My GirlsChapter 25 free porn video

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Katie threw her arms around my neck as soon as we got into the bedroom and gave me a smoldering kiss. Wow! That girl was always a great kisser, but today she seemed to be into it in a special manner. Then she began to take my clothes off in a hurry. She did take the time to rub and kiss me everywhere as she removed my clothes, but she obviously had something specific in mind, and it apparently just wasn't going to happen with my clothes on. After I was naked, she quickly stripped herself, pushed me back on the bed and took my cock all the way into her mouth in one gulp. She then proceeded to suck and lick me with abandon, bringing me to the point of orgasm in a very short time. This was something new for Katie. She was usually very romantic and loved to go slow. It was an interesting changeup, certainly not unpleasant. After she made me explode, she stayed on top of me, rubbing and kissing. It wasn't long before I was hard again, and she straddled me, riding me hard until I exploded again deep inside her. As she lay next to me, she continued to rub and kiss, trying to get me hard again. I finally grabbed her hand, held it, and kissed her.

"Whoa, slow down, Little One! From the knowing smiles everyone was sporting, I imagine we have all weekend. We don't have to do it all in one hour. Why the hurry?" Not that I was really complaining. Sex with Katie was always an adventure, one I would take anyway I could. She looked at me with big, intense eyes, an expression in them I couldn't quite read.

"I just wanted you to know how much I love you. I want this weekend to be all about you, nothing except your pleasure. We all love you a lot, Daddy!" She seemed to think she really needed to get that message across.

"Sweetheart, I know that. You-all let me know that every day. What's got you spooked, Little One?" Something was going on. She didn't seem upset or worried, but still, something was on her mind.

"I... just have never had you all alone for a long time before. I want to get to know you and you to get to know me. I've dreamed about having you all to myself for a long time. Now I have it and I just want you to enjoy it so you won't forget it... or me." She seemed sad but happy at the same time, if that makes any sense. She wasn't telling me the whole truth. I could see it and sense it. Why would she think I would ever forget her? I also knew instinctively that I was not going to get any more information out of her. Katie was the leader of these girls; it was apparent that they all looked to her for guidance. I had a feeling something was going to happen soon and only she knew it. I wondered if Megan had seen it yet. I felt it would involve my Katie. A shiver ran through me. Don't leave me, Little One!

I just held her close, smelling her clean hair, the smell of apples or whatever her shampoo was. She was also wearing just a tiny bit of perfume, I realized! Katie never did that. This was special. I also enjoyed just her clean, fresh, young teenage smell. Didn't have anything to do with sex. Just a fresh, special smell that young girls have. Hard to define, but there, and special. And Katie's was always different from the others. I hugged her tight. She started to talk.

We talked for hours. Katie told me all about her life. I tried to stop her at times, especially when she went into detail about her repeated rapes. For some reason it was important to her that I know it all, every detail. I gritted my teeth and listened. She was such a special little girl; if it was important to her, then I could take it to make her feel better. She covered every part of her life. I could just feel the loneliness, the wish to be loved, the desire to have a family, the desperation. I could feel something else, too.

"Katie... I don't know how to ask this. Considering the way they wiped the memories of everyone when they left the camps... is it possible that your memories of your home life, with your family, are not real; that they are fabricated? If they can wipe memories, can they create memories too? That your parents were not as bad as you remember? Since the whole death of Becky after the rape scene was a setup, did any of it really happen?" I thought I could detect an underlying, deeply buried love Katie had for her parents, and it just didn't seem that would be there if they were so terrible long term like she remembered. I saw a surprised look on her face, and then she seemed to think about it for quite awhile.

"I suppose it is possible. I never thought of that before. Although I am not sure how they would do that with me, since my mind does not get wiped. How could they manipulate me like that?" She was pensive.

"Can your mind not be wiped? Or do they choose not to wipe it? Is there a reason they want you to remember everything?" I asked. Now she really looked shocked. That question had shaken her world. She clung to me as I kissed her, trying to comfort her for the thoughts I had introduced that had affected her in a way I hadn't expected. I started kissing her, stroking her body, turning her on, getting her mind off unpleasant thoughts. When I started licking her, she forgot all about unpleasant thoughts. It is hard to think unpleasant or disturbing thoughts when you can't think! I just love the noises she makes when she has an orgasm. The way her mind just shuts down, and she becomes almost comatose. Then the way her eyes snap open, and she wakes suddenly from the dead as I enter her. Her eyes get real big and almost... startled, as she can't believe I am taking her to even new heights. I vary the speed and depth of my penetration of her, keeping her from settling into a rhythm, keeping her off balance. She gets an almost wild look in her eyes as her mind tries to handle all the varied stimulation. Finally, she just wraps her arms and legs around me, holds me tight, closes her eyes, and when we are alone and not trying to be quiet, screams her brains out as her whole body and mind shuts down and she pretty much passes out. Then I roll over and let her rest on top of me as I keep slowly stroking in and out of her, finally coming myself while she is out. She has told me she just loves to feel me come inside her when she is pretty much out of it and can't move. It makes her have another, silent orgasm where she can't make any noise or move. She says that is the most intense feeling in the world. I am glad to do it for her.

We spent the whole weekend together, just Katie and me, cuddling, talking, and making love. She seemed so happy she almost glowed. Late Friday evening, Victoria and Amy called. They were both bubbling over, having such a great time. Amy especially wanted to know how Katie and I were getting along. She couldn't even get the question out without giggling. Little imp. Did everyone know about Katie's and my special weekend except me? Victoria told me how much she missed me. We kind of got misty eyed and told each other what we would do when she got home. Katie and Amy talked for a while. It seemed to consist mainly of giggling and blushing. Later, after Victoria and Katie were asleep, Amy called me on my cell phone as I was downstairs watching TV, getting away for a while from the non-stop sex machine! We talked for a long time. It sounded like she was getting herself off over the phone, so I talked dirty to her for a while until I heard a contented little sigh.

"How was it, sweetie?" I teased. I wondered if it was her first experience with phone sex.

"Yes! It was my first time with phone sex. It was nice, but not as good as being there," she pouted. Nosey little mind reader. "I am not!"

"Well, honey, you get me anytime. You have to take your Mom whenever you get the chance," I consoled her.

"Hmm. Take my Mom. What a good idea. Maybe I should go wake her up and we can practice what we would do to you!" I could hear the laughter in her voice. My heart jumped. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. I guess it really was none of my business. "I'm just kidding, Daddy," she said when she heard the silence. "You know I don't get into that. It was fun though, not so much because of the sex, but because of feeling so close to Mommy. Maybe sometime the three of us..."

"Hmm. We can think about that. Not sure how your Mom would feel about it."

"I better get to bed, and let you get some sleep. I can't tire you out for Katie!" She giggled. "I love you, Daddy, so very, very much!" She was very serious now. That reminded me of something.

"Amy, before you go... Katie seems to be... I don't know, almost telling me goodbye this weekend. As if she is afraid she is not going to see me anymore. Is there something going on I should know about?" I held my breath, waiting for an answer.

"Nothing you should know about, no. It will be ok, Daddy. We love you." She was being evasive too.

"Ok, so you are not reassuring me here, honey. Is there anything you can tell me?" Please don't let me lose someone else! I don't think I could take it.

"Daddy... I don't know how to explain. Some things just have to happen. It is all for the good. She does not always know those things, and even when she does, she cannot talk about them. Trust her, Daddy. She won't hurt you, none of us will. Even Cindi's death, Daddy, had to happen. It was for the good." Oh, God! Cindi! I had not thought about her for a while. Now I felt guilty that I had forgotten about her. "Don't feel guilty, Daddy. She understands. She wouldn't want you to feel bad. She loves you. Her death will save us all. She can protect us more in death than she could in life. She knew Katie could take her place." I understood less than before she started talking.

"What is Megan's place in all this?" I knew I wouldn't get an answer, but on the other hand, this was more than anyone had ever talked to me about this and I was going to give it a try.

"I don't know, Daddy. I know she is very important. Cindi died to protect Megan and me, you and Mommy. I don't know when. We will know it when we see it. Soon, I think."

"But how can she protect us if she is dead?" My heart was breaking for poor Cindi. I couldn't stand the thought that she was dead because of me, even in part. Parents were supposed to protect their children. I had not only not done that, but I had killed her too?

"Don't go off the deep end again, Daddy!" Amy said sharply. "I did not say you killed her! And she did not choose death; she did not kill herself. She knew, and was comfortable with the fact that, if she died, it would save us. It was not a given. However, if things went a particular way, she knew it might happen. She always thought she couldn't do the big things right. She was glad she could help us. Trust us, Daddy. It will be ok. Someday, you will understand. Especially you. However, it has to happen as it is supposed to happen. There are things we can change, keep from happening, like Victoria in the park or in San Francisco or me in the hospital, but there are other things that have to happen. The sorrow for Cindi will be more than compensated for by the joy of what she has done, or will do, for us. No, I don't know what, and I would not tell you if I did." She seemed to come to a decision.

"Dad, do you love me?" Her voice was very solemn. I knew what this was!

"Yes, Amy, I love you."

"Dad, do you trust me?" She said in a formal voice.

"I trust you with my life, sweetheart." I had tears in my eyes.

"You are too sweet. Close you eyes, Daddy. Relax. Enjoy. You know we love you."

I closed my eyes. I was bathed in blue and green light. Cindi and Amy were with me, in bed. We snuggled together. They took turns taking care of me, repeatedly. They each whispered in my ear how much they loved me. Amy laid a yellow orchid on my chest in the dream. Cindi kissed me sweetly. Then they helped me gently go to sleep, soothing my fears.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Katie woke me up, kissing me gently. She was smiling sweetly.

'Did you have some visitors last night?" She asked softly. I looked at her quizzically. She pointed to my chest. There was a yellow orchid lying on my chest. I felt a lump in my throat. "Amy?" Katie asked. I nodded. "She's so sweet. She loves her Daddy."

"How did she do that, Katie?" I asked. I didn't understand. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. I can't do it." We went back upstairs to bed. I put the orchid in my drawer, next to the red rose from before. The red rose that was still as fresh as the day I found it; it had never wilted. I climbed back into bed, Katie snuggled up to me again and we tried something really new for us. We went to sleep!

Victoria called the next day. She was all excited. She had a brilliant idea.

"Why don't all of us, or as many as can, go to the cabin next weekend?" There was a cabin way out in some secluded woods that we had the option to use when we wanted. "It would be so much fun! It would be nice to just get away for awhile with everything that is going on." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Besides, I don't want the neighbors to call the cops when I make you scream as I ravish your body. Amy and I have been discussing some fun things to do to you. She is such an imaginative little girl!" She laughed at the way she knew my face turned red.

"I would love to go. I have always had this fantasy of chasing naked beautiful women through the woods. Hmmm. I have so many choices. Maybe we should draw straws or something," I teased back.

"Oh, you! You had better be nice or we will all ignore you. We females stick together, you know." I was so glad to hear her joking around again. It reminded me again, not that I needed it, just how much I loved her.

"One other thing," Victoria said. "Amy has a very special birthday present she has arranged for you to give her. She has talked to me and I approve wholeheartedly. Don't you go ruining her fun. Just go with it. She's really excited about it." Victoria sounded pretty excited herself. I decided I was probably in big trouble.

"Isn't it customary for me to pick out my own present to give her? When did these traditions change? How come I never know what is going on around here?" I protested, acting mad.

"We just try to keep you from hurting yourself, dear. Besides, this way we get what we want instead of those ties we always give you!" She laughed. She knew that wasn't true. We talked about when Amy would be back. I would pick her up at the airport on Sunday.

"By the way, she is planning on having a sleepover with some of her friends Monday night. Did she tell you that?"

"Heck no. Since when do you girls ever tell me anything? I'm going to wait until they all show up and then kick them all out because she didn't clear it with me." I was getting good at acting mad. Yeah, right, like I fooled anyone.

"Oh, yeah, such a mean man! You're such a fake. Besides, you do that and you are going to be horny for a long, long time!" We were both making threats we couldn't keep! All in fun, of course.

By Sunday, I was ready to pick Amy up. I was exhausted. Katie was determined that I was going to get all the love I could ever want that weekend. By the time we got to the airport, I was hardly able to keep my eyes open. Poor me! We met Amy at the gate. She came out, looking stunningly beautiful. She got into the front seat with me while Katie was sitting in the back. I had my head leaning against the headrest, with my eyes closed. Amy looked at me for a minute, after kissing my cheek (we were in public), then looked at Katie accusingly.

"What did you do to him? He looks half dead!" She tried to look mad, but ruined it when she giggled.

"I showed him that I loved him!" Katie said smugly.

"He never looks like that when I love him!" Amy protested.

"You never do to him what I did to him!" Katie giggled.

"Show me how," Amy begged.

"Heck, no! I have to have some advantage over his beautiful daughter!" Katie was gloating.

"All right, you two, knock it off. I am not a piece of meat!" I just wanted to sleep.

"Yes you are!" They chorused together, laughing.

When we got home, we unpacked Amy. Katie decided to go over to Rebecca's with Becky and Megan, to let them know Amy was home, and give us some privacy. We got reacquainted, and then Amy went to her room to sleep. She said she needed a good night's sleep in her own bed. The other girls stayed at Rebecca's house all night. Strange. The next morning I found out why.

Katie called me about 6:00 am on my cell phone. I was barely awake.

"I called you in sick to work and Amy off school," she announced.

"That was nice," I told her sleepily. Katie sighed like I was stupid. I was.

"Today is Amy's birthday," she announced.

"I know. You-all are having a sleepover tonight. I am going to pick her up at school for lunch and give her the afternoon off; we are going shopping." I was so proud of myself. Katie pricked that bubble fast.

"Are you always this stupid?" She asked, irritated.

"What?!?" I was not getting it.

"Dad, if today is Amy's birthday, then today is also... Cindi's birthday." Oh, shit! How stupid could I be?

"Oh, God, I am so stupid! Thanks, Katie." I hung up just as I heard the running little feet in the hallway.

"Daaaddy!" Amy wailed, as she catapulted into bed with me, pulling the covers over her head and curling up in a ball. I heard her sobbing uncontrollably. I did the only thing a dumb dad could do, I cuddled with her, stroking her hair and telling her how much I loved her. After a while, she calmed down. I wiped most of the tears away and kissed the rest away. She sighed and snuggled up closer.

"I miss her so much, Daddy," she said in a tiny little girl voice. She got to me. Except for that one time when I regained consciousness, I had avoided thinking about Cindi's death. I had not finished grieving. Now, seeing my little girl so heartbroken, I lost it. I started sobbing myself.

It was the best thing I could have done. I could not have planned it better. Amy looked up, shocked, and then 'Amy the protector of the lonely and sad' kicked in.

"Oh, Daddy! I'm so sorry. I know you loved her too! It's ok, Daddy." She hugged me to her and we cried and sobbed together. After we were done mourning, we snuggled together. Amy stroked me slowly, affectionately. She was not in the mood for anything more, but she wanted me to know it was not because of me, that she still desired me. Just not now, in that way. She just wanted affection. That's all I wanted too. We talked quietly.

"You know what I wish most of all?" Amy asked softly, lazily rubbing my chest as she kissed my neck. I looked at her questioningly. "I wish Cindi could have known how wonderful it is to make love to you."

I don't know if it was a look on my face or if she picked up my emotions, or if she just plain read my mind, but I heard her breath catch in her throat and her eyes opened wide. She looked deep into my eyes, and then looked at me with a stunned look on her face.

"But she did know, didn't she? You made love to Cindi, didn't you? Tell me about it." Busted! I thought she knew. When she wanted me to do Megan the first time, I had slipped and said that Cindi was the only one I had ever done without asking Victoria first. I had wondered at the time why she didn't react to that. I was looking at her face, trying to decide what she thought about it.

"You don't really want to talk about that right now, honey. She's gone."

"Yes, I do. I want to hear all about it. How did it get started? Were you still doing it at the end? I'm kind of mad at her. How could she not tell me that? How did she hide it?" She was enjoying my discomfort. Finally, she grinned at me. "Don't worry, Daddy, I think it is cool. I'm glad she knew how neat it was. I can't believe she kept secrets from me, though."

We talked for quite awhile. I told her everything about Cindi and me. She freaked out a little when I told her about Victoria walking in on us. She gasped and put her hand to her mouth, looking at me with big eyes. Yep, that was kind of my reaction, too. She giggled at Victoria's reaction. We moved on to other subjects.

"So, when were you going to tell me about the sleepover tonight?" I thought I would see how well I could play mad with her. She looked startled.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. Mom said she told you though. She said it was ok." She looked at me nervously.

"Well, Mom's not here. What if I don't want a bunch of screaming females around here tonight?" Amy looked like she was going to cry. "What if I wanted to spend the evening and night making love to my favorite girl?" I waited to see when she was going to get it. Then she giggled.

"You can still do that. I'm sure they won't mind. They will probably want to watch. Some might even want to help!" She giggled at the look of horror on my face, and at my erection. I thought I would change subjects.

"Who all is going to be here?"

"Well, there will be Katie, Becky, Megan, Emily, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Laura, Danielle and Stephanie. Before you ask, yes they are all really cute. Emily and Elizabeth don't even know what the word sex means. Danielle and Laura are not much farther along. Rebecca and Stephanie know a little more, but are still pretty inexperienced." She giggled when I gave her a dirty look.

"Amy! I did not ask if they were cute or knew about sex! What do you think I am, a dirty old man?" I was offended.

"Yep! We all do. And we all love it. All of them would go to bed with you if you asked. They all are madly in love with you. Well, you would have to explain what going to bed meant to Elizabeth and Emily, but I am sure they would like it once they got the idea." Amy was really enjoying this! I was shocked.

"Sure. And all their Moms would have me arrested and you wouldn't have a Dad anymore."

"Actually, you might be surprised. All of their Moms know the girls are crazy about you and would jump your bones if they had a chance and they don't seem to mind. Course, that's because most of the moms would beat them to it if they didn't like Mom so much!" Amy was really giggling now. I was appalled. Was she serious?

"I am so glad we had this conversation, young lady! Excuse me while I go find a key to lock you in the garage until you turn 21. Where did you learn all this stuff? My innocent little girl?" I groaned. Amy choked.

"Um... Dad... care to remember what your innocent little girl was doing a few hours ago? You think these girls are any less interested in sex, and you, than I am? At least six of those nine I know, or strongly suspect, have either had sex or fooled around with their Dads or brothers also. A couple of them were forced, most were willingly. It's a different world, Daddy. Girls today have sex with the ones they want, and many of us really don't care if that is our dad or not. And we don't wait until we are 18 or married to do it. And we are not sluts either. Even the ones you adults would call the nice ones don't wait that long. Get used to it." She grinned as I put my head in my hands. "Come on, Dad, are you really going to tell me you would resist any of those girls, much less the four of us you are already sleeping with, if they seduced you? I know you love them all to pieces. Especially Emily and Elizabeth. If they ever figure out what seduction means or how to do it, they could have you in bed in minutes. They are just way too sexy, without even knowing it, and way too sweet and innocent for you to resist. I know what rings your bell. Rebecca has been flirting with you for a year; why do you think she always volunteers her mom for things involving us and comes over or invites us over there all the time. Laura would jump your bones in a minute and Danielle and Stephanie think you are hot and would gladly help. Poor Daddy! Should I shut up now?" She was giggling again, enjoying this way too much!

"Amy... can we talk about something else? I don't think I am ready to know this yet. I also think I am going to cancel your sleepover. I don't feel safe with all those girls around." Amy glared at me.

"You do that and I will call Mom and tell her. She will fly out here and kick you butt, and I'll help! I bet I can get Megan to help too. Want to take all three of us on? Drink cyanide; it's an easier way to die! You big chicken! What's the worst that could happen? We could all jump your bones and make you our plaything for the night? That is a problem, why? Face it, Daddy, if your track record so far is an indication of your ability to say no, you are going to be sleeping with most if not all of these girls sooner or later anyway. Don't feel bad about it. It doesn't bother them, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother Mom, and they can all keep a secret. It probably doesn't bother their Moms either. They all know their precious little girls are going to be having sex in the next year or two, if they are not already, and they figure you are a better choice for their little darling's first time than the teenage idiots those girls date. At least you won't hurt them and will give them a good first time. I know this, because I have heard their moms talking about it when they didn't know I could hear. You know how adults are — we teenagers are not only deaf and invisible but are too stupid to understand what they are saying when they talk right in front of us. By the way, did you want to keep discussing this? Are you having fun yet?" Amy was laughing at me again.

"I don't think I want to talk to you ever again. Go away and leave me alone!" I groaned as I grinned at her. She grinned, kissed me, and rubbed my cock.

"How come you are hard then?" She giggled, shrieked and ran away as I smacked her little butt. Hard. I chased her around the house for a while, listening to her squealing, until I caught her and tickled her until she could hardly breathe. Then we just lay there cuddling. For some reason she didn't want to make love. That's ok; she is really fun just to snuggle with.

The girls started to arrive about 3:00 pm. I was glad to see them. They are all really sweet girls. I have to admit I looked at them a little differently now than I did months ago. Especially after Amy's talk today. Of course, they all arrived in official attire — shorts and tee shirts, no bras. I wondered how long before the shorts came off. Each one had to give me a close hug and a big kiss as they came in.

I had agreed to grill for the girls for dinner. I went outside and got started. Emily and Elizabeth came out to help me. They stayed one on each side of me, standing close to me all the while I worked. I began to wonder if Amy was right. I put my arm around each of them, and was pleased to feel them melt in against me. I was shocked when Emily put her hand on my cheek, turned my head towards her, and gave me a soft, gentle but incredibly sexy kiss. She ran her tongue across my lips and then slipped it into my surprised mouth. She played with my tongue slowly, driving me crazy. Her sweet, sparkling, innocent eyes drove me crazy. She traced her fingers softly over my neck and hair, and then kissed my neck. She moved her head away, smiling innocently, eagerly. Then I felt a hand moving my head the other way and Elizabeth pulled my head towards me, and kissed me. Her kiss was as sweet and soft as Emily's, but was a little more innocent and inexperienced. I wondered at that thought. Where had Emily learned to kiss? There was a story there. Elizabeth slid her hand inside my shirt as she kissed me, rubbing my chest. She played with my tongue also, licking my lips. Her little hand rubbed my nipples softly, making me moan. The look of innocent delight on her face at giving me that pleasure was almost too much to bear. She kissed my neck softly and licked my ear before moving away. I sat down on the lawn chair, before I fell down, looking at them with a stunned expression on my face. They laughed at me gently.

"Where did you two learn that?" I gasped. They giggled and blushed.

"Amy said you would like that!" They smiled. Then, seeing the worried look on my face, they both came over to me. Emily sat on my lap while Elizabeth stood behind me, rubbing my shoulders and sliding a hand down my chest under my shirt. I could feel her hand trembling slightly. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us. We would never do anything to hurt you or Amy. Amy didn't tell. We just figured it out. We think it's neat. She is so lucky."

Just then, Amy walked out on the patio to join us. She grinned as Elizabeth continued to rub my chest. Elizabeth blushed, but kept her hand there when Amy nodded to her. Emily kissed me softly, and then laid her head on my chest, sighed, and ran her hand up and down my thigh. She was trembling slightly also. I was worried about what Amy would think.

"I see you have found the first part of my birthday present," she laughed. I stared at her. She sat down next to me.

"Here are the rules for tonight. For one night only, as a one time thing, everything goes. All of the girls here want to make love to you. They, and you, are free to do anything you want, with no strings attached. All of the girls here that have already had you are off limits. Nothing goes beyond these grounds. Tomorrow, everyone is just friends again, unless, by mutual consent, it is wished otherwise. The girls all understand there are no hurt feelings if you never touch them again. You understand that this is a one-time thing unless they offer more. Those who are off limits are free to watch and advise. All of the girls here are safe from pregnancy and disease. My birthday present from you is for you to fulfill every fantasy, wish and desire you have with these girls. There will be no repercussions from their parents. Mom knows about this and has no problems either. She says have a good time." She leaned over to whisper in my ear. "These two are very special to me, and very innocent. Treat them gently, but show them what love is all about. They are crazy about you, but not obsessive. I will be very upset with you if they leave here tomorrow unfulfilled! They will be upset too!" She giggled in my ear, and then growled at me to tell me she was serious. She took Emily's hand, moved it down to my lap, laid it in my crotch, and got up and walked into the house. I looked at Emily; she was every color of red in the book, but she didn't remove her hand, either. Elizabeth leaned over from the back and kissed me on the lips, passionately. I ran my hand slowly up Emily's leg and slipped it inside the leg band of her shorts, rubbing the front of her panties. She gasped, and then buried her head in my chest. I think she was turned on and embarrassed at the same time. These two were so sexy.

Same as My Girls
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1 year ago
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She screamed for more than ice cream

Note : This story is completely fictional! My mother-in-law appeared plain and ordinary during most of my marriage to her daughter Sue. I don’t quite know when it happened, but all of the sudden she began to come across to me as very sexually attractive almost to the point of being seductive. She had always been on the slender side with shorter hair around mid-neck length. So there I sat, pining her from afar for several years. However that all changed to my delightful surprise in a period of a...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 21 East Isle

I cannot describe the relief I felt when I realized what that cloud meant. We had just shy of fifty ships out here carrying more than eight thousand men, and every one of them was going to die of thirst if I fucked up my navigation and we couldn’t find our way home again. Now, that wasn’t a problem. A lot of them may well die in combat here in the Isles, but they had a chance now. Our fleet was still all strung out, a couple hundred miles from end to end. We needed to get all the commanders...

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We are two women in Holy Communion with the feminine. We sit quietly on the couch. I am wrapped in a silk bath robe. The sensation of the fabric on my bare body arouses me. As I shift my posture the cloth rubs my nipples driving me to distraction. And you are so close I feel the heat of your body. Your demure eyes reflect the firelight in sparkles of green luster. Your scarlet hair falls like ocean waves. Your dimpled face looks like a school girl. The fresh smell of freesia wafting from your...

4 years ago
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A young woman is introduced to lesbian sex

Amy was eighteen when I seduced her. Almost fully developed, she had a wonderful figure and a pretty face. I’m forty-two and divorced. I love seducing young girls and straight women, showing them the many pleasures of lesbian sex. I’m 5’6″, 135 lbs., with nice firm 38C breasts that both men and women stare at with admiration. Anyway… back to Amy. I met her in the local park flying her kite. We struck up a friendship and after two weeks I invited her to my place for...

2 years ago
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Tight Experience 8211 Friend And My Wife

This sex story is not letting me relax, I can’t stop myself writing this sex story. I am sure you can’t read another sex story same day once you experience this one. I am married for 6 years with a beautiful girl from a small town, she is very fair as I and she has long silky hairs up to lower back. Her height is also making her special, with 5.8-inch height she has 36c size milk parlors, which always catch people’s eyeballs and balls. Her waist is 30 with little flash at her tummy supported by...

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A Sissy Fairy Tale 3

A Sissy Fairy Tale By Missy Crystal Chapter 3. As the months went by and the shoe box filled up, I sent a note to the Society that I wanted Josie to take a week off. I found a note in her bag when she returned: Your request for a one-week pause in your sissy's schedule is approved. Sissies need milky white skin. Plan accordingly. A few days after we returned, I got another note from the Society. I was to go to the clinic at ten o'clock on Friday. Everything was going...

2 years ago
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The Night

It was the summer of 1962, early june. I was 14 years old that spring. Hadn’t yet had a serious girlfriend or my first real kiss. That was about to change. My father travelled a lot and was gone a lot during the week for 3 or 4 days at a time. me and Mom spent a lot of time together during those days and were really close. At 35 Mom was a beautiful woman with dark black hair and green eyes and the same cheerleader body she had in school. But we were a very conservative family and the most I had...

3 years ago
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Axis of Evil 6 The XX Factor

The XX Factor Adam was testing Liam's new security system. He was wearing his new bodysuit. The new girl had been christened April Scott, courtesy of a new driving licence and passport that Desmond Wilkes had given him earlier. She entered the MI6 building and headed up to the desk with her MI6 pass around her neck, nestled nicely between her voluminous breasts. Suddenly the alarms began making a piercing noise and the screens behind the reception desk started to show the word FAKE...

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Another dangerous taxi driver

Another dangerous taxi driverVictor and I had attended a very nice joyful party that summer night.We have danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had really had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later that night I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar still and suggested that it was time to go. No way...

2 years ago
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The Distracted Manager

The Distracted Manager Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on an idea provided by Honoria] Eli Nemours clasped his head as he heard his secretary and office manager celebrating his loss. The bet had seemed like one he could not lose when he made it with his office manager, Terri. Of course, Eli knew better than to believe in sure things, but he was certain about what the outcome would be. Now, he was stuck having to live up to his part of the deal. "You're going to...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Madam In Gujrat

Hi…Mera name raj he me young 22 years ka gujrat bhavnagar ka rahane wala hu.Me is website pe bahot time se stories padh raha hu aaj mera dil kiya toh first story likh raha hu I hope you like it readers. Mujeh girls bhabhi and aunty ke sath flirting,sex chat,long drive&sex karana pasand he toh contact Ahmadabad and bhavnagar wali readers. Ab direct meri true story pe aata hu baki bate feedback me… Ye baat tab ki he jab me gandhinagar me engineering ki study kar raha tha. Tab me ahemadabad rahata...

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The Mind Stone

The Mind Stone is a hypnotic jewel that ensnares those that gaze upon it. At first glance, it looks curious. The longer you look, the more you slip into a trance. Once someone is ensnared, their mind becomes susceptible to anything that they hear around them. The stone is indestructible. Centuries ago it was thrown into a volcano, but it survived. Over the years, it moved from place to place. Thanks to a recent hurricane, the stone was moved to a more accessible location: a park near...

Mind Control
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Seven Year Itch

My husband has been pushing me to have sex with a stranger while he watches. I have never had any interest in this. Granted that after seven years of marriage our sex life was not tat great I really never wanted to have sex with a stranger but I gave in just to shut him up. I thought this would be quick and easy. My husband planned this all out and set some rules like wear a condom and no black guys. I am only thirty years old and weigh about 120lbs with sandy blonde hair, nice body and brown...

2 years ago
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Used by My High School Bully Chapter 1

"God you're such a faggot, Vincent!" With a roar of laughter from thosearound him the bane of my existence, Eddie, brought to an end anotherschool day. He flipped me off to an equally loud round of applause beforegetting up from his seat and hoping off the bus. I watched with narrowedeyes as he made his way to his house, closing them only when the busstarted moving again.I hated Eddie and he hated me. Since we met in middle school we had hadperhaps one of the worst relationships any two people...

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Pussy Massage With Tongue

This rahul 27 years old from durg c.G dick 9″ long any girl or bhabhi can contact or comment at – Privacy guaranteed. Coming to story. Meri bhabhi ka naam ekta hai unki shaadi ko teen saal ho gaye hai . Wo bahut sundar aur hot hai lambe baal , badi badi aakhen ,mast gol gol gand aur bade bade boobs . Mere bhaiya aur bhabhi apne alagvghar mein rahete hai aurbmein unke gharvaata jaata raheta hoon .Kyoki unka ghar mere ghar ke bahut paas hai . Ek din mein unke ghar gaya to dekha par koi nahi...

4 years ago
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Private Nature Tour

Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...

Gay Male
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In the Karri Forest

I was in a significantly bad mood. I was answering the phones. Mona and the rest of the staff were on strike. All the CSIRO staff were on strike. Chaz was minding the phones at Floreat. We were "management." CSIRO management and the union representing the agency's 6500 staff will meet today to thrash out differences over a new enterprise agreement that has sparked two weeks of industrial action. The CSIRO Staff Association warns the action, the first national industrial campaign at the...

3 years ago
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Beckys Date

Becky was a gorgeous woman. She stood 5’9” tall, and weighed in at 150. She was full figured with a set of 38 D’s. Yes implants had been a big help getting there, and her tits were just as perky and firm as any teenagers ever were. Her tummy was nicely rounded, and when viewed from behind, her waist was well defined so that her hips were perfectly aligned to go with her great bubble butt. She had sweet brunette locks that went to the middle of her shoulders, and hazel eyes that were deep and...

1 year ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 8

BOB (Monday 11/21) The Monday of Thanksgiving week, I felt we had made enough progress with Ana to give it a shot. At study group, I managed to get George and Sherry away long enough ("Go smooch in the kitchen for a little bit, please. Take your time.") to make my sales presentation to Natalie. As I'd done once before the first week of school, I put my hand over hers. "Natalie, if it were in any way possible, would you give me the great honor of accompanying me to the Christmas...

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Pheasant Hunt

My boyfriend Al and I were in the routine of going pheasant hunting every Saturday morning during the pheasant season. Saturdays are a big day for hunters and the crowd was always large. There would be hundreds of hunters with all kinds of hunting dogs. We would always go to Myles Standish State forest. Pheasants were stocked and there were many large areas to hunt. The terrain was also very beautiful and would change almost like magic every couple of hundred yards. The early morning frost...

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Secret Service Kitty AndersonChapter 4

What I had in mind was to get Hollcroft to do something that would get him arrested and that would result in a long prison sentence. Murder wouldn't do it, but theft was a surefire way to get to him if I could just manage it. If I could prove that he was taking money from me and not rendering a service in return, most Texans would convict him and push for the longest possible sentence. Therefore, I visited Hollcroft the next morning to ask how much all of this protection was costing me. He...

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Punjabi Girl Sex

Hey guys Hunny here with my story. Oske pahele meine apko apne bare mein kuch bata deta hu. Meri omar 19 saal hai. Meri height 5’9 inch hai. Story start karne se pahele mein sabhi ladkiya ko jo bhi punjab se hai unhe mujhe bahut acha lagega agar mujhe mail kare and I hope aap logo ko bhi maza ayega!! Ye kahani ek raat ki hai, barshaat ki raat. Meine akele apni bike par party se ghar pe ja raha tha. Oss din ki raat kuch alag hi tareke ki thi. Rasta pura khali aur shant tha. thandi hava...

4 years ago
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My kinky wife likes to watch Part 2

There wasn’t a lot more talk about her watching me with another man. She so wanted it, but I was hesitant. Although I had a Gay encounter with another guy back in college, it seemed too outrageous to actually explore this again, and with my wife watching, of all things!I didn’t think anything of it when she told me she had reserved us a room for the night at a nice hotel. It was on the beach, which we both loved. Something about the sun and the sand. Something about the beautiful bodies and sun...

3 years ago
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Alone again together

It has been two weeks now since Mark and Steph had masturbated together and although they had not spoken about it, they had both thought a lot about. Giving each other knowing looks as they passed on the way to the bathroom and intentionally being caught naked by one another. This weekend the parents were going on a short holiday down south and they knew they would be alone again. Steph decided she would test the water and left a note on her brothers pillow. I hope your staying home this...

2 years ago
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Journey to a Horny Ride

It’s all about the real sex experience I had wid my cousin brother’s saali who stays at Jaipur. Her name is Preeti. Very beautiful, Slim Trim, charming looks. Black eyes full of attraction and sex pleasure. Black baby cut size hair always in Preity Zinta style. Her figure no excuse plz. Full of lustrous look out and is 34″24″36″ (really I got this from her tailor’s slip first and after I could able to size her in my arms) Though my bhabhi was also a beautiful angel and full of sex appeal but I...

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Come sort my tap fuck my old pussy part 4

We are our way to Anne's, Claire chatting away as she normally does, the weather what she wants for the shops etc,I pulls up outside the shopping area she gives me a kiss on the cheek & says see youin a couple of hours at Anne's if you haven't gone, ok no problems,Well I gets to Anne's knocks on the door, she opens it standing there looking straight at me, you ok yes she says, right them lets have a cup of tea and I will look at that tap, I had a couple of tools in my hand,We goes in the...

1 year ago
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InterracialPickups Natalia Queen 05242019

It’s a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon, which means barely-legal Natalia Queen will be poolside, working on her tan. It’s also the day her older brother’s business partner, Rico, is swinging by. He’s just secured a new camera for their business: videography. Natalia answers the door to let Rico know her brother’s gone all day, “but come in and show me your new camera!” Natalia has always had a thing for her older brother’s friends, and...

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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 16 Jumping Juicy Jan

The girl who, inadvertently, had caused her sister's defloration was still herself a virgin. Jan had been, at fifteen, an obese teenager like Sally. Now, however, after two years of careful dieting, she was a slender, shapely girl of almost eighteen. The only visible legacy of her former obesity was her breasts which were disproportionately large for her otherwise quite slim body. They were a cause of embarrassment to her not only because of their size, which made her very top heavy but also...

2 years ago
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One Night at the Ballet

The following diary entry is 100% true...well, alright, 90% true. I've changed certain details to protect the well as the guilty...and have purposely over embellished certain moments to try and explain what I was experiencing and feeling at the time. Also scattered throughout are assorted random ramblings on observations which may or may not be true. All I can promise is that each and every one of the following events did, indeed, happen to me and each and every one of...

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My first anal jerk off

I have just celebrated our tenth anniversary with my wife Joy and mostly it has been reasonably happy although if pushed a more adventurous sex life would make it really good. We enjoy what I’d call typical sexual relations on a none to regular basis with me usually wanting more than she does. Recently I used the web to enhance my jerking off, with most of the stuff pretty straight but I’ve gradually over recent weeks viewed more bisexual movies and admit that the ones showing male to male sex...

Gay Male
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My First Time

I was a slow starter, and didn’t lose my virginity until I was 21. I was at university and had been out for the night with some friends, we were in a club drinking heavily and at about 2am, decided to leave to head back to a flat for more beer. There were four of us, me Dave, Max and Max’s girlfriend, Sally. During the course of the evening, we had bumped into a friend of Sally’s called Lara. She was quite quiet, but was drinking rather heavily. Lara decided to join us, so the five of us...

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Dark Secrets

Chapter One - NaomiEveryone has dark secrets right? Take Naomi for instance. She’s a bright girl, young, attractive. She’s married to a hardworking man, Buddy. They live in a nice house, on a large ranch, right along the Trinity river in Texas. There’s a horse barn and some cattle. Naomi loves to ride all over their property. Probably the only thing that she doesn’t have is the company of her husband. You see he works in the oilfield and is rarely home. When he does finally make it there, he’s...

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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 1

She was riding on his hard cock, another orgasm starting to explode between her thighs and up into her belly. Her eyes were closed, wanting nothing more than to live forever in the next orgasm, never having to face the awful realities she fled from in her ecstasy, wishing it all to be far behind her. Her orgasm exploded, devouring her alive... She was floating in space – her body suddenly ravenous for sustenance and sucking her dry in restitution for the energy she'd used. She opened her...

4 years ago
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Saturday Morning Car Wash

It was a Saturday morning when I decided to take the Mini to the car wash. I knew if I got there early, I could get right in. The owner, Rick, greeted me. He was a young and strikingly handsome man. Dark short hair with deep green eyes and a beautiful smile, this soft spoken man stood about 5’9” tall. Nicely built, but not over done.  He had 4 other men working for him, but one stood out. He was very tall, I would guess 6”4”, black, and he was also remarkably handsome. His name was Sam and he...

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MomsTeachSex Adria Rae India Summer Competing With Mom

Adria Rae and her step mom India Summer both have the hots for Damon Dice, the pool boy. When they each realize the other is interested, they rush outside in bikinis to see who can grab his attention first. Grabbing his hand, India drags Damon inside and pulls off his shorts so she can start gobbling his cock. Fortunately for Adria, India is happy to share her new toy. Soon the girls are delivering a double blowjob that gets Damon as hard as a rock. Gradually shucking their bikinis, Adria and...

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Title: Female submissive Right of Male Dominant Act. Be it Hereby Enacted by Rightica Congress. Preamble: Females are hereby stripped of all rights and privileges given to them in Pre-Rightica territories. Rightica will now be a male dominant country, with Females acting it servitude to the Male cause as necessary and deemed by Male head of house. Legal marriage of Female enacts right of property clause. Section 1: Females are rights and property as well as economical entities and may be...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader Pt 3 The Young Cherry Cheerleader Cums of Age

Introduction: Again, not my story, just reposting THE YOUNG CHERRY CHEERLEADER CUMS OF AGE CHAPTER 1 As Jennifer Wilson rolled out of bed on that Friday morning in early December to get ready for school, she did so with unusual enthusiasm. It was her sixteenth birthday age of consent in her home state. Her best friend, Angie Walker, had pointed out the significance of the event. It meant that she could now legally have sex with anybody she wanted. All of those men, who had backed away...

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Mistaken Identity

Tony was half asleep on the settee when he heard the door bell ring . He was dressed for bed in just his pyjamas, having promised himself an early night. He opened it, and he saw a pretty blonde lady, very slim, very petite, but equally well proportioned for her size. She was wearing a white tightly belted raincoat that reached only half-way down her shapely thighs, together with black knee high boots with high heels. Her hair was cut in a page boy style, and her makeup was a shade on the heavy...

Erotic Fiction
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Incestuous HaremChapter 18 Bred by Our Brother

Clint Elliston Shock and pleasure shot through me, my cock unloading a final squirt of cum into Lee’s hungry mouth as Melody kissed me and hugged me. My mind didn’t want to work. I had one half-sister swallowing my cum, after swallowing my piss, and the other kissing me, hugging me, excited by the news she had just proclaimed. I had just woken up. I had just cum hard. I was going to be a father. “Really?” I groaned, my hand still gripping Lee’s short, black hair, her mouth sucking on my...

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Lilith a Devil Unbound

The portal errupted into flame, starting to close as a delicate red hand with long black femine fingernails. A women with a vipercated tale rose from the flame, she had two horns on her forehead and soot black hair down to her neck that shined in the light of the flame. She had long shaply legs. Her tail was wrapped around her leg and came between her large ample breasts with nice round nipples. She had piercing black eyes that shined like obsidien. She had a hard sixpack and hips the swung...

1 year ago
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Helena sah auf die Uhr. Es war 3.14 Uhr. Das Flugzeug landete gerade auf dem Kennedy-Airport in NY. Sie atmete durch und war erleichtert. Auch wenn die Camarillia nur einen kleinen Teil der Stadt hielt, so war ihr doch alles lieber, als von ihrem "Meister" gefunden zu werden. Mike Rusk, ein Brujah aus Kanada, hatte sie in den Blutband gezogen und ihre Ergebenheit in jeder Hinsicht ausgenutzt. Sie war sich sicher, da

2 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 2

I was on my fourth sea cream black iced coffee of the day, buried ass-deep in work when I realized that it was already 7:15 PM. It was Wednesday, the night of my ‘date’. “Shit,” I hissed under my breath. The ‘Floor’ is the term call centers use for where all the magic happens. Here you’ll find all the cubicles with my agents, all my supervisors, and all the calls ringing one after the other to service the next policyholder. I did my final Floor walk of the day, checked in with the six...

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Fucking my aunt and my niece

Fucking my aunt ... and my nieceShock the monkey ... I was fucking my beautiful aunt on the sofa, and then my eldest niece suddenly appeared in the door opening. She had returned from hockey training, much earlier than expected. And seemed to be rather surprised. Or she faked it and was in on the job, scheming with her mother?'Wow, mum, what are you going?!', she said with a grin on her face. Her mother did not see this grin, because she was too busy and was parked on my stiff torpedo. With her...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 79

Nikki sat back in her apartment, and blew out a breath. She had today off, and it was still early afternoon. She was supposed to be over at the Whitestone's for a party tonight, but this investigation was starting to drive her nuts and she didn't think she was going to get to the mansion. She'd hit so many dead ends in this investigation that at this point, she was wondering if she'd just imagined everything. Sure, she had some evidence, like the information about off-shore accounts that...

3 years ago
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Cala de Sirena

Don Taylor’s vacation was not starting the way he had hoped. His divorce had finalized just weeks before he was to fly off with his wife on what was supposed to be a second honeymoon to save their marriage. Since the trip was already paid for and non-refundable, and he already had the vacation time approved, he thought this would be a good time to reassess his life. However, at 45, he never thought he’d be single again. He still deeply loved his wife, and didn’t understand why she left him, or...

2 years ago
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Jessinta Ch02B Tuesday

Introduction: This is the continuing saga of Jessinta Jovanoski (Jovi to my friends). I am a fifteen year old adventurous teenager. Being of a pasty white complexion and with mild red hair, I was a little different from the usual school crowd. I was of small stature and my attributes were too, 152 (501), 45kg (93lbs) and with small breasts (32A). My home life was non-existent and my schooling was feeling its effects. The brutes name was Russell or Rusty, and I have serviced him on two more...

1 year ago
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Backseat Driving

Sarah was busy getting ready in the bedroom as I walked past I noticed the door was slightly open and I could see Sarah on the bed with her legs spread. I had a double look and noticed she had her vibrator out and was playing with her pussy. Before I tell you what happened next let me describe how Sarah looks, she is about 5ft 6 with shoulder length brown hair. She has the best ‘fuck me’ eyes I have ever seen to go with her amazing 36dd breast, with large nipples. Flat stomach and long...

1 year ago
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Threesome fun

We meet up with another female in a bar for a few drinks, she is wearing a little dress, and you can tell she has no underwear on underneath. I'm wearing a very short skirt, low cut top, and stockings. After a couple of drinks we all head back to the the hotel room that we have booked, stopping on the way to get more drinks in. As you pour the drinks me and her settle ourselves back on the bed and start kissing, taking our time as we know you are watching. She starts moving down my body,...

2 years ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 19

Bob, Stan, Al, Bob and Sarah led the group to the conference room, with Nancy and Julia following behind with cups and coffee. They sipped their coffee for a few minutes, waiting for Sally to join them." Sally came into the room. "Sorry for the delay." "Any problems?" asked Bob. "No." "Good. Close the door before you sit down." When she did, the room became very quiet. Stan looked at Sarah. "I think we're ready now." "How much detail do you want?" asked Sarah. "Good...

2 years ago
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Perfect Timing

One of my wife’s relatives past away. My wife and my young son both went to a to hyderabad city for the funeral. They left on a thursday evening flight for the saturday funeral and planned to return on monday. I would have accompanied my wife; however, i had some very important client meetings scheduled for friday. As friday afternoon wound down, i began contemplating the weekend. I would have the entire weekend to myself. My sex life with my wife was not as fulfilling as it used to be, and as...

4 years ago
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My sisters familar

(Feel free to add new chapers.Nothing will happe. If you dont add on. Im to lazzy to.) Dan walked into the street leading up to his house. Another day of crummy school over. Now he was 18, he didn't actually have to go to school. Well, technically. Of course his parents wouldn't let him quit. He'd come too far to give up now. He wished he didn't have to go to school, like his sister Kat. It was her 19th birthday today. Dan didn't get her a present, of course. He never did. It wasn't like she...

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The Last Ghost

The emperor's Ghosts started with three thousand young men willing and eager to serve. We were not sworn in as normal, we gave oaths of fealty to the emperor. We started basic training and that was when they gave us the drugs and other chemical treatments. That was when we began to die. Three thousand started and twelve weeks later three hundred graduated, the rest died. We were stronger, faster and smarter. We began the advanced training; flight, weapons, martial arts, intel and reentry...

3 years ago
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SAM Ch 02

This story is a sequel to my story The Webber Family Secrets. Although the story is largely about Sam we will meet some other members of Sam’s family when she returns to the Shelley Beach Resort. The story SAM can be read as a stand-alone story but you will get more sense out of it if you have read The Webber Family Secrets. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER TWO THURSDAY FiFi was woken from a deep sex induced sleep at six in the morning. Come along my little flower it is time we shower and prepare for...

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