My Rock DJ
- 1 year ago
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Dan’s turn:
Tuesday of a tumultuous week. Today was ‘graduation day’ for middle school. I question the need to ‘graduate from middle school’ in the first place, because it’s not the end of anything. You don’t stop your education in middle school, not if you want to do anything above menial tasks.
Cindy was excited, though. Yesterday was the rehearsal for high school graduation and Cindy had to be there for that. Excited? Yes, Cindy is excited. She was excited last week, too, after four days of interviews and tests at Auburn, culminating in a very favorable outcome. Cindy has tested and interviewed out of a lot of college courses and from what Mizz Patel said, I’m looking at this little redhead propped up on the sofa with her laptop, doing who knows what, and she’s a couple of years from getting a degree at the age of fourteen that I didn’t get until I was twenty-three. Of course, I couldn’t go toe-to-toe with two professors from the university’s math department, either.
We send out for barbecue to be delivered to the park office and share lunch with Helen and Charlie.
“I’m having Eletha fix us up a big meal. You said everybody’s coming in for Wednesday,” Charlie said.
“We could just go to a restaurant,” I countered.
“Oh, come on, son. You know what it’s going to be like any place you decide to go on Wednesday?”
“Yessir, you’re right, there.”
“So just everybody come over for early dinner, then we’ll all troop to the school.”
“Baby,” Cindy said. Yeah, after nine months in each other’s arms, I was ‘baby’ to a fourteen year old, and I was quite happy with that status. I was also happy with her sense of decorum. She did not flaunt our marriage in general company, not until she knew her company. With Charlie and Helen, we were family, and she could be ‘baby’ to me and I could be ‘baby’ to her.
“Baby,” she said, “I think that’s a good plan. It’s a chance for everybody to meet Mister Charlie and Mizz Helen, and it makes life easier. That way, we graduate me, then Thursday we fly up to Tennessee for Susan and Tina’s graduation, then get up Saturday morning and fly back to Louisiana for Nikki’s.”
Mizz Helen said, “It’s a good thing you all can fly. That Tennessee to Louisiana trip would be a killer. You could make it if you drove all night. Or all day.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I said. “I knew that some day it would pay off.”
“Got a way to haul your cutie around the countryside,” Charlie said.
“Best part of life, ever,” I said. “That I have this cutie to haul.” I emphasized that statement by hauling Cindy against me. She tossed her arm around my waist.
“Only thing is, I wish my sister-in-law could’ve made it. Tootie, you know. But her father-in-law’s in the hospital so she’s kind of committed there.” Cindy sighed. “I wanted her to be here.”
“Maybe for your college graduation,” Helen said.
“Uh, yeah ... Two years from now,” I laughed.
“There’s a picture,” Charlie said. “Cindy, darlin’, you should’ve heard the Wednesday morning old lawyers’ club when I told them about you. One of my old cohorts wanted me to talk to you about changing to study law. I told him that last thing the world needed was a REALLY SMART lawyer.” He chuckled at his own joke. “But if you EVER gave that a thought, you tell me. I know some people who’d roll out a red carpet for you.”
“Stop, that, Mister Charlie,” Cindy squealed. “Mizz Helen, your husband is tryin’ ta turn my head!”
“Stoppit, Charlie!” Helen laughed.
Still giggling, Cindy tugged me by the hand, headed to the door. “Six o’clock! Middle school!” she said over her shoulder. Walking hand in hand towards the trailer, she giggled softly. “We have plenty of time. I need something that will make me relax.”
“Make you relax?” I asked. I pretty much KNEW what she had in mind.
Green eyes twinkled affirmation as I opened the trailer door to let her in. By the time I had the door locked behind me, she was at the foot of the bed, undressing. Giggling, she said, “Dan, you know it’s not just about sex, but...”
She squealed as I rolled her over onto her back. “Get your clothes off, guy,” she squealed. “You can’t do ANYTHING with clothes on.”
I buried my face between her thighs. Her breath escaped with a hiss. “Ohhhhh. There is THAT!” And another long sigh, her pelvis moving against my tongue.
I stood, stripping my clothes off. She sat up, ‘helping’, which meant that there were a couple of times my knees almost buckled. I have a million reasons to be happy with my Cindy. One of them is that she knows every sexual button on me, and happily pushes them all.
An hour later, the score was Cindy – 4, Dan – 2 and we shared a little nap in each other’s arms. We ate a light snack, then a couple of showers occurred. After that, I was in my ‘businessman engineer’ uniform: slacks, matching sports coat, shirt and tie. Cindy was Cindy. In a purple academic robe with white trim, the high school colors. I whipped the camera out and got pictures. Lots of pictures.
Got to the middle school. Cindy was the only purple in a sea of blue and gold polyester gowns. Blue and gold were the colors of her middle school, but between Dan Hardesty and Mister Bresser, the principal, they decided that Cindy, middle school student, should be in her high school colors to emphasize exactly how special she was.
Oh, I was plenty proud. It bothered me not at all to endure the squeals and laughter of a long succession of her classmates who came up to greet her, and I was personally happy to be greeted by name by so many of her teachers, and a few of the parents, including the Spears, Don and Barbara.
I had the big camera, already mounted on a collapsible tripod, and I took pictures of them with Kayla and Cindy, then set the timer and took several of me standing beside them, my Cindy in front of me That got me an avalanche of “Cindy, can we get a picture with you?” and an equally long list of email addresses to forward them to.
I reaped one of the advantages of having Charles Peebles, District Judge Emeritus, as a father-in-law. VIP seating. That was good. The tripod went up in front of me. I guess there were a few hundred cameras in the place, moms and dads taking pictures of their little snowflakes. I was taking pictures of my wife.
Okay, middle school graduation. They didn’t have those when I was in middle school, but today EVERYBODY is special, and we have a ceremony and present an award at every turn of the calendar. The band and chorus did a pretty good job of the national anthem. A Presbyterian minister did his best to deliver an invocation without actually, you know, INVOKING any recognizable deity.
It was Principal Bresser’s time in the spotlight. He greeted the assembled crowd, introduced the evening’s speaker, a state assemblyman, who, thankfully, spoke briefly. He introduced a bevy of students who achieved 4.0 grade averages in middle school. My Cindy wasn’t one of those. Until THIS year.
He introduced the school’s all-star athletes, including JJ James, smiling tonight. Cindy was sitting next to him, his six foot plus football-player bulk making her look all the more tiny. JJ. I met his older brother, Demarcus. It was like addressing a huge, good-natured bear. I could only imagine what JJ would look like in four years when HE was a high school senior. We’d seen Demarcus and some family winding through the crowd on the way into the building.
Finally, Mister Bresser came to my favorite subject, Cindy. “Folks, this is Cindy Richards. She would be graduating from middle school this year with the rest of her class, but you notice that Cindy’s wearing the wrong colored robes. Most of you know that green and white is the high schools’ colors. That’s because tonight, Cindy is a middle school graduate. Tomorrow night she will be on the stage at the high school stadium, where she will graduate from high school. And she has a full academic scholarship to Auburn University, a particularly fine institution. I know. I graduated from it. I just wish I would have hit it like Cindy has.”
Then he went through the faculty, and finally read through the long list of names, presenting each student with a certificate attesting to them having completed eight grades of school. And then it was over.
Heading out the door, we saw no need to hurry. It was a big crowd. Angling gently forward, a hand touched my shoulder. I turned, eye-level with the chin of Demarcus James.
“Hello, Mistuh Richards,” he said. “Hello little Cindy!”
“Hi, Demarcus,” I replied. Standing next to him was his younger brother, JJ, fresh off the stage where he’s sat with Cindy. And hovering near the two of them was a black woman who had all the earmarks of ‘Mom’.
My suspicions were confirmed. “Mistuh Richards, Miss Cindy, dis our mom!”
Okay, I had to stop for that one. “Hello, mother of JJ and Demarcus, I’m Dan!”
“Hello,” she said. “I’m Janita. I’ve heard a bit about Cindy, right, JJ?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. She saved me.”
“Uh-huh”, Mizz Janita said. “Boy let hisself get behin’ in math, and Lord knows, that ain’t my subject. Then ‘is grades started comin’ back up. I aksed ‘im what dat was. And he tol’ me dis little white girl was helpin’ him an’ some others.” She touched Cindy’s cheek. “Cindy, if JJ ain’t said it enough, I’m givin’ you a mama’s thank you.”
“Oh, gosh, Mizz James,” Cindy said. “How could I NOT help ‘im? I knew the stuff and he wanted to learn. Said ‘is momma would be so disappointed if he failed.” Cindy grinned at Demarcus, a move that meant she had to turn her head skyward. “An’ ‘is big brother would kill ‘im.”
By the time we found a clear spot in the crowd, Cindy, Demarcus, JJ and Miss James huddled together and I took pictures. Finally a good Samaritan took my camera so I could be in the shots. Cindy had a lot of friends, and I had a camera-full of similar shots, but none had the physical presence of me, Cindy, Huge Demarcus, only slightly less imposing JJ, and their mom, smiling brightly.
We didn’t get in a hurry to leave, not with all the cars that were destined to leave the overcrowded parking lot. Cindy and I found Charlie and Helen, meeting up with Barbara and Don. Don, of course, knew Charlie, having tried cases before his bench.
We all chatted. My wife and Kayla were appropriately giggly for a pair of fourteen year olds. Both of Kayla’s parents were interested in Cindy’s Auburn exploits. Don pulled me aside.
“Buddy, do you realize how impressive that is?”
“Tell me about it,” I said. “She went head to head with a couple of professors from the mathematics bunch. Do you know what that would be like?”
“I can’t even begin to imagine,” he laughed. “And if I did, it’d be some sort of nightmare.”
“Myself,” I replied. “I busted my hump to get my engineering degree. Math wasn’t easy. And that little redhead there looks at it and says, ‘Well, duh! It’s like 2+2=4. What else COULD it be?’. Stuff that I spend nights and weekends to learn.”
The little redhead in question sidled up beside me and took my hand. “Mister Don, when Dan tells me that, I get nervous. I don’t wanna be some kind of freak.”
“Hon,” Don said, “You’re no way a freak. Gifted in a way that we just can’t imagine. But not a freak.”
“Oh, no, Cindy,” Kayla said. “Freaks are weird. They don’t get along with others. You’re everybody’s friend, if they want to be a friend.”
“Thanks, Kayla,” Cindy said. “You make me feel good when you tell me that.”
“Well, if I hadn’t been so stuck up at the beginning of the school year, we could’ve got me an ‘A’ in math that first six weeks, and I’d have a perfect 4.0. So we can’t be talkin’ about people who don’t have their heads on straight.” Kayla giggled. “Mom says I learned a lesson. And it wasn’t math.”
Barbara smiled at me. “Precious daughter takes a big step up the maturity ladder, Dan.”
The result of that statement was a smile from Cindy. “I got a friend out of the deal,” Cindy said.
“Yeah, but my friend’s not gonna be with me next year in high school,” Kayla said.
“But you can do this stuff on your own. And you have friends who can help. Y’all just get together and do it,” Cindy said. “‘Sides, there’s Skype and email and texting. And we will come back here, you know.”
Don said, “And you better make sure that you two let us know when you visit, too,”
“Oh, we will,” I said. Seeing the traffic leaving the parking area thinning our, we made our way to the truck and then drove off.
I gave my little cutie a squeeze. “Milestone, baby,” I said. “I’m married to a real, live, middle school graduate!”
She squeezed back. “And a very happy one, at that, and I know how we can be even happier.” She held my hand up to her mouth, kissed it, then gave it a little bite.
I knew what that meant, but I also knew that I owed a certain little someone a real chocolate malt, product of a mom and pop drive-in. by this time she’d discarded the robe and was down to the Cindy I adored, wearing jeans and a cotton shirt. Seeing her sitting beside me, sucking the thick malt through a straw, eyes laughing, I was very happy. But I don’t think I was happier than Cindy.
Finally home, we hung clothes and ran the routine of showers and ended up in at giggly tangle on the bed, adding the magic of lovemaking to all the other happiness of the day. Finally we settled in together to sleep.
I was assisted into slumber with a soft kiss. “Dan Richards, you have no idea how much this all means to me. You made my world magic.”
“Oh no, little love. You were a little magical thing just waiting to be turned loose on the world.”
“And neither of us knew this when we started.”
“Mmmm-hmmm. I knew you were magic on a lot of levels, little one,” I said. “Good night.”
“Good night, love,” she said softly, underscoring her words with her body softly snuggling against mine.
The morning was a rare one in the middle of the week for us, in that we didn’t have to react to the alarm clock. Instead, I eased out of bed to make a bathroom call, felt her stir, and when I crawled back in bed, she sleepily tugged me over to face her, then buried her face into my chest. Very pleasant. Her movements told me she was drifting between sleep and awake, so I cuddled her gently for a while until she moved upward and her lips met mine.
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I woke up startled. I couldn't figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin' to have to recuperate a while first. I cleared my throat...
Group SexWith Carrie convinced that she was helping me keep a secret, the last few weeks of school passed uneventfully. Unlike the year before, I had lined up my own job, and this time, there would be no surprises. The fact that I was going to be working for Mr. Porter at the Porter Ranch, taking city folks out to experience a few nights on the high desert or on the Columbia river had most of my friends believing it was because of Greta, but that was only a part of it. I wanted to learn the area, and...
100% fiction! Later my mom need me to marry her and want to go abroad. So we flew to western country. There we got married and moved to countryside . It was our moon days. Mom was getting more and more fat as her breast was filled with milk. I drank her milk night and day. So our first night came. Mom came to bed in a lacy gown. When she sat on bed i made her to sit on my lap. My cock was already erect. I squeezed breasts within her gown. She started moaning and her gown started getting wet as...
IncestChapter 6: The Girls' Night Out - Barocca & Jeanne's AdventureIt was nearly midnight on Saturday, the day before the Main Event was scheduled. Barocca and Jeanne each double-checked their bags to make certain that they had not forgotten anything, and then stealthily left Barocca's quarters, and made their way through the corridors to Dee Dee's lab on the other side of the Island. "Are you sure we're going to be able to pull this off, Barocca?" asked Jeanne. "What if we're caught?" "I've...
I was waiting alone by the bus stop, smoking a joint in the shadow of the building nearby. "Whats up" someone behind me asked softly. As I turned around a strong arm flew around my throat squeezing as I was drug further behind the building. "Please , what is going on"? I gasped as a rag was stuffed into my mouth and tied tight. My hands were quickly secured in cuffs and I was helpless. I was flat on my stomach partially concealed behind the building ,slighly in the alley. A rag was tied...
FetishMy name is Alica, and I'm nineteen. I have B-cup tits, and I'm black. I have one white girlfriend, and her name is Sharon. We've been best friends for years now, and she has an older sister. Her name is Tiffany, she was twenty-four, and she is one hot chick. I'm in college, and I have experimented slightly with a couple ladies, black and white. I haven't gone all the way with one, but I have kissed a few, and licked a few nipples. Nothing serious, really, but I have been interested in trying...
InterracialBetter Life ? Part 1 of 4 by John Howarth copyright 2001 John Howarth My Stories may be added to Any Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] Forward This story is placed in the middle 1960s when I was actually in High School and I am writing in the first person placing myself in the story. I write best this way. You should also know all...
HI Friends, I am Viren from Hyderabad working for a MNC Company. I am 28yrs old, 5’9, well built , good looking, single .The Incident which I am going to essay happened last year. I love reading the erotic stuffs in ISS.I am sharing you a true incident that was the best I had till date. I work for a Software company in Hyderabad, having good life .One day the HR Called me up and informed me that there is a new person who will be joining the team. I was very delighted to hear that the new...
I was not a virgin after sixteen. My family believes in complete and total sex education by experience. In other words, we fucked one another as each of us turned sixteen. I had used a dildo before then, masturbating daily and watching the other family members fuck and masturbate. I loved it. I went to work at a local gas station/store right after graduation from high school. One night I went into the men's restroom to clean and there was a man using it - a , drop dead handsome man holding this...
BisexualI know it has been a while since I have written you. I have to admit, I have missed you. all the secrets you and I share. You know so much, and yet I feel it is because I can confide in you that I push the limits of morality. To what end does this stop? Are you destined to find your way into the hands of those who would ruin me? Or perhaps I am to go on in this fashion forever, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. It really doesn't matter, does it? No matter the outcome, it is clear...
Chapter 1 During our wedding reception, my new bride and I had a bit too much to drink. After the reception, Jen and I piled into our rented limo and headed off to the Inn where we were staying. Our friend Ralph also got into the limo, since he was staying at the same Inn. Jen's pretty with blond hair. She's petite with long shapely legs, a flat stomach, a tight shapely ass, and small but perfectly shaped tits with perky nipples. While Jen and I were going out, we often fantasized about...
Every morning over the past four years, my fitness game plan is to take a three-mile jog, weather permitting. If the neighbors don't see me, I get phone calls asking if I'm okay. Apparently, neighbors set their watches by me each morning. One memorable spring morning the weather was cooperating. In fact, it was one of those cool but warming spring and cloudless days that makes a person feel energetically alive. I was so inspired by the day, I even considered doing some yard work. You have to...
CheatingUnemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 4 UP: Miami, North America "Her mouth will make a good urinal." These were the first words Holstein heard spoken in relation to her since she arrived in Miami, Florida. She visibly shuddered as the men devoured her curvy form with hungry eyes. Most readers will remember the arc of Jon Hermein's story thus far. A former citizen of Germany, he was sentenced to indentured sexual servitude for the crime of indolence....
It was a sweet, almost chaste kiss. Our lips meeting tenderly. Softly. A long overdue expression of the deep love we felt for each other. Lips moving gently together. It lasted longer than I expected. Neither wanted it to end. Don’t get me wrong. It was not romantic love, for several reasons. But it was still love. We had met---well how we met does not really matter. It was six months ago. At first a lot of flirting, then sexy online conversations. Then talk about our dissatisfactions in life. ...
Love StoriesWe had been going through a quiet patch sexually and I had encouraged Linda to watch som Female Choice Porn by herslef, maybe get her in the mood or to get some ideas.I had come home on a late flight one night and having got through security faily quickly arrived home early and had caught Linda with her knickers down. I didn't confront her on it but rather left the house quietly and rang the doorbell, making the excuse I had left my keys at home. I knew she was watching porn fairly regularly...
I used to cross Lena’s path during the morning, since she was a dog walker for an elderly couple down our street. She was a beauty Croatian young babe in her early twenties, with a nice slender body and swaying hips that were quite a hit amongst many guys in the neighborhood.I loved specially her broken accent and the soft tone of her sexy voice. I had ever fantasized several times with having this nice babe in my bed; but every time we crossed our paths on the street while she was walking the...
September 16, 1951 Robert Smith a soda Jerk at his home town pharmacy is on his way to work, when he is stopped by a red light. Once the red light turned green Robert resumed his drive to work. When he got to the pharmacy he parked his car a 1938 ford he bought when he turned 16, shut down the engine, removed his keys from the car's ignition then he got out of the vehicle and went into the pharmacy. Once he was in the pharmacy building he clocked in and put on his apron once his apron was on...
The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...
Anything GoesFaith squirmed under Dawn's scrutiny. Reflexively wriggling away from the younger girl as they roosted over the coffee table, languidly lounging on the sullen couch. The television puttered even in neglect, displaying a cartoon regarding a nautical sponge. "Are you wigging on me or something?" said Dawn, intently studying the slayer.She laughed timidly, forcing her body to stop easing towards the opposite direction. "Of course not, Dawnie," she sputtered, gritting her teeth as she...
The following morning Tom informed Clive of the plan he and the other section leaders had come up with. Clive expressed his satisfaction and Tom went back to organise things with Susie. Clive rubbed his hands together in glee. "Now," he thought, "I can start to make some plans about little Briony. I'm going to make her mine one way or another." He thought back. The West African trip: there was always the chance that Tom might have a lethal accident, crocodiles, as he had laughingly...
Krystall had been in contact with Me for a while chatting about fantasy's & experience, which I'd used as inspiration for short stories & photo sets, which I sent you & we had built up a great deal of trust even though we'd never met. When you admitted to your darkest fantasy, things had taken an interesting turn though.You'd always wanted to be taken by force by an unknown assailant who would use you as he wished with you having no safe word, no way out. It had shocked you when I'd...
"Well, what do you think? Like what you see?" "God, Charlie, you're absolutely stunning. You're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen in my entire life." "That's just the outside--wait'll you unwrap the present. Now, carry me across the threshold." I picked Charlie up in my arms, pulling her tight against me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her mouth up to mine, her lips seeking mine. We kissed, our mouths hungry for each other's lips and tongues. Finally, we...