Flora's WorldChapter 3 free porn video

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I was done with the day, having signed out and headed to my Ford Ranger, when I found myself once more in the strange world that I had left earlier. This time, however, there was no blonde with charming, sensual ways and erotic traditions. Instead, I was deep inside the same forest, looking a stag in the face. He and I seemed to understand each other. I wasn't hungry, so he was in no danger of my hunting him, even if I had a weapon. It was a stare that told each that the other was no threat.

Just then, he fled past me, being chased by someone who clearly didn't know the first thing about wild game. I stood there with some amusement, when a surly youth in a fancy shirt and trousers ran past me. He was evidently annoyed that the stag had gotten away from him so far. He carried a spear and wore a knife at his side in a bronze sheath that looked bit too ornate for these surroundings. He was clean-shaven, perfumed, and long-haired. His golden locks reminded me of the woman, but his eyes resembled those of some of my more troublesome students. He wore no cap, but plenty of jewelry ... too much for a simple woodsman.

Everything about this young man screamed that he was a difficult and petulant fellow. He looked at me with a kind of disgust, as if he expected me to aid him and was disappointed at my inaction. It soon became apparent that he wasn't alone. There were other hunters with him, all of them much older and obviously more experienced at the chase. They tended to be sandy-haired and have bright blue eyes, with rougher and more practical clothing and weapons.

"You, what are you doing here? Poacher!" the young man shouted at me, having decided that I was up to no good.

"Do you see a weapon on me, young man? No, of course not! So, then being unarmed, how can I be a poacher? With what would I poach anything? What would I poach, other than maybe eggs, and I lack even the tools for that," I quipped, mocking his accusation.

"You must have hidden your weapons when you saw your baron, then!" the youth shrieked at me.

"Baron, what baron did I see? The Red Baron, perhaps?" I cleverly alluded to the famous German pilot, knowing that he never heard of him.

"I am Baron Lorne, the lord of these woods. All folk in this forest, save for those primitive Fair Tribe savages, pay tribute and do homage to me here. None may poach on my lands, though those fools do not listen to my laws. You, however, should be flogged for your defiance and ridicule of your betters. Guards, seize him!" the youth commanded his companions.

I quite naturally fled in the other direction, hoping to find the blonde and her tribe. What did he call them, the Fair Tribe? That fit them, for sure. I liked them even more now for their refusal to bow to this rash young nobleman. Being a much better woodsman than the baron, I quickly created some distance from this hunting party, of which I was now the prey.

It wasn't long until I was on a plain, indicating that the forest faced at least three different lands. In front of me was a large building, quite visible from far away, with two stories and much austere and simple beauty. It reminded me of medieval monasteries, of which it might well be one.

As I came closer, I noted that it looked abandoned and completely empty. This struck me as more than odd. Why would such a fine structure be left to decay? There was ever indication that it once hosted great men and witnessed great happenings, but now it was almost forgotten. I decided that this would be my home, for the moment at least. There was no sense in wasting such a fine house, which would make the nucleus of a great estate.

That thought assumed, of course, that I was stuck here. I hoped not, as it would mean losing my job as a principal, but if I was, I might as well get used to the place, whatever it was called. I investigated my "keep", as I now regarded it, and learned that it was indeed once the stronghold, of sorts, or at least the manor house of a presumably respectable lord. It had all of the markings of nobility.

I could read the books, though they were not in English. I now realized that I could speak and understand another language, even if it bore some parallels to my native tongue. I had wondered why these people spoke English; now I knew that they didn't and I was very much a stranger in a foreign land. No wonder that they assumed that I was from this world, though they probably regarded my accent as alien and exotic, just as they seemed to have accents to me.

I reviewed all of what I had learned about this unknown world, and realized that I still knew very little. There was something medieval about this place, in that there were barons, lords, "primitive" tribesmen, manor houses, poachers, foresters, etc. The technology was clearly rather anachronistic, but I didn't mind, as I didn't have medications that required me to live in the modern world. My cousin Jerry would have been less able to cope here, due to his diabetes.

As I took stock of my new habitat, I heard voices and footsteps approaching, apparently from someone who wasn't aware of my presence. I decided to be quiet and eavesdrop on them, in order to learn more of this enigmatic land. The voices became louder and quickly took on more urgent tones.

"So, do you think that the Baron will join us when we march against them? I need all of the lords of the East Realm with me in this war. The lands need to be cleared of savages, as they only draw more serfs and slaves to them by the mere fact of their existence. They also poach our game, as the Baron must surely know. The Blue Forest is his woodland, and yet they do not recompense him for their poaching of his game. The other tribes do the same. They are no good and need to be brought to heel. It is high time that we crushed and tamed them," one man's soft voice nevertheless spoke cruelly.

"Be assured that my son will align with you against these disgusting barbarians. Did you know that they mate freely, as the beasts do, without any thought of marriage or modesty? They walk in the nude, completely shameless about their state of undress. They defile that stream with their random couplings. Who knows how many of our young men and women have been seduced by their lascivious heathen ways. You have my backing in this, and you will soon have that of my son. He is willful, but I can still control him, most of the time. The Air Queen is with us as well, I am sure," a rather snobbish and haughty woman answered him.

I recalled a reference to this "Air Queen" from the books, and she seemed like a rather cruel goddess, bent upon plaguing mortals with her wrath in the form of droughts and floods. Her priests and priestesses could teach lessons in bigotry and superstition to the Spanish Inquisition. Her twin sister, the Earth Queen, was no better, but at least her clergy didn't roast live victims to appease her and punish doubters by opening their throats. The Fire King and the Water Queen were my favorites, though. He ruled the study of metallurgy and the use of fire for warmth, while she ruled fishing, swimming, and mating in the stream.

For some reason, the man's voice actually reminded me of Sheriff Stone. Funny that how works, that assholes from one world bear an eery resemblance to those of other worlds. Of course, the Sheriff never waged a genocidal war, or even plotted one, but he didn't have the opportunity, either.

I lay there rather quietly when the pair ascended the stairs and entered the now darkened room. It was evening at last, and I was still there. I really needed to return to my world and retrieve my truck, but I also wanted to learn more about this sinister plot to kill and enslave the local tribesmen. These despicable butchers were just inches away from me, and I had to be very careful, in case they saw me. I hid behind a chest and underneath some old, musty cloaks that had been left in that spot. I had to be extremely still, in case they saw or heard movements.

"We have to watch out for interlopers, such as mercenaries, outlaws, anyone with a personal grudge against one of us, or a fondness for these barbarians. They could be trouble for us, you know," the woman added.

"Naturally, but who among them would have the steel it takes to really oppose us? Trust me, we are fine. Our plans are solid. They will not go awry. Be calm. Have some confidence in your son and the other barons of East Realm. For that matter, have faith in me, as Lord Constable of the Marsh. I must put this scum down, and so I will. The Duke trusts me with such concerns, and I shall not disappoint Trevor the Pale. As you know, he does not take well to failures. The last one who achieved less than he offered ended up on a sharp stake, inserted through a rather private orifice. I succeeded him as Lord Constable, of course," the man grimaced.

I couldn't see them well, due to the darkness. I could tell that they were of the nobility, but their plans had nothing "noble" about them. This "Lord Constable" fellow seemed rather cocky, whereas the woman was more sure of her hold over her son than of the ultimate success of this exploit. The latter seemed more likely to be right, but neither of them counted on me. I decided at this point that I would cause them trouble that would make them think that their Gods hated them.

Just then, of course, I was back in the high school parking lot. I drove home, a bit shaken by what I had seen, and poured myself a beer. It didn't take long to realized that this wasn't strong enough for the kind of day I had, so I took out my bottle of bourbon and downed two shots in a row. The burn was a useful distraction from the chilling conversation I had overheard. That was even truer of the buzz that I quickly got from the alcohol.

It was the worst possible moment to get dropped back into the other world, so naturally that was exactly what happened to me. This time, I found myself in a crypt, watching a naked man get whipped as he dangled from shackles attached to a low ceiling. The woman flogging him was scantily dressed, but she still wore some clothes, albeit a dress with an opening that bared her cleavage and her cunt. It resembled a bondage scene from a porn flick, only it was too real. The man was badly cut with each stroke of the lash, his back ripped open and bleeding.

"So, tell me, are you going to defy me again, or will you comply, young man?" the same woman as I heard earlier demanded of her victim.

As I looked closer, I realized that the man was the Baron, Lorne, who claimed dominion over the Blue Forest. Evidently, his relationship with his mother had dimensions that I had never considered. His own mother had enough arrogance to whip him. It also explained why he spoke of flogging me. He was used to scourging and clearly enjoyed doing to others what had been done to him. This was one sick and perverted fellow, in the truest sense of the word. His mother was no prize, either.

I could see that she was a tall and beautiful woman, but her cruelty, hauteur, and hypocrisy all prevented her appealing much to me, in the usual sense of the expression. If anything, I wanted to inflict pain on her, as no doubt did her son. He was helpless, I was not. Still, I did not intervene, not wishing to draw attention to myself. I wanted to find a way out of this place alive, so that I could warn the Fair Tribe and my golden lady of the Lord Constable and the Baron's mother plotting against them.

I was not so lucky. The Baroness, for lack of a better name, caught me just before her son could reply to her, and angrily lashed out at me with her whip, before gesturing for me to approach. I had other ideas, of course, so I backed away from her and looked for an exit, which only infuriated her further. She dropped her whip, picked up a knife, and lunged at me, which prompted me to strike her with my fist. I had never punched a woman before, it being against my upbringing, but this bitch had it coming. I would not insult ladies by calling her one.

When my fist connected her stomach, she lost her balance and doubled over in agony, giving me time to escape. That had been my plan, but I had a mad impulse to carry this a step beyond what was necessary. I seized the whip and cropped her a couple of times in the calves, which caused her to see red. She shrieked and attacked me again, this time slashing at my groin, but missing it, as her aim was thrown off by her continued pain.

I then grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the floor of the crypt, wanting to exercise my own kind of justice. I kicked her in the buttocks and stepped on her neck. This was as dominant as she had probably seen a man behave toward her, so I hoped that this would demonstrate that I was no serf or slave to fear or even respect her.

"Listen, madam, and focus on what I tell you. I do not know what is exactly going on between you and this lad of yours, but leave me out of it! If you wish to keep your stupid forest and your estates, keep your hands off me and mine. If you wish to stay alive, do not harm the Fair Tribe, or the other tribes, for that matter. You have been warned. Pardon the expression, given the context, but I will go medieval on your soft and pampered rump if you lay a hand or weapon on the tribes or myself. Oppress your own people, if you must, but back off of mine. Consider this your one and only chance to behave yourself and not incur my wrath! Believe me, your Duke is nothing compared to me when it comes to being a holy terror. I am a principal!" I imprudently declared.

I didn't learn until later that she or her son would take this statement as an indication of clairvoyance. Between my apparent psychic powers and my strange clothing, they now viewed me as some kind of magician, warlock, sorcerer, wizard, etc. They were in awe and trembled when I walked away from them. My abrupt disappearance didn't help them out, either.

Before I realized it, I was home again and wished that I wasn't. That experience of punishing the evil blue-blooded shrew was cathartic for me. I enjoyed sticking it to her, and part of me was aroused by the idea of a grudge fuck. The word "priceless" from that credit card commercial seemed to fit it best, when it came to the obvious horror that they displayed after I gave that bitch a small taste of her just desserts. I had known women like her all of my life and hated them all. They were my Aunt Hilda all over again. I felt that I had some payback to her and all such femme fatales when I stood up to this cunt.

It had been a very long day, of course, so I was more than ready to hit first the shower and then the sack. My dreams that night were of the mysterious blonde, mixed with some of my older and more developed students, and even some of rather sadistic sex scenes with that Baron's wicked mother. One involved the blonde showing up in my office to seduce me.

I felt every scene intensely, as if it were real rather than a dream, especially the blonde. It was as if we had linked our minds in this dream sequence, dreaming it together. I found myself taking her on the desk, with her legs raised above my shoulders, as I entered her repeatedly. I caressed her buttocks while I rammed her pussy with my hard cock. I heard her moan and pant as I came inside, promptly me to kneel and clean up my mess, so as to ensure that she reached her climax as well.

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I have always had an interest in sex. Even before I really knew how it all worked, I used to hear my parents in their bedroom at night and wondered what they were doing. It seemed like they were REALLY enjoying it. I found some porn magazines in our basement when I was an impressionable youth…and that changed my life!!! NOW I knew exactly what they were doing and why they enjoyed it so much. I began to masturbate and dream about being with guys. I loved the thought of sex and wondered how it...

1 year ago
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Viagra Works Ch 1

Last night, I swallowed my first-ever little blue pill - wow, it gave me a boost, and my first introduction to a fantasised experience: inserting my cock into a man.... But the story needs some background before getting to last night....this might take a few words!... My body, at 52, is getting older and my years of heavy beer-drinking have taken their toll on my stamina, and on my penis' get-up-and-stay-up ability. I was a virgin until 21, faithful to my first wife, the mother of our 2 now...

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Falling Leaves

Bob and Sandra White sat quietly in their living room. It was a comfortable place in the house that they could be found when the things of the day were caught up and they wished to only relax until going to bed. Bob would read the paper or a book, Sandra would do needlepoint or continue an unfinished novel, dog-eared somewhere in the middle long ago and then forgotten. The forgotten novels were a good distraction for Mrs. White because they were always there and never ending. One always had...

2 years ago
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Dolly part 2

My heart was pounding as I walked to her front door. I rang the doorbell. The door opened. She looked at me questioningly. I handed her the pack of depilatory cream. She weighed it in her hand. She didn't need to look at the tube inside. It was obviously much lighter than when she had given it to me. A big smile lit up her face. "Come into the doll's house," she giggled. I stepped into the hallway and she closed the front door. "Let's go upstairs," she said. Once in the bedroom she...

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The Paper RouteChapter 3

“Eddie, your cock is nearly hard again, let me get a rubber so you can fuck me like a dog ... just like they were doing in that picture I showed you,” Becky told me. “You mean you have the pictures the boy showed you? You didn’t tell me he gave them to you,” Justine fussed. “Well I just got them this morning early. It wasn’t like I got them last week or anything.” “I want to see them.” “You can see them when you get naked in our truck with me and Eddie.” “We’re getting naked when we go...

4 years ago
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Minute by Minute

Note: Enable Game mode or it will not work as well. Act 1: In which we meet our protagonist. With a groan, the bronze and steel machine came to a halt. The screech of brakes and the hiss of steam filled the air, pulling Walter from his reading. A brief glance around revealed that the train had pulled into a station, the sign posts declaring it to be Southern Salvil. The young man pulled an almanac from the pocket of his black jacket and flipped through the pages. After a minute or so, he found...

3 years ago
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Forced To Be A Girl

Forced To Be A Girl Synopsis: Nathan knew that he was a girl and started to dress as Natalie with his parents' approval. Then one fateful day, his best friend meets Natalie. Their relationship grows as Natalie takes over Nathan until an event forces Natalie to take over. [][][ ] I've known that I was a girl ever since kindergarten when the bully Chuck spilled paint all over my play clothes. Momma Leslie got me a green dress with matching panty, white apron,...

2 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family chapter 12 reformatted

Chapter 12- Long Time Coming It was the shifting of the bed that roused Hermione from sleep. It was the cool breeze blowing across her naked body that woke her. “Hey sweetie,” she mumbled as her husband’s silhouette passed in front of the window. “Hey yourself,” a voice came back. “Bill!” She grabbed the sheets and yanked them up over herself. “A little late for modesty now, isn’t it?” he asked with a laugh. Suddenly everything came back in sharp focus. The time spent by...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Azazai It8217s Been A While

Lovely Azazai has decked herself out in some incredible lingerie that hugs her curves while leaving just enough to the imagination. She finishes preening in front of the mirror as she waits for Murgur to join her. When she spies him approaching her apartment, Azazai strikes a pose in the balcony. Murgur is no slouch when it comes to climbing the stairs, and he is rewarded for his speed by the sight of his girlfriend laying in bed with a do me smile and a finger beckoning him closer. As soon as...

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It was a sweet, almost chaste kiss. Our lips meeting tenderly. Softly. A long overdue expression of the deep love we felt for each other. Lips moving gently together. It lasted longer than I expected. Neither wanted it to end. Don’t get me wrong. It was not romantic love, for several reasons. But it was still love. We had met—well how we met does not really matter. It was six months ago. At first a lot of flirting, then sexy online conversations. Then talk about our dissatisfactions in...

2 years ago
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Annies WayChapter 5

Spencer’s definition of ‘free of Ron’ was somewhat different from everybody else’s but they didn’t need to discuss that. “But what if everything doesn’t work out? You’re not putting Annie in danger. She has been through enough; I won’t let you get her hurt.” “Mr. Geyer, I can promise you that no one will hurt Annie. I will protect her. I would never do anything to put her in danger.” Spencer took her hand and she turned to look at him. The trust he found in her eyes was surprising. After...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Clara Trinity Big Dick Procrastination

Vivacious coed Clara Trinity is back on the Hussie?Pass set today, and she wanted to take her biggest cock yet, so we paired her up with big-dick 19-year-old phenom Damion Dayski for this interracial Asian update! After director Johnny Robins helps us get reacquainted with the spinner cutie, Clara gets naked and uses her fingers to warm up her tight vagina before Damion steps in and lubes up her petite frame. Clara gets on her knees for the big reveal & then proceeds to suck and gag on that...

2 years ago
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The MissionChapter 5 Dont Know When Ill Be Back Again

Three days later Gail sat with Steve and the twins in the wardroom of the ship. It was odd, she thought. In theory, no one had to talk -- yet the room was filled with hum of conversation. "Have any of you seen the least thing that doesn't seem on the up and up?" she asked silently. "Outside of the constraints, no," Steve replied. "And there are surprisingly few of them. The guys who have been studying the engineering aboard are delighted that I can make sense of what they are...

1 year ago
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You Must Remember ThisChapter 13 Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Heath Lisbon January 1942

As Ilsa passed him the glass Clegg noticed her cigarette case on the bedside table. It was identical to Tereza's. Clegg wasn't sure why he hadn't noticed it before. The bright red enamel shone like a beacon. Then he realised. When he had left the room it must have been face down, its gold, engraved face lying upwards. Ilsa had obviously moved it for some reason. As he lifted the glass of champagne towards his lips he suddenly realised why. He looked across at Ilsa and saw her watching him...

1 year ago
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Adventures with Chelsea part 3 Her Niece forbidden desires

‘Mmm, suck it girl, damn.” Chelsea was sucking my dick, as she had many times before. She was always so good at it. She had a lot of practice, her man would flat refuse to give her oral pleasure (something I enjoyed doing for her) and sometimes he even refused to have sex with her until she blew him. It was something she was used to, but blowing me gave her chills, or so she claimed. She simply loved it, having an 8 inch dick sliding down her throat. But today something happened that changed my...

3 years ago
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Not just another day at work

My name is Katie. I see myself as quite average and generally fall under the radar of most that meet me. More often than not people forget my name after a week and at times I've had bosses come up and wonder who I am at all. I've gotten used to it though as my current job has just a one-person shift. Thankfully the context of the job means a high rate of pay but the "work" is so incredibly boring that I usually just browse the internet on my phone and that's perfectly ok in their book. What I...

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Heather Cums Hither

In my most recent ‘fantasy based on fact’ story I told about how I had gone skinny-dipping in my swimming pool for the first time this season, why and how I had jacked off while in the pool, and how I had seen the lady next door, Heather, jilling herself while she was observing me. A couple of days after that episode, I was vacuuming my pool. Heather came into her back yard to train her new puppy to walk on a leash. The pup saw me and ran over, yelping and jumping, to the chain link fence that...

2 years ago
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Weekend at the Cabin

I only went to the cabin that weekend because Sylvia and George were good friends of Lisbeth. We had been dating for a few months. Sylvia and George had rented the cabin for the month of January and invited us for the second weekend. The drive up was treacherous even with four wheel drive. The snow was coming down heavily making it like a winter wonderland, although when trying to drive, a winter wonderland turns into a winter nightmare. Lisbeth was snuggled into me, sleeping since we left New...

Straight Sex
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Dominics Brother

I met Dominic at the beginning of my sophomore year of high school. The moment he entered the classroom for the first time, I felt an immediate attraction to him. I had already struggled with and accepted the fact that I was gay through out my Middle School years. Dominic was about 5’11” Dark Hair, Olive Skin, and Hazel Eyes, he was a bit chubby but his broad shoulders and defined masculine face made him appear less so. He had moved across town and had just joined our school. I noticed that...

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Richs Valentines Day Gift

I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...

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Staying on the Farm With MomChapter 5

That started us going again. Opportunities for sex, even longer sessions, were easily found. Marylou was busy with the kids and Little Hank worked with me and the men out in the fields. It wasn’t hard for me to come back to the house for a session, sometimes even twice a day. We almost wore out the Christian position which was a novelty for us, although I don’t think the Bible meant for anyone to do it the way we did. We often mixed it up with our doggy style but even that got better as Ma...

4 years ago
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Fuck My Pussy Daddy

"When her husband started beating her, Danijela returned to her father's house and soon realized that her father was still beating her the best. She fucks at every turn, smokes in the shower, in the car… and Daddy fights back on her pussy and on the kitchen table. He only got a little upset when she stopped taking anti-baby pills… ”I married very early to a man I was, at least at the time, thought I was in love with. It was only a few months before I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful...

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My First EverythingChapter 39

"It would be hard to forget someone's birthday when you love her." Clara stared at me. Neither of us said anything for several minutes. I watched her carefully, trying to anticipate what her reaction would be to my admission. Finally, she stood up and turned around and ran inside her house. I didn't try to follow. I knew she needed some time to think about what I'd told her. I walked home. I didn't know what Clara was thinking, but I sure felt better. The next day was a Friday. On my...

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Day ThreeThe trip to work was uneventful. Jess' tits really bounced without a bra. We were at the office before 6 so we went for a coffee. When the doors opened to the building Jess went and put on her usual short skirt. Without a bra her tits bounced every time she moved and her job meant she was always on the go, as were we all. At lunch I went out to pick up a few things , rope an electric cord, then to the adult store for some handcuffs, gags, a riding crop and some clamps, although I had...

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My Japanese Love Part 5

I slept so peacefully that night. I woke up alone. Amya was already up and making breakfast. I got up and get dressed. Akira was already up and gone. This was good because I had to take a piece of furniture over to a client at 9. I really didn’t want to go over smelling of sex, that and if Akira is anything like Amya I’m not going to have any energy at all. Amya had just finished making breakfast. She has on her favorite Kimono which she only wears when she gets ready for bed or up in the...

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The Gym Teacher0

I had 7th hour Gym and it was the last day. We had done a 40 minute run test. Mr. Warko our gym teacher was quite a stud. He was 31 years old with short dark hair and dark eyes and he was about 5'6. After Gym i had forgotten my shorts in the locker room. So i run into the gym and check the office. Mr Warko was in there grading and what not and i told him i had left my shorts in the locker room. He said " Go ahead and grab them... and take a shower while your at it, your all sweaty." So i...

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Boys will be Boys Whats a girl to do

My earliest memory of a flasher was as I played on my own in my backyard. I was p*****n and to access the green, I had to walk down the side of the building and under the ground floor window, that looked onto the back-green. The neighbors teenage son was standing at the window looking at me, then he went away and when I looked again, he stood naked and wanking himself.Of course back then I hadn't a clue what he was doing, but I remember feeling strange, looking at his nudity.He looked different...

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A Fun Day at Work

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is the fifth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

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