Unforgettable Erotic Week With Massuer Part 3 Cumseal Breakfast
- 2 years ago
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Andy was chatting with Regan - who was waiting for the van to pick her up from the course - when the flashing lights appeared in his rearview mirror.
He instantly looked at the speedometer. The cruise control was set to two miles above the posted speed. He didn't think that would draw police attention - particularly because several cars had zoomed past him as though he was sitting still over the past couple of miles.
"I have to go," he said.
"Why?" Regan wondered.
"I'm being pulled over for something," Andy related.
"Were you speeding?" Regan asked with a laugh - forgetting that a speeding ticket would consume every penny that Andy had gotten from work that day and would be on her insurance.
"I don't think so," Andy replied as he pulled to the shoulder. "I had the cruise control set. Maybe you have a taillight out or something. I'll call you back in a few minutes."
He had just ended the call when a young highway patrolman walked up beside him. Andy had lowered the window and he had his hands on the steering wheel where the officer could see them. His time in the inner city had taught him how to keep from getting his head split open over something trivial.
He gave the officer a smile as the man approached.
"License, registration and proof of insurance," the police officer said flatly.
"Sure," Andy said. "Can I ask why you've stopped me?"
The police officer just looked at him. In truth, the officer was confused. He had expected the driver to be Latino or Black. He had not expected a clean-shaven white kid.
Andy pulled his driver's license out of his wallet and opened the glove box to find the car owner's information.
"The car belongs to my girlfriend," he told the officer as he held out the cards. He was shocked to find that the policeman had his hand resting on his service weapon - and that the locking strap had already been loosened. He glanced at the holster and then up at the police officer incredulously. "May I inquire as to why I'm being stopped?"
The police officer looked at the license and the car information but didn't answer. Instead he walked back to his car and got inside.
"Fuck," Andy mumbled. He hit the Bluetooth feature and called Regan back.
"Mistaken identity?" Regan asked with a giggle.
"I don't know," he said. "Uh, the car, is it in your name or your parents'?"
"Dad's, I think," Regan replied, concern in her voice. "Why?"
"I'm not sure," Andy said. "The guy ... he's seriously nervous about something. He had his gun unlocked and his hand on it. It's like he thought the car was stolen or something. I'm going to call your dad."
"I'll call Mom," Regan said. She saw the van pulling into the lot and cursed its timing.
Andy related the situation to Robert and was surprised when the officer reappeared.
"Please step out of the car, sir," the man said.
"What?" Robert said though the Bluetooth speaker. "Officer, my name is Robert Riley. The car belongs to my family and Andy has our permission to use it."
"Turn off the phone and step out of the car," the officer said in a firm voice.
"Do as he says, Andy," Robert advised. "Your father and I are only ten minutes away. We'll be right there and get this straightened out."
"Crap," Andy said as he tried to turn off the phone. He carefully exited the vehicle.
"Please step to the front of the car, sir," the officer said. "Keep your hands visible, please."
Andy held his hands out to his side as he walked to the front of the Audi.
"I don't understand why you've stopped me," Andy said.
"We have a report that a car matching this description is transporting drugs from a local school," the man said.
"That's ridiculous!" Andy said, wondering who had seen Joy come to the car. He hoped whoever it was had some insulation because he was pretty certain the girl's life was about to become a train wreck.
"I'd like your permission to search the vehicle, sir," the policeman said.
"I don't own the car," Andy reiterated. "As you've heard, one of the owners is on his way out. If he's willing to allow it, I have no problem with it. But that decision has to come from him."
"If you have nothing to hide, then I don't see the problem," the officer said.
"The problem is that you haven't given me any reasonable explanation as to why you chose to stop me," Andy replied. "Just since we've been sitting here, three other red convertibles have driven past. In fact, here comes another one now. I don't see a police car chasing them."
A car stopped on the opposite shoulder. Andy didn't recognize the car but he recognized the first person out - his mother.
"Oh, shit," Andy mumbled.
The officer turned his head and watched three women thread their way through the median and across the lane.
"Please stay well away from the vehicle," he ordered.
"This young man is my son," Camille stated.
"And my grandson," Anne added.
"And my daughter's boyfriend," Rita threw in for good measure. "The car belongs to me and my attorney is on his way. My husband overheard why you've stopped this vehicle through the phone. Thankfully, we were only at the next exit. Otherwise, I doubt you would have a career when I'm through with you."
"Ma'am, I'd like your permission to search this vehicle," the officer said.
"Absolutely not," Rita said. "I demand to know why you think Andy is transporting something illegal."
"I'm sorry, I don't have that information," the officer said. "I was told to look for a vehicle matching this description."
"Is there anything illegal in the car, Andy?" Camille asked.
"I have no idea," Andy replied. "There is nothing I know about. That's for sure. But I don't have any idea of who might have stuck something in there to try to discredit Regan or Rita or me. This guy seems certain that he's going to find something so someone must have done something."
"What is in the paper sack in the front floor?" the officer asked. The bag was in plain sight and the officer didn't need a warrant to inspect it.
"Oh, crap," Andy muttered again.
"Andy?" Camille asked with a raised eyebrow.
"It's nothing ... illegal," he protested. "It's just embarrassing."
"What is it, Andy?" Rita asked.
Andy looked toward the clear blue sky. The chance of a lightning bolt killing him was remote.
"Underwear," he said with a sigh.
"There's nothing embarrassing about boxer shorts," Anne said with a laugh.
"Not my underwear, Grandma," Andy said.
"How did you get a pair of Regan's panties?" Rita asked.
"Not hers, either," Andy admitted with a long sigh.
"Andy!" Camille said firmly.
"Joy's," Andy replied, blushing deeply.
"Andy!" Camille said. The words were the same but the tone of voice differed greatly.
"It's not like that!" he said. "I picked her up at the golf course just now. Do you know about that?"
"Regan told us," Rita said. It was evident that she was unhappy with the admission, too.
"So, she told you why," Andy asked hopefully.
"No," Camille said. The officer knew he was losing control of the situation.
"Can I look in the bag?" he asked.
"If you want to see a pair of girl's underwear, then have at it, Pal," Andy snapped. "They told me that she was playing golf and her period started. My girlfriend called, told me what happened and asked me to pick her up. She had a towel wrapped around her when she got in the car. She was embarrassed, I guess, to have the people who do the laundry out there see what happened. She gave me the bag and asked me to give them to Regan to give back to her later. If I'd have known this was going to happen, I would have just told her to throw them away or something. Christ."
"I'll look in the bag," Rita said. "Will you take my word for it?"
"I'm afraid not, Ma'am," the officer said. "The vehicle is subject to confiscation. I'll need to look myself."
"Fine," Rita hissed. "Just do it then."
The officer reached inside and pulled the bag out. He opened it, saw the contents and folded it closed quickly.
"It's underwear," he said with a blush. He could tell from the thin paper that there was nothing beneath it. Andy immediately thought that he should suggest Rico switch to used panties for transporting narcotics. The scent might even throw the drug dogs off, he considered.
About that time, Robert and Evan pulled up behind the police car - accompanied by a man Andy didn't know - causing the officer additional consternation.
"I need you three and those three to leave the scene," he exclaimed.
"The young man is still a minor and this is his mother, father and grandmother," the unknown man stated. "Additionally, you've asked to search a vehicle owned by the Rileys. I have been retained to act as Mr. Drayton's legal counsel. It appears to me that you are the only person here without a viable reason. We are not going to consent to a search. You don't have the probable cause to get a warrant. Seriously? An unidentified source? Please. I will make you reveal your source and then I will destroy your source."
The patrolman looked at the faces arrayed in front of him.
"I need to notify my supervisor that this has turned into a situation," he declared.
"A situation indeed," Evan stated.
While the patrolman sat in his vehicle speaking to his commander, Rita's cell phone buzzed in her pocket.
She looked at the caller and smiled grimly.
"What do you have?" she asked in lieu of a greeting. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. OK. And that traced back to whom?"
Andy watched the woman's eyes narrow dangerously and he couldn't believe he had ever said a single nasty word to her.
"Now isn't that interesting," she said. "Thank you. Send your bill to the normal place and I'll make sure it's paid immediately."
She put the phone away and turned to her husband.
"I believe that you and I need to take another trip Regan's school," she said. "I spoke to a private detective just now. The 'tip' was fed to the highway patrol from the city arson squad."
"OK," Robert said, not understanding why that necessitated a trip to Regan's school.
"One of the teachers at C-B has a husband who works on the arson squad in the city," Rita declared. "Interestingly enough, she contacted his cell phone about an hour ago from a landline at the school. I think I'd like to have a little discussion with her."
"Don't go scorched Earth on my account," Andy cut in.
"Young man, I'm not certain you understand the circumstances," the attorney said, putting his hand on Andy's shoulder. "A vehicle linked to the Rileys was broadcast on the police band as being one suspected of transporting narcotics. While I'm certain that a portion of Ms. Riley's wrath is because you have been inconvenienced, the majority of it is because of the damage her reputation could have sustained."
"No!" Rita interrupted. "In the immortal words of Andy Drayton, the harpies that want to rant and rave about me can kiss my ass. My reputation can either stand on its own or fall on its own. Andy is just getting started in life. I will not let a vendetta from a few unhappy high school teachers tear him down. I thought we had reached an agreement but it appears that I was wrong. So I am going to let them know that Regan and Andy are off limits."
The patrol officer was getting nowhere with his commander - until he mentioned that the vehicle belonged to Robert and Rita Riley.
"Someone set us up!" the commander exclaimed. "Apologize for the misunderstanding, turn the kid loose and we'll pray like hell the Rileys don't nail our nuts to the wall. I'm going to get in touch with the district commander and let him know the city arson squad played us for chumps. Christ on a crutch. He's going to go apeshit about this. Rita Fucking Riley! And we didn't even go to code when we called it in. Son of a bitch!"
The officer watched as the two people he thought were the Rileys walked across the traffic again - which had slowed to a crawl as everyone and their brother gawked as what he suspected might be the end of his career. They got in the car that the female contingent arrived in and sped off northward.
The young patrolman got out of the cruiser and walked forward.
"I'm sorry," he said. "You're free to go and please accept my apology for the inconvenience. There must have been a miscommunication along the line."
"There was no miscommunication, young man," the lawyer, whose name Andy didn't know, stated. "We know the arson squad contacted you; we know a teacher at Clairborne Benedict contacted her husband on the arson squad. Mr. and Mrs. Riley are on their way to deal with that little problem as we speak. Now, you and I are going to deal with the other problem this has created. I assume that someone has clued you on as to Mrs. Riley's identity by this point in time. So, you and I are going to transport this vehicle to your station where your commander and I will watch as you search the vehicle and document each and every thing you find or do not find. If you find anything illegal in the vehicle, we will deal with it then. When you find nothing illicit, however, you will write a report stating such and give me a copy. Otherwise, I believe Mrs. Riley will be forced to contact the state police commander in Sacramento to discuss 'probable cause' and its foundation in the fundamental tenets of police work. Do we have an agreement?"
The officer let out a long sigh. He was due to leave shift in 20 more minutes and he knew a detailed search would take hours. Still, he knew he had only one way to answer.
"Yes, Sir," he agreed. "Would you like to transport the vehicle or should I contact a tow service?"
"I'll drive it," the lawyer said. "May I assume I'll have a police escort to your duty station?"
The officer nodded grimly. He would alert the shift commander that the night was about to get longer.
Regan practically raced down the stairs to where Jillian Pace's office rested in the first floor of her dormitory. She opened the door without knocking and slammed it behind her.
"You just royally fucked up, Lady!" she said angrily.
"Miss Riley," the administrator said haughtily. "That is no way for a lady to talk."
"Fuck you," Regan spat. "Let me fill you in on what has happened in the last few minutes and what's going to happen in the next few minutes. The state police are searching my vehicle for narcotics!"
The administrator blinked.
"Your vehicle?" she asked before she could stop herself.
"My boyfriend was driving my fucking car," Regan yelled. "My fucking car - registered to my fucking parents! My mom and dad spent 25 minutes alongside Route 28 this evening because you wanted to paint a target on my boyfriend. Well, Lady, the target is directly on you and your husband now! He has a union to back him up so he'll only be busted back to patrol by the time my family is through. You? Oh, you are screwed. I know you understand why Mrs. DuMont is gone. Perhaps you thought you were smarter or better protected. You're neither."
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So, we had so much fun within a few hours before my interesting day he had in store for me was presented. My daddy fucked me like no one ever has. I was a bad girl when we weren't together. I would touch myself and play with, finger, and fuck my pussy with my vibrator. My daddy didn't like the fact that I would do that on my own. So when I saw him, he would spank me on my ass very hard to get it through my head to not masturbate without his permission. That's what happened this day......
I belong to him, and him alone...So, recently my Daddy stated he would like me to wax my pussy. My hair was now growing back from the last time I had gotten waxed. Waxing makes me feel very nice, very sexy for him. I went to this new salon to get her fresh and ready for what was to come. The next day, my Daddy had something special planned out for me. I was very excited and nervous. He's always full of surprises. I met him at our normal spot, and went in. A few days before, we were...
This Incident happened few months ago when I planned a trip to Manchester to surprise my cousin sister’s birthday. She had no idea I’m coming to surprise her on Friday night for her birthday and to spend time with her over the weekend. I have left work early and booked the 5pm coach to Manchester a from London which I was supposed to arrive there at 10 the latest. For my surprise the coach was packed with weird looking people and couples whom I was finding difficult to find a seat and however...
Hi readers, don’t forget to read the previous part of the story if you haven’t read it. As always, all the names used are fake and sorry for making the big story into parts. Enjoy your read!! When I came out of the bathroom after the wash, Rose was standing in a formal attire of white shirt and black trousers. A doctor’s coat wrapping her body and a stethoscope (She is a medical student). Her 34-28-35 body was waiting to burst out of the shirt and her 34D boobs were tight inside the shirt. It...
This happened to me in 2016 (I was 23). I took long to pen down this series of incidents is because I came to know about this nice site only a few days ago. Even though it is evident that almost 100% of the stories are fake, it doesn’t hurt to have a horny read, isn’t it? As a mandatory notice, I hereby confirm some things. All names are fake, but the STORY IS NOT FAKE. (Of course, I have added a few hotch-potch to spice up the read.) A very long story indeed needs to be broken to parts. The...
Hi Dear ISS friends, Sahul again after a long gap. I am a smart looking and decent guy of age 29 from Chennai. Ladies of any age group who are looking for the short-term relationship, good friend, companion, can mail me at Guys, please don’t ask my aunt’s details. Finally, I got my aunt in my bed after 12 years. l am one of the happiest persons in the world that day. She showed me the real heaven. Next day morning everything went normally, and I masturbated in our bathroom thinking about...
IncestHello, guys and girls, this is Ankit from Delhi you can reach me on Hopefully, you’ll enjoy the story. This is a real incident happened to me a few months ago. Back then I use to travel by bus to go to college. I noticed a girl at the bus stop a few time, she also travelled on the same route. She was fair and had a really cute face her names’ Divya she was from Himachal Pradesh, she was 5’3” had a great pair of boobs and an awesome ass. I liked her since the first time I saw her. Few days...
This is Karthik chowdary aged 25, young , energetic, 6 ft tall and handsome. I’m from a rich family background and currently working as an engineer a reputed software firm. Any one who is looking for a genuine one night stands and anyone who wants to explore their sexual fantasies get in touch with me at I’m not an escort, this is for ppl who are kinda looking for mutual benefits. So, let’s get into the story. I am a guy from a rich orthodox family earning a great salary with a nice job in...
Hello everyone This is my 1st story, kindly ignore if grammatically wrong. I’m Rahul 23, doing my post graduation in one of the reputed colleges in Hyderabad. This incident took place in the bus while I was traveling to my hometown Vijayawada for holiday vacation. As I’m not sure when I will start, so I didn’t reserve a seat. On the day of journey, asusually buses are full due to vacation, So I was trying my luck. In one bus, a passenger didn’t come so the seat was vacant. But it is a ladies...
Anna was a young virgin special 20-year-old, who went on a trip on the boat. She always liked the sea elements. She inhaled all his bosomy smell of the sea and enjoy the breeze in a hurry, putting his wind is not very tanned body. In this journey of her father sent, knowing about her troubles on the personal front, he decided that it is the journey into a far country and motion sickness can be very useful will fall to heal emotional wounds. Keep an eye on a young lady's father asked his friend,...
Heyy guys I am back with a new story of mine which happened a few months ago when I was studying in delhi I really loved the feedback and your comments on my last story, but sorry I couldn’t respond to some emails and please dont ask me for my nude pics.If you are really intrested in secret relation then I am into it, I am not intrested in time pass chats or sex chats So coming to the story I am going to narrate this in telugu, so here we go Nenu delhi karol bagh daggara oka independent house...
Hi friends,bruce here, from Bangalore this is my first story on ISS. I don’t want to disclose my or the character’s identity so I’ve changed the name in the story. Hope you’ll enjoy it A little about myself. I’m good looking, height around 5’10, athletic body and good stamina, I have experience with young girls and women and can satisfy both…;) This is a real incident which happened just a month ago. I finished my 12th exams (2nd Pu in Bangalore) but due to fooling around with friends the...
Actually, this is not a story, it’s real happenings. I Ravi and moved to Chennai to do my be and moved to my elder brothers house. He is 5 years older to me and married to a beautiful girl from the north. They have no kids yet. First few months I was busy with my new surroundings and my studies. As I was from small town, it was real tough for me with the city life as well as at the college. During that time one of my classmates Raghu became very helpful to me and slowly our friendship grew day...
Hi, I am Joginder from Chandigarh. I am back with another sex story. I am 25 years old. Physically well-built and having fair skin tone. I am a Punjabi guy and my height is 5 ft 9 in. My boner is 6.5 inches long and its girth is 5 inch. I have good stamina and can satisfy any woman regardless of age. This is my third story. You can also read my previous stories, which are titled as “How I satisfied a single mom – part 1” and “How I satisfied a single mom – part 2”. Any girl, aunties, bhabhis...
Hi all. Hope everyone are enjoying well. Myself Venkat working as an software employee in reputed MNC in Hyderabad. I am 5″8 height and 85 weight not a gym body but bit pulpy. I was reading ISS since my B Tech and never thought that I will be writing one here. This is my first sex stroy and first sex experience. Please ignore mistakes and let me know for improvements and anyone can contact me without any hesitation privacy is guaranteed. This is real story happened to me in october.Heroine of...
Hi, this is Ram this is a true sex story of my intimate relationship with my anni. We are a Tamil Brahmin family with traditional values and culture. My family had me my brother, mom, and dad. 2 years back my brother got married and my anni came to my home. Being a family of values we have our values and we were a happy family. I never had any bad intentions on my anni and treated her like my own sister, she supported me in everything and gave me money whenever required. I call her anni ma as...
IncestHi all, I am Dilip (name changed) from Bangalore sharing my sexual experience. I’m 5.10 feet tall and have a 7-8 inch cock. It all happened in 2012 when I was in my UG. My native is different from college place, So I use rented a house and stayed alone for 4 years. My girl Shilpa (name changed) was very close to me than anyone else because of my caring nature and good name that i had in college. we started chatting daily and we became more close sharing personal things. She like me very much...
Hi friends, this is Sunny with an new experience with my aunt happen in 11th std annual holiday in her house. Let us go to the real sex story in my life. About me I am boy of Chennai and looking for an girl to fall in love with her that time and also virgin without an single kiss. About her she is married to an military man who will be always in camp and I don’t want to say his name. She is soo.. Hot with an perfect body to get fuck, many men’s try to have sexual relationship with her but she...
IncestHi guys, one more story for Indian sex stories, I received lots of comments & mails after my first story, but one mail has brighten my life ones again, hence here with new story .those who haven’t read my previous story, here is the link . Well let me tell you about myself first, HI, this is abhimanyu (25), Adventure lover & Businessman from pune, Marathi guy with fair complexion, chubby looks and 5″ dick. Any girl/woman of any age from Pune may contact me at for a thrilling sexual...
Hi Friends, myself Rajkumar From Vadodara with average height but my tool can satisfy any lady. Any females from Vadodara and nearer can drop mail on Assuring full satisfaction you will get. This is My first story on ISS and mix up of Hindi and English.. Any mistake please ignore and enjoy the story. This is the real story which happened 3 years back.. Myself Rajkumar and staying in Vadodara since 20 years. In my 30 years life i had at least 10/12 encounters leads to sex. Still when i got...
Hi guys, the story goes around me and my hot 22 yr old friend, who can impress anyone in the world with her blissful light brown nipples. Well let me tell you about myself first, I am a 25 yr old guy with fair complexion, chubby looks and an ultra-satisfying 5″ dick. Any girl/woman of any age from pune may contact me at for a thrilling sexual experience. Identity will obviously be kept a secret. Hi, this is Abhimanyu (25), adventure lover & businessman from pune, I am writing this story as a...
After a long time, I am having an opportunity to pen down one of my sex escapades. For all those beautiful and horny people who don’t know me, I would like to introduce myself as Jagrukh. I am 5 ft 6 inches tall, muscular (in my head and not in reality) and wheatish in complexion (which is true). This experience dates back to 2013 when I was looking for a bride. I had met numerous girls, during this period; but unfortunately, I wasn’t attracted to any. I had registered myself in one of the...