ComrieChapter 62 free porn video

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It was the morning of the Órarduine celebration at An Clochán when Sarah's Clan entered the common area. They were surprised by cheering when they stepped through the archway.

"Sarah's Clan," said Star, "our family would like for you to say a few words to begin the festivities."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," replied Star along with Amy's, Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans.

As Sarah's Clan made their way to the stage the cheering continued unabated. On reaching it, they said in unison, "Good morning!"

"Good morning," was the roar from the crowd.

"We are not real sure why you wanted us to speak. However, on our way up here we thought of several people who should be recognized. They have all played key roles in making it possible for us to reach this milestone on our journey into the future."

"First, there is Star. Star, come on out and join us." They paused while Star joined them on stage in her avatar form. "If Star hadn't pushed her programming constraints after the accident, it is very likely none of us would be here." The family applauded long and loudly acknowledging Star's contribution.

"Next are the survivors of the incident, in particular Amy's Clan. Currently Amy, Jim, Betsy and Erica are on the LRS looking for our new home, but let's have those that are here join us on stage." Sarah's Clan reached out with their telekinesis ability to bring them up onto the stage. Their expressions were priceless, as they suddenly found themselves floating through the air.

When they were standing on the stage, Connie said, "When did you learn to do that? I have only read about it in our library, I have never seen it."

"We've used it a couple of times," responded Joyce softly.

"During the years after the accident," continued Sarah's Clan, "Amy's Clan, along with the other survivors and Donna, continually sought to find new ways to improve their situation. It was their ingenuity, complimented by Star's behind the scenes efforts, that enabled them to establish the settlement at Comrie.

"Once they had sowed the seeds, it didn't take very long for them to grow and blossom. Just look around this room at how well they have blossomed. All of us owe all of you many thanks for being here and adding your many contributions to our family. Thank you. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to bless us.

"And speaking of blessings, we need to recognize Aine, Brigit, Creidne, Deidre, Eithne and Fidelma. The 'Old Ones' sent them to assist us in understanding our abilities and to fill the role of coaches or mentors. We feel we have been blessed with their mentoring as it has been outstanding, and we believe they are a key contributor to us being where we are today. As many of you know, they have asked for and received permission to use our location as their home base." The crowd cheered until Sarah's Clan raised their hands for quiet. "Let's party!" said Sarah's Clan as they started to leave the stage. Their comment resulted in another wave of cheering.

Connie held up her hands for silence. "Wait a minute," said Connie, "you guys can stay up here a little longer."

"Gee, I guess we didn't move quick enough," said Sarah's Clan prompting many to laugh.

"On behalf of my clan and those who arrived with us, having Sarah's Clan join us was the biggest blessing anyone could ever hope for. As most of you know, Sarah's Clan arrived on Comrie as a group of 8 people. They were very surprised when they woke up there and even more surprised by the changes in their bodies. They responded to their situation just like they do to everything, they dealt with reality. Of course it helped that they have some rather unique abilities. Their quiet unassuming leadership is a blessing we benefit from every day. They have helped all of us to grow and become who we are today. Thank you Sarah's Clan, for being you." The cheering began again.

Sarah's Clan let the cheering go on until it began to subside, then said, "Thank you. We believe that we have been immensely blessed by the Gods and Goddesses to be here with all of you. The goal for all of us is to make tomorrow better for all of us, as it takes all of us to be a family."

Someone hollered, "HIP, HIP," ... and the crowd responded with "HURRAY!"

"Let's party," said those on the stage, and then quickly left it.

Sarah's Clan wandered around the common area, stopping to watch the different games being played. They saw Siobhan's Clan play a volleyball match, and quit after three overtimes with it still tied up. They learned some new dances and then danced for a while longer. After that they listened to the different singing groups. It was late in the afternoon when Lorelei, the former Grand View TV host, joined them with a couple of visiting reporters in tow. Melinda wasn't far behind them.

"Lorelei, how are you feeling?" asked Judy.

"Much better thanks to you all. I don't think I would have lived long at the camp where I was to serve my sentence. The thought of Akil keeping me as his slave is something I am glad I don't have to deal with. The torment I endured there was nothing compared to what I saw them do to my associate or the GISS agents. I didn't know people could be that mean or evil. All I can say is, the assholes got what they deserved, except it wasn't drawn out enough. The assholes should have suffered for at least a 100 years."

"Lorelei, how can you be a TV host with such a potty mouth?" asked Earl.

"Earl," replied Lorelei holding up her left hand showing her missing finger, "this lets me be a potty mouth when we speak of those evil asshole sub-barbarian criminals."

"Gee ... Lorelei, those terrorists were just misguided souls." As he finished, Earl held his hands up in front of his face as he saw how angry Lorelei was. "Lorelei, I was teasing. Don't." Earl quickly turned so that Lorelei's fist hit his shoulder.

"You keep that up, and I'll see you don't get any answers to your questions."

"My apologies Lorelei," said Earl as he rubbed his shoulder. "I didn't realize I was stepping into a lioness's den."

"Are you two brother and sister by any chance?" asked Sally with a smile.

"God, no!" they both replied immediately causing everyone to laugh.

"I have a tendency to tease people I consider friends," replied Earl. "Quite often I start before I think it through and really step in it. This time I did an exceptionally good job, in front of witnesses."

"We're friends?" asked Lorelei with a very serious look.

"I..." began Earl stammering, until Lorelei began to laugh. He slowly smiled as he blushed.

"Earl, I'm..."

"Lorelei, say nothing more. I was out of line by pulling your chain so hard, especially so soon after your ordeal." Lorelei stepped over and hugged him. He was hesitant, as he wasn't sure where it was safe to put his hands while hugging his naked friend.

"Relax, if you want to hug, it works the same way as when I have clothes on," she chided him as they hugged each other. It was clear to everyone that they really were good friends.

"Sarah's Clan, Earl asked Melinda and I a question. We think we know the answer, but are not sure. So, would you help him with his question?"

"Sure. Do you want to ask it here or in some quiet corner?" Just then a cheer went up and another song started. "You don't need to answer, let's find a quiet corner."

When they found a spot and sat down Earl said, "I have spent quite a bit of time going over the available information on Órarduine, or as they were originally known, the Golden Amazons. Many of this colony are originally from Earth and came here to work, and many of them came here directly after college or military service. After spending some time here they chose to become Órarduine through a species conversion that no one on Earth understands. There are quite a number who are now Órarduine who were rescued from sexual slavery by your group. I have spoken with many in each group about why they decided to become Órarduine. Their answers, I know, are all genuine but at the same time it seems like I am missing something."

"Earl, are you looking to see if we are manipulating them into joining us?"

"I guess it looks that way, but really, I am not, at least I don't think I am."

Cary, another reporter said, "It is an easy conclusion to jump to, but difficult to support after you look closely or really chat with any of the crew."

"We have had concerns about that as well, especially in regard to those we have rescued. When we have rescued people we have always offered them a physical, medical treatment if needed and provided they wanted it, along with a place to stay until they sorted out where they wanted to go or do. We've offered to be a sounding board as they worked out the options for their future. If they asked for ideas we've never included joining us as an option. It was always left to them to raise that issue and pursue it. You probably wonder why we are so cautious." They nodded. "It is because species conversion is not reversible. Returning to Earth as an Órarduine would probably not be tolerated even if possible. We need family members who are thrilled to be family members. Besides, living in a space ship is a very close environment so it is best if everyone wants to be there."

"You keep saying family members rather than crew members or something else."

"Because we think that is why so many of those we rescued chose to become Órarduine. So far, we feel like one very large family, without making a big issue about it. We believe this is in part because of our openness with each other and our acceptance of each other. Telepathy plays a key role in all of that as well as the lack of drama. It also makes it easier to convey our emotions and clearly express our feelings. With telepathy, we are aware of everyone in our whole family. Through our link with each other we share virtually everything, thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories and other things which bring us very close to each other. There are clan clusters, or groups of clans, that are very close, perhaps in a way similar to that seen between twins or some brothers and sisters on Earth. Again, the whole family easily shares thoughts, much like we are talking now but without the limitation of distance.

"The other aspect that plays into this is that most of those we have rescued don't have any close family ties or friends. Many who joined us directly out of college, or shortly thereafter, were usually thought of as the nerds or geeks. There are quite a few former military members among us. Most of those are from special operations type units. We have not had any reservations in accepting any of those who sought to join us. Maybe we should have. Our biggest concern today is with those who come here solely to spy. Fortunately there have been only a few that we know of and they haven't been disruptive."

"I think," said Earl, "it is the openness that is so difficult to comprehend. You are correct in saying a key part of the draw could be becoming part of a large caring family. Some detractors claim your group is a cult, commune or worse. I think many can't get past the idea of you seldom wearing clothes, which taints their thinking. It concerned me the first time I was at Comrie, but it didn't take long until it didn't matter what a person wore. I'll admit that I still have problems with eye contact when talking to some women. Would I be correct in thinking that the medical staff evaluates a person's motivation when they ask for the species conversion?"

"Yes. The evaluation can be telepathic, and when it is, we ask permission first." Earl smiled and nodded at Judy's response.

"What do all of you like about being Órarduine?"

"That is a hard question to reply to with a simple answer," replied Sarah's Clan together. "The closeness, sharing and intimacy are all a big part of it. We each have nearly the same physical stamina. This makes it easier to share in everything."

"Doesn't the closeness feel suffocating at times?"

"It hasn't," replied Sarah. "We did wonder about that when we first fully mind-linked at Comrie."


"That is the phrase we use for describing telepathic sharing within a clan."

"Am I correct in thinking that mind-link is sharing, essentially, everything between individuals in a clan."

"Yes. We have compared it to being different facets of a single crystal."

"I need to think about this. Can I come back later with questions?"

"Sure. Earl, did we answer your question about becoming an Órarduine?" asked Melinda trying to steer the conversation back to the original topic.

"Yes, I think so. Earlier it was indicated that your clan was initially eight people."

"When we arrived on Comrie," said Sarah, "it was Rusty, Sally, Terry, Joyce, Jill, Janet, Judy and I." We arrived sedated. Betsy and Connie found when doing our physicals that we had been treated with a set of growth factors that would have, in a fairly short time, been devastating to our health. They were told that we had volunteered to come, and a part of the agreement was guaranteeing our health. So they opted to counter the treatments we had been given. This was accomplished on Dóchas using what we now know today as the 'species conversion procedure' using the incubators. Before this it was only used to treat major health problems such as severe injuries. They weren't sure of the outcome, but were certain we would be better off than with the alternative of not doing anything. To say we were shocked when we woke up is an understatement. However, we were comfortable with the changes in our bodies even if we were also irritated that it had been done without our prior agreement.

"Our first meeting with Amy, Jim, Connie and Betsy was a little testy. Let me back up a bit and say that both Rusty and I were telepathic before we arrived at Comrie. Terry and Sally were partially telepathic. When we woke on Comrie, we were all comfortably telepathic, in that we exchanged thoughts as readily as vocalizing them." As Sarah talked, Earl's, Lorelei's and Cary's expressions showed their amazement at the events being described. "During our first meeting, we recognized that Amy's Clan was sincere in their effort to care for us and that they wanted to ensure our health. While there were indications after our arrival that we had been abducted before being brought to Comrie, it was something they didn't fully realize until that meeting. Why? The idea of doing that was unthinkable. Since then events have just kind of cascaded."

"Wow," said the three reporters when Sarah finished.

Cary asked, "Is all of this recorded somewhere?"

"We believe so, but we haven't looked," said Aoife. "What is recorded is available in the library. Alison, Tara, Erin and Claudette joined Sarah's Clan next. This was before we started referring to our spousal groups as clans. Not long after that Maeve and I joined. I think each of us knew as soon as we met Sarah's Clan that being together was our destiny. I was probably the most reluctant, but at the same time I knew without a doubt that my place was with them."

"Is it okay to look it up?" asked Earl.

"Sure," replied Sarah's Clan in unison. "We would prefer that the information stay within our family."

"I would only consider writing about it if you agreed. Privacy is difficult enough in today's world."

"Once you see what is there, we think you will understand our reluctance about the information going outside our family. We don't see it as a privacy issue."

"That is scary. What if I slip up and say something I shouldn't?"

Sarah looked at Earl for a moment before saying, "We can show you how to prevent that." Earl had a surprised look on his face when he heard Sarah even though her lips were not moving. "You can put a constraint on the memory so that you can only recall it with others who know about it. If you decide to do that, you only need to think your request and direct it to us. Lorelei can do the same thing."

"I will need to think about all the implications before we do that, and I will likely have many questions for you. Can Lorelei hear us now?"

"If you want her to."

"I do. What is your primary concern with the events being known more widely?"

"Unintended political consequences that injure innocent people." Earl, Lorelei and Cary looked puzzled. Sarah continued with, "Our paths have crossed those of a number of groups with activities similar to what the Council of Brothers was doing, but with a different motivation. Each time those groups were neutered. The need to do that was driven either by self-preservation or the safety of our friends. We see no point in making that known beyond our family. There are some law enforcement and intelligence agencies on Earth who suspect our involvement in some of the situations. We don't see a need to confirm it. In fact some of our former spooks think confirming it would remove the mystery."

"I take it everything is kind of intertwined so that telling one part of the story could unwittingly say things about other parts."


"If Lorelei and I do decide to take a gander at it, we will come see you first so we can set up the memory block."

"That will be fine. When we do that, we will show you how to enable your telepathy as well. You won't want to use it on Earth, but having it enabled can alert you to danger. Earl, has your visit been what you expected?"

"Yes. Actually it is more than I expected it would be. The idea that we would need escorts if we left the common area bothered all of us. Seeing the demonstration and being here has eliminated those concerns. Thank you for the opportunity."

"Anything else we can help you with now?" said Joyce.

"No, I don't think so. Come on Lorelei, let's wander around some more." He paused for a moment, and then added, "I will understand if you prefer not to, but I will watch my teasing."

"Cary, is there something we can help you with?" asked Maeve.

"Not at the moment, but like Earl and Lorelei, I may have some questions later."

"If you aren't sure where to find us ask Melinda or Star, as either can quickly locate us."

"Let's go," replied Lorelei. "Sarah's Clan thank you for the help."

"Not a problem. Have a good time."

Cary looking at Melinda, Lorelei and Earl said hesitantly, "Would it be okay if I joined you all?"

"Fine with me," replied the three.

Sarah's Clan watched the group disappear into the crowd.

Erin said, "I wonder how Cary fits into that group?"

"She is a freelance writer that saw coming here as an opportunity to be recognized in her field," replied Aoife. "She admires the three people she is with and I think they will help her hone her skills without her realizing it."

–-- –-- –--

"Good morning," said Sarah to Captain Lewis and Commander Brown who were waiting for them when she exited AlphaD01 on Comrie. It had been a little over a week since their celebration at An Clochán.

"Good morning," they both replied before exchanging hugs with Sarah, Judy, Siobhan, May, Maureen and Mégane. After their greetings, Captain Lewis said, "We heard you were coming to see us so we thought we would meet you here. Our groups are waiting in the conference room."

"Good. We came to personally thank you all for the assistance. From our standpoint you are welcome to stay longer, but I believe your countries are anxious to have you back at your normal duty stations."

"Well we've enjoyed the opportunity to work with you. I am fairly certain that every one of us has learned a lot in the last seven weeks. I think we should be thanking you for the opportunity to assist."

Judy said, "On behalf of the medical staff, we are very glad you all were able to help us on such short notice. The expertise you brought really aided us in being able to treat everyone quickly."

As they walked toward the conference room Commander Brown said, "As to staying longer, I don't think any of us would object to that."

"Well you all are welcome to return," responded Mégane of Maureen's Clan.

"I would like to do that, but getting here would be a problem," responded Captain Lewis thinking about her leave plans.

"Not really," replied Sarah with a smile as they entered the room, leaving Norma with a puzzled expression.

When they stepped through the door a voice said, "Attention!"

"At ease," responded Sarah. "This is just a social call. We came to thank you for the excellent assistance you've given our medical staff. While the care you gave here was achieved using a different approach to those you are familiar with, we hope it gave you ideas for new approaches in treating future patients. Your countries are blessed by having people with your capabilities working for them. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

"As a small way of saying thanks, we would like to extend an invitation to return as our guest. To do that, all you need to do is let us know when you would like to come. We will take care of transportation. If you do decide to visit, you may want to limit who you tell where you are going. You are welcome to bring your family or significant other with you.

"Now, let's enjoy the refreshments."

"Excuse me," said one of the doctors.

"Yes," responded Siobhan.

"Will we be able to contact the medical staff here after we leave?"

Judy said, "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"There are times I would like a fresh perspective on a diagnosis or a treatment path."

"We can do that. I think it would be better if our assistance wasn't made public though."

When the laughing died down, the woman said, "While I don't like it, I agree."

"May I ask another question?" asked a nurse.


"Are you sure our governments will let us visit here?"

"I don't see why not," responded Maureen. "Some of those from your countries special ops have visited. Our Communications staff goes to considerable effort to make sure visitors are not included in any photos or videos they release. With respect to communications while you are here, phones and Internet would be the same as you've had this time. As to your stay here this time, it wouldn't surprise us if you were debriefed when you return to your duty station."

"Okay, thanks."

The Órarduine spent the rest of the morning with the doctors and nurses. After lunch together they said, "We need to return to our ships. Again, thanks for your assistance and we look forward to seeing you in the future."

The two detachments immediately began applauding then waved as the Command Staff representatives left for their shuttle.

As AlphaD01 lifted off Sarah said, "They are a great group of people."

"Yes, they are," responded Judy. "I think we learned a lot from them so it wasn't all one sided."

Mégane added, "It wouldn't surprise me if some of them didn't return with the intention of staying. I saw several who appeared to be quizzing the former soldiers who've joined us."

"I saw some of that," said Siobhan.

Melinda and Samantha entered the conference room on Dóchas. "Hi," said Melinda and Sam. "Is everyone here?"

"Shannon, Kara, Tara and Natalia will be here in a few moments," said Maeve, just as they entered the room. They were followed by Amber and Keira of Siobhan's Clan.

"We are glad you could make it," said Aoife to Amber and Keira. "Amber you look very good. How do you like being on Phoenix?"

"It's great. Being part of Siobhan's Clan is so neat. I never imagined it was possible to be that intimate and open with each other, much less among 11 people. Sometimes I wonder when I will wake up from my dream."

"We feel like she has been a part of us forever," added Keira as she put her arm around Amber.

"I see that all of you are linked with your clans," said Melinda, "so we should get started. Since the stories about the celebration we had two weeks ago were published, we have received a number of requests for visits. Both Earl and Lorelei have more requests for interviews than can be done in five years working every day. Now we need some guidance. While all of us are pleased with the positive attention for a change, we have concerns. What criteria should we use to screen visitors?"

"Earl's articles have been very good," said Shannon. "He does a very good job of explaining complex topics so that everyone understands the information. There have been very few errors in his articles. Cary's articles have also been well done, and from our perspective we can see Earl's influence in them."

"Lorelei has been much the same in her interviews," said Sam. "A couple of times she called us during an interview to clarify a point."

"There are several other reporters that have a good understanding of science and psychology," said Melinda, "who've asked if they could visit. I hesitate to ask Earl his opinion of them, but I don't know how else to choose."

"What do these potentially visiting reporters think of us?" asked Keira.

"All of them seem to be open-minded and curious," replied Sam.

"Melinda, invite a few of them to visit for a week to ten days," said Aoife with Amber nodding. "We shouldn't have more than six among our locations at a time. They have to abide by the escort rule, which will be a burden that falls on your group. Two violations of the escort rule and they are immediately sent back to Earth, no exceptions."

"I think they should be seen by the autodoc on Comrie before coming here," said Maeve. "We noticed some visitors at the celebration had difficulty adapting to our environment. It wasn't anything serious, but did make them uneasy at first."

"That's strange," said Kara, "we haven't noticed that with other visitors.

"Kerry of Leann's Clan told me that their group and the Environmental group had reviewed An Clochán's environmental data for the time during the celebration. They concluded that the oxygen level may have been a little low for humans. Betsy told them that low oxygen and low gravity could be a problem for humans from low elevations.

"By low oxygen we are referring to a level experienced at 8 to 10 thousand feet on Earth."

"Engineering wants to add more active atmospheric purifiers to An Clochán if we have another gathering like that. This would be an expansion of the backup systems and would be brought on-line as needed."

"Melinda, do the requests include cameramen or photographers?"

"A couple of reporters asked about photos or video, and we volunteered Carl, Steve and Karmen to assist them with that. Our offer seemed to satisfy them."

"I thought I heard something about a live show from here?" said Maeve.

"You heard correctly. This will take some doing but the Grand View TV station seems to like the idea. Lorelei and Earl will host the show from here. It is to last between 90 and 120 minutes and will be divided into at least four segments. Each segment would be an interview with one of our families shown live on Earth in two parts. During the first part of the segment the station will take questions by phone and email. The second part will be used for responding to the questions. This part would be a live broadcast but take place approximately an hour after the end of the interview."

"So you're saying TV viewers on Earth would see a series of interviews, then a 60 minute break, followed by a 60 minute show of responses to questions," said Shannon.

"Yes. Grand View TV has not decided what the programming will be during the intervening time slot. The station thinks the show would be picked up by several networks. If successful, they would like to do more than one show."

"Do we have the available resources to support this?" asked Siobhan.

"We discussed this with all the Communications groups," replied Maeve, "and they think so. They proposed holding the interviews in the common area at An Clochán, with several people from each ship's communication group supporting the effort."

"I told the producer," said Melinda, "that we would only agree to one show, as we needed to make sure it did not interfere with anything else. He wasn't happy at hearing the implication of that."

"What does our family think about all of this attention?" asked Aoife.

"Pleased. Happy. Concerned," said Sam smiling. "Pleased that many on Earth have decided we aren't out to do something awful to them. Happy that they are now interested in us. Concerned about the potential impact this could have on our family."

"Do you think Earl and Lorelei understand what we mean when we say family?" asked Aoife.

"You mean that 'family' includes all 11,000 plus of us," replied Sam with a smile. "Yes, but just barely."

"We sense everyone in this conference link is comfortable with the TV show," said Aoife. "You should bring the proposal up at this evening's group discussion, and then put it on our information net."

"Anything else?"

"Melinda, Sam and your spouses, on behalf of the three Command Staffs, thank you for the excellent work you are doing," said Maeve. "We are very pleased to have you as a part of our family."

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Hi guys I am dr afshan 30 yrs old married woman . My hubby is business man .An also I am having sex affair with dr sunil from my job.This is story about how I had sex with me new servant he is around 45 yrs old pathan wow what a great body he have .My nand humna send him for my all house work he is my bawarchi my mali an also some time my driver. From the day one I notice that gul have an eye on me I do respect him because he is 15 yrs older than me.So I think if looks me to us mai gul ka...

4 years ago
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Sex With Neighbour

Hi Friends, this is my first story in ISS, so will expect feedback to post more in mere future. My name is Krishna, a very jovial, easy going, fair, handsome and a height of 5.6, i know only to make others happy and everyone who are with me, they love to be with my company, the only drawback got gave me is unsatisfied married life with lot of mental tensions and problems and of course i love sex and to have but my fate made me to marry to a girl who cannot satisfy me. I hope...

2 years ago
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Jazmine Made Me Cum On Our First Time

Hello friends, my name is Rohit and I am a new reader of this website. I read many of the stories and I am motivated to share my own story with you all. My story is all about my first sex encounter with my girlfriend Jasmine, she has a very fair body of a perfect shape and fig 34-26-36 is of 19 yrs. I’m whitish colored , 5″9 and my build is athletes. Now let me take you straight to the story of mine. Both our parents are working in iaf and currently we are in Punjab, my mum stays at tamilnadu...

3 years ago
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I turned my woman into a naughty vixen

Walking through the door to my apartment after work, I find my married girlfriend quickly coming from the balcony, and slipping her bikini top back on, and with a guilty smile. I instantly suspect she actually just sent a lover over the balcony, and that she was having an affair!Of course, this sent a rush of excitement through my body, as I ask her what the hell she was just doing. She just laughs, as I rush to the balcony and outside, which hangs near an outfield homerun fence to a ball...

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Wolf 2 Dyson SphereChapter 3

As pleasant as it was visiting the Arlo, it was time for us to move on. We discussed possible directions of travel with Ooru, and he suggested that we travel to the east (spinward) because there were several sections there where the gravity had seemed to have gone awry. We were curious as to what changes had taken place in the flora and fauna because of this, so we were anxious to take a look. We planned to travel by scooter and to have AI move the fighters as necessary for logistical...

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Robins Christmas Holiday

Several readers have expressed an interest in my continuing with Robin’s story. I think this is a good idea. For those who have followed her so far, thank you for your support. For those who don’t know Robin but would like to catch up, read the following stories in this order. The Bitch’s Oven – Halloween contest entry. Ding Dong the Bitch is Dead – the day after Halloween. Saturday Arrives – the continuing story. And these will bring you up to date. ***** Robin woke the next morning to...

1 year ago
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Wishes Granted Case NineThe Girls Locker Room

Wishes Granted Case Nine: The Girl's Locker Room By Micah Distel Mike was curious. He'd been curious all through high school. What went on in the girl's locker room? Well, he knew they changed clothes in there. But what did they do? What did they talk about? They always left laughing. He had to know. Finally, he got enough courage to do it. During Phys Ed, he told the teacher that he was sick. He then went up the steps and into the boy's locker room. He changed into his regular...

3 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 4 Holy Shit Batman

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. I did stretching and rehab thru Thursday. On Friday, the doctor cleared me to play. We had a rare Saturday afternoon game, so on Friday we did a quick walkthrough, and then were told to keep out of trouble. I had every intention of doing just that, but tonight I was to escort Tracy to her birthday party. Tracy met me at the door of her house and I stood open-mouthed. She was wearing a sundress and it was obvious she didn't have a bra on. Dear...

3 years ago
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Jonothons smelly brainwashing

Introduction: Jonothons masters wish his brain to think only of obedince to them. Jonothon is to be slime-treated by his Masters, the spiders. Two high pillars of have been erected where Jonothon is to be given his treatment. He is clothed in nought but a short, thin skintight little cotton shirt. His head has been shaved of all hair except for a little slime-gelled cone of blond hair in the middle of his forehead. He has been restrained between the pillars with thick, wet tentacles around his...

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A Kids Weekend Bisex assFucking Orgy

We were in our twenties and we were drunk. Not that that makes it any better or any worse, we were pretty much always drunk or stoned at that point in our lives, but this was a special night for the crowd I hung out with. There were about five of us that always hung out, going to clubs or bars, experimenting and trying different things in order to find ourselves. There was Danceteria and Area, Nell’s and the Tunnel, and Dorian’s Red Hand uptown when we got up there.I had a pretty good sized...

2 years ago
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Hentai Heroes

Introduction This will be based off the webgame Hentai Heroes but way better and i was gonna make a quest game from it but gave up xD so instead i decided to do this which means this will be my top and most edited story. The other ones are dead so i will prob remove them anyway the story takes part in HentaiVill which is a fantasy location where you can fuck your favorite video game, manga anime and tv or movie chars. I will start with Samus and move from there hope you enjoy. Start of game You...

1 year ago
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Family vacation3

The family had just returned from their 2 week vacation, other than a minor delay returning home they all had a good time relaxing in the sun. Glen and Carl were unpacking in their rooms and Marie was relaxing with a cocktail. Lisa sat in her room, reading through her missed texts and learned her boyfriend had decided he needed time away from her, probably related to the other texts from her cousin and a few friends that caught him cheating. She wiped the tears from her face and emptied her...

4 years ago
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In retrospect, I suppose I was too hard on my sister Andrea. It just irked me that she'd graduated from high school two months before and she hadn't done anything in the time since. She was eighteen and she not only didn't have a job, but didn't seem interested in going to college either. She was just a purposeless lump on the couch to me. I wouldn't have minded her laziness as much if she was spending all her free time with friends, but she barely had any at all. I knew her being a bit...

2 years ago
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Making Music Cum Alive Part 3

Phillis, the fifty something wife of a local Detroit radio station manager, had trapped one of the young DJ’s as tightly as if she had bound his arms. She looked, dressed, talked, and fucked around like the poster woman for what would later be called a Mother I Would Love to Fuck. As Jim stood nervously against the door frame Phillis made a simple request, “remove your shirt or lose your job”. As the young jock slowly removed his paisley shirt, revealing his broad hairy chest, Phillis again...

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Chachi Ke Sath Suhagraat

Hello dosto mera naam mohit hai mai ek student hu meri umre 20 saal hai .Mai dikhne me smart hu or mera lund bhi 8 inch lumba hai.Mai iss site ka niyamit pathak hu or aaj pehli baar mai apne pehle sex ki kahani batane ja raha hu. Ye baat do saal pehle ki hai tab january ka mahina tha mere chacha ko business ke kaam se shehar se dur kai baar jana pada tha .Tab unke ghar pe chachi ke alawa koi bhi nahi tha. Unke bache apne mama ke ghar rehne ke liye gaye the. To unhone papa se kaha ki raat me...

3 years ago
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Fucked and torn her

Hi i m from nepal.i love2read incest story lot.i had read many from dis site n i really liked all.myself is raj i m from nepal.i m from middle class family.da story dat i m going 2share wid u is true n it had happen before 5 months.lets run 2da point. It was my close friend’s birthday.i was walking back wid two of my friends after celebrating birthday of my close friend.we were drunk n walking on street.the crowdy street had turned into peaceful was nearly 1kilometer2reach our...

1 year ago
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Falling Ch 11

An interlude, In which I am oblivious Jenny stared at the phone in her hand. ‘Well, shit,’ she said finally, after a moment of reflection. ‘If that’s your girlfriend, Linnea, she’s a raving bitch.’ She’d felt bad about the baggie of hair because it clearly meant so much to Linnea, but that girl had just been too naive in some ways, and much too trusting. Jenny had already lost her heart to the blonde, but that didn’t mean she was going to be a slut for just anybody. Unfortunately, it sounded...

2 years ago
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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 11

Saturday Afternoon I felt incredibly naked as I stood just beyond the end-zone. I'm still not sure whether that was because of the gaudy coat of body paint that only drew more attention to what was beneath it, because I was about to face a stadium full of football fans with nothing between me and them but a thin coat of gold and scarlet paint, or because I was right next to a very tall, very handsome U. S. Marine in full dress uniform, who either had a bayonet in his pocket or was very glad...

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The Perfect Gift

Okay, I gotta head to work now," Dan said, before kissing me. "I'll see you two after work. Bye, Gabe." "See you later, Dad," Gabe replied, waving. He left the kitchen and then I glanced at Gabe. "Hey, Gabe, could I ask you something?" "Sure, what's on your mind?" he pondered, strolling to the fridge. I watched him rummage through it for a moment as I was four feet away, and I clenched my fists. I couldn't seem to let the words flow out of my mouth, even after he rose back up and I saw his face...

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Our first time in the kitchen

Hi my name is Alyssa, and I have a very good friend named Matt. We’re in love, maybe even more than most couples honestly. We both have brown hair, and eyes, and are about six feet tall. We hadn’t started seeing each other exclusively though, but I knew our love was certainly huge, and Matt would see that we truly belonged together. I was twenty-four, and he was twenty-six. Despite not being my boyfriend, we had many sex sessions in our apartment. My favorite was our first time in the kitchen,...

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Petras Trip to Africa

She was daydreaming as she looked out of the office window overlooking the high street in Canterbury. All those people bustling about yet few of them looked happy she thought. She had thought she had the dream job too as Personal Assistant to a busy advertising executive but the financial collapse had dramatically reduced advertising business and for the last few weeks she had not been busy and had begun wondering just how long her boss, Mark Hughes, would be able to keep her on. If she lost...

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Two New Firsts FFM Bi

About a year after I married my wife things had begun to get a bit cold in the bedroom, this was my first marriage but she had been married for fifteen years prior to me. I wanted to spice things up a bit so one night while laying in bed I asked her if she had any fantasies anything she wanted to try. To my surprise she had always wanted to be with another woman. As we talked all sorts of wonderful thoughts filled my mind; then the conversation turned to bondage and pain. By the end of the...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 14 Helen Takes Control

I was at Cheryl's house when Helen approached me. "We need to talk," she said. "About what?" I asked. "In private!" she replied. We went out to the pool and sat down. "What can I do for you?" "I want to call a truce," she told me. "A truce?" I asked. "Yes, a truce. Or maybe a surrender. You've won. You're making my life miserable. I'll break up with Ken, and you leave me alone at home. I want things back to the way that they were before!" "How is it so different...

4 years ago
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Taking Her

He is sitting at his computer updating his website when he receives a work request. He is a professional rapist. People email him telling him exactly what they want done to them and he makes the fantasy a reality. He does not charge any money for these services. That would be prostitution. Instead he has them sign a model release form and he puts pictures and videos on his site. You have heard a lot about his site and what he does. You have been thinking about it months. You finally...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 02 Futas First Naughty Awakening Chapter 3 Alyessas Afternoon of MILF Delights

Chapter Three: Alyessa's Afternoon of MILF Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 August 21st, 2036 – Alyessa Howards Three days after Ms. Evans revealed that Mrs. North, the reverend's wife, was eager to fuck my futa-cock, I was trembling. I had an appointment to work in the Norths' yard, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. I did it once a week for them to earn money to help buy college supplies. I was leaving for college next week. This was my last chance. I couldn't believe...

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On the Other HandChapter 8 Starting and Stopping

I leaned on the corner of the hangar as the sleek jet rolled to a stop only fifty feet away. I was as tight as the E string on a guitar, but I wouldn't have long to wait. No baggage claim, no crowding to get off the aircraft, no long walks up the jetway and through the terminal. No, I wouldn't have long to wait at all. She wasn't first off the plane, but close. She saw me immediately and came on the run toward me. I held my arms open and she leaped into them. We held each other tightly,...

3 years ago
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249 Just a few precious months 2

249 Just a few precious months, 2 Things rumbled on for the next few days, Kelly spent a night with Nan, and I spent it again in a lonely bed. So, it was on the following Thursday that the subject was again broached by Kelly who seemed to have had the idea that I was organising some things for her, which I had definitely had not, as, being a chap, I had waited for her, thinking I was being tactful as I was not sure that I knew just what it was she wanted. Thus, nearly a week in her eyes had...

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Jack In The Box Ch 5

After the track meet ended, all the school athletes returned to the hotel. Everyone gathered at the pool, except for the teens from the closer schools who had departed already.The pool deck wasn't as crowded as last night, and the mood was jubilant. Jack was the hero of the night, and more than one girl came onto him, offering an opportunity to fuck them; Jack never said no, but he never said yes.Coach Buchanan and Coach Moore sat at a table enjoying the success of the track meet and were...

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Journey Towards Sex With Mom 8211 Part 1

This is a real story. It is unlike those other fakes where people directly have sex with their moms. I am 22, live in Pune and work in an IT firm. My parents live in Mumbai. My dad had bought a house in Pune long back and thus I live in it alone. My mom and dad visit frequently and stay over the weekend. My dad had to go to London for business work for 2 weeks and hence my mom came to live with me in Pune while he was gone. Living alone, I had got me into some very bad habits like masturbating...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 15

05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...

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The Girls of BrazilChapter 3 The Get Away

As promised Maria had taken me to bed. Of course I was out of it too drunk to remember. I woke once in the mid of night and she was lying next to me, both naked. I wondered if anything had happened. I would never find out unless she explained it to me. So I fell back asleep. In the vee early morning I woke wishing I hadn’t had such an eventful night. I gathered fog to stir my awareness and realize again I was sleeping with Maria. All was quiet. I was cold and naked aside from her warmth. I...

4 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 9

Eighteen years later - Sunday, 23 May - Robert & Catherine discuss Elizabeth's will. [Catherine] Elizabeth Lawley died aged 70. Her husband Robert was by then a senior tutor in History at one of England's collegiate universities aged 53. His rise from a humble background is explained by the influential position in the University of Elizabeth's previous husband's and her substantial wealth. Influence from Wilson's first labour government also had an effect. His personal talents...

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Mother8217s Lustful Incest Relation With Her Two Sons 8211 Part 2

I thank you all for the positive replies and knew how eager you are to know what happened after I caught my mom and brother having sex on the farm. Here is the following part.Hope you guys will be super horny and will be jerking your dicks and fingering your pussies and have wild sex with your mother’s. This part is long as I wanted to share everything that happened between us. As soon as I saw them fucking each other, mom and Kiran went into the room and came out after 5 minutes and Kiran was...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Bella Rolland Adira Allure Look Fantastic Fucking

Adira Allure knows how badly you would love to taste that sweet pussy of Bellas as she moves those panties aside showing you just how wet and pink she is. Lucky for her she is the one that gets to bury her face in that delicious pussy. Bella loves feeling that tongue all over her clit and wet lips and just wants to get her own face down in Adiras beautiful pussy lips. Bella licks up and down with great intent and soon gets her fingers rocking in and out while her tongue dances on that clit...

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Daddys Girl

Daddy's Girlby oskarwild©The HitchhikerIt had been snowing all day. A wet, heavy incessant snow that was covering everything including the highway. Combined with a wind-chill factor in the teens, Christopher was almost frozen stiff. He was elated when the huge semi pulled over to pick him up. He climbed up into the cab and smiled thankfully at the driver."Thanks a lot mister. I was just about frozen out there.""No problem, son." The driver smiled at him. "Name's Zeke," the driver said and...

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No Mercy

Dear Mom & Dad, It has been a real drag here at college. The people are all in clicks and the professors are even worse. I had great plans of doing as Dad wanted and become a teacher, but the English Lit Professor is the world's biggest ego trip jerk, and told me he was hell-bent desiring to dash my hopes! He wants those not in frat houses to brown nose him at every exam time, or buy him gifts, and he has a list! Although my grades are still acceptable, I thought of looking around at some part...

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Mothers make their sons dreams come true

“About last night,” Sonia began. “We’d had too much to drink. But that’s no excuse.”“No its not, we’re all responsible for our actions, whether we’ve had a drink or two, or not, you understand that don’t you boys.” Chloe said.“Yes Mum. We’re sorry, we got carried away, and took advantage,” Jack said“I’m sorry to,” Harry told them. “This is our secret, you understand!” Sonia said. Both boys nodded.“No really, this is to be kept between ourselves.” Chloe said“We won’t tell,” Jack said.“Good,”...

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Daddy cleans Cori

I knew it was wrong, I mean who does that? I knew I should stop, especially at the age of 17 but I couldn't. It was like a drug, I was addicted. I sighed as I fought the urge to slip my fingers into my tight, dripping wet pussy. "Cori, stop." I said to myself. To distract myself I turned on my TV, one of my all time favourite movies was on. "Sweet..." I thought as I put it on. I rolled my eyes as it turned out to be a sex scene. I knew I should change the channel or look away but I couldn't. I...

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Flight Attendent Shana

Hi folks, Here I am with my new story and awe-inspiring experience that I will be sharing with you.I am a personal security in charge of bangalore base millionaire and I am always with him on most of his trips.He of course has many properties in india and abroad,humongous pricey possession and great deal of super cars.My boss always travel with his own personal jet.Being responsible for his security, I most of the time, accompany him.Well, I am 31 year old male, 5,10″ height and some great...

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School incidient

I’m Ravi (name changed), this was happen 8 years ago. I was studying 10th, There was girl who was fond of guys and every time she would fall on me speaks Ok I was also controlling and kept quit she was little fat she was football player, she was having will build body. One day she was running behind a guy and telling him that I will rape u. I saw that and told to come back here and told if do this to u what u will do, for that she told if your really a guy than make me nude and put your laud...

2 years ago
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Hyderabad Reader Satisfied

Hello, guys, this is Surya Madhan with a new story.Thanks for your wonderful feedbacks for my previous stories which gives me a further boost to write new experiences of mine. Coming to me, I’m 22 years old finished with engineering around 5’11” height and with a decent athletic body. Women,aunties,girls who are in and around Hyderabad and are unsatisfied with their partners and are in need of a company to get satisfied can feel free to email me or just send a message on hangouts ().Complete...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gia Paige Dim The Lights

Delectable Gia Paige can’t keep her hands off her small boobs as she waits for Preston Parker to join her in the loft. Lifting her shirt, she reaches down to smack her own ass and caress her mound beneath her thong. Soon she is on the ottoman rubbing her landing strip pussy and working herself towards the climax she deserves. When Preston walks in and finds Gia in the throes of passion, he joins her and offers to give her pleasure beyond her wildest dreams, an offer that Gia accepts with...

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Fun with Big Sr

This happend when i was l****e, I had trouble going to bed so my big s****r would occasionally let me watch tv shows in her room until I would fall asleep. She was finishing up m****e s****l so I guess I took comfort in that and that she was my older s****r . One night a show with a hypnotist came on and I asked her if that couldactually happen. She told me of course it happens and that people will also do things you tell them to do while they are sleeping like you see in the movies. I told her...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 18 Katiersquos Mrs Missouri Pageant

Katherine Jackson stood behind the curtain with two other contestants as they waited to be ushered onstage. As she went through the Mrs. Missouri pageant; she thought about dropping out multiple times. It was an unforeseen financial strain but Fred was excited to have his sexy wife compete. He encouraged and supported her during the entire process. She wanted to win for him but enjoyed the attention that the pageant gave her but yet her mind reflected on the past few months. The fear and...

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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 11 The DOJ Comes to Gatehouse

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor,...

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The House Slave Training Auction Chapter 19 and 20

The Auction and The Master’s and Mistresses Mistress Liz- The room is full of men and a few women. We have twenty going up for sale 5 guys one virgins and 15 girls 4 virgins. The virgins are in a separate auction. As I take the mic I welcome everyone and I ask that they look over the list that they were given as I tell them that these girls have been trained and are no longer virgins. I call the first girl out as she goes to her knees the bidding opens at 50 grand, and it goes up she goes for...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 12

NATALIE (Saturday AM 12/3) I didn't remember much after Bob got me up on the porch, just that we'd made it inside the house. After that, nada. I slept like a rock. I must have been even hornier than usual after all the romantic dancing and smooching with Bob, because I had a glorious dream! Bob was caressing me, kissing my boobs and running the wonderful Sorcerer's hands, mouth and tongue gently over me. Then I seemed to have such a magnificent orgasm! Then the dream faded away too, like...

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The Cruise

My wife and I were planning to take a vacation for some time now. We have never been on a cruise but thought it would be a lot of fun. Vacation time for us was always our little sexual escape from the mundane routine. I would often sport a speedo on the beach showing off the bulge while she would always pack a thong bikini. Items that we would never sport in our native region because of the taboo made by local society. We took care of ourselves and liked to show off a little, presenting...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 05

Rose ran a Tea Room on the fringes of the Garden District, within a short distance to Storyville and the French Quarter. Both neighborhoods contributed to her business success. From mid-morning to mid-afternoon, Rose would entertain the wealthy ladies of the Garden District. Her tables were always full, partly owing to the variety of coffees and teas that Rose herself made from ancient and secretly guarded recipes, partly because of the dainty sandwiches and pastries that her cook, Queen,...

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Hawley BattleChapter 18

“Hawley, I told my niece, Staci about you, last night at her bridal shower. She was so intrigued by my description of you, and the details of how you have helped me and so many other girls and women, that before I left the shower - she asked her married twin Laci - to meet with us.” “What did they have to say about me, Angela. I hope they weren’t trying to make you change your mind about moving here with us.” “Oh - No Way. Both of them want to meet you, Hawley. I really think Staci is...

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