YumaChapter 10 free porn video

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There is extreme violence in this chapter if you don’t like reading about scenes of this nature, please stop now ... and skip down to about half way of the chapter.

The next morning, I helped Juan Carlos to the table, then went back to see if Luther wanted to try making it to the kitchen.

“Les, I hate to lean on you like this, but if you’ll help me, I’d like to get out of bed and go in there to eat with the rest of you. I need to get on with my life and I can’t do it lying flat of my back in bed. We have crops to plant and fields to water, if we’re going to hit another Mother Lode like that last one you showed me.”

“Lean on me, Luther. You can damn well bet this will never happen again as long as I’m breathing.”

“Les, they had guns on them too. I didn’t remember that until last night.”

“I have guns too, Luther. But I want them to taste the brass on my fists, until that’s the last thing they taste.”

I had just seated Luther in a chair when I heard Tom stomping his boots on the porch. I reached for the doorknob just as he burst into the kitchen. He was smiling as he carried Malena into the house. She was laughing like a little girl as he swung her around and stood her on the floor.

Lucia and Allece were already reaching for her when she turned to hug them. Agueda went over to meet her for the first time. Tom turned to me as I stood behind him.

“Tom, when did you and Malena make it back?” I asked, just as he drew his arm back, then shoved his hand deep into my open palm.

“Last night just after dark. I sent a boy over to the livery to tell the man to come give us a ride home.”

“I don’t have to ask if you and Malena had a good time. I can see it in your eyes and in your smile.”

“Les, I have never been happier. I owe you, my friend.”

“I had nothing to do with it. You and Malena did this all by yourselves.”

“You came here to Yuma, bought this spread, then asked me to join you, Juan Carlos and Lucia in your wild scheme to grow thousands of acres of vegetables. I’ve already made more money than I have in the past twenty years put together, and we’ve only harvested one crop ... I met Malena and now I’m married to the most beautiful, most loving woman I could have ever met.”

“I’m happy for you Tom. Seeing you and Malena happy together, makes me glad that I came to Yuma, for even more reasons now.”

Malena handed him his coffee mug and he leaned over for a kiss. She laid one on him and I told them, “I’m going to sit here and eat my breakfast. You two can use our bedroom if you can’t wait.”

When Tom sat down at the table beside me, he was laughing. Then, he looked across at Luther and Juan Carlos for the first time.

He turned to look at me. His smile was gone, and now he was frowning.

“I’ll tell you all about it later, Tom. There was some trouble while we were gone.”

After we ate, Tom helped me get Juan Carlos and Luther back to the bedroom, then I nodded toward the backdoor when we walked back through the kitchen.

I pulled Lucia close for a hug and told her, “Tom and I are going for a walk. We’ll be out where they’re working on the new buildings. We’ll be out there a while if you need us for anything,” I told her then turned to see Tom and Malena kissing before he walked out behind me.

“What happened, Les?” he asked as soon as we stepped out into the yard.

“Tom, there’s a bad history behind Luther and me. If I tell you the truth about what happened to him, I’ll first have to tell you all of it. I’m not sure you’ll even like me as a friend when you know all there is to know about me.”

“Les, there’s not a damn thing you can tell me that will make me not want to be your friend. NOT ONE DAMN THING ... I have a bad history too, Les. I’ve not always been the quiet, mind my own business, rancher most people around here see me as.”

“Whatever your past was, Tom, it can no way compare to my past. Want to swap stories?”

“May as well. We don’t have anything pressing for the next few days. I need to know what happened to Luther and Juan Carlos – who did it, and why – so you and me can go put some fish bait in the river.”

“Strange that you should mention that. But I’ll get to that part in a minute...

... “I’m not from St. Louis, Tom. I’m from the Manhattan Borough of New York City. The Lower East Side of Manhattan to be more exact. The baddest place in America, if you’re a young lad born there, then orphaned at age twelve.

“Don’t get me wrong, I had choices and I made the easiest one for me. At the time, I thought it was the only one. I made my living on the streets after my father and mother died within a year of each other. Mother died of pneumonia less than a year of my father being killed on our front stoop by a street gang called, The Whyos. My father taught me as a youngster to fight – not just defend myself – but to maim and kill my opponent. Over time, because of my size and my father’s teaching, I became very good at it, too.

“I kept the apartment up, paid the rent and utilities as if they were still alive. I made a few friends on the streets, who knew a few more friends. I learned to stay alive on the streets with the help of my friends. I was inducted into one of the roughest gangs in America at age fourteen. You couldn’t just join, you had to be asked by a higher-up. Once you were asked, you had two choices, join or die – so I joined. My best friend was a year younger than me, and if you haven’t heard of him by now, it’s because you haven’t listened to the radio broadcasts out of Los Angeles at night, or read the papers.

“Alphonse Gabriel Capone was one of the meanest men I ever met, but for some reason, he liked me and got me into the gang. I worked for years as a bouncer in a whorehouse the gang ran. But that was just a cover. During that time, Al gave me my first brass knucks and told me I could make thousands of dollars if I used them at the right time on the right people. I was a paid killer, Tom. I have killed many men, some of who needed to die and some who didn’t deserve to die like that. I took no mercy on them, they were pointed out to me and I beat them to death. Then, I got my hands on some guns and I killed even more men.

“Al came to me at the whorehouse at 4:00 in the morning, the day I left New York. He told me there were over a hundred cops coming after me. He gave me a handful of money and a train ticket. He handed me a certificate of birth, with a new name, showing I was born in St. Louis and told me to get the hell out of town. The train ticket was to Yuma and he told me to look up a friend of his named Luther Street when I got here. Luther was a loan shark back there. He was a part of the outfit I was in, but it was before my time. The gang would loan the money and when a man didn’t pay ... men like me went to meet with him. The second meeting, he may or may not live over, if he couldn’t pay what he’d promised the first time.”

We were sitting on a steel support railing, near where the men were riveting the beams of the roof frame to the steel posts already standing. When the riveters started, we could hardly hear, but they’d only last a few seconds, then I’d continue.

“While we were gone this week, there were two men who came here looking for Luther. One was a man who thought Luther owed him some money on a land deal Luther had made with his family. He had been after Luther since Luther bought his folks’ land for five dollars an acre more than they were offered, then combined it with a bigger piece of land which had water, and sold it all for a twenty dollar per acre profit. That’s what Luther does. That’s how he’s made his living out here until now.

“The other man who came here, was a cousin of the one who thought Luther beat his family out of some money. The cousin was from New York, back on the streets of Manhattan ... Lower East Side, like Luther and me. He knows me well, and I know him. He doesn’t know that I’m here or he would never have set foot on my land yesterday. Luther has already told me where they’re staying.

“Tom ... Luther also told me who’s living with the man.”


“Yes ... why did you think of her?”

“Just from the way you said that, and we’ve been wondering what happened to her. I knew she couldn’t tell good from bad, or love from lust. I’m so damn glad you came to Yuma, Les. I don’t give a damn who you are, or what you were back there. I’ll kill any sonofabitch who tries to expose you or make you suffer for your past. I got your back, my friend ... Now tell me, when are we going after them?”

“No better time than tonight. You’ll have to help me plan this one, I’m still lost out here in Arizona. They’re at a fishing shack under the bridge. Got any ideas how we can handle it?”

“There was a rowboat that washed up on the bank at my place a week or so ago. Didn’t have over a half gallon of water inside. Got to be a good one that broke loose somewhere upriver. I pulled it up on the bank and turned it over so it wouldn’t drift off, in case the owner came downriver looking for it. I have two good oars that I’ve had in my barn for years. We could have somebody pick us up down below the bridge after we’ve done our job – or we could saddle four horses, ride down below the bridge, tie two of them out and ride the other two home ... Then get in the row boat and go take care of business.”

“You’ve done this shit before, Tom!”

“I told you, I was badder than hell back in my younger days. Maybe not as bad as you. But it was only because you had bigger crowds to work with back there, than I did out here.”

“Tom, I say we take Catherine back to her grandfather after we take care of the men, you got a problem with that?”

“For him – I’ll help you take her back.”

“He was my reason for asking. He befriended me when I first came here. Didn’t ask for anything, just accepted me, and that meant a lot to me. Still does and I owe him that much.”

“Then we’ll need to have our faces covered. I don’t want him or her knowing we were the ones at the shack or at his house delivering her.”

“I’m with you there. Got any suggestions?”

“I’ve still got a couple of pullover masks I used years ago, if the moths haven’t gotten to them by now.”

“You know that if both men aren’t there tonight, I’m going hunting again until I find the other one, don’t you?”

“Not without me, you’re not!”

“Good, now tell me how we can get away from here at that time of day, and the women not suspect something?”

“What if we get a call from William Collins, that he needs to see us late this evening, say about dark?”

“You can do that?”

“He owes me...”

“You mean he ran with you back then?”

“Something like that.”

“Good enough for me. I like the man more all the time.”

“He’s good through and through, Les ... Just like you. Watch him though, he’ll try to pull one over on you now and then, just to see if you’ll squirm. He still tries to pull one of his tricks on me once in a while, but I’m onto his ass by now.”

We were laughing when we went back to the house. It was early yet and we had a lot of waiting ahead of us before we went fishing in the dark.

Tom and Malena were still here when Sheriff Collins called. I had already told Luther that Tom and I were going fishing tonight. He never smiled or said a word, his just raised his right fist with his thumb up.

Lucia answered the phone, then turned to Tom, “Tom, it’s Sheriff Collins. He needs to speak to you.”

Within minutes, we had said our goodbyes with promises to return as soon as possible. Without being told, they knew it was about Luther and Juan Carlos, and they were glad we were going to get this solved.

Alejandro and Joaquin were waiting in the barn with four horses saddled. They rode to Tom’s place with us, before they dismounted and walked toward the river.

We rode fast, each of us leading an extra horse. Still – riding in the dark – it took us close to an hour to reach the bridge. Tom was familiar with the area and I followed him across the highway and down a dirt road toward the river. We rode through a Willow thicket and out onto a grassy area where we hobbled the two horses and left them.

Riding back, we really pushed the horses. When we reached the place where Tom had the rowboat tied up, there stood Alejandro and Joaquin. They didn’t know where we were going or what was planned, but they knew we were going after the men who were responsible for beating Luther and Juan Carlos. None of us spoke until they shoved the boat away from the bank with us in it.

“We will be waiting in the barn for your return. All we ask is that you tell us the job is done,” Joaquin told us.

On the trip downriver, Tom was rowing with both oars, and it was a lot faster than riding our horses on the road to Yuma and cutting back toward the bridge. In less than half the time, we could see the lights under the bridge.

There were five or six old clapboard fishing shacks built along the bank, on the Arizona side, and Luther had told us which one to look for. Tom rowed out of the slow moving current, right up next to the boats already tied there. He pointed to the shack we wanted, and in the dim light, I saw only one door, with a window on opposite sides. The shack wasn’t even half as big as mine and Lucia’s bedroom.

We pulled our masks down over our faces, and each of us had a carbide headlamp to put on, though I had never seen one before he showed it to me earlier. Tom lit my headlamp, then lit his own as we knelt at the back side of the shack. With both lights lit, we turned to face downriver, and the shoreline was lit like daylight, as far as we could see.

Both of us carried a .45 on our hip – each of us wore brass knucks on both our fists.

“Tom, when we go in, we’ll push through the door together. You look right, I’ll look left. There’s no light on inside, so they’ll either be asleep or gone. If Catherine’s still here, we’ll gag her, put this pillowcase over her head and tie it, then tie her hands behind her back. If both men are here, I want them dead. If you’re not up for this, just keep the other one off me until I can get to him.”

“One of them sonofabitches belongs to me, Les, for what they did to Juan Carlos and Luther.”

“Then let’s get this over with.”

We rounded the corner with our heads down to keep the lights from being seen from the roadway. At the door, I grabbed the knob and shoved my way through the opening, as Tom pushed the door all the way back.

Catherine and one of the men were lying on a filthy, soiled and greasy mattress against the back wall. Both of them were naked as they came up with their hands shielding their eyes, trying to see.

“Turn them dam lights off! Who in the hell are you and what do you mean busting in here like this?” The man yelled. I was hoping it was Horse – but it wasn’t. This one was drunker that shit, and so was Catherine. She screamed and tried to talk but she just babbled her words. The man backhanded her across her mouth to shut her up, then he stumbled back across the mattress.

When he tried to stand, I laid him out cold with a hard right, landing solid on his right temple. I glanced around and Tom had Catherine down with a gag in place and the pillowcase over her head. While he tied her hands and feet, I dragged the man off the mattress and out onto the rough floor. He was still out, but I wanted him awake when I beat him to death. I wanted him to know it was me, and before he died, I wanted him to know Luther Street and Juan Carlos Santiago are my friends.

I leaned close to Tom and whispered, “Put that filthy mattress over her head so she won’t hear this.”

I heard loud footsteps on the board walkway outside and poked Tom as he stood up.

He was on one side of the door and I was on the other with our hands held over our lights, trying to keep them from being so bright. The man stomped through the door, blinded by our lights as we turned to him.

It was Horse!

“Hello, Horse ... Nice of you to come to our little party like this,” I told him, just before I buried my left fist in his gut. He went down gasping and thrashing on the floor as he fought for air.

I bent over him, asking, “Horse, do you know who I am?”

“I’d know that voice anywhere! How’d you know I was here? Why did you follow me way out here after all this time?” He managed to speak.

“You made the mistake of beating up two of my friends yesterday. For that, you’re going to die right here, Horse.”

“I didn’t know the men were your friend, Leo, I swear I didn’t. If I had known you were here, I’d never even stepped down off the train in Yuma.”

“But you did, Horse, and you’re here now. You’re about to die, Horse. Remember all the times you and your gang tried to ambush me and my boys back on the streets? Remember all the times you turned tail and ran into a hole like a rat? Remember me now, Horse, because you’re about to die,” I told him just before I slammed a fist into his face. I felt the crunch of his cheekbone, then hit him with a left to the his jaw.

“Don’t kill me Leo. I’ll leave, and never come back,” he sobbed, and blubbered through his busted lips and broken teeth.

“Too late, Horse.”

The other man on the floor was rousing up – just as I turned off the lights for the last time – on the man they called Horse, back on streets of The Bowery.

I kicked the other man in his ribs and he rolled over with his hands up, trying to shield his eyes from the light.

“Who are you?” he screamed.

Before I could answer, Tom knelt on the floor right over him, then growled at him, “We’re friends of Luther Street and Juan Carlos Santiago, and we’ve come to pay that debt you said Luther owes you. You’re a sorry-ass pitiful excuse for a man. You’re a low-life bastard, and here’s your first payment,” Tom growled, just before he drove his fist straight down into the man’s face. Standing above him with my light on his face, I heard the bones crunch when his face caved in.

One more swing with Tom’s long right arm and the man’s body kicked, then jerked one last time, before he lay still.

“Let’s turn these lights off and get these bastards in the river. There’s just enough current to move them miles downriver before daybreak,” Tom hissed in a voice I’d never heard from him before.

There was a ten foot pole with a gaff-hook on one end, laying on the makeshift wooden dock, and Tom used that to push the bodies out into the slow moving water, face down. I wasn’t sure if they went under, or drifted out of the dim light, but I didn’t see them again. Tom walked over to the row boat and loosened the rope. With the long pole, he shoved the boat out into the current.

Back inside, I told Tom, “I’ll carry her to the horses. I’ll hand her up to you when you get mounted. When we get to town, we’ll need to ride in the back way, then leave our horses behind the house before we take her back to her grandfather.”

Tom never answered, he just walked out and started off toward the high bank. Walking ahead of me, he lit his lamp and kept the light turned down low as he made his way through the Willows with me trailing him. The stench of Catherine’s body was making me gag, and I’ve always had a cast iron stomach.

Behind Harold Sprague’s house, I stepped to the ground and took Catherine’s limp body as Tom lowered her into my arms. In the dim light, I saw her belly was swollen. I untied her hands and took the gag out of her mouth before I turned to Tom.

“She’s pregnant, Tom.”

“I know ... I saw that.”

At the front porch, I stood with Catherine in my arms, then Tom motioned for me to sit her down with her back against the door. I did as he asked, then backed off the porch to the corner of the house. Tom knocked on the door five times hard and fast, then took three long steps to come around the corner where I stood.

We watched from the shadows as Harold Sprague opened the door. When Catherine fell backward into the open doorway, he looked down at his naked granddaughter, then looked toward the street, and toward both sides of his house before he stooped to pick her up. We heard the door slam and hurried back to our horses.

Neither of us said a word as we rode home. I knew Tom must be thinking about how Catherine had let herself go. I couldn’t help but think the same thing.

Riding into the yard, before we even made it to the barn, Alejandro and Joaquin stepped out of the shadows to take our horses.

“Is it over with, Les?” Alejandro asked.

“It’s over and done with, Amigo. You men go home and get some rest, we have lots of plans to make in the next few days, and many more things to take care of, before we start planting another crop.

With the help of the people back in Springfield, Illinois, we were able to find some planters which were specially made to be pulled by tractors. We also found out that a man over in the San Luis Valley of Colorado had made a pull-behind implement with seats, for his women to ride and set out plants as a tractor pulled them slowly through the fields. They were planting eight rows with each pass. He was using a C. L. Best Crawler tractor to pull the implement, because it could carry more weight, go slower and hold a steady speed.

I called the farmer myself, and after we talked for nearly an hour, he agreed to have some pictures made and send them to me.

I got a telephone number from him and called the C. L. Best Tractor company in California. The man and I talked tractors for thirty minutes as I told him what we wanted to do with them. Then he told me all about the Best 30, which is what he suggested we use. I gave the man George Thompkin’s name and telephone number at the Bank of Yuma and he agreed to ship two of them to us as soon as payment was arranged.

Same as Yuma
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Samir ek Jr College me Professor tha umar 31 saal smart tha shaadi ko 2 saal hue the and par us ki biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Iss liye college ki kamsin ladkiyo ki jawaani lootne ki us ki fantasy thi. Komal final year me Pdhnewaali ek khubsurat pari thi. Jo last 2 years se college ka beauty competition jeet ti aa rhi thi. Har ladka uska deewana tha. Woh cheez hi kuchh aisi thi. 5’6″ ka kad.. figure 34-24-36. Aankhe Kaali..lambe baal..aur tight salwar-kurta pehanti thi. Jis ki wajah se uss k...

2 years ago
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The Summoning of Verenestra

Tammet checked over his shoulder, for the hundredth time. Today was the day he’d been preparing for. He looked around the forest again, making sure none of his captors, or a stray hunting party, had followed him or happened upon him by sheer luck. A light wind made the leaves overhead rustle like a soft summer rain. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves upon his long straight black hair. He reached into the hollow of a long dead tree to retrieve the items he’d carefully stowed there...

3 years ago
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 23

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

2 years ago
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A day with Megan Fox

I was driving home on a day like any other when I happened upon a stranded motorist. I am a pretty nice guy so I pulled over to see if I could help. Imagine my surprise when I see Megan Fox leaning over the hood of her car. She must have been on her way to a friends house because she was dressed casual in shorts and a tank top, but still fine as hell. "Can I help you?" I asked after I got over my shock. "I don't know what's wrong with it. Do you know anything about cars?" Megan replied. "Not...

4 years ago
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Toys for Twats Chapt IV of IV

If you just stumbled across this story, search for the other three parts and please read them first. It had been a very eventful evening by the time that you get to this part and to be honest, it explains why I ... well, go read the other three parts in order and THEN you will enjoy this a lot more!!!========================My wife walked over to me. The thigh-high boots must have made her at least four inches taller and she was almost as tall as I am. She did not say a thing and I was too...

1 year ago
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My Dance Instructor

Patti was so hot, but untouchable until one fateful night.I used to be the only guy in an Israeli dance troupe. All of the other seven members were girls; beautiful girls and Patti was our instructor. She’d spent time in Israel and learned about two dozen dances, then came home and taught them to us. Our troupe danced at local churches, synagogues, nursing homes, and at the annual Jewish Festival.Patti gave me a hard-on the very first time I met her. My wife and I were attending a small...

4 years ago
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So who is the Boss now bitch

That morning my Boss called me to his office.I went there in a rush, fearing the worst about my position in the firm. But my kind Boss noticed it and said I should calm out…He explained we had a matter of attitude with one of the junior employees. The guy was the son of a good friend of his; so he did not want to take a decision about his fate… He needed me to correct the problem and fire the guy by myself…I knew this guy Tyrrell was a pain in the ass and fortunately, he did not work for my...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Skye Mae Wicked Redhead Skye Mae Ready To Fuck

Tattooed babe Skye Mae loves to be a tease on camera showing off her voluptuous tits and putting them right in Jason Michaels’s face! Skye is quite horny reading your suggestions and can’t wait to show you her naughty skills in bed. She rides on Jason’s cock and makes sure to taste that big hot load! **Unfortunately, our studio had an internet outage during the show, but we continued to film. Skye will return to experience the LIVE show soon. Sorry for this inconvenience for...

3 years ago
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My Wife is Finally Fulfilled Part two

Part TwoKay emerged from the shower wrapped in a towel that just about covered her modesty and sat back down on the edge of the bed, she used a second towel to dry her hair and the rest of her body. Right said Dimitri the food is already and while you guys carry on drinking, I will get my shower out the way, without hesitation and I am sure for my wife's pleasure he just dropped the speedos and walked into the shower. Now given where Kay was sitting, she must have had a perfect view of Dimitri...

2 years ago
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Satisavitri Meri Mummy

Hi dear mera naam ajay .Mere ghar me papa, mummy, bhaiya, bhabi, or ek chota bhatija hai hum sab kanpur me rahte hai.Papa ki umra52 sal , mummy ki umra48 sal, bhaiya ki 26 sal or meri 22. Papa ka apna business hai , or bhaiya job krte hai. And mera final year khatam ho chuka hai. Jo kahani mai aap sab ko.Batane jaa raha hun bo kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hai. Jo pativarta hokar bhi kisi gair mard se apne sambandh bana leti hai . Bo gair mard or koi nhi mere apne phufaji (meri.Bua ke...

1 year ago
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The Elevator

Ohhh...god...yessss..." She could barely get the words out, gasping as the strangers cock hammered her from behind... They had met just moments before in the elevator...Tall, well-dressed, with dark piercing eyes that locked on hers just before she turned to face the doors---she wanted to turn and take one more look at him and have something to think about at her desk that morning---Instead, as a crowd jammed the small space, she was compelled to move back toward him until she felt her hip...

1 year ago
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Call GirlsChapter 14

Jan had been going over the books and the customer records. The changes she had recommended had already been made; the product line had been cut by almost 90 percent in terms of number of items. It was clear that their best-selling item was the 40-mg. hard drive. Although it was very good and very reliable, there was nothing to distinguish it from several others on the market. Their biggest competition was from Argus Corporation which had virtually locked up the original-equipment market. She...

1 year ago
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Family affair Bathroom mommy

Note : This is part two of a family's journey into i****t. In part 1 (Backseat Sister), Phillip, unbeknownst to his sister Tanya, caught her masturbating... about him. A few days later the serendipitous stars all lined up and she ended up sitting on his lap in the backseat during a lengthy ride... a ride that ended with the almost silent taking of his sister's virginity with his mom and dad in the front. Although the father was none the wiser that his daughter had been deflowered by his son as...

3 years ago
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Sheila Meets a Neighbor

Jerome was one of the earliest black studs in my stable.Back in ’76 I had a basement apartment and he lived upstairs.He met me,as a female,one day when I was returning from grocery shopping.I was dressed casually in a sleeveless maroon turtleneck,mid-thigh jean skirt and a gaff under sheer nude hose with tan,3′ high-heels.I wore a short blond wig of natural hair and light make-up.He walked up to me,wearing a wife beater t-shirt and sweat pants with sneakers, as I began to unload my groceries...

3 years ago
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Unexpected visitor

Just for some context, Nirosha was my milf of a neighbour who I used to have sex with. She would let me do anything to her as long as I promised to fuck her. Nirosha's husband called me over one day. Our family always helped each other out or enjoyed each others company. Nirosha and I have been having sex for about a 4 months now and I was scared that he found out. I went over thinking of what I would tell him, when he confronted me. "I know that you are tech-savy. We bought new computers for...

3 years ago
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City LimitsChapter 6 Overdose

“This is the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, broken for our sins. And this is his blood, shed for their remission,” Pastor Beck intoned. The elements sat on his desk as he blessed them. He stirred the cup, adding a measured amount of Lustre Plus to the grape juice. His use of drug variations over the past ten years had greatly enhanced his ministry and his success rate in taming the wild and undisciplined children who were sent to him. The weekly communion service with a trace dose left his...

2 years ago
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The Bad BetChapter 2

Back in town, Sheriff Dan Cross stood, looking at the four bodies laid out in the dusty street. There were three bodies grouped together, with the farmer's body a couple of feet away. Their glassy-eyed stares were typical of the dead, looking foreign, somehow ... not quite human. The farmer's face bulged where facial bones had given way to pressure inside the skull. It looked grotesquely flat, somehow, despite the bulge. "Anybody know who they are?" he asked. There was still a crowd of...

4 years ago
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Nun Sarah

sister Sarah sat in the confessional, her face covered in cum, which she was wiping off with a handkerchief. Now 49, she has been a nun for 25 years. She specialized in working with sexual deviants. She knew all people, especially non-priest men, were sexual beings. The church had a lot of rules about sex, but denying people's true nature denied their creator, God. This led to people doing bad things. Men would cheat by having canal pleasure with another woman's vagina, boys would partake...

3 years ago
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Letters to ColletteChapter 6

Dear Collette, All this writing of Carla has been making me think a great deal about her. So, I called her Tuesday night (after 5 years) and asked if I could see her Thursday evening. She seemed reluctant, but finally said o.k. Well, I went over Thursday and took a couple of bottles of wine. The story isn't really all that interesting, but she finally broke down after 3 or 4 glasses of wine and told me that she had not had sex since her divorce 7 months ago and that she was horny as hell....

2 years ago
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My Reawakening Part 1

Sally bent from the waist as she opened the fridge door to remove a cold glass. I admired the luscious curve of her bum, treating myself to the outline of her panties through the fabric of her short skirt. Instantly I was transported back to my youth, when my best mate and I used to hang out in he city, playing 'pants/no pants', a game where we would check out the passing parade of beautiful women, trying to determine the style of underwear they had on. Sally set my beer down noisily on the...

Straight Sex
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Cute Indian Girl Fucked By Officers For Shoplifting

Hi, I am Chetan and I am back with another story. This is a story about how a cute Indian girl is fucked by strangers. The girl has a shoplifting disorder. She doesn’t do it intentionally but it has become her habit. So, one day this beautiful girl goes to a mall to buy some clothes. She was wearing a tight top and tight-fitting jeans which was displaying her curves very clearly. Her figure was 36-32-36, which can make any cock hard. Her name was Nisha. So when Nisha was in the mall, she came...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 40 Holiday Parties

December 16, 1996, Colorado Springs, Colorado “Good morning, Mr. Adams!” Margaret Stevens said as I walked into the office in Colorado Springs. “Hi, Margaret. How are you this morning?” “I’m good,” she answered. “Mrs. Jaworski is expecting you.” “Thanks. How are your wedding plans coming along?” “Thank you for asking. They’re pretty simple - a military wedding at the base chapel. It’s really a timing thing for him. We’re getting married at the beginning of June and he’ll get his orders...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Jessae Rosae The Tiny Twat Advantage

Jessae Rosae is a teeny tiny chick, so our stud has to help her with some of her tasks that require a slightly bigger build. She tries to do her makeup, but the mirror is too high, so he lifts her up to see. She tries to do laundry, but almost gets lost in the machine! Even the smoke detector is out of reach for this diminutive dame. But when it comes to fucking, Jessae is at an advantage. Her tiny, tight pussy is one of the sweetest holes our stud has ever stuffed his cock inside. She moans as...

2 years ago
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Public Interracial Sex

I was so looking forward to my tenth year class reunion. It wasn’t because I loved high school; I had fucking hated it. I was too tall, underweight, extremely shy, I just hadn’t fit in. I was glad when it had been over. I had gotten a full scholarship to one of the best colleges. I worked hard. I maintained a 3.75. I shared a dorm room with a jock; he had exercise equipment right in our room and he became my personal trainer [and I was his tutor]. I lost my virginity to a hot...

1 year ago
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Friendly with his sister

I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about… I remember this story very well. I was around 16 at the time. Me and my best friend were having a sleepover, at his house and towards the middle of the night started talking about girls in our school and stuff as we were becoming slightly horny. We both admitted to each other than none of us had masterbated...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Mini Stallion Miniature Cock Slayer

Mini Stallion is back and as small as ever. We walk in on her and Jonathan playing a friendly game of Pool, but things get sexual real quick. After a few curl up and shoulder rides on Jon, she gets naked and starts to get pretty horny. She LOVES big dicks, and Jonothan’s dick is almost bigger than her entire body. She starts to suck his cock with an amazing blowjob before getting on top of him for the real fun. He fucks her in multiple positons, picking her up, and really using her as his...

3 years ago
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my sons girlfriend at the pool

a while ago my son and his girlfriend come to stay for a short break , it was the first time meeting her ,as my son lives in Bristol , she made a great first impression , she gave me flowers and then a big hug , my hubby told my son she's a keeper , she was a petite blonde with beautiful blue eyes and lovely pale skin , after a coffee and a chat they said they wanted to take a shower and have a bite to eat before bed , so they went up to the bathroom , after a few minutes i herd a phone...

2 years ago
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Nice Nextdoors Jolly Juicy JACOBI 2

Nice Next-doors Neighbour: Awesomely attractive "Apple-Cheeks" is Actually Jolly Juicy 'JACOBI'Nice Next-door Neighbour "Apple-Cheeks" is My Main Curiousity as Cunning Cute 'Cunny' to 'Come'.It takes several years to get to know her step by step: Where does she live: Which door, which floor?At the back like me, or at the street-side? So, what is her name? It takes ta few years to conquer her!=================================================================================Nice Next-door...

3 years ago
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Isabels Fantasy

I sit before the small mirror, running a brush through mylong hair and dreaming about tomorrow night. Our holiday ball. Mother and Father have been planning it for months, and the neighborhood is all abuzz with talk. The invitations were sent a month ago, the replies have all been received, seating charts have been made. We are expecting 160 guests; a very respectable number for a ball. Fewer than 100 and it would just be considered a dance. Fewer than 50 and it would be considered nothing more...

Oral Sex
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Karla Pulls a Train PT3

Karla and Vicky slept closely together in the same bed most of that Friday. They were exhausted and sore from the marathon gangbang that they had received just mere hours beforehand. Karla in particular had endured two separate sessions of black dick and was the worst for wear between the two of them. When you think about the sexual work these two ladies had gone through in only two days time, it truly was amazing. The average cock size of the eighteen big black men that had fucked them both...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 10

Mark was reading in bed that evening when there was a soft knock on his door. "Come in," he said quietly wondering who it was. It was Serena wrapped in a dark red dressing gown that fell to her ankles. She was wearing matching slippers. "Can I come in and talk for a little while, Mark?" "Of course you can. What a treat! You haven't done this for years and years." He patted the side of the bed. "Come and sit down." Serena sat on the side of his bed with her hands folded in her...

4 years ago
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Highschool Harem

Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...

3 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet Belladonna [Author's note: This Story is largely based on a story premise suggested by Karen Bolte] Parker strolled through the grocery aisle, pushing his shopping cart. The sting of another rejection letter refused to leave him as he looked at the items on the shelves. Parker had turned 30 the night before. He marked his birthday alone, choosing not to celebrate a milestone of the waning of his youth. Parker was 30 years old and felt that he accomplished nothing in...

1 year ago
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Gods Among Us

John Newton never intended to destroy the world; he just wanted a harem. And not just any harem; he could have gotten that without going to the lengths he did. No, he wanted a harem of gods. The young yet brilliant scientist, in a workshop at his house, readied his device, packing it up in a trunk. In another trunk would go batteries he had charged to meet the crazy power needs of his device. Where he was going, there weren't any power outlets. He struggled to carry the two trunks out of his...

3 years ago
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Riding the train

Robert continues to force me to become even more of a slut. The latest involved my best friend Miriam, the other married white wife named Rachelle, and three of Robert's friends, including Six-pack, whom I had been with previously. This time my husband was not out of town. Robert told me I had to make myself available, so the only option was to blatantly lie, and tell Walter that I needed to stay over at Miriam's for the night. When he asked, I gave him a lame story about her and Roland...

4 years ago
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Wife Help me Suck my First Cock

Finally, my years of frustration, desire and wanton lust to have a cock between my lips was at hand. Here I kneeled, the dripping pre cum just inches from my lips. It was made all the better by my beautiful wife gently rubbing my asshole with one hand and stroking my cock with her other.She whispered in my ear, is it as yummy to you as it looks to me? Yes, I responded. Does the cum dripping off the end of it just give you the desire to stuff it in your mouth? Yes, I agreed with a soft moan as...

2 years ago
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All in the Family Then Some Part III

Don’t get me wrong, Patty, my sister, is a great fuck and I love giving it to her as often as possible. However, mom is something special. Since our first time, which was pretty much straight fucking, she has taught me new positions, guided me to her clit, and worked wonders on me using the muscles in her pussy on my cock. Patty and I were pretty lucky that she didn’t end up pregnant, as we did it several times without protection…shit, neither of us knew or really cared about protection after...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 11 The Beach

After the night and morning of losing so many of my cherries, things became startlingly normal. I expected to be at Jeff's beck and call constantly, but that is not what happened. Instead, after I went home that day, things went back to the way they were the previous week! We still hung out, but Jeff made no more sexual moves. I wanted to ask him what was going on, but I couldn't get up the courage! About a week later, Jeff invited me to the beach for the day. The first sign that he was up...

1 year ago
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Rabi Ne Apni Soteli Maa Se Liya Badla 8211 Part VII

ISS ke sare readers ko Ashu ka pyar. Me ek bar fir hazir hu apne life me ghati ek anokhi ghatna ko lekar. Magar us se pehele me un sabka thanks karna chahata hu jinho ne meri pichli sari kahaniyon ko itna pasand kiya ke unka pyar mujhe e-mail ke zariye mila aur mujhe encorage kiya aur kahani likhne keliye. Isiliye me apne busy shidule me se time nikal kar ye kahani likh raha hu. Ese hi mujhe pyar dete rahiye me kabhi aplogon ko nirash nahi karunga. Iss story ka 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th part...

4 years ago
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These are stories that reveal women's dominance over submissive men or women. This may even involve physical pain or mental suffering. Submisives will be humilated as they serve women in any capacity they chose. They are reduced to servicing any part of a woman's body without question. Usually, this will involve one part of a woman, which is where the fetish comes in for the reader's enjoyment. If there is any fucking, the submissive has no choice in the matter. But mostly, you will find only...

3 years ago
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First times

Back when I was nineteen I'd discovered drink and rock music. I'd also discovered lots of friends. I also thought I might be gay. Nothing wrong with that, but at nineteen it spins around the inside of your head quite a bit. My parents are very supportive, but I'd kept it to myself. I hadn't even told any of my friends. At the time I wasn't really up for been on the pull like some of my male friends, so I was normally the designated wing man. The girls always thought of me as their safe friend....

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