Gaia's ChampionChapter 15 free porn video

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“What? You’re a fairy princess?!?” Sheena and Jason replied at the same time.

“Please don’t bow or scrape or grovel! I don’t need any of that!” Phalmina told them as she huffed, already regretting her decision to tell them who she was.

“As you say ... your highness,” Jason teased.

“Jason, do as the fairy asks,” Sheena told him, rolling her eyes and smiling at the same time.

“What? It’s not every day that you find out that you’re banging a fairy princess,” he replied with a shrug.

“I should slap you right now, but I won’t because you make a good point,” Sheena huffed, while Phalmina was torn between being offended or flattered. “I will admit that the thought of this is ... kind of ... hot!”

“Sounds to me you think the idea is one hell of a turn on,” Jason smirked as he stood up.

“Maybe we should find out just how much it turns her on?” Phalmina asked sultrily.

“A ... duuuh ... maybe we talk about this ... later?” Sheena stuttered.

“Aw, Jason, look, she’s blushing!” Phalmina giggled.

“What if someone comes out looking for us? I mean, the idea sounds ... interesting ... but we have things to do,” Sheena said in a rush.

“She’s got a fair point there, Mina. Maybe we look into this later?” Jason wondered, following Sheena’s lead.

“Fine,” Phalmina grumped playfully. Chuckling, the trio cleaned themselves up and were headed on their way back to the glade. As they were walking along, a thought popped into Jason’s head, which he gave voice to.

“Do you know what it is?”

“Do I know what what is?” Phalmina asked confusedly.

“The baby. Do you know what it is? Is it a boy or a girl?” Jason asked, curious about the child that was his.

“Oh! Yes, yes, I do know! It’s a boy!” Phalmina replied cheerfully.

Hearing this, Jason kneeled in front of Phalmina and laid a kiss on her belly. The fairy couldn’t help but tear up at this gesture, and even Sheena sighed happily at this. She was still a fair bit miffed at Phalmina having lied to Jason. But because the fairy race was dying, she found she couldn’t fault the woman. Hell, she might have even done the same, if she was a fairy.

“You’ll be a good father, Jason. I know it,” Sheena said to him, placing a hand on his head.

“How do you know that?” he asked.

“I can tell these things. Why do you think I picked you as my boyfriend when we first met?” Sheena replied mischievously.

“Wait, you picked me because you were already sure that I’d be a good dad? How the fuck could you tell that?” Jason wondered.

“Language! In answer to your question, Shaman magic. It told me you were not only a good person but would also be a good father. Gaia’s magic is never wrong,” Sheena told him.

“She’s got you there! It never is. It may seem like it’s crazy at first, but the magic will never lead you astray. You just have to trust in it and trust Gaia,” Phalmina stated.

“But you picked me because I’d be a good dad?”

“It wasn’t the only reason, but yes. I also expect you to put a baby in me after your son is born,” she told him with a sense in finality.

“Don’t I get a say in this?” Jason asked.

“Nope. Are you going to complain about it, or enjoy the fact that two women, one fairy and one human, have agreed to share you?” Phalmina sassed. This reduced Jason down to splutters and he was tongue tied, unable to respond. He then sighed and resigned himself to what they said.

“Fine, you win. As usual,” he grumped playfully.

“Aw, don’t be so mad about it! Besides, I have something that I want to try that I’m sure you’ll like,” Phalmina told him as she leaned in close to Jason and whispered into his ear. His pout transformed into a smile as he turned and looked at his fairy lover. The smile he wore was one of both surprise and appreciation as she winked at him.

“Just what are you planning, Mina?” Sheena asked with a quirk of her eyebrow.

“You’ll find out ... eventually,” Phalmina drawled.

Sheena stuck her tongue out at the fairy, and Phalmina reciprocated. Both women then giggled as they left, each one on Jason’s arm as they walked back to the glade. The wolf pack found them around ten minutes later, trotting up to the trio. The wolves knew their friend had been ... busy with the Druid and had given her the privacy and protection she had desired.

They arrived at the small crevasse after another ten minutes, walking right through the illusion. The Guardians eyed them all but did nothing, as they were all permitted to pass. Just as they walked into the glade, is when the portal stone flared, announcing the arrival of Xaera, Luke, Carlotta and Karla. Luke took a beat to get his bearings, his eyes wide with wonder and amazement.

“Holy shit, dude! I thought the cave was amazing, but this ... I’m just ... wow! This looks so much cooler than any fantasy game I’ve ever played!” Luke enthused.

“Ja! This is just ... beyond anything I’ve ever dreamed!” Carlotta agreed. Her niece nodded dumbly, just as wide eyed as Luke was. Suddenly, Emalia and Daelina were flitting around the new arrival, launching waves of magic at them. Several runes appeared in the air, flaring into life for an instant before dissolving.

“What are you two doing?” Jason asked, a little worried for his friend.

“Just a little precaution. Checking for any hidden, malevolent magics,” Emalia stated, before flitting down to the ground and enlarging to human size. Daelina followed suit, standing next to her friend, stretching out her limbs and wings.

“What the shit?!?” Luke yelped.

“Relax buddy, they won’t hurt you. Anything else though, well, that’s up for debate,” Jason grinned as he saw the way Emalia was staring at Luke. He chuckled as he saw Karla thread an arm around his friend, almost like she was protecting him.

“Yeah, well, you’re used to this shit! It’s all still very new to me!” Luke groused.

“Fair enough. Anyway, welcome to our little slice of paradise,” Jason said, welcoming his friend to the glade.

“Damn! Up here in the mountains, I didn’t think anything like this was possible!” he replied.

“That’s because of the magic of Gaia is strong here,” Sheena told him as she walked up. “It’s good to see you again, Luke.”

“Sheena?!? Damn girl, it’s been years!!! What the hell happened??” Luke wondered.

Karla gave Sheena the once over and decided that she didn’t need to intervene. Unlike Emalia’s intent, this was a reunion of good friends who were like brother and sister. Karla and Carlotta stepped off the stone and entered the glade, still taking in the ethereal beauty of this place. They looked about ready to drop to their knees in reverence, but Phalmina stopped them.

“I can tell that you two are seeing what you’ve always believed as the truth, brought to life. Unlike the other ways of belief, we require no worship here,” the fairy woman told them.

“It isn’t??” Carlotta questioned.

“No. Just faith and belief in Gaia and her way,” Phalmina told them gently. “It has been too long since any true believers have been here.”

“I do not doubt that!” Karla replied. “Oh, and before I forget. Jason, we have recovered everything from the mansion and our little ... mess, has been tidied.”

“Who do I thank for that?” the Druid asked her.

“That would be me, young man. I called in the group that would have handled Brad and his father. Since you helped me in dealing with that spot of trouble, I thought it fair to return the favor,” Carlotta replied.

“Thank you for that! Where’s Darren, by the way? He should be here!” Jason replied.

“We emptied the mansion of everything of value but were told that it was just one half of the repository of knowledge they had,” Karla said to him.

“Where’s the other half located?” Eva wondered, dropping into the conversation.

“In the church they were a part of. A secret room full of books and tomes of the more relevant information that would be of use to the Sons of Caesar,” Karla replied.

“He went to the church?!? There is a service today! He could be caught!” Eva squawked.

“The Jaegers are with your son, madam. He is perfectly safe. He insisted that he and the Jaegers go alone to the church. Said it would look more like they were meeting for an early morning prayer or something,” Carlotta told her.

“What happens when they are done?” Eva asked.

“They are to head on back to the job site with Darren, where I will instruct them further. I was just about to leave and go do that. Did you wish to come with me?” Carlotta offered.

“Yes, please!”

“I’m coming too!” Amy squeaked.

“You three will need some backup. I’m coming along as well,” Jason stated.

“Us too!” Phalmina huffed, while slinging her arm around Sheena, who nodded in agreement.

“You’ll need me to clear the stone,” Xaera told them, and they agreed.

The seven of them stepped onto the stone, and Xaera took them through the stone. Seconds later, they arrived back in the underground cavern. They walked on through, using the luminous moss to guide them, along with Phalmina igniting her fairy lights. They soon found themselves at the exit, and Xaera hefted the rock to allow them through.

“I’ll stay here, for when you all come back,” the troll woman stated, and they all nodded.

The six of them trekked through the park, minding their own business as they moved along. No one else seemed to pay them any mind as they walked, for which they were grateful. Especially Sheena, who seemed nervous as her head and eyes darted this way and that.

“First time being back in the city?” Jason asked.

“Um, yeah! I haven’t been around for years!” Sheena told him, still looking frightened.

“Yeah. A lot has changed, but you don’t have to look so frightened,” Jason soothed the woman.

“You said you got those bastards?” Sheena asked.

“The entire chapter, minus the Pope and his bodyguard, but they’ve probably skipped town by now. With their allies all dead now, they have nothing left in this city,” Jason laughed.

“Come on. I’m sure you will wish to speak with the young man who helped us,” Carlotta told Sheena.

“I would like to have a few words with him, just so I can see what side he’s on,” Phalmina stated.

“You can do that? See someone’s true nature?” Sheena wondered with a tinge of awe in her voice.

“Oh Sheena, you have so much to learn! All Gaian creatures have that ability, especially Shaman and Druids,” the fairy woman said in reply. “It’s a matter of taking a deeper dive into the boy’s soul and seeing if there’s anything malicious that lies there.”

“Knowing how corrupt and evil these Sons of Caesar were, I wouldn’t put anything past them,” Jason growled.

“I saw you remove the block from my son, but what else could there be?” Eva wondered.

“Knowing how controlling dad was, he might have been smart enough to put a failsafe in place. In case Darren broke away from his control,” Amy stated grimly.

“That would sound like something he’d do,” Eva agreed.

They arrived at the vehicles in the parking lot and split into Bruce’s car and Carlotta’s. Eva followed along behind Carlotta, letting the Danish woman lead the way to the job site. Eva could only hope that whatever had happened to her son, that there was nothing else wrong with him.

Darren stood by the coffee machine and waited for it to deposit its contents. Though the Jaegers moved with the trained posture of soldiers, they were kind men. They saw no need to tie him up, as he’d made no threatening moves or gestures. Darren saw no point in doing so, as these men were allies now.

Even if they weren’t, Darren still wouldn’t have tried anything, as he could tell they were well trained in their work. Men with training like theirs, you didn’t dare aggravate or question. You just did as they asked and hoped they didn’t find a reason to give you a hard time.

Darren looked back down at the machine, and saw that it had finished brewing him a strong coffee. He took the cup and started with adding cream and sugar as he liked, while some Jaegers eyed him. They’d kept a constant watch on him, as they’d been instructed and so far, had zero issues with him. A couple of them watched the windows as others grabbed coffees for themselves.

“Cars, one belonging to Carlotta,” the leader said, getting the attention of the others. “Stand fast, I will speak with her.”

The rest of the Jaegers nodded, holding their positions as the man stepped outside. They watched him greet Carlotta and Karla, as he was also introduced to the rest of the people who came with her. The man then waved a set of hand signals, showing that all was well. The Jaegers relaxed and resumed their watch, knowing that the people who came with Carlotta were no threat.

“Thank you for both your help and your discretion, Jan. I truly appreciate the help you’ve given us today. You and your men will be well paid for your services,” Carlotta told him as they ambled up to the trailer.

“Tak, Carlotta. It was the least we could do, considering everything Hans has done for us,” Jan told her.

“If you will but wait one moment, I will initiate the transfer of funds before you leave. I’m sure that Astrid and the girls will enjoy the nice vacation you have planned,” Carlotta chuckled as she entered the trailer, heading for her office.

“Again, thank you, Carlotta!” Jan said with gratitude. Carlotta sat in her office for a few minutes while she booted up her computer. Once it was booted up, she began the process and after several more minutes, she confirmed the transfer. She then printed up the receipt and handed it to Jan.

“I trust this is sufficient?”

“More than sufficient. Tak,” Jan replied, as he took the paper in hand, before bowing his head to Carlotta. “Jaegers, vi er færdige her.” (Jaegers, we’re done here.)

Hearing that command, the spec ops soldiers picked up what gear they had with them and walked out the door. Each one made a deferential nod to Carlotta, in thanks for their payment. They all piled into the rental truck they were using and were off to the airport. The only remnant of their passing was the used coffee cups and the memory of them having been there.

“So, now what do we do?” Eva asked, anxious to see what might lurk in her son.

“Now, Jason and I do our thing. I’m sorry Eva, but not only are you inexperienced, but you are also his mother. We can’t take any risks of what the magic might do,” Phalmina told her. Eva looked to be about ready to protest, but saw the reason and logic behind the fairy’s reasoning and nodded in deference.

“What will you do?” Darren asked anxiously.

“We are going to do a proper deep dive into you and your soul. Though you wield Gaia’s magic now, we need to be sure that there is nothing wrong,” Phalmina told the boy.

“Will it hurt?” he asked fearfully.

“Only if there is something harmful to either you or us,” Sheena assured him.

Steeling his resolve, Darren nodded to the fairy, the Druid and the Shaman. Jason, Sheena and Phalmina then embraced the power of Gaia, letting the magic flow through them. They put their focus on diving into the soul of the young man before them, so everything could be brought to light. Runes took shape out of the green energies that flowed from them both, swirling around the trio.

They then directed their magic into Darren, to bring everything that was within him, out. The whole thing was over in a matter of seconds, but for the boy, his mother and sister, it seemed like hours. The magic that was within Darren was brought to the surface, so they could see it. He saw it too and marveled at what he was witnessing, looking at his hands and arms in wonder, while Phalmina stared worriedly.

“That can’t be good,” Jason muttered, looking at Darren.

“What? What can’t be good?” Darren asked.

“That!” Amy said, pointing.

Darren looked down at his chest where his sister was pointing, and his jaw fell open. On his chest was a small circle of runes, much like the ones they had encountered at the mansion. The only actual difference between these, and the ones they had found, was that the red glow of these was muted. Because of this, it was almost buried in an avalanche of green Gaian energy that surrounded him.

“What the fuck is that?” Eva glowered.

“That is something not too unlike what is done when bonding oneself to another through Gaia’s power. The only difference, from what I can tell, is that they are runes of control, rather than mutual co-operation,” Phalmina stated.

“Can you remove it?” Amy asked worriedly.

“The magic is potent, too strong for us to remove it. I can sense that if we were to try, it might kill him,” Phalmina stated.

“Wasn’t there that risk with me? With my Awakening?” Jason wondered.

“With you, it was different. The odds were more in your favor of surviving with your magic intact. Like a four out of five chance. With Darren here, attempting to remove these runes, he would have a one in ten chance of survival,” Phalmina clarified.

“Is it hurting him?” Eva asked, concern welling in her eyes.

“Not right now, no. But if someone who knows how to work this magic sees it, then it can do more than just hurt him. They could control his mind outright. Much like what your husband was doing, but Darren would no longer be a willing participant. In this case, he would be a puppet, obeying his master,” Phalmina told her.

“Oh, dear Gaia!!” Eva squeaked in alarm.

“But, that’s not the worst part,” Phalmina sighed heavily.

“What is the worst part?” Amy queried, fearful for her brother’s wellbeing.

“The worst part is that these runes act as a seal of sorts. It helps contain most of his power, so as not to draw anything to him. If nothing is done about this, the seal will break and his magic will no longer be bound just to him. It will be ripe for the taking, for anyone or anything, such as spirits, to drain not only his magic, but his life force,” Phalmina explained.

“Spirits?” Carlotta worried.

“Yes. There are many malevolent spirits and entities that would drain Darren of his life and magic, given half a chance. They would remove it from him until all that is left would be a lifeless husk,” Phalmina stated.

“What the fuck?? Hold on, back up! Are you saying that ghosts and ghouls are real too?” Sheena asked, her face a mask of disbelief.

“Ever since the beginning of life and time, yes.”

“Is there anything we can do for him?” Jason wondered.

“I thought you didn’t like this little shit,” Sheena jabbed at the man.

“Hey!” Darren replied, looking more than a little miffed.

“Acting a fool back in school like you did, little brother? You do kind of have the moniker of ‘snide little shit’ hanging over your head,” Amy said to the man. Darren grunted before he reluctantly nodded in admittance.

“He and I still have some shit to work out, but being controlled like that? That’s not a fate I would wish on my worst enemy,” Jason clarified.

“Fair enough,” Sheena replied with a smirk.

“In answer to your question, Jason, yes, there is something that can be done. I cannot remove the magic, but I can remold the runes in place, so they are beneficial to him, instead of being harmful or controlling,” Phalmina replied.

“How can you do that with the magic that is there?” Sheena wondered, curious about how such things were possible.

“Mainly because the magic that is there now, is dormant, rather than active. Though it is corrupted, it is magic comes from Gaia, which can be molded and reshaped to the person’s benefit. It will take additional power to make it work though,” Phalmina explained.

“How much power?” Jason asked, thinking he already knew the answer.

“We will have to take Darren back to the glade. It’s the only place that it will work, as it is one of the few places where Gaia’s magic and presence is strongest,” Phalmina stated.

“Figured as much. So, we head on back to the glade right now then?” Sheena queried.

“It would be the best thing to do. The sooner we get Darren back there, the sooner we can keep him and his magic safe,” the fairy woman said.

“Yes, please! I didn’t get out from under my dad’s thumb just to wind up under someone else’s!” the young man enthused.

The group then left the trailer, piling back into the cars with Darren in tow. Phalmina shrunk back down into her fairy form, to make room for everyone in the vehicles. For her though, she wanted to be ready, on the off chance that Darren’s life force and magic called to anything malevolent nearby. With a city this large, there were bound to be a few spirits still lingering around and she wanted to take no chances.

They left the job site with no one the wiser about what they were up to. Oddly enough, the group, especially Jason and Sheena, felt an eerie chill run up their spines. They looked around for a moment before focusing on their journey. They had enough to worry about as it was, without adding to sudden fears and flights of fancy.

Jason and Sheena had no idea how right they were, feeling that something was watching them. That’s because something was, but it kept itself hidden from sight and far enough away to not be sensed. At least, not right away. Since its awakening, it latched onto the scent of life magic and followed it around. It took a while for this spirit to gain its bearings, but when it finally did, it found that which it sought.

Unfortunately for it, it found Darren too late, as he was already surrounded by two Druids, a Shaman and a fairy. Ordinarily, such prey was a feast for entities like this, but not in its weakened state. If it tried to attack, it would be sent to oblivion trying to fight beings of such power head on.

The magic and life force that emanated from Darren was a sweet scent to it, and it wanted to devour the boy. But facing down such powerful Gaians at this point was tantamount to suicide. It hadn’t woken from its slumber after all this time, just to be destroyed. It relegated itself to keeping its distance, while trying its best to avoid notice.

It knew there were places it could not go, but it also knew that the boy would not be protected forever. It would get its chance to devour his life energy and magic, it just had to be patient. It stuck to the shadows, following the group as they made their way to the park. It could only hope that none of them would take notice of it as it followed.

Phalmina sensed something nearby and peeked over her shoulder to check if anything was there. She saw something and extended her Gaian senses, hoping to feel something that could tell her what it was. A null and deathly feeling suddenly overcame her, and she knew what was tailing them. It was a wraith, an apparition that fed on death, destruction and magic.

She did not understand where it had come from, but she was sure that it was drawn to Darren’s life force. Phalmina knew wraiths were often feral creatures with a hunger that needed to be sated. Most were often mindless and rushed headlong into places where they could be destroyed, but this one kept its distance. It must have had some modicum of intelligence, as it never drew too near the vehicles.

Phalmina was thankful for that, at least for now. Even though she should have told everyone about right away, she decided on keeping this information to herself for now. No need to worry everyone about a life sucking specter that hovered nearby. As long as it stayed distant, Phalmina didn’t see the need to raise an alarm. At least, not yet, not until Darren’s magic and life force was safe.

The cars soon arrived at the park, and she noted how the wraith was nowhere in sight. She couldn’t even sense the damn thing nearby, which was a good thing. Even though Gaia’s magic had just been reawakened here, it was strong enough to keep the creature away. Phalmina smiled and flew off to a small hole in the ground, which was known as a Fairy’s Entrance to the underground grove.

“Xaera? Xaera??” Phalmina called out questioningly.

“I’m still here! Just started up a fire to keep warm,” the troll woman called out. Sure enough, Phalmina saw the firelight in the darkness and raced to it. Xaera stood by it, embracing the heat and warmth of the flames with her hands outstretched.

“We’re back and we need you to move the stone,” Phalmina stated.


“We found out a few things when we spoke with Darren,” the fairy woman said and filled Xaera in on what happened.

“He has access to Gaia’s magic?” Xaera asked in surprise.

“Yes, but we need to transform the runes that were left on him quickly. Don’t want any malevolent spirits coming after him,” Phalmina stated.

“You need not tell me about the danger they represent. I’ve run into a few such spirits in the past and it wasn’t pleasant,” Xaera growled.

“In that case, there is something you should know,” Phalmina went on as they approached the entrance, telling the troll woman of what she’d seen.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. It seems to be keeping its distance for now, as I lost all sense of it after we got into the park,” Phalmina replied.

“Have you told the others?” Xaera asked.

“Not yet. I will, after this whole crisis has calmed down. No need to add another log to the fire just yet,” the fairy stated.

Xaera looked confused for a moment, before she realized Phalmina was speaking metaphorically. She then hefted the stone out of the way and saw that the entire group was waiting outside. Xaera held the stone up until everyone was in the cave before she stepped back, resetting the boulder. She then turned and led everyone back down with Phalmina lighting the way.

The group headed straight for the stone and used it to get back to the mountain glade. Darren was a little apprehensive, but with his mother and sister there, his fears were calmed. They stepped onto the stone and were transported in a swath of green energy before it fell away, and they were no longer underground. Darren’s jaw dropped as he stared at the surrounding glade, taking in its ethereal beauty.

“Amy! You’re back! Wait, what the fuck is he doing here?” Elizabeth squeaked.

“Liz, calm your tits and just listen for a second,” Jason started.

“Don’t tell me to be calm! What is HE doing here?!?” she almost screamed.

“He’s here because it’s the only way to save his life, Elizabeth!” Eva said in a disappointed tone. Hearing those words from Eva deflated the thick woman’s ire, and she looked embarrassed.

“What’s wrong with him?” Emalia asked as she flitted up to the group.

“See for yourself,” Phalmina told her and waved a hand in front of Darren’s chest. When the muted runes appeared, Emalia’s beautiful face took on a serious look.

“You think he can be saved?” the ebon-haired fairy asked.

“It’s worth a shot. If either you or Lina will volunteer to help him?” Phalmina asked. Emalia appeared indecisive, just as Daelina flew up and examined Darren. Emalia was staring at the man, as though deciding, when Daelina piped up with her answer.

“I’ll do it.”

“Are you sure, Daelina? You know what it means to Bond with someone at the level that we are asking,” Phalmina told her.

“Oh, I’m aware. Truthfully, I’ve been wondering about Bonding someone since I woke back up. This young man needs our help and besides, there is a little bonus to it,” she said out loud.

“What bonus?” Emalia asked, cocking an eyebrow in question.

“He is kind of cute,” Daelina admitted. Hearing this, Darren blushed, never having had a girl, especially one so beautiful, call him cute.

“You’re absolutely sure about this? If you are, then we need to get started immediately,” Phalmina told her.

In answer, Daelina took Darren by the hand and led him over to the stone and gestured to it. He was confused for a moment until he realized what it was she wanted him to do. Darren then kneeled on the stone, with Daelina correcting his placing, until he was positioned correctly. The fairy woman then took the place opposite of Darren and kneeled on the stone herself.

“OK then. Jason, Sheena, Eva, Xaera, Daelina, each one of you take a position around these two. We will need to focus our magics to adjust the runes that are branded into Darren,” Phalmina explained. Nodding, everyone took their positions around the pair, readying themselves.

“Eva? What’s wrong?” Phalmina asked.

“It’s just ... I’ve never done anything like this before. And it’s my son!” she worried.

“It will be all right. What is needed from you is to focus your energies and magic, so I may channel it to help Darren. If you feel a little lost, just follow along with Jason. His magic is the same as yours,” Phalmina assured her. Smiling, Eva stepped into her place next to Jason and took a deep breath.

“This will have to be done in two parts. The first being the adjustment of the runes in place, which will also cleanse them from the malevolent magic that resides there,” she stated.

“Eva, hold my hand and open yourself to your magic. I will help guide you,” Jason told her gently. Eva smiled and nodded, doing as Jason asked, seeking the essence of Gaia that lived within her. It came to her like an old friend, embracing her and bringing the magic into being around her. Eva sighed at the feeling of it, letting the magic wash over her as she tapped into it.

Same as Gaia's Champion
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 4

Another Space Battle. The enemy is hungry. One of their food sources is humans from planet earth. The newcomers had been around the moon. John had a bit of fun with the cookies. John could sense something not right. He looked at his phone for the time. “Admiral, head towards Venus at full speed.” “Brien announce to everyone to make sure their seat belts are on secure.” Admiral Mary advised. “Buckle up and make safe, Tito log in a direct path to Venus and advance at full speed,” Brien said...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6

News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

4 years ago
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We Met On A Plane

My commute was a weekly juggernaut from Newark to Milwaukee. The Sunday afternoon flight gets me in in time to leisurely drive to the hotel, check in and then grab a nice dinner before relaxing for the evening in preparation for a set of four ten hour days. Unfortunately, the planes were alway packed, and with my six foot two frame, the flights were two hours of cramped discomfort. Most of the time, my row companions were as big or bigger than me which made the trips doubly uncomfortable. The...

Straight Sex
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 9

For Victor and Angela the week passed in a blur. They walked locally, drove to Skye, saw great waterfalls, impressive mountains, and walked round some and up some others – the mountains not the waterfalls. They drove through the wild wilderness that is the west coast. Above all they walked in all weathers, enjoying the sun and the driving rain equally. Much of the time they walked in silence: such walks are strenuous. They chatted over those wonderful packed lunches, and on the car journeys....

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Case Study 301 I become a seductress

Welcome back to another episode of Case Study 301: I become a seductress Once again this is a story that has themes in which the characters go back to their childhood and reveal the myriad of sexual exploits that happened to them. Some of the themes will include the description of some underage kids fooling around. If these themes are not your cup of tea then please now. This is your warning before you start. For those of you who stumbled across this chapter as small synopsis will...

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Christmas shopping at the mall

Christmas shopping at the mallVictor was out of town that weekend; so, I spent most of the time doing some late Christmas shopping at the local mall. I wanted to find something sexy for my loving hubby to surprise him on his back home.I entered a small sex shop and chose some sexy lingerie to try on the changing room.There was only the owner of the place, a huge black man, handsome, tall and athletic.I felt a little horny and frisky and walked out while wearing a very sexy outfit. I asked the...

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First visit to swingers club

We have fantasised and played with the idea as a couple anout doing this for many years. After going to a sex shop and treating my wife to some sexy lingerie, we started talking about a swingers club we had looked up a few times nearby. My wife then whispered in my ear “so you going to take me there or not”. I obviously jumped at the chance as I never thought she actually would. We did a little more shopping and she tried on a few more short teasing dresses and even started to tease me by...

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Snatched off the street

Never take a shortcut you aren’t’ familiar with was what I was taught as a young k**. ‘Don’t go down dark alleys.’ ‘Always walk where other people are, in a crowd or something’ Well this time I didn’t listen to that warning, and cut across some train tracks to save some time going home in Brooklyn, NY one night. No one was around, late afternoon, so I thought, why the hell not. I was walking down an empty street lined with trailers left behind by trucking companies that closed for the day....

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Becoming Maria Chapter 1

Things hadn't been going so good for me lately. I had just gotten out of college and got a good job, but then the economy went south, the company went bankrupt and I was left with nothing but a stack of bills and no way to pay them. The only job I could find was delivering newspapers, but that was okay as it was 2-6 a.m. and then I could go look for a real job. I noticed one morning that the last person on my route list was Ms. Calls, my senior high school English teacher, but I never...

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PurgatoryX Maya Woulfe Avery Black Hazel Moore Birthday Girlz Vol 1 E2

Three best friends (Hazel Moore, Maya Woulfe, Avery Black) plan on going out to celebrate Hazel’s birthday. But before they go out, Maya & Avery surprise Hazel with a birthday cupcake. Hazel makes her wish and blows out the candle. In a puff of smoke, her wish (Isiah Maxwell) magically appears in all his glory. What‘s better than having your birthday wish come true? Sharing it with your friends, of course! This fun-loving trio of babe’s goes-to-town on Isiah’s big black cock; sucking and...

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daddy bill

Quiet some time passed before Bill and I were alone again and I longed to feel his hot cock in my pussy. I eagerly listened to him and mom fucking which seemed to be on an almost nightly basis lately. A time or two I even heard them early in the morning before they took off for work. It made me so hot to listen to his deep voice, obviously instructing her on what to do although I couldn't quite make out the words. Occasionally I'd get lucky and they'd leave the door open so I could sneak down...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 24 I Get A Kick Out Of You

August – Year 1 Lynn and I went home leaving Erin in the hospital for the night. We were both emotionally wrung out and as soon as we walked in the door Lynn called Dara and gave her a report on Erin before we went up to our bedroom. We showered without any playing around. We were both very serious and coming down from the shock of Erin’s injury. I had a towel wrapped around my wife and was holding her close and gently kissing the tattooed flowers around the crown of her head. I felt her...

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JulesJordan Anya Olsen Wants To Show She8217s A Willing Anal Slut

Anya Olsen returns for more anal action from the man himself, Jules Jordan. This sensual slut teases in her matching lingerie set with thigh high stockings, showing off those luscious long legs and that amazing body of hers. She stares at you with those piercing blue eyes as she sucks, licks, gags, and tugs on that huge cock. Jules gets her out of her clothes to show off that perfect set of tits and then spins her around to give you a great look at the tight ass too. He pounds away at that...

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Melissas Tribulation

Call me Melissa. I'm 23 with medium length red hair and a 34D-24-32 body. I'm 5'5" and 118 lbs. I work as a cocktail waitress at night and usually walk home late at night and alone. The bar I work in has a caveman motif and my uniform is high black heels, black, thigh high nylons, a short yellow skirt which is basically just a piece of cloth tied around my waist which shows the top of my nylons and when I bend over, my purple g-string. I live in the city and the streets are usually...

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Topanga Canyon Joy Ride

Woody Allen was wrong. Way back in his stand up days, he said that people who are bisexual double their chances for a date on Saturday night. I only started having sex with men about ten years ago, but I'd say it at least quadruples your chances. In all my years of reading Penthouse letters, I never had the kind of encounters I've had since I gave in wholeheartedly to my longstanding homosexual tendencies and became fully, and quite enthusiastically bisexual. Women are hot and beautiful, and...

Gay Male
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Coming to I was shocked to find myself in a hospital bed. The last thing I could remember was driving on I-5 headed towards Pike street. My day had been crap. The deal I had been working on for last 6 months had just fallen through. My girlfriend of 3 years had moved out that morning, because I was just too disconnected from her. Overall, my life was falling apart at the seams. The doctor came in and explained that while driving I had suffered a minor heart attack. I passed out and...

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Chapter 5 FemDom pt1

"You are not allowed to fuck or fill your asshole. This restriction will remain until further notice."i received this as an e-mail from Mistress, a few days after those two wonderful days i spent being Mistress's and Baroness' play thing. this instruction from Mistress was not entirely uncommon. Mistress would regularly send me messages saying things like 'The next time you jerk off you will do it with a plug in your hole.' or 'You will jerk off and cum on your face today. Pics for proof.' so i...

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Second Time Sucking BBC Gay

After my first experience sucking black dick, I was excited by having finally fulfilled a long time fantasy, yet also felt confusion and guilt. Confusion over whether I was now on a path to potentially being gay, and guilt that I had done this behind my girlfriend's back.I hoped that after delving into this fantasy my desire to do so again might be quelled somewhat, and it might be a one time experience. It fairly quickly became apparent to me that the desire in my brain continued and perhaps...

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Mita And Her Son

Hi readers, this story shows love between a mother and a son. If incest offends you, you are advised not to read any further. This is my first story and I plan to write more Indian stories showing love between a mother and her son. If you have any nice fantasies about your mother, communicate them to me. I might be able to use them in my stories. I am Ratul (name changed) and I live with my mom and dad at a small town in West Bengal that is Haldia. However I have always been a notorious school...

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Merry Christmas Milking

Hello, all. It's been a while. A lot of things have happened since we last spoke. The massage parlor was sold to my friend Deb, who moved it to a stand alone building. That gives our customers more discretion, especially vocally. She made me the manager, so now I'm there quite a bit. I also moved, I bought a new house in town. My boys love it, and so do I. Now, on with my story.Last Friday, I had the morning off, and wanted to finish up some holiday shopping. I woke up hornier than normal, but...

Straight Sex
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My pussy throbs with anticipation. My heart beating rapidly as I grow excited to see him. It has been weeks since we had been together. For those past long weeks, the thought of him made my pussy quiver. The few days we would run into each other, my body ached for him to touch me, my pussy moistening as I looked into his eyes and he made promises that he could not keep. But finally the day had come that we would be together again; even just for one last time. I had to make it special somehow. ...

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A Meeting At A Wedding

It was the wedding reception of Colin and Dorothy Wedgwood, now both in their sixties, and not surprisingly a lot of the guests were of a similar age. It was a second marriage for both of them and, as with most weddings, the guest list consisted of family, mutual friends and friends of either Colin or Dorothy.Bill Peebles was a sixty-year-old divorcee and was a long time friend of Colin but he was attending the reception on his own and although he had the occasional chat with friends and...

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The Initiation

Jennifer nervously scanned the hotel lobby, knowing that she must meet the instructions she had been given. Exactly. To the letter. No excuses. "Please let it be somebody nice. Oh please, oh please, oh please. Please don't let it be too embarrassing. Please let it be over quickly", she prayed, so she could begin to forget the whole embarrassing episode and start settling in as the newest member of the most prestigious sorority on campus. Its prestige drew from the fact that it was so...

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HorrorPorn Alien Invaders E53

When their ships appeared in the sky, it was too late. The terrible invaders from deep space had unleashed sexual hell on Earth. The world was disrupted, civilization fell into eternal darkness, and humans were reproduced en masse in human breeding grounds. Genetically modified alien hunters were capturing human beauties, fucking them with their thick cocks and filled them up with alien cum. A brave few remained as the last light of hope for humanity and they organised an armed resistance...

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Kidnapped Sex SlavesChapter 2

Devon ate slowly, munching on the cereal while her eyes focused and unfocused. There was not a great deal of the drug in her system. Freda wanted her to be aware, if not necessarily alert. The cereal was almost entirely sugar and had almost no redeeming qualities. Certainly, it had no protein. To go with the cereal, there was kool-aid, not milk. Milk was too nourishing. Amber was animated and happy, making up for Devon's comparative silence. She had less of the drug than Devon, needing less...

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Hartstein Ch 04

Chapter 4 Illustrated version available on request to Author Intrusion Results in Foursome Fusion Paul caught the last train back to Danbury that night and on arriving home went right to work on his novel. During the train ride he had worked through a knotty problem that had prevented him from moving forward. Now sitting at his PC, he was amazed at the clarity with which he saw the problem’s solution. He finally went to sleep and dreamed restlessly about Carol and their sexual romps. He woke...

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White mans wife black mans toy Where

For years now iv been addicted to bbc. It all started after I left college and moved to a new town for my new job. I was 22 at the time and me and my fiance moved in together with a new start in life. Things were brilliant, my fiance Mike was a white man who worked hard to provide for us both. He was a great looking guy and he looked after me in the ways a true gentleman should.Our lives went on for a while as we settled in to our new place, we made friends with neighbours in our street and...

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Porn Evening! Everybody has their preferred porn category. Sure, we mix it up, but old faithful is always there for us. It’s like wrapping up in your favorite blanket or ordering from your favorite restaurant. It just feels right. Over the years, I have come to notice that people's favorite porn says something about them. You can think of it as a perverted astrology sign. I’ll show you what I mean.Let's start easy with some POV. POV fans are practical and logical. They are firmly grounded,...

Free Porn Download Sites
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GangbangCreampie Lana Smalls G321

Lana is ready to go on the pedestal for her FIRST GANGBANG EVER. She is already getting fucked from every angle, wasting absolutely no time starting her gangbang with a BANG. The Cocksmen are marveling at Lana’s tight athletic body splayed out on the bench. Solo is first in Lana’s pussy this week, still beaming from his GUESS THE V win (a win by default, but a win is a win). All the Cocksmen take their first rounds in Lana, paying special attention to her sensitive clit as they pound deeper and...

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Icy Finger Masturbation

Last night, I had a bit of fun with a new kind of clit diddling. As with all new ways of toying with my clit, I just had to watch it, so I took out my mirror and assumed the position. I put a glass of ice water by my bed and started to rub my clit in the usual way. A few minutes of medium instensity stimulation was all that was needed to get a generous flow of pussy juice started. After I made myself wet to my satisfaction, I dipped my fingers into the glass of ice water and allowed them to...

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Enjoying With My Servant Maid For Three Days

Hi I am Rohit, from Vijayawada. I am here to present my real time experience and sex story with you. in my house there are 3 members living. dad,mom and me. We also have a servant maid who used to me just 2 years big than me. Now when I was 20 , she was appointed. At that time I was in my 2nd btech final exams. So I didn’t care so much. But after my exams we have one month holidays. From the first day onwards I have started thinking of her she is so tempting that we can see her nipples. It is...

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want to have one more

Hi, readers after a long time, This is Srikanth, I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net . My previous story got a huge response which made me share this true story of my friend. This is the story of my friend and mine. I introduce my friend his name is sameer(name changed). And his age is 36. For a bottom gay, it always dreams to have a big fat penis in his asshole. I have few friends who ride me whenever I wanted or they wanted fun.Mean every time as I love to bed fucked any...

Gay Male
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A Mothers Love Ch 02

James awoke in the morning and leaned up. His body ached with muscles sore and joints stiff. He glanced around and realized he was not in his own bed. He turned to his side and found his mother sound asleep. He wondered if it had all been a dream. The feel of his mother's lips. The taste of her saliva, the feel of her body beneath his and on top of him. It was all surreal.He slid out of bed and crept to the door and quickly got dressed. He put on a pair of faded jeans and a white shirt,...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 24

We were cleaning up from our picnic when an apparition of a man with a flowing beard and a fabulous crown and robes loomed in front of me. "Vilkatas, I am Dievas, chief of the gods of the Slavs. I have a problem I need help with, and Baba-Yaga has recommended you as being the ideal person to help me. Will you consider it?" "Certainly, how can I help?" "Yarilo, the god of sex, lust, and love (I think in that order), has gotten himself into trouble again. He has personally caused two too...

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Roman Holiday ConsequencesChapter 4 The Conclusion

Bridget and Victoria confabed in the study of Victoria's house. All the plans had been made, and their target waited in the next room. All that was left was to make sure the I's had been dotted and the T's crossed. "Are you ready," Victoria asked. "Yeah," Bridget answered. "But I'm a little unclear on one thing." "What's that?" "I thought we could only induct girls in the villa in Rome." "The villa is the only place we can always induct a girl," Victoria explained. "We...

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Summer CampEpisode 38 RetributionParty

"Ideally, I would want college students majoring in education, psychology or sociology with camping experience. Now, thanks to you guys, they must also be totally at ease in a nudist environment." "You've got something in mind, Pete. Spit it out," said Lisa. "You remember that gang of slackers we shared a flat with last spring break... ? They're back in town now that college is starting. I was talking to two of the girls last week, Fred and Brenda, and they were telling me they were...

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Project PrometheusChapter 28

Both ships broke through the atmosphere of Veldhern, making a beeline for the station up in orbit. The shuttle headed straight for the military docks, while the Darkstrider moved to its assigned berth. They had already been granted clearance to dock, which was something as far as the crew was concerned. Several of them looked back and forth at each other with worry. “Was it really necessary to tell them who we really were, Alex?” Kasumi questioned. “Considering that Shazza’s disguise matrix...

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Warning, this story does contain descriptions of an adult theme. Gallery By Dexter Herron Stan smiled to himself, feeling as if he was on top of the world. He always got that way when he headed out to critique a new art exhibit for his magazine. He stood at the aged doors of the address, amazed at how it was tucked away between two warehouses, hidden and oh, so chic. He looked at the note again checking the address. It was Gwen's delicate handwriting inviting him to the...

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Family Friend

To say she was a family friend might be an under statement. She was the wife of my fathers’s best man and had known my parents since their early teens. That said I didn’t know her at all. My parents had moved from southern California, shortly after they were married. Which by the way was when they were eighteen. I was their second son and born before their second anniversary. As couples who marry young often do they had a turbulent relationship. But since this story is about her and me, not...

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Reeces bigger pieces

He sat down on his bed and opened his laptop, immediately going to a porn website. He took out his cock which was already hard but unimpressive standing at 6 inches, and started to jack off. Just as he was staring at a slim girl with big, fake tits rub her clit, an ad popped up. Just as he was about to close the ad, the words "hello Reece" appeared. Reece froze.  "I know you don't like how you look," it continued, "and I can change it. Just click here" With a smile, Reece clicked...

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BrattySis Angelica Cruz My Step Sister Sucked My Dick During Online Class

Ever since lockdown began, Angelica Cruz has been stuck in the same house as her hot stepbrother, Kyle Mason. There’s no other dick to be had. Alas! What is a cock hungry coed to do? The obvious answer is to fuck her brother. Angelica tries to put her plan to action by waiting until Kyle has gotten out of bed. She sneaks into his bed and hides beneath the covers, mostly naked, to wait for him. Kyle finds Angelica when he returns, but instead of giving in to her sexy demands he kicks her...


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