Returning Veterans
- 3 years ago
- 41
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I was so surprised to hear Molly say she was going to be living with me. I honestly couldn't answer her. Sue came down from the porch and I asked her exactly what was going on?
"After you left this morning, Chris and I went over to help mom clean up the mess from the remainder of the party. I know you're not going to believe this, but it was Mom and Dad's idea. She mentioned to Chris that they had talked about it. They offered the second floor to them since they have that big house all to themselves except for you now," said Sue.
"Are you sure your friend didn't say something to mom or ask her in some way? It's just hard to believe that mom would let a stranger just move in like that," I replied.
"Jess, what you don't seem to understand is that Chrissy and the kids are no stranger to our family. I know she is to you but you've been away for six years. She's like a sister to me and like a second daughter to mom and dad."
"Where is she now? I want to let her know we got her stuff and want to make sure that she will be there when we unload it. I need to make sure we didn't take anything that he could come back on us about. Sue, the guy was a real jerk but I'm pretty sure he won't be bothering her anymore. I just want to make sure it's her stuff. We took a lot more than was on her list."
"She's in the house gathering up the things she brought with her to take them over to the house. Dan and I are also coming over to help unload and get the rooms ready for Chrissy and the kids. Where's Milton? Didn't he go with you?"
"Yea, but he met a detour and was going to take her home or somewhere. We told him we could handle the unloading," I said as I smiled.
Sue knew what I meant. She met Milton a few times. He would always ask how I was doing. Sue said he usually had a woman (using the term loosely) on his arm. It didn't surprise her that he found another one.
I told Sue that Ryan and I would head over to mom's and begin unloading the truck. I did tell her to let Chrissy know that she would need a mattress since we took the bedroom set but left the dirty mattress. It made Sue grin. I liked it when my little sister was happy. She and mom were the only stable women I had ever had in my life.
We got to the house and I asked mom why she was letting Chrissy and her kids stay there.
"Jess, Sue really didn't have the room. She invited Chrissy to stay so she would get away from that horrible man. She was worried about her. Dad and I have the whole second floor that we never use. It's perfect for Chrissy and the kids. There's the two bedrooms and that family type room. They will also have their own bathroom. It shouldn't bother you up there in your room."
"It's your house, mom. Ryan and I will start bringing in her belongings. Sue, Dan and Chrissy should be here shortly to help."
Ryan backed the truck up to the door and before we opened the rear door on the truck, the others all arrived. Mom had the job of watching the kids while the rest of us started unloading the truck.
Chrissy came up to me. "Jess, again you saved me. I don't know how to thank you."
"You thanked me, that's good enough. Let's get this stuff unloaded." I didn't want to be friendly with her right now. I just wasn't as sure about her as the rest of my family was.
"My God, you brought almost all the furniture. He let you have it?" Chris asked Ryan.
Ryan replied, "When Jess told him that he stole your money, he came back with that he bought you all this furniture. After he repeated it a second time, Jess told him that since he bought the stuff for you then it belongs to you."
"He didn't argue about it? He just let you take it?" asked Chris.
"It wasn't quite that easy. Jess didn't like the guy and roughed him up a bit. That's why Jess wants to make sure you bought all this stuff with your money. He's hoping you have receipts for it in case any problems arise."
"I do have all the receipts in the safe along with some other important papers. Ryan, I appreciate it that you helped Jessie. You and Milton are true friends." Chrissy gave Ryan a hug. "Please tell Sharon she has a wonderful husband for me."
I was surprised to hear that Ryan's wife Sharon and Chrissy knew each other. We emptied the truck and put the personal stuff in the bedrooms. Ryan left to take the truck back and was then going home. I thanked him again for being my friend.
Dan, Sue and Chrissy were putting things away where she wanted them. They put the bunk beds side by side for the kids since they were too little to be climbing. Chris still couldn't believe we brought back all the extra furniture.
As everyone was putting things away, I went up to my room to relax. I figured I did my share to help this woman out. My sister Sue came up to thank me again and gave me a hug.
"That's what families do, Sue; we help one another. I just hope you are right about Chrissy."
"We are, Jess, believe me, we are. Some day soon you and I can talk about it," she said as she closed my door and went back downstairs.
I must have fallen asleep. I woke to a knock on my door. "Come in," I said. It was Molly smiling at me.
"Grandma said to tell you to come downstairs and eat. We're having lasan... , Lasnga... , sgahitti stuff. Grandma said it's your favorite."
"Lasagna? Great, I'll be right down," I said to Molly.
Mom knew lasagna was one of my favorite foods. No one could make it like mom, but I guess just about every kid growing up says his mom's the best cook. I headed downstairs and to the dinning room where I saw that Sue and Dan were eating with us. Their daughter Kim and Robbie were both in high chairs. I was sitting next to Molly since she wanted to sit between her mom and me.
Lasagna and toasted garlic bread and a side salad. It didn't get a whole lot better for me than this. After a few bites, I told mom I thought this was the best lasagna she had ever made. Mom laughed.
"Jess, Chrissy made the lasagna. This was her way of thanking you for helping her. I do agree with you that it's some of the best tasting lasagna I've ever had," said mom.
"Chrissy, this is some really good stuff," I stated feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Thank you, my mom was quite a cook and I learned most everything from her. Since she passed, I kind of miss cooking," said Chris.
My dad said, "You can cook anytime you want here, Chrissy. We'll do our best to try and eat it," dad laughed. Sue looked over at me with a smile. I tried to ignore her but I knew what she was thinking.
Again, I just didn't know what to think of Chrissy. I figured that just too much happened too quickly. I met her at the gas station, she was at my party, I went and got her belongings and now she cooked me a great dinner. I decided in my mind that I was just going to take it easy and see how things progressed.
As far as the answers I wanted, I wasn't going to push it. I realized it would all come out in due time.
After eating, I went and sat on the front porch. I loved to sit there and just think about life in general. Sue and Dan came out and said goodnight to me. "It sure is good to have you back home where you belong," Sue said with a tear in her eye. "I love you, Jessie."
"I love you too, Sue. Take care of my little niece," I said as I hugged Kimmie and gave her a kiss.
I sat back down again and was thinking about everything that happened since I returned home. I looked over at the door and saw two pair of eyes staring at me. "Can me and Robbie come and sit with you? Mommy told us not to bother you so much," said Molly.
"Sure Sweetie, you and Robbie can join me just about anytime." They came out and sat on the swing with me and we looked out over the night sky.
At night out in the country has to be the best time. Quiet, listening to the crickets, watching the lighting bugs and hearing the occasional car go by. It was a moonlit night with a sky full of stars. God sure knew what he was doing when he created the universe.
We sat there not even talking. I had one kid on each side of me while we swung. It wasn't long before Chrissy was at the door and called the kids to get ready for bed. I thought this was what family life should be about.
I decided to go for a ride. I got in my truck and drove through the little town near us. I rode by the downtown area but it was quiet. I went past the mill where my dad and brother worked. I'd be going there in a week or so looking for a job. It was a fairly sure thing, but I wanted to take a couple of weeks off before going to work on a daily basis.
When I got home, the house was dark and everyone was in bed. Mom left the porch light on for me. I couldn't help but think about Chrissy as I went up past the second floor and on to my room.
For the next week, I made myself scarce. I really didn't want to see much of Chrissy. She just worked on my mind too much. In the mornings, I said hi to the kids if they were up before I left. I explained to my mom that I wanted to go around and visit most everyone that came to the party. Each day I visited relatives and friends.
One evening I stopped by Ryan's place after he returned from work. He was now managing the store that he and I worked in years ago.
A woman answered the door. I would say she was quite a looker. "You must be Jessie," she said. "I've heard so much about you that I feel like I know you. I'm Sharon, Ryan's better half," she told me and laughed. "This little guy is Ryan Jr, although we call him RJ so we keep the two straight.
Ryan came into the room and handed me a beer. We talked for a while about how he and Sharon met. I was happy for them and they really made a nice couple. Ryan told me he would give me a job if an opening popped up in the store or I could work at another store in a different city.
"Thanks Ryan, but I'm home for good. This is where I want to be. If my potential job at the mill falls through I will be there to see you."
"How's Chrissy?" Sharon asked.
"She's fine," I said. I figured Ryan told her about the party and moving stuff.
"Why didn't you come to my party the other day? There were dozens of little kids for RJ to play with," I asked.
"That was for Bear and Ryan to greet their old friend. I figured I'd get a chance to meet you eventually. The only other person I would know there would have been Chrissy," said Sharon.
"You know Chrissy?" I was surprised to hear this.
"I guess so. Not really well, but she used to do my hair. I never hung out with her on a personal basis but I guess I could say we were friends. I'd get my hair done about once a month. I sure missed her after she quit."
"Could you tell me about her? At least what you know?" I asked.
"The way Ryan talked I figured she was your girlfriend," replied Sharon.
"She's really good friends with my sister Sue. I've only recently met her. Can you tell me why she quit her job?"
"I'm not big on talking about people but I'll tell you what little I know. Her husband died and left her with two kids. She took it pretty hard but was doing her best to hold it all together. She told me one time that it wasn't the loss of her husband as much as how she could cope by working and raising the kids alone.
"A couple of months later she lost her mother to cancer. It all happened so fast. Her mother always watched the kids while she worked. It must have been devastating losing two loved ones so close together. I think she went off the deep end.
"Ellen, one of the other women that work at the salon, said Chrissy wasn't handling it well. She lived in a small apartment and her mom lived in a trailer court. She was taking a few personal things and holding an auction. I think this guy Kyle that she went with worked for the auction company.
"Rumor has it that he handled her affairs and convinced her to move in with him. Ellen said she went to see Chrissy a couple of times while she was in the hospital before the auction and she was on drugs. Her doctor put her on anti-depressants but she always seemed drugged up. Ellen said she wasn't making sense but she tried to listen to her.
"The next thing I heard was she had quit her job and moved away with this Kyle fellow."
"Thanks, Sharon; I really appreciate what you told me. It answers a few of the questions I was wondering about."
"Jess, if you two ever do get together, Ryan and I would love to go out with you two. Ryan said you were the one who kept him on the straight and narrow path," she said.
"I don't let him go to many places with Bear. We went out with him and one of his girlfriends once. Don't get me wrong, I like Bear, but his choice in women is something else. It's anything but family oriented."
I had to chuckle since I knew exactly what she was saying. Bear's women were playmates, not the kind you take home to meet your parents, unless they own a brothel. Bear was still a good friend and Ryan told me he invited Bear over for dinner once in a while.
"I better get ready and hit the road but maybe we can get together some time. It was great meeting you, Sharon, and thanks for the information on Chris. Take good care of my friend Ryan there and keep him on the straight and narrow that I started him on," I said with a laugh.
Keeping away from Chrissy was a little harder for me on the weekend. I think she figured out I was trying to avoid her. I did play and talk with the kids whenever I was home. They had a way of growing on you.
I was up in my room on a hot Saturday and could see that Chrissy had bought the kids a little pool to play in. She placed the pool in the shade and filled it with water. A few minutes later, she came out with the kids. I couldn't believe the small two-piece swimsuit Chrissy was wearing. She looked absolutely stunning.
I stepped back so she couldn't see me and watched her. Her red hair and light complexion were beautiful in the blue swimwear. She sat in the shade and put her feet in the pool while the kids played in the water. I even took out my binoculars and checked out her freckles. Why did I worry so much about this woman? Was I secretly falling for her? Christ, no woman could rattle my emotions the way Chrissy did.
There was a knock on my door. I quickly set down the binoculars. "Come in."
It was my sister Sue. "Why don't you come down and join us at the pool? I brought Kimmie over to play with Robbie and Molly. She walked over to the window and looked out at Chrissy. "She is one beautiful woman isn't she? She likes you, you know. Funny thing is I think you like her too but are afraid to admit it."
"I don't want to talk about her right now if you don't mind. I'd stay but I'm going to meet Bear tonight."
"Have it your way but you're not very good at hiding your feelings from me. I'm your sister, remember? Oh, we're having a cookout here tomorrow. Try to make it, will you? Bill and his family will be here, too."
I just kind of grinned and told her I'd be here as she went downstairs. A few minutes later, she and Kimmie were at the little pool. I don't know what she said but Chrissy glanced up toward my window. I quickly backed up. I'd have to get even with my sneak of a sister. I think she just told on me. It did make me laugh, as I got ready to go meet Bear.
Bear lived in a trailer on a piece of land out in the country. He owned a few acres that his parents passed down to him. I have to say that Bear kept his property neat and clean. You would never have expected it of a man looking like Bear. He lived in the trailer with his English bulldog; a perfect companion.
We were going to a few bars. I wanted to get Chrissy out of my mind and Bear would be the kind of person for me to hang with for a day. We took my truck because I told Bear I wasn't into riding cycles. Of course, it made him laugh.
When I asked him where he wanted to go, he took me to a stripper bar. We started drinking and putting dollar bills into some g-strings. A couple of women were looking at us. Bear walked over to the table and asked them if they wanted company. I honestly can't believe how easy it was for him to pick up women.
They weren't prostitutes. Bear always said he would spend a bundle on a woman and show her a good time but he would never pay for pussy. That's exactly what we did. We drank and even ordered snack foods at our table. We were getting pretty drunk when Bear asked the women if they wanted to get a room and party. They agreed and we drove across the street to the motel.
We got a twelve pack of beer and a few wine coolers to take to our room. Good thing the motel was close. I wasn't at all comfortable driving, feeling this high. We entered the motel and one of the gals turned the TV on to a music station.
Sally, the one Bear was with, said she could dance as good as the strippers and proceeded to show us. Sheila, the woman I was with, got up and started stripping along with Sally. It didn't take long before both women were naked and dancing around.
The women were both probably in their late thirties. Neither had on a wedding ring but I did hear them talk about their ex-husbands. They told us that they were just out for a fun night on the town. I have to say they were nice looking women but they couldn't hold a candle to Chrissy in looks.
Why was I always thinking about Chrissy? Damn it! That's why I was here, to get her out of my mind. Sheila did help me when she undid my pants and started to suck my cock. Sally was busy working on Bear. After our cocks got hard, we finished undressing and got into the beds. It wasn't long before Sheila was riding me. I held onto her hips as she rode me like a mechanical horse. Damn it felt good.
I could hear her making noises as she came. It wasn't long after that before I shot a load into a condom. I wasn't stupid. I wanted to get laid but I was going to use protection. I did learn that from the service.
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Authors note: I would like to say goodbye to an old friend. ‘Techsan’ was one of my editors and has been with me since I started writing stories in Aug. 2005. He along with others made my stories a much better read. He will be missed. Farewell old friend, God be with you. A big thank you goes out to LadyCibelle and Miss Lynn for helping edit this story. Without their editing prowess, this story would have never been submitted. Chapter 1 I had my final discharge papers after serving six years...
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Here’s the final chapter. A big thank you to Mistress Lynn and LadyCibelle for editing this story for me. As Paul Harvey would say, ‘Here is the rest of the story.’ * We arrived home and were greeted by the kids, you would have thought we had been gone a week. ‘Did you have fun Mommy?’ Molly asked. ‘We had a wonderful time, Honey. The only thing that would have made it better was if you and Robbie were there,’ said Chrissy. ‘The comedy club was only for big people.’ How she could keep a...
Authors note: I’ve been getting a lot of comments asking about ‘Techsan’. He passed away last month, I think due to intestinal problems. I don’t know any more than that. He will be missed by many of us. Again thank you to Mistress Lynn and LadyCibelle for making my story more readable. You may want to read chapter 1 first if you haven’t done so already. Chapter 2: A few minutes later, after the kids entered the house, Chrissy came out of the house. I was trying to place the look on her...
The midsummer’s day was oppressively hot, Anelynne thought impatiently. She would much rather be lying in an air conditioned room reading or listen to music but that was far too lazy for someone who enjoyed being part of life, active. Newly single and eager to enjoy life again, her impatience got the better of her and she decided to take a light jog to the local park and swim in the small lake there, and then walk home. There was no mistaking how attractive she was. Her skin had a slight olive...
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Gay MalePulling into the driveway at his old friends house, he realizes how long it has been since the two have seen each other. Ryan steps out of the car and approaches the door. Little does he know that Sarah has been eagerly awaiting his arrival for hours, and before he raises his arm to knock on the door, the door flys open. She stands before him, firey red ha
FantasyI stepped out of the taxi cab and breathed in the air of New York. Three years. Three fucking years. That was when I decided to leave my parents' home and move to California. My heart pounded as I looked at the door of my parents' home. I glanced a few houses down and looked at "her" house. The house of the woman that broke my heart nearly three years ago. I still remember the incident like it was yesterday. I was broken out of my thoughts with a cry, followed by a shriek. I saw my mom running...
It had been two weeks since that night on the porch. I've been jacking off every night to the thought of it, even thinking about other things we could do together. I haven't been able to get him alone to talk to him always having the rest of the fam around., all we could do is just make eye contact and smile, each knowing what the other was thinking.Then a week later as though through divine intervention the oldest brother announced that he was moving out and in with his girlfriend. Their...
Like many cross dressers, I found my habit has a certain ebb and flow. I would bury myself into my kinky hobby for several weeks, only to hide everything away again. I used to have purges too from time to time, where I'd convince myself it was wrong and throw my clothes away, swearing I'd never do it again. The last time I purged was in my mid twenties. I'd been with my then girlfriend for around a year and we had decided to live together, so, in order to keep things secret, I threw all my...
CrossdressingJulie and Amelia had been friends for a long time and enjoyed palying together but more so enjoyed setting each other up when they were on a girls night out. It had all started out with good intentions although the last time they had been out Amelia had set Julie up with a mand outside of her normal taste but as the deal was to go with whatever happened Julie had been plotting something special for Amelia.When they had arrived in the night club it was busy and it took a while for Julie to find...
For a long time my boyfriend has been hinting at wanting a threesome with another girl. I have never been with a girl and I wasn't sure I wanted to see my man fuck another girl, however he did give me a threesome with another guy and I cant get over how I still feel horny about that night. After a lot of thought I decided that I would look and see if I could find someone. I met Lacy through a sex website, I let her know right away that I was considering having a threesome. We emailed and talked...
Group SexI was engaging in some combination of reading, pacing restlessly, and thinking about seeing Sarah when I heard the knock at the door. ?I had forgotten for the moment that the only one of the servants that my father hadn't told to stay home was Lindsey, and only the second, seemingly angry, knock pulled me out of my reverie. ?I rubbed the bridge of my nose to ease the tightness behind my eyes as I exited the parlor, thinking whomever it was would certainly have been far more angry if I had yet...
A few minutes later, after the kids entered the house, Chrissy came out of the house. I was trying to place the look on her face. Not sure if she was mad, confused or something in between. "Jess, did you tell the kids you were going to take them to the zoo?" asked Chrissy. "Yes, I think maybe the Saturday after next. They seemed so happy about seeing the chickens and rabbits that I told them I would take them. Of course, it has to be alright with you and I was figuring you would be...
We arrived home and were greeted by the kids; you would have thought we had been gone a week. "Did you have fun Mommy?" Molly asked. "We had a wonderful time, Honey. The only thing that would have made it better was if you and Robbie were there," said Chrissy. "The comedy club was only for big people." How she could keep a straight face, I didn't know. After hugging the kids, she looked at me, smiled and then hit me on the arm. I mentioned to Molly and Robbie that next time we...
Hector immediately started thinking about how he could get Jim out of the compound when this was over. He didn’t need to pay attention to the two of them. There weren’t going to be any surprises here. Liam was an outlaw and a killer. Hector knew of at least three men that Liam had put in the grave. He was lean, but strong and there wasn’t an ounce of mercy in him. But Jim was a professional. Hector gave Liam less than five minutes to live. Liam clambered to his knees on the cold dirt,...
Ezra watched through the windows of the sleek black car as it made its way up to his childhood home. He watched the tall, thick trees rolled pass on either side. He watched the rain dance across the glass as the sky continued to spit more down at the earth. Perched atop a small hill overlooking the rather wholesome and simple town below, was his old home. A grand, opulent and grossly excessive thing. A product of the nineteen-hundreds and built to mimic that of the regal homes of Europe. The...
IncestReturn to San Diego This is a follow up to the story San Diego. In that story, Mark, a 15 year old, went to San Diego with his mother to visit his aunt and cousins. His 17 year old cousin, Suzy, found Mark trying on some of her clothes. She thought it would be fun to get him dressed up for the rest of the week. The week ended with Suzy and Mark going to an all-girls party. This story takes place 15 years later. ----- Mark was a 30 year old man that had began trying on his...
Dear ........ Chapter 18. Hypnotised. Baby Daphne drew harder on the silicon teat, sucking down another mouthful of soothing warm milk. She wriggled on her back on the noisily crinkling mattress cover, staring at the fairy mobile twirling slowly above her head and listening vaguely to the Nursery rhymes it played. She was aware that she was wetting her nappy, but content to let the lovely warm stream flow over her tummy and dribble down between her buttocks. She loved that sweet...
Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....
We have been so busy these last few months, moving home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t got round to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes. .As you will have hopefully read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ you will know, both myself and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and not known gives us more opportunity to indulge in our exhibitionist...
Only when we are lucky enough to be away from home, do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us, there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...
ExhibitionismOnly when we are lucky enough to be away from home do we really get the opportunity to indulge in my wife's exhibitionistic behaviour. Once we discovered our mutual enjoyment of her desire to be admired by strangers, with my encouragement, she has become quite daring over the years. For us there is nothing we both enjoy more than some interaction with some receptive voyeur. Recalling the memories is very much a turn-on for us.This was our second visit to the vibrant town of Puerto Banus in...
Dear Krystalasbaby, Jane Hudson, Sissy Katie, Sissymart and Kitty Poodle, thank you for those lovely reviews. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. BJ Chapter 20. Baby Under Control The next morning when Jane unpinned Daphne's saturated night nappies, she was prepared. She slowly lowered the sodden front flap, took a quick peek, then hastily covered her little girl's spurting clittie. Jane gave her embarrassed baby girl a smile of long-suffering and shook her head in apparent...
Major Ruiz-Costa of the Royal Marines sat in the passenger seat of the Land Rover, watching the dusty road ahead. The freed hostage was in the car behind them and he was relieved over the bloodless outcome. After receiving a tip-off from a local Shiite elder they had surrounded the hideout of the kidnappers. The door was ripped from the angles when the small C4 charges exploded, stun grenades were fired, and they were upon the bandits in just two seconds. Nobody was hurt, least of all the...
I spy you sitting with friends. You glance up from your drink and see me. I see the surprise on your face and then lust as you immediately get up and walk towards me. I enjoy watching your big film tits bounce as you get close. Makes me wonder if you have any underwear on underneath your tight fitting dress. You approach but say nothing. You know and understand that I am your Master and it is only I that can speak first. "Are you with friends?" I ask. You bow your head slowly. "Yes Master but I...
Return to the House of Fabulous (c) 2005 by Nom de Plume For those who missed "Skirting the Law" and "The House of Fabulous", the players are: Charles Bigelow, ousted CEO of Tyrex Industries, who has heart failure when... Wall Street raiders Darwin DeVour and Lance Raptor launch a hostile takeover after... Company lawyer Terry Poindexter comes to work in a dress, before he runs away with... Gail Chestnut, his stunningly attractive executive secretary, who knows the truth...
Dear Katie, Pansy, Jeannie, Candi and Tammy, thank you for those lovely comments. Please keep posting your reviews here. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 13. Mummy and Uncle Jake. Jane was driving fast and the lights of Jake's red Porsche followed close behind, making her loose tawny locks glint in the bright halogen headlights from time to time. Daphne stared at Mummy's beautiful face like a lovesick puppy from her toddler car seat in the back. In profile Jane looked regal and...
Dear sissybabytammy, Eugene, Rachel Belle, sissy jeannie, Victoria, sissy missy and Sissy Katie, thank you all so much for those lovely reviews! I really appreciate you taking the time to post your glowing responses. Please keep letting me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter in Baby Daphne's 'downfall.' Baby Jennie Chapter 16. A Visit to the Salon. Yesterday had been the first time he'd been dragged outside dressed like a big baby girl. This felt worse...
Dear everyone.... WOW! Thank you for all those lovely reviews! I'm overwhelmed that so many of you took a few minutes to let me now what you think of my little story. And let me tell you, I read your suggestions with interest - sometimes including my fans' ideas into my naughty narrative. WARNING! This chapter contains forced pee-drinking scenes and threats of worse! If these things might offend your delicate sensibilities, please stop reading now. Otherwise, read on, dear reader....
We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our...
ExhibitionismThe sudden, strident clang of the bell plucked Mathieu from what had been a very pleasant dream. Looking round, he found that, as usual, all the beds held one single occupant, the women having returned to their own tent before sunrise. This was for the benefit of any bible-bashing fanatics who might, by chance, pass by and witness both male and female exiting the same dormitory, the idea of gawping at these strange specimens of humanity was in no way disturbing to them, indeed it reinforced...
Return To Service It felt just the same, yet ultimately different being in that cock-house again after almost a year. I burned with the excitement of what I had possibly missed, and felt eager for a return to service when I’d see something unfamiliar and wanting to look my way. Not a minute after the thought subsided that very thing to happened, and let me tell you, the man had me ready with just a look into his brown-as-my-own eyes. I smiled as he stood there and looked long at me. Almost as...