The Other Side Of The Secret
- 2 years ago
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After breakfast the Command Staff representatives were joined in the terminal area by representatives from the Iridien, Monque, Atewa and Dutsuz Worlds. When the delegations from the US, Pakistan and Italy entered, a chill seemed to sweep through the room. Three boarding tubes were already in place with their doors open. The Órarduine were very formal and the last to say good-bye to these delegations. As the delegates involved in the previous night’s harassment shook Sarah’s hand, each was startled to hear her say, “You will never forget your treachery. If any of our contract staff’s families are hurt or injured, you will feel their pain and remember, but you will never be able to share it.” Once the delegations boarded their shuttles the temperature in the room became considerably warmer.
While this was taking place the other delegations had gone back to their suites to pick up their travel bags. By the time the first to leave entered the terminal the boarding tubes to their shuttles were ready. Once the departures began they moved along fairly quickly but none were rushed. A few were delayed so that conversations could close naturally. It wasn’t long before there were only the five delegations staying to see the A-Celia presentations remaining.
Sarah said, “Let’s move to the conference room for the presentation.” When everyone had entered the room, they were joined by the Órarduine special friends and many Órarduine young adults.
Tara said, “There are refreshments on the counter. Please help yourself. We will start in about 10 minutes.”
Commander Egulle was standing with Sarah’s Clan when he said, “We know that this conference has been a tremendous challenge for your family but we are very appreciative of the effort. If there is anything we can do to help please let us know.”
“Thank you. We will keep that in mind.”
While they were talking Anna and Mark walked over to Prime Minister Kovalenko who was standing with several Russian and Chinese delegates. Mark said, “Prime Minister Kovalenko, my name is Mark and this is Anna.” PM Kovalenko looked puzzled. “You may not remember us but we are the two urchins you saw the day Siobhan’s Clan delivered the invitations for this conference.”
“Yes. Now I remember. You look much better now.”
“We feel much better. We are not sure if we need to ask but we would like to stay here with the Órarduine.”
“First, let me introduce you to the others here.” Once the introductions were complete PM Kovalenko said to the group, “Some of us had the pleasure of meeting these two when Siobhan’s Clan delivered our invitation. Our meeting then was a bit of a surprise, but we were very impressed with their tenacity and poise.” Both Anna and Mark blushed. That was not how they remembered the meeting. Turning back to them he said, “So you like living among these people?”
“Absolutely sir,” replied Anna. “Everything has been just like we saw in our dreams.”
“As to you staying here, we don’t have any problem with you joining the Órarduine, which is really what you are asking.”
“Yes sir.”
“What does Siobhan’s Clan think of gaining two children?”
“Our relationship to them is more like younger brother and sister. They thought that being our older siblings would be a much better relationship than for us treat them as our parents. They were concerned about how a parent child relationship with them would impact on our memories and feelings about our real parents. Please ask them as they can probably express it better than I just did.”
“I’ll bet you all talked this over and you had to propose the arrangement.”
“Yes sir.”
“I don’t think I need to talk to them. I believe you have found a family that will take good care of you. Many of the people listening to us would like to be in your shoes. We wish you the very best.”
“Could we ask one favor?”
“Would it be possible for the other children from our school to visit here for a few days? It shouldn’t be in the next three or four weeks though.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem, although some of their guardians may want to come as well. Why the three to four week delay?”
“Siobhan told us to expect that some of the parents would want to come as well. As to the delay, we wanted to wait long enough for them to become comfortable in their new homes.”
Mark then continued with, “We were concerned that if they weren’t settled, then they may see this as a place to escape to without considering the consequences.”
“Good reasoning. Let my office know when you want to do this, and we will arrange a pickup point. They have our contact information.”
“Thank you, sir,” replied Anna and Mark. Both shook his hand before drifting off.
“He said we could stay,” said Anna and Mark to Siobhan’s Clan.
“Great,” came the quick reply. “We are very pleased.”
“So are we.”
Sarah and Aoife stepped up to the podium and said, “Would everyone please find a seat? Our presentation and the questions will likely take us up to lunch, and maybe a little longer.” A few moments later she began the presentation on A-Celia. It showed views of the island they had identified as their likely home. The presentation consisted of images of A-Celia which alternated with facts both about the planet and the solar system. Although Sarah and Aoife started the presentation, each Command Staff member participated. It lasted for nearly two hours, with just a short break half way through.
When the presentation came to a close Aoife said, “Are there any questions?”
The President of China rose and said, “I don’t have a question at the moment, but I am sure I will think of one. While everyone is gathering their thoughts in preparation for barraging you with their questions, we would like to commend you for an excellent presentation.” Many applauded. “Your evaluation of the planet and the solar system seems to be very detailed. Although I can guess why, is there a particular reason?”
Tara replied with, “Actually we don’t think we have enough detail. This is in part why we expect it to be at least a year before we begin moving into the first habitat. When you compare the knowledge we have of Earth and this solar system to what we know about A-Celia and its solar system, we still have a long way to go. Currently we think we are making good progress on gathering the fundamental information. By the time we move into the first habitat we should be knowledgeable enough to be good stewards. We have the time, so we are being quite methodical in gathering information. Under other circumstances, we could move much quicker.”
“I am not sure we could be as patient as you are.”
“It is difficult. We try to do things correctly the first time. This is difficult when you don’t know all the variables.”
“Is this the ‘Is it perfect?’ motto I’ve heard about?”
“Largely, yes. Our motto, as you refer to it, is easy to misinterpret, especially if you lose your perspective. It simply encourages us to do the best we can at the current point in time, even if it takes a little longer.”
“That makes sense. I see your point about misinterpreting it.”
From that point on there were questions non-stop. It was apparent that the attendees listened to the questions others asked, and the answer, before they asked their question. The Órarduine were very pleased with the question and answer session. It certainly offset some of the aggravation they felt over the previous night’s events. The questions also raised points that they noted for future study.
Sarah raised her hand and said, “It is lunch time. Let’s go have lunch while we answer any lingering questions. Any Órarduine can answer your questions, and if not we are certain they will find the answer for you.”
The Prime Minister of Ireland stood and said, “We offer thanks to all of you for this excellent presentation. It is an eye opener for even an Earth’s ‘doubting Thomas’, which I am not, and I don’t believe there are any here, either.” The applause was instantaneous and all the delegates stood as it continued. When it quieted she continued, “We appreciate the effort put into the presentations given by the Iridiens, Dutsuz, Atewa and Monque. All of you covered a very broad topic very succinctly. The information should help us as we seek to become space travelers. Your patience with our questions was outstanding.” The applause started again before she even finished speaking. As it continued the delegates stood up again, indicating their agreement with that comment as well.
While the applause continued all of Sarah’s Clan stepped up to the podium. When things quieted down they said in unison, “On behalf of all of us, thank you. We enjoyed having you. We are pleased to hear that you felt it was worth the time and inconvenience.” They paused for a moment. “Let’s have lunch, we are really hungry.”
A short time after lunch the five delegations walked with the Command Staffs and Alliance of World representatives to the departure area. The leave-taking took considerably longer than it had that morning as everyone exchanged good-byes.
When the last group of delegates and news media had boarded the shuttles Sarah said, “I am ready for a break.”
“Yes!” replied everyone.
Commander Marika of the Monque said, “You all did an excellent job of hosting the conference. We are disappointed by the actions of some delegates last night. This is to us a warning on how to deal with them. As to the presentations this morning, they couldn’t have been better. They made A-Celia look so good that those on our ships want to visit you frequently.”
“Thanks for the compliment. As the attendees noted, your preparation contributed greatly to the conferences success. As to visiting us, we would love to have you. It will take us some time before we have accommodations to the standard we have here.”
Commander Laonize of the Atewa said, “We have sponsored similar events and we second the comments Marika just made. As to frequent visits, I think many of us want to visit your new home. We are pleased with the way our relationship is developing. We hope it will grow. Regardless, when you need assistance just let us know and we will be there. Guaranteed. We may not have support of our World, but we will be there for you.”
“Commander Laonize, you are really pushing the boundaries of what we can do,” said Commander Reyonte of the Atewa.
“How do you figure? You know we would be there if needed.”
“I agree, but we aren’t usually so open about it, as there have been times we were drawn into events that were a mistake. However, I would be surprised if that is ever the case with the Órarduine.” He paused. “Your openness must be contagious.” His comment caused many to laugh.
Commander Timalta of the Dutsuz said, “I know our crew would stand with them at any place and at any time. We are only here because they came to our aid when we were in deep do doo.” Several chuckled. “The two closing songs last night were very appropriate. Our crew were very appreciative of the video link provided to the concert. They have asked where they could obtain the lyrics to those songs specifically, and some of the others. As to openness, we believe it has significant benefits to those of us in this AW Task Group, however, we don’t know that the benefits of that openness will carry beyond this Task Group. The Órarduine have an advantage in making openness work due to their ability to share telepathically. We think we can do it without telepathy, but it will take effort on everyone’s part. Can we promote the concept beyond our group of ships? We don’t know. I do know that if we can’t keep this group together we may be looking for a new home.”
Commander Egulle said, “I think it is time for us to return to our ships. I know I have to catch up on quite a few items.”
“We agree,” said Commander Marika. “Shall we continue our weekly meetings?”
“We like that idea,” replied the Command Staffs.
“Before we return to our day-to-day tasks,” said Sally of Sarah’s Clan. “Commander Marika alluded to incidents involving our contract staff last night. As a result of those, it is likely that our Security Teams will be quite busy for the next few days, and perhaps longer, picking up people from Earth. These people will be close friends or families of our contract staff.”
“What happened?” asked Commander Tuska of the Monque.
“An attempt was made to coerce some of our staff into returning to Earth,” replied Sally. “In doing so the safety of their relatives there was brought into play. Our response was to let them know that our contract with them is open ended, which means that they are welcome to accompany us to A-Celia. As a result of this all the contract staff are considering several new options for their future. Is that a sufficient reply?”
“Yes. We are aware of that. My first concern was that there had been another incident. I imagine you have dealt with the perpetrators.”
“Yes. The two who intended to maim our staff were returned to their residences on Earth early this morning. Whether the threats toward the staff’s relatives materialize or not, well, we will have to wait and see what happens.”
Commander Orgaine said, “You know our Spec Ops teams are a little bored just doing drills, so they are available if something comes up, even if it is as backup. Don’t hesitate to ask as it is much better for them to be there and not needed.”
“We will,” replied Sarah with the others nodding in agreement.
“Okay, we’re off,” said Commander Timalta. Each of his group exchanged hugs and handshakes before entering the boarding tube to their shuttle. The other groups from the Alliance of Worlds quickly followed.
Sarah said, “I propose we relax for the next two days but stay linked with Security to monitor their activity.”
“Agreed,” replied everyone.
“I hope everything goes smoothly,” added Maureen.
“We can hope,” said several. They then exchanged hugs and kisses before entering the boarding tubes to their shuttles.
“Breacadh,” said Amy, “change the schedule so that tomorrow is a day of relaxation for everyone. We will still need to keep critical functions fully manned.”
“Will do. Did you see the intelligence report regarding the contract staff’s families and friends?”
“We did. Security Teams here can relax, but they do need to be ready to deploy on short notice.”
“I will advise them. I suspect most will want to do mission planning as a way to relax.”
Amy’s Clan chuckled as she replied with, “Whatever floats their boat.”
Sarah’s Clan was entering their suite after dinner when Terry said, “It was nice of Briana’s Clan to cover the bridge for us tonight.”
“Yes it was,” responded Erin. “It’s even better that our children are off visiting Molly’s Clan this evening, we have the whole suite to ourselves.”
“And why is that?” asked Alison with a smile.
“Well, cuz I’m hoping we can spend some of the time sharing some physical love, as it seems like it’s been forever since we’ve been all together and had the opportunity.”
“Are you feeling neglected?” responded Maeve as she stepped behind Erin wrapping her arms around so her hands cupped Erin’s breasts.
“Not really. It’s just that it feels different than when we are all here.”
“I agree,” responded Sarah. “Actually, being on the bridge and staying focused is a real challenge when some of you are here playing.”
Aoife said, “It wouldn’t surprise me if Star didn’t prompt Briana’s Clan to offer.”
“Well I was surprised,” said Rusty. “The Security teams have been very busy since the conference. Fortunately, there haven’t been any major issues. I just hope they don’t get careless.”
“Our Mentors have gone with some of the newer teams,” added Sally.
“We can talk later,” said Sarah as she stepped in front of Alena and gave her a kiss.
Joyce pushed Rusty back toward the bed. Sensing her intention he wrapped his arms around her as they fell back. Soon they were all scrambling onto the bed. Joyce spread her legs to straddle Rusty and then slid her crotch over his hardening cock.
She whispered, “That feels good stud.”
“Did you pee on me?”
“No. That is my cream telling you that I am ready to feel you inside of me.” With that she rose up until his cock was at her entrance and slowly lowered her hips, sighing as she felt it enter. “That feels so good.”
“Yes, it does,” responded several spouses. Others just moaned their agreement while kissing one another.
Tonight was a little different as they shared their love in pairs rather than their usual multiple partner activity. However, through their mind link their sensations were shared. This resulted in many shared orgasms as well as those experienced firsthand.
It was nearly two hours later when Sarah spread her legs so that Rusty could enter her. Once he was in her, she hooked her ankles behind his back to hold him deep within her. “Stay right there. That feels so good. Perhaps even better sliding back and forth. I’ll keep you hard.”
“As many times as we’ve coupled, I am not sure how long I will last.”
“‘Till we go to sleep.”
“That would be nice.”
“Yes, it would,” responded Tara. “I think it feels nice and I am only feeling the sensations that Sarah is sharing.”
It was only a short time later that their solitude was rudely interrupted when they heard Briana say, “Code 99. Cathan’s team assist now. D-Fox Flight cover. Coordinates sent. Sharon’s team on site responding to 99. Morna’s team is not responding.”
The sound of Briana issuing those commands caused all of Sarah’s Clan to immediately sit up in bed. All thoughts of a night’s sleep were quickly disappearing. Although the temptation was very strong they chose to just mind-link with Briana’s Clan. However, they quickly formed a circle on the bed and joined as one just in case.
“Shannon or Pat, I need some background on this pickup,” said Adam.
Kaelee said, “Morna’s team went with Laila and Lyle to meet with their family. According to them their uncle carries a lot of weight in the family and had encouraged them to meet their immediate families at his house rather than the island. Both think a lot of their uncle even though he can be overbearing at times. Both families had agreed to come to the island before the uncle became involved. We understand that he is a senior researcher for a large private company. Neither knew anything about his work.”
“Okay. What do you know of the site?”
“It is a large house in an upscale community that sits towards the back of several acres, perhaps as many as 20.”
“Give Cathan’s team everything you have on it.”
“Already done.”
A few minutes later the AI in Alpha I-03 said, “Security Center, there are five fatalities and 6 wounded. The dead are Morna, Renée, Darby, Li Min and Eimhir. Sharon’s team has subdued the attackers.”
Cathan said, “We are here. In contact with Sharon’s team. Area looks quiet. Scanning for people. Suited up, will begin deploying momentarily. Operating cloaked.”
“In TAC suits I hope,” muttered Rusty and his thought carried further than he intended.
“Yes,” replied Brad, “in TAC suits.”
“My apologies,” responded Rusty immediately.
“None needed,” said Briana. “I appreciate any assistance I can get.”
Sarah’s Clan said, “You’re doing great. We think we are glad you didn’t call out the cavalry.”
Briana’s Clan was laughing as she said, “It would be real easy to do because I think all of them are in a ship waiting to be summoned. We’ll stand down, except for those scheduled, once we hear from Cathan’s or Sharon’s Clans.”
Soon Toiréasa of Cathan’s Clan said, “Site secured. There are eight unknowns dead. Seven men and a woman. The woman and one man were inside. Lyle’s uncle, the uncle’s wife and son are also dead. They appear to have been shot by the two unknowns who died inside the house. Based on their reaction to the turmoil we think both Lyle’s and Laila’s families have been drugged. Four have minor wounds. Both families, Lyle, Laila and the uncle’s two daughters will be sent to the island in a few moments. Medical staff needs to be alerted.”
“What about the attackers?”
“Cathan, Todd, Sharon and Brad are talking it over with Lyle and Laila now. By the way, the attackers came in two large step vans with provisions for people to ride in the back.
“They are planning on running their plan past you all once they have it sorted.”
“Good,” replied Briana as she wondered if Toiréasa knew that all the Command Staffs plus some in Security and Intelligence were listening in.
This incident caused the Security and Intelligence groups to review the upcoming pickups. All sighed with relief when they realized that there was almost a twelve hour lull before the next one.
Sarah said, “Briana’s Clan, we think you all can handle this without us actively in the background so we are going to back out. If you feel you need our advice then don’t hesitate to jiggle our elbow. However, we think we have enough talent involved to take care of this.”
“Sleep well,” responded Briana’s Clan.
“We agree with Sarah,” said the other Command Staffs.
“Thanks. Sleep well.”
Briana said to her clan, “We’ve been at this for two weeks now and I expected an incident before this, especially the way they were leaning on the contract staff. It’s a shame that some died when it did happen.”
“I suspect they weren’t wearing their personal shields, although those probably wouldn’t have kept them from being injured,” said Cass. “From the chatter, I know some haven’t out of concern over alarming our guests.”
“We’ll fix that. Attention all Security teams, at a minimum you will wear your personal shields and have them activated during pickups. At least two of the primary team members will be in TAC suits. Backup team will all be in TAC suits during pickup.”
“Aye. Aye,” came a chorus of replies.
“Muireann, are you going to check out the place where Lyle’s uncle worked?”
“We are working on that now.”
“Advise Command Staffs once you have something.”
“We have a similar suspicion.”
“Briana,” said Terry, “Who in Security is following this?”
“Muireann for sure. Why?”
“Sharon and Cathan should talk to them before moving anything except for the families. Clarence and James should be invited in. The thing we don’t want to do is tamper with any evidence, but it would be best if we, or Lyle’s and Laila’s families, weren’t linked to this.”
“An interesting paradox. I’ll let all of them know.”
It was right after breakfast the next morning when Sarah and Sally entered An Clochán’s Security Center. Seeing them Muireann said, “Good morning Sarah, Sally, I...” Then stopped as she saw Siobhan, Eileen, Brandan, Crystal, Chester, Emma, and several other Command Staff members enter. Taking a deep breath she continued with, “Good morning all.”
“Good morning,” replied everyone.
“Thanks for anticipating us asking for a meeting to discuss our situation, as well as how we go forward.”
“Okay,” replied Sarah.
Bairre said, “The situation at Lyle’s uncle’s house is, we think, under control. It turns out that James knows that district’s DA, so he asked him to visit the site. Shortly after Lyle and Laila entered the house a call was made to the sheriff’s office. Once the site was secure, Cathan brought Clarence and James in on the problem. They decided it was best to involve local law enforcement as it was a homicide with a lot of mess. Especially with us being non-residents. Creidne and Brigit assisted in dealing with the local authorities. It was kind of prickly until James met with the prosecutor and local detectives. Besides the video we had, they went through a reenactment of the events without the families present. As it stands now, Lyle, Laila, and their families are at New Comrie along with the 2 surviving daughters. When they were leaving Sharon told us that several officers complimented them on their handling of the situation. All the local people agreed not to say who assisted them, even though they were too late to save more of the family.”
“Good,” replied Sarah. “Considering what happened here two weeks ago, we don’t want to draw any more attention than necessary.”
Siobhan said, “How old are the daughters?”
“College age.”
“Good. There won’t be any custody issues then.”
“James is going to talk to them in a few days to make sure their legal issues are handled correctly.”
Chester said, “Did you identify and locate who was behind this?”
“Yes and no. We found the location where the uncle worked. As some suspected, we also found quite a few former staff that we had been unable to locate. While they aren’t prisoners, their ability to leave the facility is restricted. In some respects it reminded us of the descriptions of secret research sites during World War II. Indications are that some of them have died there. We’ve made telepathic contact with all of them to confirm identity. In searching the site we’ve learnt that the conditions for everyone there are pretty despicable. However, no-one appears to be in immediate danger, so we have a proposal.”
“How many people are you talking about?”
“Maybe 200, but it could be more. This includes our former contract staff and those in similar circumstances with similar characteristics.”
“How are you planning on doing this?”
“By having them take a walk in the park near their residence after dark. We will have cloaked shuttles there with their doors open. The details haven’t all been worked out yet. The least elaborate has a backpack showing up in their room. When they see it they would hear a message telling them to put all their important possessions inside it and then take a walk in the park, with a time. Once there one of us will guide them to a door. The backpack will be teleported out of their room.”
“Why wait?”
“It gives us more time to observe the site. We want all of them on a shuttle before we lift off.”
“There are so many things that could go wrong. But I agree that quicker is better, and probably has less risk.”
“Take them directly to An Clochán,” said Sarah. “New Comrie is pretty crowded at the moment. Now, what about picking people up.”
“Besides Briana’s directives last night, we are going to place spiders in any location we go to for a pickup. If a meeting is desired before pickup we will push for it to be at the airport. Surveillance of the airports prior to arrival is being increased.”
“Okay. We committed to doing this, but I think we all have concerns about it getting out of hand.”
Siobhan said, “We agree, and I am pretty sure that it is unanimous. Let’s be very cautious.”
“The wake is tentatively set to be in three days’ time,” said Bairre.
“Okay,” replied Brandan. “What about those injured?”
“Disabled list for a week at least.”
Emma said, “While all of us, especially your group, see things that we should have anticipated, we must use this as a learning experience and move forward. Okay ... so no more slumped shoulders. The sad looks are appropriate for when we remember our fallen family members. Right?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” replied the group solemnly.
Several days later Shannon said, “Sarah’s Clan, this really doesn’t impact us but the US is claiming that we are kidnapping their citizens. It was in the Washington and New York papers this morning.”
“What is the basis for the claim?” asked Sarah.
“The article was by a Washington correspondent with information from an anonymous source, and didn’t even identify where they worked. The articles claim that the Órarduine are again kidnapping people in the US. The source showed the correspondent some photos purporting to support their claims but wouldn’t let the correspondent have them. It was also indicated that the military now had the means to detect Órarduine ships.
“Another article claimed that the US government’s latest intelligence reports claim, based on information from those visiting Mars, that the Órarduine intend to take control of Earth. Our story of moving to A-Celia is apparently a smoke screen and A-Celia doesn’t exist. The article went on to note the sudden destruction of a previously undisclosed underground government intelligence facility operated by a contractor. Apparently this occurred around time they detected Dóchas in Earth orbit. The implications are that the Órarduine were behind the facility’s destruction. There were a few other tidbits in the article but that covers most of the points.”
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Incest‘I always knew you were my kind of girl, Katie.’ I turned around in my chair to face my sister’s boyfriend of two years standing in the doorway with an ear-to-ear smile on his gorgeous face. My first thought was ‘How in the hell did he get in here?!’ Then I came to the realization that I was still naked as a newborn baby with two fingers in my drenched hole and the evidence still on the computer screen. I just sat there for a few seconds, hardly believing that Michael had gotten in the house...
Before heading to Gretchen's place, I asked her to stop by the hotel room so I could get my things. I left a note for Ted and Lisa telling them that I would be back in the morning to see them off to the airport. Whether Gretchen and I did anything or not, I wanted to have more than just my short black dress, and since I was already there, I just packed up all my other clothes. If I needed to, I could check into some other hotel. The drive out of the city and to her place was an odyssey of...
I stood silent and naked, admiring myself, in my full length mirror. I was looking for tell-tail changes, any signs of what had just happened.My breasts were still small, too small for my personal liking, and my nipples were off a soft cherry red hue, rubbery to rigid, and sensitive, I felt they might just remain in their aroused state, it felt nice to touch them.My stomach ached, did that mean I was pregnant, he went bare-backing into me, neither of us could stop this juggernaut of an urge,...
David hears the front door close as his wife leaves their house to catch a taxi to a nightclub. Without him. Leaving him there in their house all alone after a painful orgasm while watching his wife’s homemade porno of her fucking another man. It was a painful but oh-so-strong orgasm. His hands were tied so he couldn’t do his normal iron-fist routine on his cock as he spurted. It felt like he was drowning and gulping air at the same time. It was such a pleasurable torment watching his sexy...
Do The Right Thing Gina Kramer came home late after partying all night with a bunch of her girlfriends. She left work early so that she could take advantage of the free drinks for ladies on Thursday nights at her favorite bar. She promised herself that she wouldn't stay out late. She had a major assignment that needed to be completed and on her boss's desk by noon time Friday. She promised herself that she would end her night early and get to the office before anyone else did. She worked...
The day was passing slowly for Sarah and Mike. The last few hours of driving to their destination in the scorching heat made the idea of a relaxing cottage in the middle of a shady forest sound much more inviting than it had been a few days before. Of course- neither of them knew what to expect from their trip away to the summer camp. It was simply convenience that both of them were going, but a few changes to the weekly plan ended up making the two of them hire external accommodation in two...
September 1980 sophomore year As I stepped in the Buckley Hall lobby, I had two suitcases, one in each hand. The administration had set up tables, so we could check in, and receive our packets and room keys. When Rhonda stepped inside, I decided to step back outside. Since this was a girl's dorm, she didn't want a lobby full of girl's parents freaking out if I got in line. When she finished, we walked around back to the stairwell entrance. She tucked my packet under my arm, and patted my...
Sculpted brunette Andi Rose spreads her plump, rear cheeks and squeezes her petite tits. She hops on an exercise bike, and porn pro Mark Wood stuffs his thick boner in her mouth for a sloppy blowjob. Mark gives her a thorough rim job, and then he shoves his big cock in her juicy cunt from behind. He switches holes to pummel her pulsing asshole, making her scream in delight. Andi sucks his shaft ass-to-mouth. She climbs on top and mounts Mark’s meat for an anal dick ride. Andi masturbates,...
xmoviesforyouAs you can see from the photos I have freely posted on here, I could please most most men in the sex department.I was a girl who discovered sex at what some would call, an indecently young age. My body defied its years, I had pubic hair and budding breasts by my double digit birthday, penetrative sex one year before that, and had tasted a man, in my mouth, as my mother blew his friend under the pavilion, one summer in England.The guy I was with just could not help himself, as he listened to...
When I was young I was an athletic and adventurous boy. I had dark hair blue eyes and a nice tan because it was about halfway threw summer vacation. Climbing trees, riding my bike, and exploring were at the top of my list for fun activities, not much is different today. This is the story of a small piece of my sexual awakening, the first time I shared myself with another person, what it was like and how it felt.A month before school got out for summer vacation a boy named Chris moved to...
Ahhhhhh...... Matthew Grayson felt himself sinking into the plush bucket seat of his BMW Z4; sorely tempted to fall asleep right there in the parking lot of his office. It had been a long night. "Nothing like tax time", he thought while rubbing his aching neck. In his 15 years as a CPA, he couldn't remember a busier season. His thoughts wandered to the lake where he planned to spend the next several days doing absolutely nothing. No cell phone, no e-mail, just peace and...
TRANS-ATLANTIC part 1 DEPARTURE FROM ROME Jack Masterson arrived at the cruise terminal in the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, Italy. He was a travel writer who owned and operated a travel website that reviews luxury resorts, hotels, cruise ships and destinations. He'd been in Europe for a month; traveling and posting articles on his site about his adventures. Tonight he began his trip home to the United States, but he wasn't flying. A Trans-Atlantic cruise on the Holland...
I went out with this guy on Super Bowl Sunday.We went to a movie and dinner at a nice restaurant,then back to my place.The Super Bowl was on TV but he didn't care he wanted me more.He was kissing and groping me after five minuets in my place.I don't mind it's fun, makes me feel alive and young. I was wearing a dress,knee length,not too tight,low cut top showing a little cleavage.We were standing in the kitchen, he was kissing my neck and down to my cleavage.We were in there to get a drink.That...
(Many thanks to my colleague Phil Gorman for his proofing and editorial assistance) I was bored out of my mind. I had no interest at all in the game on TV and the rest of the offerings were just plain shit! I searched the streaming services and found nothing I wanted to watch. Earlier I had jerked off to some hot lesbian porn and didn’t feel the need to watch any more. I needed to do something! I read shit-loads of stuff and just didn’t feel like reading anything at the moment. I wandered...
It began on a hot sunny afternoon in August while I had been guarding our fields in my village. I could never dream that such things would happen with me… But it happened, and thereafter my life was changed for forever. Let me start from the beginning. I am Rahul, twenty… About five ten in height… Have a lean athletic body and I feel that I’m quite handsome. Six months ago, I completed my graduation, and was trying to get admission in post graduation program; I got the news from my village that...
IncestLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam varius pulvinar efficitur. Nunc sed auctor magna. Nulla quis fringilla est. Cras nulla lacus, tempor sed ligula in, bibendum tempus nibh. Suspendisse venenatis lacus sit amet risus laoreet, vitae ullamcorper magna rutrum. Maecenas non ornare arcu. Suspendisse at tincidunt quam. Nam dapibus porta orci sit amet aliquet. Maecenas sapien diam, pharetra vel leo a, auctor malesuada sapien. Phasellus tempus mi auctor lacus pellentesque,...
David had just turned 14, he was 5 ft. 6 ins. tall and of slim build with well-defined muscles. He was pretty good looking with light brown hair and was a fairly popular fellow. This was particularly so as he was fairly bright, getting good grades in all subjects and was quite amenable to helping his close friends with their homework. He had gone into puberty early and now at 14 his voice had broken, he was shaving his upper lip and had grown patches of light brown hair in all the right...
Three legends of the adult industry come together today to make history. Let’s start with the “Bulls”: for the first time ever in either man’s storied history, Mandingo and Flash Brown team up together to take on none other than busty, brunette bombshell Natasha Nice! Teaming “Dingo” and Flash is only something The Dogfart Network could pull off, and tossing Ms. Nice into the mix just made this one for the history books! The Bulls take turns using...
xmoviesforyou“But you haven’t met them before! We know nothing about them. For all we know, they could be criminals!” my mother protested, getting seriously worked up. “I’m almost eighteen, I could stay here on my own! It’s my thing if I want to move somewhere else. In three weeks I’ll legally be allowed to anyway! I’ll not go to some African bush camp with you! They have spiders and lions and whatnot!” In hindsight, neither my hysteric voice nor me stamping my foot like a petulant child helped my...
You walk in the door, finaly home from work....... FUCKING LAZY CUNT!!! You scream. Your roomate's shit is everywhere. Dirty clothes and dishes thrown around your nice 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. But she is nowhere to be found. Exhausted and pissed off you
As I said in the first instalment the story is absolutely true. Because of various circumstances I didn’t have breakfast with Chris and Rebecca for a few days but the next time I called in as usual Chris was again missing. “Chris had to go interstate for a few days” Rebecca informed me but he said it was OK if we still had breakfast together. Would you like Bananas and cream again?” “Oh, I think I’d enjoy that” was my smirking reply “Have you been marinating the banana again?” “Of...
Hello friends! This is Malvika Kapoor with the second part of the series. I got a lot of love from you all in the form of mails on the previous part. That encouraged me to present you the further details. So close your door, turn off the lights, open your pants and do what you are best at! It was difficult for me to believe what was happening. My first night out in Delhi and I met a charming business tycoon. Vaibhav and we texted each other till Ishan arrived. I gave Shweta a few pills that...
Skeletons in my closet chapter 19 Princess and the slut in me returns ”What do you mean Princess is back?” I asked. Sara explained Princess was sort of Megan's alter ego. Whatever Megan wasn't Princess was. Princess was the opposite of Megan. Princess won't listen to anyone except daddy. ”Princess is trouble, she is pure evil,” ”I am sure you know her capabilities after finding your closet,” Sara said. ”Let's just leave it there,” Linda said changing the subject. I believed she did...
Hi so the first time i went to a bathhouse was when i was 18 , i was dating a 44yr old dominate top tranny (Tina) who had the biggest uncut latino thick cock, her cock was the one that made me not only give up on girls but she turned my body and mind into a complete bottom sissy , my butt became her pussy and my hole was being waxed ,dressed stretched , eaten , fingered and breed!!! i was so scared when she came inn me and pnp made me forget about the fear and just enjoy!!!! we loved to smoke T...
I walked into the kitchen and saw Les sitting there with a shit eating grin on her face. "So, big brother, it looks like there are two females next door with the hots for you." "Les, I don't think you should be spreading this around. We could get into a lot of trouble for what we're doing." "Oh, lighten up. Sometimes you can be such a dweeb." It wasn't what she was saying but the way she said it. She sounded like the smart ass she was when I was trying to protect her from Bubba....
My story begins with us going to dinner. We have the most delicious meal, which tantalises each taste bud and satisfies our hunger. Dessert is your favourite, a simple strawberry icecream. I watch you enjoying it thoroughly but it doesn't do the same thing for me, my mouth longs for more. You’re talking about work, but all I can do is imagine myself unzipping your trousers and placing you inside my mouth, giving my taste buds something better to get excited about. Naturally, I turn the...
Oral SexToni was 26 and already a big girl when John met her. After 10 years together, she had grown huge. It had been her large breasts and curvy ass that had first attracted him to her, but now she was enormous all over and it had reached the point that John was having trouble getting aroused enough to have sex with her. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it, in fact she was hornier now then ever, but her body just didn’t do it for him as it once had. Although he sometimes felt bad about it and...
[Virginia] "Jane, there's a small car coming on my side! Brace!" I slowed down and it went around in front of us a hundred feet or so and stopped sideways. We could get through if I wanted to but I slowed some more. The driver's side faced us and a small figure jumped out and began to wave wildly. I slowed some more and rolled the window down. I had loosened my pistol in its holster ready to use it. "Jane, watch for any company behind us." I stopped thirty feet away from the car and...
The next morning I told Sis that I spoke with Bob on the phone, as she suggested, and he invited me over to his apartment on Friday night. I think she was as excited as I was. She said we would have to pick out an outfit tonight when we both got home for the big event. The next day all I could think about at work was Friday night. Toward the end of my shift, my phone buzzed that I had a text message. It was from Bob. My first thought was he had changed his mind. My heart started pounding as I...
IncestI’m finally getting out today. It’s been four long years. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Last year I signed up for a mentor program. I was hoping they cut my sentence in half. They did one better. They released me on my 21st birthday.My mentor, Mr. Jimmy Diamond talked to the parole board on my behalf. He should be pulling up in front of the prison very soon. He wants me to live with his family, until I get back on my feet. He is a pastor at his local church. He drove...
This happened a long time ago before digital cameras were available. I was 19 and taking a photography class in college. I had set up a makeshift dark room in the basement where I did all my development work. My sister was always interested in my art always hanging around. Now because my sister had studied gymnastics and dance growing up so was very lithe. I had never thought of her sexually until that summer she turned 16. One of her birthday presents was to be allowed to buy a bikini for the...
Sitting talking to Kelly was enlightening and I liked her sweet nature and naivety and she was so looking forward to saving for her holiday, she was excited that her friends neighbour could offer her some jobs and as promised to her we went outside to celebrate her getting the job by finishing off the cone.“You can relax now Kelly” I said as we took our seats and Kelly took a big deep hit relieved that the interview process is done, I was sure I could find a couple of hour a week for her.“Oh,...
My love to all iss readers. This time I am back with a very erotic story. This act happened a few weeks back with my neighbor shivani (name changed). shivani is 21. She has beautiful face and decent features. she was talk of our area and she never gave a damn to any guys and was always spotted with other group of hot chicks around her. A month ago i received a friend request from her on fb and i accepted that after few days as i was not website for sometime. Initially we spoke for few mins for...
Lisa spent the rest of that night in a sexual high, very turned on but because of Mr. Roberts warning, unable to do anything about it. She finally was able to go to bed and sleep with the aid of some sleeping pills. She spent Sunday trying to put the whole matter out of her mind. She did some neglected household chores, then went for a long drive and basically tried to stay busy. But thoughts of him and what he was doing to her still intruded from time to time and she felt the tingle of desire...
I, the author, approve this story to be archived only by Fictionmania and no other site. I also offer the plot device and setting contained within to any author who wants to use it as a springboard into a story of their own. No real rules. Just have fun with it and keep it clean. Aliens Don't Know Women By Secret Author Frankly, I don't know if they have women or anything like women where they came from. I have to believe that they don't- that somewhere in the cosmos exists...
I didn’t cope very well when I started university. During freshers’ week, when everyone was making friends, I stayed in my dorm room. Compared to the posh voices of the rich kids, my Brummie accent sounded low-class to me. Naturally slim, I lost weight that first month so that my legs were like sticks and my breasts the size of dumplings.One night, Kate, the girl whose dorm was next to mine, obviously felt sorry for me and invited me to a house party. I plucked up the courage and decided to go....
ReluctanceMary had forgotten her wallet. With no cash or credit cards she had to drive back to the house to retrieve her money. Parking in the driveway, she told David to wait and she'd be right back. But once in the house she could hear the unmistakable voices of her sister and husband. She stopped suddenly to listen to her husband confronting Sue with David's voyeurism. Mary was somewhat surprised but knew that David often peeked at her too. But as the conversation went on she was amazed as to...
THE EVIL SATANIC BEAST TONGUE FUCKS MY WIFE:: This evil summoned up Satanic Demon Beast was in absolute and total full control of us all! Me as I sat right there seeing my beautiful Hispanic wife's pussy all flared out and open totaly soaking wet from her full orgasms and just having had that forked tongue of his shoot out and slap all over her elongated as hell swollen out clit and now withdrawn back into his mouth. Having told us all that Little Momma's pussy was to tight to take his...
‘You’re fucking worthless boy,’ the voice shouted. The boy anticipated the sting of the belt before the sound of it could be heard, whistling through the air. Raising its arm, the voice repeatedly brought the leather strap down onto the back of the young child. Huddled into a corner of the room, the boy couldn’t get away from the lashes. Screaming didn’t help, it just made the pain worse, gave the voice satisfaction. ‘Shoulda known you’d be trouble. Nothin’ but trouble, you are.’ The voice...
Friends. Sisters are always kind to their brothers. It is you who need some bold approach to tackle her and fuck her hot pussy. May be she will not budge in the first instance but if you continue to pursue her and beg from her to let you fuck her, sure and sure you are going to win her favor and then you will find your penis in the pure pussy of your sister. Try today. Pehli raat apni behan Savita ki teen bar Gand marne ke baad hum dono agle din condoms , Choot mein rakhnay kay liye...
The next thing I was aware of was a hand cupping my balls. I leapt out of bed like a scalded cat and slammed into the wall. While I groaned from the pain I heard barely contained laughter coming from the bed. "I guess you're feeling better, huh?" "Jezzus Izzy, you scared the hell out of me." "I'm sorry, really I am. Come back to bed? Please?" I got back under the blankets and Izzy snuggled up next to me, and her hand went back to my balls possessively. "I'm sorry I pushed you...
to be continued (cba to check it so bitch all you like)
I have always been the biggest idiot. You know what that means: I’m smart but the world is a little too fast, a bit too cruel for me, so I often end up with the short end of the stick. It’s not that I’m too nice. I’m just not cut out for the cut-throat stuff it takes to get ahead. I also like being alone and being alone can become a habit. Whenever I hear that word, I think of the line from Madeleine, ‘a crack with the habit of looking like a rabbit.’ My mind works funny. I’d rented a car for...
After getting out of jail for killing my stepdad Burt, in self defense, my mom and I got back to our new lives. Mom looked better and seemed to come to life without all the abuse. She was still a horny old slut and I had to find new ways to get her fucked. The sheriff and his friends still came over sometimes but that wasn’t enough for me and mom. Some of my stepdads friends still called, it turns out, he was charging men to fuck her. I took over my stepdads role and set up her dates and they...
The following is pure fantasy and did not really happen, these words are my own.*There was an ad on craigslist in the M4M section: "Private backyard, free to use for sunbathing; clothing optional, any and all body types welcome." The small balcony on my third-floor apartment offered a fair amount of privacy but was not situated to where I could achieve an all over even tan. So I responded to the ad.Harvey was in his seventies, lived altwo-storytwo story home with a high privacy fence. He...
Gay MaleWhen I turned 18 I had a lawn mowing business for the summer. It was just me, and I used it to earn extra money. It all started about 6 months ago; I see a hot looking neighbor move in down the block. This guy must live to work out; I have never seen a guy wear so many different leather outfits. I had gotten a summer gig mowing lawns; hey it pays well for about an hour's work. I had fliers up around the neighborhood and had quite a few customers.Then one day I got a call from a guy asking about...
So if you've read any of my stories before, you'll know I'm a guy who likes to share my slutty ginger girlfriend, Sarah, with her ex. Well after writing these on here, I letv her read them, we both got a little turned on and that to fuck like crazy afterwards. One we called down s bit, she said she'd like to give it a go. So here's Sarah's side of the story, with some help and editing from me."Hi guys, I'm Sarah. I think, thanks to my bf, maybe you already know a bit about me! Lol!If not read...
My name is Raj. I’m 20 years old still in college. Well, I’m a virgin but I relieve off myself sexually by watching Porn and masturbating. It is actually with Porn movies when I came across with Incest. I belong to a conservative family background, so initially, the thought of having sex with my mother freaked me out. However being a sex-craving guy I fell into its trap and started enjoying watching incest porn movies. As mentioned I’m a virgin but it doesn’t mean that I’ve not had...
IncestElizabeth and I are still working together but have only got together one other time.It had been months since the last time.Whenever we were alone and out of every ones sight I would tease her,touching her ass or her tit.One time she was wearing shorts and I slid my hand up her thigh.She was so horny she let me.I moved up under her shorts.I was shocked when I hit a naked pussy.Elizabeth shivered then pulled away"god you'll have me dripping,knock it off.""We need to go somewhere" I said."I agree...