DóchasChapter 38 free porn video

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As they walked back to their quarters after dinner, Sarah's Clan was deep in shared thoughts. They had spent part of the afternoon with Cathan and several others from the freighter. With most of Muireann's Clan joining them, they sought to find some leads from their experiences with the flesh peddlers. Cathan was very thorough in her descriptions as she had both a good memory and an eye for detail. Her description of events brought everyone to tears several times. Her mention of her friends Enya and Máiréad reminded them to follow-up on the status of the doctor's family. The experiences of the others were similar to Cathan's. While humiliating and demeaning, they weren't perceived as being as brutal. They attributed this to Fred apparently having a fixation on Cathan. Although Fred's extreme brutality toward any captive was noted in the other descriptions.

They had been a little surprised to learn that Muireann's Clan was already searching for leads. They had found a few, but they weren't obvious unless you looked at more than one case at a time. All were appalled when they realized how freely these 'flesh peddlers' operated. Information from other guests fit quite well with the pieces Muireann's Clan had found. These vermin were able to forcibly enslave people, with little or no interference from authorities. It was almost unbelievable that so many people could be involved and it not be noticed.

Slavery per se, was something they did not feel they should, or had any right to interfere with. That type of interpersonal relationship, as long as those participating freely agreed to it beforehand, was down to the individuals concerned. This, though, was clearly not the case with these vermin. This formed the basis of their willingness to facilitate its exposure. Their previous experiences, plus those of their current guests, made it clear that the issues regarding the flesh peddlers were quite complex.

During their meeting, Muireann's Clan offered to take the lead on identifying who the flesh peddlers were, as well as locating the doctor's family. With them taking control, it would be easier to manage feeding leads, clues or other information to the DA's office and the local press. Although they had doubts, they thought this approach had the best chance to lead to exposing the flesh peddlers.

Their decision to share the information they found with the authorities seemed to be the best path forward. Even so their assistance would likely be considered interference by some of Earth's society. Simply going after these groups was clearly counter to their prime directive but was the prime directive valid in this case? It was clear that their breed and crew members, were targeted by flesh peddlers. They were certain that many of the crew would want to actively participate in any effort to expose these predators. As they reached their room, they looked at the last "what-if" situation, which was, what if the vermin sought out one of their extended family, or the families of those related to the crew? As the thought was shared, their rage and anger rose rapidly.

The ship's voice soothed them, saying, "If that situation arises, you will need to respond carefully, as too much can be worse than not enough." They all nodded in agreement with the voice.

After regaining control of their emotions, they knew that the best way forward was to help the DA and reporters succeed. When they entered their compartment, they found the babies waiting excitedly for them to arrive. Each picked up a baby and gently caressed them, before holding them so they could suckle. The women found the babies' gentle sucking on their nipples and breasts very relaxing and arousing. Those not actively involved spent their time watching the babies being fed, while occasionally touching or caressing them or their mother. Their interaction with the babies pushed their previous thoughts into the background.

The babies were sound asleep by the time they had finished nursing. The clan freshened up then went to bed. As they lay down, they made sure that Aoife and Maeve were in the center, as it was only their second night as part of the clan. Without thinking about it, each laid down next to a different spouse than the one they had slept next to the previous night. It was a continuing a pattern of them lying next to a different spouse each night. Once in bed, they drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

As they slept, their mind-link tightened as more connections were built between each of them, drawing them closer to being able to be a single entity with multiple facets when desired. They shared a dream that brought to them a plan to consider for the future. In it, they constructed potential solutions along different paths. Most yielded a similar result, showing a growing group. In each there were the beginnings of the colony on Mars. Once the colony began taking shape, work started on a second ship. Overall the possible futures shown in the dream gave them hope and confidence about the path they had been considering, without suggesting a rigid time frame. Their dream showed them the benefit of the sudden increase in the ship's family. Even if only a small percentage chose to stay, it would greatly assist in their growth. The dream gave them a different perspective on their ship's facilities and resources. It was this that eased their concerns about having the available resources for their plan for the future.

Even with all the mental activity during their dream, their slumber was the most relaxing they had had in several days, as it allowed their bodies to recharge. The comfort and love they felt for one another was quite apparent from the way they cuddled and maintained contact while sleeping. If the lights in the room had been completely extinguished, an observer would have seen a soft yellow glow surrounding their sleeping forms.

Donna and Star peeked in from time to time. Had there been an observer it would have been clear that they were somewhat in awe of Sarah's Clan. They were unlike anything they had ever seen. Star could find no record of any similar group in their civilization's history.

Shortly before the chime for breakfast, Sarah's Clan began to stir. Aoife and Maeve had both been awake for some time, listening to and sensing those in their new family. Lifting themselves slightly, they could see all of their spouses, while still enjoying the comfort of their surroundings. They instinctively knew that the level of intimacy between them was what you might expect between just two or maybe three people, but that this was a level that more often than not, not even two people ever reached.

Seeing that the other was awake, Aoife and Maeve shared their thoughts about the previous day's events. They found their quick inclusion both surprising and fulfilling, but not overwhelming, as they now felt complete. Before yesterday neither had experienced the level of love and affection shared among this clan. Finding this group, and becoming a part of it, was a blessing beyond anything they had thought possible.

Aoife was lying between Joyce and Rusty, while Maeve was between Sarah and Rusty. Together, they leaned over Rusty and softly kissed. Their feelings for each other were clearly expressed by the emotions exchanged in the kiss. Neither had kissed another woman with that much feeling before, but both relished the shared emotions. When they separated, they took turns cuddling Rusty, first kissing his lips and then nibbling his ear. Sensing he was beginning to wake, they turned to kiss Sarah and Joyce. Both Sarah and Joyce had sensed the affectionate kisses Aoife and Maeve had given each other and Rusty.

As Aoife and Maeve turned to kiss the spouses adjacent to them, Sarah sensed Maeve moving to kiss her and responded to her without being fully awake. Joyce had reacted the same way to Aoife. Both drew their new spouses into a passionate kiss, resulting in them caressing each other's tongues and lips as they did so. Their shared emotions brought Rusty further awake.

Rusty watched the four women kissing. "What a way to wake up," said Rusty, as he began to gently caress each in turn, taking time to nibble first on Aoife's, then on Maeve's, ears and neck. The scent of arousal began to fill the room. As the rest of the family members awakened, they joined in the exchange of affection both physically and through their mind-link.

Maeve, responding to Rusty's caresses began placing kisses on Sarah's face and neck, after nibbling on her ears. Through her mind-link with Sarah and Rusty, she could feel their arousal grow along with hers. The sensations she felt from the rest of her family added to it. She kissed down Sarah's neck and across her chest, until her lips latched on to a nipple. Gentle squeezing of her lips caused milk to spray into her mouth from Sarah's full breast, surprising her.

While Maeve drank Sarah's milk, Rusty continued caressing her. He lightly drew his fingers over her body, causing her to twitch in anticipation as he slid his fingers down around her labia, stroking them ever so tenderly. They swelled and moistened with each stroke of his fingers, adding to her arousal. Her breathing became more rapid. A small orgasm washed over her, drawing her attention away from the nipple in her mouth. She leaned back against Rusty and felt his cock pressing between her legs.

Sarah caressed Maeve while enjoying the sensations from the tugging on her nipple. Sally joined Sarah and Rusty, as they focused on caressing and kissing Maeve. Each of their touches and caresses increased Maeve's arousal. The four of them mentally joined together increasing the intensity of their shared affection. Soon, Maeve's hips were flexing into Rusty's caressing fingers, as her fingers stroked his cock. Sensing her need, Sarah and Sally helped Maeve up, then turn her to straddled Rusty's hips.

When Maeve lowered her body, his cock pressed into the crease between her wet, swollen, labia and against her clit. Moving her hips slightly, she moaned, feeling the warmth from it sliding between her lips, rubbing her clit. Sally and Sarah had her lean forward, so when her hips slid back, his cock slid in. She rose, pulling her hips up until the hot crown was just inside the mouth of her sheath. She paused, savoring the pulsing sensations, before relaxing to drop her hips. Feeling it slide into her, rubbing her g-spot, resulted in a scream of pleasure and happiness. Through their mind-link, she shared her pleasure.

Sarah shifted to straddle Rusty's head, placing her wet labia just over his mouth. Seeing them he drew his tongue through the wet trough between them, causing her to shiver and release more cream for him to drink. While Rusty focused on caressing Sarah's labia, Sally, Alison and Sarah turned their attention to Maeve, as she slowly rode his cock. Her sensations, combined with those she could feel in her partners, adding to their growing arousal. Through their mind-link, they showed her how to increase their pleasure by flexing the muscles in her vaginal sheath. With this knowledge, she pressed down against his hips then slid around using his cock as an oar to stimulate her labia and clit, while the muscles in her sheath milked it. She savored these sensations. They increased their pleasure while she drifted toward an orgasmic crest. Sally and Alison caressed Maeve's neck and breasts with their hands and mouth, while Sarah caressed Maeve's stomach and labia. Each of the five could feel their shared arousal build, then build some more. Sarah, Alison and Sally's babies moved around, as their mothers arousal grew. They rejoiced in the shared love and affection they felt between their parents.

Maeve's orgasm exploded. She screamed then stopped as her body seized. Her vision filled with stars, then turned gray as she peaked, then she stiffened, before falling forward into Sarah. Sarah held her, as her orgasm continued to ripple through her. Maeve's orgasmic crest echoed through the whole family, but it wasn't until she relaxed her muscles a bit that Rusty could release his cum. Each pulse of his cock, pumped more hot cum into her limp body, triggering more small orgasms to ripple through her. Sarah pulled Maeve to her, while making sure not to trap Rusty under her. It was several minutes before anyone began to stir. Sally and Alison helped steady Maeve, so that Sarah could move off of Rusty. They lowered Maeve so she lay on Rusty. He then rolled over to let Maeve rest on her back.

As Rusty rose up off of Maeve, Tara moved so she could collect the sweet spend of her loves with her tongue. Claudette helped Rusty move off to the side, and then began to clean his cock with her mouth.

Meanwhile the rest of the family had joined together in worshiping each other and physically expressing their love and affection for each other. All of them enjoyed and felt the passion they shared through their mind-link. Aoife had experienced this before, but this time she felt their shared passion much more intensely. She shivered in happiness and hugged Jill as she realized her bond with her spouses was now much tighter.

When Maeve became more alert, she caressed those around her. "God, will it always like this when we make love or share our affection?" asked Maeve.

Smiling, Erin said, "Most of the time. It seems like we usually have one or two at the center of our love-fest, then the rest of us just bask in the sensations we feel radiating from each other. We need to do this a bit more often than we have been. These are some of the best times. I will feel the warm glow from this for quite some time."

"Yes," said Tara. "It looks like we will be very busy for a while, but even so, we need to be sure we have time for this, or just cuddling. I don't sense it as an obligation. I do sense that it is something very important and special for us to do. Oh ... God I love you all so ... much."

"We love you, Tara," they responded.

"I love you," was spoken by each to each other at the same time.

"You know," said Judy, "this sharing of love testimony is something you can only really appreciate through the mind-link. It feels so different through the mind-link than just hearing the words and seeing an expression."

"We agree."

Sensing the chime was about to sound, they began to move toward the exercise room. In the process, they touched and caressed each other. They had just reached the exercise room, when Tara and Erin remembered that the babies needed to be fed. With that, they went to get them and bring them back to the others. Together, they fed the babies, exercised and freshened up, before leaving for breakfast.

When the chime sounded, signaling that breakfast would begin in an hour, life stirred throughout the ship. The ship's crew again made a special effort to show their guests the different and unique aspects of exercise and freshening up.

Everyone liked the exercise benches, even though most did not take advantage of all of their features. They did provide a good workout before showering. Even though the guests had been there several days, they were still amazed by the showers. Everything they had ever heard indicated that water would be scarce in space. One woman asked the question and was told that the ship reprocessed all the water they used. The process returned it to mountain-stream purity with very little energy expense or loss.

Sarah's Clan arrived in the dining room before anyone else did, and looked around to make sure everything was ready. They were surprised to find that it was nearly done. A group of bots had prepared breakfast, and were just setting up the buffet line when they entered. The clan made sure to thank each one, both for their assistance and for taking the initiative. The bots were embarrassed by the thank-yous, as they had never received a compliment before. The compliments had the same impact on the bots as it would have had on humans, even with the difference in thought processes.

Sarah's Clan stood near the door and greeted everyone as they came into the dining room. They didn't form a receiving line, but did try to talk to everyone as they entered. Once everyone was there, Judy went to the front and said, "Good morning. We hope everyone slept well. Breakfast is ready so let us begin."

Breakfast went quickly. Many went back for seconds. Based upon how quiet it was during the meal, everyone was enjoying the food. As the volume of conversation increased, Sarah's Clan decided it was nearly time to start the meeting. Terry stood and tapped her glass, causing the room to quickly quiet down. "Please take your dishes and other items to the disposal window. Please take the time to wipe off your table, as it might be your elbow that lands in the sticky spot." Several laughed, as they got up to clear away the breakfast dishes. At the same time, Star prepared viewing areas, so everyone would have a close-up of Sarah's Clan as a hologram.

Soon after everyone returned to their seats, Sarah's Clan had moved to the front of the room. "Good morning," they said, speaking as one. Many of their newest guests were surprised at hearing a single phrase from multiple voices in sync. "Star is placing a small holographic image of us on your table, so you can see us better." With that, small holograms appeared on each table. These provided a head and shoulders view of the command staff. "In case you haven't been told, Star is the Master AI for this ship.

"We are going to try to avoid repeating the comments we made yesterday about us and where you are. In looking back, we now realize we did that a couple of times at the resort. Yesterday we suggested that our guests watch three videos that summarize our history, physiology and plans. We understand that many of you did so. Since then several have suggested that we make this a requirement. Those reasons were well founded so right after we finish, the videos will be shown in this compartment. Those who haven't seen them must stay to see them. While the videos give a lot of details, there is more information available in the library. We will be sitting in on this morning's viewing. This is not to make sure you don't sleep through them, but to answer questions afterwards. When you see these videos, you will quickly realize that they are a composite made from several presentations on those topics made to different groups of guests.

"Now if you've forgotten, our family group is known as Sarah's Clan. Our family is us plus eight babies, who are a little over four months old. Our ship is commanded by a group referred to as the 'Command Staff'. Currently they consist of our Clan, plus Siobhan and Maureen. Siobhan and Maureen are members of two other clans. We have several AIs assisting us in managing and operating this ship in addition to the crew. The most prominent AI is Star. She is also a member of the Command Staff." When her name was spoken Star appeared as a visual construct next to them, causing several to gasp as she shimmered into view. "The AI overseeing the Enclave is Donna. One other group that is very important to us and the ship is Amy's Clan, along with the original crew. It is because of actions they took quite a few years ago that it is possible for all of us to be here today rather than ... somewhere else.

"Due to the well planned efforts of our crew we are not as crowded as we anticipated. This is largely due to the leadership by Muireann's Clan, Leann's Clan, Engineering-AI and Systems-AI. Together they guided the effort prior to our arrival early yesterday so we have them to thank for having a comfortable place to sleep and freshen up. We really appreciate the effort all of you made to do that."

When the applause ended she continued, "While we have sufficient compartments and corridors available for us to live comfortably, we need to reopen the rest of the ship. Most of these areas have not seen any extended activity since the sabotage occurred, a couple of centuries ago. All the unused areas will be checked by bots first to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Prior to yesterday, those working here were commuting from Earth. Yes, according to Earth's current scientific theories, doing that is impossible, or at least not feasible. As more operational areas are opened up, we will gradually shift our focus to repair and maintenance issues.

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Truthfully, I tried to pretend it didn't happen. I tried to pretend that the best blow job I had ever received hadn't come from my 18-year-old college-freshman sister. I tried to move on...but the reality was when I was with another girl all I thought about was Lilly. When I had late night fantasies it was my sister I was beating off to. We avoided each other for just over a month, which was pretty easy as she lived at the dorms and I lived with buddies, but my parent's 25th wedding anniversary...

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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

3 years ago
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The Preachers WifeChapter 10

I left Thailand in 1998 after working there for five years. I was under no compulsion to leave. I liked my job at the refugee camp. I was still spending weekends at Steve's house and the two of us got along fine, relating to one another almost like husband and wife. Almost. Thailand had been good to me. I had arrived there newly divorced, nearly broke, and with only a one year contract on my job. Five years later, age 48, I had 100,000 dollars saved, thanks to my frugality, Steve's good...

4 years ago
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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 7 Jaz

Cindy sat across the table from Dr. Lomac with fire in her eyes. "Okay, Okay, slow down let me put this on tape." Syd told her, and fumbled sleepily through the desk until he retrieved the small tape recorder. "I need to tell you all this in case I forget it again." Cindy said urgently, frustrated that he was taking so long. Finally Syd found the recorder and a new tape, "Okay start from the beginning." Cindy began to recount every detail of how Neil had taken advantage of her. Syd...

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Freeuse Society

Today is my birthday! I'm finally 18. Once you're 18, you can finally experience the pleasures of the Freeuse Act. In 1984, a new law was passed in the United States called the Freeuse Act, which allows anyone age 18 and over to have consensual sex with anyone else of legal age, anywhere! Nudity and incest were also legalized. This mean that I have to switch over to the secondary campus, Charger High School. To keep everyone at our high school from constantly having sex with underage kids, the...

2 years ago
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A Ninja Fantasy

Intro:You are Kira an attractive Ninja-in-training, but your skills are lacking a bit. You've just got word that your master wants to see you in his room. You walk into the dimly lit room and kneel. Your master looks down at you. "On time, as usual, my child."the master comments,as you enter. "My duty is to serve." you answer, with your head bowed. He looks at you. "My child, though you try hard, your skills are not that great," Your head sinks lower as he begins telling of your many flaws....

4 years ago
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Toy Store Boy Chaper Four Unexpected Twists

Chapter 4: Unexpected Twists I had just put on my jeans when I sat back down on my bed again. I leaned my head into my hands more confused then I could ever remember. Was it possible to be in love with two women? What had Katie wanted from me this morning? Wed had all year to talk about this stuff. Now that shes leaving, she wanted me to admit my love? She knew I had a girlfriend. I loved Katie more then anything, but at that moment I really didnt want to choose between them. Katie had said...

1 year ago
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Just for fun

I call you at work as soon as I get my mail, excited by the package that has arrived on my doorstep this morning- our new toy! Shopping for the perfect strap-on was harder than I had anticipated, so many choices, reader reviews and it's not like I could try one on first to see how it felt. Well, we were both going to see how it feels tonight!"Baby, do you feel like having your wildest fantasy come true tonight?" I purr into the receiver when I hear your voice, all serious as you answer the...

2 years ago
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Swift Justice Crossing the Boundaries 2

WARNING: Transgendered characters (under 18), adult themes, spanking. Rated R. Swift Justice: Crossing the Boundaries 2 By Transfemme "Hold it RIGHT THERE young man!!" Alex Fairfield froze in shock, eyes swivelling towards the living room door. A cold finger ran the length of his spine: he knew that tone, recognised the naked anger in his Aunt's voice. It was a tone he'd come to fear over the past three years, one he'd learnt to treat with the utmost respect. His pulse...

3 years ago
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HatedPart 4 Full Circle

Pete’s wait in the office was much longer this time around. Given the severity of the beatings he had handed down, and the accusations of assault, and defense, Mr. Robertson had been forced to call the police, and now Pete sat, alone, waiting for them to conclude their interviews. Miss Sarah had not even bothered to show up, telling Pete that she would deal with him when he got home, and Ashley’s aunt had come to collect her while Pete had been giving his statement. In the end, a combination...

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Good walls make good neighbors Part 1

In my early 20s I lived in an apartment complex laid out in a row; my section had ten apartments facing the street. The apartments were roomy, comfortable two-story affairs dating from the late 60s. When I moved in I worked the night shift at a convenience store, so for the first two months I never met any of my neighbors. After a couple of weeks I was fairly certain that my neighbor in the bedroom next to mine was a woman, as I heard her a few times singing to herself late at night as I got...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 144 Planning for Binions

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) When my family had left to go home, Prof, Vanessa, Julia and I went to the adults' study. There, Prof said, "Almost everyone we talked to suggested Binion's Horseshoe Casino. Some of them had other ideas as well, but Binion's was easily the most frequently mentioned and seems the easiest answer to our problem. Most of our advisors said we'd just need to turn up with the money and tell them what we wanted. It'd get bumped up to the boss, but he...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

3 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 4

It was a Friday, almost two weeks after the attack, when we said goodbye to Jessica, made our way to the dock, paid the bill and prepared to move Eirene. The tide was on the ebb as we locked out. With high pressure in control, we had a gentle south-westerly breeze to take us down river, it was a little before midday. Jenni made cheese sandwiches and coffee and we took turns at the wheel while eating. The run downriver was uneventful, but as we got to Shotley we met S.B. "Thistle" on her way...

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Hot Marwari Aunty

My name is Harsha, 24 year old working in Bangalore to a software firm. I am basically from Hyderabad. I am medium built with attractive face and fair skin. I have good height too. I happened to change my residence to a new place at Jeevan Bheema Nagar in Bangalore. It was residential complex having three floors and two houses in each floor. I had rented out second floor house where a Marwari family was residing in the house next to me on the same floor, their family consisting of a couple and...

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A Night At Daves

I don't actually know the category this will go into and can only say that while it has parts of bisexuality it's mostly a drunken gay sax story. It was great fun to write and I only wish I had the right situation to test it, but oh well. There were 4 of us, me, my girlfriend Mary, her brother Harold, and his close friend Dave, at Dave’s house slowly getting drunk and having a good time when things turned a little awkward. Mary and I were sitting at the kitchen table with a couple of her...

Drunk sex
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Female DelightsChapter 18 Demands

About mid-morning Princess Zubeydeh sent word via a somewhat less than happy Chief Eunuch that she was asking for a brief audience. The Chief Eunuch was worried at this breach of the natural order of things. To his mind, there could be nothing worrying a woman, even the mother of the Emir, which could not wait until the Emir commanded her presence before him. For the Emir it provided a welcome break from the utter boredom of the economic problems of a country earning too much foreign...

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Down But Not Out

You're painfully broken from your peaceful slumber by the cold rain soaking into your cloak, giving you a chill as hot ragged breath escapes your parched lips. Your eyes burn with fatigue and your muscles ache with dehydration and exhaustion. You have been an outcast for only a fortnight, but the meager rations you made for yourself before the exile didn't last one week. You were forced to scavenge for mushrooms, lichen, moss and worms in order to maintain enough energy to last the next day....

3 years ago
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My Old Girlfriend

Martha and I were couple back in the old high school days. We were about as innocent as two teenagers could be in a relationship. I can count the number of times we kissed on 1 hand and have fingers left over. Martha, at least around me, was the perfect lady. I respected that and did not press her for sex. But Martha had 2 sides. She liked playing the part of gal about town and made herself available to other guys to go parking with. But she steadfastly denied me that pleasure. I guess she...

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The Triangle

My friend AJ and I had been drinking in the pubs around Newcastle's 'Pink Triangle' for a few weeks. AJ is openly gay, and the pubs in that part of the city centre were perfect for him. I knew he was worried about me - about what other people would think of me - but he needn't have been. Firstly I can more than handle myself, secondly the only opinion of me that mattered was my own and finally, I'm bisexual. Telling AJ that would have made things easier; showed some trust in a close friend, but...

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Neighbor I live outside of a small urban village on a dead end road. I own the last two houses on that road and rent one out. The lady that rents it was just recently divorced. She has her teenage son ever other weekend. During the first two weeks that she lived there we became very well acquainted. She was nice and quite talkative. I could not believe that her husband had left her. Johnnie was perfect in my eyes. Johnnie was thirty-five years old and had a fifteen-year-old son that...

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Warm Milk

I was sitting in a bar trying to forget the world when I saw her coming in. She was an older woman, a bit behind her prime. But she looked astonishing in the black and blue dress she wore. It was a thing of beauty: a silky glow to a garment that enhanced her bosom and her rear. You see, unlike most men, my interest in women mostly ended on what they were wearing. And so it was with this older beauty, but alas I only admired her gown. And as so many times before, I sighted as I was...

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Dominion Chronicle Book 1Chapter 4

Kitten found herself in a room that looked a lot like the medieval dungeon room at the House Of Pain. Except for two copies of herself, the room was empty. One was wearing an outfit that would be considered modest, even by Earth Federation rules, and the other was wearing the outfit Matt gave her to wear when he took her to the House of Pain. Somehow she knew that the two copies of herself were her evil twin and her true self. Kitten couldn’t make out what they were saying to each other, but...

4 years ago
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Whipped WaitressChapter 2

There was still a lot of cum on her mouth when she walked back into the restaurant. She wiped the back of her hand across her lips, trying to get rid of the last trace. A few of the other waitresses saw her do it, and they laughed at her. Judy turned her head away. She was too embarrassed to keep her head up. All of the girls probably knew what happened to her in the office. The restaurant was closing now. Except for the bartender and the other waitresses the place was deserted. Judy went...

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More makeup sex because itrsquos awesome

He pressed his lips to hers as he pushed the tip of his dick inside her gently, the whimper she let out made his arms quiver at either side of her head, and she held onto the side of his face so she could kiss him even deeper, while he filled her further and further until she was full.“Oh,” she pulled away enough to whisper against his lips, “that’s so good.”A few days before had been their biggest fight yet; real yelling, real hurt feelings, real tears, and it had been the first time it took a...

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Schoolgirls First TimeChapter 12

After dinner that evening, Pam told her mother she was going over to Cissy's house to do homework and Cissy told her own mother she was going over to Pam's house to study for an exam, and the two girls met in the park, hoping to see some young skateboarders who might want their cocks sucked. The only skateboarder around when they arrived looked too young to know what cocksucking was, so the two girls decided to hitchhike down to the campus mall and check out the action there. There were...

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Sex with a crack whore

With that business out of the way, I drove out of the neighborhood, which can be hot with cops. "What's your name?" I asked, and told her mine. "Erica," she replied, then asked, "What are you looking for?" "I have a motel room nearby," I answered. "Would you like to go with me? We can discuss the details when we get there." "Sounds good," she replied. A few minutes later I pulled into the parking space in front of my room and got out. She followed me into my room. I had carefully...

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MelissaChapter 2

“Danny, get that floor jack over there and jack the rear end up. We’ll get those wheels changed,” Patch told me. “Melissa, grab that air hose over there on that reel, and pull it over here so I can use the impact wrench on the lug nuts. I knew they were going to be rusted. I sprayed penetrating oil on them yesterday.” Melissa jumped like she’d been poked, when he called her name to help. But she grinned and ran across the shop to get the end of the air hose from the hose reel. She walked...

1 year ago
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Blonde Angel Part One

*** MORE IMPORTANT *** I am planning for this to be a series of stories involving M/b, M/b/b, b/f, M/b/f and I apologise if the first one is a little longer leading up to the good stuff, but this is based on reality and I want to set the scene properly. I hope you enjoy the story and if you want me to continue, I actively encourage emails to tell me so. Thanks. BLONDE ANGEL - Part One When I lived in the UK I had a bit of a hobby restoring old cars. It was a fun thing to do and it...

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Onsen Onna Hot Spring Lady Part II

Now that Erika seemed comfortable talking about her love of nylon stockings—not to mention how she enjoys wearing them all the time, even while bathing—I ventured to suggest that we share our own experiences. Talking can be the best therapy—besides, I was eager to learn more about her obsession, and not just for academic reasons. "So, Erika," I started, "when did you first begin to become attracted to nylon stockings? In America, many men have a fetish for garter belts and sheer nylon...

1 year ago
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MILF takes two black cocks

I was sitting home bored to tears when my MIL dropped by rather unexpected. She said she couldn't stay but left me a DVD to watch and told me I would really enjoy it. Not having anything to do I popped it in the player and got ready for whatever. When it came on there was my MIL alone in what was obliviously a motel room. She was fully dressed but soon began to perform a very cock stiffening strip-tease. Soon she was totally nude except for her heels and was giving me great views of her mature...

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Comixxx Players Ball

It started with a phone call, at most inopportune time. My cell phone was blowing up while I was demonstrating my patented hucklebuck position to my cute neighbor, Jill. The constant clattering of the phone vibrating across my night stand became too much for me to ignore anymore. ‘Hello?’ ‘Who’s this?’ a female voice inquired. ‘Whose phone did you call? I asked back. ‘Xav is that you?’ She asked sounding more annoyed ‘Maybe, who am I speaking to?’ ‘It’s Katrina, Xav.’ I was about to ask what...

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BY KEVIN SURNOWThe day before I was planning to attend a Sacred Masturbation class I had one main concern: I hope my cock looks awesome. I was on my way to a queer group masturbation workshop where I was going to be in front of strangers for approximately two hours. If the world was ending anytime soon, at least I was leaving with a bang. Multiple bangs if I was lucky.The leader of the workshop is the androgynous spiritual leader of the Oikos Intentional Community, (above) Dasa William...

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