My Favorite Cousin Krissy
- 2 years ago
- 34
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April 3, 1997, Dallas, Texas
“You know, I don’t even know what you do for a living!” I said.
Krissy laughed, “I think you’ve said maybe a dozen words to me, total, at three NIKA events Deb has invited me to. And I think ‘How are you?’ was said each time, leaving only three more words!”
“And?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m a physical therapist. I mostly work with college athletes rehabilitating from injuries. Deb doesn’t talk about me?”
“No, she doesn’t. Do you have a Doctorate, or only a Master’s?”
“Master’s. There’s a lot of push for turning PT into something similar to medical education with four years of undergraduate work and three years of post-graduate work, followed by Residency.”
“Loki help you,” I said, shaking my head.
“Do you really worship the Norse gods, or is that just an affectation?”
“A bit of both,” I replied. “I have a strong affinity for Loki, but my philosophy is closer to Buddhism and Russian Orthodox Christianity than anything else. Deborah said you were here for training.”
“It’s all part of the APTA’s push for us to be ‘Doctors of Physical Therapy’. Five days of continuing education. I’m not quite sure how they’re going to handle those of us who have Master’s degrees when this all gets sorted out. Worst case, I’ll need some additional schoolwork. How did your deposition go?”
I shrugged, “About like we expected.”
The hostess let us know our table was ready and led us to a table.
“Why don’t you talk about me, Deb?” Krissy asked. “Embarrassed?”
“No. I figured our private life is private.”
“You fuck the guy, but don’t talk to him about personal stuff?”
“Are you upset about us?” I asked.
Krissy shook her head, “She has her need for dick and wants to fuck her boss. That’s up to her.”
“I don’t think it’s quite that simple,” I replied gently. “Relationships are NEVER that simple.”
“Isn’t that how it is for you? You like outside pussy and it’s up to you who you fuck?”
“That might be how it looks, but it’s more complicated than that. And I think you know that. In fact, I think you’re putting on a front for some reason?”
“Because I can’t imagine Deborah’s girlfriend being that cavalier and that crass.”
“Told ya!” Deborah laughed.
“So, Smart Guy,” Krissy asked, “what kind of personality would you expect from Deborah’s girlfriend?”
“Intelligent, funny, a bit sarcastic, open-minded, and playful. Politically moderate, non-confrontational, and mellow. Throw in soft and cuddly, too.”
Deborah smirked and stuck her tongue out at Krissy.
“You cheated!” Krissy exclaimed. “You told him!”
“She did no such thing,” I replied with a grin. “We have never talked about you, at all, except for me asking to make sure the two of you were in agreement about Deborah and me being together. And that was maybe two sentences in a really long conversation.”
“You weren’t curious?”
“I’m curious about lots of things, but I also remember the adage ‘curiosity killed the cat’! I figured if Deborah wanted to talk about her private life, she would. If not, then that was her prerogative. I like to live my life as openly as possible; a lot of people can’t handle that. I’m all for privacy, I just don’t have much use for it under normal circumstances.”
“You don’t worry about people trying to take advantage of you? Or worse?”
“I think one thing that has hurt our country is that the default attitude has become one of distrust and fear. The entire ‘stranger danger’ bit has led to the idea that public spaces are dangerous, to the point where complete idiots complain about kids walking six or seven blocks to school, or call to report a kid walking to the store. Suddenly, now, public spaces are only for adults, not for kids. That’s nuts.
“And think about the knock-on effects on society. If you teach kids that strangers are dangerous, how will they learn to properly relate to people, especially ones who are different from them? You’ll end up, eventually, with kids in a cocoon who will be unable to relate to anything. And that will lead to even more calls for protecting these ‘innocent’ children from the ‘evil’ world. As I said, it’s nuts!”
“Try being a woman.”
“Thanks, no,” I chuckled. “I’m way too much of a wimp to bleed for a week every cycle of moon phases!”
Both Deborah and Krissy laughed.
“You do know what I’m saying, right?” Krissy asked.
“I do,” I replied with a nod. “And that’s why I’m working with one of the female black belts at our dojo to put together a self-defense class. The first one will be held in May. We’d hoped to start sooner, but with everything going on in our lives, we agreed earlier this week that the first class would be on May 24th, and last eight weeks. We plan to do four of those a year. So yes, I get what you’re saying.
“That said, we know that most abductions are done by parents or relatives, and most sexual abuse is by a parent, spouse, other relative, boyfriend, or friend. Unfortunately, certain high-profile cases have created a moral panic - basically an unwarranted fear that quickly spreads, insisting that some specific evil is an immediate, existential threat to society. A perfect example is the ‘Salem Witch Trials’. Or the lunacy about Dungeons & Dragons. Or even loonier ‘Satanic Ritual’ abuse.
“The current ones are the continuing ‘War on Drugs’, which is nothing more than a war on the Constitution, and the newest one, ‘sex offenders’, when all the facts and figures show that a woman is more likely to be abused physically, mentally, or sexually by a father, husband, uncle, or brother. By a LONG shot.
“Now, think about what that means - the moral panic is over how dangerous it is to allow kids out in public, and get them to stay home or in the immediate presence of their parents or relatives, who are MORE likely to abuse them than any member of the general public, by about 99 to 1! Which only confirms rant #8, with rant #2 and rant #1 proving supporting evidence!”
“Rant numbers?” Krissy asked.
“Wow! I’m shocked Deborah didn’t tell you that one! It seems she’s told you other stuff.”
“Steve has some very clear opinions,” Deborah said, “which he is not reluctant to express, with regularity. One of his friends made a list of them, numbered them, and distributed it to the other friends. In true Steve fashion, when he found out about it, he adopted it for himself.”
“The surest way to prevent teasing is self-mockery,” I grinned. “Something my kids are very much in need of learning!”
“Deb tells me that the mother of your eldest son is a lesbian.”
I nodded, “She is.”
“When did she come out?”
“With Jen, it wasn’t a specific incident or time. She had her first same-sex encounter, and I mean that the way it sounds, when she was in seventh grade. It was a months-long, physically intimate relationship. But social pressure ruined it, and then she was sexually assaulted by a male teacher. I didn’t know either of those things until much later, but we dated, pretty seriously, and there were hints here and there about her sexuality. I was a bit too clueless, being fourteen when we started dating seriously, to understand what she was struggling with. She finally figured it out in college, met Josie, and they’ve been a couple ever since. They actually married, informally, because the prudish state won’t let them actually marry.”
“You support gay marriage?”
“I think the government has absolutely no business deciding who can, and who can’t, marry. Short of ensuring consent, it’s none of their business if I have a wife, a husband, multiple wives, or multiple husbands, or some mix of those!”
“Are you bi?”
I shook my head, “No, but I’m also not homophobic. One of my best friends growing up was gay, though again, I was a bit too clueless to figure it out for most of High School.”
“So she’s actually bisexual?”
“No, she’s at the far end of the Kinsey scale. She and I have a very special relationship. Making Jesse was about how much we love each other, and allowed Jennifer to engage in sex that normally would have made her physically ill. I have other lesbian friends, too, and I think you’ll agree that it’s a spectrum, and people can fall anywhere along the spectrum. I’m at the extreme heterosexual end. Deborah is towards the homosexual end, in that she strongly prefers a female partner, but isn’t grossed-out by heterosexual sex.”
“So you think,” Krissy smirked.
“Oh, please!” I chuckled. “I know Deborah’s story; what’s yours, Krissy?”
“I did all the usual things that girls going through puberty did, you know, posters of hunky guys, that kind of thing, and I flirted with guys, but I wasn’t interested in sex. Most of my friends weren’t either. Kissing was cool, but that was it, which I think is pretty common for twelve and thirteen. We played ‘Spin the Bottle’ and stuff, but it was really tame.
“When I was a Freshman in High School, a Junior, who was on the baseball team and a total hunk, asked me to a dance. I had fun at the dance, but when he and his buddies went out for a smoke, the girls all danced together. One girl, who I’d gone to school with from first grade, but didn’t know very well, liked to dance close with other girls. I was maybe the third girl she pulled close.
“I was shocked at my reaction. Dancing close with Brad, the baseball player, was like, OK, whatever. Dancing close with her was like some kind of electric shock went through me and I had a reaction with her I’d NEVER had with a guy. I mean, something just clicked in my head that screamed ‘SEX’, as if it was a flashing neon sign. She saw that in my eyes, which she told me the next day, when she called me out of the blue. We got together and it progressed from kissing to sex.
“Our little love affair lasted about six months, but it had never been romantic, or anything, so when we broke up, it wasn’t a big deal. I had turned down dates with guys, but nobody knew I was seeing this girl, because we kept it totally private. By the time the last school dance came around, I wasn’t seeing her so I accepted a date with a guy in one of my classes. We had a good time, and basically went together for the whole Summer, but again, it never was more than kissing.
“That was sort of the pattern for the rest of High School - I’d have dates and go to dances, but there were also two other long-term love affairs with girls. Again, nothing romantic, I just liked sex with girls. The weird part was that all my romantic feelings were for guys, but I didn’t want to have sex with them. When I got to college, I finally decided to talk to someone to try to figure it out and my counselor basically said it was social conditioning.”
I nodded, “I’ve seen that with several of my lesbian friends - social and family pressure leads them to what amounts to behavior contrary to their true nature. And that true nature can be anywhere on the continuum.”
“At that point, I came out to my parents and they lost their minds for about three months, then finally conceded that I was still their daughter and admitted they loved me.”
“Jen’s parents didn’t totally freak out, but it took a long time for her dad to come around. It did help that she and I made a baby so he could have a grandson. Josie’s parents, that’s Jen’s wife, are still uncomfortable, but they’ve at least come to terms with the situation.”
“My parents are all over the ‘grandkid’ issue because I’m an only child. I do want to have a kid, but we’re not sure about how to go about it. And I see that smirk on your face, so I will say I DO know the basic procedure, either the ‘regular’ way or with medical help or adoption! I meant practically!”
“And that’s the point of this dinner,” Deborah said. “We’d like advice.”
“From me?”
“Who else? You have a kid with two women in a lesbian relationship. I think you also have a friend who adopted a baby with her partner.”
“Katy and Amy, my friends in Vermont.”
“And your friend Michelle who conceived by artificial insemination. Plus, I know you have zero problems with homosexuality, and you seem to understand the issues as well as any straight guy can.”
“I try,” I replied. “So, how can I help?”
“Can we talk about the situation with Jennifer and Josie in detail?” Krissy asked.
I nodded, “Sure. Jen won’t have any issues with that. In fact, I’m sure she and Josie would be happy to talk to you. I think Katy would as well. Amy is a bit more circumspect.”
“What kind of problems have they run into?”
“The usual stupid, ignorant stuff. There were parents at school who were very upset that Jesse would talk about his two moms, and say they were married. That got some Neanderthal parents’ panties in a twist, and they complained to the school. That went exactly nowhere after Jennifer, Josie, and I had a chat with the principal. There were similar complaints when Birgit, my eldest daughter, started, but those were about my unique relationships.”
“Do they present themselves as married?”
“To everyone except the government. It’s similar to how I handle things with Kara and Jessica. Jess is my legal wife, and if I’m talking to anyone in the government, she’s my only wife. At that point, Kara is a close friend who is mother to two of my kids. It’s worked fairly well, and the only time I’ve had an issue was when someone with a vendetta tried to get the State of Illinois to charge me with fornication and adultery, which are still on the books as criminal acts.”
“Oh give me a break!” Krissy groaned.
“He’s right, Kris,” Deborah said. “One of my professors pointed out that the statutes are still in effect, but that if anyone actually tried to enforce them, they’d likely be ruled unconstitutional. But given our legal system, who knows? Sex is not treated like other rights.”
“A woman after my own heart,” I grinned. “Which might be why I hired her as my attorney!”
“So there haven’t been any legal issues or anything like that?”
“No. They have a raft of legal agreements, just as I do with Kara and Elyse, to ensure the State honors the commitments we’ve made. Of course, there are no guarantees, but overall, my personal lawyer has us on pretty strong legal footing.”
“Forget it. Family law is WAY outside my skillset. It’s a minefield that if you don’t spend all your time navigating, you’ll die the minute you set your foot into it. No sane attorney tries to practice family law without that being their focus. Even local attorneys who are egomaniacs, and think they could argue successfully in front of the US Supreme Court, won’t take those cases unless it’s their specialty.”
I nodded, “That’s been my experience. And to be honest, although it appears internally consistent, it’s a complete and utter mess when applied to actual, living beings.”
“You’ve had run-ins with DCFS?”
“Yes, and I’ve also been party, in one way or another, to several Family Court proceedings, and while most of them turned out OK, the process is pretty much insane.”
The waitress came and took our orders, then left to put them in with the kitchen, before bringing out our salads.
“Did you hear anything from Willow?” Deborah asked, once we began eating.
I shook my head, “No. I don’t think it’s wise for her to contact me for obvious reasons. And she hasn’t called Doctor Whittaker, because I’d know about it if she had.”
“Who is this?” Krissy asked.
“The young girl I told you about,” Deborah said. “Who was abused and impregnated at fourteen, and was sent back to North Dakota.”
“I’m a Democrat,” Krissy said, “but there are times when I wonder if the government hasn’t grown too big and bloated.”
“Wonder?” I chuckled.
“Classical liberal through the lens of the US Constitution. The individual has to come before society and the state. And government should never interfere in consensual behavior between individuals.”
“I think it depends. Before puberty, I think the parents basically have the final say. After puberty, I think you take into account the ability of the individual kid to make decisions. Which is part of my tireless complaining about turning teenagers into infants. They aren’t.”
“How does Jesse deal with the family situation?”
“He started calling them ‘Mom One’ and ‘Mom Two’ from the time he was little. It’s his reality. It’s never bothered him, except when other people question the situation.”
“How involved are you in his life?”
“As much as I can be, within the parameters Jennifer and Josie set. They want to be a family, and they are. I tend to be called in when male input is needed, but that’s not very often. Jesse and I do things together, and we have a great relationship, but if push came to shove, it’s his moms who would make a final decision.”
“What about your situation? How do you handle it?”
“Call it group parenting, I guess. But it varies. With Elyse’s kids, she and I make the decisions together, and her boys see her as Mom and me as Dad, and the other women as aunts. And of course, Elyse has a steady boyfriend, so he’s in the mix too, though he’s careful not to interfere. Elyse and I respect his opinions, and given how much time he spends with her and the boys, we always take that into account.
“Then there are the four kids by my wives. All four of them, to a large degree, see both Kara and Jessica as ‘Mom’. None of them have developed the ‘Mom One/Mom Two’ distinction the way Jesse has, so you have to pay attention to context to know which one of the moms they’re referring to. Within our trio, we discuss things and usually come to a consensus. If we don’t, Kara always defers to me with regard to our two girls, and I usually defer to Jessica with regard to our daughter and son.”
As she opened the door and we fell inside, I noticed the murmur of the TV and saw that the nightlight was on in the lounge. It seemed Nikki was still up. Nikki was another co-worker, and although she worked in a different department to Deborah, they'd started at the exact same time and so were good friends. Nikki had been engaged until a few months ago when it all fell through shortly after she moved in with her now-ex fiancée, and after moving out of his house she'd ended up renting a...
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Deborah could hardly remember when she did not lead the life had today. She greeted guests to the mansion wearing only a black thong and high heels. Her job was to serve them in every way they may request. When she was a young high school girl she had fallen in love with a boy in school. He took advantage of her affection and made her perform every sex act he could think up or had read about. She remembered how she found herself on her knees sucking his cock until he exploded down her throat....
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I had seen Deborah before lunch at school on this Friday and saw that she looked real pale. She had a congenital heart defect, I knew, and took medication associated with her condition. I talked with her a few minutes before the bell rang for our next class. We talked about where we would go on our Saturday night date. My eyes watched as she strolled to class. She was wearing a pink short sleeved sweater, gray pleated skirt and black medium height heels. Ah; such a picture of loveliness. But...
Wednesday, the day of the barbecue, dawned fresh and clear which caused Richard to observe wryly that Mother Nature had slipped up. There was not a huge amount of preparatory work to be done as Richard had arranged for Jim to bring a team from the pub to run the barbeque itself and the bar. Sharon, with Louise in tow arrived on the dot of nine. "Sharon!" exclaimed Deborah. "I didn't expect to see you yet." "Honorary Hoddinot," announced Sharon, her eyes gleaming with laughter,...
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It was Annette who met him at the door with a deep curtsey. "Enter, our lord and master," she said and was overcome with giggles. "I'm sorry I haven't got any hands to raise you. They're both full. Where did you learn to do that?" "Ballet training." "Brilliant! Is there anything you can't do?" "Not much," she replied and screamed with laughter. Richard dropped his bag in the hall and handed her a video. "The condor at last," he said. "Ooh great! Thanks! You didn't...
Richard woke with a start in the middle of the night. He had not done anything about their honeymoon. They would need to discuss it the following afternoon. Breakfast was too much of a rush. They did just that. Deborah said she only wanted a week. "We can always have another one a week later, can't we?" She did not want to go anywhere hot. She did not want to do the tourist traps. All she wanted was to spend twenty four hours a day with Richard, walking a little, eating a little and...
There were supposed to be forty-eight hours between the barbecue and the wedding. To Richard and Deborah it felt more like six. Their love-making on Wednesday night was slow and gentle and then, after dinner on Thursday, Deborah took Annette and went back to the Old Post Office. She had her superstitions and her customs. Everything was organised though. Sue cooked up an enormous breakfast and made sure that Richard ate it. Richard, whose stomach was in knots with nerves, paled. "I can't...
Annette looked at Deborah covertly the next morning. Her mother appeared happy and well rested. There was also a slight look of smug contentedness. "Oh well," thought Annette. "She can't have been hurt but it was odd she should scream." Deborah noted Annette eying her and suddenly realised what was up. She and Richard had completely forgotten about Annette and had made a lot of noise last night. She turned back to the cooker to hide the blush and the grin on her face. Richard breezed...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Sharon arrived with her usual precision on the dot of nine o'clock and brimming with energy. She flung her arms round Richard's neck and kissed him hard, a first. Richard staggered back, thunderstruck. Sharon shrieked with laughter. "That shook you didn't it?" Further chuckles. "But you told me you love me and I love you so you get a kiss." Richard looked at her in amazement then his whole person relaxed and he pulled her back into his arms. "Sharon, my love, you are so right and...
They got to the pub at about quarter to eight and fought their way through the crowd to the bar. Richard knew many of the people there and they made way for him without him having to ask. They eyed Deborah with interest and she and Richard were both aware of the curiosity about them coming in together. "Hello, Sally!" Richard greeted the barmaid. "Hi, Richard! How are you?" "Fine thanks, my dear! I haven't seen you riding lately." "No, she's gone lame, torn a tendon right...
Even though he was bursting to tell Deborah what had gone on he realised that she had no clue as to the full situation so he would have to let it develop. He would not see her until Saturday anyway and with Annette there he would have to watch his step. He arrived early again. Only two or three minutes but Tilly did nothing to alleviate the situation. Deborah was early too, arriving within half a minute. Richard was pretending to be sorting out his shoelace. "Hello!" he said looking up in...
"I like him, Mum," said Annette as she and Deborah drove away. "Yes, he's nice, isn't he?" answered Deborah carelessly. "He knows a lot about nature. All that stuff about blackthorn and hawthorn. And the buzzards! I do hope he'll remember about the video on condors." "I'm sure he will." "He's so good with the dogs too." "What do you mean?" "Well, he doesn't keep calling them like some people and allows them to have fun." "True, but then he loses them too." "Like...
Over lunch Richard suggested that Sharon might like to walk the dogs with them and then that they would all go and pick up the girls. This would allow everyone to meet. Deborah and Sharon both thought that a great idea and they all duly walked the dogs. Richard was teased throughout but it was gentle and loving and there was lots of laughter. The dogs behaved and they were able to leave for the school on time. For Annette the meeting was normal but Louise was completely disconcerted to see...
Richard did not know what hit him that night. He and Deborah had undressed, done their thing in the bathroom and then climbed into bed. He did not even have time to turn off the bedside light before Deborah pushed him roughly on his back and jumped on top of him. "I love you," she growled, "and I've been foul to you. Now I'm going to show you my love." She clamped her mouth to his and her tongue drove between his lips, probing and licking everywhere it could reach. She seized his...
Deborah and Richard sat down at opposite ends of the sofa with their drinks. Deborah tucked her knees up but pulled her skirt down over them. "Sorry!" they both started together and then got complete giggles. "You start," they both said simultaneously and burst into laughter again. "God!" Deborah finally got out. "Just as well Annette left us. We're worse than a couple of teenagers." Richard wiped his eyes with his knuckles and chuckled again. Then he held up his hand like a...
By this stage there were sounds of bedlam coming from the kitchen. Richard opened the door and the dogs burst out. Teal's tail was going so fast that her entire body snaked towards him. He gently caught her head but she pushed through between his legs. He tightened them gently below her shoulders and roughly stroked her back. She pushed on through as he patted her hindquarters. She moved on to Deborah. Tilly was hard behind Teal and he bent down to cup her neck. She climbed up him and licked...
The honeymoon was over in a flash. They were blessed with fine weather and could walk or go sightseeing as they wished. It was a time for talking and laughing and loving. The more time they spent together the deeper grew their love and the intertwining of their minds. They arrived home mid-afternoon to find a note from Sharon on the kitchen table. 'There's cold pie and salad in the fridge. Enough for three, ' it read. 'Hope you had a lovely time. See you Wed. Lots of love....
"Richard! Richard! Daddy was on the touchline and he came up to me as we ran off. What do I do?" "Where are you, Tig?" he asked trying to keep his voice normal. "In the pavilion by the hockey pitch." "Is Louise there?" "Yes." "Good! What about Miss Thompson, your coach?" "She's here too." "OK, sweetheart. Tell her what happened. She knows that your father isn't allowed anywhere near you. I want the three of you to stay in the changing room until I ring you back in the...
"I need a drink first," said Deborah rootling in the fridge. "You too?" "Yes, please." Deborah poured two glasses of orange juice and sat down at the kitchen table. "We're going to have a very simple wedding: registry office, lunch here for the family followed by a blessing in the village church. No reception as such but we're going to have a lunchtime barbecue for friends and locals here the Wednesday before." "When is the wedding though?" asked Sharon. "I haven't seen you...
Deborah and Gabriela arrived home around half past two. Gabriela was shown to her room and was ecstatic about the view and the flowers. "Did you arrange the flowers?" she asked Richard. "Well, I picked them and then just stuffed them in a vase and spread them about a bit." "Amazing!" They walked the dogs together. Richard asked Gabriela why Geoffrey had landed her with looking after Deborah. "Well," she said, "I really am doing an external course in radiology at UCLH. My father...
Thursday brought Sharon and she arrived with a rush. No-one would have thought that she had gone through a severe emotional experience only forty-eight hours beforehand. "I've started me research and I've got some results," she announced proudly. "Go on then." "Well, Louise knows Annette and likes her. They're not mates or anything but they're both in the same Hockey team. She's little, like her mum, and has the same blue eyes. She's very shy and Louise wonders why her mum...
Richard spent a wretched weekend. He was frustrated at not being able to talk intimately to Deborah while they had walked. On the other hand he was delighted that his initial meeting with Annette had gone so well. Then, off on another tack, just how true was Sharon's prophecy? After all, one took all gypsy fairground predictions with a handful of salt. He ached to ring Deborah up but could not think of an excuse that would not make him look over-keen. "Actually, there were one or two quite...
They walked home with his arm round her shoulders and hers round his waist. The scent of the last of the hawthorn hung heavily in the air. Somewhere a barn owl was calling. Otherwise there was silence. Even the dual carriageway to the West was silent. So were they. Richard was rejoicing quietly that the Jays had accepted the story he had told them although he suspected that Jenny might well have clicked on the full truth of his relationship with Sharon but he also knew she would never hold...
She answered the door almost immediately and took the terrier from Richard. Holding it at arms length she scolded it in the most loving tone of voice before kissing it on the nose and sending it off into the house. "Thank you so much," she said. "Did you have to wait long?" "No problem," he replied. "About twenty minutes. They both came back together. Strength in numbers probably." She grinned. "Little monkeys. How are we going to stop them running off together again...
Richard overheard and moved swiftly from his study into the hall. "Hello, Deborah!" he said and turning quickly to Sharon, "This is Deborah Cooper, Sharon. She's a fellow dog walker who also inveigled me into clearing up after the fly tippers with her. Deborah, this is Sharon Miller who has cleaned our house for us for years. She is also the particular friend I mentioned who has helped me so much after Rachel's death." Sharon turned her head sharply towards him, her eyes filling with...
Richard slept a little too, cradling a woman he loved. He woke when Sharon stirred, tightened his hold on her and kissed her forehead and then her eyes. "Hello, my sweet Sharon," he whispered. She pressed her length against him. "Hello, my darling Richard!" "I'm at a loss for words. When I told you about Deborah, particularly after you'd met her unexpectedly, I thought you'd go pear-shaped." "I nearly did and then you did it again." "Did what?" "You told her that I was a...
Richard played golf on Wednesday morning which was a good thing as it kept him occupied. He played reasonably well, which came as a slight surprise to him considering his distraction, and he enjoyed his opponent's company. They had known each other a long time. That did not stop him being at the tree on time. Deborah had beaten him to it. He glanced round. No one else was in sight. "You beat me to it," he said gathering her in his arms. "Hello, my darling!" "At last!" she said into...
Looking back on that afternoon Richard always wondered how he had survived. The anticipation was almost unbearable. He managed to get himself some lunch and then to walk the dogs but his mind was totally focussed on the evening: his first proper date with Deborah. Was the place clean and tidy enough for her? Of course it was. Sharon had just finished spring-cleaning the place. What if Deborah forgot her toothbrush? He rootled around but failed to find a spare. He recalled someone once saying...
Richard woke at half past eight the next morning which was late for him. They had changed position during the night and she was now spooned up against him, her bottom against his morning erection and his right hand cradling her left breast. Richard lay there happily for some minutes but then heard the dogs banging about and realised too that he needed badly to pee. He eased himself carefully from the bed without waking Deborah and crept to the bathroom where, having relieved himself, he had...
Deborah did a lot of thinking although, as she would later admit to herself, it was not entirely reasoned. She was still furious. She was also scared. Tig was still within reach of that vile man. Anger was the dominant emotion though. Richard had acted on his own and made decisions regarding her daughter's safety without involving her. He had acted on things her sister had said. Things which Liz had no right to say. She had stressed to Richard that they discuss matters that worried them and...
The following day Jeremy eased his car into a convenient spot again. The parents and their cars began to gather but he had no problem. He could still see the school gate and the collection of those who were not walking or bussing home. He felt twinges of lust at a number of the girls who came out but he remained concentrated on his target. A white Volvo backed into the space in front of him. It took some time as the space was small but the driver, a middle-aged woman as far as Jeremy could...
Around the start of March I bumped into an ex girlfriend called Deborah, I used to go out with her about 1990/91 I was 26 and she was 19. sexual wise she was very inexperienced and would just lie there while I was pumping away, after a while we broke up and I had never seen her until march, well we got talking and I found out she was still single, staying with her mum who was now widowed, so we agreed to go out and after a couples of weeks we ended up shagging again and she was not any better...
They duly met on the track by the borrow pit the next afternoon. Richard had already stopped briefly and loaded the piece of car that Deborah had left beside the track the day before. "Hello!" he said. "I've picked up the bit of car. I suggest we put Tilly in with your dog and let Teal ramble. That means we won't have to keep opening and closing the tailgate and exciting the dogs not to mention controlling them. By the way, what's your dog's name?" "That sounds a good plan," she...
Richard leant against the inside of the front door and exhaled with a whoosh. He had expected Sharon to make a scene. Instead, while obviously knocked sideways, she had acted with dignity and grace. That she had still wanted to go to bed with him was a measure of her love for him. Richard had spoken truly when he had told her it was too soon for him to have fallen in love with Deborah and it might well be that, when she told him more about her divorce or daughter, he might be put off. He...
Once they got home Richard made a quick adjustment to his trousers and then got Deborah's case from the back seat and opened the front door. He shut the door and dropped the case as Deborah turned and fell into his arms. He crushed her to him and then quickly released her in case he had hurt her. She reached up, wrapping her arms round his neck and kissed him. It started with warm, soft lips then her tongue darted out pressing against his lips. He opened them and it snaked into his mouth....
Richard began to slip out of her. He tried to pull away. Her arms tightened again. "You're going to leak in a moment, my darling," he whispered. "So?" "You'll be uncomfortable lying in a wet patch." "I'm comfortable lying in your arms." "I know. And I'm happy holding you but..." "Oh, go on then." Richard prised himself away from her and collected a warm damp flannel from the bathroom. He rolled Deborah on her back, gently parted her legs and softly sponged her pussy....
A very happy Richard drove home. He fed the dogs, made himself a cup of tea and picked up the paper. That was habit. He left it unopened as his mind ranged over the last two days: full days and blissfully happy days. He relived the scene in the jewellers, Deborah's hesitant choice of ring and his immediate agreement. Her happiness. Her dealing with the pompous maître d'hôtel. Her happiness. Their teasing and tickling on the way home. Her happiness. The enthusiasm of his sons and their...
Two men arrived early next morning to re-point the chimneystack. Richard noticed that one was always on the ground. He took them a mug of coffee each mid-morning, ascertained that they had both been in the Army and asked of them whether they had both been in the Royal Engineers. "No," replied Ron, the one who worked aloft, with a grin. "I was but this thick ape was a bloody infantryman." "Cheeky bugger," responded Sid equably. Nothing untoward happened that week. Sharon arrived on...
For the last few saturday's I have been fucking Deborah's mother Jane while Deborah is at work. Last friday night I had been talking to Deborah and she had been complaining about a sore head and a general "unwell" feeling which I thought nothing of it, on saturday morning she went to work as usual and I as usual went down to fuck Jane, Jane was ready and waiting for me and when she opened her front door she surprised me by wearing nothing but sussies, now this got me hard and we were soon...
DEBORAH COMES OVER, by Barticlees I knew she was hurting. Hell, I was hurting too, but there was no way I was ever going to get back with that bitch. We were getting a divorce. It was in the works and she called occassionally. She would be crying and bitching at me for something or other but I knew she was hurting. I shouldn't have married...
They were both tongue-tied again, conscious suddenly of the extent of their love. Both were mature and had experienced great grief from their former love lives and yet here they were, head over heels in love again: revelling in each other's minds, characters and personalities. They were passionately in love too, both desiring the physical relationship that was to come but neither quite ready to consummate it yet. "Coffee?" she asked finally. Richard shook his head. "No thanks!" he...
Richard woke to find himself lying on his front. Deborah was straddling him and exploring his back with feather-light touches. She played with the hair at the nape of his neck. She traced the curve of his collarbone across his shoulders. She ran her fingers along the edges of his shoulder blades. He felt her nipples brush against him as she leant forward to softly lick and kiss the back of his neck and then sniff his armpits. A hand traced his spine and then both hands gently stroked the...
My first story so please be gentle on me. All pictures were given to me by Deborah. I was walking my d** one evening when I seen a sexy girl taking out the trash. I stopped and watched her as her young ass swayed in her little shorts. I told myself I need to walk this way more often. About that time I heard a female voice yell out hurry up sis mom wants us to help clean up for when dad gets home Monday. I thought mmmm 3 women alone all weekend. The one taking out the trash was now heading back...
Deborah is an elegant 52 year old professional woman who is single. We have known each other for a decade and she recently confided in me of a secret life which was dramatically different from her appearance.She introduced this into a conversation by mentioning her menopause had passed and then came the revelation after a request for confidentiality. She has worked with me as a fellow counsellor and therefore we trust each other implictly. I must confess what she told me did indeed reveal what...
Richard was approaching the tree five minutes before three. He was determined not to arrive early and to keep up the charade of them meeting by chance. Fortunately, Tilly decided at that moment to disappear onto the old, disused railway line. He was able to call her knowing she would be at least ten minutes about her business. For once he was grateful. He hung about for four and a half minutes before walking on the seventy-five yards to the tree. No Deborah! No Tilly either so that was all...
Sharon tiptoed to the sitting room door. Richard was standing with his hands in his pockets gazing out of the window. Sharon wondered what was going through his mind. If she knew her Richard, it would not just be joy and love. He was too complex for that. He would be getting in a stew about proposing marriage, worrying about what Annette's reaction might be, the engagement ring, the round of the parents and why Deborah had left so quickly even though he now remembered that she was due to...
Richard did his duty by his dogs and then fretted about when he could ring Deborah. She'd collect Annette about seven and be home about twenty minutes later. He wondered how long their 'talk' would take: two minutes or two hours? He paced the house distractedly, his mind whirling. He was not used to feeling so out of control. The dogs caught his mood and were restless, getting under his feet, which added to his frustration and pent up emotions. At eight he could bear it no longer and...
Deborah got back from work at about half past one. They had a snack lunch and were off to see Neil by two. Neil must have been about six foot four in his stocking feet weighing in at about eighteen stone all of which was bone and muscle. Deborah felt as if she only came up to his waist. "How nice to meet you both," he said shaking Richard's hand and then kissing Rachel's, something that surprised her immensely. Neil chuckled. "I only do that for very, very beautiful ladies. You are a...
Wednesday morning and Sharon arrived. She flung her arms round Richard's neck. "Thank you both for ringing me on Saturday," she said. "It made my day." "And you had made our night, my love" Sharon grinned but refrained from asking what was clearly on her mind. Instead she said, "I can't wait to see the ring." "Deborah's going to get back as early as she can to show it to you. She also wants to ask you a favour." "What does she want me to do?" "Wait and see. It's a favour...
Richard decided to leave it to Sharon to say anything about Neil and went back to his study. It was not long before half past twelve and on the dot Sharon knocked on his door. "OK," she said without preamble. "What brings the owner of a taxi firm over to see you?" "How about cars for the wedding?" "Telephone." "And to collect the money I owed him from last Friday." "Post. Come on, Richard my love. Don't bullshit me. I wasn't born yesterday." Richard looked at her, his mind...