Young WarriorChapter 3 free porn video

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“Here they come,” someone warned nearly a mark later. Almost five hundred men stood ready on the catwalk, hidden behind the wall next to the crenellations. They readied their crossbows as the Kahjohngi troops, who were equipped with hastily built scaling ladders, formed into ranks. Their battle cry began quietly and quickly rose to a fever pitch before the front rank of their troops moved forward. They marched deliberately to and beyond the two-hundred-pace mark. Evidently, they thought archers outside the walls had managed to kill so many of their men earlier. When the front rank neared the one hundred-pace mark, they began a sprint towards the wall.

At that point, Acabo loosed a handful of fire arrows, three of which ignited the coal oil out near the thorn bushes. Other men dropped torches over the wall, igniting the coal oil from this end, too. Our archers began picking off the closest targets while I targeted the two officers who remained beyond the two hundred-pace mark. When the first officer fell, the second looked around frantically trying to determine where the hidden archer was that had killed him. He didn’t look for long. Then I began picking off men nearest the flames at the two hundred-pace mark.

The screaming of men hit by bolts and arrows blended with the screams of those who stepped on caltrops and fell. They were then trampled by the troops behind them still rushing towards the wall.

In much less than half a quarter-mark, barely three hundred of the Kahjohngi troops were still standing. All of them had thrown down their weapons and surrendered, hands in the air, silhouetted by flickers from the slowly dying flames. Smoke from burning grass and brush continued to swirl above the battlefield, finally reaching us atop the wall. After clearing the firewood from the gate, half of our men went out to collect prisoners while the remainder stayed atop the wall and guarded our men who were searching those who had surrendered.

I slipped out and crept towards their camp to confirm there were no troops hiding there in reserve. The only person I found was a terrified girl who was naked and shackled to a tree.

“Is anyone else in the camp?” I asked.

“Three more slave girls shackled inside the officer’s tents,” she barely whispered, trembling.

“Did the two officers who went to the battle have the keys?” I asked and she nodded.

“You can relax. Our troops won’t hurt you,” I tried to reassure the girl. “I’m going to get the keys to release you,” I explained, and then headed over to where the two officers had fallen to my arrows. Each man wore a leather thong around his neck with a key on it. The first officer groaned when I rolled him over. Since he wasn’t going to survive the arrow through his chest, I used my short sword to put him out of his misery.

Once I had both keys, I hurried back to free the girl. “While I’m freeing the other girls, get dressed, including shoes if you have any or can find any. Gather anything you need for tonight. Grab a knife or short sword if you know how to use it. Just don’t hurt any of our troops. The Kahjohngi troops who aren’t dead have been seriously wounded or captured,” I told the girl as I removed her iron collar.

I released a girl from the tent of the second officer I hadn’t killed in his sleep and told her the same thing. I found the other two girls gagged and trussed up securely and uncomfortably. Both were beneath a blanket. I had mistaken the lumps for piles of clothing and bedding when I killed the two officers in their sleep. I gave those girls the same instructions as the first and went back outside the tent.

After dressing, the first girl approached nervously, stopping to bow. “You don’t need to bow to anyone but the King or a noble, and there are none here. I may be your new master, but you won’t be abused or mistreated as long as you behave. My clan would punish me severely, possibly even banishing me if I abused one of you without a damn good reason.”

“What about...” she started to ask and suddenly stared at the ground.

“Sex?” I asked. She nodded. “We will have sex, but not if you are injured. When we do have sex, I will try to make sure you enjoy it as much as I do. Tonight, we will just sleep. Tomorrow you will probably meet another of my slaves, and you are free to ask her about our sex, or anything else.”

“Ummmmm...” she said, looking towards the last tent I had exited.

“If there is something in there you want or need, feel free to bring it. If it’s heavy, maybe I can get some of the troops to carry it for you,” I offered.

“It’s money,” she said nervously.

“Ah, the payroll,” I surmised aloud, feeling stupid for not thinking about it already, especially after our first raid on a Kahjohngi camp. “Let’s look at it.”

It was the same size pannier but weighed a lot more than the last one. “If you can carry my bow and quiver for me, I think I can carry it. Did you find a knife or a short sword yet?”

“No, I thought I misunderstood. Any Kahjohngi slave with a knife or any other weapon would be executed,” she replied.

“We’re not in Kahjohng, and you have my permission to carry weapons as long as you behave with them,” I teased. “Please let the other girls know, too. If there aren’t any swords here suitable for you, we might find one later among the captured weapons or be able to trade for one.” She scampered off to another tent and returned a little later with the other three girls.

“We can really carry knives?” the oldest looking of the four asked.

“Yes, and you have my permission to even carry a short sword and a bow if you want. You’ll probably want to wait for daylight in order to find a sword short enough to carry comfortably,” I replied. The first girl smirked at the other three and handed each of them a knife.

“Stay behind me because we set out traps that can severely cut your feet,” I warned the girls. They followed me, nervously watching the dark shapes of our troops moving among the fallen Kahjohngi troops. With the fires burned out, the only light was from the moon and the torches carried by the Donnakian troops. Fortunately, aside from a little residual smoke, it was a clear night, and I could see well enough to make my way back to the town.

“Coming through with four rescued slaves,” I cried out several times so nobody would try to put a bolt through me.

When I reached the repaired gate, one of the guards laughed at me and slapped me on the shoulder. “Relax, even in the dark, nobody could mistake you for one of the Kahjohngi troops. You’re too tall.”

“Hey, why do you always get the good-looking women?” he teased.

“Because I’m the one dumb enough to sneak into the officers’ tents in the middle of the night to kill them.”

“True enough,” he laughed.

Acabo was beside himself with joy when I found him. “We did it. We did it,” he exclaimed excitedly.

“That we did. Did anyone send a messenger to Captain Karbo?” I asked.

“One left even before you were back out the gate,” he laughed. “You seem to have a knack for finding beautiful slave girls.”

“I have a knack for finding and killing enemy officers,” I corrected. “They are the ones with the beautiful slave girls. I just take them away from the dead officers. I missed two of the girls when I killed the first two officers. They were beneath a light blanket and I thought they were a bundle of bedding or clothing. It’s probably just as well given how many men were shooting arrows at me as I escaped their camp.”

“Why don’t you use my parents’ house tonight?” he suggested, pointing to one of the houses.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind sleeping in one of the haylofts.”

“We can bunk more men in the haylofts than in my parents’ house,” he reminded me while nodding towards the girls. While the girls looked nervously around inside the house, I took two pitchers out to the cistern and filled them with water. I’d thought about having the girls help, but didn’t want to chance any problems with them being outside alone in the dark—even if I was on the same side as the other troops here. Once I took the water back to the house, I went back outside and found my two horses, no easy thing to do with so many horses in the barns and the hastily erected rope corral in the marketplace. My saddle and pannier were nearby and someone had already brushed the horse. I took my belongings inside and set them near the pannier with the Kahjohngi payroll.

“Are you girls hungry?” I asked. They looked back and forth at each other anxiously.

“If I ask you a question, I want an honest answer. I don’t ask questions to test you or trick you. If you’re hungry, there’s dried food in my saddlebags and the pannier. You can cook it with water to make a sort of soup or stew. I’m going to wash up and go to sleep. If you need more water, the cistern is near the center of town. Find a room or bed when you’re ready to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning,” I told them. Since there were only two beds in the house, I unrolled my bedroll in what looked like a common room or parlor. After wiping myself down with a damp cloth, I fell asleep almost immediately.

I was still tired, having gotten no more than a mark-and-a-half of sleep when an exuberant rooster awakened me.

“Oh, that feels good,” I moaned when someone started to suck my cock. When I opened my eyes, the oldest of the four girls was my fellatrix. The other three were stark naked, watching and grinning.

“You are very talented at that,” I complimented, getting a smile from her. It didn’t take long before she coaxed a load of cum from me, one she pointedly swallowed.

“Thank you,” I sighed happily, as I pulled her down and kissed her.

“But...” she gasped in surprise.

“What?” I asked. “You can suck me off, but I shouldn’t kiss you afterwards?”

“By the way, I apologize for not asking your names last night. As you could tell, I was very tired,” I told them. The oldest girl was Betra, and she was seventeen. Niara, the girl who had been chained to the tree was sixteen. Caliia and Leica, fifteen and fourteen, were the two girls I hadn’t seen when I snuck into the tents and killed the officers who owned them.

“We should probably start something for breakfast,” I suggested.

“We already made the oat porridge you had in your saddlebags. We came in to wake you,” Niara said.

“And a wonderful wake-up it was,” I replied as I got up from the floor.

“Why didn’t you sleep in a bed?” Leica asked.

“There were only two beds in the house for the four of you to share,” I explained.

I almost had to force the girls to eat at the same time I did. When we finished, I led the way outside to see what the new day brought and to collect my share of the spoils. Only a few sentries were awake, but I could see that the other troops had been busy long after I went to sleep. A large pile of clothing and weapons from the four officers and other Kahjohngi troops I killed was stacked on the front porch. My arrows were even piled neatly, each with the arrowhead still attached or lying loose in a small pile next to the shafts.

Betra and Niara stayed to wash and patch the clothing stripped from the dead men while Caliia and Leica went with me. I felt that we should pick up the caltrops this morning before someone got hurt on one of them. I was surprised that none of our men had accidentally stepped on them in the dark while rounding up the surrendering Kahjohngi. Once we were outside the walls, I saw that the bodies had been left in the area where the caltrops had been put out. We walked slowly through the area, gingerly picking up the caltrops and putting them into empty grain bags I had found in one of the barns.

Mid-morning, a small army of squires and slaves arrived from the previous camp. Doreta headed straight for me. After hugging and kissing me, she did the same to the other two girls with me. “Acabo told me where you were and that you’d found four more girls,” she said, looking around.

“The other two are washing the clothing recovered from the men I killed,” I replied.

There were quickly more than a hundred people helping us pick up the caltrops. Someone even brought out a wagon that must have just arrived. We emptied the filled bags into the wagon and went back to filling them again. Noon was nearly upon us by the time we were confident that we had retrieved all the caltrops.

More workers had followed behind us. They turned over the bodies that were left from the battle, removing any caltrops they fell on or had stuck in their feet. Then they stripped the bodies. Others were busy helping the captured Kahjohngi soldiers dig a massive grave. The soil above that grave would be extremely fertile for years to come.

The four of us joined Betra and Niara for lunch. Anticipating our arrival, they’d already started lunch and had drawn food from the Kahjohngi army’s stores to restock my quickly dwindling supplies. In addition, Doreta had brought the rest of my supplies so we had enough food to support my extended group. Doreta greeted Betra and Niara with hugs and kisses the same way she had greeted Caliia and Leica.

After lunch, we headed for the enemy campsite only to find that most of the tents had already been removed. Those that remained had been struck and neatly folded, seemingly left for me. They included the officers’ four larger tents. The blood on the ground near the other remaining tents told me they were the tents closest to where my swords inflicted their damage as I fled from the camp.

While I had intended to bring packhorses to carry things, Doreta had insisted on a wagon. Evidently, she had agreed to Captain Karbo’s request to borrow enough silver from the first payroll we captured to have several men ride back to villages farther down the pass and purchase ten wagons with teams of mules or horses to carry additional supplies here. They would then be used to haul what we captured from the Kahjohngi troops back to the valley.

“Excellent idea,” I told her, seeing how nervous she was about having approved the extemporaneous purchase without my permission. It also explained how she got here without riding a horse.

Doreta may not have known how to ride a horse, but she sure knew how to hitch mules to a wagon and drive the wagon. We filled it with the tents and other gear that had been left for me and headed back into town. I suggested that the girls lay out all the swords we had received and then check with the other troops to see if anyone had shorter swords they wished to trade. That task took them half the afternoon, but the four new girls finally found short swords they were happy with, as well as a bow for each of them.

The girls had set aside one of the swords that had two red jewels in the pommel. I had no idea what kind of jewels they were, but assumed they were valuable.

Captain Karbo and the main body of Donnakian troops arrived shortly after lunch. The Congraian troops were now building and manning another wooden barricade at the camp site the Donnakian troops had just left.

I sat down on the porch to rest and immediately fell asleep. Sunset was approaching when I was awakened by the raucous laughter and shouts of celebration of exuberant Donnakian troops filing back into town. They were coming down the steps cut into the hillside west of the village. Captain Karbo had a huge, smug grin on his face.

“We did it!” he exclaimed. “They had ten thousand men in the pass. We had several of our men dress in captured Kahjohngi uniforms and act like their sentries. Using the Kahjohngi’s shiny shields and their signals that we learned a month ago, we signaled that they had captured the pass. We waited until we could trap most of their troops by using the scree to block the pass in two places. The regular archers convinced them to surrender. You and the crossbow archers have had all the fun so far,” he teased.

“I could have helped,” I protested, feeling as if I’d been purposely left out.

“We had far more men than we could use,” he assured me. “I sent all the crossbow archers back here in case some of the Kahjohngi troops somehow got past. After hearing how you hacked your way through the Kahjohngi camp with your two swords last night, you were right where I needed you. If they tried to attack the town, you would have been awakened to help defend the battlement with your bow, and then with your swords if it came to that.

“Besides, once they realized the pass was blocked going both ways, and that we could easily pick them off, they surrendered. The troops trapped between the first rockslide and the gate are already on their way to the capital as prisoners. The rest should arrive here soon. They had to clear the loose rocks off the trail between them and the town first.

“We’re letting them through the gate ten at a time to surrender. They have to unstring their bows and sheath their swords before they reach the gate. Archers guard them as they approach the gate, and more archers guard them once they pass through the gate. They are required to put their bows and quivers in one wagon and their swords in a second. Their packs go in the third wagon, and any other weapons or gear in the fourth. Then they strip and we search them before allowing them to dress again. We’re sending groups of a thousand to the capital with a hundred archers to guard them. We’re giving every group of prisoners minimal food and fifty torches to use when it gets dark. They should be exhausted when they reach the valley tomorrow morning.

“From what we learned from the prisoners captured after the battle behind the village last night, this group and the two previous groups account for two-thirds of Kahjohng’s standing army, including all their best troops and officers. They won’t be able to mount a credible attack again for years, but we’re still going to keep more troops up here. And we won’t let the Kahjohngis send any more merchants, either. They disguised their troops as merchants and their guards. That’s how they originally captured this village and secured the bluffs above the village. Fortunately, the villagers managed to escape the first night.”

“If two thirds of their troops have been killed or captured, you should attack them now, before they can rebuild their army,” I suggested.

“We’d have the same problem getting our troops through the other end of the pass that they did here,” he reminded me. “Maybe your King can be convinced to attack them from the south and from the sea.”

Three of the girls were still busy washing the clothing we had stripped from the dead Kahjohngi troops. They had used my good climbing rope for the inglorious task of hanging the clothing on to dry, tying it between the posts holding up the front overhang of two houses, and between the two houses. It was covered with wet clothing, most of which wouldn’t be dry until tomorrow. Two of them carried a tub of filthy water to a shallow culvert and dumped it out. Then they carried it to near the cistern and refilled it.

I noticed that Doreta had found the needles and thread stored in my supplies and was busy repairing any clothing with holes in it, either from wear or an arrowhead. When I asked, I learned that Betra was cooking dinner. Jori showed up a short time later, still half-asleep. “Morning, or evening?” he asked, looking at the sky since the sun had recently settled behind the mountains.

“Evening,” I replied, chuckling. “They defeated the main body of Kahjohngi troops while you and I slept. They trapped eight thousand troops in the pass and managed to capture most of them. They’re sending groups of a thousand at a time to the capital under an armed escort.”

“Great!” he exclaimed excitedly.

Jori ate dinner with us and Acabo showed up right after we ate. Betra managed to scrape together enough food for him to have dinner, too. He gave us more details about the “battle.” He reiterated what Captain Karbo had told me. When Jori asked why he didn’t have us helping, Acabo replied that they didn’t even need the Donnakian crossbow archers. Captain Karbo had sent their crossbow archers to guard the gate across the pass and wanted Jori and me available here just in case.

Doreta was eager to go to bed after dinner and quickly had me naked and washed. I gave her two orgasms with my fingers and tongue before sheathing myself in her. Betra, the boldest of the four new girls, volunteered to go next while the other girls watched. Once I filled her with cum, I rolled over and went to sleep while the five girls talked quietly.

A rooster somewhere nearby awakened me in the morning. The girls fixed more porridge and started baking bread in the communal bread oven using the town’s firewood and some of the supplies taken from the Kahjohngi troops. They made several batches of dough knowing that the smell of baking bread would have everyone salivating. Once the oven was full of baking loaves of bread, they turned the bread-making task over to other slaves. The first batch of bread had just come out of the oven when Ashia ran up to me, almost knocking me over as she leapt at me.

“I heard about everything!” she exclaimed excitedly. “There were several messengers riding to the capital to report to the King. A few of them recognized me and told me what had happened and what you accomplished. I heard you had at least four more slaves, so I stopped in one of the villages on the way here and bought ten more slave collars.

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Youngsville Part 6 Celebration

A few hours later I was woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other a****ls from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was laying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry.I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 5 Meacutenage

I was laying on my bed listening to music when I looked out the window. Darkness had fallen over the ranch and I looked at the note Sybil had given me earlier. On it was an address she had written down for me. I remember her words: “Come to this address after dark.” I had been wondering what was waiting for me at this place. While I was examining the note I noticed a small marking on the bottom. It looked like a small scribble, it was a word: Ménage.I got out of bed and put my jacket on. I...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 4 Expanding interests

During the days after my arrival, I got better acquainted with my new household, learning about the Day-Sea’s routines and getting used to the farm. The girls took very good care of me and helped me with anything I needed or wondered about. The girls found a way for me to repay them too, which I thought was more of a treat than a debt.After they returned from their long working hours I would find them at their usual resting areas. The first one who had free time was Jill. All of the girls left...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 3 Settling in

Part 3: Settling inLater that evening, around 23:30, I was lying in my bed. I was thinking about how I would decorate my cottage. The cottage was about 3x4 meters. It definitely needed a renovation. The first thing that came to mind was the lighting. It was worthless! I had a small and weak gas lamp on the ground next to the bed, making it hard to see. I would have to think about decorating in the morning.Thinking about the light, I saw a shadow move outside the window above my head. There was...

2 years ago
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Youngsville Part 2 The DaySeas

Part 2: The Day-Sea'sI got dressed and walked down the street as Let had told me at the train station. I walked out of town until I came to the outskirts of the ranch. There was a wooden fence and a gate which read "Day-Sea ranch". I needed to walk about a kilometer up a dirt road from the fence until I reached the farm's buildings. As I approached, I saw a farmhouse. I noticed its age. It must have been built sometime during the 1800s.The farmhouse was on top of a hill, which made me a little...

3 years ago
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Youngsville Part 1

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I guess I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life, but I have also worked as a craftman in my uncle's workshop and...

1 year ago
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Youngsville Part 1 Moving

Life in the city had never been great. I had always been a little bit of an outcast in school. I never made it into the social life there and most of the k**s avoided me. I had good grades and was usually the best in my class in all subjects. Could that have been the case? Jealousy? I was smart and a bit of a know it all. My name is Eric and I'm a jack of all trades. I spend most of my spare time tinkering with things in my life. I have also worked as a craftsman in my uncle's workshop and...

1 year ago
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It's kind of obvious what you can expect at Young Porn Videos. Extremely horny people and serial masturbators from all over the world love nothing more than to fantasize about fucking women who are not only out of their league but also out of their age range. There’s nothing hotter than banging your 40-year-old schoolteacher as a high school student, or knocking up your neighbors hot MILF wife. It’s way more exciting to fuck an older woman than one that’s near your age range, but there’s one...

Teen Porn Sites
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Web Young! No site on the Adult Time network will lead to a typical porn review. Especially not since the porn studio recently merged all of their channels into one … creating one convenient membership price and area to allow you to access any of their content. This means that whether you’re looking for the hottest lesbian action from channels like Mommy’s Girl or Web Young, or you’re really into seeing girls’ asses get ravaged by giant cocks and might be more into Anal Teen Angels or Asshole...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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As you can already expect, this subreddit is dedicated to the lovely teen girls who are in the porn industry. From what I have seen, r/youngporn/ does not really have any amateurs here, and while you can find amateur content, usually, it is made by actual pornstars who just love to film dirty videos in their private life and share it with their lovers.Reddit is a free website with thousands of NSFW subreddits and even more subreddits that are not pornographic. This is why I always like to...

Reddit NSFW List
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I assume you are here to see lots of lovely women show off their goods… and when I say ‘lovely women’, what I really mean is ‘Young Pretty Hoes’, which is essentially the name of this subreddit. I think the title should already tell you what the fuck to expect, and unless you are a moron, you will be able to take the hint.However, there is a lot more about r/YoungPrettyHoes/ and, in general, you might not know, and that is where I come in. If you would like to learn more about...

Reddit NSFW List
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

1 year ago
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Young Nephew

Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...

3 years ago
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Young Justice A Chivalrous Sprite

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics, a division of AOL Time Warner. It is written solely as a fan fiction and the characters are used without their permission. It is not intended to alter the established continuity of any story line in any book published by DC Comics. The story that follows was written purely for fun, with no thought of profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided that the author is given...

2 years ago
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young toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

4 years ago
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Young Toms

To begin with, my husband, Ted, has a twin brother Fred who is married to Susan and they live near by in our small town where it is difficult to do anything without someone else knowing. With all that said, we have the usual evils in our little town, the bars where men hang out looking for women and women hang out looking for men. Of course some of the women make a living off the men. Each of us couples has a teen-age son and they were born in the same month and the same year. All four of us...

1 year ago
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Young Cum Queen part 1

PART ONE Jennifer started as she turned to look at the alarm clock. It was 8:30 am and she was going to be late for work. “Shit” she muttered to herself, knowing how much her boss hated latecomers. Normally she was on time, but after waking up earlier that morning she’d got caught up in daydreaming about her boyfriend Brett. She’d imagined him in bed with her, sucking her hard, quarter-sized nipples and fingering her pussy and clit. She lay there pinching her nipples and rubbing her little pink...

Group Sex
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Young Uncle Mike Babysits the Teens

There was a large pool in their backyard, and the basement was finished as a game room, complete with a wet bar, couch, big screen monitor, and a Ping-Pong table. She had divorced her husband after catching him fooling around with his secretary. The settlement left her in sole custody of their four young daughters. The last time our family had visited them, the girls were young and rather bratty,...

1 year ago
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Young White Daughter Deflowere by Black Man

It's strange to be writing this story. I've written a number of stories that focused on the African continent but this one happened to a woman I met in the states. I had just spent 16 months in Nigeria working with British Petroleum but was transferred to New Orleans to explore for oil and gas for platform rigs. It was a Saturday afternoon when a friend and me decided to have a few drinks at a lounge in the French Quarter. A woman, nice figure and attractive, sat down at the bar two seats down....

2 years ago
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Young and Single1

~ Synopsis – A young man from a Spanish speaking family goes back to Spain to work and stays with his Mother, Sister and Niece. ~ I’m Ken, single and living at home with my Father. My Mother left when I was 4 and my sister 11. My Mother took my sister and went back to Barcelona to live with her own Mother (Galena) leaving me here with Dad in the US. I got the opportunity through my job to move to Spain with the firm and because I could speak the language I was the best choice. My Dad spoke...

2 years ago
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Young Lee Clark and the MILF

‘Knock…knock…knock’. Melanie put her book down and answered the front door. “Hi…Mrs. Barton,” the good looking teenager asked, “Is Warren in?” “Ehm no,” she smiled when she recognised her son’s best-friend Lee Clark or Clarkie as he was known to his friends, “he’s at work but shouldn’t be long; do you want to come in and wait?” “Yeh thanks.” He mumbled and wiped his trainers on the door mat as he followed the slim woman into the living room. Clarkie and Warren had grown up...

1 year ago
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young wife

nice fantasy i would like to happen with my wifeI have been married to my cute little wife for 7 years. We were married right out of high school when we were both 18. I played on the basketball team and she was one of the girls in the dance group that danced at half time. She is a little blonde, about 120 lbs, and very cute with a great personality. We were both each other's first and hit it off right from the start. We dated for about six months before I finally got in her pants. She was...

4 years ago
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Young Studs for Carol

The long night of sex with the four younger studs, in front of her son, had been a terrific and exhausting experience: she had been drained of all her energies like never before in her life. The woman raised herself from the bed and took few steps in the room to the mirror; bags around her eyes and some love bites on her breast sides proved the heavy treatment from her captors, but her appearance, on the whole, still looked great; and this was certainly due to her resilient and well exercised...

1 year ago
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Young Melissa

The Greyhound bus was only half full as it made its way into Iowa from Illinois. Most of the passengers were riding alone and stared out the windows at the fields of corn and soybeans that stretched to the horizon. Melissa Lockheart sat by a window toward the rear of the bus. She watched the farmers toiling in the fields as the bus cut through the vast countryside. This was Melissa's first visit to Iowa. She was headed to her Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ben's farmstead near the town of Bentonville. Her...

4 years ago
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Young ebony slut

The other night I had this sweet young lookingAfrican American girl re-twisting the roots on my dreadlocks.Nikki was a fine young brown skin ebony female she stoodAround 5’4 and weighed about 125. She had the perfect ebony skinColor that made her look like a Goddess. My wife used to makeRemarks about the way she dressed. Like most young girls during theSummer months Nikki liked to wear those tight booty shorts, and thoseOpen toe Roman looking sandals. I didn’t see anything wrong with the things...

4 years ago
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Young Girls Should Not be Taught Physics

Young Girls should not be taught Physics Authors Note: I've never written a story before. It sure is fun. Let me know if you enjoyreading it as much as I enjoy writing it. The physical structure is: Day 1: Classical Physics Day 2: Relativity Day 3: Quantum Mechanics Day 4: String Theory Day 5: Unified Theory Each day Mr. Jefferson teaches one lesson to each of his high school grades.If you are a teacher, you won't be surprised to learn his first week is thehardest. Thanx All...

4 years ago
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Young girl problems

Danielle's hormones began having their effect on her at an early age so that by the time she was 14 her budding tits swelled to fit into a 34C bra. The natural shape of her chest made them form into round tea cup perfect tits with soft, pointy light pink nipples protruding slightly upward. Further down her torso was a flawless flat stomach, pinched by a tight waist that lead in contrast to sharply swung hips that in turn curved around to two full ass cheeks that sweetly pushed out about any...

4 years ago
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Young Jilnar Jardalys First Fuck

Hello to all my horny fans!A lot of you have asked me to tell the story about my very first time. And some of you asked me why a classy, elegant, glamorous, famous newsreader has a thing for hairy, guttural, unclean, Neanderthal slobs. Well, both stories are the same so here it is, guys! Get out your beautiful, big, hard cocks and start stroking. I've already got my fingers down the front of my panties...It was about a month after my sweet sixteenth birthday and I was on summer break. I was...

3 years ago
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Young Black Cock I was Addicted

It was my second year as professor at Western University. I had a Ph. D in Fine Arts and was instructing first year oil painting.The curriculum was mainly still life and landscape but did include some figure painting.For the figure painting I employed a willing student who would pose for a stipend from my limited budget. Usually it was a female student but this year a well-built nineteen-year-old male volunteered.Brad had the body of Adonis. Was a blue eye blonde with well defined muscles. He...

3 years ago
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Young Erin Part IIAmanda Joins In

Our intricate scheme began a few weeks earlier over the internet. I came to know Erin through a popular website and we immediately hit it off despite the 24 year difference in age. I soon learned Erin was one of those rare teen girls who was attracted to, and loved to be fucked by, older men. Somehow, I had been lucky enough to meet this incredibly sexy young nymphomaniac. Our plan involved meeting at a hotel near her home for a planned sexual rendezvous. Once in the room, Erin...

2 years ago
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Young Camphouse rofers later the first day

Young Roofing crew continued later that 1rst day!So I had gone into the camp house completely naked and with young cum all over me, and jumped into the shower. It was about 3 pm and I got all clean and fixed me a stout drink and watched the young hot men outside as I gently fingered my pussy! They were working hard and their young bodies glistened with sweat, I was sooooo horny and wanted to cum on one of their dicks! I had to wait 2 more hours until they were off work, so I kicked back in the...

3 years ago
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Young black man mature white female

My gorgeous mature white wife went to our nude, adult campsite we use. She wanted to relax, maybe find a young black man to have sex with as over the years she's enjoyed having several black men as sexual partners. She's 54, just about to turn 55, but easily passes for 10 years younger. She has a great mature curvy figure, is 44E-38-45, has long blonde hair, blue eyes, hairy bush and takes great pride in being all natural. Some wrinkles, little extra here and there, but a truly voluptuous...

4 years ago
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Young Sonia

Papers flew everywhere as Sonia Marie entered the classroom tripping over her shoelace and sprawling to the floor.  Belly laughs erupted from my students.  I walked over to Sonia and helped her pick up her papers. "You guys get to work or I'll put you all in detention!" I demanded my students then asked Sonia, "Are you ok, dear?" She nodded nervously then went to her seat. I watched Sonia as she did her math problems.  The girl was a high school misfit.  She was always very isolated and closed...

2 years ago
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Young effeminate teenager takes my seed like the good and submissive teachers pet that he is

I had just started my current vacation of three weeks in total, when I traveled to Sweden to visit my parents for a few days, staying in the guest bedroom of their small but comfy house, located in the outskirts of the harbor town Gothenburg. The world cup (in soccer) had just started, with my dad intent on watching most of the matches. Having been reassured, both through their own words and from my own observations, that everything was indeed more than fine with my now elderly, retired...

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Young Studs for Carol Ch3

John was laying on the bed and mom was locked in his embrace. After being thoroughly fucked, the unconscious Carol was resting in the arms of the big stud, who loved cradling in his massive arms the mature, hot milf. Her small size fitted perfectly in his large frame, like a little baby fondled by an adult. John’s lips were gently kissing the beautiful face of his naked asleep lover, while his huge hands caressed the jutting curves of her breasts and ass. He had screwed the mature lady...

2 years ago
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Young black man mature white female2

My mature, gorgeous, big breasted, mature white wife was thrilled to have delivered her recent 3 black babies with the young black man Rodwell as of two months ago. He'd like to see his three babies as my wife tells him they're beautiful. So arrangements are made for Rodwell to visit for a weekend, my wife has arranged for our 3, 17 year olds to be away for a 4 day weekend. I was going to be away on business. Rodwell arrived early Friday morning, was thrilled to see his 3 beautiful babies. He's...

1 year ago
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Young studs for Carol Ch2

The woman was breathing deeply, still passed out from the long wild fucking. Her swollen breasts were ondulating on her chest; her left arm was stretched out over her head, showing the delicious curve of one ivory-white armpit. The boy tore off his shorts and briefs and stood naked in front of her sleepy mom: his shaft was jutting up, in all its hardness, from his hairy crotch. He was still aroused from the vision of the torrid sex-session between his mother and the two big black guys....

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