The Case Of The Reluctant InformerChapter 3 free porn video

Last night, Sandra had tossed and turned in bed with images of the DA's sexy secretary, Sophie, bending over and slowly licking her aroused nipples. Once, she awoke to find herself stroking her own nipples in her sleep. They were hard as rocks and her pajama bottoms were quite damp between her legs. She had to smile at her own foolishness. Just because that woman had a fantastic ass was no reason to dwell on it in her sleep.
Then, she thought of the DA himself, Mr. Alex Cord, and his legs slamming into her bent over ass leaning over the conference room table.
The sound he made as he shot his full load into her clutching pussy was something she would never forget for a long, long time. Sandra hoped that he would continue to use her willing body as often as he wanted. The feel of his beautiful long, thick cock was so very delightful. She smiled at the incongruity of her desire for Alex Cord's lovely cock and the sexual arousal she felt when Sophie came close to her. There was no point in trying to figure herself out, Sandra was aware of her sexual contradictions. She had long ago given up trying to make rhyme or reason of it.
The entire file (Case Blue) was locked safely inside her briefcase. She could go straight to the meeting with the FBI without stopping at the office.
Quickly, she gobbled down a small breakfast of rice krispies and skim milk. She applied a light make-up with just lipstick and some color to her cheeks. Her appointment at the Federal building was all business and no cameras. Her cell phone rang just as she got to her car in the underground garage. It was the District Lab. She decided to wait until after the meeting to answer her call. That was a mistake she seldom made when she was not in such a hurry. Sandra hated to be late for any appointment. It was a fetish with her and she gave promptness her first priority.
The bubble room was crowded with representatives of several different agencies. She recognized some of the players, but there were some new faces. She saw Alex in a corner talking to the forensic technician from the State lab, Derek. Sandra hoped their conversation was strictly business and not about her physical shortcomings.
Sophie was across from her.
She was busy with her encrypted stenography laptop preparing a file on the proceedings for the DA's office.
Sophie looked up for an instant and gave Sandra a quick smile that said, "I can't wait to get you alone".
Sandra opened her briefcase and took out several sets of file summaries. She had made eight thinking that would be sufficient, but was still short one. Derek told her he would get one from her later.
After a few clearings of throats, and scraping of chairs, the meeting came to order.
These meetings were heavily laden with formality. The introductions, the background info, the jockeying for dominance in the interdepartmental turf wars. Finally, it was Sandra's turn to give the meat of the purpose of the meeting. How they would be able to take down a well-financed and politically connected drug cartel operating all throughout the District and the States of Virginia and Maryland. She was interrupted by Dominique Duvalier, the Maryland Asst. Attorney General, who proclaimed in a dubious voice,
"Honey, I don't think you know what the hell is going on in my jurisdiction at all. Unless you got some deep cover informants we are not aware of." The striking looking, well-dressed black woman was somewhat incensed at the District going straight to the Feds without her knowledge.
"Perhaps, ma am, we can quickly cover the pertinent facts first, and then the committee can make a determination?"
Seeing she was boxed in, the Maryland AG waved her hand in disdainful agreement and went back to reading the copy of the report.
Sandra pointed out the list of confiscated weapons and the report of suspected heavy weaponry in the hands of the organized gang. The representative of the ATF was reading both lists with a look of disbelief at the extent of their armament.
She concluded her report with the overlay of the interlocking infrastructure of the trafficked girls working in houses, in massage parlors, on the streets, and even at special events and parties with important people. The gangbangers themselves, mostly illegals, who had been deported more than once and always found their way back to the area around Washington, DC. The drugs coming in by female mules on flights from Central and South America, or driven up I-95 from drop-off points along the Florida coastline.
It all fit together as the largest drug cartel in the World operating in the shadow of the White House itself.
The was a period of silence after Sandra made her presentation. She was afraid that her report had fallen on deaf ears.
It was the Virginia Attorney General who broke the quiet.
"Gentlemen and Ladies, we have been handed a hot potato. We are either going to have mashed potatoes or burned hands."
Sandra was surprised that ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) was named the lead agency. She surmised it was because they had been burned bad recently with negative reports about misguided entrapment projects against the cartels. Probably that and the fact that they had a healthy budget to draw funding from.
The Maryland Assistant AG, Dominique Duvalier was none too pleased and it looked like she was literally grinding her teeth.
She was relieved to find out her lab was tasked only with processing evidence from the murder scene and the drug cutting operation in downtown Washington, DC right next to the seats of power. Sandra made arrangements with Derek to review the forensic evidence one more time to see if they had missed anything. She was also running down leads on the location of Josie's sister, Maria. Her APB (All Points Bulletin) on "Wolfman" Rickie aka Ricardo Romero was a seemingly dead end. She did have one more reliable CI (Confidential Informant) who moved in the right circles and supplied her with helpful intelligence on a quid pro quo basis.
The call to her inside source was answered almost immediately.
"I think you dialed the wrong number, hon, mine is listed under Marine place ever since August 10th. Sorry."
Sandra got the coded message that her source would meet her tonight at The Iwo Jima Memorial at 8 PM and they would only have 10 minutes to talk. She was obviously on a tight schedule and needed to account for her travels and her time.
The lights were already on when Sandra sat down on the nearby bench. The Sun had already disappeared over the horizon.
A young girl with a biker's helmet under her arm sat down next to her.
"Make this quick, will you. I don't have much time. The boss man is keeping close tabs on every one right now."
Sandra passed an envelope stuffed with small bills to the girl. She spirited it away under her clothes so quickly, even Sandra was unable to discern where it vanished to.
"Carmen, I need to know where the "Wolfman" is!"
The smaller girl frowned up at Sandra.

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