Sordid ConceptionChapter 3 free porn video

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"Honey, a watched pot never boils," Sharon said to her pacing son.

It was around 11:30 A.M. on Thursday and they were both in the front room of the house awaiting the arrival of Brenda.

"Ha-ha," said her son as he looked out the window. "You would think she'd at least be on time."

"She'll be here. I talked to her this morning and she was coming. Why don't you wait upstairs in your room? You can get ready."

Brad looked at her and gave her a smile. 'Getting ready' meant looking at some dirty magazines so he would come to the bed in an aroused state. Sharon had thought it would be less awkward for Brenda.

"O.K., Mom," Brad said. He started walking toward the way upstairs but stopped in the doorway to say, "But if Brenda chickens out, you're going to be the one on the receiving end later on."

'I almost wish Brenda does not show up, ' Sharon thought after he tromped upstairs. She put the magazine down that she had been thumbing through and walked to the window herself.

The last couple of days had been very strange. She had never needed her son like she had since she had suggested her idea to Brenda. It might have awakened some desires of her own to have another child because she had fucked Brad every day since Monday. Yesterday, she had taken him in the morning again, wanting him to have all night to build up for Brenda.

Down in the valley, a car made the turn onto their road. Too far away to tell if it was Brenda but the car was the same color as hers. Sharon walked to the front door and went out onto the front porch. She could hear the phone from the porch if it wasn't Brenda coming up the road.

But it was. Brenda pulled her car into the driveway as Sharon gave her a welcoming wave.

'My knees are shaking, ' thought Sharon. 'What must Brenda be going through!'

"Good morning," Brenda said, getting out of the car and opening the back door to pull out a small travel bag.

"Morning, dear. How are you feeling today?" Sharon said walking down the steps to meet her halfway. They hugged briefly in the sunshine.

"A little excited, actually," Brenda said when they unclenched.

Sharon hadn't expected her to be so together; she had thought she would have to bolster her courage. But Brenda was all smiles.

"Well then, come on in," Sharon said. They went inside and Sharon asked Brenda to sit at the kitchen table for a moment.

"Where's Brad?" Brenda asked, placing her bag on the table and sitting down.

"He's upstairs in his room. I thought we'd keep him there until we were ready for him," Sharon said as she poured them some ice tea. "I think there are a few things to cover before we go up."

"Sure, what?" Brenda asked as she took the glass of ice tea and Sharon sat down opposite from her at the table.

"Well, we've talked about how best to do this. You'll be wearing the nightshirt and be under the covers. Brad will get under the covers and remove his shorts. Now, he'll have a full erection when he gets into bed."

Brenda made a little smile at that and Sharon stopped.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sharon... just hearing you talk about Brad that way... "

"I know. It feels strange, believe me," Sharon said and they both had a little laugh. "Now, getting back to the subject... uh, Brad has told me that he is... fairly well endowed."

'If she only knew how I really knew!' Sharon thought as she watched Brenda mull over what she had said. For all Sharon knew, Chris might be the same way but Sharon wanted to warn Brenda right up front so the supposed surprise wouldn't stall things once they were upstairs.

"Did he qualify that anymore?" Brenda said.

"No, but I've got some lubricant upstairs, if you didn't bring any."

"You know, I didn't even think about that... Sharon, I've got a little confession to make. Sitting here, I feel like it's the first night of my honeymoon. I mean, my body is excited... that way."

'God, she's telling me she's wet for Brad!' Sharon thought.

"Brenda, uh... that's understandable, dear. You're just thinking about being with child... that's all it is," Sharon rationalized for her.

"Yeah," Brenda agreed.

"You know, we're walking a tightrope here, dear," Sharon continued. "It's natural for us to get excited over the sexual act. That's why we do it even when we are not trying to have babies. But here we're trying to stay professional about it which is really sort of unnatural... so, don't feel bad for feeling the things you usually feel during sex. It's just natural."

"Whew! Sharon, I'm so glad you know what I'm going through... the only thing that scared me about all this was, what if... I enjoyed the act with Brad to the extent that I, um, had an orgasm," Brenda confessed.

Sharon realized there was another dynamic at work besides Brenda's babymaking desires. She could be mistaken but she thought Brenda was looking forward to getting fucked by Brad for other reasons.

"Brenda, it could happen and there would be nothing wrong with it if it did. I don't have to tell you how good it can feel. You're not going to be up there shaking hands!" Sharon joked and Brenda laughed again. "Besides, you could be fantasizing about Chris, right?"

"Sharon, you're so cool," Brenda said. "I'm glad I married your son."

"You know how much I like having you in the family," Sharon responded, patting her hand. "Ready to go up?"

"Sure." Brenda stood up with her bag and they headed upstairs.

Brenda pulled the nightshirt down over her hips and reached up to pull her hair from out of the neck of the sleepshirt. The shorts and blouse she had worn were stacked neatly on the counter in Sharon's bedroom bath.

"God, calm down," she whispered to her reflection. Her nipples were more than apparent through the nightshirt's fabric. She wished she had brought a bra. And under the shirt, her womanhood was tingling with moisture.

'This is not going to be like your dreams, ' she told herself.

She opened the door and walked out into Sharon's bedroom, where her mother-in-law sat on her bed.

"That shirt will do nicely," Sharon said. "Brad won't see a stitch of you. Come on and get into bed."

Her mother-in-law held the sheets up and Brenda crawled into bed.

"Now, there's some lubricant here," Sharon said, motioning to the bookcase headboard of the bed. She saw a small bottle of oil sitting there. "My suggestion is use a lot... we want things to go right the first time. We should bring Brad in, then I'll take him out afterward so you don't feel uncomfortable."

"You'll take him out?"

"Yes, I'll be over in that chair."

Sharon tilted her head toward a chair on the opposite side of the room beyond the foot of the bed.

"So, you'll be in the room during... ?!" Brenda was a little surprised. It wasn't that she was against the idea. Maybe not being alone with Brad was a good idea really. Having his mother in the room would keep Brad in line she supposed. But she was surprised that Sharon would want to be... it was sort of weird.

"Yes," Sharon answered, "I thought that if I were in the room, I could monitor things. I think Chris, if he ever were to find out, would appreciate me not leaving you two alone. Does that make any sense?"

"Yeah, that does make sense," she conceded. "Brad knows about this?"

"Yes, I told him and he didn't seem to have any problem with it. I'll be way over there and with the covers over you, I won't see anything."

"Oh, I know that," she said. "It's fine with me."

"Good, I'll go check on Brad and let you have a few moments. I'll come back to see if you're ready and then go back and tell Brad to come in when he's ready... oh, let me get a towel for you."

Sharon walked into the bathroom and came back with a towel.

"Spread this under you so the oil doesn't get all over... I'll be back in a few minutes." Sharon went out, closing the door behind her.

Brenda threw back the covers and arranged the towel perpendicular to her body under her bottom. She pulled the covers back over her and raised her legs so her knees made a tent. She took the bottle of oil, carefully opened it and poured some on the fingers of her left hand, transporting the oil between her legs that way.

She worked her fingers into the soft, neat folds of her sex. She had freshly shaved the area the day before, leaving only a tuft of dark hair near the top. She took Sharon's advise and used a lot of the oil, enjoying having to use her fingers to hold herself open so the oil would slicken everything up.

'God, bring Brad on!' she half-joked, sitting the bottle back on the headboard.

'Look at those fucking titties, ' Brad said to himself. They defied belief. Big, round jugs with nipples that stuck upward, instead of straight out. He turned the page of the Hustler magazine as the door to his bedroom opened and his mother walked in without knocking. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it.

"She here?" he asked, laying the magazine down. He saw her looking at his hard cock as it lay on his belly before she answered.

"Yes and, in a few minutes, she's going to be ready for you," his mother said, walking over to sit by him on the bed. "I can see you're ready for her."

"So, what kind of a mood is she in? She nervous?" he asked.

"Hardly!" his mother said with a short chuckle.

"Whatthehell does that mean?"

"I think she's looking forward to it," his mother said, lifting her hand to slowly trace her fingers on the bottom of his erection. "She admitted that she was excited and she was looking for excuses if you got her off."

"Mother, don't fuck with my mind!" he said, looking at her to see if she was pulling his hog. He couldn't see any deception.

"Brad, I'm not kidding about this. I'm only telling you so it doesn't surprise you. If it happens, if you get her off, don't make a big deal out of it in front of her. I want you to be a gentleman... if you screw this up, it's going to be quite some time before we sleep together again."

"Mom, don't worry. I know the drill. She's O.K. with you in the room?"

"Yes, she saw the logic in that."

"I wonder what she'd say if she knew you just wanted to hear her squeal when I lay the pipe to her!"

That had been the thing that he had learned on Monday morning. His mother was turned-on by the whole baby-making thing. She'd finally admitted that watching them would be a real turn on. Brad and she had finally worked out the sitting-in-the-chair-to-protect-Chris plan. She wasn't going to be able to watch but she'd hear most everything - the squeaking bed, her groans and this loud, finishing grunt that he had auditioned for her so she would know right when he was cumming.

"Be nice, baby," his mother mockingly scolded him as she got up. "I'll be right back, so get your shorts on." She went out of his bedroom, leaving the door open.

'Mother's gonna need a fucking herself after this!' he thought gleefully as she pulled on a ratty pair of Bermuda shorts and zipped them up carefully to avoid catching himself in the zipper. The shorts did little to hide the big bulge but he'd chosen them for that reason. 'Give Brenda a little idea of what she's gonna be getting!'

He went to his bedroom door and looked down toward his mother's bedroom. Her door was closed, so he hung out in his doorjamb.

Her bedroom door opened and his mother leaned out to him. She motioned him with a forefinger and a smile, out of Brenda's sight, to come to her room.

"He's coming," her mother-in-law said as she turned back to her.

"Here goes nothing," she said and Sharon smiled at her.

Then Brad came through the door. He was wearing a pair of old shorts and Brenda couldn't help but notice the tent in the front. And Brad didn't try to hide it, she thought. He just stood there with his hands on his hips as his mother closed the door behind him.

"Hi, Brad," she said, not looking away.

"Hey, Brenda," he said nicely as he walked to the other side of the bed and crawled under the sheets. It was a king-size bed so he was still some way from her. "Ready to make a baby?"

"Brad!" his mother said, looking away miffed as she walked to the foot of the bed.

"Mom, that's what we're here for, right?" Brad said as she felt him removing his shorts.

"Just keep the talking to a minimum," Sharon told him. "This is a stressful situation, especially for Brenda."

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Brenda," Brad muttered as he threw his shorts on top of the covers.

"It's all right, Brad," she said, "Your mother is trying to watch out for me. But everything's O.K., Sharon. Brad and I will just do this and that'll be that. Right, Brad?"

"Nothing to it," Brad agreed. "People been doing it forever."

Brenda liked that thought. Brad seemed to be at ease and ready to do his duty for their family.

"Well, I'll be over here," Sharon said and she walked over and sat in her chair.

Brad slid closer to her and Brenda lay down fully, using her hands to pull her hair up so it wouldn't be under her. It was a motion she usually did in her bed with her husband but now she was doing it for his younger brother. And it excited her.

Brad then moved over her. He supported his weight on his hands, holding his chest about six inches above her as his knees found the space between her legs. She made the space wider and raised her knees. She started to inch up the hem of her nightshirt with her hands to expose her womanhood.

All of a sudden, Brad leaned back on his knees, his upper body moving up as his hands grabbed the sheets like a cape. Looked down without thinking and she was looking right at Brad's erection.

"Oh," she said in surprise. Brad was hung like a pony! She'd never seen an organ that thick!

Then, just as quickly, Brad lowered himself back over her, pulling the covers up around their shoulders.

'Brenda took the bait!' Brad thought, unable to stop a big smile. He'd been thinking about that maneuver since they had set down the rules of the session. 'Dangled Big Chubby in front of her and she got an eyeful!'

His mother, sitting back behind them in her chair, would not have seen anything. As far as she knew, he was just going to get in and get out. But he wanted to test his sister-in-law, especially if she had told his mother she was excited. The next couple of seconds would tell if this was going to be fun for both of them or just a great masturbation for him.

Brenda looked up at him again and her face had lost that detached, all- business look. She looked turned on! Brad decided to press the issue immediately. He lowered himself down on her until his chest was pressing against her shirt-clad bosom and erection was digging into her shrouded crotch.

"If we whisper, Mom won't hear us," he said very softly.

"We shouldn't talk," Brenda whispered back but it didn't sound fully sincere.

"Brenda, I want to be honest with you... I've wanted to fuck you for a long time. I want you to fuck me back... not just lay there."

Her eyes widened a little and her tongue tip wetted her lips.

"I don't want to cheat on Chris," she whispered finally.

"This is cheating. Don't kid yourself... let's enjoy it, Brenda. It's like a 'One Free Cheating' card in Monopoly." He rubbed his erection against the soft splay of her legs and she drew in a little shuddering breath. Oh, see wanted him all right. "Brenda, I want you to let yourself go. This is going to be our secret."

She remained silent but her hands came up to softly hold his sides.

"Did you see my cock?" he continued softly.


"You're going to love it in your pussy," he whispered confidently.

"Brad, you shouldn't talk like that," Brenda said weakly, closing her eyes.

"All right... act like you don't want it," he whispered, "but pull your shirt up just the same." He waited a few beats, wondering if she'd call the whole thing off just to try and prove to him that she wasn't hot for it.

But then her hands moved down and he felt her shirt being dragged upward under his erection.

Then, he felt hair and the soft, warm feathery folds of her womanhood touching the bottom of his manhood. He was surprised by the textures; he'd imagined Brenda would be more Au natural like his mother. It felt like Brenda had shaved herself bare!

'Man, I wish I could do the whole nine yards on her. I'd love to get a look at that pussy... work her over with my tongue a bit!' Brad wished but he knew he'd never get the chance. Still, he was going to bang her pussy!

He worked his hips back a little and felt the head of his prick slide down out of hair into hot fleshy skin, the inner labia of his sister-in-law. Somewhere in there was her pussy hole and he prodded her crotch several times looking for that sweet spot. But he was so erect, he couldn't get it down far enough; he kept rubbing into what had to be her clit because he kept feeling hair too.

"Lower," Brenda whispered.

He had reach back between them with his right hand and push himself down. He was pressing into her skin, pushing down and then it found the mark. Most of the head slid into her oiled groove and then, when he felt the going get a little tough, he stopped. He wanted to be sure he went slowly as always.

"I'm gonna take it slow. Ready?" he said in a normal voice. It was O.K. for his mother to hear that. In fact, he wanted her to. He hadn't forgot she was back there.

Brenda didn't say anything, just kept her eyes closed but her hands gripped his sides a little harder.

'I'll take that as a Go-Ahead.'

He pressed forward and he felt the flared head of his cock pop through the gateway of her pussy. The ring of her pussy portal clamped around his shaft as he inched it in.

'How did he know?... Could he see it on my face?' Brenda wasn't able to answer the questions in her mind. Not with Brad's thick member sliding into her excited body. All she knew was that Brad stirred her up even more the way he had talked to her.

'I'm going to cum... I know I am... he's going to start fucking me and I'll cum... he'll feel me cumming!'

He was just opening her up, pushing his surprising fullness slowly in. She tried to relax her loins but, instinctively, they cramped up in delicious shivers around the intruding but oh-so-welcomed cock of her husband's brother.

"You got it all," Brad whispered above her and she felt his pubic bone pushing into her and what she knew must be his balls against the lower swells of her flattened asscheeks. "God, you feel good, Brenda."

'So do you!' she wanted to tell him but she bit her lip. It was going to be hard to be around Brad as it was after all this was over.

He left himself all the way in her and it was all she could focus on. If he'd started moving it in and out, she could have gone on to something else, kept her mind out of things. But he left it in and it burned a hole in her mind.

The dream came back to her, his girth was like that in the dream, his skin was pressing on her exposed clit, his heavy scrotum against her ass, full of baby-syrup, he'd be spurting it in her!

Her skin went all prickly all of a sudden. The nightshirt, the thin cotton nightshirt, suddenly felt like a wool blanket, her body was burning up. The heat was mentally generated, not real.

'No... not yet!!' she managed to think right before her pussy started convulsing around Brad's cock. She'd cum and he hadn't even started fucking her!

"UUUHHH!" she gasp loudly before she could stop herself.

Sharon was wondering what was happening under the covers of her bed. Things seemed to be taking an awfully long time to get started. She hoped it was just Brad being very careful with his sister-in-law's feelings and body.

"I'm gonna take it slow. Ready?" she heard her son say from under the covers.

Sharon sat back in her chair.

She knew what was happening now. Brad was working himself into her body. Sharon crossed her legs, feeling a warmness growing in her own loins. She knew what Brenda was feeling right at that moment, she knew the satisfying feeling of having Brad as a lover.

She thought she heard some whispering from under the covers after a moment. She began to lean forward when a loud "UUUHHH!" filled the bedroom. It was definitely Brenda and Sharon took it for what it was - an expression of sexual stimulation.

The covers over their legs began moving but it wasn't the thrusting motion she had been expecting; it was more of a thrashing motion. It quieted down after a few seconds.

'Is that it?' Sharon thought. 'I would have thought Brad would have lasted longer than that... but it is Brenda and he might have gotten too excited.'

She was thinking about speaking out but then the covers started moving the way she had envisioned. Brad's ass was pumping.

'She is fucking hot!' Brad swore to himself as Brenda's pussy jerked around his skewering prick. 'Cumming all over my cock... oh, I'm gonna take her there again... gonna fuck her good!'

She was working her cumming cunt in a circle under him, her sharp fingernails were digging in his sides, her thighs squeezing his hips tightly. Her pretty face was all scrunched, mirroring the sexual turmoil in her now juicy twat.

And then... right there... a slight, slight smile on her lips as her face began to slacken and her climactic movements ended.

'Oh yeah! She enjoyed that all right... God, I can't believe Chris gets this whenever he wants!' He let his weight down on her, wanting to feel her curvaceous form all up and down his torso. Her round tits squashed themselves out and he could feel her hard nipples through the shirt. His face slipped past hers, his cheek rubbing hers. He could smell the fruity variety of shampoo in her hair which was fanned on the pillow under her head.

Her hands slipped around his back, holding him to her. And then he felt her face turning to him slightly, pressing itself against his hair. Then he felt the kisses she was making, her lips rooting through his hair, coming upon his ear, kissing his ear!

"Yeah," he said softly and began fucking her.

Her pussy was stretched by that time and only clung a little as he rolled his hips, withdrawing only about two inches from her hot, rich confines on each slow piston-like pump.

Brenda's hot breath blew in his ear every time he pushed in as far as he could. He began to mix up his rhythm, sometimes doing his thrusts quicker, sometimes slower, sometimes with no rhyme or reason. Always, her breath filled his ear when he filled her.

Her hands did not stay on his back. They started doing circles, rubbing him, always moving a little lower. They were almost to the swell of his ass when he gave her a really hard thrust. Just like he'd hoped, her hands grabbed his dimpled asscheeks.

With Brenda's small hands clutching his naked ass, he began to really fuck her. She started moaning loudly, right into his ear. It sounded deafening to him but it was certainly loud enough to fill the bedroom.

"Uuuuuhhhh... uuuuUUUGGGHH... Oooohhhh!"

Brenda wasn't even aware she was making those noises. All she was aware of was Brad's husky prick pounding her pussy like she hadn't had in years. Oh, Chris got her off and she was always satisfied but... this fucking was torrid.

It reminded her of the high school days. She'd been popular back then because she had developed early and because she'd been a "loose" girl. There'd been a line of seniors waiting for her every year and she'd called a lot of their numbers. All those nights in the back of cars, guys so horny they'd just pull her skirt and panties off and mount her. No finesse back then, they'd stop thrust as fast and as long as they could. Their weight pinning her, hard cock slamming in her... she'd loved it.

The irony was incredible - by some miracle, she'd hadn't gotten knocked up in her backseat ballets and now, here she was, mostly clothed, holding the churning ass of a teenager, hoping that his sperm was going to create a life in her belly!

Sharon Larrington sat in her chair, a hand on her throat to represent the shock of hearing Brenda getting so excited by her son's fucking and the other hand under her skirt for the same reason. The front of her panties were damp, her fingers rubbing the material into her own sopping slit.

'Oh Brenda!... I know!... I know!' Sharon said to herself.

In front of her, her bed was squeaking away as it always did when she and Brad made love. The covers were lifting and falling in the familiar hurried heaving of her son's ass. Brenda kept moaning and huffing.

'I've got to get a hold of myself, ' Sharon realized, pulling her hand from under her skirt. In a few minutes, she'd be shooing Brad out and trying to present an impartial, caring front to Brenda.

Under the covers, Brad could feel his balls aching to unload in his brother's wife. Fucking her was better than he'd imagined it could be - she was fucking him back, throwing her cunt up at him and pulling him into her bald box at the same time.

And he was taking liberties as well - his left hand was up under her nightshirt now, squeezing and kneading her right breast. His tongue was in her left ear. He was using his erection like a spade, sending it almost straight down into Brenda, the top of his shaft rubbing her clit just like Mom had taught him. Brenda tossed her head away from him, her groans whipping upward, building to a crescendo.


Brenda's body torqued under him as her pussy blew up in a second orgasm, this one much bigger than the first.

It was just the excuse he was looking for. He shoved into her as deep as he could and let loose.

"OOOHYYEAAAAHHH!" he shouted, totally forgetting the grunt he'd told his mother he would make. His cum jetted into Brenda's roiling vagina in shuddering spurts, each feeling better than the first.

'Oh, God help me, that was so good, ' Brenda thought as they became still. She could feel her womb awash in Brad's seed and she said a quick silent prayer that she would become pregnant. She'd wanted the actual conception to be memorable and this certainly would be.

"Thank you," she whispered toward Brad's ear.

"Have you two... finished?" Brad's mother's voice called.

'I forgot all about her... she heard everything!' Brenda thought, her face becoming red with embarrassment. She gave a push up at Brad to get him moving out and off of her and she pushed at the inside of his elbow, trying to get him to remove his hand from under her nightshirt.

"Yes," she answered Mrs. Larrington's question.

Brad pushed himself up off her, going back on his knees as his deflating cock slipped out of her, the covers falling down behind his ass. His eyes dropped down and Brenda realized he was staring right at her spermy sex. Quickly, she pulled the nightshirt down just as his mother came into sight on his left.

"Are you all right?" his mother said kindly.

"Yeah... " Brenda answered, "uh... Brad did his job."

"I certainly did!" Brad said, not even moving to cover himself. And in front of his own mother!

"Brad, get your shorts on and let us be alone, if you don't mind," his mother said, keeping her gaze averted.

"All right," he said toward his mother. But before he moved off the bed, he reached down to rub her left knee and said, "I hope that gives you what you want."

He said it was such sincerity, Brenda thought, and in the emotional state she was in, she teared up.

Brad climbed off the bed without putting on his shorts. He just picked them up off the bed and walked out of the room.

"You sure you're O.K.?" his mother asked, sitting beside her to stroke her forehead.

"I feel good, Sharon, really I do."

"Well, let's get your hips elevated," Sharon said, taking some of the pillows in her hands. In a few moments, they had several pillows and the towel under her.

"I know this is a position feels stupid but I want you to stay like this for about an hour," Sharon said, again sitting down beside her to rub her arm. Mrs. Larrington had a look on her face like she had at her wedding to Chris. "I'm very proud of you, Brenda... you're doing a good thing for the family."

"Sharon, I hope I didn't embarrass you before... " Brenda started, then trailed off.

"No, why would you think that?"

"I didn't maintain much control before... I was too verbal, wasn't I?"

Sharon laughed softly. "Brenda, I've had two kids. When you make a baby, it's always like that. We talked about that before. Now, I want you to just relax and think good thoughts until I come back. Who knows, something could be happening in you right now."

Sharon leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then, she stood and headed to leave the bedroom.

"I'll be back in a bit," she promised as she closed the door behind her.

Brenda closed her eyes and daydreamed about the baby... and Brad.

'Brad's going to be impossible to live with, ' Sharon predicted as she walked down to his bedroom. 'He'll be cockier than ever after his performance with Brenda.'

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I awake when his dick enters my ass. He wraps me tighter in his arms and spooned up against me. His hand grips my left breast through my night shirt. My left breast is closest to the mattress. I’m most comfortable sleeping on my left side. I am wrapped up by him and cannot move. I am caught up in his body. His dick begins long rapid thrusts inside me. I am dry so there is discomfort but only for less than a half a minute. His dick is releasing so much lubrication that soon he slides back and...

1 year ago
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Amy and her teddy bear

“Barbie am i ugly?” she asked as the doll just smiled at her. “Why can’t i be as pretty as you? maybe if i was i would have friends.” she set barbie down and cried some more. She then looked over to her giant teddy bear sitting next to her nightstand and got an idea in her head. “I don’t need any boy all i need is you… Austin” She picked up the bear and went to the dining room and sat austin down and sat across from him. Amy went into the kitchen grabbed a lighter and lit two candles and...

2 years ago
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Good Things Always Come in Short packages

When we were young we use to play around and hit each other in the dick and balls and knock the wind out each other or grab each other in the crouch area and hit the persons hand off. All just fooling and playing around nothing sexual about it. Until the one day Darick changed all that. We use to hang out at the Fast Food Burger Joint by were we all lived. The place had a playgound and in this playgroung there was a ball pit. ( A small pit with over 1,000 small yellow, blue and red plastic...

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A Training Story

The doorbell rang.  He checked the clock, and put down his book.  She was on time this time.  Last week she had been 13 minutes late, and he had left her standing outside for half that more, before opening it hear her excuse.   She had gotten caught by a train.  He had listened to story, and then had sent her away.  They hated that.  But they knew beforehand, that they had a 10 minute window.  As it was her first time, she begged and pleaded, afraid that he would not train her now.  He had...

1 year ago
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My Spanish mother in law Veronica

Hi, buddies. You enjoy reading erotic stories, don’t you? I’m ready to chat about my mother in law. She´s a mature, 1.50 mts. tall, a little overweight, round, a granny with splendorous curves, though. More precisely, I’d say her features are not too beautiful indeed; small breasts, big black nipples. She has marks in her waist and her tummy is rather bulgy after she’s a mother of two. Her best fascination I may say consists in a pair of asscheeks, hard and firm, that stand out,  -standing...

2 years ago
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My Big Ass Aunt Part1

Hello! Indian sex story readers, I am really a big fan of this site. I am addicted to this very much, it helped me to overcome my fear and I got a chance to fuck my aunt. From my early age, I had an urge to fuck my aunt whenever I used to visit her place is used to catch a glimpse of her beauty. Her age is like 28 and above and I don’t have a measurement of her body, but I really like her big boob and a huge ass. I am a fan of huge curvy asses. My only dream was to put my dick in her ass. She...

1 year ago
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Weekend Story 2 Robs Account

I had always thought that Sue would be very upset if I told her that I yearned to watch her have sex with a well-endowed black man. It had been my fantasy for a few years, but how to let her know was quite another thing. I knew from the internet sites that it was actually quite a popular theme, and that couples like us and middle-class white women enjoyed sex with black men, especially well-endowed black men. We had a good, solid relationship and great sex. I did not want to spoil that by...

3 years ago
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Twincest Sabrina and Katrinas Story Part 3

Beep beep beep...Bree woke to the sound of her alarm clock beeping its god awful sound from across the room. It read 7:05. She had actually woke up right at the start. I guess an earth shattering orgasm is just the ticket for a good night's sleep she thought. She walked across the room and although her mood was surprisingly bright she still slammed her fist down on the hated alarm clock. She then heard a soft knock at her door. Bree threw on a robe and went over to open it. Trina stood there...

4 years ago
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some where over the rainbow

It started just like every other day, nice and warm, sun was shinning, wind softly blowing threw the windows, another beautiful day was starting. I had already packed the lunch we were going to have, and tea's were packed as well, you hear me humming in the kitchen, and you sneak up behind me and wrap your arms around me, and kiss my neck, i spin around and smile and softly slap you and tell you that you scared the hell out of me, but i love you anyway, you look around and see everything is...

4 years ago
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Dual sex drive

TunnaldiggerAt the very base of dual sex principle is the understanding of a woman’s psychological need for a variety of sex partner’s. Psychologically, women are hardwired differently than men. A woman has a dual sex drive. The first is centered on finding a mate for life to help support her and her offspring. This is why (and when) love is such an important part of a women’s sexual desire. The second is a desire to obtain a variety of the best genetic material to produce the best c***dren....

2 years ago
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Our First Exhibitionism

I had to go to Atlanta on a business trip and decided to take my wife, Diane along since she was on vacation from work that same week. I knew that I would be staying at the DoubleTree in North Atlanta and that my work would take me to the multi-story office building in the same business center. We checked into the hotel Sunday evening and went out to dinner. When we returned the hotel staff had turned the bed covers back and left our cookies. They had opened the drapes to the windows which...

1 year ago
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Pollyanna Part 4

It has been several months since Michelle left the loan modification department at My Mortgage Inc. and it hasn’t been the same without her. The spark is missing; everyone is just going through the motions and snapping at each other. Naturally, management didn’t replace her. Her work was just redistributed to the remaining team members. Patrick did his best to stay on top of the added workload, and Michelle was adjusting to her new position in the fraud department. Their affair had ended with...

3 years ago
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A Simple Sex Story In Bangalore

Hello all, All the people who write in this site say their story is real. I just want to write this as a work of fiction. This was probably 4 yrs. before in Bangalore. I had completed my bachelors and had joined a mnc. I had to complete my certifications and my manager had given me a deadline to complete my certifications within 2 months. I started studying for my certifications. I do everything madly as i am a passionate individual. I kept on studying from 9 to 2 a.m. night. We normally need...

2 years ago
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Shower Surprise

My name is Matt and for the past couple of years, I've been hopelessly in love with my best friend Linda. We've been best friends ever since high school but to me, she is the most gorgeous creature I have ever met. We've always been so close and we do absolutely everything together. I can talk to her about anything at all, including sex, which comes up a lot. Being a bunch of high school kids with raging hormones, we were always flirting with each other and joking about sex but I've...

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Analized Jillian Janson Punished With A Rough Anal Pounding

Jillian Janson has been bad. She is stripped naked and stuck into a cold shower. The nubile all natural teen shivers as she awaits for her punishment to be over. Her master arrives to see if the young slut has learned her lesson yet. She begs for him to forgive her. He proceeds to punish the brunette babe’s asshole with his cock until she proves to him that she knows her place. Jillian Janson does a good job and is rewarded with pleasure. Her master gives her multiple squirting orgasms in...

1 year ago
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The Education of Heather Part 5

The Education of Heather Part 5 Heathers back door is opened That was one of the hottest fuck scenes I have ever seen, said Jason, rising up from behind the camera. I hope the lens didnt fog up! Mike why dont you go shower, but Heather, I want you to stay on the bed for a few more minutes. Mike rose from the bed and padded off in the direction of the bathroom. Heather stretched out on her back, one arm reaching up behind her head, shaping her wondrous breasts into perfect globes. Her other...

2 years ago
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Playing With My Friend8217s Huge Tits

Hi I am Vicky, staying in Bangalore. I am 20 years old height 5.7′ and well built body. I go gym. I am studying B-tech 2nd year in my family we live my papa and mummy, both are in job. My papa and Ramesh uncle are childhood friends. Ramesh uncle stay at village with their family. My papa was from village but after job he settled in the city. It has been 6 years I had not gone to village when my papa and mama go to village they stay at Ramesh uncle’s home. Ramesh uncle has a very big property...

1 year ago
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KinkyBites Gianna Dior Whitney Wright Kinky Roommates

The gorgeous Gianna Dior leaves a note for her hottie roommate, Whitney Wright, in which she confesses her desire to dominate her sexually. Whitney does not hesitate to take Gianna up on her advance. She strips down naked, puts on a collar, and patiently waits for her beautiful roommate to arrive. Sitting on their living room couch, Whitney begins her servitude to Gianna by taking off her boots and worshiping her feet. She slowly makes her way up Gianna’s legs to her pussy, as a...

3 years ago
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My Life and Loves I take Flight Repost

My father, on the other hand, was mad from the beginning. After the second night, I could hear him up in his drinking room, throwing things and yelling at her in his drunken rage, “That ungrateful, fuckin’ slut of a whore! After all I’ve done for her! She ran off with that no account bastard biker son-of-a-bitch and now he’s shoving it in her little cunt and I hope he wears it out. That fuckin’ cunt!” I just couldn’t figure out why he was taking it so personally. I mean, father...

2 years ago
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Melissa Me

[ This is for Melissa, a very sexy young woman who has chatted with me so many times, and so I dedicate this scenario to her! Enjoy. ]She made it very clear that she and I were not going to fuck. "I like you," she said. "But, your too old. Okay? I'm sorry. I don't mean to insult you, or anything, but you are too old. But," she added, just as I was starting to feel the let-down, "you can watch me as I play with my pussy. Okay?""I'm fine with that," I replied. "Your right of course about me being...

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The Family Dinner Party

Seeing Rita quivering in her own kitchen, an observer might have thought it was because of the temperature. Especially as she was dressed only in a black lacy bra, black thong, suspender belt and stockings and three inch high heel shoes. She was wearing a small, white apron but it covered very little. It was not cold, however, which caused the shaking it was nervousness and excitement. Three weeks earlier, one evening, 45 year old Rita had been talking with her husband, Ian, as they sat in the...

1 year ago
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How I Fall In Love With My Elder Sister And Fucked Her

Hi, this tushar from kalyan mumabai. This is the story about me and my elder sis. I am basically from karnataka and settled in mumbai…I will narrate this story in hindi because us mein maza hi kutch alag hai. Mein mumbai mein akela raheta hoon. Mera pura family…Mom dad and sis and bro are staying in karnataka…As i am mech engg working with one of d mnc as sr. Mngr r&d i am good looking and 6 feet height, athletic body and hv 7″ tool can satisfy any girl r women. Mein aur merei behan bahut close...

4 years ago
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The Dragons BackboneChapter 3 Inner Sight

And so I began my new life, holding to that promise that I made to earn any kind of life at all. I had been afraid of my promise, afraid of what I would have to do. But when it came to it, I had nothing to be afraid of at all. In fact, those first weeks were the best yet of my life. The best part is that I knew, even at the time, how good it was. In the morning I arose full of excitement for a new day, and in the evening I fell onto my bed, tired but satisfied from a day full of enjoyment and...

4 years ago
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Real estate agent coerced into sex

My name is Madison. I’m 22, have sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes and a curvy athletic figure. I like to wear clothes and accessories that accent my figure. A couple of months ago, I obtained my real estate license to help pay off college expenses. It has gone well so far and I have made some great commissions. A few weeks ago my mother asked me to fill in for her, on a showing. I told her no problem. I loved real estate and helping people with their dream residence, especially this one. It was a...

1 year ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 6 The Guest House

The Ruby Palace was opened up and some small alterations made to accommodate the honoured guests. The guests were invited to stay there from ten days before the competition itself, for as long as they wished. The harem facilities were available for any guest to keep his own companions with the Emir's guarantee of their safety; in addition the harem had been stocked with ten concubines, one loaned by each of the contestants' sponsors. To simplify matters for the eunuchs and the guests, none...

1 year ago
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It was around 8:00-9:30pm, and I was on my way to a party. It was a nice night, so I decided to walk, and as I was walking past the park I heard a scream, so I ran to investigate. I saw a young woman being chased by two men, so I ran to help her, when I caught up to the men I punched the bigger one in the face, breaking his nose. As the second one ran at me I dodged him and pushed him into a tree, knocking him out. As I went up to the woman to see how she was, I realised how beautiful she was....

4 years ago
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My Hot Loving Wife

It all starts just after I get home from work. It was a crappier day than usual and I'm exhausted. I tell my wife that I'm going to go take a shower and then lie down and relax a bit before dinner. I go to the bathroom and start the water, get undressed, switch it over to the shower and get in. The hot water feels wonderful on my head and skin as I start to let my body relax from the crazy day. I'm lost in a daze when I hear the shower screen slide over and a voice say, “How about some company...

Straight Sex
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Whats Sexy

After the success of my stories about my first wife I started to write about my second. As soon as I did I found I had a problem, although very beautiful and with a great figure my second wife wasn't very sexy at all. True we had great sex in the bedroom but that doesn't mean that she was sexy. So with this startling piece of information I started to thing about what is sexy and what's not. Well let's start in a good place; my first wife was sex on legs and she would make a good benchmark....

1 year ago
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Xmas shopping in the Mall

Xmas eve 1pmMy wife and myself was busy looking in the shops and we were almost done on gifts for the family when my wife suggested that we took a break and went for a coffee.We found this little coffee shop that was not to busy and decided to go inside,the atmosphere seemed relaxed and the people were of the more clasy type if you know what i mean.As we were chatting about the stuff we bought that day sitting at this tiny round table in the corner of the shop i had noticed to my left that an...

2 years ago
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A World for Alan

I am a loser. 19 years old, unloved and underappreciated, even in my own family. I see the looks, I hear their whispers, I know what they think of me. It's not all their fault though, I know how creepy I can seem. Always leering at my family, I spent most of my formative years a Peeping-Tom, always looking for a hint of flesh from my Mom and Sisters. Peaking at keyholes, hiding in closets. But can you blame me?

Mind Control
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Kissing Sister

My sister backed away after our first kiss. I mean, real honest-to-god kiss. Not a sisterly peck. Full, wet, even a bit of tongue. Me, I’m just hanging on to dear life. My soon to leave for college sister is kissing her sixteen-year-old brother in a very intimate way. She said it was ‘PRACTICE’. Me, I’m Rick, Richard. Don’t call me Ricky ... unless you are a girl. Then you can call me anything you like, ‘cause at least you recognize I exist. At least at that moment. Now understand, I don’t go...

2 years ago
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Do ItChapter 5

I felt the cool metal of Ted's car flattening my breasts as I sprawled awkwardly against it. My dressed pulled down in front, yet hiked up in back, only garters and stockings covering me. I could feel the once again stiffening length of his prick sandwiched between my ass cheeks as lights from an approaching car rounded the corner heading our way. Looking up, I saw the driver pull into a stall only a short distance away, emerging moments later totally unaware of our presence. It was then...

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first time sexxxx

I was 16 at the time and had only really been interested in sports. Rachel was the same age and good at math, so that evening when my parents were away at a concert, she came round to my house to help with the homework. Sitting on the bed, she spotted a soft porn mag of my father's that I had rescued from the bin. "Do you enjoy wanking?" she asked. I was shy but had to admit that I did, whereupon she asked if she could watch me do it. Surprising myself, I got my cock out, laid on the bed, and...

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how i masturbate true

i slipped my hand down the front of my panties and fondled my clit. i was already a little wet. further i probed, inserting two fingers, up as far as i could go. i pulled out my fingers and sucked my juices from them. i stood and pulled my short skirt off entirely. i looked in my mirror, even i had to admit i looked pretty hot in my bra, panties and high heels. i slipped my hand back down there and was greeted by moisture. fuck it i thought. i removed my panties entirely – easier access. i sat...

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Meeting A Twink On PR

Hi, this is Rahul, I was working in Hyderabad, and I was going through PR and met a young, fair good looking guy with a smooth hairless body. As our chatting progressed,it became hot and steamy, I became hard, and so did he, he invited me over to his place, which was not too far from my place. I reached his place and he opened the door, we introduced ourselves and he led me to his room. Once in the room, and without even closing the bedroom door, we immediately removed our pants. He was making...

Gay Male
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A Record is Set

Coming home from school for a weekend was always exciting for me. I get to see my parents, hang out with my friends, and eat good food. But, the most exciting part was seeing Adam, since things were always a surprise with him. Since I was home for the summer, there was no rush in meeting up with him, but we made plans to see each other three days after I got home. I knew I had homework to do in the morning for my summer class, but I promised him I would be at his house by two. I could barely...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Nursing Home

You are excited about your first day of work as a nursing assistant. School was pretty tough but you managed to get through it. As you look in your closet you must choose a scrub outfit to wear. There are different colours at your choosing.

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Camp Bathhouse Chapter Three

Ben and Amelie started to collect themselves and reassemble their clothes on their now naked bodies. There was an awkward silence in the air. So awkward you could almost hear it. At the moment I didn’t know what to think. Should I feel bad about the fact that my brother may have just ruined his whole life with the urge of one simple boner? Or should I just laugh about it? I was torn. Either way, I had seen more than enough, tonight, to last me for the next month of jerking off; shoot I might as...

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The Cabin Chapter 3

Chapter 3Just as I sat down on the couch I could hear the bedroom door to my mother’s room open as she walks out scratching her head and yawning. “Hey Sam,” she mumbles at me before plopping herself down on the couch, “fancy a game of cards?”I pull out the worn pack of cards always kept at the cottage and begin shuffling, trying to calm my frayed nerves and lose myself in the game. I am desperate to do anything to keep the thoughts of Amber’s ass pressed up against me or the sweet smell of her...

1 year ago
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Two Birds a BlokeAfter the Match

The Ref blew a blast on his whistle to signify the end of the match and Phil, Nicole and the rest of the supporters of the away side, Leeds United, sprang up out of their seats to celebrate victory. It was a well-deserved win, against a very good Chelsea side. Phil turned and hugged Nicole, who was wearing one of Phil's old football shirts. Nicole didn't support Leeds like Phil, but she was happy that her friend's team had won. Phil's friend Tony turned to him and said, "Back t' that...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Charlee Hot MILF with wild sex drive

– 39 years of age single MILF – She was referred to us by a past MomPov model – Has always wanted to do porn and loves being watched – She said it makes her wet knowing guys jerk to her video – Most guys she fucks can’t keep up with her, she wears them out – She is a squirter, usually squirts when getting throat fucked – We defiantly made her squirt more then once in this video – Has always been very sexual and started at a very young age – She was once DP’d on a pool table at a keg party as a...

2 years ago
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Hot Office Romance

If jerry only knew about Peggy and her friend, “what guy has not fantasized about having two beautiful women share his bed with him”? Jerry watched her get up from her desk just outside his office. Peggy called back “I am taking my break now Jerry”, her voice was as sweet as honey to Jerry’s ear’s, not half paying attention and lost in his thought of her he nodded a response to her. “Just this once” Jerry thought and I swear I will Never Do It Again. He had convinced himself that he would ask...

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Jack and JillChapter 56

"How can you say that to me? That's cruel." "I think it would be more cruel not to say anything to you." "What do you mean?" I moved over to give her room. "Sit down, Sara." She made John and Mom move over so there was a table between us. She looked pissed off. John looked at me with a smile on his face as he made room for her. "Sara, a big part of this is my fault because I didn't say something sooner. I was mad almost as soon as we got back from the hospital and have been...

2 years ago
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My Real Slave Life The 7 Humiliations

Before we go into that though, let's address a few questions about me to give a little context. I've always been attracted to confident guys. Not all of them were into bdsm mind you, but when I say confident I really mean that there's certain dominance about them. For you guys out there heed my words when I tell you that confidence is like catnip to girls like me. I love when a guy doesn't ask me what I want because he took the time to get to know me, therefore he doesn't have to ask. He...

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Cockholding Uncle

Hi mera naam Ajay hai mein Hyderabad ka rehene wala hoon yeh incident 2 months before yani ki August mein huyi thi mein apni mba complete karke mumbai chala gaya achhpan se mujhe Mumbai city bahut pasand tha. Mumbai mein mere uncle rehete hai toh mein job searchings ke liye Mumbai gaya aur unke hi ghar mein mera accomodation tha mere uncle ek mnc mein kaam karte hai unka naam shyam hai woh 45 years ke hai unki wife Poonam jo house wife hai unka Age 43 years hai woh dikhne black color hai...

3 years ago
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6 love dove love shove

On the way home, Maria and Sonya couldn't stop talking with Jeff about his experience. Roberto, however, didn't say a word. Jeff says his goodbyes quickly, darting into the house. "Mom! I spoke in tongues! I spoke in tongues!" "Slow down, Jeff. Slow down." Sad that she doesn't share his excitement, "I ... spoke ... in ... tongues." Seeing his sadness, Rachel hugs Jeff, "I don't know what that means." "I didn't either." Overhearing the commotion, Sean walks into...

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3 Generations of Cock

Well my wife is a total slut for cock. I take full credit for her transformation to the whore of my life. When we got married I told her that there are three things I want in a woman 1A gourmet cook 2 a gracious host when we have company and 3 A total slut in bed. Well she took the last real good. This story I'm telling happened about 3 months ago. My friend Dave lives 4 houses away and we have been good friends for about 20 years. The first thing you notice about Dave is his size 6'8" and...

1 year ago
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Changing Me

Changing me By meeah soo Chapter 1: Changing me "It wasn't difficult at all to turn him into this." That is Wendy talking to her friend Steff. She is talking about me. I am sitting on the floor in my dipey, legs splayed out in front of me, coloring in my favorite Looney Tunes coloring book. My brown hair is parted in the middle and braided in pink-ribboned pigtails and I am wearing a short Hello Kitty t-shirt that shows off my plump little "milk belly." I used to be Wendy's...

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My Name Is EdChapter 59

Before she left the line Marge wanted to arrange a Saturday morning meeting with Lucinda, Gerome, and me. She wanted to discuss her new place in the company. “Your place in the company is simple, you are going to help Lucinda and Gerome with the baking for now. We may choose to add more duties for you if you are willing. This is a part time gig for all of us. It’s not a job, it’s more a community service,” I explained. “I get all that, but I want to be more involved,” she tried to...

4 years ago
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Am I An Angel Or Devil 8211 Part 10

Hai guys back to you is deepthi.. I am very thankful to all those who send their feedbacks to me. Now coming straight to the story where I left… The morning when I woke up I felt little relaxed. I just remembered everything that happened within a week after my dad left me. I know that the whole college by now should have known about my slutty activities. Within a week of time, I was totally converted into a cheap like a slut by Shyam. I even let a stranger fuck me. To say the truth the sex...

1 year ago
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(A young wife told me the basic outlines of her story in a chat room. So I guess its a true story - at least as far as anything you hear in a chat room. Of course, I've changed the names and filled in a few details, LOL.) I never had sex with anyone but my husband. We were very religious and took to heart all that stuff about fornication. Well, with no small measure of guilt, we did start having sex when we got engaged. But it seems like, for the last few years, Luke's interest in sex has gone...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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Office Sluts Chapter Two The TeamBuilding

I was curious about the famous team-building exercise. My colleagues were talking about it a lot and sometimes we got an e-mail about the plans. I think they were trying to make us interested in the team-building, so they gave us information about it little by little only. There was a poster in the elevator, showing who is in charge of the registration. Of course, I sent my registration in a long time ago. I was wondering who could I get to know better of these strangers I work with. I was...

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