Tribe free porn video

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If you are good at something, you never do it for free. Through one of my previous business ventures, I had a tie to an international magazine. They specialize in cultural studies, and I presented them with what I was looking to do. My contact there told me they didn’t normally accept studies or articles from independent journalists. However, there was one extremely remote jungle tribe that they have never been able to study. They gave me a flat rate contract to study the Manoan people weather or not I could gather any useful information.
I packed for a long trip, and ensured I had all of the gear I would need to live off the land for an extended period of time. I was dropped off at a remote airstrip in South America. The tribe occupies a small area of the jungle towards the center of the continent, and has been there for hundreds of years, by what anybody can tell. They speak a very basic language, not known by any of the surrounding people, and they do not like to have contact with outside people.
Previous journalists have all been driven away by the Manoans, and none of them could tell me anything useful of their ways. All I had was a general area to look for these people. It took me two days to find evidence of their land use. Once I decided that I was in the right area, I found a distinct landmark, and decided to stow my gear there. I dropped all of my electronics, my synthetic fabrics, and my backpack. I continued on in neutral colored clothes and a leather satchel. I started my walk through the jungle in an expanding spiral. After four hours of walking I smelled a small hint of smoke, and something being cooked. I proceeded slowly until I crossed over a ridgeline, looking down into a good sized village of huts.
I didn’t want to sneak up and surprise the people, so I followed the ridgeline until I came across what looked to be a main trail for entering the village. I made my way down the trail, and as I came close, I walked slowly with my hands open to show no aggression. I was spotted by a group of females who quickly dispersed into the huts. I was immediately confronted by a group of males that did not seem very receptive. I stopped my approach and stood still with my palms facing them. A man emerged from the group and started to walk toward me. He had his forehead tattooed, in a formation of lines. There were a few other men with lines on their face, but non of them had a tattoo as large as this man.
He put his hands up in a motion to stop me, and then pointed for me to leave. I brought a gift for them to trade, in an effort to get my foot in the door. I removed my satchel, and pulled out a bag of oranges. I did not want to bring something extravagant, showing I am an obvious outsider, but I wanted to give something they did not have, since I was a stranger after all. I held the bag out to give to the man, but he did not make any motion to take it. I took an orange out and peeled it, eating a slice. Once I had played guinea pig, the man that I assumed to be the leader took the bag from my hand.
He took out an orange and passed the bag on. All the men who were tattooed took a piece of fruit first, and then there were a few left over. We stood there for a little while and ate the fruit. I didn’t try to talk to them, since it would be a futile attempt anyway. Once we had finished, the group parted, and the leader let me through the middle. We walked to the center of the village and he sat me on one of the logs circling a fire ring. I put my bag down and took in the experience as all of the villagers came out to see me.
The tribesmen showed me a handshake and a spoken greeting. The chief started lining the men up in a line, showing the hierarchy of the males. The men with more lines on their face were higher up. There seemed to be four levels of males, including the leader. All of the men wore some form or another of legged pants, and either a vest or sleeved shirt. All of the clothes were made of furs and skins, or what seemed to be a coarse cloth resembling burlap. I later found out the fibers were made of a hammered out vine bark. The leader introduced himself as “Reemah” and went down the line, giving the names of the two higher ranks of men. There was a total of fourteen men in the higher ranks, and there looked to be about thirty other men.
Reemah then brought forward three females. There didn’t seem to be any leadership roles among the women, they were just divided into three groups of age. Reemah had selected one of each group to show to me. A young girl that looked to be ten. Reemah motioned to her neck which was bare. Reemah turned to the next woman, who was pregnant, and pointed to the single woven ring around her neck. Reemah then moved to a third, older woman, who had two rings around her neck. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that these people distinguished the women that were of child bearing age, from the others.
All of the women wore long skirts. The young girls wore nothing else, while some of the other women wore clothes that hung from their neck, crossed the chest, and tied off in the back. I was a little confused, trying to figure out a pattern for why some women wore it and others did not. It finally struck me that the cloths where not a symbol of status, ornamentation, or any other visual cue. The only women that wore the cloth were the ones that required support of their breasts. The women that were not endowed had no need for the purely functional brassier.
Once they were done introducing themselves, I introduced myself, and opened my bag and showed them the few things that I had brought with me. Some fire starting gear, my mess kit, hygiene kit, knife, and my prescription glasses and sunglasses. I did not wear them earlier as to not further separate myself from them. I put them on and then handed them to Reemah to look through. He seemed a little confused, and then gave them back.
The leader gave me a woven belt that all the men were wearing, along with a tool that they kept on the hip. It was a leather bound stick, about two feet long, with a thin stone blade lashed into the last third of the stick. The Manoans used this tool for everything; skinning animals, clearing brush, cutting food, and protection. I spent the rest of the day trying to communicate with the leaders. Other members of the tribe came and left as the day passed. I made good progress, learning many basic nouns and verbs of the basic language they used.
The leaders took me to an empty hut as night fell. The huts were made of lashed wood, and heavy foliage for the roof. There was an actual bed of wood, with a net laced across the beams, and a mattress of mixed straw covered with that burlap cloth. The technology these people possessed was very advanced for people so secluded. I seemed to be able to join easily, so maybe they had gained knowledge from prior visitors. I had heard that nobody had ever reported being able to get in with these people.
I was integrated in quite well, and spent the next few weeks hunting, building , and learning from these people. I did everything that the lower level males did, and seemed to be completely integrated into the tribe. There was one ceremony that they did not let me witness though. Once a week, the pregnant women and the young children were segregated and came over to a large hut. I was directed to remain with them during the evening ceremony. They were vigilant to ensure that I was not able to see the practices of the rest of the tribe in the center of the village.
Over the weeks I learned as much as I could. During the times that I was locked up with the pregnant women and the children, I learned more specifics about the women’s classes. The young girls are considered children until they reach puberty, and then they go through a ceremony where they get their neck ring after the first menstrual cycle. Once they reach child bearing age, they get pregnant on nearly a yearly basis. Then once they are no longer able to bear children, they go through another ceremony to get the second ring. I counted about thirty pregnant women in the hut with me, and that raised more questions.
There were about the same number of boys as girls, but there were almost four women to every man. And along with that, the total population was very small for having so many pregnant women. I later got the answers to those questions. I found out that only one in three women have a successful pregnancy and birth. As for the ratio of men to women, I found that the tribe had no punishment system to speak of. The males were just expected to commit ritual suicide upon disgracing the tribe. Since the tribe is so secluded, and the women were protected, they didn’t have much chance to disgrace themselves.
After two months living with this tribe, I had learned a lot about these people. It was very interesting being able to experience what nobody else outside this group had, and yet I didn’t find much to write about that was extraordinary compared to other small cultures around the world. It was at this point that I was finally able to observe the practices of the weekly ceremony. Reemah walked me around to show me all of the aspects of the experience. We were able to communicate quite well at this point and he told me what all of the tribe members were doing.
Around the perimeter of the village, several of the lower ranking men were keeping watch. In the middle of the village there was a roaring fire. Of the women who were of child bearing age, there were about twenty who were not pregnant. They were positioned in several small groups around the fire. All of them were wearing masks, and nothing else. The women were all laying on their backs, with legs spread. Two men were positioned by each woman, and there was an older woman with each man.
Reemah explained to me that the tribe is considered one big family. None of the women are considered to be mates to a single man. This ceremony was designed to impregnate the women in a manner where no one man could claim a child. The women participate in the ceremony each week until they are pregnant, and receive no less than three men during the ceremony. On top of that, the women do not speak, and the mask is worn to keep the men from knowing which woman is receiving him. The ceremony began, and the older women began removing their skirts, and started stimulating the men they were with. They laid back, next to the younger women, and the men started having sex with the older women. Reemah pointed out that even though the “Two” ring women could not have children, they still played an important role.
The Two’s would allow the men to nearly reach climax, and then the man would swiftly get up and move over to the younger woman, depositing his seed into her. Reemah told me that by doing this, the three men could all go into the young woman in a short amount of time. Because of this, it was believed that the different men’s bloodlines would combine to make a stronger child. They also used the older women to spare the young women as much pain as possible. Once the men were done with the one woman, they would move to the next and start the whole process over. They had a whole order as to which men were entitled to go first, which women were allowed to receive first, and they rotated every week.
Reemah also told me that it was acceptable for the men to sleep with the Twos on a nightly basis for their pleasure. The women were not committed to a single man, so the men would just pick a woman each night. Reemah got first pick, and so on down the line. There were more Twos than men, so they were able to change out a little. There were a few elderly women, and they did not participate in the ceremony, but apparently they could still be chosen for the regular nights. I worked hard to gain trust and learn more about these intimate aspects of the culture.
After about six months with the people I was totally immersed in the Manoan culture. Reemah approached me one day and told me that they would have a ceremony to include me into the tribe. It was a very important event for many reasons. It meant that I would be further into this culture than I could have ever thought I could be. It also meant that I would come to a turning point. I would have to decide when I would be done and able to leave the tribe. We had the ceremony the next day. It was a very big event, but just a little unorganized since it had never happened before.
Now that I was in, Reemah told me that I would be able to take a Two each night. I was hesitant, seeing as these people had never heard of protected sex. I spent a long time trying to find ways to explain the concept of protection for recreational sex. I told them that casual sex had surely spread any diseases around the entire tribe. I knew that the only ones who were most likely safe were the virgins. I told him that I was clean, but I did not want to risk catching anything,…..and taking it with me when I would have to leave. I let him know that I planned to leave, and told him that I would stay for a few more weeks.
Reemah let me know that it was a big part of the tribe traditions that no member should be excluded. For this reason, he insisted that I take a Two, as every man did. I told him again of the reasons I could not, and then he lit up with an idea. We walked out to the center of the village, and Reemah pointed across the open area to one of the shorter women, a Two. He started to explain that this woman, Mahrin, was nearly sixty years old. She didn’t appear to be that old from what I could tell. When Mahrin was young, she didn’t become fertile with the other girls. The tribe waited a few years, but she was never recognized as being able to bear a child.
She was not able to get her single ring. Since the tribe does not like to exclude members, she was given two rings. Since the tribesmen didn’t know what was going on, they did not treat her like a normal Two. They wanted to give her time to become fertile, and did not want a single man to be able to claim the child, in case she became pregnant. The men continued to leave her alone, and the tribe eventually forgot about her until today. Mahrin was a sixty year old virgin. Surely she could no longer get pregnant anyway, and she had a good chance of being clean. Reemah insisted that I should take her, and he said that I would be the only one. I feared that I could not reject this custom, unless I wanted to leave the tribe on poor terms, so I accepted. I asked Reemah to confirm that Mahrin was a virgin, and he agreed.
Night was falling, and I retired to my hut. Shortly after, Mahrin entered as well. I was not expecting that Reemah would have sent her that same night, but he told her that she was to spend every night with me until I left. Mahrin did not seem upset that she was being ordered to serve me, but she did appear nervous. I didn’t want to get this involved with the Manoan people, especially since I was not going to be staying. Still, I knew that it would be terribly insulting not to participate in this important event. I didn’t really see any point to try and speak with her, so I just motioned for her to sit on the bed.
Although she had never participated in the fertilization ceremonies, she had witnessed them many times. She definitely knew the mechanics of sex, but had no experience with foreplay. I didn’t want to treat her like a sex slave, but I figured she wouldn’t be able to do anything except what she had seen in the ceremonies. I would have to do everything in this situation. I reached behind her, and untied the knot on her brassier. I let the cloth fall away, and pulled it from around her neck exposing her breasts.
Mahrin was short even by the standards for her people. I estimated that she was just over four and a half feet, and probably a little over a hundred pounds. Even though she had never had a child, her breasts were at least a C cup. Since these women used bras, and she never had to nurse a child, they were surprisingly firm and showed very little signs of sagging. I took her hands and had her stand up, I started removing my pants and she untied the waist of her skirt. Mahrin let her skirt fall to the dirt floor of the hut, and I had her lay back onto the bed. Even though I knew she wasn’t going to participate, I didn’t want to just use her without giving her pleasure as well.
I laid down next to her and began sucking on her nipple. It was firm and erect, raising goose bumps immediately upon my contact. Her breathing got shallow and she seemed to be tense. I moved my hand down to her clitoris and started to rub it. I pinched it and rolled it as I continued to stimulate her nipples with my mouth. I repositioned my hand and flatly rubbed her button with my palm, and slipped my middle finger into her canal. Mahrin jerked a little, arching her back. I started a slow rhythm, and her body started to rise and fall with my movements. I looked up to her face and saw that her eyes were shut tight.
I pulled my finger out and put my fingertips to her button once again. I pressed it flat and started to swirl it around. Mahrin would jerk every time I pressed her nerve bundle over her pubic bone. She started to moan as I moved my hand faster around her clitoris. I changed the motion, starting to flip up on her button. Mahrin started to tense up and began breathing quickly. I continued to work her with my hand as she arched her back enough to raise herself off of the bed. She stopped her quick breathing, pressing her lips together. She held her breath for a moment, before letting out a piercing scream.
She collapsed back down to the bed, giving out little cries with each exhale. I stopped my barrage on her sensitive areas and allowed her to calm down. I moved to the end of the bed and started to work myself to full strength. I crawled in between her legs, getting into position. I placed the head of my penis at her entrance, only to find that she was dripping wet from her earlier experience. I pushed forward and was granted entrance with little resistance. I leaned forward over her as I slipped in the rest of the way. She definitely had enough lubrication, but had a tight grip on my shaft.
Mahrin had her head turned to the side, refusing to look at me as I started to slowly thrust into her. I didn’t feel bad though, because I could see a smile on her face. I slid my arms under her, curling my hands up to pull down on her shoulders. I pushed myself deep inside of her, keeping a slow pace, and drawing all of the way out before sliding back in. She started to moan again, now that she was fully recovered and ready to climb the mountain again. I started to speed up, trying to bring her off again. Mahrin’s breathing sped up again, and she started to squeeze down tightly on my shaft.
Her grip was extremely tight, and was uncomfortable enough to hold off my climax. Mahrin, however, started to tense up again. After a few more minutes she stopped and held her breath again. She thrust her pelvis up towards me hard and let out another piercing scream. This time I continued my assault on her, causing her to keep her scream going for what seemed to be days. Finally I was ready to climax, and I plunged my shaft all of the way inside of her and released my load, shooting my seed deep inside of her. I just held myself inside of her for a few minutes as I started to go limp and her breathing returned to normal.
I started to get up and back away from Mahrin. I looked down at my penis that was coated in both of our juices, and a good amount of blood. I guess that she had never used anything to stimulate herself internally, confirming that she was definitely a virgin. I grabbed a cloth and cleaned up the mess. I climbed back into the bed and curled up behind her. Mahrin continued to join me each night for the next few weeks. I gradually started to teach her new things that the tribe’s people had never known about.
Another month had come and gone, and I decided to let the chief know that it was time for me to go. When I told Reemah of my plans to leave, he was quite upset. He was grateful for all of the technology and knowledge that I had given them. From what I had learned of their belief system, I shouldn’t have been surprised when he asked me to leave them with a child. Considering that they believed that by having multiple men have sex with the women that the men’s strengths would be combined, it was only natural for him to believe that my child would share my knowledge.
I had to have another talk with him about how I did not wish to participate in what was basically an orgy, and I did not want to expose myself to possible diseases. He seemed to have an answer for everything though. He said that he would allow me to have a woman to myself until she became pregnant. He had discussed it with some of the elders, and they decided it would be acceptable for the tribe to know exactly who the father of the child was, since I would not be around to claim it, which would create a further upset in the tribe’s traditions.
I was still a little worried about catching something, but I had not seen anything in my time here to think that the tribe were the carriers of anything serious. But after some more conversation, Reemah said that if I was willing to stay for a while longer, I could “take” the next virgin girl who came into puberty. I had tried to give any excuse I could come up with to avoid having this serious of an impact on the tribe. It seemed that I was all out of excuses. I decided to accept the request of Reemah, and I would stay long enough to ensure that I had impregnated one of the tribe’s women.
I continued with my normal duties, working with the men on establishing technologies that the tribe had not had before. It seemed like I had been waiting forever, and I was running out of things to show the Manoans how to build. Luckily, it was only a few weeks before a young girl, Sinea, had her very first menstrual cycle. After that we timed out her next cycle, and for a solid week, Sinea would be joining me three times a day. Reemah and I had agreed that I would not have to “perform” in front of the tribe. We did decide that Mahrin would accompany me though, and keep true to that technique of the tribe so she would be used for my stimulation, and Sinea would simply receive my seed.
And so I began my week as a sperm donor. This tribe uses the lunar cycle for their calendar, and after doing the math I figured out that Sinea was thirteen years old. Thinking about that fact constantly was very awkward, but I had been doing so many weird things during my time there that it did not really give me too much reason to refuse. We started our ceremony on the morning of the first day and repeated it morning, noon, and evening for the next seven days.
Each time I would place Sinea on the bed, nude with her legs spread and ready to receive me. I had shown Mahrin some things that I enjoyed, and since I was doing the tribe a favor, I had no guilt about getting her to service me with no reciprocity. I had her get naked and kneel down in front of me. I would remove my clothes and have her start to suck me. After she had practiced many times, she had gotten very good at it. She had good suction and was very gentle, while stimulating my to a very hard state.
I have to admit that it was a little awkward being with women so young and old. I had Mahrin turn around and I took her from behind. I took hold of her wide hips and pounded her faster and faster. She was nice and wet, and got my dick well lubricated. Each night I would pump myself into Mahrin until I was to the point of cumming. Then I would pull out and get down on the bed, between Sinea’s legs. I placed my slippery shaft at her virgin hole and gently pressed forward. She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side. I pushed a little harder and was granted entry to her tight canal.
She was very small and made it difficult for me to climax. I started to pump, and eventually she loosened up a little and started to get wet. I picked up the pace and tried to finish as quickly as possible. I started to pull all of the way out and plunge back in. She started to moan and twist as I sped up. After a few more strokes I was ready to climax, and I thrust myself in as far as I could go, and released my load. Sinea started to scream as I shot my semen into her again and again. Once I had finished, I pulled myself out of her and got up. I put my clothes on and left the hut, so that the two of them could clean up.
I repeated this sequence every day for the following week, so we would be sure to get her pregnant. Once I was done, I said my goodbyes to the tribe, and I made my three day trek to the nearest city to get a flight back to the states. I went back two years later, to make sure that I had not given away too many secrets of the Manoan people in my article, fearing that some locals would try to exploit them for the land they possessed. And on my return trip, I was able to see my son for the first time…


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Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) main pankaj sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri kahani “bahen se pati bana”, aap logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze e-mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur kahani likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi kahani pes kar raha hun, aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Kahani ku suruwat badi bahan aur uski...

3 years ago
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Shop til you DropTo your knees

“I’ve spent a fortune Aimee! I can just hear my credit card screaming in agony!” Sasha exclaimed as she and her best friend slid into a vacant booth they’d spotted in the trendy bar in which they’d chosen to have some lunch. “Ooh but don’t deny it Sash, it’s been worth it, look at all the gorgeous things you’ve bought!” Aimee gleefully rummaged through the obscene mountain of bags heaped around them. “We’re going to be the hottest pair of girls in this city tonight babe!” she added excitedly....

1 year ago
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Entering Into My SisterInLaw

Hi guys, this is Rahul from Coimbatore. I hope you have read my previous story. This new one happened recently. This story revolves around me and my sister-in-law and how we enjoyed ourselves. Let’s get on to the story folks. As you know about me already, I like to explain the girl of my story and the angel of my pleasures. Her name is Sruthi. She is 34-36-34. She is the younger sister of my wife and doing internship studies. I got married to Swathi recently. It’s been 6 months of my...

2 years ago
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Treehouse Adventures 2

This summer has brought me many things. I have gotten to experience things that I had never gotten to before. As you all know, shortly after I graduated high school, I ended up losing my virginity to my brother. Some of you may be okay with that and some of you may have some problems with the event that took place. I can not take this event back, because well, it changed my life. Had it not been for my brother, well I would not be the person that I am today. So what happened after the night in...

3 years ago
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Meri Jawani Baji Deewani

Mera name asif hai main 24 years old hun, Main jab 10 year ka tha tabhi mere papa ne mujhe padhai ke liye chandigarh bua ke pas bhej diya tha bua ko ek hi ladki hai jiska name zareen hai woh mujhse 4 sal chhoti hai jo ab meri wife hai b.Tech final krne ke baad hi bua ne usse mera nikah karwa diya tha usne bhi b.B.A. Kiya hua hai baat un dino ki hai jab main civil engineering karne k baad dubai me job kar raha tha meri salery un dino 2.70 lacs thi 2 saal dubai me rehne k bad jab main wahan se...

3 years ago
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To Sir With Love Part VI

Chapter 14 continued Sam was the first man to recover. He was not fully hard, but well on his way. He straddled Jamie’s chest and stroked his cock and balls though her tits as he held them together. Jamie lifted her head on each stoke, trying to catch the head of his dick with her mouth. Sam let her have a bit more on each stoke, until he was sitting on her tits and fully fucking her face. Jamie was on fire. Amy couldn’t take Mathew’s dildo work much longer. The clit vibrator was on full...

3 years ago
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Rent Pe Rehne Wali Bhabhi Ki Massage Part 8211 2

Mai rishi apni pichli story ka agla part likh raha hu, jo mere or meri padosan bhabhi ke baare me hai. Readers is story ko samajhne ke liye meri pichli story jarur padu. Mai apni sexy padosan bhabhi or apne baare me kuch bata deta hun. Bhabhi ka naam seema hai, age 29 years size 34d – 28 – 36 rang gora hai heignt 5’5” hai. Mai haridwar ki ek company me job karta hu, meri body athelitic type hai meri height 5’7” h age 25 h or mera hatiyar 5.5” lamba 2.5” mota h jo kisi bhi aurat ko satisfy karne...

1 year ago
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High School Bang

Back when I was in Year 9, I was running late to history class. I was an athletic lad, blond with a sexy body. I was running up the stairs when a group of year 11s stopped me. Their leader, 'Jason' told me I was late,I told him to 'fuck off.'He said to his mates, "he's got a tongue on him'To which I replied 'do I ever. Do you want to feel it?'Jason walked up to me and began grinding his hips into mine. I stepped back, and he demanded a blow-job. I told him I had class, but I would eat him at...

2 years ago
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Stoned Sharon

Stoned Sharon By Solon Plorry The man shouted at the attacker! He had beaten me so bloody and laid one last hard kick at my head before he went away to join his girlfriend, his soft shoes making a welcome squishy noise as he faded out. I lay in the fetal position, almost afraid to breathe. I had been beaten to within an inch of my life, I think, and all I could do was moan. My chest felt caved in, and pain flooded my senses. I wanted to die! A calloused hand was on my...

3 years ago
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Fucking a friend

I use to work with this girl named Michaelina, heavy set woman but still good looking. We use to work at a deli in my home town, I was going out with Linda at the time and Michaelina came up too me and brush against me a lot. I remember one night I was in the back working, Michaelina came up too me and grabbed my cock, it was soft but she put her breast closer and I got a hard on from that. She squeezed it and went on with her work. She wanted to fuck me very badly, I know because one closing...

1 year ago
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CDTV presents A New Brady pt 5

At that moment Greg and Peter rushed into the room. "Alex are you alright?" Greg asked. "Yeah, we heard a crash and-" Peter noticed the glass everywhere on the floor and broken window. "What happened?!" "This happened!" replied Alex frustrated, confused and angry holding up the brick and note. Greg read the note to himself and his face looked like he was going to blow a fuse. "Who wrote this?" Greg asked. "I don't know," Alex replied. "I just heard this crash through...

3 years ago
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Never Trust Aunt Angie 3 moms secrets1

"Mmmmm" i silently screamed into my pillow as i came for the second time since i laid down to sleep My wet hand falling to my side trembling, it's been so long since I've been able to come i feel like i just unlocked something deep inside of me I can't stop thinking about last night, the way zac fucked that woman, the way he came all over her, and the fact that it was so wrong for me to get turned on by my own brother just makes it even hotter for some reason. I closed my eyes to...

1 year ago
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Jackie and I

“Are you sure you are OK to work late tonight?” asked Jackie. It was 7pm already as I stood at my desk. Jackie was my manager and she was sitting at the desk opposite. I gave a sheepish look towards her. “Yeah sure….I wouldn’t have offered if it was going to be a problem.” I sat back down and started going through the accounts we were both trying to prepare before our monthly deadline. The problem was that with just the two of us in the office alone, I was finding it increasingly...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Serving The Bitch pt 1

I was working late one evening, and my boss Alisha was being a real bitch.She's always working us girls harder than the boys in our small office, a lot of which she only hired 'cos she finds them attractive. I had to stay for overtime for Brandon had fucked up an important account, yet he just batted his puppy dog eyes at her and she let him off the hook and made me stay behind to clean up his mess instead."Hurry up and sort out those papers!" She ordered from behind her big desk, she was just...

3 years ago
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Positive ReinforcementChapter 10

"Mr. McDonald, I'm glad you could speak to me." "My pleasure, Mr. Daniels." Evan McDonald smiled leaning back in his chair. Jack's face floated in the holo screen over his desk. "To what do I attribute the honor? Is everything all right? I hope you haven't had any trouble since that, ah, misunderstanding we had. That was bad form on my part," he said with a shake of his head. "No excuses. I should have learned by now not to take anything for granted." "No problem with that,"...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Leelee Chapter 2

The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.DADDY’S LITTLE LEELEEChapter 2The days following my forbidden interlude with my beautiful daughter were filled with tension. The incredible love I felt for her, the desire that still burned within me for her, took a back seat to the fear that somehow, someone would find out. Every time my wife touched me...

3 years ago
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Shadows in the DarknessChapter 2

One of the quirks of Susan’s journey into the realm of the dark was that she found her other senses were suddenly laden with increasing power and strength. It served to make her appreciate the unsuspected pleasures of simply standing near others and inhaling their essence. She developed the ability to feel the vibrations of their aura sweep over her skin and even inside her body when the dark was upon her. Susan knew instinctively that she needed those triggers to satisfy her need for...

2 years ago
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Abagail And Her Choice

It was a bloody Friday at Dean Custom Machining. About half of the people working as secretaries or assistants in the offices had found yellow envelopes on their desks upon arriving to work. The word quickly spread that they contained either layoff notices or a letter telling you that you were permanently terminated. It quickly became apparent who was fired. Most packed their belongings and left right away. Those fortunate enough to get layoff notices were expected to work until the end of the...

3 years ago
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The Long Road Back From Hill 55Chapter 2

Things were pretty quiet for the next couple of weeks. We were busy on different details burying the dead and made some half-hearted forays into VC territory to flush out any remnants of Charlie’s assault forces. I noticed that most of the dead enemy bodies were actual Vietcong and a smattering of tribesmen from the Laotian and Cambodian regions. I only saw one or two actual North Vietnamese regular army types. I thought that was strange since this attack was being touted as an attack from...

1 year ago
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My brothers wife

Note : This story is completely fictional! Time is passing very slowly, Till now I dint meet anybody in this house, it's my daji's(elder brother of father) house, deeji (daji's wife) is out for visiting her neighbors, right now deejis daughter in law kunal is here, But she is on bath; I can hear the sound of her bathing. I tried to pass the time with comics, but in this time they are not helping. I think she has completed the bath, I can hear the sound of opening of door, Accidentally she...

1 year ago
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The ErotiChronicles of 2016 AD Ch 01

The warm glaze of summer coated the air of the bedroom forging a path from the ajar window at the front of the house, as the break of dawn crept in and gave life to it. From beneath the sheets of the double bed that had been countlessly moved to embrace a more Feng Shui approach to its habitat, a tall, slender figure poked his head up and out, his hair a bright white, untamed from the constant night-time twists and turns. Rosy cheeks gave him an air of colour amidst his slightly pale...

1 year ago
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Sisters share a man

When Doreen opened the garage door she saw her kissing her husband."You slut! she screamed."If you took better care of him in bed he wouldn't have to ask me for sex" she replied."I give him what he wants" she gasp."Do you suck his prick?""No" "Do you let Jim fuck your asshole?"That's perverted and nasty" "No wonder he likes me, I let him do anything he wants""It was my fault Doreen, she's kinky like I am and I couldn't resist""I thought you loved me" sobbed the woman."I do but now I love you...

3 years ago
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Recharge Voucher Changed My Life

Hi this is Raj age 21 with average body and decent looking guy from Vizag, Andhra Pradesh. I completed my graduation and presently doing job in top MNC. I am regular reader of ISS. I like couple and Incest Categories very much. Coming to story, it happened 1 month back when I was waiting for my date of joining at my home. Shanthi is an awesome housewife who is married to a guy with dark complexion and very short guy. Shanthi is fair girl and aged 23 years with very good figure 36-24-36. She got...

2 years ago
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8 Simple Rules for dating my teenage daughter

The Hennessey Family Paul: 55 years old Father of 3, and sports writer. Is very protective of his family and especially his oldest daughter Bridget. Cate: 49 Year old wives of Paul and nurse. A lot more easily going with the kids then her husband. Bridget: Eldest of the Hennessey children at 19 years old. A blonde bombshell, and bit of a bimbo. Bridget doesn’t do so well at school grades wise but is leader of the High School cheerleaders and the most popular girls in School Kerry: Middle child...

2 years ago
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The Find Book 3Chapter 4

While Tom was picking at lunch, Linda came over and assured him that everything was going to be alright. Tom asked Linda if all was good with them and received a yes from her and got a hug. Changing his mind from earlier, he asked Linda to go ahead and tell the girls about Mary being asked to marry Steve which should keep them busy for about an hour. “Please tell Jim, Mike and Tim to start moving today on the Virginia property for the artifacts also tell them to watch what they say! In about...

1 year ago
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My Smart And Lovely Sister

Hello friends mera name maddy hai and ye meri first and real story hai. Main apni mom and sister ke sath rahta hun. Ye story meri sis ki hai ki kese wo apne bf se chudti hai wo bhi meri persmission se. Jyada time na lete hue story start karta hun.College ke baad mere best friend ne apne dad ki company main job dilba di thi and ghar ki sari responsibility mere upper hai. Meri sis jiska name payal hai wo college ke final year main hai. Uska fig 34 28 34 hai. She got hot body fig with long hairs....

4 years ago
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The Apprentice

The Apprentice Michael Mandrake Copyright July 2009 All Rights Reserved The damn alarm clock rang and I turned over to shut it off. Time is seven o’clock and I had to get up after having a long night. I wish I could stay in bed with my lovely girlfriend Sasha; light brown eyes, long black hair, elongated cocoa colored body with curves in all the rights spots. I got stiff just looking her legs poking from underneath the sheets; her candy red toenails leaning against my footboard, Jesus, I was...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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A First Time for everything

I woke up to the sun just rising over the mountains, the warm rays sifting through the window shades. I was lying on my back watching, when all of a sudden you moved. You were turning onto your back and as you did the covers slipped down off your breasts exposing them.  Your arms were above your head forcing your breasts to jut upwards. Your nipples seemed like they were seeking the warm rays of the sunshine coming through the window. I leaned over your still sleeping body. I brought my...

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Mein Mann und die fremden Frauen

Ich wusste selbst nichts von meiner Veranlagung. Erst in der Zeit meiner Ehe mit Klaus wurde es mir klar. Und irgendwann erzählte ich meinem Mann davon. Klaus hatte noch nicht mit vielen unterschiedlichen Frauen geschlafen. Ich offenbarte ihm, dass ich zu gerne dabei zuschauen würde, wie er es mit einer oder mehreren Frauen treibt. Zu Beginn war seine Reaktion eher zurückhaltend und ausweichend. In Abständen unterhielten wir uns immer mal wieder über das Thema. Nach und nach gelang es mir, sein...

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 14

After taking Alyssa to the house and dropping her off, I went back into town. I knew the parade started later today, and the police and fire departments would block off several roads for that, but the lights, sirens, and rush of several fire trucks told me there was an emergency rather than preparations for a celebration. I didn’t intentionally follow the fire trucks. The fire station sits on the same street as the Sheriff’s office. They’re about a block apart and on the opposite sides of...

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Sunday Night Football Sissy

Sunday Night Football Sissy It's no surprise that we love football here in Texas. We all head out to watch high school ball on Friday nights, and of course we love to cheer on our college boys on Saturdays. And the grown men dominate our Sundays. Especially if you're a sissy slut like me. I am a sissy cock slut who happily serves a small group of men here in town, and things took an interesting turn a few years back when I learned that Master David was an avid Cowboys fan, while...

1 year ago
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A Night Out

"No, I . . . I really don't think I should." John was sitting on Ariel's bed, watching a bit bemusedly as her friend rummaged through the considerable clutter of her bedroom closet. Ariel made a sound of annoyance, though it was unclear whether it was a result of John's comment or her frustrated search for slutty clothing. "Come on, John . . . you've gotta come. It's Robin's birthday." A pair of running shorts came flying out of the closet and landed in John's face. She carefully peeled them...

1 year ago
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You Want Me to Do WhatChapter 4

I woke up the next morning with a body next to mine. I saw her face. It was so pretty. Her little upturned nose was so cute. I just watched her sleep for a while. I had masturbated, ending in a mighty orgasm. I went back to bed naked, too tired to even put boxers on. She was naked and on her side. Her eyes fluttered open; she smiled. "Hey." "Hey back," I said. "I missed you." "Obviously, you want to..." She pushed her lips onto mine opening her mouth and starting one of those...

3 years ago
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Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch 05

I plopped down into my chair after replacing my long cold coffee with a fresh cup. I checked the progress of my search engine and didn’t like what I was seeing. Six hours of searching through database after database had turned up nothing so far. I had put in calls to several of my contacts as well, asking them to be listening for any word about the Eclipses or the Sun Chasers and offering good money to any who brought me the information I was looking for. Over the next three days I split my...

4 years ago
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results of having huge cock

I grew up bigger than most of my friends. By 12 I was bigger than most adult men. Not just in height, but in equipment. In middle school showers boys would point and told others how big I was. One school teacher; Girls would ask and few wanted to see and feel it. One girl had been with me and told how it was. From there I had offers from girls to have sex. few were black and we made arrangements to not be seen. few her parents would see us and kill her. I had some tell me, Sorry I want to it...

4 years ago
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False SignsChapter 12

They took the SUV back to the Sheriff’s office and picked up Whitaker’s car. Even though the sun was already down, she drove them all the way back to Dallas. Neither of them spoke the entire trip. It felt like they were back to the first day they met, and Taylor didn’t care for it at all. This silence wasn’t like when Dorset had come down on her. That silence had been caused by concern that she’d made a mistake and thrown away everything she’d worked for, up to that point, away. It wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 11 Back Home

I expected the phone to ring but it didn't. That evening I showered, dressed and prepared dinner. He arrived home just before 7. I met him at the door as he now demanded. "Clean my cock slut." Clean his cock? He must have meant suck it, he hadn't fucked me yet. I got down on my knees and undone his trousers dropping them and his underwear to the ground. His cock stunk and was covered in white flakes. He seen me wince at the sight. "I fucked Beth before I left the office and I didn't...

4 years ago
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Home Run

I had just gotten done with baseball practice and I was exhausted. It was a strenuous workout, and I was looking forward to getting a good night sleep. My teammate Jeff dropped me off at the foot of the driveway. I could barely step out of his dodge pickup truck I was so sore. We had lost two games in a row, so our coaches were pissed off and made us run like crazy.I told Jeff goodbye and limped up our short driveway. We had recently moved into a new subdivision where all of the houses looked...

1 year ago
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Green Acres 11 Alf the Glamorous Ladys Man

[Sid Melton, 'Alf Monroe', also had a regular role as 'Charley Halper' on "Make Room for Daddy" and "Make Room for Granddaddy". He also had the recurring role in "The Golden Girls" as 'Salvadore Petrillo', Sophia's departed husband, and Dorothy's pop. (He was also 'Ikky' Mud on "Captain Midnight".) He has made numerous guest appearances in classic movies and TV sitcoms (and playing a petty thug a lot of the time).] Green Acres 11: Alf, the Glamorous Lady's Man By Ron...

3 years ago
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The Bus to Slavery

The Bus to SlaveryThe Bus to Slaveryby Razor7826 Part One ?I still can?t believe that Mom andDad are really gone.?? Theresa Mosleysighed as she rested her head against the window of her sister?s car.? The country landscape sweptby. Sharon Mosley turned towards the backseat.? ?We?ll get through this, littlesis.? The key is to just go on with yourlife.??  The younger woman started to cry asshe looked her sister in the eye.? ?I...I can?t do this.? I think I?m going totake this semester off.? The...

3 years ago
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Love n the Library

Library Pussy! The readings for a not so shy cunt!Sasha hated the fact that her new job required her to go back to school to brush up on her computer skills. It was another late night at the library for her and frankly she was over it all. Sasha sat down on her usual chair that was in the rear of the library. She liked being in the back of the room. She had time to reflect on her day and study without being disturbed. She planted her nice round ass in her chair and gazed around the room. She...

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