- 1 year ago
- 26
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She cheated. I found out. I put up with it for several months, hoping she would come clean. She never did, so one night I confronted her.
“So, what are you going to do now?” Karen O’Dell asked after I had said good night to my kids.
“Please tell me something about it that at least sounds like the truth.” I asked.
“Mick, it started out as just a little harmless fun kissing and naughty touching. I guess I let it grow into something a little more. I don’t love him; I just use him for his dick, and he uses me for my ass. His wife won’t let him have her ass. Actually, his wife won’t have sex with him at all. I guess at the start it felt like a mercy fuck.”
“Fun? And you give him your ass? A mercy fuck!? You couldn’t take up bingo or join a bowling league or go out with the girls from work to have a little fun? Are you sure that I wasn’t the one getting the mercy fucks?”
“No! You were never a mercy fuck, ever! So, what are you going to do?”
“I have no idea. I’m still debating you and him having a fatal accident,” I said.
“Don’t try to be funny, Mick,” Karen said.
“I’m sorry, Karen. Did anything I say sound funny in any way? It was meant to be a very serious threat. But I also know that if I did that, I’d lose access to my kids. Those four are just as big a victim as I am.”
She seemed nonplussed by my threat.
“What do you mean victim? This isn’t going to affect any of you. You haven’t missed any nights in our bed, and the kids haven’t missed me at any school functions. I have followed through on all of my wifely and motherly duties.”
“Duties? Doesn’t sound like a loving wife or mother to me.”
“Don’t pull that bullshit on me. I love those children more than anything.”
“Anything except our family. Have you already introduced the kids to your lovers?”
She looked at me like I had two heads.
“First, there are not lovers, plural. Second, no they have not met him. That would have made keeping our affair secret very difficult. But now that you know, maybe I will.”
“I’ll kill him ... and you ... if you ever do that until after the divorce is completely over and done.”
“You aren’t going to divorce me. You love me and besides, you would lose the kids.” Karen said defiantly.
“I couldn’t lose the kids to a corpse.”
I looked at her and the anger and hate must have been palpable because she suddenly changed her expression and began to look like she was understanding that I was seriously on the edge.
“So back to the same question. What are you going to do now?” She asked.
“For now, I’m going to keep on doing what I’ve been doing. I don’t think clearly when I have to make fast decisions. Especially when I’m angry enough to commit murder. I’m going to have to look at this problem from all angles before I act. Until then I am going to take care of my kids. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed.”
I stood and walked out of the living room and up the stairs to our bedroom’s bathroom. I stripped and stepped into the shower, closing the glass door and turning on the instant warm water. When I was done soaping up, I looked around the shower and noticed the sex toys that we used to use on each other occasionally. I picked them all up and walked out of the shower, dripping wet, and put them in the waste basket. It was a small start, but significant to me.
Stepping back into the shower, I closed the glass door again and soaped up again and rinsed. After drying off, I walked out into the bedroom and set the alarm clock for the morning and got into bed, nude, like I normally would do.
A few minutes later, she came in and stopped to look at me before going into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and the glass door close. After a few minutes there was some rustling around. Then there was the sound of the shower door close and the bathroom door opened.
“Throwing away our toys was a little childish. I put them back. At some point you will want us to use them again.”
She set the alarm clock on her side of the bed and slipped under the sheets, her bare ass touching mine. She reached back behind her to verify that I was indeed naked. When she did that she turned and cuddled to me. I didn’t react negatively, so she reached down and took hold of my penis and slowly shook and stroked it to full hardness.
“I guess you aren’t that mad at me.”
She moved around on her hands and knees to take me into her mouth and I grabbed her head like I would normally do but then I began to drive my cock hard, fast, and deeply into her throat, very unlike I had ever done. She tried to pull back, but I had a death grip on her head. I pounded my dick down her throat until I could hear that she was starting to gag.
At that point I pulled out and quickly moved behind her, since she was still on her knees while she was trying to catch her breath and swallow all the spit she had generated while I had fucked her face. I pushed my wet cock into her unprepared pussy and doggie fucked her as fast and hard as I could, slapping her ass as hard as I could. When I felt myself getting ready to cum, I pulled out and stroked myself as I moved to her face.
She looked up like she didn’t want my cock in her mouth again, so I stroked myself a few more times and shot cum all over her just washed face. With one hand holding her face in place and the other stroking my dick to full completion, I proceeded to wipe my softening dick clean on her hair. She was pissed.
“What the hell kind of a way was that to make love to your wife?” Karen asked still a little in shock from the way I treated her.
“Make love? Karen, I guess you haven’t figured it out yet, those days are over. All that is going to happen between us is fucking. Whether you start it, or I do, I will fuck you and use you like the cheating whore you are. And, I threw away the toys because we won’t need them. They were love making toys.”
“If you think that I’m going to go along with what you just did, you are out of your fucking mind.”
“It’s that or no sex between us.” I said.
“Fine then, no sex! It’s not like I’ll be going without,” she said in a rather snotty manner.
“Good choice. I was afraid that I was going to have to fight you off every time you wanted me to fuck that pre-owned pussy of yours.”
“What the fuck does pre-owned mean?”
“It means, Karen, that you are now used goods, like an old used car. It might look good on the surface, but underneath it is just an old, used, piece of junk,” I said with as much distaste as I could muster.
“If that is how you really feel, then when I need to get laid here at home, I’ll bring him here.”
I looked at her in cold silence. I walked over to the nightstand on my side of the bed and placed my hand on the fingerprint activated lock of the gun safe and pulled out my grandfather’s old 1911A.
“That will be the day you and he have that accident. Unless, of course, you are going to be telling a lot of people that you are fucking another man, or if the kids find out. If I can’t be tied to the act, it will just be a case of me coming home and thinking that you are being raped. Boom, boom, out go the lights. The rapist is dead, and you get accidently killed.”
She looked at me and finally understood just how serious I was. She thought about the pistol that I had to protect my family from any threats, and I’m pretty sure that she started to understand that I now thought of her as that threat.
“OK,” she spoke carefully and quietly. “I’ve never brought him here and I never will. I’ll never let the kids, or our friends know.”
“That’s nice. Does anyone at work know? Have you been bragging to your girlfriends about your big dick stud? Has he been bragging about fucking a new slut to any of his buds that we might know?”
“No one at work knows. I haven’t said a word to my friends. I’ll make sure he knows to keep quiet too.”
“Let him know that the day the word gets out is the day he, at least, dies.”
I looked at her as seriously and coldly as I could, then I put the safety back on, which drew a gasp from her. She hadn’t known that I had taken off the safety on the old .45 and was ready to use it. When I closed the safe, I crawled back into bed and turned my back to her. She quietly got out of bed and took another shower to wash her hair and face and pussy. When she came back, she got into bed and stayed on her side of the bed, not allowing her ass to touch me.
My alarm went off and I got up, showered, and dressed for work. I was in the kitchen starting the coffee when she came in.
“You’re moving a little slow bitch. The kids will be down and expecting breakfast. You should get your ass in gear, so they don’t think something is wrong with you.”
“Don’t talk to me like that.”
“When it is just the two of us, I’ll speak to your cheating slut ass any way that I feel like.”
She was just about to raise her voice when our two sons came into the kitchen.
“Hi Dad. Hi Mom. What’s for breakfast today?” our seventeen-year-old, David, asked.
“I just got up, honey. Would you mind just getting yourself some cereal this morning?” she asked sweetly.
“No problem,” he said and the two of them took down bowls and glasses for themselves and their sisters and set the table. When the girls came in, they gave their mother and me a big hug and kisses on the cheek.
“So, kids what’s on the calendar for today?” I asked.
“We don’t have concert band rehearsal tonight. They just texted all of us, and the rumor mill has it that Mr. Smith’s wife caught him cheating on her and he is a bit indisposed,” David said.
“Yeah, the rumor mill has it that his wife took a lamp to him and put him in the hospital,” our sixteen-year-old daughter, KJ (short for Karen Junior, an inside joke) added.
“Where did you find this out?” their mother asked.
“It was blowing up our phones this morning. Their daughter is in the band, and she put out the word on the school network. By the time school starts everyone will know about it,” the fifteen-year-old, Jason, filled in the rest of the story.
Their mother took a seat at the table and looked like her life had just deflated.
“Dear, you do a lot of volunteer work with the band, did you see any hints that Mr. Smith was cheating?” I asked her, raising my eyebrows as I spoke.
“Um ... no ... I never saw or heard a thing about him cheating.”
“Kids, does the rumor mill know who he was cheating on his wife with?” I asked, purposely digging for more info in front of my wife.
“No Dad. But I’m sure that their daughter will begin to let that out once we’re at school. The rumor mill has it that it was one of the band members’ moms though,” that was our fourteen-year-old daughter, Barb.
The four kids and I ate our cereal as their mother drank her coffee in silence. I finished and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I was finishing, she came into the room.
“Remember what I said about keeping your affair quiet,” I said.
“What do you mean?” Karen asked.
“I mean that if you were fucking Mr. Smith, and his wife or daughter start spreading your name around, then he, at least, is dead ... accidentally. See you tonight,” I acted like I was going to kiss her on the cheek, but at the last moment, I turned my head and harrumphed before heading for the garage.
When I got home that evening, I was greeted by four very upset kids.
“Daddy!” KJ ran to me and wrapped me in a tearful hug.
“What’s wrong, KJ?”
“Everyone at school knows,” David told me calmly as he walked towards me from the door to the garage. “We walked in the doors and Mr. Smith’s daughter, Sasha, was standing there. She yelled out, ‘There are the kids of the slut fucking my father’ to everyone who could see us and hear her.”
“Where is your mother?” I said flatly.
“Dad, she is in your room. When Mom walked in after work, KJ bitch slapped her and almost knocked her over,” David said.
“You slapped your mother?” I asked my daughter as she still held me tight.
“I don’t think there was anything around that she could hit Mom with, so she went with her open hand,” Barb said.
I pried KJ off of me, the look on her face a mixture of fear and hate.
“All of you ... sit!” I commanded as I pointed to the living room couch.
When they were all parked, I spoke as calmly as I could.
“I know that she was cheating on us. I found out the other day. My plan was to stay here because, in a divorce, the chances were really good that she would get the house and that meant that she would get custody of you four, and I would have to move out. I wasn’t willing to lose you.”
“Yeah, we kind of figured that one out when we talked about the possibility that mom cheated on the way home. Jason is still really shaking up. He was thinking of asking Sasha out, I think they had a thing started. At lunch she threw her milk at him, in the carton, and yelled that he really was the son of a bitch,” KJ said.
I looked at Jason. He was sitting away from the rest of his siblings.
“Jason, I’m so sorry. But what your mother and Sasha’s father did should have no impact between you and Sasha.”
“She told me that our parents were cheaters, and that meant that we would probably cheat on each other too someday,” he looked me, hopelessness in his eye as well as tears. “Will I be a cheater because mom is?”
I heard a loud gasp behind me and turned to see that Karen was standing near the bottom of the stairs and she had heard her son’s question. I think that she finally figured out what her cheating had done to the kids she supposedly loved. I walked to the stairs.
“Karen, come in here,” I said quietly.
She shook her head no. I yelled at her.
“I said come down here. DO IT ... NOW!”
She jerked back from the volume of my voice and began to step down the stairs. As she got closer to me, I could see the bright red handprint on the side of her face. The hand-shaped welt was raised and looked angry. I took hold of her by her upper arm and pulled her to the living room and pushed her down in my recliner.
“Well Karen, does this look like ‘just a little harmless fun’? DOES IT?“
She shook her head.
“You cheated on us, you fucking bitch,” KJ moaned out.
I let her cuss at her mom and get it out of her system as much as she could.
“When Sasha came to school, she pointed us all out in front of everyone that we were the kids of the slut fucking her dad.”
Karen just shrank into the chair. I looked at my kids and paused long enough that if any of them wanted to say or do anything they could. Finally, I broke the sounds of silence and sobbing.
“Kids, your mom and I talked about this last night. She is going to take you away from me if I divorce her. I can’t lose you. I also told her what would happen if anyone found out. I’ll be right back.” I began to walk towards the staircase as Karen’s head spun around to look at me in horror. I retrieved my 45 from the gun safe and put it in a holster that I clipped to my belt. When I came downstairs, Karen screamed.
“Mick! NO!” She snapped to her feet and ran towards me.
“Kids keep her here and don’t be evil to her. She fucked up and she knows it. I should be back in a little while. If I’m not, then take care of each other and do what you can for your mother,” I turned to go to the garage.
“Mick! NO! DON’T!” Karen tried to stand but couldn’t and ended up on her knees.
“What’s he going to do?” David asked.
“He said that if anyone found out and it got back to you kids, that he was going to kill the guy I was having an affair with.”
“You mean fucking, don’t you? Affair sounds so cute and clean,” KJ spat the words at her mother before she spit on her.
“Dad!” David yelled, and those were the last words I heard as I closed my car door and pulled out through the open garage door.
I peeled out and spun tires up the street towards the Smith house. As I drove closer, I saw a bunch of police cars. Pulling up as close as possible and stuffing my holster and gun under the front seat before getting out. I walked towards the house and as I got closer, I began to recognize some of the people standing around. I walked up to one man that I knew fairly well.
“Hi Pete, what’s going on?” I asked.
“Oh shit! Mick,” Pete looked at me like I just asked the dumbest question in the world. “I guess you know what’s going on.”
“No, I don’t, that’s why I asked,” I said as I was looking over the scene before me.
“You don’t know about Mr. Smith?” Pete asked.
“I know that he was fucking my wife. I just found out and was coming over to have a few words with him,” I said as I was watching the police moving around.
“Well, you’re too late for that. He’s dead from what I’m hearing.”
“Dead? How?” He had my full attention now.
“It looks like someone killed him. Maybe your wife wasn’t his only lover,” Pete said.
I walked towards the nearest police officer as the buzz increased between the people I passed. When I approached the police tape, an officer stopped me and I explained that I needed to speak to the officer in charge, and that I might have information that could help. I was taken to a sergeant.
“Excuse me Sarge. This man says that he may have information on the case,” the escorting officer said.
“And you are?” the sergeant asked me.
“My name is Mick O’Dell.” I handed him my driver’s license. He examined it, wrote down the information on it, and handed it back.
“What information do you have, Mr. O’Dell?”
“I found out last night that my wife was having an affair with Mr. Smith. Today my kids came home telling me that Sasha Smith greeted them at the high school door yelling out to anyone in the area that my four children were the kids of the slut her dad had been fucking.”
“Yes. The kids were very upset when I got home from work and my wife had locked herself in her bedroom. I came over here to take a strip out of Smith’s hide.”
“Well, I’m afraid that you won’t get to do that. Mr. Ryan Smith is dead. Are you armed sir?”
“No Sergeant, I’m not carrying a gun. I own one, but it isn’t on me.”
“So, you were not coming over here to shoot Mr. Smith?”
“I’m not going to tell you that the thought hadn’t crossed my mind after what happened to my kids at school today. But since I’m not carrying, I guess I couldn’t very well do that.”
“Well, Mr. O’Dell, thank you for the information. It does shed some light on a few issues.”
“Sergeant, I’m a bit concerned about Sasha. She and my son were getting close to dating. Is she OK? And his wife, is she OK?”
“Both of them are OK. Right now, it looks like a suicide.”
“Oh. OK.” I stared off past the Sergeant.
“I was wondering if a jealous husband had done it. I’m going to have to confront my wife over the whole thing, and I was wondering if he had more wives than her that he was sleeping with.”
“I don’t know anything about that. You’ll have to wait like us. An officer may come by to speak to your wife.”
“That’s fine. I’ll make sure that she is available.”
I offered my hand and thanked him before returning to my car. I checked that my gun was still there and drove home. I pulled into the garage and walked into a scene of total chaos. Stuff was strewn all over the house and David was trying to control KJ.
“Dad! Help me. KJ has lost it.” My eldest son lost his grip on her as he yelled at me, and KJ blew out of the room and up the stairs. There was a loud pounding and screaming as she beat on my bedroom door. I ran upstairs and grabbed her, spinning her to face me and wrapping her up in a tight hug.
“It’s OK, baby. Calm down,” I spoke in as quiet and calming a tone as I could muster.
“She killed him! She killed him!” KJ kept screaming until she sank into sobs in my arms. I helped her downstairs and had the kids watch her. Well David watched her. Jason and Barb were sitting on the couch holding each other.
“Everybody calm down. I’ll be right back.” I ran upstairs to my bedroom door and knocked softly.
“Karen? Karen, please open the door. We have some very important things to talk about. Please open the door.”
After a few seconds the lock on the door began to turn and the door opened to reveal a completely disheveled and distraught Karen O’Dell. It was apparent that she had been in a fight and had been crying a lot.
I walked into the room and closed the door, leading Karen to the bed. We sat and I tried to smooth her hair away from her eyes and face, but she flinched back.
“You killed him?” She said quietly.
“No, Karen. When I got there, he was already dead. The police officer I spoke with told me that it looked like a suicide.”
“Oh God!” and with that Karen broke down in tears and rolled into a ball as she fell to the floor.
I stood, made sure the 1911A was secured, and returned it to the safe. I knelt beside my wife.
“Karen, I’m going downstairs to talk to the kids. I’m going to order some pizza for us. If you feel up to it, please join us. We all have a lot to talk about.” I stood and left the room.
As I approached the living room, KJ and the others were picking up the living room, putting the unbroken things back in their place and placing the broken items on the dining room table. I walked in, took out my phone and used the pizzeria app to order pizza delivery. We had a standing family order, so it only took a few seconds. When that was done, I returned to the living room where they were still picking up the mess KJ had made.
“Kids, that’s good enough for now. Please come and sit on the couch.” The four of them complied and when they sat on the couch, I sat in my recliner. “Kids, Mr. Smith is dead. I’m assuming that you already know that from what KJ was screaming and from the condition of the house. Please fill me in as to what happened while I was gone.”
“Dad, just after you left, we all got a mass text from Sasha Smith. It just said, “My dad is dead. Damn Karen O’Dell.” Well, when KJ saw that, she went a little nuts, and just started breaking things. Mom came downstairs to see what was going on and KJ attacked her. There was a lot of hair pulling and scratching and when I pulled her off mom, mom took off for the bedroom and locked the door. Then you came home.”
“Jason? Barb?” I looked at my youngest. “Are you two OK?” They both looked shocked but nodded their heads. “David? You?”
“I’m OK, Dad. A little shook up, between Mom and KJ fighting and all the stuff getting broken and Mr. Smith being dead. What happened to him?”
“The cop I talked to said he committed suicide.”
“So, you didn’t shoot him?”
“No David. Is that what started all this?”
“I guess. KJ was screaming about how Mom had killed both of you while she was breaking shit ... sorry Dad, while she was breaking stuff.”
“David, under the circumstances, I think shit is the correct word.” I looked at all of the kids. “When I got there, he was already dead. I never even got into the house because it was surrounded by police tape. We’ll have to wait and see what the police say. They will have someone coming to the house to talk to your mother since she was having an affair with him.”
“Daddy, you really didn’t shoot him?” KJ said in a sobbing whisper.
“No baby, I didn’t. I might have, but I didn’t.”
“Dad, did you see Sasha?”
“No Jason, I didn’t. The house was blocked off by the police.”
“What are we going to do, Daddy?”
“What do you mean, Barb?”
“Sasha is going to make everyone think that we had something to do with her dad getting killed.”
“Well, we didn’t have anything to do with it,” I said trying to sooth my youngest child’s nerves.
“But I did,” Karen said from behind me oat the foot of the stairs. “If I hadn’t been screwing around, it would have never happened. It’s all my fault.”
I stood and quickly stepped to my wife, leading her to the recliner. Karen looked at her eldest daughter with apprehension.
“KJ? Are you cool?” I asked her.
KJ stared at her mother and I could see the rage building.
“KJ!!” I yelled and her head snapped around to look at me. “Calm down. I don’t want any more outrageous actions. As a matter of fact ... David, would you please take Barb and Jason into the kitchen and set the table for the pizza I have coming. I want to talk with KJ and your mom alone.”
“Yes sir. Come on kids, you heard Dad.” David stood and offered hands to his siblings and led them to the kitchen as I returned my attention to the two oldest females in the house.
“KJ, no more hitting your mother. OK?... OK!!??“ I raised my voice, trying to penetrate the hateful gaze KJ had affixed to Karen. “KJ?”
“Yes, Daddy,” KJ took a deep breath and relaxed back into her seat. “I’m sorry for all the damage. I thought Mom had gotten you killed, by making you kill Mr. Smith and then getting arrested for murder.”
“Well that might have happened, but it didn’t. Karen, the police are going to want to talk to you. It might be tonight, it might not. If they come here, I’ll make sure that you are in an area where the kids can’t hear anything.”
“Thank you. I’ve done enough damage for one lifetime. I ruined our marriage. I ruined his marriage. I got him killed.” Her head dropped into her hands and she began to cry again.
“KJ, are you OK? Are you together enough right now?”
“Yeah, Daddy. You’re home and safe. I’m OK. But I’ll never love her again. She is as dead to me as Mr. Smith.” She spoke without any emotion. Her voice was calm certainty.
“Don’t do or say something that you won’t be able to take back later, KJ. Hate is a destructive emotion and it usually takes down the sender as well as the receiver. If you have that much anger, go in the back yard with a softball bat and beat on the ground. It helps, I know.”
The doorbell rang and David came running through the house and answered the front door. He came back with the three pizzas and the two big bottles of root beer, passed us in the other direction, and returned to the kitchen.
“Let’s go eat. We need to talk as a family before it’s too late.”
Karen lifted her head and looked at me, then at KJ. I stood and they joined me in the kitchen. The table was set up as usual with Karen and me at each end of the table and the boys on one side and the girls on the other. KJ made a point of asking Barb to sit next to her mother, which she did. David and Jason had poured the root beer into glasses, and when everyone was set, I gave the signal and the kids reached for pizza.
I waited as normal and Karen waited until I had taken some, but still sat there. I put a slice of her favorite on her plate.
“Karen you need to eat. This is going to be a crazy night, by all accounts, and I don’t want you passing out because you haven’t eaten.”
Karen O’Dell looked at the pizza and then around the table and began to cry again. She began to repeat over and over, “What have I done?” At that point I had to do something unemotional.
“OK everyone. Here is the story as far as I know it. If you have anything to add, that is not name calling or accusatory, please chime in. Last night I confronted your mother about the affair I caught her in. She was more defiant than I would have liked, and implied that she was going to take you four away from me if I divorced her. After some time to think, I decided that I wouldn’t push the issue, but I let her know in no uncertain terms that our marriage and our loving relationship was over. I told her that if what she had done came out or if you kids found out that her lovers were dead men.”
“Lovers? Mother, you had more than one?” KJ spit out.
“NO! No. It was only him, no one else.”
“I reminded her of that this morning, and when I came home, you kids told me what Sasha Smith had done. That is when I got my gun and headed out to the Smith’s house. I had every intent to shoot him. Seeing the police there kind of got my attention. When I got there some of the people we know were there and they knew about the affair.”
“Oh no,” Karen said in a defeated tone.
“I figured that he had gotten shot by another husband, or his wife, or even Sasha.”
“No Dad!” Jason said quickly. “Sasha would never do that. When she was yelling today at school, there was no hate in her voice, only sadness and fear. I know her, she wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“Well, we know that she didn’t shoot him. The officer I spoke to said it looked like a suicide. So maybe his family confronted him, and he couldn’t take the humiliation that was coming as a schoolteacher having an affair with the mother of a student. That is a fact that is yet to be revealed.”
The next morning, everyone was up early and had breakfast and was very excited about going out to the island. They all agreed to wear their bathing suits just in case they wanted a swim afterwards. So putting shirts and shorts over their swimwear and bringing towels, they all went down to the boathouse. Beth told John to check the gas. The boat was good size with a steering wheel and a large outboard motor. “Mom, we could ski with this boat.” Beth was no stranger with this type of boat. Her...
"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Carrie asked. I actually grimaced. "What?" she wondered. "Do you have Christmas tradition like a root canal or something?" "Well, kind of," I replied. "Newspapers run 365 days a year. So people have to work on Christmas, New Year's, Fourth of July, Easter. I try to make sure the staff is only bare bones but I have to have people there. When I got here no salaried person worked the holidays. If you were a manager you were off. They would appoint...
August was hot and miserable. Near 90 degrees and 90% humidity. We celebrated Robin’s second birthday at the lake, all three parents scurrying around to keep the kids corralled in the shallow part of the water. We weren’t the only ones. Saturday was bright, sunny, and hot as the blazes. Every twenty minutes, we called all the kids out of the water, slathered them with sunblock again, and made them wait ten minutes before they ran back to the water. Most of the kids in our neighborhood were...
Totally out of the blue my son rung me up and suggested that we aii go out for dinner.He went on to say that he had a new girlfriend and was it alright for him to bring her down with him, of course we said yes.and so a couple of hours later they arrived and we met Tash for the first time.Tash was’nt paticulary pretty but she did look very nice in the skirt and blouse that she was wearing.i poured all of us a drink which was soon followed by another one.Susan had already had a few drinks and by...
Hello friends, I am Sunny back on ISS with another incident of my mom. hope you liked the previous one i.e is my mom fucked by ann uncle. Waise to maine mera intro last incident me diya tha per jinhone last incident nahi padha unke liye chota sa intro de deta hun. mera nam to apne padh liya, meri age 19 years hai, main CA kar raha hun. main meri mom k sath rehta hun jinka divorce ho gaya tha jab main 5 sal ka tha. Unki age abhi 44 years hai. Unka nam diljit kaur hai, unki height 5’8″, wo thodi...
To story ki shuruwat se pehle mein bata doo mein jis devi ka kutta bana uss malkin ka name pooja hhh. Bahut sundar and beautiful feets hhh. To jyada samay naa lete hue story par aataa hu. Yehtab ki baat hh jab m 10th class me tha mere ghar par koi nhi tha. Uss time par meri ek gf thi jo abb meri malkin hh. So mujhe sex ka bahut shauk tha so mene pooja(malkin) ko phone kara and ghar par bula liya. Wo 10 min baad aai. Fhir mene usse pani diya and some snacks. Pehle mene usse kiss kiya aur wo bhi...
{if Days = 1}You are reading the story in Game Mode.{else}Please click Start Game before you begin reading, or parts of the story won't make a lot of sense.{endif} You wake up in your dorm room on your first morning as a student at Lakehaven Academy. Just a week ago, you had never heard of this place; now, it seems, you will be here for the foreseeable future. You think back over the unlikely chain of events that led to you ending up in this dingy room. Aged eighteen, you recently failed your...
TeenHe was still talking to me very softly and told me that this is what a man would do with his penis so that his semen would shoot into my hole and I giggled again as he used this new word. He hesitated a few seconds and then asked if I had seen a man when he was excited and as I blushed deeply told him I had once seen my brother very hard and did not think I would be able to have one inside me for a long while yet. He was laughing now and told me to relax and he would let me feel what it would...
James MacRae rode into Inverlochy with the Earl’s captain and dismounted at the front of the main building. They were immediately ushered in by the guards to see the Earl. James walked in and saw his sons and nephews sitting and standing around the Earl’s desk, enjoying a drink with him. ‘Boys, it’s good tae see ye’s free again. My thanks tae ye Douglas. I knew ye’d keep them from the Gallows Pole.’ his face clearly showing the happiness of relief. ‘I have my ways of dealing with things,...
How strange to watch my sons ogling the nude women gyrating on the stage, muttering little comments as they celebrated John's last night of freedom. I had never heard of a bachelor party like this, but it had a certain wholesomeness, I supposed. The way I was raised, this was a den of iniquity. For them, seven in all, not counting me, it was a night club. For me, I kept thinking the girls were young enough to be my daughters, which brought a bit of a pang to my heart, since mine had died...
"That would be fun, wouldn't it. But do you think Mark would go along?" Paul asked. "No, no, it's just a fantasy." A few moments of naked cuddling passed. "Did you and Mark ever talk about swinging?" Paul asked. "No. He's so straight." More moments passed. We were kissing deeply and Paul's hand was gently rubbing my very sloppy pussy. His cock was in my hand. "Didn't I read about people complaining about some sort of swinging club near the border?" he asked. "I don't...
She headed to the living area naked, part of the contract terms, looking for Gideon. She found him in the kitchen, in only a pair of pajama pants, making breakfast. He smiled at her over his shoulder as he flipped eggs in a pan, motioning for her to sit at the table. She did so, folding her hands in her lap. “How did you sleep?” He asked, dumping the eggs onto a serving plate before flipping a set of pancakes on the griddle. “I slept well thank you. I’m a little sore.” She responded shyly....
I feel like there is something I have to add for those of you who are unaware. Over here in the UK, 16 is the legal age you are allowed to have sex. I know the age varies, thus I feel I have to include this just for convenience.Another story about me sharing my gorgeous girlfriend, Bella.This (just like the rest) is a true story.It had been a while since I had shared Bella with anyone else, not for not wanting to, just because there wasn't an opportunity that came up to share her in.We had been...
Deniz is a 34 year old man raising a daughter on his own. His wife died many years ago and he was completely over it. In fact, he didn't even miss her but he feigned it for his daughter on occasions. He hated his wife and everything that she was. The only thing he had to be thankful for from his dead-wife was the beautiful daughter she had given him. It was true that his daughter's looks were turning into his wife's but that wasn't a bad thing -- she had been a knock out. She had blonde hair,...
Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about three couples exploring the naughty world together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. For those who think sex after marriage is monotonous and is not much enjoyable, this story tells how it was different in my case. Well, I was married to a beautiful girl who was also brilliant. We both were working in top companies. Our sex life rocked at the beginning...
Imagine with me that we are both in a tropical country, but we don't know each other and have never met. Late one evening I am out walking on the beach enjoying the sunset and I see this Perfect sexy young lady lying on the beach looking far off over the ocean.. I walk past to shy to say anything to you but you notice me.. in your mind you say, maybe this trip isn't a bust..! I slightly notice you look at me as I walk past and wonder what you are thinking.. But I decide to keep going and see...
Straight SexThanks for all the compliments for the first part of this story. Before reading this part, I strongly suggest you read the first part. As my hot ex-girlfriend Sruthi left the library after my fingering, I couldn’t control myself, so I went to my room and relieved myself by stroking, thinking about everything that had happened in the library. I really want to fuck this bitch after having that erotic session. So, I messaged her. Rithwik: Sorry for everything. Sruthi: You don’t deserve to talk...
Joe and his friends escorted the helpless young couple back to their room, walking at a leisurely pace across the parking lot to the accompaniment of blasting horns from passing cars, a comment on the beautiful, naked young woman in their midst. They split up at the door to the room. Joe went inside with Susan and gathered up their belongings. Then they left in Joe's car. Susan slumped down in her seat, still naked. She only spoke once. She asked where Lanny was. Joe responded with an evil...
I have been a firefighter for years but nothing in all my training ever prepared me for what happened last night. We had a call to a house for an electrical short in a breaker panel. Only minor damage was done but still the lady of the house was worried. We did a secondary search of the house, surrounding walls and found nothing. I explained to this very lovely, yet scantily clad young woman she had nothing to fear. She asked if I could come back and check it the morning. I told her there was...
Jace slept beside her. Susan held him close and gently kissed his forehead. Within her, his cock slowly deflated and slipped from her body. She sighed, releasing him as he rolled to his back. For a moment, she rose on her elbows and gazed at her husband. Love and warmth flooded her. As much as she had loved their weekend with Phil and Melinda, it felt good to be home in their own house, their own bed. Giving Jace another kiss while he slept, she slipped from the bed and walked to the...
Goosebumps broke out all over the fourteen-year-old girl's flesh. Her heart was beating in her ears and her body trembled as she watched the older man place his camera on the floor and lean forward to place his face between her legs. Kathy wanted to speak, to tell him not to kiss her there, but the throbbing lump in her throat prevented the child from issuing a sound! The innocent young girl was scared half to death, but she couldn't move! Her body seemed frozen. Her fingers continued...
After the episode in the woods Angela felt sorry that she had betrayed her husband and she determined that she would not have anything to do with Jonny. She would take her chances with his internet threat. Anyway, she had had no contact from Jonny since that time and it was three weeks since that fateful day. Life went on as normal.Just then Angela's mobile ring tome went to show she had a message. When she checked the text she found a link to a website and a message from Jonny: thought you...
We were awoken by blaring alarms, the emergency lighting in the dorm glowing red. We climbed out of bed, sticky and covered in stale sweat. Raz kissed the back of my neck, and I rubbed my eyes, wondering what time it was. “What is it?” she asked, “a drill?” “I don’t think so,” I replied, concern replacing my grogginess. “Let’s get our uniforms on, I think something serious might be happening.” We got dressed and opened the door to the hall, poking our heads out to see that the other...
Harley was afraid he was about to pass out. "God damn it boy, hang on. Just hang on another hundred yards," he growled to himself. As he drove up into the yard, Ida Marie came hurrying out of the house, an anxious expression on her face. It turned to alarm as she saw her husband step out of the driver's side, naked below the waist, a tired and battered, but triumphant, grin on his face. She ran up to him and hugged him, as she tried from her husband to draw whatever courage was necessary...
The sun has been shining from a blue sky all day, bright, intense, and hot. She's my flatmate, and I had spent much of that day sitting in the sunlight, reading, and trying as hard as possible to catch glimpses of her skin.She wasn't dressed well for that sort of furtive voyeurism. The curve of her breasts under cotton was certainly alluring, but after a day of that, I wanted to see more. And although the outline of her arse through denim was lovely...Well. Jeans shouldn't be allowed on a day...
AnalI was then only 18 and was just learning to notice the changes that my body was undergoing so fast. With the advent of puberty, hair started to form all over and soft hairs covered my pubic region, armpits, face and partly my chest. My penis grew bigger and all of a sudden it started getting hard and erect. The foreskin which was tight so long had loosened quite a deal and it could be drawn right back, exposing my bright red cock head. At nights I started getting erotic dreams and my cock used...
For a couple of weeks, a friend of mine since High School has been blackmailing me into having gay sex with him. Actually, I've been the one sucking cock and getting my ass fucked. He came over to my apartment about three weeks ago and was helping me fix my computer while we took in some of the NCAA tournament basketball games. He identified the virus on my computer but he also found some gay porn sites that I had viewed. I had never had sex with another man before. Nor had I really ever...
“Don’t forget to close the door,” he said as set out the plates for their evening meal, “It’s going to get cool quickly now the sun’s going down.” “I can see what we brought to eat if you like, in our backpacks.” “Sure, that would be helpful but I’ve got most stuff although it’s all dried.” Between them they had some reasonably fresh bread, cheese, margarine and soup. As Leslie sat at the kitchen table Frank opened cans and packets, arranged rolls and pulled together enough to make their...
Alice woke to a fine day. She was relieved that she did not have the cramps that had troubled her for the last few days. No, today she felt very much alive and wanting to get on with her life again. Looking outside she saw it was a fine warm day, just perfect for her garden club gathering.Alice showered and then slipped on a long summer dress. It was one of her favorite dresses, yellow, pink and patches of red. It hugged her upper body, leaving her arms bare, then flared out from her hips, and...
ReluctanceMs Cameron, my personal assistant buys presents for my wife, I simply have no time available, when work takes up most of my day. She is my gatekeeper. My wife has come to work for a lunch date to celebrate her birthday. Ms Cameron has left a large wrapped present to give to my wife, Ali. I walk in to the board room my wife is immaculately presented her jet black hair is freshly coiffed at the salon, her clothes are haute-couture, her make up is minimal. She is drinking a glass of champagne with...
Introduction: This is the 2nd part in an ongoing series I am writing. This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you dont like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy. ———————- ———————- You should read part 1 first. ———————- ———————- Cool Spring Nights (Part 2: Loose1 gain2) It was somewhere near 4am when the police arrived. I remember them helping me get up and dressed but then somewhere along the line...
My parents were in the kitchen when I woke up Sunday morning. I almost didn't go in there, but I didn't really have a choice. The world seemed different now that I'd had sex with my own mother. I waited for something terrible to happen and I felt sick with fear and guilt, or maybe just fear. I might have only wanted to feel guilty, because that would be normal, right? The fact was that I was afraid of the future, of the consequences, but looking back, I kind of enjoyed remembering the...
The boy calls Jackson: "Jackson! Do you know who's doing his job here? Nobody!" shouted Rico. "Chill, Rico. I was just taking a break!" "Did I say you could take a break!?" "Geez, Rico! Why are you always like this?" "Just go back to work, if you wanna get paid!" shouted Rico, as he left to the counter of his bar and sat there, doing his job: making sure Jackson does his job. Jackson went back to work, still trying to flirt with a few girls while he does his job. Later that...
Mother is jealous of her daughters large breasts. The Globes of Power All characters in this story are over 18 years old. Chapter One Sandra Thompson, the middle-aged woman with petite frame and short, light brown hair, stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner. She glanced down at her small breasts, feeling insecure as she always did when her youngest daughter was nearby. Emily, her older daughter, had a slim figure and long dark hair. Sophia, her youngest daughter, slim with long dark hair like...
IncestHi guys, my name is Raj, and I am 22 years old from Delhi. I live with my parents in Delhi. I am going to share a real story with you about how I lost my virginity to a married woman. So coming directly to the story now. I had finished my exams and was going to a wedding in my family before I start searching for a job. Since the wedding was in Mumbai, we booked our tickets and headed to my cousin’s place. We arrived there 2 days before the wedding. As usual, my mom started introducing me to a...
Summer has finally arrived; and being 19 I’ve completed all of my collage courses for the semester about a week ago. After struggling to find some cash during the year I figured it would be in my best interest to pick up a part job at the local pizza delivery shop, for next semesters spending money. After getting the position as head delivery guy I’ve kind of had to sleep in during the days as I make deliveries until 4am. Unfortunately, my 18-year-old sister still has to go to school, and every...
It was a warm summer evening, I left home to follow my sighs again, but what had happened over my wildest dreams ...I was 16 then, I went to a parallel class in high school and ... I fell in love with a newly-discovered girl. She was a lovely brunette of medium height with bright complexion and very feminine shapes, if not for the situation I met her, I would take her as a student. I was shy and did not have any special experience with girls, so I wanted to develop this knowledge cautiously...
Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked. Please comment.This is a true story about a bengali slut getting fucked. More to follow.She was 5ft 3 and weighed 50kg. She had all the curves in the right places. She was dress size 8 to 10. Her breast size was 32c. She has almond eyes and wears hijab. She has wore tight jeans show of her ass as loved the attention from the guys perving on...
Introduction: To prelude the story, Ill start off by saying that it is indeed a 100% true story. Names of all of the people except for my brother and I were omitted to protect their identities. Our last name is also omitted to avoid legal or familial ramifications. This story is written from my point of view. However, it is a collaborative effort that was authored by both my brother and I equally. We mostly did this story as a bit of a recap of just how far weve come, and it was originally not...
Lady Funaho had changed little since Mihoshi had last seen her. But then, she had 'changed' little in the last thousand years if the truth were told. One did not bring such matters up around the queen of Jurai However, if one wished to remain in good health. "I would say that this is an unexpected pleasure." The queen politely intoned. "But of course we know that would be untrue." Kiyone stood staring, uncharacteristically mute. Mihoshi however, having met the queen on more than one...
Finally after 10 months of chatting exchanging photos and even Skyp'ing twice, by a miracle of fate, I was going to actually be with Kim. Kim is my FANTASSY, ON-LINE TRANSEXUAL LOVER. Kim lives in the UK so it always was just a mutual fantasy that we would ever meet. Then fate smiled on both of us, Kim is earning her PhD and has taken a sabbatical. She is coming to the states to attend a world class mathematical seminar at the Courant Institute in NY City. She will be here for two whole weeks!!...
Part FiveHubby has now left the building, to stay at his hotel and watch his unfaithful wife take black cock in all of her hungry holes. He'll watching the link he set up on his iPad and iPhone from the various cameras he set up around the bedroom, plus he doesn't think I'm aware of the camera in the lounge! I'll deliberately put that one to good use.The twins Yani and Dex should be here in about 10 minutes and everything is prepared.The wine is chilling in an ice bucket, I've put some porn on...
I'm usually not given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn'thelp myself. Niccole, my eighteen-year-old niece, had lefther bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in thehallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thinmaterial of the night gown had tangled in her hair and wasbunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying toseparate hair and gown and unaware of my presence, she wasoblivious to the scene she presented. And a delightful sceneit was. Even though I knew it...
Personen: Jack (Janine) - 18 Jahre alt, wird zur Transe Janine Andi - 40 Jahre alt, Vater von Jack und Chef eines Energiekonzerns
The next two weeks crawled by with little new happening. Okay, one thing did happen. Terry tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease: she was pregnant. Some men think pregnant women are the same as any other women, they're wrong, they're more so! For one thing their libidos get cranked up a notch and believe me it was almost bad enough before to kill me. Luckily I found out that I didn't have to be there all the time for them to have sex. It did surprise me when I walked into our...
FRAGEBOGEN FÜR FRAUEN Alter:21Familienstand:ledig Kinder: 0Körpchengröße:75b Kopf Haarfarbe:rot manchmal blondKopf Haarlänge:lang Schamhaar Farbe: braunSchamhaar länge:mittelWenn Rasiert wann das erste mal:13 Wie sieht deine Pussy aus?schön Augenfarbe:braunGröße:156Gewicht:50Tatoos:jaPiercing: jaWas hast du beim Schlafen an:ShirtWas gefällt dir an deinem Körper am Besten?Po Wie viele feste Beziehungen hattest du:5Wie viele sexuelle „Partner“ hattest du:genugWie alt waren deine jüngsten/ältesten...
=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 3 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. https://www.deviantart.com/trust-machines/ Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike...
It was the strangest dream. I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club. I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance. We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment, we all sat right at the edge of the dance floor. ...
TransThe devil lord’s name was Marus, and he was an incubus. Not just any incubus, but a very powerful incubus. For ten years he had made war with the kingdom of Arlain, for ten years his forces had battered and beaten at the boarders of that fair land. They had met with some success, it had to be said, many towns, villages and even a few cities had fallen under their nightmarish sway. But the center parts of the kingdom, the brightest jewel of Arlain, it’s capital city and it’s place, had evaded...
Fantasy“Look, this is what you are going to wear, he really wants to see you in it, I mean you asked for it and he bought it for you, you have to.” Jim was sitting in the room as Lori was looking over the package that had come that afternoon. As soon as it arrived, Jim called Lori at her office and said that it had arrived and it was in a nice discreet black wrapping, not a cheap package that screamed out sex or anything like that Jim explained to her over the phone. It was here and it was in the...
First TimeMy name is seema and i m from indore. Aap ko meri pahali kahani bhai se raat main sote huwe chudwaya aur chote bhai se bathroom main chudai and do bhayyio se mast chudai and mama mami aur seema kaise lagi agar aap ne we kahani to zaroor padi hogi agar nahi padi hain to use padh lijiye ga. Naye redars ko main apna intro. De doon. Mera fig. 34/28/36 hai. Aur iski wajah mai khud hi hun jo 18 saal ki umr se hi sex ki taraf zyada dhyan dene lagi thi. Wese to hamara parmanante ghar indore se 75 km...
Transitions III by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 5 - The Works As Sherri put the car in park, rolled up the windows and turned off the ignition, what she had been up to finally penetrated my mind. It was basically trial by fire. Instead of coddling me, she had been pushing the envelope, forcing me to confront my new reality. Rather than waiting for her, I got out of the car and closed the door. When she got out of the car, I was leaning on the roof of the car, arms crossed, looking...
Doctor's Office - First visit by strangefun I sat on a examination table in the dermatologist's office, dressed only in my briefs and a flimsy hospital gown, tied at the back of my neck and completely exposing my back side, waiting for a doctor to come in and check my insect bites that were not healing well, which I got on my last excursion to the forest. I was trying to keep my excitement down, being so wonderfully exposed, but my tight briefs were straining to hold my semi-erect...
Hello, guys, this is an awesome site.This has made me tell you all the experience I had. I am sure you will love it. I am a medico from Hyderabad and a hot guy. All girls address me as “Hero” ???? Ok, here it goes. I went to attend a conference at Mysore last year. I had checked into a beautiful hotel, it had a very romantic environment but I was all alone. I was just moving around in the corridor listening to music, I saw a hot girl entering into the room next to mine. Guys, she was sizzling hot....
im 31 i currently live in okauchee lake ,wi. i was an all american in highschool football and played baseball, and basketball too. I also spent 9 years boxing. i never made it out of Golden Gloves, but that was by choice to pursue a college degree. not to mention it was rough on my body. Afetr playing a year of d1 football i dropped out. im not proud of it, but being a student athlete at my college wasn't easy. I then went onto my passion...COOKING. i went to culinary school in chicago,ill for...
Katie versus Laura I drove slowly through the traffic leaving the airport, it was nearly five pm on a Friday afternoon in early June, and I had a suspicion it would take at least an hour to get home so I did my best to distract myself from the annoyances of stop-and-go driving. After spending the week in Chicago I was exhausted: mentally and physically, unfortunately, not sexually. On Monday, I had flown to Chicago, ending my long Memorial Day weekend by starting three and half days of...
Michael had graduated from high school two weeks before and was still goofing off before he had to start the cutting the first crop of hay for both farms. He and his best friends had gone camping and returned home about 4 PM on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Michael's mother, Meghan was upset that Rorke had not returned home. His father had left right after breakfast to ride the fences on the North pasture and said he would return by one o'clock at the latest. It was almost four by then....
June the 26th, 1906 was a clear, bright, late summer's day in the Baltic port of Libau. Nowadays, the port and town is called Liepaja in the Latvian language but in 1906, it was known by its German name, Libau. Over a year ago the Tsar's Second Pacific Squadron had set out to meet the Japanese Fleet at the Battle of Tsushima on the other side of the World. Now, its shattered remnants began to retrace their route back to the Russian Naval base at Kronshtadt in the Neva estuary. First came...