I get into relationship I was thinking whether in doing any mistake what society will think about us. After reading iss stories. Many are having relationship within the family. Now I’m really comfortable as the positive comments are increasing day by day.Ladies and girls love incest stories I’m getting so many mails from...
LesbianHi everyone, I am Ragu. This is continuation of “incest happens in India” and this is final part of my story. Please feedback at Coming to the story, me and my mother Archana had sex and she is sleeping beside me. I just woke up and saw my mom. She is all nude lying on her stomach and covered with blanket .I opened the blanket and saw her body, am erected and rub her back from neck to ass and presses her ass, she moaned in sleep and I kissed her and want to fuck her. Suddenly I stopped myself...
IncestHello Guys, nice to hear from you all. This story is about one of my personal sex encounters with my sexy sister. It all started with ISS, I came to know about the word incest from reading a lot about sibling passions. I am a well built guy, standing 6’1” tall(you can imagine my cock!!), wheatish brown and a perfect introvert(creative), 22 years old. My sister, is 19, about 5’6” or 5’7”, mean, but unmatched boobs and a perfectly round ass. If she jumps, the inertia of her boobs, wouldn’t allow...
IncestThanks ISS. Again I am Honey to describe my life Dream history. Every Sexpedition, Every Sexperience , Every sexample must be told by me to my listeners. After the fuck fest ceremony on 31st December night, myself gathered all the gifts and quietly went to my bed room to thanks the Holy Spirit. The spirit said I am true lover of your great grand dad and I want you to conceive his son as I am already in your body so I will be very happy as if I have conceived my darling’s child. Spirit: Honey...
IncestI am honey again to describe conquer of my family members cock. This time it is my great grandpa who fell in my spell to surrender before me. Let me start the fact after my sex initiation with my family members in my home.At the first week of December a letter came from my great grandpa that his wife is sick so some body please come to look after me. Suddenly all three female members,my dad and grandpa called an urgent meeting Grandma : I know my dad is in heat and want another cunt beside my...
IncestHey guys this is sayali. Just completed engineering this year now doing interior design course diploma of one year in pune.I am 21 year old.I am fair in color & height is 5.2 inch & figure is 34d-28-34 just trying too lose some weight. I don’t think any girl can have so. I broke my virginity in the age of 18 too my cousin brother he is 6 year older than me. But after that it’s been long time I haven’t done sex .So lets start I had when too my uncle house because it’s been long I haven’t meet...
IncestMy name is honey and I am 37 yrs. old . My hubby has died 6 months ago and I have shifted from city to a township with my 19 yrs. abnormal son and daughter after she has completed her 12th class. We have sold all our properties and bought 2000sq ft. flat in the township and in that flat there was only another 2000sq. ft. flat and the system was such that apart from we two family none can enter our flat through the common place. My daughter mou is quite a replica of myself and she was very...