A December To RememberChapter 2 free porn video

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After the meal was over, Noru arose to begin his annual ritual of boring everyone to sleep with his interminable speech. One year he talked non-stop for two full hours until somehow the electrical power to the podium microphone got cut off. My staff gave me a trophy for that secretive commando feat – I'd bribed a waiter to start throwing electrical circuit breakers until there was silence. This year, he seemed especially animated and out to set a new record for speaking the longest without actually ever saying anything of any importance.

Oh, he praised everyone's services, Gerald's and mine especially, but there was precious little substance to anything he babbled about until the one hour and twenty minute mark passed when he roused everyone from their comas by discussing the Patterson-Wilcox deal. This was the contract that Gerald had recklessly promised a full six weeks earlier than was humanly possible to deliver. Now Noru had everyone's complete and undivided attention!

It was as bad as I feared. The ball-less git didn't face down Gerald after all and the new 'improved' delivery schedule for the project was now an official go! You could hear grown men starting to cry all over the banquet hall.

When Noru stated to babble about sacrifice and showing company "fighting spirit", I decided that the moment wasn't going to get any richer or riper for the start of my petty little revenge. I signaled my waiter accomplice, who had nearly been bored nearly to sleep himself, and the VHS tape began to play on the nearby TV monitors and my banner was then unfurled for all to see behind Noru's head.

The VHS tape was an edited compilation of slave galley rowing scenes from the movies, mostly sequences from Ben Hur and Les Miserables, with lots of shots of the guy with the drums sounding off the rowing beat for the poor slaves to row to while they being whipped by overseers. These clips were looped, so there should be lots of time for me to make a little speech of my own. The banner added another entire level of poor taste to the production, and probably exhibited extremely bad judgment on my part ... but I just couldn't resist doing it. The tamer alternative probably would have involved the use of firearms.

"Arbeit macht frei" is a German phrase meaning "work brings freedom" or "work will set you free", and it has extremely unsavory social connotations. Most knowledgeable people know that these were the words written on the outside gate of either Auschwitz or Dachau, and they'd be both right. Actually, the Nazi's used this phrase as a sign at a great many of their slave labor camps. Slave labor was about the way most of the staff felt they were being treated these days, so I thought I'd make it semi-official.

Poor Noru was still semi-oblivious, and trying to talk over the rising sound of the rowing oars and slave drums. The more historically educated folks started to break out into laughter once they read the "Arbeit macht frei" banner, except for Mrs. Goldstein of accounting, but she at least had enough of a sense of humor to nod her head and smile. The rest of the captive audience got the joke fairly quickly and joined in.

Awoken from a semi-coma of his own, a reporter from the local town newspaper got a few good photographs of Noru with his right arm enthusiastically extended while still blathering on with his speech, which graced the local newspaper the next day, generating one heck of a shit-storm. The resulting published picture did strongly intimate that our CEO had indeed made a Nazi salute, and the amused witnesses were all rather willing to confirm this rather accidental misinterpretation of the facts.

I gave up the hope of Noru ever shutting up, so I pegged him with a thrown dinner roll and rose to my feet to give a vastly abbreviated farewell address while the last moments of my short slave galley footage still rolled.

"Friends, engineers, countrymen, and you folks down in manufacturing that actually work for a living – lend 'Norman' thine dinner rolls! Tis but a far far buttery thing that I do, than I have ever done before! Fellow slave galley workers unite - you have nothing left to lose but your chains!"

With that the pelting of Noru began in earnest.

Rachael stood up to restrain me, but I snarled at her to shut her filthy whore mouth and go somewhere to clean Gerald's cum stains off of the bodice of her dress.

She slapped me, so I poured a glass of red wine down the front of her silk dress. She then screamed and tried to take a wild swing at me but was a little too drunk for dancing with the height of her heels and started to fall over the moment she tried to become vertical. I caught her long enough to push her into the arms of Gerald, who had arisen to either defend Noru or his mistresses honor. He'd had a snootful to drink as well, and the pair of them flopped over a chair together which rolled onto its back, spilling the pair of them together onto the floor. Gerald's drop dead gorgeous wife, Marcy, completed the moment by pouring the remainder of a wine bottle over both the hapless pair on the floor.

Noru was now being pelted with desserts and any other leftovers from uncollected dinner plates. No amount of dry cleaning was ever going to restore that Armani suit. The poor git was utterly confused and I'm certain that he had no clue what had angered the natives and sent them off on the warpath. Noru's long suffering wife Misaki was laughing herself silly and blew me a kiss as I started to leave the Banquet.

For good measure, I let out a loud "I Quit – and I mean it this time!" before I left the room, to a standing ovation.

The "Arbeit macht frei" banner somehow appeared outside of the front door of the manufacturing plant the next morning. Security promptly took it down, but the next night the words were replaced with red paint, and painted in at least twenty places upon the outside main office building walls as well. Some other wit added "Romani ite domum" for good measure, but at least it wasn't repeated a hundred times. Noru, having no sense of humor at all, probably didn't get the joke ... but the joke had been on him all along.

The revolution had begun, but like the Russian Cruiser 'Aurora' I'd fired my last broadside and was just glad to be rid of that madhouse. The madhouse, however, wasn't quite rid of me just yet.

Paul, my Assistant Director of Engineering was offered my job first thing Monday morning, but he promptly quit also. As did a vast majority of the Engineering department. Things were even less civil over in Manufacturing. The floor supervisors held a big employee meeting on Monday afternoon at which the rank and file overwhelmingly voted their willingness to form a labor union.

Noru, horrified at the thought of organized labor coming in and taking over things, threatened the employees with a lockout on Tuesday, but less than ten minutes later he found out that nearly ninety percent of his workers had already gone on a walkout in protest. Wednesday morning the main offices were locked and the manufacturing plant was padlocked shut.

Needless to say, the employee office Holiday Party that Friday was cancelled and bonuses were most definitely not handed out.

I had a few things to do to occupy my time before catching up on some long overdue sleep and rewatching my collection of Christmas horror movies (comedies). I packed up all of Rachael's clothes and things that were at my house and set them on the porch for her to pick up. She did come and get them, and returned my own items, mostly suits (including my favorite) ... which I found were all sliced up into shreds with either a knife or sharp scissors. So much for common courtesy.

In any case, that put a final 'done and finished' to that relationship. This suited me just fine, but it still ticked me off that Gerald had been wearing a bloody Santa hat while face-fucking her! The day of the ultimate Santa Apocalypse won't come too soon to suit me!

My phone kept ringing, so I unplugged the blasted thing. There really wasn't anyone that I wanted or needed to talk to. My role as the spark plug for the revolution was over. I'd performed my role as Samuel Adams but now I was more than willing for someone else to go play George Washington and command the revolution instead of me.

It didn't work out that way. Well meaning and concerned folks kept knocking on my door too in all hours of the day or night until I decided that I wasn't going to get any peace and quiet at all until I either skipped town or hid myself off somewhere. I ought to have just driven off somewhere for awhile, but for some reason I just didn't want to leave town. I was having too much fun watching from a distance all of the madness unfold around Noru. There were talks of lawsuits and countersuits, and counter-countersuits, and it was all just much too entertaining to leave just yet.

I could sense that something bigger still was now about to happen but I didn't know quite what.

Also, I didn't quite have a new job as of yet. For several years, one of our better competitors had been head-hunting me and promising the moon if I would come join them. Now that I was very much a free agent, their mood towards the whole thing now seemed to have chilled a bit. I heard a lot of excuses about the economy, and needing special permission from their legal department, and some further approval from their board of directors, etc. Lots of excuses, and very little in the way of specific details. I wasn't going to hold my breath to wait for them to call back. I guess they now considered me to be a threat to their management.

I moved into an obscure motel on the outskirts of town for the next week or so and spent my days keeping my ears down to the railroad tracks to listen for oncoming trouble and my evenings drinking at a little hole in the wall dive that I'd taken a bit of a liking to. It was there, the Friday before Christmas that trouble found me first.

It was early that Friday evening, just after 5 p.m. when I got an early start on the evening's entertainment at Herbert's Bullpen. Herb had been a career minor league pitcher in the 1950's and had never made it past AAA Ball in eight seasons of toil, but he knew a thousand entertaining stories from those golden days of baseball. I never actually did much serious drinking there, but it was a fun place to hang out with all of the vintage baseball décor and Herb made for a pretty good host.

Tonight, he was fairly busy behind the bar so I was amusing myself watching Jeopardy on the TV behind the bar. I'm fairly well read and have a good memory for trivia, and I'd like to think that if I ever were to become a real contestant on that game show, I'd likely win a small fortune ... unless they asked obscure questions about Renaissance era Italian poets. In any case, I was doing well and winning pots of virtual money when a Santa Claus, complete with a full red suit came into Herb's and planted himself down on the barstool next to me.

I shouted "Unclean!" and made the universal ablutions to ward off evil and moved over to another barstool. The swine moved over and again sit next to me. It was moments like this that I despaired for my state, that the liberal wankers at the state capitol had not voted us victimized tax-payers the right to conceal carry firearms ... and the right to 'rehabilitate' known proven public menaces to the common welfare, like Santa's on sight.

I gave the Santa a very beady eye glare of distain, but I was in just enough of a good mood that I decided to now just pretend that I didn't see him. Oddly, this particular rosy-cheeked nuisance wasn't even drinking the usual cheap rotgut either. He asked Herb to climb up to the top leftmost shelf and bring down a certain bottle of scotch that was in the furthermost back corner and pour the three of us each a small glass. Such a bottle was indeed there, complete with decade's worth of dust. It was also the best darned tasting scotch I'd ever had in my life!

In the spirit of the season, and being on public neutral ground (and without firearms), I decided to forgive the Santa for the mortal offense of speaking to me, although it was getting harder to pointedly ignore him. Wow, that was good scotch! I even thanked him, when he offered to provide us with a refill. Poor Herb was at a complete loss – he never even had a clue that this most excellent bottle was even on the premises; he'd never seen it before!

My mood significantly improved, I didn't even mind when Santa ("Just call me Kris", he said) joined me in playing along with the remaining last part of the game show on the TV. When the program finished, a second new episode of the game show began and Kris leaned over toward me to offer a wager.

"I'll bet you the remaining contents of this most excellent bottle of very old Scotch, that this old man can beat you silly in this next bout of Jeopardy. We'll alternate questions, and the one with the most correct answers at the end wins. If you win, I'll hang up this hat and suit for good. If you lose, you can owe me a very small favor. Nothing important, serious or hurtful, but you'd be helping me, along with yourself too ... and might even enjoy it. Do we have a bet?"

Absolutely. I'm pretty good at this game, and there wasn't the slightest doubt in my mind that I could beat a drink-besotted Santa wannabe. Plus, it would keep him safely away from diddling some children or exposing himself to any old ladies for awhile. On the plus side, at least this guy had a real white beard and looked the part.

I took that bet ... and he absolutely whooped my ass. He never missed a question, not a single one! I hardly got a single answer right. It was all weird stuff like Existential Philosophers, Australian Marsupials, Oriental Porcelain and yes, of course, Renaissance era Italian Poets.

Bah! I took a long bathroom break to see if Santa would forget about me, and my 'favor', and was temporarily delighted to see that his stool was now empty. Santa had indeed departed, but not before leaving me a package on my own stool. His Santa suit. My 'favor' was to dress up in his suit and act as a substitute for him at a small party this evening for no more than two hours.

Double Bah! I was of no mind to do it ... even though Kris had provided one last drink refill for me which slightly softened my mood. Didn't this red suited demon from the lowest planes of hell know what he was asking of me? I was going to have to 'join the enemy' ... and I didn't like the thought even one little bit.

"Do it or you're barred and not welcome in my joint again!" Herb directed. "I can't stand a guy who welshes on a bet! You lost, fair and square. Be a man, suck it up and pay up. Think of the little kiddies!" I thought about remarking that the little tykes would probably just as soon rather not be fondled and diddled, but the menacing glare on Herb's face brooked no contradiction.

I finished the last of my drink and bowing to cruel and monstrous fate, I put on the costume. My shame was complete.

To my rather great surprise, the suit fit rather well and was of quite excellent quality. This wasn't one of the usual cheap felt jobs that the stores can burn later after dressing up a flea-bitten street hobo, but a nice warm lined one of soft clean velvet and what felt like real fur. I didn't even need much padding around the midsection ... I unfortunately spend most of my days sitting down. Even the fake beard was a pretty decent theatrical stock one and I had to admit that looking into the reflection of myself in the bar mirror, that I did make a rather convincing Santa Claus. I started to wonder when I get the overpowering urge to go molest some young orphans.

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Baby sitters get used

Her breasts were slightly larger than Ashleys. Sam lay on his bed waiting and finally the doorbell rang and he heard his dad answer it inviting the two girls to come in to the house. His parents talked with them for a short time then called him out of his room at the back of the house. He admired the two girls as he rolled his wheelchair into the living room. Ashley introduced him to her girlfriend Kayla. His mother told them they were set till monday with food and money for food to be...

4 years ago
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Stepsiblings Attend Wild Sex Party

Melissa Roberts (age 20) tells the story:About a week ago my younger eighteen year old brother Michael and I were sitting in the living room watching television. It was Friday evening and I normally had a date, but recently broke up with my boyfriend. Michael would also usually be out on a date with his girlfriend but she was out of town with parents visiting her grandmother.I was getting bored and decided to take a shower then play around on my computer. As I got up from the couch my brother...

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Lindseys diary

Dear diary Sept 12 Saturday, OMG diary this is the first time I have made an entry that really feels like it means something. Today, well tonight actually mom drank almost half a bottle of wine and got really drunk. She started crying and apologizing to me but I couldn't get her to tell me why she was sorry at first. Finally she said it was because she was such a geek, and that she knows that she raised me to be such a geek too. I think that its because she's really lonely, all...

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Wallz is owning ushellip

I ordered one of My cuckold couple from Leeds (UK) to write a nice story about me and here is the story written by the Subbyhubby on my behalf. My wife Ana had met an Arab guy on a date site.She dated him for a couple of months while he visited the UK. Every week he came to our house to fuck Ana in front of me. Sometimes this guy took my sensual wife out to dinner and he used to bring her back home, absolutely wasted…His name was Wallz. He had this Arab superiority complex and he loved...

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My Personal Minx The Hike

"How about a naked hike in the mountains?" Sarah asked."That sounds intriguing. Did you have somewhere in mind?""Well, there was this place that my father and I used to go fishing. I remember it being on the far side of Smith mountain in the parkland. It took about an hour to get there, but the trails were rarely used, and we never ran into anyone else. Plus, at one point in the stream, there was a nice deep spot where we could do a little swimming.""Okay, that sounds like the spot for us. You...

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Tonights gonna be a good night

Last night my wife went out with friends. Every couple of weeks or so, they all get together and go out for dinner. Normally this is on Friday nights, but for whatever reason it just so happened to be on a Tuesday for this week. I don't mind staying home with the k**s while she goes out to have fun. Hell, she deserves it after everything she does around the house and for our family. So, I let her go out and have some fun and a few drinks with the ladies. Whenever she goes out- we have a game...

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Haircut For Julie

She was one of the regular customers, a woman probably in her late twenties with long brown hair that she had trimmed regularly and she always asked for me instead of either of the two girls I employed! "Hi Andrea" she smiled as she took her seat, "You look very nice today in that outfit, are you going somewhere special after work?" I was wearing a black lycra mini skirt and a white tee shirt, no bra and a sexy little thong underneath had kept me feeling sexy all day, in anticipation of a...

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The Long Con A Cuckold Story

so once upon a time there was a very hot wife and while there is so much more to her as a strong, take-no-shit kinda woman, for the purpose of this story we're going to focus on some of her other traits... specifically that she liked to fuck... a lot. and what's more; she was good at it... like... really really good at it. Wifey was sexy and sultry and filthy and patient. her eyes glinted with trouble and her half grin's sharpness instantly melted when she caught her lower lip between her...

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SRU Magic Potion

SRU ? Magic Potion By Byron Here's the story...pretty short I was walking around in the mall one day when I found a strange shop that I had never seen before. I was curious as to what it was so I headed on over. As I got to the door it opened up and two beautiful women walked out. I quickly sucked in my gut. I was a good-looking guy, but at 250 pounds I wasn't the skinniest man in the world. I was 6 foot 1, and I carried my weight well, but I always felt very self-conscious ...

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The Princes Momo

If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...

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I get Dad after he is done with Mom

I could hear the bed squeak and sometimes the headboard would pound against the wall. I could hear Mom saying things like, "Oh fuck yes, your big cock feels so good in my cunt. Give it to me. Fill me with your sweet cum. I love you and I need it so bad." Once in a while I might hear, "Oh Scott, pound my ass. Shove that big dick all the way up my shitter. Fuck it hard. Cum deep in my ass." When Mom would cum, she almost screamed. It was usually something like, "Oh fuuuck, I'm...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 12 Getting My First Date

Tuesday, March 22 to Monday, March 28, 2005 My first ever date with a girl - an event of such importance that how this very unlikely event came about deserves its own chapter. I was at my locker after the first class on Tuesday morning when I noticed one of the Queen Bitches - Annette Neumeyer - and her coterie sashaying down the corridor; senior beauty queens all, fully and overly aware of their status at the very pinnacle of school society. They were gorgeous, ruled the school, and...

4 years ago
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Saving AmandaChapter 7

Though I miss my home on the mountaintop, I’m slowly settling in here, supported by Amanda’s twenty-four a day personal attention. I think she has sensed I’m like a fish out of water here in this castle full of gold. “Rusty, I’ll be so glad when we get rid of this threat we’re living under, so we can go back to our mountain home.” We were lying in bed late on the eighth night we were here ... I had a lot on my mind about the threat she spoke of ... and Daniel who was posing the...

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Jill Joan

Copyright© 2006 "I tell you I heard them talking about him," the short-haired brunette named Jill, told her best friend, Joan. "He's only a kid, maybe seventeen or eighteen." "That's awfully young. He's jailbait," said the lighter, long-haired, Joan. "That only applies to young girls, silly," Jill scoffed, knowingly. "I don't know, Jill. They sent that school teacher to jail, remember?" "Well, she corrupted a child's morals. We're talking about a full grown man,...

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Boy Did My Daughter Surprise Me Chapter 19

My eyes closed as the intense pleasure consumed my body. “Whats she doing to you daddy?” asked Amber as she could tell whatever it was felt great. I felt my dick slowly sliding between her butt cheeks until I felt her tight sphincter opening as she pushed against my well lubed dick consuming about half of my length on the first attempt but taking all of it with her second. That was when I heard Amber, unable to answer her she turned around to see for herself. Emily was...

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Lucky dog

His owner Alyssa was seeing the guy Jake had protected her from and one night they got into a horrible fight and he stormed out swearing they were over. Alyssa collapsed on her bed crying. Jake joined her on the bed licking her face and she hugged him. She soon fell asleep and Jake began licking her neck then moved down to her breasts licking her nipples through her teddy until her nipples had swollen and became hard with arousal. Jake moved down to her abdomen licking her belly button and on...

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Daddys New Girl Part 6

Still laughing on our way to the bedroom about the plight of our ‘guest’ for the evening we began to get ready for bed. Stephie thought she would just pop on a new nightie and hop into bed. I had different plans. I was hornier than a ten dick tomcat. All the punishment going around all night, and no release was driving me insane. ‘Princess?’ ‘Yes, Daddy.’ ‘What do you think you’re doing in bed already?’ ‘I dunno, why?’ ‘I think you need to go to the guest bathroom and cleanse yourself,...

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Theatrical…..23Friday morning had arrived and I was once again hyper, running around trying to control my sex drive at the thoughts of having him between my legs that night, I was trying to get ready as well making sure that everything was perfect, my attention to detail was meticulous making sure that when he stripped me he would discover all kinds of goodies and fences to cross to tease him, not too much but just enough to get him inside me, “as though he needed any encouragement” I mused, I...

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Welcome Home

Introduction: Soldier returns home to his young wife *This story was inspired by watching the Veteran Day tribute to the soldiers on ESPN. It showed soldiers coming home to their families after being gone for long periods of time. So I decided to do a tribute myself. The characters in this story are based on real people. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy, jdm320 Corporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting...

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Will she wont she

I wake up with a smile and stretch my back letting out a long goan as my body wakes up with me. I shower quickly and rush out the door toward the long legged beauty who I've been smitten with these last few months. Today I'm going to ask her to move in with me. The sun is shining extra brightly as I park my car and head into the coffee shop. She's sitting and sipping on her double latte' looking as stunning as ever. Her long legs sit crossed with her elevated foot dangling her high heeled red...

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Ben Nancy Ch 14

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Chapter fourteen The affair between Ben and Marya Archer, which began the night after Ben referred Trish to the school psychologist, continued, even though both of them tried hard to stop. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t stay away from each other. Ben was so wrapped up in Marya he had stopped seeing Tosha and Evelyn, leaving both of those women extremely unhappy. The only good thing about the affair was that nobody in school had an inkling...

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Never Trust Aunt Angie 3 moms secrets1

"Mmmmm" i silently screamed into my pillow as i came for the second time since i laid down to sleep My wet hand falling to my side trembling, it's been so long since I've been able to come i feel like i just unlocked something deep inside of me I can't stop thinking about last night, the way zac fucked that woman, the way he came all over her, and the fact that it was so wrong for me to get turned on by my own brother just makes it even hotter for some reason. I closed my eyes to...

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The Beltane Code Part 2 3 Air and Water

To: (Withheld) Date: 2 Feb 1998 At your request I have examined the remaining four chapters and the original book in which the ciphertext is written. As you surmized, the ciphers increase in complexity. The fourth and fifth ciphertexts have resisted the cryptanalytic techniques used so far and I have set up a batch analysis. While the techniques used in the earlier chapters strongly suggest that the ciphers used in the later chapters are breakable, the client should be aware that there is...

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Guys asking ME to write a story about one of our

Jay and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jay had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie. There were times that Jay pulled his hand out as the movie was a good one that we both wanted to see. After a while, I reached up under my skirt, and pulled my panties down and off. I thought I would make it easier for Jay to get at my pussy. At one point Jay had to pull his hand out...

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