Fallen Fruit – Jenna Gets Her Brat free porn video

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If you’re reading a chapter in this series for the first time, please read the short Introduction for the background and set up.

There was one girl in particular who’d been in the store several times that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. She was a big-breasted girl, and quite pretty, but obviously thought way too highly of herself, and always had way too much attitude with her high school friends and us as well. She was rude, condescending, and just an all around bitch. But the good part was we’d seen her take stuff a number of times, and I knew she’d be an easy catch next time she came in. We both wanted to get our hands on her and teach her a good lesson, but I knew it would be so much more fun if she received it from a woman, so I called dibs.

When it eventually happened one afternoon it went down just as I though it would. She’d dumped a bunch of stuff in her bag with no idea that today was the day she’d actually get busted for it, and when I buzzed her at the exit I could tell she was more pissed off at having been caught for something she’d gotten away with several times before than concerned about the consequences. She handled it like a truly spoiled brat, loudly protesting her innocence and threatening to sue even as I pulled the items from her bag. There were only a few other people the store, and they were obviously just as annoyed with her as we were. When I escorted her to the employee door I saw more than one of them smile.

Once upstairs I confronted her with the fact that we had several recorded incidents of her on tape and that she was looking at multiple counts of shoplifting. Since she knew it was true she couldn’t call my bluff, but continued to act like a complete bitch anyway, and it wasn’t until I picked up the phone to call the police that she finally shut up. Seeing her reaction to the reality of her situation, I offered her the option of avoiding the police without specifying what that option was. What she was thinking it might be I couldn’t say but she took it, and was in for her second big surprise of the day. I grabbed her by the wrist and walked her into the playroom.

I led her past the bed to the chest of goodies against the far wall, and when I opened it up she was shocked. In it was a myriad of sex toys, straps, bindings, and a few other nasty looking items. I reached in and grabbed two wrist cuffs and immediately put them on her, clipping them together before she had the chance to resist, then raised her hands above her head and clipped the cuffs to a hook on the wall, leaving her their safely secured while I turned my attention back to the chest.

“No fucking way!” she said in her shrill, bitchy voice as she pieced together what she was in for. I froze and looked at her.

“It’s this or the police, you made your choice. And trust me, you made the right one. With the amount of stuff we have on you, you’d be pretty much fucked.” Then it occurred to me, “Actually, I guess you’re fucked either way.” I smiled at her as she went pale. She began to pull at the bindings over her head in a momentary panic. Watching her struggle made my nipples hard.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking freak pervert?! You can’t do this! It’s against the law.”

I reached in and found a ball gag for her and walked over. “Look, you little bitch, you got yourself into this, now you’re going to have to deal with it.” I put the ball directly into her mouth and quickly reached back and did the clasp. And while she was figuring out what to do about that, I grabbed the waist of her shorts and pulled them open, sending popped buttons skittering across the room as I yanked them, along with her panties, down to her ankles.

Ignoring her muffled protest and leaving her oddly exposed like this, hanging on the wall in just her t-shirt, bra, and sneakers, I returned to the chest and slowly sorted through it for what I would need. I first grabbed another set of cuffs and put them on the table, then a long black spreader bar, a thin butt plug, a pair of nipple clips, and a wand vibrator, also placing each on the table for her to see. Then lastly, and with great effect, I brought out a long, shiny pair of wallpaper scissors, snipping them a few times in the air while staring into her wide eyes before putting them down with the rest of the items.

I grabbed the cuffs and walked back to her, bringing myself right up against her body. I stood a good five inches taller than her in my heels, which helped a great deal with intimidation. “If you resist,” I said flatly, “it gets worse.” I bent down and pulled her shorts off over her sneakers, then put the cuffs on each of her ankles, clipping them together as I’d done with her wrists. I then picked up the scissors and grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it away from her body and giving it a quick cut. Holding both sides of the nick I pulled it open, tearing it up to her collar and revealing a rather nice lacy bra over her more than ample breasts.

Having no intention of hurting her, but again for maximum effect, I placed the bottom half of the scissor on her collar bone between her suspended arm and her neck, and carefully cut the sleeves and collar of her shirt, liberating her from it. Then I cut first one strap, then the other of her bra before laying the length of the scissor upwards against her abdomen, and sliding them slowly against the skin between her breasts under her bra. One last snip, and it fell away to the floor.

Trading the scissors for the long bar, I got down next to her feet and hooked the two cuffs to the each end of the spreader, then hooked the bar to the wall, and stood back up to get a good look at my captive brat. The sight was enough to make me completely wet.

In front of me was a sandy brown brunette of about 5’5”. Her big, beautiful breasts were proportionate to the rest of her healthy body. She didn’t quite look like an athlete, but she certainly wasn’t fat, or even overweight, just a nicely shaped big girl. Intriguingly, she had not a single trace of pubic hair, and I wondered how a high school girl could afford laser removal. Must be a rich bitch on top of everything else. If only daddy could see her now, I thought.

After all my work I wanted some reward. I got down on my knees in front of her to get a good look at her pretty kitten, entirely smooth with her inner lips not quite tucked away. Placing my hands flat on the front of her hips and using my thumbs to pull her open and expose her clit, I leaned in and gave it a quick couple of flicks to tease her. She let out a soft whimper, whether from fear or pleasure I couldn’t tell. I placed my tongue along her lips and drew slowly up, repeating this a few times to get her wet, turning her whimpers gradually into moans. Then, to remind her she was still in for it, I pinched her clit hard with my thumb and middle finger, giving her a jolt.

“Some of this is going to be nice, and some of it will not be as nice,” I said, not looking up at her but instead talking to her pussy. “But I can almost guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your punishment in the end.”

I stood up and reached for the clamps, and put one on each of her large, marble-sized nipples. Again a moan of protest came from her, and I lightly swatted her breasts. “Ah-ah, no complaining.” Upon seeing her scowl I smacked her boobs more roughly. “And no frowning either.” When it didn’t go away I hit the sides of her tits hard enough to make a good loud slapping noise, shocking her expression into one of confusion. “The rules are going to change quick and often, so you’d better keep up and do as I say.”

From the drawer in the table I brought out a bottle of lubricant and poured a liberal puddle of it into my hand, which I then spread between her legs, massaging her entire crotch thoroughly. The slippery liquid quickly spread through my fingers and I began to insert them singly and doubly into both her holes. With my free hand I flicked the ends of the nipple clips, bouncing them up and down. All of this made her moan quite a lot, almost continuously as I raped her with my hand and abused her tits, and the expression on her face was both one of terror and arousal.

“See what I mean? Some times nice, sometimes not so nice. But you have to admit, you really do deserve this.” I was ready to fuck with her mind now along with the rest of her.

“Do you like it when I finger fuck your pussy like this? Is this how you do it when you’re all alone and there’s no one around to be a bitch to?” I slipped my two middle fingers up into her and pulled forward against her g-spot, fucking her roughly. Her knees buckled a bit as the weight of her body fell against my palm.
“And how about the nice big ass of yours?” I removed my hand from her pussy and pushed my middle finger back and up into her well-lubed anus, evoking a muffled scream. Whether she liked it or not, it eased right in and she immediately began to clench around my sliding digit. “Oh!” I said with patronizing sympathy, cooing softly to her. “Have we never had anything shoved up our ass before? I bet there’s a lot of people who’d like to do this to you, don’t you think?”

I pulled my finger out and reached over for the butt plug, applying a stream of lube to the tip until it ran down the length and onto my hand. Placing it between her legs I continued, “How many people do you think have ever thought ‘I wish that bitch would shove it up her ass?’” I pushed the plug into her gradually, working her open with it until it passed the widest point, only an inch across, and nestled up into her. I held it with my fingers, pressing the base up against her. “Well now you can tell them you have. And you can tell them you liked it, too. Don’t you like it?” I flicked her nipples again, waiting for her answer. When she only stared at me and moaned I flicked them much harder. “Answer me, bitch! Don’t you like it?” She nodded compliantly. “Good! See, I thought you might. Bad girls like you always liked to be ass-fucked.”

I reached over and grabbed the wand vibrator and ran my lubed hand over the bulb. Then I turned in on to the lowest setting and held it up to her pussy. “Now I’m going to give you an extra special treat!” Working it across her lips, I ultimately held it right over her clit, again making her knees buckle, bring her suspended weight down on to the humming knob. I pressed it up against her, forcing her to stand back up, also making her unable to pull away.

“I’m going to make you cum for me, whether you want to or not. You were so good about letting me shove it up your ass, I’m going to reward your clit with a nice buzz job. I turned up the intensity and returned it you her pussy again, pressing up hard. Just to make it worse I reached behind her and started pulling the plug back and forth, tugging at her sphincter.

Her moans were growing more and more violent as I continued to abuse her. The bulb on her clit was making her buck and shout, and I’m sure my pulling at her asshole only made it worse. My panties were soaked watching her struggle against her sensitive clit, and when she started cumming I thought I was going to cum right along with her. But I kept the bulb up against her, mercilessly sending a continuous shock through her pussy. She was screaming now beneath her gag, and straining uncontrollably against the hook over her head.

Once the first big wave of torturous orgasm had gone through her I backed off the wand to give her a short break. I put my face up to hers and kissed her as she struggled to catch her breath. “Good girl,” I whispered. “Almost done.” I put the wand back on her and her moans once again filled the room, but I held my face up to her ear and kept talking to her.

“You’re very pretty, you know. I don’t see why such a pretty girl has to be such a bitch all the time. Do you think because you’re pretty you can get way with things, is that it?” I pressed the wand more firmly against her for emphasis. Another orgasm was already beginning and she started to sway this time with the convulsions. I wanted to get her to the point of physical exhaustion, and it seemed like we were getting close. I flicked her nipples again just for fun.

I let her scream and cum for a bit then gave her another rest. She was almost crying now, barely able to tolerate the treatment I was giving her. I whispered, “Are you ready to say you’re sorry?” She lifted her head slightly, trying to nod as emphatically as she could. “I don’t believe you,” I said, returning the wand to her clit.

Her scream this time was one of complete anguish. Her pussy was sending jolt upon jolt of electric pleasure through her to the point of pain, and it wouldn’t stop. With this last final orgasmic assault on her I knew I had her where I could do just what I wanted next. I kept her going for a few final moments, selfishly enjoying the control of jamming the wand on to her cunt, then I at last stepped back and turned it off, setting it aside. Reaching up between her legs, I slowly pulled the plug from her ass and put it with the wand.

I got down and unhooked her ankles from the bar, and when she tried to stand upright her legs nearly gave out. I pulled her feet together and refastened them, then stood up and unhooked her hands. Her arms fell heavily to her side and she fell forward onto me. I caught her in my arms but quickly hooked her wrist cuffs together behind her back, then I eased her down to the floor onto her knees. As she sat back I hooked her wrists to her ankles before she slumped aback against the wall. I held my face up to hers.

“I’m going to take this gag off you, and you’d better behave when I do, yes?” She nodded wearily. I unhooked the strap and removed it, tossing it to the floor, then immediately held her face in my hands and kissed her on the mouth. Her jaw was so tired she could only acquiesce, and I let my tongue roll freely with hers. I pulled back and looked her in the eye, still holding her face. “You’re going to pay me back now for what you’ve done, ok?”

Almost sobbing, she said what she had probably been trying to say for quite a while. ‘I’m sorry,” she pleaded. “Stop hurting me, please”

“I believe you this time, but we’re not finished yet.” I said, standing up and pulling off my shirt. “For now I want what you’ve been having, and I want you to give it to me.” I undid my bra and quickly wriggled out of my pants and panties, then stepped back to her. Standing right in front of her I took her head in both hands again and turned her face upwards, looking her in the eyes. “You’re going to suck me off, now, like a good little bitch. And don’t worry, it won’t take long. I’m so fucking horny I could cum just looking at you. Is your mouth ok yet?” She nodded. “Show me your pretty tongue, please.” She opened her mouth like a baby bird, laying her tongue out on her lower lip, and I pulled her forward, placing it on my dripping wet pussy. She was tentative, and her tongue withdrew, but I held her in place and gave her some instruction.

“Tongue out, please, and lick my lips like an ice cream cone. Ahhh, yes, just like that. Good girl.” The warmth from my pussy poured through me as she gradually got the hang of it. It felt so good and I’d waited so long that I just leaned forward and rested my head on the wall, holding onto her head and using her for support. “Now lick my clit a little, mmmm, yessss.” I really was going to cum pretty quickly, not so much from her tongue on me, but from the amazingly erotic nature of the whole situation. My very own submissive plaything under my total control; young, naked, and ready for abuse. “That’s it my little bitch, suck my sweet pussy and make me cum.”

And she did. In just a few short moments I was leaning heavily against the wall, one hand supporting me, the other hold her head tightly between my legs as I came hard against her face. Somewhere underneath my moans I could hear her struggling to breathe as she lapped at my tingling lips, her nose bumping my clit, sending ripples of pleasure through me. Finally I let myself slip down onto her lap, straddling her, as I lifted her face up to me and kissed her sloppy, wet face.

“See, you can be a good girl if you put your mind to it,” I said, kissing her again. “Now all there is left to do is fuck the bitch right out of you.”

I reached behind her and once more undid her clips, freeing her arms and legs, then stood up and slowly helped her rise. Walking her over to the bed I instructed her to lie down with her hands towards the top bedposts. Each of the four posts on the bed had a length of tether attached to it, and after tying both wrist cuffs in place I went back to the chest for two extra lengths of rope. Instructing her to come up onto her knees, I ran the rope on both sides from the top posts, around her knees, and through her ankle cuffs, ultimately securing her to the bottom posts. She was fully tied off and prone on the bed.

Going back to the chest I got two good-sized dildos, my harness, and the bottle of lube, bringing it all back to the bed with me. On my knees behind her I held the lube up over her and gave it a squeeze, sending a trickle of slippery down over her ass and down her crack, making her wriggle and squeal. After first smoothing it over her shapely flesh, I gave her two simultaneous spanks with both hands, hard and loud. “Stop your squirming, little girl. You’ve been doing so well, don’t disappoint me now.”

Picking up one of the dildos I ran my slippery hand up and down its length before putting it up against the opening of her pussy, pressing the head up and down slightly before easing it in. Working it in slowly and gradually, in a short time I was pressing it fully up into her. She was moaning appreciatively, no longer scared or tortured, but genuinely enjoying what I was giving her. A gave her a few minutes of this, bringing her gently up to a small orgasm and allowing her to hold still as it subsided. When I slipped my finger in her ass again, her appreciative mood began to pale again as she realized where it was heading.

“No, please don’t do that to me. Please.” She sounded tired, but there was real concern in her voice, and some of the fear was coming back. “Please, I’ve done everything you asked, and I promise not to do it again. Please don’t stick it in there. I can’t take it.”

“You can take it, and you will,” was all I said to her. Whether she sensed the finality of my tone or not, she didn’t protest any more after that. I had eased two fingers into her now, relaxing her sphincter as I moved them back and forth. After working in a third I’d gotten her to gape enough that I knew I could fit the dildo in comfortably now. Comfortably for me, anyhow.

Taking the dildo from her pussy I placed the tip against her ass and pressed, firmly enough to enter whether she wanted it or not. “Relax and accept it. It’ll only hurt if you resist it, and I won’t let you resist it, because it’s going in there no matter what.”

She eased the tension in her body and sure enough it slipped right in. Once the head breached her ring the slippery shaft just followed through. The gasp she let out was not one entirely of discomfort or pain, but of surprise and uncertainty.

“There, now, my pretty little bitch. As soon as you cum with this cock up your ass, I’ll let you go.” I was going easy on her still, gently rocking her back and forth, letting the dildo slip in and out against the momentum of her body. I wanted her to get used to it and even enjoy it before picking up the intensity again. It seemed to be working, because her hesitant grunts were cautiously becoming accepting sighs, and it wasn’t long at all before her hips were moving back to meet each thrust, and the toy was moving a good five or six inches in and out each time.

“Starting to enjoy it now?” I asked as sweetly as I could.

“Oh, wow,” she said with genuine pleasure in her voice. “That actually feels really good. I can’t believe it.” She kept her head down on the mattress as her body swayed rhythmically along the cock. “Mmmmmm, god. Please keep doing that so I’ll cum. Please.”

I let her work herself up for another few minutes, giving her a chance to really build up to it. It took a little longer than I thought, but eventually she began to cum, her moans growing louder as she willingly impaled her ass.

“Very good!” I said encouragingly. “Promise not to be such a bitch to everyone anymore?”

“Oh, fuck!” She was cumming fully now. “Yes! I promise! I promi--,” Her voice trailed of in a sort of sobbing moan as the height of her orgasm passed through her. As it did I slowed her down and pressed the dildo as far into her as she allowed, then brought her to a stop.

“Good. But just to make sure, there’s just a little bit more.” I reached over and put the other dildo into the harness and put it on, working it between my legs and around my hips as fast as I could in order to get inside her while she was still feeling her orgasm. Once on I put some lube on the tip and pressed it up against her pussy, immediately sliding it in.

“OH FUCK!!” She was more shocked by this than I thought she would be, but I knew she both deserved it and would enjoy it, so I pressed it in further, taking hold of the dildo in her ass for more complete control. I sensed her holding her breath at the intensity of it, knowing full well what it felt like to be completely filled with cock.

“Breathe, little girl. Relax and breathe, you’ll like it more.”

“AAAHHHH, GOD!!!” she screamed when the air finally came, followed by several seconds of panting, and several more seconds of silence before finally beginning to relax and accept it. I was rocking my hips into her steadily, forcing her to deal with how intense it was, thoroughly turned on by fucking her like this. The view of her cute young ass with both holes stuffed made my pussy melt. As I fucked her I pressed my clit up against the base of my dildo, and I knew when she started to cum again I would be joining her.

“Ohhhhhh, SHIT!! Omigod, omigod!!” She was having a very good time of it, and I began fucking her faster, pulling the dildo in her ass back with me when I withdrew, double fucking her, harder and harder. I knew she’d have no choice but to cum soon, and my clit was really starting to hum. I selfishly started to press harder still, humping the back of the dildo as it move fast and rough into her, and both of us started to orgasm, both of us shouting now. Letting go of the dildo, I grabbed on to her hips to steady myself a my body shook. She was nearly still, more or less paralyzed by the severity of it all, alternately screaming out and panting as I pumped her holes. After what seemed like minutes but surely was much less, I slowed myself as my orgasm receded, and liberated first her pussy then her ass of the torturous toys. When I did, she simply fell over on her side, and I quickly unclipped her hands and ankles so she could finally stretch out.

“There,” I said, removing the strap on, “Is the little bitch in you all fucked out now?” She was a little too incoherent to respond, not that I was expecting her to, and crawled up over her, straddling her hips and placing my still tingling pussy against her thigh at the base of her butt. As I started grinding myself against her I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Good girl, yes? Let me cum one more time on you, then you’re all set to go. I promise this time.” I rubbed myself hard against her while she just lay there, her eyes occasionally closing as I rocked towards another orgasm. Somehow I doubted she’d ever come back into the store, and I wanted to savor the experience of dominating her as long as possible burning as many of the images of her into my memory as I could.

The warmth between my legs swelled as the pleasure released itself through me, and I leaned over and kissed her again while I fucked her sweet cheek. I couldn’t tell if she was smiling, but her face held and expression of complete relaxation. She was exhausted, but she’d been given a good bit of enjoyment to get her there, and I knew that she’d been tamed.


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Cousin Jenna

Jenna and I are watching TV in the basement, drinking some vodka and lemonade. The conversation turns to her asking me about her ex-boyfriend. “Hey, do you think I should call my ex up? Maybe ruin his time in North Carolina? Because look at this.” I look over at her phone and it’s a picture of her ex with another girl. “What a dick!” Jenna says. “We’ve been broken up for only a month and he already has a bitch around his arm”. I tell her not to worry and move on. “At least you had a...

1 year ago
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Revelation for Jenna

Jenna's home life was such that many would call it an old fashioned upbringing. She was expected be a good girl, not let any boy touch her and to 'save herself' for marriage; to find a God-fearing young man and marry him, and to not look at any other. Although it wasn't specifically said, Jenna knew that her father would be part of the process to her meeting that God-fearing young man whenever he felt she was ready. These rules and teachings were intended to keep her safe from greedy boys...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 3: DR. JENNA MOOREAfter Amy went back to bed, I spent more time looking over Dr. Moore’s biographical information more thoroughly. I understood that Sam felt it would be worth my while to spend some time with her, but what was it about her that would be different than the others I had already given the better part of three days to? A very quick review made me think he might be right. Then, I began thinking there might be something very wrong with this woman.She was indeed about my age,...

1 year ago
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Jenna and Viola first time for everything

Jenna and Viola have always had a dark side to themselves. Both have had a secret desire to experience sexual intercourse with the same sex. But like any other person, has always hesitated trying. Jenna and Viola have been good friends, not close friends but close enough. They hung out together throughout high school, parted their ways when it came to going to college and grad school. One day, Viola was walking down Michigan Ave in downtown Chicago. She was in a rush and was worried she'd be...

2 years ago
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Fallen Fruit Introduction Anton and Jennas Shop of Opportunity

About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...

2 years ago
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Twist of Fate Jenna

Twist Of Fate: Jenna By Slacker PART ONE It all started that day a few months ago when we had that really bad thunderstorm. I mean, really bad thunderstorm. Y'know, the kind that flares up at 4:30 PM and spawns tornados and leaves more than 150,000 people without electricity. Yeah, we get a lot of those in the Chicago area, except for the twisters. Those are a little bit further west. Anyway, it was a clear day, maybe 60-65?F, and I was out with a bunch of my friends....

2 years ago
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Trish Jenna

Trish couldn’t sleep. It was gone two and she had work the next day but somehow she just couldn’t unwind. Harry lay there like a balustrade, inert and snoring. She cuddled up to him, her hands slipping down his hairy belly and between his legs, with out thinking reaching for his penis. It was flaccid. She let go of him and rolled onto her back trying to clear her mind. She had had a bust up with Jenna, her step daughter, earlier that day, well yesterday now, about seeing boys. In the heat...

3 years ago
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Jennas Gift for Ally part 2

Jenna slipped out of Ms. Tails English class and almost sprinted down the hall towards the cafeteria. Weeks of waiting, hoping, making plans, and scrapping them had finally paid off. Not only had she kissed her favourite teacher, she had made a meal out of her succulent cunt. If only that dipshit Mr. Anders hadn't came in at that moment. But her anger died in the face of a tidal wave of ecstasy when she remembered Ms. Tails' invitation."Meet me here around 2:30, I should be done then." Sarah...

2 years ago
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Jenna and Jake Part 1

Jenna awoke to the sound of her alarm going off. She looked at her bed clock and saw she was already late. She jumped out of bed, and ran to take a quick shower and dressed in a cute plated skirt and jersey. She ran straight out the house as she had no time for breakfast, she found her mom Ruth standing in the driveway speaking to another woman. She could see a truck behind them, and furniture and appliances were been unpacked. It must be the new neighbours moving in she thought to...

3 years ago
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Meeting Jenna

"Jenna," I said, with a smile on my face, "Could you move out of the way, please? I'd like to get to the kitchen.""Err, how about no!" She grinned back, her big brown eyes sparkling at me. As she stood in the hallway, her legs were stretched out, with her toes touching the skirting board on either side. Her arms were positioned likewise, her left hand on one wall, her right one on the other. She was spread out like a star.I put a stern look on my face and walked toward her purposefully....

2 years ago
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Peter is naked and strapped down on a special table in a windowless room. He is blindfolded and wearing a ball gag. Stereo headphones are clamped around his ears playing loud industrial music. His two tormentors, his wife, Angelica, a 30 year old raven beauty, with long tanned legs and incredibly large natural breasts, is instructing Jenna, a cute blonde college coed, in the fine art of "masturbational torture". Angelica takes Jenna's hands and moves them to her husbands straining erection and...

2 years ago
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Jenna and Ryans First Time

Introduction: Just a fantasy of mine, characters based on real people. It was a bright and sunny Saturday evening, Jenna Harper was sitting on her bed talking to her boyfriend, Ryan, on her cell phone about their plans for that night. Since Jenna was 15 and Ryan was 20, they had to sneak around to be together. Jennas parents had a hard time letting her go out with guys her own age, she could only imagine what they would say if she asked them for approval of a guy 5 years older than her. What...

3 years ago
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Daddy and Jenna 6

Doug and Jenna welcomed Courtney to their house with open arms. literally. Courtney's parents had gone on an extended business trip/vacation, but since part of it was for business, they had to leave Courtney behind. Doug looked at Courtney, remembering her last visit with them. He also remembered her dark brown pussy hair, and dark, sensitive nipples atop her B-cup boobs. He could still see her as she opened her sexy legs to him for the first time, revealing a nearly dripping pussy as she let...

2 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin In Vermont Pt 2

Jenna and I awoke to sunlight spilling over our naked bodies. My eyes lazily took in the curve of her hips, the dip in her back and the ridged outline of her collarbone. Jenna’s skin reminded me of natural suntans, strawberry scented lotion and set her apart from all the other chicks running around Manhattan. She didn’t spray tan. She didn’t botox. She didn’t crash diet. Jenna existed freely in her skin and right now, Jenna, my best friend, lay naked in my usually very straight arms. I didn’t...

1 year ago
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Jenna The Sex Addict

Jenna Smith was not like most women.  She was a slut.  She was not that by profession.  She just liked how she felt having sex.  She liked the closeness and loved the way she felt after having an orgasm.  Jenna was a sex addict.  She would go on binges with it.The medicine her doctors would put her on, just made her not want to have sex.  She would do that for a little while when her life was out of control and her family would worry.  Only until the feelings of remorse passed, then she would...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Will and Jenna Meet at Sun Valley Nudist Resort Part II

Will and Jenna started dating and were always seen at Sun Valley.  Jenna quickly became comfortable among the hundreds of nudists at Sun Valley.  She had her own following of male admirers just as Will had his group of female followers who adored engaging him in conversation, touching his arm, tapping his ass, and giving a playful tug to his penis.  Jenna could be seen running up to naked men in their twenties, thirties, and older and giving them a big hug and a kiss on the lips as soon as she...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Nerdy JennaChapter 5

A slender man in shirt and tie connected recording equipment to the telephone in Keith's apartment. He donned headphones, looked at Jenna and nodded. Keith picked up a headphone and held it to his ear. Jenna picked up the handset and punched in a number. Keith heard it ring. Hello? "Mom -- it's me," Jenna said into the handset. Jenna -- where are you? It's nearly five-thirty. I've been worried about you. "I'm with Keith." Are you coming home? "No, Mom. I'm not coming...

4 years ago
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Jenna and Ryans First Time

“What time should I come over, Ry?” Jenna asked, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger. “What about 8, babe? My mom and dad should have left for Ellington by then.” Jenna glanced at the alarm clock by her bed, it was 7:34. She doubted that she could be ready to go in 26 minutes. “What about between 8 and 8:30?” “That sounds good. Don’t forget to bring stuff for the night, I want you to stay over, remember?” “Of course I remember, I would never forget about that.” Jenna...

2 years ago
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Jenna Teaches Boys Sex Ed

"I heard from the girls that you got a little bit side tracked during fifth hour," one of the boys in the back row named Martin cracked, "do ya think we can have the same kind off fun?" There was tittering all over the room and Jenna had to use her ruler on her desk to restore order, but she ignored the question and told the boys to open their books to page two fifty two. "Oh, man," Billy Ford opined, "never liked 'em, and never will use one." "I assume that you're referring to...

1 year ago
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bMy Secret Pleasureb Part 1 Pleasuring Jenna

Introduction: This is my first story so please feel free to make recommendations and pointers and let me know if you enjoy it!! I hope you have a good time reading it. Enjoy Jenna waited in the car looking at the time, which told her it was just about 2 a.m., her fingers tapping against her steering wheel impatiently waiting. She had been looking forward for this whole thing between her girlfriend Stacey and her. It was hard for the two of them to have alone time since she had an annoying...

2 years ago
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Will and Jenna Meet at Sun Valley Nudist Resort Part I

Will Lather and Jenna Towns met during their first year of teaching at Waterbury High School.  Will was hired to teach PE and coach the cross-country team.  Jenna taught math and sponsored the “mathletes” academic club.Will and Jenna are now in their third year of teaching.  They both have become comfortable with their teaching and were quickly becoming very popular teachers among the students and their colleagues.Will has been running practically since the time he could walk.  A towering...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Alex and Jenna

*Note* This story is totally fictional and a complete work of my imagination. It is also my first submission to this website and I would love some feedback. I apologize for it being so long, but I tend to be particular about details. Hope you enjoy! Jenna bounded down the stairs and paused for a moment to examine her reflection in the hallway mirror. She was wearing a very short jean mini skirt and a new white halter top that showed off her tan perfectly. Satisfied with her hair, makeup, and...

3 years ago
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Saras and Jennas long lasting love

Sara standing in front of the bed no bra when two arms are wrapping around my waist from behind. "How was your night," Sara whispers into Jenna's ears, nibbling my earlobe. Jenna turn around and look at Sara, Jenna said "Well it was my first time...you know" Jenna blush. "It was my first time to" Jenna said "it was"." Yep I was my first time it was amazing" Jenna blush."Really?" Jenna said she says with smirk, closing the gap between us Sara plants a gentle kiss on my lips. "Yes I need you I...

4 years ago
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bMy Secret Pleasureb Part 1 Pleasuring Jenna

She glanced at her watch again thinking Stace was running really late. Not that she was complaining since she needed time to calm her nerves from the excitement. She told herself before she left that she was going to stay cool headed but knew she got a little carried away with what she was wearing. She usually stuck with jeans but tonight she was wearing a white miniskirt with a red buttoned up cardigan and some cute heels to go with them. She even let down her bouncy blonde curls. She...

2 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the cabin in Vermont

I came home early one afternoon because of a gas leak at the studio and well, do I really need to tell you the rest? Do I really need to tell you that I found my husband fucking some random whore in our bed? Do I need to tell you that I wasn't shocked enough to yell? I saw enough through the crack in the door to realize that my exit strategy was the only thing I had in my control. As they fucked, as she moaned his name, I packed the few items I had left in the dryer downstairs and slipped out...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My best friend Jenna

"Mmm, yeah baby, fuck me!" I moaned into my pillow as I slid my dildo in and out of my tight little pussy.Suddenly I hear a knock at my door, which is closed thank god, that scares the crap out of me. "Sweety, dinner's ready.""Alright, thanks, mom," I reply.I get up from my bed and walk over to dresser to put some clothes back on and hide my dildo. I see my reflexion in my full size mirror.I stand there and examine my tight 17 year old body. To me I'm perfect. My long dark brown hair reaching a...

4 years ago
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Jenna Joins In

I had grown up a lot since Florida and even had a girlfriend. She was a beautiful girl. Dark hair, hazel eyes and olive skin made this fully Mediterranean girl a true work of art. She was 5’8’’ and although she weighed just under 140 pounds, there was no possible way that anyone could confuse her for being overweight. She did have a small amount of fat on her body but it was mostly deposited in probably her second best feature, after her face, her size 36 D chest. Just in the interest of...

4 years ago
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The night we met Jenna Haze

So a few years back I had heard on the radio that Jenna Haze was going to be dancing at a local strip club, Club Risque. Now to say that I'm a fan is an understatement, she has always been one of my favorites. Think it was a Monday when I found out, she was doing Risque Philly on Friday night and Risque Bristol Saturday night. Having been to both, I decided on Bristol as it's a bit smaller and thought it would be more intimate. I couldn't wait to tell my wife! When I got home that night I was...

2 years ago
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The Elusive Jenna Aftermath

Jenna's Story I laid there on the bed in my room at the resort. I was naked except for my wedge platform espadrilles that were still laced to my feet. I was face down on the bed, spread eagled, my mind was blurry. I remembered how it all started. I had come to this resort on a girls' only trip. The only problem was that my two friends were coming from another town. The tropical storm that had gone over their area made sure they would not be able to travel but I learned that too late. I was...

2 years ago
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Jenna Teaches Girls Sex Ed

"Okay everyone, please open your books to chapter eleven, page two hundred fifty two, today we're going to be discussing condoms and when we should be using them. Now, how many of you use condoms when engaging in sexual intercourse, please raise your hands." Surveying the response of the class Jenna went on. "Well, that's almost all of you, but a few of you didn't raise your hands," she continued, "and I think it would be helpful if those of you who don't use condoms tell us why, so...

3 years ago
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Seducing Jenna

As I slowly woke from my slumber the first thought in my mind was that I was incredibly horny. This was nothing new as my libido had been in overdrive lately. What was somewhat surprising was that I had spent an hour the night before fucking my needy pussy with my longest, thickest dildo. Monster Max, as I called it, had gotten me off so many times by the time I drifted off to sleep I was lying in a puddle of my own juices. Now my insatiable pussy was wanting more. I opened my eyes, squinting...

4 years ago
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Jenna and Keith

Keith: The first time Jenna and I were away from each other was our freshman year in college. I got a baseball scholarship to State, while she went to Atlantic for its fine arts program. I missed her dearly; we called and emailed each other all the time, just to see what the other was up to. We kept no secrets from each other. Jenna: I always thought about Keith. When we were kids, we did everything together. On my first date, I insisted he and his girlfriend come along with me. He’s my twin...

4 years ago
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Jenna and Jake

When Jake caught Jenna naked on the floor with Duke, they were both embarrassed. He promised not to tell, but she knew he’d want payback. It was just a matter of agreeing on the price. Jake knew what Jenna was trying to do and was hurt that she wanted sex with Duke after rejecting him. Over the next few days, he convinced himself that if she wanted Duke to fuck her, she shouldn’t mind letting him use her body in the same way. In his mind, it didn’t seem like a big deal, and he desperately...

3 years ago
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Ms Jenna

My best friend, Eddie, has been my friend ever since I can remember. And his family has always lived across the street from me for that long also. Eddie's mom, Jenna, is one of those "kool-aid" moms, that is one of those moms that are really cool and all the k**s hang out at that house during the summer and she serves kool aid. Eddie and I hit puberty at the same time so we were always thinking, talking, and looking at girls. At the store, the pool, school, it did not matter where we were we...

3 years ago
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Jenna and Theodore

I really hope he isn’t going to be much longer. That was the thought running through Jenna’s mind as she stood and waited for Theo to show up. She was leaning against the bar, hoping that she didn’t look too conspicuous. She was wearing a tight fitting, black velvet dress. It was backless and its hem ended just above her knee, showing enough of her shapely legs to make her feel sexy. The decision had been made to dispense with tights or stockings and a pair of black stilettos complemented the...

4 years ago
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Jenna and Theodore

I really hope he isn’t going to be much longer. That was the thought running through Jenna’s mind as she stood and waited for Theo to show up. She was leaning against the bar, hoping that she didn’t look too conspicuous. She was wearing a tight fitting, black velvet dress. It was backless and its hem ended just above her knee, showing enough of her shapely legs to make her feel sexy. The decision had been made to dispense with tights or stockings and a pair of black stilettos complemented the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Jamie and Jenna Siblings in Love

Jamie I'm Jamie Jackson, 17 years old, a high school senior, son of Tom and Virginia Jackson. Dad is a successful architect, and Mom is an English professor at the local college. I have a beautiful sister, Jenna; Jenna is 15 years old, and a high school sophomore. Our folks are fairly well-to-do; we live in a large home, designed by my dad and me. Yes, I'm a budding architect as well. Our house has some oddities, designed in by Dad and me. For instance, Jenna and I share a bathroom, which...

4 years ago
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Jenna and Juan

My husband and I are in Vegas. He went to play poker while I was shopping. We were to meet at our room at 730PM to gout for dinner and dancing. I am ready in my room as he comes in but to my surprise he is accompanied by 3 latin men. They are dressed well but seem a bit rough. My husband Tom introduces only one of them "This is Juan and his friends. I became friend with them while playing. We are going to have some drinks with them. I hope you don't mind" "But honey we have...

3 years ago
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Nerdy JennaChapter 3

"What did Don want?" Paola asked as Keith stepped into his lab. "He wanted to give me this." He showed her a gift certificate for dinner at the Parkside. "For figuring out the tank car problem. It was a happy ending for all. The customer accepted the other nine tank cars, our plant will remanufacture one tank car and the railroad will reimburse us for our trouble. Happy for all but the railroad, I guess." Paola stared at him, mouth agape. "This is so typical. I did the work and you...

2 years ago
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Life with Jenna

When we grew up she married twice and had one kid. Both her husbands were handsome, they both were charmers, I liked them both, but they both turned out to be cheaters. I was married only once, but I had two kids. My wife came from a family of heart disease victims, and she died very early. It took a while for me to get over it, but the kids helped. I knew I had to be there for them. Jenna was through with men after her second marriage. When I say that she was gorgeous, she was...

3 years ago
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Jennas Boy a Mothers illicit love

Jenna's teenage son stood at the top of the stairs, I looked up and saw more than I should, was it intentional or accidental, I was about to find out, noting that Jenna, like her son, were in a similar state of undress, under their dressing gowns, but more to the point, Alex was in a state of sexual arousal, his erection clearly visible to me, and Jenna made no comment at him showing it to me.'Since his father fucked off, he's become the man of the house', she said calmly, matter-of-factually....

1 year ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin in Vermont pt 3

Jenna and I decided that the hot tub was a must. We’d already christenfucked the entire cabin. It smelled like sweat and pussy in our room and we needed some fresh air… I slipped on a tiny black triangle bikini and wrapped myself in a silk Armani robe. Jenna emerged from the bedroom in a pink thong bikini with the top untied. ‘Do the honors. Strap my tits in tight, babe.’ Jenna turned her back to me and pressed her ass against me. I pulled the strings of her top behind her back and knotted...

4 years ago
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Lexi Jenna and the Cabin in Vermont pt 3

Jenna and I decided that the hot tub was a must. We'd already christenfucked the entire cabin. It smelled like sweat and pussy in our room and we needed some fresh air... I slipped on a tiny black triangle bikini and wrapped myself in a silk Armani robe. Jenna emerged from the bedroom in a pink thong bikini with the top untied. "Do the honors. Strap my tits in tight, babe." Jenna turned her back to me and pressed her ass against me. I pulled the strings of her top behind her back and knotted...

Group Sex

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