BeachcombingChapter 2 free porn video

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When I got back to my cottage, I grabbed a bucket, filled it with seawater, and dumped the clams — no, the quahogs — into it.

I stripped off my wet clothes, brushed my teeth, climbed into bed, and buried my embarrassment under my blankets. Sleep was a long time coming.

I rose the next morning and I was still a fool. More than anything else in life, I hated feeling like I was an idiot — worse, I hated actually being an idiot like I was the night before. I resolved to do something about it. The grocery in town was very nice. I bought fresh basil, plum tomatoes, saffron, garlic, fresh linguine, and other things I needed. I went to the fish market and bought lobster and haddock. I bought a very nice chardonnay to drink, and a good, but less expensive one, to cook with.

That afternoon, I shucked the clams, and cooked. I loved to cook. It was a simple pleasure that I rarely had time for when I was working. The house filled with the aroma of the spices.

I showered and put on casual slacks and blouse. I wrapped my hair and fixed it in place with a pair of lacquered chopsticks. Then I put on some oven mitts, picked up my pot, grabbed the bottle of wine under my arm, and walked next door to Phillip's cottage. I rang the bell. I heard some barking, and Phillip opened the door.

"Gail?" Phillip was clearly surprised. "What are you doing here?" He opened the door and I walked inside.

"Could you get the wine, please?" I asked. "I'm about to drop it."

He grabbed the wine. I could see where his kitchen was, so I walked into it. He followed me.

"I'm returning your quahogs," I said.

"They were a gift," he said. "You don't return a gift."

"No, but I'm hoping you'll share them with me. There's more than I can eat. Where are your plates? Do you have any large soup bowls?"

I set the pot onto his stove and peered into the cupboard he opened. "Perfect!" I said, picking up two plates and two bowls. "You do the wine and silverware: forks, knives, and soup spoons. Oh yeah, one large serving spoon. Maybe a ladle."

"How did you know my name?" I asked while setting the table.

"The same way you knew everything about me," he said, "I looked it up. I figured if you could do that to me, I could do it back."

"How? I don't own the house and I doubt you have the connections to get my name from the license plate on my car."

"Not your name, but I did learn you lived in Washington DC. Then I tried to figure out how you learned about me. You signed for the books in the town property office. That's where I learned your name. An Internet search told me everything else I learned. Well, I did use your license plates for one more thing. I called The Steamship Authority to find out when you were leaving. I'm afraid they may not treat you with too much respect. I told them my ditzy girlfriend forgot when her ferry reservation was. The guy was very sympathetic."

He poured the wine and I served us. I'd made one of my specialties, cioppino (pronounced chip-eeno). It's a sort of Italian bouillabaisse, a fragrant seafood stew served over pasta.

As I was scooping seafood bits over the linguine I put into the bowls, Phillip had a delighted grin. "Cioppino! My God, I can't believe how much better you are than I am at this spying stuff. I can't even begin to understand how you found out that I love cioppino."

I laughed. "I didn't. I had to do something with the clams, and cioppino is something I also love. It's really not that difficult to make."

"I don't believe that for a second," he replied. "I mean, yes, I do believe you didn't know I love cioppino, but I don't believe this was simple. It smells wonderful." When he took a bite of a clam, he said, "Gail, you soaked the quahogs overnight, didn't you?" I nodded. "They're perfect. No sand at all. You are a wonder."

I have to admit, that was probably the best cioppino I'd ever made. It was delicious.

We chatted through dinner about inconsequential things. He was easy to talk to, as long as I wasn't making a complete fool of myself. He seemed like a nice guy.

"Okay, I have to ask. I know I was an utter ass last night," I said, "but why were you clamming in the middle of the night?"

"When you do it at night," he replied, "you can sneak up on the clams while they're sleeping so they don't run away."

I knew absolutely nothing about clamming, but that sounded bogus. I gave him a skeptical look.

He laughed. He had a deep, rich laugh. "You caught me. That was bullshit. There's really no reason to do it at night except you can't get a sunburn. Everyone else does do it during the day."

"Do you just do it for fresh clams, or do you enjoy it?"

"It's very relaxing. Sort of a Zen moment, when your mind is completely empty. If I didn't love to eat them, I'd do it for the sport: catch and release clamming."

We continued chatting while we finished dinner. Then Phillip cleared the table. He'd asked me to call him Phil, but I hadn't completely wrapped my mind around that yet since I'd been thinking of him as Phillip for almost two months. Phil washed the dishes while I dried.

While Phillip was washing, I noticed that he was very amused about something.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked. "What's so funny?"

"I was thinking that more people should spy on each other," he said chuckling. "It's a great icebreaker. With everyone else I've ever met I had to learn about them by talking to them. How old fashioned. We already know most of the basics about each other."

After that evening, I resolved to do a more through, really professional job of ferreting out Phillip's past. He's an interesting guy, I thought, Maybe there really is a newsworthy human-interest story here somewhere. I knew there wasn't, but it was easy to kid myself into a rationalization for destroying his privacy. I spent several hours, made a few less-than-honest phone calls over the next few days, and assembled a pretty good picture of the life of Phillip Seigel. I didn't learn anything really surprising, but found that he seemed to be a nice, regular guy — at least as much as possible for someone with a Ph.D in Physics.

I left my house to start a hike up the beach a few days later when I saw Phillip rooting around in the shed behind his house. I walked up to say hello. There was a green plastic kayak lying at his feet and he was pulling out a large oar with paddles on both ends. He appeared to be a little startled to see me, but just looked at me a bit without saying anything. Then he pulled out a flotation vest, looked down and just stared at it. Then he handed it to me, almost as if he was a little reluctant, and said, "Here, you'll need this."

That surprised me. I took the vest.

"Do you have a floppy hat?" he asked. "You have fair skin. A hat would really help."

I was so flustered by this odd exchange, I carried the vest back to my cottage, grabbed a baseball cap, and walked back to him. He'd hauled another kayak and paddle out of the shed.

"Grab that end," he said when I approached. For some reason I really can't explain, I grabbed the end of the kayak and we carried it down to the beach. It was surprisingly light, and he really carried most of the weight, but I helped. Then he walked back to get the other kayak. I just stood there looking uncomprehendingly at this kayak paddle in my hand. I knew you held the middle and the ends went into the water, but that's about the extent of my kayak knowledge.

A few minutes later, Phillip hauled the other kayak over to where I was standing. "Have you ever kayaked before?" he asked.

Kayaked before? What the hell made him think that I'd be kayaking now?

I shook my head, no. Phillip helped me into the vest, adjusting it for me.

"Do you have sun block on?" I nodded yes because I'd put some on for my walk. Then he frowned. "This won't do. You'll still get burned." He rooted around inside my kayak and pulled out a tube of zinc oxide, that white stuff that lifeguards wear. He stood very close to me and I looked up at him while he carefully put it on my nose. I'm fairly short, he's taller, so I was looking up at him. I noticed I was breathing a little harder than usual.

What the hell am I doing? I asked myself. I was not nature-girl, not at all. My idea of camping was to stay at a cheap motel, rather than a Hyatt or better. Don't get me wrong, I loved the wilderness, but I'd get my fill of it looking at landscape paintings at the National Gallery or the Met.

Phillip gave me a few minutes of instructions which seemed to boil down to: First, try to go straight into the waves so they don't knock you over and second, paddle like hell. I listened to him with a rising sense of panic hoping that somewhere in his introduction to the science of kayaking he'd cover the topic I was desperate to understand — why on earth would anyone in their right mind do this?

Somehow in the middle of his lecture, I found myself being stuffed into a kayak with a sort of rubber diaphragm snapped around me to keep water from flooding the kayak. This was a little amusing. At the beginning of my marriage, I'd used a diaphragm rather than the pill. So I've put a diaphragm inside me thousands of times, but I've never been put inside a diaphragm before. If it kept water out, it would probably keep sperm out, too. So I was safe. Funny, I didn't feel safe at all.

Once I was tucked into the kayak, Phillip pushed me out into the surf. Then he took off in his own kayak.

That was the moment I realized that I was going to sleep with him. I would be dammed if I would schlep a stupid kayak across the sand and then paddle across the Nantucket Sound for some guy I wasn't fucking. It really pissed me off that I was going to fuck him and he wasn't making the slightest effort to seduce me. That was good. I needed that anger to help me paddle like hell so I could keep up with him. He better be really, really good, I thought, for me to put up with this.

I wasn't carrying a watch (which was good, or I'd have ruined it), so it's only my guess that we paddled about an hour before we reached the town. We pulled the kayaks ashore and took a break. I sat down, sweaty and exhausted on the dock while Phillip went into a store on the pier and came back with a couple of iced teas. Ambrosia. It was the best drink I'd ever had. I looked over at the expensive luxury yachts moored further down. I pointed at one worth millions and said, "Next time you take me boating, it better be in a boat like that."

"That's a ship," he said. "See the boat on the top, next to the helicopter? Well, that's the ship's boat. The yacht is a ship. And this is probably the closest I'll ever be to a ship like that."

For all my whining, I have to admit that kayaking was pretty fun. While we didn't go particularly fast on the way to town, we took a more leisurely pace back. The slower pace gave us some time to chat rather than simply gasp for breath. Actually, this was just my problem. Phillip, damn him, never broke a sweat.

"You're a reporter, right?" Phillip asked.

"Yeah," I gasped. I said I had some breath for speaking. That doesn't mean I was relaxed. I was still paddling my ass off.

"So I suppose you do a lot of snooping," he continued. "It must be a big part of your job."

"Yes," I replied. I coasted a while, so I could make a decent answer. "Writing is also a big part, but you've got to get information to write about, and you've got to verify that it's accurate. The more newsworthy the story, the less likely people are to tell you everything voluntarily, so you've got to snoop."

"Well, you've gotten very good at it."

"You've no idea," I said.

He didn't reply immediately, but gave me an appraising sidelong look and started paddling again. After a while, he said "You spied on me. Why? Why'd you bother?"

"Does it bother you?"

"No. Yes. Well, it's both disturbing, and maybe a little flattering."

I wouldn't have thought so, but kayaking was good for conversation. I remember when I was a little girl, my grandfather smoked a pipe. When I'd ask him a question that he wanted to think about before giving me an answer, he had this ritual where he'd tamp the tobacco and puff on it a bit to keep it lit. It had the effect of making his comments seem deeper, more considered. Kayaking was like that. We'd negotiate a wave, paddle a bit, and then answer.

"I understand." I replied. "It's kind of like when we were carrying the kayak down to the beach when you were staring at my butt. There's a disturbing loss of privacy, but at the same time it's a little flattering that someone wants to pay attention to me."

He blushed a bit, then said, "I don't think that's really the same. I suppose there is a lack of politeness when a guy appraises a woman, but I don't think it's in the same league as this loss of privacy. I mean, the man is just looking at what's already there to see."

"So the feeling that my tits and ass are private is an illusion because they're really right there to look at for anyone who's interested?"

He frowned, "Well, I wouldn't have put it quite that way, but I'd have to say yes."

"Right," I said. "That's exactly what I was getting at. There really is no such thing as privacy, there's only the illusion of privacy. Just about everything about a person is there to see. There's no privacy, just indifference and laziness."

"Oh come on," he scoffed. "You can't be serious."

"Okay, let's think about privacy for a bit," I replied. "For you to have actual privacy, there'd have to be nobody around, you'd have to leave no records. How many things do you do that are like that? When you walk along the beach? When we kayak? When you buy groceries? There are almost always people who see you walking. We passed people on the beach as we paddled here. Do you always pay cash? In any case, the cashier at your grocery sees you and what you buy. If you use one of those 'supersaver' cards, what you buy is tracked."

"People still have quite a bit of privacy," Phillip maintained. "We spend more time in our bedroom than anywhere else. That's private."

"Only if you're alone. Otherwise there's someone who can tell anyone exactly what you did and said."

"Technically, that's true, but really, how often does that happen?"

"Are you serious?" It was my turn to scoff. "You read the papers, watch the news?" He shrugged. Well, I suppose over the past few years he had reasons to separate himself from the rest of the world. I'd have to let that slide. "In any case, a great deal of what's reported came from someone who told someone about something in their bedroom — not just the scandal sheets, but the political news, world events, anything. You see, people like to talk to other people about their lives and things they find interesting. It's the human version of monkeys grooming each other for bugs. We tell each other the interesting things in our lives as a social ritual. It's really, really hard to keep significant secrets. They're always there if you know how and where to look."

"Like physics," he observed.

"Physics? How so?"

"We're trying to understand the rules about how the universe works. If you know how and where to look, you'll see the laws of nature in action."

"I never thought of it that way before, but yeah, I suppose you're right."

"In any case," he said, "the information may be there, but it's the act of gathering it and using it that violates someone's privacy."

"No," I said. "You're confusing privacy with anonymity. You never had any privacy because someone knows about what you did. The act of sifting the information about you means you're no longer an anonymous cow in the herd."

"You've thought about this a lot."

I had drifted a bit too close to shore for my comfort and had to paddle hard to avoid having the waves knock me over and wash me ashore. "You bet your ass," I puffed. "I think about this kind of thing a lot. It's why I'm different from the dirtbags working for tabloids who live their lives trying to get a fuzzy photo of Britteny's boobs."

"Even if it's anonymity rather than privacy," objected Phillip, "it still doesn't feel right that people I don't know can use personal information about me. It seems like it's so easy to abuse."

"Yeah, I agree with you," I panted as I caught up with him again. "Abuse of information is a big problem. A growing problem, too. I'm not really sure what should be done about it, but I think it's something to be concerned about."

"But isn't that just what you do?"

"No, it's not," I asserted. "It's not an abuse of power when a policeman gets a warrant and checks up on a suspected criminal. And it's not an abuse when a reporter searches for information for a story."

"What about me?" he said. "You searched though information about me and I'm just a guy minding his own business."

I laughed. "Everyone's just a guy minding his own business. I thought you might be an interesting human-interest story, so I decided to find out about you." This was both true, and a little white lie. I did think he might be an interesting story at first, but I couldn't really explain the second round of much more thorough snooping, even to myself. Other than people associated with stories I was working on, I'd never felt the need to learn everything about someone before.

We reached our area of beach and Phillip gracefully rode a wave to shore. Then he got out of his kayak and helped me up as I'd fallen over and swallowed a few gallons of seawater when I tried to follow him.

We were hauling the kayaks back to his house when Phillip turned to me. "Bluefish?" he asked without any particular context.

"No, I think I have begun to flounder," I replied.

Phillip groaned at the lame pun. "Would you like grilled bluefish for dinner?" Phillip said. "I was surfcasting early this morning and caught one. The filets are marinating in my fridge."

I agreed. He was good company and I was too exhausted to fix dinner for myself, anyway. After helping Phillip hose down the kayaks, paddles, and vests, I flopped down gracelessly on Phillip's couch while he started to prepare dinner. After sitting for a few minutes, my arm and back muscles were starting to stiffen and ache.

"Do you have any aspirin or Tylenol?" I asked.

He left the room for a moment and came back with a couple of pills and a glass of water.

"I know what would help even more," he said. He led me into his bedroom and had me lie down on a towel on the bed.

Aha! I thought. This is exactly where I wanted to wind up tonight.

I hadn't slept with a man since well before my divorce, but I'd thought about it a lot. Toward the end of the marriage, the sex had gotten boring and perfunctory. It might seem childish or vain, but I felt like I had something to prove. The next time I had sex, I wanted to blow the guy's mind. I'd be wild and uninhibited and completely sexy. It was going to be great.

I was lying on my stomach on Phillip's bed when he started rubbing my shoulders. He had very good hands, they seemed to be reaching in between my muscles and pressing the ache out. It hurt a bit where he rubbed, but it was a good hurt. I reached down and pulled my shirt off. I wasn't wearing a bra. He probably didn't get to see anything as I had my back to him and I immediately laid back down again. That should give Phillip something to think about, While he couldn't really see anything, he knew I was lying there topless on his bed while he massaged and caressed me.

I'm such a tease, I thought. I knew it was affecting him, too because when he'd lean over me I'd occasionally feel his erection brush against my ass. After warming it in his hands a bit, he started rubbing some lotion onto my sore back muscles. I moaned appreciatively.

Phillip's touch felt absolutely heavenly. I was aroused at least as much as he was.

I planned to roll over and let Phillip look at me. I didn't have really huge breasts, but they were taut and firm, and at that moment my nipples were in danger of punching holes in his bedspread. Then, when he'd almost gotten over his surprise seeing me topless, I'd reach behind his head and pull him into a deep, sensual kiss. Then I'd explore his body with my hands and mouth until he couldn't take it any more. I'd drive him insane.

If Phillip is even half as good with his tongue as he is with his hands, I thought, then this would really be the start of something wonderful.

The massage was much more sensual than sexual, but I could tell that Phillip would know where and how to touch me in just the right places. I wondered if I should give him a blowjob, or just pounce on his dick. I was so wet, I didn't need any foreplay. I could take him quickly, then take my time arousing him for another round. I would be just the sexiest woman he'd ever seen.

That's about when I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to the morning light sneaking through the cracks in the blinds.

Suddenly it hit me. I'd fallen asleep — even worse than that, I'd drooled on Phillip's pillowcase. Yep, I was just the sexiest woman he'd ever seen.

Still, it was nice and cozy. Phillip must have thrown a sheet over us. Sometime during the night, he must have scooted over until he was spooning against my back. He'd thrown an arm over me, his large hand was pressing against my belly, pulling me to him. He wasn't wearing a shirt. His shoulders looked rather nice. I peeked under the sheet and saw that he was wearing a pair of boxers. I was still wearing my shorts from yesterday.

Slowly, carefully, I unsnapped and wriggled out of my shorts and panties, trying not to wake him. My arms and shoulders twinged in pain from all the paddling yesterday. I had more important things in mind, so I ignored my protesting shoulders. Then I turned around and started kissing Phillip's neck and chest. He moaned incoherently as I licked and lightly nibbled on his nipples.

I doubt if he was completely awake when I started, but he began responding, kissing me back, rubbing his hands down my back and sides. He kissed up and down my neck, causing me to arch my back and moan. I pulled his boxers down and he kicked them off.

Pulling him to me, I reached down and guided him into me. "Oh, Phillip," I gasped as he filled me.

It didn't take long until he stiffened, groaned, and thrust inside me. I could feel spurt after spurt. Phillip lay there with his head on my shoulder, breathing hard. He was very tense, not relaxed as I'd expect after what was undoubtedly his first non-self-induced orgasm in years.

He slid off and rolled away from me. He was clearly upset.


"I'm so sorry, Gail. I don't mean to be such an idiot. I know I'm not being rational; I know that Carol would want me to enjoy my life. Hell, I'll bet that she'd even like you. I know all that, I really do. But I still feel horrible."


He snorted, "That seems to be my main emotion. I know it's dumb, but for the first year or so, I even felt guilty for being alive while they're not. And, well... "


"Well, it wasn't very good for you. Too fast, you know..."

"Don't worry about that," I said. "You haven't had sex for years."

"How could you know that?" he said.

"I don't know it, but I'd bet quite a bit that's the case. It took you minutes before you could even hand me Carol's old flotation vest."

"What makes you think it was hers?"

"Okay, it wasn't. It's just a piece of nylon and foam that you're emotionally attached to. You must be one of those guys with a flotation fetish."

Phillip chuckled. "You're making it very hard for me to wallow in my guilt, you know."

"I don't suppose there's anything we can do to stop you from feeling guilty," I said in my best seductive voice, "so maybe we should work on doing something that's actually worth feeling guilty about..."

His chuckles turned into low moans as I kissed my way down his chest and stomach. I took his, already-erect, cock into my mouth and slid down it while I rubbed my tongue along the underside. I only got to do that a couple of times before I found myself pulled up to the top of the bed. Phillip kissed me passionately and slid his dick back inside me. There was none of the frantic thrusts and quick explosion like last time. Phillip was stroking deeply and confidently into me.

Even though I'd tried to be understanding, I had been frustrated by the quick ejaculation. This was exactly what I needed. When he bottomed out, he ground against my clitoris sending sparks upward. His dick seemed to rub just the right places. I'd been nice, but I had wondered if he might be one of those inept, clueless guys. Nope, he certainly knew what he was doing. As his dick made me gasp, he nibbled and licked my neck and ears making me moan.

I felt the pressure, building, moving outward until it rolled over me as I lost control. I gasped and held him as tightly as I could. I think I bit his shoulder. It was too much for me.

I was surprised that Phillip seemed to be really in tune with me. After an amazingly strong orgasm, I collapsed. He hadn't come again, but he stopped too. He'd somehow figured out that I was really sensitive after that huge climax. He pulled out of me and gently began a much more sensual massage than the one the night before. In addition to his strong, sensitive hands, he used his mouth and tongue to nip and kiss.

I worried that I'd fall asleep on him again, but this time it wasn't a relaxing massage, it was completely erotic. He started at my feet, nibbling, licking, and rubbing. He slowly worked his way up my legs, finding sensitive areas that made me gasp and shudder. I spread my legs, giving him easy access as I mentally urged him to hurry up and reach my clit with his tongue. I moaned with disappointment when he skipped over my pussy and started on my shoulders.

I almost laughed between my moans as I had the oddest thought; I thought about Thelonious Monk. Phillip caressed me the way Thelonious Monk played piano, striking two discordant keys that made the listener think of the note in the middle that Monk didn't play. Phillip kissed and rubbed along my collarbone down my sides and upper arms, and under my breasts in a way that made my nipples ache in a way that anticipated him caressing them.

Part of me wanted to shake him and ask him why he didn't know that foreplay took place before intercourse. He was hard, I was wet, he needed to stick it in me and fuck me hard. The part of me that had control over my mouth was too busy gasping and whispering his name between sighs.

Someone else had control over my body. When Phillip finally reached my nipples, I realized that as he was suckling and teasing them, I had my legs wrapped tightly around his torso while I was running my hands through his hair and rubbing his back. My mind fractured as I held him to my breasts and wanted him to stay there forever while simultaneously wanting him to fuck me right away.

He kissed his way down my stomach as I arched my back. And finally, finally, he plunged his tongue onto my pussy. I thought the first orgasm was strong, but second one drove me out of my mind. Maybe even literally out of my mind, because it seemed like one moment I had both fists wrapped in his hair as he assaulted my clit. Every muscle in my body was rigid with tension as the climax started to take control of me. The next thing I remember, I found myself riding another orgasm with my legs on Phillip's shoulders as he pounded into me. I heard my voice screaming, "Fuck me, Phillip! FUCK me FUUUCK MEEE!"

I'd hardly come down from my climax when Phillip groaned and I felt his cock pulse inside me. That pushed me over the edge again into a climax that made my stomach muscles ache deliciously.

I held him and nuzzled him until he fell asleep in my arms. I felt so content and at peace that I didn't want to move, didn't want to sleep, didn't want anything to change.

I fell asleep anyway.

My bladder woke me a couple of hours later. I could tell by the light streaming through the windows, that it wasn't early morning anymore, but closer to noon. I eased out of the bed as slowly as I could and crept quietly into the bathroom. After a much needed pee, I took a fast shower.

This is a fine day to spend in bed, I thought. So I tiptoed into the kitchen and made the quickest, quietest platter of food I could find. Some apples, grapes, a couple of sandwiches, and two big glasses of juice. I crept back into the bedroom and was pleased to see that Phillip was still asleep. Good, now I can wake him myself.

My clever seduction the night before hadn't worked out quite the way I'd intended. While we had some really astounding sex, I still wanted to rid myself of the boring prude my ex-husband complained about and amaze Phillip with my wanton sexiness. I thought that waking him up with a blowjob would do the job nicely.

I pulled the sheet covering him very slowly until he was naked beneath me. He grumbled a little in his sleep, but didn't wake up. I bent over his flaccid penis and began soft little kitten licks to try to get him erect before he was awake. I didn't get the reaction I was expecting. Phillip muttered something incomprehensible, rolled over, and smacked the snooze button on the alarm clock on the table next to his bed.

Same as Beachcombing
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“Talking to yourself again?” queried Darren from her door. “Such a fuckin oddball.” He teased as he strode to her bed and plopped himself down. “Why aren’t you rich, with millions of dollars working as some nerdy ass physicists like on that show “The Big Bang Theory?”” Autumn got off her window landing and sat down next to her brother. “I don’t want to be, I’m training in the academy to be an officer just like dad, that’s what I want to be nothing more nothing less, so is it ok if I can be a...

3 years ago
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Babysitter screwed by the ks

Imagine laura babysitting a group k**s outside. At the end of the day, when all the other k**s were packing to leave, three k**s go up to Laura and one of them says, 'We saw you naked all over the internet, until my dad found out and beat me for it'. Laura, shocked with a since of sorrow,began to be at a panic. She then tells them to not tell anyone and its very important. 'It's important that no one knows, I could get in a lot of trouble, and I didn't put those pics online. You guys are just...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 45

December 24, 2003 Father Robert Lombardi looked out over his flock. The Power of God flowed through him tonight, strong and sure. It whispered through the pews, eagerly sinking into any receptive mind it found, the soft glow Lighting them from the inside. He'd seen it many times. But tonight was different. Tonight, the Power was different, and even those minds that were not receptive, those that were bored or frustrated were affected by it. Under the Light, their rebelliousness began to...

2 years ago
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Teasing my DaddyChapter 4

Cathy thought about her last night discovery all day, images of her father rubbing his hard cock on her ass and peeking at her bosom never left her mind. The blonde was feeling a little guilty. She thought that dressing carelessly had got him in this state, but again, it was just a thing that happened yesterday or had him been getting the hots for her for a long time? Cathy decided to test his reactions, she would do her best to get him excited without making it too obvious. I was her...

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UniversityChapter 83

Sean was in when I got to the Gilbert + Tobin Center. I mentioned that I'd been reading about Land Title and he asked whether I'd spoken to Leon Terrill. I said "no," and he pointed out that Terrill'd been a Ph.D. student of his a few years ago and was now on faculty. He found a printout of Terrill's dissertation and said it had to be returned. "Of course. Can I talk to you about something else?" "Sure." "I've been talking to Craig." "Yes?" "He's meeting with me on...

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Applaachian TeenChapter 3

On Friday I took Sarah to the local Wal-Mart that was about twenty-five miles from my house. I bought Sarah what I thought was a complete wardrobe for a thirteen year old girl. Sarah had her own ideas and we shopped from the young woman's section. I got plenty of stares from the older women in the store and Sarah got a few stares a couple of times when she walked out of the dressing room to get another change of clothes to try on. I noticed several teenaged boys closely examining women's...

4 years ago
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Life Begins With R

By : Instantstick My name is Sameer. I am 22 now, 5’11”, atheltic, straight, fair, 7″ X 2.5″ etc. currently reside in Delhi. I plan to write a series of my sexual experiences which began when I was still very young And, till now it has been a horny journey which includes my cousin sisters, bua, classmates, cousin mausi, taiji, tuition teachers, school teachers and girlfriends as my partner. To start with, I will highlight the beginning of my experiences. I live with my family which consisted...

3 years ago
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Loving Neighbor Aunty Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, I am back with the second part of the story. This part is especially dedicated to the lady readers, who gave their feedback and encouraged me a lot after reading the first part. I will be narrating the story such that I will be giving tips in between. Follow them to reach out to the core of pleasure. OK coming to story. We both were all tired after two consecutive sessions. We both slept for almost an hour fully nude hugging each other on the bed. Then she...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Girl Lesbian

She was delicate, feminine, romantic and scarily intelligent. And mine. Jay would describe herself as pretty average looking – but to me, she was gorgeous. Fucking her had been a revelation; I’d never lost myself during sex quite that much. I was addicted. One afternoon in particular stands out from all the rest. My phone pinged mid-morning. New message from Jay. I could hardly believe my luck when I read her words – she had the afternoon off, so was it ok to come round? It was more than ok. As...

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Sams Infidelity

Those who shouldn't read this kind of story shouldn't. Those who should, should. The rest are on their own. Sam's Infidelity by Vickie Tern "That's who she is? He is? I mean, she was? Really? Really, Annie, I'd never have .... I knew you and Sara were close, anyone could tell by the way you talk to each other, how you touch each other. Sisters are often like that. But I'd never have guessed, Sara is really Sam? I...

1 year ago
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Lucky Josh part 12

Josh considered staying in bed for a while, still a bit tired from the last few days but his curiosity won out as he headed towards his pc to check his mail. Boot up seemed to take ages and when it finally was done, he quickly checked his mail.His smile turned into a big grin when he read Angela’s fantasy for them.It would take some time before he could make it happen as her broken ankle didn’t allow for much dancing.Angela had made her fantasy a well thought out script and included her...

2 years ago
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Brooke Cant DrinkChapter 10

As soon as the door closed behind the mail carrier, Helen moaned and exclaimed, “Christ I’m horny! Delon, can I borrow your cunt? I really need my pussy eaten right now!” He grinned and asked, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a nice hard cock?” Everyone was watching her. She hesitated just long enough that we could tell she’d been thinking about it lately. But she didn’t quite have the nerve. I knew she never would. She isn’t the prig I first thought she was. But she’s no Cindy either....

1 year ago
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On Staff Part 2

"Jim, this weekend, is that enough lead time for you to put together a dinner here? For about five guests?" Melissa asked as she walked into the kitchen. She'd just arrived home from work and I was sitting naked at the breakfast room table, testicles and penis hanging down between my thighs to lie on the cool, finished wood of the chair seat. I like the way that feels, testicles lying on the cool wood like that. I was naked because that was the way Melissa preferred me to be. Over the months...

3 years ago
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Adhire Mardal Ni Friend Tho Atharea

Hello frds….This is your raj again with another experience of mine….Miru na previous stories baga enjoy chesaru ani ardam avtondi…….Alage kamakathalu vallu kuda mi story baga chaduvutunaru….Miru raayali antunaru……Kaani fake gaa oohinchukoni raayadam naaku istam ledu…….Anduke wait chesanu…Ninna jarigina original experience ni……Ela jarigindi ala clear cut gaa explain chestanu…. Kaani okka condition frds…Miru story kinda comments pettandi. Ela undi…Emana change cheskovali..Na narration...

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Rena my sister8217s daughter

Dear all, I am a fan of ISS. Read lot of stories and really wonder how we Indians have changed a lot. We have lot of sex and fun like the foreigners but we do not reveal the truth to the world. Well, I am from Chennai, Tamil Nadu aged 31 running my own business. The incident I am going to tell you happened when I was a bachelor, doing my degree. I did my degree through Open University system while I was working in private company. I used to go on business tour often on behalf of my company and...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse Back Home To Kentucky

Cat and Mouse: Back Home to Kentucky By Bluto Mick Montana had been driving for seven hours straight, with only a brief stop for gas in West Virginia. He was now just outside Columbus, Ohio on I-70, close to the I-270 loop to I-71 south and the final leg of his journey from New York City to Louisville, Ky. Cat had promised to share equally in the driving, but, of course, she'd spent most of the trip fast asleep, balled-up in a fetal position in the cramped back seat of Mick's blue...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 28

Our two-month journey back to the Vishant Capital city was uneventful. There were no attacks or distractions, but the looming threat of our enemy still hung in the air. We worked hard to prepare ourselves for what would occur in the coming days. Endless fighting drills and sparring matches. Some one on one, but now almost all were an eight-person free for all. Lillian would watch and keep track of the hits and wins. Her practice came on our hunts and she reveled in our time together then. I...

1 year ago
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Persuading Shy Mom to Pose fantacy story

It was a normal birthday for me. The weather was wet and horrible, and I came home to an empty house. It was Friday, 5pm, and I knew my Mother would be home in a few minutes. Hopefully with the present I had asked for. A new digital camera. I had gotten interested in photography and cinematography a few months earlier, fascinated with capturing images of beauty in anything and everything.Unfortunately, my Father was away on business for the whole week, so was going to miss my birthday. So, just...

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This work is the copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re- post this story must contact the author for permission. By Paul G Jutras After taking his evening shower, Paul sat down before his computer and started to scan the Internet for new web sites. Most of what he found was on-line stores and people in chat rooms trying to sell things he had no interest in. "Great." Paul thought to himself as he starred at the window in front of him and saw...

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Marybeth Strikes

My sister Anne (she's the religious one in the family) tells me that I am a whore. I love her dearly, but what does she know? She's twenty-eight and still a virgin. It was my own fault though. I never should have taken Alan anyplace where someone who knows me could have seen us together, but see us together Anne did, kissing and hugging, and the next day she demanded to know what I was doing. When you have been caught there is no use in denying so I told her I was spending some quality time...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 13 Shorter Days and a Slow Recovery

I remember putting my hands behind my head on Monday morning, with a bunch of thoughts rolling through my mind. Because of the events of Friday, this had become an extended weekend, but it was certainly no time for enjoyment. I couldn't believe that it was 7:20am, and I had not yet been ordered to GET UP. I put on a robe and walked through the house, discovering that my Mom must still be asleep ... just another sign that it was a strange and uneasy time. So I eased back to my bedroom, shut...

2 years ago
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Mommy8217s Xavier 8211 Part II

By : Achuthan_kry Hi guys its me kris again with part 2 after some rough sex season of three years, Xavier got married lost interest in my mom & left the city. Mom was again single for almost couple of years now & I thought that I have grown up to take care of my mom. Mom assets have become a bit big her stats was now 40-34-42 after the way Xavier made the most of her assets and left when he got a new chick. My mom shobha is now 42 & now more seductive than she is before when she walks around a...

3 years ago
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Step daughter

Daughter, You are alone in your room asleep. I come in the door, slowly walk to the bedroom; I watch you sleep for a bit, you are so at peace. Soon that will be no more; Soon you will feel me there; You will feel me as I will soon be feeling you;I sent you to bed early, you made a mistake, and you thought it was ok to back talk daddy, even though you know that daddy knows best, you know that daddy knows what’s best for you. I reach forth and rub your hair after a bit of petting I grab your...

2 years ago
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accidentally fucking a friend

this story begins in a beer garden in Thailand, I had been working in Bangkok for 3 years, my wife and I had a small group of expat friends, the group mainly consisted of British, Australian, Dutch and French.I Sitting at my laptop, eating lunch and drinking a beer, when a friend of ours entered and walked toward me at the bar, Lena, a beautiful, tall, sexy Dutch girl with the most amazing, gravity defying,DD tits you have ever seen and legs that went all the way to heaven! She sat down for a...

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BigTitCreamPie Safira Yakkuza Pussy Needs Icing

Safira is so nervous she forgets how to speak English. She won’t have to do too much speaking with Freddy Gong’s monster cock down her throat. She has some huge fake tits that match his huge cock. Watch them bounce up and down while she rides his dick amazingly. She spreads her legs for him and lets him dig his cock in her guts. Her eyes roll back like she’s being exorcised while she takes the dick. When he’s finished having his way with her he cums all in her pussy like...

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Daddy Issues 8211 Part 1 Dad8217s Little Girl

Her nipples were hardened by the cold wind to great stiffness keeping them erected like long peanuts. The rain had drenched her modest dressing – denim below. A white kurta on top stuck to her skin as the pink bra peeked through failing to cage the mysteries of her youth making it impossible to not wonder what havoc was under. Hi, guys! I am Siddharth, a 29-year-old guy from Mumbai. I started as a therapist, now I teach. Currently single because Anu – my feminist girlfriend for 8 years – loves...

3 years ago
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First Time Dost Ki Bhen K Sath

Hello dosto mera naam bhayyu h ye meri pehli real story h shayad aap logo ko pasand aaye me apne bare me bta du me gwalior (M.P.) me rha hu or B.E. 2nd year ka student hu abhi Jan 2012 h shadi ka mahol h mere dost ki bhen ki shadi thi kuch din pehle to me wha gya tha kyo ki shadi ka ghar h to me apne dost ki help kr rha tha tbhi us k mama apni family ke sath wha aaye un ke sath un ki beti bhi thi wo mere brabr ki thi jese hi wo andar aayi me use dekhta hi rh gya fir Usne muje dekha or kha...

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iGotRaped iRaped iCarly

Her brother rips her jeans down her legs then fumbles with his own zipper, Carly scrambles off the couch but Spencer pulls her into a bear hug, "You're so soft Carly warly~" "You're drunk Spencer!!" Carly screams as she escapes Spencer's embrace but he grabs her wrist and twists her around . He drives her against the wall and Spencer grinds hips into Carly, pinning her . His words are a drunken slur, "Shhh-you'll like this," He pulls at her panties and lifts her leg up with the...

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Second That EmotionChapter 15

I was in a foul mood Sunday morning. Everyone knew it and kept their distance. I was up early and running; on my fifth lap around the hospital I spotted Lilly sitting on the curb, huddled up and trying to pull herself deeper into her parka like a turtle disappearing into its shell. I pulled up and slowed down, coming to a stop beside her. She got to her feet and we walked the route I normally ran. "My husband came to see me yesterday after you left." she began. "He doesn't come here...

4 years ago
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Trials Of An Indian Housewife

When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...

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Sharing an UberChapter 3

Jackie had blown me in the back of our SUV until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then, I went down on her to return the favor. The SUV quickly proved too uncomfortable, so we moved back inside. Reliving the little tryst from the night before had been hot. However, we needed more space. We made it as far as the sectional sofa in the family room. Two hours later, we were curled up, cuddling, both of us satiated, for the time being. “Did she suck your cock better than I do?” Jackie asked as she...

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Todds Story

Todd's Story by Todd In the beginning, and I am not certain that this has anything to do with the rest of the story but you never know, my sister used to love to dress me in her doll clothes when I was very little. I do not know how long this took place or how often. But my parents have confirmed that it did take place. Later in life, in junior high, I shared a bathroom with my older sister and our dirty clothes were gathered in a common hamper. One day curiosity got the...

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Lahore ki Aunty ko Choda

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) main malik lahore pakistan se sabse pahale main first time aur first experience ko likh raha hoon aur. Ek sachi kahani pes kar raha hun, umeed hai yeh kahani aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ek bar mere bagal wale ghar me ek family kuchh mahino ke liye naye naye rahane aai hui tha. Us family me miya, biwi aur unka 13 saal ka ladka tha jo 8th standard me padta tha. Ladka school ke boarding house me raha kar padai karta tha aur is waqt wo vacation ki...

2 years ago
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Oral rough and trucking

Oral, rough and trucking. By Harley K. GrantHe grabbed her hair and roughly pulled her head towards him.  Her mouth opened and he thrust his thick cock into her waiting mouth.  He pushed her deep and she began to make gagging noises.  He let go of her and she began working her mouth vigorously up and down his shaft.?I didn’t have to force you did I?  You wanted that.?  He leaned his head back and savored the feeling as she leaned into her work.He glanced down and their eyes met.  He got an...

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A Game of Twister

The Hughes and the Coulter families, are having a game of twister one weekend in the Coulter residence in Atlanta. They were able to acquire a much bigger twister mat and fixed it on top of cushions. There’s a few modifications to the rules. With more people included, more than one person could be in one color at the same time to make it more interesting. The game begun with the first spin. Right hand red, the second spin was left foot yellow. The game went on and on until finally, the...

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The Swedish Holiday TripChapter 7

Took me a while to be able to get back on my feet, but after a refreshing swim I walked up to the sauna to see, if I could start it up. An easy job of course, a wood burning sauna, and the fire wood was provided. It heated up not only the oven but also a connected water tank so you could have hot water to wash. An electric switch turned on the pump in order to get cold fresh water from the well to fill up the tank and use it to wet the sauna stones. A camp fire place outside to cook up some...

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Wife told me you were a Virgin GayMaker

I was returning home from work and was expecting my wife might have something planned for my birthday. We had been experimenting with some more uninhibited sex lately, and I was hoping that I wouldn't be walking into a surprise party with our neighbors, but some sort of more intimate surprise. I wasn't disappointed.I noticed Nancy's car was gone when I drove onto my street, and when I walked in the front door; I saw a note on the table."Dear Jim - Happy Birthday!! I got you a special gift and...

2 years ago
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Ryan slowly walked up to her, capturing every image of her angelic face for life. The softness of her tone, the love in her eyes, the compassion in her breath. Firmly he slid his left arm around her waist pulling her close, until her flesh pressed tightly to his. His right arm softly caressed her cheek. His hand moved across her jaw line, around her ear, until his fingers flowed through her hair. Her heart raced as her love slowly caressed her. Their eyes never losing contact. The love beaming...

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I had to admit it was boring. I mean this was our fourth stint here and we'd visited most of the bars near us. At first it seemed like an adventure. Brad and I were assigned to work two weeks every month at the offsite location, part of a total revision of the manufacturing plant design and function. The company had even rented us an apartment rather than have us stay at hotels, because we were going to be here for at least a year, maybe longer. Our supervisor even hinted we might have...

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first oral experience forced

my name is Laila and i was born in lebanon, i am currently living in usa and i would like to share my personal experiences.please leave comments.i grew up in a very strict house, i had to cover myself always, i was not allowed to have any boyfriends. when i was 15, my body really started to develop and change. i was 4`11, 90 lbs, shoulder length black curly hair and black eyes. i wore a 32 b. i began touching myself but never inserting fingers for it would make me lose my my...

1 year ago
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Alot Porn! This is one of the better classic porn sites with videos, albums, pornstars and so on. However, when you look at the logo of, what is the first thing that pops to your mind? Isn’t that basically the reverse logo of PornHub with a different name? At first, I thought that they are in some way connected to PornHub, but there is nothing that would indicate so…This just makes me wonder how difficult was it for them to create a design that does not resemble one of the most...

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Molly and Ashleigh

Ashleigh smiled around the cock of the boy thrusting in and out of her mouth, sucking at it a bit harder. She was lying on her back in the middle of a group of men, some who she knew, some who she didn’t. Her best friend had just turned twenty one and of course threw a party, complete with alcohol, illicit drugs, and an endless supply of sex. Ashleigh had a cock in each of her hands, and she stroked and pumped them to the best of her ability, spreading their pre-cum over the lengths of the...

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My MILF OneNight Stand

Living alone that summer was a drag. I was working a summer intern job between my Junior and Senior year, but since I had never lived in that city and had no friends there, I couldn't figure out anything to do. So one Saturday night I went to a club downtown one of the guys at work had talked about.As soon as I walked in I could see this was not your standard place. There were tables, a bar, but no dance floor. There were TV screens with what appeared to be music videos and some stand-up...

1 year ago
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The Jacuzzi Meat of the Matter

The cool Alaskan air caused my body to be in a natural state of arousal, so my nipples were perky and my pussy moist. I drove from my rented cabin to the hotel conference area, and parked the car. I walked to the entrance, where I saw the bell hop. He stared in disbelief as I walked up the entrance sidewalk. I did not realize that as I walked, my skirt had climbed up my legs and was allowing a “peek” at my clean-shaven pussy. With every step I took, my puffy cunt lips were “winking” for the...

1 year ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 43 Cruising Down the River

When that largish canoe had rounded its first bend and all those naked people on the shore were well and truly out of sight Keith just leaned back into his seat and pulled Gemma’s body back into his chest. He put his arms around her waist then felt up the girl’s puffy breasts with his hands. He rubbed the areolae with his fingers and gently squeezed the girl’s nipples then gently kissed Gemma’s neck and ears and the back of her head with its black, curly shoulder length hair. One hand also...

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My BBW Vacation

I guess the term "it's a small world" really is true. You never know where you might meet people who know you. A reality which I confirmed on my recent vacation in Colorado.After a long day of sightseeing in Colorado Springs and the Denver area I headed back to my hotel for some much-needed rest.I seem to remember stumbling towards the bed but not much after that. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.I woke up at 11:52pm, surprised at how downright chilly the room had gotten with only a...

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Our meeting with two men Classic car showNationl

The NEC meeting 11-12 November 2017 Pt 1No one can really claim that finding genuine and ideal men for adult fun in the UK is really that easy but every now and then we’ve been able to come across one and communicate prior to meeting. We we’re lucky this year and received a private message from a man via UK Exhibitionists with his suggestion that he might fit in with what we had asked for on that site.Our preference is for large heavy set black guys and the add states age unimportant but must...

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Spanked by His Wife

  It was quite a scene. David, my 22 year old brother in law, across his Mothers lap having his bare bottom turned a bright glistening sore red. Her hand rising and falling methodically as she splattered David’s bottom with the open palm of her hand before picking up her wooden backed hairbrush and applying that as precisely and so effectively. David was already a crying sobbing heaving squirming repentant young man who knew there was still a long way to go before his Mother would stop...

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Story 1

I have an active mind and it often drifts off into sexual fantasy, conjuring up all sorts of erotic images that make my nipples tingle. Just last night I was laying in bed buzzing my clit with a vibrator when I was taken back to the previous weekend and a dinner date I had at the Royal Anarkali, a great Indian restaurant down the street. The guy’s name was Sujay and I had met him a week earlier while I was doing some shopping at the mall for a few new outfits. He was so confident and smooth in...

1 year ago
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Nudist NookieChapter 2

Judith and Freddie were hitting it off quite well too and he took the group to great places on his jet. He loved that they liked nudism and enjoyed his baptism into that lifestyle, taking them to the Caribbean and Mediterranean resorts. Freddie was also perceptive enough to notice that Tommy was feeling like a fifth wheel on those trips. As a delightful surprise he brought along his only daughter Emily who was two years older than Tommy. Although she had some insecurities because her tits...

1 year ago
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Pakathu Veetil Puthithaaga Kudi Vantha Akka 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil akka udan nadantha kama thodarbin thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, akka vaaiyil mendum sunniyai vida kathukondu irunthen. Akka eppozhuthu signel tharuvaal endru kathu irunthen, aanal indru paarthu aval kanavan velaiku selamal veetile irunthu vitan. Athanaal enaku ena seivathu endre theriya vilai, kai adikavum virupam ilai. Indru epadiyavathu akka vaiyil sunniyai vida vendum endru aarvamaaga irunthen. Neengale...

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Larry the Psychic Cabbie

The streets were quickly growing darker, the last light of day blocked by the heavy rainclouds gathering overhead. Larry couldn’t help but smile as the first drops splashed down against the windscreen of his taxi, this was exactly the kind of weather which drove people straight into the back of his cab. Earlier in the day the sun had been bright and warm, and few people had bothered to take umbrellas with them, or even coats, but now the unexpected storm had them all scurrying for home, and in...

2 years ago
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Spontaneous And Romantic 8211 Part 2 Trip to Goa

Hello people. It is Rakesh again. This is the continuation of ‘Spontaneous And Romantic’. But before starting I just want to clarify my readers that please don’t email me to ask me to give a contact of other women or of my female readers. I don’t want to be rude but it makes me feel like a pimp. Please don’t do it. Another thing I want to tell you is that I am perfectly straight. Now coming back to the story. Now You probably do not know I am 23-year-old cute lad, average body and a horny guy....

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