Chuck And LisaChapter 79 free porn video

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The morning seemed the same as most mornings at first, but that changed when Wanda rushed into the room and said, "John is having some kind of an attack. I've called 911 and they're on the way. Please help me."

Tina was up, into shorts and a tank top, and running up the stairs to help. I put my regular leg and jeans with a T-shirt on, and went outside to wait for the ambulance. I waved at them and took them through the kitchen/family room and up the stairs to John and Wanda's room when they rolled in. The men did all kinds of checks on John before putting him on a gurney and taking him downstairs and out to the ambulance. I told the paramedics that everything needed would be taken care of by the company and watched them leave with Wanda riding with them.

I showered, shaved, and was ready to go to the hospital in minutes. I had company as Frieda and Brandy made arrangements for their kids to be taken care of and went to the hospital with me.

We found Wanda in cardiac surgery waiting room at University Community Hospital. I went to the cafeteria for juice, coffee, and some form of food while Brandy and Frieda comforted Wanda. They had breakfast sandwiches that didn't look bad, so I bought four of them along with four juices, four milks, and four coffees.

The girls had Wanda settled down somewhat in the waiting room, but she was still hyper because of the situation. All of us had the juice, sandwich, milk, and coffee. It seemed as if half the trailer park was in the waiting room with us about two hours later. I had gone back to the cafeteria for more coffee, and we were sipping on a fresh cup, when a guy in a white coat, with a face mask hanging by the bottom strings, hairnet on his head, and booties on his shoes, came from some double doors. He asked if we were waiting to hear about John Truant. I told him yes and he told us, "John had a major arterial blockage that we were able to open and put a stent in. We won't know for sure until later, but there doesn't appear be any major damage to his heart. He's coming out of the anesthesia now, so you can visit him in an hour or so. John is in decent physical condition, so he should fully recover and be able to resume normal activity within a month. I want to keep him overnight but he can probably go home tomorrow. He will want some extra rest for a few days, but he shouldn't have any problems other than that.

He was trying to pick out who John's significant other was, when Wanda stood and said, "Thank you, Doctor. John gave me a real scare when he woke me to tell me his chest hurt. What should I know to do while he recovers? I know he'll have to have another physical from the flight surgeon before he flies again, but John and flying are synonymous."

The doctor told Wanda, "He should be able to fly as soon as he's recovered. He's going to be on a blood thinner for a few months, and I want him to begin taking cholesterol medicine. I'll write some prescriptions for him, and give you my office number so that you can make an appointment for two weeks from now. We'll do a lot of testing to ensure there was no heart damage. Just call the number or the 'ask a nurse line' here at the hospital if you have any questions."

A lady with a clipboard and a pile of forms came from the hallway to the offices while the doctor was talking to us. The lady introduced herself when the doctor finished and walked back through the double doors, and said that she was part of the admissions administration. She had us sit and sat with us as she filled out some forms. Wanda had brought John's wallet, so she was able to give her his medical card. When it came time for her to ask who would be responsible for any co-pays, I spoke up and told the lady, I'm one of the owners of the business John's employed with. I'll give you our office information, and I will guarantee any correct co-pays. I asked, "Does the doctor bill separately and do I need to make arrangements with his office, or does he get information from your records?"

The woman said the doctors involved would get the billing information from her office. Lisa gave the lady one of my CS&S cards, while Wanda gave her one of my U.S. Deputy Marshal cards. She looked at the two cards and said, "Well, I guess you won't be running out on any bills."

A nurse came out and asked for Wanda. She said that she could come with her to see John. Wanda asked if I could come with her, and the nurse said yes, but that only two visitors at a time were allowed in the rooms in this area.

We went in to John's room, where he was heavily wired with a monitor by his bed that continuously recorded all his vitals. The man didn't look too bad for just having a wire pushed up to his heart. He half smiled and said to Wanda, "I'm sorry, Honey. I didn't mean to scare you, but I was scared too. Thank you for taking care of me."

John looked over at me and said, "I'm sorry, Boss, but I'm not going to be of much use for charters for a while."

I told him, "Not a problem, John. You need to spend time in the charter office and keep hunting for qualified pilots. You'll earn your big bucks by doing the admin stuff that we need you to do now."

He said, "You know that I have a couple of more old-timers who are instructors if you need them. There will be an increase in students after Christmas, as a lot of people give flight lessons as Christmas presents. Some licensed pilots get instrument training for presents too."

Wanda told him, "You'll just have to promote our flight school and get the old guys off their duffs to teach. I'll have my hours for an instructor certification soon. I've been taking those classes over the Internet for my education requirements. Now I'll have to beg for right seat on other charters to get the rest of my time."

John told her, "I can make sure you get plenty of time if I'm going to be doing the admin. You're a good pilot, Wanda, and have taken to flying as if second nature. CS&S will be happy to have you help with student lessons."

I could tell that John was tired, so I told him, "We're going to leave you to get some rest. I'll ask the others waiting to see you to come back this evening, or to just wait until you come home tomorrow. I think you'll be strong enough to have lunch and supper on the patio tomorrow. You know we both missed the gown show this morning, and we'll probably miss it tomorrow morning too. Anyway, get some rest and get stronger. Wanda will take you for a walk this evening."

Wanda hugged the man and gave him a kiss. She told him she would be back that evening.

As we went to the waiting room to tell everyone to go home, Wanda told me, "I wondered when the age difference was going to rear its ugly head. You know John's sixty eight, but I thought he was in good health. He acts like a teenager in bed most of the time. I'm only thirty-four, not that much older than you, Chuck. That's half John's age. I don't want to think about possibly losing him, but age does take its toll."

"Don't talk like that, Wanda. Just look at how many guys over eighty are still flying and want to get up in the air every chance they get. I think we have three right seat charter jockeys who are over eighty."

The beautiful woman hugged me, and said, "Thanks, Chuck, you always make me feel good. I'm just being a worry wart."

I was concerned too, but I can't do anything except project good thoughts for his recovery. I projected comforting thoughts to Wanda to help her to relax, and she did. I took us home so we could shower and dress in comfortable clothes instead of going to the patio. We fixed a bowl of canned chili and had a cold cut sandwich. I was going to have a bottle of beer, but decided not to in case Wanda needed someone to drive her this evening.

Brandy, Lisa, Betty, Sharon, and Sue came to the house to see if we were home because the other people from the park had returned from the hospital. I gave them the information we had, and told them that I was going to hang out with Wanda to make sure she was okay. Brandy and Lisa knew Wanda's and my history, so they took the others back to the patio. I encouraged Wanda to lie down for a while, and I did the same on a couch in the family room area with the big screen TV on Saturday college football. I drifted off to sleep and woke up with a start. I looked at my watch to see it was coming up on four. I went upstairs and woke Wanda so that we could get something to eat before we went to see John.

The two of us stopped at a Wendy's and had one of their chicken salads. Neither of us could finish it right then and we tossed what was left with a promise to eat again when visiting hours were over.

John was awake and acting like he was ready to go home. We chatted until a nurse came in to check him and we asked if she could unplug him so he could go for a walk around the ward. She brought a contraption that hung from what looked like a guitar strap, but she unplugged a connector for a bundle of wires from the computer and then plugged it into the portable unit. She helped John to sit up and then to gradually stand. When she was sure he was stable, she told him, "No running, no attacking the sexy nurses, and no stealing our candy."

We slowly walked around the ward. John was gaining confidence on each lap. Wanda was also gaining confidence in John and felt better about his prognosis. I was glad I was there as a friend, housemate, and employer for the guy who worked so hard to train me to fly.

We finally took John back to his bed just before nine. The nurse had watched for us and came to plug him back into the room monitor. As she took his blood pressure and listened to his heart, she told us, "John will be able to go home in the morning. He has a lot more strength than most after having an incident like that. What you did tonight will go a long way for his full recovery. Keep him walking every day and he'll quickly be back to normal."

Wanda gave John some kisses, and I think the man was asleep before we left the room. Wanda said, "You are such a good friend, Chuck," on the way home. "You really care for your fellow man. Thank you for your help with John. I hope I can leave him on the patio for a few days so that I can go to work. We'll be able to see if I can leave him there all day if we really can get him out tomorrow. He can nap on the couch and the ladies will be able to watch him. The kids will probably torment him, as he isn't that fond of little ones. That was one of the reasons we got together. I didn't want kids then. I might want one now, but I'm good not having any of my own. Christ, you have so many, and so many more on the way that I can't imagine how crazy our place will be."

We stopped in at the patio and had a drink with those still there. My ladies had all gone home, so we only had a single drink and went home.

That night was typical because the women were restless. I hadn't been around and had focused on someone else for most of the day. They gave me a real workout. Just the addition of Betty seemed to make the quantity of women much larger. I was able to enjoy satisfying them all, and was lying in bed smiling. Brandy was on one shoulder and Lisa on another. Brandy said, "The girls and I will figure out how to take care of John during the day if you bring him home in the morning. You and Wanda need to do your Marshal stuff, and we need to help you get it done."

Lisa told me to spoon Brandy so that she could rest the belly crawlers on my back. Life in the near future was going to be some crazy fun.

John came home Sunday, and Wanda and I went into the office on Monday. The office pushed paper all day with a brief stop for Subway sandwiches. John was acting very spry at home that evening, and told us he had walked up to the pool, been greased up by several ladies, and walked back. That was great exercise. We found out later how some of my women had gone up with him while taking the kids swimming. Judy said John was never left alone all day, and was given a lot of attention up at the pool.

The rest of the week was pretty much the same, as were the following weeks. We had time to put the country piece together, along with the heavy blues piece, the next weekend. We actually recorded ten cuts in one weekend. One more weekend like that and we would have another country and blues album featuring Lisa and me. The next country album would be the introduction of the 'Family Band' and our blues album would just be 'Chuck and Lisa Blues.

Steve and I thought about going to Hawaii for Thanksgiving, but decided against it. Brandy and most of the women went to Hawaii for a couple of days to decorate and furnish the additional space. There were several things Brandy was unhappy with, so she worked with the architect and told her what needed to be changed. It was going to be the second week of December or later before the house was ready. Considering how close some of the women were to giving birth, I discussed waiting until we had some of the kids on the ground with Steve. It would take three months or so for all the births, but it would be better than to have a birth mid-Pacific while in the air.

Wes was way ahead on building the third supersonic passenger plane. The second aircraft was being flown all over the various countries to show people who could afford the aircraft we were making. Wes had the plane marked up to about three times what it cost to make, and kept saying that although it was smaller than a 737, it was better and faster so it should be priced along with the 737 and Airbus. The majors didn't want to work with us for licensing the aircraft so far, so it was decided that we would keep building the aircraft until someone stepped up.

Embraer wanted the aircraft, but we were hesitant to license it to them as they were a Brazilian firm, although they built aircraft right here in Florida. Their offers kept going up until Wes called for a meeting with Steve, Tiny, Henry, Sal, Jeff, and me.

Wes opened the meeting with, "I'm not sure why the other companies aren't responding to get this aircraft. Bombardier is showing the most interest, but they're introducing their new C series. Their C100 is going to sell for 68 million, and the C300 for 72 million. They've spent over four billion on the development and we've only spent around seven hundred million and that includes three complete aircraft all the way through certification and a real simulator. I'm afraid we can't compete in this market because we can't charge enough. I know how Steve and Chuck both are about charging a fair price and we have built something better for a lot less once again. I'm for giving Embraer a license to build the aircraft if we can get some of the manufacturing. We should do it even if it takes us building a composite plant next door to them. We have a better product, and they know it."

I asked, "Why has Bombardier backed away? They could introduce this as one of their C series and have a supersonic aircraft to sell. Our aircraft has a very soft sonic boom compared to other supersonic aircraft. The F-18 is considerably louder, and it's considered to have a soft sonic boom. We're working on how to eliminate the boom altogether, but we still have a supersonic aircraft that can travel at around fifty thousand feet at Mach 2 before that happens. We can efficiently go that fast at that altitude, although we have to use a different kind of pressurization and oxygen.

Wes advised, "We're using the same engines as Bombardier is using on the C300. Our aerodynamics are better, the fuselage skin is static resistant, plus our aircraft is considerably lighter. You know Lockheed Martin is working on lowering the sonic boom with their N+2, but they're not scheduled to get it flying until 2025. Airbus is working on the Aerion AS2 that will be a small twelve passenger plane, but it won't be out until 2022. Neither company is interested in even looking at our aircraft. We invited some NASA engineers to visit and evaluate our product, but they've ignored me and us.

He looked at each of us and said, "I've spent a lot of your money and no one has said slow down or called a halt. Let's get some of the money back and license the PX to Embraer. One item you should know is if we were to license to Embraer we would be giving them seven committed sales that we've made at the higher price point we finally agreed on."

I was really torn about what to do as I really wanted a U.S. company to produce the aircraft. I'm sure everyone thinks the aircraft won't hold together, but it's now been test flown above Mach 2 and for long distances without showing any stress. We'd put over twelve hours on the aircraft between Florida to Costa Rica and then Costa Rica to Nice and return. We really didn't test the range, but we had fuel consumption data for those flights and they were consistent with what Wes estimated. Since then, the aircraft has been to the United Kingdom, Dubai, Australia, and Japan. That aircraft now had over a hundred hours counting the test flights.

Sal said to all the people attending this meeting, "Our engineering time was probably too short to be acceptable by a lot of people. The time may have been short, but I have enough data on this aircraft to stagger most engineering groups. We took public information on all the various supersonic aircraft and used variations that would enhance our design instead of trying to recreate the wheel. We researched readily available equipment and used it. Jeff's group put us ahead because they could create the composite body and wings faster than most companies. Gerry and Donny created the composite that we use on our military aircraft and that makes it that much stronger and static resistant. We have a better mousetrap and I think we should either license the aircraft to Embraer or build it ourselves. From what I hear, Chuck has some extra cash we could use to build a plant. You could continue to target the super rich and luxury market. We could still sell it as a less powerful, non-supersonic aircraft that could still get off the ground in thirty-five hundred feet or less to the commuter market at a price none of the other companies could touch. I'm not a marketing guy, but I can discover markets and those who might be buyers."

I told everyone, "I don't think we should expand to be a major aircraft manufacturer. We've been stepping on industry toes since we created our versions of the military ground vehicles. Steve and Tiny have had offers to buy S&S, but he's resisted. I'm glad he did. I'll put my vote into licensing to Embraer."

Each person had something to say, and Jeff said, "They build a lot of aircraft in Melbourne, and a composite plant there would be nearby and be easy to monitor if we were to build one. I'm sure that Wes, Sal, and I will be needed to help them get started, so you will lose us for a few days or weeks. We can put a time limit on it. I'm working on the robotics for the solar panel plant up in Cut Bank, so I have some other obligations right now. I'm for Tiny negotiating the deal and making the company some money. I think we should retain the ability to build personal aircraft from the designs. I know Chuck wants an aircraft with short takeoff capabilities, and he shouldn't have to wait for it if it is already built."

Steve said, "You know that Dewey is going to want one, and it's possible that we may want some for the golf tour operation. It would be another selling point to be able to offer a ride in a Mach 2 aircraft and the shortened time to get to Hawaii and back. And," Steve emphasized the 'and', "We should have some for charters and sell overseas flights. That would make us unique in the industry."

Wes said, "Would they be Embraer or CS&S if we build these for ourselves?"

Tiny said, "We'll have to discuss that. Give me the information of who to contact at Embraer and we'll plan a meeting, Wes."

We all migrated to the bar to celebrate, but we didn't feel that elated about having a foreign company build the plane for some reason, even though they do build their best selling aircraft in Florida. Wes said, "Maybe we should keep the simulator sales. We can put one of those together fairly fast, but they are expensive. Not as much as the used 737 simulators, but we have the knowledge to build them and Sal's people know how to program them now."

Tiny said, "That's another point to discuss, but we need to see where we need to meet these people first. We may not be able to make a deal. We'll see."

I asked Wes, "What do we have to do in order to measure our sonic boom in comparison to other known aircraft?"

Wes told me, "We had NASA measure our shockwave on the first aircraft off the east coast. They have a boat that measures the sonic boom. We tested at forty, forty-five, fifty, fifty-five, and sixty thousand feet at just above Mach 1. We are the softest at fifty thousand, which is above most flight paths and where we have to be if supersonic. If we can duplicate that level at fifty thousand feet, we might get clearance to fly supersonic across the country."

I told Wes, "Let's see if we can do some engineering and lessen the boom a little more. We can work on this for ourselves and sell improvements as we go along."

I looked around at the talent represented around me. We were a group of people creating jobs for more people in the U.S. than some of the huge conglomerates. S&S, CS&S, and Quality Wear, all had overseas facilities, but it was to serve those markets and not to be imported into the USA. I almost wondered why we even cared about licensing the aircraft, but it would recover what was spent to create the special airplane.

I had to ask Wes, "How come our PX-1 doesn't look like one of the crazy supersonic artists' concepts?"

Wes laughed, "We could have done more in that line, but our goals were between Mach 1 and 2, decreased sonic boom, and to be able to get off the ground in under thirty-five hundred feet. We have the swept back wings and they have to create a ton of lift that must be bled off when climbing and passing Mach 1. Our design made the entire aircraft an airfoil. We needed some of the futuristic looking features for supersonic flight, but our criteria have been being able to stand up in the cabin and good passenger comfort. We were very low in weight, but had to add some back for additional pressurization and oxygen. We have molded tanks that are safer and weigh a heck of lot less than heavy fuel bladders. The theory is that fuel bladders are more flexible and can better withstand aircraft vibrations. Sal is the genius who finds every micro-vibration and we engineer away from them. The other benefit of the heavy fuel bladders is in crashworthiness, but that's because they're typically installed in aluminum wings. With our composite structures, we don't have the same crash damage risk to the fuel tanks as with shredded aluminum."

"And you did this all in less than a year, Wes."

"It was a challenge, Chuck. You made us look for answers with available equipment and what we would need to do the job. That you wanted to get off the ground in thirty-five hundred feet or less was the toughest goal. We began looking at how to create an airfoil that could get to Mach 1 from there. Sal's software kept suggesting different ways to do it so that it would lessen the sonic boom and go faster. The design is basic with swept back wings and body with a lot of lift, and engines with enough power to quickly lift off."

Wes continued, "Our biggest accomplishment was pushing the FAA through the "Type Rating" necessary to fly our bird. When an aircraft weighs more than 12500 lbs. the FAA requires more tests and teardowns. We've worked hard to accelerate their acceptance. It's been easier, in part, because the FAA MIDO, Manufacturers Inspection District Office, in this area lacks the guys who've been coopted by Boeing out in Seattle over the years. If we were trying to certify our aircraft for commercial passenger service in Boeing's back yard we'd still be trying to satisfy pettifogging bureaucrats ten years from now."

The other men were listening as I commented, "The first part of that conversation should be put into a commercial for us to sell the airplane to manufacturers. I think the problem would be they would think the way we created our product was too simple and couldn't possibly be high quality."

Life became what I considered normal by me going into the office daily and making a few trips to stations that needed some assistance. The difference was that I would now have other Deputies imported to do the dirty work while I directed and observed. I was able to see how Thomas Crowfoot was influencing the field. He made subtle changes in some methods of doing our duties, and mandated that all major captures be accompanied by local law enforcement agencies. He thought the heavier numbers might lessen the chance of injury to any of the men.

I had discussed our laser weapon with both of Florida's U.S. Senators to find out why other companies were now obviously working on what we had created. Their inquiries stirred up a lot of controversy to the point that several Senators from both sides of aisle became involved to find out why our patents and products were confiscated and were now in the hands of other major military contractors. A Senate committee already had a hearing that discovered the Defense Department had already given Boeing a couple of hundred million to duplicate what we had demonstrated over a year before. Boeing couldn't duplicate our miniaturization, but already had contracts for their other laser products. Steve, as the head of S&S, was summoned to testify at the next hearing.

Ben did some research and came up with a law firm in D.C. that would be with Steve to represent S&S, and to help get our product back. The tactic was to get our product back and be able to sell it to the military as a weapon that could be integrated with the aircraft we created and was licensed to Lockheed.

It was close to the Christmas break when the second hearing was called. Steve wanted to be prepared and had Tiny, Wes, and Sal with him. I was there too, but we all thought it best if I stayed in the background. When Steve was called, he passed out copies of a prepared statement to the committee members and to the attending media. He emphasized how our product was confiscated without any compensation for our development costs in his statement. He told the group that we had dismantled the laser so it couldn't be stolen and reverse engineered after the demonstration the defense people witnessed. He felt that S&S should be entitled to the money given to Boeing for the development of our product. He further said that his company could build the product at less than a fourth of what Boeing was estimating.

One of the Senators made the statement that our facilities were not sufficiently secure to have top secret weapons on our premises. Boeing had the security necessary for development of weapons such as the laser.

Steve argued, "That's fine, let them work on the project, but pay us for the development and release our patents. S&S deserves compensation and deserves the right to continue to research laser weapons. The company has been developing laser weapons for a few years, and has made some big advances in the power needed to fire them. Those patents are still ours and we need to continue to work on those projects."

One of Boeing's attorneys addressed the committee by saying that S&S should be fined for not giving the government all the information to manufacture the weapon we had previously demonstrated. You could see most of the Senators were astounded that Boeing would make that assertion, especially considering that they were being paid to recreate what had been confiscated.

The committee didn't have any answers that day and said that they would meet again after the first of the year. Boeing objected because that would delay funding for the project, but they were told to either fund it themselves or abandon the project and return the money they had been given to date. No comment.

The Boeing attorneys wanted to meet with us before we left D.C., and made an offer to Steve for engineering on the weapon. Steve said, "Not until we are paid for the original development. We will create the smaller weapon again if paid in advance, but you have all our documentation. We will have to recreate what we previously built."

Wes whispered something to Steve, who stood up and motioned for us to leave, "You snubbed us with our fighter/bomber, and you recently wouldn't even look at our supersonic transport aircraft, but you want us to work on a product that was stolen from us. There will be legal hell to pay if we see one patent filing that even comes close to the confiscated patents. Now, Gentlemen, we're going back to our insecure home in Florida."

Steve was still worked up as we were taken to the airport by a limousine, and told Wes, "I'm glad you reminded me of their snub of your aircraft. They wouldn't work with us on our fighter, but are willing to work on something that was stolen from us. We'll probably never receive compensation for our development costs, but I'd like to do some more work with industrial lasers. I'm thinking that we might be able to create some products that could be used for cutting, or even welding, if we can accurately control a laser beam. We wouldn't have to worry about power availability for something like that. We'll look at it next year.

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Chuck and LisaChapter 68

I knew it wasn't morning yet since I was still very tired and sleepy. It took a minute for me to realize that I was being awakened by an enthusiastic mouth or mouths. There were giggles coming from my midsection as my ego was being given some very nice attention. One of the women came to my face and kissed me as soon as my hand swept over her body. It was Lisa who talked in my head instead of vocally. "I'm sorry to wake you, but we three missed you terribly. All three of us wanted to come...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 34

We had a full bus on the way to the fancy nude resort. It was about a half-hour ride that took us through some beautiful Hawaiian countryside. Kal quickly came to me upon arrival, and said, "You know this is a nudist resort, don't you?" "Sure, Kal, it's a great place to come to. I'm sure the family's planning on at least a couple of days out here while we're in Hawaii." Kai was with the big man and said, "What's the matter, big guy, don't you want to impress the ladies?" I...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 20

Someone was giving me lots of kisses so I reached up pulling her to me, thinking one of the girls wanted some middle of the night loving. As I held the tiny body to me, Tiani said, "Wake up, Chuck. Your phone is going crazy over on the nightstand. It rings and buzzes and keeps ringing. Whoever is calling calls right back when it goes to voicemail. Answer it, Chuck, it must be important." I crawled out of bed and reached for the phone to look at who was calling. The phone began its ringing...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 10

I woke up being nearly smothered by good smelling women. The weight on my stomach was Tiani, and Brandy was on one of my shoulders. The other shoulder held Nancy, who was whispering in my ear, "I love you, Chuck. Please make me a mommy again. Please, Chuck. Let me give my mom another grand baby." I kissed Nancy and told her, "Let it happen when it happens. Let's not force anything and let this next one come on his or her own." "But this is the perfect time to do to it, Chuck. It'll...

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Chuck and Me

It was a difficult situation. On the one hand I owed the man my life and on the other the same man had just ruined my life and I wanted to kill him. Oh God did I ever want to kill him. I'd known Chuck damned near all my life. We grew up three houses from each other on Delancy Street. We went to school together, dated the same girls and played on the same teams. We were closer than brothers. He'd had my back and I his any number of times and everyone knew that if you fucked with Chuck you...

3 years ago
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Chuck And Sue Always Hot And Ready To Fuck

Chuck and Sue had been married for several years, and they were still as hot as firecrackers for each other when it came to their sex life as man and wife. Unlike many couples, both Sue and Chuck were very attractive and they were certainly very attractive to each other. Chuck still found his sexy wife as hot in bed and as sexually desirable as he ever had. He loved to play around with Sue, play with her body, kiss and caress her, and he always loved it when both of them took their sexual...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 53

I knew I hadn't done anything inappropriate with Cassie, and felt good about it, when I went downstairs this morning. She didn't need to be teased into thinking I would take her. As beautiful as she is, and as really sweet as Izzy is, I didn't want Cassie to think I was going to take her in with the rest of my ladies. Mina gave me a hug when I walked into the kitchen, and said, "You were so good to our Katrina. She told me she thought you gave her a baby yesterday. She also said you were...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 41

The weather decided to give us a fit on the sixth day into our voyage sailing to Hawaii. Steve was on the wheel in the indoor cockpit when he sent Judy down to wake me up. Steve showed me the disturbance that was swooping down on us when I got up in the saloon helm with him. He asked me what I wanted to do. "You've had more experience than me, Steve, but everything we've learned is to take the sail in, start the engines, and keep our bow into the seas." "Yeah, that's what Dewey taught...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 35

Flying home with Lisa sitting next to me after telling me that she was pregnant had my head spinning. Thank goodness being on mental autopilot reminded me call in to enter the landing pattern. I released my seat belt and leaned over to Lisa when we finally landed, had the aircraft shutdown, ready to refuel and put in a hangar. "Don't give me news like that while we're flying and I can't reach over to tell you how crazy in love with you I am. This is big, really big." Lisa smiled and...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 69

I woke up early enough to almost beat Dewey to the bar. He was making up the mixture of the morning’s libation. I said, “Ah, Dewey, I probably shouldn’t have one of these this morning. I’m probably going to have to be one of the pilots to get us home.” “Not a chance, we had two crews on the aircraft to get here, and only one crew is going to be flying your Citation home. We’ll still have a backup crew on the airplane with John, Wanda, Lisa, and Brandy.” I told Dewey, “I didn’t know Wanda...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 16

I awoke early once again, and was able to be on the patio outside our suite to watch the glow of first light on the horizon. Hands snuck around me again, and I pulled the owner of the hands around to sit on my lap. The two of us didn't speak, but we mentally joined as we both enjoyed the closeness we shared. It wasn't unusual that we heard Missy or Mercy say something to us as we sat together, but we often heard from the triplets, Marion and Virginia, or Aunt Etta. Our lives had another...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 75

I knew when it was time to get up because the girls in bed were getting restless and I had to use the bathroom. I slipped my peg and shorts on as quietly and quickly as possible, and made coffee before going outside to do my forms. To me this was the way I should begin my day. This was how I healed myself and how I prepared myself for the day to come. There were a lot of people who joined me in getting ready for today, even though it was Saturday and they didn't need to get up early. The...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 63

Tiny Izzy was sitting on my chest giggling at me while Nitika was leaning over my head trying to pry my eyes open. The two darlings were jabbering away with each other, probably trying to decide what to do with me. Cassie and Nancy were watching the two to make sure they weren't going to be too rough. I reached around both little girls and brought them to me so I could smooch them with kisses to make them giggle even more. I realized it was important for me to get up when Nitika very...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 48

I needed to unload and went to the bathroom with the help of my peg. It was early, but I needed something for my mouth. I went to the other end of the hall of the women's private spaces and into my big bathroom. I thought another forty winks would be good after brushing my teeth, so I went back down the hall to get back in bed. People had moved around and Zena was nearest the outside of the bed. Zena wrapped herself around me when I slid under the covers, and whispered, "I think I'm ready...

2 years ago
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Chuck the Cuck

Chuck the Cuck The most complicated diversions of our lives can begin with something simple. A wrong turn. A misdialed phone number. A car wreck up ahead by a total stranger. We are leaves in the wind. We are tumblers in a safe. We plot, and we plan, and we scheme. And in the end, it is simple chance that gets us. For instance, there was that might at Applebees, when my husband Charles and I met for drinks after work. If we had gone at another time, or to another restaurant, all of...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 39

After being relieved by Steve, I made the mistake of going into the saloon to find the kids gathered and playing some of their Lucky Lady Blues Band music. I couldn't sneak past Bonita, and when she saw me, she hollered, "Come finish this piece so I don't hear it in my sleep any longer, Chuck." What can you say to Bonita? She is all Sharp and a product of the headstrong Kathy. I headed to the instrument cabinet knowing there would be no rest until this one piece was completed, written,...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 32

The meeting went very well. We kept going over the drawings and plans, making notes and expansions. I told the architect that I wanted him to talk to Mark in Costa Rica and the architect who put that place together. I told Katana, "You should go with him to take a closer look at the place. I want that same quality here at this resort. I know that place is a palace, but I want that in the new resort too. I want the guest areas to be so plush that people will want to be there. I also think...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 37

I really didn't know what to expect to hear from Margaret Boon, a Marine, and former driver who I had served with. We hadn't been close over there, and I don't remember her being close to anyone. I really didn't have any close friends either, so Maggie, as we knew her, and I weren't that different. We weren't unusual, as everyone there had to deal with where we were and what we did on their own terms. The fact that Etta and Julie were included along with Lisa, Tina, and Jane, in this...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 31

The family had no trouble settling into the beautiful suites at the resort. Jane came walking up from the outside almost as soon as we were enjoying the open patio doors. She said, "See how easy it would be to get to you guys? I don't think you have anything to worry about, but remember your vulnerability if something comes up." All the women, including Tina, swarmed the Japanese/Hawaiian beauty. We all noted that an additional low fence had been added between our patio and the swimming...

2 years ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 6 SaturdaySunday

For the second morning in a row, I woke up in a guy's arms. More amazingly, it was the same guy. Most amazingly, it was my boyfriend! Boyfriend. Me. What a stunning turn of events this was! I was all hunched up into Chuck's chest when I woke up, so I kind of flicked my eyes upward to get a peek at him. He was still sleeping. Hmm. What an opportunity, yes? That was kind of something I'd dreamed about. As I've said, back when I was Little Miss One-Night-Stand, sleeping over just wasn't...

4 years ago
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“You ought to be sleeping at legitimate hours.” A private message from Chuck, 221 am. “Trust me, I wish I could, but my body is convinced it’d rather be doing something else but sleep. There’s hardly anything I can do!” “There’s only one thing you should be doing at this hour. And it shouldn’t involve being online.” I paused and smiled to myself. Chuck is the assistant coach to the tennis team I joined at the country club. He was nothing like the rest of the eager male morons trying to flaunt...

Straight Sex
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Chuck and LisaChapter 27

Lisa and I woke up just after five and went straight to the gym room and did a thirty-minute workout. Our next stop was on the grass outside to stretch, but it was raining hard, so we stripped under the overhang and ran to the pool for some cardio work. We were laughing and having a good time when we went into the house to get a shower and dressed. Tina approached us, stark naked, and said, "It's not fair; I didn't get to work out or swim with you. Make me swim for a little while, then...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 4

Morning came too fast for me. Lisa was equally groggy as she rolled on to her back and whimpered, "Do I have to get up?" I told her, "Let's get up and have breakfast with everyone, but we'll put off going home right away and maybe not even today, so we can get some rest. Come on, up and at 'em, Baby." We quickly showered and went downstairs to chat with the ladies and hold the kids as they came by. John and his family showed up with Gene, who announced that it must be time for...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 21

Morning brought the happy sounds of the little ones jabbering away in their cribs before the adults rescued them from their confines. It's funny to look at all of those cribs with little ones standing at the sides jabbering at each other. Our kids were amazing since they weren't fussy and didn't cry much. The adults were smart though as we quickly attended to the little ones when we awoke. It's funny how those of us who weren't mothers helped those who were so it allowed for each of the...

2 years ago
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ChuckChapter 2

Even though I wasn't in the mood, my friends and I celebrated our bowl win. Willard told me I would just have to get over Sammy and get on with my life. I knew he was right and I hooked up with an Asian woman at the party and just had some raw sex. It felt good, but it wasn't Sammy. Since football season was over, my three friends and I decided we would put our savings together and open up our two exercise gyms. Tony and I had already earned certificates in physical exercising. We were...

1 year ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 25

Lisa and I awoke fairly early in the morning. Our bodies were not in any time zone other than our own, and that was the 'Who knows where we are?' time zone. I looked at the bedside clock and could see it was nearing six in the morning where we were. My brain had not engaged yet and I wondered where we were. Oh yeah, we're in Hawaii. I needed the bathroom and managed to hop to the john, but couldn't manage balancing on one foot, so I sat down to pee. Lisa was sitting up smiling at me when...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 13

We spent the week doing some sightseeing and also some light practicing. The kids worked on their show and on a few new pieces a couple of mornings. They knew this might be their last show for a long time, so they wanted it to be really good. We did a run-through of the complete show on Friday morning and were happy with the way we sounded. It was going to be a good concert; the weather was good and we were going to be playing to a sold out stadium. This stadium would only hold about fifty...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 36

It was one in the morning when my cell phone started buzzing on the nightstand. I heard a familiar giggle when I answered, "Johnson". The voice from the other side of the world said, "Come get me. I'm in Tampa getting off a red eye from Los Angeles." "That was fast, Jane. I'll be there in thirty minutes or less." Before I made it to the bathroom, Lisa and Tina were up and pushed me aside so they could sit and do what was necessary. The two girls were in and out of the shower,...

1 year ago
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Chuck Versus The New Development

Chuck Bartowski may look like your average guy, but he did not lead your average life. A little over a year ago, his former best friend turned super spy, Bryce Larkin sent him the only copy of the Intersect, a secret government technology used to house and analyze large quantities of encoded data, which downloaded into his brain. The Intersect changed everything for Chuck. As the human Intersect, he was now an important government asset, and had to be under constant surveillance from two...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 15

Sydney was almost a repeat of Melbourne, but we arrived on Sunday and spent Monday and Tuesday being tourists. Monday, we saw the old warehouses and barracks down by the water, where the original convicts came in. It's now a restaurant and gift shop area, so everyone was fitted out in a T-shirt with an aboriginal image on it. We saw the famous opera house on the harbor, with its view of the surrounding water, the beautiful steel arch bridge, and the mouth of the harbor in the distance,...

4 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 49

I had turned to hug Lisa during the night, but the person behind me had decided to hug me and hold onto my ego. The ego grows to its full strength, as is normal when morning comes. This didn't alter the hold, except cause it to be held tighter. I knew it must be time to get up, so I pulled the hand from me, and moved over Lisa to get out of bed. I hopped to my chair where the ladies always put my peg. I went to the bathroom to unload with the peg's help, and began my day. After donning...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 61

Waking up in a strange bed in a strange place, had me sitting up, looking around, and trying to get my bearings. Sharon was on the outside of the bed with Tiani on the inside. Brandy was behind Tiani and Etta was hugging Brandy. I slipped from bed, found my peg, and went to the bathroom. I thought I might as well shower after peeing, so I went into the shower that was smaller than I was used to at home and quickly washed. I was shaving when arms hugged my back with motherly breasts pressed...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 57

Steve and I were talking about the situation waiting for the next event or events. I had just commented that Aunt Etta's gold discovery was going to be successful regardless of outside enfluences. My phone made its new call noise, so I said, "Johnson." Major Williams said, "You and your partner, Steve Sharp, must think I'm your lackey. What's the deal with the people you want us to take?" "They are probably child molesters, rapists, drug distributors, and could even be guilty of...

2 years ago
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Chuck and the Bad Prank

"What do you have against the old widow anyway?"The gang was at happy hour across from the college campus, and Chuck had just announced his intention to toss eggs and stink bombs at the home of the local psychic.  The woman was 70 if she was a day, and nobody knew why Chuck would care other than wanting to do something for Halloween."She's old, she's ugly, she's got that really weird overgrown organic stuff in her yard - I don't know why the city lets her when we've got to mow our lawns and...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 74

Gina decided that she needed some loving and had moved on top of me sometime during the night. The small but full-bodied voluptuous Italian was kissing me while stroking me to get me interested in what she wanted. The woman is beautiful but is also so very sensuous that she wakes up my primal being. It was seconds, not minutes, before she was sliding down on me. I could feel how wet she was as I deeply slid into her with no effort at all. Gina was on a short fuse, because she almost...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 43

I woke up early and made it outside before anyone else was up. I went to the suite’s bar after opening the patio doors, and made a huge pitcher of Dewey’s special mix. I made enough to partially fill a bunch of glasses so all they needed is ice. I then made one more pitcher so anyone who wanted to could have seconds. I took my tall drink out to the patio and arranged my lounge chair to watch the horizon. The glow had begun, but was slow this morning. There would probably be a flash of...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 64

Kisses on my eyes and lips caused me to try to open my eyes and see who was waking me. I was still foggy and incoherent from lack of sleep, but I also knew that I needed to come out of it and get up to move around for a while so I wasn't slept out and unable to go to sleep tonight. The hope was that we had experienced all the sleep interruptions we would have for a while. Maria and Cassie were sitting cross-legged on each side of my head. Maria told me, "Wake up so you can eat lunch with...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 14

Helping Steve, Dewey, and their families prepare to leave early Monday morning was sad. My ladies and babies who were leaving were packed and ready to leave, too. The rest of us would leave a little later, but we needed to say goodbye to our other extended family first. They were able to get everyone on a single 737 and were going to be on an aircraft for many hours. There would be fuel stops, but Dewey would be home this afternoon, and Steve and family would be home late tonight, due to...

2 years ago
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Chuck and Simmie Naked in School

Monday Morning - Chuck I was roused out of a sound sleep in which I was having a dream. The dream was about Julia Roberts and me. We had just reached the point where I was undressing her when the loudest ringing I ever heard pulled me out of it. I woke to find it was my alarm clock. I slapped it and turned over to try and return to my dream. But then I remembered. It was Monday. The first day of school. Shit! I hate school. I especially hate the first day of school. And worst of all that I...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 42

Mornings in Hawaii are important to me. I was out on our suite's patio waiting for the first light to bloom over the water. A tall drink was placed into my hands as I watched intently. Dewey said, "I don't get to see this where I live. I'm as addicted to it here as you are." Arms encircled me as I watched and lips kissed my ear as the person said, "I knew you would be up to watch the sunrise. Hold me while we watch the show." Mercy came around and sat on my lap with a drink of her...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 45

I was awake early and checked the clock to see that it was only five o'clock. I wanted to see the whole show this morning, so I moved from the bed. Lisa kissed me and told me I was certifiable to get up so early all the time. I was dressed in shorts and T-shirt in seconds, using my peg leg for balance. I was surprised to find Dewey at the saloon bar making his morning concoction. He pushed two tall glasses toward me and said, "Take one out to Steve; the show is about to start, we're all...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 77

I woke up to soft kisses on my neck. I turned to greet Lisa's lips as she was kissing me with big tears streaming down her face. "What's the matter, Honey? Is there something wrong?" "No, Chuck, I'm just so happy to become a mother. This is something so special to me. I'll have a chance to love my children the way Mama Peaches loved me. You know, I think that Mama and my dad may have been more than just friends. Mama told me that she had comforted Dad for many years when my mother...

2 years ago
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Chuck and Maggie Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I needed to regain control. That was the foremost thought in my mind as I awoke Thursday morning. I needed my control back. I was losing control over myself and I did not like it. All right, I was horny, too. Look, the whole Maggie the Fuck Bunny thing wasn't a smokescreen. This wasn't Maggie using sex to get love. I wasn't that pathetic, OK? My Dad loved me, my brothers loved me, my friends loved me. I was lonely in a certain way, true. But that's not what my promiscuity was all about....

1 year ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 76

Monday began similar to a normal Sunday, but I wanted to have Miguel show me around the various fields today. I also wanted to visit with Mark to see how he was doing. Mark had begged off having supper with us as he felt there already were too many at the tables. Miguel and I began the tour with the vegetable fields on the home island. There was a lot of pasture area with Angus beef stock grazing. Mixed in with the steers were a single bull and several cows. I was impressed that they were...

2 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 17

Someone was attempting to mount me when I woke, trying to move my morning wood inside her. I pulled the person's face down to me and enjoyed kisses from Jane. "You shouldn't be doing this, Jane. Please don't hurt yourself, Lover." "Oh, Chuck, I love you and everyone so much, and want to be a part of everyone. What they did wasn't that much and I know I'm okay. Touching doesn't hurt, and I just know it will feel good. I promise to go to a doctor in Florida, but love me somehow and...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 54

Wanda came to my bed to be loved before we fell asleep in the wet spot that night. Sharon was sleeping on my other side with her head on my shoulder when morning came. Wanda asked Sharon as we were waking up, "Are you enjoying some of the benefits of having this guy for a bed partner?" Sharon grinned and said, "He's nice to sleep with, but I don't let him get that big thing near my precious pussy." Wanda laughed and said, "Well, that's fine but I really enjoy some of Chuck's...

3 years ago
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Chuck and LisaChapter 78

I realized the girls had been swapping positions again when I opened my eyes. They must stay awake to do this. I was spooned with someone very tiny, and had a regular-sized female spooning me. I didn't recognize the feel of the person at my back, but it was close to how Brandy felt. It wasn't her because there was no baby bump. It had to be Grenaline behind me and Nikki in front of me. I couldn't move because Nikki had my morning wood tucked between her thighs up against something that was...

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