Being Watched
- 2 years ago
- 19
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Sarah’s Clan was just finishing breakfast when Cécilia came over to them with a small package. On reaching the table she said, “This came up on a shuttle last night for you all.”
“Thank you,” said Aoife as she took the package. All of her spouses looked at her with puzzled expressions, as this was an unusual event.
When she just laid it on the table Keri said, “Aren’t you going to open it?”
“Yes, but when we get back to our suite.”
Moya said, “I am not sure we can contain our curiosity that long.”
“Why?” asked Tara. “It is just a package.”
“True. But we don’t see packages delivered like that very often, if ever.”
“It can wait until we are back in our suite since we planned on stopping by there before going to the hangar.”
Just as Tara finished speaking, Cass and Abaigeal of Briana’s Clan started the morning meeting. After a brief discussion of issues on Dóchas, the monitors came to life showing the meeting areas on the other ships and at Tara Ardchlár. With everyone connected together hosting the meeting shifted to Keriann’s Clan on Iarracht.
Brigid said, “James, I believe you have an announcement.”
“Yes. Thank you. The Ceremony to install the first members of the Council of Celia is now set to occur in about nine weeks. This is a little further away than initially planned. This change was to make sure it is after the birth of the babies due in Siobhan’s Clan. By moving the date out a bit also makes it easier to prepare the site without significantly impacting other activities. After the ceremony, we will have a two day celebration. This will be our first annual holiday known as ‘Landing Day’. In the future it will be on a date that matches our arrival over Ananu. Any questions?” Seeing none he added, “The group handling the ceremony planning plans to give an update on their progress at least once a week. A current summary of their activities is available in the library.”
Cary stood on Taiséalai waiting for recognition. When James saw him, “It looks like we have a question, which is?”
“Doesn’t that timing conflict with the visitors you are expecting?”
“Currently the visitors aren’t expected until three weeks after the ceremony, and it could be after that. Any more questions?”
“Yes,” said Cary, “Will the date for future installation of Council members be based on this date?”
“I think I can say, ‘probably not’, although if you had asked a week ago I would have responded, ‘we think so.’” When the laughter subsided, he continued with, “All of us have come to believe that the installation of Councilors needs to be on a different day. Since we have a different calendar to the one in use when we set up our constitution, we need to look at dates for election and inauguration. Current thoughts are to have elections on the 21st of Twelmonth and inauguration on the 21st of the following Secmonth. This will be a decision for the family to make in the near future.”
“More questions?” After a few moments he added, “That covers what I had.”
Brigid said, “We believe most of you know that An Clochán was activated about six weeks ago. This was prompted by some of our friends on Earth making use of the escape mechanism we gave them before beginning our voyage. Since then the staff at An Clochán have been contacted by others asking if they can come there. With An Clochán active the staff have also been picking up qualified candidates that want to join us. On some days they’ve picked up as many as 300. This has really stretched the resources we left there.
“To resolve the resource issue, we are organizing a task group to make a visit to An Clochán. Currently plans are to send 6 cruisers, along with several flights of Star Fighters. This trip is not envisioned as being the one that was planned for returning the journalists and their families, but they can go back at this time if they wish. While we understand the issues the journalists have with their sponsors, we think many would like to remain until after our visitors have left.
“The reason we are asking for volunteers is that we expect that some of those going may miss the Landing Day celebration. As currently envisioned, the members of this task group will assist our staff at An Clochán ensure that all the site’s facilities are up and running. This includes training on maintaining the equipment. To help with the people issues we need medical specialists and others trained in assisting people define a new future and adjust to a change in circumstances. This is voluntary. Again, you may miss the Installation and Landing Day celebration. Please let your Staffing department know if you are interested. Any questions?”
Allister stood on Taiséalai and when Brigid saw him she asked, “Allister, your question?”
“While I think I understand the basis for those with staffing talents, why do you need additional medical staff? Are there injuries?”
“We believe that there are only minor injuries. The Command Staffs are still evaluating the situation but feel we need to send the task group very soon. There are14,000 people at An Clochán and New Comrie. Those on New Comrie are being moved to An Clochán, that relocation may be complete by now. Our current view is that we should treat everyone there as a potential crew candidate, using the criteria we all know. There are potential security issues that taint that view. Since being active An Clochán has received applications from several thousand people, these are included in the earlier total. Have I answered your question?”
“I think so. If they all want to come here, how would we accomplish that?”
“We’ve asked the Iridiens, Monque, and Atewa if they have passenger ships we could lease. There hasn’t been enough time to receive a reply. The plan was to bring everyone here and let them live on the ships until accommodations on Ananu were available. This seems friendlier than making them wait at An Clochán, as it will likely be at least a year before we have sufficient accommodations for everyone at Tara. Bear in mind, we are still in the midst of planning a path forward. Due to its potential impact, we will be discussing this again in a few days.”
“Morgan, your question?”
“Well it is not really a question. If it is only a few weeks, why don’t we hold off on the celebration and the swearing in ceremonies until those from An Clochán can be here?”
“That is our preference. Whether we can do that or not depends on passenger ship availability.”
“I didn’t see anyone else stand, so are there other questions?” After a few moments of no response she added, “It looks like we’ve answered all the questions for now. I don’t believe there are any other items to discuss, so let’s close this session. Have a great day.”
“Well done Brigid,” said Sarah’s Clan. Their comment was quickly followed by similar comments from the other Command Staffs.
“Thanks. I was kind of expecting some more difficult questions regarding An Clochán and the sudden influx. How was the sightseeing?”
“Great, we’ll tell you about it when we see you later today.”
“We are looking forward to your visit. What are your plans for this morning?”
“Checking out the island that was proposed as a practice range for weapons and psionic skills.”
“Good. We haven’t practiced ours for a while, well since we left Mars, although we have done simulations.”
“We have too, but are concerned about bad habits slipping into the methodology since you don’t see or sense real results.”
“Good point. See you all this afternoon.”
Aoife said to her family, “Let’s go get our instruments so we have them ready for this afternoon. That way we can stop at Tara Ardchlár for lunch before we go to Iarracht.”
In their suite Joyce said, “So what is in the package?”
Aoife smiled as she carefully unwrapped it. “I suspect it is confirmation of a perception we had yesterday.” She lifted the lid off the box and turned it to show everyone.
Moya said, “Isn’t that the plate and glass we left at the grotto yesterday?”
“We don’t understand,” responded Iris.
“Yesterday Ta and Lil showed Sarah, Maeve, Tara and I several secluded places, or clearings, that they thought were unique. Moya and Corey were with us at some of the places. The first one contained what resembled a grotto. We presumed it was a place that was frequented by deities, so we left a small loaf of bread, some cheese and a glass of wine. This was done as an offering of respect as we felt we had entered a special place of Theirs. By returning the glassware, they’ve confirmed that there are deities in this solar system. Although, Aine and her sisters have already indicated that there were. Based on this response, I suspect we will have more contact with Them in the future.”
“That is scary,” responded Earnán.
“Why?” asked Maeve.
“Well, because they are God.”
“It could be a Goddess,” said Corey with a smile.
“Are you afraid of Aine, Morrigan, Branwen or any of the others?”
“No. Why?”
“They are very interesting people and fun to be around,” said Moya.
“Yes. But, some would regard them as Goddesses.”
Keri said, “So you are saying that we should interact with them like we would others of similar station, by being respectful and listening to their guidance.”
“A good way to express it,” said Tara. “You may not realize you’ve met them until afterwards.”
Sarah said, “The day is slipping past so we need to be on our way.”
It was early afternoon when Sarah’s Clan exited their shuttle on Iarracht to be greeted by most of Keriann’s Clan. After exchanging hugs Eleánóir said, “You are a bit earlier than we expected.”
“Well,” replied Rusty, “we didn’t linger at the proposed aerial gunnery range very long. It appears to be well suited for its purpose. However, we did spend quite a bit of time at the site set aside for exercising our psionic skills, and made use of it.”
“That was neat to watch,” added Iris.
Moya said, “Yea, this was the first time we’ve seen our parents doing that. I think seeing those skills in use gave me a better understanding of what they are and how they can be used.”
“Until today,” added Kennith, “I only thought of them as weapons, but not any longer.”
“What do you mean?” asked Niamh.
“They have more uses than as just a weapon. Perhaps thinking of them as a tool with multiple uses is a more accurate way of looking at them.”
“I wonder if any of us will have those abilities,” said Keri.
“Only time will tell,” responded Sarah. “It will likely be several years before you will know. Besides, all of you already have telepathy, which many regard as a psionic ability.”
Corey said, “I can wait to see if I have been blessed with more than telepathy. If I have, I hope the blessing includes the wisdom to use the ability wisely.”
“Excellent insight,” said Mégane of Maureen’s Clan as the clan entered the reception area.
“Good, you guys are here!” exclaimed Marnia.
As they were greeting each other Iris saw Karen, Kaylin, and Courtney enter holding the children’s hands. She said, “Great, you brought the babies.”
After hugging Iris, Courtney said, “We thought that if we didn’t you wouldn’t let us stay. Besides, we didn’t want to disappoint you all.”
“We are not that bad,” responded Keri.
“Yea, right,” laughed Eibhlin of Maureen’s Clan.
“Is this who you are looking for?” asked Karen with a smile. Once she released the child’s hand the child ran to Keri.
“Sure,” Keri replied as she picked her up.
Emma of Keriann’s Clan entered the reception area and said, “I thought you all would be in the common room by now.”
Caitlyn laughed and said, “We started that way, then Maureen’s Clan arrived.”
“Well let’s go to then as it is much more comfortable.”
Once they had settled in the common room Sarah questioned, “Maureen, how much longer till the births?”
“Sixteen weeks, and Mégane assures us that we are doing well.”
“Great,” responded the group.
Moya said, “Eileen, Aisling, and Kendra’s babies are due in three weeks.”
Brigid added with a smile, “And ours are due in 9 weeks.”
“Gosh,” said Sarah, “I hope no one felt slighted by the way I posed my question.”
“Not us,” quickly replied Siobhan.
“Since we are on this topic,” said Oriel, “what do you all think of asking some of the children to assist the nannies with the babies and younger children?”
Keri quickly said, “Great idea.” Her siblings nodded their heads indicating their agreement.
“Our perception of this is something more than babysitting, but significantly less than being a nanny. Similar to what your children have been doing but perhaps more organized.”
Tara of Sarah’s Clan said, “I think it is conceptually a good idea as it expands their learning beyond what can be accomplished in the learning centers.”
Celia of Keriann’s Clan added, “We hope that our children will have the same interaction with the crew that yours did.”
“Celia, the crew interacts with our children in much the same way that we saw them interact with those in Sarah’s Clan,” responded Courtney. “Since ours started walking, our difficulty has been keeping track of them when we are in the dining room. We aren’t sure how Sarah’s Clan did it when we were all on Dóchas.”
“We tell you if we want to leave the dining room,” commented Beth, Courtney’s daughter.
Courtney smiled as she said, “Yes, you are all very good about doing that.”
Brigid of Keriann’s Clan said, “I would like to hear about your sightseeing trips.”
Before the adults in Sarah’s Clan could respond their children started telling everyone about what they had seen. They were very good about taking turns so that they each had an opportunity to describe the different areas of Gaillimh Island. Moya noted the special areas that the lions had shown them, but didn’t mention the grotto or the offering.
Deirdre said, “We stopped by Gaillimh Bay on the way here to let the lions out as they wanted to explore. The sandy shore along the bay between the two rivers that empty into it is very nice. I would have liked to have spent more time there, but I am sure we will in the future.”
Chester asked, “Why did the lions want to be let out there?”
“They haven’t explored that area yet,” replied Jordana. “They haven’t been able to find a useable path down from the bluffs overlooking the bay area. They had tried some but could only get part way down before the path ended. Several of us think that we will need to pick them up in a day or two.”
“Why is that?” asked Brandan.
“They shared some of their experiences with us and we’ve looked at the maps. We think the only way to get down is with a rope, so you can either walk up the face or rappel down. However, there are likely some game trails that are suitable for very small animals. We did see rabbits and ground hogs in the grassy area inland from the bay. There were also indications of small predators in the area. Since it frequently floods, they must know a way out.”
“Good point and good observations.”
“Anything else?” asked Crystal.
“Nothing that can’t wait until the Command Staff meeting in a couple of days,” replied Terry. “Besides, if we continue to talk there won’t be enough time to spar or play volleyball.”
“Volleyball,” shouted all the children.
Anna of Siobhan’s Clan said, “Did you all bring your instruments?”
“Of course,” responded Moya. “We can do that after dinner.”
It was approaching 27:00 hours when Alena said, “Wow, look at the time, and it seems like we just arrived.”
“We can put you up for the night,” responded Kelly.
“While that is a delightful idea,” said Erin, “I suspect we should return to Dóchas this time. Could we have a raincheck?”
“Most certainly,” replied Keriann’s Clan.
Chester added, “We’ve really enjoyed our time together this evening.”
“We should be going as well,” said Courtney of Maureen’s Clan. “We’ve certainly enjoyed the evening as well, especially since we managed to win a game of volleyball.”
Beth, Courtney’s daughter, added, “When can we do this again?”
Earnán said, “Beth, we will probably see you all in a day or two.”
“Good. Are you going to stay overnight?”
“We’ll see. With everything that is going on ... maybe not this time, but we will do it again.”
Courtney said to the children of Sarah’s Clan, “We know you all are involved in a lot of activities besides the learning centers, but just remember, you guys are all welcome to visit us anytime.”
“Oh, we will continue to visit you all,” replied Marnia with the other children nodding in agreement.
Once they had gathered up their instruments, the three clans walked to the hangar where they gave each other hugs before Maureen’s and Sarah’s Clans boarded their shuttles. As the shuttles exited Iarracht Kelly said, “I am exhausted.”
“Why?” asked Keriann. “You aren’t pregnant.”
“Maybe it’s the longer days.”
Emma responded with, “Conall indicated that some people were taking longer to adjust to the 30 hour day. I like it as we have more time to recharge our energy before beginning our next duty cycle. Before it seemed like all we did was eat, sleep, and work.”
Oriel said, “The advantage now is that we have some time to unwind doing nonessential activities.”
“Conall thought that those having difficulty weren’t taking advantage of the longer rest period and needed the extra rest.”
“Maybe it is the fact that you need to adjust your perceptions regarding the time of day and the associated hour,” said Niamh as they walked to their compartment.
On shuttle carrying Sarah’s Clan to Dóchas Erin said, “Moya, Corey, I noticed you didn’t mention the offering at the grotto.”
“Well we weren’t sure what to say or how to say it,” replied Corey. “From our perspective, all we know is that we left an offering and the utensils were returned, everything else we talked about this morning is speculation.”
Moya added, “We’ve thought about it quite a bit. We believe They accepted our offering and confirmed Their presence by returning the utensils. This is what mom Aoife indicated this morning, which I doubted at the time. I now agree that it is the best fit for what we know.”
“Besides,” added Corey, “we know you will discuss it when you all get together. If we had mentioned it, then discussing it would have cut into our socializing.”
“Good reasoning,” said Sally.
Deirdre said, “To change the topic, I would like to go with you when you practice your psionic talents, and I suspect some of my siblings feel the same way.”
“You are certainly welcome to tag along,” said Sarah, “with that in mind, we will try to schedule them in the future. We haven’t practiced as often as we should, and many times when we have it has been part of another activity. I think today showed us that we needed the practice as our control wasn’t very good.”
Sally said, “We could occasionally do that in place of an Aikido session.”
“That would work for us,” responded Keri. “We could adjust our training schedules so we didn’t miss anything or cause a scheduling problem.”
They were on final approach to Dóchas when Kennith said, “Good, we are almost home and I am looking forward to getting some rest.”
“It has been a busy two days,” said Joyce.
“Yes it has,” added Sarah as the shuttle settled on to its cradle. “Like Kennith, I am looking forward to getting some rest.”
“Amen,” responded many of her spouses while the others nodded their agreement.
It was several days later that the six Badb cruisers accompanying the Iridien Spec Ops ships paused on their trip to Tigsu. Prior to leaving Celia System, Demerti had sent a message courier to his home world with a summary of recent events and details of the change in plans. In the message he had noted this location as being optimum for receiving a reply. After exiting hyperspace Demerti said, “Kara, as we discussed we will depart as soon as the courier arrives, which should be within the next hour. However, it could be longer but we will wait no more than 4 hours. There is another meeting point where it could be waiting for us.”
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My young wife was really bubbly when she came home after her first day as an actress, "I learned ever such a lot today darling, I met my Errol co-star, he was really nice and he explained the plot to me, well basically I play a young married woman who has an affair with her black gardener when her husband goes away on business, I tell him that I like girls so he gets me a nice sexy girlfriend" "He showed me how to act like a proper loving wife by sitting on his knee and kissing his ear...
This is compliments of GEORGE You are going to have to think about this one!!!!! Two men applied for a job. One was a high school dropout, the other a college graduate. They took many tests and finally the HR interviewer called them both into the office and informed them they each had the highest score ever achieved on the companies requirements for employment. They were tied. The college grad spoke up and said he should get the job because of his education. The high school dropout said...
I get a text message in the early afternoon: ‘Italian executive at the Mayflower, drinks this evening?’ Sounds promising, I respond immediately. Sometimes I dislike meeting for drinks, especially when meeting a client for the first time. Often, it means they’re not quite at ease with what they’re doing. It can become like an interview where they awkwardly and feverishly try to ask the right questions in order to reassure themselves that you’re the right kind of rentboy. Not someone dangerous,...
My name is John. I’m nineteen years old and in college living away from home for the first time in my life. I've dated the same girl since I was fifteen and Wendy is thrilled that I’m now home for the summer. The problem is, I had my first gay experience while away and as much as I love her, these experiences were hot as hell and I get hard just thinking about them. It all started in late October. I’m going to school on a wrestling scholarship and after our first practice the coach picked a...
BisexualIn-room 202, Anne was all cosy in bed. It was over an hour ago, that Jason, who she had been having an affair with, had left her alone in that hotel room. With thoughts of the great sex that she had with him that evening, Anne started to drift off into a deep sleep.As Anne was drifting into a deep sleep, an alarm was going off in room 225. The older lady in that room was not in a deep sleep, her alarm was one for her to start work for the evening. She got up from a brief rest in her bed and...
CheatingSexual Tension 2 Amy had a very beneficial roommate relationship with Tom. He kept to himself, never tried to flirt with her, never brought any girls home, and never gave her drama. Occasionally, they would cook together, watch TV, or play a board game when they were bored. It never went beyond friendship for one obvious reason: the two of them were both gay. Amy rolled her hips hard as she rubbed against her partner's clit. The two girls moaned as they forced themselves together,...
Stoney's turn: I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but life with Johanna had turned me quite a bit more optimistic, even if some bozo broke my leg. Yeah, I can drive again. Insurance popped for a replacement of my SUV, mostly. By this stage of the game I could be mobile if I needed to be, on my own. Bumping around the apartment was not a problem. If I started getting messages from my leg, I just eased it straight on the sofa or in the recliner. Walking out to my parking spot,...
I am french so please my english is not very good, but i will try.Since i came to England to live for some months it has been crazy for me, the women here are different.But different is not a bad thing,my english friends decided to take me out for a night out clubbing, so i went with them.When we got to the club i indulged myself into the music and atmosphere, i met this beautiful blonde girl and it happened to fast but we started to talk to each other like we knew one another for years.But...
My sister was 21 years old, big boobs and big ass. I used to lust after her all the time. Anytime I got a chance to touch her, I made full utilization of that. It was summer and we used to sleep in the terries. Our parents used to sleep in the room as they cannot climb up the terries. One day I and my sister were sleeping in the terries and I was in deep sleep, suddenly I woke up to feel something touching my dick. I immediately came to my senses and caught hold of the hand and was surprised to...
IncestI could not believe what I was seeing as I stepped from my car. Some Neanderthal was manhandling MY Sheila. She didn't know she was mine, but that was a mere technicality. Sheila had been mine since she was just a little 7 year old girl following me and her brothers around, begging us to play with her. She was mine from the time she was 10, when she broke her arm falling out of our treehouse and I had to carry her 3 blocks home. She belonged to me when she was 16 and cried on my shoulder...
21. It's not a mystical number by any means, its easily divisible by 3 and 7, and it doesn't hold any place in the heart of a supercomputer as the answer to everything. In fact, it's quite dull if you stare at it long enough. Still, 21 holds the key to unlocking the life hidden just beneath the surface as everyone, no matter of age or race or gender, everyone has had the thought once that maybe if they were just a bit different, if they could change just a small bit of themselves, they would be...
TranssexualPantyhose Part 13: Gisela was standing there with their son Robin. Robin was eleven years old. "TREVOR!" Tracey didn't reply. She was clearly hoping against hope that Robin would not notice who she was or how she was dressed and that she could get changed back to into some male clothing. But it was too late as Robin looked up and asked: "Mummy, why is Daddy wearing a dress?" I stepped in. "Some men are different, Robin, and very special. Your Daddy is one of those...
I took the job because I needed one quickly thinking it was a stop gap as it happened it lasted two years I did production work assembling components in a controlled enviornment room In the adjacent room four women did the preparatory work then handed on to me Three were nice respectable ladies of a certain age the forth was called Jean in her thirties and very hot indeed .We began flirting sending notes through the servive hatch -remember this is before mobiles etc We talked innocently at...
Mikela smiled shyly as she slid her small hands along her sides and belly, slowly working her slim hips back and forth. She glanced quickly at her chat window and her smile deepened at the large list of users and the fast scrolling conversation window. Looking away again, she moaned, pulling at her shirt and skirt. The young woman pressed the heel of her palm down against her sore lower stomach and she gasped at the sensation. The small pink bump above her mound was hot and smooth...
River Fox is a shockingly hot ginger with beautiful blue eyes and a tight, pink butthole. She gets in our studs car knowing that she has a big dickdown lying ahead of her, and she has never been more ready. It is her first time fucking on camera, so her pussy is tingling with excitement as she looks forward to a massive cock. When she gets to our studs place, she spreads her cheeks and exposes her cute, teen pussy and asshole. Then she takes his fat dick inside her, engulfing him with her...
xmoviesforyouRoundaboutInhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver of...
Quickie SexI’ve adjusted well to living alone and now I genuinely look forward to coming in from work and relaxing by myself. Although I have plenty of male and female playmates that I could call upon for human company I’ve decided to use this fresh start to meet different people and make new friends. I guess it was inevitable that sooner or later I’d have some kind of involvement with one or more of my new neighbours because it just seems to be the way things happen to me. Last Wednesday evening I drove...
Straight SexThere's something really sexy about being tied up, blindfolded and made to do things, even if it's just lying there while men do things to you. I was a normal late teenager girl until, with a group of my girlfriends one night, we watched 'The Story of O' you know the one with that Bond girl playing the lead. I couldn't believe how wet it made me just watching it. The other girls all laughed and, of course, I joined in but I couldn't take my eyes off the tv screen. A few days later I found...
Jimmy Chan runs down the corridor of the American Falls Hydro Plant to where Adam Chou sits placing another bomb and setting the timer. By the time he reaches the spot he is nearly out of breath. “What’s going on?” Chou asks absently. “We’re surrounded,” Chan replies in a huff. “The police just arrived.” “What?” Chou asks incredulously as he stands and glowers at the other man. “Do we have an escape route?” “The whole place is surrounded,” Chan reiterates. “Tell the rest of the men to...
“Hey.” I jumped and turned around. It was Jamar, standing there looking at me with his arms crossed. “What are you still doing here?” he asked. “Uh, cleaning up.” He looked me up and down. “With your pants unbuttoned and your shirt halfway on?” I looked myself over. “I don’t like to get my clothes dirty, so when nobody’s here, I - ” “Save it. I know what’s going on.” I swallowed hard. “What are you talking about?” “Don’t worry; your secret’s safe with me.” He sat on a locker room...
Within My Power A story by Rugburn This story is something of a stream of consciousness narrative. I set out to write it just wanting to see a few fun transformations and thus don’t have a strong narrative or ending in mind. If memory serves it took about an hour to write.??®Originally posted to Deviant ...
..this is based on a true story. I am Mia. I was at the lake enjoying the summer sun the water dripping down me when I saw aunt kim. Watching me. Winking. My nipple glowing wet in the water. As she entered my room. My nipple hardened under my robe. And I felt her gently squeezing my breast. Slowly pulling.. and gently licking my nipple.tugging slow. As she caressed my breast in hot kisses and licks. I felt her hug me. Caresessing my breast. Licking and biting my nipple gently. Pinching my...
It was a Friday evening, I was bored. I lived on my own and I was single and it was raining quite hard, my girl friend and I had just broken up the week before, and I was feeling lonely, and there was nothing of interest on the TV, so I decided to go to the local cinema, but there was nothing on that interested me. So I decided to go to a local porn movie theatre close to home as it was easy to get to from my apartment, and afterwards I would then go and have one of my favourite curries in the...
We arrive mid morning on Saturday to start the weekend. Riding the bike to the lake house is always a good time. I can feel your hard nipples on my back from the cool morning air swirling around us as we ride. Your hands on my thigh, I can feel your nails through my jeans as you hold on around the corners. Once we’re there, and settled in, I start the grill for lunch while you work in the kitchen preparing a side dish or two. Sitting on the deck listening to the leaves rustle, and the small...
We met online using a dating app on our phones. She said in her profile that she had a disability. That meant to me: I am missing a foot. Or it meant:I’m on Welfare. Her cute little face did not lead me to believe that she was that kind of girl, so when we got to chatting I went for it. I asked Laura out for coffee. I never brought up her disability and neither did she. I thought it would add tension or make it awkward so I just left it alone. I waited in the coffee shop while she was running...
The summer I was sixteen, my parents decided to take a four-month tour of Europe, one of those extravagant pre-planned affairs that gouges you on everything and still manages to make you feel good at the end. There was of course the small problem of what to do with their son, so I was shipped off to an all-boys, all-summer camp, no escape camp in northern Minnesota. It’s one of those places where they try to erase the “scars of civilization” and “return to nature”. The camp consisted of three...
GayI got off work at 3PM and headed home. I picked up a late lunch and drove to my Apt to eat, then take a nap. I unlocked the door and went in, throwing my keys on my desk. I ate at the kitchen bar and read the mail. I decided to lay down for a little while and walked to the bedroom. I took my medical scrubs off and my bra. I lay down half nude, with my big tits out in just panties, and turned on the laptop and surfed social media and got bored after a while. My mind turned to sex, as it often...
***This story contains female domination aka femdom, sissyfication, etc.***(Two weeks later...)God, it's hot. I opened my mailbox: junk mail...nothing but junk mail."Junk mail," a voice parroted my thoughts. I looked up...Heather. Iglanced around. I could have sworn there was no one near the mailboxeswhen I walked up. She was wearing what I jokingly referred to as her'housewife clothes:' a baggy sweatshirt with a wide neck and short jeanshorts. Her feet, as always, were bare. As far as I...
We got back to campus on Monday. That was study day. Of course, it wasn’t all study. Jay greeted me at the door of our room with a kiss. Jack was there and said, “So now we know.” I told Jack that I indeed had sucked Jay’s dick. I added that I wouldn’t suck Jack with Craig’s mouth. He laughed and walked off. Janice and Valerie were already in the room and had overheard my exchange with Jack. “Can we watch?” asked Janice. I wasn’t quite sure what to say. Jay had turned beet-red. “Come on guys,”...
BisexualThis is dedicated to smdevil75 (fetlife) he deserves every bit of it! I started writing this story because smdevil75 was always criticizing my writings. So essentially this story is About him! Comments are welcomed!"Bitch's bike ride"I was instructed to give myself an enema. Since I was doing that. I figured Mistress was going to have me use my pink butt plug some time today? After that I was to shower, then she was going to allow me to go on a bike ride. She told me, that first day she...
The Moms Incident #2 It had been nine weeks since Ginger had introduced Vivian to her fuck buddies. Vivian had been coming over to Gingers several times a week for a fuck session as she called them. Terry Gingers son had been fucking Vivian at least five to ten times a week. After the sessions where both women had been fucked they would sit in the kitchen topless leaking cum from both orifices joking about walking bowel legged. Vivian no longer cried whenever she was ass fucked, she had become...
10. Flirting is all about attitude. A good flirt is self-confident and not afraid to take risks. Be enthusiastic, open and positive. It works!9. Start a conversation. The best opening line is saying hello. Talk about the surroundings, ask a question, ask for help, make a joke, state an opinion. Make sure you are calm and composed but just do it before the person you've got your eye on walks out of the bar or passed you in the street, never to be seen again!8. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted...
Dies ist die Geschichte von Sandra. Sandra ist gerade 18 geworden und besucht die 12. Klasse des Heinrich-Heine Gymnasiums in Essen. Sie ist zwar nicht unbedingt die beste Schülerin, aber durch ihr verdammt gutes aussehen und ihre verführerische Art kann sie bei ihren (männlichen) Lehren einiges gut machen. Apropos Aussesehen, Sandra ist 1,75m groß hat braune, lange Haare und ebenfalls braune Augen. Sie ist ziemlich schlank, wiegt nur 55kg, ist aber an den richtigen Stellen genau so...
I was walking through town centre, when I bumped into someone. At first i didn't recognize him but then I noticed that it was Joe, the Parent of thier young son who i look after on weekends. We got talking and eventually he offered for me to come back to his place. I saw no reason to object, Joe was a decent hard-working man so I said yes. Once we got back to his he offered me a drink, it was oddly quiet so i asked where his wife and kid was, he told me that she found out he was having...
The night after Mom fucked Greg, his Dad and me I was talking to Greg about me and him having some fun with Mom together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Mom would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When Mom got home that night I had dinner in the oven, wine chilling and I had just rolled a joint. Greg had put some music on and Mom was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She had had a hard day at the real estate office and she was...