Now This Won't Hurt A BitChapter 33 free porn video

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Something is not right with her.

Yes, she holds herself with the same superior bearing that she always had before. She does everything with that look of confidence and that wicked gleam in her eyes. She curls her lips into evil little smiles as she commands her thralls, taking delight in how they have no will to resist her.

Yet there is still something not quite right.

She looks at her latest pet. He is different from the others. He is hers directly. He has no great task to perform for her. He is simply her new toy.

And yet...

She looks at him intently. There is something else to her eyes. Something wanting. She wishes something from him. Yet she gives no command. Now she looks at the others. She looks to all the former Harbingers in this manner. She wants something, yet she cannot ask for it. It appears to be a paradox. What could her thralls not give her?

She turns away from them. They displease her somehow. But is it displeasure on her face, or something else?

It is clear, though, that whatever she wants from them, she feels she must have. For a brief moment, she exudes self-satisfaction. She will have what she wants. It is just a matter of time before she gets it.

Now her thoughts turn inward. They dwell on the energy that Haven is steadily absorbing from her, the same energy that she needs to replenish, and replenish at all costs. There can be no mistakes.

She crosses the room. Something made of glass appears to gleam for a moment to the side before she opens a low door and floods the room with silvery, ethereal light. She turns her face to it and looks upon the light with longing and a twinge of disappointment.

And then it becomes clear what is wrong with her. It becomes clear what has been in those eyes from the start, the one thing that she would hide at all costs from anyone.


Her eyes harden. She peers into the glow with a purpose. "I will not be cowed," she whispers urgently. "I will not hold back... I will use them if I need to..."

Cassie's eyes snapped open.

She stirred and sat up, rubbing her eyes. Her mind raced as she replayed the details of the dream. She started to fit a solution to it that she knew was mostly hopeful thinking, but it made sense with what was happening, and she needed every glimmer of hope that she could find.

Yet the more she thought about it, the more her heart thumped with excitement. It had to be the right interpretation! There was simply nowhere else to go from here. It made the most logical sense given what they were doing.

Nyssa was weakening. What wasn't clear was how. It seemed like it had to do with Jason. Taking him as her personal slave must have taken more energy than it would have to take someone normally.

And as for what she wanted from them? It had to be the knowledge that the others were still moving to stop her. Or that others could see auras. It was the only thing that made sense. It explained why Nyssa was not moving against them. Somehow the others were holding back the information from her. She had no idea how it was possible, but there was no other likely explanation.

And that strange glow... it was the same as the one she had seen in the other dreams, the ones where the essence was extracted from her victims.

Cassie got out of bed and quickly prepared herself for the day. One other thing was clear from the dream. Even weakened as she was, Nyssa felt she would learn their secret. Cassie had no doubts that Nyssa was powerful enough to be able to do this.

The clock was still ticking.

Heather's head lolled to the side as she glanced at the clock, panting as she felt herself rising quickly. It was only now getting to the point when she usually awakened, so the timing worked out.

She turned her gaze away from the clock and towards something more pleasant. She smiled and moaned softly, spreading her legs wider and laying a hand on the back of Melinda's head to coax deeper strokes into her wet folds. She shuddered with pleasure as she was rewarded with Melinda's tongue plunging further into her tight depths.

"Uhhn... yeah... mmmm... more, baby sis... that's it..." Heather moaned.

For the first time since she had fallen to Nyssa, she had had trouble sleeping. She had tossed and turned much of the night, then awoke an hour before the alarm and could not drift back.

Her mind had kept wanting to latch onto something. Some fleeting thought. Something significant about the day. But it was just a Thursday. But didn't her friends used to do something on a Thursday? No, she must have been mistaken.

And thus this loop of logic had continued until she had thought that perhaps she should ask Nyssa about it. At that point, her thoughts had instead turned to her Mistress and her obedience, and her initial thought had been lost to growing lust.

That was when she had awakened her little sister.

Melinda quivered as her own pussy grew hot and wet between her parted legs, and she panted into her Mistress' pussy. She planted her lips to Heather's folds, eliciting a deep moan from Heather as her clit was sucked into Melinda's mouth. Heather tilted her head back, her bosom rising and falling in quick bursts, her breasts quivering with each breath. "Oh yeah... uhh... keep going... harder... suck harder... uhhh!... uhhhhnn!"

Heather's back arched. Her cum splashed hard against Melinda's face. Melinda moaned in ecstasy at the sensation, her body trembling with utter delight at the warmth of Heather's juices on her face. Each time this happened, she grew to enjoy it even more each time.

Melinda lifted her face from Heather's sex as Heather's orgasm wound down. She looked at her Mistress with a hopeful smile even as she whimpered softly, her own pussy wet and needful.

Heather gazed at Melinda and motioned to her. Melinda began to crawl forward over Heather's body, until Heather slipped her fingers between Melinda's legs and into her cunt. Melinda moaned and shivered as Heather's fingers squished inside her. She closed her eyes and lightly humped her hips against Heather's hand. Quickly she rose and mewled in delight as she came. Her pussy throbbed softly, but her orgasm continued for a long under Heather's careful touch.

"Sorry it couldn't be more, baby sis," Heather said as she withdrew her hand. "But we do have to get to school."

"I understand, Mistress," Melinda said. "You're so good to me."

Heather drew Melinda into a brief hug before nudging her to get out of bed. Heather followed. "I have something to tell you, Melinda," Heather said with a small smile. "I think it may be good news."

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Yesterday, Nyssa took Jason. Nyssa is his Mistress now, just like she is ours."

Melinda paused at this. Something flickered across her face, just like it had with Heather when she had first woken up that morning. "He... h-he was the last one, right?"

Heather hesitated. Something nagged at her thoughts again, but once again it was gone. "Yes, baby sis, he was."

Melinda appeared to struggle with something. It did not last long, and she lapsed back into her familiar look of slightly lusty, glazed-eyed obedience. "I can be his good little girl now, Mistress?" she asked hopefully.

Heather smiled and stroked Melinda's cheek. Melinda whimpered with renewed arousal and leaned into the touch. "Yes, baby sis... I'm sure we can arrange that at some point."

Melinda moaned. "Thank you, Mistress."

Richie leaned against the wall next to the phone, holding the receiver and grinning with supreme satisfaction. To his ear came the sweet sounds of his slave Linda Davis masturbating herself into a frenzy at the other end of the phone, her moans and cries growing ever more frantic as he held her back from cumming.

He had been thrilled to discover that he could do things like this even from afar. Now he made it a habit of calling his slave in the mornings before school and teasing her practically senseless. It was a wonder that she was able to teach at all when she made it into school later.

He no longer even cared if his mother could hear him. In fact, he stopped caring completely about what she thought of him or whether or not she was home anymore.

"Fuck yourself nice and hard with those fingers," Richie said.

"Uhhh... y-yes, Master... uhhhhn!... ohhhh!... oh God..." Linda panted at the other end.

Richie chuckled. "Ya know, we gotta getcha something better than your fingers to use."

"Uhh... p-please... please come over, Master... p-please stick your cock in me instead... uhhn... please come fuck me..."

"Sorry, babe, not this morning. We both got school today." He glanced at the clock. "In fact, we both gotta get ready. So... you want me to make ya cum?"

"Uhhh!... o-only... only if you want to, Master..."

"Betcha hangin' right at the edge, huh?"

"Uhhhh... y-yes... uhnn..." Her voice was growing increasingly strained and desperate.

"Well... okay, I guess you've been good. Cum."

Richie held the phone a bit from his ear just as Linda let go with a loud wail. After a few seconds it dissolved into less strident cries and moans. Finally these faded as well, replaced with ragged panting.

"There ya go," Richie said.

"Thank you, Master," Linda gushed.

"Okay, now, listen up. This is what I want you to do. Before you go to work, go online and order up a bunch of dildos for yourself. Biggest you can find. Make 'em overnight it to ya."

"Yes, Master, I'll do that right away."

"Good girl. Okay, I gotta go, so I'll see you in school."

"And after school, Master?" she asked hopefully.

Richie smirked. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll make sure I'll fuck you a few times."

"Oh, thank you, Master! Thank you!"

Richie grinned as he hung up the phone. "Yeah, man, life is good," he said to no one in particular.

Yet for a moment, something else came over his face.

It was a lot longer a moment than it had been with the others. The thought came far more dangerously close to the surface of his mind than it had with the others. For him, he became openly cognizant of the thought.

Today was Thursday. Nyssa was going to take more of his fellow students. He felt a tiny shiver at this, and not one of pleasure this time. Thoughts of Cassie and what she had tried to do flitted across his mind, as well as images of the others discussing what to do about it.

And then the more dangerous thought came to him. Couldn't Cassie see auras now? Surely she could...


The thought was gone. With great effort, the protected portion of his mind had managed to hook it and snatch it back from his conscious mind. Richie's grin slowly returned.

"Yeah, man," he repeated, adding extra emphasis as if needing to reassert the conviction. "Life is good."

"All right, everyone," Cassie said as she spoke to the others in the school parking lot, trying to inject as much confidence into her voice as possible. "This is going to be the real thing. Please, everyone has to do their part today."

She made sure not to look directly at Becky when she said this, not wanting her to feel like she was being singled out for that statement. Others were not as conservative in their response, and Becky glared back at them indignantly.

"She always seems to take exactly three. Two in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please don't let up even if you hear the others found those numbers already, in case she decides to change it."

"If she takes more, we'll never be able to get to them all after school," said Diane.

"We'll worry about that if it happens, Diane, not now."

"Are you sure this is going to do anything to her, Cassie?" asked Becky.

Cassie was starting to hate hearing that whiny voice. "Well, when we stop them from trying to enslave their victims, that's when it will do something to her."

"All right," Ned said with a grin, driving a fist into his open palm.

Cassie grinned slightly at this. "Now... to help you guys and maybe give you some hope... I think Nyssa may be a little weakened by what's been happening so far."

Both Diane and Becky's eyes widened. "Are you serious, Cassie?" Diane breathed.

"Awesome..." Ned murmured in approval.

Cassie hated herself for taking blatant advantage of her dreams like this. On her better days she saw her dream ability as a gift, and she felt she was abusing it by trying to raise someone's hopes on something that may or may not be the correct interpretation. But she felt everyone needed a morale boost, and that was more important right now.

"Yes, I'm serious," Cassie said. Please, just accept it, she thought. Don't ask me to explain it. You wouldn't ask Jason to explain it, you would just accept his word.

Becky appeared to pause for a long moment, then slowly nodded.

"Okay, now that this is the real thing, we'll meet by the auditorium just before second year lunch period. Just for a few minutes."

The others nodded.

"All right. Let's... let's do this," Cassie said, hoping that didn't sound lame. She had nothing else she could say to them.

It helped matters quite a lot when Ned gave her an encouraging smile.

Nyssa smiled as she reached into the drawer under the examination table and removed the two spent crystalline cylinders, having already been used to inject their glowing green contents into two of Nyssa's latest pets-to-be. She turned them over in her hand, watching the glittering light from the vague contents inside, a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of light and shadow.

A mortal attempting to look into this would find himself quickly lost in the constantly shifting, mesmerizing patterns. This was not what Nyssa was smiling at, but what she expected to see in these objects eventually. They would be filled with more of the silvery essence of their forbidden desires.

As she carefully returned the items to the drawer, she also felt pleasure over the sound of soft moaning from her slave, Laura. She was sprawled out on her back on the examination table, naked, gently masturbating for Nyssa's enjoyment.

Nyssa grinned as she glanced at her slave. She playfully tweaked at one of Laura's raised nipples, drawing a shudder from her pet. "Mmm... I love the sounds you're making, my slave. Now, don't cum... don't you dare cum... no matter how long I have you play with yourself..."

"Yes, Mistress," Laura said in a breathy voice, her eyes sliding closed as the pleasure washed over her, both from her pussy and from her obedience to Nyssa.

"Mmm... I can sense your feelings, my pet..." Nyssa stroked Laura's side softly. "I can see everything that goes on in that little mind of yours... you're so close with Marcie now... you have her addicted to sexual pleasure... and now you're going to have her addicted to you... I am quite impressed."

"Uhhhnn... th-thank you, Mistress..."

"Little can stop it now. You've addled her mind so much, I doubt even I could put it back even if I wanted to."

Nyssa turned from her slave and stepped over to the cabinet containing the filled crystal syringes. She pondered it for a moment but did not open it, her eyes intense.

"They force me to move faster, my slave," Nyssa said without turning around. "I will have to spend some of these early if I wish Haven to remain happy."

She got no reply from her pet other than Laura's constant, low moans and the soft squishing of her wet pussy. But Nyssa needed answers. Or at least one. And as she had spent time thinking about it, she thought she may have a clue now as to how to get it.

Nyssa turned to Laura and started towards her. "Tell me what you know of their friends."

"Uhhnn... uhh... their friends..." Laura moaned. Her Mistress had not told her to stop masturbating, so she continued, her fingers sliding slowly and carefully about her swollen clit. She felt herself rising, her body shivering with pleasure. Yet now Nyssa commanded her again, and she had to obey as best as she could despite the sexual fog over her mind.

"Yes, my pet." Nyssa came alongside Laura and played with one of her nipples again. "The friends of the four that I told you about. The ones that I enslaved. The ones that still seem to trouble me somehow despite them being good little pets."

"Uhn... I-I don't know much, Mistress..."

Nyssa smirked. "You? The one who prides herself on knowing what the students are doing? Or are you telling me your mind is too addled with pleasure to answer me?"

Laura just moaned deeply, her fingers slipping into her cunt.

"Very well, my slave. Stop."

Laura's hand stopped moving. She uttered a soft, lusty sigh.

"Now... answer my question."

There was a note of urgency to Nyssa's tone that helped clear Laura's mind quickly. "Jason has a friend named Cassie. And another one named Frank."

"Frank is my pet. Cassie... almost was." Nyssa sneers slightly at this. "So you say Jason was friends with her after they ripped her away from me?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Nyssa considered this as well. "Who else have you seen with them?"

"Diane Woodrow."

Nyssa waved a hand. "I know about her already. And her desires," she added with a wicked smile. "I may still be able to use that, despite Heather's preoccupation at the moment. Who else?"

"That's all I know of, Mistress."

Nyssa paused for a long moment.

Cassie was the Dreamer. Nyssa also sensed great intelligence in her. She would know what was going on, but how could she do anything about it? Yet she has been hanging around Jason, who until recently Nyssa knew could do something about it, in that he could see the taint of the Darkness.

But without Jason to guide her, Cassie should be essentially useless, save for what her dreams could tell her. But they could only tell her what has already happened, not what will happen.

Yet something made Nyssa uneasy about this. Something that she was not seeing. Something that was still locked up in the heads of the four.

"Slave," Nyssa said in a serious tone of voice. "You will watch Cassie. Find out who she is associating with. Find out who her friends are and what they are doing."

"Yes, Mistress," Laura said eagerly. "I'll do as you say."

"Now... masturbate yourself to a nice, slow orgasm, and you may go."

Laura's fingers resumed stroking her slot. "Uhhn... thank you, Mistress..." she gushed.

Cassie was the last to arrive, as her teacher kept them all the way to the bell before even announcing what the homework assignment was for the day. She jogged up to the other three, breathing heavily, her heart hammering as she expected the worst from them.

She wasted no time with pleasantries and simply demanded, "Well?"

"Frieda Waterton," Ned announced proudly. "I actually got there a little late, but caught a weird, swirly blackness thingie juuuust disappearing into the crowd and followed it. She's not one you know about yet, right?"

"Yes, I think so. Thanks, Ned," Cassie said. "Anyone else?"

No one responded for a few long moments, and a creeping dread came over Cassie. Finally, a somewhat glaze-eyed Becky spoke up. "M-mark Candon..."

Cassie let her breath go in a relieved sigh. "Very good, Becky. Thank you."

"Cassie, I-I think maybe I should switch with someone," Diane said suddenly.

"Huh? Why, Diane?"

"I can't see these things. The auras I mean. If that had been me instead of Ned, I would have lost her."

"That was a fluke," Cassie said, though she was not entirely sure herself. "Every time we did it before we managed to get there in time to see them emerge. Really, all seeing the auras does if you think about it is let us know something was happening in the first place and convince others it's real. You were the first we convinced that couldn't see them."

Diane managed a smile at this.

Cassie felt for Diane. By a quirk of the class arrangements, Diane had nearly the whole afternoon shift, just because she happened to be the closest each time.

"Hey, uh, I can be Diane's backup, you know?" Ned said suddenly. "I'll try to check in myself and catch anyone she misses."

Cassie gave him a small smile. She knew he was trying to be nice. His classes were practically on the other side of the building from the west wing. She decided to let him be gallant and not call him out on it. "Thank you, Ned."

Diane gave him a small smile as well.

Ned grinned, though he blushed slightly from the attention. Cassie thought it was cute. "All right. Now, we have to meet in the parking lot after classes and..."

Becky abruptly burst into tears.

"What... ?" Cassie trailed off, utterly nonplussed.

Diane draped an arm around Becky's shoulders. Becky immediately leaned into Diane, sobbing. "I'm sorry, Becky..." When Cassie looked at Diane in confusion, Diane sighed back. "Mark's an old boyfriend of hers, Cassie..."

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Lucknow Ki Yaad

Hi friends ek baar fir mai aya hu apke samne apni ek nayi story lekr jo ki baat hai aaj se 3 saal pehle ki jab mai Lucknow mai 2 saal k liye apni company k kaam se posted tha. Jaisa ki aap sab log jante hai ki lucknow navabo ka shehar mana jata hai bada he khubsoorat hai lucknow. Mai jab vha pahuncha toh mere pass rehne ka koi sadhan nhi tha company ki taraf se milne wala room ek hafte baad allot hona tha kyu ki vha ka purana architect 7 din mai usse khali karne vala tha mai badi asamanjas mai...

2 years ago
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Snowed In

There we were, trying to beat a storm to find a place to stop and ride out the storm. We had left Pocatello, Idaho with a load to come back home to South Dakota. We were going North on I-15, heading to I-90. We had been dealing with more wind than anything. By the time we got on 90 going East, we saw the storm really picking up steam behind us. Winter storms are nothing to take lightly, especially in areas like this where they can easily get very windy and dump a lot of snow in a short period...

2 years ago
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Ghurte Giye Anondo

Priyo boudi ra ami apnader kach theke prochur reply peyechi ager story gulor jonno, apnara je amake nijer bondhu mone kore soossa gulo likhchen asa kori segulor uttor thik thak dite perechi…asay thakbo ei story ta pore kamon laglo tar reply er….Ami rohit graduation sobe complete korechi result o paini, amar paser barir kakimara ghurte jache tader desher barite. Amake o tara request koray, ami faka thakay na korte parini. Ta packing kore niye pordin sokal bela beriye porlam besh 4/5 ghonta rasta...

1 year ago
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Snowball Hypnosis Story

This is a collaborative story, based off Snowball Story Writing (credit to Whatsa) and Snowball Blowjob Story (credit to street0) except these stories are based purely on hypnosis/mind control. All sotries must have either a) an image that shows the women hypnotized or b) an image that a hypnosis based story can be written around. Someone posts a pic. Then someone writes a chapter inspired by that pic. Then someone else adds to the storyline. You can take turns ABABAB, or ABCABDCDE. Whatever...

Mind Control
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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

1 year ago
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They wont accept us Chapter 1 missunderstood

I see one of her favorite shirts and I grab it and shredd it. Grunting out I hate her! She ruins everything, one day she'll ruin me completely. I pause, someones at the door... Damien! I exclaim. I tip toe over to the top of the stairs and listen. She's not here. If she were would you let me see her? No! Why not Mrs. Stark? Because your too old and she's to young. I'm just.... her tudor. Bullshit damien, my daughter is a straight A student, she needs no tudor. He sighs, we've...

3 years ago
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Teach You To Bitch Wont It

He turned and looked at her then grinned from ear to ear, "Hello M'Lady!" He walked over to her and gave her a big hug then a tender kiss. He brushed her hair off her forehead then smiled down at her. "How are you feeling this oh so fine day?" She smiled up at him, "I'm feeling pretty good actually." Actually, she was feeling better than fine, she was back to feeling normally since she had gotten the medicine. With that came the return of her sex drive full force. He smiled,...

3 years ago
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I want to be your little secret i crave to be your secret , you are all i think about after the night we met. I remember the whole thing like it was yesterday , you were standing there staring me down with the look of lust in your eyes. i glare at you and i see a nice , handsome man in a midnight black suit , you have a wine glass in your hand , and your laughing with your wife over some lame joke. Now I am a young woman , i have smooth , tan skin, long cury light brown hair that i wear way...

3 years ago
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They wont accept us Chapter 1 missunderstood

Introduction: A taboo love love story. Based on a true story. Oooh that bitch! I swear this time punkie has gone too far. If anyone recognizes me… if I run into someone who was there.. my cheeks flare and I become flushed at the thought of it. How could they do this to me? The shame, the embarssment ill have to face it, not her! I see one of her favorite shirts and I grab it and shredd it. Grunting out I hate her! She ruins everything, one day shell ruin me completely. I pause, someones at the...

3 years ago
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A lesson she wont forget

Our senior school was a bit behind on the premise of sexual education lessons. In the three years I had been there we had only ever had one lesson, which never really explained much. Of course most of us at our age knew plenty, thanks to porn and cheap alcohol. Some students however were a little behind on the knowledge, my friend Rose was one of them. She had done as much research as she could and even tried a few things, but she had confided in me she had only ever had sex once, and it never...

4 years ago
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Willy Wont He

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Thrashing against herself, her ass bobbed up and down in desperate need of relief, and suddenly, from the doorway, a voice boomed out against the wall of her near-orgasm. ‘Miss Rogers, you filthy little girl!’ Frozen in horror and on the brink of massive climax, ass high and breasts pressed against the slippery wooden desk, she peered round and stared into the face of Mr. Williams! He regarded her...

3 years ago
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My husbands asleep He wont hear us

Introduction: 2 Pages – I hope you enjoy it Page One – Cheating, M-F My husband could never really explain why it turns him on for me to be his slut wife, It just does he says. It doesnt matter if Im picking up a guy on the internet or a local bar and giving him the details later or if Im simply being a party slut, doing a variety of different guys throughout the evening, sometimes sneaking off two or three times with guys and giving head or getting laid and sometimes all the guys knowing that...

3 years ago
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My Wife Loved A Strangers Big Cock But Wont Admit It

Being in our forties and married for more than twenty years life can become very dull and boring especially in the bedroom. This is what happened to both my wife Ally and I. We had a very good love life but it slowly had been eroding over the last few years. We both knew it but just didn’t want to admit it. Ally and I still really loved each other but we needed to somehow come up with some new ideas for the bedroom. I thought really hard about different things including sharing her with a...

4 years ago
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A Summer That Three Best Friends Wont Forget

It was the summer of 1999 a year that changed the lives of three close friends. It would be a summer like none ever before. Erin and her two male friends Eric and Anthony had just graduated from high school. They lived close to one another and the three of them had been close friends ever since their grade school days. They each were very different in many ways and had come from different back rounds. Erin was the tom boy type who loved doing whatever the boys were doing. She loved hunting and...

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Summer I Wont Forget Part 2

The headliner that evening was Eric Church so we stood in the beer tent and let the music wash over us, although I must admit to being very distracting for you. At one point I whispered in your ear that I was chilly so you’d drape your arms around me and pull me close. I felt around for your hand and slid mine down to cover yours, squeezing gently as I tugged it under my jean jacket to cup one of my boobs. Keeping my hand over yours I very slowly began to direct our hands in a sensuous...

Group Sex
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If youre husband wont satisfy you

I woke up with a jolt, taking a minute to work out where I was. Mark was beside me, snoring, as normal. I looked over at his clock, 7 O’clock. But what woke me, then as I turned on to my back, the warm trickle from my pussy, dripping down as far as my ass, I lowered my hand, my nightdress was pulled up around my waist, touching my bare pussy, it felt warm and puffy. I must have been dreaming, and the dream must have been hot. Leaning over I nudged Mark, he just snored and let out a loud grunt....

4 years ago
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My EXKatie Cassidy Back SHE WONT STOP 1

So basically as you know my romantic life is very complicating and magical most of the times, for example in some of my last stories you may have read 100% truthfully that I have had sex and an very deep passionate romantic relationship with. Khloe Kardashian, yes I John E. Willis III aka JohnVeNOM CEO of BFO Recordings llc., but further in my story it came out that back in the mid to late 90's the woman who I was having sex with Named Aimee Barnett was make up and Prosthetics and Dead ass...

2 years ago
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A Llesson i wont forget

It was a cool night in early spring and i was feeling a bit bored and isolated as i had just had a fight with my girlfriend and was spending the evening alone. I puttered about the house for a while before deciding that i needed to get out and get my mind off of her. I laced up my boots and left my home without really thinking about where i was going or what i was going to do. I walked quickly down my street to the first corner and decided to head for the lake. I turned and proceeded to walk...

Gay Male
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Lucknow Me Padosan Bhabhi Ki Pyas Bujhayi

Hello friends I am Jay from Lucknow, up. Mai 5 fit 6 in ka ho. Pehalwan nhi ha magar sound figure ka chocolate boy type ka hoo mera land hathi ghode jaisa 10 11 in ka nhi ha, 6in ka hai. Ye meri life ki pahli story hai, mai koi writer nahi ho jo man se kahani likh lo ye mere sath huye ek real ghatna hai jise mai apke samne rakh rha hoo. Koi mistake ho to uske liye sorry. Aap logo se request hai ki apna feed back jaroor de. Koi bhi female mujhse contect karna chahti hai to mujhe….. … Mail...

2 years ago
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Snowed in For The Week

SNOWED IN FOR THE WEEK ? by: Deewet I should have been smarter and kept driving past the place, but I knew that the snowstorm had filled every possible regular hotel and this was the only one I could find while searching through the yellow pages. It was a seedy looking place in not a great neighborhood, but it did have a parking garage and I had to get into someplace warm for the night. The lobby was empty and surprisingly clean. The woman behind the counter looked long and...

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Love Hurts0

This can either go as a stand-alone story or become a series, is completely up to you. Please give me your thoughts about it on the comments section. *I’m not a native English speaker, so there may be mistakes within the text. If anyone is kind enough to point them out to me so I can correct them, I’ll be very grateful. **All the characters in this story are over 18 years old. ****** Love Hurts "Really, Alex. Being honest. I..." She blushed beautifully and looked down, ashamed, but...

2 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 2

"Bras are required at all times on all Titshurt wives!" Preston excused himself during lunch, telling Tara he had left his wallet in one of the bags and needed to go to their room to retrieve it. That's funny, Tara thought when he was gone. He drove all the way from California with his driver's license in the trunk? That doesn't sound like Preston. Tara began looking around the ornate hotel restaurant, and noticed that the only other female patrons were, like she and Danielle, lovely...

3 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 3

"Don't you have any regular bras? Bras that don't torture my breasts?" "I'm beginning to lose patience with you, Mrs. Brinks," Sheriff Williams scolded as she hurried across Main Street toward him, her wobbling jugs still unfettered by a bra. "But I went back to the hotel room to get a bra out of my suitcase, and all of them were gone! All of them! Someone broke into our room, and stole nothing but my bras!" The sheriff's expression changed from anger to alarm. "Stolen? Right...

1 year ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 4

"Oh, why are they doing this to the wives of Titshurt?" Well, Brandi was right. Tara had to change bras all the time - sometimes more than once an hour - to exchange one type of breast-torment for another. "This is ridiculous," Tara complained to her husband as they followed the real estate agent in their Aston Martin. She squirmed in the passenger seat from the agony provided by a bra which was designed with straps to keep her boobs squished against each other. "This is a ridiculous...

3 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 5

"If you think the Titshurt bras are bad... you're going to hate the next twenty minutes!" The couple found a house they liked the next day, and Tara spent the afternoon shopping for furniture while Preston met with a landscaping contractor. There were other stores in Titshurt than the ones on main street, and Tara shopped for furniture, lighting, rugs and decorations. (The town's valley was limited to commerce and government, and all the residents lived in private homes in the hills...

1 year ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 6

"Hmmm. Black high heels for the little-titted brunettes, and white high heels for the big-boobed blondes... and all of us naked!" And Tara did read that night - every word of the pamphlet which explained the laws of Titshurt to new residents. Twice. Much of what Tara read in that pamphlet, she already knew, having learned it the hard way. She read that she had to wear a bra 24 hours a day within the Titshurt town limits (which included the residential districts on the surrounding hills),...

1 year ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 7

"Let's keep it moving, girls! Come on, up and down, in and out... get that nasty cum out of those cocks, and onto your tits where it belongs!" The stiff-dicked husbands sat down on the edge of the circular pit, each one in front of his wife. "Hi, Preston," Tara said, smiling and nodding in the direction of his erection. "What are you going to do with that?" "He's going to titfuck you," Danielle answered for him, already running her own jugs up and down the length of her...

2 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 8

"Sometimes a girl needs a little variety in her boob-abuse, or she starts to get restless... even a little rambunctious." The following week was wonderful for Tara. She found she could take any amount of boob-abuse, as long as she thought about how much fun she would be having at the next town meeting. Sure, she had the same expression of patient discomfort on her face as the other Titshurt wives (and she really did not want another session of humiliating breast-punishment in Sheriff...

3 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 9

"She didn't want to have anything to do with that cock. He just shoved her down there, stuck it in her mouth... and fucked." Tara happened to park her car right next to Danielle's, and the two women hurried to get in line. "Wow, Tara, you outdid everyone in the slut department tonight!" Danielle exclaimed, and she was right. Tara was wearing nothing but her too-tight porn-star platform heels, a punishment-bra and a white T-shirt that almost covered her bare ass and pussy. "I wanted...

3 years ago
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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 10

"Final tally, Tara Brinks, 147 million dollars; Preston Brinks, whatever is left over." Well, as you can tell from the end of Chapter 9, Tara's plan didn't keep her from getting a load of Armand McCarthy's cock-sauce up her ass. But she did succeed in getting Preston fired. Armand was waiting for Preston after the town meeting, and when the couple got to their car, Armand told Preston he was fired, and why. (But he didn't tell Preston how he knew, for which Tara was grateful.) Tara...

4 years ago
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Snowmobile ride

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a short snowmobile ride the other night. We live in the outskirts of our city so it is pretty secluded where we are. It was about 5pm when we started to get geared up with our clothes and helmets, and hopped on to sled and took off. At first he went slow because the trails were rough, but we then got onto the smooth railroad tracks and he started to go faster. As he accelerated I could feel the vibrations on my pussy. I was already a bit horny from thinking...

3 years ago
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Snowmobile ride

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a short snowmobile ride the other night. We live in the outskirts of our city so it is pretty secluded where we are. It was about 5pm when we started to get geared up with our clothes and helmets, and hopped on to sled and took off. At first he went slow because the trails were rough, but we then got onto the smooth railroad tracks and he started to go faster. As he accelerated I could feel the vibrations on my pussy. I was already a bit horny from thinking...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Snowball story writing

If you don't know what a snowball story is, read this: This works somewhat like Image Inspiration Chapters. However, after someone writes a chapter, someone else has to continue that story with another chapter. Try to end each chapter open-ended. Note: Stories with an asterisk * have no stories yet.

2 years ago
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SnowedIn Sissy Scene

SNOWED-IN SISSY SCENE by Throne I was feeling very apprehensive. My wife Laurel had invited three of her girlfriends over on a Friday evening, even though they all knew there was a major winter storm heading our way. Shortly after they arrived the snow began to fall and rapidly accumulate. The four of them had each enjoyed several glasses of wine before deciding that none of the guests should drive home. They would all have to sleep over. I had been hoping I would get lucky, and...

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Snowy Night

Snowy NightBy Miss AnonnaIt was snowing fairly hard now and I knew from the way the storm was going that I was going to be stuck in my house for quite sometime and I had nothing exciting to read. Lucky for me just down the block is a little strip mall with my favorite book store in it and it would be closed in a matter of hours, possibly early so I had to move quickly. I had just been thinking about dinner but this was way more important. I needed some fantasy for my cold, snowy night by the...

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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 16

Melinda wished she hadn't picked this park. It brought back too many memories. It was the same park where she and Jason had talked the first time that they had realized the power the House possessed, when it had allowed Jason to make Melinda masturbate in front of him. They had debated what the House was all about. Failing to find any answers, they had instead debated whether to continuing visiting it. They had decided in favor. Now look where it had gotten her. She was grateful to see...

2 years ago
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Snowball fight

It all started when I was around 14 years old, just getting used to growing up and learning about my sexuality. I was interested in trying new things, especially with girls. I lived in a pleasant town, with lots of friends in my neighborhood. But one stood out. A few houses down lived a Stacey, who was a year younger. Though she hadn’t developed fully, she was a striking figure with milky, smooth skin and fiery red hair that I couldn’t stop thinking about. She was small, about 4 feet 8 at the...

2 years ago
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Lucknow Me Anjani Ladki Ke Sath Ek Raat

Hi readers.. Kya hal hai?? I am regular reader of iss. Bahut maja aat hai kabhi kabhi..To maine socha mai bhi apna real incident share karoo.. To friends.. Lets start.. My name amit from lucknow.. 5.10” height good looks.. Working in a mnc. Ye incident ek dum sudden tha.. Mai office se ghar apni pool car se ja raha tha..Wahi koi raat ke 8 baje the.. Ki vikas nagar ke pass ..Ek nayi i10 gaddi ek mod pe thi wo uper nahi chhad rahi thi..Mujhe ussi side jana tha.. 5 min mai utar ke gaya to dekha to...

2 years ago
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Lucknow With My Beautiful Girlfriend

By : Amit.Zxcv Hi to all ISS readers I am a fan of ISS since I was in 10th std and very much like the couple section about myself I am Amit from Lucknow a doctor 5’10” in height and well built age 24 years about my girlfriend she is very attractive and with good assests which I didn’t want to disclose here. We met in an art of living classes and become good friends and subsequently couple so coming to the incident it happened to me 2 months ago. Till then we both had sex chat and phone sex but...

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