The Blameless BystanderChapter 5: The Church Speaks free porn video

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It was a heady feeling that consumed James as he marched up the stairs to his apartment upon his return from school that day. He had already decided to pour himself three fingers of Scotch before making some dinner. It wasn't to make him forget, or to help him think. It was just going to be his private celebration.

Yes, it was a real breakthrough; it was all so perfect. Raymond was a shy, but respectful young man who seemed grateful, eager to start his adventure in Math. James was the Tour Guide and was certain that all would go well.

Nathan performed admirably in his director's chair, in James' estimation, making it all possible. Henry Thompson and Ed Cassidy played their supporting roles brilliantly, too. James was the star, the central figure in the real life play. It was Guatemala anew—a second chance. He never thought it would come to him again, especially after he left the priesthood. He could see now that it was truly his destiny. The occasion deserved a Scotch—or maybe two. It couldn't be more than that. He had papers to correct. He didn't feel like working that evening, but the formula had brought him this far; no reason to jinx it.

He changed his plan a little. He put water on the stove to boil some pasta and started heating some spaghetti sauce in a little pan. He would have his celebration while his dinner cooked. He performed his kitchen chores and then clinked three ice cubes into a glass. He covered them with the whiskey and sat down to enjoy it.

He decided to draw up a plan for Raymond's tutelage after he corrected the homework, which he would do after he ate. For now, he wanted to relax and he couldn't help thinking about how events in his life had led to this moment. If hadn't given up his Holy Orders it would have been impossible. It didn't usually work that way; it proved out that phrase: 'God works in mysterious ways'.

He had no hard feelings toward the Church or the Order. It was just that the priesthood had dried him out. He never really practiced his priestly profession to the fullest. He had always been a teacher with plenty of priests around to perform the rites; the Church had traded the bestowal of Holy Orders for his adherence to vows that bound him to his service. He had become a shepherd without a flock, a missionary to believers. His vows hung from his shoulders like a coat of chain mail, a protection from without and within.

"No hard feelings—no regrets," he said out loud. Did he say it to himself, or to God? He was not sure. He thought about making contact with the local parish. He hadn't confessed or received communion since he left the Order. That would be complicated, since he had to fit his activities with Vicki into that scenario. If he confessed it, he knew that a condition of absolution would be to cease committing the sin. He would not promise to 'avoid the near occasions of that sin' if he did not mean it. He would not omit confessing it either, throwing little sins to the confessor like bones to a dog. Better to bear this sin than blasphemy. One can lie to oneself, but not to God.

He thought more about his deeds with Vicki. Perhaps it was no sin—nothing to confess. It was like Nathan's admonition to keep his own business to himself. He would think about this and if he came to believe it he would confess and take communion.

The sound of his pasta water boiling over onto the burner pierced his introspection. He jumped out of the chair to turn down the flame. The water hitting it made the blue flame jump about with flares of yellow flicking out in many directions. It suggested to him that he was steps away from the gates of hell, daring them to open.

Ireland is the Land of Saints and Scholars, it is often said. Like many clichés, it is not true. It is, rather, a place that gives birth to tormenting, elfin, leprechaun-philosophers. They disguise themselves as elder priests and migrate to America to torture their protégés, passing out lyrical dictums with Communion. The younger priests cannot understand, but know well that the cruel riddles are full of undeciphered wisdom. They tear open their souls and stuff the words inside. As they grow old, they pry out the meaning, in hope that God will be revealed to them.

One such Irish priest was Fr. Brendan McNulty. He was appointed rector at the school where Jamie taught. He had little to do with the operations of the school. Rather, he was in charge of the community of priests who resided there. He was a short, slightly built man with a square jaw and pug nose. His hair was silver; his age known only to him and God, and, of course, the Prefecture Office in New York City. He spoke with the brogue of the auld sod although he had been in America for several decades. James had heard him speak without it on a number of occasions, but the old priest always had the accent ready and used it whenever dispensing grace and truth.

There was intoxicating kindness in his voice. A listener willingly became immersed in it. Resistance to the Word would melt away. Too late, one would feel the hardness of the lesson underneath the velvet cloak until it descended upon the unwary soul. Yet, the disciples would be as grateful as though they had been present at the Sermon on the Mount. It was with the brogue that one warm day the last summer he called James to him.

"Jamie, come here into m' office right away!"

"Yes Father," Jamie answered as he stepped inside. Father Brendan was seated at his desk. The aroma of fresh-burned pipe tobacco hung in the air of the small office like incense at High Mass. Indeed, the always-present pipe with the curved stem and large bowl sat in a glass ash tray at the side of the desk. It was the man's lone self-indulgence. A simple crucifix was mounted on the wall behind and above him.

"Close the door and sit, boy," the older man bade, not looking up from the documents that he held. Finally, he peered at Jamie over the top of his glasses. "Are ye sure that ye want t' be doin' dis. Yer mind's made up, is it?

"Yes, Father. It hasn't changed since we discussed it the last time," Jamie answered.

"Dat bein' th' case, Jamie, yer release papers are here fer ye to sign. Dey're right here in m' hands. I'll just get Fadder Mark to witness. Stay where y'are."

The old man slowly trod out of the room. He returned after a minute. "He'll be here presently." The two men looked at one another in silence while they waited.

A young priest walked into the office. Father Brendan signed in several places. He turned the papers around and handed them to Jamie. "Sign here ... and here and here, right next to where I did." Jamie signed without hesitating. It was anticlimactic. He had waited over six months for the release. The signing was a formality, yet Jamie had kept every vow—he would never break them until released.

Father Mark signed as the witness after Jamie did. "Good luck to you, Jamie. I'll miss you." The two younger men embraced. Father Mark bowed his head and shuffled sadly out of the room.

Jamie started to rise. "Just stay seated where y'are. We're not done yet—not by far!" Father Brendan ordered. Although Jamie was no longer a priest, and no longer under the older man's command, he obeyed him. Father Brendan sat back down. He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands across his middle.

"I suppose ye t'ought dat I would try to talk ye out of it one last time," he said. "Well, I decided not to. Yer not cut out for the life of a priest, not at all. At long last, it's not the life for ye."

"Father, I obeyed every vow. I always did my best," Jamie protested. "There was never a reason to doubt me, except when the secretary at Holy Sacrament Parish accused me..."

"Ah, dat! A very unfortunate thing, dat was. Very sad, indeed, but t'wasn't yer fault, was it now?" Father Brendan interrupted.

"Yes," Jamie agreed. "But as I was saying, I was obedient..."

"Yes, Jamie! I know. Ye never committed any sins," the older man, who had become agitated, interrupted. He leaned forward, tore his spectacles from the bridge of his nose and pointed his finger at Jamie "But dere's a sin ye haven't yet learned of—the Eighth Deadly Sin. Yer've been committin' it, boy, as long as I've known ye. And 'tis the reason why yer not cut out fer d' priesthood."

"Eighth Deadly sin?" Jamie contorted his face in confusion.

"Aye, the Eighth Deadly Sin!" the old man shouted, pounding the tip of his still pointed finger down on the desk. "Yer been committin' it, boy, and not even knowin' it." He paused and calmed his voice. "Yer been committin' it all o' th' time." He finished as he waved his hand in the air across his chest to emphasize the scope of Jamie's commission.

"Well, Father," asked a suspicious Jamie, "what then, is the Eighth Deadly sin? Tell me so that I can stop committing it."

The old man's ire started rising anew. He jumped from his chair, leaned forward on locked arms and clenched fists. "I'll tell ye what it is!" he growled. Then he sat back down leaned back in his chair and folded his frail hands over his stomach once again. He exhaled deeply. Jamie leaned forward, intent on hearing the answer.

"I'll tell ye what it is at a time of m' own choosin'," he said as he smugly stared Jamie in the eye.

The culmination of the exchange turned Jamie into a crestfallen challenger. The final riddle, the key to truth, denied once again. He was certain to never find it. He was tired of questions—always deeper, more difficult questions. He had enough of unanswerable questions, unsolvable riddles. Make it black or white! He wanted truth, plain and simple. He wanted it soon, before he was too parched for it to take root.

"Now, Jamie," Father Brendan resumed, "though we're no longer brethren in the Order, we're still brothers in Our Lord. I bear ye no ill will. Ye must find a path fer yerself in th' world. Find the truth that eludes ye, boy. Serve God in yer own way. Ye'll find out fer yerself what is meant by the Eighth Deadly Sin, and when ye do, ye'll have yer truth, and more."

Jamie was beginning to feel sad as he knew that the final parting was soon to be.

"Stay seated, Jamie, and I'll give ye m' blessin' before ye go." He rose from his chair and placed his left hand on top of the younger man's head. With his right he hewed a cross through the air, "In nómine Patris, et Fili, et Spirítus Sancti." he recited.

"Amen." Jamie uttered and crossed himself.

"Now fer somet'in' else," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "All dat yelling gave me a tickle in me t'roat. I'll have one wit' ye fer th' road." He reached into his bottom desk drawer and produced a bottle of Irish whiskey and two glasses. He poured an ounce into each glass.

"God be with ye, Jamie." They both downed the dram and set their glasses on the desk. The old priest poured them another. "May th' wind be always at yer back. May th' road rise up to meet yer feet." They downed the second dose.

"I know dat ye'll come back to see me one fine day, Jamie. Until ye do, I'll be t'inkin' of ye and praying fer ye."

Jamie stood and embraced his old mentor. "Thanks for everything, Father." He picked up his papers, and turned, and walked out the door without a further word. As he walked down the hallway, he wiped some wetness from his eyes.

Ethan Chandler sat at his desk, staring out the window as the late morning sun pushed its way over the rooftops on the opposite side of the street. He was working on his Sunday sermon, and he had not progressed very far. He well knew that Jarrod Morris expected him to say something about the Church finances. It was a bitter pill. Begging for money from the pulpit was something that he had always promised himself that he would not do. It would be a cruel humiliation. He was a man of the cloth, not a barker in a carnival.

He thought about weaving it into the sermon, not asking directly. It would take a lot of finesse to bring it off. Subtlety was not his strong suit. What would be the use of doing it, anyway? It wasn't those seated in the pews that he needed to reach. It was the empty seats that needed attention.

A solution dangled in front of him like a cluster of ripened grapes on a vine. It occurred to him that Providence had just tapped him on the shoulder.

"The Lord works in mysterious ways," he said profoundly to himself out loud. It was a confluence of words and events. Only the Almighty could have brought it all together. There was Jarrod's urging him to use the pulpit for fundraising. Howard Jones exhorted him to uncover scandal. Just as it all appeared to be idle committee talk, Becky brought him that which bound it all together in the form of this 'Mr. O'Toole'.

"The truth shall issue forth on the lips of an innocent child," he pronounced to the empty room. He was making up his own Scripture, not worrying about the offense. What did Isaiah or Jeremiah have over him, except the advantage of time and place? Here and now he would take his place among them. But, did he dare?

"I am Ethan, the strong one," he proclaimed to bolster his nerve. God needed no evidence. By nexus, neither did he. He reasoned that it would come forth fast enough, once he laid the truth out in the open for all to see and hear. Truth was absolute. God was Truth. Truth did not come about because of evidence. Evidence would be gathered to lie like a wreath around the Truth to buttress the weak among the believers. It was all Black and White. He, Ethan the strong one, would be the hand of God; it was up to him to turn the screw.

Ethan rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. It felt a little fuzzy back there. He was overdue for a haircut. There would be just enough time for one before lunch. He put on a cardigan and walked the two blocks to Harvey's Barber Shop.

"Hello, Ethan!" Harvey called out as the Reverend opened the shop door. "I got up this morning and told the Missus, 'Ethan's about due for a haircut'."

Harvey English was a congenial man, just turned sixty. He owned the town's only barber shop, unless one counted the farmhouse kitchens where wives hacked away on husbands and sons. Harvey grew up in Bates; he was acquainted with everyone, knew almost all of them. He was lanky with white, well-groomed hair and a trimmed moustache. Harvey loved a good story and a good joke as he went about his work. There were two bulletin boards in the shop. One hung on the wall where patrons would post things for sale or the poster for the next concert of the Town Chorale. The other was Harvey himself. One could tell him a piece of news and be sure that it got passed on.

"Right you were, Harv. Just a little trim, if you please."

The barber shop was empty except for the two men. Harvey slapped at the leather seat with a towel and Ethan climbed in.

"Haven't noticed you in the congregation lately, Harv," Ethan said as the barber finished fastening the smock around his neck.

"Sorry about that. Ethan," Harvey said as Ethan put him on the spot. "It just seems that we're always tied up every weekend." Ethan wasn't Harvey's favorite customer. For one thing he never tipped. He was, moreover, a man who didn't appreciate a good joke, or an embellished 'remember when' story.

"For example," he went on, needing to prove his point, "last Sunday we were up in Buffalo visiting my daughter and son-in-law and the new baby."

"Very nice, Harv. Everyone doing well?" Ethan asked as a courtesy.

"Fine, fine!" Harvey replied. "I wish that we could see more of them. Buffalo's not too far, though."

"Well, you'll want to attend this Sunday!" Ethan returned to the point. "I've got a special sermon prepared."

"Oh?" Harvey's interest piqued.

"A revelation; a warning!" Ethan proclaimed, tantalizing the listener.

"Who, what, Ethan?"

"I'll only say that it's something happening right now and it's about the school," Ethan replied.

Harvey rubbed his chin, trying to decipher what Ethan meant. If it was about the school, and Ethan thought it important, then it had to be about teaching Evolution. Ethan often had sermons on that subject, although it never seemed to sway the School Board. Or perhaps it was ... Harvey decided to probe.

"Did you mean the Elementary School, Ethan, or the Middle School?" he asked cautiously.

"No, it's the High School!" Ethan answered tersely. Ethan knew that Harvey had swallowed the bait and he just had to set the hook.

Harvey thought for a moment. Of course, it was about sex. Little doubt, with all those young people coming of age, and all of the obscene material they could get at nowadays.

"What about the High School?" he probed. The hook was set. All that was left for Ethan was to reel him in.

"I've said too much already," Ethan answered. Harvey had finished the hair cut and removed the smock. "I hope that I see you on Sunday, Harv." Ethan knew that he would. Ethan paid Harvey (no tip) and went back home to have lunch.

"Raymond, it's almost time for you to go, but before you do, I'm going to give you some reading on the Theorem of Limits. You have to master this to start Calculus," James said.

It was nearly five o'clock. He and Raymond were sitting at James' kitchen table. It was the boy's first tutoring session.

"You mean you're going to teach me Calculus already?" the student asked.

"I didn't think that you would be so nervous about it, Raymond. We can slow down the pace a little if you want," James teased.

"No way!" Raymond shot back. "It's just that..."

"Just what, Raymond?"

The student cast his eyes down at the page, trying to figure out whether to answer.

"C'mon, Raymond, you had it half way out already."

"It just that whenever I ask the teachers in school to go faster they get angry," Raymond blurted out.

"The teachers have a lot of students to worry about, Raymond. Here, it's one-on-one," James explained.

"Yes, sir," Raymond mumbled; he sounded unconvinced.

"Why do you think so?" James queried.

"My mother says it's because I'm half-Indian. She says that they don't want me showing up the white kids," Raymond poured out the truth. At least it was his truth. James made no judgment.

"I don't know about that, Raymond. Here, at least, we'll go as fast as you can handle it." James looked Raymond in the eye. "Fair enough?"

"It sure is!" the youth said and beamed a broad smile.

Now here are the pages that I want you to read. Read them twice if you need to. Then do these problems. Don't forget the geometry and trig problems that I gave you earlier. And, most of all, don't neglect your regular course work."

"No problem!" an exuberant Raymond assured.

"We better get downstairs. I would guess that your mother is waiting in the driveway already," James said.

Sure enough, as they rounded the corner of the house Raymond's mother sat in her car, waiting to pick him up. It was a station wagon that looked like it had seen better days. James met her several days before in the conference room at the school following the meeting with Nathan and the other men.

Raymond's mother was about the same age as James. She carried a few extra pounds that gave her body a lumpy appearance. Her brown hair was unkempt, hinting that the day's travails with the children and overdue bills made her give up on keeping it in place. She was careful not to give away her thoughts, by wiping any expression from her face. Perhaps it was that, or because she was tired.

"Hello, Mrs. Jacobs!" James called to her as they approached the car. "Did we keep you waiting?" She shook her head but did not speak. "Raymond did well. I gave him some assignments. I think that this will work out real well."

"I don't know why you're doing this for no pay," she uttered as she looked away. "We don't want charity, but we can't pay."

"Raymond needs this, Mrs. Jacobs, and I'm enjoying it," James countered.

The woman ignored his remark. "I made these for you—to pay something," she mumbled. She thrust a paper plate with a dozen cookies out the open window of the car.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jacobs. You didn't have to do this, but I'm glad that you did!"

"It ain't nuthin'," the woman mumbled, looking away again.

"More than you think, Mrs. Jacobs. A single man like me doesn't get this kind of thing very often unless someone thinks of him," James insisted.

Well, alright then!" Raymond's mother answered, her tone brightened a little. She rolled up the window and started backing down the driveway.

James watched the station wagon back down about thirty feet or so. Then he waved good bye and turned back toward the back of the house. As he did, there was something moving that he saw in the corner of his eye. It didn't surprise him. It was the curtain in the nearby window in Mrs. Wilkinson's part of the house.

He didn't think that the landlady would like the tutoring sessions, but this was a point on which he would dig in his heels. He paused to see if the old woman would come waddling out the front door for one of her interrogations. When she didn't, he started walking slowly to his stairway. He would give her every chance to confront him, if she wanted to.

When Mrs. Wilkinson failed to venture from her lair, James considered the matter closed. He bounded up the stairs ready to get some dinner ready. He had some sliced ham from the Thrifty Mart and some eggs, so he decided that he would try that. That would give him a good base when he went out for his run early the next day.

James bounded out of bed the next morning looking forward to his morning exercise. He threw on his running clothes. As he stepped lively to the door he glanced at the scrubbed skillet and plate in the dish drainer. He congratulated himself on getting the eggs cooked just right the night before, and credited the meal for his feeling so good that morning.

He was stretching in the yard looking up at the early morning sky. It promised to be a rainy day, but no sign of rain yet. As the days of September ticked away the mornings were getting chillier. He reminded himself that shorts wouldn't be enough. He'd have to get out his sweatpants. He finished his stretching and started on his route.

The coldness of the morning air encouraged him to quicken his pace. The streets and houses had all become familiar landmarks as he loped past them. James found his stamina and muscle tone improving with the daily routine. At some point, he reckoned, he would have to expand his route. He wanted to get in as much work as possible because when winter arrived the snow might make it impossible to keep a daily schedule.

As he ran, he started thinking about his new charge, Raymond, and Mrs. Wilkinson peering at them from behind her curtain. He expected a complaint or an interrogation from her, but received none. Maybe he was just imagining that he was to meet opposition at every turn. Why would the old woman even care?

"Why indeed?" he answered himself, pondering the obvious point of Raymond's social status. He didn't know if his assumptions were true or not. It was easy to assume, given his low regard for the unpleasant lady. He realized that it didn't matter. Only Raymond's tutelage and, of course, his part in it mattered.

James was amazed that a young man in Raymond's circumstances could rise to the level that he had. He decided on the spot during their first tutoring session to accelerate the lesson's pace. It was apparent that there was a lot of potential in the young student. It was the right decision, because he saw the spark that he ignited in the pupil as soon as he did it. Raymond had every tangible factor arrayed against him. Most of the other students had everything in their favor. Raymond stood where he did on the academic ladder; his classmates—well, they stood lower.

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 12

Chapter 12—Turning Point James woke up next to Tracey early the next morning. He was surprised to be so wide awake because they were up into the small hours making love to each other in every way that they could think of. Lying still in the half light of morning, he mulled over the complications of adding a third lover into his life, and thinking how worthwhile that would be. Tracey’s voluptuous body was only a small part of his motivation. Her high-energy lovemaking style was a factor, too,...

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 03

Chapter 3—Beginnings School commenced on the first Wednesday after Labor Day. James was ready to go. He took his morning workout and had a big breakfast. He chose to walk that day, his apartment being close to the school. After his first few classes, he reckoned that he had more energy than the sea of expressionless faces that he looked out over in each of his four sections. He was too seasoned to expect enthusiasm. Any expression, even fear, would have been preferable over nothingness....

2 years ago
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The Blameless BystanderChapter 9 Out With It

At seven-thirty James was driving his car to Abby's house. He was very early, and embarrassed to be so eager, like a schoolboy on a first date. There he was, however, unable to contain his energy in his tiny apartment. As he got closer, he realized just how early he was and detoured away from Abby's house in order to use up some time. As he drove his circuitous route he purged all the conscience pangs and second thoughts. The adultery was Abby's responsibility, he reasoned. "Am I my...

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 09

Chapter 9 — Out With It! At seven-thirty James was driving his car to Abby’s house. He was very early, and embarrassed to be so eager, like a schoolboy on a first date, yet there he was, unable to contain his energy in his tiny apartment. As he got closer, he realized just how early he was and detoured away from Abby’s house in order to use up some time. As he drove his circuitous route he purged all the conscience pangs and second thoughts from his mind. The adultery was Abby’s...

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The Blameless BystanderChapter 6 Dancing Without Music

When the congregation started singing "Old Time Religion" Ethan descended from the pulpit and strode to the front and center of the sanctuary and sang with them. As the song ended and the organ silenced he raised his hand as he always did following a service. "God Bless you all," he bade the congregation. "See you next week." His usual practice was to make his way to the front door by way of one of the side aisles so that he could greet the faithful as they exited the church. He...

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 04

Copyright 2006, 2007 Chapter 4—Suspicion By the time that James returned from Vicki’s apartment it was nearly noon. He drove into the driveway and bounded quickly from his car to the stairway. He ran up, skipping steps. He was sure that Mrs. Wilkinson was nearby lurking and he had no wish to answer her questions about where he’d been all night. He had already showered with Vicki, he was more used to an early morning run. He liked the effect of the cool morning air in his lungs and on his...

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 13

© Copyright 2006, 2007 Chapter 13—Seduction of Satan Tracey never truly doubted that she would bend to Jarrod’s will and try to seduce Ethan. She was angry, but not hurt. There had never been any illusion that her relationship with Jarrod was anything more than value for value. They cuddled together and said nice things in the aftermath of sex. It was a facilitating cover for what was, in the end, an arrangement of exchange. If Jarrod had taken the trouble to use the smooth approach, she...

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The Blameless BystanderChapter 10 MidNovember Vignettes

It was Thursday afternoon. James' identity as Reverend Chandler's target was public knowledge, thanks to Doris' shouting it out during the previous evening's School Board Meeting. The unauthorized revelation changed all the rules of the game. Peggy Hardaway, inspired to improve her prior week's lackluster performance, took full advantage of the opening. She called James at the school early in the morning and requested an interview. Roger Blair called Bob Jackson to smooth the way. So,...

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 10

Chapter 10 — Mid-November Vignettes ‘No, I was not defrocked,’ James answered in a strong voice into the microphone of the tape recorder. He had already recited a short bio and counted off his degrees and teaching experience. It was Thursday afternoon. James’ identity as Reverend Chandler’s target was public knowledge, thanks to Doris’ shouting it out during the previous evening’s School Board Meeting. The unauthorized revelation changed all the rules of the game. Peggy Hardaway, inspired to...

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The Blameless BystanderChapter 3a Beginnings

School commenced on the first Wednesday after Labor Day. James was ready to go. He took his morning workout and had a big breakfast. He chose to walk that day, his apartment being close to the school. After his first few classes, he reckoned that he had more energy than the sea of expressionless faces that he looked out over in each of his four sections. He was too seasoned to expect enthusiasm. Any expression, even fear, would have been preferable to nothingness. Could they really care so...

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Church Lady

Church Lady By Pamela ([email protected]) My wife, Alice, has a problem with my crossdressing. "I'm not thrilled with it Francis. I tolerate it because l love you dearly, but it's the kind of thing that I don't want to see. My philosophy is 'out of sight, out of mind.' Go ahead and wear your girls underwear, but just not so that I'm aware of it." Of course, my wife doesn't want me wearing dresses when she's home. Only when she's out of the house. "Go crazy when I'm not here,...

4 years ago
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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 14 Were going to Church

The Flynn's attendance at church had been sporadic at best during the last year. Normally they attended only once or twice a month. It was a long 30 miles to the church over rough mountain roads. They could have gone to a church in Prescott easier and quicker but, Seth's family had attended this church since Seth was a baby. The other people attending the church were mountain people like the Flynns. The Flynn's attendance dropped further when they received the letter telling them their...

3 years ago
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Following my misfortune in Amsterdam (please read “An Honest Mistake” under my Posts & Stories) although misfortune is perhaps the wrong word to use to describe my visit to a rather special boutique and experiencing the most intense arousal and sexual orgasm to date in my young twenties, my next few days off were entirely spent in local settings of East Anglia in England on my bicycle.As a means of staying attractive and apparently sexy according to my friends, I have found that a long...

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Another Sunday Church Morning

Another Sunday Church Morning----------Another Sunday morning, and Katherine, the newest farm helper was late again. I know that these girls are working just to be around the horses, free riding and using the swimming pool, but being on time was important to keep our customers happy with someone present to help. I decided that I must pull her aside and talk to her about it, and see what we could do about her tardiness."Katherine, I need to speak to you alone please. Come into the office for a...

4 years ago
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The Church Ladies

The Church Ladies By Katherine Day (Copyright 2007 by Katherine Day) Ever since his wife died last year, Michael dressed almost daily in her clothes. They had had both been about the same size, and often when she was at work before cancer took her down, Michael would find opportunities to put on her clothes, pull out some makeup he had stashed in a basement workshop and parade before mirrors. "My, I'm a pretty woman," he would mutter to himself, almost without fail. And, he had...

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Church of Evil

Father Thomas sat in the small cubicle of the confessional, listening to the confession of the lovely Miss Diane Beinert. As Diane had been a member of the church from her youth, Father Thomas had watched the pretty little girl turn into a most beautiful young woman. Now a lovely young woman, at age 22, with long red hair and porcelain white skin. Father Thomas could picture the lovely woman who stood only at 5'3", whom he towered over in his 6' frame.Never had any woman given Father Thomas a...

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Church Ladies

Church Ladies My story begins in a comfortable neighborhood, in a comfortable little city, in a midwestern area, an area where there is little crime to worry about and neighbors tend to watch out for each other. A bit about myself to begin with, and then on to the focus of this story. My name, Daniel Peterson, or Dan as I was called by most, and my wife Patricia or Pat as she was called by most. We were both retired, and living comfortably with little to worry us. Our kids were...

2 years ago
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AN UNUSUAL CHURCH – TRUE PENANCE, PART ONE:Cycling back to my Volvo with no panties on below my short skirt was exhilarating to say the least. Like most of my close friends, I keep my pussy shaved and almost completely bare and as I rode along the hilly lanes with my mind ablaze at the thoughts of Pastor Rachel, I could feel my slit (very wet) sliding on the saddle, and particularly so going up some of the hills. The extra effort of leaning forward and half standing as I pedaled up the hills...

4 years ago
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Too Close to the Church

My wife and I both went to church occasionally when we were children but by the time we were young parents we had stopped. We both worked long hours and many weeks had substantial overtime so church was one of the things that we stopped doing. As the years passed and the children came-first John, our only son, then two years later our beautiful twin girls Marilyn and Caroline our lives became more and more busy. One of the things that also went by the wayside was the wonderful full days Sarah...

1 year ago
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DreamweaverChapter 68 The Church

Though the offices were located on the 18th floor of a downtown high-rise, the Church of the Inner Circle itself was located on a two acre facility off Highway 582 between Vegas and Henderson. It was average size for a church, I guess. I mean it's not like I'd been to that many. A little bigger than the one where I'd met Phoebe not so very long ago. Thinking of Phoebe created a cold knot in my stomach as I paid the cab for bringing me out. Probably best not to think about it. I didn't...

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Church Whore churchgoing mom strays into prostit

I was standing in front of the last pew, the corner seat by the center aisle, with my daughters to my right, and across the aisle was Mr. Cazares standing next to his wife.Their teen daughter, Amanda, stood on the other side of Mrs. Cazares. Amanda was shame-faced, as she had been of late – not nearly as prideful and arrogant as she had been – and holding in her arms the baby boy she bore out of wedlock.The congregation sang, as did I while I made furtive glances across the aisle at Mr....

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The Church Conference

July 20th – 23rd, 1998As Heather gazed out across the lush green grass, she thought to herself that she had been on this college campus more times in her life than she really cared to. She had never attended a class here, yet, she knew her way around the campus as if she was a fourth-year senior.  At the age of twenty-one, three years removed from high school, she honestly thought she would never return here.“Try to stay together!” Heather yelled out tentatively as she noticed some of her...

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Becoming a Cock Sucker and Cum Eater for My Church Friends

Gwynn, my wife of almost thirty years, and I have lived in the Atlanta area our whole lives. I’m the director of human resources for a manufacturing company, and we raised our two children here and have belonged to the same, large, evangelical church the whole time.By the time I turned fifty-two years old, and Gwynn was fifty, she noticed how depressed and bored I seemed to be at times and suggested that I join the men’s group in our church. She wanted me to take advantage of and enjoy the...

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Baby Conceived in Church

Tom Swan looked at his wife of ten years next to him inside of their car as he drove home from the doctor’s office. “Darling, I think your mother is right.” Mary looked over at her husband. “You’ll let me do it?” Tom had no choice. The doctor basically let them know what he is shooting blanks. They have been trying for the last year. He had to admit that he is having fun doing it but no baby has been conceived. “Yes. Tell your mother, we will go her way.” Mary moved a hand to him and...

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My Reluctant Wife the Actress in a Black Church

The events in this story occurred in the 1980s, when I was twenty-eight years old and my wife, Pamela, was twenty-seven. I was a production manager for a manufacturing company headquartered in North Carolina , and the company had just given me a promotion and transferred Pam and me to Biloxi , Mississippi. I was assigned to make improvements in their operations.We had not tried to have any children up until then and were hoping to start our family since I was making a better income following my...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 05 Naughty Church Delights

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Five: Naughty Church Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I turned my minivan into my church's parking lot, an eager ache rippling through me. I had made such interesting changes to my daughters and son. I had given them all gifts, and I was curious about what would happen when they were around strangers. Gravel crunched beneath my car's wheels. I felt this amazing rush as I...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 8

Kenny stared at the scrap-pad in front of him and thought about how he could try to find evidence that someone else might be controlling his former pupils by somehow having control of himself. The first thing that occurred to him was to simply send a Church of Cyberscience message to all those on his database and ask them to report all activities the Church had asked them to carry out over the past year. His logic told him that the former pupils wouldn't be able to differentiate between...

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The Empty Church

There was always something that felt weird about the old abandoned church. Something that was just inherently wrong. For as long as Jay had been in the neighborhood of west madrion county, the church had been derelect; old, abandoned, and broken down, and for just as long the building had been due for demolition. And even though it may sound cliche, everyone who had every tried to go in the house to get a scope of things, disappeared; Priests, Foremen, Land Inspectors, Police, anyone....

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PART 1 AFTER CHURCH BY DOCKER5000 Introductory June is a normal church going wife and mother. She lives in a small American town in the late 1950’s. One day two drifters come calling. The men want money and some fun with June. It was around 11pm on a Saturday night and Trevor Mortimer is having his once a week sex session with his wife June. The bedroom light is off and June lays on her back with her nightie pulled up to her waist and her legs spread wide open and her eyes...

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Temperance or Temptation Too hot for the church

Temperance Leite… well, let's start describing her assets. Temperance is a very short woman, she's 5'2" tall, 137 pounds. White skin, long straight black hair, dark brown eyes, delicate face. A regular girl, except for her stunning measurements, at least from waist down. 32B-27-41. Temperance could tempt men only with her body stats alone, no need to do anything else. But she does, she fucking does. Temperance will only wear sexy clothes, those that will enhance her body shapes. Y'know,...

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Lay Ministers Fuck Teen Girls at Church Camp

My wife Kathy and I were forty-two years old and living in the Little Rock area at the time of this story. We had moved there right after graduation from college for me to take an engineering job at a medium-sized manufacturer in the area. I had progressed well and was promoted ten years ago to be VP of manufacturing. Kathy had been able to stay at home to raise our twin daughters, who were now nineteen years old and away at college. Neither Kathy nor I were very religious when we were first...

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Going to Church the Business Series continues part 7

Introduction: Bruce and Carla are just married and Carla enjoys working as an escort in the City and moonlight in the brothel in Nevada on the weekends for honeymoon fun. The new friends in Nevada introduce them to more new activities and social scenes Going to Church Bruce returned to the Bucket of Blood after dinner with his wife. She went back to the brothel, to capitalize on the Saturday night action. He walked back to the hotel and watched the tourists wandering around the streets of...

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Church Mom and Her Horny Son

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I'm a 18yo sophomore in high school and live with my sixty year old widowed mom. Dad died two years ago of a heart attack and my mom became even more active in our church. My moms name is Pat and shes still very attractive with shoulder length hair a petite plump body with nice tits and a perfect round buble butt that jiggles when she walks. Mom wears very thick glasses that make her look oh so innocent. I had started puberty before my dad died and I was...

4 years ago
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Going to Church the Business Series continues part 7

Bruce returned to the Bucket of Blood after dinner with his wife. She went back to the brothel, to capitalize on the Saturday night action. He walked back to the hotel and watched the tourists wandering around the streets of historic Virginia City. He thought about going up to his room but, he decided to walk back through town again. He didn't want another drink but, he went into the old Bucket of Blood saloon anyway. He watched people for a while and had a soda water. He decided to go over...

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Shopping Before Church

Shopping Before Church----------Only a few days more before the normal deliveries would arrive, but we were out of several items we needed desperately to wrap up some small jobs around the farm. It was slow enough that dad suggested I take the truck and run into town and get the supplies from the hardware store. I was ecstatic at the opportunity to get away, even if only for a few hours, although the hardware store was not my favorite place to go. I will have to explain about that at another...

1 year ago
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Church Mom and Her Horney Son

My name is Mike and I’m a 18yo sophomore in high school and live with my sixty year old widowed mom. Dad died two years ago of a heart attack and my mom became even more active in our church. My moms name is Pat and shes still very attractive with shoulder length hair a petite plump body with nice tits and a perfect round bubble butt that jiggles when she walks. Mom wears very thick glasses that make her look oh so innocent. I had started puberty before my dad died and I was interested in...

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The Church Twin Group

The Church Twin Group The new minister has a set of twins, a brother and a sister just like three other sets of twins in the church. The first thing that they did was to form a group, which my twin sister and I joined. Bobby and Billie were fifteen years old, Steven and Stephanie were fourteen like my sister Fern and I, and then there was Casey and Cindy that were only thirteen years old. Being the minister’s daughter and the oldest by two minutes, Billie took over. We had a...

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The Church The Refugee

The wife is a big church goer and they send donations to a refugee charity and this one Sunday at mass the priest said he had been in touch with charity and they had asked if any of the parishioners could take any refugees in! Sue came home and we were sat having dinner and she said that the priest had asked for help with some refugees?I was like what, she said that they the church were allowed to bring over 20 or so refugees and we as a church could home them till they found proper refuge in...

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Passion in an Abandoned Church

After a bit of convincing (which included a lot of sweet, dirty talk), I agree to go with you on a back road adventure into the middle of nowhere. You’re on the search for waterfalls and need a willing partner to make sure you don’t get lost or eaten while out adventuring. You assure me that finding the waterfalls will make the long drive through dirt roads worth it… but I doubt this as the road seems endless, winding its way through the forest. Eventually, we find something of interest –...

Straight Sex
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 13

Mark's chin rested on Flick's shoulder as he peered down at the pages of the report Drew had shared with them both. He grunted to let Felicity know he had finished reading the pages that were currently open and was ready for her to turn over to the next ones. Together they quickly absorbed the remaining pages and Flick turned her head slightly to meet Mark's eyes and confirm he was finished. "So, let me just make sure I've got this right and we are all on the same page here," said...

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church story

church story by rock clifford I was raised in a very religious home, my dad was a minister and church was mandatory. Especially Sunday Morning. It wasn’t all bad though, as it was also where some of the hottest girls my age attended church and we had a pretty nice sized group of k**s around the same age. We usually had fun when we were together, even at church. I remember In junior high after vacation bible school one day ending up in a little broom closet with two of the most popular and...

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church story

church storyby rock cliffordI was raised in a very religious home, my dad was a minister and church was mandatory. Especially Sunday Morning. It wasn't all bad though, as it was also where some of the hottest girls my age attended church and we had a pretty nice sized group of k**s around the same age. We usually had fun when we were together, even at church. I remember In junior high after vacation bible school one day ending up in a little broom closet with two of the most popular and...

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