DóchasChapter 26 free porn video

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Erica said, "Okay. This will be quick as I'm getting antsy." Many laughed. "First, we ask that if you want to wander around that you do so in at least pairs. If you think you will go out of sight of the buildings, then take a radio with you. They are available at the registration desk, as are trail maps. This resort is almost an island as we are at the end of a long peninsula of a fairly large island. It is almost like an island attached to an island. On both sides of the narrow road leading inland there are either swamps or dense brush. The road goes to the principal town. Supposedly, it is possible to traverse the swamp by foot, but very few are known to have been successful. The beach side is completely isolated from the main part of the island as it is just like the road, swamp or thick brush to either side. It was this isolation that we found attractive. This aspect also makes it a popular nudist resort although there is a lot of passing small boat traffic.

"Security is of prime importance to us. Even though I told you of the barriers, the perimeter is being patrolled by a unique security force. It is probably the most unique security force on Earth. I am going to ask them to join us so they can meet you. Please don't scream when you see them as they are friendly."

"Okay you can come in now." With that the door opened and four pairs of lions walked into the room. Several gasps were heard as the lions entered.

"To you, they are as friendly as a house cat. They are not predatory toward those who are supposed to be here." One walked over to Siobhan then carefully licked her cheek. Not to be out done, Siobhan turned and kissed the lioness as she wrapped her arms around the lioness' neck in a tight embrace. When they broke the kiss, the lioness remained next to her with her head on Siobhan's shoulder. "They will be looking for uninvited guests. They can be your guides if you decide to go on a walk. You will need to indicate that you want them to join you. They can also assist you if you get lost or have a problem. I know some of the scary stories told about domesticated lions on Earth going wild. However, these are not Earth's lions. They only go 'wild' toward an intruder. If you will be kind enough to let them sniff you, it will help them know you. Oh, you can pet them if you would like too, but you don't have to go as far Siobhan is unless you want too." Several chuckled. The lioness Siobhan was cuddling, gave Conan a wet cheek before going to check out the rest of the group.

"That takes care of my piece and I see it is very late. Jim, Amy, Rusty, Sarah would you come back up to take questions."

"Before we begin with questions," said Sarah, "this has lasted quite a bit longer than we anticipated. We know you are excited to be here and tomorrow you will wonder exactly what you heard. Well, we have a solution. Thankfully we thought ahead and recorded the presentations. If you want to watch them again, just let us know or ask Donna. I believe you can also access them at the same terminals used to access our library. OK. Questions?"

A woman in the back raised her hand. "If I wanted to go home, when can I go?"

"Just tell us and you can be on our way in less than an hour. We do hope no one wants to leave. If any do, please see us when this is over."

Another woman stood up, "Why are you giving us all physicals?"

"It is a way to say, 'thank you' for taking the time to consider the opportunity we are offering. We know that most of you are looking for jobs and this visit is keeping you from that effort. In terms of completeness, this is a physical you couldn't get any place on Earth."

A man stood up, "When can we see the ship?"

"We had thought about starting tomorrow around noon. Each visit will take about three to four hours including travel time. We would like to limit the number to around 10 or 12 on each trip. We recommend you take the physical before you go to the ship. If you do not, you will have to stay with the tour group."

Sensing a change in attitude Sarah said, "The reason is safety, in particular your safety. The environment in space is dangerous. There is a saying that space is a harsh mistress. It is very true. A momentary lapse in respect is an opportunity for disaster. Our safety procedures depend on telepathic communication. If you are not telepathic then we need to know where you are at all times so if need be we can assist you. Now, as we mentioned earlier, we believe all of you can hear telepathically. During the physical this will be determined. Even if you are telepathic, you will have to sit through a safety orientation before you can have more freedom to look around."

"Thanks," said Conan. "I didn't think I had groaned that loud." Many laughed as Sarah shrugged her shoulders. "The reason I stood was that I wanted to thank all of you for this opportunity. Siobhan knew I had some reservations when we agreed to come. I now have no doubt that coming on this trip was a smart decision. I hope the rest feel the same way Siobhan and I do. The openness with which you told us of the issues of working in this society is refreshing. Now it is just coming to a decision that feels comfortable."

"Take your time deciding, while from our stand point a decision this week would be nice, it is not a necessity. You have all worked in small groups while at school. I would suggest that besides considering this by yourself you also discuss it within your group and perhaps between groups. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or voice concerns. While we would like for you all to join us, we will try to answer your questions in a neutral way. You can either ask Donna, or ask her to find one of us."

"How do we do that?"

"In most areas you can just say 'Donna' and she will respond."

"Does that mean all of our rooms are bugged?"

"You could look at it that way, but that is not the reason for the monitoring. Donna is responsible for ensuring the site functions as it is supposed to. This includes our welfare and security. The sensors listen for signs of distress or violence besides someone saying, "Donna." If you are uncomfortable with this, then ask her to secure your room. This will turn off any oversight until a door or window is opened or there is movement through them."

"That is an interesting concern," said Sally. Rusty nodded agreement. "Since we have been with this society, we have known Donna was available to us at a moment's notice. During that time, we have never felt she was intrusive. Having lived in Earth's society I can understand your concern, but having been active in this society for some five months, I don't have the same concern."

"Speaking for someone else, which is always dangerous," said Brandan. "I think the comment sounded harsher than it was meant to be."

"He is right," came the previous voice. "I did my normal foot in mouth routine." Several laughed at the comment. "Sounds like, I have company." This led to more laughter.

"Okay, it is nearly midnight and I think all of us are tired," said Amy. "Breakfast buffet starts at six and runs till eight. There are snacks available in the dining area at all times. At eight we will all be here for an hour, or however long you want to stay to answer general questions. So I propose we go to bed for some rest and whatever."

Maureen stood and started clapping. She was quickly joined by all the guests. Before they left for the room everyone personally thanked one of the hosts for giving them this opportunity. A lion tagged along with each group when they left. The one with Siobhan was nuzzling her leg as they walked away.

Several women came up to Rusty and Sarah with concerned looks on their faces. Nancy and Julia saw them and came over. They all looked very nervous and ill at ease.

"I don't know about the others as we just met," said Aoife uncertainly, "but, I think I would like to go back." The others nodded indicating their agreement with her comments.

Sarah looked at them thoughtfully, "That is not a problem, but can I ask you a couple of questions first?" They nodded yes. "Whether you answer is up to you? Okay?" To this they nodded a bit more firmly.

"I suspect none of you are really part of any group."

They nodded yes.

"Does the nudity bother you?"

"Well yes and no," replied Aoife. "Seeing any of you naked doesn't bother me at all." The others nodded their agreement with her. "But, me being nude with others around is something I don't think I can do."

"So, don't do it."

"But, we will stand out and be shunned like we were in school."

"Not to make light of your concerns or what happened at school, but do you think you would stand out more than us with our exceptional height?" said Sally grinning. The rest slowly matched her grin and chuckled

"Well, I guess not," replied Aoife slowly.

"I can remember a few times in school when I was referred to as the 'red headed amazon' and I was considerably shorter then. I wonder what the idiots would say now." The group laughed along with her.

Joyce had come up between two of them and placed her arms on their shoulders. "We will take you back now if you really want to go, but would you consider giving it a try for a little longer. I can sense that all of you are shy and perhaps intimidated by the way we look." Several nodded. "Believe it or not, but our ages are not much different. I grew up in a clothing optional house, but at school I think I could out-shy any of you." They chuckled. "I think if you go back now, in a couple of years you will be bothered by the question of 'What if I had stayed?' So why not try it for one day, or even a few days, then if you still want to go back it will be for firmer reasons rather than just reacting. Okay?"

They nodded yes.

"Good. Let's meet after breakfast and we can figure out what we can do together."

"Okay," said Aoife. "What you say makes a lot of sense and I can't fault your logical reasoning."

"She said I was logical," said Joyce to Rusty, Sally and Sarah and then stuck her tongue out at them. Everyone laughed, their antics lightening the mood.

"I will be looking forward seeing you at breakfast," said Aoife with a grin. The others nodded their agreement and started toward their rooms, with a lion trailing behind them.

"I hope Aoife stays," said Sarah. The rest of her clan voiced their agreement too.

"She is a strong telepath and appears to have considerable psionic capability," said Rusty and Sarah. "She has sensed and used her telepathic ability from time to time but it scares her. She also thinks that there is more to her ability."

"How did you come on all this information?" asked Sally.

"It was kind of strange. She told us but doesn't realize it."

"Interesting," said his spouses. With that they looked around and realized they were the last ones there.

"Let's go back to our room as I'm tired. Tonight will be a short night for us."

They walked back to their rooms arm in arm, sharing their individual observations. They were quite pleased at how smoothly today's plans had worked even with the two surprises when picking up the groups of candidates. Nancy and Julia, with Donna's assistance, had done a superb job in finding excellent candidates. They made a note to make sure they found time to thank them for the effort. They knew that last night had really stressed Nancy. Reaching their room they quickly got ready for bed and they were soon cuddled together sound asleep.

Just as dawn broke, Joyce opened her eyes then heard Donna softly say that if they wanted to be in the dining room by the time breakfast started, they needed to get up. Joyce slowly tried to extract herself but just that slight move triggered the others to begin waking. She felt a kiss on her neck and shoulder. It made her shiver at the love it conveyed. Knowing they were waking she kissed every one of her spouses on the neck. As they woke, their mind-link became more active and they all felt the expression of love with each kiss.

They reached the dining room just in time to assist Ann's Clan in setting up the last parts of the buffet. Sarah thanked them for the fine meal the previous evening and relayed the comments she'd heard. Hearing the positive comments had the whole group smiling.

Sally said, "Why don't you hang out in the dining room if you can? It would give our visitors an opportunity to meet you."

"We can do that to some extent," replied Ann.

Amy's Clan arrived and once everyone had either juice or coffee they began to review the details of the trips to the ship. The plan was to have an excursion that gave their guests 3 hours on the ship. When travel time and turn around was included, it amounted to a 5 hour cycle. They decided to use one shuttle today and make just two trips. One would leave right after breakfast and the second would be late morning. The group would be limited to 16 people plus 2 staff members on each trip. Sally and several others thought they should increase the time on the ship. They decided not to make any immediate changes.

They reviewed the activities of the previous two days. All were pleased with the smoothness of the overall effort to bring the guests to the resort. Sally, Terry and Erica all raised a question about the surveillance of Siobhan's group and the subsequent event of a woman joining Maureen's group. After a short discussion, they agreed that if it had been only one instance, then it could be a coincidence. Two made a coincidence unlikely and if you added Briana, it made coincidence even less likely.

Sarah said, "What if it is the same group behind the disappearance of Briana's friends, the surveillance of Siobhan's group and the woman who joined Maureen's group? Those at Sylvia's, and Briana's friends, were good fits for the parameters we used to identify candidates to be crew members."

"Sure makes sense, but seems to be a bit tenuous. What would be the motive or purpose?" asked Terry. "We know why Briana's friends were abducted. Was that the plan for the others?"

"Yes, it is tenuous," responded Erica. "However, we should definitely take some precautions because there are too many coincidences. I don't like the thought of losing any of them because we weren't cautious enough. Donna, do we have sufficient drones to cover all the groups we've contacted?"

"Not unless we reduce coverage of some areas. Those would be the island, Enclave and here."

"Star, do we have more surveillance craft on the ship we can use for this?"

"Yes, but they are in storage. It is fairly straight forward to activate them, but to do that we would need to pull crew off other projects."

"Have the ship's crew make this their top priority for today," said Sarah. "They should be placed into service as they become available. This may complicate our plans for the guests touring the ship. We should tell our them that the crew is responding to an urgent project so we would prefer to delay the visits." Everyone agreed with her.

While they were conferring several groups of guests arrived for breakfast and were going through the serving line. Others had already sat down after getting juice or coffee. They went to get some breakfast and sit with their guests. Sarah's and Amy's Clans listened to the conversations surrounding them. By the time they were done eating, they were fairly certain that all of this group would join them. Some were apprehensive, however their reasons were similar to those they would have. They thought these would diminish quickly once they became better acquainted. They were surprised that none were concerned with nudity and that most them had come to breakfast naked. Several looked a little uncertain at first but quickly relaxed when they saw how many others were naked too. Many of those wearing clothes weren't wearing very much.

Joyce met Aoife in the serving line and then went with her to a table. Jill and Janet joined them as did the other women wanting to leave with Aoife last night. Joyce was pleased to see that all of them were quite a bit more relaxed this morning. Donna quietly confirmed her observation. They both noted that while the women were wearing a wrap, that was all they were wearing, as their 'head lights' were clearly showing.

When everyone had finished breakfast, Rusty and Sarah went to the front of the room and stood by the podium. The room quickly quieted down. "Good morning," they said. "I hope everyone slept well. We did but it wasn't for long enough." Many laughed. "We noticed quite a few of you have opted to make clothes optional. That's great. For those that haven't, please don't feel it is something you have to do. IT IS NOT something you have to do. ONLY do it if you want to. If this is your first time, we can guarantee you will feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but those feelings usually quickly disappear." Everyone nodded their head.

"Before we ask for questions from last evening, we would like to thank everyone for picking up your dishes and cleaning off the tables. So THANKS. Now, any questions?"

Carine said, "Although you said, it wasn't a requirement, Betsy's presentation of the differences between us and your species almost sounded like a sales pitch to change our bodies."

"It definitely wasn't. We wanted you to know the differences between the groups. Some of you may decide to join us, which leads to the possibility of becoming involved with either someone or a clan. We think a clear knowledge of the differences between the species up front is much better than misunderstanding or suspicion due to a lack of knowledge.

"I think I just misused the term 'species', but maybe not. As we saw last evening, there are several distinct differences in our physical structure and physiology. Whether that amounts to a divergent species or not, someone else will need to answer.

"Now let me complicate my response. If you join us and wish to receive treatments altering your body to be more like us or the crew then that is YOUR choice. It is a choice for YOU to make, not US. We will not push you to make it. Now, there are some operations on the ship that will be difficult or impossible to do without the physical changes. IF that becomes a problem, we will address it then. I hope I was clear in spite of my stumbling around."

"Yes. I guess my fundamental problem is that I have never been around people who are as open as you are." Several nodded their agreement. "From what you have just said, my understanding is that we have choices and those are our choices to make. However, those choices could limit our contributions to this society. If that is the case, I can live with that and be very glad I decided to come!"

"You are correct in your understanding. We have secrets, but it is a fundamental part of this society to not have or use secrets to take advantage of another. If you do that, or try to do it here, you will quickly become an outcast or worse."

"I stand by what I just said, I am very glad to be here. It appears so good; I feel it must be a dream." Several nodded their agreement with her comments.

"Can we visit your Enclave this week?"

"Hmm, we hadn't thought about that."

"Yes," responded their spouses.

"I was just told we can do that as well."

"Why did you pause?"

"We were waiting for a response from our spouses. Didn't you hear them?" Several looked puzzled, but Maureen, Siobhan and Aoife nodded. "As was indicated last night, we are mind-linked essentially all the time. Some aspects of it are more obvious than others. We, Rusty and Sarah, are currently tightly linked, that means that the two of us are functioning as one intellectually and vocally. The rest of our spouses are loosely connected with us, even so they feel our emotions along with understanding our words."

"Wow," came several voices.

"Sarah, are you sure that you are carrying four babies? You don't look big enough to be carrying that many at five months."

"Yes. Our babies are usually smaller at birth than human babies. Their heads are a little smaller and our pelvic opening is more accommodating. Our babies are about 4 to 5 pounds at delivery and by the second day they usually weigh about ten pounds. Also, we don't carry as much weight in the form of placenta."

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Sexting My Mother

Hello, my Dear Readers. This is a series of text messages between Ayan and his mother, Mona. Happy Reading! Ayan: Hey Mom. Mona: Hi Ayan, have you reached? Ayan: Yes, Mom. I just got inside my room. The train was late by an hour. Mona: I thought so not seeing your message. Ayan: You did not sleep all this while? It is almost 2:00 AM. Mona: No, Ayan. I was waiting to hear from you. Ayan: You should have slept, Mom. This is not the first time I took this train. And I told you I can get a taxi...

1 year ago
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new neighbour

a long story Hi all,about 9 months ago i moved into my new house,on the day i moved in the neighbour moved out up until around 10 weeks ago it remained empty.I hadnt noticed anyone move in till i was cleaning my car and i heard a female say after you have done yours,you can do mine.i turned around and stood in the next door garden was an absolute stunning brunette female,about 5'10 wearing a tshirt that showed her belly.I laughed and said ok i only charge £5 or a brew and she laughed back and...

3 years ago
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Online Temptation

Hi. My name is Maria Fuentes. I am a detective at the vice squad in Dallas. In our daily practice we have to do with all kinds of nasty things. Wikipedia describes vice as a word that serves as “an umbrella for crimes involving activities that are considered inherently immoral, regardless of the legality or objective harm involved.” It sounds great, but it involves prostitution, drugs, alcohol and gabling among other crimes. It is less poetic then. One day, a very pregnant girl entered our...

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And the Award for Best Kitty Goes To

Sometimes a story just writes itself and you have to run with it. I never planned on writing Kitty Girl stories. The first one just happened, and after that, well, it just felt right to share adventure after adventure, or at least the ones that I felt comfortable sharing. So, here we are again, a few days after the Academy Awards, sitting at the kitchen counter with a half full (notice I didn’t say half empty) glass of orange juice and a slice of toast with raspberry jam, typing furiously as I...

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cousins room

I was at my cousins house for almost a week. The second day he still had to work so I hung out again with my aunt. She was a lot of fun, very easy to talk to and we had a great day hanging out together. At dinner time my uncle and cousin both arrived around the same time and we ate dinner promptly. After dinner my cousin and I went outside and visited his neighbors house. We hung out together with the two boys from next door, split some beers we stole from their dad and put on a little...

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Ambush at the CampChapter 7

Fortunately, the RV turned out to be easy to drive if we constantly kept in mind its tremendous length. I wondered at the significance of Alice having the least trouble in backing up the monster. There was a fenced parking lot within two blocks of the condo where we could park our RV, but it sure was expensive. Other than the heated conversations about what we were doing with such a large RV, we really had no trouble. The RMV had gotten smart and had a driving simulator for the road test...

3 years ago
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Usha 8211 A Sex Goddess 8211 Part 2

My wife Usha who became sex goddess after romantic fuck encounters with my landlord Shyam duly helped by his wife Smita. After being fucked by her lover Shyam, she bloomed into a beautiful flower and now the young guys were more after her. They were following Usha every now and then. But Usha’s beautiful body had a driver Shyam so Usha was not paying any attention to them. This year Holi was to come. We thought of celebrating this year’s Holi nicely with our friends as we all were very happy....

2 years ago
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Fucked My Mausi While I Attended A Marriage

Hello all ISS readers, I am a 18 years old boy,,,, I thought to share my real life experience with you so here it goes … generally mausi is sister of our mother but I have 4 more mousi which were not my mother’s sister, since they far away relatives my mother told me to call all 4 of them mousi… And so I did. Now it was summer season and we had to attend an relatives wedding..We reached at wedding venue ..Since wedding was to be done late night, I was getting bore. I went to my friends and...

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I find you in my woods

I would love to spank you in the woods. I would love to catch you near my home in the country. Walking along the path by the lake. In your little sun dress. String panties and no bra. I see you walking without a care in the world. Enjoying the day and the sunshine. I would stop you and ask "What are you doing here? This is private property." Your eyes would dart right and left looking to run. You have always wanted to see the lake and you know you are wrong to be here. " I'm sorry ." You say."...

1 year ago
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Sexy Professor Revathi Learned Sex

Hi guys my name is arjun 25 years old I am from chennai this is my story.Read it and if you have any suggestion and comments you cam mail me After that incident priya and sindhu both become my sex girlfriends and we had sex regularly both solo and threesome this incident happens at end of our 2nd year that day was our last exam everyone returning to there home and leaving for their native place even priya left fast too has she would missed her train there was only me and sindhu even she will...

2 years ago
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Bhen Ki Bagal Chati

Hi friends and this is horny101010 submitting my first story to this site. Maine yahan pe bhaut si story padi hai par mujhe koi bhi story me maza nhi aya yah meri pheli story hai I hope you all will going to like this specially girls. Mera nam Vivek hai mere ghar pe 4 member’s hai mummy papa main aur meri bhen. Meri ek normal body hai par han mera lund 8 inches ka hai jab khada hota hai umar 19 saal hai. Aur meri bhen ek sundar pari ki tarah hai uske boobs 34 gaand 34 hi hogi kamar 32 hogi uski...

1 year ago
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Kate Hot Asian TutorChapter 3 The Project

I was still holding his cock with my right hand as I looked up at him. I jolt of fear, pleasure and excitement ran through my body and I couldn't move a muscle. There he was, with the slyest grin I have ever seen, holding his webcam and filming me while I was giving him another blowjob. "Why are you stopping Kate?" I was completely stunned. I didn't what I should do. If I stopped, he would definitely send those pictures, but if I continued, then he'd have more images to blackmail me...

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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 20 Onward and Upward

As the movie Road Trip swung through its first couple of weeks in top movie houses across the country, Cricket’s book made a huge splash in the publishing marketplace. Dave had to laugh. The movie was getting rave reviews from the critics, such as the top number of tomatoes, stars, cookies and other attributes to imply a strong recommendation to the public to see the movie. The movie brought in about three hundred million its first weekend in theaters; more than enough to cover the cost of...

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The Lottery

The Lottery By: Melody Anne, aka Malissa Madison Sitting on the large wooden deck overlooking the Lake in the early Spring morning, a cup of Hazelnut Coffee on the glass top patio table she thought back over her past. She'd always been a troubled child. Always in trouble for one reason or another. Not because she was bad, but because she liked Dolls, and dresses and high heels, and anything else that society felt were reserved for little girls. Yes, she always knew in her...

2 years ago
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Witch EyesChapter 3 The Girl With The Green Eyes

On a Tuesday in late October, Luke's easy living took the first hit. The day had gone really well so far and promised to get better. He and his father had finally convinced a major Japanese producer of optical instruments to bundle their microscope camera systems with the ImaXX M software package. The deal was worth only seven million dollars on paper, but it was a breakthrough for they had never got a foot into the Japanese market before. Luke was elated but when Stella called him at five...

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My young lover

We are in our late thirties and enjoy life to the full. We especially love hearing about husbands watching their wives being screwed by other men. My husband found it a real turn-on and often talked about seeing me with another man, although I wasn’t sure that he’d find it so exciting if it really happened. I find young, pretty men very exciting, the androgynous kind, the ones you’re not sure whether they are male or female, and I often fantasized about being screwed by...

2 years ago
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In the Mirror Behind the BarChapter 2

It's been three weeks to the day since I confronted Gilliam, Jake Riley thought. Time to come back to life. I have to admit I was falling in love with the bitch. Although I felt good after outing her to her husband, Donnie, I guess I still went into a funk. I remember that first week was the toughest; I mean missing work and sitting home feeling hurt and sorry for myself. Going back to work the second week was the best thing I could have done. At least I didn't think about Gilliam for a...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Cherry Kiss Keep Me Coming

Blonde beauty Cherry Kiss struts her stuff in a lingerie getup comprised of a bra and thong, along with a set of thigh-high stockings. Kicking off her heels and making herself comfortable on the bed, Cherry feels up her breasts and slides her underwear aside before calling her favorite fuck buddy over to help her out. While she waits for Lutro to arrive, Cherry is eager to pull her panties into her cooch and rub her clit in a masturbation session that leaves her body thrumming with excitement....

3 years ago
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The Ordeal of Emilia Clarke Ch5

His heart pounded as his hands slipped around Emilia Clarke's little tummy. "Emilia? Sweety?" asked Jack, quietly. His hands roamed all over his step-daughter's stomach, gently massaging her soft skin. "Honey?" said Jack, louder this time. He gave Emilia Clarke a little pinch, then another. Satisfied that his step-daughter was out cold, he slid his palm under her panties and felt her mound in his hand. Jack squished his step-daughter's soft flesh. He leaned closer, breathing down...

4 years ago
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The Enema

Mike snapped the rubber glove on and dipped his finger into the Vaseline. He spread Linda's cheeks apart again and gently touched his finger to her anus. He felt Linda shudder at his touch and he smiled. He began to circle her backdoor with his finger smearing the Vaseline all around. He prodded her anus lightly and began to push his finger in. Linda was very tight but she could not hold him out as he plunged his finger into her rectum until it could go no farther. Linda moaned as she felt...

3 years ago
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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 2

The settlement’s problem had been a group of raiders in an old car factory. Even before he got to the settlement, he had to deal with some raiders camped in the woods, who immediately started shooting at him. That had been enough of a hint to realize that stealth was his best friend here ... just like the old days he realized. Dealing with the raider group at the small dish monitoring station had been more of a personal choice. He was developing a distinct loathing for raiders, and he had...

2 years ago
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Parthas ParadiseChapter 17

We were prepared for the attack well before 1000 hrs. Everyone had been fed. The employees had all been moved to the laundry in the basement of the hotel for their safety, but after the mess-hall had been shutdown. The commercial power had been turned off, and Sergeant Bell had one Power Unit running to keep Commo up and those in the basement comfortable. The Colonel had messaged Admiral Stanfield about the planned attack. Everyone was in position as 1000 hrs. approached. Even the Partners...

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Togetherness Part 4

The trio arrived at the Boston offices of Inferno Productions, with John meeting them outside to take the boys upstairs. Kelly drove off to which John explained, "I'm overseeing the dates tonight so I'm the one stuck with you. Reed and Ian are busy, Jessie has to travel to New York for an emergency PT session, Pierre is in New York meeting with record company executives, and I can guarantee that Scott is forced to stay home by Stacy and his parents. That leaves me to supervise. Kelly is a...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Guidance Counsellor 2

Wendy sat on a bench watching the young athletes getting put through a rigourous fitness program then rehearse some plays before the practice game on Sunday. Watching all those young men push themselves physically was getting this white married cougar very fucking wet between the legs. As it was late summer the boys were wearing their pads pants and boots. Taut muscular bodies glistening with sweat as they walked passed her in to the changing rooms to shower and change. Jesus Fucking Christ...

2 years ago
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Taking Cara Business

"Good morning, Arrow Associates. This is Cara. How may I direct your call?" I wouldn't last a week as a receptionist. I could never sound half that cheerful repeating the same thing forty times before noon. Not to mention keeping track so I didn't keep saying 'morning' at 3 pm. But Cara has been doing it for six months now while greeting the arriving staff and clients, keeping the coffee fresh and signing for deliveries. Of course, she's 19 years old and in her first real job while I'm...

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Restraining the Personals girl

As I get older, I find myself more interested in   kinkier stuff, seeking to live out some fantasies. I found out that by posting online ads on a personals site with kinky scenarios, I get many more responses from ladies who are eager to experience something more than what I call the “in and out” encounter.   I had made a posting in which I announced that I wanted to restrain a woman, and have my way with her. Apparently, quite a few women have the fantasy of being overpowered because I got a...

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Michelles New Profession Chapter 2

Saturday morning I made Michelle a nice breakfast of sourdough corn fritters and sausage as a peace offering. We laughed about the night before, but she said she didn’t want to do it again for a while.After breakfast, we checked to see if she’d gotten any responses from her new website. She’d set up an e-mail address specifically for her escort business. She had four e-mails; three of them she deleted because they were simply gross. The fourth, a man named Lee from the UK was going to be in...

Wife Lovers
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 30

"This is our opportunity!" Lord Uras boomed, slapping the back of his hand against the map. "We may never get one again. Duric's army could be a match for them." "I am sure there is a very good reason why Lord Duric has not marched yet," said Lord Tarras, his hands folded behind his back. "Then why is he not here to explain himself? I have not seen him for three days now!" "He is consulting with the other Lords. That takes time." "With all of them? What could he possibly..."...

4 years ago
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An Enigma

In response to a request I made for a book recommendation, in Reddit, I think, someone suggested a "small section" in Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I found the section in her six hundred plus page book. It was a beautifully rendered depiction of love and sacrifice between a married couple. The request I made was for a story about "A strong man who surrenders with dignity to pain and/or sexual humiliation." I was looking for erotica and The Outlander is not erotica. But the segment of her...

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A test of love

All my family and friends adored her. We married when she turned 19 very much in love and moved away from home on transfer with my work. After about 2 years into our marriage I was given some subtle hints by a friend that my brother was closer to Debbie than he should have been. I confronted her about this and she confessed to having let him kiss her at a party she had been to on a solo return visit to our hometown. Debbie implored that was all that had happened and asked that I forgive her...

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Pandemic Payback

Pandemic Payback My name is Sam Shitekiekker, and I think this whole damn world has gone crazy. Political upheaval, a pandemic gift from nature, or as some claim a botched scientific experiment, let loose upon an unsuspecting world population. Weather patterns turned topsy turvy, and nothing remaining under even the guise of being normal anymore.. Strange happenings now common place, that now have us practicing self monitoring, self isolation, and quarantining. Media types now...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 353 Sunday After the Resurrection

Sunday, June 3, 2007 Our astronomer couldn't do nighttime photography of the UAV because it moved too fast for the long exposure times the ordinary camera required, but nighttime was good in one respect, because our radar tracked the UAV breaking off its orbits to head almost straight south (slightly east of south; at about 170 degrees), returning about four hours later. We didn't actually know that it'd "returned" four hours later, but it was a good guess. Once it'd left, the best our...

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Twin Beds

The phone rang; I answered it, “Hello.” It was my mother in law, Helen, “Hi Tim, it’s Helen; Wendy’s been trying to get hold of you.” I said, “I’ve had trouble with my mobile and have just got home from work.” She sounded to be in a panic and said, “It’s Wendy she’s in hospital.” I asked, “What happened?” Helen replied, “I don’t know all the details, but the nurse said she’s been in an accident. The nurse has been trying to get hold of you for hours.” I started to panic and asked, “Yeah,...

Straight Sex
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Naruko Uzumaki

I woke up to the dawn of a new day which you just know is gonna be filled with training with the pervy sage (btw if your wondering what Naruko looks like just look at the cover picture that is most likely above the chapter title somewhere and I highly suggest you do this because I'm not really gonna explain the clothes so I provided a picture of what naruko looks like so use that for reference only difference is that Naruko doesn't have that huge scroll) you pat down your clothes for no reason...

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