My GirlsChapter 29 free porn video

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Victoria and I were ready to go to bed when I saw her eyes narrow and a thoughtful look cross her face. She grabbed her robe and put it on.

"Come on, we have to go talk to Julie again," she said as she headed to the door.

"What? Why? Let the poor girl get some sleep. Hell, let poor me get some sleep. We've had a long day, honey. I'm tired. Can't it wait until tomorrow?" I knew I was wasting my time.

"She's not telling us everything. She's hiding something. We need to talk to her now." I followed her down to the guest room. Victoria knocked on the door.

"Come on in, guys. I knew you would be back!" Julie sighed.

"Why did you know we would be back?" I asked. How come I was always the last to know things?

"Because of the questions you didn't ask. You two are slipping in your old age. I expected better from our top field agent." I saw Victoria's eyes widen in surprise. I grinned at her. "But I am really disappointed in the head of '24'." She sighed dramatically, and then grinned at us, enjoying my discomfort now. "Go ahead, ask your questions."

"Well... why are you here?" I asked. "I mean, I saw you dead. I know a 14 year old boy can make mistakes about things like that, but did you die or not?"

"I will answer your questions if you promise not to laugh at me or think I'm crazy. I sometimes think I'm crazy myself and that's enough." We nodded and she started to talk.

"I was sure I was dying. They had done such horrible things to me, I didn't care if I lived or died. I blacked out, knowing I was dying. I don't know how long I was out, but I woke up in a room that was all white. I will call it a hospital room, for lack of a better term. There was an older man in there. He was taking care of me. He didn't use any instruments of any kind; he just touched me, and sparks of white light or energy would touch me. I would feel better. For the first two days, I was asleep most of the time. When I was awake, I was too weak to talk. Bear in mind my condition, and my age at the time. I have no idea how much of this was dreams, hallucinations, or whatever. But it seemed very real.

When I could talk, he asked me my name. I told him my name was Julie Anderson. He said no, from now on, I was Rachel Thomas. He made me memorize the name. I asked him his name. His eyes twinkled, and he said I could call him Sir, or Father, but he would really like me to call him Daddy. That is what I called him all the time I was there. He would hold me on his lap, cuddle me, and tell me stories about teenage girl superheroes that would save the world. At night, he would let me snuggle up to him, and we would go to sleep. In the morning, I always woke up sleeping on top of him. He never touched me all the time I was there in any way that would be considered inappropriate.

After a couple of weeks, he told me I was ready to leave. I cried, and begged him to let me stay; he was my Daddy, the only one I had left. He said I couldn't stay, that I had to go back. He said I had to meet those superhero girls, and help them save the world. Then he laughed. I cried, telling him he was my family, and I didn't want to leave him. I still remember the words he told me.

"Oh, no, Little One, you have a family back where you came from. There is a man there that will be your husband. He will not be a normal husband. He will do things that other wives would be heartbroken over, but it will not bother you. You will also meet a wonderful woman and some amazing teenage girls there, his daughters. They will glow and have energy just like me. Theirs will be green, and blue, and orange, and yellow, and purple." He lowered his voice, like he was telling me a secret. "There are many other colors, too, but don't tell him that; he doesn't know that yet." Then he laughed. "These people will be your family. Wait for them, they will find you one day. Be a good little girl, and they will find you. Remember, you are Rachel Thomas. You must not be Julie Anderson again until they find you." I could see the tears in her eyes now.

"I have tried, Victoria!" She cried out, sobbing. "I have tried so hard to be good. I have done everything I know how to be as good as I can be. But I must not be good enough, because they have never come to find me. I have spent 23 years waiting, and looking, and they never come. What if I dreamed it all? What if there is no family for me? How long do I wait, until I know either I dreamed it or I am just not good enough? What do I do if they never come? I am so lonely, I want to be loved and needed so badly. I want to meet those girls; they sounded so wonderful, and so good at everything. I want to meet that sweet woman, and that wonderful man. He has daughters; I don't care if he is already married. I won't be heartbroken as other wives would be; I'll gladly share him!" She broke down completely and sobbed, as Victoria held her. She looked over at me, eyes pleading, but I shook my head no, not yet. Victoria had that look like she was going to ignore me. She held Julie, comforting her, wiping away her tears. After awhile, Julie looked at us ruefully.

"I'm sorry. I just get so lonely and emotional. When we talk, Victoria, you always tell me how wonderful Patrick is and I just want that someday for myself. Do you know how lucky you are?" I could tell by the look on Victoria's face that she was about to embarrass me.

"Yes, Julie, I know how lucky I am. I also know how lucky you are going to be tonight. We are going back to our room now. Patrick is going to come back here in a few minutes to be with you. If I see either of you come out of this room except to go to the bathroom before tomorrow morning, there will be hell to pay. Julie, if you don't let him show you what real love is like tonight, I will never speak to you again. Patrick, if you don't show her tonight what love is I will never let you touch me again!" She smiled at both of us, but I could tell by the look on Julie's face she was not sure whether Victoria was serious or not with her threats. "Are you two going to cooperate, or do I have to have Amy come in here and straighten you out?" I raised my hands in mock terror. Well, maybe not mock.

"Victoria... I... I can't do that. He is your husband. Just casual sex would never work for me with him." She turned red as she realized what she had just said, what she had just admitted, and looked down at the floor.

"Did you not hear what I said? I said see what love is about. I did not say sex. I know how you two feel about each other. I've watched it all night long. I'm not giving him to you to marry and run away to Albuquerque, Julie. Just have a night of love. You deserve it, and he is the best. You will not upset me. This is not the first time I asked him to do this. I told you we were an unusual family. And if the man you are to meet has daughters and may already be married, you better get used to sharing. Now, I am going to take Patrick back with me to our room for a few minutes; you just get ready for the time of your life." Victoria grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to our room.

"Are you crazy, Victoria? What are you doing?" I asked her. Sometimes I just wanted to smack her!

"Did you not hear the description of the family she gave? Whom do you think that man was describing? When are we going to tell her?" Victoria seemed excited.

"We are not going to tell her. We are going to let her find out about it herself; if indeed it is our family he was talking about. And have you forgotten that you just signed me up for another wife the other day, in the person of Samantha?"

"Patrick, I talked to Samantha after that. She is grateful for my offer, but she is not in love with you. She loves you dearly; she would love to sleep with you and make mind-blowing, wonderful, sweet love with you sometimes, but she is not looking for a replacement for Robert. She wants exactly what she said that first time; a soft shoulder to cry on and a warm, friendly body to sleep with sometimes. That's all you want from her, too, isn't it?" I had to admit she was right.

"Please, honey, I know I embarrass you sometimes like this, but please, love her tonight. It doesn't ever have to go farther if neither of you want it to, but if that story of hers is right, we are going to have a very unusual marriage and family. But don't worry about that tonight. Just help her to know there are people that love her and she is not hopeless. For me? Please?"

I sighed heavily. There were times when she just drove me crazy. She always thought she could cure every love sick and lonely person in the world. If it was someone I loved, she just didn't have any problems with me sleeping with them. At the same time, if I ever slept with someone I didn't love, just for the sake of sex, I knew without a doubt I would not live long. The thing she just would never understand was that I felt guilty about it sometimes. Hell, I still felt guilty sometimes about our daughters and her friends. I would be perfectly happy with just her. I was worried about this with Julie. She had always been special to me. I knew I was special to her too. I wasn't sure she could handle sleeping together just as a sometimes thing. But spending a night just cuddling with Julie was something I could really enjoy, and what Victoria didn't know about what went on wouldn't hurt me! I really did love Victoria, and I greatly respected her for her attempts to help those who needed love, but sometimes it was hard on me. I guess it would have just been easier if I were the stereotypical male that would sleep with any good looking girl anytime. In that aspect, my view point was more similar to a woman's; I had no interest in sex if I didn't love the woman, and I was much more comfortable with a physical relationship like that with just one person. I knew I had the ability to love more than one person at a time, I just didn't feel the need to, or the desire to. I knew it sounded hypocritical considering the life I was leading, but real life and what we were comfortable with was not always the same thing. All that sounded good, but I was also aware that it was partially my fault too. I was the one that couldn't, or didn't, say no to Cindi and Katie, that started all this.

Victoria gave me a smoldering kiss before I left, beaming a brilliant smile at me. She truly was a special woman. When I walked back into the guest room, it was dimly lit. I guess Julie wanted to spare both of us embarrassment and had gotten in bed already. She turned to me as I got into bed next to her. I could see she was blushing already.

"Patrick, I'm so sorry! This is so embarrassing. We don't have to do anything tonight; we can just snuggle if you want. Victoria can be so forceful sometimes!" She was apologizing to me for Victoria?

"Victoria, forceful? You think? Are you sure we are talking about the same woman?" We both had a good laugh at my wife's expense.

"Julie, this is kind of awkward for me, too. I have just met you again after 23 years. I loved you when we knew each other before. There was no possibility it could be a physical love because of your age, but you were a wonderful little girl that I thought the world of. I have to admit that had you been older, maybe, probably, something would have happened between us. I am just not into casual sex, without truly caring about the person, and although I still think you are wonderful, it has only been one day. Victoria decides things really quickly, and thinks everyone else does too. I just don't want you hurt, honey." I felt like I was rambling, and I hoped I had not made assumptions or hurt her feelings. Julie looked at me with big moist eyes.

"I love you, Patrick. I did when I was six years old, too. It is wonderful being here with you and Victoria again. I think it is so neat that you two are married. But I am just not into casual sex either. I could easily have sex with you, but I'm not sure it could just be a one time thing. And I love you and Victoria to death and would never get in between you two."

"What if I were the husband that man told you about? What if Victoria was the wonderful woman? What if our girls were the superheroes? What would you feel then?" I wanted to know where she stood on the subject; I had a feeling Victoria was not going to let this go. Julie gave me a nervous little smile.

"You are being honest with me, so I owe you the same. Honestly? I would take it in a moment. I don't know why. I have always been very conservative with relationships. But you and Victoria are so special to me, always have been, I really would leap at the chance to have a relationship with this family. It would not bother me in the least to share you with Victoria... or with the girls or their friends." She blushed bright red. "I really don't know why I am saying this, why it wouldn't bother me; I just am sure it would not. I only wish it were true. I have never felt closer to a group of people as I have you guys in the last day. I even cried for Cindi and Katie and I don't even know them!"

Since it was late, as we talked, we eventually ended up lying on the bed, facing each other. It wasn't long before we had our arms around each other. Finally, at the end of the sentence about Cindi and Katie, I reached over and kissed Julie on the lips. She gave a little cry and hugged me tight, plastering her lips and body against mine. She was the one that first inserted her tongue into my mouth, and I did the same. We kissed for quite a while, and then I ran my hand slowly down her side. She gasped and kissed me harder. Both of us were beginning to breathe hard. It was about that time I heard a timid little knock on the door. Julie jumped, and started to pull away, but I continued to hold her close.

"Come on in, Amy," I called out softly. There was pause, then the door opened slowly and a red-faced Amy walked in timidly.

"How did you know... Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude!" Yeah, right! Like she didn't know we were in here together and what we were doing. Sometimes she treats me as if she thinks I'm an idiot! She started to turn and walk out when Julie spoke up.

"Come on in, Amy. It's ok. Your Dad and I are just getting reacquainted. I would love to get to know you better, too. Come on up here with us." Amy looked surprised, but walked over to the bed and jumped in next to me. She looked at us and our increased breathing and giggled.

"So, that's why Mom is so happy, singing and whistling to herself in her room. She's kind of pushy, isn't she? Not laid back like me!" Even she couldn't say that without giggling. "Julie, I'm so glad you are here! I like you already. I hope Mom hasn't embarrassed you too much. I hope you'll come back often. I can already see what my Dad thinks about you!" Amy reached over and gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek. Julie laughed at her.

"You can give him a better kiss that that, sweetheart! I know how close you all are in this family. You don't have to pretend around me. Would you like to help me make love to him tonight, since your Mom has ordered us to?" Julie laughed as Amy turned bright red and looked like a deer in the headlights. She looked like she was going to cry.

"Please! Don't tell anyone! How did you find out? I didn't blow it again, did I? I'm sorry, Daddy." Amy was upset, thinking she had spilled the beans. Julie grabbed her and hugged her tight.

"It's ok, sweetie, I won't tell. I love your Daddy too. You didn't blow it. Do you want to sleep with us tonight?" I was amazed that Julie and Amy were getting along this well so soon. Amy didn't seem jealous at all.

"I would love to, but I better not. Mom would kill me! However, maybe we can talk later and I can tell you what to do to him that really drives him wild! I think I know a thing or two that Mom hasn't even discovered yet. And if you really want some advice, ask Katie. She can tire him out faster than anyone I've seen." She suddenly looked scared, afraid she had given away too much again.

"Yes, she knows about Katie too. And she probably doesn't need your help, little twerp! Now get out of here, before you get us both in trouble with your Mom!" Amy leaned over, gave me a sizzling kiss, laughed, and ran her hand gently over my erection. Then she giggled and scooted out the door before I could smack her.

"Now, where were we?" Julie asked, giggling, as she started kissing me again. Soon, we were hot and breathing hard again. I shivered as she reached up and started unbuttoning my pajama tops, opening them up all the way and rubbing my chest. She was blushing as she did it. "Hot in here, isn't it?" she whispered. She took my shirt off, and then looked at me, still blushing. Apparently she wasn't gutsy enough to go for my pants. What the hell, I thought. I took all my clothes off, and then watched her look nervous as I started to take her clothes off. She gulped, but made no move to stop me. When I saw her body, I was stunned at how beautiful she looked. I stared at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"You are so beautiful!" I blurted out. She looked embarrassed, and if possible, blushed even more. We hugged each other close. I slid my hand down her side, running it gently first across her breast, then softly, briefly over her pubic hair. She cried out and trembled, holding me close. I put my arms around her and hugged her close again, kissing her.

"Julie, honey, I don't want to embarrass you or anything, but... um... you've never done anything like this before, have you?" She looked down and shook her head, and started to cry.

"I'm sorry! I just... always wanted you. After you weren't around anymore, there just wasn't anyone else I wanted to do it with. I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that. I don't want to pressure you!" I kissed her tears away, and held her. I could feel her trembling. Wow! A 29-year-old virgin, with absolutely no experience. No wonder she didn't get into casual sex!

"Julie, honey... let's just snuggle and sleep together tonight. I don't think either of us is ready to go any farther tonight." I gave her a long kiss, just to let her know it wasn't because I wasn't interested.

"Thank you!" She gasped, out of breath. "I do want you; I just am not sure about this whole deal with Victoria. What if she changes her mind? My, Amy looks just like her, doesn't she? What a precious young lady! Is she always that... bold?" Julie seemed to really be impressed by the little imp.

"Actually, she was behaving tonight. Normally, she would have just come out and asked if she could stay and watch! She does tend to embarrass the others a lot."

"Is Megan all right? She seemed very quiet and... I don't know, something, tonight." Julie seemed genuinely concerned. I didn't know what to tell her without getting into things I didn't want to talk about tonight.

"Megan had what would be to a teenage girl a life-altering experience today. She's all right. She is always quiet. She is very sweet, very quiet, but in her case, still waters run deep." I was impressed with Julie so far. What a delightful young lady.

We stayed up most of the night, talking, kissing, snuggling. We weren't completely able to keep to our decision; I did stroke her pussy and clit softly for a few minuets, listening and watching in delight as she gasped, whimpered, and closed her eyes. When I stopped, she cried softly, and then gave me the hottest kiss of the night. We lay naked against each other all night long. When I woke up the next morning, I was spooned up against her. We kissed and made out some more before we got up.

We were the talk of the party when we got up. Everyone looked at us and grinned real big. Julie blushed almost constantly, which didn't help the rumor mill. Of course, Amy had to tell everyone what we were doing when she came in. I thought Victoria was going to kill her when she heard she went into our room. I was being quiet, not really speaking much. Several times Julie beamed a high voltage smile at me, and I smiled right back. The girls thought it was so funny. They were all convinced we had been rabbits all night long. Later, Victoria dragged me into the bedroom to talk.

"So, how was she? How many times did you make her come? Is she good? Don't keep me in suspense, tell me!" Her eyes were twinkling.

"I don't know how she is. All we did was kiss and make out some. We did a lot of that, though. We talked a lot. We didn't make love," I explained. Victoria looked at me, trying to act irritated.

"What?!? I give you one little job to do and I can't even depend on you..." She was trying to keep from laughing, but I could also see the question in her eyes, as she reached over and rumpled my hair.

"Victoria, please. Give me a break, will you? Please don't tease me. We need to talk about this, honey." I was not in the mood to play. I was worried. I could tell she was worried too, that she had noticed how quiet I was this morning. She sobered up quickly.

"What's the matter, honey? Let's talk." She pulled me over to the bed, and we sat down. "You two didn't have a fight or something, did you?"

"No, just the opposite. We got along fine. But... Victoria, did you know she is a virgin? She has no experience whatsoever." I was finding this difficult to talk about.

"So? I'm surprised, but not shocked. She's very shy. All the better for you to be the first. You were so good with Amy. What's the problem?" Victoria was confused.

"Honey, she is inexperienced because she wanted me to be her first years ago, and she's never found anyone that she wanted more." Was she deliberately being obtuse?

"Okay. So, her first time would be with someone she really loves, that turns her on, that she has wanted for years. I'm still not seeing the problem here, sweetheart. That's the way your first time is supposed to be." She looked at me, confused, then the light came on and she hugged me close, holding me gently. She kissed my lips, then kissed me on the neck and whispered into my ear.

"But the problem's not her, is it? The problem is with you, isn't it? It's ok, sweetie, tell me about it." She was being very gentle now, knowing I was really upset.

"Victoria, I don't even know how to begin to talk about this. I was shaken to my very core last night with Julie. I don't even know how to describe what happened. I'm embarrassed and upset and I feel... guilty, like I have betrayed you." I was shaking, near tears. She continued to hold me close and kissed me again. She was smiling at me, a smile filled with love.

"Ah! So that's it. You men are so silly and clueless sometimes... ok, all the time!" She smiled to keep from giving offense. "So you're in love with Julie Anderson. That's wonderful! I'm still having a hard time seeing the problem here." I looked at her, stunned. How could she know that? Was I that obvious? Oh, God, what would the girls think of me?

Same as My Girls
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Reddit Simps, aka r/Simps! Unlike what most of you would believe, the subreddit titled r/simps/ has nothing to do with today’s meme simp. I am pretty sure that that is what the majority of you have thought about when you saw this subreddit, but alas, it is wrong. What Simp stands for, in this situation, is the way the pussy lips are shaped.We have all watched The Simpsons, and well, you know how Homer’s mouth are, right? Well, be it Simp, Simpson, homer, or Homer Simpson vagina lips, it is all...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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I Cant Believe I Did This

I know right from wrong, but today was such an opportunity, I just couldn't resist. My son, who I gave birth too as a teeneager, and I were home alone for at least an hour, something that rarely happens. I knew what that he was cruising the site and he was sitting in his desk chair with his back to an open door, short pants but no shirt on.I walked up quietly, just curious to what his interests were. I figured my dark brown 18 year old son would be fixated on white teen girls...

4 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 31

We met in the bathroom. Karen said, “I almost feel guilty about our suits and our actions today. For being in public, that was pushing the envelope. The problem was I enjoyed teasing you and seeing the affect you have on other women, even our mothers and your sister.” We were holding each other fully clothed. She pulled me tighter and said, “We will be more circumspect at the club tonight. I’m wearing slacks.” My face dropped into a pout. “Don’t worry. Melissa helped pick out the entire...

4 years ago
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The Heatwave Back to nature

Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...

4 years ago
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Feminist HighschoolChapter 5

It was just Dan, Krista, and Lisa in the old music room today. Mia was off selling the idea of Dan being their fuckboy to her fellow cheerleaders. Greg was with Cara munching her pussy. Carla had a cold. Not everyone could be doing something exciting. “So, what did you find out, Lisa?” Dan said. “Working from Greg’s information, I followed Cara to Nora.” Krista sat next to Dan on the couch and told him, “Nora doesn’t go to classes. She’s already passed all her courses. She just goes to...

2 years ago
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Success and Stress

Six foot four inches and two hundred pounds. That's what Westin had measuredin at when he left the gym locker room that morning. He was thirty-three yearsold, and had recently taken an interest in how much of an effect gravity hason him. By this evening he would only measure six foot three and a half inches. Statistics like this weighed heavily on his mind. He had graduated Stanfordwith a B.S. in statistics, and a minor in finance. Statistics were always inhis head. It wasn't a curse, more of...

1 year ago
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Thirst Of My Shy and Traditional Wife 8211 Part 2

Just as Deepti was going to speak, the doorbell rang, and they both froze at the very instance. They both rushed. Deepti, feeling shy, quickly fastened her blouse hooks and adjusted her saree. She then went to answer the door. When she opened the door, there was nobody. The disappointment on her face could be seen. The doorbell ruined the wonderful moment she had been experiencing. I was also curious to know who pressed the bell button. Hence I went back in time through the recording to quench...

3 years ago
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First college party

It's been a while since I posted a story, but a it's been because it's been a while since I hooked up so the day I was invited to a college party by one of my friends I knew I had to go since almost all college partys end with going home with someone to drunk fuck. My friend carly invited me to a college party one day during class, she said it was going to be at a guys house, not a large party, more of a kick back, but there was going to be a fair amount of people. I ofcourse said yes and she...

3 years ago
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Neil And His Mom Kirty 8211 Back At Home 8211 Beginning Of A Sex Saga 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, and thank you to all those who appreciated my previous story (Neil And His Mom, Kirty – A Threesome With Mom – Part 1). I am bringing you the second part of the story, and hope you all enjoy it. Please share your views and feedback on My mother is a sexy lady and her curvaceous full figured body is a treat for every eye. Her body is similar to the Telugu actress Swathi Naidu, except my mom is fairer and has huge breasts. Her face too resembles Swathi Naidu to some extent. After...

2 years ago
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Zacks Style V

Fred softly massaged my breast. He leaned down to my ear and told me how hot I was. I was having the same dream over and over, and I felt guilty about it. I know you are not responsible for what you dream, but this always seemed so natural. I had to talk to somebody about it, so why not my husband? I had done nothing to be unfaithful to him."Fred, can I tell you about my dreams?""Of course, baby, what is bothering you so much."I relayed all about my dreams. Conrad with me, the twins and their...

1 year ago
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The Nervous Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a young princess who surpassed in loveliness all of the days of spring. She was such a beautiful child that when she bathed in the stream beside her father's castle, the sun himself felt unworthy to shine upon her, and he burned more brightly, consuming himself to clothe her in radiance. She was fair-complected, with golden flowing hair, eyes of sapphire and the soft blush of roses in her cheeks. Her hands and feet were delicate, her hips were slender, and her...

1 year ago
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The Demimonde Pt 1

I realized she was blonde when I first caught sight of her, though the light in the room I had been ushered into by a set of concerned, well-dressed managers made it difficult to ascertain for sure. She was naked, of course, well-toned, athletic, a rack you could hang your head on for a awhile if you swung that way--which by the looks of it most people here did. She was a real looker. A catch. A peach. A woman you would brag to your friends about. One you might take home to the folks, too, so...

3 years ago
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mother in law strapon

My name is Paul and I love my mother in law, we have always got on well together ever since I married her daughter 20 years earlier, we had even progressed to a little titillation and on more than one occasion she had caught me looking at her legs when she sat cross legged on the sofa and a couple of times when I tried to peer down her top to see what color bra she had or if she even wore one or as much of her breasts as possible, she would always give me one of those sexy knowing smiles. Carol...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Chloe Cherry Deepthroat And DP 3Way

Leggy, platinum blonde sex kitten Chloe Cherry flaunts her sexy fuck doll frame in tiny lingerie — top, stockings and white pumps. Veteran flesh merchant Chris Streams preambles with a candid interview as young Chloe confesses that she really loves having both of her holes stuffed with cock! ‘It’s so intense’ the lusty girl says. Enter reliable, clean-cut studs Seth Gamble and Codey Steele. Chloe gives each big cock a deepthroat blowjob. Seth fucks her doggie-style as...

2 years ago
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Yoursquore My Bitch Now Neighbor takes a wife a

You’re My Bitch Now (Neighbor takes a wife against her will)It had been awhile since I cut loose, spring was here and I was tired of being cooped up in the house alone. I decided to have a get together and invite some friends from work over several weeks ago. Sabrina lived next door, her husband was gone a lot for business and I knew she liked to party a bit and might enjoy the company of others being around so I gave her a call and invited her over too. Besides, it never hurts to invite...

4 years ago
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A girl called Bree

It's a cool, bright spring evening as you leave the building through the revolving door. The week finally becoming a memory, the offer of after works drinks politely declined and you're free to relax and enjoy the weekend. Peace, quiet, freedom and privacy. You decide to walk back to your apartment, the exercise will do you good, and the fresh air will be a tonic. With each step the streets become quieter and you find yourself on a familiar street with oft visited shops. You pause...

1 year ago
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The Most Amazing Sex

She had to be the most gorgeous girl i'd ever seen naked. She grabbed me by my hand and led me to her room... I had been stayin with her and her father and she and I hadn't been dating long when her father decided he was going boating for the day. We started out in the shower... she really turned into something else in the shower... I couldn't help but notice how beautiful... how sexy she was with hot water running down her perfect body and down her stomach, between her legs and onto the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With My Maid

Hi readers nenu vijayawada lo vuntanu na age 23 now height 5.9″ munduga thanks to all writers me yokka inspiration tho nenu ma maid tho enjoy cheya galigyanu tanq so much thank you so much once again. Na story nachitey mail me sorry for the mistakes first time kada Ok story lo ki weltey nenu vundey street baga class ga vuntundi so we are rented in one of yhe house. Ma house owner aunty oka maid ni pettukunaru edi last year jarigindi nenu appudu studies meda baga concentration lo vundi...

2 years ago
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The Librarian

I'm in my mid 50s and I find myself saying more often; "they were different times", when I talk about past decades. When I think back to "Mrs G" the librarian, when I was at university in Adelaide, it becomes poignant again.I studied at a university in Adelaide in the mid 1980s. I spent a lot of time in the library. It wasn't all about study. A lot of it was about Mrs G; the librarian. In 1985, I was 22 and Mrs G was about twenty years older. Nowadays, she would be called a "chunky BBW mature...

2 years ago
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April in Texas Ch 02

It was noise that woke me up, the noise of big jets flying low over the hotel coming into the San Antonio airport. The half light of early sunrise lit the room. Louie was already up, in the bath. The door was open and I could hear him urinating a strong long piss that probably drained a quart of liquid from his body. When he came back to bed, he noticed that I was awake. ‘Are you OK today?’ he asked. ‘Yeah, well pretty much…get me a glass of water.’ Next thing Louie carried the water over,...

3 years ago
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First Gay Fuck

I am about 5.5 height with medium sized dick and fair complexion coming to sex story.I myself posted an ad on some social site and was waiting for a response. When no response came I myself started thinking of fuck. Well, I am a virgin till now.With very tight asshole so was thinking how it will be to be fucked.I started to feel horny and started to browse through the list of ads and came upon an ad seeking needed bottom gay.It seemed interesting and I contacted that person.His name is Raj(name...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Pool Jerk

While on holiday in Florida with a friend, I stayed at a 3 story motel which had a pool. After a day's site seeing we would go back to the our room, shower and change before going out on the town.One particular day we had walked miles and my friend said he was going to take a nap before we set out for the evening. I was still wide awake and feeling particularly horny so I decided to cool down and take a dip in the pool. I slipped on a pair of ordinary shorts without any underwear underneath,...

3 years ago
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Passionate Night With A Married Colleague

Hi, friends, I am narrating a real life passionate episode with one of my friend’s wife who happens to be my office colleague. I am sure the lady involved will vouch for it. Your encouragement will help me to share more such episodes so pls do give your feedback for my sex story on or I also advise /counsel couples on relationship troubles and sexual issues, pls don’t hesitate to reach out to me as a pen friend to help you guys. Enjoy the read! My name is Rahul Bhardwaj from Mumbai, and am...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 195

WHY WE LOVE CHILDREN 1) NUDITY I was driving with my three young children one warm summer evening when a woman in the convertible ahead of us stood up and waved. She was stark naked! As I was reeling from the shock, I heard my 5-year-old shout from the back seat, 'Mom, that lady isn't wearing a seat belt!' 2) OPINIONS On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, 'The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Alessandra Noir G75

Alessandra Noir is back this week. In case you missed her first update (check it out now) you’ll notice she has the most amaaaaazing pussy lips. Those things are meaty, and you don’t see lips like that everyday. Those of you who DIDN’T miss her first update know, this is one of the horniest girls we’ve ever had. Last time she pretty much outlasted the Cocksmen which is no easy feat. This go round she’s hoping to do the same. It’s a lovely summer afternoon,...

2 years ago
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Chachi aur chachi ki ladki

Hi all sexy readers mera nam rohan hain. Main 25 sal ka ek gora our sexy ladka apko meri ek sachi aur sexy kahani sunana chahta kuch 2 sal pahle ki bat hain. Ek din me apne chacha ke gar chutiyo me gaya tha. Vaha mere chaha ,chachi aur meri ek cousin raheti hain jo mere se 2 sal choti hain. Uska naam MAMTA hain. Mamta aur mere bich kuch jyada difference nahi hain isiliye ham dono me bahot banti hain. Jab ham chote te tam hamne kai bar sath me bath bhi liya huva hain. Ab main asli...

3 years ago
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Breakfast in bed

You wake up around 7am on the morning of your girlfriend's birthday. She's still sound asleep, snuggled up and smiling slightly. She's an adorably little blonde with a big, devilish smile and piercing, beautiful eyes. The two of you are so in love. You slide stealthily out of bed and hurry downstairs to make your famous eggs benedict. You fry up some potatoes and mix some fruit and yogurt in a bowl, then head back up to her room. You place the spread down on the night stand and kiss Wendi...

2 years ago
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BimboTech Help Wanted

There was a man scraping off the painted name on the door of Millennial Innovations Incorporated when Arianna got to the 32nd floor. The pretty young Dominican-American's heart fell. She just needed to fill out one more job application in order to get her unemployment check for that week. She was sure this would be her last stop—the help wanted add clearly showed she was under qualified for the position, so she would be sure not to get the job. It was perfect! But now the research and...

2 years ago
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Trapped and Trained Sissy Ch 01

Trapped and Trained Ch. 01I responded to an ad on Craigslist from some guy asking for help to move some furniture. He was paying pretty well and, after I practically laughed at him for asking if I could lift the furniture, he agreed to have me over to get it done. We moved everything around for what felt like hours, often moving the same piece of furniture to what seemed like the same place it was originally. Finally he decided he liked the new arrangement, which wasn't that drastically...

4 years ago
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group lecture

Mal was running late for his lecture, he had been delayed by the building planners for his new establishment. he was introduced hurriedly but knew there were many familiar faces in the audience. he had been asked to lecture back in his home town one night by a rep, an evening talk light hearted but with a little bit of learning for the new people in his discipline. he had thought at the time i wonder where all my old friends are. as he started the talk he mentioned his start here, and how...

2 years ago
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Almost got my bbw girlfriend pregnant

No names. The story begins.A met a woman who imo was the most attractive BBW I've seen in my town white, brown hair about 250ibs big saggy boobs. We were in a job training program. And has helped each other out on occasion. Until my gut kept telling me to ask her out, but other things were telling me she was taken. But I decided to go for it and tried having a conversation with her.She seemed hooked, came off with openly talking to me about stuff and fast forward a few days after knowing much...

1 year ago
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Aventuras no estrangeiro

Há uns anos atrás, vivi 4 meses na Alemanha. Mas a história não envolve nenhuma Alemã (com pena minha) mas sim uma norte americana. Chamemos lhe K. K era uma mulher loura com cabelo curto mas bom para agarrar, peitos pequenos mas firmes e, mais importante ainda, uma maluca entre 4 paredes. Curiosamente, a primeira vez que a conheci estava um bocado (muito) embriagado, mas ainda sabia o que estava a fazer, numa festa com um pessoal que se encontrava na mesma situação que eu (erasmus). Eis que...

2 years ago
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Start To A Great Vacation

Beginning a vacation to Orlando !! Finally a get away with the wife, We have been planning a vacation for years but just have had no time. So we booked our flight and arranged the hotel for our trip to Disneyland. So when we finally got to the airport we made it through security and to the terminal. I told her I wanted to get more comfortable for the flight, so I took my carry on to the bathroom were I proceeded to change into my loose baggy shorts. Also wanted to feel free, so the underwear...

3 years ago
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Sexual Healing Final Chapter

The night thermostat had long since kicked in and the living room was cool, despite the crackling flames in the fireplace. Kimberly snuggled under the light comforter with Jerry, who had his left arm draped lightly over her shoulder. Her eyes were closed and her head lolled on his shoulder. Emily was pressed against Kims other side, her face snuggled into Kims shoulder and her lips against the side of her neck. Her hand was a constantly moving phantom under the comforter, gliding over Kims ripe...

1 year ago
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By Command of Julias InvitationChapter 19

Creed’s mind was far from the turmoil he’d expected, on succumbing to his admission of desire to know the rope at the behest of womanhood, and the eager consent of dominant femininity to which there would be no reverse. The shame of his utter submission displayed so graphically by the crude and humiliating proclamation which was so deservedly hung about his neck, served to radiate a perpetually erotic high within him, which was furthered by the spiteful lust of the plethora of women who put...

2 years ago
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A Lovely Train Journey

I was lots younger in those days, on a Train bound for the Royal Marines Commando Training Centre, to begin the All Arms course, known as the "Plastic Commando" course; the train seemed to be very slow, when all of a sudden, a very beautiful foreign girl came into my carriage, asking if I had anything to drink? I think she noticed my short haircut, because as she sat down next to me, she stroked the back of my hair and neck, which made my nipples stand on end, and began stirrings downstairs in...

2 years ago
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College Roomates oral experiments

It was John's first year in college and living away from home was certainly a big change for him. He was from Vermont and going to school down in Connecticut. His college dorm roommate, Steve, was from New York and the two of them had become close friends during the last several months. They both were studying criminal justice and had similar interests in music and sports. John and Steve talked about girls all the time, but neither one of them currently had a girlfriend. John is a tall skinny...

2 years ago
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Watched while fucking his mum

This is a story of when I met up with Paula, when I noticed her son was watching us.I must have met Paula about a month ago while shopping, she was by herself when she dropped her purse and I went to pick it up for her. We began talking when she told me that she was a divorced mum of two her eldest being a 20 year old daughter and her youngest being a 14 year old son. She told that she had a partner but he was rarely home as he worked up north alot. After talking and flirting with her we...

2 years ago
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Holes In My Wall Part 2

My name’s Christina. Ever since the summer I’ve been obsessed with the holes in my closet wall.My cousin Jeff put them there so he could spy on my cousin Elisha and I changing. But also so that he could return the favor by allowing us to spy on him. Our voyeuristic shows became so intense that my cousin finally stuck his thick rock hard manhood straight through the wall so Elisha and I could suck him off.It was so erotic and exciting in my dull life that I didn’t want it to end. I became...

3 years ago
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Chode Amar Bnara

Satyi katha bolte pompa j ekta asto gudmarani bujhini,jedin prothom ami or pechchhap dekhlam gud vorti bal dekhe ami hotobak.bouer sathe sutam paser hisikhanay ki swasuri ki shali pechchhap korte galei kan khara korechhi,swashuri pechchhap korchhe sobdo hochchhe jeno gai jol chharchhe,bouer dnariye hishi koray pore jenechhi gaier moto awaj hoy dnariye pnod tule du’angule gud fnak kore pechchhap korle amon chhr chhor awaj hoy r pompa jokhon pechchhap kore,o jane, ami awaj shunte valobasi,ami...

4 years ago
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Frustrated Part II

In my earlier story Frustrated, I described how I caught my good friend Charlie fucking my wife Kelly. Later when I confronted her, she said that all I ever wanted was for her to suck my cock and that I had neglected her needs. She had turned her infidelity on me and made me the culprit, and her the victim. I soon left for North Carolina via the car train to help oversee the installation of a new computer system in our Charlotte office. On the way, I got my cock sucked by a guy and sucked a...

Gay Male
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Cousins a Tale of Teenage Incest Part 1

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

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