Campus Life: Rush WeekChapter 7 free porn video

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When Andi and Aaron arrived in Lee and Catherine's room, Dee and Trevor were already there with Brooke and Steve. Both of the other couples were still standing and awaiting the arrival of all the rest before taking up their final watch positions. Catherine and Lee were sitting beside each other on the queen-sized bed with Catherine on the side closer to the slatted headboard.

Tylea and Jay arrived next. They moved quickly away from the door to make room as Sarah and Jeremy arrived to complete the roster.

Andi guided Aaron to a spot next to Lee's feet so that they could be near to the bed. She set the tone for the rest of them by having Aaron sit and spread his legs. After that, she turned her back to him and sat down with her ass pressed up against his groin. She leaned back and he boldly wrapped his arms around her waist.

She quickly grabbed his hands and placed his right one on her right breast and moved his left one down to her pussy. He did not move at first, shocked and excited as he was. But he began to move his hands and fingers lightly after a moment. Andi began to purr a bit and looked over her shoulder quickly to smile her approval. Then she turned back and focused on the couple on the bed.

The other couples, following Andi and Aaron's lead, all spaced out in a semicircle with the girls notched between the legs of the guys. Most received similar hand and finger action from their men after only brief hesitation and shy but determined nods of encouragement from the ladies.

The only exception was Jay, who placed his hands very gently on both of Tylea's breasts. He just rested them there until Tylea could relax ... which she still had not completely done yet. But she was getting there, as could be seem by the start of a smile on her face.

Now everyone watched the couple sitting on the bed, waiting for the action to begin.

"Lee," said Catherine softly. He did not respond immediately. He was watching the sexy tableau before him on the floor. She said a little louder, "Lee!" and placed her hands on both sides of his face. She turned him to look her directly in the eye. "We are the only ones here! I am the only one who matters to you, and you are the only one who matters to me!

"I want you to hold me, kiss me, and caress me for a while and I'll do the same for you. Then I am so going to enjoy sucking your cock. After that, I want you to kiss me and lick me from my face on down my body before you try eating my pussy. Then we'll try missionary position to start out." Smiling with what looked to Lee to be genuine desire and affection, she said, "Does that sound like a pretty good game plan to you, Romeo?"

Lee looked like he was drugged and not aware of anything for a few seconds. Then he focused on her eyes and face, and smiled. "God, I love a woman who knows how to take charge!" He leaned in to kiss her tenderly. His arms encircled her gently as the fingers of both his hands began to caress her back.

The kissing and caressing progressed as Catherine had planned out. The kisses grew quite passionate. They broke the contact of their lips briefly to catch their breath. Lee brought one hand around and squeezed Catherine's left breast hard, but not too hard. This brought a gasp of pure pleasure from her as her breathing speeded up.

When he lowered his lips to her right breast, she moaned loudly. On a hunch, he bit down around the areole with very visible results. Catherine cried out and experienced her first orgasm. Although it was a small one, she moaned with obvious pleasure.

Before she could recover completely, he brought both hands around. Grasping both her breasts he squeezed firmly. He moved his mouth to the left breast and bit again. At this, Catherine cried out and jumped on Lee. She pushed him back, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him hard as she pressed him down on his back while her second small orgasm subsided.

She began to give him a series of frantic short kisses beginning with his eyelids. Then she kissed the rest of his face and down to his chest. She bit lightly on his nipples, getting a sudden intake of breath from him in response.

She then worked her way down his chest and by-passed his groin. She moved instead directly to his right thigh. She licked and kissed it and then matched those actions on his left thigh. She placed her left hand on his cock and gently pressed it up toward his stomach as she bent down to extend her tongue to his balls.

It took everything Lee had not to cum at this intensely erotic set of stimuli. But he heroically thought about cutting grass, chopping trees, attending a baseball game in the rain. He thought about anything else to keep from cumming too soon. She had begun to lick up and down on the shaft. He began to think about slamming the hood of his car on his hand and the pain that would generate in order to hold back on his pending ejaculation.

Catherine sat farther forward and looked up at him for a moment. He looked down at her and they made eye contact. She then, not losing eye contact, lowered her mouth around and over his cock. She attempted to get as far down as she could before closing her lips and making contact with his man flesh.

She was able to stroke her mouth about four times up and down the length of his circumcised cock when he moaned and lifted his ass off the bed. She backed her lips off to the indentation around of the head of his cock like she had seen Andi do to Trevor earlier that day. She began to feel his cum blast into her mouth.

Determined not to disappoint, she tried to suppress the gagging and swallowed once. She found she was able to hold the rest of Lee's cum in her mouth as his spasms subsided. Once he had stopped moving, she backed her lips off carefully. She looked at his face to see a look of awe.

Looking back around at the others, she got a devilish thought. On a whim she opened her mouth, as Andi had done earlier that day with Trevor's cum. Catherine stuck her tongue out partially to show the others Lee's cum that remained in her mouth. The guys were very turned on, as were some of the girls. Sarah dipped her face into her hands, and laughed. She just could not bring herself to look, and not blush, at the slutty show Catherine was obviously putting on to tease them all.

Feeling herself begin to get tickled as well, Catherine pulled her tongue back in and swallowed the remainder of Lee's cum. She leaned down and kissed his cock, licking a couple of drops of cum that had erupted late. She leaned up and smiled at him. "Do you want to find out how your cum tastes? Then give me a kiss."

Lee did not hesitate. He leaned up quickly and wrapped his arms around Catherine. He pushed her onto her back with her head toward the headboard. Pulling his body from under hers, he positioned her spread eagle on her back and knelt between her spread thighs. He kissed her deeply the whole time. He then progressed with his kisses down her body in a pattern similar to the one she had traced on him.

Getting to her right knee, he remembered something that he'd read on the internet in an erotic story. He sat up a little and lifted her legs, placing them together as he raised them. He moved her legs up together so that both her knees were off to the side of her left breast. Leaning down, he stuck out his tongue and licked her directly on her anus.

Catherine screamed out with a series of four or five massive cries at this. She had not suspected that her asshole would be such an erogenous zone or that Lee would be so intuitive as to find it so suddenly.

Pulling her legs back down, Lee opened her thighs and lowered his head. He licked the inside of her left thigh. When he was in position directly in front of her newly bald pussy, he blew his warm breath directly on it, causing her to give off a loud moan.

Lee wrapped his arms around Catherine's thighs to hold them in place as he licked his tongue up the right side of her pussy and then the left. She was moaning louder now and ooh-ing. She was issuing a staccato series of sounds from her mouth once in a while that sounded either like whispered expletives or endearments or both.

When he licked her clit, which had engorged to prominence, protruding from its hood, her ass came off the bed. She let out a "Whoop!" and would have writhed out from under him if he did not have a firm grip on her thighs.

When he bit down lightly on her clit, she screamed over and over, "Oh, God! Oh, God!" as she came and came. He released the hold of his lips on her clit and then began to plunge his tongue into the folds of her pussy. He was tasting and enjoying the tangy taste of pussy juice for the first time in his life. After a few minutes, she finally begged, "Stop! Stop! You're killing me! I need a break!"

With a satisfied smile on his face, he looked up between the hills of her heaving breasts. She was looking down at his face with a look of wonder and joy. "Wow! You learn fast!" She was attempting to get her breathing under control.

"Now put that thing where it belongs, Lover. I need about eight miles of cock and I need it right now!"

Lee moved up over Catherine to align his hard cock with the very wet opening to her cunt. He ignored the soft moans and squeaks emerging from the lips of some of the other girls in the room. There were caresses moving across breasts, kisses on backs, and fingers probing wet pussies all around the room.

Andi let out a long moan of pleasure as Aaron was able to bring her to a nice, if mild, orgasm with the action his fingers had been performing on her pussy. As she regained her focus, she moved Aaron's hand away. She moved to her knees and turned around to kiss him deeply.

She whispered to him, "Aaron, that's heavenly, but I need for us to take a break for a minute. I want to help Lee and Catherine out and here's what I have in mind." With that she whispered in his ear. He listened thoughtfully, shrugged and nodded, and began to sit up on his knees.

Andi moved over to take Dee's hand away from Trevor's hard cock and pull her away from him. Trevor reluctantly pulled his fingers out of Dee's dripping pussy and looked questioningly at Andi. Andi held up one finger to him, indicating for him to be patient.

She leaned in to whisper into Dee's ear. Dee regained her composure enough to nod and follow Andi's lead, although with her brow furrowed with a bit of doubt.

Lee had taken Catherine's hand and placed it on his cock as it pointed to her opening. He whispered for her to guide it into her. She did, gasping slightly as it pierced the lips of her pussy. She continued to let out small gasps of pleasure as he worked his cock in a little at a time. Finally his pubic bone rested on hers and he was in all the way.

He gave her almost a full minute to get used to the stretch and to get her breathing under control while he bathed her lips and cheeks in a series of short and light kisses. Slowly and gently, he began to move back and forth, setting up a slow full stroke movement which seemed to please her.

After a few minutes, he began to increase the tempo. Catherine thrust her hips up in order to take in as much of his cock as possible. She began to moan with the approach of yet another orgasm. It hit her and she cried out, "Oh, God! Yes!" over and over for about twenty seconds, until another one hit her quickly. Once that one began to subside, Lee showed remarkable courage and willpower. He stopped his strokes in order to hold out and keep from cumming too soon. He wanted this fuck to last. Being inside Catherine was absolute heaven!

Dee, Aaron, and Andi moved in beside and behind Lee in accordance to the whispered instructions Andi had given them. When Lee began to move slowly once again, Andi moved onto the bed on Catherine's left side and began to lick and caress her left breast. Aaron did the same on Catherine's right side. Meanwhile, Dee reached out and began to tickle Lee's balls gently as they slapped Catherine's ass with each stroke.

Andi leaned up and lightly kissed Catherine's lips, surprising and exciting the other girls in the room with her ready willingness to kiss another girl like that. The guys all thought it was just plain hot! Catherine, if she realized that she was receiving a kiss from another woman, evidently did not mind as she kissed her back. Breaking the kiss, Andi returned to teasing Catherine's left breast with her tongue.

This was finally too much stimulation for either of the two engaged in fucking at the moment. Catherine wrapped her arms around the heads of both Andi and Aaron. She squeezed them snugly to her breasts and gave out a long cry as she exploded into an earth-shattering orgasm unlike any she had ever experienced before in her life.

Her legs kicked and wrapped around Lee's thighs pulling him in as deep as she could get him. Feeling her pussy clamp down on his cock and stimulated by Dee's fingers on his balls, Lee erupted with a loud cry as well. He began to pump semen into Catherine's pussy channel with several thrusts. On about his fifth or sixth violent thrust, he stopped and all movement ceased for about fifteen seconds.

As they began to relax, Catherine released the death grips she had on Aaron and Andi, allowing them to pull away and sit up. They were both smiling and enjoying the warmth of having been a part of their new friends' mutual pleasure. Dee was kissing Lee's ass cheeks and his back. Trevor had come over to reach between Dee's legs and tease her wet pussy once more.

Lee leaned down so that his arms were under Catherine's shoulders and his weight was maintained on his elbows. His chest pressed lightly against her wonderful tits. He looked into her eyes as his breathing returned slowly to normal.

He leaned forward to kiss her tenderly. She returned his kiss with a similar tenderness for about ten seconds. Then she began kissing and licking the remnants of pussy juice off his face. She kissed his lips long and hard before she broke off and gasped, "Wow! Just ... wow!"

They both realized at the same time that they had to recognize the passion of the moment for what it was. They had to catch themselves as they both started to say in unison, "I..."

As if they had communicated telepathically, they realized something at the same time. This was not really love. But it was definitely an intense sexual event that they would both come to remember and treasure fondly.

Catherine let out a grin and reached her arms around Lee's torso, squeezing him. "Thanks, Lover," she said. "That was very probably felt by the folks in downtown Beijing!"

He smiled and said to her, "You are just wonderful ... you are simply ... fantastic!" They just held each other for a moment until they heard a cry of passion from the floor across the room.

Everyone's attention was drawn by the noise and the sudden realization of motion in their midst.

Overcome by the passion of watching the unbelievably erotic vista before her on the bed, Brooke had not been able to resist Steve's attention to her body. She had responded to the visual stimulation of watching Catherine and Lee's fucking combined with the tactile stimulation of Steve's fingers on her breasts, then her stomach, thighs, and pussy.

She had pushed him back and climbed over his hips. Excited beyond the level of her fear, she had impaled her wet pussy on his erect cock. She was kissing him fiercely as she rode him in her sudden frenzy and moaned into his mouth.

The beauty of Brooke's gorgeous ass undulating up and down with her pussy gliding up and down on the shaft of Steve's cock, glistening with sex juices, was breathtaking. The view was captivating and exciting for the young men and the women as they beheld the actions of pure animalistic lust.

After about four more minutes, while everyone else watched in shock and quiet amazement, Brooke arched up. Raising her head toward the ceiling, she let out a howl like a she-wolf, as she cried out her victory, reaching a massive orgasm of her own. Steve, meanwhile, kept pumping until he too groaned loudly. He erupted in a huge orgasm, filling her with cum.

As the sensations of their orgasms began to subside, Brooke fell back down on his chest. Once there, she began to smother his face with kisses all over. All the while she was chirping out a strange noise that sounded like, "Ah, ah!" Finally, she laid her cheek against his and sighed deeply while lying still as Steve locked his arms around her in a fierce embrace and whispered to her softly and continually.

After a few minutes of this, she leaned up a bit so that she could see Steve's face. Then she smiled and said simply, "Oh my!" which brought on smiles and snickers from the others.

Lee, meanwhile, had lain in Catherine's embrace during the floor show. His cock, while slowly shrinking, was still in her pussy. Seeing that he was about to pull out, Andi placed a hand on his shoulder to hold him in place with her gesture.

"Wow! It doesn't get any better than that!" Andi said softly but clearly to the crowd in general. "That was definitely hot! And believe me, I've seen hot! Now, there are a couple of points of what my girlfriends call 'slut etiquette' that I'd like you all to learn and practice. Since you selected me to be Pledge Captain for the time being, I'm going require it for as long as I have that title. I know that I'm going to do this myself and demand it with Aaron tonight. So I'm not asking for something that I wouldn't do myself.

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Campus parties can be really wild these days

Out here at “beautiful” Pebble Creek U. (a.k.a. the State U. of New York at Stony Brook, home of mud and fluffies), we have a fairly active science fiction club, the Science Fiction Forum. Now, in addition to the standard library and games and MUDding and whatnot, we have some pretty wild people. Most of them are “active” fen (as in, go to cons, filk in their spare time, do weird murals on their dorm walls type of fen). We tend to kinda sorta of live in the Forum...

3 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 7

Allison was no athlete by any means, but you wouldn't know it from her speed. She was halfway back to her dorm and didn't even remember taking the stairs to exit the English building! No matter how hard she tried, it seemed she couldn't get far enough away from the scene of her crime. She dropped her backpack inside her closet and fell on to her bed. The worst part of all was she didn't know what upset her more, the fact that she may have killed any chance of doing well in that class, or...

2 years ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 13

Tuesday morning--Brooke and Jeremy. Tuesday's daily rhythm for the negotiations between the Japanese business team and the Vermont quasi-government team was much like a repeat of Monday's. But, on this second day, the plenary session lasted only long enough to determine which key points the delegates had made and agreed to in the breakout workgroup sessions the day before. After reviewing the agenda for the day and establishing some goals, the session broke up and the teams moved to their...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 20

Wednesday evening--Dee and Aaron. On Wednesday evening, Lola arrived, along with Winona and Sabrina, bringing massive Philly cheese steak sandwiches for all of them. Rick commented on the fact that the ladies had even included jalapeno peppers and horseradish sauce on the sandwiches. They all sat down and had a wonderful meal that was supplemented by simple guilty pleasures like the Tater Tots that Frank pulled out of the bungalow's freezer and had in the oven not fifteen minutes after the...

1 year ago
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Campus visit

John was just going to graduate from high school and I was in my sophomore year in college. John had called me about coming to tour our campus and spending the weekend to find out about college life. I live on a coed floor with my roommate, Kami, so I talked to her about how we could arrange to have John stay with us. "He can sleep in my bed with me!" Was her first response. "I don't think I would be able to sleep in this room with my brother screwing you and you moaning and...

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Campus Tail Kellis View

I kept seeing this guy around campus. He was clearly admiring me, but would look away and not stop walking whenever I would try to smile or encourage him to stop and chat. I knew his name was Ryan from a class we had together. One day he saw Megan and me at a local fast food place. Megan was my BFF, and we went everywhere together. "There's your admirer" Megan smiled, even as Ryan ducked out the door. "Maybe he'll put up a 'missed connection' ad," she joked. "Then you can actually get...

3 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 4

The second half of the class was dedicated to getting to know one another. After sharing a bit about himself, Professor Salinger went down his class roster and asked each person to tell the class about themselves. Suggested topics included writing genre preferences, major, hobbies, etc. Mandy was the first to speak. "My name's Mandy Thoms, and I'm a Psychology major who wants to explore how creative writing and journaling can help people cope with various difficulties." Beauty, brains,...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 22

As the policemen finished reading Barclay his rights, they each grabbed an arm and led him out of the room as a stunned audience looked on. When they passed Allison's table, Barclay's eyes met hers. Without saying a single word, he managed to convey a hurt so profoundly deep it bordered on betrayal. But oddly enough, there wasn't an ounce of anger to be seen. In that moment, Ally knew that what Barclay felt for her before the big confrontation was indeed genuine, and the hurt she saw in...

1 year ago
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Campus Slut

“You stupid bitch, get the hell out of my dorm ” Jane’s most recent words reverberated in Lauren’s head. Her roommate had been furious to find out she’d been in her room that day. “I thought I smelled smoke ” Had been her reply. How should she have known that Jane smoked? It didn’t matter, she’d still been screamed out by Jane for just walking into her room uninvited. Now, the young college student was walking back to the room after an afternoon of classes, and she’d never been so nervous. It...

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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

3 years ago
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Crusher 2

I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...

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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

2 years ago
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Campus Rapist Ch 02

Bea’s Story Bee was in her creative writing class, the only class where she didn’t know anyone, which made her nervous. You see, Bee was hopelessly shy. Her really good friends, Poppy and Melanie, she had had since high school, and any knew ones she made were through mutual friends. Bee couldn’t just go up to a stranger and start a conversation, and she didn’t know how the rest of the world did it. She was especially shy around boys, and had never been on a date. She had been asked a couple...

4 years ago
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Campus Rapist Ch 01

Chapter 1: Melanie’s Story Melanie made her way through the heard of partying college kids, most drunk, being that the party was well into the fourth hour mark. Melanie had only been there for about twenty minutes though, but already she was ready to leave. She wasn’t a big party girl, but didn’t mind them occasionally, however tonight she just wasn’t into it. She just wanted to get out of there, she was tired and the loud music was giving her a headache, but she had to find Poppy first, to...

2 years ago
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Biff was the campus jock. He was handsome, muscular and hung. He had a big thick cock and loved to fuck. Today he had the head cheerleader Sue naked in his bed. He had given each tit a good thirty minute work out and her pussy over an hour and now he wanted his massive cock sucked. He pushed her mouth to his cock and told her "Open wide and take my big dick. I want to see your mouth stretched as I push it in your mouth. Then I am going to watch it invade your cunt and your ass." He rubbed the...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 6

Professor Salinger unlocked the door to his office while Allison attempted to pull herself together. She drew in a deep breath to relax a bit. Put it behind you, Allison, she coached herself silently. Easier said than done... With a sigh, she followed Professor Salinger into his office. It wasn't at all what she expected. The typical college-issued clunker of a metal desk and torn vinyl office chair were nowhere to be found. In their place were a grand oak roll top desk and a high-backed...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 8

"Sorry to interrupt, guys," Kaija apologized with Admirable nonchalance. "But I'm looking for my friend. About my height with mousy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail?" The amorous duo separated and shrugged. "Haven't seen her," they responded in unison. "Sorry," Erica added, a little breathless. "No problem. Hmm, I wonder where she went..." Kaija wondered aloud. "Oh well, she'll turn up sooner or later I'm sure. Catch ya later!" Kaija smiled as she left the...

4 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 12

Ally squirmed as a cool breeze from the ceiling fan hit her newly exposed moist pussy. Bruiser licked his lips and smiled at the sight before him. She was so sweet... so innocent... so ready! He pulled back just enough to see all that was important. This was going to be a delectable experience that even Bruiser wanted to take his time and savor! Her chest heaved up and down with each breath, causing her marvelously shaped breasts to bob up and down. Bruiser traced the outline of her curves...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 13

"Lose your balance, Ally?" Kaija teased. Ally blushed fiercely as the group giggled at the whole scene. If nothing else, at least her fall broke the ice a bit. Things definitely seemed less intense afterwards. "I should be going," Barclay finally said. "Class in the morning you know. I keep forgetting it's Sunday today. Seems so much like a Saturday," he babbled. "Anyway, catch ya later." Barclay was half way down the hall before either girl had a chance to reciprocate his...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 14

Ally's eyes were red and puffy from crying when Kaija returned. All the while, she had been debating how best to tell Kaija what had happened. There was no getting out of it, yet she didn't want to get Barclay into any more trouble. She hid her tired and bloodshot eyes behind the laptop's display as she hunted and pecked her way through the story. "Hey, roomie," Kaija greeted, her voice noticeably brighter. "Anything exciting happen while I was out?" If she only knew, Ally groaned to...

1 year ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 15

Avoidance. Yep, that was it. If she dodged the issue altogether, no harm would be done. Ally could leave gracefully without jeopardizing the chance of a lifetime. Then she could take some time to think things over and decide how to handle the situation. Of course with creative writing class just over 24 hours away, her time to think was limited, but it would do. At the very least it would address the current situation, and for the moment, that was all she really wanted. With a warm smile,...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 17

Luckily, the second part of the class was much tamer than the first. At least there was no more talk of sexually repressed characters. For that Ally was eternally grateful. The stories they critiqued were pretty mainstream for the most part-a couple of romances, a murder mystery, one science fiction piece, and a handful more Allison couldn't easily classify. After Professor Salinger explained the next writing assignment, the students scattered. Some went back to the munchies to graze and...

2 years ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 18

Of course standing up too quickly after drinking too much was never a good idea. As Kaija jumped up to sprint for her toys, her stomach stayed behind. She clutched her nauseated abdomen with a groan. "I feel like shit." And while it wasn't the most polite thing to say, Ally wanted to tell her she looked like it, too! Not thwarted by her discomfort, Kaija stumbled across the room to her closet where she retrieved a shoebox full of sex toys out of the bottom drawer. She placed the box on...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 26

The soapy water swirled off Ally's shoulders as the warm stream slowly awakened her. It seemed strange taking a shower in the middle of the night, but eh uniqueness of it all was oddly invigorating. As she rinsed the rest of her body, she smiled, wondering what Kaija and John were up to back at the room. As if she couldn't guess... But why John? What happened with Barclay? A day ago, finding the answer to that question would have obsessed Ally beyond belief. But not now. Not with Ben in...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 31

"Huh... ? Wha... ?" A series of mumbles escaped from Ben's lips as he fussed with his pillow in his sleep. All of the commotion from the pillow throwing along with his name being used in conversation was enough to disrupt his once peaceful slumber. "Shh!" Ally hissed. "I'm not ready for him to wake up!" "I'm sure you're not," Kaija teased, burying her face in her pillow to muffle the laugh. Ally razzed her room mate in the dark, and then they both finally settled down to sleep....

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 34

"Allison," Ben said, sounding stern. "Listen to me. I'm going to walk out that door before we do something we'll both regret." He was starting to feel like a broken record, but he had to get through to her or risk losing everything. He glanced down toward his penis. "If you think I'm lying about wanting you, consider this as proof to the contrary." She smiled at that, but only briefly. "I just don't understand why it has to be this way," she half-whined. "Especially since very...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 36

Ally had often heard the expression 'you look like you've seen a ghost', but never before had she seen it so perfectly depicted as she did at that moment. Of course he also appeared to be hearing rather than seeing this particular ghost, but that was beside the point. Had Ben been standing when he took that call, Ally was certain he would have needed to pause to sit down before continuing the conversation. "Is everything all right?" she mouthed to h im, but he was so focused on the...

1 year ago
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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 37

Glancing at her watch after Ben headed off to class, Ally decided it was hardly worth climbing three flights of stairs for maybe ten minutes of lecture. Besides, she ran the risk of running in to Barclay there, and she wasn't up to facing all that in light of everything that was going on. Instead, she wandered over to the campus pond, found an empty bench, and watched the swans glide across the glassy surface of the water. Ally had a lot to think about. As much as she didn't want it to be...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingEpilogue

Allison Delaney had never seen herself as the adventurous sort, and yet, as she got ready for their graduation ceremony, she had to admit that she no longer even remotely resembled the young girl who appeared on campus nearly four years ago. Between her makeover and her sexual revolution so to speak, she was a totally different person. And in her eyes, that was a good thing. So the book she was supposed to write with Professor Salinger never panned out. It wasn't his fault. The series the...

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