GAIA s Granddod GALIA Great Granddad 2
- 2 years ago
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“Oh shit!” he cried out silently.
“Jason? Come on, we know you’re in there,” Elizabeth called out.
“Do you think he’s asleep Liz?” Amy asked.
“I don’t know. Maybe? Give his cell phone a call, see if he picks up,” Elizabeth told her friend.
Jason, given his enhanced senses, heard all of this and his mind was racing. He was trying to form a plan to handle things, as he didn’t want Amy and Elizabeth knowing about him being a Druid or his connection to Gaia. At least, not yet. He went to Mina immediately, asking for her help.
“Well, I suppose we could hide. We don’t really know where this Elizabeth girl stands at any rate,” she said.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Jason replied.
“You owe us though!” Mina admonished him quietly.
“I promise, I’ll make it up to you!” Jason told them.
With a quiet grumble, Mina shrunk both her and Xaera down to miniature size and hid up on one of the shelves where Jason kept his game memorabilia. He quickly scooted around, cleaning up everything that he could, while not going for his phone just yet. He had just finished hiding the evidence of Mina and Xaera when his phone rang for the third time and he picked it up.
“Hello?” Jason responded in his best tired voice.
“Jason! Why haven’t you answered your door?!?” Amy asked, sounding a bit annoyed.
“I was sleeping! I had a long day at work,” he faux moaned.
“Well, would you mind letting us in? We’re at your door right now and would like to come in,” Amy told him, her voice softening some.
“Yeah. Just give me a minute. Need to put some pants on,” he told her before he hung up. True to his word, he put his pants on and walked up to the door, unlocking and opening it. Both Amy and Elizabeth waited there, wearing long spring jackets and sweatpants.
“Hey girls! Come on in!” he told them. Both women stared at him, as he’d answered the door shirtless and took a minute to register his invitation. They sauntered past him, putting an extra sway in their steps as they walked in.
“So, to what do I owe this surprise visit?” he asked.
“Well, it’s been a few days since you’ve been about and ... we both need some male attention,” Elizabeth admitted as she blushed.
“Oh, do you now?” Jason replied with a knowing smile.
“Damn straight we do! We need cock stretching out our pussies, and we need it now!” Amy told him as she walked up the man, gripping his hard cock through his pants.
Jason moaned in delight at the brazen attitude that Amy had adopted. He would have commented on this but was cut off with her mouth pasted overtop of his. As Amy kissed him, he could feel Elizabeth coming up behind him, her hands slithering along his torso. He felt her hot mouth on his neck and moaned, feeling his blood rush through his body.
As both women molested him, any and all thoughts of trying to usher them out of his apartment fled his mind. Their hands, dancing all along his skin, gave rise to that primal urge that was still firing through his veins. The need to take and dominate both of these women grew with each passing second.
“Just like human hussies to go and take what’s mine!” Phalmina huffed.
“What the fuck was that?!?” Elizabeth asked, her face and voice rising in pitch.
“What was what?” Jason asked, trying to downplay Mina’s comment as imaginative.
“That voice! It sounded an awful lot like a woman’s voice!” Elizabeth said.
“You heard it too?” Amy asked.
“Jason, what is going on??” Elizabeth asked, her voice sounding dangerously like a bared blade. Jason looked back and forth between the women, then sighed in defeat, knowing that the jig was up.
“Stand completely still, the both of you. I need to think about something a moment,” Jason replied quietly, before he set his chin into his palm.
“What is there to think about?!? You obviously have another woman here, so where is she??” Elizabeth demanded. Amy looked at Jason, hurt painted all over her face, but Jason stayed focused on his thoughts, before coming to a proper idea that he believed would work.
“Please, stay completely still. I need to focus in order for this to work,” he told the women.
Amy and Elizabeth opened their mouths, thinking to ask him something, but their questions died in their throats. The green, life giving energy of Gaia swathed the man in its glow and runes flared out of the energy. Jason raised his hands, cycling through them, until he found the ones he was looking for. He touched the runes and chanted briefly, before activating the spell, bathing both women in the energy.
It settled into both of them, exploring every nook and cranny within the women. A secondary set of energy came out from behind one of the statuettes, hitting Amy and Elizabeth from behind. They peeped in alarm but moaned delightedly as the energy washed over them. Both women fell to their knees for a brief moment, before they mustered the energy to pick themselves back up.
“What ... was that?” Amy asked, as she jittered, feeling a bit ... odd.
“It was a spell, designed to see your true nature,” the feminine voice told them.
“It appears that these two can be trusted,” Jason replied to the voice.
“I hate it when you’re right!” the voice groused.
“Who the fuck is that??” Elizabeth demanded.
“Calm down Liz. You’ll have your answers in a second. Mina come on down and jump to normal size and bring Xaera too. I want no more secrets with Amy and Liz,” Jason said to the voice.
The ladies heard a petulant huff, before they heard a slight tinkling, followed by a flying mote of light. It buzzed right past their faces, before coming down to land at their feet. The same green energy that Jason was wreathed in, erupted from the mote and the mote slowly grew larger. The mote then took the form of two women, both of which were quite attractive, especially to Elizabeth.
“Elizabeth, Amy, I’d like you to meet Phalmina and Xaera. Mina, Xaera, I’d like you to meet my friends and lovers, Amy and Elizabeth,” Jason said, making introductions to them.
“You ... you’re a...” Elizabeth breathed.
“A fairy? Yeah, I get that a lot,” Mina said with a smirk, snickering at Elizabeth’s disbelief.
“What are you?” Amy asked Xaera curiously.
“I am a troll. Well, half troll,” Xaera responded.
“I thought all trolls were uglier than sin,” Amy said while giving Xaera and appraising look.
“Are you calling me ugly?” Xaera asked, her voice laced with hurt.
“Quite the opposite! You are fucking hotter than the sun!” Amy gushed, giving the troll woman a lustful look. She appeared confused, uncertain of what the human woman meant.
“It means gorgeous, beautiful and someone I’d like to take to bed right now!” Amy clarified, while making a show of licking her lips. Xaera then blushed, her skin flushing to an indigo, while smiling back at Amy.
“Oooh! I like her!” Mina giggled.
“I thought that you hated all human women,” Jason said, throwing Mina a sidewinder.
“I’m ... learning to like them,” Phalmina said, her face filling with blood.
“How did you...” Elizabeth began.
“Meet? Well, that’s a bit of a story. Let me put a kettle on for some tea, as this is going to be a long tale to tell,” Jason told them.
Everyone was seated in the living room area, while Jason fixed them all their drinks. Once ready, he handed everyone their respective mugs and told Amy and Elizabeth. Xaera listened intently as well, as she hadn’t heard this part of the tale before and was eager to hear it. Jason left nothing out, telling the women everything, both the conscious and subconscious bits. Both Mina and Xaera added their two bits when necessary, completing the story.
Amy and Elizabeth were sitting there for a moment, both of which were still processing the story they’d been told. Elizabeth stood up and paced, still rolling things over in her mind, while Amy sat quietly. They were both in deep thought, considering what they now knew. Amy looked like she was about to say something, but Elizabeth beat her to it, breaking the ice.
“So, you are saying, that you are a Druid, and can tap into the primal energies of the earth, which are granted by Gaia, the Earth Mother?” Elizabeth asked.
“That’s right,” Jason said.
“You have powers and abilities, capable of bending nature to your will?” Elizabeth continued.
“Only things that exist in nature, as far as I know. I haven’t really tested the full limits of my powers yet. Haven’t really had the time,” Jason explained.
“What about people? Can you bend people to your will?” she asked, a note of accusation in her voice.
“That is anathema to everything that Gaia stands for,” Phalmina replied.
“Then how was he able to seduce me while up at the campground?” Elizabeth growled.
“A Druid cannot affect anything that does not exist in nature, or in the hearts of any living being. If in your heart and soul, a thought, a possibility, or an idea exists, then it may be brought forwards, no matter how deeply it’s buried,” Jason stated. Mina nodded in agreement, which had Elizabeth perplexed, but she followed the logic.
“So, him ... seducing me was because ... deep down ... I wanted it??” she queried; her voice full of doubt.
“Yes. Even though you prefer the company of women, you secretly make ... concessions for men that ... meet your standards. I will say though, you have very high standards,” Phalmina chuckled. Xaera and Amy voiced their agreement as well, stating that men like Jason are truly rare.
“What about the binding? I mean, what the ever-living fuck Jason? Binding a woman to you like that? What the hell were you thinking?” Elizabeth fired out.
“While I’m not a fan of the binding either, it was a consensual thing,” Phalmina explained.
“Wait, what?”
“Gaia’s magic is about doing good and giving people the power to grow when they seek it. To heal those who are sick and to protect those who require it. A binding cannot be done, unless both parties are in complete agreement,” Phalmina explained.
“So, you’re saying ... that Amy wanted to be bound like that?” the swarthy woman wondered.
“Yes. Though unintentionally,” Mina said.
“Well ... I did ask him to ... make me his bitch and ... to mark my pussy as his own,” Amy mumbled while blushing fiercely.
“AMY!” Elizabeth shouted, her voice full of shock and awe.
“She did say those things. But, to be fair, even I was fully unaware of what had just happened. So, the next day, I went looking for Phalmina, asking her to explain to me what had happened,” Jason stated.
“The poor boy was so distraught that he looked like he’d done something horribly wrong. I told him what I just told you, which made him feel a lot better about what had happened,” Phlamina explained.
“So, this binding, what does it do exactly?” Amy wondered.
“The first thing it does is resets your mind to where it should be, rather than what anyone or anything else has impressed upon you. To where you become your truest self, in every sense of the meaning,” Jason answered. Mina seconded this, citing how she was now as she should be.
“There is a whole listing of other benefits that you get, now that you are bound to Jason,” Mina went on. She gave the list, which was a lengthy one indeed as the benefits included, but were not limited to; enhanced strength, speed and resilience, the ability to detect lies, to hear and feel if he was in pain, to know where he was just by sense, the list went on.
“So, that’s why I’ve been so ... thing about everything? About getting away from my family? About bringing my mom with me? Because of the binding, which has freed my mind?” Amy said out loud, her voice laced with wonder.
“Basically, yes,” Jason replied.
Amy then meeped loudly, before turning to Jason and tackling the man to the floor, kissing him passionately. Amy was very creative in the use of her mouth, quickly drawing lustful moans from the man. She came up for air and her eyes then locked on Phalmina, whom she attacked in a similar fashion as she had Jason. She pulled the fairy woman close, moaning with lust and need as she kissed her.
“That was ... wow!” Phalmina said as she finally came up for air, while fanning her reddened face. “What was that for?”
“For helping Jason with his powers and making him a proper Druid, so we could be bound like this! Because of you, he was able to free me, and I wanted to thank you for that!” Amy gushed bashfully.
“You are welcome! Did you want to... ‘thank’ me some more?” Phalmina asked with a mischievous grin.
Giggling, Amy embraced the fairy woman and kissed her again, moaning into her. Mina kissed her back, letting her tongue entwine with the human woman’s. Everyone else stared at the two of them, getting riled and aroused themselves. Xaera looked over to Elizabeth, who looked at the troll woman and smiled as she stood up and walked over to her.
“Maybe we should move this all to the bed?” Jason suggested.
All four women looked at him, almost having forgotten that he was there. They then smiled and all walked over to the queen sized bed, everyone taking up some small space on it. Amy and Mina continued to kiss, as Jason joined Elizabeth and Xaera, their passions flaring up. They kept on with this for a few minutes, until Mina fell back into the other three, breaking them apart as they were enjoying each other.
“I think we need to find a bigger space, or maybe a bigger bed,” Amy lamented, looking at how small the area was.
“Not a problem. This is something that I can fix. Jason, I’m going to need your help with this,” Phalmina said. Nodding, Jason crawled over to her and they joined hands, letting Gaia’s energies wash over them.
“We’ll need everyone to touch us for this to work. Ladies, if you will?” Phalmina called out.
Xaera walked over and placed her hands on Jason’s shoulders as he began chanting. Amy and Elizabeth jumped over quickly as Mina joined in the chant as they knelt on the bed. Both women each took one of Mina’s wings in hand as the chant continued, eventually reaching a crescendo. Everyone then felt a weird spinning sensation as the chant finished and spell was cast.
“Ok, that was just ... weird,” Elizabeth stated as she shook her head, trying to get to stop spinning.
“You never do get used to that,” Phalmina laughed. “But look around you! I’d say that we all have the room we need to move around.”
“What? Whhhaaaaaaaaaaattt??!?” Amy said as she took in her surroundings.
The spell that Jason and Phlamina had cast was a mass shrink spell, which brought them all down to the size of action figures. They took in their now huge surroundings, the bed was massive to them, almost like it had been built for a giant! The rest of the knick knacks around the apartment could be seen and they all looked so much bigger now! The five of them all plomped down on the massive pillows, enjoying their softness.
“This is ... so cool!!!” Elizabeth shouted.
“Hell yeah! You could fit dozens of people on a bed like this!” Amy replied, still amazed at this. “Wait, animals and bugs won’t come after us, will they?”
“They won’t. Because I’m here, they know better than to approach uninvited. Besides, the spell will wear off eventually,” Phalmina told them.
“How long?” Amy wondered.
“About twelve to sixteen of your human ‘hours’. Now, where were we?” Mina asked, before embracing Amy once again.
Amy giggled as they resumed their kissing, the two of them starting things up again, but dragging the other three into their little bit. Jason approved, surrounded by so much female flesh, as did Elizabeth. Though the human woman was a little perturbed by something, which Jason caught onto.
“What is it Liz?” he asked.
“It’s nothing,” she said, waving it off.
“No, something’s bothering you. I can tell, not just as a man, but as a Druid. So come on, spill,” he told her.
“It’s just, I wish I had a bond like Amy has. It would be nice to have some of those benefits that she’s getting,” Elizabeth huffed.
“Do you want them? If you do, then I have no problem giving them,” Jason replied.
“Wait, it’s just that easy?” she asked.
“Why shouldn’t it be? You are a good woman with a good heart, even if you are a little misguided sometimes,” he said with a smirk. Elizabeth smiled at that, knowing that he was referring to her attitude in some respects. “But why stop there?”
“What do you mean?”
“Mina, Xaera, can you extend such benefits as well?” Jason asked.
“I know that I can. Xaera, you should be able to do so as well,” Phalmina said, taking a beat from Amy.
“Are you sure?” the troll woman asked.
“Yes. Jason, are you ... sure you want to do this?” Mina asked, her chin quivering.
“Absolutely. I want everyone here to have some level of benefit and protection that I can give. Especially you Mina. You mean a lot to me, more than you can possibly know,” Jason said, caressing her face.
Phalmina cried tears of happiness and kissed the man, letting her love and passion bleed through into the kiss. Jason returned it with equal fervor, letting the fairy woman know and feel what she did to him. They broke apart, walked to a clear space on the mattress and knelt, facing each other, both of them wreathed in Gaia’s magic again.
“What do I do?” Xaera asked, inadvertently interrupting the moment.
“Focus on the things that you wish to bring into being. Everything that you benefit from and pour all thought into it. Then, imagine it, like a blanket, one that you wish to cast over everyone here,” Mina instructed.
“It sounds simple enough. Let’s all gather together as we cast this spell,” Jason said.
Phalmina nodded and she gestured to both Amy and Elizabeth, indicating where they should sit. They did as they were asked and soon after, a runed circle of magic sprung up beneath them. The green energies of Gaia were present, but soon another form of magic joined theirs; Xaera’s yellowish troll magic. The runes floating on the energies summoned were different, some a little harsher than the Gaian runes, but no less potent.
Phalmina and Jason led the chant, the words flowing to them from Gaia’s power. Xaera then chanted with them in tandem, her own chant in ancient Trollish. It merged with the Gaian’s chant, first discordant, then harmonious, their magics melding together in a beautiful song. The runes then multiplied, increasing to four of each, as they continued their chant.
“Amy, Liz, you two will have to open your minds when asked. The magic will seek you out, but do not fight it. Accept it, embrace it, let it become a part of you,” Phalmina said when there was a brief lull.
The women nodded as they watched with wide eyed wonder. Neither of them even thought to believe that magic was real and that they would see it in action. It was more than a dream come true; it was a bloody miracle! The chanting continued and they watched as several runes implanted themselves onto the three of them.
Runes from Phalmina and Xaera drifted over to Amy and settled onto her skin, lighting up. Amy’s eyes widened and her eyes glowed with an inner light. It wasn’t the green or yellow light on the magic, but it was of her own inner self. A small snippet of blue magic flowed outwards, joining the magics at the center. Elizabeth witnessed this and then saw runes drifting over to her, but her mind started getting defensive.
“Elizabeth, you need to open yourself up if this is to work. Trust us,” Mina said, extending her hand.
A small part of Elizabeth screamed out to not trust the fairy, that she was evil and would hurt her in every way possible. She almost listened, until she remembered that Jason could have been utterly malicious to her, and Mina and Xaera too. But they weren’t and the sense that she got from them, was that they never would be. Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth gave Mina her hand and banished the small voice from her mind, silencing it.
“There you go. Open your mind to receive the gifts of Gaia and Trollkind. Offer a small piece of yourself, as Amy has, willingly and we will know you as we should. As a friend, a lover and a sister. As a believer of Gaia,” Mina said gently.
Elizabeth smiled and nodded, lowering her defenses, allowing the magic into her. She was more than happy to offer herself like this and she knew in heart, that she was a Gaian. She had tried religions of various sorts, but they all seemed off to her. Like they were false or just ... off, like they were hiding some type of truth.
She felt a small piece of herself break away from her and saw it fly away from her, to join the magic in the center. It was purple in color, which she thought of as odd, but was further amazed, when she witnessed hers and Amy’s magic divide into four. From there, the magic then moved, settling into everyone else who was not her. Amy’s did the same, but only divided into three, as Jason was already bound to her.
Phalmina and Xaera also had small snippets of themselves come out of them, as did Jason. Mina’s magic was green, but of an emerald color, whereas Jason’s was a deeper, forest green. Xaera’s magic was the color of the sun, bright yellow and beautiful to behold. The magics settled into everyone else, each one of them feeling the strength and bond of the magic, as it strengthened their souls.
The chanting slowed and eventually stopped, and the magical runes and energies soon faded. Every one of them could feel different, almost like it was that they could feel and understand something more about everyone there. Understanding flooded into each one of them, as they now had some inkling of how the others were built.
“This is just ... holy ... wow!” Elizabeth said, feeling a sense of contentment and rapture.
“I could say the same! Jason, I ... thank you!” Mina gushed as she crawled over to him, kissing him again.
“I’m just...” Amy said with wide eyed amazement, looking to Xaera, who smiled and blushed prettily.
“There is one last component to the spell, to ensure that it takes root within all of us,” Phalmina stated.
“Which is?”
In answer to Elizabeth’s question, Phalmina flitted over and sat on Elizabeth’s lap, giving her a knowing look. The human woman blushed, her face going red, but Mina took her by the chin and drew her up for a kiss. Warmth and desire flooded into Elizabeth as she felt the rise and need for more than just a kiss. Phalmina accepted what Elizabeth was willing to give and more but broke apart before they could go further than a kiss.
“I once viewed you as a threat to Jason, as I feared you might try to sway him for your own ends. I now see that it was wrong of me to think so and now, I want to experience you, as he has,” Mina said as her own need bled through to her voice.
Elizabeth squeed in delight and kissed Mina again, who responded in kind. Mina then felt featherlight kisses on her wings, which shocked, but delighted her. She broke away from Elizabeth and saw that it was Amy kissing her wings. Amy then looked up in question, her eyebrows raised and Phalmina nodded. Giggling, Amy then proceeded to not only kiss Mina’s wings, but to lick them as well.
This new stimulation was enough to cause Mina to yip and coo in delight as her wings were caressed in such a primal way. The human women pawed, caressed, nipped and squeezed the fairy woman’s flesh, causing her to yelp in pleasure. Mina looked down at their attire and tsked, thinking they were overdressed. Both Amy and Elizabeth made quick work of their jackets and sweatpants, exposing what they wore underneath.
Amy wore a black satin bustier, with a matching thong and leggings, which were held up by a garter belt. Elizabeth wore a sheer purple teddy nightie, also with a matching purple thong. Mina’s eyes nearly fell out of her head as she drank in the sight of the human women. Her jaw fell open, as did Jason and Xaera’s who watched the women with lust in their eyes.
“Where did you get that?” Phalmina breathed.
“Oh, you like it?” Elizabeth replied in a cutesy voice.
“Very much! I like how it emphasizes everything about you and how it is ... alluring, almost like a trap,” Phalmina breathed.
“It is a very inviting one, isn’t it?” Amy breathed into her ear. Mina shivered in bliss as she felt very much ready to have both of these human women. She turned and kissed Amy, her hands going to Amy’s tits and cunt, which Mina was stroking and caressing, making the woman whimper.
As the three women went to town on each other, Jason and Xaera kissed and felt each other, their hands roaming on the other’s body. She looked at him and he smiled, leaning down to kiss her, knowing that she needed this, that she needed him. Xaera met him halfway, her tongue tasting his mouth as it opened. She drew him into her, needing to feel his warm, masculine body against her feminine one.
“Someone is eager tonight,” he chuckled.
“You’ve given me a great gift Jason, one which I will happy spending the rest of my life repaying to you,” Xaera said to him.
“As long as you know and understand that there are other women who need me, I will be more than happy giving you what you wish,” he said to her. Xaera nodded, accepting that fact, as she was more than happy to take whatever this man was offering. He kept kissing her, but slowly worked his way down to her leaky pussy, her lower lips puffy and in need of his attention.
“Jason, you don’t...” Xaera started, but she was cut off as she felt the lightning bolt of pleasure flow through her.
“I enjoy doing this for you,” he said between licking her cunt lips. “Besides, I always get harder than steel watching a woman enjoy herself as you are.” Xaera giggled at this before it was replaced with another moan as he licked her outer lips.
She gripped the bed and held on, knowing just how explosive her orgasms could get. Xaera did everything she could to keep herself in check, as she didn’t want to accidentally hurt him. She knew that the stoneskin spell on Jason had worn off and he was a squishy human again. So, she forced herself to keep her legs apart, despite how badly she wanted to close them, forcing Jason’s head deeper into her quim.
Jason kept licking, keeping his whole mouth overtop her lips as his tongue dipped, shifted and teased her inner core. Xaera could feel the familiar rise of a peak within her, as Jason’s tongue delved deeper into the woman. Her head thrashed back and forth and she mewled like a newborn kitten as Xaera’s mind raced to her orgasm. She could feel it climbing higher and higher, bringing her that much closer to the plunge that waited.
Jason could tell that she was getting near and her could see her quivering legs, dearly wanting to snap shut on his head. He could tell that she wanted to move, but she held herself back and he smiled, thankful for the woman’s restraint. As he kept eating her out, he could feel the sensitive bud of her clit surface. Jason knew that she was almost there and saw no reason to prolong her suffering and licked that super sensitive nub.
Xaera’s mewling exploded into a full on scream, her voice calling out to whatever gods she believed in. Jason then moved his head and moved to his knees and inserted his middle and ring finger into Xaera’s clenching tunnel. Xaera’s eyes widened further as he pushed the fingers deep into her and curled them, drawing her orgasm out.
“He’s good, isn’t he?” Amy asked just next to them. Xaera’s head lolled and she made a barely coherent nod as she spasmed and smiled like she was high.
Amy giggled and returned to molesting Phalmina, who was enjoying both hers and Elizabeth’s attentions. Amy was kissing Mina and folding her breasts, occasionally sucking on them, while Elizabeth ate her out. Phalmina was squirming and writhing in ways that told her lovers that she was on edge and nearing her own peak.
Her hands were busy with Amy’s bustier clad breasts, while she tried to keep from crying out at the constant stimulation. Amy bent her arms behind her back, undoing the bustier, letting her tits spring free. Mina smiled and licked her lips, before attacking Amy like she was starved of all affection. Amy groaned in pleasure, wanting and needing to be touched like this, stroking Mina’s hair as she latched onto her.
Elizabeth was licking and sucking Mina’s dripping quim, doing her best to make the fairy squeal. She could feel the woman trembling beneath her touch, almost vibrating she was so close. Elizabeth smiled and slowly lubed up a finger with Mina’s juices, which had Mina break away from kissing Amy, crying out. Elizabeth then lined up the coated finger and pushed it into Mina’s depths.
Phalmina whined for a few seconds before shouting out as she came, the finger inside of her pushing her right over the edge. Amy held her from behind, so she didn’t topple or smack her as her limbs flailed. Elizabeth sat up, licking her lips as she watched the fairy come, grinning all the while.
“Where did you ... learn to ... do that?!?” Phalmina wheezed, trying to catch her breath.
“I have licked my share of pussy you know, being that I prefer the company of women. Thank you though! I am always glad to know that I made my partner ... happy,” Elizabeth grinned.
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News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...
John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...
Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...
“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...
At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...
Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...
Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...
More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....
War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...
The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...
A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...
An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...
Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...
A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...
the beginning for ppl who always wondered about the sexual life of that web slinger i suggest some spiderman knowledge before reading thanks peter parker was bit by a radioactive spider… blaa blaa blaa peter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife mary jane. her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breath as her incredible 36 d tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8...
It’s Monday and work is agonizingly slow. I’m the only staff today and I might as well not even be there. Nobody is really browsing books, nobody is really selling them. Usually when things are slow I clean, organize, go over the schedules, or read. I was reading, but the written words surrounding me, both wise and beautiful, are ignored. My nose is all but pressed up against the computer screen as I read erotica. I’m dressed in a mid-length frilly summer skirt and a see through blouse. My...
MILFNobody loves a car-clamper.And I imagine the lady in that big Porsche loves me about as much as a puff-adder with typhoid on a bad day.But for me, it had been a really bad day - all day - and I'm afraid it left me very much wanting to sting someone.My clamping territory is small, manageable and highly lucrative, in an upmarket enclave of boutiques, restaurants and a couple of luxury blocks with a private car-park in the courtyard between them. We've posted-up all the warning signs about...
I have a brother (3 years older) and sister (5 years older). They areboth completely normal and so was I. I had a few friends in elementaryschool. That all changed when I started Junior High. Any friends I hadeither had different friends or they moved away. During Junior High andHigh School I had no friends. That was okay for me though because I reallywasn't an outgoing person and didn't really care much for people. I wasvery shy and rarely talked unless spoken to. I have always been...
What’s up, motherfuckers? Did you finally stop stealing those panties from your sister’s drawers? You know, one day, she’s going to catch you, and it probably won’t make her want to fuck you. Are you hoping that she’s just as fucked up as you are? Maybe she’ll start stealing your undies? Haha! Get fucking real! If there are any men’s underwear in her room, they are from her boyfriend because she’s actually getting laid, unlike her pervy brother!But don’t be so hard on yourself! You’re not the...
Incest Porn Sites"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what...
Its a normal Saturday morning, I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked. I crawl out of bed and look for my boxers to slide on. I look around but cant seem to find them anywhere, fearing that my mom has picked them up and took them to the wash. I begin to panic as I don't have anything else to put on. My answer for this situation is to lock the door and just chill in my room until the house is empty. I walk over to my computer and turn it on and decide to check...
High School Part 2 - My Sophomore Year [In which Shaun learns to cope with the aftereffects of his surgery, notices a few changes occurring in his body, and confides in his mother and Jeff.] While I'd been wearing panties and sanitary napkins during the summer, that didn't work for me when it was time to go back to school. My problem was that while I could control the flow of urine, when I had to pee I had to go, like, RIGHT AWAY, and I only had a minute or so to get to...
"Hey, I think I'm gonna go get my stuff from my car." I said "Oh for sure, you staying over tonight?" Playing dumb, trying not to be too obvious. "Yeah, I'm a little tired and don't feel too much like driving back, if that's alright with you of course." "Yeah thats no worries! I'm getting kind of sleepy myself" I said, and gestured for another cigarette. "I have a bit of weed." Daniel says. "Wanna smoke before bed?" "Yeah, my roommate's out tonight. We can smoke in my...
Stephanie was done crying. As a matter of fact, she’d progressed well into the pissed-off, what was I thinking stage. There was little better example of that than hanging out with one of her best friends, whom she hadn’t spent any significant time with in more than two years. Steph finished her story and absently pushed a few errant strands of long red hair back over her ear.Jill shook her head and said, “Seriously? After he preached at you for V-neck tops, and jeans that were too tight,...
MoneyWe knew we were wrong but that didn’t seem to stop my sister, Belinda, and I. Belinda moaned as she held her ass cheeks apart slightly bent over in her bedroom. I was on my knees with my face buried between her firm smooth ass cheeks. I too moaned, but her deep ass crack muffled the noise. Belinda had one of her tits hanging out of her sports bra as she held up her soccer jersey with one hand. Her other hand fondled and pinched her nipple as she felt my tongue alternate between her puckered...
Incest1.01 Susan Inherits an old Mansion: 1.02 Susan visits the Mansion: 1.03 Susan moves into the Mansion: 1.04 Susan meets the Entity: 1.05 Susan and the Jacuzzi: 1.01 Susan Inherits an old Mansion: Susan sat at a large conference table for the reading of her parents will. Her parents had gone over their will several times and Susan sat there as the lawyer read the will. The last item came as a shock to Susan. It was an old, beach front house, almost a mansion, that was on the ocean...
The rain beats down on you drenching you to the bone. You can barely see beyond your own hand. Suddenly the storm lets up enough to see a huge house in the distance. You run for it as if your life depends on it. Just before you reach the steps to the front door it opens and an old butler stands in the doorway grinning at you. "Welcome. Welcome come on in get out of the rain before you drown. Though before you do can you tell an old, nearly blind man how many there are with you? I also would...
FetishPart 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...
Payton Avery and Sophia Leone just want to party, but they’re stuck at home with their stepbrothers instead. It’s up to James Angel and Jayden Marcos to keep the girls entertained, but their idea of a good time is less than thrilling. Bored and unable to focus, Payton and Sophia express they’re just too horny for guessing games and take matters into their own hands to liven up the living room. After a push and some good old-fashioned encouragement, James and Jaden make this the best game of...
xmoviesforyouThe morning light slowly creeped in through the blinds on your bedroom window, eventually hitting your face. You shielded your eyes and threw the sheets off yourself to get up. After a quick shower, you put on some sweats and a plain white shirt then went downstairs to the kitchen where you brewed up some coffee then stared out the window in your living room. You let out a sigh as you stared at Mrs. Done's house, wondering what it must be like waking up to her every morning. The living room...
MILFOnce the carbs and heavy food hit stomachs, everyone started drifting off in pairs or small groups to cuddle and nap. I lost track of Tina so I headed out onto the sheltered back porch and hopped in the Jacuzzi. The air was cool crisp and clean and the water was hot and soothing. I decided that Jack Daniels and I would keep each other company while everyone else slept.I heard the door open and out stepped Mom. Tina’s Mom was not quite 50 and owned a string of fitness stores back where we all...
The walk to the farm was not as difficult as I had feared. The road was dusty and pitted with wagon tracks, but the fields and orchards that lay on either side of it were at the height of the growing season and breathtakingly beautiful. Erich strode confidently beside me, all the while describing his memories of the little house that would soon be our home. I could not help but notice that he stopped once or twice during the trek to drink out of a small flask. Whiskey, I assumed, to help with...
She stood alone at the rail, enjoying the solitude for the first time in her life. It was always the company of others that brought her security but at this moment, she knew the impending visit was the most dangerous act of her whole life. The sky was the color of a lightly bruised peach, ranging through corals, reds and fading out above her to a deep purple. The sea before her blended seamlessly into the sky on the horizon, calm as far as she could see except for the narrow frothy fringe that...
It was only a day later when the great 767 with Doug and Karla Whitfield aboard settled onto the runway at Columbus, Ohio. The weather was lovely for their visit, very clear, but cold. There were only traces of snow on the ground but all the road surfaces were dry. Although theirs was a private aircraft, the general aviation facility at Columbus didn’t have the capability to handle a plane of its size. However, since the plane was maintained and crewed by United Airlines, they taxied to a...
Several short episodes in the life and times for you to Enjoy.We had been together almost a year, when, one evening, we decided to walk to the Airfield for the evening, instead of taking a taxi. We had gone almost half way and reached a place called 5 corners, for the way 5 streets intersected. It was, for the most part, a pleasant evening, and Linda, as usual, had her raincoat to cover her clothes. If a girl showed too much skin, in public, the Vietnamese Police (QCs) would arrest her for...
I always loved curvy women. But, it happened that I fell in love with someone slender and my wife satisfies me in every way sexually. She is perfect in every way except she needs more flesh on her bones. That’s when my eyes fell on the sexy waist of my mother in law when she just got out of the shower. Her saree was semi-wet as she walked out of the bath and lucky for me I was in the perfect location just to see her curves and that watered my mouth and made me have a mini orgasm. We all live in...
IncestHello dosto, main fir aa gaya hu ek naya story leke meri phli story ko psand krne k liye aapka bhut bhut dhanyawaad..Mere ko bhut saare aunties ke mail mile jisko padh k main bhut khush hua…Aap sabhi ka bhut bhut dhanyawaad and aasha karta hu ki aapko meri ye story aur bhut jyada psand aayegi… To phle story mein maine btaya tha ki kaise farm house mein maine bhabhi ko choda tha and unko full satisfy kiya tha apne lund se and unki chut ko bhut jyada mazaa diya tha Ab dusre din ki baat hai sunday...
Hi…. I’m Shyam, a regular reader of ISS & really love this site, 2nd story after wild sex with sexy, smoky girlfriend. As we can know people’s desire and urges, sometimes reading someone’s story reminds how sex can be great and mind blowing & backs us to our wild memories, life is still lots of surprise and wild. I work for a MNC in Bangalore, many times my friends say they had fucked couples but I never trusted them as how can a man permit her wife to be fucked by some other guy. But somewhere...
A slavegirl's pain pt 1 Rachel was a masochist. She was also very nervous. She looked again at the advertisement that had brought her on this journey. "Wanted young, blond house and sex slave. Must be willing to suffer bondage, extreme humiliation, severe whipping, and sexual duties. Apply to Mistress Sandi Box 444 Auckland." Rachel put the ad. back in her bag. She shuddered with a mixture of pleasure and horror as she recalled Sandi’s cold, demanding voice on the phone. She told Rachel...
Very slowly, and very softly, Greg began to explain what had happened. "Ever since I was a freshman in high school, I have dedicated myself to becoming the very best male gymnast in the state. I mean, I really dedicated myself. When other kids were going out and having a good time, I was in the gym, nights, weekends, vacations; I was there, working out. My first year, I won all conference and went to the state tournament. I took third place, won a medal and a trophy and came home sort of a...
Tommy Gunn & Reagan Foxx: Reagan confides in Tommy when she suspects that her husband, Marcus, is cheating on her with everyone at the office, including Tommy’s wife. They have a common bond in that both are looking for a way to escape their failed marriages, and their philandering spouses. Reagan helps Tommy pack up all of his things to leave and he puts her in touch with his divorce lawyer. They find strength in each other. But more than that, they see the life they want to lead,...
xmoviesforyouMain characters: Ryan: 17, high school senior, blonde hair, 5’9, athletic, tall, 6-pac, 7.5” dick Lisa: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan‘s sister, slim, 5’4, slim, slender frame, 36B, nice round ass Lindsey: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan’s sister, slim, 5’3, 34B, nice round ass Chapter 1 “ Hey Ryan, tomorrow could you accompany us to this advert we saw on the net, please?” Lisa, my 14 year old sister asked me with one of her puppy eyes look. I saw the ad with the address...
*This is not my story, My friend wrote it and asked me to put it up on here for her*The Musician Taryn always always always makes sure she’s remembered. Someway. Somehow. Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. But there’s more to this sex kitten. More to this sensual siren. She’s realizing she wants…..wants…well…she wants to mean something. Inspire. Motivate. And not always sexually. She’s got a soul like everybody else. Just nobody knows the humble and modest part of it. But God, how the hell...
Hi dosto ye meri pehli story hai agar kuch galti ho jaaye to maaf karna dosto aur agar koi bhi ladki ya aurat mujhe sa milna chahati ho to mujhe mail kar sakti hai meri email id hai Theres my story ya bat tab ki hai jab main 20 years and i basically from Delhi meri ek girlfriend thi don’t know ab kha h,uska naam shilpi tha wo 19 Saal ki thi or uska status figure may 32-28-34 tha jab chlti thi tho apni moti gand se sab ladko ko muth marne pe majbur kr deti thi or mere dost mujse jealous hote...
Amber arrived at the Dutch Brothers’ headquarters excited to see Jesse. She had spoken to Jesse on the phone a few times and liked him. They had both flirted on the phone occasionally when they talked and Amber was a bit nervous to meet him. She was hoping he was at lease as good looking as all the other Dutch Brothers employee she had met during her last trip up to their headquarters. It seemed to Amber that Dutch Brothers only hire attractive employees. Amber walked into the relaxing space...
To start off with, there is a milf that lives across the street and 6 houses down from me. I have never really paid much attention to her, because one, I don't see her that often, and she lives on the other side of the block, so I am never really by her house. The only way I would ever see her, is if I was out in my front yard when she picked her k** up from my neighbors house. My neighbor watches a couple of the neighborhood k**s while their moms/dads are at work. One day, I was outside and I...
Dosto mera naam ankit hai. meri age 23 saal hai. Mai apko ek story batane jaa rha hu ki kya incident hua mere saath. Meri mom ka naam Ravinder Kaur hai. Unki age 42 years hai,bahut sexy , or navel deep hai. Ek purane khayalo ki aurat hai wo hamesha khud ko cover krke rakhti thi saree se.Mere dad ki death ho gyi thi jab mai 12th class me tha.Mom bahut akela feel krti thi ghar pe . Dad ki pension se ghar chalta tha. Ye kahani hai tab ki hai jab mai 12th class me tha. jab papa ki death hui . meri...
“Gentlemen” I said, “I am very pleased to be able to introduce you tonight to my wife – Sue.” I pressed play on my cd-player and slow, erotic music began to play. There was a round of gentle applause from my five buddies who were sat around my living room. The air of anticipation that had been growing for the last half hour was reaching a crescendo – I don’t think anyone there, myself included, really believed that what was about to happen would actually take place.The door opened slowly and...
It all started when I was given a telescope for my fourteenth birthday, I had been doing a science project on astronomy and wanted to look at the planets. I'd borrowed my dad's binoculars but I hadn't been able to hold them steady enough to use them. My parents then bought me a small telescope fitted with a tripod and it had helped me with the project. One of the problems with where we lived was that it was surrounded by street lights, so I soon found myself packing the scope onto the cross...
It is to be assumed that you have already read part 1. Everyone in this story is over 18. We awaited eagerly the arrival of our first clients at the Abadía, and were excited when a limousine bumped its way up the stony track, a uniformed chauffeuse opened a rear door, and out stepped an elegant lady, wearing an obviously authentic mink coat over a black trouser-suit and patent heels. Her black hair was coiffed in a sophisticated chiñon, and her make-up looked immaculate. As Judith and I...
Chris from CraigslistThis story is tied to our gallery of the same name. This happened a few years ago, in the fun days of Craigslist.I put out an ad looking for a fit male to fuck Erin in front of me and of course got a ton of replies and as was usual with Craigslist back then, most were total fakes but we decided to make a date with one and see how things worked out. Worst case we got stood up and just had a fun evening to ourselves. The only stipulations I’d given were that I had to be there...
Hi, I am again back with my adventure with Aasma. You must read my earlier story Aasma – Ass Fucked In front Of Father to enjoy this story. It is real and no imagination. Do sends your comments at I straight away drove to my house. As we reached inside the house I caught Aasma and started to kiss her and rub her ass and boobs. Aasma said “ sir jaldi kya hai abhi to 4 din hai , aapki jo fanatasy hai aram se pura karna. Jab mann jaisa mann karna” I thought that she is correct. Then I remembered...
It was an autumn afternoon, she was home alone .She was getting used to the solitude. Her marriage was over it had been a few years, and never date any one after that. I was in the other room busy with my computer, doing some work in photoshop. Suddenly she called me for lunch. After having lunch we have a little chit-chat, but very soon the topic changed into sex chat. It was really surprising that she told me she want a fresh cock and dying for it. I just offer mine just as a joke.She...