Campus Life Slut WeekChapter 7
- 3 years ago
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Comparing stories later that afternoon, Andi Steadman voiced a summary of the day's events so far. "So, as I see this, and you can correct me if you think I'm off base here, all the ladies got approached and pulled out of the limelight for at least one blow job and one fuck today. And it was the same with the guys and requests from the Sisters. Right?"
"I must have hit the jackpot, Andi," claimed Tylea with a smile. "I got asked for a blow job on the way to a morning class. Then, I had a free period between lunch and my first afternoon class.
"Three of the Brothers showed me to a somewhat hidden alcove and we went at it for about forty-five minutes. Two of them fucked me doggy-style, one right after the other, and one only asked for a blow job. That ensured that at any given time, one of them could serve as a lookout while we went at it. One of them even had a package of wet wipes and a couple of zip-lock bags for the trash afterward.
"I mean, I came away from fucking or blowing three guys smelling like Aloe Vera instead of like an orgy survivor. No one in class afterward could tell a thing! These guys might be horny, but they sure are considerate!" Everyone laughed along with Tylea as she chuckled at the memory of the afternoon's events.
All the Pledge guys told tales that seemed to be similar. Each had been approached by a Sister who pulled his cock out before one of his classes and required that it stay out for the duration of that class. Three of them had been invited behind bushes or dumpsters later to bring Sisters to minor orgasm with tongues on naked pussies with skirts raised. None of them had been too discomfited.
Trevor was the only who had required some relief. He said, "At around three I could not stand it any longer. I was just so worked up that I had to hit the gents and work it out in one of the stalls."
Andi raised one eyebrow upon hearing this. "I hope you saved enough to be able to fulfill--what did Melanie call it--the three-timer requirement tonight? She said there would be consequences for not following through. But she was vague on what they were."
"I think I'll be able to do what it takes. Hey, I'm eighteen and, like they say, young, dumb, and full of cum. What could go wrong?" Trevor joked with a smile. Brooke, his Pledge partner for the week, noted that his smile was full, but his eyes did not show the confidence that he seemed to be trying to project. She took his hand and squeezed it as she smiled at him.
The Tuesday evening meal was once again a simple buffet of soup, salad, and roll-your-own sandwiches. Once again, everyone in attendance had access to soft drinks, tea, water, or even beer, hard cider, and wine. Also, once again, everyone was nude around the pool area. When Melanie rang the little bell to get everyone's attention, they all turned to listen to Todd describe the evening's events.
"Good evening, everyone; before I start, I just want to lead the elder member Brothers and Sisters in a round of applause in appreciation for the great effort this year's Pledge class is giving so far." There was a hearty cheer along with the polite applause as the elder members all looked around and smiled at the Pledge ladies and gentlemen, who were mildly embarrassed at this ebullient praise.
Todd continued. "Last night was a wonderful kick-off to the events of Slut Week. I can say, without a doubt, that you all exceeded expectations. This was the smoothest and sexiest Meet-N-Greet event that I've seen over the previous three years, and that includes my own when I was a Pledge.
"Tonight, we are focusing on the guys, since the ladies will have an event focusing on them tomorrow. Tonight, Guys, you will each be required to bring three of our Sisters to orgasm and cum three times yourselves. This will be a timed event and you will only have an hour-and-a-half to complete the task. I hope you have been saving your energy and your male juices for this," he joked.
All the male Pledges with the one exception of Trevor looked back at him with confidence. Trevor showed no expression at all.
The elder member Sisters had moved over to gather around near the Slut Altars that had been used by the Pledge ladies the night before. Five of them began to lie back on the tables and raise and spread their knees to expose their pussies to the view of all as they propped their heels in the chocks at the lower edges of the tables.
Man, these ladies are oh, so, hot, thought Jeremy. Catherine gave him a pinch and grinned at him as he looked around to see her own naked body next to him. He smiled at her not-so-subtle reminder of just who he came with to this 'dance.'
The five male Pledges were led over and Todd held up the official timepiece. At the signal to begin, all five male Pledges sank their already hard cocks into the warm, wet, and already-lubricated pussies of the ladies on the Altars: Duchess, Marta, Nicole, Ayeesha, and Gloria. The other Sisters came around to kiss and caress either the ladies on the Altars or the Pledge guys who were busy trying to pump out fresh loads of cum into their wet, willing, and so-far-very-responsive pussies.
The Pledge ladies were nearby cheering on their male counterparts seductively in their efforts. Several times, they would call out something particularly lewd and lascivious, causing the guys to laugh and tell the girls not to distract them as they had serious work ahead of them. This just brought on more laughter and more humorous comments. The Brothers stood back and cheered encouragingly as well, while passing the Pledge ladies around among them for friendly, but gentle, gropes and probes.
Everyone seems to be having a good time, thought Andi. But I'll bet I can liven things up a bit more, she thought. "Hey, Sugar Ray," she said, approaching Sagar, the Indian-American Brother. "Can we drag those benches the guys used last night over here? I have an idea."
"Sure, Andi. Hey, Fellows." He then moved off to get some of the other Brothers to help manhandle the benches over near the action for this evening. Once they were lined up nearby, Andi asked Sagar to have five of the Brothers sit down on the ends of the benches facing toward the action and lean back.
After they had done so, Andi backed her ass up to Sagar, who had taken the left end bench, and sank her wet pussy down on his erect cock, sitting reverse cowgirl fashion. "Can you still see the action over there with me sitting on your cock?" she asked with a coquettish smile.
Sagar just groaned in ecstasy, rolled his eyes, and said, "I can see everything I wanted to see and then some, Andi. Have any of the other Brothers told you just how beautiful and how much fun you are?"
She just laughed, bounced on his cock a couple of times, and turned to direct the other Pledge ladies to find a seat on one of the other four cocks available from the Brothers sitting astride the benches. Naturally, Catherine whooped and jumped at the chance first, followed by the other Pledge ladies, who all shared high-fives left and right once they were all sitting astride the erect cocks of the seated Brothers.
Jeremy brought Ayeesha to a loud moaning orgasm first, followed closely by Marta, due to the efforts of Aaron. Duchess, who had indeed gotten Jay for a partner as she had promised earlier that day, went off next. Each of those three guys also came with loud groans shortly afterward. The other two Sisters were brought to orgasms of varying intensity over the next ten minutes.
Dolcy and Alec roamed around the Slut Altars with the hand-held digital cameras. They were very adept at capturing facial close-ups at the point of orgasm as well as the erotic action of all the ongoing fucking. Dolcy even included some of the crowd shots, including the Pledge ladies riding the cocks of five of the Brothers on the fuck benches as they cheered the Pledge guys along.
Of the guys, all had now cum once, except for Trevor, who was still pumping away at Nicole's tight pussy. Nicole was coming down from having her second orgasm and offered him sweet encouragement and gentle caresses across his face and chest as well as urgent squeezes of his ass cheeks. Finally, with a grunt, Trevor deposited a nice load of cum in her and leaned in with a smile to kiss her. She returned the kiss and laughed with him as she wrapped her arms around him for a post-fuck hug.
The other four male Pledges had taken a short break to catch their breath and get a drink. Marta had actually cum a second time from Aaron's tongue action. So now every guy had brought off at least one orgasm in their Sister partners, with Trevor and Aaron having brought off two.
Other elder member Sisters leaned in to lick and clean the pussies of their fellow Sisters just to verify the existence of the cum deposits so that no one could claim that any of the Pledge guys had faked cumming.
As Trevor turned to take a drink of water, Brooke came over, after having dismounted Derek's cock. "Hey, Roomie, you are getting there. Just focus and you can do it! I just know you can! Afterward, you can brag that you are a world-class fucker!" She laughed with him and then pulled his face to hers for a very tongue-loaded kiss. Trevor's cock, which had begun to get flaccid, now got re-energized. He grinned at Brooke, squeezed her ass one time, and turned back to the task at hand.
Now, the tables were occupied by Erin, Angela, Dolores, Kylie, and Lieu. All these Sisters were grinning at the male Pledges and holding out their arms and wiggling their fingers, except for Angela, who was squeezing her tits lewdly and wagging her eyebrows at Jay. For his part, this only helped to get him really hard again and ready to go for another round.
All five male Pledges mounted their partners of the moment to the cheers of all the others watching from around the pool area. The Pledge ladies were cheerfully bouncing on the cocks of the next set of Brothers to sit on the special benches. Dee screamed out in orgasm first among them as her body shook with the pleasure that it derived from Todd's cock and caresses. The other Pledge ladies found themselves experiencing orgasms of varying degrees of intensity as they watched and laughed and joked and fucked during this round of effort on the part of their roommates.
It took almost thirty minutes for this round to reach conclusion. All the guys came again and brought off at least two orgasms each in their elder member Sister partners on the Slut Altars. All the quotas of orgasms on behalf of the Sisters had been met or exceeded.
Everything looked to be on track for the guys as well. It was just that Trevor was the last one to finish again and he looked to be having a tough time of it as he finally came inside of Erin. She had been kissing and caressing him while encouraging his efforts.
After the other Sisters had cleaned out the ladies' pussies with their tongues for continued verification of cum presence, the guys had to catch their breath and consume some more water. 'Who would have thought fucking as a spectator sport could be so tiring and dehydrating?' thought Jay.
The Pledge ladies all came over before the start of the third round and, at Catherine's instigation, gave sultry, writhing full-body hugs to the male Pledges, followed by taking the guys' members in their now very talented mouths. There was no way that a straight guy could NOT get hard again after that effort!
The original five Sisters were back on the Altars now and were calling out for the guys to do their duty and fuck them to completion over the so-called 'finish line.' Everyone else was cheering and having a fun time watching as the male Pledges all notched their now red and aching cocks into the open pussies of these lovely ladies.
The guys all pumped at different speeds. None of them was able to cum right away. In fact, it took all of twenty minutes for Jeremy to cum first among the guys. Over the next ten minutes all but Trevor had cum, though the amounts of deposits being licked out of the Sisters were small.
This time, five of the Brothers actually volunteered to do cleanup and taste the semen just to make sure that none of the Pledge guys had faked it; of course the erotic nature of licking such lovely pussies as those of the Sisters held its own attraction. All four of the Brothers pulling away from the just-fucked Sisters verified small cum deposits. Then they all turned to watch Trevor to see if he could finish fucking Marta before time ran out; in just four minutes.
Marta was speaking to Trevor using the most slutty and whorish level of erotic conversation she could use in efforts to enflame his mind and body so that he could finish in time. She was even squeezing his cock with her pussy muscles using Kegel exercises. Brooke rubbed her body gently and with a sexy flourish against Trevor's ass and back and squeezed his balls gently. He was very turned on by all this attention, but he, just, could, not, CUM!
"Time!" cried Todd.
There were several cries of "Awww" focused on Trevor. Try as he might, and with the encouragement of all there, he still had not been able to cum a third time. He had made Marta very happy by bringing her to four more glorious orgasms due to the ministrations of his huge cock ironing out the inner fabric of her very tight pussy lining.
"Don't worry, Roomie," comforted Brooke. "I'm sure that you will be able to over-CUM all of this." Everyone around her laughed and encouraged Trevor, with all of them chuckling at Brooke's well-understood pun. Trevor just shook his head and hugged her with a timid smile.
From that point on, everyone just mingled a while and snacked from the remaining food on the buffet table. They enjoyed a dip in the pool and drinks and pleasant conversation. By nine-thirty, everyone had rinsed off the chlorine and drifted back inside. The Pledges paired up to meet in 2F before retiring for the night.
"Well," said Andi, "That's two events down for the week. We only have three more to go and Slut Week will be over." All the couples smiled and hugged their partners. Everyone was feeling rather upbeat, even Trevor. Andi continued, "Remember, Ladies, that tomorrow, we have Watertight Wednesday. I would recommend that you spend some time with the butt plugs as soon as you get out of class tomorrow."
"Andi," asked Catherine, "Do you think that sometime soon you could teach all us girls that deep throat trick that you do? All the Brothers are just going ape shit over your ability to do that last night. And I'll admit that I'm a little jealous ... in a friendly sort of way, of course." All the girls, even Andi, grinned at this.
"There is not really a great deal to learn about it, and Melanie hasn't said anything about it being a requirement for any of the activities this week. Basically, you just raise your chin to align your whole mouth and throat, swallow on the way down to fool the gag reflex, push hard when his cock reaches the entrance to your throat and try to keep swallowing, and breathe through your nose once it's in.
"I tell you what," Andi said with a nod around to all the couples. "We can get together during the first part of next week, and I'll help out all of you ladies with learning how to give deep throat blow jobs. Deal?"
All the girls nodded and all their male partners gave them leering smiles at this. Dee pinched Aaron as he gave her a humorously overdone leer.
"Now, which of you guys wants to be the demonstrator for this class?" Andi asked with a twinkle in her eye. All the guys stuck their arms straight up and Jay and Lee were actually jumping up and down in a mock school-child imitation. All the girls just giggled and tried to hug their roommates to hold them still.
Much later that evening, Jay held Andi close as they spooned together while trying to get to sleep. It had been a long two days with full class loads, coupled with two very sexually-active and tiring evenings for the Pledges. As he began to relax, Jay smiled. He still found it hard to believe that he was as deep into something as erotic as the Sigma Lambda Tau Society. And the WOMEN! Man, oh, Man!
Jay raised his head slightly so that he could get a better look at the beautiful blonde woman in his arms. Andi Steadman was the most amazing of them all and he felt in awe of her sense of self-confidence and her sexual prowess.
Jay lowered his head and sighed heavily, wishing that he could get up enough sexual energy and endurance to pull off another fuck after the night's activities. He could never imagine a time when he would NOT want to fuck Andi Steadman. And she was obviously not averse to the advances of her Pledge brothers, especially one with whom she was sharing not only a room, but a bed.
"What are you doing, Andi?" Jay asked, as they crossed the old rail bed behind the fire hall. They were moving briskly so that they could avoid observation by too many people who might be shocked at their skimpy attire. "I'm texting the others," she answered as she glanced up from the screen of her Smartphone periodically to keep from tripping as they walked in the now-well-established darkness. "Catherine gave me a good idea when she mentioned her cousin's bachelorette party...
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Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...
Saturday, December 23rd. Lunchtime. It was lunchtime by the time Dave and Olivia left the bedroom, having completed the first half of their impromptu testing of whether a woman who had been dosed with SLuT9 would secrete Serotoxin, one of the two active ingredients of all the SLuT formulas, and, if so, would it cause a reaction in her partner. Both Dave and Olivia were relaxed, smiling, and freshly showered. They had already planned to do the second part of their testing where Dave would...
John was just going to graduate from high school and I was in my sophomore year in college. John had called me about coming to tour our campus and spending the weekend to find out about college life. I live on a coed floor with my roommate, Kami, so I talked to her about how we could arrange to have John stay with us. "He can sleep in my bed with me!" Was her first response. "I don't think I would be able to sleep in this room with my brother screwing you and you moaning and...
I kept seeing this guy around campus. He was clearly admiring me, but would look away and not stop walking whenever I would try to smile or encourage him to stop and chat. I knew his name was Ryan from a class we had together. One day he saw Megan and me at a local fast food place. Megan was my BFF, and we went everywhere together. "There's your admirer" Megan smiled, even as Ryan ducked out the door. "Maybe he'll put up a 'missed connection' ad," she joked. "Then you can actually get...
The second half of the class was dedicated to getting to know one another. After sharing a bit about himself, Professor Salinger went down his class roster and asked each person to tell the class about themselves. Suggested topics included writing genre preferences, major, hobbies, etc. Mandy was the first to speak. "My name's Mandy Thoms, and I'm a Psychology major who wants to explore how creative writing and journaling can help people cope with various difficulties." Beauty, brains,...
As the policemen finished reading Barclay his rights, they each grabbed an arm and led him out of the room as a stunned audience looked on. When they passed Allison's table, Barclay's eyes met hers. Without saying a single word, he managed to convey a hurt so profoundly deep it bordered on betrayal. But oddly enough, there wasn't an ounce of anger to be seen. In that moment, Ally knew that what Barclay felt for her before the big confrontation was indeed genuine, and the hurt she saw in...
For those not sure what the title means, those two terms are commonly used in Singapore, where we reside. Tai Tai refers to a wealthy, well kept lady of leisure. SPG refers to Sarong Party Girl, a term widely used in Singapore that has negative connotations, describing Asian girls, often Singaporean Chinese girls who dress like sluts, may or may not have a British/American/Aussie accent and who exclusively chase Westerners.This story deals with the day just after Part 1, where Drew and I start...
Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...
Hookup SitesDee noticed, as she looked around, that there was only one Prospective of minority race. She was a very attractive, tall, and slender African American girl whose stick-on temporary name tag read 'Tylea.' Dee also noted that Andi was observantly gazing around the room and taking in the different faces of those around her, but was not engaging in any conversation, even with Dee. She had not spoken since they had entered this smaller room. Dee's attention at that point was diverted to what...
Introduction: Chapter 27 finds me having fun with Gina, John and a black man. In my last chapter, John caught me having sex with Adam. He was more hurt than he was mad, however, I got a red butt for being a bad girl. I not only enjoyed the spanking he had given me but also I loved it when he made me suck his cock as he did. John also told me I was to become his little slut to use as he saw fit. John also had me dye my hair from blonde-haired woman to a light brown-haired woman just on a whim. ...
I was about to enter a stage in my life that I would enjoy tremendously. John was finally going to take charge of me and I am going to fucking love it. I would do anything and everything that he told me to do. John was about to get us both more actively involved with his aunt DeRonda and her swingers parties while making me his slut. I also told you that Gina, John’s cousin had returned from Italy. I had always enjoyed myself with Gina and the sex between us was always great. However, her...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah Kimmy’s braces flashed as she beamed at me. She lay atop her father, the sixteen-year-old girl practically glowing after having her virginity popped. My own pussy was so juicy from watching. I had such a delicious orgasm capturing the entire event on my camera phone. I set that on the nightstand as I headed to the bed, my round tits rising and falling with my excitement. Mr. Myers glanced at me, his eyes still a little dazed. He’d...
I love cock. I've always lusted after cock and the older I got the more I wanted it. I've slept with getting on for a hundred girls and done things most men can only dream about, like lesbian thresomes with a girlfriend and one of her friends or some other babe.But secretly I craved big hard cock to suck and fuck. I've always wanted to please hunky, horny men and be their slut....but up until a couple of months ago I'd never been with another man or tgirl.OMG how my life has changed and I want...
CrossdressingI love cock. I've always lusted after cock and the older I got the more I wanted it. I've slept with getting on for a hundred girls and done things most men can only dream about, like lesbian thresomes with a girlfriend and one of her friends or some other babe.But secretly I craved big hard cock to suck and fuck. I've always wanted to please hunky, horny men and be their slut....but up until a couple of months ago I'd never been with another man or tgirl.OMG how my life has changed and I want...
CrossdressingThe Domination of Samantha Since the age of 13, I have always had feelings of submissiveness. I don’t know how I got these feelings or where they came from. All I know is that I always got sexually aroused with the thoughts of being dominated. I don’t mean simply being controlled. I mean being totally controlled. Humiliation was probably one of my biggest turn-ons. I always found myself getting wet when I would watch a movie where a girl was being tied up or raped or controlled. ...
I was going to be the gurls' slutty French maid for the night and couldn't wait to get to Karen's so the fun could start with four hot t-gurls and four hot cocks for my mouth and ass. Lucy picked me up, and as soon as I got in her 4x4, I slipped out of my jeans to reveal my knee-length black boots, black lace top hold ups, black suspenders, and wet look black micro mini skirt. I unzipped my jacket to show off my sexy black bra around my C cup tits that were firmly attached making me feel sooo...
CrossdressingI was going to be the gurls' slutty French maid for the night and couldn't wait to get to Karen's so the fun could start with four hot t-gurls and four hot cocks for my mouth and ass. Lucy picked me up, and as soon as I got in her 4x4, I slipped out of my jeans to reveal my knee-length black boots, black lace top hold ups, black suspenders, and wet look black micro mini skirt. I unzipped my jacket to show off my sexy black bra around my C cup tits that were firmly attached making me feel sooo...
CrossdressingYou recently moved to the big city to find a job, since unemployment is very common where you come from. Another aspect was, that you wanted to try out new stuff. Sexual stuff. But word in the small town spreads fast and you did not want to shame your Family. You like it rough, and none of your small town friends could really satisfy you. So here you are. Your name is Lena, 20 years old. You are 1,62cm short, have blonde curly hair, a slim body with nice 80c breasts and a cute small ass. It’s...
TeenJack was the first person I met on my first night out dressed as a girl... a sexy, slutty girl.He is the head bouncer/ co-owner of the security firm that deals with security for various gay and tranny nightclubs including this particular TS/ TV/ CD club which was my first introduction to 'the scene'.And I must say it's an awesome club. The trans scene is much larger than I realised but this isn't just a venue that hosts transgender nights, it offers much more.It certainly isn't a sex club...
CrossdressingJack was the first person I met on my first night out dressed as a girl... a sexy, slutty girl.He is the head bouncer/ co-owner of the security firm that deals with security for various gay and tranny nightclubs including this particular TS/ TV/ CD club which was my first introduction to 'the scene'.And I must say it's an awesome club. The trans scene is much larger than I realised but this isn't just a venue that hosts transgender nights, it offers much more.It certainly isn't a sex club...
CrossdressingMy Slut Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of...
Work of a slut Work of a slut. I sit there, thinking about my day. 6 hours behind the desk, pussy full of vibrations as I fulfill my instructions for this evenings meeting.I have to be ready, stimulated, and orgasmic when I arrive. It is the duty of a true slut to be prepared and I strive to perfection.The vibrator has buzzed inside me all day, the belt firmly secured around my waist and between my legs, ensured that it stayed in place, and once he set the control on it, my destiny was...
This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...