Dream MasterChapter 38: Group Therapy free porn video

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Most of the time it was a basketball court – and a nice one at that. It took up one end of the warehouse and was used by the employees for recreation during lunch or on particularly slow days. In the season it was used by a local youth team coached by the building's owner, and hosted games almost every weekend. The league's championship game had been played there for the last three years – ever since he had installed the state of the art, collapsible bleachers along the back wall.

Oddly enough, it was a boy's team; at least he was keeping a low profile. There was talk of forming a 'Geezer' League in the city, and the owner had been approached about renting it out for practice sessions. So far, he didn't seem interested. It wasn't that he didn't want to, he just couldn't. My guess was that that position would change by next season. His was easily the nicest privately owned court in the city, and the teams would probably be lined up begging for a shot once he opened the door. Polished parquet floor with all the right lines gleaming invitingly in the glare of overhead lights; state of the art Plexiglas boards at either end ... it just called out for ten people to choose up sides and toss up that first jump ball. It would be interesting to see how it turned out.

But that was for another time; tonight...

Tonight it had a different purpose. Tonight the lights were turned down low; in fact, most of them were turned off ... all but two. One shone down on a podium; the other did its best to illuminate the oddly shaped bulges hidden under the large black tarps along the near sideline.

A side door opened, and people started arriving. Slowly, one by one, they filed in, and soon a good portion of the seats were filled. There were not many – seats that is, less than fifty in all – since the bleachers were still folded into their wall storage compartments. Regular folding chairs had been set up, and tonight – unlike past nights – over half of them were empty, and would remain so. Each person entering wore a black robe that covered them from neck to floor, complete with a hood to conceal their hair as the masks concealed their faces. Faceless, nameless, intended to be sexless, but that didn't always work, as there is only so much even a robe can hide. One by one they filed in and took their places, each alone in the blank sameness of anonymity.

Despite the intentional feeling of isolation induced by their sameness, they had much in common. Fear, for one; this was a place they had learned to fear long ago. Sorrow, for they knew that someone would be made to suffer tonight, and maybe tomorrow, and maybe even longer than that. It all depended on the degree of her transgression. And finally – for many – relief that it was not they who would be subjected to whatever lay hidden by the expanse of black cloth, not this time.

Very soon the stream stopped, and they waited, patiently, silently, for what would come next. The door opened again, and three more entered, two in the same robes, leading a third whose robe was different. For one thing, it was red instead of black, signifying the sinner in their midst. Then there was the fact that her robe had no hood but simply draped her body from shoulder to knees. Below the hem, her legs and feet were bare. Above, instead of a draped hood and mask, she wore a black cowl, like the ones executioners offer their charges so they do not have to see death coming – and so the witnesses didn't have to see the horror in their face and eyes as they died. The cowl was pulled snugly over the head and tied with rope around her neck. Of course it was a girl; it was always a girl, and, judging from her size, one of the older ones again, no surprise there.

One of the men stepped up to the podium; the other stayed with the girl, a step back and to the side.

"I know what you're thinking," I said as I stood at the podium. "You're wondering how you got here, because the last thing you remember is going to bed. It's simple really; you're asleep, and this is a dream. Now you're thinking, 'but it seems so real.' It is real, or at least, as real as a dream can be. Which is this case is very real. As for how that is possible; we'll save that for another time, but, as much as it is possible, you are all really here, sharing a dream. Why here? Because, I know what this place is, and what it means to all of you. Well, not anymore. Tonight, all of that changes."

And then I did the unthinkable: I pulled back the hood and began unbuttoning my robe.

"Tonight the hiding ends. Tonight, the pain ends. As of tonight, the fear ... ends. Now I know that is an easy thing to say, and I understand that you will doubt me when I say it..."

I let the robe fall in a bunch at my feet, leaving me standing before them in jeans, a polo shirt, and black tennis shoes. I let the lights come up and pulled off my mask.

" ... but you know me," I said. "You don't know how or where, but, sitting here now and seeing my face, you are asking yourself, 'Where do I know him from?' Well, I'll tell you where. Not long ago, I visited each and every one of you and took away something that Lord Hightower had hidden within you. The dreams were different for all of you, but they all went something like this."

I replayed the scene of Lizzy and me visiting Stephen Hendricks. I could see heads nodding as the newsbreak announced that Elliott Bastion was dead.

"Before this moment, the memory of that dream – or your version of it – was hidden from you. That was done for your own safety. Do you know why that compulsion to kill was hidden within you?"

Around the crowd heads shook as people began to get caught up in what I was saying.

"It doesn't make any sense to you, does it? Why would the death of your priest cause an overwhelming urge to slaughter the people you love and take your own life? That is one of the questions I am here to answer. Perhaps you know this man..."

An image of Lord Hightower with his face blurred out appeared beside me. I saw several small figures draw back against the larger figures next to them. The adults whispered to them and pushed them back to sit up on their own again.

"Lord Hightower; the man no one remembers, the monster responsible for the atrocities that you have been forced to endure, and take part in, all of these years. The reason you don't remember him is simple; you don't remember him because he told you not to. The reason he told you not to is simply because he didn't want you to know who he really was. Perhaps you will recognize him now..."

The distortion disappeared, and they gave a collective gasp as Elliott Bastion stood revealed before them.

"Now do you recognize him?" I asked. "I know this is shocking to you, even more shocking because as I revealed him you suddenly remembered something else. Suddenly, each of you remembers sitting in church for the past few weeks, and, as the sermon went on, your priest made eye contact with you, and with that contact came a voice with a message tailored just for you. The message varied from person to person; each a little different because each of you is a little different, but that was how he kept control of you. You see, the man you know as Elliott Bastion has a unique gift: he can implant a hypnotic suggestion just by looking into your eyes. I know that's hard to believe, but you've heard the messages these past few weeks, haven't you? I wish I could have revealed it sooner, but it was important that he not suspect anything had changed in you. If you had realized it was there, your mind would have automatically tried to resist it. You've been hearing that message, probably not the same one, but a message, from him, for as long as you have attended the Church of the Inner Circle. Why, you ask? That's a valid and important question, so why didn't you think of it before? Again, because he told you not to, just as he told you to come back every week regardless of circumstances. He had to have you there every week, you see, because he had to reinforce his control on a regular basis. Let me ask you, when was the last time any of you missed church?"

I waited while they thought about it.

"Probably not since you started attending his church," I said. "Even if you were too sick to work, or go to school, nothing short of being physically incapacitated would keep you from attending church. Even your vacations were short enough that you could make it back by the next Sunday. That was another compulsion. Why? Because his control faded over time, and too long away would free you from it. I know that's hard to believe, but now that Bastion is in jail, over the next couple of weeks, as that control fades further, you're going to start realizing that it's true. Not for all of you; some of you attended because you had no choice. You know who you are, and you know the reason you dared not miss a Sunday morning, but we'll save that for later. Some of you will notice changes in yourselves, in your behavior and attitudes. Some of the younger girls may suddenly discover that the sex they seemed to crave is no longer as appealing as it once was."

Towards one end, I finally got what I'd been waiting for, a hand crept up. I wasn't ready for questions just yet, but it was nice to see someone taking the initiative.

"Yes?" I said, pointing toward the person. "You have a question? If you would wait for just a moment longer, I will be happy to take your question. I just have a couple more things I want to share before we get to that.

"This is not going to get better overnight," I said. "It's been going on for a long time, and healing the damage will take just as long, or longer; some of you may never fully recover. But before there can be any chance of healing, you will need two things: Two things that you have lived without for so long that some of you may not even recognize them. One is hope, and that is what I am here to offer you tonight. But before you can have that one, before you can have hope, there is something else you will need. It is a simple thing, so simple that you probably don't even realize that I've already offered it to you. Just by standing here, like this, I have offered it you, but I can't make you take it, no one can. It is a thing that will be hard for some of you to accept. For some, accepting it will seem the hardest thing you have ever done, but harder still will be passing it on, and it's very important – critical even – that you do both, because until you do, you will never have hope.

"That thing ... is trust. Not trust of me, not right away at least – that would be asking too much – because you really don't know me, and it may be some time before you will be that comfortable. I hope that once your questions have been answered you will begin to trust me, but I will understand if you don't. As I said, this will take time. There are some among you that trust me already, and I will now introduce them to you. Samantha?"

Behind me, Sam shrugged out of the costume she had been wearing – the red robe and cowl falling away in a single piece – and stood revealed in a pair of shorts and a loose top. I could see the shock as the audience realized it had just been a prop. Once the disguise had settled to the floor, she moved forward to stand next to me.

"My name is Samantha Watkins," she said, "and I have lived this nightmare for most of my life. Some of you know me because we have 'served'..." she hung a couple of air-quotes around the word, " ... together over the years. Some of you knew my sister, Amanda. We were part of the first group to be sent for training. Some of you know what I mean by that as well. One of the questions I'm sure you are dying to ask is who this man is. Well, his name is Jimmy, and we met some time ago, when he came looking for information about the man who killed Amanda. Needless to say, he found a lot more than he bargained for. The truly miraculous thing is that when he learned the truth about what was going on here, he didn't just run away screaming, didn't ignore it as simply not being his problem. Not even later, when he learned what he had gotten himself into, and understood that the price of knowing the truth of our lives was death, or worse ... becoming part of our nightmare. Even then, he didn't run away; instead he promised me – swore to me – that he would find a way to stop it; find a way to save me, and, more importantly, to save Rachel, my sister. And again, when he realized that in order to save us he had to save all of you as well ... Well, here we all are.

"A year ago I cried myself to sleep every night, not so much for myself, but because I knew that it was only a matter of time before they came for my Rachel. Now my tears are tears of joy because I know that she is safe for the first time since Amanda died. As for me, I now wake up happy in the morning because I have hope. The parents that forced me into this life of pain and abuse are dead, and now Rachel and I live with a man whom I know loves us. I would trust, have trusted, this man – Jimmy – with my life and the life of my sister. I hope that – in time – you, will learn to trust him as well."

Behind us Stephen dropped his robe, removed his mask, and stepped forward.

"My name is Stephen Hendricks. Many of you girls will know me as your doctor. Some of the adults know me as well; the rest will recognize me from what you just saw about the buried compulsion. For those who do not know me, I am one of the doctors that have been seeing to the girl's medical needs over the years. It was my responsibility to oversee their general health, deal with accidents, sickness, all the usual things, plus managing their diets and birth control. As for how I got into this position, ... Jimmy?"

An image formed of Stephen's visit from Ed Rivers and the video he showed depicting Stephen having sex with three underage girls.

"I had no memory at all of that night. All I knew was that my wife, Kathy, had taken me to see some new friends she had made, and – the next thing I knew – I woke up at home, wondering how I had gotten there. My first thought was that maybe I'd had too much to drink, but I only remembered having one."

"Stephen did only have one," I said, "but that drink was laced with a drug designed to make him more susceptible to hypnosis. Apparently some people, and that includes some of you others, have a natural defense against the kind of manipulations Hightower was capable of. You can still be controlled for a short time, but it wears off as soon as it is not being actively maintained. There is no easily reinforced, lingering effect, like there is with most others. For these situations, Hightower resorted to good old-fashioned blackmail. Once he had the video of Stephen..."

Someone stood up towards the end of one row; the way the robe hung made it pretty obvious it was a girl. One of the adults reached for her, but she had already moved out of reach. As she came forward, she unbuttoned her robe and let it fall, then removed the mask and dropped it behind her. She was naked under the robe, so I put a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on her. Without hesitation, she walked directly up to Stephen, threw her arms around his neck, and started crying.

"I'm so sorry, Stephen," she wailed between sobs.

Sam moved forward and joined Stephen in holding the distraught young woman, and, after a minute or so, he pushed her gently away.

"Sorry for what?" He asked. "Do I know you?"

"My name is Stephanie, and I was one of the girls they filmed you with. They, my parents that is, told me later what they had done, and I've always wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what I helped them do to you, but I only ever saw you again at church, and I couldn't say anything there, and ... and I'm just so sorry..." She dissolved into sobbing again.

Stephen pulled her in close again and rocked her gently as she wept.

"I forgive you, Stephanie," he said. He was whispering, but I made sure everyone heard what he said. "There was nothing you could have done. They gave you no choice. With Bastion there, there was no way you could have resisted. So you really didn't do anything, any more than I did anything to you. Yes, it happened, but it wasn't your fault, and I don't blame you for it."

"Really?" she sobbed. "You mean it?"

"Of course he means it, Stephanie," Sam said, gently stroking her cheek. "It wasn't you; it was Hightower controlling you, maybe not directly like he was Stephen, maybe it was through your parents, and fear of being punished if you didn't go along, but he made you do it; it wasn't you."

"And that is what we are here for tonight," I said. "To begin the healing process for all of you. The most basic step towards that healing is what you have just seen happen between Stephen and Stephanie. For years, Stephanie has carried the pain and guilt of what she helped Lord Hightower do to him. Now, finally, she has been able to tell him that she was sorry. Stephanie, were you surprised that Stephen forgave you?"

"Yes," she said, pulling back from his embrace and wiping her eyes.

"So you didn't expect him to forgive you – didn't even care if he did. You just wanted – needed – to finally confess and apologize? How do you feel now, knowing that he forgives you?"

She thought about it for a moment, glancing at Stephen several times before finally saying, "Free. I think more than anything, I feel free."

"And how does that feel?" I asked.

"Wonderful," she said, and the tears came again. "It's the most wonderful feeling I think I've ever had."

Sam moved in and hugged her again as she alternately laughed and cried as the emotional waves poured over her. I left them to it as I turned back to the crowd.

"Now, there are some things I cannot tell you, mostly for legal reasons, but beyond that I will do my best to answer at least some of your questions."

"Wait," Stephen said. "Before you start that, I just want to say that, like Sam, I trust Jimmy. And because of what he has done and what he is doing in bringing us together – here – to start the healing process, I'm going to trust all of you as well. There is a secret I've been hiding for a long time, and I'm going to share it with you. Eight years ago, one of my girls got pregnant. She had gotten sick, and I had prescribed an antibiotic for her. My wife loved to watch me have sex with the girls; it reinforced the feeling of power for her, so any time one of them would come over, we would have sex, unless Kathy wasn't around, and then I left it up the girl. Long story short, the antibiotic messed up the girl's birth control, and she got pregnant. It didn't take long to figure out what had happened and that it was my child. We hid it as long as we could, but you can only do that for so long, and eventually it was discovered that she was pregnant. There was a lot of pressure to abort the baby, let me tell you.

"Ironically, the girl was one of our more consistent problems, rebelling every chance she got. She had already been disciplined twice. I think it was her unwillingness to give in that impressed me the most, but it had reached a point where they were ready to give up on her. That girl was Samantha's sister, Amanda.

He turned to Samantha and said, "Sam, I'm sorry I never told you, but Rachel is not really your sister, but your niece. I loved Amanda, Sam, I truly did. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, so I convinced her to make a deal with the group: If they would spare her daughter, our daughter – though they didn't know that part – keep her out of this life, then she, Amanda, would stop fighting. It was a cowardly thing to do, but it saved your sister's life. Both of their lives, actually, since the alternative would have been to abort Rachel."

"I know, Stephen," Samantha said, smiling and taking his hand. "I've known all along. Mandy told me you were the father. And you should know she loved you too. And I loved you, because of what you did for her and for saving Rachel. It wasn't until after Mandy died that I started falling in love with you for myself, and now, thanks to Jimmy, we're finally a family."

He pulled her closer, and Stephanie moved away to give them room. He kissed Sam's hair and then turned his attention back to the room.

"I am Doctor Stephen Hendricks, I have been both a victim of, and a party to, many of the same terrible things the rest of you have. I trust Jimmy, and I trust you, and I pledge to do whatever I can to help heal our hurts and help us all to move on."

"Thank you, Stephen," I said. "Now, the one rule with regards to questions is that you must take off your mask before asking them. I was going to make you lose the robes, too, but after Stephanie's little surprise, I think we'll make that optional. Do you still have a question?"

The one that had raised a hand earlier stood and pulled off his mask.

"My name is Franklin Sweet, and I was going to ask how we could trust you, but I think you've answered that pretty well. Right now I just want to thank you for bringing us here and say that I think we're off to a great start. I've been caught up in this mess for over four years, and while I will admit that I enjoyed having sex with all of you girls, I am still sorry. Regardless of the reasons, it was wrong, and I knew it. I hope someday you will be able to forgive me."

"I forgive you," a voice said. A mask flew, and a robe dropped, and there was Spring; standing in shorts and a sweatshirt. "My name is Spring, and for the record, I really enjoyed having sex with you, too. Of course, after my parents, I'd have enjoyed having sex with almost anyone, but you and your wife were always very pleasant to be with."

More and more people were starting to take off their robes and masks. A few were still holding out, but I was pretty sure they would come around in time.

"Okay," I said, raising my voice above the growing noise. "This place... ," I waved to indicate the room, and the tarps – along with whatever had been underneath – vanished, " ... is now a place of healing. Beginning tonight, you will all be required to come here at least twice each week. While you are here, I would encourage you to talk to each other, or, if you choose, and if you need them, there will be professional psychologists and therapists available. I can't guarantee there will always be someone here – they have lives too, believe it or not – but if you come here and can't find someone, pick up that phone, and someone will answer. While you are here, I expect you to encourage each other, get to know each other – that should be a novel experience considering the way you are used to meeting new people – and learn to trust each other."

That got me a chuckle, and I paused before going on, "I think once you've had a chance to get to know each other, you'll find it a lot easier to talk about what has happened to you. I know what you're thinking, and yes, that sounds a lot easier than it probably is, but give it a try. I have some business I need to take care of, and then I'll be back to answer more questions. Stephen and Samantha may be able to answer some of them for you. And don't worry, you're not prisoners or anything like that, you can leave if you want, but don't get too involved with anything else, because when I get back, you will automatically find yourself here as well."

With that, I left them to get acquainted and moved on to my next task. While it was too soon for the legal formalities, Elliott Bastion was about to be charged with twelve counts of first-degree murder. I have to say, he was taking it well...

"Hello, Elliott," I said as I stepped out of the elevator.

I was surprised to see that he had redecorated, and really surprised at the type of changes he'd made; the term decadent came to mind.

"Ah, young James," he said cordially from his seat on the plush leather sofa. "So good of you to drop by. How goes the good fight?"

"So far, so good," I replied. "Everyone is still in a little bit of shock at this point, including the authorities. I've started the rest on what I hope to be the road to recovery."

"I can only assume you mean those that you allowed to live. I realize now that it was indeed you that killed the others. It's going to be interesting to see what the weight of all this death does to you over time. I must congratulate you, though; besides the sheer weight of statistics – which is unavoidable – there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that any of those deaths were not the accidents they appeared to be."

"I told you, Hightower; it wasn't me, so if you're waiting to see what my guilty conscience does to me, you're going to be waiting a long, long, time. Interesting choice of décor, by the way."

"Thank you," he said. "Now that I am no longer constrained by appearances, I decided to indulge myself. You should see the bedroom; you and your little friends could have a really good time in there."

"My little friends?" I asked. "You should pay better attention, Elliott. I told you; Shannon died in an accident, so now it's just me and Allison."

"Oh, please," he said, rolling his eyes. He picked up a tumbler off the coffee table and took a sip. "Ah, I have missed this. I'm looking forward to tasting the real thing again soon; I find that after going without for so long, I've lost the details." He took a sip before continuing. "Now then, you do not truly expect me to believe that you are going to suddenly be content with only one woman after tasting the pleasure of multiple partners. Or your sister – who obviously has a taste for her own kind – either, for that matter; especially with such a variety of willing young volunteers suddenly beholden to you both. You can't possibly think me so naïve as to believe such nonsense. Young Samantha alone would give her soul to be with you, and probably your sister as well. Several others come to mind, too, but I'm sure you came here for some reason other than to banter such trivial issues with me. What can I do for you?"

"For someone facing twelve counts of murder, you seem very content with your situation."

"Hardly content," he pointed out. "I am, after all, incarcerated, both here and out there where it really counts. I can think of countless places I would rather be."

"I think you have that backwards. The prison that really counts it the one I've put you in, and I'd get used to the idea of a more conservative lifestyle if I were you," I said.

"Hmmm," he said. "Let me think ... nope, sorry. I just don't see it."

"You really think you're going to beat this?" I asked, surprised. "You were arrested at the scene of the crime, holding the murder weapon. A weapon you had to stop and reload in order to kill them all."

"We shall see," he said smugly. "I think you underestimate the possibilities here."

"One of us certainly is," I said, "I hope your ego can take the damage when you find out it was you."

With that, I turned and left again. The whole thing had gone pretty much as I had expected. He had dropped the pretenses a little more completely than I had expected, but everything else fit my expectations pretty closely.

"Pretty sure of himself," Jamie said.

"He's never lost before; why should he expect to this time? Any signs of him trying to tamper with the bubble?"

"No," she assured me. "So now what?"

"Well, I was thinking of dropping in on the DA and Bastion's lawyer to see what the latest is, but I think it's still too soon to really get much there. My guess is that they're still trying to get a grip on what they're dealing with."

"Still, he seems pretty sure of himself," she said. "Makes me wonder if we're missing something."

"Have to wait and see," I said. "Let's go find Bob, so we can get back and play twenty-questions; then we can get started on some of the private meetings we need to have."

I moved us to my office and was about to call Bob when Jamie stepped out and stopped me.

"I don't like it," she said.

"Which part?"

"That smug son-of-a-bitch sitting in his cushy apartment sipping champagne and gloating about how untouchable he is."

She had a point. "What did you have in mind?"

She took a deep breath, and suddenly I knew there was more to this than she had said.

"Jimmy, you watched the video; you know what he did, to Amanda, to Autumn, to all of these girls. The man is scum. His picture belongs in the encyclopedia under "Evil"; right next to Hitler, Bundy, and a few others. He needs to die, but before that, he needs to know the hell he put those girls through. I want him to..."

She stopped and turned away, but it didn't matter; I could feel – hell, practically see – the conflicting emotions of anger, pain, and hurt coming off of her in waves.

"Allison!" I called.

A few moments later she walked in the door, took one look at Jamie, and stopped.

"What the hell happened?" She demanded.

"Talk to her," I said.

"Why do I need to talk to her?" she asked, eyeing me skeptically.

Same as Dream Master
Chapter 38: Group Therapy Videos

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Amy MacDonald had a terrible fear of dogs. Months ago at the beginning of summer, she had been bitten by one, and though the mark on her arm had disappeared the mere sight of a dog would make her fear for her life. Over time she learned to avoid dogs which helped her to stay calm, but a new problem had emerged and had become a real drag on her wellbeing. She was eighteen, only a month into university and finally getting her first taste of freedom, yet she now couldn't leave her own student...

3 years ago
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Sissy Therapy

My advertisement read: MEN Interested in sex with other men but don't know how to proceed? Looking for a safe, friendly way to find out if this is for you? Obsessed by online bi/gay/sissy/crossdressing porn but frightened to meet someone? Is your marriage at risk because of your desires? I can help! One four-hour sexual therapy session will help you to decide if this is right for you, and will help you to understand your desires. Don't suffer alone, I can...

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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

Wife Lovers
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Alternate Therapy

My name is Natalie Smart. I am currently studying for my Phd in Classical Literature at a large university in Eastern England. I find my studies absorbing and I guess most will call me bookish if not actually a prude. It's not that I don't get on with people, I can be very sociable whenever I want to, it's just that I quickly tire of them, finding most of them shallow and in the case of the men, interested in one thing and one thing only. Unfortunately I am frequently pestered as I am judged to...

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Physical Therapy

Unlike most smart people, I tend to ignore the fact that warming up before strenuous exercise is essential for your overall good health and for best performance. I’ve always been lazy like that and until recently, I’ve been lucky. But my luck ran out playing tennis on a hot day, and during the course of stretching to make a shot, I pulled and injured some tendons in my upper thigh.I ended up assigned to physical therapy twice a week, and the first day was uneventful. My therapist, Gretchen, was...

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It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, the first real day of summer after a long rainy spring, and the wide concrete path that hugged the Chicago lakefront was packed with people enjoying the warm, sunny weather. Joggers, walkers, bikers, and rollerbladers, all fighting for position on the same crowded path, but everyone was in a good mood and having fun, including me. I was one of the rollerbladers, and not a very experienced one. After watching bladers shoot by me day after day while I was...

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Aprils Radical Mental Therapy

Author’s Note: Hi folks, firing another one out here. If it hasn’t been said before, I am saving what I think is my better work for later submissions. This one is kind of all over the place, something I poked at here and there over the years. I finally managed to salvage it together into something presentable. I wasn’t even sure which category to put this, though. NonConsent? Exhibitionism? Mind Control? I chose the latter, please forgive if you disagree after reading the story. Again, I...

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Sex Therapy

“Doctor Gerard, this is Mrs. Brown, our client for the next two days.” Julienne introduced me to a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. Her short black haired, brown eyes and pale skin oozed sensuality but her droopy shoulders tried to hide her firm breasts and sexuality.“Good morning. Please, come in and make yourself comfortable.” I took Mrs. Brown’s hand and led her to the couch. She wore her conservative grey business suit, designer shoes and handbag like a suit of armour against the...

Group Sex
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my first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle!   THERAPY   Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard cock...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 6 Familys Incestuous Therapy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Therapy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Group Session 2 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels It had been a week since I'd seen Jill Daniels and her daughter Mercedes. I was eager to hear how it went. They were both smiling as they walked in and began stripping off their clothes, joining me being naked in my office. If this worked out, this would be our final session. It made me so...

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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

2 years ago
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Mutual Therapy

Life had been what I thought was picture perfect, until I turned s*******n. I was in my junior year of high school when the bomb went off in our house. I had come home from school to find suitcases and boxes sitting on the front porch.I had found the door locked, and after ringing the bell and knocking a few times, my mother had peeked through the front glass, unlocked the door to let me in, and then relocked the door.You got it, mom had caught dad with another woman; or another girl to be...

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"Doesn't everybody desire sexual pleasure?"This was the best opening I could muster in my first meeting with the counselor. Dr. Timothy was selected by my wife, Lou (short for Louise), of s*******n years."To some degree everyone desires sexual pleasure, Richard. Tell me why do you desire pleasure?"Lou had arranged the meeting after determining I needed help. In an intimate moment, I suggested we expand our sex life by adding a little spice—such as another woman. Lou didn't react right away, but...

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Replacement Therapy

Replacement Therapy By Cheryl Lynn This is a copyrighted fictional story. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This is a forced feminine/dominant female story featuring sections of both physical and mental sexual cruelty. Such actions are not condoned by the author and just part of a story. If you do not like such stories then Do Not read or comment as you have been warned. Constructive criticism on style and grammar are welcome....

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 203 Family Therapy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 16, 2010) Chapter 3 - Family Therapy "That was your mom," Dad said while hanging up the phone as we approached the car. We had just left the set of 'The Tonight Show'. "She said that Kevin and his family have arrived. You...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel 6 In Therapy

In Therapy (part of the HH genre) TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women...

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Physical Therapy

  A few months ago I was driving on the freeway heading home from work when suddenly, a careless person who was talking on a cell phone and not paying attention to the flow of traffic smashed into the rear of my car at a very high rate of speed. The impact was very severe and the paramedics who arrived on the scene suggested that I should go to the hospital and get checked out. There was some stiffness in my back and neck, but I figured it would just go away, and I was really not in the mood...

Straight Sex
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Specialist therapy

I arrived at my non NHS clinic for specialized therapy. Greeted by the TV nurse I was shown in to the front reception area. I was informed that I would now have to go to the pre preparation room to be got ready for the Dr and the treatment. This was down some steep steps into a cold room kitted out with a patient waiting cage, a rack and a table. Next to the table was an array of items that were to be fitted to me. I was ordered to strip naked by the nurse. It was quite cold and being naked...

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Family Therapy

I licked my lips for a moment. "You want to invite me in with you two?" "Yes, you seem to like what you see, and you've put up with our fighting enough," Kate replied, leaning towards me and kissing me. "I wouldn't mind you joining us," she added, before grabbing a blanket and wiping my chest. "Care to join me, Stephen?" she pondered, prior to leaning down to my jugs. "Oh, you just went up even higher, Kate, yes, lick that nipple and make me feel good," I moaned, placing a hand on her head....

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"And how does that make you feel, Bob?" "It used to make me angry, Ann, but now I just ignore it." "Bob, it would be better if you addressed me as Dr. Culver. Therapy is more effective if you take it seriously. A casual approach isn't good for either of us." "That's fine by me. Henceforth you may call me Mr. Canfield." "If you wish, but I've found using first names puts a patient more at ease." "I'm not a patient, I'm a customer. I'll go along with whichever you prefer,...

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Lana gives me sexual therapy

A big problem for those who are young, single, hot, rich and kinky is finding an outlet for their sexual appetites but not end up in the National Enquirer, messy relationships or in secret government databases for later coercion or fundraising. The word is that well connected elites have worked with Concierge Healthcare providers who already serve them with high-end sports injury and other therapies to develop private sexual clinics that can cater to those appetites. It is true but you...

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Group Therapy

On the heels of a nasty break up, I decide to get out of town for a long weekend to visit my best friend, whom I haven't seen in a couple of years. Tiffany and her boyfriend Derek live in a small apartment in the middle of downtown Seattle. After spending the day sight-seeing, Tiffany and I finally arrive at her apartment after dark. Tiffany looks stunning as usual. She has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Her tight black skirt falls to the middle of her thighs, revealing the smooth, tanned...

Group Sex
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Incredible ChangesChapter 245 Group Therapy

From the emails I read, the support group it working great. After I had danced with everyone, at least twice, including guys, I got pulled over into a dark corner that had a Chaise lounge. It had a rubber sheet under the black soft cotton sheet on top. Now they want to show me how much my emails and words of support mean to them. They were going to blindfold me, tie my feet to a bar between legs of the chaise lounge, tie me to the back of the chair, put elbow-length hazardous material gloves...

4 years ago
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Lana gives me sexual therapy

These clinics employ Doctors in Physical Therapy (DPT) graduates who are serving their internships in Concierge Healthcare already and are provided opportunities to divide their work between Healthcare and the Clinic. When they serve in the clinic, they are paid well and able to pay down their student loans incurred to earn their DPT. The skills needed in the Clinics is not available academically but can be found on the indexed internet and in the deep web. There are limits on how far the...

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Fairy Tale Therapy

Geraldine sat with her elbow propped on the desk, forehead resting on her hand. She had just eaten the basket of goodies her granddaughter brought her for lunch. She was really going to have to talk to her daughter-in-law about letting the child go out by herself. She wasn’t old enough to go tripping through the forest. It just wasn’t safe. She sighed. No use postponing the inevitable. She hated conducting the fairy tale families’ group therapy sessions, but there was no one else qualified....

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Kyle Roberts HypnoTherapy

My name is Dr. Tiffany Strauss. I'm 32 years old and I have been practicing therapy for about seven years. While I take on many different patients, my office mostly focuses on family dysfunction, teenage depression, and other various younger patient issues. It's a job that I find extremely rewarding, as I know that a person's teenage years are the most crucial times in their life, so when I'm able to set these troubled youths onto a better path, I know that my work has tremendous value. I...

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BackDoor Physical Therapy

She pays me to help her out. By that I mean that once a week I come to her house, take her in the den, pull down her pants and finger her ass until she cums. Then I leave. She's a very busy woman.It started as physical therapy. She had injured her leg hiking, and her doctor ordered a few sessions of PT to help her stretch the muscles out as they healed. She's a stay-at-home mom going to school to learn some trade (I never did catch what), and otherwise just trying to take care of four kids...

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Hydro Massage Therapy

Brock always loved to see new members walk through the door of the gym. This new member was no exception. She was extremely nervous though. Oh, he was sure she did not think it was showing, but it was. The tightness in her muscles as she worked her upper quadrant gave her nervousness away. She was also self-conscious about her body. It told in her face as other members came close to her. Her eyes followed the ones that passed her and he could see her thinking. Stacie Lee wondered what all of...

Straight Sex
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Strange Therapy

Author's Note: I would like to thank Elrod for the use of his characters, and words of encouragement, as well as his time helping me dispose of the worst of my grammatical and spelling errors. I would also like to thank Ellen Heyes for helping me with my writing. She tirelessly hammered me until I corrected some of the more implausible passages in the story. I enjoyed her frank and pitiless critiques as well as her words of encouragement. Thanks to her as well for allowing...

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Electroconvulsive Therapy

Electro-convulsive Therapy by G. Guignol        Luscious Lisa, stark naked, writhed sinuously as she tugged desperately, futilely trying to escape the heavy wooden chair. Its four legs were embedded securely in the concrete floor of the sealed soundproof underground chamber and she was tightly clamped to it so good luck with that, but a desperate girl’s gotta hope. Her arms were hooked over the top of the back of the chair.  Her dainty wrists were taped firmly together, secured by a tightly...

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Strange Therapy

?I’ll explain exactly what we’re doing and why, and why we’d like you to help out,? the supposed doctor said. I was only there because my occasional fuck buddy Dana asked me to. It was her standoffish friend Carrie who apparently needed my help for something. ?Carrie needs to essentially relive a tragic experience from her youth. When she was sixteen, she and her older sister were kidnapped by a group of young men. Carrie survived with fairly modest injuries, but her sister was tortured for...

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Teen Flashers Therapy

TEEN FLASHER'S THERAPY"You are deep in trouble, young lady," Brad heard his wife Lyn saying to his daughter, as she dragged her out of the car and into the house. "Go ahead and tell your father what you've been doing!"Ashley was a gorgeous looking 14 year old. She's always been a sweet little girl, smart, cute, well behaved, mommy and daddy's pride and joy. Lately, however, ever since she started filling out, growing curves, and turning quite rapidly into a stunning young woman, her personality...

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Penis Cream Therapy

Penis-Cream Therapy "Good morning Chad," she says with a smile, "I am Nurse Stacy. I'll be performingyour Penis-Cream Therapy today." She's wearing a professional white lab coat,short black skirt, nylons, and high-heels. Chad is clearly nervous, intimatedby her beauty, and stammers: "Good morning Nurse Stacy." She smirks to herself,catching his brief but predictable glance at her large breasts. They pressprovocatively against a semi-transparent dress shirt and separate the unbuttonedfront-V of...

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Family Therapy

"Shut the fuck up, Steven, so what if I got here your car back an hour late?! I'm sorry!" she yelled, coming towards me. "Mom, I swear, how is he my twin brother? We're almost nothing alike." "I don't know, Kate. Damn, what is it with you two lately?" I whined, turning to her. "You've been bickering like that nonstop for weeks now. You're twenty now, can't you get along? I mean, at least for my sake? You're the only kids I'll ever have, and we lost your dad a few years ago, too, so is there...

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Talaes from the Froglady Couple Therapy

Tales from the Frog-lady: Couple therapy by Sylvia Wechsel Chapter 1 - Introducing the Silvas Eduardo is the first one to wake up. He is still in that half sleep, half awake phase in which dream and reality mix, but even in this state he realizes something feels strange. In the 10 years of his marriage with Adriana, he slept in the same side of the bed, so the image he has from his bedroom is pretty much the same everyday. Now things seem to be out of place. It takes about 15...

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Massage Therapy

My name is Royule James White; most people call me Roy. I'm considered mixed race. My mother is Hawaiian and my dad is a black American. So, I guess that makes me a black Hawaiian American. Dad never called himself an African American. He would always say, " My great-grandparents were born in America, my grandparents were born in America, my parents were born in America and I was born in America, so that makes me an American. And if I have a dark complexion they can call me a black proud...

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I’d just returned from putting my wife on a plane to home. I was settling into an extended stay residence for six weeks of radiation therapy. My mood certainly wasn’t a happy one. There was a knock on my door and when I opened it there were two women and a man. They were carrying flowers, snacks, and a couple of bottles. The woman in front, beautiful but completely hairless, said, “Hi, welcome to our little world here. We are the welcoming team. May we come in?” I showed them into the small...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 50 New Nurse More Therapy

Breakfast was at seven-o-clock. The thirty something lady who delivered it had a grin a mile wide on her face as she looked from my face to my groin and back again. "What?" I asked while managing to keep a straight face. Oh I suspected what was on her mind but I wanted to embarrass the woman into telling me. Fat chance of that it turned out. She laughed as she poured out my black coffee for me. "You know very well what, young man. But, if you have to know, you're the talk of the...

4 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 6 Familyrsquos Incestuous Therapy

Group Session 2 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels It had been a week since I’d seen Jill Daniels and her daughter Mercedes. I was eager to hear how it went. They were both smiling as they walked in and began stripping off their clothes, joining me being naked in my office. If this worked out, this would be our final session. It made me so hopeful as Mercedes bounced with excitement, the fifteen-year-old girl stripping off her baby doll t-shirt, her round breasts coming into view. Her black...

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Group Therapy

On the heels of a nasty break up, I decide to get out of town for a long weekend to visit my best friend, whom I haven’t seen in a couple of years. Tiffany and her boyfriend Derek live in a small apartment in the middle of downtown Seattle. After spending the day sight-seeing, Tiffany and I finally arrive at her apartment after dark. Tiffany looks stunning as usual. She has dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Her tight black skirt falls to the middle of her thighs, revealing the smooth, tanned...

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Blow Job Therapy

Author’s Note: Once there was a Dr. Mesmer from whence came the word ‘mesmerize.’ He had numerous descendents who also became mesmerizers. This story is about one of those descendents and written as several first person accounts, in a style similar to that of a script, because that’s what I do–write scripts and turn them into funny sex videos–which you can verify by doing a search on the word ‘stevesteelepresents’ via a major search engine. On with the story. Your feedback is appreciated. The...

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Now this is Therapy

“Bye Dad”, she said while bounding down the steps and walked to her car. He stood looking out of the storm door to enjoy the view as she walked away. Trying incredibly hard not to be obvious he snuck peeks of her every single chance he could. Standing just at 5’ and weighing around 105lbs she was slight and slender to say the least. Her tits were a small handful each, belly curved out ever so slightly and her ass was small but pronounced and so soft to squeeze. The sundresses she...

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Stress Therapy

As the computer booted she examined her reflection on the screen. Rachel was a pleasant woman, perhaps not a super-model, but she held her own against the “cheerleader” types. Her mother had always bragged about her combination of brains and beauty. Rachel didn’t completely dissagree, either; she had the classic Norweigan features, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a well proportioned body. A bit top heavy, pehaps, but there were worse things. He breasts were quite adequate for turning heads,...

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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for nine years. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. Due to issues in her past that she has told me about. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. It’s so sad because she is beautiful and has never learned the pleasures making love...

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*my first effort. All comments welcome but please be a bit gentle!*   THERAPY   Doctor Adam Steele let out a deep sigh as he glanced down at the mess of papers on his desk. On top of the heap was the file of his next patient. His sessions with Lina often left him with graphic images that made the rest of his day almost unbearable. Grimacing with shame he recalled an occasion last month when he’d dashed to the bathroom mid session and found himself wrapping his hand round his painfully hard...

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Erotic Visualization Therapy

Hello Shawn. Please come in and have a seat. I’ve read over your file. I see that you’re having some problems with stress and it’s affecting the quality of your orgasms. So what we’re going to do is work on some relaxation techniques and and then I’m going to help you learn to prolong and intensify your sexual pleasure. These are things you’ll practice during masturbation but you’ll be soon be able to apply them to your sexual encounters with a partner as well. I want you to know that you can...

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Ashleys BBC Therapy

I couldn't breathe, my whole midsection was tensing up as he deepened inside me. I moaned and expelled all the air from my lungs and took a deep breath. I already knew that this would be a challenge but I had no idea that it would be so enormous. He was an alpha, by all means, he shoved it inside and split me open like I was disposable, which I was to him most likely.But why do I care?I'm a brainless fuck doll and a sorry excuse of a man, I should bite the sheets, remain silent and be thankful....

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Sex Therapy

Dr. Helen Smith was a smoking hot blond. She had a pale, white, milky complexation and curves in all the right places. However, her best features by far were her legs. She had long slender legs with jaw-dropping carves and toned thighs. Her feet were always pedicured and just beautiful, with high arches and red nail polish. The first time I saw her she was wearing a flowery summer dress and sandals. I was rock hard I'm surprised I didn’t cum.After a couple months in therapy and talking about...

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Over the years I've had back trouble that has bothered me to a lesser or greater degree. Don't ask! Sven the younger broke his back as an idiot teenager. Could have been worse, I guess. If nothing else it makes me aware of what the weather is about to do, but it has caused me grief off and on ever since. During one of the times when it was being more than a passing nuisance, I was willing to try anything, and a friend recommended a special lady and I gave her a call. So by accident I found a...


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