Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 135: World-Record Marathon free porn video

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued)

Ava was waiting for us at home, so all I had to do was run in, change into somewhat more suitable attire than my school clothes, and then run out again. Donna was already in the car, eager to get my run started. I directed Ava to the road Julia and I had decided on.

Once we arrived there, I got Ava to measure the length of the segment that I would run back and forth on. It was 6.4 miles, so a marathon would require two "backs", two "forths" and an extra 0.6 miles to make up the full distance, marathons being 26.2 miles long. There was the issue of the car's odometer not being considered very accurate, but I waved it away uncaringly, saying "Let's measure 27 miles then, so there's no doubt." So we found the point that was 1.4 miles into the fifth leg.

Ava said, "You are going to be cursing that extra distance when you have to run it."

"We'll see. I think you might be surprised about that."

Just before I started running, when we were parked on the side of the road, I said, "Now listen VERY carefully you two, I'm about to say something very serious. Ava, this is an ORDER, and you know what that means, don't you?"

"Oh. Yes, I understand." Her face became suddenly serious, so I knew she did.

"Donna, I want you to understand that what I am going to tell you is VERY important, okay. I know you'll have no idea why, and may even disagree with me, but I don't care about any of that. I am TELLING you something, and if you disagree I'll tell Ava to immediately take you home, okay?"

"Okay. What is it?"

"I don't want either of you to tell ANYBODY about this run. Not what my time was, nor any general comments about how fast or slow I was. Not even that I ran a marathon. Don't raise the subject of my running today, and if anyone asks about it, say you were too busy talking to each other to pay any attention to me. Do you understand? I don't want ANYBODY to know ANYTHING. That's very important to me. Have you got it?"

Ava nodded, but Donna asked, "Why not?" I was very pleased to see by Ava's wince that she recognized that as a "Why?" question, and that they were bad.

I answered, "I'm not going to tell you. All you need to know is that I do not want anybody to know anything about it. I don't even want them to know that something interesting happened, so if someone asks you about it, don't say 'I'm not allowed to answer, ' because that'd make them curious. Just say something innocent, like, 'I don't know, I was too busy talking.' Do you understand?"

Donna repeated, "Don't tell anybody anything?" I nodded. "What about Mom and Dad or Carol?"

I'd forgotten about Carol, and my first thought was that it would be okay to tell Carol. But, on second thought, it'd be a better test to exclude everyone. I'd warn Carol and Julia to tell me if Donna or Ava blabbed to them.

I answered, "Not ANYBODY! Not Mom, Dad or Carol. Not Julia either. It's good you checked with me what I meant, but in this case I truly mean nobody at all. Okay?"

Ava asked, "What about if you have a medical problem and we need to call for help?"

"Good question, Ava. In that case you can certainly call for help. I'd still prefer you not to mention 'marathon' or my time though - just say I was running for a while. You can tell them for how long if they absolutely need it, but I shouldn't think so. If you do need to tell them, tell me later who you told and what you said to them. Do you both fully understand what I want?"

Ava did, but Donna wanted to know, "But why can't I tell Carol? She's your..."

Fortunately I was paying full attention to Donna, because I had a flash of where that "she's your" was going, especially after the so recent conversation about Carol and me having babies together.

I interrupted damned fast, "DONNA! I am well aware that Carol is my SISTER. I don't need you to remind me of that." By the look on Donna's face, it was obvious that "sister" had not been her next word, and she knew that I knew. I commanded, "There will be NO more conversation about why. I have told you what I want. Do you understand it or not?"

"Yes, Mark. I'm very sorry," from a VERY contrite Donna.

It would've been ironic for Donna to let that piece of information slip, given that the entire purpose of this run was because it was too dangerous to test Ava with that exact knowledge, it being one of of my "Big 3" secrets: Carol, NP and blobs. I'm not counting the BIG, "End of Human Civilization" secret. That's so secret it's NEVER going to be on any list. I made a mental note to read Donna the riot act for her almost-slip at the first opportunity, and could tell she was expecting it. The fact that I'd let slip the baby thing in the car wasn't going to hold me back.

There were a few minor details to arrange, such as how to get water and food to me, as apparently food as well as water was a good idea. We decided to have Ava drive alongside me and Donna would pass it out her window. I warned the girls not to worry about the pace I would be running, and that I would be careful not to overexert myself. I suggested that Donna get out of the car and run with me sometimes, just to check everything was okay, and so she could reassure Ava. We synchronized watches.

After all the hassle of the preparation, the rest of it was relatively easy. I warmed up, something my soccer coach always insists on before any training or games, waited until our watches were on a convenient time, then I started running.

I wanted to do a very good time, to excite the girls more and make the blab test more meaningful, so I deliberately nudged above what I thought my optimal speed was. Feeling the first effects of fatigue prompted me to slow fractionally, and after the usual slow-down-to-recover-then-speed-up-again process, I was soon running at my slightly faster new optimal rate, without the cast and with being centered.

With the superb degree of muscular control I have, I can hold a specific pace very accurately. Having said that, I would occasionally nudge it up a bit, just to check that I did start to get fatigued, then I'd drop back to my optimal rate. That meant I was running with a small amount of fatigue, but it was very small and not worth worrying about. It was actually useful, because if it reduced then it told me that I wasn't running fast enough.

Clearly I could have run faster if I'd been willing to accept the consequent fatigue. After all, every other marathon runner fatigues themselves! I didn't want to do that. My total lack of experience at long-distance running could easily lead me into making an error, and I especially wanted to see if I could do this with negligible fatigue, which meant no wall hitting. According to the website I'd read, the human body doesn't contain enough glycogen to run more than about twenty miles, especially at the speed I'd be going and with my lack of preparation to build up my body's ability to store glycogen (although I think I'd accidentally done one thing right: I'd carb' loaded before the run. "Pizza, food of champions!"). If I did run out of glycogen I'd certainly feel it, as the website said it felt like an elephant jumping onto your back, which didn't sound like the sort of thing you'd fail to notice. If I felt the elephant, that'd mean that running drew energy from my body.

After one mile, Ava and Donna told me, "You're going WAY too fast. You won't last the distance. Slow down."

I assured them that everything was fine.

After two miles my reassurance had worn off, and they urged me to slow down again.

I tried, "It's not a serious race. If I get tired I'll stop. Don't worry about it."

Ditto with minor variations at the three-mile mark.

I amused myself by thinking: 26 miles in about 1 hour 50 minutes means I'm going at something like 14 miles per hour. Each mile takes about (and here's where you can tell I'm good at mathematics) 1/14th of an hour. Call it 4 minutes. If Ava drives alongside me for one minute every mile, urging me to slow down, that's going to be 25% of the total running time. That's an awful lot of conversation. I don't think a real marathon runner would appreciate that. I just chuckled though. Not only did I think that I didn't use glycogen, I didn't seem to use much oxygen either. I could probably sing the whole way, which would have the benefit of forcing Ava and Donna to drive farther away, because I'm a REALLY bad singer.

The next time they pulled up to warn me to slow down (every four and a bit minutes, regular as clockwork), I decided to start singing as they got close. Loudly and happily. They got the hint, or maybe it just hurt them too much.

I was offered some water around the five-mile mark. Accompanied by some expression of concern at how fast I was going.

"I'm perfectly fine, I promise. If you're not careful, I'll start singing.

Just before the first turnaround, the girls started getting very excited, screaming at me to "Keep going!"



I kept going, pretty much at exactly the same speed I'd been doing when they'd been telling me to slow down.

Ava zoomed ahead in the car, parked, and they both got out and impatiently waited for me to reach them. They were jumping up and down. I had time to realize probably what for. I wasn't sure of the facts, but I knew they'd soon confirm it if I was right.

Sure enough, as soon as I was close Donna started yelling, "Faster! Go faster!"

All I did was yell ahead, "I wish you'd make up your minds."

"You'll beat the WORLD RECORD."

"That's nice. For what?" I continued my current speed.

"10k. Where we're standing is where we think 10k is. You're beating the record. Run faster, come on!"

"Why run faster?"

"So you can beat it by MORE!"

I was very close to them now, so could talk more conversationally, "But I'm running a marathon, not a 10k."

Ava said, "You'll never finish a marathon at this pace." Personally I thought I'd finish a marathon at exactly this pace.

I was close enough to them now, and obviously not going to speed up, that they just watched, eyes glued to their watches, which was silly as they'd only estimated the distance.

As I crossed their estimated not-finish line they both squealed and tried to hug me. I'm inexperienced at running marathons, but I was pretty sure it'd be quite a lot harder with two girls hanging off me, so I dodged around them (thanks to proximity), and kept on running. That was not what they expected, and they stood dumbstruck.

I called back, "Catch up and run with me for a while. You can pick up the car on the way back." It wasn't too far to the turnaround and back to the car, so they could both do it at this pace.

They sprinted up to then fell in beside me. They wanted to rave about the time. I disappointed them greatly by saying, "It's nice that you're excited, but I'm here to run a marathon." My margin over the 10k world record, by their figuring, was about forty seconds, which was hardly impressive. Well, I had to admit, beating any world record should probably be considered impressive, but not nearly as impressive as shaving fifteen minutes off the marathon record was going to be.

I continued, "I asked you to run alongside me to remind you of my request before the race. Don't tell ANYBODY ANYTHING, remember?"

"But," pointed out Donna, "you just ran a WORLD RECORD. Don't you want to tell Carol? You MUST want to tell Carol!"

"If I want to tell her, then I will. But YOU will not tell anyone."


"There is no 'but' Donna. You promised not to tell anyone, and I'm holding you to it."

"I didn't actually say 'I promise'."

"That's true, you didn't. I was assuming you were an adult and didn't need to be forced to say 'I promise' like you were a little child. If you insist on being treated as a child, then I can do that too, for years if necessary." One important consequence of which Donna was very aware of.

"But why don't you want Carol to know?"

"That's not what I said Donna. I might tell her, or maybe I'll tell Mom and Dad and they'll tell Carol. None of that is the issue. What I want is for YOU not to tell anybody. If you can't do that, then Ava can easily drive you home right now, then come back here while I'm still running."

"Argh! It's not fair. Why won't you let me tell anyone?"

"You know, Donna, there are a lot of things I could say to make this easier for you - to calm you down and make you feel happier - but I'm not going to say a single one of them. You made a commitment to me, and you understand what that commitment requires. If you break that commitment, the consequences will be on your head."

Part of Donna's trouble included that she was not disciplined enough to be able to draw clear lines between events. She should be happy at my running success, and treat the restriction as another issue. But that wasn't happening; Donna was unhappy about everything, and heading toward being pissed off, because I was being so unreasonable.

Ava asked, "Can I try to cheer Donna up?" I'd been deliberating keeping Ava out of the conversation, because I wanted her to be as free as possible to keep or break my order, but I had no reason to disallow her request. It wasn't going to take us much longer to reach the car, so I said, "Sure, but I'll say something first. Donna, I'm disappointed in you. You accepted the rules before I started running, and all I've done is remind you of what you agreed to, so it's unfair of you to get in a bad mood about it. I thought it would be fun to have you come with us, but I'm starting to regret allowing it now. I'm almost tempted to ask Ava not to cheer you up, because it'd serve you right to stew in your own juices for while. Ava can try though, but wait until you're in the car so you can leave me out of it."

I knew I was being mean, especially as I could easily think of several ways of cheering her up, but Donna was going to have to learn to accept my restrictions, whether she understood them or not, otherwise things like NP and blobs would never be shown to her. I'd much rather make an ugly scene out of this than anything really important.

We arrived back at the car and the girls got in it and resumed driving behind me.

Four minutes don't take long to pass (well, they take pretty close to four minutes, but you know what I mean), and girls talk slowly, so I covered quite a few miles while the girls talked, broken occasionally by Ava sticking her head out of the window to yell, "Do you need anything Mark?"

"I'm fine."

Close to the second turnaround Ava drove ahead and parked her car facing in the direction of my third leg. She got out and waited for me to reach her, then ran along with me.

Ava looked me up and down critically. "You're not far from the halfway point now."

"Yeah, I know."

"You look the same as when you started. How do you feel?"

"The same as when I started. Running like this is not difficult for me."

"So I see. You're not even sweating much, are you?"

"No. I don't sweat much these days."

"I noticed that last night too. I wish I had a thermometer; I'd like to know whether you're losing body heat properly. You should be sweating more. With anyone else, I'd think they were dehydrated and get them to start drinking plenty of water, but I'm worried about doing that with you."


"Too much water can make you sick."

"Water? Really?"

"Yes, quite badly. It can even cause death. It's a common problem with marathon runners, although usually slow ones. Dehydration can be a serious problem too, especially with a good runner. I wish I understood your physiology better, because I can't decide whether to give you a lot of water, or just small amounts."


She sounded even more like a doctor after another minute, during which she'd asked me about a long list of symptoms for dehydration and over-hydration. It's a comforting feeling to have a girlfriend who's interested in my possible diarrhea. Ava decided I was not dehydrated, and prescribed an energy bar and a limited water intake. How were my feet? Any chaffing? And a few other such questions. Everything was fine.

"Your pace is extraordinary. You know that, don't you?"


"How long can you keep to this pace?"

"I expect for 26.2 miles."

Ava looked at her watch, then said, "We're almost exactly at the halfway point, which makes it 55 minutes for the half. One hour 50 for the full if you hold the pace. That's MILES under the world record. You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?"

"I was pretty sure, yes. I always run very fast when there's a good meal waiting at the end of it. Changing the subject, how's Donna?"

"Sulking a little. I don't know her so I didn't do a very good job of cheering her up. Your time for the half will get her attention though."

"Don't worry too much about Donna. It'll do her good to have to accept some frustration and she bounces back quickly."

We were coming up to the car, so Ava slowed down. I waved to Donna on the way past, but I didn't get a return wave.

Halfway down the third leg the car pulled up beside me and Donna passed me a water bottle, accompanied with, "I'm sorry Mark."

"What are you sorry for, sweetie?"

"Umm. Arguing with you."

"Especially for losing the argument, I bet?"

Donna smiled, "Yeah. Especially that!"

"Why shouldn't you have argued with me?"

"Ava told me. Because you'd made a decision and I had to follow it. I didn't have a good reason to get you to change your decision. I was just being a spoiled little girl who wanted to get her way with everything." Which explained why it took Donna so long to get over her sulk.

"I bet you didn't like to be told that, did you?"

"No. Are you really going to finish in one fifty?"

"I'm a little worried about the wall, but if that doesn't affect me, then I should be well under two hours, yes."

"That's impossible, you know?"

"It'll be interesting to see then, won't it?"

"I'll say! I'm glad you let me come. Sorry I was so bad before."

"I'm glad you're here too, sweetie. I'd give you a kiss, but it's a bit awkward now."

"That's okay. You can give me TWO at the end, {giggle}."

Ava decided that was the end of the conversation, and pulled the car back. There were cars passing in either direction from time to time, so she had to be careful.

Ava and Donna both accompanied me on either side of the third turnaround. Ava took me through the list of symptoms again, none of which I had, not even the trots, which Donna thought was a humorous pun.

Ava warned me, "You could hit the wall at any time. I'm worried that there's just Donna and me to help you, so if you hit it, just let your speed drop way down and let me come check you out, okay?"

"Okay. But I feel fine so I don't think I'll hit it."

"You'll feel fine right up to the time you hit it. That's why it's called the wall."

That made sense. An elephant jumping on my back would be a sudden development. "Got it. I'll just say, 'So far so good' then."

Ava drove behind me as usual, except maybe a little farther back in case I suddenly slowed down, but she was easily close enough to see that I was running fine. Donna frequently stuck her head out to call out "How you doing?" But my answer was always the same. Physically I was fine. Mentally, other than my nervousness over hitting the wall, I was mostly bored. If it wasn't for the bouncing up and down, it would've been good to bring a book to read. That'd almost be doable, because I could have one eyeball pointed down at the book, and the other eyeball watching where I was running.

I'd expected Ava to park the car at the 27-mile finishing line when I crossed it the penultimate time, so the girls could run with me from there to the turnaround, then back to the finish for the last time, but they stayed in the car behind me when I passed that point. Shortly thereafter she pulled ahead and parked at the 26.2-mile finishing point.

When I'd caught up they fell into step with me. Doctor West checked me over, then I said, "I see you stopped at 26.2. I think I'd prefer to run to 27 miles. I don't see any reason why not, and I'd like to be sure that I actually did a marathon, rather than have any doubts."

"It's going to add about three minutes to your time."

"To borrow Donna's word, that's the difference between impossible, and three minutes faster than impossible. I don't think it matters."

The car had been parked 0.6 miles from the turnaround, making it a 1.2-mile round trip back to it, much farther than the distance the girls normally ran with me. They were having to push themselves hard to keep up with me, so even before we reached the turnaround I said, "Wait for me here, and I'll go to the turnaround and back here alone." They readily agreed, and even walked slowly back to the car, to reduce the distance they'd have to run when I got back to them.

I completed the turnaround and was soon back with them. As we ran to the car, Ava remarked, "I can't believe you're doing this."

"You're just going to have to believe it. I don't want to miss dinner by doing it again for you."

Donna proudly declared, "I believe it! Mark's VERY special."

I smiled as I joked, "You're not too bad yourself, especially at sucking up!"

As we approached the car, Ava looked at her watch, waited for me to reach the point we'd chosen, and then declared, "One hour forty nine, and twenty three seconds."

"Wow," said Donna.

"Wow indeed," agreed Ava.

"See you in three minutes," I waved back at them.

They soon overtook me in the car, and were waiting at the second finish line when I crossed it.

"One hour fifty two, and forty five seconds."

I couldn't reply, as Donna was collecting kisses. Apparently the interest rate for slow payment on kisses is exorbitant. Ava demanded her fair share, which seemed reasonable to me.

When the initial euphoria was over, the girls wanted to talk. They had a lot to say, none of which mattered to me. I said, "Let's head home. We can talk in the car, if you must." I got in the car, which was a hint they couldn't ignore.

In the car, Ava's first questions were about my health, even having to restrain Donna while she did so. It didn't take long though, as there was nothing to report.

Ava commented, "But you're not even tired. That's not natural."

I didn't want her thinking to go down that road, so I borrowed from the genetic mutation hypothesis, "It's natural, but in a new way. I'll explain that more later. Don't worry about it now." Mainly because Donna was about to burst with excitement.

On the way back to my place they bombarded me with squeals, questions and comments. All predictable and ultimately irrelevant. When they slowed down enough that I had a good chance to complete a full sentence, I said, "None of that really matters. I wanted to try it, and it went how I thought it would. Thank you both very much for your help, I appreciated having you both with me. And now it's over, does anyone know what we're having for dinner?"

It wasn't that easy, and I had to reinforce the message a few times. "Running is NOT important to me. It's very 'not important.' In fact, it's rather boring. You both enjoy it, and that's good for you, but it's not for me. Just like I enjoy math and you don't. I'll do the 10k run on Saturday as I promised Donna, and that's the last run I intend to do which involves a measured distance or a stopwatch. By the way, Donna - in case you're wondering - I will NOT be running Saturday's 10k in a world-record time. I'll aim for whatever time I ran the original race in. I need to look that up. Where can I find that out?"

Both girls told me my time.

"Thanks. I'll need to work out the lap times so I can adjust my speed on Saturday."

The girls quickly worked that out for me.







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Thursday was clean up day at the college. Our board wanted to be spic and span, clean and professional, at any time a full tour was going to be given to another college board. I made several rounds with different administrators checking things out. I had the contractor straighten up their act as well. They had gotten sloppy with storage. I had Richard Bozman - the auditor - put the screws to them. Thursday night we had the meeting with Katz and Bradberry. It was four hours long. All of us...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 135

This one is compliments of Larry Hindsight The pour bugger was very upset!!!! A woman awoke during the night to find that her husband was not in bed. She put on her robe and went downstairs. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him. He appeared to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall. She saw him wipe a tear from his eye and take a sip of his coffee. "What's the matter, dear?" she whispered as she stepped into the room. "Why are you down here at...

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Family LettersChapter 135

Dear Marissa, Wow, you had a lot to say and right now I'm so enchanted with little Electra that I don't get a lot of time to read or write. Of course there is the preparation for our raid on Tufts, which takes time, especially as Erica and I are having to take the tank out for some test runs to see how the new armor affects it. Then we have to get back into shape a bit. I mean the medical tech is nice and all, but we both spent a few months carrying a bowling ball in our bellies and now we...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 135

After the introductions, Bobby and Sandra resumed their seats beside the healing chamber. Diana was soon seated with them and carrying on a quiet conversation. When Jeff stepped over to his Queen, she reached to take his hand. "I'm going to sit with them while they wait for the chamber to finish with their mate," she told her husband. Turning to Laura, Diana continued, "Send us a plate back when you eat, please, Love." "Sure," Laura responded. Laura didn't ask the nurses what they...

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“I was thinking along the lines of four concerts of music and singing, four shows, or Broadway concerts and four premier acts every ninety days starting the first week of September. December would be just the GSS doing winter/Christmas music, with January, February and March being available for Premier acts. April could be another school coming in to use the facility and May could be another Broadway show of us, or a traveling Off-Broadway show, with the place dark for our Summer...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 135

The last time Laura and Rhonda had fucked, it had been a wild few moments in Rhonda's office, with the door shut and the orgasms quick and sharp. Neither of them could forget it, and even seeing one another in the hallway at work was enough to make both blush. But it had been months ago, before the hand-off of Sholandra. Now, when she saw Rhonda from time to time, Laura's feelings were even more confused. She remembered their hot fucking. She also knew that Rhonda was fucking Sholandra...

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Three Square MealsChapter 135 A reminder of whats at stake

The Raptor blasted through Kinta’s troposphere, leaving white contrails in the gunship’s wake as it roared towards space. It didn’t take long to punch through the wispy cirrus clouds and the crew’s destination soon came into view, the Invictus hanging motionless in orbit above the planet. The gleaming white battlecruiser was like a bastion of serenity amongst the burning wreckage of the invasion armada, where hundreds of Brimorian warships had been reduced to little more than glowing debris...

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Six Times A DayPart 135 Good Times

Afterwards, they all recovered and cleaned themselves up with quick showers. The priority now was on having breakfast, since as of yet no one had eaten much. They all dressed up too, although Susan only wore her erotic apron. Amy naturally took her clothes off before long, but Alan complained he was getting too much visual stimulation, so she put on one of Susan's extra aprons. Alan, Katherine, and Amy sat on stools at the kitchen counter and offered to help Susan, in order to speed things...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 135

These are compliments of Fmwarmac A couple were attending their first pre-natal class. So that the husband could get an idea of what it felt like to be pregnant, the instructor strapped a bag of sand to his stomach. As he walked around with his new bulge, the husband said: “This doesn’t feel too bad.” Then the instructor deliberately dropped a pen and said to the husband: “Now I want you to pick up that pen as if you were pregnant.” “You want me to do it the way my wife would?” confirmed...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 135

"Come on Sylvia this is bullshit. You are going to be sorry tomorrow." Wilson said. "Wilson, I am not angry, I'm pissed. There is a difference and I don't want to discuss it. You should know what this is about. What I am going to tell you is that you are going to be old enough to retire. You should be able to get your state pension soon. I am going to make sure you come out of this at least as well off as you would have been, if you were still with Warren Country. Make a list of what...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 135 Aphrodisiacs Lab Grade

What was that green goo they put in Nelly’s IV? Why is it making her moan like she is having an orgasm bigger than even I can give her with the place in my head? Once she quit trying to break the straps holding her down she went completely limp. Her stomach was quivering like she was still having orgasms. They put a machine over her abdomen that they said works like an x-ray, but it was decades more advanced and without any dangerous radiation. Once it was where they wanted it I saw...

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Runaway TrainChapter 135

Liz and I decided a “fancy dress” dinner held little interest for us. After tossing out a few suggestions – from the Internet and from her memory – Liz decided that she wanted to go to “El Rincon,” an authentic Mexican restaurant located, appropriately enough, in the corner of a downtown building. Even though the restaurant didn’t require a jacket and tie, any venture into public with Liz meant certain style standards had to be met. The temperature was pushing 90 degrees but there had been...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 135

The office staff were recording all the major channels. I picked a couple and fast forwarded to the good parts - the Governor and Lt. Governor being led away in cuffs and shackles. Then there were the pictures of the homeless and rioters being loaded in Army trucks by the hundreds. I hoped all the planning for processing was enough and successful. In the Oval Office the first thing I wanted was an update on the USS Wilmington. By now there should have been some kind of preliminary report on...

2 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 135

“The artist lives to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.” —Criss Jami, Killosophy “I KNOW IT’S SHORT NOTICE,” John said. Yeah, if it had been any shorter, he’d have caught us all naked. Fortunately, he called before interrupting our party. I still wasn’t sure how secure anyone’s clothing was. He’d arrived ten minutes after the call. “I’ve been filming through the whole start of semester. I’ve got tape of the posters in the hall on time-lapse. The school is going to...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 135 Apparent Anger

The first thing I noticed, when I could finally feel anything again, was that I’d let go of all the mana I held. Panicked, I scrabbled for it before even opening my eyes ... but there wasn’t any. I couldn’t sense a single mage. That startled me enough to make me start noticing other things. I was lying in a bed, for example, not the hard rock and dirt floor I expected, and it was warm – warmer than I’d been in what felt like a very long time. As I mentally took inventory of my situation, it...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 135

The drive to downtown Los Angeles was pleasant. Anya and Ekaterina were in joking moods and, taking a cue from the other females at the lower house, they picked on Adam unmercifully. Ekaterina's wit required a little explanation at times, but she was clearly looking forward to staying behind in Los Angeles when the rest of the group headed to Las Vegas. Her work visa would expire in December. It gave Celina a little time to get things squared away. Adam planned to simply stay outside while...

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Larkin Love 600 135000

There aren't many universal truths out there. Creation is a finicky beast that often avoids definition the harder you attempt to apply it. However, not all things in life are mysterious and subject to chaos. Some things just are. Things like big-tiddy goth girlfriends being fucking awesome.Big-Tiddy Goth GirlfriendNo matter what style of dress or life you subscribe to, everyone wants a big-tiddy goth girlfriend. There is just so much to love. First, and most obviously, are the big tits. You can...

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Jolee Love 3100 135000

Cum comes from our private (cough public cough) parts, so it's no surprise that perverted dudes like us are obsessed with everything to do with a bitches pussy. I'm a vagina super fan. I support all of the work they do. That's why I enjoy getting my mouth down there to be as close to the gash as possible, especially if that gash is attached to Jolee Love.I Love Everything Pussy DoesI love pussy in all its many work hats, including bone-dry pussy. You won't hear many guys speak those words, but...

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Deja Vu

This is a work of science-fiction in a general sense, and is not possible at all. All characters are made up, and are not based on any real persons dead or alive. All characters are of appropriate age in the story context. If this time of story is offensive to you please do not read it. * John was a special child growing up. He had always felt that he may have had ESP or something close to it. He always had this sense that he had been to places that he never been to before, and meet people...

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Deja Vu Christmas

‘That’s what I saw on the TV news just now. So maybe you’d better . . .’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve, Stella,’ Nadine answered, the stubbornness in her voice almost palpable. ‘Those guys were really cute, and I’ve never skied Winter Park before. Gotta do something to get out of here.’ ‘Yeah, well, if the snow really hits up there at Berthoud Pass, there wouldn’t be any skiing, they wouldn’t find you ’til spring,’ Stella said. She was fiddling with the crooked plastic Christmas tree in the corner of...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu All Over Again

It’s been said that, once you've left, you can never go home again. I found that to be false. Last week, I returned to my home town to visit my baby sister, Fran. Fran and I are close, and we visit one another a couple of times a year, catch up on old times, and stay connected. After college, it seems we both returned home, living with siblings and parents until we got to the point of financial independence, even though we did it ten years apart. We also never married. For my part, I’m...

Quickie Sex
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Deja Vu

Michelle and I had been taken and decided to go to the adult theater. We went with a friend of ours Mike, Mike is a large gentleman of blk per suasion. Been our friend for years. We all met at the theater paid for our tickets wet to take a quick look at the toys and other marital aids. We wandered the ills looking and joking about the miss use of the things we saw but plugs big engulf to heart a rhino . Dill does so long and wide cant images any one that could take that. Dam thing look like a...

3 years ago
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Deja vu

It was almost thirty years since I'd visited an Arcade or Adult Book Store, but I was in another city that wasn't afraid the "Adults" might want to see adult things or see Adult movies. I almost felt "dirty" like I did when I first discovered such places. I passed the store ,as another man was coming out catching just a glimpse of a rack of the inside displays. It was early evening and the area seemed saturated with way more people I was used to, at home I would be intimidated of maybe...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu

I was laying on my bed in my room. My TV was on, but I wasn't really paying that much attention.Truthfully, I was browsing the magazine in my hands. Not the one I appeared to be leafing through... that would be a 'Popular Photography', which was visible, camouflaging the true subject of my attention. Inside the Pop Photo, was the most recent copy of 'Mayfair'.I suppose I didn't really need to hide it. I was eighteen, and legally able to buy the magazine, but I also didn't need to stir the pot...

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Deja Vu For a Drow

D?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...

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Deja Vu a MILF teacher submits to her past and loses everything

Now for the normal disclaimers, no kids (under 18), animals, blood, scat, or other extreme things are in this story. If I haven’t scared you off yet, read on and vote. Chapter 1 Suzanne was finishing another day at school. She was a first-grade teacher, and it had been a very long day. Most days she loved teaching, but today was particularly difficult. For some reason today, her kids, who were normally...

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Brittany Rogers peered through the store's broad front windows, carefully inspecting each inch of the nearly deserted parking lot. Satisfied, she unlocked the door, set the alarm and slipped outside in the required thirty seconds. She locked both top and bottom locks and scurried towards her car. As she went, she nervously scanned the area, her head swiveling. Twice she turned and walked backwards a few steps to check behind her. Why had she stayed so late, she berated herself silently....

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Deja Vu

"Oh grandmother, I still can't believe it!" The young blonde haired woman exclaimed as she gushed with excitement. "Two days from now I'm going to be in Europe." "Well it's nothing that you don't deserve." The older woman smiled back. "I'm very proud of you, and all that you've accomplished." "I don't think Mother would agree with you on that." Jenny D'Angelo replied. "She thinks the entire trip is a colossal waste of money." "Your mother thinks everything is a waste of...

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Deja Vu All Over Again

PART 1 My company had just relocated to brand new offices downtown in that fancy mega-complex that took up four city blocks. I had just parked my car on level B5 and rode the elevator up to the mezzanine level. So here I was Monday morning, with a map of the complex in hand. A lot of companies' hours are 8 to 5, but I was fortunate to work for a company that worked 9 to 5 and included our lunch hour for "free." At close to 9, the mezzanine was relatively sparse with a few people shopping in...

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Deja VuChapter 10

Sunday when I was pulling into the driveway I had another vision. I saw a bunch of motorcycles in front of the house. I knew that was bad news for sometime in the future. I figured it would be a good time to start building my war chest. I got my cell phone out and dialed the number I had been given in D.C. it was answered with, "6619." I said, "This is the Griz." "Is there a problem?" "Not right now, I think there will be." I related my vision. "What do you want us to do about...

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Deja VuChapter 11

On our way out of Illinois we stopped for the day tour of New Salem. New Salem is where Abraham Lincoln ran a general store and got his first law book and started studying to be a lawyer. It has been restored and is a general tourist trap, to see what life was like 150 years ago. You see Ox drawn carts and wagons. 'New Salem' makes you realize that you do not want to live life back then. We made a leisurely trip to Mt Rushmore. Mt. Rushmore is a very impressive scene. From the welcome...

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Deja VuChapter 12

As Tom and Betty got off the plane in Havana, the Minister of Communication met them. Senor and Senora Wilcox, "It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cuba. Your bags have been taken to the Hotel Tropicana. I am sure you will be very happy there. I have your transportation waiting outside." Once they were in the limo, "Senor, Senora Wilcox, I have been asked to request that you have a private dinner with the President tonight. He will send a car for you." Tom replied, "We will be...

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Deja VuChapter 13

The trip was over and everyone was get back into the swing. Suzy was going to school. The drive to her school was shorter from the new house than from her folks place. Joanne started to sue to get the rights back for my programs. Elizabeth and I decided to open an office away from the house to work from, just so the house was a home and not a place we worked from. We opened an office in Winter Park, about 15 minutes from Suzy's school. If anything happened and Suzy needed something we...

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Deja VuChapter 14

I got an invitation for my High School Reunion in Deland. I asked everyone what I should do about it, go or not go? Jeri and Elizabeth, both wanted to go they loved to dance. Corey said she wanted to go, Joanne decided to stay and keep an eye on Suzy. The girls had fun shopping for dresses. We went to the football game. This was the first time in over 30 years I had been back to Deland for any thing other than stopping to get something to eat or shopping at Wall Mart. I was surprised that...

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Deja VuChapter 15

Elizabeth and I had a lot of work for on Monday. Jeri had joined us for lunch at the 'Big Bite'. Since we had to wait for the hardware to arrive, we decided to leave early. It seemed like a nice day to be lazy by the pool. As we were driving home we drove past the house. We saw several motorcycles in the driveway and a few biker-carrying guns. None of the family was in sight. Suzy truck was in the driveway. We drove about a half a mile past the driveway, Jeri and Elizabeth changed cars....

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Deja VuChapter 16

Tom and Betty came home for Christmas. Suzy spent the holidays moving back and forth. Jenny came back for Christmas and I flew her family in from California. Since we had the room, I got Bill to bring down the family and Dad on Christmas, they could not take off until after Christmas Eve. This is the first Family Reunion at Christmas our family had had for years. Rick told everyone that he was planning on going in the Army. He is supposed to leave in April for Basic Training. He was going...

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Deja VuChapter 17

I was hearing someone call me, "Mister, hey Mister are you alright? You just lay right there. The ambulance will be here in a few minutes. You had me scared." Setting up, I find that I am at the 7-11 where I bought my winning Lottery ticket. I asked, "What is going on?" The store clerk responded with a worried look, "Mister you were standing in front of the door, and some kid came running in and knocked you down, you passed out. That dumb kid took off. I called 911, they said that when...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 256 The Aquatic Center Several Conversations

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The last few chapters have featured Savannah more than she deserved. Despite all the words I've written about her, I really only spent a few minutes talking to her. I spent longer talking to some of the other individual girls, but they were generally straightforward and honest, so needed little comment here. They'd come here to meet me, were happy to be in my company, and were perfectly happy to make no pretense about it. The sight of my body in its...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 74 My I Love My Sister Carol Speech

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 I woke at my usual time and noticed that Donna appeared to be still sleeping. I got up and stood by her bed. My proximity sense confirmed it, but as it nearly get-up time I bent down and kissed her cheek until she woke. A good start to the day for her, I thought. It only took half a dozen kisses before her eyes were fully open, and she said, "Good morning, darl... , Mark." "Good morning, darl, Donna." "{Giggle}." I offered, "I had a good night's sleep....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 257 The Aquatic Center I Make a Splash

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I've written many words to describe events at the swimming pools, but nothing about what some people would consider the raison d'être of the Aquatic Center: swimming. My visit was much more about bikinis, but I did do some swimming, so I'll mention that briefly now. Even before we'd arrived at the Center, it'd occurred to me that there might be pretty girls wearing bikinis here, and therefore I should try to impress the bikini bottoms off them. I had...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 75 The Examiner From Hell

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) I loaded my bag with what schoolwork I wanted to do tonight, then headed to the DMV. Corvallis being a small place, it didn't take long for me to jog there. It didn't seem to take any energy either, even with a backpack on. As a little experiment, I tried running at my optimal rate, and the extra weight did cause fatigue to build up, forcing me to reduce my pace significantly. Apparently there are some rational aspects to how I break the laws of physics...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 258 Satisfying Two Appetites

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) Not long before we left, one of the girls asked, "When can we do this again, Mark?" Obviously she wasn't one of my regulars, or she would've asked Julia. I threw caution to the wind by taking a shot at answering it myself, "I'm busy tomorrow, because that's when I'm hoping to buy my new car." Actually it was Julia who was doing the hoping. I was too conflicted to "hope" to buy a new car. I liked the cars we'd been testing, but I didn't like the...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 76 Starting to Plan My Coming Out

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Dinner was a great success. How could it not be? Carol was beaming with pride at having cooked it so successfully, and I lavished her with praise when my mouth wasn't full. Either situation made her happy, and me too. Carol said, "I think I can cook this by myself now, especially if I get Julia or Donna to help me." I wasn't going to criticize that comment at all. Carol's chicken cooking ability put her above petty concerns such as logic. I regaled...

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