Dream MasterChapter 43: Beware The White Rabbit free porn video

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I had never had children of my own, and – having lived alone since my husband died – wasn't prepared for a teenager invading my space. I must say, though, given my – admittedly limited – knowledge of modern teens, Phoebe was a comparative delight to have around. Helpful when there was something to do; quietly unobtrusive the rest of the time. She wasn't addicted to television or loud music, preferring to sit quietly and read when there was nothing more pressing to do. She was up at five the first morning, asking if it would be okay if she joined me in my morning exercise routine. She then read her bible – every morning – for an hour, followed by five or ten minutes of prayer, which she began by thanking God for me and all of my help in this time of uncertainty, and always ended with a prayer for someone named Jimmy; that God would keep him safe, grant him wisdom and discernment, and lead him through the many trials he faced. I didn't ask.

The routine was the same until one morning, just after she began praying, she stopped suddenly, and was silent for a few minutes. Suddenly her head came up, and she turned to look at me.

"I need to see him," she said.

"You need to see who?" I asked, confused.

"Elliott Bastion, I need to see him, today, as soon as possible."

"Elliott Bastion?" I said, shocked. "Why in God's ... I mean, why would you want to see him?"

"Because I have to forgive him," she said.

My first thought was that I must have heard her wrong, but there was a clear sense of urgency about her, as if this were a matter of great importance. Call me callous, but – now that he was behind bars – nothing that had anything to do with Elliott Bastion tipped my 'give-a-shit' meter anywhere near 'urgent'.

"Phoebe, he slaughtered your family – not personally, but he's admitted to being behind it. He had people hunting for you to finish the job. Why would you possibly want to forgive him for that?"

"I know all that Missus Spencer, but I was in no danger; God had already arranged for my safety, long before I ever left that house. As for why I need to forgive him, because God commands it of me."

I'm sorry, but I've just never really understood the whole Christian obsession with forgiveness. But ... this wasn't about me, and I knew how important it was to her, and – after all she'd been through – if it would help her to put it behind her, I would go along. Maybe it was one of those closure things the psych staff always babbled about.

"Okay," I said. "I'll call when we get to the office and see if we can get an appointment to see him. Don't get your hopes up, though, okay? These things take time; they have to be cleared through channels, and that may take a while. If things go well, we can probably get in to see him sometime tomorrow."

"Today," she said, shaking her head. "It has to be today; tomorrow will be too late. Please Missus Spencer, I have to see him today."

Well hell!

"Phoebe, what's going on? Why the sudden rush?"

"I don't know," she said. "I only know that I have to see him, today, as soon as possible."

That urgent sound in her voice was getting worse.

"Okay," I said. "No promises, but I'll do what I can."

"Thank you, Missus Spencer. I knew you would understand."

"I never said I understood; I just said I'd do my best."

"I know you will," she said with a smile. "You can't help yourself, it's the way He made you."

"You are a very strange girl, Phoebe; do you know that?"

"I like you, too," she said, bouncing to her feet and coming over to hug me. "Thank you, for everything."

A very strange girl.

It turned out Bastion was already being interviewed, so, if we didn't mind waiting, it would be possible to see him before they returned him to his cell. I was surprised at where they had him for the – as they put it – interview. This wasn't one of the usual places a prisoner would have access to for a meeting with his lawyer – or even the DA. Still, it was in a secure area, and there were guards around; depending on whom he was meeting with, there may be a guard in the room with him, a suggestion our escort confirmed.

"Yes Ma'am, there is a guard in the room with them. This far out, there is usually an officer in attendance at all times, sometimes more than one. I'll have to talk to them when whoever it is is finished, to let them know we need to see the prisoner before he's returned to his cell.

Whoever it was had to have a lot of pull to get him here, rather than one of the normal rooms.

Did I say pull? I almost wet myself when the door opened and Sandra Atkins walked out. She seemed a little preoccupied, not even looking around, just glancing at her watch and making a bee-line for the exit. What the hell was she doing here? Our escort went to check with whomever had been left behind with Bastion, returning a few moments later.

"Right this way, ma'am, he's still secure, but we'll both have to remain with you during your interview; I hope that's not a problem."

"No problem, officer, she just wants to talk to him."

Bastion was seated at a table at the far end of the room; there was a cup of water on the table not far from him, so, whatever Atkins was up to, they had been at if for some time. Most likely Bastion had been allowed a free hand to drink with, but now both hands were once more secured to the shackles near his waist. The guard who was attending him stood close behind and looked like he hoped Bastion would try something.

I'm not sure what kind of reaction I was expecting from Bastion when he first saw Phoebe, but it certainly wasn't 'no reaction at all'. He had been hunting her down, after all; I don't know what it was he was afraid she might know, but he had definitely not been taking chances. He had to at least suspect that she was the catalyst to his downfall. Even I didn't know why she was so important, only that David – and Sandra Atkins – had felt she was important enough to hide and protect. 'Protect' I could understand; she was an innocent victim of circumstances far beyond her control, and she was a child; what else is our job if not to protect people like her? But hiding someone is an expensive and risky job. Still, I would have expected some kind of reaction out of Bastion.

Phoebe followed me quietly; the guard escorting us followed close behind her. It was a good sized room – not an interrogation room at all, but more of a conference room – with three tables placed cross-ways and six folding chairs at each of the first two. The last table only had one chair opposite Bastion, the other five having been removed to create a clear space, mostly as a security precaution, but also to make room for the larger chair he was secured to. If it had been anyone else but Atkins, I would have been surprised. I stopped Phoebe as she started to move towards the single remaining chair.

"This is close enough, Phoebe," I said, laying my hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay," she said, looking up at me, "he can't hurt me, but if it will make you more comfortable..." She moved back to take a seat on the far side of the second table.

"Elliott Bastion... ," I said, flipping my ID open so he could see it, "Special Agent Dominique Spencer, FBI Las Vegas; I believe you already know Phoebe."

He didn't answer, simply nodded an acknowledgment and turned his attention back to the girl. He was obviously shocked to see her, but still...

She didn't even return his gaze; much less speak to him. Granted, I didn't know her, but it still struck me as being out of character. I'm not sure what I had expected, but so far this whole thing was a study in anti-climax; once seated, Phoebe bowed her head over her folded hands and began to pray silently. The guards and I exchanged questioning glances, and all I could do was shrug at their unspoken questions. I had no more idea what was going on here than they did. She stayed like that for a good five minutes before whispering "amen" and raising her head to look at Bastion.

"I forgive you," she said and then rose as if to leave. When I looked back at Bastion for his reaction I almost fell over.

His expression was haggard and worn, and I could see wet patches on his jumpsuit as if he had been perspiring heavily for some time, and he was crying. Not so much crying as weeping softly like you do when you're watching one of those tearjerker movies and you don't want anyone else to know that you're crying, too. There were tear tracks down his face that I would swear weren't there a moment before. In fact, I would swear this wasn't the same man who had been there before.

What the hell had just happened here? And how had I missed it?


I was genuinely sorry for what I had been forced to do to Sandra. Not all of it, of course; call me selfish, but after so long, that last part was rather a nice treat. The fact that it was her doing it... ? Well, one could not but appreciate the irony after all these years, but I really had hoped it wouldn't come to that. It was his fault, though; he had left me no choice. By raiding my files, he had removed the last bit of evidence I had available to convince her that I was speaking the truth, and she had to believe. This way was better, actually, because when she finally realized what I had done, I was certain that she would believe me, and then the hunter would become the hunted.

I was surprised when she left and a second guard appeared. I had been preparing myself mentally for the tedious walk back to my cell. If you've never had to shuffle along taking six-inch steps – like a child taking baby steps in a game of "Simon Says" – while the people escorting you take normal strides, then you have no idea how ridiculous – and embarrassing – it is. The new guard whispered something to my escort, who then began what, I assumed, would be the processes of preparing me for the long shuffle back to my cell. My free hand was once more secured, but then, instead of releasing the sections that bound me to the chair, he re-checked to make sure they were secure before stepping back against the wall. I was still wondering what was going on when the door opened again and the other guard re-entered, holding the door for a woman I didn't know, and ... Oh my god ... it couldn't be ... crap!

What do you say to someone whose death you had ordered when the attempt fails and you then come face to face with them? I had never even considered the possibility, so – naturally – I was at a complete loss for words. What would she say to me, the man who had ordered the murder of her last remaining family? The man who had used her cousins to try and seduce her into joining a life that I knew went against everything she believed in? I braced myself for the worst. Not that she would scream obscenities and epithets, but the accusations alone – coming from her – would be hard to take.

Phoebe had surprised me from the moment we had met – even before that, actually. My first prodding attempts at exploring her met with failure, but it was a different sort of failure than I was used to. Normally, if a person is resistant to my gift, I get a sensation akin to hearing static from a radio. In either case, the subject does not realize what has happened; not the first time at least. As I had learned in my earliest attempts, once exposed to its effects long term, the subject would recognize an attempt to reestablish control. With her, though, it was like hitting a wall, as if the probe simply stopped short of reaching her. Later, when I actually touched her, it was like touching plastic-wrapped food; you could see it, feel the warmth or cold through the covering, but no matter what you did, you couldn't – quite – touch it.

Now she surprised me again as she simply bowed her head and began to pray.

Suddenly the room exploded in a light so bright, so intense, that it seemed to burn everything else out of existence. My eyes shut of their own accord, my head turning and my arms automatically coming up to shield me from the glare. Even that did not seem to help, as the light seemed to pass through them unhindered to sear my tortured retinas. It was then that I realized what I had just done. My hands were chained to my waist; how could I have... ?

Bracing myself, I opened my eyes and found myself, not shackled to a chair in a prison conference room, but cowering in the corner of a room that seemed to be made of that same pure white light. Before me was the girl, still in her praying position, but now kneeling rather than sitting, and behind her was a ... being was the best description I could come up with. Whatever it was, I couldn't bear to look at it long enough to even consider details.

Before I could even really take it in, a voice spoke into the space. She wasn't speaking, but it was still somehow her voice, and yet ... not. It didn't even seem to be coming from her; rather it was just ... there.

"Christian Allen Wallace, what have you done?"

Despite my confusion – and yes, I will admit, fear – I felt somehow compelled to answer.

"I don't... ," I began, my voice seeming to catch in my throat, "I don't understand."

"You were given a gift – a great gift – with which you could have accomplished so much good in this fallen world ... behold..."

Suddenly the room was gone, and I was in a stadium, surrounded by thousands, tens of thousands of believers, there to hear me speak. It changed again, and I was in a room with a man I did not recognize but still somehow knew to be the President. Again, and I was leading a group of volunteers in prayer, commissioning them to travel halfway across the country to help flood victims rebuild their homes and their lives ... Again and again the vision changed, each showing me a hint of a possibility of what might have been...

" ... but instead you chose to squander it on your own selfish lusts..."

In rapid succession, visions of the young girls I had abused over the years played out before me. And not just the girls, but the parents I had blackmailed into using – and allowing others to use – their daughters.

" ... piling evil upon evil upon evil with no end in sight. Corrupting and destroying everything and everyone you touched along the way..."

Then came the visions of punishment, as I sought to use fear and intimidation to control the group, and finally, death. One by one, in graphic detail, the deaths of everyone who had died either by my hand or on my orders. My two girlfriends from college, Carmen and Monique; the father brutally beaten to death in the Clark County jail; the scene of Carl Andrews sneaking quietly through a suburban home, slitting the throats of the two sleeping girls and watching intently as they coughed, choked, and died; the same Carl Andrews, placing the hands of the girls' mother on the knife he had used to murder her daughters, and then – his hands on hers – shoving it into her heart. I seemed to stare out of his eyes as he stared into hers, watching the last spark of life fade away. Even the two girls that Carl had kidnapped, raped, and murdered before I gathered him to my flock. Somewhere in the back of my mind, my pride told me I was saving more innocents by taming him to my need, rather than letting him continue on his own whim. In that instant – watching the vision – I knew that pride for the sin that it was.

Then I was shown all of the people that my mysterious young adversary had had to kill in order to stop me; apparently those deaths were on my head, too. I watched the nightmare that had driven Carl Andrews over the very brink of sanity, causing him to shoot down his partner, and then watched as his own vision killed him. I saw the 'accidents' that claimed my faithful. On and on it went: right through the vision of me pulling the trigger over and over again as I slaughtered my helpless board members; then the visions of their wives taking their lives when they heard the news; every life that had been snuffed by my word, deed, or action. And with the visions came the guilt and remorse I should have felt all along, until finally...

"Stop!" I cried. "How can you know these things?"

The girl lifted her head to look at me, and I could not hold back the scream at the sight of her face. It's not that she was suddenly hideous, or even scary; it was still her face, except for the eyes. The barest glimpse of those eyes burned me to the core of my existence. In those eyes I saw the totality of my sin, shining from her innocent face to condemn me. I was in agony, sure that the very flesh was melting away from my bones. But that was as nothing compared to the pain in my chest, where I felt as if my very heart would burst. So deep was my grief and shame that I felt as if I would rather die then and there than live another moment with what I had done. I tried to look away, but those eyes held me in a vice-like grip, helpless and hopeless in the face of my own sin. The nightmares of the past week paled to insignificance in comparison.

An eternity later – as suddenly as it had begun – it was over. I was back in the conference room, and she was simply praying once more. A moment later she lifted her head and said, "I forgive you."

No sweeter sound had I heard in my life than those three words, and I wept at the sound of them. Silently, for I had no strength left to express the emotions running through me. The experience had left me utterly exhausted, mentally, physically, and emotionally. My jumpsuit clung to me as if I had been running a marathon in it, though that was purely impossible given my restraints and location.

Same as Dream Master
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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 19

Sunday 3rd to Tuesday 12th January 1971 A week may be a long time in politics as Harold Wilson opined, but that week between Christmas and New Year was longer by far. On Sunday the 3rd of January I sat in my armchair in my empty flat, or at least it felt empty. Colette was sitting on the sofa. I had heard nothing from Connie since she had left on Boxing Day with her father. We sat in silence, the feeling of oppression mitigated only by the music playing on the radio. Colette was reading a...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 28

Wednesday 10th May to Saturday 2nd September 1972 On her Wednesday phone call, Connie was distressed. “Dad has ordered me to break off my engagement to you. Apparently Mr Gresty has been in touch and Dad now holds you responsible for the severance between them. He won’t believe you were innocent and reckons Gresty was paid off, and like all lawyers you’ve got away with it.” “I’m sorry, my darling,” I said. “So what are you going to do?” “You need to ask? I told him I would do no such...

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Beware the Roasburies Pt 06

There are some things you don’t need to know and this is one of them. Before 15th February 1971, in Britain we had pounds ‘£’, shillings ‘s’, and pence ‘d’ (denarii). 12 pence in a shilling, 20 shillings in a pound. We also had guineas – 21 shillings to complicate matters further. The penny was divided into 2 halfpennies (pronounced haypny), and 4 farthings (fourth-things). The latter was discontinued in 1960, it was hardly used even before that. Two sayings using the halfpenny: ‘You daft...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 16

Monday 21st and Tuesday December 22nd 1970 Monday morning I was up early and went out for my run in the dark: it was the shortest day of the year. When I returned she had made tea and was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. She had the radio playing radio 2 and she was reading one of my books. “Just a quick shower, and I’ll be with you,” I said passing the door of the kitchen. “Want your back scrubbed?” she asked with a salacious grin. “You’d get your clothes wet,” I said. “I...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 6 Beware Litha

At three o’clock Thursday morning Wayne lay in bed wide awake staring at the ceiling again. Production was running smoothly and everyone was catching up on classes. As much as they wanted to get together—and each made a point of telling the other that they did want to get together—Judith was unavailable this week as she finished a paper that was giving her more than her share of problems. His schedule was light this term and he had no classes that required lengthy research papers. Instead,...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 17

Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th December 1970 On Wednesday morning at 6.30am, I rolled out of bed into my running gear and emerged quietly only to be confronted by Connie wearing a running kit most women would die for (at least the ones who love running). Tight tee shirt top with obvious sports bra underneath, and brief brief shorts displaying more than their fair share of bottom cheeks. Was this legal? I asked myself. Further, the temperature outside was nearing freezing. “Good morning,...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 8

Friday 15th May to Monday 1st June 1970 Friday was another busy day and I spent the usual Friday evening at home. Penny had promised she would ring at 7.30, but I wondered if I would get a call after what happened on Thursday morning. A weekend with her was clearly out of the question, not that I wanted to see her anyway. I suspected her, and she suspected me. No call. At 8.30 I left the house to meet Ian at the local for a game of darts. Ian was an overweight round faced man. By...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 24

Monday 15th February to Thursday 10th June 1971 On Monday 15th February, Connie and the whole country were embarking on something new. The country was saying farewell to pounds, shillings and pence, and going decimal, and Connie was negotiating a new start on a degree course. So it was back to the old routines that I followed before Connie broke into my life and changed things completely. Work every day, ringing one, sometimes two evenings, Ian at the pub, bridge on Thursdays and the odd...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 3

Friday 28th March to Monday 16th December 1969 Penny did not refer to the matter when we met the next time, which was a week to the day after our first ‘tiff’, but she ended up at my flat and came to bed wearing a new bra and knicker set, plain white with lace edging but much briefer than before, and that was all she wore. She had been shopping. She discarded the bra pretty quickly once I’d seen how pretty it was. We made love, manually, as we did the time before, though this time she...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 27

Tuesday 25th April to Monday 8th May 1972 Connie and I had a snack before I took her back to Keele. We said not a word about what had happened, though the subject loomed large in the car. When we had unpacked her, I was ready to drive back. She came to me and put her arms round my neck. “Graham...” she hesitated. “I’m sorry. You know that? I mean about not supporting you.” “Yes, I know. Don’t worry about it. When we forgive, it’s over. That’s what forgiveness means.” She kissed me gently...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 4

Monday 16th December 1969 to Friday 13th February 1970 After our spat over the anniversary, I sensed there was something of a change in our relationship. It was impossible to pin down, but things were not quite the same. I couldn’t work out whether things were better or worse. She certainly hugged and kissed a lot more. Penny stayed at the flat until the weekend, going shopping in Manchester for Christmas presents, while I toiled at work. We went to my parents’ house on the Monday before...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 15

Friday 18th to Sunday 20th December 70 On the evening of Friday my phone rang. It was Sandra. “Lovely to hear your voice again,” I said. A bit flowery, but I wanted to encourage her. “Graham, can I take you up on your offer? Is your offer still open?” “Of course you can. When? How will we organise it, you’ll have stuff to bring? I’ll come and collect you.” “Will you? That will be so good. Mary said she’d be around as well. He’ll be at the match tomorrow afternoon. He’ll leave here about...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 26

Wednesday 19th to Tuesday 25th April 1972 The thing about being suspended on a Wednesday late morning is that everyone else is at work. I was alone. Like Connie, I wanted to get out of the flat, but where to go? Not to a pub. Drink was not the answer. In any case being alone in a pub would merely be emphasising how alone I was. I did what came naturally. I packed a bag and a couple of novels, and drove into the hills towards Bakewell, finding a hotel near Monsall Head, and finding they had...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 6

Monday 6th April to Saturday 9th May 1970 I don’t know if anyone else has had this experience, but after the Easter weekend when we had announced our engagement to the families, and I had told Zena on the Tuesday, things felt different somehow at work. Before Penny met me I had dates, but always had to work hard to impress, and, I think I said, they did not last. Then I just had Penny, and I had relaxed. I felt settled; I was contented. I was no longer on the lookout for a woman. It got...

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Beware the Roasburies Pt 04

WARNING in this part, the word ‘tomatoes’ will be pronounced in the British way. Steel yourselves. Yes we know it is illogical, but we just don’t care! Potatoes are quite safe. ***** Chapter Fourteen Wednesday 9 December 1970 I was leaving a conference room in the Royal Bolton Hospital on the following Wednesday in December, after I had been called in to discuss the legal situation following a serious failure of a very expensive and necessary piece of equipment and a very sloppy contract...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 7

Monday 11th May to Thursday 14th May 1970 On Sunday night I warned Zena that I would not be driving home the next evening, and she said she would take her own car. So next day I left work a little early to miss the rush hour in Manchester, and drove to Liverpool. I arrived at 5.30, hoping to take her out for a meal before ringing practice, but she was not at home. I returned to the car, and moved it to where I could see the front door and her arrival, finding a space about 50 metres away. I...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 11

Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th November 1970 Towards the end of October, Harriet became depressed again. “Three months since Kieran dumped her,” said Zena in the car on the way home. “He did it on the sixth of August.” “Hiroshima Day?” I glanced at her, “I hope the date wasn’t intentional on his part.” “I don’t think Harriet knows about Hiroshima Day. She’s still not over him. Mind you, I’ve seen him around and he’s looking thoroughly miserable as well.” I thought about it, as I parked...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 23

Saturday 6th to Sunday 14th February 1971 I did not fully realise how efficient, thorough, wealthy and influential Geoff Roasburie was, but I soon found out. From late Saturday morning (we slept in after a longer and more intense than usual carnal celebration of our engagement the night before), when Connie phoned her father to accept his generous offer, it was only two hours before he was back. He asked could she attend with him for an interview at the university first thing on Monday...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 18

Thursday 24th to Saturday 26th December 1970 All day she’d been wearing a figure hugging tee shirt and skin-tight jeans, which was very distracting. We did the last minute shopping so there was plenty of food in the flat. We decorated a Christmas Tree we bought that afternoon. It’s amazing the reductions you can get on Christmas Eve! I mean, who wants a tree the day after Christmas? I put up the crib I’d made from plaster of paris when a boy. I made some mince pies using the mincemeat my...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 9

Monday 1st June to Thursday 20th August 1970 Colette and I decided to have a break from each other on Monday night to get a bit of rest, so I was home alone that evening. The place felt different. I felt at peace. Perhaps at last I was becoming free of the Roasburies, the horrid parents and traitorous daughter. So, after my evening meal when the phone rang, for the first time I didn’t think it would be Penny. In any case it was the wrong day. As a result the caller completely confused me....

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 22

Monday 1st to Friday 5th February 1971 One consequence of the exposure of the lying photos and report was that Connie and Penny became much closer and spent more time with each other. I was happy that Connie was getting out and that now she had a sister to talk with as well as my friends. What I didn’t realise, of course, was what they were talking about and planning at that early time. I assumed it was girl stuff, and that I was well out of it. Another consequence was a more careful watch...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 5

Friday 13th February to Saturday 4th April 1970 I think when she displayed herself to me naked, that was the moment the line was crossed, no matter what Penny might have thought. She came into my arms with her legs shamelessly spaced and pressed herself against me. Her arms went round my neck, which pressed her taut tipped tits against my chest, and her mound against my already grown erection. We kissed gently and lovingly at first and then (and I can’t remember who took the lead),...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 14

Wednesday 9th to Thursday 17th December 1970 I was leaving a conference room in the Royal Bolton Hospital on the following Wednesday in December, after I had been called in by the hospital to discuss the legal situation following a serious failure of a very expensive and necessary piece of equipment. The hospital had signed a very sloppy contract, using which the supplying company sought to evade responsibility and the expense of repair or replacement. I was deep in thought as to what the...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 12

Friday 6th November 1970 I phoned for a taxi and waited outside the pub. At first as I waited I seethed. How dare she ruin our little celebration. Nothing from her for six months and then she muscles in on our party. Of course I immediately realised this was stupid. Penny no more knew of our booking than we knew of hers, and come to think of it, we probably destroyed her evening more comprehensively than she did ours. There was a fleeting naughty feeling of satisfaction at that before I...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 10

Friday 27 August to Thursday 22nd October 1970 Harriet had always been going with Kieran when we were playing Bridge with Colette and Zena. She and I never actually interacted very much. She always seemed rather aloof. Now I was sitting in a pub at six in the evening waiting for her to turn up. I had been set up, or rather we both had been set up by our two friends. I wondered if she would resent it. I had no idea what sort of TLC was wanted. My plan was to let her take the lead this...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 20

Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th Jan 1971 I went back to the living room to find Colette and Connie sitting very still and saying nothing. They both seemed relaxed enough. Darkness had fallen so I went to the window and closed the curtains, switching on the electric fire’s coal effect. The red effect gave out no heat, but made the room feel warmer, in any case it was plenty warm enough from the central heating. Colette suggested to Connie that she go and settle back in since she was staying,...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 13

Saturday 7th November to Monday 7th Dec 1970 I woke up wondering who was in my bed. Then I remembered, and since I now had my back to her I turned over, which had the effect of waking her. She was on her back and it was obvious she too wondered where she was and with whom. Then she turned her head and looked at me looking at her. Her smile lit her face. “Morning!” and she moved to me. “Morning,” and I opened my arms to receive her. She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed, relaxed and...

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Buyer Beware

The shop was in a dusty back alley. I had to stoop to enter the wooden doorway which led into a gloomy interior. As my eyes adjusted I could see shelves of carvings, very common in Bali, but these were all erotic: women, men, animals and monsters in a breathtaking assortment of positions and combinations. Fascinated and aroused, I made my way deeper into the shop. The carvings further back seemed more sinuous, torturous and powerful. The subjects were twisted, their faces contorted with pain...

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Buyers Beware Ch02

Lace glanced over her shoulder at Zu'gar with flushed cheeks, her look incredulous, "I-is now really the best time for that sort of question Sugar? Really?" She panted softly, back arching as she bowed it backwards, leaning her hands on Zu'gar’s prominent abs. Zu'gar smirked up at her for a few long beats before letting her eyes trail slowly downwards, following the flow of Lace's long messy hair as it cascaded down the slender curve of her body, admiring as her humans figure blossomed...

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Buyers Beware

“How much?” the hooded figure asked, regardless. The man pursed his lips, reaching up to scratch at a thick black beard as he stared down into the woman’s exotic pink eyes, a single wisp of curled brown hair falling down one side of her stoic face, “Uh, well it’s got the control attachment so… Fifty-five gold? What does a little miss like you want it for anyway?” “Fifty-five? For that?” the hooded figure pressed, the tone of their soft voice a little disapproving at the price, glancing...

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Ye beware of dead Pirates

Blood leaked from his mouth as he whispered a few words from an ancient voodoo spell. “I’ll be see’n the lot of ye again… and if’n not ye, then ye decentents ya wretched dogs. Ye hear my words, and hear them well. I’ll be coming back for my vengeance. And when I do… I’ll be unstoppable ya hear?” he managed to choke out before dying. In what felt like a flash of the mind, his eyes opened. He was cold, lifeless. Skeletal fingers with raw flesh draped on lifted to his face. Letting out a sigh...

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Beware On Line Hook Ups

It has been a number of years since my tryst with Bruce, Charlie and Daniel, even tho I did not participate willingly in the first instances with them. I was trained (for lack of a better phrase) and conditioned to accept the fact that guys would take me sexually, willing or not. So rather then be brutally persuaded to join in I would reluctantly join in and surrender my anal and oral orifices to the guys that were most persuasive. Over the years I sort of got used to being taken by guys and...

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