Maja's MomChapter 5 free porn video

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Sunday, September 27th

Sunday morning I was going to go for a paddle but my arms were sorer than I could remember. A combination of a hard paddle on Friday night and wrestling with a shark Saturday afternoon, I suppose. My legs felt good though so I ran out to the connector and then out to Rifle Range Road and back, about ten miles. For some reason, ten miles running seemed further than ten miles paddling. I put in a reasonable but not great time and by 8:30 both my arms and legs were shot. Any chores I had in mind were put off indefinitely. I cleaned up the kitchen and that's it.

I was ready to call it a day and veg in front of the TV and then I got an inspiration. I made a phone call and got the stamp of approval. Then I took the top off the Ferrari, put on my jungle bird Hawaiian shirt and headed down to Elsa's. I picked up an excited Maja and we headed up the coast to spend the day together, sort of an un-father, un-daughter day out. We took a two hour drive up to Myrtle Beach. We went straight to Broadway at the Beach for lunch at Jimmy Buffet's restaurant, Margaritaville. Lots of colors, the hurricane machine and decorations from a lot of famous songs Maja knew. Is it possible to enjoy a better lunch than a cheeseburger in paradise? I think not.

We took in the aquarium to see what the fish we caught would look like from underwater. Again, another hit. The aquarium has a shark tank that you walk through, with fish and sharks swimming all around you. No toadfish though. Having fished the day before made this especially fun.

Then, shopping. Maja found a floral print that was every bit as fashionable as my jungle bird shirt. Well, almost as fashionable. We bought kites for later use at the beach and at Lids, Maja insisted I get a Detroit Tigers hat. I had the car and the shirt. I needed that hat too. What I really needed was another six inches in height and a cool mustache. I spoiled her and she had fun being spoiled. Broadway at the Beach is designed to get all of a tourist's money in one afternoon. Before I went completely broke we took a helicopter tour. Anyone who's been to Myrtle Beach knows that tourists in helicopters circle overhead from nearly dawn till dusk. But rarely does a tourist show up in Magnum's car, wearing a jungle bird shirt and take a ride in TC's helicopter. Well, it wasn't TC but it was close enough for Maja. We had packed a lot into a little time and both had fun doing it. If word got out about this at school, I'd have a class of kids that would want to take a field trip to Myrtle Beach.

On the way back I asked Maja to tell me some stories. She's heard so many of mine and I wanted to hear some about her and her mom. I wished I hadn't. She had never met her grandparents on her father's side. After all, her mother had killed their son. On the other side of the family, Elsa was ostracized because of it. Her family didn't know the abusive side of her first husband. Only the prince charming side. She told me about living in Virginia in a small apartment with her aunt sharing mom duties. Maja had been to six different schools by the time she ended up at our little school. They had moved to IOP to get away from a scam artist who was still trying to ruin their lives. It was the life she knew and she wasn't sad about it at all. In fact she shared all this in a cheery, upbeat manner. She might not have been sad about it but I was and I knew Elsa was too. Maja had missed out on a lot.

We got home right at dinner time. Maja recounted the day and I went to the back deck while Elsa put together a quick dinner. Maja dominated the conversation and Elsa encouraged her for all the details. It was Maja's turn to do dishes and Elsa and I went to the deck to watch the sunset. This was quickly becoming my favorite place.

"That was serious bonus points, Mister."

"Yeah. I figured it would be." I wasn't really talkative and would have been happy just to watch the sunset.

"What's wrong? Maja had a great time and I so appreciate it. She needed that."

I didn't really want to say. I didn't want to say that I was sorry for how much Maja had missed out on. I didn't want to because it made me sad and I didn't want to because it might sound critical. And that was something that I had earned points for. I didn't want to lose those and didn't see any reason to. Especially when I wasn't being critical. Just sad.

"I know. This has been a fun weekend. It's been fun watching Maja have fun. I don't get that enough. Kids are on the clock when they're with me and I don't get to see them just be kids enough."

"Ok. So why so blue?'

"That obvious?"

"Danny, never, ever play poker. So, tell."

"I asked Maja to tell me stories. It wasn't what I expected, that's all."

"Ah. No, I don't suppose it would be."

"It's been tough, huh?"

"It's been tough. Tougher on Maja than me."

"I don't think she thinks so. You know, I'm not so observant. Not like I think I am."

"No? The Magnum shirt doesn't help your powers of observation?"

"Fraid not. I'll tell you. I saw a beautiful woman and a nice house, nice car, polite and smart little girl and I came to conclusions that aren't even close."

"Second thoughts?"

"Second thoughts. About what?"

"Me. Us. You know, us with a future."

"No. That's not what I mean at all. I just meant that I saw things far more simply than they are."

"And now you're thinking? What? How does that change things?"

"It makes me want to hang on tighter. It certainly doesn't drive me away if that's what you were thinking."

"Good. Baggage in the open. Well, that's good. Any secrets you need to come clean on?"

"No. Not really. I had good parents that had me late in life and they're both gone. The rest of my family, brother and sister live in Atlanta. Been here for ten years and don't plan to leave. No arrests, don't smoke, drink but don't get drunk. I might make an exception tonight, though."

"I guess. I feel bad for Maja but it sounds rotten in my head when I think it."

"Why's that? Why would it feel rotten? I know what she's missed and I think you probably have a good clue about it by now. So why doesn't it sound right to you?"

"Because I keep thinking that if I said it, it would sound like I thought poorly of you and I don't. But it seems like it would sound that way. I don't want it to sound that way. I just want it not to be so." I was honestly on the point of tears and was hoping the sun would go down soon.

"I believe you. I've done my best and I think you think that. You do, don't you?"

"Yeah. I do. I do think that. I just think it's shitty that it hasn't been better and that you deserve better."

"Yeah. Me too. Maja and me? We have each other and we love our time together. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her. But you were right last night. We both know that the past is what it is. We can't relive it, can't change it, can't fix it."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"No. You're a good man, Danny. You've done right by us. You've given Maja a weekend she'll remember for a long time. Me too. Celebrate that. I am. I got past the past last night."

"Well, I said a lot of what I said without understanding the context as well as I do now."

"And now?"

"I think I might go home and talk it over with my friend Jack."

"You mean Marco?"

"No, Jack. Mr. Jack Daniels. We haven't talked in a while."

"I'm ok with that. You want to pick Maja up for school in the morning?"

"Yeah. I'll be by at 7, if that's ok."

"That's fine. Before you leave, when you walk through you need to have a smile on your face. You gave my little girl a great weekend. If you walk out sad and she sees that she'll think it's her fault."

"Ok. I know you're right. Let me think happy thoughts for a minute or something."

"Let me help." She stepped behind me and started massaging my sore and aching shoulders. I don't know how she knew but I needed that so badly. I sat down in a chair and she kept going. Shoulders, traps and especially my delts. They were so tight and needed that so much. She finished by working her way up my neck and then rubbed her fingers vigorously on my scalp. If that wasn't enough, when she finished with my scalp she leaned into me and massaged my chest down to my abs. Every time she reached down to my abs my face got a special treat. After her talk the night before I was not going to say a word about her breasts pressing into me. I think I was drooling by the time she finished.


"You have no idea."

On my way out, Maja came running down the stairs and gave me a huge crush hug and then ran back upstairs without saying a word. When I got home I left Jack in the cabinet and went to bed happy that night.

The week of September 28th

That week seemed like a normal week although it was anything but. I picked Maja up every morning. Three times Elsa walked her out to the car and I got a kiss goodbye. Twice, some woman who looked vaguely like Elsa, but with a robe and wet hair waved from the doorway. I motioned her to come down to the car but she would have none of that. Maja and I let the principal, vice principal and Maja's French teacher know about the situation and encouraged them to call Elsa to verify. French was Maja's last class of the day so Mrs. Barbier needed to know. I cooked dinner one night and Elsa twice. It seemed like a business week and I guess it was. Elsa planned dinner Friday night with the Krupps. While we had talked about how we would handle the public face of our relationship it didn't seem like we needed a plan for that.

I arrived right at 7 to find the Krupps already there. I greeted them, Maria and Maja then walked into the kitchen to greet Elsa. I leaned forward to give her a peck on the cheek but she turned from her preparation and gave me a quick one on the lips. The Krupps already knew me, knew they liked me because Maria did. That I was involved with another parent made no difference to them and that was good. Jayson Krupp was an orthopedic surgeon who specialized in joint replacements; knees, hips and the like. I told Jayson that although I had used the services of many parents I hoped I wouldn't need his.

We had a relaxing dinner. The girls ate out on the deck and we ate indoors. I learned more about golf than I thought there was to know. I know a lot of people enjoy golf but I agree with Mark Twain, who said, "Golf is a good walk, ruined." I see no point in chasing a little white ball that I just hit. I kept that sentiment to myself. We learned from Kathi Krupp just what it takes to put on Charleston's Piccolo Spoleto Festival every year, in case we cared. We didn't and we still don't. Elsa and I also discovered we both have a reasonable tolerance for meaningless conversation. When they left, we looked at each other, sighed and laughed. I asked if Maja or Maria had any idea what bores her parents were. I was asked, "Why do you think they wanted to eat on the deck?" They could have given us a heads up.

October through Thanksgiving - a routine develops

Over the next month we fell into something of a routine. I took Maja to school in the morning and home in the evenings. Sometimes we would go back to my place where Bonkers got way more attention than he deserved. Other times, I would take her back to their place and I'd wait. I didn't like the idea of leaving her alone even though they had done this in the past. It seemed that every other Friday, Maja would go home with the Krupps and or I'd bring both girls back to the Lundquist home. The Ferrari is not made for three people. I would have to rethink that. On top of that my Fatboy wasn't getting a lot of miles.

I discovered that Elsa was a superb cook. Her Virginia cousin ran a catering business and she had learned much from her. I, on the other hand, taught her how to clean fish and a dozen ways to cook them. Elsa gave me a tennis lesson and I learned far more about humility than I did about playing tennis. Maybe if she'd played left handed. No. I don't think that would have helped. I was pouring sweat and she looked like she might have walked a block at a leisurely pace. So I did the only intelligent thing I could think of. I started getting lessons from her every Thursday night. If tennis was such a big part of her life, I wanted to be a part of that. She was a good teacher but I had my work cut out for me. It was a good thing the SUP season was about over because serving practice was killing my arm. She could effortlessly send rockets over the net and on target. I could do one or the other. I could hit a rocket or I could put it in the service box but doing both at the same time consistently was outside my capability.

I returned the favor by teaching her some martial arts. I taught her some simple self-defense moves taken mostly from Aikido and Small Circle Jujitsu. She picked up on it much quicker than I picked up tennis. After a few lessons, she decided that Maja should learn some self-defense also. By the end of the month Maria had joined us and I worked with the three of them to teach them moves that they could use on someone much bigger and more powerful. Maria and Maja were simply too small to be effective against a determined attacker but I thought Elsa might do well. We also talked about pepper spray and handguns. While Elsa knew guns, she no longer owned one. Trading tennis for martial arts was a great idea and we both enjoyed learning not just about each other's passion but how to enjoy performing those arts.

We were quickly developing a set of shared experiences and found that it was fun and easy to do. Maja fell into this easily. She wanted to be a part of everything we did but Elsa let her know that we needed our space too and she was pretty quick to figure that out. The three of us walked a lot of miles on the beach that month. The weather had been with us and as long as it would last we would take advantage of it. Elsa hadn't talked much about Alex since our first dinner together but I knew their marriage was down to the last few weeks and on one walk on the beach I asked her about it.

She told me that Alex Djouski, aka Alex Herndon, aka Alex Michaels, aka Michael Herndon had never graduated from high school and certainly never gone to college. He had been arrested nine or ten times but he never stayed in jail for long. He was a confidence man who specialized in rich widows. Elsa was the youngest and least wealthy of his victims. He had developed so much experience with other women that he knew how to tell Elsa just what she wanted to hear. He knew her net worth or at least had an idea of what it was and he wasn't interested. Elsa thought his own wealth and disinterest in hers was one of the key factors in gaining her trust. As a potential investor through Goldwater, Price, he had a reasonable curiosity about other investors. His went beyond the general and into specifics but by then Elsa's guard was down. He pulled Maja in as well and made promises about the future to both of them. He became what they needed; a knight in shining armor. The more she told me the easier it was to understand and the more I disliked Alex Whoeverhewas.

Same as Maja's Mom
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At 7:25 I heard a car pull up in front of the apartment. I felt my hart jump. I was starting to feel relieved. The only thing I was worrying about was that Lisa might show up with this George guy. Then it would be just like the day I came home and found Lisa waiting for me with that piece of shit Devers. When the doorbell didn't ring right away I began to think that maybe the car had been a visitor going to my neighbors apartment. I wanted to look out the window to see but I stayed on the...

3 years ago
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The Making 3

I was pushed back over the wedge, my ass high in the air, “I ain’t never fucked a skinny white boy before, this will be new for both of us.” Mistress Janette grabbed my hair and jerked my head up, “I haven’t heard you ask for it, bitch. When a whore wants to please her customer she begs for that cock, she makes the customer feel that he is the only person who ever fucked her, the only person who can please her. That is what I expect from you.” Before the cane could come into play I responded,...

2 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 7

"Oh ... fuck! Damn you, Allan ... By Jove, you know how to shag me!" Teresa Hillsley screamed out as Allan Dumont pronged her pussy while Miles Sloane took her ass, "and Miles, you lovely man ... deeper, please ... yes, take my arse ... use my bum!" The posh British emigrant adored anal sex, and lately had been especially fond of double-penetration, including more than a few times when Sven and Charles would swap back and forth from her pussy to her ass. More than once, she had been...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 52

Hawk terminated the call and joined Bill and Gunnery Sergeant Kellogg. After a questioning look by Hawk, Bill said, “I called Brenda. They’re sending out two vehicles; one for us and one to carry Sergeant Kellogg back to Coronado Island.” “Excellent!” proclaimed Hawk. Then, turning to the sergeant Hawk said, “Gunny, I want to thank you for coming with me as security. I know we’re both grateful nothing happened that required your services, but it helped knowing you were there.” “Sir, I was...

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Camelot My little slut Pt 2

Cami and I would kiss as we passed by each other in the hallway or sneak an ass or tit grab whenever I could. She loved groping my ass too for some reason. She did that way more than she grabbed my cock. It had been a few days since the night and nothing more had really happened. I couldn’t spend the night over the weekdays so it was hard to do much. I counted down the days for friday. Finally, it was friday. I knew that the best chance I had of getting some alone time with her was to get...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 488

THE MORE YOU READ THE FUNNIER IT GETS ... COULDN'T DECIDE WHETHER TO LAUGH OR CRY. $5.37! That's what the kid behind the counter at Taco Bell said to me. I dug into my pocket and pulled out some lint and two dimes and something that used to be a Jolly Rancher. Having already handed the kid a five-spot, I started to head back out to the truck to grab some change when the kid with the Elmo hairdo said the hardest thing anyone has ever said to me. He said, "It's OK. I'll just give you...

4 years ago
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The Private Game Chapter 6

Mike, Lynn, and her now-lover freshen up for sleep. Mike is the last to return to their marital bed. His wife and Chuck are snuggled together. She looks radiant after her sexual releases.She looks her husband in the eye and asks, “Don’t you like watching your friend and wife in bed?”Mike just nods.Lynn continues, “It’s much better with Chuck in bed with us. He can feel me whenever he wants.” She turns to Chuck and after giving him a light kiss says, “Why don’t you feel me in front of my...

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A Time Just For Us My Very First

Some are sweet and romantic, some incredible, some bizarre, some painful and some even downright disastrous. My story contains some of these elements but see for yourself how it was for me.If you like wham bam sex stories, this probably isn’t for you; if you prefer more romantic, slow burn, real-life accounts, but with complete honesty, then please enjoy.Thanks to Literot for editing this true account of what happened to me.~~Jessica~~I always thought that I would wait, and that it would be my...

First Time
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Touching is One Thing Sucking is Quite Another

For some context, check these stories out: and did I expect my last summer before college to be a festival of seduction and handjobs from the rich, gay guy down the street. I mean, this honestly was just about making some cash cutting grass so I'd have beer money freshman year in my dorm. Instead, it's turned into nearly 24/7 fantasizing about what the...

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An Unexpected Attraction

“You want to fuck me, don’t you?” What the fuck? I stopped in my tracks. I was coming back from the men’s room, heading back to the pool tables where I shot pool with a mix of regular and semi-regular guys every Wednesday night. There in front of me was Stella, one of the waitresses, hand on her hip looking up at me like a real smart ass. Stella, while not super-hot, was very pretty, with long dirty-blonde hair down to her shoulder blades. This wasn’t “Hooters,” just your friendly...

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The Book of Changes

BOOK OF CHANGE BY [email protected] I'd never felt lower in my life. My marriage was officially over. I'd been gone for almost a week on business, and when I returned, the place was clean of everything that could in anyway be construed as "hers". Standing in the empty bedroom, reflecting on our marred union, I thought of Katie, my little girl, and wondered when I'd see her again. Marilyn had warned me, of course, had begged me to attend counseling, but pride was my master...

2 years ago
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Bada Lundse Dar

Mera naam Raj, me mumbai me rahata hun, mera age 30 hai, me bohat hi sexy man ho geya iska karan koi aur nehi mera maa hai….seede kahani batha tha hun. jab me 18 sall ka ta, tab mera mummy 37 age ki ti, mera maa ka naam Babita hai, mummy ka hight 5.5 inch, body size 36, 26, 38 hai, bohat gori hai, mera mummy gym instructor hai, issiliye bohat hi fit rahati hai, aur mera father dubai me rahate hai, papa 3 sall me ek bar ghar aate hai, ,Ghar par, me aur mera mummy hi rahate hai, ek din ki bat...

4 years ago
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After the Party

The party continued late into the night, but by 2 the following morning, all had left except for Ritu’s friend, Kamal. Kamal decided to stay and help clean up from the party, even though we continually told him that we had no problem doing it ourselves and that he should head home. Since his wife and kids were away for a few days, he hoped we would let him stay over rather than go home to an empty house. We finally agreed and let him stay to help clean up. I really wasn’t thrilled with the fact...

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She Had an Unscheduled Meeting

His name was Alan and his strong and long-probing tongue was hotly licking her groove. At that particular moment, Em was in the middle of liking that very much indeed. She was making quite a lot of noise that articulated her assessment of that position very nicely. She’d seen Alan’s point, too, in the discussion they were having, because he was completely naked. She was looking forward to feeling that point, and the long and sturdy cock that propelled it, thrusting deliciously between her...

2 years ago
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Becoming Xdresser Samantha

My first true experience as Samantha.At the time I was living and working overseas. To the outside world I was just your normal 21 year old really skinny guy living and working and enjoying life on the islands. Of course I had my little secret which I kept hidden from my colleagues and friends. Although I wore panties a lot of the time, I did not own much else as far female attire for fear of being discovered.It happened one evening while I was working in a restaurant doing a photo program for...

4 years ago
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The Everyday Life of James 2

------------------------------------- "Get up JJ you got school!" I heard Gloria yell as she left the house. I groaned preparing for the day to come. I took a shower, then threw on all red, From my Chucks to my shirt (excluding my denim pants.) "D-Dub don't pack today they got metal detectors here!" I yelled down the hall. "Oh yea I forgot that bullshit thank you!" he yelled back. We met up with Jamal outside the house. The school district got smart after a shootout on a...

4 years ago
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Love as if mom

Hello ISS hi aap log kasa hai I think theak honga may aap logo ko ak new romantic story likh raha hoi mari yaha kahni mar dost ke maa ke hai mara dost ka naam asif hai jo 12 ma padtha hai woh mara ghar aksar aya jaya kartha hai or mana bhi uska ghar jana shoor kar diya us ka ghar ma us ke maa or rathi hai daddy uska bahr raha tha hai month ma ak baar atta ratha hai. Asif ke maa sunder or moti hai us ka gol nipple jo kafi bada hai gand bhi moti hai height 5’8″ hogi dekhna ma sunder hai. May bh i...

3 years ago
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Story Reader Ki Palang Tod Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi doston rakesh ek bar fir hajir hai ap logon k samne apni nai ap biti le kar meri koi bhi kahani puri nahi hogi jab tak main un sabhi ka shukriya na ada kar lun jo mujhe mail kiye Watsapp kiye dostong ye iss ka mera ek bahut bada friend circle ban gaya hai or ap logon se do sal bhi jada pyar mila uska shukriya kai logon k msg aye galiyan bhi di ki main kisi ki wife k sath sex kyon kiya ya anjan ladki k sath kyon sex kiya ye achi bat nahi doston mera sirf yahi kahna hai agar kisi ladki ko sex...

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Glory hole cock worship

I am no writer so please excuse any mistakes. As I type this I am so hard and dripping remembering how great it felt.I was feeling unusually horny and decided to visit one if the local adult book stores to watch a video and stroke my cock. A few details about me, I always keeps nicely trimmed and wear a cock ring “Everyday”. I love the way they feel.So I walked in, paid the entry fee and found the perfect booth. I like booths with glory holes on each side. That way if I’m in the receiving end I...

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Angels TaleChapter 8

Cassie was on the eCom. And she was in full Prophet of Doom mode. "Hi, Penny. Or is it Cassandra?" "Cassandra. Hey, you got an eCom! Congrats!" "Yeah. It came with the promotion at the theater. But if I quit or get fired, I have to give it back. So, what's the crisis?" "Right to the point? Ok. It's David. You and Radar need to be there when he wakes up. He will wake up hard, and need help." "Hard?" "Mind out of the gutter, girl. His new senses will panic him, and there's a...

4 years ago
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Holi Mein Behna Ki Chudai

By : Lampatbhai This is the story of my sister who is 18 years old. She is a little bit shy and studies in college. She has got some boyfriends she has not had any physical relations. She has got a great figure of 36 22 36 and also great tight boobs seen through her shirts. She likes to wers tight dresses like mini skirts and tight tops, tank tops and tube tops as well as salwar kameez. She is quite friendly with my friends as well. I am senior to her by a year. Most of my friends like her a...

3 years ago
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Meeting a Friend for Lunch

Hope you enjoy this:I was taken with her from the first e-mail I received. This woman, who responded to my ad on an adult personals site, was everything i was looking for: An intelligent, professional, attached woman who, like me, was completely dissatisfied with her sex life at home and looking for an escape from the everyday.We e-mailed each other constantly with lengthy e-mails and we talked about our education, our spouses, our likes and dislikes and what we wanted in bed.After a few more...

2 years ago
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Sweet18 Apolonia Alexa Blun Family Punishment

The black sheep of her family, the wayward daughter, a young girl who’s been doing whatever she pleases the whole year. Skipping class and fucking everyone around her. She loves sucking cock and she shows it defying her step-mother by playing playing with a lollipop with her tongue in front of her while she reprimands her for her low grades. She will end up getting a fair punishment she was actually looking for. But said punishment is gonna be a lot strict and family-related than she...

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Taylors College Adventure

When college started she met up with a guy while moving into her dorm. Jeff helped her move her tv and computer into the dorm and even set everything up for her. Jeff was a cute guy, not a nockout but cute. He was a bit like a smartass but he was very helpful to her. They exchanged numbers and he left. Taylor headed to the store. The whole time she kept thinking about Jeff. Taylor has always had abit of a wild side. She was always very horny. She wasn’t all that attracted to Jeff but he had a...

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HussiePass Blake Blossom Blake Does Something Really Big

All-natural blonde Blake Blossom makes her Hussie Pass debut today and we paired the coed up with Brickzilla and his 13 inch prick because the 20 year old wanted to do something REALLY big! After we get to know Blake a little bit, Brickzilla steps in with some lube and we get to see her twerk her lovely 39 inch ass. Blake then stuffs his dick into her mouth before giving him a stocking-clad footjob and letting him fuck her ample 32DD breasts. Brickzilla gives her coed pussy a taste before...

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Destress Weekend Part 3

‘What time is it?’ Though her blinds were drawn, Daisy could still see the light coming between the shutters, the deep orange of sunset. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve just slept through nearly all of my Saturday!’ Daisy said to herself with a pang of regret, turning down to her dog still sleeping soundly by her lap. Well, not entirely a waste of a day. A rumble in her stomach reminded Daisy that she never did have lunch, save for a quick protein snack courtesy of Max. The groan of her stomach also...

4 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 20

Within five torturous minutes, Allison had lost everything she had eaten within the past twenty four hours. She leaned up against the door of the stall, trying to catch her breath. Surely this all had to be some awful nightmare, Ally groaned as she rubbed her achy, perspiring forehead. She felt light headed and dizzy at the thought that the professor could be gone. Then there was Ben... Ally hadn't really paid much attention to him in class. He was one of those guys who just sort of...

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Master Remote

Friday, 5:25 PM You walk through the door like any other day when you see a package left on the coffee table. You sit down, laying your bag on the floor. The package is wrapped in brown butcher's paper and tied off with a frayed yellow string. Scribbled in thick black marker is your address, No return address listed. The top left corner of the package is covered in a mass of stamps from all over, many looking old and possibly expensive to those who collect such things. You roll it over in your...

Mind Control

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