The Looters of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 6
- 2 years ago
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At Siobhan's house, several people had been watching for the bus since breakfast. Nancy chuckled several times at their antics. Even though they had been up late, they were all up and packed before breakfast. As soon as they saw it, a cheer went up and they were heading out the front door as the bus stopped at the curb.
When it stopped, Sally and Cheri stepped out and said, "Good morning."
Sally added, "Why don't you give your bags to Cheri? She will put them in the luggage compartment."
While the group boarded the bus, Nancy, Briana and Siobhan walked through the house checking to make sure everything was off or secured. During this Gee joined them. After introductions, Nancy said, "Gee is going to house sit while you are gone. Another will arrive later today."
Siobhan said, "You really didn't need to do that, but thanks. We do appreciate it."
"Well we thought it was appropriate, considering there were people monitoring your movements."
After walking through the house Siobhan said, "Well if Gee doesn't have any questions, then I'm ready," as she picked up a small bag.
"Me too," added Briana.
Gee walked them to the door and said with a smile, "Have a great time."
"Thanks," replied Briana as she linked arms with Nancy and Siobhan. Together they walked out to the bus. The angle of the light made Nancy's robe look almost transparent. This made it appear that she was just wearing high heels and drew the attention of a few people passing by.
Reaching the bus, Sally said to Nancy, "Are you trying to cause a scene?"
"No. Why?"
"Your robe looked almost transparent part of the time."
"I wondered why those cars slowed down."
Nancy then gave Sally a hug and followed Briana and Siobhan onto the bus. Seeing Rusty sitting in the driver's seat she said, "Well this is a surprise." She gave him a kiss before sitting down in the first row. As soon as everyone was seated, the bus began to move.
Sally announced, "We have another stop to make before we get to the airport."
After picking up a group of three, they headed toward the airport. When they passed the turnoff for the main terminal, someone said, "We missed the exit."
Nancy stood facing the passengers and said, "The airport we are using is a little further on. We should be there in about half an hour. You are probably wondering, why?" There were several nods. "We thought it was best to avoid large crowds or tightly controlled air space. We've tried to keep as low a profile as possible in setting up your visit. I think all of you can imagine the commotion there would be if it was generally known why we wanted to meet with you. Doing it this way also protects your privacy if you decide not to join us in our adventure."
Claudine, who was sitting in the back raised her hand. "Yes?" asked Nancy.
"I believe you said that clothing was optional this week." Nancy nodded yes. "Can we start now?"
"It would be better if you waited until we were on the plane. We don't know how many people we will see at the airport."
"Cool. I can't wait until we are on the plane." Many on the bus chuckled.
"Why are you so anxious, if I may ask?"
Someone said, "She hardly keeps her clothes on in the house."
"I am very comfortable that way," retorted Claudine. "To answer your question Nancy, I spent a good part of my life living in nudist colonies with my family before I went to school. Since I lost them, I have missed the atmosphere of living in a nudist camp. I am very much looking forward to this week."
"In that case, I think you will feel right at home."
About half way to the airport, Rusty said, "Nancy we have two cars following us. They've been with us since shortly after we left Siobhan's."
Nancy started to go to the back of the bus, when Rusty added, "Never mind, they aren't behind us now. There seems to have been an accident." Even so Nancy was quite tense when she sat back down.
"Relax Nancy," said Sarah. "We have been watching the video feed from the drones shadowing you. The two cars following you contained the surveillance teams monitoring Siobhan's and Briana's residences. The first car had a tire blow out. Apparently the driver couldn't control it, as it swerved then rolled. The second car rammed the first one while it was rolling. A tractor trailer almost plowed into them but managed to stop in time. He stopped to assist, as have several other cars. The highway is blocked by the mess."
Siobhan looked at Nancy and then Briana. "Did someone just talk to you?"
Nancy was startled by the question. When she looked at Siobhan and Briana, she was quite certain they had heard Sarah. "That was Sarah updating me on a situation behind us. Two cars were in an accident." Then switching to verbal she added, "Yes. From your expressions I believe you both heard her comments and mine." They nodded. "We were talking telepathically."
Siobhan blushed as she said, "When I hear voices like that I usually don't pay much attention, as I am never sure whether they are real or not. This time everything fit together and was sort of like last night. Again, sorry for eavesdropping."
"My apologies, as well," said Briana who's blush was brighter than Siobhan's.
"No apologies are necessary. It wasn't a private conversation. Rusty, Sally and Cheri heard it as well. I will continue to talk to you this way for a bit since both of you can understand me." They nodded yes. "My impression is that this is new to you, but considering last night perhaps not unexpected." They again nodded yes. "We think everyone on the bus has this capability, which is one of the reasons we approached you. Later we can show you how you can manage it. Sarah's Clan will talk about telepathy and mind linking later today, I think."
"Yes. Nancy is correct."
"You're listening?"
"Yes, partially. We have been keeping tabs on you since last evening, either through you or by one of the drones or bots. Sorry about that but it seemed to be the safest choice."
"I am glad you have. I was uneasy for a while."
"Yes, we noticed, which was part of the reason for doing it." Nancy noticed the amazed expression on both Briana and Siobhan's faces.
"You know Briana and Siobhan are in this link."
"Yes. It appears that theirs is already functioning," she said with a smile in her voice. "They just need more experience communicating this way. It took us a while to be comfortable with it. I suspect, if you look inward a bit, you can figure out how to strengthen it. Actually it would be better to wait until you are here, then we can show you. We will also show you how to manage your connections and other related stuff. Oh, by the way, the bus driver is Rusty, one of my spouses."
While listening to Sarah, there were excited expression on their faces. "Wow this is so neat," they said.
"Yes, it is."
The bus slowed and turned into the airport entrance. It was a small regional airport that only served executive and private aircraft. As the bus pulled toward the ramp gate, it opened and they drove out onto the ramp. They pulled up next to an executive jet. Even before the bus had stopped, everyone was standing in the aisle. When the door opened they followed Sally and Cheri out. Sally stepped aside and motioned them to continue onto the plane. She then went to help Cheri with transferring the bags. Once the bags were loaded, Sally and Cheri waited by the jet's steps, while Rusty drove back to the parking lot.
As soon as Claudine was inside the plane, she began removing her clothes. It didn't take her long as she wasn't wearing much more than Nancy was. When she saw it, Nancy smiled. Several others had followed Claudine's lead. Nancy released the clasps on her robe and slipped it off, joining them.
Rusty walked briskly back toward the jet and followed Sally and Cheri up the steps into the plane. He paused at the front of the cabin for a moment and said, "Hi. My name is Rusty and I am one of Sally's spouses. In a couple of minutes we will depart. Glad to have you on board. I would join you in your nudity but I have a few more trips after I drop you at the resort. Nice bods though." Several chuckled and a few blushed as he turned to go up to the flight deck.
Conan was looking out the window when he saw a tall blond exit the operations building and begin walking toward the aircraft. Seeing the similarities with Sally he said softly, "She must be another of Sarah's Clan." It was so quiet on the aircraft that everyone heard and laughed causing him to turn bright red.
"I've told you that your voice carries," said Siobhan as she chuckled at his discomfort and patted his arm.
Rusty had paused on hearing him and now said, "Yes that is Alison. We will be your pilots today." With that he turned and continued up onto the flight deck. Alison stepped in said, "Hi," to everyone in the cabin before also stepping up onto the flight deck. The steps folded up and the cabin door closed. Once it was shut, Conan saw the ground crew pull the chocks away from the wheels and then a few moments later heard the engines spin up. When they turned toward the ramp, Conan saw the ground crewman waving his wands directing them toward the runway. He thought, "This is some airplane."
"What?" said Siobhan.
"I was just thinking this jet is amazing. Usually you feel bumps as an aircraft rolls across the ramp, like you do in a car. The engines are really quiet as well."
When they reached the end of the runway, they paused while Alison checked with operations. Since this field did not have a tower, they broadcast their intent to depart. They turned onto the runway and immediately began to accelerate. After a short roll, they lifted off and began to climb rapidly but still well within the limits of the jet everyone saw. All those watching on the ground would see is an executive jet taking off, and not the shuttle it really was.
Shortly after they lifted off Nancy stood and said, "You can now move around. There are refreshments in the galley. Please help yourself." No one moved as they were riveted on the view out the windows. Several had flown before and were amazed at how quickly the aircraft had risen.
"Nancy, how high are we?" asked Conan.
"Alison will give you the details in a moment."
Just then they heard Alison say, "We are now leveling out at 200,000 feet. Out the right side you can see North America with the Atlantic Ocean on the left."
"Wow!" exclaimed several passengers.
"We thought that since we will be talking about working on space ships this week you should see Earth first hand from the edge of space."
"This is obviously not an executive aircraft," said Conan.
"That's correct," said Nancy. "We disguised our shuttle to look like an executive jet. Guess it was effective?"
"Very much so. Before college I flew in one several times with my dad. When I first saw it I didn't notice anything unusual about it, but now several things stand out. On takeoff the acceleration did not push us back in the seat, and then there is the altitude we are at. Also before we started moving you didn't say anything about buckling in."
Unknown to the passengers, the shuttle's radar signature was so small that ATC radar treated it as noise. Its performance also contributed to the returns being treated as noise. This lack of visibility meant that the flight crew and AI were responsible for avoiding other objects. Once they were over an uninhabited area, cloaking was initiated so they truly became undetectable.
It was close to an hour later when the shuttle banked right, to begin descending toward the resort. It settled onto the ocean side of the large lawn near the main building. When the door opened everyone could smell the sea air as they hurried out of the shuttle. Once everyone had exited, Rusty stepped to the door and looked out to see if the bags had been unloaded. Seeing they were he said, "See you at dinner. Nancy will stay with you until you are settled in."
He stepped back inside again and the cabin door closed. The group watched as the shuttle quietly moved toward the ocean then began to rise, as it did, it vanished from sight. Its sudden disappearance caused the group to gasp. Seeing their reaction Nancy smiled and thought, "I guess, I looked like that the first time." She then said, "As you can see, the shuttle can become invisible on command. We refer to it as being cloaked. Now if you will come with me, we can get your accommodations squared away." Nancy led them to the main building. During the short walk she pointed out the different facilities. "Beyond what you can see, there are several recreational areas on the resort. We have a swimming pool, tennis, and an exercise room. There is a golf course but we would like to save that for later in the week. Sally has set up an outside dojo. She is an instructor for Aikido and Yoga and can probably assist you with other martial art's practice. Nearly all the staff has some proficiency in martial arts."
Bob was waiting on the porch and Nancy said, "This is Bob one of my spouses." There was a look of puzzlement on a few faces. "We have a number of family groups here. Some narrow minded people may call them harems, which to them implies someone is superior, but that is not true in this society. Our group consists of two men and four women. Bob and I have a daughter and son. Our daughter, Joyce, is a member of Sarah's Clan and our son, Adam, is with US Special Operations somewhere."
Inside, Julia, Susan and Alice were waiting by the registration desk. After giving everyone their room keys Julia said, "We have given everyone their own room as we didn't think to ask your preferences. If you decide to share with someone, we don't care but would like to know as it will help us locate you. Now Nancy will show you the building where your rooms are. One more thing, please stay within sight of the main buildings for today."
Nancy led them to an adjacent building and let them sort out their room arrangements. Before leaving she said, "Lunch will be served in 2 hours. Shortly before that a chime will sound to remind you."
"Thanks," said Siobhan.
Nancy went back to the lobby to wait for Rusty, Sally and Alison to return with the next group. She was quite comfortable with the way things had proceeded so far. As soon as she was in the lobby, her fellow spouses surrounded her and gave her a hug. They broke for a minute and sat down on the couch and cuddled. "I missed cuddling last night," said Nancy.
Stan kissed her. "We missed you too even though we were connected with you. I think I have a better understanding of Betsy's comment regarding touching and cuddling, as it seems more important to us now."
"Where is the rest of Sarah's Clan?"
"Sarah, Terry, Joyce and Star are monitoring the guests while they get settled," replied Julia. "Judy, Jill, and Janet went up to the ship with Jean's group. Erica asked them to come up and assist with Briana's friends and those arriving with them. The rest are combing the grounds to determine if there are any lurking surprises. Amy's Clan, Judy, Jill and Janet will be here by dinnertime. Also, two more pairs of lions will arrive with them."
"Half of Ann's group is working on getting dinner set up and the rest are with the nannies back at the enclave taking care of the babies and the farm."
Just then there was a chirping sound. "Looks like Rusty and Alison are approaching." Nancy and Susan rose to go down to meet the shuttle.
The group came out of the shuttle in a hurry followed by Maureen with a screaming woman in an arm lock. Maureen's dress was torn so much, she was nearly nude. The woman was swearing and screaming while trying to scratch or hit Maureen.
Rusty and Alison followed them out. They relieved Maureen from trying to handle the woman. She immediately turned her attack on them although without being nearly as effective.
Sarah came running over, then stopped just short of them and said, "I've got her." With that the woman quieted down as Rusty and Alison released her. She stood in one spot but continued to twitch and jerk about.
Nancy asked Maureen, "Who is she?"
"You don't know? She told me you had approved her joining our group for the pickup. None of us have ever seen her before."
"We haven't either." Turning to the group she said, "This is Susan. She will take you to the registration desk where your rooms will be allocated. The registration desk will also have information on all the facilities available. Maureen, can you stay with us for a moment?"
She nodded yes, as the others moved off with Susan.
"Well she wasn't on our invitation list. Can you tell us what happened?"
"Well she seemed very nervous when she joined us at the pickup point, which didn't seem too surprising as none of us knew her. I attributed it to her being extremely shy, as most of us are familiar with the feeling. On the way to the airport, she became even more withdrawn. She did ask where we were going when we passed the exit for the commercial airport. Rusty told her we were using a private airport. When Rusty drove onto the airport ramp and up to the jet, she really began to shake. Once we were all on the plane, she seemed to become very pale, quiet and withdrawn. We took off, and when Rusty told us how high we were, she went crazy. The view was beautiful; I just wish I could have seen more of it. But just as I got a good view of Earth, she grabbed the back of my dress and yanked. Fortunately it ripped, otherwise I think I would have bounced off of the cabin wall. From then on it was a free-for-all until I managed to get her in an arm lock. And here we are."
"We need to make another trip, would you like to go with us?" asked Rusty.
"You bet, but what about her. I need to tell my friends. Is it okay, if I am nude?" she asked as she removed the remains of her dress.
"Susan is telling them now. A couple of people will be here to take care of our surprise guest in a few minutes. Once the medics arrive, we can leave."
"I'm going on this trip as well," said Nancy. "I think it is better if we have another person on the craft."
Rusty and Alison nodded their agreement as Alison said, "That is why I sent them off with Susan. I guess, I was kind of rude."
"I didn't see it that way," replied Maureen.
A few minutes later two bots arrived with a stretcher followed by Cheri. After the woman was secured to the stretcher and being carried away Cheri said, "I am to go with you."
"Glad to have you along," said Nancy as they boarded the shuttle.
"I hope this is quieter than the last trip," said Maureen. She sat next to Nancy in the window seat. She hardly spoke as she looked out the window on their way to the next pick up point. The next two groups would meet them at the airport.
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Abbey 'No, ' I thought. Except for the ten minute breaks every two hours, I have been in a constant state of arousal. "Yeah, lets," exclaimed Trish before looking around embarrassingly at the others over her outbreak. "Yeah, lets," echoed Pam. "I'm game," agreed Maggie. The way Pam and Maggie were looking at me, I almost thought they hoped I would say no. Well I am not going to be the party pooper and since they are treating me as a big girl, I will go along. "Yeah," I...
This chapter was kindly edited. Great job. Thank you Mike. ***** While Kate and Todd rested in comfortable silence together, occasionally exchanging soft kisses, their brains seemed to be telepathically connected because they had the same thoughts in mind. They reflected what had happened since they met at the bookstore. Todd thought he was the luckiest man on earth to have found Kate, and his soul mate had to concede not even her wonderful husband had made her complacent with her sexual...
The ad seemed simple enough. “Help wanted. Full-time work in a professional atmosphere. Duties include but are not limited to…” All that corporate jazz. I wasn’t in love with the work-life, but my mom sure wanted me out of the house and working again, so I wore my best suit ready and made an appointment.I wasn’t really thrilled with the suit. I was more of a dress girl myself, but hey, ‘dress for the job you want.’ And I wanted the job. Living rent-free with my mom sounded great in theory, but...
Office SexThe Friday night party celebrated the end of the school year, there were about 200 people in attendance. Lots of music, food and liquor; Rodney had brought along a ‘stick of illie’ or marijuana as a bonus, and we all took turns taking a drag. The moon was full or close to it, we felt its effects and were horny. Our little group or clique, about 20 of us were really close. The party drew to a close and someone suggested driving to Negril to go crabbing, we could camp out overnight ...
Group SexFirst time Jamal took AnaAfter living many years in New York, the owner decided to expand the company to Savannah. The big bosses told me to get in charge of the new office and I gladly accepted.Ana and I were supposed to move there to a new house, but the first weeks we just got a nice room in a quiet hotel downtown.On the second week there, a State Basketball Tournament came to the city and mostly hotel rooms were filled with basketball players… One afternoon I came back from office, finding...
“Grant! Grant! Are you alright?” cried Sabrina. Beth looked carefully at Grant, and said, “He’s in shock,” as she ran to get her medical kit. Beth met John and Sioux coming down the hall, and said, “Something has frightened Grant enough to send him into shock. Sioux, please comfort and help Sabrina, but don’t take her from that room. I’ll be right back.” When the couple entered the room they found a hysterical Sabrina and a catatonic Grant. Sioux immediately gathered Sabrina in her arms...
I was outside McCowall's garage at nine o'clock sharp. By unspoken agreement I'd spent the night in my 'own' bed. By the time I was up and about the girls had left for school. Mary gave me breakfast and hurried off on some urgent business. It was for the best, I suppose. The previous night was, indeed, one we would all remember for a long time to come and teary farewells and possible recriminations were best avoided. I ate hurriedly. Mary had not left a bill so I wrote a cheque for a...
Jack laid back on his bed, cock in hand as he watched the adult video on his TV. The 18 yr olds mother would have a fit if she knew about the x rated tapes he hid in his room. It was almost six o"clock, Mom"s usual time home from work and He knew he was taking a chance watching them. But he"d been so horny when he got home. He"d had an afternoon date with Becky and she"d played little miss cockteaser again. If he didn"t jerk off he"d burst.With a tight grip he stroked his hard cock, imagining...
Freckled, blue-eyed teen Anastasia Rose wants older director Mike Adriano’s huge cock up her ass! The frisky, young beauty flaunts her natural titties and spreads her pale butt cheeks to wink her anus for the camera. Mike worships her shaved, young cunt and shoves his thick cock down Anastasia’s throat, making her gag. The slobbering slut eats the director’s asshole; soon his big boner is stuffing her greasy rectum. After sodomizing this adorable minx, Mike fills her mouth...
xmoviesforyouHello readers, welcome back. Note: This is the continuation of part 1 by username called maximuslove. Please excuse me since I couldn’t recover my old account I will post new stories with _iammakersmark2593 from now on. The next day morning, we reached home and my wife Gayathri asked what is the thought I had in my mind which gave me a hard boner last night. I said it was actually she and the way she went out to help out my friend. My wife was thinking for a while about what she had done...
(Author's Note: I dedicate this chapter to all of us that are slightly different. Or, as Mr. Lear so eloquently put it, are "partly little beasts and partly little fowl.") The Children of the Owl and the Pussycat Our mother was the Pussycat, our father was the Owl; and so we're partly little beasts and partly little fowl. The brothers of our family have feathers and they hoot. While all the sisters dress in fur and have long tails to boot. We all believe that little mice, for food are...
Roxxi caught up with the three she had been chasing at the top of the hill. They were waiting for the light to cross to the apartment building he had entered the last time she had seen him. She almost spoke. She stood too close. He smelled like sex. He smelled like Liz the waitress. Roxxi bit her lip until it was white. “Oh shit! Where’d you come from?” The guy had been talking to the big tittied brown haired girl and when he tossed his head and swayed back in laughter from his own joke he...
[ ver 1.3 Most of the French is obvious or soon implied. Longer or more difficult wording is translated in square braces like these. Until after the cop flirted, this is all true --- I did change the names and ages of those involved. Mich’s behavior over the bill is also true. If all you want is the hot scenes, skip to == Police == ] Sirens screaming made us all paranoid and put worries of arrests in our guts. Is four people in a two-seater sports car illegal? This happened some years ago...
Lily snapped at me when I instructed her on how to properly handle my car. When she threatened to leave me on the side of the road I sat back in the passenger seat, allowing the wave of intoxication to carry me away from what drove me to drink in the first place. It was getting warm in the car so I rolled the window down. At night the smell of the city changed to something almost romantic. It could have been because the sun was no longer heating up the filth in the sewer lines. Or, it could...
Narrated by Shobha Hello, main Shobha, mein aap ne dekha ki main apne ghar Tushaar aur Naveen, mere husband Rakesh ke dosto ke sath thi. Rakesh ke banaye khel ke hisab se ye dono mujhe mile the. Par ab ye dono mere sath the. Main kuch khane ke liye banana chahti thi. Par ye dono mujhe ek pal ke liye akele nahi chor rahe the. Aur had paar ho gayi jab ye dono mujhe apni ungliyo se maza dete hue Rakesh se phone par baat karne par majboor kar diye. Kuch der to main khud par kaabu rakh Rakesh se...
Thank you LizRos– me being Liz had been close mates all through school until she suddenly left school at 16 yrs and just seemed to disappear. We were very close and I did miss her but I went on to finish school, go to university and eventually pass out with a law degree. A great time at uni and in the last year spent much time in bed with a fellow law student. We were both lucky enough to be employed in the same Melbourne law firm so we got married. I specialized in property law whilst Alan...
Let’s start the story. It was a beautiful yet exhaustive evening. I boarded a bus which was full of rush. After my journey started, more and more people came in and boarded the bus which made it completely packed. It was really a humid and hot day. I was feeling the smelly environment which was making me uncomfortable. But all of a sudden my eyes fell on a girl who was in a white shirt and black skirt(probably coming from her office). After observing her a bit carefully, I was dumbstruck. She...
Hey yo, its kk again with another story. I’m fair, athletic and adventure loving guy. I thank every one for their feed backs. My email id is So coming to the story, this happened when i was in my 2nd yr of graduation. At that time i was 19 yrs old. I was a bsc in food science and hotel management student. We had micro-biology, included in our degree course. I always have been good in biology, pathetic in maths and average in chemistry. Still my mom insisted me to go for a micro-biology tutor....
Troubled Youth By Miss AnonnaIt was an hour drive down to the river but I was ready to go with a cooler full of wine, towels, bathing suit and chair that makes lying in the sun so easy. When I turned onto River road I knew I’d be there half an hour from now and already my tight shorts were riding up my ass and I was getting antsy. About 10 minutes on the winding road I noticed an older SUV on the side with the flashers going and figured someone probably ran out of gas. The station was further...
MILFI don't usually have trouble sleeping but for some reason I found myself wide awake at 4AM. "What the hell is wrong with you Mike?" I said to myself. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get back to sleep, so I did the one thing that I knew that might put me to sleep;I turned on my computer, opened up Photoshop and began working on reparing some old family photos. The first picture was that of my sister Cathy who happened to be wearing a very nice dress but something wasn't right with the...
IncestThe Misaki situation, on the other hand, never seemed to reach a proper conclusion. Polls in the tabloid press were still nearly dead even for which woman I should marry, and I was seen (much as our raccoon-badger mascot) as the male personification of romance and sex appeal. Misaki and I continued to go on frequent dates together, but still I withheld myself from her bed while she claimed publicly I was in fact a frequent visitor to it. Soon she was even being seen in Niigata with me, right...
Ocean turned orange and the sky red. The daylight was taking the night off. The sun, bored with the lack of imagination of the subjects of this part of Earth had decided to move to another, more interesting place. Emily cursed its parting. She always hated this moment. The sun was the only interesting aspect of her life and with it gone; there was nothing but plain solitude. She watched the sun set until she could watch it no more. Then she picked up her rucksack and moved on. Tonight she would...
EroticWell after Dan next door find out I was a crossdresser and we had sex.I knew there was something I had to do. I woke sunday morning and loaded some boxes in to back of my pick up.He seen I was dressed as Paula and came over and asked what was in the boxes.The stuff I don,t want anymore all of Paul's old clothes.For now on you only see Paula. He said really?Yes, what about the other nieghors he asked.I don't care what they thing it free world and they know.I said well I better take this stuff...
So after the school gets over It became the begining of the college You know whats college is about the Ultimate freedom that is the Biggest PLUS Point Of it!Since Striking the puberty i was waiting to be in college cause you know i will be away for Home most likely and other thing You know I need to have sex!:P lose my virginity thats all the horny thoughts i have :Pafter Striking Puberty i had liked Both males and females but i was more in to Males I guess!! well this is how it happenedI...
James Deen meets up with Grayson Z in the busy streets of New York. The weather seems cold as he is dressed with three layers of clothing. He has a winter coat on and under it a violet T-shirt. Another white tee is under the violet one. But the way she is dressed says otherwise. She is wearing a black off-shoulder, long-sleeved cropped top, and a pair of yellow jeans. She completes her outfit with a necklace, a pair of eyeglasses and a pair of knee-high boots. James and Grayson walk around the...
xmoviesforyouIt started as a bit of a lark but when the time came to put the plan in motion, my feet turned slightly cold. I was sitting in my car outside a fetish club, wondering whether I would end up looking like a fool. Then I thought, “Well, I’m here and may as well go through with it.” And with that, I got out of the car and walked towards the club.Per the club’s website, I was dressed entirely in black since I didn’t own a fetish outfit, whatever that meant. I was, however, wearing a little thing of...
WatersportsSo I've been exploring the underbelly of Japanese online hook up sites as of late. I thought I'd share some of my limited success. Where I have been looking is NTR message boards. Actually it was a Japanese member of XHam that turned me into them. So, thank you!NTR is the Japanese slang for cuckolding. It's a bit of a mine field as you can imagine. Lots of fakes and "pros". Also finding Japanese people that are interested in a foreigners is a bit hit or miss, having a big cock helps (relatively...
I am awaken to the sound of seagulls flying overhead and the beautiful ocean waves crashing against the cliffs below the window. I look at you and smile, you look so sexy sleeping there just like a baby. I kiss your cheek and let you sleep for a little while longer. I get up, put my robe on and head to the kitchen. I look out the windows, which overlook the ocean and realize just how beautiful the view is. I open the patio door and walk outside. The house sits out on this point of land...
Frank was going to the ball field for a little practice with his old teammates. He looked around the kitchen to make sure nothing was left turned on. When he was satisfied everything was in order, he put on his team cap and left for the field.The ongoing rivalry between him and his younger sister made him decide to walk to the ball field; otherwise he would have to ask his sister Trish to give him a ride. Frank and his friends couldn't help noticing Trish. She had become quite a cocktease. She...
This story is called 'The Scottish Lad' cos I never did find out his name. Just a quick one. Enjoy :)It was during a holiday in Ibiza the Summer I turned 18. We went out that first night and I spotted him among his mates. He must have been about 18 as well and looked like he was up for a laugh. The best thing? He was wearing a kilt. I don't know why but that turns me on big time. I had to find out if he was sticking with tradition and going commando under his tartan. After a couple of drinks I...