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"Hey, why the glum looks?" asked Rhonda. "I was the one out late last night and with the early class this morning."

Wendy and Lin Tai glanced at each other, neither yet ready to discuss what had happened last night.

"Uh, we both hit the books pretty hard last night and I've got a test coming up later this morning," replied Wendy.

"And I have paper due," added Lin Tai.

Rhonda had never been happier. Last night, she and Paul had hiked a nature trail and then picnicked on a scenic overlook. They had kissed and Paul had quietly told her he was falling in love with her. She had assured him the feeling was mutual and when night fell and they found themselves alone, Rhonda would not have objected if they had consummated their relationship under the stars, but Paul was still filled with guilt and doubt over Jane, so Rhonda had not pushed. He was worth waiting for, she thought. That part of their relationship would come. She only needed to give him a bit more time.

"Well, bleary eyed or not, I'm off to class," she smiled, wolfing down the rest of her toast and coffee. "See you this evening."

As the door closed behind Rhonda, Wendy quickly looked to Lin Tai.

"Lin Tai, please let me apologize for..."

"Cannot talk now. Must think about Twan Lee."

"I'm sure he's a wonderful man."

"He not want whore."

"He doesn't ever have to know... and you're not a whore."

"Not sure Lin Tai can keep such secret."

"Don't tell him, Lin Tai. It will only create problems for you both. Just make it up to him by being the best wife a man could have."

"Not sure. Need to think."

"Look, I wanted you very much last night. I admit it. I thought you wanted me too. Whatever dilemma I have placed you in... I'm sorry."

The young Asian looked up and their eyes met.

"Lin Tai ashamed. I enjoy last night. That wrong. I promised to Twan Lee. He man I love, want to marry."

"And you will. Please, last night was a mistake on both our parts. It can remain our secret, forever."

Tears moistened the corners of the Asian's eyes.


But the words would not come.

"Just think about it, OK?" said Wendy, walking over to hug her roommate, but Lin Tai withdrew, not yet ready for a reconciliation.

"Maybe we can talk tonight, OK?" asked Wendy. But the lovely petite Thai averted her eyes and when she made no response, Wendy, tears forming in her own eyes, grabbed her books and was out the door.

Lin Tai sat in the dorm room all morning, struggling with her conscience. She knew the honorable thing to do was to write a letter to Twan Lee, admitting her infidelity and releasing him from the engagement, for she was sure that forgiveness was totally out of the question. Yet, even as she took paper and pen in hand, she could not bear the thoughts of losing the man who meant everything to her. At last, she resolved, with a great deal of trepidation, to take Wendy's suggestion and keep what had transpired last night a secret, a secret that she would somehow learn to live with, a secret she would make up to Twan Lee by devoting her life to making him happy. Uneasily, she put away the writing utensils and determined to also have that talk with Wendy, forgive her, for after all Wendy had simply played the seductress, it had been Lin Tai who had surrendered her fidelity and her body to the attractive blonde American. Yes, she thought, tonight Wendy and I will talk. We will both begin anew.

Moments later the phone rang.

"Room 311, this is Lin Tai," she said into the receiver.

"Lin Tai, my name is Eric and I think you're going to want to see me Saturday night," said the voice on the other end.

"I sorry. Lin Tai engaged. No date."

"You don't seem to understand," replied the voice. "You'll going to do exactly as I say unless you want your boyfriend Twan Lee to know that you're a lesbian whore."

Her mouth dropped open, her heart feeling as if it had been pierced by a lance.

"I know what you did with your roommate last night. Listen..."

There was an audible click on the other end as a "play" button was pushed and the sound of Lin Tai's screams as she orgasmed came through all too plainly and painfully.

"... How... how you... ?"

"Never mind how. The fact remains I have the tape and unless you want Twan Lee to receive a copy of it along with all the details of how you stripped and then sucked your roommate to orgasm..."

"Stop! Please, stop!" she cried into the phone.

"All right, as long as we understand ourselves."

"... What... you want?"

"The Delts are having a beer party Saturday at their frat house.I want you to be there at eight o'clock, and here's what I want you to wear."

Lin Tai's eyes widened in disbelief as she listened to the description of the outfit.

"But... I have no such things," she gasped.

"Then you better do some quick shopping. I want you there at eight and I want you dressed just the way I described."

"But I cannot..."

"You WILL, or else that tape and a letter will be on its way to Twan Lee by the next morning."

"Please... don't do this," she pleaded.

"Eight o'clock, or ELSE!"

The line went dead. Lin Tai did not even realize she was still holding the receiver until it slipped from her hand and fell noisily to the floor. In a daze, her knees went weak and she slid down the wall into a heap where, her head in her hands, she cried for over an hour.

At last, wearily resolved in her determination to keep last night a secret, she rose, found the bag from which Wendy had given her the negligee last night, noted the name and address of the store, picked up her purse and hesitantly began walking downtown.

"Are you in love with my mommy?"

"Tabitha!" exclaimed Rhonda.

The three were having dinner together at a small restaurant bringing Paul and Tabitha together for the first time. Rhonda had also introduced him to her sister Cathy when they had picked up her daughter for the evening. Cathy had raised her eyebrows a bit since Rhonda had neglected to tell her Paul was White, but his relaxed and easy manner and gentle sense of humor soon had her smiling, at ease and happy that her sister had found a man who made her so happy.

"You don't beat around the bush do you?" asked Paul.

"My mother says I'm precocious."

"I'm inclined to agree," he replied smiling. "But to answer your question, yes, I am falling in love with your mother."

"You're White."

"Ah, you noticed. And I was hoping I could keep that a secret," he said, eliciting a giggle from Rhonda.

"Mommy's never been out with a White man."

"Do you think that my being White is a big thing."

"I don't know. A lot of other grown ups seem to think so."

"Well, do you have some friends at school who are White?"

"Sure, one of my best friends, Mary Ann, is White."

"And does her being White keep you from being friends?"


"Well, if skin color doesn't matter to friends, why should it matter to two people who love each other?"

"I guess you're right," replied the pigtailed girl.

Rhonda reached under the table and squeezed Paul's hand.

"But you are awfully old," spoke out Tabitha.

Tabitha Leigh Tolan!" cried Rhonda, embarrassed thoroughly.

"No, it's OK," laughed Paul. "Yes, Tabitha I am quite a bit older than your mommy and that means that there will always be some things, ways of thinking and things we like and don't like that will be different and your mommy and I have talked about those, but, we have also talked about the really important things too and we've found that, with them, the difference in our ages makes no difference at all."

"What important things?" asked Tabitha.

"Things like love and respect and our feelings for each other... and others."


Paul picked up on the girl's insecurity.

"One wonderful thing about love, Tabitha, is that you don't have to take it away from one person, to give it to another."

Her head cocked to one side in contemplation.

"I am sure your mommy loves you very much," he continued.

She nodded, smiling at Rhonda.

"And she loved your father very much as well?"

Again there was an affirmative nod.

"So, your mommy didn't have to take anything away from you in order to love your father?"

"Mommy says it's a different kind of love."

"And she's right. She has you, Tabitha, the most important thing in her life, but she also needs and wants love from a grown up and that's where I come in."

"You're trying to make me like you, aren't you?"

Paul and Rhonda both suppressed a laugh.

"Yes, I guess I am, because I'm smart too and I know that unless you like me, your mommy can't ever really love me."

"Gee that makes me pretty important, huh?"

"Yes it does, sweetheart, very, very important... to both of us."

Paul and Rhonda could almost see the young girl relax, confident and secure that Paul was not only not a threat, but actually pretty cool... for an old guy.

"Jane, there's someone here I want you to meet," said Paul to his ex-wife who remained motionless and expressionless in the wheelchair as he stopped them under the shade of a large elm.

They had driven to the home so that, now that Paul had met Tabitha, Rhonda could meet the other love in Paul's life.

He motioned and Rhonda walked up, sitting down on the bench next to the wheelchair. "Honey, this is Rhonda. The young woman I've told you about. The woman I have come to care about a great deal."

There was no change in the expression of the still lovely face.

"Hello, Mrs. Terrance, Paul has told me a lot about you. I'm so pleased we could meet at last," smiled Rhonda.

The expressionless eyes still stared straight ahead, no flickering of cognition at all.

"I hope we can be friends. After, all, we have someone very important in common," she said smiling up at Paul.

"I have a box of chocolates for you," said Paul. "They're in the car. I'll be right back."

When he had left, Rhonda turned back to Jane.

"I... I love him Jane. I know he'll always love you, that you were the first love of his life. I don't want to take him away from you. I only want to share him with you. He has told me he could never leave you and I wouldn't want that either. If he were the kind of man who could turn his back on someone he loves so much, I couldn't love him. But he's so lonely Jane. He needs me too. We both want him happy and that means both of us in his life."

She took one of the woman's hands in hers.

"We both love him, Jane. We both want him happy. Please understand."

For one brief moment, the woman's head turned just slightly, her eyes met those of the lovely Black and she fought through the disease long enough to gently squeeze Rhonda's hand, the faintest trace of a smile crossing her lips before the eyes glazed and she was lost once more, trapped in the mindless void of the terrible affliction.

Paul returned, the three sharing a long walk around the grounds and dinner, Paul lovingly feeding his ex-wife.

As they returned to the car to begin the return journey, Paul held Rhonda's hand.

"I hope, somehow, she understands."

"She understands," replied the other love of his life. "Next week, let's bring her roses. A woman loves to get roses."

For Lin Tai, the week passed all too quickly. Wendy tried, on several occasions, to talk with her, but the Asian was despondent. Never considering the possibility of electronic bugs, Lin Tai could only reason that Wendy, for whatever her perverted reasons had hidden a tape recorder in the room and taped their sexual tryst. Then, for inexplicable reasons, had taken the tape with her that next morning, giving it to this... this Eric who now wielded his power over her. So she refused to talk with Wendy, convinced her roommate had set her up and afraid any further conversations would be taped as well.

Rhonda had noticed that the pretty Asian seemed withdrawn, but assumed it was the pressure of studies, papers and tests. She had asked if Lin Tai needed any help, but the younger girl, not sure who she could trust anymore, politely refused. As the dreaded weekend approached she became even more reclusive and depressed.

"My name Lin Tai. I here to meet Eric," she said to the smiling frat brother, already half bombed, who answered the door.

His eyes roved appreciatively up and down the small but evocative body which stood before him. Lin Tai was wearing a high necked, silk, mini dress of oriental design. It clung to her, accentuating her body in a way she found highly embarrassing. The hemline ended only two inches above her nest, showing lots of her hips and shapely legs, which themselves were covered with black fishnet hose. Her tiny feet were encased in high, metallic, stiletto heels, the thin straps of which wrapped around her legs repeatedly, ending just below her knees.

Lin Tai looked and felt like a cheap whore.

"Hey Mark, someone here for Eric!... must be the girl you were telling us about!" he shouted over the sounds of loud music and raucous laughter. The party was obviously already in full swing. Lin Tai looked in and saw couples everywhere in various states of undress.

A couple came walking by, beers in hand, the young man looking at Lin Tai through alcohol fogged eyes.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" he laughed.

The girl he was with, obviously jealous, took one of his hands and slipped it inside her blouse. He squeezed her breast appreciatively.

"You were saying?" smiled the girl.

" I was saying, let's see if there's somewhere we can be alone," he giggled.

The girl smiled back and the two wandered off. Lin Tai felt a chill run down her back. For a brief moment, she thought of turning and running, but the harsh reality of why she was here kept her feet planted on the doorstep.

Momentarily a rather handsome, muscular, dark haired young man came to the door. Lin Tai was embarrassed the way his eyes looked her up and down twice, undressing her in his mind, before delivering her to the mysterious and evil Eric.

"Follow me," he said, leering, then turning and heading for the stairs. As they moved through the hallway and the large front room, Lin Tai was wrought with anguish and embarrassment as all eyes followed her as she made her way after the man called Mark.

The entire frat house was filled with bodies, male and female, drinking, howling with laughter and shedding selective and strategic items of clothing. As Lin Tai started up the stairs behind the man named Mark, a topless, barefoot coed came running down, shrieking in drunken mirth, followed by a frat brother brandishing her bra and reaching for her panties.

Another couple blocked the stairs, deep in a sensual kiss as the young man's hand made its way up her thigh. Mark and Lin Tai had to climb over the couple to make their way to the top of the stairs. On the second floor, were four rooms, one a bathroom at the far end of the hall. The first door was closed but the unmistakable sounds of passion emanated from the room. The second door was slightly ajar and Lin Tai, despite her modesty and embarrassment glanced in as they passed. She gasped aloud as she saw three men entering an attractive redhead in mouth, nest and anus. Mark laughed at her discomfort and ushered her into the third room, dark except for a single small night light, closing the door behind her, leaving her alone with the young man standing on the far side of the room. She stood transfixed, unable to say anything or even move.

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The divorce was finalized a few weeks later. Catherine at first tried to contest it, but when it became evident that Manny wanted nothing more to do with her, she signed the document allowing the divorce to proceed. The house was sold and although she received a fair settlement Catherine was forced to move into a small apartment and take a job clerking at a department store. She was miserable, not sure whether she missed Manny, Mark and Serena or Alexandra the most. At last she could take...

3 years ago
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The Office

The Office.   Before you read this, it isn’t a stroke story as such. A story with sex in it yes, but not a quick fire wham bam. Thought it best to let you know.   The players: Stella was a bitch, pure and simple, a statement of irrefutable fact. Somehow, in her twelve years working at the small Accountancy practice, she had charmed, or perhaps bullied the senior partner into making her the Office Manager. She was the archetype of the Office Manageress. Quite tall, at around six foot, as...

2 years ago
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Masters Sissy Slave Chapter 9 Reward

Reward The next morning I woke up in my bondage jacket with Masters gently pumping in and out of me. After a slow but loving morning fuck Master came inside me and let me get ready for the day. As I was walking out of the room Master told me what I had been waiting for. "My Jessica, your performance was fantastic yesterday and you have earned your reward. I will allow you to orgasm this evening during our training session. Now go get that sexy ass ready for the day." My heart...

3 years ago
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The Training of Lucy part 4

Lucy lost track of time. She had no idea how longshe had been hogtied and blindfolded on Sean's bed. At last, she heard footsteps return. The hands appeared on her butt cheeks and caressed them gently. A finger wandered down to her pussy and felt along the slit to her clit and back to her wet cunt. It disappeared again for a moment, and reappeared directly on her asshole. She felt something slippery on her anus and she realized he was lubing her asshole. Before she could quite realize what that...

4 years ago
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The Helpless

I was so comfortable lying there with the warm mantle of deep sleep covering me like a cosy blanket. In my mind, I had been reliving one of my most pleasant dreams and the whole world seemed so peaceful, so right except for one irritation. After several failed attempts at forcing it out of my mind, I tried to simply ignore it, thinking that if I could do so, it would go away. That didn't work either. In vain, I tried to hang on to that blissful state that only comes from being in that world...

First Time
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 37 A Mauve Moving Day

"She's quite the character." I paused and made a wild guess, "Lady Janice is ninety now ... that would make her your great-grandmother, wouldn't it?" I asked Chandra once we cleared the property. "Ninety-two, Milord." She replied in that quiet respectful tone that she used with her great grandmother. "Thank you, Chandra." I left it at that and returned to Miss Lori's. When we got back I informed Miss Lori that I would be moving tomorrow, I praised her hospitality and thanked her...

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A Snowy Night

Bill and Cheryl had been dating casually for over a year. They had met during their last year of high school, though they had gone to different schools and met only because of a regional function. They wound up attending the same college, though that was more the product of chance than choice. They dated occasionally, but there was nothing more serious be- tween them than that. They both enjoyed what dates they did have, and usually their evenings together included a parking ...

4 years ago
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Gone FishinChapter 25

Wednesday morning I asked Shirl and Des about inviting their fathers and Shirl said she thought it would 'be a hoot.' They said they'd each call in the evening. I called Chaz to ask about his girls and ascertain whether he knew any bigwigs. He started to laugh. It turned out that he knew 'new' The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor slightly, but that the Council's resource officer had been at University with Michiko. He'd phone. He loved the notion of packing the house. I told him that...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Vanessa Sky Kayley Gunner Where There8217s A Will8230

Vanessa Sky, a lawyer, has summoned Kayley Gunner to claim the inheritance of one of Kayley’s recently deceased family members, Nancy. Kayley is surprised since she hadn’t seen Nancy in a long time, but Vanessa reassures Kayley that this is no mistake, citing how Kayley was the only member of Nancy’s family to accept her lesbianism. Vanessa also says that she and Nancy were close friends, so it means a lot to her that Nancy had a supportive family member. Vanessa reads a...

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Chuck the Cuck

Chuck the Cuck The most complicated diversions of our lives can begin with something simple. A wrong turn. A misdialed phone number. A car wreck up ahead by a total stranger. We are leaves in the wind. We are tumblers in a safe. We plot, and we plan, and we scheme. And in the end, it is simple chance that gets us. For instance, there was that might at Applebees, when my husband Charles and I met for drinks after work. If we had gone at another time, or to another restaurant, all of...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 961

Paratrooper Training: She went through the standard training, completed the practice jumps from higher and higher structures, and finally went to take her first jump from a plane. The next day she called home to tell her mother the news. “So, did you jump?” asked the mother. “Well let me tell you what happened,” the girl said. “We got up in the plane and the sergeant opened up the door and asked for volunteers. About a dozen people got up and just walked out of the plane.” “Is that when...

1 year ago
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Home Alone Almost

Greg woke up, urgently needing to pee and was about to put some clothes on but remembered that he was alone. Both his college-age daughter, Bree and his wife, Laura were at work. Finally, he was alone and had the house to himself for the day! No need to put something on especially since he desperately needed to empty his bladder.Greg bounced out of bed, walked down the hall, naked with a half-stiff cock bobbing up and down ready to burst. He opened the bathroom door just as Sandy, his...

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The Day Before

“Do you think anyone else made it?” asked Jess, lying down by the far right corner, opposite of the door. “I don’t know,” replied Jacob, sitting next to the door of the bomb shelter. He raised his head and faced his little sister, but he couldn’t see anything. It had been about two months since they ran out of fuel for the generator, leaving them in total darkness. Since then they were left with nothing to do but eat, sleep, and talk. Lately, however, there wasn’t much left to say to each...

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Ryans SummerChapter 2

Ryan had almost dozed off when Mary returned to the table, carrying another glass of iced tea for him and some type of mixed drink for her. She sat down across from him. "Lunch will be out in a minute." She took a quick sip of her drink and said, "So Ryan, are you heading for college this fall?" "Uh... no ma'am." "Mary, please." "Mary... I just turned eighteen but I have another year to go in high school. My mom tells me that I was a preemie baby and had some developmental...

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Cassie and Tim make up and explore a nude beach

I had just discovered that my k** sister schemed to get me to have sex with her because she wanted to have my baby. She had been charting her ovulation for the past several months, and knew that she was fertile this particular weekend, so she got me back to her apartment for sex. After discovering her plan, I confronted Cassie in the kitchen, where she was preparing dinner. Cassie, still nude, slowly walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"You remember a few minutes ago when...

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Horny lonely grandmother seduces grandson

For Addie, it all began simply enough–a comment overheard when her grandson Jimmy and his friend Joey were staying over at her house three years earlier. They had come to San Francisco to see a rock concert, but stayed at her house the night before; going upstairs to check on them, Addie blushed when she overheard their conversation. “Jimmy, I’m sorry, but your grandma is hot!” “What do you mean?” “What do you mean, ‘what do I mean?’ Have...

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Nazoo aur Indian shemale and boyfriend

Heloo meri lesbo friends!mera naam nazoo khan hai.main 28 saal ki bahut gori chiti sehathmand sexy badan wali behad khubsorat larki hon.meri figure size 38 28 38 hai.mera aik boyfriend hai jis k 9inch lamby aur 2.5inch motay goray lund ki main dewani hon. Wo main usse khub chudwati hon,hum dono na bahut se khubsorat larkion aur jawan sexy aurton k sath sex ka maza liya hai.muhje yaqeen hai k ajj ki story ko read kar k mero lesbo dosto ki chuton se bahut pani nikle ga.ab ap meri real story ko...

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my sexy young slut wife stacy part3 CAMERA CLUB

Introduction: the 3rd story about stacy .My sexy young slut wife stacy (PART 3) CAMERA CLUB If you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and...

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Learning how to deep throat

I was working the drive through window at the burger late one Friday night, this somewhat diminutive husky voice placed an order. My cock instantly begin to twitch as I heard the voice. I took the order and instructed the customer to pull up to the first window. As the car approached I observed that the driver was a shemale in full dress with a split up her right thigh to the waist. I was so absorbed by the sight of that yellow thigh and leg that I fumbled through the rest of the proceeding....

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Splash Down

Shopping for a birthday gift is always a gamble. Isabel's birthday sneaked up on me and I wanted to get her something unusual. I wanted something that would express my friendship, my sense of humor, but mostly, something cheap. Also, there's a choice when ordering things online: USPS or UPS?In the past I discovered that USPS gets delayed a day, three if it's due on a Friday, and UPS always drops things. I had to decide if I wanted the package delayed or if I wanted someone to drop it. I was...

Straight Sex
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The Stone of Lao Tzu

Part 2 shot off on several tangents. I struggled with all my might to keep them in line, but it felt like I was a herding cats. -Armond The Stone of Lao Tzu Parts 1 and 2 By Armond "In the opening and closing the gates of heaven, Cannot he do so as a female bird?" -Lao Tzu Part 1 As Raquel hurriedly drove to Sarah's apartment, she tried to make sense of what Sarah had said - about Stephen being in some kind of serious trouble and needing her help. The fact that...

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An employment change Chapter 4

Lisa reports to the secretary, Ellen, who she now knows is her bosses wife. She is also aware that Ellen is against Barry having her as an escort for his business clients. She finds Ellen somewhat frosty to say the least. Lisa, in her forthright way, tries to put her point of view. “I am employed to take care of your husband’s clients” Lisa says protesting Ellen obvious dislike of her and her role. “Listen Lisa I object to Barry employing a prostitute. Simple as that”. Lisa just smiles “I...

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Ohnomorehybrid Or BlitzChapter 2

Just outside the city limits of Vancouver I found a truck stop with several trucks parked. If I wanted a ride, this would be the best place to get one. I was about to go into the restaurant, when I heard a man swearing. I walked on a little and saw a short man looking under the hood of his truck. He was swearing and cursing about his lousy truck. "Hi mister, what seems to be the trouble?" The man looked up from beneath the hood. "The damn thing won't start. Maybe the battery is flat....

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Deep Secret Ch 26 Satiety

Christmas season starts in summer! How can Labor Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Veteran’s Day, or even Thanksgiving Day compete with a holiday that gets hyped two seasons early? I hate to begin anything I say with something like, ‘When I was a kid…’ so I won’t. I will say, though, that well more than a decade ago when I was still in my twenties, people would remark when holiday decorations went up in town before Thanksgiving Day. ‘What’s the rush?’ they’d ask rhetorically. ‘Let’s just enjoy...

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Kamma Teacher

This is an incident as told to me about the experience of an old man who just entered his 60 year of age in a village near Jaggayyapeta.Generally Kamma caste women all over andhra are very rich, glamorous etc. My description is about Mrs Savitha Chowdhary, a school teacher in Jaggayyapeta, in Krishna district of andhra. She is a trained graduate teacher working in Govt school for boys and girls. There had been some disputes over her marriage dowry to her husband, a worthless rogue. At the time...

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Used Girlfriend

My girlfriend was hot, worked out a lot, and had a hard muscular body.She and I used to watch porn together.So I had figured out that she liked interracial porn.Once we were out at a club, and I went to the restroom.When I came back, this big very muscular black guy was chatting her up.I could tell that she was getting horny, just from the way she was breathing and her eyes were dilating.When she saw me she kind of turned away from that guy and I whispered that she seemed kind of horny. She...

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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

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Scooty shikhate huve chudai

Hi story readers how are u me gujrat ke junagadh sahar me rahata hu aur me 26 sal ka hu mere lund ki size 8” inch he aur aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo mere pados me raheti bhabhi aur meri he. Ye bat aaj se karib six month pahle ki he hamare pados me naye padosi rahne aaye the jiska nam amit aur neha tha amit karib 30 sal ka aur neha 28 sal ki hogi jab vo saman utar rahe the tab me uski help karne gaya tha tab se meri aur amit ki friendship ho gayi thi uski biwi ko me bhabhi kahake...

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The Gift Our First Cuckold Experience

John is amazing. He knew going in to our relationship that I desired big cocks. I worried that while the IDEA of being cuckolded was something he found exciting, that when it came down to brass tacks, he'd freak and bolt. I couldn't have been more wrong.We received a message from a very well hung man. He was around our age, and said he was going to be in the area on vacation if we'd be interested in hooking up. He included a picture of his face (very handsome) and his cock ( fucking beautiful)....

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